Thursday, September 06, 2012


New thread.


Mema Jo said...

I got a feather
Whoo Hoo

Mema Jo said...

Steve Thank you for the fresh new thread

Can you give us any updates as to any sightings of our eagle pair at the nest?

Called everyone over from other thread!

JudyEddy said...



Lolly said...

Getting ready to run to the store. Trailer is looking good. Clothes are loaded, from shorts to capris, and then jeans.

It is 99 and I am m_e_l_t_i_n_g!!!

Waiting to hear from Sharon. Time for her to be reporting in!

Janet said...

Congrats Mema Jo on the feather!!!

THANKS STEVE for the new thread.

I am hot too, LOLLY, 92 and darned HUMID> bleech. Where is the Sept weather?????

Been an okay day. Just had amin, goign to get Olivia now. Ice skating class tonight. The rink weill be about 42 ambient air temp. Anyone want to join me?

Have a super afternoon!

stronghunter said...

Learned interesting information today from the fire inspector. They are thinking that the fire might have been caused by an exploding electric meter, which will be the responsibility of the power company. So, now the lawyers get involved. From what I am hearing, that kind of battle can take years.

Posted on FB that Luna got my prime rib, so I am dining on PB&J. Been thinking about that nice piece of prime rib in the hotel refrigerator all day, but I should not have turned my back when Luna was around.

Found out this afternoon that we can have pets at the hotel, so Luna is here with us.

Flash is at the vet's. He was miserable when I got back to the house, so he is being boarded at the vet's.

Hunter wanted to bring the cats, but I think they are fine where they are. I would be afraid the hotel might be only so pet friendly, and I can only take so much myself.

stronghunter said...

Flash has a ruptured anal gland. Very painful. He was crying pitifully.

stronghunter said...

Hot and humid here. We got rain this morning, but nothing so awful as it sound like we might get.

stronghunter said...

sounded like . . .

I am ready for a shower and a nap.

So nice and quiet here.

stronghunter said...

Will be meeting at 9:00 tomorrow morning with the people from Serv Pro. They will do readings to see if the water is out of our house.

NatureNut said...

Woo Hoo, a new thread. I mentioned on old one about the Park ospreys and just put on a video and some pics as an update since the Cam doesn't work! DUH!

Oh Shirley. Of all the luck!!??Luna gets the prime rib??And poor Flash is at the vets? Hope NO ONE ELSE gets on the ailment list!

We had rain this AM because I had to go on Beltway for Dr. appt.All the mist and water flying up from tires almost disguises the white lane lines. Couldn't they try another color paint??? DUH?
There's a Chevy's Mexican Restaurant in shopping plaza there, so I got a couple tacos for lunch, but saved one for work Friday. Now gotta figure out din din~~~maybe PBJ!! ☺

stronghunter said...

Each insurance company has a fire investigator on the case. They will be collaborating tomorrow. I suppose the power company has one as well.

stronghunter said...

Didn't mention that our dryer has decided to quit working. I am going to worry about that one next week.

School told Kathryn that if we have to stay at the hotel for very long, they will send a school bus to get Hunter. How nice. I am not expecting to need it, but it is very nice.

Lolly said...

Shirley, insurance should take care of everything and then they go after who is responsible.

Have just about completed loading the trailer. Will have last minutes stuff to load Sunday. Now we are grandparents tomorrow and then come home and mow. Saturday we are once again grandparents. Sunday will be loading last minute stuff and watering plants.

stronghunter said...

They will go after the electric company if they can prove it was their responsibility. The fire inspector told me that if a neighbor's house burns and catches your house on fire, then that is your problem. It is not like a car accident. I kind of figured that was the case.

Of course, it would be different if someone did something illegal, I am sure. But we have no reason to think anything like that happened.

So far, it looks like the people working with them and the people working with us are cooperating and sharing information.

It could the two insurance companies against the power company. I would like to get my deductible back.

Mema Jo said...

Just had a news flash *****

San Diego Zoo
Paint the den blue, it's a BOY! After our third look at our 5-week-old panda, veterinarians determined the 3.2-pound cub is a boy.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I just am hoping your insurance company will pay off your expenses up front then go after the big guys.

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe one of these years, I'll get a feather!

Lynne2, very happy to see you here!

You too, Linda!

Cool on the SD panda! A Boy!

Sandi, glad your Mom is adjusting well! Hope your first week back has been good.

Speaking of first weeks, I wonder how Judie is doin?

Hope Shar is feeling better.

JudyE, I do like the scales on the pics...I like the one on your avatar.

Shirley, I did not know that about house fires...doesn't sound fair at all!

Lolly said...

Oh are featherless??? How sad!

Think I am sitting for the rest of the evening. Time for a pedicure and a manicure. Nails are in pathetic shape. Several weeks of no yard week should do them a world of good.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I pray Flash can be helped to be comfortable while at the vet's stay.

Don't know why but I took a sound sleep nap after coming home and eating lunch. I did receive 2 shots - one in each arm - you know the 'fast acting and the long lasting'. They are just to clear up the lungs. MRBR

I will probably now be wide awake - long enough to welcome Lori in the am.
That is due to the nap and the short cup of black coffee a while ago. I just couldn't resist the urge.

Lolly - your big day is a coming. I am wishing safe travels and spectacular sights as you journey north.

Just heard from some friends (older couple) that they are traveling to CO
to fulfill their desire to take a hot air balloon ride! That should complete their bucket list for life!

I'm going to work on my bucket list ♥

Lynne - yes we need to meet! Such a good idea! Perhaps Oct. I'll email Steve & find out the possibilities. I just know seeing those that I love would help my spirits! ♥

Janet said...

STRONGHUNTER: a ruptured anal gland? how in the world does that happen????? i bet that would be painful...what do they do for THAT????

I know that is probably the LAST thing on your mind now, but wow. That struck me....

I hope things calm down for you.....

THigns are okay here. The cremation place called, Luke is ready to come home . I had to go by Value Vet today and get Sable's meds.....and tell them Luke went over the Rainbow Bridge. I cried yet again.

Hazy, hot, and humid. Waiting for September coolness.

My NEW BOWLING BALL came in today. We roll "em Sunday night.

Having a nice bourbon tonight, soon to be bed time ...send the sandperson on my way. I'm ready.

Good night!

Lynne2 said...


evening all, just popping in to say hello!

Janet, it's so sad when our clients come for their pet's ashes. So sorry.

Ruptured anal glands. Not a pretty site. Usually requires treatment under sedation or general anesthesia. I will not elaborate!

Shirley, geez, I sure hope all of the technicalities involved in the fire will not inhibit getting your house back in order.

Lolly, Hoda...have you figured out if you'll be able to meet on Lolly's trip??

Gotta run, early day tomorrow. Will fill in details of the last few weeks over the weekend when I have a bit more time!

Have a good night and prayers for all!

Lynne2 said...

woof woof grrr howl

This is Daisy's message to Luna....loosely translated "Good Job Luna!"

Lolly said...

Hi Lynne! Although we are going to be in the same country as Hoda, and both in the west, we are still going to be quite a distance from her. At first I thought we were just going to be just a few hours away, but I was wrong. In the mountains you have to travel with the roads, not as the crow flies! lol

JudyEddy said...

Hey this was on EagleNation a facebook bage that has the petition out and this was on the news tooooo cool


Norflok eagle nest on the news up there

Lolly said...

Heading to bed. Up at 5 in the morning to go be a good grandmommy and have breakfast with Jacob.

Night all! SED!!!!

JudyEddy said...

OCT 5 I am going to NC and off for two weeks that would be cool if we could do it sometime while I am up there I can see if June wants to come up with me she is off for one week where I am takeing two weeks being it takes me two days to drive up and down need the time to recoup I will call her tomorrow to see if she would like to make the trip up if you all have it between the OCT 6-13

Hoda said...

I agree with LOLLY LYNNE yes in the same country yet the distances are huge and the roads are not straight and it is Mountain driving most of the way. It does not look like we will get together...SAFE TRAVELS LOLLY and JACK.

JudyEddy said...

Had a nice evening with family as always I had bought Jordyn a couple of play outfits at the thrift store a long velvet dress fit for a queen I snuck it home to hem it toooo long its a size7-8 buy couldn't pass it up I got her 2 cheerleader dress outfits to and a neat suede dress and another red velvet real dress not a dress up and some gold sandal and two other pair for Angie if they fit her other wise will be mine just like the strappy sandals I bought with the zippers in the back really pretty I took a picture of Jordyn in the dress sooo big I tied my strap around her waist so she could wear it But so happy I hemed it and took it in In the neck line

Hoda said...

Very good yoga class. Thanks SHIRLEY for checking in...sorry about the medical problems yet the vet will handle it I am sure. Good on the school board for offer to send a bus...

The days are getting shorter and shorter...It is very noticeable now as I drive back from evening yoga.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks Paula I love the scales tooo I found out its a photoshop program and she says it take up to 45 min per pic She is just starting out I guess her daughter and she has always like mermaids and that is how she came up with the idea

JudyEddy said...

I put pic on FB of the tooo big queens dress and some of todays adventure to the park before the rains came OMGoodness look at the time see what sewing does to you LOL

Mema Jo said...

Judy - I know we will get a picture of that dress fit for a queen.

Watched a tape this evening - BBC Law & Order - thank goodness for Closed Caption

I have a good bit on my plate right now but I will check out what is going on at NCTC and/or Shep'twn the 1st weekend in Oct

JudyEddy said...

Gonna take my pills and start reading another new book finished the one last nite this is the second in the series



Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

I am going to try to get some shut eye despite the nap and coffee.

Good night everyone
God Bless you and keep you
I Love Us ♥

Lynn♥ Carolyn ♥ Christie♥

Hope we hear from Andy this evening..

JudyEddy said...

the two dress are now on the blog for those with out facebook I will get a better picture tomorrow since I hemmed it will look better instead of my purse strap HAHAHa LOL

Jordyn new queen and cheerleader dress and gold sandals

JudyEddy said...

Your wish is my command JO nite

Hoda said...

Love you JO and thinking of you and sending Prayers as you deal with all that which is on your plate. LOVE YOU♥♥♥

Hoda said...

Good night.


Mema Jo said...

Looked at your pics - loved them but 1st one is my favorite

Nite Again

Mema Jo said...

Where is Margy - missing her

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here kind of late, but it's a busy evening here. Must get packed up and ready to leave for home very early tomorrow morning.

Shar, I hope you can get your spider bite treated! Hope it wasn't a brown recluse that got you. Those ones are nasty! Prayers for sure, big-time! Hope your fever goes away very soon.

Mema Jo, hope you'll be able to get some rest despite the coffee and nap.

Shirley, prayers continue for you and your family. Prayers for poor Flash, too! OOOh, that sounds painful! How is George doing with all this goings-on? Hope he's not too stressed. Sounds like Luna is doing OK for herself. Shame on her for eating your dinner! Wait till Emma hears about that!

We had a grand time on the train ride yesterday, and I got lots of pictures of the scenery. I'll share them once we're back home.

We ate dinner at the Barking Frog last night, and it was delicious!
I had a ribeye steak grilled with
multi-colored potato slivers, tomato wedges, mushroom slices, onion, and squash. YUMMY!!! Ken had carnitas with tomatillo sauce, and it was yummy, too! We came back to the Hyatt, and watched the little bats that fly around all over at dusk. They are busy little guys, and they catch all kinds of bugs--God bless them!

Today we went and took some pictures of Cathedral Rock, and walked around there enjoying Oak Creek, and listening to the cicadas--they were deafening! Then we went to Uptown Sedona and went through several shops and art galleries. Ate lunch at the Wildflower Bread Co. I had 1/2 a chicken salad sandwich on multigrain bread with lettuce, tomatoes, sprouts, and cucumber slices, and their delicious coconut chicken curry soup. Their food is SO good, and really reasonable, too. We got a couple of scones to have with tomorrow's breakfast. Came back to the Hyatt and just relaxed and admired the red rocks view. Had leftovers for dinner. Right now, I'm listening to thunder approaching, so it looks like there'll be more rain tonight. These monsoons have been some of the hardest rain I've seen in a while. Almost too heavy to drive through! The lightning shows have been really something, too. Haven't been able to get a picture of the lightning, though.

Well, guess I'd better pack up the old laptop. I'll be back here tomorrow evening, once we're home.
Prayers have been said for everyone, every creature, and all our furbabies. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, all. God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!!

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends!

Sandi said...

No box to check for emailed comments until AFTER I posted something!

magpie said...

Gooood Morning, Eagle Pals

Good RED FRIDAY Morning that is.....
God Bless Our Military, and all their families.....

Hope this day is as SPECIAL as each of you are.....

Prayers for Wellness.....

off to work soon....
"See You" from the dough-making factory...


Lori O. said...

Good Morning, RED FRIDAY, Sandi & Margy! Busy morning here - Friday's are always busiest days.
Hope you both are well and happy!

Janet said...

good morning:

LYNNE2: i googled the ruptured anal glands, cuz a gal's just gotta know....and wow. and ouch. poor baby!!!!!!

they will actually bring luke home to us. sad either way. i will call them in a couple of hours and let them know when tom will be home today. he's been doing a lot of dr appts and pt while on his "lunch" break from 9 to 1.

thinking about going to the greek fest tonight.....rain is not supposed to start til about midnight and i will be in bed long before that.

the weather prognosticator just said last humid day for a while! hurrah time to celebrate. its been thick and nasty!

JUDYE: loved the pix of Jordyn with that pretty dress!!!

well let me scat ya'll. Friday is here. *sigh* and a week ago i was in VA BEACH. can i go back please?

have a great day. light, love, healing, and hugs to all....

magpie said...

Sneaking on from Magpie's Roost...
see Mother cat, she took off but didn't go far when I showed up....
hope she knows I am friendly ☺

Hi T-Bird....our Morning Eagle Peep Person !

I know there are lots of important things going on today for many, even if just maintaining a friendly and loving presence on the Planet ☺♥

Best Wishes for all that is on YOUR Dance cards...

time to go to the other set of computers now...

(( All Day Red Friday Hugs ))

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds waiting for the coffee to get done wanted to sleep some more up decided to gt up can't sleep my day off away OR I could but shouldn't LOL

I didn't get to bed till one last nite I think drinking Dr Pepper at Angies house had to much caffeine I guess I just wasn't sleepy but sure am now More caffeine for me come on coffee pot oh its almost done it gurgling

glo said...

Good morning everyone. It was so nice to start another year with my Camera club. Dex did good with his sitter. Stormed over half the night. Grass is all green again and needs mowed :-). Going to be that beautiful cool crisp kind of weekend here so I shall get out to mow at some point. Wishing all a good day.

JudyEddy said...

Check out the NASA image of the day the Itialian boot
Itialian Boot from space

magpie said...

and yay for us, too, Glo, you take pictures, WE get to see them

just took a police call regarding a camera stolen out of an

Now why oh why do folks not lock their vehicles, especiall when there are valubles inside.... ????
we take so many calls of this nature....

magpie said...


I didn't look at that one yet, but I did just check out the way pretty dresses and some of the Jordyn as a Mermaid pictures,
really nice !

Hope someone besides me saw the pre-dawn sky this morning

did I miss an update from Sharon or about Sharon ?

magpie said...

Wow, Andrea and kbby Ken sure pack a punch when they vacation!
sounds great, and happy travels for today, Andy

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

Update on me - my leg still looks awful. My fever has broken but still have the sinus yuck. I am taking my meds as prescribed. If my leg does not start looking better by tomorrow, I think a trip to the ER is in order. Don't know where else to turn. I feel some better since my fever broke. Wow, that was some really tough stuff. Hurt all over.

magpie said...

allrighty, Sharon....
sort of sounds like IV therapy could zap that leg problem...
please do not hesitate..... !!!!
about getting to the ER.

Just imagine this is LYNN talking to you...

that horrible stuff can run through your bloodstream like wildfire....and really put you in a bad spot, if it is sepsis

magpie said...

(( Go Away Bad Stuff Hugs ))
for you in the meantime

THANK YOU for getting back to us on this

magpie said...

okay it is THAT time of day when there are some GREAT and CLEAR nest views

JudyEddy said...

I agree Margy with the cam this time of the day sometime with the shadow and I walk in the living room I think the shadows are the eagles LOL and my heart jumps in my chest but then when I come closer I see is just shadows LOL silly me

JudyEddy said...

I'm sure the eagle have other things to do beside hang around the nest all day LOL

Mema Jo said...

If you see a white head or two then is the time to jump! I don't know if the juvies are still around the tree or not.


I had 11:00 school pick up and then we went to lunch at Paneras! I let my gs
drive us - he is very good. We shopped for my Blender (16 speeds) Now how many speeds does it take to make Soothies?

I am ready for a nap!
BBILW However it could be a long while - You know what I said about the Prednisone - I was wide eyes all the long night!

Mema Jo said...

Margy are you feeding the mother cat - if not who is?

Mema Jo said...

Feet going up


magpie said...

Hi Jo
I am not feeding Mother Cat...
since I moved in 7 yrs ago, there have been several but not a whole whole lot of wandering strays....
so, I guess/hope she leaves and gets wild food, or maybe someone else is leaving food out for her.

magpie said...

hope that was the right answer...

time to leave work soon....

ttfn, and hope everyone has a good evening...

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Our trip to Denton went off as planned. Not only did we have breakfast at school with Jacob, we got to see his classroom and meet his teacher. Really do like her as first impression was very positive. Smiles and enthusiasm! Bless his heart, they have given him a desk much bigger than the other kids. He certainly needed it, but it just accentuates his size.

We were home by 9:30 so out to mow we went. It was soooo hot! I put on sunscreen but got some sun anyway. It is presently 100. Every thing outdoors is cooking!

We have now collapsed. Tomorrow we head back to Denton. Taking Jacob a few small presents for his birthday, as his new bedding and wall border were his birthday. Then we head to Joseph's soccer game and head home.

Lolly said...

Forgot to tell you. Late last night Jack went outside to take care of the garbage. He shouted for me to run out. There was a large pack of coyotes howling and very close!!

magpie said...

oh, Lolly, the coyotes...that must have been something to hear, I have only heard one, once.

Sounds like soem great Grandmommy and Granddaddy time with Jacob

Good Afternoon Eagle Pals, late afternoon that is


magpie said...

About the cat at my apartment...I really don't know what I should be doing...since this has never happened before...
so I hope I am not doing incorrectly by not encouraging the little family nor leaving food out for any of them...I thought it would be best to let Nature take its course, but I am open to suggestions

magpie said...

I have a large wooden box behind which the cats are does got hot from the afternoon sun and that does concern me, but the box is shaded at least.

Lolly said...

No suggestions, Margy, but I would be so tempted to feed her.

Just had a little nap. Getting up at 5 is for the birds!! lol

I remember hearing coyotes when I was young...very young, so it must have impressed me. We have heard them here several times but not frequently and usually farther away in a different direction.

magpie said...

Thanks, Lolly...
I don't want to start something I can't finish, so to speak, with the cat family, because I am here at oddball times.

Well, I am computered out for now, have an arthritis or carpal tunnel thing going on mostly in left hand, and if I don't stop typing now, you will all think there is something wrong with me because it will look like gibberish !

"See You Later" Precious Pals...
hope the evening is enjoyable!
xoxo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Oh My
I just noticed the Google Image for today....the 46th Anniversary of Star Trek

Wondering how Shirley and the family are doing today, and how that ServPro analysis turned out...

ttfn xoxo

Lolly said...

Jack has gone to Papa Murphy's for pizza. I am a happy camper! Boy, I am zonked!

magpie said...

Google image has sound and some animation....there is a sound icon to the lower right of the picture for me on the laptop

magpie said...

oh it goes from scene to scene with animation and sound...pretty neat

Hoda said...

A day full of His Grace and I share this with you
Amazing Grace

Blessings to all and I hope you are doing well...

I have not read back yet but will do so after this post...I just wanted to check in. I had a very good dessert get together with a friend and many opportunities for volunteering need to be explored.

Beautiful weather wise and there is a sense of the up lifting energy that is so Nelson.
Autumn is not too far off and this weekend I will take in the herbs and dry them for the winter.

Andre Rieu does a wonderful rendition of Amazing Grace, I hope you enjoy it...

Hoda said...

It sounds like a good day LOLLY for you and JACK and JACOB...

Glad the fever has broken SHAR. PRAYERS continue.

Stray cats are best at the SPCA I think...

JO I am glad GGson did alright driving and that you did take a nap today...Healing prayers continue to come your way.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the headsup on the Google but I can't get it to go interactive on my puter odd I did find it on youtube I guess for peeps like me that can't get it UP LOL
star treck interactive google if you can't do it this will show you it

JudyEddy said...

Margy If you start feeding the cat it will never go away She just found a nice quite place for her kittens to be born in I know I have feed lot of strays and they never leave so warning if you don't want them to stick around don't feed them but if you want outside cats feed them Tom my x had a female have a litter a couple of years ago in his attic which they get to from the garage and he feed them they are still around and have had a couple of litters since I think he said there are about 15 cats that hang around his place now some have moved on LOL and they still won't let them get close Tommy my son has gotten some of the kittens and took them to SPCA but they still have some around

JudyEddy said...

that should have bee 5 cats not 15

JudyEddy said...

I already got my shower so now to go do some reading nothing on TV that I know of will have to look first

magpie said...

Thanks Hoda, my sister has a fancy Mac and can usually get the sounds and animations but she cannot either, guess I got lucky here...
does not always work that way for me.

About the cats and SPCA, I have thought of that, but also feel that the neighborhood cat population...has a being all its own and I am not sure I should interfere with it....still pondering options, and trying to see how healthy the kittens look, and they are definitely not weaned yet, and the Mom seems pretty protective. It's a bit of a dilemma and I feel partly responsible since they set up shop during the absence of my regular presence there, and that's my fault

Sounds like you had a wonderful day,glad to read of your life and activities there in Nelson...

going to plotz on the couch and read awhile...
xoxo to all

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

When I went to pick Jordyn up at 3 they were all asleep I called Angie because papers say nap is over at 230 and they go out side at 3 now she is concerned wondering if that is why she has a harder time getting Jordyn down at nite to late of naps I know yesterday they were eating a snack at 430 which is not a good idea for dinner eating when she got home

Her teacher told Angie that Jordyn is only 1 of 3 that knows all her ABC and can write them and was quite impressed with her she is the top on But I wonder if she tell that to all parents LOL

magpie said...

and thanks JudyE for your post also...
I'm a Bear of Little Brain about these things

Thinking of Sharon and hoping healing and wellness is occurring in large doses (( Hugs, Shar ))

Hoda said...

When I went for desert and tea today, I had Key Lime Pie...thought of LYNN♥ and had a bite for her too...she would have liked it...delicious.

Lolly said...

Goggle was very entertaining. Thanks, Margy.

We have eaten our pizzain and have some for tomorrow, too.

Watching the ballgame...may fall asleep again.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY did you see google on laptop of reg computer I wish I could see it HEY maybe I should buy a laptop toooo LOL

stronghunter said...

Margy, it is not your fault you were not present to prevent the momma cat from having her kitties in your space.

Hunter, Luna, and I are hanging out at the hotel tonight. Kathryn is out. Will is working.

Was kind of nice at about noon when there was a knock at the door--"Housekeeping," they said. I said, "I will go have lunch while you clean the rooms." I could get used to that!

The latest report from the fire inspector--they are looking at the possibility of something being put into the neighbor's trash can. Smoking materials, probably. I did not know that they smoke, but it seems they do.

I was asked if I had seen anyone put anything into the trash can. I have not. The trash can is a flat, melted mess on the side of the house remains.

The cause of the fire might be listed as "undetermined." A day ago they seemed so sure it was electrical. But I think they brought in an electrical engineer today.

There has been a lot of investigating of this event.

stronghunter said...

I have a small metal trash can I use for ashes from the fireplace. I put a lid on it and do not put it too close to the house.

I do worry about fire. I will be more worried now.

stronghunter said...

I was surprised when my neighbor told me that her husband TEXTED her to tell her the house was on fire. Yikes. She said that and the message from her mother that her father had just killed himself are very upsetting to her. I guess so. I am wondering if I heard correctly. Her mother texted her. Wow.

Janet said...

good evening friends.

this is one week i am glad to see come to an end. virginia beach seems eons ago....and yet it was only a week. its been such a long and emotional week.

i was glad to be off work Tuesday and wed. it gave me a moment to breathe.

work has been good the last two days....back to "normal"....

but today, they brought luke back home. he is in a small wooden box, very nice. we have a name tag to go on the box. they brought a very nice certificate with it, and dummy here went and read it and i broke out crying all over again. now, i just feel drained.

sable, however is doing better today (i didn't read the certificate to her, lol). anyway, she is moving around and acting more herself. i bought her some new bones to chew. that always makes things better for her as well.

livvy got her first progress report and let's say it was not good. but this we can fix. back to tutoring....

hope everyone is doing okay this evening. will touch base later/in the a.m. good night

Janet said...

STRONGHUNTER: i cannot IMAGINE getting a text with such news.....and i gext all the time...but some things you just don't text!!!!!! wow. just my opinion, of course.

Hoda said...

On the computer it is not animated JUDYE the Star Trek google animation. I will go try my animation on iphone must need a lap top...

Lolly said...

Shirley, I was going to ask if anyone was at home next door. Guess she wasn't if he texted her.

Hoda said...

WOW!!! nothing else to say SHIRLEY!!! I with you and JANET on that one...some things one just does not text...phones still work!!!

stronghunter said...

The father and the child were at home. Mom works several nights a week helping to care for a disabled child.

Their son has special needs. He's Hunter's age.

stronghunter said...

Sorry about your loss, Janet. I do hope this coming week is much better.

stronghunter said...

I went over and asked him if he had called her. He did say he had. It never occurred to me that he had texted her.

There were so many fire trucks in the streets she could not even park near her own house.

magpie said...

Oh Shirley, thanks for checking in....
such an upheaval, this event....
and sad about the neighbors...
I could believe that about a fire in a trash can spreading...happens too often around here, or woodstove ashes discarded, hot and too close to a dwelling

and thanks for the cat comment...
glad you had some help with the "housekeeping" :)

magpie said...

am so sorry for the continued sorrow about Luke's passing....
hope things start looking brighter for you, soon....

Mema Jo said...

I didn't really soundly nap! Therefore, I am tired now and just may go on in to rest.
Margy, I wasn't inferring that you should feed the mother cat. If I were you I would consider calling Animal Control or at least finding out what they do as far as a shelter. Oh how I miss LYNN.

magpie said...

guess it might be my turn on the appliance issues....A/C set at 72, reading is 79...this is WAY TOO BIG of a house to be HOT...time to notify the nephew...
thermostat does say "service filter" could be that.....
so I just shut 'er down for awhile...

Oh Hoda, Key Lime Pie...that is "Da' Bomb" as we say for something really good around here

stronghunter said...

Now that you mention it, we did have a trash can fire once. My silly husband dumped ashes in the trash can and the trash truck came along. They yelled something and left without taking the trash. Then I saw the reason.

I suppose trash trucks sometimes have fires, too.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, soon all of this commotion will be in your Past! I think you have handled things very well.

I really am going to try not to get over this sleepy spell and hit the sack

Prayers for all our needs.

Miss our Key Lime Pie Lady ♥

magpie said...

thanks JO...I didn't think negatively, I just don't know what in the world other people do when this kind of thing occurs...sure wish I lived on a big farm somewhere, then I KNOW I would be putting goodies out and checking baby kitten eyes and looking forward to more fun things about.....
Your words are important to me, always !! xoxoxo

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and I both love key lime pie. And I always think of Lynn when I have some. I doubt she would have approved of the pies I usually buy. She was very particular about her key lime pie.

Lynne2 said...

Texting is out of control! Good LORD what are people thinking???

Evening all! Just popping in for a quick hello before I shower and crash. Feeling like I'm coming down with a bad cold.

Margy, about the cat....stray cats are a terrible situation. A female can get pregnant while she is still nursing a litter! It makes me so angry that in this day and age that people still think of cats as disposable. I can't even tell you how many dozens of phone calls we have gotten from people this year already who have found cats and/or kittens, and they all want to save them somehow, but often can't keep them themselves.

Our nurturing side wants to help and feed them. They DO suffer terribly...hunger, attacks by other animals, target practice (I still want to vomit each time I think of the cat shot clear through with an arrow last winter), internal parasites, external parasites (fleas and tick infestation can cause severe anemia and certain death), contagious diseases...the list goes on.

There are many feral cat "rescues" who feed colonies, and some will also trap, rabies vaccinate and neuter and spay, but the release them back....they usually don't make good pets if they've been feral for too long. But they are still out there, fighting, getting hurt, getting parasite infestations....they get into trash searching for food, spread disease, etc. It's a terrible situation.

There is no wrong or right answer. When you, or anyone encounters a stray cat, you have to do what your heart tells you. Hunger is a terrible way to die. But feeding them can create trouble in a whole different way. It's an awful "catch 22". Whatever you choose to do is right for YOU. The real tragedy is that they exist at all...

Off my soapbox and into the shower I go.

stronghunter said...

Next week I have to address the issue of my dryer. It has stopped spinning. I suppose it needs a new belt. I just could not handle it this week.

stronghunter said...

Well said, Lynne.

magpie said...

Righto, thanks Lynne2...

Shirley, hope that dryer problem is an EASY Fix... !!! You deserve a break, for sure....

bb in awhile

Rest Well, Lynne and Shirley and Jo and Janet and EVERYONE

Hopeto learn that Wanda had some Friday Night Fun with GG and the Gang tonight.

ttfn xo back around later

JudyEddy said...

Well said LYNNE2 Here in Fl the SPCA and Dog control will give you a trap to catch them and they do try to give them a home in Hillsborough Co in Tampa they catch fix and release them so sad that they may go hungry Just like I said earlier I am guilty of feeding strays for years and ended up taking one to the Friends of Strays OH by the way I drove by the VETS and there are no cats in his cages So both Benny and Jet look to have gotten a home I look each time I go by and yes I get tearied eyed when I saw them but a BIG SMILE tonight when I saw the cages vacant

JudyEddy said...

I put a pic of todays MT nest on facebook and asked Steve if they have been seen this is his answer

Hi Judy,
Steven Chase commented on your photo.
Steven wrote: "I have not seen them in a week or more. This is the time that they are most scarce."

Lynne2 said...

Sadly, animal shelters are overwhelmed, especially with cats. I have mixed feelings about so called "no kill" shelters. They often turn out to be horrific places where cats live in cages forever if not adopted (anyone remember the cat "rescue" lady I worked for briefly after I lost my job?). That's no way for anything to live. There are simply too many cats, not enough homes. I think, and JMHO, that a stray cat taken to a shelter where it could POTENTIALLY be adopted, and if not after a time is humanly euthanized, is a far better option than the life of a stray left to fend for itself. It would be my dream too, to have a large property, with a big barn for strays to live, where they would still be outside, but I'd have them vetted regularly, and really care for them....if only I could hit the lottery.....

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, that sucks about the dryer, on top of everything else you are having to deal with...geesh. I'd soon loose a washer. I can wash by hand. But with animals in the house and hair everywhere, I NEED the dryer to help get the hair off of everything!

Lynne2 said...

quick story regarding lost cats...

Today, a lady came in with a cat that she has been feeding for a few weeks and she wanted to have it completely vetted as her son wants to keep it. She did ask if we could scan for a microchip though, just in case. Well, it HAD one! The chip was never registered in an owner's name but after many phone calls, I was able to trace it to the County Humane Society. The description matched, and the cat had been chipped and adopted in 2004. They had a number and name for the adopter and gave it to me. Excitement was building at the office that one of those happy and tearful reunions was on the horizon! Well, it didn't quite go like that. The "owner" said that they were in the process of moving to a new home, and that the cat had been peeing all over their house they were moving from, so they decided to kick it out and have it live outside at the new place. HUH??? She said she hadn't seen the cat in over a month, but that they were at the new house daily doing things there and leaving food out. I was really mad, because she then said that she really didn't want the cat back and so I assured her that the person who brought her in was willing to keep her. Then she decided maybe she wanted to KEEP the cat, and would have to discuss this with her daughter. UGH!! I stopped short of blasting her for throwing the cat out for peeing, instead of taking it to at vet to find out WHY...likely a UTI, easily taken care of with meds! So, it ended with me telling her we'd give her number to the lady who has the cat, and they could work it out. What a disappointment. I hope the new lady gets to keep her. Even knowing that the other person might want it back, she went ahead with the exam and vaccinations! Yay for her!! I know I did the right thing in trying to find the owner, but dang, what a disappointment to find out that she is a rotten owner. Guess I'll find out on Monday what happened.....

Lynne2 said...

sometimes, my job just sucks.

well, I'm not getting my 2000 parts Levered in a timely fashion, so off I go, for real this time!

aren't you glad to have my blog space taking, babbling self back? LOL!

Lynne2 said...

hope Kay is battening down the hatches, some wild weather heading right at her. Supposed to have severe weather in these parts tomorrow...

JudyEddy said...

ok sitting here on FB wondering why I am not sleepy LOOK down and oops there are the pills I forgot to take or didn't take Silly JUDY

JudyEddy said...

Ok Pills in me now so with that in mind
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Quite a weather system heading toward Columbus.

Lynne2 said...

yes, it is and heading our way tomorrow. It's a strong front coming...

Lolly said...

Have a strong front arriving here any minute. Laurel has already started cooling off...still 89 here. rain.

Wise comments, Lynne about cats. My heart would tell me to feed the momma with kitties. I am a softie.

I am about to collapse. Heading to bed...typing in my sleep. lol

Night all! SED!!!!

magpie said...

Yep that cold front is going to make quite an appearance...or arrival.
Thanks again, Dr Lynne, your input is so much appreciated...
sure sorry if my cat-tales have been a downer, I apologize I am no naive on these things, truth is I have a cat hair sensitivity so have not been able to have cats in residence with me for a long long time and often get choked up and teary eyed when around one..

magpie said...

I mean SO naive.
And it's a shame because I can observe how NEAT a pet a cat can be, they are so cool, calm, and collected.....loyal, funny, and independent !!!and so many other good adjectives and adverbs....maybe sometime I can have one again, in more wide open spaces of my own....

Good Night Everyone, I hope tonight Sleep is Soooo Sweet and Restorative

God Bless Us, Every One

Lynne2 said...

LOL Lolly, me too...I have the Freakshow, and now I have He Who Runs with a Firecracker Up His A** tearing up the place...

Margy, many years ago, my Dr told me that I had tested positive for cat allergy. It wasn't a skin test, but a blood test added on to my yearly bloodwork and I cannot remember why now. But I saw it myself. I really have thought all along it was a mistake. But I have had some terrible itching over the last few months, no rash, no hives or anything. This past weekend we were at MIL's place and it occurred to me that I had NO itching the whole time. Then when I returned home it started, and got worse at work! But we had a client once who was SO allergic, she couldn't even enter the clinic, even if no cats were in the waiting room because the allergy was that bad! Weird, huh? I sure hope mine never gets worse....

Lynne2 said...

back to the Dr Quinn show, then bed...good night and prayers for all!

Costume Lady said...

Stopping by to say good night.
Yes Margy, I had a wonderful evening with GG and Karla, Donny, Jayden and Brantley. Brantley has always been a bit of a cry baby, he is spoiled by his babysitter, we do believe. He wants to be held or entertained constantly...but today, he was an angel, laughing, smiling, squealing, 'talking'...just an absolute joy!
Jayden is becoming so grown up and his language skills are excellent:)

GG stays pretty much the same. Gonna see if we can do something about her meds, like maybe a stronger pain pill at night, so that she can sleep through the night. Appointment next Wednesday.

Good night, love and prayers for all♥

Lori O. said...

Good Morning all!

Up very early - at 2 - this morning! I took a long nap yesterday then got up and ate and went back to bed 2 hours later...and here I am. It's a weekend and I'm on my work/sleep schedule, almost!

SHARON, glad your fever and aches are gone - get to the ER for your leg. Do you have any red streaks on your leg?

LOLLY, your getaway day is nearly here! I'm so excited for you. Can't wait for my own camping trip in a few weeks!

WANDA, thanks for the GG update. Sure wish they could get her settled for you and her! Wednesday appt. will be here soon.

I'm with all of you on the CAT discussion. I have feral cats that have become pets and are very domesticated now. I think it all depends on the cat and how early they were handled. Whatever, the mother cat should be spayed.

SHIRLEY, any idea on when you'll be able to get back in your house, or are you already? So sorry for all the hassles this has caused you.

Good Morning to the early, early birds, SANDI, JUDYE, THELMA and MARGY!!!

Lori O. said...

HODA, thanks for the Amazing Grace link - beautiful! ♪♫♪♫♫

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
If your skies are clear and you're up like Lori and I are....
check out the perfectly half moon, with Jupiter sooo close to it to its upper left....
skies are getting hazy here now, with a HUGE ring around the moon like we are about to get a Snowstorm! But if you can take a gander and can see it, you won't be disappointed !


magpie said...

oh what a Great Friday Night Family Report....sounds like a great line-up, Wanda....
Sure hoping and praying that the doctors will go along with your requests...

magpie said...

getting ready for the day...Saturday is Friday for me....

Best wishes for a good day, everyone...

Lolly...have fun with the birthday gift delivery and more fun with the Denton Delegation


DanaMo said...

Good morning. My goal to get back on every morning didn't happen this week!

I'm sure I missed a lot in everyone's life! :( Sounds like Wanda had a good time with family last night.

I see Shirley says there is a storm front going to Columbus. I sure hope it gets here. My classroom is HORRIBLE! No a/c and 25 little ones that can't follow a bit of direction. I am so frustrated. I forget each year that they come to me with no skills! Geesh...I do think this is my most difficult group yet. I hope I can make it through it!

Lori-you and Loo posted on Facebook about a funny couple splitting and I thought the two of you were splitting from your partnership on the radio! I was glad to see it was a different "funny couple" ☺

So is our camera really off until the mating season? Poosha! I don't like that, I want to see me some eagles! I do think we are going to be taking Adam to look at Shepherd, so maybe a trip around the bend will be an order that day.

magpie said...

Hey there DanaMo, good to see you, oooh, sorry the year seems to be starting out a little difficult.....
but those kids will surprise you one by one, little by little, as I am sure you have learned over your many years of Blessed Teaching....
YES - go to the bend in the road and check things out....and surely you will see beautiful things along any of the back roads you travel...and when you cross the Potomac River, be sure to look up and down never know what might be flying around...

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

oh bother! I hit publish once and it posts twice...

Must get ready for work now and head on out....

Thinking of all our Pals here, sure hope this is a good day for everyone

ttfn "See You" from work, maybe...

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori, Margy, DMo, and all my eagle friends!

Good to see Lynne2 back on the blog more regularly!

SWhirley, when it rains, it pours, right? Speaking of rain, it's already thundering here and the rain wasn't due til this evening. I was hoping for tennis this AM - maybe the storm will pass close by but not hit Bethany.

Got some pretty bad news about my mom in the past 2 days. She has had 2 aortic aneurysms repaired - one in '97 and one in '07. After the second one, which was repaired with a stent rather than with open chest surgery, she was told that she needed to have a CAT scan done every year to make sure there was no leakage around the stent, causing a new aneurysm directly above or directly below. Mom went for the first few years and then stopped b/c she didn't want to know if there was anything wrong with her (I LOVE that stick your head in the sand mindset)!

Once she moved, my sister agreed to find new doctors for her close by. Lisa insisted that she go to a vascular doctor about the stent, which she did about a week and a half ago. The first thing he did was to order a CAT scan. The scan was done Wed. The doctor called first thing Thurs. AM to say she had to come back into the office so she and my sister went back yesterday. Turns out that she has an 8.2 cm aneurysm (the other 2 were 6cm and 7 cm when they were repaired), directly below the stent in her aorta!

She will be having additional vascular tests done on 9/13 and an angiogram on 9/17, then she goes back to the vascular doc on 9/25 to discuss when she will have the surgery. Apparently there is a new type of stent available now that she may be a candidate for but the guy who developed it is in Cleveland - the doc asked how she would feel about going to Ohio for the surgery. There is a guy at Hopkins who has used this new stent and one at GBMC, but the guy in Cleveland has used them the most.

Mom is obviously very upset. At first she said no more surgeries, she would rather just have the aorta burst and die. That was fear talking - she said yesterday that she will go ahead with the surgery. For now, she has to monitor her blood pressure very carefully and do no lifting.

Raining here, so I guess tennis is out for this AM.

Have a good day all!

JudyEddy said...

GOOOOOOOD Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

My little weather ICO is yellow in my weather tray so we must have storms a comin

JudyEddy said...

OH SANDI so sorry to hear about your moms and I hope she changes her attitude about the surgery How old is she She sounds like my mom when she had cancer Told the dr show me someone that gets out of this world alive and I'll do something because of her age she said that

JudyEddy said...

The nest looks so pretty right now two brown things must be dead leaves like JO said HUH but still like neat this am

JudyEddy said...

Hey just got this in its from the eagle lady but no eagle A funny or cool city where you can put up your own sign any sign
Put up a sign in Alaska

JudyEddy said...

Angie said that Jordyn the other day brought her scissor home in her lunch box and Jordyn says its mine the teacher said so So Angie told her it just for school to stay there The next day Angie jokingly told her teacher looks like you may have to frisk Jordyn daily that she took the scissor home LOL

JudyEddy said...

So sorry DANAMO you have some unruly kids But I know they will learn a lot from you and you will mold them in to good little students with time So I guess we must feel lucky when the teacher complements Jordyn huh telling us she loves her

JudyEddy said...

WOW the nest looks soo crisp right now I just wish a reagle would show up

DanaMo said...

What nest are you looking at? I don't have a picture!

Sandi-wow I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Is she going to go to Cleveland or stay local? That would be so scary. I hate when parents say they aren't going to or won't do something that needs to be done. My dad is awful at following what the doctor says to do, the only reason he does it is because mom is pushing him.

I wish we would get that rain. It's a little cooler this morning, but not much and will probably warm up quite a bit.

We have cross country this morning in Brunswick and then girls soccer this afternoon at Clear Spring.

I just want to hang out and do nothing today. Oh well...not in the plan.

Sandi said...

Judy, my mom is only 79 - too young to throw in the towel!

DMo, not sure what she'll decide about the where for the surgery. Based on the reading I've done and videos I've watched this AM, the Cleveland Clinic is very impressive. Then again, MD is so fortunate to have Johns Hopkins and University of MD Medical Center.

The sun is back out here so I'm going to hope we can sweep the water off the court and get some tennis in before the front comes through with the big rain this afternoon/evening!

Stay dry and stay safe today!!

Lolly, almost time to hit the road!!

magpie said...

Good Morning from Work....
I SEE more Eagle Pals, hi JudyE... wishes on the situation with your Mom...know those aneurysms are like a ticking situation that can make life turn on a dime......

magpie said...

I think the weather hereabouts is really going to be rather noticeable....hope for everyone in storm's path...will be okay, safe and that not too many daytime plans will be affected

somehere here mentioned the word tornado...guess there is a threat of that to go along with the strong and severe thunderstorm warnings

magpie said...

your Jordyn stories are cute.
She is a Spitfire...

oh Google still has Star Trek....curious,
and I do NOT have interactive things here at work with it

magpie said...

I made some noise and tromped around on the porch this morning at the apartment, either the cat family was all asleep, or...they have found a new home
Thanks to all for all the education and information....I really appreciate it, and will weigh all the options and ideas as the days go by here

magpie said...

the nest DOES look LUSH when there is a clear image of it...

magpie said...

got the utensils out now to make dough, guess I better to do it!

Good Morning and Good Day Wishes to everyone in advance


magpie said...

I know my nieces and nephews are saddened that their children will have no grandparents to enjoy...on both sides paternal and maternal.....
sometimes it just happens that way

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

Sharon is feeling some better today. She went fleaing (yard sales and such).

Lori O. said...

THELMA. good morning! Thanks for passing on the good newes that Sharon is feeling better! How are you today?

magpie said...

'Morning, T-Bird and Buddy and the Pooch population there....

GREAT info about Sharon....

magpie said...

and Lori ☺

and I am disappearing again...
keep an eye on that nest !

Janet said...

good morning:

thank you STONGHUNTER, MAGPIE; and all others for your continued love and support. I knew yesterday when he came home would be hard; a relapse. I actually had a good day at work, and had found my self working in my kitchen singing the night before. We are healing, but it is just a slow process.

LYNNE2: your words are so true regarding cats. it seems there are so many furbaby parents on here and we all wish we could DO something. i suppose that's why i have had as many as i do....all but my dobie were from a rescue, or someone getting rid of an unwanted baby. but i have, as we all do, draw a line. even value vet gets expensive eventually....

we have neighbors who let their cats run the neighborhood. it makes me angry on several levels; i am always so tempted to trap them and take them down to the no kill shelter; but i know they will simply replace them. these are neighbors i do not like. and i abhor their allowing these cats to run free in a city.

i agree with you, LYNNE2....the shelter around the corner is clean, nice. but there are just too many who need homes, and sometimes, being euthanized...sad as it is,is the only option for those who are too feral, too worse to live on the street, starve, get hit by a car or who knows what.....very depressing..

SANDI: sending light and healing to you and your mom. what a terrible thing to find out!!! scary too. how are YOU dealing?

we had thunderstorms last night, but not as intense as they had said they might be. we did get some good rain. the temps will be cooler this week and for that i am most thankful!

going to yoga this morning; most anxious to go. i bought a new mat yesterday. i have a friend who will join me this a.m. she is about 5 years or so older than me, has some physical issues.....and has never tried yoga. i think it will be a challenge for her, but hopefully she will like it and agree to continue. i think it will be most beneficial for her physically and on all other levels as well. i thought she could use my other mat. if/when she decides to go with me regularly, she can get her own then.

livvy has ballet for ice skaters starting @ noon today. can't wait for htat.

driving later out to the ALL TEN pet cremation place. we bought an additional urn for a dog we had before luke....he is in a lovely velvet bag, but we wanted an urn for him too, however the one we bought is too small. they will exchange it for us. they are so nice.

greek fest tonight. good food, good i think i need some of that right about now.

my friends did leave yesterday for PA. i didn't really get into why i was so upset with them....but some things were said before they left that just really hurt my feelings.....and when they come back in a couple of weeks to get their van, i may have to discuss this with them. their moving, yes, made me sad, but more over what they SAID just devasted me on several levels. i had to really work thru it. i am still less than pleased,but the anger is gone. it was hard to release. i think mostly because so much is going on around here.

other things are going on, with tom's health. nothing too serious, we don't think, but it is a distraction. i am spending much time mediating on the positive, giving much reiki....

i pray everyone has a fabulous day. this week hopefully will be more "normal" and more calm. bowling starts tomorrow. hopefully that will go well. i am making beef stroganoff for dinner...and a pecan pie. i love KEY LIME as well, but most any kind of pie will do. i don't like chess pie too well, but other than that.

i am running long here. let me skeedaddle. light, love, healing, hugs, and smiles to all. thanks again for your love and support. :)

T-Bird said...

Yes, that is good news about Sharon but I think she is doing too much and will have a setback. You know I'm Dr. Thelma and I know all. : )

Lori O. said...

Good for you, Thelma...keep an eye on her!

T-Bird said...

I will Lori but she is a hard headed Crisco.

glo said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Jumping in to let you all know that Ken & I made it back home yesterday, but were just too dead-on-our-a$# tired to post last night. I did not sleep at all well Thursday night. Too much on my mind to try to remember to do before heading home from Sedona, I guess. Then, on the drive home, I could hardly keep my eyes open! Thank God, Ken was doing the driving. He drank a 5-Hour Energy drink, which worked like a charm, without making him hyper, and he was able to drive all the way home.
I got my second wind after we arrived home, and did the driving for the rest of our homecoming errands. When we turned in the rental car, we found that we had rented it through Saturday, so got $100 off for turning it in a day early, PLUS $25 off because they didn't clean the car before giving it to us, or give us an Owner's Manual to consult. Nice surprise!

We went to Wendy's for dinner--just couldn't find the energy to cook! Got stocked up on dog food for Emma, too. We pick her up at 10am today--can't wait to see her!
They are giving her a bath, and she will be ready to go by 10:00.

Oh, my, do I need to houseclean!!!
The place is COVERED with dust, and there are cobwebs everywhere!
(What's up? We were only gone a week! It was clean when we left! No fair!) Golly--I just realized that Ken can pick up his new glasses today, too! They should be in by today.

I need to get together a shopping list, and go to Wally World.
Fun, fun, fun! We need to stock up, though. No food in the house!
Guess we'll go to Trader Joe's, too, and get it over with.

Hoda, thank you so much for the Andre Rieu/Amazing Grace video! I love it! Put it in my Favorites, and will be playing it a LOT.

Well, gotta run and get showered, and do some damage control on my appearance. Margy, can I borrow your fairy? I could use her help right about now!

Hope you all have a spectacular Saturday! Will check back in later. Oh--one more thing on my To Do list: gotta load pictures into the computer, so I can share them!
Later, alligators....I ♥ us!!!

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...