Monday, July 23, 2012


New thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

T-Bird got the feather! :)

magpie said...

Well, Hallelujah!!

Thanks T-Bird...and Jim with a follow up alert, and

STEVE for a brand, spanking new Monday Thread !!

Happy Birthday to Diane....
Hope it's the Perfect Birthday for you !! xoxox

movin said...

Thanks for the new Monday morning thread, Steve.





Hope you have a great week with beautiful weather.

So Cal is kind of overcast right now... 67°. But it should warm up to at least the mid-70's yet today.

[:~D] Jim

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning again! Thanks T-Bird and Jim for alerting us to Steve's new thread.

in MD. It overcomes you even if you just stick your head out the door!

Morning Sharon and Margy!

Mema Jo said...

Happy Happy Birthday Diane

Judie said...

Good morning, again.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Monday thread.

Thank you Thelma and Jim for the call over.

So jealous Sharon that you saw a bald eagle but so happy for you. What a lovely memory.

Shirley, I suspect you may do a little happy dance to have some quiet time to yourself. Please enjoy. Hope Hunter has a fun time.

♪♫HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DIANE.♪♫ Hope today will be extra special and you will enjoy many more.

Soon off to PT. May decide to stop. Not really making a significant difference. See the dr. tomorrow.

Hope we hear from Glo soon about Dex and Carolyn's family members.

Mema Jo said...

My birds yesterday put on a grand show for me.
Blue jays, Cardinals, Titmouse, Chickadees, House Finch, Wren, and Catbird.
The young catbird made me laugh so much. Just like his parents he would go to a pile of seeds and just use his beak and swish them all over the place. The funniest of his actions because, he is so plump, is when he runs on the deck railing. Jenny nailed it on the head when she described it as a Little Road Runner!
Then my female hummer did stop by for about 15 minutes flitting around and checking each flower available. It was a very entertaining morning! ♥

magpie said...

Wonderful Bird Report, Jo...
those catbirds sure ARE catbirds, I have a few that hang around the apartment..Noisier than Mockingbirds, but it is funny when a Mockingbird imitates a Catbird !!

Judie...Hope maybe today would be "Turn the Corner day" for your shoulder and the PT

magpie said...

last year I made a big mess because I misspelled Diane's name as a "Dianne" and got things confused....
well I have a sister in-le in-law with that spelling, and we also have PA Nana DIANN here...speaking of whom....I would like to see Diann pop in, and where is LYNNE! ???

Thinking of those two and all SEEN and UNSEEN here xoxo

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

Diane, from Northern Virginia, was the very first Momster I met...

June 2008 nest visit...she and her husband were in the parking lot of the day care, and once we got ourselves introduced....we were watching the third, and only unfledged eaglet that year at that time,flopping and wingersizing at the nest, what a glorious hoot that was !!
then Paula arrived, the second Momster I ever met...
and the fun continued from there...
Diane and "Pubby" stayed in their truck mostly that hot day and short time to stay....
I guess I met about 15 that day...
including Lynn, Jo, Ceil, Helen, Sharon, Just Vicky, Wanda, Gene, T-Bird, Megan, Suzanne, Normabyrd....oh forgive my feeble memory there might have been a few others..BUT:
That was a very important Day in the Momster Magpie's Life...
(( HUGS ))

magpie said...

and now I must go help keep the US Postal service in business, packages and cards to mail, stamps to buy...

Best Wishes for a Good, Better, BEST Day for all...

grannyblt, good luck with the packing, oh, Alaska.....I want to go !!!

magpie said...

Oh Jo:
I want to tell you again because it means so much to me:

THANK YOU for keeping our anniversary and birthday lists going each month !

okay 'bye

Mema Jo said...

How about that - I was just thinking that I should pull up the b-days for August. It will be here sooner then we think!
Janet I think your summers are very very short if it is already time for your schools to start! I am assuming that maybe they have longer holidays or they get out earlier.

Hoda - My favorite Dragon Lady - I am glad we will be getting some reports on you Saturday paddling!

movin said...




[:~D] Jim

Mema Jo said...

Judie - I sure hope you can find a way to get that kink out of your shoulder.
Let us know how it goes today.

Glo, praying for encouragement from Dex's vets visit!

I am late having my lunch!


stronghunter said...

Hi--took a short nap this morning. Did not sleep too well last night.

Oh, yes, I am hoping that Hunter comes home with stories of a fun time at the day camp. He has not been playing outdoors much at all this summer, and we have been looking for something for him to do. Kathryn did this on Friday--a rush job.

We had to do some quick work to get the paperwork taken care of. He was complaining that he did not get consulted on this plan. Sometimes that happens.

I posted a picture of the playground there on FB. It is one amazing playground. It is at the local YMCA, a very new facility. They also bus the kids to the other nearby YMCA, which has a water park.

He's supposed to take a swim test today.

stronghunter said...

Judie--hoping you get rid of the pain today.

stronghunter said...

Hoping for the best for Dex.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Diane.

magpie said...

Shirley...sounds like nap time at your place...unless camp is getting ready to let out soon !
just 20 minutes can give you the boost of a lifetime !


stronghunter said...

Camp goes from 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM.

Hoda said...

"We're gonna trip the Light

We're gonna break the night..."

Happy people dancing on the planet Dance dance wherever you may be...

magpie said...

Wheee Doggy, clutter monger here found her list of her first nest visit in June 2008:

I also met: Mattie, Sissy, Mary Margaret !!!
and Buddy the Bassett Hound ☺
possibly Jo's Jenny was at nest visit, can't tell from my list or my memory for sure, I missed the dinner so there were others there too

But what a day that was !!!

Hoda said...

Good morning goods afternoon everyone...
Dancing video is in my mind and I have been a dancin' most of my morning...

I hope LOLLY and JACK took off alright. Hope DEX and GLO are doing alright and much love to one and all and much Light...

Hoda said...

make that good afternoon not goods LOL

magpie said...

LOL - Shirley I went to Shirley's Pics, and found the tornado buildings instead, speed-read past the letters "FB"

Howdy Hoda !!

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and find a new thread I was wonder what I was gonna eat LOL

magpie said...

I want to really pump up the prayers for GG today, everyday....
that she finds relief from her pains, and I also want to give utmost respect and admiration to Wanda and Gene for their tireless and devoted attention, care, and love to this lovely lady....
(( GG, Wanda, and Gene Hugs ))

magpie said...

weather here can't quite decide what it wants to do, but I know what I want to do : Get out and look for some seasonal wildflowers, hoping to find New York Ironweed, and Cardinal Flower...

enjoy your lunch break, JudyE, pretend you are retired for one hour ~ xo

glo said...

Happy Birthday Diane Dex is to stay on his chicken and rice diet for 2 to 3 days. She feels he will respond to this unless there is something more serious we need to look at. He has had 3 servings of this so far. Yesterday about suppertime and then after a 12 hour fast again this morning a smaller amt and another small meal at lunch time. So far except for sleeping he seems pretty good today. I was worried he wouldn't eat this BUT he is doing well with that. He can have more in a couple of hours. He does seem a little confused and did miss his usual treats this morning but he is doing pretty well. I am hoping for nothing more serious and just a bout of older age tummy issues. I never did really change his diet but his morning treats did contain some processed foods that may be what has caused the issue as he has aged. Time will tell i guess. My neighbors have some extra Oscar Meyer turkey to eat. I really hope she is right and htis works. We do not want to face anything more serious.

Hoda said...

HEAR HEAR for MARGY's post at 3:51 Pumping prayers for GG and Gratitude to WANDA and the CAPTAIN

Hoda said...

PRAYERS GLO for you and DEX

magpie said...

Glo....we appreciate the updates on your precious pal, and I sure hope Dex is more and more like his old self, every day....
Give my love to the Dog Treat Folks, please !!
xoxox (( DEX and GLO Hugs ))

Hoda said...

MARGY's Post at 3:15 not 3:51

magpie said...

Rain or shine, I'm headed out to do some wildlifing...
got some GREAT postage stamps at the post office, mailed out all my stuff for today....took my Fosamax, so I guess I am good to go for awhile...

Best Wishes to Everyone in ALL our Eagle Corners
xoxox ttfn

stronghunter said...

Margy, I have posted the daycamp pics on my blog for your admiration.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just had this lovely black with a little white on her lab/maybe pit bull mix show up at the back door. She was really friendly. I tried to give her food or water and she was interested in neither. I was afraid to let her just run so I put her on a leash and walked her back down where I saw her come from. Her "daddy" was mowing grass down in the alley and she was just out nosing around. So glad it was an easy fix. I cannot do another dog.

stronghunter said...

Looks like some rain is coming our way.

stronghunter said...

Glad you found the "daddy," Sharon.

Hoda said...

exploring what the day has to and friends and a sense of gratitude and wellness...oh and errands too...

Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥

.♥ Diane ♥

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

My tush hurts from sitting! We are a little over an hour away. Hope the line is not too long for the ferry! We have had one little shower, mostly sunny.

Janet said...

good afternoon and a fresh new thread! thanks to steve!

Mema Jo: summers are getting shorter and shorter here it seems. 8 weeks. not only is it short, but it is the hottest part of the year.....and they are going back to school...

DIANE: happy birthday!

not a lot new around here; hot hot hot hot hot. humid humid humid. summer time.

nuff said about that.

work was good. am tired now. ran a few errands....home.....have chores to do, dinner to cook......typical night around here, lol.

hope everyone has had a great day! :)

stronghunter said...

Tired here, too. Don't feel like I did a whole lot, however.

Hunter seems to have enjoyed the day, though he did not want to talk much about what he did.

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY he's a typical boy Most boys that I know don't like to talk about their day unless its sports LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Still no live feed, but the still cam is up....rather fuzzy, but nest is MT

paula eagleholic said...


Margy, I remember that first meeting at the Sycamore Palace, too. First time I had met Diane...she had just had hand/wrist surgery, I think for carpal tunnel syndrome, not sure.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly is there! We're here! Same site , same cabin! — at Pioneer Beach Resort.My back is better.

Mema Jo said...

Janet I am hoping that all schools have central air! Do they?

paula eagleholic said...

Ah, good report from Lolly!

Jo, I was watching all the little birds over the weekend at the beach...have a really pretty cardinal pair...the male is a very bright red! Fun to watch them fly around.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne has been on FB, but hasn't been on here!

Glo, glad Dex seems to be doing better!

JudyEddy said...

I ♥ secrets ☺♥ How about you LOL ♥♥

JudyEddy said...

gonna go to BK lounge and have one of their pulled pork sandwiches and sweet potato fries I haven't ate yet no wonder I am hungry LOL

Mema Jo said...

Judy - you have been too busy making ♥secrets♥

Hoda I love that video I put it on FB. When you see Port au Prince, Haiti - Those children look exactly like the girls and boys from the orphanage where Michael went for a week to help out.

Hoda - I love the song and video.

Mema Jo said...

Sorry in the last comment that I used so much space and then all it was is a repetitious statement....... lol

BBL this evening

Mema Jo said...

Paula, I can spot my adult male redbird at least 300 yards away!

JudyEddy said...

This is tooo funny Whale imitates a boat motor

Whale and a boat

magpie said...

Thanks Paula ! for easing my worries and letting me know Lynne2 has been on Facebook, hope all is well with everything with her...

YAY Lolly !! Thanks JO, I read "my back is better?" that is very good news

Cardinals, aaaah, the quintessential bird, and nice enough to stay around all year !!

magpie said...

OK Shirley I thank you and I am headed to your pictures...

Oh,did I have a nice outing at Swinging Bridge ! Two hours and not a soul around and only two cars crossed the bridge...
Joe-Pye Weed is OUT, And I found one wee little baby Cardinal Flower, and one big Cardinal Flower bud...

water was up, flowing good, cool and clear....

Saw Cedar Waxwings among some other neat birds, including Cardinals, Goldfinches, Phoebes, and Kingbird

magpie said...

And New York Ironweed is in bud, starting to come out, and so much Queen Anne's Lace, some goldenrod, and some fabulous hay bales

magpie said...

Yes, Paula...Diane was all splinted up with the carpal tunnel problem, poor gal, she could barely use her hands to use her field glasses....

magpie said...

"my back is better." I did not mean to put a question mark after that sentence a few posts ago...about Lolly

magpie said...

Thanks Shirley, looks like a nice place, the playground....what's the arrangement for meals and snacks and drinks?

magpie said...

also saw some Japanese Beetles going to town on some leaves....

Sycamore tree, rather large, came down, probably during the bad storms a few weeks ago...and lying horizontally 2/3 say across the creek. Whew, I was relieved it was NOT the Sycamore that the Red-Shouldered Hawk's Nest is in....but, it was the very next tree closest to it.
Close Call !

JudyEddy said...

Back home and down in the mouth BK has discontinued the pulled pork and sweet pot fries I was kidding them they get us hooked like a drug and then take it away LOL I had them laughing they told me to try another BK so I went right down the street and ordered it they took my money just to tell me they didn't have the sandwich they gave me free sweetpot fries and my drink so I will have to be Joneses for it AT least I got them laughing about it toooo I sang the I wanna new drug song to them by Huey Lewis LOL

JudyEddy said...

did you get pic MARGY???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch The Closer & the a new one Perception


JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

wherever you might be tonight, I had picked up a TRAIN CD a few weeks ago, an older one, from Goodwill, so naturally, after watching that concert the other night, I was playing it all day today when driving around.
Late last night, Crosby, Stills and Nash were also on, so I caught up on my music this week-end during my two-day "retirement."

Okay, putting the brakes on,time for shower shampoo and all that jazz soon...


magpie said...

I got some pictures, but couldn't quite capture the Sideways Sycamore like a better camera might do...but I did get some close up shots of the Sycamore Balls....
I'll post some in a few days,cannot do it from the laptop

Enjoy the shows Jo !!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


I LOVE US!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Magpie, which CD is it?

magpie said...

Well, wait a minute, Sharon,it's out in the car, but it has She's on Fire and the Jupiter song on it..
bb inaminute

JudyEddy said...

My favorite song is DRIVE BY by them I play it over and over LOVE IT

boy was that shower needed but I still have the burning sensation may take a while to go away

Today at work I broke a big big bottle of Red curry and the dust went every where I tried to wash it off at work but I think is was on my cloths and in my hair Its not as bad now but I still sort of feel it YUK

magpie said...

"Drops of Jupiter" Sharon, I think it's from 2001 ??

She's on Fire; I Wish you Would; Drops of Jupiter; It's About You;
Hopeless; Respect; Let it Roll; Something More; Whipping Boy; Getaway; and Mississippi

magpie said...

I like curry but would NOT want it all over me unless it is a bug repellent...

I cannot say on favorites yet because I am a Train Newbie, but I really liked the LOVE song they sang the other night, reminded me of Andrew and Kelsey
do you know that one ?? Nice feature of that song in that concert...they had the words up on the screen, BIG LETTERS....
It was truly a beautiful Love Song...

magpie said...

well I must get the outdoors washed off of me now...

Best Wishes, Precious Pals...for a good evening...

Judie, all the doors here are locked against the Night Bandits and Sandpersons, including the Bathroom door

JudyEddy said...

MARGY you can subscribe to thier YOUTUBE channel and see all the video tooo

Train youtube channel

magpie said...

Hey Shar, nice work on the wandering doggy today...

I have a Calendar, Roadsides in Bloom, sponsored by WV D.E.P. and D.O.H, so I am going to see what I can find, it has to have a view of a WV road in the picture, so I can see my exploring days are ahead of me....
last year's grand prize winner was of a Red Bud, in Morgan County !!
I did get Queen Anne's Lace with Swinging Bridge Rd in view today, but I know I can do more like that
ok 'bye for now

Judie said...

Good late evening to all.

Speed reading and it seems that everyone has had a good day today.

PT actually resulted in more discomfort when I left than when I arrived. I suspect Thursday will be my last day as the exercises do not seem to help significantly. Will report more tomorrow after I see the doctor.

Just happy today was a positive day for us as a group.

Judie said...

The sandperson just tossed a handful of sleep dust into my eyes so I told him to get his act on the road to visit others.

The night light is set for 11:30pm. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night from here, too. See you tomorrow.

SED, everyone.

magpie said...

Oh Judie...hmmm, maybe there is a better place to be going for therapy?? kind of like getting a second opinion...I am so sorry this is not going better; wishing Lynn was here and able to discuss it with you....SHE would know what to suggest....

'Night Shirley, hope tonight is a better sleeping night for you

JudyE, thanks, I know I could check some YouTubes, it's just a time management thing more or less...

JudyEddy said...

Well I hope everyone has a uneventful night and gets a good night sleep and I will see you in the am and we will start it all over again
JUDIE has sent the sandman around again

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Hi all! On phone, too tired to set up laptop. Meatballs for dinner, then walked to the beach. The boys swam. Now I am ready for bed!

My back still hurts but is much better!

Nite, Buds! SED!

Hoda said...

Glad LOLLY and family arrived to their beach...ENJOY your time together and the beach.
Thanks MEMA JO yes the video of the Dancing on Planet Earth is one of cheer and I am glad you saw the connection to Michael's Haiti Children...a good thing he did.

I love the pictures of your GRAND KIDS too JO. Such incredibly happy smiles and cheerful demeanor.

JUDIE sorry the PT is not helping much...I hope you see some improvement soon.

Night to all who have already called it a day.

My day went well and I also did a lot of cooking which I enjoyed very much...the fridge is full for the week.

Costume Lady said...


Well, we had those Fried Green Tomatoes that I was talking about. Gene does these in the house, not on the grill. Also did a white squash, oh so good!

GG not feeling so well today, hope tomorrow is a better day!

Good night everyone...prayers and blessings for all♥

magpie said...

Right along behind you Wanda...

I hope tomorrow is a better day also....

Prayers for Wellness Amongst Us, our Families, Friends and Pets

God Bless Us, Every One xoxo

magpie said...

oh dear, Sally Ride, first US Woman in space has died, from pancreatic cancer.
She was 61

I am so sad about this.....

Hoda said...


I hope GG is better tomorrow WANDA.

Costume Lady said...

Soup Kitchen tomorrow...Menu:
BBQ chicken legs and thighs, scalloped potatoes, French Style corn, pickled eggs, apple pie, and peach shortcake.
Iced Tea, coffee, apple-cranberry juice, and Mellow Yellow sodas:)

Come join us again, MARGY...loved having you last time♥

We are having a Pancake and Sausage breakfast on Saturday along with the Pastors wife making the sausage gravy...just hope it doesn't rain, although we will have tents and shelters~

Mema Jo said...

I heard you clear over here in the valley, Sharon! I ♥ US too!

Hello Sandman & Good night everyone
Prayers for all our needs, large & small

I will always miss you Lynn Riner ♥

It is certain that those that are not with us are so near. Keep the memories near and dear and feel the hands and hearts of those you love eternally. Smile as you delight in all the wonder of what if they really are here.
~Gigi Galluzzo

Hoda said...

Beautiful quote Jo...
Yes LYNN is precious and very much missed and somehow she is here...

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Prayers are continuing for Dex. Glad to hear that he was a little better today. Certainly hoping for the best for him!


Judie, sorry to hear that the PT just isn't getting the job done. Hope and pray there's another solution!

Lolly, glad your back is better, if not perfect yet! Glad you're enjoying your trip!

Got some laundry done here today. Didn't really do much--it was still humid, though a bit cooler--just a couple degrees.

Wanda, praying that GG will feel better tomorrow.

Shar, glad you found the wayward dog's owner! Oh, my, if I had seen an eagle that close, you would've heard me from all the way out here!

Hoping we hear from a couple of people here soon. Missing Lynne2, and Linda. Hope all's well with them.

I'm going to call it a day. I can't stop yawning! Have said prayers for everyone, and every creature. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, with SED! God bless, and goodnight.
Love all of you!
♥♥Really, really missing Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...



Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone!

Just got caught up on this thread.

Happy belated Birthday, DIANE!

GLO, I hope Dex is feeling better today. Sounds like the special food and no treats is working. Prayers that that is the answer!

MARGY, my Joe P Weed is up and big, too! Butterflies do love it. Have lots and lots of butterflies this year.

THELMA, congrats on your new feather! I'm still holding only 2.

LOLLY, hope your day holds wonderful family fun at the beach.

JUDIE, how many days are you going to PT, now? Sorry it isn't helping as fast as you hoped.

PAULA, are you still working in the same location? Think of you every time I pass by there.

JUDYE, hate when they advertise something new on the menu somewhere and it's gone before you know it. Happened to me at Taco Bell on way to Deep Creek over the weekend. I probably shouldn't have stopped there anyway.

We did find the best pizza and salads on vacation. Went there two nights in a row!

Today is last day of vacation - head back to work tomorrow so will try to accomplish something today!


JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE Buds Hope everyone aches and pains subside and or get better today

JudyEddy said...

So sad on the news the dad of the 6 yrs old was just interviewd saying he thinks that there should be no trial for him I sort of agree but I wonder why was a 6yrs old at a midnight showing of a movie as well as the baby ??????

Janet said...

Morning all.

Mema Jo: not sure if all the schools have central air. Nashville is a big city.....I can say the three schools that I have dealt with do have central air.

Was cleaning out some old cardboard from behind my trashcan yesterday (recycling comes once a month) and guess what we found? a big old black widow spider. she was quite large. we caught her in a jar and took her down to the woods and turned her loose.

Got another huge bag of bird seed yesterday for my feathered buddies. Love to watch them. The hummingbirds are buzzing around. We don't have as many as we did last year....none around here seems to. But the ones out there this morning seem happy...they are chirping away and having breakfast. :)

Not a lot going on. Rearranged my week...have two massages this morning and am off tomorrow. Tom has his yearly before school training tomorrow and then picks up his bus on Thursday. Time to rearrange vehicles again.

Planning to start to paint my dining room today. Been trying to get to it for a couple of years now. It has wallpaper....adhered straight to plywood. Like paneling. Been up 30+ years I suppose. Going to kilnz it heavily then put this nice almond color paint on. Hope it goes well. Just need a more updated look. I think between now and the weekend I can finish. My house is small. I want at least the dining room done before my gal pals get here on the 3rd.

Everyone, have a beautiful day. Smiles, light, love, and ((((HUGS)))) to all! :)

Lori O. said...

JANET, I envy your desire to get painting today! Need to get some of that done here, too.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning dear friend Lori!!! How are you?

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Not such a good night here. Dex and i will be at the Vet first thing this morning. it scares me. Please pray for him and for the Doc to figure this out. Thanks.

Lori O. said...

GLO, what's wrong? Is his tummy worse?

Lori O. said...

Hello Sharon! Okay here...still sad over FloBear, but I guess it takes time.

What are you up to today?

Sandi said...

Jambo, my eagle friends!! Hakuna matata!! Believe it or not, the Tanzanians actually say Hakuna matata, just like in The Lion King!

Made it home to the USA yesterday afternoon after 18 hours of flying and a 5 hr. layover in Zurich - EXHAUSTING doesn't even come close to describing that flight! Spent the night at my mom's and will be driving home this morning.

Have TONS of pics once I download them - Denny's camera really got a work out!! Had a fabulous time - it was hard to hug Brian goodbye at the airport, but they'll be state side in 5 months.

Will never catch up on the blog happenings for the past 11 days - hope everyone is well! HAGD!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It absolutely takes time Lori. I still look and listening for Mopsy all the time. Her and FloBear are playing Woofs with Friends now! :)

Sandi said...

Oops, forgot to check the email comments box!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Glo, praying for you and Dex this morning.

Sandi said...

Oh no. Flo Bear is gone??? Lori, I am so so sorry!

Judie said...

Good morning to all.

Thank you so much for the words of support about my shoulder. Will report what the doctor says when I return today. Sad thing is that this is the second time the PT has caused more pain than when I walked in. Therapy has been 2x per week. Oh well.

Hope Dex will be improved today and that Lolly's back will be pain-free.

Wanda, I hope GG has a much, much better day today. Sending her some big gentle hugs.

Lori, safe travels.

Janet, know you will be pleased with the painting. Enjoy the result if not the process.

Wanda, I'm on my way to the Soup Kitchen -- well, at least in my mind. Know it will be a big success as always.

Judy, are you and Jordyn still going to see Winter?

Hey Shar. Have a good day.

Wonder how Shirley's going to spend her day?

Okay, time to make myself less scary for the doctor. BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome home, Sandi!

Lori O. said...

SANDI, so glad you're back and you had a great time. We all loved reading your posts from Africa! Welcome Home!

SHARON, LOL Woofs with Friends. Made me smile. :)

Costume Lady said...


Curling and drying my hair (under the hair dryer). Do any of you still do that...curlers and then under the dryer for about 45 minutes? My daughters think I'm crazy for doing that, instead of blow drying. My hair does not hold it curl or style with a curling iron. Do comes undone after about 3 hours:(

Just got a call from GG's Surgi Center and they said it is normal to have pain and muscle spasms from the Nerve Burning proceedure. So, that makes me feel better and I hope GG feels better, knowing that~

SANDI, those long flights really take the SAP out of you, don't they? But really worth it to experience what you and Dennis just have. We are all waiting for some pictures. Give us just one or two to get us started and appeased for a day or two;)

Soup Kitchen in a few hours, so must dry hair and find some comfy clothes that don't show the stains from BBQ sauce or pickled eggs;)

It is a pretty morning here in Nestville...83° going up to 89°. Hope it's a nice day wherever you are☼ ♥

magpie said...

Well I see the Morning Blog is bouncing with Momsters

Good Morning...

Thank you to Jo for posting that quote late last night....
at 11:50 pm...always good to be reminded of those thought...

check Google...Nice....Amelia Earhart's 115ht birthday...

magpie said...

Encircling you and Dex with love and prayers.....
hope the Doctor can find out the problem, and find some relief right away

magpie said...

I missed Lori on the radio, didn't take long to realize something was missing !! but, GREAT, you have this day off...
Read your report on Joe-Pye Weed, isn't it great ???

Costume Lady said...

LORI, I'm so glad I got to meet Flo Bear, before the Rainbow Bridge became HOME. So sorry for your loss.
Have you thought of getting another dog?

magpie said...

Hope Wanda and Gene make extras, I have a feeling a whole bunch of Momsters are Jonesin' to come to Soup Kitchen !!

Good that the doctor can explain some of things about the pain

Costume Lady said...

Margy, where is the Joe-Pye weed report...I LOVE that 'weed'!

magpie said...

Welcome Home to Sandi !
Wow, what a trip...hope your re-entry is good and you catch up on rest FIRST

magpie said...

I saw some at Swinging Bridge, and also along Swinging Bridge Rd near the Cannon Hill Rd Bridge,
Lori has some growing at her roost ...

magpie said...

and I found just one teeny tiny baby Cardinal Flower, Wanda...
and one very chubby blossom...
so it won't be long -
this was at Swinging Bridge....

magpie said...

I would have to say Janet it quite brave for releasing the Black Widow Spider back into the wild...

Good work, Janet...I think... LOL
but let's not talk of spiders here ☺

magpie said...

I have been using electric rollers late...maybe they are called hot rollers....
once I figured out how to secure them to my's much easier...but it really doesn't hold too well....I spray with hairspray right after I get everything all rolled up

magpie said...

I'm leaving letters off my words.

Judie...I volunteer to take your shoulder pain, really...I wish I could...

but right now it is time for me to go make dough $$$

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone...


Costume Lady said...

How lucky Lori is to have such a pretty "weed" growing on her grounds. I think you need 'wet' soild to grow them properly, which I do not have. I hope to dig out a pond some day!

Lori O. said...

WANDA, I do have the Joe Pye weed growing in a wet area along a drainage gully. Rain water gushes through it, so I stick all my plants that need a lot of water along there.
Hope you have a great day at the soup kitchen! Always await the SK report.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Lori♥

glo said...

Well we are back form the vet. He got a shot and some meds and because of his age she did blood work to rule out the "crummy" stuff. I am so praying my little guy responds to these meds and there is no bad news from the blood work. I like my vet She seems to have all the initial bases covered. Got to go feed and water the outside birds now. Miserably hot today BUT much worse tomorrow. I am so tired of this heat.

magpie said...

Okay, Glo...we'll be standing by...

WV/my area, MD close by,
we are under thunderstorm watches and they are just about upon us

Be Careful !

magpie said...

oh my c
can practically make out that the nest is a nest on the still cam

movin said...


GooD MornING, aLL.


Warm, cloudy and humid in So Cal this morning, Cloud cover should burn off this afternoon though, and things should warm up.

Looks like the nesting season is coming to an end at many sites now. Even BWO has both chicks fledged now....

C(°?°)3 Jim

T-Bird said...

It's still morning. : ) Good morning my eagle peeps.

Mema Jo said...

Wow T-Bird I am only 1 min behind you on the blog! Whoo hoo!
Good morning my friends

movin said...

Morning, all ... Glo, Margie, Wanda, T-Bird, Mema Jo, Lori ...
all my friends.

C(°?°)3 Jim

stronghunter said...


Hunter should be having fun in the water now. They were going to the water park today.

Football practice starts for him on Thursday. He will be a busy boy for awhile.

Wallpaper--someone mentioned wallpaper. Janet, I think. She is planning to get rid of some before the gal pals show up. I am going to put some up before the gal pals show up

Bridge will be here in August. I want to do an accent wall. Just can't paint everything that needs it.

I think I need to head down to the Benjamin Moore store. Lady at Home Depot suggested it. She also showed me a neat way to adhere tiles on the wall in the kitchen. Maybe I will try that next.

Mema Jo said...

I need to say Good Morning before the clock's hands are straight up together!

Welcome Home Sandi! Christmas is only 5 months away and the kids will be stateside. You need to make a book of all your pics - Ask Carol Anne how to go about that!

Lori - Did you go to the Silver Tree up at the lake? I am so happy you had a relaxing time. Tomorrow will come sooner then you want.

Glo I have been praying for Dex & you. Daph, I'm sure, is looking down on him and you.
Megan is also having a problem with her Snowy -Megan Webber said:
My poor Snowy dog, he just can't see anything, he keeps walking into walls :(
Good luck, Janet with your painting and getting a new look!

Mema Jo said...

Judie, I hope there is another suggestion from you dr as how to relieve your shoulder pain! Praying!

Lots of squirrels and birds feeding on my deck. We did have a heavy shower but it is now very light outside. Humid as the devil!

I need to get my day started and get up off this chair - it does have rollers! lol

stronghunter said...

Hope there is a solution for your pain, Judie.

Prayers for GG. Hope she will be pain free.

stronghunter said...

Just posted a couple of pictures from the Y's FB page that show the water park.

We are having thunder now. Severe thunderstorm watch. I hope the kids are safely indoors now.

stronghunter said...

Went out and gave a little plant food to my garden. Didn't feed the squash plant, though. Afraid it might get big enough to come after me.

magpie said...

looks like the storms are moving into the Virginia area..

magpie said...

and still moving through parts of West Virginia

magpie said...

and I think this will be going on most of the afternoon and evening

magpie said...

me too, Shirley...hope the children are safely indoors, and then when it is all over they can go get wet all over again

stronghunter said...

I think he will be coming home before the weather clears up. That water park is at another Y a few miles away, so going there is a field trip.

stronghunter said...

My glow-in-the dark birdbath is in the yard now, thanks to Will. I have not checked it out at night. Might be interesting.

Could not really put it near the house as long as we had the dogs on leads. They would have pulled it out of the ground.

I need to plant a little flower bed around it. But, wow, it is so hot and not particularly flower-bed friendly right now.

JudyEddy said...

HOME FOR lunch for just a few min

LORI it may take months take your time It took me a long time before I could even let another animal in to my heart

GLO hope things work out for poor DEX

I see we are saying we like WEED on the blog Don't let the drug enforcement find out LOL

I know we aren't suppose to talk about the S---ers but how about the WEBS did you see they are fighting breast cancer with the webs was on the news this am and can stop bleeding all kinds of good stuff with the s-----WEBS

the video is below the main video pretty cool

Spider web in health

JudyEddy said...

SANDI Welcome home

JudyEddy said...

there are lots of other interesting video on that page if you have time I love this TV channel

stronghunter said...

Adding my voice to those welcoming you home, Sandi.

Hoda said...

Hakuna Matata Sandi
Welcome home I am glad you are home safe and sound.

Good afternoon everyone.

Good to read LORI and MARGY and THELMA and JO and SHAR and JUDYE and JUDIE and GLO this morning...

Sorry about the shoulder and hoping for relief JUDIE.

PRAYERS for DEX and must be at the vets now???

Rainy here today and I hope you all are safe from the storms there.

Friends of mine had had a bear try to break into their house over this month and it finally did enter on Sunday. Fish and Wild life caught it with molasses vanilla and herring in a trap and they destroyed it this morning. I was supposed to go there for coffee this morning and I cancelled. I feel so sad. In BC when a bear enters the home it is not loses its "one free helicopter ride" rule.It was a two year old bear...

magpie said...

we are getting some pretty frequent notifications for weather moving through your county...

magpie said...

workday is over,
See You all a little later xoxoxo

glo said...

Vet called. No real bad news. Liver enzymes are off some but she said given his age not overly concerned about that just yet. He is dehydrated but that is kind of expected, yet not bad enough to return him for fluids today. I am to report in tomorrow or bring him back if he doesn't seem much improved. I think I will fix him a drink :-)

Lori O. said...

GLO, glad you got the test results back so soon and nothing the vet is worried about. Hope Dex is feeling better after his special drink you're making.

Hoda said...

Thanks for the update GLO...

Hoda said...

SHAR reports on FB that THELMA fell this afternoon, slippery deck, after feeding a stray. They went to the hospital and THELMA checks out ok Thank God...WE have to find a way to renforce the rule of NO FALLING!!!

Mema Jo said...

Report on Thelma from Sharon
She is okay. Sprained her ankle and knee and a cut on her knee. She put cat food out for a stray cat that is hanging out. It had been raining and when she stepped from the yard onto the deck, she fell. The deck is slicker than snot on a door knob when it is wet. :(

Mema Jo said...

You Thelma news beat mine, Hoda lol
You are just to swift for me. Sad news about the bear.......:o(
Great news for Dex - fix yourself a drink also Glo ! :o)

Bragg bunch is having the blunt of the storm - Christine said that No power this storm is crazy! Picked my umbrella up out of the base and table and blew it into the yard and then blew my huge gas grill over.

JudyEddy said...

EWWWWWWW snot on a door knob never in my life have I heard of that and don't think I will test your theory LOL JO

JudyEddy said...

OH by the way home from work Hope ya all days as grand

JudyEddy said...

I got a apology on bended knees from my Ass Manager Lee on the sales floor in front of lots of people

I was asked to work the 5week no movement report will it was more like 3month no movement and did it in 4 hours well he denied all my counts I went to my ZoneMgr Shari and told her she was sooooo mad and went to the store mgr and the store mgr called Lee in the office and that is why I got the apology but I had to do the work over again which didn't take as long since I do detail and had marked all the items that I had previously zeroed out NO Movement on them

JudyEddy said...

Other than that it was a good day all around and I told security that I wanted a copy of the video that I know they take from the cameras they of course laughed
I had my camera in my pocket and said can you do it again I want it on tape LOL and OH by the way He is heavy and I had to help him up of the floor he was on bended knee and asked for my hand and said please accept my apology It looked almost like a marriage proposal security said on the tape since he was holding my hand LOL

JudyEddy said...

and I didn't misspell asst mgr I did it on purpose because that is how he was acting Shari was so tickled to see him have to apologize to me in front of everyone It made her day

JudyEddy said...

GLO so good to hear that DEX is only ailing from ole age like all of us

magpie said...

I think that is a pretty good report on Dex, Glo...I agree, share a special drink and a toast, why not...this evening...a toast for good health

so sorry to read of T-Bird's slip, fall and boo boo, but isn't it like T, to be doing something nice for a critter in need...
(( Healing Hugs, Thelma ))

magpie said...

I saw on the weather map before I left work....that NC was about to get blasted with storms...
also sorry to hear about Your wind activity... It is Quite the Storm system, looked like all of Southern West Virginia was cloaked in it for awhile

magpie said...

there is a lot of drama with that job of yours....
I am glad Tomorrow is your Friday !

magpie said...

How about those ospreys at Blackwater ?? I saw and noticed that Jim stated both chicks had flown out.....
glad the season went well for them there....for Lisa and all her associates,
and of course for the Proud Osprey Parents

magpie said...

of course right now there are two chicks and one parent at the nest, as is to be expected

Kay said...

Just a quick note between thunderstorms. They should end by Friday. All goes well with the recovery, though it's at a snails pace.

I see there are some prayer requests. Thankful Thelma's injuries are not too serious and that Sandi is safely on American soil ! ☺

Had a great weekend with my son and granddaughter. Now I'll attempt to really catch up with y'all and our eagles

Meantime, praying for all in need. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

and our nest is sort of visible right now on the Still Cam

glo said...

I am glad that Thelma checked out OK. It is really not easy to get Dex to drink and with all the fluid he has lost the last few days it will indeed be a challenge. The liver enzymes could be do to old age, unfortunately though he is really quite sick. I am hoping the meds work well and quickly. He did get a shot at the vets and has taken his first dose of take home pills. Hoping for a much better night than last night and that it will not be necessary to return to the vet tomorrow. He is getting a little restless and ate about half an hour ago. I sure hope that doesn't mean it's not goign to stay with im MTBR I guess.

Hoda said...

Yes on the drama at walmart!!! Glad you got an apology JUDYE...

JO YOU brought in the correct posting from Shar I simply paraphrased. Thank you for bringing it over...Glad Thelma will be alright even though has to be off of legs for two days...UGH!!! SHAR is an awesome helper...

Lori O. said...

KAY, so glad you could check in and that the recovery continues!

We miss you!!!


Lori O. said...

Hello HODA!

Prayers for DEX & GLO.

Glad THELMA is going to be okay. The rest may do her well. SHARON, you are the best!

JudyEddy said...

went right to the still cam and mine is kawkaw spelling???

JudyEddy said...

OH bytheway they fired a associate that has been there as long as I today Effie she is a cashier and she takes extremely to long of breaks so it was just cause she should known they have talked to her about it She is about 70 I think When you leave your register it has a time and when you come back the time is also there so they were correct in firing her Me that can't find anything on LOL I don't usually take breaks LOL

I think I told you the rumor is they want to be down to 70% part timers by the end of the year so they are looking for people to get rid of at all stores eventually will do the same


JudyEddy said...

ok got to go find food

magpie said...

OH wow, I had missed Kay's post, thanks for the "alert" Lori !

Thinking positive thoughts, Glo...for your and Dex....

xo ttfn....
back quite a bit later on...
(( Evening Hugs ))

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 of any cat owner ????? I have never heard JET meow should I get that checked or maybe she is just a quite one BENNY meows enough for the both of them Just giving them their wet can food made me think of asking

JudyEddy said...

MT nest and the still cam looks sort of good not perfect but you can see MT nest

stronghunter said...


Hunter had a fun day at the water park. He has already decided he wants to go back next summer.

But if you ask him if he had a good time, he says no.

We had a big issue over sunscreen this morning and mister smartypants got a sunburn.

He insisted on putting on his own sunscreen and went so far as to wash off the sunscreen I put on his arms. He felt that he did not need it until he was actually going to the water park.

The sunburn is on his back. I never did get to put anything there.

Hoda said...

Off to yoga...

Mema Jo said...

I just can't say enough for Sandi's pics over on FB from their trip. Such
great shots of the animals.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I hope it was the waterproof
sunscreen you used and it did work. Don't you sometimes think it is a losing battle ! But grandma knows best!
But you can't convince a 10 yr old of that! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Judy - both of my cats are feral cats!
They do not meow. They were never with their mother long enough and just never learned the 'meow' sound. Now Judy, if
they also don't purr - just pet them more often! lol My cats purr very loudly. I have heard you say that
yours purr away..........

Mema Jo said...

Margy - I had no rain and no wind but NC Bragg Bunch had it all! Hope they
get their power back soon ♥
Have a good evening, Margy.

Mema Jo said...

Off to water some plants and then a TV show

Everyone enjoy your evening


magpie said...

OH wow, Jo, I misunderstood...I thought YOUR umbrella had taken off and your grill up-dumped...I understand the message now...

these kinds of storms are not fun at all !!

Shirley: Wow, what a Hunter, indeed....they have their foibles...but I am so glad he is enjoying this camp days..

Well, time to run along now, had a little power nap, having coffee now, and headed to a meeting...
will be back around before bedtime

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ☺ ♥

Costume Lady said...

I'm back from the Soup Kitchen/Clothes Closet...
We had 90 guests (a record)BBQ chicken ran out at about 65 guests...I could forsee that happening so I opened up some large cans of Beef Stew and cooked some noodles and that sufficed for the rest of the evening.
Our guests left with bag after bag of clothing, etc. from the Closet. I took a peek in the closet and clothing was all over the floor and in places that I didn't even know we had! Too tired to straighten up, so I just turned the light out and closed the door. Will straighten up later:)
Thank you JO, for the donation of clothing♥ Margy's clothing is GONE!

magpie said...

Just missed you, almost, Wanda

Wow, what a great report... !
So, my clothing is gone, I am bare naked, and I have to go to a meeting ☺ LOL
Love you, God Bless Your Ministry !!

ttfn xoxox

Costume Lady said...

So good to have KAY join us for a while. I truly miss her SUNSHINE in the morning, along with the rest of the morning crew! If you don't feel SUNSHINE in your HEART AND SOUL you can't pass it out to others. It shouldn't be long before our KAY is feeling 'Fit as a Fiddle' and passing on her JOY to us:) LOVE YOU, KAY♥

Costume Lady said...

MARGY...Jerry and his wife, Marcy came to the Soup Kitchen and had dinner with us. It was so good to see them. I haven't seen them any, this year!

glo said...

Too much to read back for the day I confess. Did catch that Kay was on again. I am so very happy. Soup Kitchen was a big success. I do have a clue the work that goes into it and with the numbers you are getting Wanda I would say it was surely needed. What a fantastic ministry. Magpie gave all her clothes away. Doesn't surprise me one bit. It's summer and she is lovely inside and out so all is good. Dex is resting quietly and supper remains in his tummy hopefully digesting properly. We both need some rest tonight for sure. I think I will go try to find some of Sandy's pictures on FB I can just imagine.

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