Wednesday, June 06, 2012


New thread.


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CarolAnne said...

Thanks Steve - notified the others on the old thread

magpie said...

Well that's great...

Thanks Steve
Thanks CarolAnne for the alert

CarolAnne said...

Hi everyone, prayers in my heart all day today. Doing a quick check for news.

Wow Dana - the strength be with you. Good on you for the trip.

So much going on around here - neighbor injured in fall at work when ladder slipped out from under him. Shattered shoulder - broken ribs.

Notified of a motor home parked in Mom's cottage yard - many phone calls to get to the bottom of that.

This morning lumber delivery truck at Bubby's work lost its load, which crashed thru windshield of car - waiting to hear on that.

BUT - today the weatherman has given our day a 10 - Perfect weather!

magpie said...

that's a lot of serious stuff, hope everything will turn out/heal/be okay

Mema Jo said...

Hey there you all - How are you CarolAnne? Have you made anymore good books recently? Thanks for the call over.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread.
Our juvies have both made their first flight but them seem to like to hang out at the nest quite a good bit.

Hi Margy! Are you still at work ? I hope you do get some time with Carolyn today as you said was planned.

Mema Jo said...

CarolAnne - that is 'not so happy' news. Accidents do happen but broken bones and ribs and lumber through the windshield -that one could be very serious!

Happy that your weather is great!
Take care!

Mema Jo said...

Happy Happy The little Hummer paid me a pretty long visit at Megan's silvia
Sometimes Nature makes me extra happy

magpie said...

that it Happy Hummer news, Jo..and yes, still at work til 4, Caro and Christie and the girls had some afternoon we'll probably at least TALK about seeing each other today or Thursday....☺

CarolAnne said...

MemaJo - did a photo book for Mom's birthday - Great Grandchildren (13 of them)!

Oh - and all you feather collecters -- THIS ONE IS MINE! :o)

CarolAnne said...

Anyone notice a decline in Hummer visits? Seem to only have one pair this year. Last year there were more with lots of chasing each other away from the feeders.

Awaiting news on our various patients - thoughts & prayers continue.

Happy Summer everyone!

Mema Jo said...

Great for you being able to keep your own handiwork, CarolAnne

Taking a break

One eagle in the shaded nest ♥

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and find a spankin new fresh thread itchin to be filled up and I eagle in the nest

JudyEddy said...

I see Palm Harbor on the revolver map again They must be shy LOL Welcome PH chime in sometime we are addicting

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY got a summons for JD they will just resechedule it for you they do it down here

JudyEddy said...

Keeping fingers and toes crossed and the leggs toooo Delphia for a good result in the bio

JudyEddy said...

heandin back to work had some things to pick up so not a long time to read BBAW

glo said...

Becky is in recovery. Have no clue how long she will be there but report is surgery went well. She has had a hysterectomy. They were able to leave the ovaries so that should make the hormonal adjustments that will happen at a somewhat younger age than normal a little easier for her. I will talk to my son in law later when she goes to her room is the plan now.

magpie said...

okay, Glo...sounds pretty good...
glad I could see this before I leave work for the day....

magpie said...

Hope Becky can rest and have complete recovery, Glo....
I might have a gap in internet contact between I leave work and...when I get home for awhile....

even if I can't read about it or talk about it: I Care and can always Pray

Mema Jo said...

Glo, Thanks you so much for the report for Becky. I pray she will recuperate quickly and at least take it easy - she'll a pretty good little helper around! ♥♥♥

Mema Jo said...

Both our juvies are in the nest - when I first checked in there were wings flapping and they were jumping like crazy birds - I was afraid they were acting like Angry Birds! But now they have calmed and sitting side by side at the launch pad..........

magpie said...

Okay time to unplug from all these computers and keyboards....
will check back in later

xoxox (( Hugs )) xoxox

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So glad Becky is out of surgery. Hugs and prayers.

Shoes have been bought. :-)

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Getting here late today. Fell asleep after dinner last night in front of the TV!

(Not sure whether I wished you a HB
yesterday!) Hope your day was fabulous!! ♥Love you!!

Big-time prayers today for all those with surgery--Delphia, Kay, and Becky!

WV Dana, prayers for Rosie, Lisa, and family, too.

Shirley, glad you've made arrangements for George's meds!

Prayers for dear Luke. Hope he is holding his own. I hate when our furbabies don't feel well!

Sharon, so excited for you with the wedding coming up! Enjoy!!!
I see you've found some shoes--YAY!
Will be waiting for wedding pictures, and a full report.

Well, gotta go make some dough, as Margy often says. Will try to make it back here later tonight. HAGD, everyone!! I ♥ us!!

Mema Jo said...

Goody Goody New Shoes!

Have a good afternoon and evening Margy

Sandi said...

Hi all! Busy, busy day! Only 2 more with kids! YAY!

Glo, good news about Becky's surgery going well. I'm sure you're anxious to see her!

No news on Kay?

Delphia, I'm sorry that you will have to wait so long for your biopsy results!

WVDana, what a wonderful thing you did, visiting Rosie!

Jo, hoping for a good report tomorrow for you and also hoping that Melissa gets into the study.

Gotta fix dog food and people food and then head to the grocery store this evening. Plus I have IEP updates to do (it's not just writing the IEPs, the goals also have to be updated every marking period), so I probably won't be back on the blog this evening!

Still waiting for an estimate from the plumber to replace the water lines at Mom's place so we can decide what our next move should be with the buyer.

Have a great evening all!

magpie said...


any chance that there is a recall on those pipes, maybe a notice your Mom might have missed BUT some relief/as in money relief might still be available?

Enjoy your busy last couple of days and keep your eyes on the Summertime Vacation Prize !

magpie said...

Yes can't wait to hear about those shoes !

And better yet, See them.
And better even yet, See Sharon IN Them when Wedding time comes around !
Just a small request ☺

magpie said...

I've been Jonesin' for a lot of things, but tonight I'm Jonesin' for an update on Kay....
not sure when daughter Julie will be computer-side to give us a heads up...
Praying that ALL has gone well with our ☼HI☼ Sunshine

magpie said...

What a whirlwind trip up and back for DanaWV, glad you were able to share some Joy and Comfort with Rosie and Lisa, DanaWV...
and that your Mother is doing well also...

magpie said...

Will be most happy to hear about Delphia as well...Thanks to Sissy for the post of the procedure and that Brian might be able to check in with us later today...

Jo: and Plenty of Prayers for Melissa tomorrow as well, hope there are some GOOD solutions and treatments for her

magpie said...

Carolyn and Christie were doing some birthday things with Carolyn's daughters today ☺♥☺♥☺♥☺♥

magpie said...

Well the lone juvie just hopped out of sight, or glided, one of the two

magpie said...

and back again

magpie said...

And up to the branch at the 9
but I heard something in the attic before that also

Mema Jo said...

Margy I may run oout for a few
The email about Kay will probably come into your "Junk" mail from Julie....

I've had no message to date.
Kay had mentioned evening message..


Mema Jo said...

Mattie Jane in Concert

Sure hop it opens

magpie said...

OK Jo..but I think it would come to my comcast address....
I'll be here at Magpie's Roost for a little while longer, then might be away from internet until morning....

Linda said...

Good Afternoon!

Checking in to see if we have heard anything about KAY or DELPHIA or BECKY today....

GLO - Prayers that Becky heals well and that she takes it easy in her recovery. Sometimes we feel better after that surgery and it is a MAJOR one to recover from......

Have church tonight, but will check in when we return...


Lolly said...

Wow!!!!! Great job, Mattie!!!!

Lolly said...

Glo, glad your daughter is out of surgery and now on her way to recovery. How old is she? I had a total hysterectomy at the age of around 44, best thing ever!!!!LOL

Lolly said...

I am excited to announce that we have just received an inch of rain and it is still coming down. Wahoooooo! So very thankful that so far this year we are NOT like last summer. Thank the good Lord!

glo said...

Lolly My daughter is 36. She is flying here on the 21st for their vacation scheduled BEFORE the hysterectomy issue really surfaced so air travel in 3weeks. Then the very day after she gets home she returns to school on July 2 as she has anew job at a year round school, so no real vacation either. I am stressed BUT it needed to happen. I so hope she takes it easy as she can and hubby does ALL the lifting. She will only be here 3 of the days she is in IL as they have family all over the state. I can baby her some those 3 days but well ya know. So just cover her in prayers. Timing stinks but there really was no choice as far as THIS summer and with the job change it meant before the trip not after. So here we are.

Lolly said...

Her doctor should not release her for 6 weeks! I was teaching when I had surgery. Could not go back for 6 weeks and then I tired so easily. Thankfully I had surgery in April and only had a couple weeks of school left to go when I returned.

Linda said...

GLO - I also had a hysterectomy that young. I was 35 when I had mine. I ended up having a total hysterectomy because I had already lost my left tube and ovary in a surgery to remove an endometrial tumor. They couldn't save the ovary and tube.

I had so many problems and surgeries before the hysterectomy that when they found another endometrial tumor, I said they weren't going back in there unless they took everything that was causing it.

The recovery was tough, but I have to say I felt so much better after that recover. No more severe back pain, much more energy, no more losing several days a month to pain and suffering....

I truly help that whatever the reason, that your daughter comes out on the other side of this feeling renewed and better.

Wanda's daughter just had one a few months ago, too.

Will continue to pray for her.

Have to go.


magpie said...

Glo, I dearly hope that you will have that special time with your daughter and that all will go well..forevermore

Thanks for the link to Mattie's concert, it opened but I had to save it for later.....looooong phone call that I had to take just as it started to play...
Darn it! And well, now it is time for me to run along...may not be back online 'til the morning....

juvie or juvies squealing from the upper branches now, I bet there is some FOOD in their near future !
Oh, there is ONE...

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

glo said...

Well with unemployment the way it is she was so happy to find a job that she told them if they wouldn't hire her knowing she was having surgery, she would cancel the surgery. She will fly on Sunday night drive home 3 hours from Phoenix and then get up early am and head to school. At least the first week is mostly sit down kinds of things, Kids come the second week. It is so out of my hand but to be honest they will lose their home if they don't both work the way it is for them and most young couples now. They are very much struggling financially.

Hoda said...

Good to hear BECKY is out and that the surgerty went well GLO, thank you for reporting in.
I agree with LOLLY her doctor should not release her to go back to work...I had one and it took me 6 to 8 weeks to be able to function without extreme fatigue...Let her know GLO please.Schools do grant medical leave.

No news from KAY or DELPHIA yet...PRAYERS and BLESSINGS continue.

Very busy meeting day...three of them. THe good news is that the walkathon money is still coming in and we are now over 5 thousand dollars and climbing!!! Every little bit counts and we are very appreciative of the contributions...

RAINING CATS AND DOGS!!! RAIN RAIN AND MORE RAN!!! Did I mention it is RAINING HERE??? This is the forcast for the rest of the week!!! Man oh man is it cold here!!! I am back to three layers of clothing and socks!!! Sandals are not working because the socks get shoes it was today!!! Whatever happens I refuse to bring out the boots!!! That is final!!!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work been reading almost caught up

DANA so glad you got to go see Rosie Sweet of you and I hope her transition is a sweet one as they all should be

39° yikes HODA BRRR I should say I think we didn't get over 80°

GLO Speedy recovery for Becky sending healing thoughts to her

SHARON pic of shoes please

YEAH Mattie

I also had a total hysterectomy and the age was 30 I agree with LOLLY best thing ever

now I want to go watch the news I will be lurking I see only one eagle in the nest the other is on 9 I saw a wing I saw this one land when I signed on almost didn't make it almost went over the edge of the runway LOL

Hoda said...

GLO your last post breaks my heart!!! PRAYERS for will be tough!!!

Red said...

I'm back home now after a few weeks of recovery. Got out of the hospital and went to a rehab facility for two days and then got pnuemonia and had to go back to the hospital for 5 more days. Then back to the rehab place for two weeks. Got home Saturday and am improving each day. Been driving and went out for breakfast this morning. Looks like I got back just in time for fledging. Gosh it's good to be home.

Hoda said...

I wonder what the fuss is about at the nest???
That is one BIG stick in the middle of the nest...juvie goes up to nine...I have not seen the other since I came back...

Hoda said...

WELCOME HOME RED!!! BOy already driving and going out for your famous sausages and gravey breakfast???Good on you!!!

JudyEddy said...

.♥ ♥ WELCOME♥♥.

.♥ ♥ BACK RED♥♥.

Hoda said...

The Juvies have already fledged RED...They come to the nest regularly and spend a lot of time there...The parents still bring in food. Favourite perch is nine branch where I saw one go up not too long ago...

Red said...

I saw one of them a few minutes ago. Thought maybe it had not fledged yet. Oh well, I can still enjoy them.

Lynne2 said...

evening all....

Glo, glad Becky's surgery went uneventfully and prayers for an easy recovery!

Can't wait to her about Kay, and Delphia.

CA...OMG!! Do you have a black cat following you all today??

RED! Welcome back!

JudyEddy said...

√ My black cat is with me so its not mine LOL RED I have two videos of both of their take offs Missy was from the 5 launch pad and Lil Bro was from the 11 pretty good on take off like old pro They are on my blog Nest Videos and also on the facebook fan page if you are on facebook that is I know some peep aren't

JudyEddy said...

Eagle call

Lolly said...

Yea!!!!!!!!!! WELCOME HOME RED!!!!

So glad you are doing well.

JudyEddy said...

We got more storms and heavy rain commin in The waves were so bad they were crashing up over the causeways that they had to close them down another round is comin now

JudyEddy said...

some one in attic
eagle calls I don't think it is the juvies

JudyEddy said...

big cam shake

JudyEddy said...

lots of commotion going on and eagle calls

Hoda said...

OK!!! Here it is!!!
Half way down Elephant Mountain...
No wonder I am frozen...
I will not bring out the boots, I will not bring out the boots, I will not bring out the boots...
Do you detect that I am having a is an issue for me???

The camera keeps shaking I think it is a juvie up there.

Hoda said...

Juvie still on nine branch! Wing tip salute just given.

Hoda said...

Loud noisey juvie comes bakc in nest and flies off from three position...

JudyEddy said...

nice fly out and back in a fly around of sort did you alll see it

Hoda said...

Comes back in from seven and was noisy on the landing, yet did a very good landing...

JudyEddy said...

HODA did see it tooo cool

Hoda said...

Yes I saw that JUDYE... I can not believe the snow we are having!!!

JudyEddy said...

I give a 10 and that landing

JudyEddy said...

BRRRR we are sweating our arsses off down here

JudyEddy said...

another fly off from 10ish

Hoda said...

C/A I wished you would come back and let us know more about the three major events thaqt were happening in your life today... PRAYERS come you way...

Lynne2 said...

who asked about the hummers? I have seen far fewer so far this yew.

Lolly said...

Snowing????!!!!! LOL

It was 94 when the rain started this afternoon. It is now 75 and we have the house open. Over an inch of rain and still sprinkling. Apparently more to come tomorrow. Yea!!!!

Lolly said...

It is dark here and surprised to see sun on the nest. Too funny! Dark and thunder it!

wvgal_dana said...

Next door neighbor straightened me out. She said cause she was worried my car was not here. So it was Monday 6/4 I left for New York and left there Tuesday 6/5 evening getting me home this morning
at 1:30am.
Sorry did not mean to get days and dates messed up. Just too tired. Boy sorry I am whipped still. Mother called this morning when all I wanted to do was sleep in. She need to go to some stores and other things. Took her to eat
I am HOME !!!! Thank God Home Never
Look So Good lol : )

CarolAnne sorry about the
load crashing into the car windshield. Hoping all is going to work out.

CarolAnne I think you are so creative. You do beautiful work.
I have added neighbor to prayer list.

Good news on Becky Glo prayers for recovery. Having giving birth to daughter in 1981 they had a lot of fixing up to do. Cause I had a uterus suspension so I could avoid a hysterectomy. Still had to have one in about 1992 they left both ovaries. Later had some problems GYN did check neither was making any hormones. I had 0 so I started out on Premarin until daughter told me about how they mis-treat the horses. So I sent on estradiol is plant based. If I don't take it my blood sugar raises.

Hoda said...

I hear an eagle call yet no one is in the sounded like a juvie not a full blown adult...time for the youngsters to show back up at the is getting late 8:00 PM

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from Birthday Shopping for Izzy. Michael, her grandpa Mike is going down for the weekend and taking the gifts. He is so excited.

Mema Jo said...

Each time a junk mail appears I hop on it hoping it is Julie. Soon I pray we
get a report on our Kay ♥

Hoda said...

sitting here waiting on news from KAY too JO. I am glad you had a good shopping trip. Sometime over the next two weeks I need to go shopping for five presents to bring to the USA with me...Birthday celebrations and a house warming gift for Carol.

Mema Jo said...

Don't know if Bev or Sharon gave Brian's update on Delphia...If they did It is worth a repeat...
About 3 hrs ago............
Brian Janiszeski Doc said it went well. Just waiting for her to come around. Should get the biopsy results in about a week.
...She has woken up...getting dressed and should be taking her home any minute

Prayers and Positive thoughts for Delphia to get a good report.

Lolly said...

Eaglet in the nest.

Did Kay say who will let us know about her surgery?

Lolly said...

Thanks for the update on Delphia, this next week will be hard for her, waiting to hear the results.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, Julie will be emailing about Kay to Margie, Lori and me. I have been checking emails every 10 mins. Really
anxious to know all is well

Hoda said...

Thanks for the update on DELPHIA JO.
Prayers all of next week that what we hear is of her health and well being.

Yes do let us know the minute you hear from KAY♥ please.

Hoda said...

Juvie at nine branch was in the nest got out of the nest and now I see a wing tip, just came back in as the camera changed to black and where is the other one?

wvgal_dana said...

Man uses sunscreen and for awhile is flammable

Hoda said...

I think this is BRO from the markings on the neck and the right wing...has anyone seen Missy of late?

Hoda said...

Up to nine branch Juvie goes...where is the other one I wonder? Wished I could see both before it turns dark at the nest.

Hoda said...

The highway to Kootenay Pass is closed by the RCMP for snow conditions...
On the other hand we have higway closures in the Kootenay area due to mud slides and over flwoing rivers...this is not good a matter of fact it is expected to get worse because we will have rain well into Saturday according to the forcast!!! Heaven Help us!!!

Hoda said...

Getting dark and the nest is empty. I saw a juvie wing tip at is accounted for and I think it is Bro, not sure though...where is Missy I wonder?

Hoda said...

Was that lightning at the nest?

Lolly said...

What was that?

Lolly said...

I think we heard gun fire and now a loud speaker!

Hoda said...

Two very loud thunks!!! What is going on at the nest area? I am tempted to say it sounded like gun fire!!! Anyone else hear that?

Hoda said...

I heard an eagle on the cam and a bit of a shake to the camera...

Lolly said...

It definitlely sounded like gun fire and I am hearing voices.

Hoda said...

LOLLY from your post you heard it...I am hoping both juvies are now at the nest at nine the other at teh camera casing...

Lynne2 said...

what the heck is goin on???

Hoda said...

I do not hear the voices I heard an eagle, juvie chirp

Lynne2 said...

guns, voices....eagles squawking

Lolly said...

Eagles in the tree and near the cam, but we are also hearing other noises. Yikes!

Hoda said...

Don't know LYNNE first there was lightning, or was it car head lights? Then I heard gun fire twice, LOLLY confirms that sound too... LOLLY hears voices and I heard the juvies vocalizing and one is on the camera casing for sure. The other was on nine branch

Lynne2 said...

hmmmm...don't hear the voices now.

Lynne2 said...

another shot

Hoda said...

again gun fire???

Lolly said...

More gun fire!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, not lightning, just checked the radar, nothing happening weather wise anywhere near the nest....

Lolly said...

You saw lights, Hoda?

Lynne2 said...

I hear the voices again...can't make out what they are saying though...

Lolly said...

Okay, this is really scary!! Car lights, gun fire, and I heard voices over a speaker.

Lynne2 said...

don't hear our birds now...

Maybe Hoda saw a spotlight? I THINK I heard the word eagle at one point...too hard to make it out. UGH

CarolAnne said...

Evening all,
Did a quick read thru looking for health news. Prayers continuing.

RE: Local happenings - neighbor home from hospital today, broken collar bone, dislocated shoulder, broken ribs all along right side, broken wrist on left hand, initially knocked unconscious in fall -- recovery to take 6 - 9 months.

Lumber truck accident - final result was driver of BMW was ticketed -- nothing fell off truck (his story) - BMW was trying to move up thru traffic rapidly, switching back & forth between lanes - pulled behind lumber truck just as traffic slowed and drove partway under back of truck - smashed windshield & ripped off part of roof - luckily not seriously hurt.

Turns out mystery motor home @ Mom's cottage belongs to cottage neighbor who works the carnival circuit in summer. Was doing a short stop at his home and parked at Mom's to free up space in his driveway.

Could use a bit of that excess rain if anyone wants to share - - heading for 89° & 90° this weekend. No rain for awhile now.

Wishing everyone a restful night!

Lolly said...

I was sitting hear reading when I heard the gun fire. I was not watching and did not see the lights, but then heard the voices. Something not so good is going on.

Mema Jo said...

I have an email from Julie

My mom asked me to send you all an email with an update. She is in her room at Riverside Hospital (3017) and doing fine. The surgery was a bit longer than anticipated and she was in the recovery room for 3 hours instead of 2, so that explains why it took me a while to write to you.

It apparently went well; she is in pain, sleepy, has a sore throat, seemed generally uncomfortable, but all vitals are good, all her nerves seem to work as she was moving her legs.

Thanks for your concern! I am copying her here so she can see your replies (if you copy her on a reply). I bet she will be back on email soon!

You can call me on my cell phone if you'd like to: 614-296-5710.

Take care--Julie


Lolly said...

Wish the eagles would make more noise.

CarolAnne said...

Scary stuff at the nest -- hoping there is a logical explanation (training??) for the sounds

Lynne2 said...

GEESH CarolAnne! Glad your neighbor wasn't hurt more seriously and that no inturders are at your mom's cottage!

CarolAnne said...

News on Kay

Lolly said...

Yea, glad to get a report on Kay. Oh, thank you, Jo and Julie!!!

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Jo, for the update on Kay! Good news! No doubt she's uncomfortable, but glad all went well!

Lolly said...

Surely no training at this time of night. I am really worried. There are so many nuts in this world.

NatureNut said...

OMG! What is going on. I just read the whole Wed. thread and now see there may have been a disturbance around the nest.
Put cam up, don't see juvies in nest & don't hear anything but a hum!

Hoda said...

LYNNE I for sure saw a was strong. The other side of nine closer to the ten area...

I continue to not hear voices but certainly heard the gun fire three times is what I counted.

Hoda said...

THANKS JULIE for news of your MOM our friend KAY♥ Prayers continue.

CarolAnne said...

HODA - all is well that ends well and in todays case, things have turned out OK. Each instance could have been worse, so prayers of thanks and gratitude have been sent.

Lynne2 said...

I don't hear the voices any more weird. Don't like these things going on when we can't see. OH MY I hope they aren't FOX hunting.

Lolly said...

The road is off to the left, Hoda. Car lights reflect off the trees. I am letting my imagination run wild. Do not like this at all!

Lynne2 said...

How's Luke today CA? Has he eaten?

Hoda said...

Thanks C/A for checking in and reporting the day's happenings.

Lynne2 said...

Can't really help but wonder if they aren't out there at NCTC spotlighting to shoot SOMETHING....and maybe shined the light up at the nest to show where the eagles are?

Sandi said...

Hi all! have been sitting here doing school work and had the cam running but minimized. I definitely heard what sounded like gunshots - I'm thinking 3 of them. Then heard voices, as if someone was speaking through a bull horn or loud speaker! Very strange!! Plus now I don't hear any sounds from the kids! Maybe they;re there but just frightened and staying quiet??

Great news about Kay!! Thanks Jo, for sharing it with us!

I feel so badly for Delphia having to wait a week for her results! I would be a basket case!!

OK, goodnight my eagle friends! All sounds quiet at the nest now - maybe too quiet!?

wvgal_dana said...

Glad to hear news of Kay continue prayers.

CarolAnne said...

It is night coyote season thru July 31. Are coyotes in the area?

NatureNut said...

See Jo posted about Kay while I was writing!!
HOORAY. That ordeal is over! Hope she has some patience left for careful recovery!!☺ ♥
Happy that Glo's Becky has come thru fine! ☺ ♥
Hang in there Delphia. Prayers your test will be OK!!!! ☺ ♥
Prayers for Melissa.
I hear a little clunking~~

Lolly said...

C/A thanks for the update on all three situations.

Have not heard anymore voices, but it was like someone was using a megaphone or speaker.

Lolly said...

Yes, I am wondering about the "kids", too. When all that was going on they were making noise. Now it is too quiet.

Lolly said...

Oh, surely there are coyotes in the area but they would not be hunting coyotes near the nest.

Lynne2 said...

I think I have gone WONKY. I swear I hear the faint sound of Bluegrass music on the cam....

Lynne2 said...

well, all seems quiet now...

Lolly said...

I have heard a lot, Lynne, but no music! I am on my laptop though and the sound is not all that great. Gun shots do come through, though.

NatureNut said...

Thought I heard one small chirp.
Wish there were a live in caretaker on the property that could be contacted by someone on what's happening!?
CA, what awful events going on there! BTW, I don't think there is a coyote season in WV. Capt. Gene would know and probably Margy.

Another BTW. We have a couple less summer hummers ,too even though they seemed to come by earlier than normal. And the baby woodpeckers are being fed at suet by their Dad's before Father's day!! ☺

Lynne2 said...

Maybe I'm just picking up a Bluegrass radio station through my fillings. I've heard that can happen.


wvgal_dana said...

I loved "Dogs In The City" that was on tonight. He helped with a German Shepherd Police dog retiring. It was so inspiring :)

Lolly said...

Okay, so now I laughed outloud. Jack wanted to know why....he now knows you are wonky, Lynne! LOL

Lolly said...

But, hey, that would be nice to have a built in ipod!

Lolly said...

More lights are lighting up the ground under the tree. Do NOT like this.

Lolly said...

Can someone contact Steve to find out WHAT is going on?

NatureNut said...

I just turnedf nest cam back on, and the leaves from about 10 to 2 were ilumminated and the the big trunk around 4.
Was listening for music!

Mema Jo said...

You Wonky gals are scerring me!!
I have not contact for Steve. Email
for him to see in the morning is the best I can suggest.

NatureNut said...

Lolly, you read my mind. Hate to bother poor Steve, but if I lived near there, I'd be banging on the guard shack!

Mema Jo said...

Back to Kay : Email address for Julie

I asked about cards as to length of stay in hospital - no reply yet
If sending cards....
Kay Moffett Room 3017
Riverside Methodist Hospital
3535 Olentangy River Road, Columbus, OH 43214

NatureNut said...

Lynne, what song are they playing now?? LOL

glo said...

Good to hear news of Kay's surgery. Delphia was on her way home last i read and has to wait for results. Becky is eating ice chips and jello, but mostly napping. I don't even want to think about happenings at the nest tonight. I am too tired. Thanks for all the prayers. Calling it a day here.

Lynne2 said...

you know, you are all gonna be SO SORRY you poked fun at me. Someday I'm gonna open my mouth and out will come the voice of Miss Patsy Cline, and I will be FAMOUS and YOU ALL will be HISTORY.

Lynne2 said...

BTW....I am almost certain the Kay had requested of us NOT to send cards and/or gifts in a post a while back. Anyone remember that?

Hoda said...

Thanks JO for bringing JULIE's news of KAY to the blog and thanks for your way of being keeping us all connected and also calm...

Lolly said...

Okay, who is going to email Steve? I do not think we should all bother him, but we have to know what is going on!

Hoda said...

You love us any way LYNNE and you will not want us to be HISTORY I am sure!!!

I remember KAY asking for no cards and to hold off cards and gifts...

Lynne2 said...

DANG, I wanted to watch Dogs in the City...was it on Animal Planet or one of the Big Three networks? I think one of the Big THree because I remember thinking it wouldn't do well against Modern Family and the other shows on Wed. PM.

Also forgot the Hatfields and McCoys was re-running tonight.

I need a secretary.

Hoda said...

I think JO or wait on PAULA to check in and read the posts and then ask her to email him...I agree we should not all write...I am not worried that they harmed the eagles in any way...

Lolly said...

Aw, Lynne, you know we will NOT be history!!! You do not skeere usens, you wuv us!!!!!

Whoops, was that more lights on the nest?

Lynne2 said...


Mema Jo said...

Has anyone heard the FOX that we have heard for the past 2-3 nights? Maybe someone was hunting the fox-- You never

I was away from my pc and didn't hear all this - did any of you email an accounting to Steve? Feel free to do so.

Hoda said...

LYNNE if you had an iphone SIRI would remind you of everything you wanted to be reminded of...the silly phone talks back!!! LOL!!!

Lolly said...

I am, Hoda! There are so many nuts out there!!1

Mema Jo said...

I didn't heard anything
My vol is as high as it will go & so are my speakers - only hear the humming.
What did it sound like Lynne

Hoda said...

I saw more light at the same spot it was from before I did not hear any thing...light repeated three times now.

Lolly said...

Have not heard the fox tonight and boy have we been listening to the cam! I have been glued to it tonight.

Lynne2 said...

That noise sounded SIMILAR to a siren, or


Hoda said...

Gun Fire repeats twice...

Mema Jo said...

2 shots

Lolly said...

I have seen the light, too, Hoda.

More gun shots!!!

Lynne2 said...

soft clunk

Lynne2 said...


Lolly said...

Actually, that makes me feel better. I think they are hunting. I was really scared for the eagles, but now I think they are safe.

Lolly said...

I thought I heard voices.

paula eagleholic said...

My guess would be night training...just heard more gunshots. I will email Steve if you wish.

paula eagleholic said...

I hear far away voices as well. Could also be night hunting.

Lolly said...

Please, Paula!!!! We have heard gun shots, seen lights, and heard voices.

Hoda said...

Thanks PAULA yes I think you should email STEVE...I am glad you are home...

paula eagleholic said...

I just walked in the door 10 minutes ago, but read far back enough to see everyone's concerns.

Glad to hear Kay, Delphia and Becky are all doing OK

paula eagleholic said...

Email sent to Steve.

Hoda said...

What ever you do DON'T tell him about the Bluegrass music!!!Sorry LYNNE!!! LOL!!!

Lolly said...

Think I did not tell you that we got a report on my car. They have finally started working on it, but it will not be finished until the end of the month. They also raised the cost to $9,000. The insurance company will really be going after that family.

Lynne2 said...

I guess it's training as Paula suggested. REAL hunting is not done at night and I don't even think there is anything in season rigth now.

Lolly said...

They will be coming to take her away, away!!! LOL

Lynne2 said...

OH, I see we are not done making fun of my musical mouth. Well.

JudyEddy said...

Hey I went on the NCTC fan page and sent them a meessage this is what I sent not for sure if any one is on the page at night but maybe we will get a answer

I am listening to the cam now we are hearing gun shots and people talking I am with the Shepherdstown Eagle Daily Blog. Is there a hunting season? I know that there is usually a message under the cam and the sound is off We are worried about out eagles in the nest and we have been hearing foxes at nite thinking that is what they are hunting Please and thank you in advance

Lynne2 said...

you're all just jealous.

Hoda said...

...HA HA!!!

Love you LYNNE

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Thanks JUDYE good to see what others think...

paula eagleholic said...

Oh no, Snow for Hoda!!

Sure would love to be able to watch the nest...job and time are not on my side lately! Thanks for all the nest reporting, pics and videos!

Rain for Lolly :)

Red driving for biscuits and gravy, you go Red!!

How many more sleeps till you leave, Hoda?

Lolly said...

Yes, Lynne, we are jealous. You just keep believing that. LOL

They're coming to take you away, away! They're coming to take you away!☺

Hoda said...

22 more sleeps PAULA

Hoda said...

I hear the voices now...

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 804   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...