Saturday, June 23, 2012


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Just thought I would let you know we are still calm The Sunshine is closed that is my favoirte bridge I have posted pic on FB I will bring over to the blog tooo of other peeps pic

Judie said...

The sandperson is here and not so patiently waiting for me to finish blogging.

Judy, you really are having some nasty weather. Your plan seems a good one but don't forget your furry critters, please.

Hi Lolly, sorry the rain is staying south.

Shirley, just saw the news about Alex Trebek. Glad it was mild. I really enjoy him on Jeopardy.

Paula is home safe from paradise.

Hoda said...

Welcome home PAULA thank you for checking in and here it is working too hard again already.

Night LYNNE stay safe.

Yes JUDYE I think you are well prepared. I hope you do not need to use any of those things.

Judie said...

The sandperson is about to depart with a large bag of sleepy dust.

Hoping GG had a good day and Wanda and Gene are getting some rest tonight.

Hoda, how many sleeps? Three? Remember, there is a dragon boat dock in my yard.

The night light is on for anyone who may need to arise in the darkness. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

JUDYE did not claim her feather so I do!!! LOL!!

Thanks JUDIE yes 3 more sleeps...

Hoda said...

Goodnight JUDIE...SED

JudyEddy said...

HODA What feather I didn't find the new thread I am lost dazed and cornfused I have a few pic that poeple put on FB
on the blog now Wow they are showing all kind on the news now WOW WOW

Pic of others of storm

JudyEddy said...

funny you ask about my critter yes they go in the bathroom with me They go in the bathroom when ever I go in to do anything I think they must think they have to follow me in there all the time and when I go potty I must pet them they insist its part of the potty part LOL when I wash face brush teeth they are there even shower they insist in waiting for me so cute they are

JudyEddy said...

If you look at the pic of the storm notice the gator is using the cross walk LOL

Mema Jo said...

Judy stay as safe as you can! The news said that 8 tornadoes touched down.
Did you include a battery operated radio
Debbie sure is doing her thing!!

JudyE - I also thought you only got a feather if you found and were the first to comment on a New Thread. Hoda - do you think I am correct??? You're welcome to keep what you have for your headdress..
Anyhow, JudyE is collecting way too many and she also has her own local supply of feathers
Hope you 2 know I am kidding

stronghunter said...

Judy, I can just imagine the pet parade to the bathroom in your house.

We have a rather small bathroom downstairs, not room for all of the critters, but I have seen kitty paws reach under the door at times. And dogs might bark impatiently for someone to come out.

When I was potty training twins, I spent a lot of time in a very small bathroom with two toddlers and a beagle. Bathroom was about the size of a stall in a public restroom. Not a heck of a lot of room.

Hoda said...

OH JUDYE I thought is was a feather too for being the first to post on the two hundred split??? No I might well be the one who is confused???!!!
I will give yoiu the feather because you are the Lady of the Eagles...

Mema Jo said...

JudyE - Where is Janet & Family now?

Hoda said...

LOL JO!!! I know you are kidding...

Maybe we could have an eagle feather for the new thread and an osprey feather for first postin on two hundred???
I am too tired to pop like LOLLY says so I make mistakes when I am tired...ignore me I will relax when I get sleep...

stronghunter said...

I posted on the other thread that I had posted a picture of the storm map. Debby is really covering a lot of space.

You have quite a collection of storm pictures, Judy. Stay safe, please. Guess those kitties will follow you, so you do not have to search for them. I am not sure how I would handle two cats who do not like each other and a blind dog if I had to make a quick trip to the basement.

We did actually put the cats in their carriers once, and put them down there when the weather was threatening. They would probably be safer than any of us. The carriers would provide good protection.

stronghunter said...

I have to call it quits now. Very sleepy. I will see you tomorrow. SED, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Judy - your pics on FB are awesome....

HODA - get some sleep!
I also get silly when I am tired & start to goof off.....

I am almost ready to retire
(that is fancy talk)

Mema Jo said...

Cats in bathrooms - My Tigress (deceased) always came into the bathroom and would want the shower turned on just enough to have some water
for her to lick!

stronghunter said...

Cats in bathrooms--George has been known to attack droplets of water running down the shower curtain.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night to all the Night Owls

Prayers for all those in need
Loving memories of Lynn♥
Carolyn♥ Christie ♥

Lolly said...

Annie sits outside the bathroom and cry while I shower. Then she wants in when I get out. She sits by a stool and waits for me to pull it out. She jumps up on it and wants to be petted. So, while I am drying off she is meowing at me and reaching her paw out to get me to pet her.

So...I am now off to shower and get ready for bed.

Judy, do not blow away!!

Night all! SED!!!!!

Lolly said...

And, I have to get on and say Good morning to our Lori!!! So thrilled your momma is there with you this week. Enjoy! Love you!

Costume Lady said...

Checking in before I go to bed.
I have an early dental appointment in the morning, so must get some sleep.

Good night dear friends. Sending prayers and ♥ to everyone~

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Happy to report that Ken's elbow is doing better today. He is able to move his arm without too much trouble, and I think he will be going back to work tomorrow. Gonna wake him up long enough to take some ibuprofen with some chocolate milk in a couple of minutes. It will be the first he's taken since last night, so that really is a big improvement.

JudyE, hope you've battened down the hatches! Stay safe, please, and hang in there!

Lolly, surprised to hear that you had an earthquake today. Glad you made it through OK. Hope you get the rain you want soon!

Lori, hope your medication does the job, and you're feeling better soon! Love you! (((HUGS)))!

So far, the young herons are holding their own today. There was one walking around in the front yard, but he had full wing plumage, and is able to fly if necessary. It's good, too, that he's wary of humans. They really are funny. They sit all hunched down like little old men. It's quieter out there tonight, so I'm hoping that some of them have flown the coop, so to speak.

Judie, I just remembered your question about the Cooper's Hawk. It's not interested in the herons, but the smaller birds are what it's hoping to find. Every once in a while it will snag a sparrow, or if it's really fortunate, a small dove. When I see it in the yard, I don't put seed out for a day or two, to try to discourage any hunting. When the Cooper's flies through the yard, all the birds take off with a WHOOSH of wings that you can hear inside the house with the windows closed!

Well, getting tired, so I'm going to call it a day. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature. The porch light is on, and both security systems have been enabled. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight.
I love all of you!
♥♥Missing Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!

Lori O. said...

Good morning Eagle Family in all of Eagledom!

Dalai loves my mother, so she got into two scuffles with FloBear yesterday trying to guard her. Just keeping a very close eye on all critters.

Mom started a new project I've been wanting to start. We're making reversable dog bandanas with doggie fabrics. Very cute. They'll go to the Rescue to raise money for surgeries for new dogs before they are placed.

Too early to tell how I'm feeling today. Sometimes I get through half the day and the second part falls apart. Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts, everyone. It means a lot!

I love you all (((((( _____ )))))) this much!

Lori O. said...


Where is everyone this morning?

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori! I've been online for a bit but catching up on news before I post. What a great project for you and your mom!! Hope the meds adjustment does the trick!

Wanda, hoping that you soon see some positive changes in GG!

Andy, good to hear that Ken's gout is a little better.

Judy, hope you are safe and didn't have to sleep in the bathtub!!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Sandi! What do you have planned for your beachy day off?

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I went upstairs last night to find Hunter sound asleep in my bed last night. He went in there to watch TV. He was really sound asleep and it took me a little while to get him to his own room.

Wow, that storm is still raining sitting there in the gulf. Lots of damage.

stronghunter said...

Thinking of Judy this morning.

Lori O. said...

Hope JudyE stays home if her street floods like it usually does.
Be safe, Judy!

Good morning, Shirley!

Sandi said...

Good morning Shirley!

Lori, not sure what's on the agenda for today, other than tennis from 9-11. I usually let my sister call the shots since she's the one with the kids. We usually go to the beach every other day and then do something different on the alternate days. Saturday was their last beach day so that should be on today's schedule, but I know blueberry picking was also mentioned last night.

Lori O. said...

Sandi, Beach would win out for me!

stronghunter said...

Sandi! Lori!

Good to see you this morning.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds I am still here and not floating away Was a quite nite I think Alarm didn't go off and didnt' get woke up with storm at all Right now looks calm outside

Steve Chase got a hold of me and told me to have Walker Ford email him so I gave them his email address Lets hope we have a local cam to watch next season in Fl That would be sooooo nice

Wow there are lots of road closure here in Fl with flooding

JudyEddy said...

Looks like its going to be another duplicate day today they just said on TV just no feeder band right now on us So here we go again I hate being at work in this weather such a big building to be in

Lori O. said...

Judy! So glad you are alright!

JudyEddy said...

two juvies in the nest

JudyEddy said...

Its so sunny out now so deceiving Its is sooo bad in Tampa now all the way to FT Meade and they said that feeder band is stationary right not--- so we are going to be in for more just with feeder bands coming in

JudyEddy said...

This is our radar right now

JudyEddy said...

Off to work I go see you at lunch maybe if its too bad just may stay in the store YUK I dislike staying in the store tooooo

JudyEddy said...

still cam is stuck on 819 with the two juvies in the nest HMMMM

stronghunter said...

Latest from Fort Collins:

Colorado Fire

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - really was anxious to see Judy on here - very thankful she made it through and sorry it isn't over yet.
Lori - sound like a neat project.
Dalai sounds very sweet loving but not
the Bully to share. Lori I cracked up with one of those videos of the momma bully trying to get away from her 10 little bullies - they were right on her tail!
Wanda - have a smiley day after your dental appointment! Praying for GG to be back to her ole' self soon.

Mema Jo said...

Headed out the door in about an hour with Jenny over to see Aaron who lives in Shepherdstown. It isn't too hot today so I should be find. My allergies
are really acting up - ears popping and lots of nose blowing.

Has Dana already gone to ND for their trip?

Lolly said...

Good morning! Got up early this morning. Read the paper on the patio then did some yard work. Temp raised from 73 to 79 while outside and I was drenched in sweat. Filled two buckets with deadheading flowers, pulling weeds, etc. I am finished with yard work for today unless I have a hose in my hand watering pots and myself. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, I hope your brother doesn't get the fire close to him.

Lolly said...

The fires in Colorado are very distressing. Saw where there was one near Estes Park. NOT good! Glad this is not a summer for going to Colorado. We go every two years, so next June we go!!

stronghunter said...

Nice day here. Hunter is doing doggie-pick up duty, then he gets X-Box time. I have warned him that I will be vacuuming and using the shampooer later on.

Lolly said...

Ahhh, going to Shepherdstown...I would like to do that. I remember that neat shop we stopped at going into town from Harpers Ferry. It was near a curve in the road. Loved that shop, bought a set of salt and pepper shakers. They look antique, use them cooking, so I think of Shepherdstown frequently.

stronghunter said...

Jimmy said it is hot--100 degrees and not pleasant, but I think they are safe.

stronghunter said...

Jimmy said it is hot--100 degrees and not pleasant, but I think they are safe.

Lolly said...

Shirley, you are stuttering again!☺

Lolly said...

That is awfully hot for Colorado!

Mema Jo said...

Supreme Court strikes down most of Arizona crackdown on illegals

The Supreme Court struck down most of a controversial Arizona law involving illegal immigration Monday.

Sorry this is considered a political comment but the News just reported it.

Mema Jo said...

I asked about DanaMo and she is still home.... FB - she says her Bank account had been hacked! I hope the bank issues a new card and puts her money back in the account.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Live feed is up.

Lolly said...

Thank you, Sharon! Now we need a juvie or two...might even like to see the parents!

Lolly said...

Good morning, Thelma!!

grannyblt said...

GM all.

I've heard from 3 neighbors that I left the garage door open all night. And all admitted to seeing it open when they went to bed. I wouldn't have minded a late night phone call to tell me. Oh well, in the big city no one would have noticed.

Shirley, I shampooed all the carpets on Sat, then yesterday learned how to use the upholestry attachment and got to some of the places the dog likes to rub.

I always have hated to have to work on those really nasty weather days JudyE. The only time my late hubby was ever late to work was during a tropical storm. Streets flooded and he had to detour. The corporate office was not pleased that they opened 20 minutes late....and the thing is they had no customers all morning.

Thinking good thoughts for all of us.

stronghunter said...

Oh, sorry about the stutter.

Temperatures vary greatly in Colorado. I know that Jim takes a jacket with him even on a hot day.

They will say it is a dry heat, but at 100 degrees, it is really hot. I remember a 100-degree day in Salt Lake City when we were in an un-air conditioned camper.

I refused to cook dinner that night. Can't imagine anyone would want to sleep there after dinner had been cooked in such tight quarters.

Jo, you are just stating the news, not giving opinions. I am interested. Not watching news, as Hunter is using the TV for X-Box.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

Glad that Judy made it through the bad bad weather, what a tornado plan, love the part about the hammer !
Smart Gal !!

Glad the live feed is up, Thanks Sharon!

Neat about getting NCTC Steve and Walker Ford in contact, Judy...


magpie said...

Great boating all the things you mention, and those cormorants can be so shiny black...
we see them around here once in awhile

Heard my first Cicada yesterday....seems a little early, but it is such an exotic sound....
simmers summer !

magpie said...

Morning GLori
so nice to read of your Mother's visit and what you folks got goin' on

Prayers that the medicines work out well for you...

Lolly said...

I am off to start my day! Hi and bye, Margy!

Need to eat and then walk. Waiting to hear that I can go get my car!

See the wind at the nest!

magpie said...

My tomato plants are full of yellow blossoms and a few little tomatoes
My Megan Flowers are doing GREAT....the nicotiana is really taking off !
And the Lisianthus is reaching for the sky, when those lavender color blooms come out...which will be will be something to behold !!

magpie said...

Hi and Bye Lolly..
I've had some interesting cuisine this past week-end...James's other grandmother is quite the gourmet cook!


magpie said...

So sorry for the destruction from the fires in Colorado and any problems occurring in Florida and the Debby Path...

magpie said...

Beet Borscht for example, Lolly...

magpie said...

(well I know you are probably in Shep-Town now....having a nice time!)

THANK YOU for posting Kay's message....

patience seems to be one of our collective therefore, we can WAIT on when she can blog...but boy won't it be NICE !!!

(( Hugs for Kay ♥ ))

magpie said...

Hoping that Wanda's trip to the dentist is painless and trouble-free
and that GG is doing better,
hoping, and praying that is...

magpie said...

I have to go...
Best Wishes for a GOOD BETTER BEST Day for everyone

Prayers for Wellness Amongst Us

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Along with you, I hope Wanda has a painless trip to the dentist and that GG has a wonderful day, Margy.

Thank you for Hunter's card. He appreciates it very much. Big deal to finish elementary school.

Mema Jo said...

Thought I best repost from the previous thread just in case not everyone was on yesterday.
Kay update

Please tell our Eagle Buds that I'm inching along, but making daily progress. Hoping to be home in about a week. I may not get on the blog daily til' then because the emphasis here must be rehabiliation and the therapies leave me exhausted. Calls are welcome, too and I will answer if able.
Lots of hugs and much love, Kay

Mema Jo said...

Jenny changed my pick up time to Noon
I'm ready!

Mema Jo said...

Happy to see the Live Cam up - thanks Sharon Eagle Eye! loL

Going to put on my final touches as
soon to leave.

BBL this afternoon.......

Judy stay dry!

Lolly said...

Voted for Bastrop State Park, Loweeeeeeeda! I also shared it on fb twice. Once through a fb page I LOVE TEXAS. Posting it there will go to thousands of people. Hope it works!

NatureNut said...

Hello Eagle Gang! Stopping in tov say Hello. Haven't read much, but saw JudyE's storm report!! WOW!
Shoveled the house yesterday. Today will be dusting, vacuum, etc. Child called yesterday and she was at Crystal City (VA) Marriot near Airport.Meetings will be going on at that hotel and she's done TU PM and will hop on subway to our house!She said to think of some field trips! I just want to take a nap!LOL
Have a good day~~~ ☺♥

NatureNut said...

Thank you, Lolly!!!It took awhile for me to figure it out, that's why I sent as 2nd message. I'm not a great techie. I'll show here when she comes & she can vote from here,too!

Jo, Thx for note from Kay. Prayers to her. She's been through so much trouble before the surgery, and seems like not too quick on recovery.Hope she's better ASAP

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Glad to see Judy on this morning. Hope she will be "fishless" today and the rains subside and she stays safe.

Loretta, so nice that Sherry will be visiting. Maybe a visit to that jewelry store you told me about could count as a field trip. Lolly makes me want to take a nap.

Ah, doggy clean up. Seems a fair trade for X Box time.

Jo, have fun with Jenny.

Hope Margy has a quiet day.

Also hoping Wanda's dentist visit is painless and she will give us a GG update when she has time.

Finished plodding through legal documents and noting questions. Would really like to get this stuff over and settled very soon.

Ordered two new books on crime. Done more studying as a teacher than I ever did as a student.


Judie said...

Forgot earlier to thank Andy for the Cooper's update. So glad the baby herons are staying in their nests and hope Cooper's moves on.

Now to the laundry and then to assess refrigerator contents.


JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch to find the live cam working Yeah

JudyEddy said...

When I left this am for work I had another 4" in the rain guage But so far since this am no rain suppose to hit later they said But the winds are bad

and I had to find a different way to work power lines down two of the streets I go down were blocked off with lines on them they were working on them then

JudyEddy said...

and now my cam is not working the spining arrow that all

JudyEddy said...

getting the message the item selected item is not current available

Hoda said...

Very glad you are safe JUDYE.

Good on STEVE CHASE for offering to help the Ford people set up a camera.

Good Morning/Good afternoon all.

Raining here.

Off to run errands today.


Hoda said...

Had to log on !!! I had not logged off.

It did not take my log in information!!!

Three tries!!!

Stop complaining I am on...

It is a complaining type of day for me...disgruntled about Egypt.

Running errands is a good idea so off I go.

Hoda said...

LORI I love the fund raising Bandanas. Good on you and your MOM
Thinking of you and loving you buckets...

JudyEddy said...

HODA can you get the live feed??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? or anyone ??????????????????????????????????????????? lurking

JudyEddy said...

LIVE feed is BACK now

JudyEddy said...

Service 503 Unavailable keeps coming up ever other comment I said that your wind at the nest matches our wind in Fl

JudyEddy said...

See the new track Debby doesn't want to do Dallas like she has been accused of in the past Debby does Florida She wants a vacation like Janet got one LOL

JudyEddy said...

Headin back to work Blog is slo for a MON

NatureNut said...

I got on the Live Cam. No Birds, but lots of windblown green leaves.
We just saw news about Debby and she is sitting on north coast between Pensacola and Apalachicola. No one knows where she will go. Batten down the hatches JudyE & family & friends!

Lolly said...

I see a juvie plotzed in the nest. Wow!

Lolly said...

What a thrill to open up the cam and see a juvie. I hate to look at an empty nest!

Just returned from going to three grocery stores. One had the cheese I wanted, second had the huge bottle of olive oil I like, and the third my regular store. Do not like doing that!

Our thermometer says 99, car thermometer said 102. I do not like this SAM I AM!!

Judie said...

Wow! Guess who's coming to GDub in October -- TRAIN. Choo Choo

Shirley, see where your brother has been in touch. Continue to hope he and his family are remain untouched by the fires.

Hoda, hope you got all your errands done. Let's all cross our fingers that the election results will lead to peace rather than strife.

Waiting to see if Lolly got her car back and how Wanda's day has been.

Lolly said...

It is official...I see 100 on my thermometer.

Two juvies in the nest!

Lolly said...

No, car yet! They better call soon!

Lolly said...

Mighty wind at the nest. Two juvies hanging on!

Hoda said...

JUDYE so sorry I did not see your comment when I was on my way out...I had lost the live feed then.
It is on now and there are two juvies plotzesd in the nest.

LOLLY sorry you have not gotten your car yet...

The live feed seems blurry to me anyone else?

JUDIE thanks for your wishes for EGYPT and the election results will bring nothing but strife...almost half who voted were against the Moslem Brotherhood. Those who did not vote were also against him. The news this morning is he wants to bring Egypt closer to Iran and Hamas. Not the Egypt that I have known...So they will regress the same way Iran did after the Shah of Iran was deposed...He says stupid things like "Next year in Jerusalem..." this sounds like war to me!!! For thirty years there was no war and going back to those times will be a disaster. He talks of laws where men are to sport beards and women are to wear veils...I will not say what I think of that on this blog!!! I am not able to be polite and you all will be shocked!!!

Yes I got all my errands done and all that is left is to vacuum the car and put some gas and I am ready to go...It was a very productive day and with Uncle Sam's BIlls in my wallet it feels to me I could leave now!!!These shopping experiences were positive and I enjoyed the interactions with people.

LOLLY what olive Oil do you use? It is the only oil I use and it is great...

JudyEddy said...

Home from work NO RAIN so far today yeah but the winds oh my the winds down power lines every where I put some pic on FB also of it The ground is so wet from 10 plus inches the trees are not holding up good in the rain I guess but so far so good

JudyEddy said...

If anyone like Kelly Clarkson she is going to be on FUSE they are doing a Canada music stars on it Justin Beeber Spelling concert

JudyEddy said...

LOve seeing our babies in the nest

Hoda said...

Welcome home JUDYE. Glad the rain is holding off. I saw a picture of a crocodile crossing at the cross walk. I think you posted it. It made me laugh, well mannered croc you said...LOL

Hoda said...

Parent landed on the cam a little while ago and both juvies looked up and started to squwak...I guess they were thinking food...quiet now.

JudyEddy said...

I hear the parents making noise and the juvies trying to get thier attention Been on phone with Angie she wanted me to come to dinner I don't want to go anywhere in this kind of weather

JudyEddy said...

I love it with all the camera out there all the different view that peeps areposting and I am sharing

JudyEddy said...

Just on the news with all this winds our beaches are gone 20 30 feet is washed out in to the ocean or gulf I should say

JudyEddy said...

Janet is still in Fl forgot who asked Livie put pic on Fb looks like they are having a blast They went to Panama City

Hoda said...

I am glad they are in the nest for so way of telling them good bye because I am sure that by the time I come back mid July they will be gone...It has been a good season.

Hoda said...

Good thinking JUDYE to not go out again in this weather you are having...Glad JANET and her family are doing well.

JudyEddy said...

The Sauces nest info

The last eagle blood tests came in today. A-81 is a male, A-82 is a female, A-83 (Cueva) is a male, and A-84 is a large male and blew my perfect record for estimating the sexes this year.

JudyEddy said...

I posted pic on my feed that you might be able to see of her pic these are Olivias

JudyEddy said...

They have shut down two of the four major bridges because of the high winds and the washing over of the waves the Howard Franklin and the Sunshine Skyway and now the others may be closed as well We will be trapped on this peninsula

Lynne2 said...

Evening all....

what a day.

Started with the first phone call... "I just ran over my daughter's cat and I think his leg is broken" (sadly, it was far worse, pretty much EVERYTHING was broken...sternum, leg, pelvis, tail...had to be euthanized)

and ended with our last call...

"hi, it's Karen (one of our techs, who was off today). Rosie (her wild cat) just got a baby bird and broke it's leg in half" UGH. She brought it to be euthanized.

The in between was nothing short of pure chaos. I'm exhausted.

Lynne2 said...

Judy, surely they will close the Walmart, or at least not insist you put your own life in danger....

JudyEddy said...

I love it that our eagle are smart enough to stay in the nest I wish Belle and Shep would come down I haven't seen Belle in a while has anyone else???

JudyEddy said...

I got a pic of Shep and his delivery earlier will put in album later

Lynne2 said...

has anyone heard from Linda??

Hoda said...

NO LYNNE. LINDA has been off for quite a while. I checked on her on FB and still nothing...maybe time for a call?
Sorry about the tension in your day LYNNE.

Hoda said...

I saw BELLE before the Cam went down but it has been a while now for me too JUDYE

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo, live feed is up and there are MIssy and Bro in the nest! Looks like maybe Missy is laying down in the middle?

Hello friends! I have missed everyone!

paula eagleholic said...

Looked like they were just sparring, but playfully

JudyEddy said...

HI PAULA yep they have been in the nest for hours now

paula eagleholic said...

Big cam clunk

Juvies are picking the nest for nestovers. One just plotzed again...the other one whacked it with a wing and they are both up again.

JudyEddy said...

HEY guess what Steve told me to give his email to Walker Ford I only have his facebook one so that is the one I gave Cool BEANS HUH

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, JudyE, glad it's been a long visit.

Please be careful down there!

JudyEddy said...

bickering of sort

JudyEddy said...

I think they are staying in the nest because of the wind

JudyEddy said...

tug of stick

JudyEddy said...

AW nestoration they are practicing for the future

JudyEddy said...

one pick up a stick and the other wants it just like kids

paula eagleholic said...

Cool Judy, hope they put a cam in

paula eagleholic said...

Interesting on A84 chick, everyone thought it was a female. That is the PH, Pelican Harbor chick.

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

One just flew off, other one looking for it

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

one on cam it sound like

paula eagleholic said...

Poof for the second eaglet. Big cam clunk and some chirping out. Bet they are spending the night in the nest tree.

Judie said...

Lynne2, so sorry the day was so distressing. Could not do what you do. Too emotional.

Hoda, I'm glad you got your errands done and are ready to begin your journey. As for the election in Egypt, I too am concerned with the comments regarding Iran and Hamas. We can only pray for peace and the safety of your sister and any other family/friends you have there.

Going to put my feets up. BBL

Mema Jo said...

I just finished eating some watermelon!
I have to take advantage of the fruits I love while they are in season. Same as with the veggies.
Hoda lots of the seasons produce should be available for your enjoyment while you are here.

paula eagleholic said...

The weather during the second half of today has just been gorgeous, lovely breeze, sunny, low humidity.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Hoda, should love all the fruits and veggies coming in...roadside markets, etc. Discovered a couple more roadside markets this weekend. We picked up peaches, tomatoes and zucchini.

Lynne2 said...


Mema Jo said...

Lynne, you are as bad as Ceil
She sent me an email as a reminder & my first thought was, "oh my, what did I forget this time" She hit me with there
are only 6 more months till Christmas!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

I got so excited that I stuttered.

Mema Jo said...

Need to leave a little - I did all my E-cards yesterday and now I need to do some snail mail!


Mema Jo said...

Loretta, I voted about 3 times this evening for the Bastrop State Park for Sherry....

Hoda said...

Thanks JUDIE. It will get much worse before it gets better there...I appreciate yoiur wishes for my family: sisiter cousins, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews...

Hoda said...

OH PAULA I can not wait for the fresh produce when I am in Connecticut and Maine. I loved it on the Cape when we used to go to the markets. Carol still likes to do so and it is a farming community close to the ocean in Maine so from the sea and the land the eating should be good...I am glad you found some very good fresh fruit and vegetables...

Hoda said...

2 more sleeps

I hope to God I can actually sleep...I keep looking at my wallet and the US Dollars in there and it is making it a lot more real for me...

I think tomorrow I will pack...I have things in piles already and I check them with the Canadian TSE site...they have a place where I can list what I want to take and they tell me if I can take it or not...I can take quite a bit actually...100 ML is a lot more than I thought it would be once I saw the Shampoo size bottles and the creams and tooth paste...I can actually carry all that no problem...

Judie said...

Sandperson is about to depart to visit all the momsters and dadsters. The night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Lynne, wow, it was quite a day for you. I agree with Judie. It would be too hard for me. Blessings om you and those who work with you.

Hoda, thinking of you tonight. Looking forward to hearing of all of your adventures.

I love roadside stands, too, Paula.

Oh, Lolly, sorry about the car.

Judy, I hope you can dry out soon. Good grief!

Probably time for me to hold off on the purchase of whipped cream. Hunter was eating it in hot buns tonight.

Hoda said...

So at the end of the day LOLLY did not get her car that correct?
She was waiting on a phone call.

Mema Jo said...

2 more days - I am glad it is actually time for your adventures to begin,Hoda

Lolly didn't get the call as far as last she said for her car pick up. Seems she has been without it forever!

FL is losing its beaches fast!

JudyEddy said...

I put two short video of this afternoon visit by the juvies on the blog and a short video of the Howard Franklin Bridge and its not my video You can see my mouse cursor at the end so no worry and yes our beaches are gone and yes its not over yet two more days of this they say

Todays vist by the juvies they were doing nestoration Windy day

Howard Franklin Bridge

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Glo has many many pictures of her family on FB. She said she will compile a Glo's Glimpse slideshow after her excitement is over!

Mema Jo said...

Judy thanks so much for all the videos! We are winding down as far as seeing the juvies much - season is about over.
Then we watch for Belle and Shep to return to tidy up the nest and have a meal or two in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Calling it a day
Prayers for all to have a peaceful sleep and pleasant dreams.....

Good Night
Fond thoughts of Lynn♥
Carolyn♥ Christie♥

Hoping to hear soon from Kay and missing Linda.
I ♥ US

stronghunter said...

Oh my, I need to go to bed. Hope I do not find Hunter asleep there again tonight. That is where he was last night. He sometimes goes to my room to watch TV.

See you tomorrow. Rest well. SED.

Hoda said...

JO...2 sleeps and only ONE day...I leave after tomorrow.So exciting.

Lolly said...

HODA, we are going to miss you!!!

No, did not get our car today. They said Friday, then Friday they said Monday....we did not even hear from them today. Oh, well, I still have my rent car. I had to laugh today. I have never really noticed the name on my rent car. It is a Jeep...a Jeep...LIBERTY!!!!
I should have been calling it Lib!

Lolly said...

We officially had our first 100 degree day today. Our thermometer said 100, but at DFW it got to 104. Laurel is taking 5 boys to Six Flags tomorrow. Glad she is young and can take the heat!

Lolly said...

After dinner tonight we went out and watered pots. I was drenched with sweat at 8 o'clock and even getting my feet wet.

Hoda said...

Thanks LOLLY.
Sorry about no car but LIB is pretty good.
I will try to stay in touch if I can find WIFI near Carol's and David's acreage.

Lolly said...

Hoda, you are going to have such a wonderful time. So happy for you!!

We are going nowhere until the end of the month, but that is good. I do not like to leave my yard for any length of time during the summer. Last full week of July we are taking Laurel and the boys to the beach. We will be gone 6 days.

Time to head to bed. Starting to yawn and about to do a faceplant. And, speaking of faceplants....wonder how Wanda is tonight and wonder about GG.

Night all!! SED!!!!!

Hoda said...

WANDA was on FB I hope she comes here soon to let us know about GG.

Good night LOLLY and SED.

It looks like another sleepless night!!! OH MY!!! I have a lot to do tomorrow so I had better get some sleep.

Costume Lady said...


Some good news for a change. First of all, I was able to get my teeth cleaned today, after having been sent home 2 weeks ago because I didn't know I needed to take some amoxicillin befor a dental proceedure because of knee surgery (for 2 years) Just a cleaning...didn't think that counted as a risky proceedure?!

GG was sitting at the table drinking coffee and was DRESSED!
She hasn't gotten out of her pajamas for over a week.
We took her out on the porch and she watched her goldfish swim around and she also noticed that some of her Water Hyacinths are getting bloom stems. I was very surprised that she still remembered how to tell that!
We sat out for a long while and she drank a glass of orange juice.
When we went back inside, she ate a whole jar of banana, peach and cereal baby food, 3 fresh Bing cherries and two caramel crisp rice cakes. These are foods I can leave out on the table so that she can see it and nibble if she wishes. She stayed awake most of the time we were there...I think all of this is a good sign!

Soup Kitchn tomorrow and I am cooking the main dish...BEEF TIPS AND GRAVY OVER NOODLES, so I will get some sleep now and be wide eyed and bushy tailed all day:)

Sending prayers and love your way and have a great Tuesday♥

ps...thanks for your concern for GG~

Hoda said...

It is good news indeed WANDA for both your teeth cleaning and GG being awake and aware.
Good luck with the soup kitchen tomorrow. Blessed Be, Blessed Be, Blessed Be...

Costume Lady said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here kind of late tonight.
Was watching a recorded TV show with Emma. Ken went back to work today, and did fairly well. I guess he used his left hand to work the mouse on his computer, though. He didn't want to overdo it the first day back. Can't say I blame him. Went to the store and got him some cherries to eat. Hope they help! (They are delicious!)

Lynne2, I honestly don't know how you do the work that you do! I would be a total wreck by the end of the day. God bless you, and all those you work with! So sorry today was such a bummer! ((HUGS))!!

JudyE, so very glad that you have been OK, considering the weather in your part of the world! Be careful, and stay safe and dry!

Hope we hear from Kay again soon!
Glad that she's improving, although slowly! Prayers for her continue.

Lori, the doggy bandanas sound like a great fundraiser idea! I wish that Emma would agree to wear one, but she would find a way to chew on it. Even her tags on her collar drive her nuts, and she tries to get hold of them and chew them. (Just one of her more unusual quirks!) Bless her heart, she hunted down a cellar spider on the wall for me today. She couldn't reach it to kill it, so she got in my face and barked at me, then ran over and literally pointed at it with one front foot up, until I came over to investigate. Gotta LOVE that pup!
I hate spiders as much as ♥Lynn did! Emma got a biscuit and a tummy rub for her excellent efforts!

Hoda, I am SOOO excited for you!!!
Can't wait for you to begin your trip! Have been thinking of you a lot lately. Concerned for your family still in Egypt. Praying for them a LOT!

Lolly, sorry you don't have your car back yet. Pretty neat that the rental car is a Jeep LIBERTY! Hoping that it will cool down a bit in your area!

Hope we hear an update on GG soon.
Love her to pieces, and hope she improves quickly!

Well, going to call it a day. Have said prayers for everyone, and every creature. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep soundly, everyone, with the very sweetest dreams. Love all of you!
♥♥Missing Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, there's Wanda!!
So glad to hear that GG was better today! Thank God!! Hoping that she continues to improve! Please give her a big (((HUG))) from me!
Well, better get to bed. SED, everyone!

Hoda said...

C/A has not been on for a while either...Birthday coming up soon...Miss you C/A

Hoda said...

I will go give my bed a go...wide awake and gathering things around near the suit case...will it all fit in? What do I really need to take?

Hoda said...



Lori O. said...

HODA, are you down to just 1 sleep now?

WANDA, so happy to hear to that GG is doing much better and eating, too!

I had a work meeting last evening I had to drive back to work for - ugh. Tired today. Still so happy my Mom is here!

Hoda said...

Good morning gLORI...

Yes one more sleep...did not manage any tonight...mind is going through all the things I need to do to get to the border crossing and then to fly and then to catch planes in time to make connections. How many books to bring along for the trip and how many is too many books!!! My oh My oh MY!!!

Sorry you had to drive back to work and yes indeed it is terrific that you have such a good relationship with your MOM and you have each others' backs...very good expression I find.

So I have had my qunoa and my chia seeds so now prepare a cup of tea and start the day...

Lori O. said...

Hoda, you must get some rest! ♥

Hoda said...

Thanks LORI I will take a nap in the afternoon...I tried to sleep and simply lay in bed and was beginning to be anxious so I got up and I am sure I will need to nap in the afternoon.

Are you at work already?

Enjoy the much longer is your MOM staying.

Hoda said...

I love the sound of the birds early morning and they just started here is 3:28 AM my time...

Sandi said...

Good morning Hoda and Lori!

Hoda, I'm not surprised that you're still awake! But you did say 2 more sleeps, so you cannot come to the US until you sleep 2 more times!!

Lori, what's on the agenda for you and Mom today?

Wanda, great news about GG being up and dressed! Hope her progress continues!

Lynne2, I'm sure there are many happy events at your job to balance out the sad ones, but the sad ones must be emotionally very hard - I couldn't do it, as others have said.

Lolly, I drive a LIB all the time - have for the past 11 years!

Started raining just as I got to the courts yesterday and then we had storms throughout the day. The kids went to the amusement park in Rehoboth. Beach is on today's agenda after interclub tennis this morning! Sunny and beautiful here this morning, but a little cool - 60 degrees. Only calling for temps in the 70s today - great for playing/reading on the beach but no ocean for me today!

MT nest right now (nice to have the cam back) but I can hear someone in the tree near the cam.

CarolAnne said...

Missing everyone - forgot laptop @cottage. Hard to lurk & comment on Kindle.

So excited for HODA! Soon USA will have a very special tourist.

Thinking of everyone - those awaiting wellness, the nasty weather, our travelers, those w /stressful jobs, those w /family visitors and those vacationing.

Sandi said...

Morning Carol Anne!

One juvie in the nest.

Judy, hope the weather improves for you today. I would not like living in an area so prone to hurricanes, though I would love the warm weather!!

Lori O. said...

SANDI, I have a late meeting here this morning, then when I get home I hope to work with Mom on the dog bandana project! They're so cute!

Have fun at tennis.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Today is Zoo day AFTER coffee and dog treats. of course you know I am enjoying every minute. Time is flying but we are having a great time together.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds We are still having winds and I see the nest is still windy and MT

WANDA so glad GG is improving and did get dressed My heart goes out to your family at this time My sister had to go through this with my mom tooo, and I love the work you and GENE do at the SK you are blessed angels

DEBBY is a very wet very windy thunder storm and she has left havoc on Fl and she is still not done

ANDY thanks for your concern as well as others I am lucky for sure here where I live I see so much damage all over

So sad there there are so many people making photo shop pictures like a tornado or a shark in the road Makes no since to me why they do that

I hear kids on the cam At first I thought it was here a cat or kids went out side then realized it was the live cam DUH

JudyEddy said...

HODA have you ever tried any of the PM products its just benadryl with Advil or Tylenol You will need your sleep I hope you can sleep in the USA with all the excitment of being here

JudyEddy said...

SANDI we don't get tooo many here My friend in NC gets more hurricane storms than I do LOL odd huh and this is just a storm

JudyEddy said...

LORI are the meds doing better now??

JudyEddy said...

Ours winds is what is not stopping NO rain 31=-45 MPH winds and they are sustained winds toooo and the winds are bringing in the tide on the land

JudyEddy said...

POOR TAMPA they are getting the worst of it and the bridges are still closed with water washing over BY Thurs the storm will be in the middle of the state

JudyEddy said...

gotta get ready for work

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. Heading out to take Mattie to softball camp. Yesterday was speed and agility. Not sure what today will include.

magpie said...

did wwe say

Good Morning Eagle Pals


magpie said...




T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...