Friday, December 07, 2012


TGIF Thread. 
Cam should be up and running mid week next.  Still have some cabling work to do on it.


Janet said...

I will go get the others! Thanks for the thread STEVE! Feather for me: I offer it up in honor of all of those in need of light and love on this day!

Janet said...

And camera possibly next week!? WOO HOO! THANKS STEVE! :) :) :)

Thnking of everyone here....

Chelsea has been having contractions all day....a very bad low back ache.....the doc said she is not dialted (yet), but confirmed the contractions, and they are fairly strong. This is what she did before Amelia was we shall see. wait wait wait. Delicious waiting. Anticipation!!!!

Going out to dinner with the kids tonight, then out to see a holiday light display out by Opryland.

Another weekend, right on our door step. I have plans but NOTHING that can't be changed with a phone call that says Mom, its time.

Hugs, light, and love to all!!!!!

WV sUSAn said...

Reposted from previous thread:

I get on here at work, barely read anything of the blog, get busy and then it's hours gone by and I'm still trying to read. So much going on.

Dana - hope your head is better.
Hoda - wonderful that the ladies are still remembered :-(

What a tragedy about the nurse at King Edward VII Hosp. And what idiots are the hosts from the radio station playing the prank. That's just rude to call anyone in the hospital and get personal info, especially Kate who is dogged constantly by the media.

Jo - you sound great, my dear, and glad Michael will be there to take care of you. That's just so sweet.

I doubt the cam will be up and running until next year but, JudyE, you are cracking me up with your definitions of the word "soon."

Hi Margy and all and hope everyone is just a little better today than yesterday. I know I am :-) Hugs to all you eagle lovin' ladies at the Sycamore Palace!

Thanks, JudyE, for the call over!

WV sUSAn said...

errrr Janet ;-)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


WV sUSAn said...

I know, Sharon, we miss so much when the cam does not continue to run. It's not like they've gone anywhere. lol

WV sUSAn said...

OK, I'm checking out and getting ready for the drive home. WOOHOOOOO I love Fridays!!!

Janet said...

LOL. its okay WVSUSAN: JudyE and I are sisters...we look alike.... ;) (hugs)

Hoda said...

Glad to have a new thread with the news of the Cam...Thank you Steve.

Very awesome offering of the FEATHER JANET. GRACE is written all ove r it...

I am anxious and livid I might even say!!! SORRY!!!
My sister is now safe and sound but she joined the demonstrations in Cairo today. She and some cousins went out. They are all very upset about women's rights, minority rights, religious freedom rights, child protection rights that she said they were no longer able to stay at home!!! I am anxious for her safety as I will never again be confident that she is not out demonstrating somewhere!!! I am concerned about these same rights and more in the proposed constitution, but Moslem Brotherhood thugs molest women in these demonstration and they have beaten up people during these demonstrations...twitter is alive with pictures!!! Heaven Help them all...

Hoda said...

I need to go for a walk...
I will go to a Guatamaln Dinner tonight with some friends. It is a fund raiser for nurses who go there to help. Same like MICHAEL in HAITI JO. I thought it is a worth while cause to support.
I love us and thank you for listening to my anxieties...all is well and I have FAITH IN GOD.

Hoda said...

BBL tonight after supper.

DanaMo said...

I actually posted to Steve on Facebook , "Is it Soon, yet?" I appreciated that he responded. Thanks Steve.

Parent conference went til 3:40! Urgh!

so glad to be home. Tired and thinking I might need a nap!

Sandi said...

Yay, it's the weekend!! Home to find a new thread! Thanks Steve, and thanks for the estimated date for going live with the new cam! Cannot wait!!

Janet, sounds like you may be getting that phone call any time now! Prayers that Chelsea's labor and delivery are easy!

No update on Isaac about his esophagram?? Need to check on FB.


Janet said...

OH HODA, so sorry about all of the upset and yourself....sending light and love, healing and comfort, to you, your sister, and all of our sisters in need in that area.....they will need strength and determination to overturn that patriarchal monstrostiy!
(((HUGS)))) my friend, hugs in light and love

Kay said...

Oh, boy, we may have an up and running cam next week ! Thank you, STEVE !

Am keeping notes on all dog advice and I do thank you dear Eagle Buds ! Julie, Seth and I went to the Shelter again today, but quickly excluded 2 dogs who still need house breaking. I don't have the stamina for that ordeal and will wait for a mature little dog to come along. Have to go in frequently as good dogs are snapped up before they even hit the on line listing. Meantime I have Malcolm to love and enjoy !

HODA, can't blame you at all for your angst over your sis and cousins and their safety. My prayers are with them as they join the struggle for women's rights in Egypt. Hope she listens to her big sis ! A walk and a Guatamalan dinner sound like just the ticket to take your mind off those troubles for a little while this evening !!!

News of that poor hoaxed nurse in England and her apparent way out of the huge embarassment is so sad. I just received word that former neighbors in AZ died this week. A double murder of a wife and nephew and suicide of the husband. Why don't people like him just do themselves in and leave the others alone ? I didn't know them well, but am deeply saddened by it.

A rotten note to end on, but please know I'm praying for all Momster's, Dadsters, Kidsters and Petsters who are in need right now. Hope this is a restful, pleasant weekend for y'all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I love each and every one of you !

Mema Jo said...

Good evening everyone - thanks for the fresh new thread and for the information
about when the cam could be up/running.

Weekend is just going to be getting prepared for Michael to be home on Monday. ♥

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Hoda, hoping your sister and all other women in Egypt stay safe as they express their opinions.

Quiet evening here--Hunter is with his aunt and uncle. Kathryn is with a friend.

I can tell that I had injections in my arm yesterday. It's a bit sore. No pain when I got the shots, though. I truly hope I can avoid the flu. I have been known to get it even when I had a shot.

stronghunter said...

Eagerly awaiting the opportunity to watch our eagles via the new cam.

stronghunter said...

Talked with Carla today--my neighbor whose house burned. They have changed their minds about coming back; they had hoped to return before Christmas, but the power company hasn't connected their electricity yet. Most everything else is done. Some floor work left.

Janet said...

I'm back. This might be a record number of postings for

I just got an interesting email that I wanted to share. Not sure what it may amount to...maybe nothing. But.... I just got an email from a massage school over in Johnson City, TN inquiring if I would be interested in teaching Continuing Ed. Classes @ their school.

Its not out of the realm of possibility. One of them had been in my AMTA classes this past spring and remembered me, I suppose. It is 4 hours away, so obviously, that would be a couple times a year, tops...but certainly is something to consider!

Okay, heading out to dinner and a holiday lights show in a few! later ya'll

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...


Isaac's esophagus is intact with no leaks and the surgical site appears to be nice & open with little stricture!!! His first dilation is scheduled for the later part of next week when they will also check everything out with a scope. This is certainly an answer to prayer and we are so very grateful!!

There was a hiatal hernia found during his esophagram, which was not expected. We should know
more later next week, but Isaac may have to un dergo another surgery to fix this. I firmly believe in the power of prayer, so I am asking that you lift this up in prayer. Pray that Isaac will not have to undergo another surgery to fix this and that his dilations and feelings will go smoothly.

We have been so blessed by Isaac's amazing progress and by all of you who have supported us in various ways throughout this process. God is good ALL the time!

paula eagleholic said...

OK Steve, we will hold you to that! Was really hoping for our cam to be on today. I need a pick me up!

JudyEddy said...

Yeah thanks for the new thread STEVE and the update on the camera
Just got home from having dinner out at Biff Burgers with family

paula eagleholic said...

I'll have some liguid pick me up :)

Hoda, the baking exchange sounded great!

Debbie G, the eagle could be migrating, sticking around just during the winter, or trying to establish a new territory. Consider yourself lucky!

Congrats Lowreeda on the GGD. I like the name too!

So sorry to hear about the English nurse. I read an article about it today, but it never mentioned suicide, though that's what I suspected.

Wanda, that's a lot of food! Does the pain management guy know of GG's other ailments? I would check with her primary doctor as well.

Lolly, sure hope you get to see the Llano eagles!

Hoda, praying for your sister and cousins safety.

paula eagleholic said...

copy and paste

Turtle bay eagle cam is now online

magpie said...

You are always right on top of the Turtle Bay Eagle Cam, Paula...
will be fun to watch it again,
Thanks for the Link !!

Good Evening Eagle Pals...
xoxo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

That's a seriously AWESOME update, Sissy, and Yes, hoping with his parents and the entire family that the hernia, well, just fixes itself ! Not just hoping, but praying also.
Nice to have some Friday Night good news!

Lolly said...

Wahoooo!!! Thanks Steve! I think we all need a cam fix badly...our cam!! Our eagles!!!

Jack and I went to Wildseed Farm today. I bought 4 little pansy plants and that is all. No pots, no nothing...just four plants but had fun looking. Then we sat outside and talked. Also, watched as they were harvesting pecans. A tractor would back up to a pecan tree, attach the "shaker" , for a better word, and then vibrate the tree. The pecans fell like you would not believe. Jack and I need a shaker. lol They did not use their machinery to pick up, so we jokingly talked tonight about raiding the grove at midnight. It has been a fun three days and we head home in the morning. We have decided to do this every year as it was fun and no pressure on any one person to serve meals for all of us. So we head out in the morning and stop for a while at the Llano nest. We have our binoulars. Yea!!!!

Lolly said...

Hoda, (((hugs))) know your frustration and concern for your sister. So, sorry you have this worry!!

I am heading to the shower now. Ready to get comfy!

Night all! SED!!! Maybe I should say SECD. (Sweet Eagle Cam Dreams!)

magpie said...

It's just now Tomorrow hereabouts...

Prayers for Wellness and for Safety Amongst us All...

Hoda, thinking of you and your concerns about your sister's safety...
(( Hugs ))

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxox ♥

paula eagleholic said...


Hoda said...

Great Good evening to you all.

I walked to the Guatamalan Supper and it was delicious. Good company and good food and a sense of sharing and community. A fund raiser for ten nursing students to spend three months in Guatamala.
God Bless them all and how I love their energy and their enthusiasm.

I volunteered to work with a group who wants to send a Nelson High School Conference 15 year old student to New York...It will be her first trip ever to anywhere and she is so stoked about going. We just have to guide her and give her the support needed to participate in a UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE on empowering young female students...I start working on it with a group of women on Monday...I think it is a worth while cause to support young students in forming opinions and educating...

I feel blessed and thank you all for your support. It is great to be part of this wonderful blog family. The Guatamalan Supper told me that all third world countries are connected in their struggles. I learnt so much. Proud of the college students who spend three months of their education their helping others.

I love us.

Hoda said...

there not their!!! Sorry!!!

Hoda said...


I ♥ US


Costume Lady said...

On my way to lay me down...
Such a fun evening with the family. I so love Fridays!

Good night my friends, love and prayers for all needs♥

Sandi said...

Good drizzly Saturday morning my eagle friends!

Much to do this weekend - laundry, cleaning, tennis, getting the tree up and decorated.

Wonderful news about Isaac's surgery being a complete success! How wonderful it will be for Nicole and Chuck to watch their little boy learning to chew and swallow food after all these months!

Hoda, I have added your sister to my prayers that she will stay safe; I understand her need to stand up and do something rather than sitting back and watching.

Shirley, I saw a camouflage Christmas stocking in the Dollar Store yesterday and thought of Hunter! My Brian went through a camo stage at Hunter's age and wanted to have his room painted camouflage - wonder if all the mess in there would have been hidden from sight?? =)

Forecast is for clouds again today but temps in the 60s. Make it a great day everyone!

DanaMo said...

Good morning!
Wondering what I should get into today.
Maybe I will bake, but not the Italian cookies...something else, but I don't know what. LOL!

I'm so glad the weekend is here!!!

magpie said...

Happy Saturday, everyone...

Hope it's a great one, be sure to try to build in a little rest in your day if you can, friends...


work day for me, and time to get ready for that now...

ttfn xoxox ☺ ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Budlets

Janet said...

good morning my friends. Saturday has arrived.

i have a Reiki session @ 9 ..... then, unless things change, when i get home, it will be time to finish painting my living room.

had a superb time with the kids last night. wish the son and his girlfriend could have joined us, but, they had other plans. we went out to caney fork. they have a band (country/bluegrass) that plays on Friday nights. that was enjoyable. the kids, after eating, were of course, a bit bored. so we didn't linger, but headed out to the van.

we went around the corner to jellystone park, a campground near opryland and they put on this huge lights display synchronized to music every year. the van seats 7, 4 captain chairs, and bench in the back.

olivia and i had had a conversation earlier that she wanted a window seat, so that was fine by me. i sat in the middle of the bench with my grandkids! we had a blast, singing, talking, oohing and ahhing at the lights, talking about how all the lights/music go to gether, etc. and my grandson MY GRANDSON chatted my ear off! he is usually so deep into his games that chatting is not his thing....but not so last night. and i LOVED LOVED LOVED every single moment of it. amelia always chats me up...but last ngiht they BOTH did. it was a moment to hold in my heart always!! i love those young ens so much!

and of course, sappy i sat there, looking at them, and olivia, tom and chelsea and chris, thinking of michael and ashley....tear started streaming. tears of thanksgiving for all that we hold, each other, our health, a soon to be new baby....such a sap i am.

anyway, i sent chelsea home with a box of chamomile tea. she had a that , a hot bath and went to bed. i hope she slept. its a bit early to check on her.

the contractions continued while we were with her. regular for a bit, then would subside. i don't think this weekend, but would not rule out later this week.....

anyway, i need to go get into the shower and get moving with my day.

everyone have a fabulous day. i'll be thinking of each of you. light, love, hugs and smiles to all....

T-Bird said...

JANET-It sure sounds like you are blessed. It's the journey not the destination, huh.

T-Bird said...

HODA-I missed it, what is going on with your sister?

Lolly said...

Good morning! Jack got an email and he has some work to do, so we are heading home early this morn. Still going to stop by the Llano eagles.

Later gaters!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning

Especially to you Shirley!
Happy Birthday Wishing you a very special day and a year ahead full of happiness and joy

paula eagleholic said...


•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿ . . .
……..…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........

T-Bird said...

Happy birthday Shirley. I hope you treat yourself today like your best friend.

Mema Jo said...

Janet I hope you have an eventful weekend!

Not a busy day for me
It's all in my mind lol

I'll check back in later today before Mass.

I love us!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Busy day here at hoem at the computer actually. finishing some photography items and getting those Shelter Santa photos ready to be ordered and back to moms etc. It was indeed a fun time. Kids get so very excited. It is good for the soul and Dex did really good with his "New" but nice sitter. Of course you know she is a dog person or she would never have been left alone with my buddy. :-)HAGD everyone

Linda said...

Happy Birthday, Shirley

May you have an extra special day today!!!

Linda said...

Janet - You're not a sap! You're just full of joy and happiness. Cherish these times and just enjoy! It is wonderful that your family is close and you enjoy being together. It's so very important!!

Hoda - Praying for your sister to realize she is putting herself in a very dangerous situation. What is happening over there is horrible, but joining in on the protesting will only put her at risk. I wish she could leave Egypt altogether. ((((( Hugs ))))) to you, as I know you are worried. Praying you find peace through this turmoil your family is going through.

Linda said...

Wishing you all a Super Saturday today!!

I'll be trying to finish the inside decorations today. I started last weekend, but never got the chance throughout the week to get it finished!!


stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Thanks for the lovely birthday wishes.

Much to do today, as we need to get the POD empty. They are to pick it up on Tuesday. Carpet cleaners are coming Monday, and I would have preferred to leave the stuff in the POD a bit longer, but it is not to be.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Bill are downstairs giving orders to the XBox. Funny to listen to. They have been watching episodes of The Walking Dead. I watched for awhile, but decided it's not my kind of program.

stronghunter said...

We have our new tree up in the living room, but haven't decorated it yet. It's pre-lighted, so it looks pretty anyway. Kind of a skinny tree, but the room is quite small. We have lots of other decorations to put out, but need to get the carpet cleaning done first.

Think I will put a small tree on the table in the family room. We had usually put the big tree in there, but I don't think the bassets would leave it alone--at least Flash probably would not.

Lolly said...

Saw the eagles! One was perched in the tree and just barely see the head of the other in the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Lolly, neat you could see the one in the nest as well!

Safe travels!

paula eagleholic said...

At least I can say I got something accomplished today. Got the car washed ( yes, I know it's going to rain tomorrow, but oh well!). Got the inside vaccuumed and the windows cleaned.

Heading up to John and Ajay's around 4pm, we are grilling steaks for John's birthday tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo, got a couple of outside decorations up, too.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, hope you are queen for the day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

NCSuzan said...

Pot Plant Owl's second clutch hatched! Two babies!!

NCSuzan said...

Jo, thinking of you.

Kay said...

♫♪♫Happy Birthday to you♪♪♫, dear SHIRLEY ! What's up at your house on this Red Letter day ?

My heart is pounding with joy upon reading about little Isaac and his phenomenal progress ! Yes, SISSY, God is truly good, all good, all the time !!!!!

JANET, your excitement about last nights fun time with family is contagioius. Makes me smile from ear to ear !

PAULA, hope you have a "LOVE, LOVE, LOVE" it time with your family as John's birthday is deliciously celebrated !

We went to the animal shelter again yesterday afternoon, but didn't leave with a dog. God is still getting one ready for me !

Thanks for the Potted Owl update, NCSuzan ! I enjoy those birds, too !

Seth is expected soon. Need to put the finishing touches on our Spaghetti n' meatball dinner.

Prayers for all my dear Eagle Buds ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

NatureNut said...

Good Evening All Shoppers!
Been trying to go thru catalogs some more & then check them online. Just finished w/one & it's saved in Faves because the page of one item I wanted did NOT have an "Add to Cart" message. DUH!!!!

Break time & maybe some din din. Gotta read today's news also~~~~

NatureNut said...


Lolly said...

We arrived home at 2:30 and did not unhitch. We unloaded the trailer, washed and dried the sheets and towels while I cleaned the refrig and the trailer. Jack washed the front...yukky bugs! And, after the linens were dry, made the bed. Then we took the trailer back to its' home. We may have broken a record. lol

Seeing the eagles was a real treat! The one on the branch stayed right there...doing a lot of preening. I was happy!

Whoops! Dinner is ready...Gotta go. I'll be back!

Lolly said...

Shirley, do hope you have enjoyed your birthday and the family treated you royally!!

JudyEddy said...

Just got home from evening watching PP Christmas Parade we left after 2 1/2hours and still not over when we left they were are 128 entries don't know how many more but you couldn't see the end of it so we left the kids will never know the difference Jordyn got bead out the butt I think is the expression they say LOL

Need to go get a shower look at the time now need to wind down I shall try to return after I get the road off me LOL


│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │

♫♪ ♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪ ♫

¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)

Hoda said...

THELMA...Yesterday I was very upset because my sister and cousins actually joined the demonstrations on the streets of Cairo...I am very concerned with this behaviour and so now is to wait and see what more is going to be brewed up there.

Thanks SANDI for putting her on your prayer list.

A good day for me here. Kept my emotions in check and listened to the goings on in Egypt without losing it. Step in the right direction.

Went to yoga and had a very long workshop and practice and it was awesome to be there.

Some blue skies out today and it is a good sign. I also think it is milder.


Many blessings in my life and I know gratitude.

Janet said...

good evening all.


thanks for the support for my "sappy" side.... lol..... what can i say, i love the kids and those grandkids.....and i have this wonderful man who has stuck by me for 17 + years now....(i kept telling mom i'd let him hang around as he keeps me entertained)......its just so much good .... so many many things to be thankful for that i guess i just overflowed.

talked with chelsea earlier...she has decided to not bowl....still having contractions....they will be regular for a bit, then quit. she has dilated some, 2 cm as of this morning. its just a wait and see won't surprise me if its not this week.

we have had rain off and on all day...and thundershowers! but warm, windows have been open all day. however, by Monday afternoon we will drop to the 30's.

tom and i finished painting the living room today!!!! hurrah!!!!!

i told olivia if she finishes her room i will bake stollen and make buckeyes tomorrow and she can help....and she can also decorate the tree if she likes.

well, think i'll finish this glass of wine, get a shower and get ready for bed. need to be rested....just in case!

good night all! SED! <3 <3 <3

Mema Jo said...

We had some sprinkles today - maybe more tomorrow. Megan will be selling her wreaths at Market tomorrow.

We went to Mass - we watched the Hallmark movie tonight. I have been yawning and may as well give in to my pillows.

Prayers for all your needs and also for those we love.
I love us! AOYP

magpie said...

One more hour, Shirley....
Happy Birthday...You're The Best !!

xoxox ♥

magpie said...

I'm on my third show of
Law and Order

Saturday night date night with the television

rather ridiculous, but quite relaxing

Lolly said...

Rather beat...heading to the shower. It was great fun being with my sister and brother and their better halves!!! Actually got some shopping done, too.

Night all! SED!!!

Hoda said...



magpie said...

G'Night Everyone...
Very nice to read of
Joyful Family times....♥

magpie said...

Prayers for Wellness All Around...

Love you, Precious Pals

God Bless Us,
Every One
xoxox ♥

NatureNut said...

The Eyes have had it. All this 'puter Window shopping is tiresome!
Prayers For Good Health for ALL &
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Costume Lady said...

I've had it too, Loretta:)
Good night dear and prayers for all♥

T-Bird said...

Good Sunday morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

I can't help but think of Lynn every Sunday. She is helping me root for the Skins.

Sandi said...

Good foggy Sunday morning Thelma and all my eagle friends! Such a shame to have all this fog on a weekend morning rather than a school day - this would definitely have gotten me a 2 hour delay!

Got grocery shopping, cleaning and laundry done yesterday but not the Christmas tree. Guess that will be on today's agenda after tennis.

Glo, I have framed my "X Marks the Spot" photo and it's sitting right here on my desk where I can see it whenever I'm at my computer (which is a lot). I love it!

Hoda, I understand your concern for your sister but I also "get" her need to be involved - to stand up for what she believes.

Prayers continue for Jo, Michael, little Isaac, Dana's dad, Thelma's brother-in-law, Glo's "mom," Emily, and Hoda's sister.

Make it a great day. Stay safe if it's foggy where you are and you have to drive this morning!

Sandi said...

Thelma, will be thinking of Lynn this afternoon ... while I'm cheering for a Ravens win! Hey, I'm from Baltimore, what can I say! Lynn will understand! =)

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eaglebudlets getting ready to start my work day Hoping each one of you have a great day in what ever you do

T-Bird said...

That is so funny SANDI. Yes, she would understand. She would just root the loudest. ((hugs))
I'm excited and can't wait. I hope Fluko shows up and not Flacco. : ) Sorry, I just had to say that.

T-Bird said...

SANDI-It's froggy here too this morning.

Sandi said...

Thelma, then I'll have to hope that the Sinks show up and not the Skins! =) Just sayin'...

T-Bird said...


T-Bird said...

Any other time I root for the Ravens.

Sandi said...

Thelma, I remember when I first joined the blog, that Lynn would refer to the Skins as the Sinks and I had to ask her to explain. Seems like they're having a better season this year!

DanaMo said...

Good morning!
No fog here this morning Sandi, but we do have some rain.
Got up at the regular time (5) and fed the dogs. I was hoping that I could snuggle on the couch with Boomer and go back to sleep but it didn't happen.
Had the first parent conference that was requested on Friday and it lasted for 45 minutes! I have another one this week, but they were the only two.
My dad's doctor calls mom and dad every morning! How awesome is that?
Well I should really go work on lessons plans but I'm not sure that is going to happen.
Prayers for all who need them. Jo, Glo's "mom", Isaac, Michael, Thelma's BIL,Hoda's sister and anyone I may have missed.

Linda said...

Good Morning!

DANAMO - That is really awesome that your Dad's doctor calls your Mom and every morning. Certainly beyond the call of duty, and I am sure it is much appreciated by them and you.

Off to church for me and hopefully I will get the decorating done!!! I got side tracked yesterday trying to import my Christmas CDs into my itunes on my computer and then over to my iphone to play through the stereo. Everytime that darn itunes program updates, it changes and I can't remember what to do!! Grrrr

Glad LOlLY and JACK made it home safely.....

Not much time to chat this morning, but wanted to wish you all a blessed day!!

Janet said...

good morning everyone! :)

62 degrees as i sit here and type. we have a cold front coming thru over night and into tomorrow.....wondering if the barometric pressure may help chelsea out? i will check on her in a bit......

tomorrow December is supposed to return; weather that is.

just wanted to pop in and say good morning to all!!!!! have a super day!

Costume Lady said...


Janet, you have almost a Summer day, there in Tennessee...we, here in Nestville are at 47° and rainy. I'm not sure, but I think we need the rain. When I'm not gardening, I have no idea if rain is needed!

Dana, is your Dad at home or in the hospital? Prayers that he can get rid of his DAMN SPOT, too!

This morning, in church, I will give thanks for the 2 miracles given to MICHAEL and ISAAC and also still pray for a full recovery for both of them!
Following their progress reports has become one of the HIGHLIGHTS of my day!

Our birds are singing as if it were a warm Spring morning, so cheerful.
We saw a bluebird on our 'bath a few days ago...bluebirds are nearly rare to our property. I'm hoping that they will stick around, now that we have cut down 20 trees and given them more 'wide open spaces' which they seem to like. It's hard to get used to not having those beautiful spruce trees all around the front and back of the house, but I don't miss the mess of their tiny needles all over our deck and patio, front porch too!
I feel so sorry that we had to cut them down before MEGAN started making her wreaths...spruce limbs to make pretty wreaths. But, we had to do it while we had someone with the time to do it!

I'm counting on STEVE'S word that the cam will be up and running the middle of this week. We can see, by the photo that Steve showed us, that Belle & Shep have been really busy housecleaning and re-arranging furniture:) HP is sure to follow all that activity soon, if not already. Glad Shep finally figured out the way to go about that;)

Time for me to get dressed and outta here~

DanaMo said...

My dad is at home. He is doing very well. Some water retention, but that has been addressed by increasing his lasix. The doctor just calls to check on him. It really is wonderful.

I can't wait until Wednesday. I sure do hope that the cam is up by then! I will be eagle eyed on the blog that day to see if the first post that it is up and running. Fingers crossed.
Wednesday is also the Christmas program for kindergarten. I am thinking I will do a dress rehearsal Monday. They did a really good job on Friday so I hope that it goes well. Of course, the parents will love it no matter what!

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday morning to everyone! Another new week is beginning. My heart is with a little Church Mouse this morning as my GGD makes a debut in the Christmas program at her church. I'm sure her Gran and Aunt will be posting pictures later. Michael should be sitting in the Chapel now giving thanks to the Lord that he is well enough to go home tomorrow. God is good all the time. ♥

Mema Jo said...

I am picturing her home and praying the settlement goes smoothly for her girls. I really do think of her so often - A very important person in my life.

Tough day today - it's like DC vs MD.
I'm just going to watch the game and pray for NO serious injuries! ♥

Dana - Butter cookies are waiting to be baked! lol


glo said...

Good morning all. Made a trip to Walgreens first thing they opened for "MORE" cold medicine. ARgh I have such an important weekend coming up. "Mom" will be 93 on wed. My kids are flying from AZ and driving from GA on the weekend to celebrate her and that we still have her. I CAN NOT be a germ then!!!! Prayers for a blessed day for all of you.

stronghunter said...

Prayers that you recover very quickly,Glo.

Sandi said...

Tennis was good exercise - nuff said!

Christmas tree is up but not decorated. Since it's stored in a closet in Denny's workshop, I had this terrible fear that it wouldn't light. I know that the water from the flooding reached the lower branches and lights but the plug must have been tucked up in the tree high enough that it escaped the water! YAY!


magpie said...

Happy Birthday Wishes to a long-time Momster, Cindi!

From My part of Wild
and Wonderful West Virginia,
to Yours !

Hope this is your Best Birthday, Ever !! xoxox ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Now that's a Christmas wish come true, Sandi!

twinkly and joyful, for sure ☺

Good Day, Eagle Pals...

magpie said...

Oh Jo, love the thought of your great granddaughter being the
Church Mouse today ♥

magpie said...

for you Glo:

magpie said...

time to make ready for some time with James the Wise Kidster...
big #13 birthday coming up on the 17th, time to make some Party Plans!

Best Wishes for ALL Good things amongst us....

Enjoy that Football Game,
between the "Raisins" and the "Sinks"

maybe the game will just keep going into overtime with a tie,
ad infinitum...

magpie said...

I'm thinking of Lynn ♥ also,
all the time....
and every time my
Lynn Wind-chimes go a'tinklin'

Would love to schmooze with her about my carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms and numb fingers

magpie said...

"See You All" Fine Friends Later....

xox ((Sunday Hugs )) xox ♥

magpie said...

Happy Hanukkah Wishes...for our friends near and far....
this side of the Atlantic and all around the Planet....

xo 'Bye !

stronghunter said...

Just started watching the game. Going to go get my leftovers from last night.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Home from church and watching the game. Cheering for the Cowboys, of course, but also love it when Andy (TCU), qb for Cin does well! Love Andy, a great individual!!!!!

Have house to clean and straighten, want to shop tomorrow, and bake Tues. Lunch with friends Wed, and party Thursday. Going to be a busy week!!

Keeping Jo,Michael, Isaac, Lynne, and Kay in prayer!

Lolly said...

Linda's Dennis, too!!!

Lolly said...

Front has reached here! Temp is dropping! Hip Hip Hooray!

NatureNut said...


Mema Jo said...

Yikes - it's a tied game and into overtime we go

Thinking of LYNN........ do you remember
what she always said........

It ain't over till the fat lady sings!

Love her!

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eaglebuds home from work
DANA I am so pleased that the dr calls daily He is a keeper for sure and make sure you let him know that tooo
If you get a chance I would send him a Christmas Card or a thank you card and let him know how nice it is that he does this Just a thought

Hey I forgot to tell you all I am all better I took OSCILLOCOCCINUM and I think it works great I took for three days and I am all better someone told me I should continue taking them just so it doesn't come back so that means I would have to buy some tomorrow a box last 3 days I did take Zicam with it but I have taken that before without these kind of results I will be a spokesman for them (and it taste good not like Zicam yuky)

JudyEddy said...

a egg has been laid at Sutton Sequoyah nest at 427pm today and she is sitting pretty now

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, JudyE, thanks for the update. Saw you pic on FB.

YAY Skins! I only got to see the last minutes, but I am ecstatic over the results!

Heading over to Larry's to go out and have some dinner....bbl

Lolly said...

An egg in OK just in time for a cool front. I think the Llano eagles are very smart. lol They do not have to worry about freezing weather.

The Llano nest is right by a highway. The new nest is even closer to the road. The highway department has put up signs as well as provided parking.

stronghunter said...

Quite a football game this afternoon.

magpie said...

Considerate amount of snow on the Snowman Cam
I keep checking it because I want to see Bears like Lynne2 sees from time to time ! ☺

Good Evening Eagle Pals...
sure got a lot more rain this evening, it's good to be out of it
and in the warm inside

JudyEddy said...

Good Evening folks getting ready to watch a Holiday movie and this was on facebook the Fort Meyers nest Harriet vocalizing when a intruder is near the guy said you can also hear eagle wings Ozzie somewhere on a branch early in the video I didn't hear anything but I am deaf in one ear so it could be there She is very upset
Harriet upset with something

magpie said...

I could watch part of it and then it shut down on me JudyE

date on the video says Dec 2?

that's quite a nest, great night vision there

Thanks for the link

magpie said...

I also really like your avatar, JudyE !

Linda said...

Good Evening!!

So, MARGY, James the Wise Kidster will be a teenager this month!! My, how they grow, huh?

Well, I think I finally finished decorating the house!! The tough part was the dusting and cleaning I had to do before putting everything out!! I've decorated all over the house for so many years, but it sure takes a lot of time!! I need to figure a way to scale back!!

I think Dennis wants to get the tree tomorrow, so I guess the decorating will continue.....

Mema Jo said...

Closing down early this evening. Need to do some last minute things in order for Michael to walk in the door tomorrow
Very excited and I know all will go well. Thank you all for your messages on the Caring Bridge for him - we are going to make it into a book for Michael's keepsake. Your prayers and positive thoughts have made this all possible! Thank you a million times over. I love us!

Good night to all and God Bless all.

Hoda said...

Good evening all.

Glad football watching did not cause any rifts here.

Thank you SANDI in my family I was the one who went out demonstrating in the '60's. What I was upset with is she promised she would not go yet she went...they are now saying that they are investigating people for attempt to overthrow the Govenrment. While I do not think it would include Samia and my cousins, yet our family has history of being under house arrest for years and having bank accounts frozen for the same made up charges under fear is not unfounded. I am aware of the importance of the situation. I appreciate your comment SANDI.

Thank you for the prayers also everyone.

Had a wonderful day with friends sharing a meal and going to a Mozart and Handle Christmas Concert. Also signed some letters for Amnesty International at the coffee house...Sudan, Guatamala, and The Middle East.

Snowing here and it looks so fresh and so beautiful. I was happy to be in it today and wore my winter coat as opposed to the layering coat...I am blessed.

Lolly said...

Oh, good grief! Short weather yesterday and this morning. Presently 48 and snow flurries in the morning. One model says 1 to 4 inches. That is a riot!! It certainly won't stay long as the ground is still so warm. Do you realize we have not had rain since we returned home 2 months ago. Will be good to have some kind of moisture. We ran the sprinkler system this morn.

Lolly said...

We get Annie in the morning. Really strange around here without her.

Hoda said...

Snow in TEXAS???

I just picked my self off of the floor!!!

48 is still warm LOLLY!!! I brought out my winter voat today...I needed it...headed to the 20's!!!

Hoda said...

Annie will be happy to come home I am sure. Glad your visit with your siblings went well.

magpie said...

This is the day, it is Monday...that
Miracle Michael comes home.
This is a miracle with
a lot of divine, and human

Best wishes and all Love to
The Family Lennox,
Merry Christmas comes early;
December 10...
God Bless You ALL,

God Bless Us,
Every One
xoxo ♥

Good Night, Precious Pals

Lolly said...

Nite all! Know Jo is very happy and excited, but I am sure a little concerned as well. Prayers are with you, Jo!!

Time to call it a day! 43 and still dropping and wind is a blowin!


Costume Lady said...

Almost in bed!
I haven't had any news on Baby Isaac. Have I missed any news today?

So glad that Michael is going home with his mom and place to be right now. I'm wondering where he will do his PT...hope there is a place nearby. Mine was just 2 miles down the road from me, no traffic to maneuver around.

DANA's dad's doctor must be one in a million, not many make calls to a patient's home. Prayers continue for him, also.

I decided not to bring my Christmas tree up, this year, I trimmed my 5 or 6 ft. cactus, instead. It looks rather stupid, but festive:) I just felt very whimsical, so I acted on it;)

Good night dear friends, my thoughts, prayers and love are always with you, even if I'm not here very often these days♥

Jewels said...

Good morning
How about those Skins!!!! I am wearing Mom's Cooley Jersey to celebrate!
Fog is heavy this morning. Crossing my fingers everyones travels to work and school are easy!!
Today is the big Day for Michael, Momma Jo and Ed! Too bad we could not be there for a celebration party!! KNow that I am there in thought!!

Sandi said...

Good Monday morning my eagle friends! Can't believe that, with all that fog yesterday, it has decided to dissipate and I didn't get a fog delay this morning!! Rats!!!!

Today is comin' home day!! Not just for Michael, but also for my Brian! He and Lynnis will be on a plane back to the States in a few hours!!

Just saw pics of Kay's shiny new Penny!!! Kay, I am just so happy for you!! A dachshund is a perfect choice!!

Prayers continue for all needs - make it a great day!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning!! There was not a post yesterday about Isaac but Nicole's brother, Rob, is there from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan visiting. He did post some pictures and I shared them on my Facebook wall. Isaac was out of the bed in his stroller and cruising around the hospital yesterday. Such a little miracle. So excited for Mema Jo, Ed, and Michael today. We are certainly in the presence of great things happening, aren't we? Have a great day all you beautiful people. I finally got started on my Christmas cards yesterday, hope to get them mailed out by the end of the week. I am way behind schedule on them. I swear, it seems like there are not enough hours in the day! Love and hugs!!

Janet said...

good morning all.

cold weather on the way to nashville...currently 55, heading to the 30's by afternoon. possible snow flurries (most likely east of here) by this afternoon. but 50's by it won't last long. but after 70's this will be a shock to the system!

its Monday and i'm sleepy. mondays are rough...i have a difficult time sleeping Sunday nights after bowling....

i had a flop day. the things i attempted to baked flopped. :( i was distracted....and it showed. if chelsea does not go into labor i will try again i am off tomorrow.

we had thundershowers over that didn't help the sleep situation any

we are decorated around here......COSTUME LADY: your cactus does sound whimsical! i bet it is cute!! if it weren't for the kids/grandkids, i would not do all that i do.

so as for chelsea, she felt great last night and come on to bowling. our buddy russell had to work the first two games, so our sub, my buddy wes came in and bowled a bit. he's fun. anyway, the contractions started the 2nd game and you could tell she was miserable. so she went home.

no word yes, so i suppose nothing to report. i was kind of hoping this cold front coming through would move things along, but like i keep telling her, everything in good time.

hard to deal with though when you are the one going thru it.

well livvy wants bacon and eggs this morning, so i need to scat and get to cooking. you all have a wonderful day! hugs!

Jewels said...

Speaking of being behind, I am that in all departments of CHristmas except shopping!! I am on for another 4 hrs ot this morning.

Jewels said...

Kay, you got a Dachshund??? Penny is a beautiful name. My mom and her parents had a Penny when she was growing up!!! A Dachshund she was too!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eaglebudlets

Where did I miss the pictures and the announcement of KAYS new addition
congratulations KAY if its true

JudyEddy said...

Its 65° out now going to 79° and yeah we have rain in the forcast Its been a long time since we have had rain also in Fl we sort of have a coold front heading our way but not cold 72° will be the hi on WED
almost time to head out the door for work

glo said...

Good morning all. Welcome Dogster Penny Yes indeed we have been blessed with some good stuff here. Welcome Home Day for 2 families. Little Isaac cruising through the halls in Boston. I love good news. My throat is so sore i can hardly talk. Not sure if I will run some much needed errands today or wait til tomorrow. I don't even like simple decisions some days LOL. Have a good day everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to everyone - It's a bit foggy out there this morning BUT there is sunshine waiting at the end of my road today. So very very thankful that the good Lord answered my prayers and that Michael is coming home to be on the next part of his journey to recovery

Prayers for all
I love us! ♥

Mema Jo said...

I can still NOT find the comment from Kay about a dog named Penny. I saw that on Saturday evening they left the pound empty handed. Could someone tell me where to look or give me those details.

I can just see that stroller racing down those Boston hospital halls with a giggling little Isaac.

Off I go!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Could someone tell me where Kay posted about Penny? I can't find it.

Sandi said...

YOO HOO!!!!!





Jewels said...

Only comment I seen was Sandi saying she saw pics of the dog

glo said...

Hmmm sorry I just took folks word for a chihuahua named Penny being the perfect dog for Kay. Can i claim illness for my lack of knowledge :-)

Costume Lady said...

Now which is it: an invisible Dachshund or an invisible Chihuahua that KAY has adopted?;)

It is 47° and raining thunder, here in Nestville.

Headed to church to hang up 5 garbage bags of clothes and several boxes of toys. Hope there are some toiletries and coats in them...some of our people don't smell very good:) Bless their hearts, some really can't help it...where do you clean up if you are homeless? Maybe we could build some showers onto the church. OMG, Pastor Eddie would have a fit..."Wanda, what next, you are NEVER satisfied!"
I love to get him riled up;)

Have a great day♥

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...