Monday, October 22, 2012


New week thread.


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JudyEddy said...

I posted two picture on the misc pic and video blog of my homework LOL of the letter EEEE for eagle per Jordyn teacher request

the letter E eagle picture I made the other picture I did not for sure if I am printing it was just a joke but I think it would show the kids how big a eagle is comapared to a adult but Jordyns head is on the adults body I tried photoshop No good at it anyway I tried

JudyEddy said...

I took a look at the statement that I got and added up what is left on the interest from the year 2015 and its just a hair over 1,000 dollars being I have been paying more each months for years that is why I am that ahead in payment My pay off is suppose to be in June 2017 but being I am at the 2015 balance it will be paid off in a little over 2 years because I still send over what I owe I was just wondering because of the guy at work had said that I think I will run up to the bank tomorrow and just ask because I couldn't understand what the guy at work was talking about
I have had quite a few nest up today and the OK nest Sequoyah has had lots of activity they were there almost two hours earlier the one I assume was feamale was in the nest and the male keep leaving and coming back with tokens was really nice watching LaFarge nest also had the couple in once today

JudyEddy said...

I think some of you saw on facebook about the Rhesus macaca monkey that was caught yesterday after being on the run for three years Poor thing is so over weight because of the IDIOTS feeding him Oreo cookies and others stuff his teeth are full of cavities they said and he is almost 50lbs should be 17lb so sad He will be keep for 30 days before he is taken to a private rescue place to where he can be with his own kind Poor little guy they said its just like us being stranded on a desert island
Moneky got caught

JudyEddy said...

that monkey was in Angies and Carls neighborhood also was in their backyard the police and people were hunting it then a year or so ago and slept in MP (MIL) boat last winter Then they gave up since after many times being shot with tranquilizer failed Well this time it also failed the monkey after it was shot pulled the dart out and waved it at them and took off well they chased it and tackled it and finally got it

JudyEddy said...

I bet he will end up at the Primate Sanctuary that I go to with Jordyn in Palm Harbor

JudyEddy said...

YEP SHARON I love your comment Tough old bird Just remember the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree

JudyEddy said...

OK I guess I shall sign off for a bit since I am all alone LOL and I have broken the rule over and over with toooo many psot

Lolly said...

Have worked in the yard all day! Front arrived around 2:30. It is now down to 65 and dropping. Have had a few sprinkles but that is all.

Jack is bringing firewood down to the patio and we have ordered more that will be delivered next week. Going to enjoy being indoors all day tomorrow. The yard looked so good but leaves have really been falling when the wind picked up.

JudyEddy said...

Lafarge has a eagle at it again NOW

JudyEddy said...

I lost some reason the other my Google toolbar ODD so I downloaded it again to get it back
Well the good thing with it is now I have something called Google Gold FRAME and I love it You can download it just by itself also
It does spell check on all pages but this one for some reason with red underline, and if you high light something on a page it comes up with several options i.e. Search in new tab what you highlighted beside others Check it out and if you don't like it you can always uninstall it

I got Google Chrome the other day when I did a Abode flash and I accidentally uninstalled it when I wanted to uninstall the chrome and that is how I found out you can install it the Google Gold Frame all by its self

JudyEddy said...

waiting for dinner to get done I am cooking Alaska flounder , seasoned fried potatoes the last of them and corn
Now I just got to remember to buy more potatoes at work my fav's

Janet said...

Hey Judy,

Sorry you were on here all along talking to yourself. :) (((HUGS)))

Saw the post where Michael spoke today!!! WOOOO HOOOO! So excited!

Been a really good day....last day of nice weather, cooler stuff coming through tomorrow.

JUDYE: tomorrow morning is 5 years. Its so hard for me to believe, Moms' been gone for 5 YEARS. I'll be thinking about her....

Well folks, calling it a good night. Peaceful sleep to all!

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Went out with Kathryn to play bingo tonight. Won nothing.

Sounds like the negotiations are winding up on the construction. But I am very worried about this storm. Sounds like we are going to get hit big time. Insurance company told me to protect the house according to the requirements of the police. Good grief. What more can I do?

We were in this house when Isabel hit. It was not fun. Water flowed in over the front door, even though there is a porch with a roof there.

stronghunter said...

Good news about Michael!

glo said...

Gosh Shirley I hope your home will get through the storm oK. You don't need anymore damage. argh. It's overall been a good day. My heart feels lighter tonight. I like that.

stronghunter said...

I meant--"according to the requirements of the policy." I don't think the police will have anything to do with it.

stronghunter said...

Glad your heart feels lighter, Glo.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. Rest well, everyone. SED.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. Rest well, everyone. SED.

JudyEddy said...

Good evening my fine feather eagle loving friends well I need to get my butt in bed Remind me next vacation not to stay up till all hours of the night LOL can't get the old body back in routine I guess

I drove to Angies at 943 got home 1043 she need the eagle presentation for school at circle time at school and that is 9 Well she know me quite well and knew I wouldn't be up at 9 so I volunteered to drive it to her they could have waited for the pictures till I got there a little before 1 But I wanted to make sure she had it for circle time

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Costume Lady said...


Today, we took GG for her appointment with her Pain Mgmt. Doctor. I told the doctor that
she has been very depressed and
I would like to have her started on an anti-depressant, if possible. Doctor agreed and is now letting her have 1 extra pill for pain and the Fentanyl patch. Let's see How this combination works for her~

Costume Lady said...


Today, we took GG for her appointment with her Pain Mgmt. Doctor. I told the doctor that
she has been very depressed and
I would like to have her started on an anti-depressant, if possible. Doctor agreed and is now letting her have 1 extra pill for pain and the Fentanyl patch. Let's see How this combination works for her~

Hoda said...

I am glad JO reported on speaking to MICHAEL...such a blessing a true blessing.

All is well here. I will not be able to sleep as we cooked twenty East Indian Dishes and then sat there and ate them!!! OH my!!! Way too late to be eating 8:30 I will see how it goes. It was delicious and fun to cook with people and chop and use spices and have recipes and good camaraderie. Great class.

JUDYE and JANET thinking of you tomorrow and blessings on your MAMMA'S soul...

I do not think PAULA checked in today. Is today the day she was invited for supper at her Ex- MIL/FIL?

LOLLY I am sure your yard looks awesome do take some pictures. We have chestnuts growing in Nelson and I always thought we should roast them and someone told me today they are not eatable, they are you are lucky to have such abundance from your trees.
I can not wait to see a picture of your Christmas tree too. I bet you it will be beautiful.

Too early in the year to be thinking Christmas gatherings but two groups I volunteer for already have dates for the Christmas events.

SHIRLEY I continue to think of you and your family and the house situation.

DO chime in if you read this...I will bring the Dragon BOat and park it in your yard if you do not!!! You do not want a dragon in your yard this winter do you?

Hoda said...

Jo tell this cold of yours it is not welcome to stay...give it its eviction notice please.

Lolly said...

Tonight I watched TV and knitted on the blanket Now, I am ready for bed. 59 now and supposed to get down into the 40's tonight and the 30's tomorrow night. Jack moved some firewood to the patio...maybe a fire tomorrow night or Saturday.

Shirley, how on earth are you supposed to protect your home from a hurricane when you have a tarp covering it up! I do hope that storm does not come your way!!!

Wanda, I do hope the change in meds helps GG. Hate the idea of her being depressed or in pain.

Hoda, the yard looked great and then it was shortly covered with leaves again. Groan...
However, flowers are still blooming. My impatiens still look great as they made it through the summer heat. The caladiums though have seen better days!

Time to head to bed. Yard work did me in!

I love us! Night all! SED!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Yep just like last night here it is 1 and I am not in bed
and I think I figured it out HODA last post have me a thought that JUDIE has not been on the blog to send the SANDMAN around so he is not making his rounds he needs reminded to visit us Well I guess I better get to bed

Hoda said...

It is a good fatigue from yard work...sleep well LOLLY and if you have a chance post pictures. Flowers in October still looking good is very exciting for me.

LORI I do not have a recent idea of what is happening in your life of late...I was clear till your trip with your family and the quilts...I miss you and I like heairng abopt what you are doing in the yard to prepare for winter.
Are you going to be affected by the storm sandy? Stay safe.

Miss you today too LYNNE...stay safe you two...too...and your in-laws...

Hoda said...

JUDYE!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP Gracious me but it is late your time!!! I think we will all have to go visit JUDIE if she does not start to post again. I do miss her lots.

Hoda said...


PRAYERS of Gratitude and Healing♥

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends!

My butt is dragging - too tired to even type!

Praying for all of the needs on the blog, big and small.

Make it a great day!

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all! Up early to watch the latest on the storm. I was hoping to hear good news, such as the storm is expected to turn away. But it's actually worse of a forecast than it was last night.


Almost all of PA, all of MD, most of WV, all of VA, DC, NJ and DE are now under alert. It's big and powerful. It could still turn....

let us pray....

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Lynne2 said...

I need to prance off to work. Get ready, it's coming.

Will check in later.

Love and prayers!

T-Bird said...

I thought it was 7 not 6.

Lori O. said...

Good morning all!

A very busy week - HAPPY FRIDAY!

Kate has been gone this week for a bulldog rescue fundraiser, so I've been trying to keep up with everything at home.

Praying this storm does a switcheroo and goes somewhere else!

Thanks for thinking of me, HODA! Just get too busy sometimes, but try to keep a positive outlook that it won't last forever! ♥

T-Bird said...

I hope you make a great workday Lynne2. TGIF

T-Bird said...

Good Friday morning Lori. It sounds like you really need a weekend.

T-Bird said...

TGIF to you too Sandi.

Lynne2 said...

TGIF Thelma and Lori!

I owe, I owe, so off to work I go.....

Janet said...

Good morning, ya'll

BTW: JUDY E you do superb homework!!!!!

HODA: thanks. feeling both sad and happy this morning with a mix of tears..... missing, and yet, at peace.....

Well, Watching FRANKENSTORM, as they are calling the storm here. I sure don't miss being on the coast right about now. Ya'll, board up, hit those grocery stores and have a safe plan....

Ice skating was good last night. Livvy was moved to a new class. Her former teacher Susan is teaching Alpha/Beta, but came over to give Olivia some encouragement. She seems to have taken a shine to her. :) The new instructor, Madeline, seems nice. She has gamma, delta, freestyle 1 & 2 in her class, a total of 5 young ladies.

After class, during practice, Susan came over and introduced Olivia to her daughter, Elisa Beth, who is close to the same age as Olivia. Elisa Beth of course, skates very very well and Susan asked her to show Olivia a few more gamma moves. She did that, but better yet, they skated around chatting!

Olivia was chatting with several girls last night, which is a BIG deal. This is a kid who has no kids who call/come over. She is a very introverted kid, but I see that flower starting to bloom!

Well, enough, Janet.

Let me get on with my day. Will be holding each of you in my heart and thoughts today for healing, light, and love..... :) HAPPY TGIF!

T-Bird said...

Good morning to you too Janet. That sounds great for Olivia,the making friends (that cannot be stressed enough) along with having great skating lessons.

magpie said...

Best Wishes for a Good Day,

Some of us need to start battening down the hatches

glo said...

Good morning. Heads up out east. out and about to gather food water etc etc. Batten down those hatches and keep each other posted and cared for. Its sunny and not raining here. LOL. The largest steamboat ever built is docking in 15 mins in Davenport fairly close to my home. I can hear it now as I type actually. Not sure if i am piling Dex into the car and heading to the landing mid morning or not. HAGD everyone

magpie said...

getting some new computer programs here at work, mapping for one

very different,
therefore, very challenging
for this Bear of Little Brain

magpie said...

we had the same terms on our mind, Glo...the
battening down of the hatches

magpie said...


God Bless Our Military

It also would have been my sister's 65th birthday....
Happy Birthday Kathy !!!
Missing you, forever... ♥

magpie said...

Time for me to get on the stick here, I am at least two days behind in some work...
so into the Dough-Making I go

Take Care everyone...
Love you much ! ♥

Prayers for Wellness

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Lolly said...

Good morning! Gee, I am worried about all of you and the storm headed your way. Really worried about Shirley!!!

50 here right now! Wind blew a lot of pecans down during the night. Jack spent a long time down picking them up. I washed my hair so I did not go down!!

Jack and I both heard what we think is a barn owl during the night. He was closer this time and Jack was able to hear him clearly. He really has a different cry from the Screech owls and GHO's we have heard here.

Yes, we had our windows open all night....playing freeze out! (you would laugh at how I have to type z's. I have to press the z key with two hands. lol)

stronghunter said...

Posted a picture of the tarp on my blog. I am also worried about the things I have put in the Pod. The walls of the Pod look sturdy, but the top does not. I have taken quite a few things out there. Not really valuable stuff, but still . . .

Lolly said...

Shirley, I do hope the insurance company is feeling the urgency of getting your house fixed fast. They are going to be responsible for more damage that is done.

stronghunter said...

I wish they would feel that way, Lolly. They say that I am responsible for protecting the house. That worries me.

For $10.00, I bought insurance for the POD, but not the contents.

I can tell you that they are working away putting a roof on the house next door.

Kay said...

Goodness gracious sakes alive ! What more can you do, indeed, SHIRLEY ! Thinking of you with hopes that Sandy charts her course out to sea and away from the Delmava pennisula described by SANDI.

JO, Michael talking--brings a joyful tear to my eye ! How wonderful !

WANDA, here's hoping the new pill gives GG a big boost ! Easy to see why she got depressed, but so thankful for the advancement of drugs that can help one cope.

LYNNE2, the visual of you "prancing off to work" put a big smile on my face ! ☺

The weather has done it's predicted turn around here and the furnace, set a 70, is popping on now and then. The trees will be bare in a couple of weeks--the calendar says Winter begins on Dec. 21st, but for me it begins right about....NOW !!! :(

Please dear God, keep our precious Belle and Shep safe if the weather gets rough n' tough !

Time for me to take my pain killers and a little nap...zzzzzz


glo said...

.Shrley. I tried to post this 6 time son your Blog but i can't get the letters right even though i am not a computer so I decided to bring my comment over here. "This is absolutely amazing. I am shocked they are not there helping you to secure this more than it currently is. Get anything of any value out of there if you can and put it to a safer place in your home. It might be a mess to deal with through the storm but you will have your things. "

NatureNut said...

Just popping in to wish everyone a TGIF. My coworker/boss stayed home today to secure her yard as they live in Chesapeake Beach!At least they're a few blocks uphill from the water.
Been thinking of all our Eastern Shore and OBX friends. Maybe it will go across the pond!
Dear Shirley, can't believe those responsible to fix your house!They should get a whole other crew out there ASAP. Do you have a website or phone # that we could use to bombard them!!!!!LOL Probably make things worse, but you should definitely bother them!

Been keeping up w/Michael's updates and it is truly remarkable that he could speak over the phone!!Bless him and the Lennox Family!☺
Gotta get back to making a "Breakfast w/Santa" 8 ft. banner!!Ho Ho Ho!

Lolly said...

Good grief, Shirley! What more can you do to secure your house. That is ridiculous!!! Have you asked they what exactly are you supposed to do in this situation? Time to take this to the local news! See what the insurance company thinks about that!

stronghunter said...

They say it is my fault that the work is not already done. They say they sent some money. I could have gotten a contractor and taken a chance on getting things settled later. That is what they are saying.

glo said...

Shirley I like Lolly's idea. Call the local news!!!That usually works really well around here and obviously where Lolly lives too. Give it a try.

stronghunter said...

Trying to get to Friday's comments on iPhone. Hunter is using computer for homework.

Sandi said...

Good Friday afternoon my eagle friends! Can I just say that I am DONE with the Hurricane Sandy jokes as well as the gloom and doom predictions that my house will no longer be standing by Wednesday!! Good grief!

stronghunter said...

Got my computer back. Changed my password. Hunter had figured out the old one, the rascal.

He worked very hard on his homework and typed a whole paragraph. Says he did not save it. I think I will see if I can go back and do that for him.

Had a long conversation with the contractor. He said that he has already been over here to check on the tarp because he anticipated that I would be worried. He thinks it is best to leave it as it is.

The insurance adjuster thought it might be best to put boards over the tarp. He said that they will come, even during the storm, and secure the tarp if it is necessary, but boards might blow off and pull the tarp off.

Lolly said...

Shirley, I am just so worried about you. Is it time to contact a lawyer?

stronghunter said...

I am going to see how things go at this point, Lolly. I had a good conversation with the contractor.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the suggestions. Glo, I will go out tomorrow and see if I need to bring anything back in here. I will hold off on contacting the news people. Really do not like that kind of attention.

Janet said...

Good evening to all. It has certainly turned chilly as compared to the weather we had just 24 hours ago! It was 80 yesterday; 60 when I got up @ 5:30 this morning and is now 45! Breezy too..... huh, must be fall!

Had dinner out tonight: Red Robin, then over to Sweet Ce Ce's . A client of mine has been raving about them. He was right, it was quite tasty. A bit pricey, but that's another good reason not to frequent that place too often!

Well, we have heat tonight! Thank goodness! :) Let the chill come.

Getting tired, won't be a very late night for me tonight. I have done 18 hours of massage since Monday. I am tired.

Rest well my friends. Hopefully our East Coast friends will be well and safe....sure am thinking about you. Hugs, light, love and sweet dreams to all! :}

JudyEddy said...

Good evening buds been having puter issues I tired downloading something so I could see the NC eagle cam but ended up not being able to get facebook and some other things so I redid everything so I can't see it won't go through that again Also had been gone all day at Jordyns school at Trunk or Treat from 1-230 then we went to the park till 5 then we all went to dinner at RL all you can eat shrimp I am so full and now in process of downloading video of Jordyn at school playing games they are so cute so got to get ready for work Will try to check back in

Shirley I agree I would tell the insurance co that you intend of getting a hold of the media they seem to be working harder on getting the house next door done that no one is living in instead of yours and its there responsibility not yours I would think It wouldn't hurt also take video on it now before any storm hits to show that it is not done and might do the neighbor house to document with pic and video

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all!

Been busy this week! Staying home from the beach, don't think I need to go down because of the storm, but I am keeping a close eye on it! John offered to go with me if I felt I needed to board anything up.

80th Birthday party is tomorrow night...going to mow and do yardwork tomorrow until it's time to get ready for the party.

Shirley, I would try to take pics in the morning as well. I think you're insurance company is a PIA and full of baloney. Sure hope you can get them to settle soon!

Lynne2 said...

Good evening all.

I can't tell you how disappointing it is to sign on hoping to find some news that the FrankenStorm has decided to go east, but the forecasts just seem to get more dire.

We are as prepared as we can be, the worst worry, of course, is the potential for extended power outage. I am hoping if it gets really bad, they will close work because really, I can't imagaine driving 45 minutes in the worst storm ever only to get there and have no power.

PLEASE, get ready. And pray that it goes away.

Lynne2 said...

speaking of insurance....

I heard part of a conversation on the radio regarding insurance and this storm. Something about hurricane coverage and that the storm must BE a hurricane, which this will not be...hoping I hear more about that.

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, you are being far more diplomatic that I would be at this point. EXTRA prayers for you all.

Lolly said...

Lynne...good to see you on here. I miss you so much!!!

News coming on soon. Like to watch the weather and keep up with your storm.

Up early in the morning to go to a COLD soccer game. Feeling the need to hug a grandboy or two!!

Costume Lady said...


Lolly said...

Heading to bed myself. Up early in the morn to head to a soccer game.

Night all! SED!!!!

Hoda said...

Just stopping in to say goodnight and I am thinking of all of you in the path of the storm. I agree with LOLLY about the insurance and your house situation SHIRLEY.

Be safe.


magpie said...


LOL that should make sense...

I am BEAT!
Been trying to organize some things for upcoming Auction

Definitely time for bed.
But I sure did read the latest caringbridge post from Christine...
Absolutely amazing....

Prayers for WELLNESS and I
hope that Sleep is Sweeeeeet
and Restorative for ALL of us
God Bless Us, Every One

stronghunter said...

Very sleepy. See you tomorrow. Rest well, everyone.

Sandi said...

Good Saturday morning my eagle friends! Wind is starting to pick up a little - gusts here and there.

What a great report from Christine about Michael!

Shirley, I hope your house makes it through the storm without more damage! I would NOT be as calm and patient as you seem to be!

Playing tennis at 9am, then I'll spend the rest of the day getting ready for the storm. Denny managed to get one of the 150 generators that arrived at Home Depot last night - there were about 40 people already in line when he got there. It cost more than I was hoping - they only got 1 model in and of course it wasn't the cheapest. But the cost was less than the deductible we would have to pay if we got water damage to the ground floor and had to file an insurance claim. I just pray that the sump pump we can now keep running, even if the electric goes out, has somewhere to pump the water to keep it from coming inside. With the canal in front of us and the Assawoman Bay behind us and the full moon approaching and lots of wind and rain, it will definitely be a wait and see. No plans to evacuate at this point.

Make it a great day all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds UG so sleepy don't want to go to work

DanaMo said...

Good morning.
Looks like we better get the pool closed today.
I wonder if we are really going to get hit with this storm or if the weather people are just having fun. Let's face it, they seem to hype these things up and then it really doesn't turn out to be a big deal.
Sandi-are you worried?
Shirley-praying for you and your tarp covered abode. I hope all goes well.

Sandi said...

Dana, I am officially worried. Though the current landfall location is said to be New Jersey, we could get 8 inches of rain plus the water levels rising from the canals in front of us and the bay behind us. And the house is surrounded by 80 ft. trees with leaves and pine needles on them. Once the ground becomes saturated, the wind could just push them over.

Am going to try to concentrate on playing tennis for 2 hours and then obsess about the storm.

Lori O. said...

Good morning SANDI, DANAMO and JUDYE!

I, too, am obsessing about the storm. Perhaps a good time to remember, since I've been praying it just goes out to sea, that if you pray don't worry, if you worry don't pray. Think I'll pray.

So glad it's the weekend. Think I have all this time at home and I had to make reservations to stay at the hotel next to the station during the storm tomorrow and Monday nights. Pray, don't worry! :)

DanaMo said...

Well I hope I'm right and the weathermen are just hyping it up. Praying for your safety. Sounds like your house is in a tight spot.

DanaMo said...

I guess you could get called in for extra duty, Lori? Helping to keep everyone informed. Good luck!

Lori O. said...

Thanks, DANA! Hoping it's hype!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Yep, the storm is a comin. Larry went to the beach yesterday to pull his boat, and help others pull theirs. He is also worried about the water and flooding into his beach house. He will try and get up what he can. Thank goodness he has flood insurance as well.

Don't think I am going down...have a couple of things in the yard I will ask the neighbor to pick up and put away.

getting some coffe, then heading out for yard work, and put outside stuff away here too.

Stay safe, Sandi!

Lori O. said...

Alright, going to get dressed and go mow the leaves!

Janet said...

good morning to all!

yes, watching the weather for the coast. va beach (where my gal pals live) are expecting 2 to 3 " of rain, flooding of course (they ALWAYS flood, so they are sandbagging the garage)....and maybe power outages. yuck. tropical storms!

thinking of each of you today as you deal with this most UNwelcomed visitor.

it is 45 here in Nashville. Cloudy. feeling good this morning. heat is on...but i have my own internal furnace a little heat goes a long ways with me. just glad the company got the heater fixed yesterday. :)

thinking about what to get into today...thinking about projects i can get work, of course. maybe going to vote today. i think this is the last Saturday to do so.

hope everyone has a lovely day. hugs, light, love and smiles to all! stay safe!!!!

Lori O. said...

TA-DUH! Finished mowing the leaves.

Boy am I dirty!

Lolly said...

Mowed leaves the other day and boy was I dirty afterwards! Bathed and put on pj's before dinner! lol

Hi all! Home from soccer. It was 33 in Denton this morning so it was a bit chilly out there, however I was layered and quite comfy, thank you!☺

Joseph's team won again! They have had good coaching this year! Love a good coach!

TCU football this afternoon.

Very concerned about the storm headed your way Sandi!! Are you boarding up windows? Dry ice keeps foot great in ice chests. We learned that on our trip when our refrig went out. Dry ice kept the frozen food better than the freezer on the refrig.

Also, do you have some phone numbers so you can text someone on the blog so we can know what's up?

Keeping you in prayer...but worrying anyway!

Kay said...

Tee-hee, not only does dry ice keep foot great in ice chests--it works well with food, too ! ☺

This storm is no laughing matter, but we must keep a sense of humor or we'd go nuts. Am so praying for all in Sandy's treacherous path.

SHIRLEY, so sorry you are having such a hard time dealing with the insurance company ! We are all appalled, but only you can judge when diplomacy should end or if and when a harder line should be taken. Good luck !

It's raining here and we aren't supposed to get over 50 or see the sun's pretty face til' next Friday ! Once this front collides with Sandy in PA or NJ then it all boomerangs back, possibly bringing snow with it. Woe is me !

Still thinking of our Eagles and hoping the nest area doesn't get hit hard !

Also thinking of you all with love and prayers ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

DanaMo said...

Awning is down, pool is ready to get the cover on. What a day, what a mess!

paula eagleholic said...

Yard mowed, summer items safely stored away, grill secured. I'm ready. Going to go shower and get ready for the party!

Catch ya'll later this evening! Stay safe, everyone!

Sandi said...

Have taken out the screen panels from the front screened porch, moved all the porch furniture into the house, and secured everything that's outside that could become a projectile.

We have gallon jugs of drinking water and an extra tank of propane for the gas grill and plenty of batteries and candles in case we lose electricity.

The generator will keep the sump pump going and one of our refrigerators running. Cell phones are charged and we have a car charger so we can recharge them and maintain contact with the outside world if the power goes out. I can post to the blog from my Kindle Fire and have several Momster phone numbers that I can send texts to.

The only thing we haven't done is get things that are sitting on the floor in Denny's workshop that aren't in plastic bins up onto the workbenches. And then we wait and see what happens!

Kay, you mentioned snow where you are. My sister and mom have a flight from BWI to Cleveland at 1pm on Monday!! I'm thinking BWI will cancel all flights by tomorrow.

Need to soak some tired, sore muscles from tennis and then moving stuff, before starting on the workshop. Forecast calls for rain to start as early as tonight, then off and on all day tomorrow and then steady rain Sunday evening/night and through the day on Monday.

Wishing it would just get here! I HATE all the hype on TV and on FB and I hate the waiting!

Later all! Prayers for safety for all in the storm's path and for healing for Michael, Dana's dad, and Thelma's brother-in-law.

DanaMo said...

Sounds like everyone has had a busy day getting ready for this storm.

Lolly said...

Well, gee, Kay! It did keep my foot frozen...who cares about the food. lol

Sounds like you are ready, Sandi.

Linda said...

Praying for all those in the path of Hurricane Sandy!! First for no loss of life and second for homes and possessions!

Yes indeed........pray and don't difficult as that is to do.

We are doing the same up here in PA.

Hoping during the storm's worst weather you all can stay home and be safe!! If you can, make that choice!!


JudyEddy said...

HELLLLLOOOOOOO my fine feathered eagle friends Watching a eagle in Sequayah nest been there for a while sitting there wishing it was one of ours ;-(

JudyEddy said...

Good idea LORI staying close to the station

JudyEddy said...

I just hope that the storm doesn't do what they are saying here We have had a steady wind all day really feels nice out

NCSuzan said...

Hi! Everyone! Am thinking of everyone today in the path of the storm. Having lived on the coast for many years you are never truly prepared for what might happen. Was always lucky until we moved inland and flooding from Hurricane Floyd devastated our home, cars and personal belongings. So please, keep yourselves safe.

Voted yesterday. Was very grateful for curbside voting. Could not believe the line at the polling place. Good to see lots of people out.

My drivers license had to be renewed this year. Thought it would be sign test and lovely portrait and go. But no! Had to take a road test too to see if I could drive with an oxygen tank! I passed but now have to have my doctor fill out paperwork also. Wow.

I continue to lift everyone up to receive healing. Not only physical but emotiional too. It is good to see lots of progress with everyone.

Now if we could just get Shirley's hole filled I, for one, would feel a lot better.

Lynne2 said...

Sandi, are you here? It looks like coastal communities in Sussex Co are under an evac order???

Lynne2 said...


Sandi said...

I'm here, Lynne. I just responded to your question on FB. Residents in the area are supposed to evacuate by 8pm tomorrow night. As of now, we're planning to stay.

Lolly said...

Sandi, keeping your situation in prayer! Such a hard decision to make, but clearly understand about the dogs.

stronghunter said...


Went out and bought some supplies today. There has been a huge run on size D batteries. I managed to find some at the third store I went to. Also got my prescriptions filled.

Just hanging out and waiting for things to happen. Bowling for Tuesday has already been canceled. We have not told Hunter yet that he may be getting some time off from school. He's with his dad for the weekend.

stronghunter said...

Oh, bought some Sterno. Did that for Isabel, and made a stove out of a coffee can. It worked very nicely. I cooked scrambled eggs on the front porch after the storm ended.

Also got some plastic bags to fill with either ice or water to put in the freezer. I use that to keep things cool in the freezer. I figure things are cold enough as long as the ice is there. Of course, frozen stuff will thaw. But they will stay cold.

paula eagleholic said...

If you can, go check out the moon. Big ring around it...look far out from the crystals high up in the clouds.

Party was fun. ex-MIL is doing well. Nice to see my ex-sister in laws, too.

Heading to bed to read my book. Catch ya'll in the morning.

SED, Love and hugs for all ♥

JudyEddy said...

Yep Paula you are correct its a darn right pretty moon I took a few pic and a short video

JudyEddy said...

according to my weatherchannel app its a Waxing Gibbon moon

JudyEddy said...

Looks full to me ok I need to get this butt to bed

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Good night, Paula and Judy. I am not far behind you.

SED, everyone.

Costume Lady said...

Hello There...
We spent most of this day at the church's Fall Festival for the community's children. This was our first Fall Festival and the turnout was spectacular. We had 16 tables and games set up for the kids and they got a ticket for each game they won. After accumulating so many tickets, they got there choice of a prize. I think every child there must have won a prize becase there was only 2 prizes left and we had a gazllion of them!
Gene and I served them Hot Dogs, Chili, pop corn, snow cones, chips, cookies and soft drinks.
Love working with the children:)

GG was pretty good today, didn't even take her extra pain pill!

Our trees are all down, now, when it storms, we don't have to worry about one of them falling on the house!

Need some sleep now...
Good night dear frieds,
prayers and love being sent your way♥

Costume Lady said...

New Avatar...Jillian dancing with her granddaddy. Song chosen by Jillian was "I loved her first".

stronghunter said...

Big earthquake in Alaska. Wondering if Hoda has felt anything.

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night. Have had my nose in my kindle. Wanted to get a good book going before I report for jury duty Monday morning.

Prayers for all in the path of the storm. If you can not get on the blog text someone who can!!!!

Night all! (((hugs))))♥


Hoda said...

Hoping all who are in the path of sandy are safe tonight.

SHIRLEY BC has had 7.7 magnitude quake. On the coat not in the interior...I did not feel we are on watch for a tsunami...

...I have not read back...I hope all is well.

Hoda said...

Prayers continue...I am most worried about SANDI and DENNY and the dogs...she did not report in to let us know if she left or not...Blessings wherever you are SANDI.

Hoda said...



Lori O. said...

Good Moorning, everyone!!!!

And, let's hope it stays a good two or three days from now for all!

HODA, happy you weren't hurt or close to the earthquake!

SHIRLEY, I'm worried about you and your house. Do you think you may go to a hotel again?

SANDI, prayers that you get through the storm with NO damage and everyone safe! Sorry your Mom may miss her appointment due to flying tomorrow. URGH!

Prayers continue for SANDI and family's safety and her Mother, JO and Michael, DANAMO's Dad, THELMA'S BIL, and KAY for no pain!

WANDA, so nice of you and the family to help out at the Church festival! Glad to hear that GG did so well yesterday!

SHARON, have you had your liver test yet?

I know I'm forgetting some things, but prayers for safety & health for everyone!

I ♥ us!

Sandi said...

Good windy Sunday morning my eagle friends! Lots of wind here but no rain yet. Slept with the sliding glass door open a few inches and could hear the wind building through the night. We'll see what today brings.

I hate that it's still dark outside. next Sunday at this time it will be lighter b/c of setting the clocks back. But then it will be dark by 5pm - I hate that too!

So glad to read another good report from Christine about Michael; he's making progress every day!

Make it a great day all! I will check in throughout the day so you know I haven't been washed or blown away! Will also post some more pics on FB when the sun comes up and I can see something on the beach!

DanaMo said...

Good morning all!

Sandi, have they already cancelled school since they have issued the evac? I saw some schools up North have already cancelled school. Batten down the hatches!
I agree with you about the time change. I just don't like that winter is approaching. We got all the work around the house done yesterday so we are ready for it, but the yard looks so bleak!

So happy that Michael is doing so well! Wow he has had an amazing recovery. God is good. All those prayers are being answered.

I hope GG's new combination works for her and has her feeling better!

Sandi said...

Dana, the district has not canceled school for tomorrow yet. But since there are only 2 high schools in the entire district and one of them is becoming a shelter for folks who evacuate as of noon today, and since the main impact of the storm won't be until tomorrow, there's no way school can be in session. I just hope they make the call today rather than waiting til tomorrow morning.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds
Hoping and praying all of you stay safe in the path of the storm and get OUT when needed STUFF can be replaced but you and your family can't so please heed warning and get out when they say PLEASE

How far are all you for the beaches?? down here they say that the beach will flood in ??? Tide etc! storm surge

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, JUDYE, SANDI and DANA! Hope this Sunday morning finds you all well and prepared for the day. ♥

Lori O. said...

I have more leaves on the ground right now that I did before I mowed them all yesterday! Discouraging! Guess they'll keep coming though.

DanaMo said...

That's what I was thinking when you said that the HS was one of the shelters. Makes sense to cancel today rather than wait. Then again, often what the school districts do doesn't make sense!!

Lori-that really stinks. We still have a lot of leaves on the trees right now so I don't think we will try to get them up until after the storm.

Hopefully today will just be a lazy day watching tv and reading. I probably need to get my lesson plans completed and get my weekly newsletter out to parents.

Monte just came down and started bacon. Guess the diet will start tomorrow! again...

Janet said...

good morning to all.

thinking about our coastal friends.....please, if asked to leave, do so. take your furbabies and go go go. east coast looks like such a mess this morning! (yes, first thing i did when i got up, grabbed my phone and checked you guys).

here, cloudy, chilly, fall kind of morning. talking about a light freeze tonight.

no plans here today; save but for the usual housework, getting ready for bowling, and such ....

JUDYE: thanks for the conversation last night. i felt a bit better, although I still dreamed about it. :( be glad when this house business is a thing of the past!!!!!

will check in later. hope everyone is ready for this storm.....yuck. wish i could just wiggle my nose and bring ya'll to the safety to middle tn.....

hugs, light, love and smiles to each of you.

Janet said...



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6/14/24 crow woody

 We do have sound on the camera I was sitting here watching TV and all I started a crow and I knew I didn't have a crow in my house lol ...