Thursday, October 11, 2012


New thread.


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Lynne2 said...

ME ME a feather!!

Lynne2 said...

Thanks STeve!

Lynne2 said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yay Lynne2!

Kay said...

Thanks STEVE and Congrats LYNNE2 !

Sorry to hear Brother Cat has succumbed to Wanderlust again ! Hope he's finding some folks willing to give him a meal as he meanders around out there somewhere and, of course, I hope he finds his way back home soon !

LOLLY, a retreat ! How nice. I'd like to retreat from a few things these days and hope it refreshes you !

HODA, hope that head cold is going away rapidly !

LORI, wishing you lots of restorative good sleep now that you have the CPAP in place !

JO and LINDA, still praying for Michael and Dennis as they struggle to overcome things that just should not have happened. "Ours is not to question why", but it's hard not to, I know.

THELMA, I loved the way you gave tribute to your loved ones who've gone to Heaven ahead of you--so sweet !

DANAMO, prayers for your DAD and thinking of you as you teach those little rascals each day !!!

Prayers for all in need, as always ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Linda said...

Good Afternoon from the Hospital.

Dennis' procedure took 4 hours this morning and he is back in his room now waiting for the doctor to come in and tell us what happened and what is going on.

The nurse says he isn't going home because there is still more to do. UNBELIEVABLE!!!

All the staff and nurses and even the new doctor have been wonderful........ but to endure all of this because of a mistake a smug doctor has no accountability is really so difficult to swallow. Poor Dennis.

He has a drainage tube coming out of his right side, which must be from the kidney. Don't know how long that will be there or why more needs to be done. The doctor is in surgery this afternoon, so when he is done, he will come see us.

Dennis is very uncomfortable and still in quite a bit of pain. His stats aren't good, either. His blood pressure and heart rate is high.

So we wait once again to see what is next...

Linda said...

KAY - You neglected to tell us how you are feeling......
Praying you are improving and feeling a little better with each passing day.

Promising news on Michael, JO!! A wink and a smile must have just made your day. Continued prayers for daily improvements. God Bless Him.

LYNNE2 - My heart just breaks reading your post about your dear Brother Cat. It must be so hard not knowing what happened. I am still hoping and praying for his return in good health...... xoxo

HODA - Oh it is too soon to get a cold. Keep those socks on, young lady. Refusal to put them on because you don't want winter to come is no excuse anymore!! Feel better........

NatureNut said...

Happy Afternoon!
Caring Bridge reports are so good!

Lynne, you lucky duck with an eagle feather!
So sorry about Bro Cat. Hope he returns ASAP.

Prayers for all. I must read back.
Linda, glad you gave us new info and Dennis improves ASAP.Sounds vlike a crummy deal there.

Lynne2 said...

Oh Linda...I just don't know what to say.

Lynne2 said...

Our pathologists have finished the final necropsy on Mei’s cub, and the panda team shared the results this morning. The initial necropsy, which was performed on September 23, showed that the week-old female cub had fluid in her abdomen and her liver was hard in places. There were no signs of internal or external trauma. The final necropsy determined that lung and liver damage ultimately caused the cub’s death. Her lungs were poorly developed and likely caused her to have insufficient oxygen, which would be consistent with the changes in the liver. The mortality rate for pandas in their first year in captivity is estimated to be 26 percent for males and 20 percent for females. Some early mortality rates may be underestimated.

We are working with our colleagues in China to answer questions about giant pandas that will ensure the best care in captivity and that will help bolster the species’ numbers in the wild. The information about how this cub died will add to the scientific body of knowledge about giant pandas. The Zoo will continue to work closely with its Chinese colleagues and share the information it has learned about giant panda reproduction and cub health.

Many of you have been asking about what our plans are for Mei and Tian. No decision has been made about their future. Our current agreement with China lasts through December 5, 2015 and stipulates that the Zoo will conduct research in the areas of breeding and cub behavior. Panda fans can still watch Mei and Tian on the panda cams, which are going to slowly convert to high-definition digital cameras thanks to a donation from the Ford Motor Company Fund, every day.

We are happy to report that Mei is almost completely back to her old self! Her hormones have returned to normal levels, as has her behavior. Mei is choosing to go outside in the mornings. In the afternoons she can usually be found napping on her indoor rockwork. Mei’s appetite has also returned, and she is eating almost all of her bamboo and all of her leaf eater biscuits and produce. The David M. Rubenstein Family Giant Panda Habitat is open, and visitors can see Tian Tian and Mei Xiang outdoors and indoors, though the area directly around Mei’s den is still closed. The panda team expects that the entire David M. Rubenstein Family Giant Panda Habitat will be open soon, as Mei has not shown any sensitivity to noise lately.

Keepers cleaned the bamboo out of Mei’s den on Wednesday since she no longer spends much time there. Months ago, we installed a time-lapse camera in Mei’s den before she started building her nest in hopes that for the first time, we would have a visual record of how she built her nest. We retrieved it from the den this week. Unfortunately, we had some technical difficulties so it did not work out exactly as planned.Even though the progression is not as detailed as we would have liked, the photos still show some of Mei’s nesting. You can watch the time-lapse video made from the photos on our

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the information on the pandas, Lynne.

I have been very busy making arrangements for the work on the house. It is good to have some decisions made and things underway.

We will be getting a POD to store items from the house that need to be removed to make room for the workers.

DanaMo said...

We got good news today! Dad's bone scan was negative! Yipee! That means that it is not in his bones. So glad we can just focus now on what he does have and getting rid of it! AMEN!

Linda-WOW 4 hours and they still have more to do! That is awful. I hope that everything is successful that the new doctor is doing and that Dennis is soon free of pain and discomfort.

Kay-How are you feeling....? Are you neglecting to tell us how you really feel? I hope you are doing okay.

Love to all!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There is an eagle at White Rock.

magpie said...

Great News on the Lennox Front, and for DanaMo's Dad...!!!
Happy Day in Maryland....for sure...

but so very sorry about Linda's Dennis's complications....
Linda...Prayers and Positive thoughts for you as you both to through this horrendous ordeal...
glad you like the new medical team, though....

Sandi said...

Jo, Hooray!!!! I have this image in my head of Michael winking at you! What a wonderful thing to hold onto!!!

Dana, what terrific news about your dad!!

Linda, I am so sorry that you and Dennis are going through all of this! Prayers continue for relief from his pain and news that everything will be fine from here on out.

Lynne2, sorry to hear that Brother Cat has not come home. I sure hope he does!

Lori, glad you are resting well!!

Kay, like others here, I hope you're feeling better each day!

Shirley, bet you are really anxious to get your house back to normal - having things out of place would really bother me!

Just got back from grocery shopping and have to find something to eat - have a great evening!

magpie said...

Four down, one to go Sandi.
School days that is !!!

Yes, sounds like some busy and maybe discombobulated days coming up...hope all is complete before Thanksgiving and Christmas get here...or there, I mean.
Those Pods, pretty cool idea.
I had to look up the spelling for discombobulated.

Hoda said...

Good afternoon and good evening all.

LINDA prayers for DENNIS and I hope the new team helps him recover from the mistakes of the old tea.

Good news DANA and prayers continue.

Good news MICHAEL and prayers continue.

Me my cold and I joined a friend and her dog and spent the day walking the cold off. It is beautiful out there and warm and the colours are stunning. LORI I saw a flock of Wild Turkeys at least 10 or 12 of them.
I als saw a full grown eagle flew eye level to us over the river on our side of the bank. I could see the yellow of his eyes. An adult male I think. He then turned around and came back claws out and landed in the tree where we were standing...It took my breath away...

I feel much better thank you all.

magpie said...

Bravo on your Wildlife and Kick-cold-butt day, Hoda !!

glo said...

End of the day check in. Good news for Michael. We need soem good news for Dennis now. What a long week and of course prayers continue for all. SED and AOYP

JudyEddy said...

oops been posting on yessterdays to much of a pia to bring over with a sluggish puter or connection


JudyEddy said...

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

paula eagleholic said...

Judy, looks like you are in a lovely area. Pretty waterfall videos and pictures!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, so glad you got a smile and a wink today! Sounds like that procedure is what Michael needed.

Linda, so sorry Dennis has been through so much with the surgery. It has to be so frustrating for you and him. Get some rest and take care of yourself.

Lynne, I am so sorry to hear about brother cat. And I agree with Lolly, Bro Cat loves you!

Shirley, hope the repairs are done soon for you, I'm sure you're tired of the mess!

Benn keeping up on the blog, really just haven't had time to comment on everything!

Been working a lot here, trying to clean up the house, Michael and Laura coming down for the weekend. Entire family will be at Colorfest on Saturday, and might have a cookout here Sat night.

Hoda said...

LINDA no worries I did put the woolen socks on and it is all good. I can not believe you think so much of others and my foibles with are a very sociable and caring person. THANK YOU LINDA.

NatureNut said...

Well, sports fans, Wash. Nats. won their game, so they and St. Louis are tied 2-2!!
Gonna hit the TV and see what we learn from the Veep and Veep Wannabe!!! LOL
JudyE, thx so much for your travel guide!!I'm so jealous!!
Dana, so glad your Dad's bones are clear!!!!What a relief. They thought I might have had that 10 years ago because pre-op bloodwork for other CA found my calcium level was off the charts. A looong time after scans and surgery,they
finally told me the bones were OK. Parathyroid gland was the culprit!I know how scary it is waiting for results.
Prayers will continue for all our wounded and ill.
And positive vibes for Lori to feel like the Morning GLori that she is! Also good vibes for Brother Cat. "Go back to your family!"

Linda said...

Good Evening!

I can't believe I am telling you this..........

but Dennis is home least for a few days!

Unfortunately we are not done yet. Dennis has to have surgery again Monday!!! When is this going to end?? The radiologists put in a nephrostomy catheter to drain the kidney to a bag outside the body and they ran a tube from the kidney to the bladder opening the ureter again. But they didn't put the stent in. The surgeon has to do that.

I have no idea who takes out the catheter and the bag or when...... This is so confusing and frustrating.

Dennis really pushed to go home and the doctor agreed as long as he takes it easy. I thought he should have at least stayed one more night to let things settle. He did not have a good day and hasn't done too good since we got home either. But he is stubborn and I understand wanting to be home.

He's running a fever of 101.8 last check, is having lots of spasms and pain and is constantly having to go to the bathroom, which is very painful.

Hopefully the meds I picked up for him will settle things down and he can at least sleep.

I had to learn how to change his dressings and clean things. Wish me luck!!

So that is where we are at this point. I am hoping for a quiet couple of days for him. His body needs the time to rest and recover before they start on him again!

Mema Jo said...

Me Me a feather or MEMA a feather! lol
I thought you had a typo.
Really wish Bro Cat could find his way back to you!

Linda - I am really really upset for you and for Dennis. Things like that do happen but shouldn't happen to one of our own. Love to you both! and lots of prayers!

Dana - that is very good news for your dad! Prayers for hm and your mom and you. BTW - Annemarie's dance pic with her best friend is adorable - & I liked her braces too!

Mema Jo said...

Today the sun was shinning in Baltimore - both on the outside and inside room 29 ♥ The blue eyes sparkled and I even got a wink! His powerful grip held my hand for a long long time. ♥ There is still a long way to go but I think we are off to a good start GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME ♥

Mema Jo said...

Remembering today to say
Happy Birthday to Mason from Shepherdstown ♥ He is an example of strength and has a fighting spirit to
have recovered from his accident
♥Enjoy your day Mason and praying for more improvement during the upcoming year

Linda said...

HODA - I guess seeing that eagle did the trick in helping you feel better. Seeing the yellow of his eye sounds truly amazing!!!

Thank you all again for your love, support and prayers. This has been an awful journey, but what can you do??

I just hope we don't have problems in the future because of the mistake done this week. They did mention that scar tissue could be a problem.

JO - I am feeling and praying for you, Dear One. I still can't even imagine how difficult all this is for you as a Mom. My prayers for Michael, you and the whole Lennox family continue. xoxo

Linda said...

JO - I just love your positive attitude and how you are so thankful for those baby steps!! There are blessings in everything, good and bad, huh?

I must go take a shower and get to bed early tonight. We are both exhausted and I have a patient to tend to tonight!

Love you all.....


Mema Jo said...

Linda I am praying for sleep and rest for Dennis - As far as his wonderful care-giver - I pray for you to sleep but I think I know exactly the feelings you are having each time you close your eyes Please have SED and may the guardian angels surround you and Dennis & protect you through the night. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Tomorrow at my Birthday Lunch this house will be filled with joy and laughter. The great grandchildren will be here - 7 of them ♥
My daughters and daughter-in-law will also be here. I am blessed!

Anthony, 8 yr old great grandson got up this morning and his very first words to his mother were - Do you think Uncle Mike will move today?
Now that brings tears to my eyes. ♥

Mema Jo said...

I am closing down for the day - a beautiful day it has been. Thank you all for your support to our family and to Michael. I know I will get through this with your support.

Miss you Lynn ♥

Prayers for all our needs - large or small.

I love us ♥

Mema Jo said...

ps........Hoda - thanks for wearing your socks and Keep your eyes to the skies (Suz's favorite saying) ♥

Hoda said...

Glad DENNIS is home. Good luck with looking after him LINDA.

Good to read you here JO...PRAYERS continue...

Hoda said...

I got my orders from you way back at the start of October JO!!!I listened and was grateful...YES we should all keep our eyes up to the sky lots of wonders from our Bird Feathered Friends...

Hoda said...

Good night JO SED Blessings...

Mema Jo said...

*** Chrissy sent me an Birthday e-card!
She says she hasn't been on the computer much but that to tell everyone Hello and that she misses us! ♥♥

Hoda said...



NatureNut said...

So glad Hoda is wearing her sox!!!How wonderful to see that eagle today!
Not paying much attention to TV~~~gotta do the do. Have to go to both work places Friday. Will be at farmhouse office, but there is a luncheon at Park for great young man who got a new position and will be going to another Park facility.
Prayers for Everyone, Happy Friday Birthday for Jo,and special thoughts for Linda and Dennis.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals

Prayers do continue, those of thanking, and those of asking...

God Bless Us, Every One,
Near and Far, in all our Eagle Corners

Lolly said...

Has everyone gone to bed? Can I come in now?

Had a busy day and then had a meeting at church tonight.

Jo, so very happy for your day today! Prayers continue!

LINDA, LINDA, LINDA....I can not believe what you and Dennis are going through. I am glad he is home tonight as that surely helps him mentally. Prayers for him and for his special nurse....YOU!

HODA, how exciting to see an eagle and have it land so close. WOW!

I am off to shower and get comfy. Not feeling my best this evening, a little tummy ache. Leave for retreat middle of the afternoon tomorrow. Looking forward to lots of love, laughter, and renewal!!

stronghunter said...


Happy birthday to Mason.

A tiny bit early happy birthday to Jo.

Prayers, Linda. I hope you sleep well and awake to a good day tomorrow.

I have been wearing socks, too, Hoda. Not wool, though.

Good night. Rest well. SED.

stronghunter said...

Hope you feel better tomorrow as you head out on your retreat, Lolly.

Costume Lady said...


What a special day Jo has had. To have Michael hold her hand so tightly and wink at his special Momma, must have been one of her best days, ever:)

Good night my friends, prayers and blessings for you all♥

Lori O. said...

♫♪♫♪♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♪♫ . . . . . .

I hope you have the grandest day with all your family there for your big day! We love you!!!

Lori O. said...

Need to jump in the shower, but...

LINDA, I'm so sorry for all the pain and trouble you and Dennis are having. URGH!

HODA, loved hearing about the wild Turkeys and the eagle!!! Thanks for sharing. Glad you are feeling better!

Prayers continue for Dennis & LINDA, JO and Michael, DanaMO's Dad and family, THELMA's BIL, and for LYNNE2 and Brother Cat.

magpie said...

Good Happy Birthday Jo and Red Friday Morning, Eagle Pals...

Wowser, if you're up,
See the Moon and the Planet of Love, in the EAST.....

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

Happiest of Birthday Wishes, Jo..with one fantastic day yesterday leading up to it, and a houseful of Joy on the way today ...
You're the BEST !! xoxo

magpie said...

And Best Wishes to Everyone
on this FRIDAY...
Try to wear some RED for our Military...

getting ready for work here,
thinking of everyone
especially hoping that Linda and Dennis had some restorative sleep

ttfn xoxox

Sandi said...

Good chilly Friday morning Lori, Margy, and all my eagle firends!

Hope you have a wonderful day today!

Prayers continue for Michael and Dennis and Dana's dad.

Make it a great day!

magpie said...

Have a good one, Sandi....

Well Whoops the clouds have moved in might not be able to SEE Venus and the Moon...

but it sure was a pretty pairing

Happy Retreating, Lolly
and I hope you feel 100% by the time you read this

magpie said...

nice avatar, Sandi!

time to shake a couple of legs and get a move on

"See You All" Later

Prayers for Wellness all Around...
Dennis, Michael, and a host of other very important people...
and any pets with ailments also!


Janet said...

GOOD morning all!

Pouring rain outside. Had thunder and lightening over night. Nothing severe, so I just rolled over and went back to sleep!

LOLLY: enjoy your retreat!

Keeping everyone close in healing thought and love...

So had some semi exciting news last nite: sooo, everyone knows olivia has been taking ice skating classes. she had not made beta level last time around. next week is testing again. her teacher said everything looks beautiful, and if she gets her left foot snow plow stop and her left foot t stop down, she will jump over beta and be in GAMMA level! she pretested everyone last night and of course she has to do it all over next week.....and get those two stops right with the left foot. but she has 2 practice dates coming up this fingers are crossed. so excited for her...we shall see. her instructor gave her an extra 15 min of her time last night just working on those two stops.....15 min AFTER class ended....

its friday. :) sleeping in tomorrow....

hope everyone has a great day. keeping you close in my heart and sending out healing energies, light and love to all in need! smiles for everyone!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. <b.Happy Birthday MeMa Jo</b. Go Olivia :-) . Surely hoping for a great day for Dennis, Prayers continue for Michael. The list is long and some of the answers are good. Keep Praying on folks.

floralgirl said...

Brrrrr...... I saw that moon this morning, Margy, when I was taking out the hummingbird feeders. Beautiful!
Sorry to read about the issues Dennis is having, Linda. Just unreal, I hope they can correct all their mistakes and get him well again. Not much worse than an incompetent doctor.
And Lynne, I hope you find Brother Cat.
I wanted to wish Jo a very Happy Birthday!
Also, there is a freeze watch in our area tonight, so pick your tomatoes!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!


T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...


T-Bird said...

Happy, happy birthday Mema Jo. I hope you t

T-Bird said...

Happy, happy birthday Mema Jo. I hope you treat yourself today like your best friend.

Judie said...

♪♫♪Happy Birthday, Jo♪♫♪ May your day be wonder-filled with loving family and the improvement Michael has made so far.

Linda, sending my very best wishes for a quick and complete recovery for Dennis. So very sorry you both are having to experience this.

Happy Birthday, Mason!

Lori, hope the CPAP continues to help. All good wishes for the tests to come.

T-Bird said...

Thank you all for my BIL's prayers. This is going to be a long and difficult process for him and my sister. They have a 3 hour drive, both ways, every day except for the weekend. After 6 months of this he will have surgery (I sure hope they can get it all-they want it to shrink first.) He will then continue the 5 day a week radiation and chemo treatments for at least 6 more months.

Lori O. said...

Oh, THELMA, all that driving is so much stress...everyday! That's unbelievable!

grannyblt said...

Linda, my husband had similar procedures. It is no fun. He developed a serious UTI after all that, so keep an eye out. He said when they removed the catheter from his back(kidney) the Dr. just pulled it out during an office visit.

grannyblt said...

Happy birthday Jo. I guess you had a wink and a squeeze yesterday for your present.

It is also my son in law's birthday

NatureNut said...

Have a wonderful celebration!

Lolly said...

♪♫♪Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Jo, Happy Birthday to you....and many more!♪♫♪ May God's blessings shower down upon you! May your day be filled with joy and laughter! Love you, Jo!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Doing laundry and then guess I best pack. Wish it was cold, but no, temps up into the 80's, muggy with a chance of rain. That is all we ever get...chances!!!

Feeling much better this morn, thank you! A bit os severe indegestion last night.

Friend, Sharon, is picking me up mid afternoon. So, I have time to pack, do laundry, and help Jack with pecans. We harvested just a small amount yesterday. Jack was on the ladder when he became very dizzy and very close to fainting. He had spots in his vision. He gave blood yesterday, guess he was doing too much afterwards. He received his 20 gallon pin yesterday. Yes, he is a dedicated blood donor!! Proud of him!♥

Mema Jo said...

JACK - Falling off ladders is NOT ALLOWED Pecans or not! ♥

magpie said...


magpie said...

And our Birthday Girl has Arrived....


all other manners of nice things are being expressed....


magpie said...

Yay Megan,
so I had a Planet pf L♥ve and M☺☺n watching pal this morning


I gobbled up all my tomatoes already

but I have THREE MOON VINE BLOSSOMS and they are going to explode open later on this evening

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to all my friends♥ Thank you all for the birthday wishes - The Lord has given me 73 years of love and happiness. He has helped me accept sorrows and troubles that have been in my life. He has given me friends and a loving family! My day is good. Thanks again ♥

Michael's present yesterday was a God sent. Praying for his recovery.

Today at noon the party of family will take place. Love my family!

Off to get myself ready - after 73 years it takes a bit of time to do! lol

I Love Us ♥

magpie said...

Well right about now the Birthday Joy and Laughter are bursting against the Lennox Housewall walls...
Kid Fun, Big and Little Kids !!

magpie said...

Here is Jewels
been here since noon, and coming in at noontime Saturday...
sure makes ME happy to be on the same shift with her, she does all the work ☺ LOL !
She is covering shifts for someone on vacation


magpie said...

but the downside of it is:
I get to leave at four p, and Jewels will still be here until midnight

Hoping everyone in Eagle Land is doing ok!

I saw this in a card recently"
"If Wishes were Fishes, We'd be Over the Limit"


Lolly said...

Oh, Margy....I'm gonna tell on you!! Hey, Jewels......!!!!

See you later, Gators!! My ride should be here shortly. Heading to Disciples Crossing in Athens, TX. That is in east TX about 2 hours from here. See ya Sunday!! Behave!! That for you, Margy!☺ I love us!!

magpie said...

Best wishes on good outcomes for your brother in so sorry to read of those long travel times....

magpie said...

Happy Birthday to your son-in-law !

October, big month for birthdays allrighty!
several in my family also,
including stepdaughter, nephew, and my late sister Katherine, AND my Mother....

hmmm, let's see, 9 months backwards: makes it some busy times in January !!! ☺

magpie said...

Happy Week-End, Eagle Pals !
Mine starts at 1600 Saturday

ttfn xoxo

Sandi said...

Good afternoon my eagle friends - it's the weekend!!! Woohoo! Had a good week with my kids this week, even though they keep me super busy!

Got my new binoculars yesterday - sent them back today! Lesson learned, DO NOT buy binoculars online unless you have already tried them out in a store and know that you like them!!! Will now be looking for a place nearby that sells binoculars and, once I find a pair that I like, then I'll shop price online. Hoping I can find a place in the area that sells Nikon so I can try the ones that Lynne1 recommended (that were also on the "best-value" list in the Audubon Magazine article from Margy).

Not a major disappointment in light of the much more serious issues that many are going through.

Hoping to hear more good news about Michael, news from Linda about how Dennis is doing, maybe some news from Lynne2 about Brother Cat, and an update from Jo about her birthday celebration!

Judy, looks like you're seeing some beautiful scenery!!

Have a great evening everyone!

magpie said...

oh Sandi...sorry the binocs did not suit you....
Hope you CAN find what you want,
"in person."
I'm Jonesin' to get a new "pair"
one of these days...

I really new a new pair of EYES to start with
mine are getting right old !

magpie said...

Headed on out
Housecleaning is on my dance card for the night
BIG House cleaning...
have a niece or maybe two coming in next week to start going through some of their father's things...three properties, lots of things to sort through, all part
of the Estate Settlement for my brother in law....
will Peak in on you'uns Later On

Prayers for Wellness...
especially thinking of Dennis,
and Michael tonight....

Hoping that THIS was a good day

xoxox ttfn xoxox ☺♥

JudyEddy said...

good evening eagle buds just got in from a day of falls and driving the colors are soooopretty toooo
two falls today and lots of miles

JudyEddy said...

My poor truck hasn't seen so many gravel roads as today but well worth it

Hoda said...

Happy Birthday JO. I hope you are having a terrific time with the family

JudyEddy said...

been a long day I need to put feet up and get rids of the glut spasam I ham having from mountian driving LOL pain in BUTT LOL

JudyEddy said...

Hi hope you hade a good BIRTHDAY and my alt keys don't work on this puter for symbols odd
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Mema Jo said...

Coming in before heading back the hallway.. My day was beautiful - family and friends all the way. So many b-day wishes to read!

Michael is still holding his own and did have a fever but blood work will tell what it is from and get treated.

I was hoping to see word of Dennis' night and praying for him and Linda.

Sandi - thanks again for your offer to help with the house and if hubby runs into any problem I'm sure he'll call. Usually brings Charles down with him.
Hope Wanda had a Friday night gathering.
Margy, sounds like soon you may be down to one home. Your home!

Good Night to all of you.
I love us ♥ Thanks for your prayers for Michael. They are working!

Miss you Lynn ♥

Linda said...

Good Evening!


I am sorry I didn't get in a morning post to you.......but so happy to hear you had a fun family birthday!

SANDI - Sorry about the binoculars :( Hoping you find the perfect pair soon!

Hoping LOLLY has a great time on her retreat and that JACK stays away from the ladder while she is gone. Congrats to JACK on a 20 gallon pin. That's amazing!

Kudos to LIVVY in her skating accomplishments. Hoping she gets to that next level next week!

Thanks again for all your support and prayers for Denis and I...

Linda said...

Had a really rough night with Dennis and we ended up having to go back to the hospital this morning! Ugh!

One kidney was draining into the bag externally, but after the procedure they did yesterday, Dennis was not able to empty his bladder. We thought it would pass in a short amount of time, but it didn't. He was having bladder spasms all night and having that awful feeling of needing to go, but nothing would come out.

We called the doctor first thing in the morning, and had to go back in for them to catheterize him to empty the bladder. That seemed to do the trick and after a few other things, we were sent home with more catheters for him to do himself if necessary over the weekend.

Bless his all I can say! He has been through so much pain and misery over this whole thing and to think we still have more procedures to go.

He got home and I flushed his tube and wrapped it so he could take a shower. After his shower and changing the dressings, he was finally able to rest comfortably.

I am feeling pretty certain we will have a good night tonight. Praise God for that!!

Again, many thanks for your love and support. It means so very much!



Costume Lady said...

Just a few words before I say good night...
We did have our Family Friday, although we were short 5 members, we had a fun evening. We were discussing the wedding details most of the evening.
Dustin was at Aaron's Bachelor party (I expect he and Karla will have a lot to talk about in the morning;) Those firemen can be pretty rowdy at times! I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have a Belly Dancer in the back of the firetruck;) LOL
Whoa...I'm glad my Pastor doesn't read this blog:)

GG was all dressed up in a pretty black, cut velvet blouse with a pretty necklace and earrings and a touch of makeup and perfume. I told her she looked pretty and she said she dressed up for me:) She may have been practicing for next Saturday.

I liked reading about Michael on Caring Bridge this morning...winking at his Momma made my heart sing!

I guess Dennis is still in the hospital...I'm too sleepy to read back, will do that in the morning. Prayers for he and Linda~
Of course, prayers continue for our Lennox family♥

Good night dear friends, prayers and love for you all♥

magpie said...

Good Night, Linda...thanks for checking in...
golly neds, and all that driving also...
I have a brother in law, young 70's I guess, that has had to do the self-catherization for several years now, is related to a prostrate problem...
Sigh....thinking of you and sending you some of my extra energy...

Glad that Dennis seems to be getting step at a time

magpie said...

Sounds like Jo had a GREAT birthday, and Wanda, you are next !
Friday Family Fun sounds good, I can picture GG looking oh, so pretty.
How touching, what she said, getting dressed up pretty for you..

magpie said...

Sounds like Jo had a GREAT birthday, and Wanda, you are next !
Friday Family Fun sounds good, I can picture GG looking oh, so pretty.
How touching, what she said, getting dressed up pretty for you..

Costume Lady said...

Ah, I didn't have to read back very far. Thanks for that report, Linda. So sorry you two are having to go through all of this and still have more to come:(
Love you♥

magpie said...

I am sorry about double posts, it's the laptop, and ME....
pretty worn out, been running the vacuum cleaner for a long time
and I forget what else I did...
bathrooms and laundry I think.

Costume Lady said...

Hi, Margy...yes, I'm next:) Gene promised to take me for that long-awaited lobster dinner, tomorrow. I had to remind him that Red Lobster was so busy last year that we had a 2 hour wait...we didn't wait!

magpie said...

Headed to bed soon, was "on call" from 4 to 12, really glad I did not get called in.

Jewels will be finishing up with her shift soon, at midnight, then comes in 12 hours later for another 12!

Thinking fondly of everyone....
and hoping that Sleep is Sweeeeet.
Prayers for WELLNESS !!!

God Bless Us, Every One

magpie said...

Ya, Wanda....hope it works out with NO wait, maybe if you tell them it is your Birthday it might help.

in 24 minutes...
Happy Birthday in Advance... !!

Hoda said...



Hoda said...

Happy Birthday WANDA I hope it is full of many blessings

Lori O. said...


I hope your day is special in every way, and you get a super dinner tonight at RL! And, many more!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning all eagle pals!

JO, I'm so happy you had a great birthday. Wishing WANDA the same, today!

MARGY, glad you didn't get called in! HAPPY Friday, since your weekend starts when you get off today!

KAY, I've been thinking about you a lot and just pray that your pain is lessening and that you are starting to enjoy your exercises again. ♥

LINDA, Prayers for you and Dennis.
What a mess a simple thing turned into for him. I'm so sorry. Thinking of you a lot! Take care of yourself, girlfriend!

SANDI, sorry about the binocs...
bummer, but you have a good plan for the next new pair!

Prayers continue for Michael, JO,
KAY, DMo's Dad, LINDA & Dennis,
WANDA & family, Lynne2 & Brother
Cat, and Thelma's BIL.

Sandi said...

Good Saturday morning Lori and all my eagle friends!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WANDA!!!!!!! Hope it's the start of a great year!

Jo, glad to hear that your birthday was a happy one!

Linda, I feel so badly for everything Dennis is going through - and you too! Prayers that all problems are corrected quickly and he can start focusing on healing.

Prayers for a good day for Michael with some more steps in the right direction.

Still hoping for good news about Brother Cat.

Prayers continue for Thelma's brother-in-law, Dana's dad, and Kay.

Got an email from my sister yesterday that the Cleveland Clinic called to say they now have all of Mom's records and are loading them into their system. Should have an appointment date for the 3-D CT scan soon - still a long wait ahead.

Switching out the clothes closet from summer to winter today (much prefer the switch over from winter to summer clothes).

We have been having a tough time with Bandit lately. Lots of vocalizing and pacing, seems "uncomfortable," and is having lots of pee accidents in the house, despite taking him out many times during the day (last night, he woke me at 3:30am). Had a urinalysis done which showed a good pH level, no crystals, and only a little blood in his urine from the bladder stones.

The vet doesn't believe the behaviors are dementia related - his dementia symptoms haven't improved a lot but, with the new medicine he's on, his behavior has stabilized and he is even running through the house and playing again when he comes in from outside. Vet thinks that the accidents and the discomfort are caused by the stones blocking his ureter as he pees so he isn't able to empty his bladder.

We decided last night, though we said 2 months ago that we wouldn't, to do another surgery to have the stones removed. Sure hope we're making the right decision. But we're not ready to let him go yet and he seems too healthy for it to be his time to go. Will be calling Monday to set a date.

Was hoping to drive to Best Buy in Salisbury tonight to try out some binoculars. Called and they don't have any in stock, nor does the Dover store. That's the problem with living in a small town. Will probably have to wit til the next time I get to Baltimore. No urgency, but I DO want them for this fall/winter so we can check out the local eagle nest we recently found. Speaking of eagle nests, I sure am missing seeing my favorite one!

Make it a great day all!

T-Bird said...

Happy Saturday everyone.

Judie said...

♪♫♪HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WANDA♪♫♪ Enjoy the lobster dinner and your date night with Capt. Gene. So happy Family Friday was fun and GG was all dressed up for you. Enjoy the day!

Prayers continue for Michael, Dennis, and others in need.

T-Bird said...

Hugs and prayers to all. Hugs and prayers are so powerful. I'm so grateful to share them with my eagle peeps. Words cannot describe the gratitude but you all know how powerful they are.

Lori O. said...

Hugs to you, too, THELMA!

Good Morning, JUDIE! Hope you have a great & restful day. ♥

T-Bird said...

Happy, happy birthday Wanda, my friend. I hope you treat yourself today like your best friend.

T-Bird said...

SANDI-what are some dementia signs he has been displaying?

T-Bird said...


T-Bird said...

WVU plays Texas Tech today (3:30). We still are getting little respect. They (the sports media and the other coaches) tend to write us off because they think the Big East isn't as strong as the Big 12, the conference we have just moved to. At least we are getting some respect since the AP voters have voted us to be number 5 (I think) in the BSC standing.

magpie said...

Good Saturday Morning, Eagle Pals...

Happy Birthday to Wanda, First Mate ☺
May this be your BEST Birthday ever....You're not getting older, you're gettting BETTER ! xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Hi T-bird.....Hope you get all cozied up for that football game...
Go 'Eeeeers! I think that's what NORMA used to say ♥
I'm SURE she will be watching also !


magpie said...

29 degrees and frost on the windshield this morning
Heater in Blazer is a dud ! So another something to deal with next week but it's small potatoes

magpie said...

Thinking of Megan and her gardens and hummingbirds

The very waning crescent Moon is going to have maybe one more morning showing before moving to the West in the evenings next week
Wow, did it look beautiful this morning, and how different the position with Venus it was

Love that stuff !!

magpie said...

Yay on things coming together for your Mother in Cleveland....
definitely want to get this done before the Lake Effect Weather things start happening !!

magpie said...

Prayers for WELLNESS and a Wondeful Day

I'm about to start making DOUGH !

ttfn xoxox ☺ ♥

Sandi said...

Thelma, we started noticing in January that Bandit got very grouchy after dark. If we tried to pet him, he would snarl and snap at us. He didn't respond when we called his name to go outside to pee before we went to bed. He would no longer stay downstairs with us and jump on the sofa in the evening - spent all evening upstairs, alone, in his bed. He got very aggressive with Bella - we now keep them separated by a gate while we're at work. He started whining/howling periodically all throughout the day, like he's lost or thinks we've left him.

In addition, his vision and hearing had really deteriorated - not from dementia, just from being 14 years old. We took him to the vet in March and had a bunch of tests run. The results showed that he was in incredible physical health for a 14-year old dog. After his first surgery for bladder stones, I had put him on the same homemade food that I feed Bella (b/c she has no teeth). He lost the extra weight he had gained over the years and the extra water in the homemade food prevented him from developing new bladder stones.

The vet concluded that what we were seeing was canine cognitive dysfunction, or doggie dementia. He recommended putting Bandit on a Hills Science prescription dry dog food that can improve brain function, which we did. Five months later, we weren't seeing much improvement but, when Bandit went for his annual exam and the vet did a urinalysis, he had some small bladder stones (probably due to eating dry food and not drinking enough water with it).

At that point, we told the vet no more surgery. I put Bandit back on the homemade dog food and the vet prescribed something called Novifit for the dementia. He's been on the Novifit for a couple of months now. He's still definitely different after dark - it's like he doesn't recognize us when we approach him and he stays upstairs in his bed a lot. And he's still aggressive with Bella. But we can get him to play with us when he comes in from outside and he will let us scratch him more often than he was.

The vet has said the dementia will continue to get worse - sometimes dogs will get "stuck" in a corner and can't get out. And they forget their house training habits and start going in the house. That's what we've been thinking is happening in the past couple of weeks, but the vet really thinks the peeing in the house is b/c he can't empty his bladder due to the stones, and the increased whining to go out is b/c he constantly has the urge to pee.

Tough call for us b/c we have already said that, if the dementia symptoms, especially the aggression, get worse, we would have him put down. Now we'll be spending $1000 for another surgery, knowing that we may lose him shortly thereafter.

I don't mind spending the money if it gives us another year or two with him and physical health-wise, he could live another year or two. Then again, with a 14 year old dog, you just don't know.

Sorry for such a long explanation! Bet you're sorry you asked. But the info. may be helpful to someone else, since so many of us have dogs.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I hope it is indeed good for all of you. Anxious to read how Michael and Dennis did through the night. still lots of prayers needed. Then there is Bandit. He is surely a very loved and cherished pooch i can tell. I hope his surgery goes well Sandi. Poor guy. Dex has started a little of that behavior and when it happens it is usually later in the evening or at night too. I decided last night to bring his favorite blanket out here by me once he started to head back to bed very early for like the 3rd night in a row. It worked and he lied next to me for a couple of hours and then off to bed he went. We don't have the added bladder stones but we do have the restlessness and confusion especially more at night. Rainy weekend here and maybe some intense kinds of stuff this afternoon. Dex and I have some basement projects to help keep us busy :-). HAGD all.

T-Bird said...

No Sandi, I'm not sorry I asked. Thanks for sharing all that information.

T-Bird said...

WANDA, you have the same birthday as my grandmother. : )

Costume Lady said...


Thanks for the Birthday Wishes...I feel very revitalized today...didn't do much work yesterday other than fix supper for our family get-together. So, bring that extra year on...I CAN HANDLE IT!

Thelma, I feel honored to have the same birthdate as you Grandmother!

I've noticed that we have almost as many furbabies with illnsses as we do humans. So sad to have a pet with health problems that cannot talk and tell us where they hurt or how they feel.
We always had an outside dog (collie). She was a free roaming dog who had five acres to run and romp on. She never wandered off of the property and she always ate table food...from our table and GG's table. (GG used to live next door) Didn't know then that it wasn't suppose to be good for animals to have table food. I'm thinking it must not have harmed her, she lived to be 14 and seemed healthy and active til about a month or so, before she died. Must have been that fresh Country air.
Oh, we missed her so very much~

Hoping to hear more good news from the Lennox family today. I still have a 'picture' in my mind of Michael winking at his Momma♥

Janet said...

good morning all.


as for the belly dancer, I used to belly dance, semi professionally in virginia. loved it. great exercise for the core muscles and such. if that's ALL they had at a bachelor party, then it was pretty tame. a true (belly) dancer does not disrobe...THAT's a stripper.....and they are more likely at a bachelor party. :) if you look at my face book page, that pix with me in the red bra, that's me dancing. :) i love that pix of me. i loved dancing....i just didn't fit into the dance crowd here in TN.....and then i injured my back. i think, i know, if i had stayed in va, i'd still be dancing....i do miss it.

SANDI: the decision concerning BANDIT of course, is very personal. I think you are making the right decision. There comes a point where I don't want to put them thru the misery of surgery, for what? a month? six months? maybe a year? My dobie, Sable, is 13 now. Her 2nd partner, Luke, died just a month ago. Sable is 13, which is old for a dobie, has a giant lypoma under her left leg (on tramadol 2x daily for that), in incontinent, (since she was spayed as a puppy, on meds for that), has cataracts, but is a gentle, loving soul. she also has that huge "pimple" on her left foreleg...which doesn't seem to be doing anything...not even bothering her so i'm not bothering with it. she lies on her pillow, sleeps, goes outside, enjoys the sun, etc. she's enjoying her golden years. and i'm spoiling her ROTTEN. and at some point, its just that. you know you have limited time. Love him, spoil him, but you will know when its time to love him enough to let go. Its never easy. Especially when physically, they are in good enough health to enjoy a decent quality of life. But you have enough love in your heart, I think, to make a good decision about all of this....

GLO: So sorry to hear poor Dex is going thru the same type of problems....

anxious for morning reports on our folks.....

it is quiet here. warm today. 80, then 70's all week. Tom is going to work on the heater. My children/family say if they need something, I always know someone who......and in this case, one of my clients' husband put in our a/c unit 2 years ago. He has since gone out of this business for another, anyway, he still holds the info in his head, of course. So they contacted us last night and Bryan walked Tom thru a few steps of things to check, like a dirty igniter for the heater. And a phone # of someone who will come out and not deplete our bank account if this doesn't work. We don't absolutely NEED the heat right now, but in the next month, we will sure want it.

No plans for today other than ice skating practice, ballet....some stuff around here. I am reading another Deepak Chopra book and I have started another book on Zen Healing. Interesting stuff. I finished one by Wally Lamb, THIS MUCH I KNOW IS TRUE. last week. Took me a month to read it, but was quite good! It was on the Oprah best seller list???? I picked it up for a buck at the book store.

Have a super day everyone. Will hold all close in my heart and thoughts....hoping for improvement, homecomings, and clarity of thought for good decisions for those whom must make them on behalf of other living beings....HUGS< SMILES< LOVE and LIGHT to all!

glo said...

Wanda Happy Birthday indeed. And yes we all know that wink from a son's heart to a mom's heart spoke a thousand words to both of them Cool!!!!

Linda said...

A few minutes before noon........

So Good Morning!

Reporting in that for the first time since Sunday, we had a relatively good night's sleep!! Hallelujah!!

Dennis is doing much better, although still in quite a bit of pain. He is able to urinate on his own, so that problem seems to have been fixed. He passed quite a few blood clots, which were probably blocking things.

Of course he is uncomfortable with those tubes coming out of the side of his right kidney, but I am sure it is all better than being in a hospital bed.

He hates taking pain pills, but has learned that he needs them for the time being!

So my prayer is that he rests and heals a bit over the next 48 hours. Then we go back again..... Ugh!

It is a beautiful cold day outside with lots of sunshine in these parts.

Linda said...

SANDI - We are all with you on your decision for Bandit. You have to do what you think will give him the best chance and he may surprise you at how much better he does and for how long!! Keeping your furbaby in prayer!

SANDI - Also happy to hear the Cleveland Clinic is beginning their paperwork on your Mom. Hoping things move faster than expected!

SANDI - What about a Dick's Sporting Goods or a Bass Pro Shop? Are either of those as close as a Best Buy? Even smaller camera shops sometimes carry nice high-end binoculars. Just a thought!

Linda said...


May your day be filled with happiness and joy!! A woman who brings so much joy to others certainly deserves a Super Special Birthday~~

(((( Love You ))))

Linda said...

I'll check back in later...

Time to do my nursing duties - wound care time!!

Saw that not much has changed this morning with Michael, but praying that God is healing within!!

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon friends - I am now 1 day into being 73 and really it isn't any different then what 72 was! lol
Make it a good day for someone ♥

Mema Jo said...

Birthday wishes for you, Wanda my friend! Celebrate you and I sure hope you get that Lobster dinner

Mema Jo said...

Linda, you are proving to be a very good caregiver! I am praying for Dennis that this all gets taken care of Monday. Keep strong!

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - I can understand your decision for Bandit & I hope the surgery makes his life better.

Mema Jo said...

Christine is visiting Michael this afternoon. She and the family need to return to Ft Bragg on Moneday. I sure am going to miss her being here - she is so strong!

Cute Story: Donavon, 3 yr old gs from Hedgesville - Neighbor across the street came over to their house and introduced himself - His dog got out into the street and he really was hollering at him out of fear of his getting hit... Well, he came over to apologize for his actions to the children. Little Donavon greeted him by saying "Hi! my name is Donavon and my Uncle Mike fell and hit his head and he is in the hospital - will you pray for him?" Sure pulled on my heartstrings!

stronghunter said...


Happy birth

day, Wanda.

Cool, pretty fall day here. I have much to do before the workers come. I want to discuss having the whole indoors painted since they will be doing most of it anyway. All of the rooms need a fresh coat of paint.

Hope the surgery for Bandit solves his problems, Sandi.
Thinking of Dennis, Jo, Michael, Kay, Bill, and everyone with special needs today. Hoping Brother Cat returns home soon.

Hoda said...

Good luck with the painters and the repair people in your house SHIRLEY...are you going to paint the whole house now?

Thinking of BANDIT and BRO CAT.

On going prayers to all our families and loved ones who are in medical care.

LINDA you are doing well being a nurse bless your heart and good on you.

JUDIE very good to see you on here as it was good to see MEGAN a day or so ago announcing the cold weather...

Hope LOLLY is having a good retreat.

I found a wonderful video on the importance of Breast Cancer check ups made by the Kiwis and I put it on FB.


magpie said...

Loving that story about Donovan....

Costume Lady said...

Getting ready to go on my date. I'm so excited, I'm shaky! I must have forgotten one of my meds:)

Have a great evening♥

Costume Lady said...

Oh, yes...I love the Donovan can tell he comes from an exceptional family♥
Bet our Lord is smiling down on them~

stronghunter said...

I really would like to get everything painted. I have been thinking that it very much needs to be painted and that it would be a huge job for me to do it all. I have usually been the painter.

stronghunter said...

Yes, the Donovan story is priceless.

Mema Jo said...

Off to Mass
Thanks for all your prayers for Michael - they are working!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda & Gene! ENJOY

Hoda said...

Rainy and drizzly day here and the colours are breath taking...awesome indeed.

magpie said...

The Mountaineers need to make a BIG comeback in the second half...
they are down 28-7.

magpie said...

I hope Gene takes a picture or two of his Excited Date on her Birthday Date

Since they were going out I guess she didn't wear her Birthday Suit
Maybe Later !!

Good Evening Eagle Pals


magpie said...

The colors are prettying up here too, Hoda...
had a pretty good frost coating on the windshield this morning

Like Sandi, I switched out the
cold and warm weather clothes...
and prefer the switchout in Springtime more than wintertime...
I DO like wearing my neck scarves though....probably have about 25...

magpie said...

Must say, I am kind of surprised that no one has said
"I am finished my
Christmas Shopping."
I know it's early for all that...
I never seem to quite catch up to all the Christmas things in advance

magpie said...

But I do sort of collect things through the year

Sunset is approaching fast.
Sure do miss those long dahy

magpie said...

oh shucks

those long daylight days

Best wishes, Shirley, with the many household decisions on your horizon
Hope it all works out exactly the way you want !

Going to tend to some duties here,
week-end is upon me, thank goodness!

Thinking of all,
Praying for Wellness All Around...

Linda: Glad that Dennis can "go" on his own, now....and hope that he remains comfortable through the rest of the week-end...hope there is some REST in store for you both in the immediate future, as in RIGHT NOW
xo ttfn

NCSuzan said...

Wanda, Happy Birthday! I hope this day has been special for you.

Was sorry to read that Pot Plant Owl's eggs seem not viable this year. She is such a dedicated mom to keep sitting on her eggs. They will probably turn off the camera early next week if nothing happens.

Am keeping everyone lifted up to a higher power for healing of all kinds.

Take care.

NCSuzan said...

And oh yes, Mr. Bro Cat, you best get your scraggly behind back home!

Mema Jo said...

Saturday evening update!

Written 8 minutes ago
So I have some good news. Dad has been transferred to Kernan Rehabilitation Center. I am here with him now but do not know much information yet. I am glad I was able to see him move before I left. Kernan is one of the top facilities for traumatic brain injury. They will work with Dad 3-5 hours a day 6 days a week on physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy just a few that I know of. They want yo stimulate him as much as possible with hopes he will regain use of his right side and speech. I do not know much other information but will update when I get some. For now no visitors and I will give a new mailing address when I have one. Thank you all for your continued prayers. This is going to be a long journey but I feel he is on the right road and in good hands.

Hoda said...

Very pleased to hear this good news on Michael JO. Blessings and Prayers continue.

This week coming up will see you with a few doctors appointments am I right? Keep us posted as I would like to offer more prayers of healing for you too precious friend.

JudyEddy said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds Just thought I 'd let you know I came home today another noisy night with the upstairs people I think they had a baby and had to keep walking it all night because that what they did and the creaky of the floor board and the bed when they flopped on it LOL and my neck is killing me MY OWN FAULT For leaving my pillows contour and leg one here

Was nice to be away a few days and boy did I see lots of waterfalls but there are more out there to been seen thats for future trips I got a nice book that has great directions to them and a big map also I bought

Need to go unload the truck just wanted to say hey I was back and didn't fall down a fall LOL

Sandi said...

Evening all!

Great news about Michael - the docs must be encouraged to recommend a transfer to Kernan! Denny's dad had rehab there when he lost his leg from poor circulation due to diabetes. The rehab is very aggressive but they got Dad up and walking again (even up and down stairs) with a prosthesis, and he was 80 years old at the time. Can't say enough good things about that place!!

Didn't get the clothes switched out - tomorrow is another day! Did a whole lot of nothing today and I think that's what I needed. Got rid of some of my annuals in pots that were looking straggly and took a nap. Cooked dinner and dog food simultaneously and didn't burn either (on Tuesday evening, I left the burner on under the dog food and didn't realize it until the downstairs smelled like burnt food)!

Gotta throw a load of laundry in the washer and then watch some TV - watched the new Wed. night show Chicago Fire last night and we also recorded the new show with Connie Briton - Nashville.

Prayers for Michael, Jo, Dennis, Dana's dad, Kay, and Thelma's brother-in-law. No news from Lynne2 - I think she would have let us know if Brother Cat came home, so I'm guessing he hasn't. =(

Linda, thanks for the suggestions about Dick's and Bass Pro for binoculars. No Bass Pro around, but there is a Dick's in Salisbury - I called and they have a large display of binoculars that folks can try out. So I guess that's where we'll go after I get the refund for the ones I returned (they won't credit my Visa, so I have to wait for them to mail me a check).

Goodnight all!

Hoda said...

Welcome home JUDYE I am glad you made a safe trip back. I enjoyed your pictures and your videos...

JudyEddy said...

487 total is the picture and video count on the camera downloading now wow thats a lot of pics for 4 days

Hoda said...

You were in some pretty country JUDYE so no wonder the number of pictures...well done you.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening my eagle peeps. I just wanted to report on the fundraiser for Baby Isaac Riffe. Just for the spaghetti dinner and the silent auction today, there was over $7300 raised. God is so good all the time!!!!!

Costume Lady said...

I finally got my lobster. We had to wait for 50 mins., but it was worth it. Lobster was young and tasty-tender. Had crab & lobster stuffed mushrooms in a parmesan sauce. Gene had a seaside platter...lobster tail,with shrimp and scallops.

good night, prayers and blessings to all♥

Hoda said...

YAY SHAR!!! That is very impressive fund raiser tally!!! Good on you and way to go!!!

Glad you had a good birthday supper seems like it is a very popular and very busy place

JudyEddy said...

race is still on but I am ready for bed I will try to hold out MY PILLOW calls my name Judy I have missed you LOL
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lynne2 said...

evening all!


Great news on Michael and better news on Dennis...YAY!

Judy, vacations are great, but there is nothing like sleeping back in your own bed again! Loving the pictures!

Sandi, so sorry about Bandit. Prayers for a successful surgery for him!

WOW, the fundraiser did really well Sharon, that's great news, too!

Heading for my pillow soon. Prayers for all!

There has been no sign of Brother Cat. I'm quite sure now that I will never see him again.

Hoda said...



Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle pals!

JUDYE, your videos of the waterfalls are AWESOME! Thanks so much for sharing. Really beautiful places you got to see! Glad you're home safe with your pillows!

JO, that is GREAT news about MICHAEL being moved to rehab. I've heard great things, too, about the place he is in now. Love to you and the whole family!

WANDA! So glad you had a very happy Happy Birthday dinner! Remember your birthday month continues!

HODA, been thinking of you as we had a frost warning the night before last...wondering how cold it's getting there? Wearing woold socks already? :)

Lori O. said...

LYNNE2, so glad to hear from you, but so sad that you think you'll never see Bro Cat again. I bet he turns up at the old house and you can pick him up over there! ((HUGS))

YAY for SHARON and the RiFFE family on the Baby Isaac fundraiser. That is awesome! Someone worked hard putting all that together!

Lori O. said...

HODA, that should be WOOL socks! Woold socks sound uncomfortable. :)

Lori O. said...

Waiting for the updates on DENNIS and MICHAEL today. Prayers continue for all humans and pets in need.

Sandi said...

Good Sunday morning Lori and all my eagle friends!

Today, my little "toothless wonder" - Bella - is 8 years old!

Tennis for me at 9.

Yesterday, we tried somethiing new with Bandit. Put a gate across the stairs so he had to stay downstairs with us all day. At first, he was very restless and kept sitting at the gate. But eventually, he started going to his bed and laying down in between trips outside to pee. Turns out, he did a lot less whining/howling - I think b/c, when he woke up, he saw us right away and didn't feel like he was lost/alone. Also, he slept less throughout the day and so he didn't wake me up at 3:30am to go outside - YAY!

Welcome home, Judy!

Hoping for good news today on Micael and Dennis and Kay and Brother Cat!

Make it a good day all!

magpie said...

Good Sunday Morning, Eagle Pals

Hoping it's the best kind of day there could be; it started out here in WV with another most beautiful Sunrise

Wonderful about the "Riffe-Raffle" and Silent Auction, Sharon...

Welcome Home, JudyE....sounds like you are enjoying your Pretend Retirement

Even though I'm going to be short on words I'm looooooong on good wishes on what everyone has going on

Prayers for Wellness All Around

xoxo ttfn

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Lori O. said...

Hoping LOLLY is having a great time at her retreat, and that Jack is staying off the ladder!

Good morning, THELMA AND MARGY!!!

T-Bird said...

Go SKINS-I miss Lynn!

Janet said...

goooood morning everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hoping for continuing good news about everyone....

JUDYE : glad you are back home and safe. hope you slept well.

yesterday was a relaxing day for me! imagine that. i got up, took olivia (BTW I KEEP FORGETTING: i put pix of her new hair cut on my blog the other day but forgot to tell you all. LOLLY had asked....and duh, i did it and forgot!) the ice rink and then she went over into ballet. i watched her practice her t-stops and her snow plow stops. the left foot is giving her a fit. anyway, she's working it out. but while she was in ballet, i cuddled down into my book and read! :) another deepak chopra!

i wasn't in the mood to do too much.....i need to acquire a box so i can clean out some stuff to get rid of....

anyway, i did work on this project for my soon to be born (8 weeks or so) new granddaughter, lorelei. i bought the box at walmart, it looks like one of those building blocks you have for kids, with the a/b/c on it....but bigger. i am painting it for her room. i love to paint. it relaxes me. makes me think i need to get acrylics and canvas again and get busy. maybe.

tom watched the race and the tn game last night. i looked at each a bit. i read my book...relaxed. we did get in the hot tub later last night. that was nice. there was a cool breeze, so that was good. i had tweaked some muscles in my back, along the scapula. i had stretched it out yesterday with some yoga, but that hot water and jet felt good as well.

better today.

well, i need to get moving. things to do today. have a super day all!

Lori O. said...

JANET, Livvy's hair is darling on her! And she has the prettiest blue eyes!

glo said...

Good morning all. Hoping for more good human news today and maybe some good 4 legged friend news too. You just never know. Have a good day everyone. My yard is FULL of leaves, and the tree is half full too LOL. I will just pretend I don't see the ones on the ground although Dex brings several in each time we go out.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Great news about Michael!

Had fun at Colorfest yesterday...perfect weather!

Mowing the yard today, and have to make 4 loaves of zucchini bread...I promised the kids!

Going to John and Ajay's's either feast or famine when I see them...this is a feast weekend!

Have a good day! Will try to check in later!

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your day, Paula!

The Mount's new employ moved into
Blue Ridge Summit, PA yesterday.
I am anxious to go see them.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, Loved the pic of Vincent in the moving box! Too cute.

JudyEddy said...

Here is a picture that I snipped from the magazine I got from the motel it is of the mnts around there I think this is Brother cat looking over everyone LYNNE2A

JudyEddy said...

It was so nice to be able to sleep the hole nite except for nature calls at 5 No upstairs peeps YEAH I feel so rested and lazy

Mema Jo said...

Michael should have one dr visit him today and then Monday he should have a team of drs evaluate his condition. There isn't anything to report except Keep those prayers going up for his recovery. Love all of you for keeping the Faith ♥

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 is there some one that you can get a hold of at your old house to see if Big Brother has showed up
June had a cat that did the same thing right after they moved it the cat disappeared and guess what about I think 5 months later she was found miles aways-so there is still hope

JudyEddy said...

so happy to hear the good news JO on Michael

Lolly said...

Helloooooo! I am back....miss me? lol Had a wonderful time!! 18 of us and the theme was "I'll bring the chocolate." It was all about being a friend and guess who I thought of all weekend...all of you, that's who!!!

Anyway, lots of love and lots of laughter, has me in a relaxed mood this afternoon.☺

Better late than never....HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WANDA!!! LOVE YOU!!!

Great to hear the report on Michael and wishing things were going better for Dennis. What a mess!

Linda said...

Good Afternoon!

JO - Great news that Michael was stable enough and ready to be moved for rehabilitation. It is truly amazing what they can do these days to help trauma patients. Praying that each day brings more good news and blessings. Surely God has His hand on Michael!

SANDI - Glad the gate change helped with Bandit. Hope it continues. That is so ridiculous that they can't credit back your card.

LYNNE - Sorry you still have no signs of Brother Cat! My heart aches for you.

SHAR - Fantastic news on the fundraiser for Baby Isaac!! Kudos to all those who organized and worked that event for such a good cause!

JUDY - Welcome home! It's always fun to go on adventures, but it is so true that there is no place like home!

WANDA - I'm so happy to hear your Birthday Dinner was delicious......

Linda said...

LOLLY - Of course we missed you and your smiling face! Glad you had a good retreat!

Linda said...

Dennis is doing his best as he waits for tomorrow and prays there will be some relief after this next surgery.

We are really hoping that they take out this kidney bag tomorrow, too. It's quite uncomfortable and painful. He is just sore and hurting.

He hates taking the pain pills, but he is even more miserable if he doesn't! He still isn't eating much of anything, either, but he is drinking well, so that is good.

I am trying to catch up a little on laundry today, but not much of anything else. I figured I should take advantage of a day of rest.

Lolly said...

Linda, so very sorry that Dennis is so uncomfortable. That is so miserable...bless hime!

Went out and harvested pecans and then mowed the far front. Getting pecans knocks leaves to the ground and then hard to find the pecans. Mowing frequently helps.

Lolly said...

We are getting close to a split!!

Lynne2 said...


magpie said...

I'm too late, I missed the BEARS at the Snowman cam

We are even CLOSER to a SPLIT

Of course we missed you, Lolly...and it sounds great, your retreat...
Thanks for thinking of all of us


magpie said...

Quite a Redskins Win...
"WE" really needed this one !!!

magpie said...

Baltimore Ravens did ok Also !!!

SPLIT now for real....

Lolly said...

Let's not mention football, please! But, hey, TCU had a big win!!

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...