Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Saw an adult up on the top of three at about 8:15 this AM.

New thread.


Mema Jo said...

Fantastic news! Thanks Steve for that info and for the fresh new thread

I got another feather

Whoo Hoo

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jo is going to have an entire Indian headdress.

magpie said...

Well, Double Joy....
adult eagle sighting and a new thread
thanks so much Steve...

oh, triple joy, Jo got another feather !!

Good Day Eagle Palx

Hoda said...

How fitting that our leader gets another feather and our guardian spots an adult eagle...YAY JO AND STEVE
Thanks Both.

magpie said...

new word

God Bless Us, Every One
Peace and Comfort....

Mema Jo said...

I have been over on FB viewing all the wonderful pictures of our United States.
Prayers for our day 11 years ago still being said for all.

I would love and Indian Headdress - especially with Margy's feathered costume. I think Wanda won't be having her costume shop this year - it is just too much with everything else on her plate. Prayers for GG ♥

Mema Jo said...

I am going to get ready for dental appointment - I will be back in a little while........... ♥

Hoda said...

Off to Friends of the Library meeting and errands and tea with a friend and then yoga...

Blessed Be to all...I ♥ USA

Sandi said...

Checking in from school to find a new thread. Thanks Steve - glad you spotted one of our eagles - what a great sight as you arrive to work in the AM! Thanks Jo, for the call over. No box for me to check for emailed comments - gues I'll have to post this and then another post to check the box.

Sandi said...

Later! ♥

Lolly said...

Passing thru Denver. Steve, thanks for sharing eagle sighting!

Jo stole my feather by seconds yesterday! LOL

Linda said...

Good Afternoon!

Thanks for the new thread, Steve and what a beautiful sight to see coming in to work!

Linda said...

Thinking of all the victims, their families, the first responders and so many lives that were affected on this date in 2001. Something I surely will never forget.

Glo you are right about the fact that too many don't remember. And yes, it is our responsibility to let this next generation know about the attack our country suffered. Unfortunately this country is not what it once was. If we don't stand up and protect the principles this great country was founded upon by our forefathers, I fear of what will be next.

This is the USA and anyone who wants to come here rightfully to be a part of what our forefathers started, we welcome you with open arms. But this is not the country in which you came from and we shouldn't have to change our country to reflect all your customs and ways.....

We celebrate the diversity in this country, but that does not mean our country's way of doing things should change. I believe our forefathers did a pretty darn good job all those years ago!!

That's my two cents worth!! I do love this country and pray that God will protect us and preserve us. I pray our nation turns back to God!

Linda said...

Wishing everyone a great afternoon!


Mema Jo said...

Lolly, you just keep pushing those miles and getting ahead - I'll take care of the feathers - It's the least I can do

Hi Linda! Riding pass so many businesses I saw maybe 1 or 3 flags and none were at Half Mast and the biggest disappointment was NO flags at all! <:o(

Mema Jo said...

My dental went well - need 1 trip back for one little speck.

I am going again later today to take
son to Outback for his 50th (it is really the 13th) Yummy!

BBL today

magpie said...

Good Afternoon and See You Later, Eagle Pals....

Peace on the Evening for all...

I'm going to head out from work soon, see you quite a bit later on tonight...

xoxox (( September 11 Hugs ))

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and find a new thread STEVE THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD OH OR IS MIKE LOL

JudyEddy said...


Janet said...

Good afternoon. Just enough time for a quick note!

Great new thread! THANX STEVE

Spending parts of today relfecting, as we all are on tbe events of 11 years ago today. Olivia was born in 2001, in May. She was just an infant. Tom was on board the U.S.S Enterprise. They had just left that region hours before....needless to say, they went right back....and there I was, with 3 kids, 4 hours from DC and we were all in shock....

Today my flag flies high and proud. May we NEVER forget and may we pass on the honor, the pride, the duty, adn the sense of Patriotism to our children and grandchildren...

Have to go give one more massage now. Hope everyone has a beautiful day today....

Light, love, hugs, and sending these blessings, not only to you, my eagle family, but to those who are and were involved in that fateful day, 11 years ago.

JudyEddy said...

GLO loved the Dog rescue in tears
MARGY loved the black ribbon on google I always for get to check it daily

JudyEddy said...

Now I have to go back to work and they will wonder why I have been crying OH well I will always cry on this day I know this to be true

and there are lots of flags at half here in Fl The Freedom Park, the Court in PP and one other I see I am so happy they did

Kay said...

Good afternoon ! This is, indeed, a day of remembrance. May all those dear souls we lost on that fateful day RIP.

JO, so happy to hear your pearly whites are in pretty good shape !

SHAR, it's a relief to know that leg has been taken care of. Somehow I caught your cold--have a sore throat today ! Bah Humbug !

LOLLY, safe travel for you and Jubby ! Thinking of the beautiful scenery you're now enjoying brings a smile to my face ! ☺

Now waiting for insurance approval for an MRI--it's the only way the doc can see what the nerve endings are up to. More surgery ? We didn't even go there, preferring to wait for the test results instead of borrowing trouble or needless worry. Meantime I must still wear the brace and am once again relying on the walker and cane to stablize me. Thank God for pain killers !

Julie's doc prescribed a new allery tab to help with the breathing difficulties and says the Coumindin must be continued for at least another month. She faxed new paperwork to the college as she doesn't want Julie to return to work anytime soon. Her symptoms are all in line with expectations they have following pulmonary embolisms. A very serious condition.

When returning from the dr's office a deer ran out across the main north/south street in heavy traffic and a few cars ahead of us. He made it safely and just by the skin of his teeth. We spotted his buddy on a store front lawn and knew he'd be bounding across soon to join the other one in a wooded ravine. The herd numbers are way out of bounds and they are becoming a menace within the city limits. They are so beautiful, but it's worrisome !

A few minutes later we pulled into a Kroger lot for the pharmacy order. Hugh spotted a young bunny huddled up against the building, having fled the mowing crew that was working. He put him in a bag and brought him to my neighborhood, turning him loose in a wooded area behind my place. Hope the little cutie makes it !

Quite a day for wildlife. The only kind of wildlife I'm up to right now ! ☺

Love and prayers all round ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Love bringing a smile to your face, Kay!

Heading for Glendo, Wyoming. It is north of Cheyenne. That will give us 400 miles today.

Lolly said...

Oh, and we have seen many flags at half mast.

magpie said...

My nephew, a Marine helicoptor pilot instructor in California,
just sent me a picture of a male peacock that just showed up in the courtyard at his headquarters....

nice day for that kind of surprise

Kay: hope that everything works out well for both you and Julie...
am sorry to read of the maladies....


magpie said...

It has definitely been a day for reflection;
many emotional moments through the day

magpie said...

The cats, kittens and Mom Cat, have departed....just like that.
My neighbor, Tom Sweetie, thinks they have found another spot where someone might be putting out food.
I had just decided that it was time to take action for their welfare, but...now I don't have to.
Godspeed, little cat family ♥

magpie said...

If I didn't have to be at work by 0800, I might have considered a drive to the bend in the road to watch for an adult eagle in the top of the Royal Sycamore !
So glad that Steve reported that to us

magpie said...

Time for me to run along.
Best wishes to all for a good evening...
Warm and comforting...
Happy Trails, Lolly and Jack...hope you are seeing many beautiful American things....
xoxox (( Hugs )) xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good evening BUDS good to hear from you KAY so hope they can find what is makin you hurt

JudyEddy said...

I think there is a eagle in out nest I see a white tail anyone else on that see is in the fuzzy wuzzy cam

stronghunter said...


Taking a break before fixing dinner. We eat late on football practice nights. Last night I said I was going to leave them to their own devices, and they went to Popeye's. I was tempted to say the same thing tonight.

Take care, everyone.

stronghunter said...


Taking a break before fixing dinner. We eat late on football practice nights. Last night I said I was going to leave them to their own devices, and they went to Popeye's. I was tempted to say the same thing tonight.

Take care, everyone.

JudyEddy said...

now its hard to tell got worse but I did get a fuzzy wuzzy pic

JudyEddy said...

looks like nite lite cam on now all aglow and fuzzy wuzzy

JudyEddy said...

Angie said that Jordyn did real good in her first swimming lesson But they did have on ISSUE!!!!

JudyEddy said...

The ISSUE was she didn't want to LEAVE funny huh

JudyEddy said...

I really do think that it was a eagle in the nest where I saw a white tail and head cause now its gone and its still fuzzy wuzzy but those two white spots are not there

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Poor wifi signal tonight. We have stopped for the night. 69 and going down into the 40's tonight. Some rain, but nothing bad. Saw a beautiful, full rainbow.

Lolly said...

Funny, I can get on and post from my phone but not from either laptop. Time to start some dinner!

Lolly said...

Well, I just got on the blog with the computer. Storms in the area could have affected the wifi connection.

Back to dinner....!

Lynne2 said...

Evening all....just watching some 9/11 stuff. Still gets to me after all these years.

Linda, LOVE your 2 cents worth!!

Lynne2 said...

Didn't see any flags today, Jo. Such a sad thing.....

Lynne2 said...

Nice to know that Jordyn is living up to her Mermaid image in not wanting to get out of the water after swim lesson!

Margy, I was up in plenty of time, and FORGOT to check the skies this morning....DUH.

Continued prayers for you Kay, and Julie, too. Glad the bunny was rescued! As for the deer, it's getting to be "that time of year" for crazy deer activities where lust overrules sense and caution....we have the same problem here, as I'm sure many of us do, with the over population of them.

I recently read an article where they are doing "deer spays" in the field, in an effort to control population in some areas. I need to do a bit more research, but I find it odd. It's far easier to neuter the males, and far safer. And no doubt far less expensive. I'm sure it has to do with the fact that doing so would create many bucks with no antlers, which would upset the hunting community....

Lynne2 said...

Glad Sharon has gotten some results, finally, with the bite wound!

I'm heading to bed. I am whiny because when at my MILs Labor Day weekend, I apparently pulled a muscle in my neck on the right and up towards my ear. It's annoying. And today when I was eating, my left jaw make a loud sudden CRACK and now that side of my head and neck hurt too. I was eating something naughty at the time, so I think it was a punishment!

Safe travels, Lolly and Jack!

Good night Eagle Palx (LOL!) and prayers for all!

magpie said...

OH har de har har...I just realized that STEVE posted this morning with the new thread that he saw an eagle in the top of the THREE at 8:15 a.m.

Welcome to the wonderful world of typos, Steve :)

magpie said...

And Good Evening Eagle Pals....

Lynne2: how about Wednesday morning, t should be even better!!
Venus and Moon shall be ootched closer together...and so much more to see !!

Lolly if the skies would be clear where YOU are you would see some millions of stars! No ISS around here until Sept 15, wonder what the schedule is for YOU...

xoxox Evening Hugs

magpie said...

dagnabbit I think I mighta just missed Lynne...
well shucks, sorry about those ailments....
hope relief comes along Pronto-ly.

just getting "home" and need to do the full-house utility and perimeter checks

See Y'all in a little while later

magpie said...

Oh Shirley....Popeye's, now that's some good chicken, and I like the sides too !!!

magpie said...

Oh JO...good report on the dental, just a little speck, and I had to grin, when you said "taking son to Outback for his 50th (it is really the 13th)"
okay, now that's one way to shave off a few years....so will he be 50 or 13 ??? Just kidding !!

(I know you mean his birthday is really on the 13th)
Happy Birthday in Advance to your son -
half a century,coming up !

Lolly said...

Margy, Jack has lugged along his telescope and is hoping for great skies.

Wild animals....so far we saw one deer and that was in Texas and close to home yesterday morning. Then lots of antelope yesterday afternoon. Some of them were running so that was neat.

We saw lots of flags today flying at half mast and we covered lots of territory!

Wyoming is interesting. Have been here before but it has been a long time. Lots of wide open space!!!

Lolly said...

We are at Lakeside RV Park and have not seen a lake yet. lol Maybe in the morning we will look around.

Lolly said...

Shame on you, Lynne, eating something naughty!!☺

Kay said...

Tee, hee, MARGY ! You are so observant and I love your sense of humor ! ☺

LYNNE, sorry to hear about the jaw. Stay away from jarbreakers ! Interesting ideas, pros and cons, on the spaying of male deer. I knew it was just a matter of time til' we'd see them on that main thoroughfare. I live just 3 blocks west of it and see deer almost daily on my street or out back. The Olentangy River flows just two blocks further west and there are heavily wooded areas all along that waterway. A natural habitat for those beautiful animals.

SHIRLEY, that's High Street I'm talking about and you'll recall that we never used to see deer close into town. Years ago I lived just east of the Sciota River in Upper Arlington and never saw a deer in all those years. Left turn: what did you fix for dinner ?

Lolly said...

Just talked with Laurel and all is well at home. Calling now before we get to Canada. However, hopefully we will have wifi and that works great. Also, during the day I have been sending short emails to her at school. She likes that as she can read them and answer. Being in the basement at school she has no phone and no texting available. Oh, she does have a direct phone, just no cell phone.

Kay said...

LOLLY, how sweet it is to be where the deer and the antelope play ! Nice to hear that flags were at half mast today. Was that a presidential order ? Let us know what lake you see in the morning !

Kay said...

Time for meds, reading and zzzz's.

Love and prayers to all and thinking especially of those in need ! Time for me to light a candle again....♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Only 8;25 where we are but I need to dry my hair and then think I am going to read. So, I am going to say good night.

It is 63 and windy. Rain has stopped now.

Night all! We are just over half way there!! SED!

Hoda said...

Good to read LOLLY and JACK checked in and they made 400 miles with a rainbow but the rain was not too bad.Continued Safe travles you two.

Yes remebering 9/11 is essential...Lest we Forget from Armistice Day has a lot more tangible meaning with 9/11 yet there are some who were not even born then...

My next avatar is to honour LOLLY'S and JACK'S trip into Canada and the deep rooted connection between our two countries.

JudyEddy said...

Geod late evening eagle buds sat in the chair and fell asleep not like me odd huh OH well sitting hear yawing tooo watching the new Hey have you ever heard of MILKSHAKE with beer at Red Robins and other not my cup of tea don't know about you all but I will pass

OH LYNNE2 now my mind is wondering EATing something naughty HMMMMMM you naughty girl leaving us hangning LOL

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I loved the pic of the rainbow Wow that was a pretty one

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like a great trip so far, Lolly. Enjoy!

Kay, maybe this is just two steps forward and one step back. Hoping for pain free days for you.

Finished the mowing, the sky was lovely colors of orange and pink at sundown.

Gotta work the next 2 nights, be on here late.

Spent a lot of time thinking about 9/11 today, and all the lives lost. Everyone's life was touched in some way by the horrible tragedies on that day.

Gonna go read and hit the hay.

thanks for the note on our eagles, Steve.

SED and hugs and love for all♥

Hoda said...

God Bless The USA and All who live in it.

JudyEddy said...

24 days yeah not that long

Hoda said...

Keep healing KAY...lots of PRAYERS coming your way.

Sorry LYNNE about the jaw and the neck spasms and I hope it comes to a resolution soon...
I thought of something chocolaty when you said something naughty maybe with some toffee? Dark choclate would be very good.

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Hoda said...

24 days to what JUDYE?

JudyEddy said...

Had to answer you HODA VACATION and I am going to NC to see my BFF June remember her husband passed away in May 56yrs old of a massive heart attack they think I was hoping that there would be the open or non open house but I guess not but can't wait to see her I have put in for two weeks and 1 day I will be in NC from Oct 6-13 and then home I guess and not return to work till 21st of OCT

Mema Jo said...

So very very happy to see everyone here this evening. I am going to face plant - didn't sleep worth a darn last night and now my tail is dragging - off I go to bed.

God Bless all of us and Keep Us Safe from harm.
((((Hugs for all))) I love Us ♥

Miss you Lynn ♥ and your girls ♥♥

Hoda said...

Thanks JUDYE I should have connected to your trip to NC because it is very important friends that you have and the loss was major in yoiur life and his wife's life...I can see the counting down...

magpie said...

Good Night, Eagle Pals....

God Bless America, and
God Bless Us, Every One

Hoda said...

Good Night.

God Bless The United States Of America and keep you all from harms way.


Costume Lady said...

Don't know why I wait til so late to go to bed or to come on here. I may have a writer's block:)

Good night my friends...love and prayers for all♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Been a while since I've been here.
Have been sooo busy since getting back home! Finally making a dent in the laundry.

Sharon, glad you went to the ER for the spider bite. Some of them can be really nasty, and I'm glad you got it treated.

Still don't have pictures on my blog yet, but hope to have some by tomorrow night. Must drive up to the high desert tomorrow and pick up the mail that's accumulated at the post office.

Glo, I'm glad that Dex is feeling better on those meds. Hope both of you get caught up on sleep!

Emma is mighty glad to be back in the old routine now! She always seems happy when she goes to puppy camp, but she's definitely glad to be back home with us. Lots of puppy kisses going on!

Well, pretty tired, so going to call it a day. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature, including our eagles. Prayers for all our furbabies, too.
The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

DanaMo said...

Good morning! How is everyone this morning? I hope everyone is doing well. There is no way that I can catch up so I'm not even going to try. I have wanted to get on every morning and time has just gotten away from me.

Glad there have been a couple of sightings of our pair. Are we going to have a fall gathering? I would love to see everyone.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....

anyone want to see a spectacular sky ??

Moon and Venus, and a whole bunch of other stuff in the Eastern sky...
well work a look-see

Have a good day! Hi DanaMo !!

getting ready for work here....


magpie said...

" well worth " not well work, sorry !
Venus, Moon, Jupiter, Orion, Pleaides, bunches of more things...

Hope everyone feels good today!

Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning Margy, DanaMo and all my eagle friends! 50 degrees here and another beautiful, sunny, low humidity, "good hair day" day is on tap. Too bad I'll be inside for most of it!!

Kay, hope your doctor gives you some answers!

Lynne2, hope the jaw feels better!

Have a great day!!

magpie said...

Hey there Sandi...
best wishes for your blessed missions with your students....
I have read your posts about your students....it is comforting that someone like you is there for them

(( All Day Teacher Hugs ))...to all our teachers here....

Yes, this is a beautiful day here too.....cool and definitely clear !!

back to the hot rollers...

magpie said...

*** Happy Birthday to Suzanne !! May this be your very best birthday ever....and it's your first one as a Retired Person !! xoxox ***

Janet said...

Good morning to all present and those yet to post!

Yesterday was a typical busy bee Tuesday. On those Tuesdays I drive about 100 miles during the day....

On the way to pick Olivia up yesterday afternoon, my oldest called...the granddaughter's hamster died. :( So we had to go over there last night to support her as she buried her first furbaby. So sad for her.

It was a long day. Honestly, I was tired and just wanted a hot shower and my jammies, but my granddaughter wanted us there, so there we were.

JUDYE: glad that you are going to see June. I think it will help you both.

Well another day in store. One massage today, then some time to do things I want/need to do.

Have a great day all! Hugs, light, love and smiles!!!!!!!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JANET so sorry for the loss of Ch ole the hamster So sorry Amelia had to go through this

ANDY glad Emma is back to normal and we know you will get the pictures on don't rush on out acct we can wait

SANDI I want your good hair day here its gonna be 91 today would love a cooler day

MARGY are you gonna go to the bend to take a peek
I wish I would have the energy to go look at the skys but last night was a rough nite for me I couldn't get to sleep toss and turned all nite I should have just gotten up but I didn't

DANAMO hope your school days go good loved your slide show on fb

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

magpie said...

G'Morning more Eagle Pals.
Janet - sorry about the death of your granddaughter's hamster...good that you could help provide comfort....may that bring you some unepected energy through the day today

JudyE, those skies are going to be nice for awhile...this is good sky watching season....evenings and mornings....

Sleep IS important....I just have to be up that early so I'm watching

and for Andy: Of course Emma is happy to be home and getting settled back in, hope you can have a little rest period time before getting loaded up with doctors' reports

magpie said...

How'ra ya doin' there, T-bird and Buddy !!

Judy: I can't drive to the bend in the road in the mornings, it's too far away and I don't have enough time, but maybe during my make-believe retirement days

magpie said...

Time for me to get back to work....
" See Y'all Later"


glo said...

Good morning everyone. The day is gorgeous here so I am off to run some quick errands and then perhaps stop by a local park with the camera for a bit. Much much better rest last night. HAGD everyone.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning early birds - and T-Birds, LOL!

Just got home about an hour ago from my sleep apnea second part of the testing to fit the mask and adjust air flow. I do feel refreshed after sleeping with that thing on!

So exciting to hear there was an eagle in the nest tree! Gonna have to keep on the still cam more often!

SHARON, hope your leg is getting better.

LOLLY, safe travels today. Enjoy the scenery!

KAY, I'm hopeful after your surgery that the insurance company will approve your MRI. Prayers for a pain free day! ♥

Have a great day at school to all the teachers, SANDI, DMO and JUDIE.

JUDYE, if it's not humid, you'll have a good hair day! :) Glad it's not so hot here, now.

Going to amble around the house now and see if I can get some cleaning done. It needs it! Still cam will be on!!!

Lori O. said...

Can't see anything except lines of different bright colors on the cam now. DANG!

Linda said...

MARGY - Hot rollers?? Are those for man catching?? I bet you're looking mighty fine, dear lady!! Good to hear the kitties are doing well and have found a good food source! Sad you can't watch them, but that could grow into a problem!

LOLLY - You may have missed some things on the blog, but you sure didn't miss LYNNE's post about eating something naughty!! LOL Always on duty to keep LYNNE in line no matter where you travel!! Hope today's travels are safe and beautiful!

SANDI - Your work sounds more and more like ministry when I hear about the kids and their problems. Some kids would never get a chance without the dedication, understanding, expertise and knowledge of a teacher like you who CAN make a difference. Bless you for what you do.

DANAMO - Anytime you can stop in to say HI is great. I, too, seem to be out of that habit and am finding it difficult to catch up and stay in touch daily. How are those loveable labs doing?

KAY - I sure hope this is just a minor set back and you won't be facing anything like before. This is very sad to hear that you are in such pain again. I didn't know what was up with Julie. That sounds serious. My Mom had pulmonary embolisms (hundreds) in her lungs many many years ago and after a hospital stay she took blood thinners for as long as I could remember. I never knew if it was related or not, but it seemed her lungs were always her weakness. I hope that is NOT the case with Julie. I don't remember what causes those pulmonary embolisms in the first place. I was very young then and only remember being scared. Prayers for you both.

I know you're missing LYNN and her comforting advice these days. I sure am.

I never realized how important LYNN's job was here. So many ailments here that I know she continually helped us with either with good medical advice or comfort like none other. Lynn took that job seriously because she cared so deeply for every one of us. We were so incredibly blessed to have her here and more importantly to share in the gift of her friendship!.

Linda said...

GLO - Enjoy your day!! So happy both you and Dex got some good rest last night and things seem to be back to normal!

ANDY - I figured you were busy with getting settled after coming home. Those few days before and after vacation are always busy. Good to hear EMMA is so happy, too!

SHAR - Hoping that leg is healing.

LORI - Think of how refreshed you will feel after sleeping in your own bed at home with that mask!! Good on you for following through with those important tests. A good night's sleep is so very important and sometimes we don't even realize we are not getting one!! xoxo

Linda said...

LYNNE - Hoping your neck is better today. I know I suffer with things like that quite often and it takes one pull or one bad night's sleep to tense up the muscle and DAYS UPON DAYS for it to heal.

HODA - I must say your love, honor and respect of your country and the USA touches my very soul. The very nature of you as a person is full of truth and righteousness! I love your wisdom, your humor, your honesty, and your genuineness!! You respect others as well as your country. It is so very special to see. It shows that you are truly one who lives her life "In the Light." .......Just sayin' I love it!!

Linda said...

Okay, I've taken up enough real estate and as always, seem to have missed everyone!!

Hope you all have a beautiful day today......whatever you do. The sun is shining! The temperature is perfect!

I'm off to get things done!!


magpie said...

Oh it's always good to the ol'
Atta Girls [and Boys] going as you do so well, Linda...
G☺☺d to See You ♥

I kenw I was not going to be be-boppoing WITH you on the radio this morning, but I listened anyway ♪ ♫

Don't work too hard....your house on a bad day is probably 500% than mine on a good day! Just enjoy !!

magpie said...

"good to get the ol'"...
I left out a word...

sorry, Linda, my typo-bad

Lori O. said...

Thanks, MARGY! Have a great day! ♥

magpie said...

You too Lori, glad you are getting the hang of better sleeping, and could you start finishing my sentences for me and adding in the words I am leaving out ???

speed typing !

okay. bye ! xo ☺ ☼ ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning! 54 here this morning. Love it!!

KAY, lol, loved your comment. I have almost given up on Lynne. She does not show me respect, does not listen to anything I say. What do do? She will just continue to eat naughty things and suffer the consequences. (LOVE YOU, LYNNE!♥)

Lolly said...

I figured it out! If you look in the distance, just above the treeline, you can glimpse the lake. Therefore, we are at Lakeside RV. roflmbo

Lolly said...

LORI, somewhere I missed your comment after having the test and hearing the results. Joey loves his air at night. He is sleeping better, wakes up feeling refreshed, not falling asleep during the day, and Laurel loves his no snoring!!! I am so happy for you that you had this test done. Happy sleeping!

Lolly said...

Time to eat some breakfast and get this show on the road. Hope to get yet another 400 miles behind us. Whew....Canada is far from home. lol

Hoda, loved your avatar!

Later Gators! (I am now 2 hours behind EST.)
Not sure when we enter Canada. HODA?

T-Bird said...

Linda, I ditto that about Hoda.

Hoda, thank you for showing your support of my words yesterday on Facebook in regards to the smart aleck response I got to one of my posts.

Mema Jo said...

Happy birthday to our Suzanne - we miss having you with us each morning on the blog - But hope you are enjoying your retirement. Wishing you a day filled with joy and happiness

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning everyone. Sorry to have missed being here when you were.
I love the weather now a days and would love to be out there hiking the trails.

I am busy helping to plan a family reunion for this Saturday. Especially due to getting to see my ggs Vincent!
My girls and their dad do most of the planning - with my suggestions of course!

Mema Jo said...

Nest is MT but slightly visible

Mema Jo said...

I have emailed Steve concerning any possibility of our visiting the Campus in Oct. I'll let you know his reply. I know of no Open House so not sure how good our chances are to get to the cafeteria on a Sat and then visit the nest area.

Mema Jo said...

Steve replied and has said
"We are closed most of the month on the weekends. Not sure If I can pull this off for you. Our security restrictions continue to grow...I will check the calendar for any possibilities."

Lori O. said...

Oh, to visit the nest next month would be awesome! Thanks JO!

magpie said...

Thanks Jo and also to Steve....
I can surely understand the security things....
oh well, let's stay optimistic maybe there will be a little window of opportunity

magpie said...

Hey Lorti, it is FUN having you around this time of the day....

Oh Jo, a reunion! That sounds like great fun...

magpie said...

lol - new name

sorry 'bout that, LORI

CarolAnne said...

Good morning everyone or afternoon, depending on your locale.

Glad to hear our travelers are safe & enjoying themselves.

Hugs to our many teachers. That is a job I could not do, along with being a cashier. (Short on patience that is required of either job).

For those in pain I send my heartfelt prayers that you are pain-free soon!

How wonderful that Hoda loves our USA as much as we do. ‘Keep warm’ hugs headed her way.

Daughter’s dog is 14 years old today. My Bubby (just a friend at the time) got it for her when we were awaiting the results of a lump biopsy. Said she needed something to hold & hug.

MemaJo, be sure to get lots of pics at that family reunion.

I’m sure I have missed commenting on many things, but know that I keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Back to fence painting (I’ll never be done. Whose idea was it to extend the deck railing into a fence around part of the yard – 481 pickets, plus top & bottom rails -- arggggggggggh)

Mema Jo said...

Just had lunch sandwich with a real ripe homegrown tomato - Yummy

Taking a break

magpie said...

There is a



3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...