Saturday, June 23, 2012


New thread.


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stronghunter said...

Well, do I get a feather this time? Or is that just for finding a new thread. I don't remember.

Hoda said...

OH SHIRLEY are you going to have tea or hot milk...I am working on breathing and relaxing and yet the time is not passing so fast at seems to have slwoed down a bit rather!!!

Hoda said...

LOL SHIRLEY!!! They told me a Feather is for finding the new one said anything about double posting, even though of late you are THE QUEEN of double posting!!!LOL

Hoda said...

OH totally my mistake...I did not even know we broke six hundred!!! You get a feather but I am trying to talk everyone into an Osprey feather for the splits and an eagle feather for the new thread...LOL Sorry SHIRLEY totally my mistake...

stronghunter said...

Hi, Hoda

I am having tea. It was hot, but has gotten cold now.

I can't wait to hear about all of your adventures.

stronghunter said...

I think you just get a hard time for double-posting. :)

stronghunter said...

Thought of you the other day when I saw a 90+ yoga teacher doing complicated poses on TV. She was amazing.

stronghunter said...

93 Year Old Yoga Instructor

stronghunter said...

Okay, there are several videos on this link. You have to scroll down to find the yoga one. I think you will recognize it!

She makes me feel lazy. I could not do anything like that.

stronghunter said...

Thought of you Hoda, not because she is 93, but because of the yoga.

stronghunter said...

Going back upstairs now. I will see you later. I hope you can get some sleep.

Hoda said...

Thanks SHIRLEY. She is Great. I hope I make 93 and be as limber as she is...Thanks for sharing.

Hoda said...

I had seen her do poses before but never heard her interviewed. Thanks SHIRLEY.

Hoda said...

11 more hours and I cross the border into the USA

Hoda said...

I had better log off. No sign of sleep yet but I will work on shut eye for a while and see what that brings.



Good morning gLORI...

Lori O. said...

HODA, just 8 hours now until you come to USA! So wish we could see you!!!

Nest is MT now.

SHIRLEY, hope you finally got some cool sleep last night.

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends!

Hoda, I hope you are getting some sleep! Have a WONDERFUL time on your trip!!! Keep in touch when/if you can!

Sharon, sending prayers and positive energy for Justin and your friends!

Wanda, so happy to hear continued good news about GG!

Andy, please don't wish out loud for winter!

Judy, hope you haven't washed away!!

Good morning Lori - I see you hopped on as I'm typing!

Won my tennis match yesterday. Picked 12 lbs. of blueberries with Lisa and the kids. Still having ongoing problems with getting the water pipes replaced at my Mom's house - won't even waste everyone's time with the details. Suffice it to say that everything that can go wrong has gone wrong; next we expect the buyer to back out! Grrr!!!!

Lori O. said...

Sandi, congrats on winning your tennis games! That's a lot of blueberries!!! You must have been at it all day. And, sorry to hear about your Mom's place. Too bad, when everything started out so great. :(

Lori O. said...

SHARON, prayers for Justin, Lori and Sandy. You are a strong woman!

Judie said...

Good morning.

MT nest.

Hoda the Amazing: ONLY 7 1/2 MORE HOURS! Again, have a safe and very exciting visit. Wishing every minute to be filled with joy.

Sandi, so sorry about the problems with your Mom's place. Hope all will be resolved quickly.

Hi Lori, how you feeling? Happy day with your Mom.

Hi Shirley. Hope you finally got some sleep. Did you ever get those pin oaks planted?

Sharon, prayers for all including you.

Would be nice if the candy man visited Margy again today.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Lori O. said...

JUDIE! Good morning!

How are you?

I didn't have a very good day yesterday, even though it was the beginning of my days off, so Mom and I went to dinner at Outback and to JoAnn's to get more fabric for dog bandanas. She's a quilter so she loves matching fabrics, too. It was a nice change of pace and nice to have Mom here. Thanks for asking!

Any word or decisions on your retirement move, yet?

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

and especially to Morning GLori

I missed you while be-bopping to work today, but sooooo joyful you have some days off with your Momma !!


magpie said...

Sure we could be present to welcome Hoda to America with banners, balloons, smiles, hugs and all that jazz !!

magpie said...

Anyone out early enough this morning, 90 mins before sunrise...hope you saw Venus and Jupiter in the pre-dawn Eastern skies....
now that's some kind of Wowser !

for some reason I woke up at 0430 and went straight out looking......

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

WANDA what a great nite at the SoupKitchen and so happy GG is getting along better

OH I think we ought to give a eagle helmet (turtle shell for any split) we seem to have quite a few in the nest every year and JO has lots we can get from her LOL

I am so excited for HODA I hope she has a grand time Can;t wait to hear of her adventures I love the way she writes and tells her life's adventures she is a strong woman of many words reminds me of by BF that passed away a couple of years ago Denise

And we need to remind MARGY that we were taught to share our candy as we were growing up LOL

JudyEddy said...

What was that beside a eagle I heard another noise

JudyEddy said...

SHHH I hear no winds or rain Yeah we are finally back to normal I think Haven't seen the weather yet All bridges are open even the sunshine that was closed since Sun that was a record in closure and the Bayshore is dried out to so our area is ok but north of us is still under water

JudyEddy said...

were doing evcuation on air boats up till dark last nite and with hig profile military vehicles last nite just on the news

magpie said...

I have caught up on the prayer requests that Sharon has brought here for us to share in...

And adding my prayers to all of yours....

magpie said...

(( Hugs, Sharon )) and enjoy all your time with Mattie, Andrew, Kelsey.....

magpie said...

Good to see you this morning...
so sorry about all the terrible weather and flooding and destruction down your way.....
hope things get better soon....

also thinking of all those in Colorado with the horrible fires

JudyEddy said...

Thanks Margy but its now over for us Yeah we are high and dry but there are still areas that have water standing they got rain yesterday but we only had a quick shower and now its time for me to head to work

magpie said...

Seriously joyful post from Wanda about GG, and the Soup Kitchen....

oh, pudding with fruit added, sounds like something I could make...
and I want to know more about French Corn !!

magpie said...

See your post, Paula
about the Black-eyed Susans....aren't they something! Butterfly weed and milkweed and a little of this and that popping out along the countryside here...

waiting on Cardinal Flower and New York Ironweed next...not that I want to rush Summer along, though...

magpie said...

Sandi....that's a LOT of blueberries!
Hope everything works out regarding your Mother's house...the former one....and hoping that things are going well at her New Roost...

You can go into detail anytime you know we don't mind

magpie said...

time to make dough....
been fussing with the ingredients since I walked in the door, but must start kneading it all now

Best Wishes for a Good Day...
Everyone ..

ttfn xo

Lolly said...

Good Morning! I am thinking of our Amazing Hoda this morning. Hope she managed some sleep last night. Yes, Margy, that would be fun to welcome her.

Jack is already out watering, but I wanted to finish my coffee first.

Lolly said...

Okay, All, lets get our Momster prayers going for Colorado and the firefighters. It is bad!

Lolly said...

I see and empty nest.

Lolly said...

Jack has a cousin who lives in FL. They have a beach house. He is there and he said the eye of the storm passed right over them. He said in the eye the sky was blue and the birds started singing.
We have experienced the eye of a storm in south TX.

Janet said...

Good Wednesday Morning to my friends in Eagle-land!!!!! I have thought about you each and every day, but alas and alak, not enough time to do what I am doing now....sit down and compose a note!

Had a great trip, details on my blog. I will try to get it finished up today.

We came home via Alabama yesterday...saw a lot of utility trucks heading down (we presume) to FLorida to help with power outtages and such. JudyE, would have loved to have stayed another day and chatted some more, but glad we stayed ahead of that nasty weather!!!! Was rainy and windy in PCB, but not like your area!

Hot and dry still here in Nashvegas. Still over amonth since wehad rain. :( Watering bill will be up. Was checking my fig tree last night. I put a net over it to keep the birds and squirrels from eating my figs and very sadly, VERY SADLY, found a dead snake, rat snake I think curled up and dehydrated in the netting. Had to cut it out. Felt terrible about that.

Hopefully oldest will finally close on her house on Friday.....Been a long road for them....

Other than that, same old. Back to work tomorrow! Hugs light and smiles to all!

Have a superb day!

Judie said...

Quick visit.

Lori, sorry yesterday wasn't the best but am really happy your Mom is there and the two of you can enjoy making doggie bandanas. We are currently trying to finalize end-of-life legal documents, trusts, etc. Will make another visit to Solomon's, come to an agreement about expectations, then move forward.

Lolly is so correct. We need to put our momster prayers to work for the people in CO and nearby. See the AF Academy is being affected. Hope Shirley's brother is still safe or evacuated.

Trumpet Vine in bloom here. Milk weed sickly. Oh well. Can only hope the tomatoes will be prolific.

Hoda has only 5 more hours!

Judie said...

Welcome back to Janet. Bet you wish Judy could have sent some rain your way. Nice to see you again.

Judy, glad the worst is over in terms of storm damage. Hope the cleanup for everyone goes smoothly.

stronghunter said...

Good morning. Finally got to sleep and then slept in this morning.

One tree is still not planted, Judie. It was hot on Will's day off. I am trying to do things indoors because my cousin is to be here on Sunday. Both trees look fine. Will and I have been watering them.

Costume Lady said...


Slept like a baby last night...worn out from taking care of 71 SK guests and happiness in my heart for GG's semi-recovery!

74° and sunny here in Nestville, don't know what the high is to be.

SANDI, you must have been HOURS picking all those blueberries! How many did you eat while picking them?:)
Seems MEGAN was or is having a reaction to blueberries (she thinks). She is full of very itchy hives:(

SHAR, sorry to hear of JUSSIE'S leg problems...hope the spot is only a bad bruise! Prayers for him~

JUDYE, how special you are to offer doing an album for HODA...we all will be looking forward to it and keeping track of our Canadian visitor:)

SHIRLEY, that 93 year old Yoga Instructor was amazing and a sweet lady. I just imagine our HODA will be doing that at 93:)

LORI, did you tell your MOM just how much all of we Momsters LOVED her quilt and pillows? I wanted to win it so badly, but glad Sissy/Bev got it for her weekend get-a-way...I think she wanted it more than anyone else in the room!

ANDY...we have the RACCOON ON THE ROOF problem also. When they jump down from the tree onto the roof, it does sound like a 300 lb. man! And, when they run, sounds like a herd of large animals:(

JANET, I really enjoyed reading about your trip to Florida, but I haven't had time to read about your thoughts on KEY WEST or your visit with JUDYE. Will do that shortly.

GG has her doctor appointment this afternoon, anxious to see what her doctor has to say.

CarolAnne said...

Morning all
Have been trying to follow along on my little Kindle screen. See more prayers are needed for so many.

Our Amazing HODA amazed me once again when she took time out of her departure preparations to send me a sweet email. Truly a wonder woman!

Heat wave moving in, high 90's for the next several days.

Thinking of all you special people as our holiday approaches.

Take care, stay safe and celebrate all that is wonderful in your life.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Someone just landed near the cam.

Lynne2 said...

Hi all, checking in from work....worked a LOOOONG day yesterday, went home and crashed. I haven't caught up at all, haven't even been on FB.

Anything I need to know???? Please EMAIL ME!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - so good to see all of you here today! My sunflower (planted by the squirrels) is so tall and just about ready to open!
Lots of prayers being said - Hoda's safe trip and wellness for so many.

I was over on FB and I was fortunate to catch Suz (Suzanne Hall) on also - she said to tell everyone Hello.

I need my 2nd cup of coffee. BRB

Sandi said...

Back from tennis - NOT a good day - nuf said about that!!

It really doesn't take too long to pick 12 lbs. of blueberries when 5 people are picking. Maybe an hour to an hour and a half, then the kids fed the goats, and we went for pizza for lunch. My sister is the cook/baker so she will be the one doing something with them - we do buckle, cobbler, crisp, pie, muffins, pancakes, plus just eat them on cereal and as a snack!

Chipped a nail playing tennis so have to get a fix, pick up Bandit's prescription dog food, then hit the beach if there's time. Temps start heating up again tomorrow and the forecast is for 100 by the weekend!

HAGD all - later!

Mema Jo said...

Sorry about your nail, Sandi

Someone is in the nest - right at the launch pad

Now at 3:00

Looks like Bro

Mema Jo said...

It is going to be a great feeling when the juvies fly in with their own catch of the day! I don't think they have mastered their fishing skills!

Mema Jo said...

Bro poofed.......

Jo is going to poof too!


Costume Lady said...

HEY...I FOUND A NEW THREAD, COME ON OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...