Monday, June 18, 2012


Rainy Monday thread.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Steve.

Bird Girl said...

Good morning everyone!

Just wanted to check in to say THANK YOU to ALL of you for your positive thoughts, prayers, and support during my recent cancer scare.

I also want to give a shout out to our own dear Magpie, who has sent me a few cards in the mail to help brighten this tough time. So thoughtful :)

Granny dog is alternating between being very frail and refusing to eat or drink, and being slightly less frail and asking for food or even barking and play-bowing. We think she is just fading, having lived a very long life (nearly 14 years) with a lot of medical issues. One positive thing from this is that she has started to take naps with me again once in a while, which she hasn't done in years; I'm savoring the special time with her.

I hope everyone has a great day today, many positive thoughts for those in need, and much appreciation for the same sent to me.

As always, I remain,
Your very own
Bird Girl

Bird Girl said...

Haha...there were no comments when I started to write that, Shar beat me to it! :D

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all

So glad everything was positive on your tests Delphia

Praying things are peaceful for your dear Granny dog

Costume Lady said... have to be pretty quick to beat our Sharon...she has a 'Trigger Finger' :)

Yes, it is raining here and only 62°. Our friend was coming to mow the grass, which is very high now, but can't be done today. He has others on his schedule, so don't know when he will be here. I wish I had time to do it myself, but between taking care of my house and GG's too, just can't seem to find the time~

Going in to GG's soon...hope she is more responsive today.

Hope it is a nice day wherever YOU are♥

Mema Jo said...

Hello There Feather Girl and Bird Girl
I must be at the right place!
Thank you Delphia for your words
I will be with Jenny today.
See you all this evening. ♥

Costume Lady said...

Oh, and JudyE...there IS a PUBLISH area on JANET'S blog. I had difficulty finding it too, but if you scroll down an extra inch or two, it is there:) Love her journaling her trip!

Lolly said...

If you want the feather, you have to jump in fast!!!


Sandi, Zach reaslly does not understand about summer time and school time. Also, being an only child and living in a neighborhood where he does not go out to play with kids, he needs the school time. He would just be with his "Nana", who still baby talks to him. After this 3 weeks of school, he has 2 weeks of swimming lessons and then he has 1 week of science camp.

Now, Joseph and Jacob, on the other hand would protest big time! LOL Jacob starts his basketball camp today at the Univ of North TX. Joseph starts his basketball camp at the same place on Thurs. But, Joseph will be sleeping there while Jacob's is only the mornings.

Lolly said...

Wanda, I do hope you see an improved GG today!♥

Lolly said...

Going to read the paper. Just want to say it was nice seeing Lori and DanaMo on here this morning. Now, we just need to get Kay back!


stronghunter said...

Busy summer planned for your grandkids, Lolly.

stronghunter said...


Good that you and your doggy are enjoying quality time together.

Lolly said...

July will be quieter for J and J. The last week of July we are heading to the beach for a week.

Zach definitely needs the activity.

Laurel is using July to paint and move boys. Right now each boy has a bedroom and they have a playroom. She is moving Joseph to the playroom (formerly nursery) and Jacob to Joseph's room, and Jacob's room will become a guest bedroom. They no longer use the playroom. Right now she is sorting through toys. Yuck! She sees a big garage sale coming up this fall. LOL

Lolly said...

The nest seems so empty! Yesterday the eagles were there a lot.

stronghunter said...

Hoping that we can get Hunter signed up for some activities. I am weary of the X-Box games. He is supposed to have a baseball play-off game tonight, but I think it is quite likely to be rained out. It is still raining now, and there are supposed to be scattered thunderstorms this evening.

stronghunter said...

I do want to do some painting here, too. The dining room is in need, as are other spaces.

But thorough cleaning is the plan for right now.

stronghunter said...


Lolly said...

Heard something hit the cam, so there is an eagle in the tree.

Time to eat some breakfast and start my day.

Sandi said...

Hi all - back from tennis to find a new thread! Thanks Steve, and thanks Sharon for the call over!

Delphia, so good to see you on the blog!

Lolly, why doesn't Zach play with other kids in the neighborhood? Are there none his age around? If he's happy with going to school in the summer, then yay!

Wanda, prayers for GG!

Thinking of Kay and hoping today is a great day for her! Yes, Kay, we miss you big time around here!!

Painting and washing windows are on my agenda for to9day. Need to get the last of the bead board painted in the new bathroom and all the stained trim polyurethaned, now that the tennis players have left and before my sister arrives on Wednesday!

A client of Denny's had a brand new tandem ocean kayak in his garage - still in the shrink wrap!! Said he wanted to get rid of it. Denny made him a ridiculously low ball offer for it and the guy accepted! Another thing for Madeline and Michael to do when they get here. We have the power boat, and we already have a canoe.

Lolly said...

Sandi, my Zacharooski is high autistic. He could not just play in the neighborhood if there were children. As it is they live in a neighborhood in Dallas that is "mansions". Seriously, and there are no children, that they know of, also no sidewalks.

Joseph and Jacob live in the ideal neighborhood. They are close to the end of a street that is dead end...a Cull-d-sac.(sp)There are sidewalks and many many children!!

Lolly said...

Ashley is very good at making "play dates", so he plays frequently with children. I would rather he lived in a normal neighborhood, but it is their choice to live where they live. They bought a new house almost 3 years ago. It is what people call a MacMansion. LOL Built in an old neighborhood of Dallas where they tear down an old house and build a "mansion. LOL Michael works downtown Dallas and they wanted to live in Dallas...not in the suburbs.

Sandi said...

Lolly, thanks for the explanation. Didn't know Zach was on the autism spectrum. In his case, school in the summer IS a great idea!

We use the term McMansions here in Bethany as well, to refer to the huge houses that people build strictly for the rental income. Some folks buy the old beach cottages on the ocean block and tear them down. Then they build massive, square, architecturally boring boxes with 8-10 bedrooms and 6-8 bathrooms that they rent out for thousands per week, all summer long.

Lolly said...

Michael and Ash's home is beautiful. 5 bedrooms 5 1/2 bathrooms, 2 kitchen, and a media room in additions to the traditional rooms. It really is pretty and they have a decorator. They have recently added a new round 8 person dining room table. Now to find the chairs. The rug is ordered for under the table. This is all foreign to me.

Zach is very verbal, extremely intelligent, and a very happy little boy. We have high hopes for him, but he will always be "different". He is on grade level, starting first grade this fall. He reads easily. His biggest problem is fine motor skills and he get therapy and getting his thoughts on to paper is also a problem. He is very hyper but his mother and Nana are as well. Michael is way laid back and he keeps things at a low keel, or at least he tries. ☺

JudyEddy said...



JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Update on my friend Lori. She was extubated and is doing well. She is congested and in a lot of pain but this was to be expected. She is listening to music, "Don't Fear The Reaper" which made her docs and nurses laugh. No signs of infection or any other complications. God is good all the time.

I don't know if I told you all this before or not but Lori was born with spina bifida. She only has 1 functioning kidney and has had a urostomy since way before I met her in 1985. She was born with no knee joints. They really didn't expect her to live to see 1-year-old. She will turn 47 this Wednesday and has a daughter, Payton.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day for a neighbor. Would ya be mine? Could ya be mine? :)

JudyEddy said...

ROBYN AND CANDY the shirts are on the way Anyone else want I have a M and a XL left I am holding one XL in case Janet wants it when I see her Fri 10.97 plus tax and shipping let me know I can always return to Wmt if no takers I figure I would buy what as there and offer to my eagle peeps The picture is on FB from two days ago eagle on front and back sooooo soft and pretty its mens sizes tooo Let me know ok

Hoda said...

Good morning/ good afternoon all.

Good to read of the Grand kids and their activities and thank you for sharing...

JUDIE, ANDREW went swimming and his phone, which had his pictures, was in his pocket. SHAR posted it yesterday...

Thanks JUDYE for posting the beads.

Quiet day for me and I have some shopping for gifts for the trip and yoga to do...this is the plan for most of this week...glad to have the quiet time before the trip.

Hoda said...

Windy at the nest...MT nest

Hoda said...

Lots of cluncking on the cam and some shaking too...

Lolly said...

Yes, Sharon, it is a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

Lolly said...

Have cleaned up kitchen, now into the den, and then on to bathrooms. It is that kind of day. Trying to stay indoors and do a wee bit house straightening. Groan!

Hoda said...

Watch out LOLLY!!! Yesterday MARGY'S maid wanted a raise...she worked too hard...offer yours a cup of tea in between chores...LOL

Lolly said...

LOL I sit down to my laptop between choors. Two loads of laundry done, kitchen clean, bathroom clean. Think I will put my nose in a book for a while. Laurel has passed on another book to me.

Hoda said...

It looks and sounds like the wind is getting stronger at the nest...

Lolly said...

New word! Choors ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm Lolly, were you talking about Chores or Coors?? LOL

Yes, I got to lurk and post today!

Miss you all...will catch up later!

Oh, happy to hear the cam is back on!

glo said...

I want a cup of tea. I must say I have not done enough chores to really deserve one yet though. OK it takes 3 mins to heat water and 5 mins to steep that tea. I can work for 8 mins before I take a break :-).

Lolly said...

Drink that tea, Glo. I like my coffee in the morning, but only enjoy a cup of tea in the winter. Too hot for tea during the day.

Jack drinks the Coors, Paula, not me. It is funny, I have never been a beer drinker. I have always told myself "too many calories". I do sneak a swallow of Jack's when I poor it. He keep mugs in the freezer, and his beer is frosty cold. Now, I like that!

Lolly said...

Having my afternoon snack right now, strawberries with vanilla yogurt.

Hoda said...

GLO Enjoy your tea...JACK enjoy yor Coors and LOLLY enjoy your coffee...
I just had a traffic question as I got yelled at yesterday by two really angry women and I phoned both the RCMP and the Nelson City Police and they were both very helpful and the rule is to proceed with caution if the car ahead of me is trying to make a left turn and is waiting for oncoming traffic...I can proceed after a complete stop to verify what is going on...I liked talking to them...RCMP does rural roads and the Nelson Police do the city of Nelson...friendly folks they were...much nicer than the women who yelled at me...

Lolly said...

What did they not like, Hoda. Rude to yell!

Lolly said...

And, how in this world could someone yell at Hoda the Amazing?
Love you!

Hoda said...

Thanks LOLLY...I got very shaken when they yelled. They were turning left and I slowed down, there was on coming traffic and I thought they were waiting for it to clear. It seemed safe for me to proceed and so I did and there was no incident. They caught up to me at the traffic light and my oh my were they yelling and I was very upset as I could not answer the police told me to come to a complete stop and yes I was legal to move on but to be on the safe side I needed to stop and verify the situation and clear to see no one was trying to pass me and then proceed...she was upset about a pedestrian crossing yet there were no pedestrians and the on coming traffic was not stopped...what I learnt is I do not like to be yelled stayed with me till this morning and when I phoned the RCMP and the Nelson City Police I felt so relieved. They are good resources and I can move on, maybe I will go shopping...two presents needed bought three for Hope who is turning 70, one for Carol as a house gift...

Hoda said...

Clunking and shaking and did someone take off from the cam??? I still see it is windy there...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lots of clunking again at the cam.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Eaglet just arrived from 2 o'clock.

Hoda said...

Juvie eating nest left overs.

Hoda said...

Juvie hops up to nine branch and vocalizes with a wing tip showing...

Hoda said...

clunk on camera case...

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch TV movie with hubby
Corn on the cob for dinner was delicious

CarolAnne said...

Hi all, wishing you well.
Just a quick pass thur-
LOLLY - RE: Zach - are there any Easter Seal respite camps in their area. Around here they are from 7:30 to 6 pm Mon-Fri, lots of different activities, counselor ratio is 1 to 4 children. The neat thing is there are kids without any type of disability along with those with various disabilities. The healthy ones learn to interact with the ones w/disabilities. And those with disabilities have role models. It is part of the autism spectrum offerings around here.

Eyes to the skies or nest or cam - whatever works for you. :o)

Mema Jo said...

FYI Tori took Robyn to ER
Robyn fractured her hip. like when she turned she pulled the muscle and it like pulled a piece of the bone off
.Seems she was on ladder getting something and went to step down and felt her hip crack Could stand but not walk. Fingers crossed it's not at bad as it sounds.

Check out Tori on FB page

JudyEddy said...

I hear something on the cam OH and back from work Hope you all days is going good so far

I got a sort of boo boo on my nose lucky my glasses were on my head other wise would have been worse than it is
I was checking a barcode on Diet MtDew and my arm sort of gave out and guess what YEP it came forward and hit me in the face got a small cut like a scratch on my nose and a bruise on the side of my nose

Dumb Judy's arm anyway Its from my neck I guess gets that way once in a blue moon

glo said...

oh dear so sorry to hear Robyn has hurt her hip. Prayers here too that its not too serious etc. Will watch for more info. I did my 8 mins of work :-) and so enjoyed my HOT tea. I love love love hot tea and usually have it mid morning but to busy this morning for a tea break. Wonderful afternoon too.

Hoda said...

JO so sorry to hear about ROBYN...Please keep us posted and I will check FB also...PRAYERS

GLO glad you enjoyed your tea...

Good to read a post from RED on FB where he has been driving for two weeks now and today went for his sausage breakfast and did not have a walker...on his own...I told him not to satrt any races just yet!!! LOL!!! He sounded well.

Hoda said...

Off to Yoga...

JudyEddy said...

JO thanks for passing on the info in ROBYN Healing thought to her Didn't anyone tell her the no falling rule of the blog

JudyEddy said...

someone is still in the attic lots of rattling up there shaking bigh time

JudyEddy said...

WOW lots of cam shaking going on

Lolly said...

Wow, that is really rough about Robyn! Tori's turn to take care of her Momma! Keep us posted, Jo.

JudyEddy said...

one juvie in the nest

JudyEddy said...

I think the parent is in attic noise on cam and LIL BRO is looking up and making lots of noise

JudyEddy said...


Robyn Ann Schonhans
16 minutes ago near Martinsburg, WV
Ok so I'm a moron lol.. on the ladder bringing boxes down from attic that caylee was handing me. I twisted one way hip went other, needless to say I tore the muscle away from the bone causing a piece of bone to pull away from hip. I can walk with some pain they say crutches as needed and I see ortho group this week

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Okay, Lolly is sitting down between Coors, Hoda is having traffic incidents, Judy got whacked with some Mountain Dew.

Or something like that . . .

Sorry about Robyn's accident. Hope she heals quickly.


stronghunter said...

Time to put the spaghetti in the pot.

Judie said...

My goodness. So sorry to see that Robyn has a fractured hip. Sending a prayer that she will heal quickly.

JudyE, a less critical injury but sorry you got a nose bonk.

Hoda the Amazing: just don't worry about those two rude women.; Concentrate on flirting with the RCMP and Nelson police. Very sorry you had to experience that stress. Be thankful you don't live in the D.C. area.

Off to read a little mystery for fun.

JudyEddy said...

IN coming both juvies lots of announcement with it

JudyEddy said...

poof one juvie and one is plotzed in the nest at 11

JudyEddy said...

poof the second and a nice fly away from the nest in the distance

JudyEddy said...

nite lite on and time for my shower and see if i can find something to watch

Mema Jo said...

Robyn said: Robyn Ann Schonhans Re it isn't that bad, there is some pain but I am cooking fettuccine and shrimp with minimal pain I cleaned up after dinner, put dishes away and now sitting down
about an hour ago

Good news ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Oh rats, I just missed them...LOL well an hour ago I did.

How is everyone this evening? Trying to get caught up, love reading about everyone's weekend.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And Paula, we are waiting to hear about your weekend! ;)

Judie said...

So good to see that Robyn is saying her injury isn't so bad. Still, hoping she heals quickly.

The night light is set for 11:30 and the sandperson has instructions and a GPS unit. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Robyn's injury sounds terrifically painful, but she is home? Wow!

paula eagleholic said...

Shar, it was great! :)

Lolly said...

And that's all she said folks!☺

Mema Jo said...

Enough said ♥

Good Night Everyone
God Bless you and Keep You Safe

Praying for Kay to recover and Robyn to heal

Lynn♥ Carolyn♥ Christie♥

stronghunter said...

Good night. Sandperson is here. See you tomorrow.

Hoda said...

Great posts and I am glad everyone had a good weekend including PAULA and MEMA JO said enough said and so it is!!!

I am going to be sore tomorrow...WOW did she mix up the poses in yoga tonight and some amazing stretches and contortions and here I am thinking I did not think my body could do that but it did...I laughed as I was not sure I could get out of the pose after I got in and yet I did and it was all very delightful...

Thanks JUDIE...all let go and forgotten and when I passed an RCMP cruiser tonight I waved and the officer waved back...does this qualify as flirting? He however was not in his red serge...LOL

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, thanks for sending me the eagle beads! I will be on the lookout for them.

Costume Lady said...

...and I, mine:) You are teriffic, JudyE♥

Costume Lady said...

GG was asleep when I got there today, seemingly peacefully, so I let her sleep and got some work done, inside and out. She doesn't like me to clean or cook when she is awake...likes me to sit down and chat with her:)
She seemed a bit better today and did eat a small amount of a sweet potato (one of her favorite foods), 3 pieces of steak and a half cup of egg drop soup. She went for 2 days without eating anything, so what she ate today was progress. She may have had a bug of some sort. We will see what the doctor has to say.

Someone (probably Shirley) must have sent the sandman to my house because I am sleepy...he got me when I wasn't looking.
I think HODA THE AMAZING is next on his list (I have a feeling)!

Good night friends, sending love and prayers♥

Hoda said...

Thanks for the heads up even though I got boncked on the head pretty seriously as it was so enlarged and did not clear the door frame from the Amazing description.LOL...Thanks for the update on GG WANDA...yes eating as little as she did today is better than not eating at all for two days...she is in my prayer and keep us posted

Lolly said...

Have had my nose in a book this evening. It is another book Laurel has in her 6th grade Library, Divergent. Similar to Hunger Games and it draws you in.

Wanda, glad GG was a bit better today. She does need to eat!

Uh Oh...Hoda the Amazing is flirting with the RCMP. Ric will not like that!

Time to hit the hay.

Night all! SED!!

Sure wish Kay would peek her head in! Miss you,Kay!

Hoda said...



Hoda said...



Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Really sorry to hear that Robyn tore something loose in her hip. Prayers for a speedy recovery!

Glad to hear that GG was a bit better today, and was eating some.
Prayers for her continue.

Hoda, you can be glad that you don't live in Southern California!
A lot of drivers here are not only rude, but very vocal about it, too!
So sorry for that unsettling incident.

Judy, hope your nose is feeling better. Prayers for a speedy recovery.

Well, I think I'd better get to bed. It's getting pretty late, and the alarm sure goes off early!
Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature.
The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep tight, everyone, with SED.
God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!

Lori O. said...

Good morning all in Eagledom!

LOLLY, I always love hearing your stories abut Zach! He sounds like such a great kid and it's obvious you adore him.

SHARON, you sure were quick to grab the feather! Good for you!

WANDA, glad to hear that GG ate some yesterday. Hopefully, she will double that today! Is there a soup kitchen tonight?

PAULA, yes, would love to hear more about your beach weekend! :)

DELPHIA, hoping Granny dog will fade very slowly and have many more naps with you.

SHIRLEY, you're not alone. I'd like to get the whole inside of this house painted! YUCK! Do not like painting, bt already have the curtains to hang with the new colors.

HODA, I can't imagine you being sore from yoga, you do it so much! Hope you're not sore. And the nerve of those yelling ladies!!!

JUDIE, right! Good thing HODA doesn't have to drive in DC.

Thinking of KAY today and hoping she is going to have a great day!

Hoping EVERYONE is going to have a great Tuesday. Weather here is getting hotter today, up to 88, then 97 and more humidity (GROSS) tomorrow!

Love you all, dearly! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

ANDY, I knew we would be posting and typing at the same time! Sleep well. Extra cookies for Emma, please. :)

Robyn said...

Thank you everyone,

I am fine, feel more like a moron then anything, like I really can afford this now lol

Doctor called it a Avulsion Fracture where the ligament or tendon pulls away from the bone, taking a piece of the bone with it.

Usually takes 6 to 8 weeks to heal but I can still drive and do things as long as I do not do anything that will pull or cause more injury. In other words do not overdo it

I will call the ortho group tomorrow and make an appointment.

Tori found humor in today, not me being hurt but that I was the one on the gurney and she in the chair.

I was on the ladder 2nd rung up when Caylee handed me a box from the attic it was a light box but as I reached to grab it my upper body went one way and my lower the opposite. I heard a crunch (cringing just thinking about the sound) and knew instantly something was wrong. I never go to the ER unless I am almost dying and I am glad I did tonight.

I am fine, a bit sore and though they wanted to prescribe me stronger pain meds I had pain meds home, Tramadol that my rheummy prescribed me and since I hardly ever take them I have plenty. I will take them as needed like earlier and maybe 1 before bed, hopefully over the next few days the pain will subside and I can move a bit freely.

I will keep all up to date when I find out what the ortho doctor tells me.

stronghunter said...


Geesh, 4:15. I will be going back to bed. Having a cup of tea and some cookies.

Hunter is sleeping over with a friend. They are going to a movie tomorrow, so I have the day to myself.

Went to Home Depot and saw a man buying one of the other pin oaks. I walked right up and commented about it, and we had a nice conversation. I think I kind of surprised him. Nice guy.

Need to try to relax.

Oh Robyn, do take care of yourself. My body hurts just thinking about what happened to you. Yikes!

Hi, Andy!

Good morning, Lori!

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends!! One juvie was in the nest when I logged on and there was some kind of food in the nest. Then a parent arrived, dropped a fish, and took off. Juvie ate the fish that was brought in and now appears to be pecking at the other food.

Wanda, hope GG feels a little better today. If she didn't eat for 2 days, that would explain her feeling so tired.

Prayers for Robyn to heal quickly; what a freak accident!!

And prayers for Kay; hope her rehab is going smoothly and hope she'll be back with us very soon!

Playing an interclub tennis match this AM @ 9AM. Then a nail appt. at noon. Didn't get any windows washed yesterday - the painting and polyurethaning in the bathroom took a lot longer than I expected, but I got it all done. Denny has 2 towel bars to hang, a threshold strip to nail down and 2 doors to plane and then the job will be FINISHED!!

Wow, 82 here today and then 95 on Wednesday for the first official day of summer!

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY, hope you've gone back to bed!

Good Morning SANDI!

Crazy, busy morning here. Working and lurking.

Lori O. said...

ROBYN, so sorry about your accident! Prayers that you heal quickly. ♥

T-Bird said...

Good fine morning my Momsters and Dadsters.

T-Bird said...

What is that in the nest?

glo said...

Good morning everyone. More heat and humidity for us. it is summer after all. Running errands in the morning. I might do sunset close to the Marina tonight we will see if I want to go out in the heat or not hmmm. Off to coffee and dog treats for now. HAGD everyone.

Judie said...

Shirley chatting up a man at Home Depot? Hmmmm "As The Pin Oak Grows."
Enjoy your quiet time Shirley.

Robyn, so glad you are not seriously incapacitated. Heal quickly.

Wanda, happy GG was some better yesterday.


Hoda said...

Good morning...

Must be something about getting up for tea this morning...I feel I am up for the day and have been up for an hour now!!! Tea is a good idea SHIRLEY!!! I hope you are back to sleep.

I do not know what is in the nest T-Bird. SANDI said one of the Juvies pecked on it as in food after it finished eating the fish that was delivered...

Beautiful sun rise here and the lake is ever so very calm.

Time to go get some more tea...

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle buds woke up to MT nest sort of depressing Need a eagle fix

KAY thinking of you and hope you are feeling better with each passing hour.

HOT HOT here tooo Yesterday we hardly had any clouds at all they said it was like a May June day not much humidity but today will be a different story with the humidify

But today its going to roar in to the 90s But that is Fl Here comes the mositure Poor Janet looks like she may be in for some rain on todays radar

WANDA so pleased to here GG has eaten even if it is a small morsel Its something Will she do the ENSURE OR BOOST if she doesn't eat It will give her vitamins at least

Its been so nice a quite the past couple of days A saying comes to mind You've made your bed and now lie in it.... If you know what I mean

Gonna take the old gal truck to the Ford Dealers today I air conditioner is making a noise The fan , sounds sort of like its blowing soft raspberries LOL Just hope something maybe has dropped on the fan or something simple I did have a AC check about a month ago there so will get it checked They only have me scheduled 5 hours today Which I am glad because needing to get it checked They said I would change it if I wanted The computer did the schedule and they could tweak it but I am not having it changed

grannyblt said...

Morning all. Since the nest is empty at last glance, I am tuned into the Pacific Loon cam . The chicks are a few days old and evidently that species stays in the nest for several days so they are often seen. The nest is near the airport and you can hear the airport traffic. there are also a lot of unidentified duck noises too. I will be on one of those planes next month as I am again going to visit BLT next month.

grannyblt said...

Whoops, wasn't finished.

good news bird girl

sorry to hear of Robyn's mishap with the hip

glad to hear GG is eating a bit again.

hope our Kay is feeling better by now

prayers and good thoughts for our entire eagle family

Hoda said...

I lost the cam it says it is not available

Hoda said...

OK live feed is back

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep just arrived.

Hoda said...

Shep in nest came in from two

Hoda said...

Looking aroundd and bows his Belle about to come in?

Hoda said...

Picks a nest left over and is now at five eating...

Hoda said...

Good morning SHAR...

Hoda said...

In comes Missy I do believe it is her??? A juvie who was all puffed up on landing any way

Hoda said...

She goes to five and Shep moves, she is also picking on leftovers.

Hoda said...

Shep is feeding her ...she looks bigger than he is!!!

Hoda said...

Shep poofs to nine branch

Hoda said...

OK he must have moved on because now Missy is up to nine branch I saw her tail feathers as she landed

Hoda said...

Back down again from nine looking for left overs

movin said...




We have a cloudy, humid day with a high of 67° to look forward to in So Cal.

How you doing? I have a streaky still cam this A.M. but no live feed yet...

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Hoda said...

Poof Missy from five

Hoda said...

JIM I lost my live feed for a while but it is back on again.
Good Morning to You...
We will have a cloudy and rainy day today in Nelson British Columbia

Hoda said...

Enjoy Souther California weather...

Hoda said...

Someone landed on the cam a clunck and a shake

Costume Lady said...

HODA is manning the Blog and Facebook today. Where are all our morning people?

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE, wherever you are.
It is a gray morning here in Nestville and 69° going up to 88° and we may have some storms.

Hope this is the day we hear from our Morning Sunshine Lady, KAY! She has been in pain for waaay too long:(

Hoda said...

Good Morning WANDA...
I wondered that too about the morning group.
Enjoy your morning and thank you for the weather report at the nest...I was wondering if it was rainging

Linda said...

Stopping in to say Good Morning to my Eagle Friends!!

I've missed you!!

Have caught up with all the happenings here and have all those needs in my prayers.

Thinking of KAY today and hoping she is moving around a bit better each day. Hoping GG feels better today than yesterday and she is back to herself soon. Prayers that ROBYN takes it easy and that hip heals.

Sending love and wishes for a wonderful day to all our Momsters/Dadsters!!


Hoda said...

8 more sleeps

Hoda said...

Very good to see/read you Linda

Hoda said...

We missed you too and I was wondering where you were...glad you are back on and no headaches I hope.

Linda said...

Thanks, Hoda. 8 more sleeps is very exciting!!!

Linda said...

No headaches, Hoda!

Just needed a break.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Howdy Hoda and Linda! 77 and cloudy here...wish it would rain. Have a sprinkler going in a dry spot. Trying not to used the sprinkler system unless completely necessary.

Glad to see some of you saw our juvies. I see an empty nest but heard something near the cam.

Think I may wash windows today. Have been putting it off.

Lolly said...

Tomorrow I get my do done and then out to eat we go! Jack told me he was taking me to Mc Donalds but I really know we are going to Nonna Tattas, our favorite in Ft Worth.
47 years tomorrow that I have been with that guy. Lucky me!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - you are a lively bunch this morning. I'm going to email Julie and get some news on our Kay.
Wanda you are a wonderful daughter when it comes to GG! I love the way you and Gene are taking care of her. I know it is stressful at times - but it is so worth it!♥
Margy should be a bit occupied with her company from FL - I bet James is enjoying the visitors.
Hoda I can feel the adrenalin pumping in you - 8 more days! Very excited for you.
Lolly, I'm glad you and Jack are having your anniversary of 47 years - you both are keepers in each others lives.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And Lolly and Jack are both keepers in our lives!

Good morning everybody. Another beautiful day in the neighborhood. Good to see you Linda! :) And everyone else of course!!


Lolly said...

Awwwwwwww, thanks Jo and Sharon!

JO, three nights now on the pillows. I really like mine and Jack says he likes his, too. They are different, in that he has more stuffing in his. So, so far everything is good!

movin said...

Thank you Hoda, and good morning Eagle-Eyed and Mema Jo.

I just checked my live feed again, and it is working beautifully...nobody there right now though as far as I can see.

You might check the Channel Island cameras now. There's quite a bit of action, and several are nearing fledging.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

I forgot to mention that Michael and Ash's home was in the hail storm last week. They were not at home when it happened, but when Michael returned home 2 hours after the storm there was golfball hail stones still on the ground. Can you imagine how big they must have been?

Mema Jo said...

Good luck Sandi on your Tennis match.
and congratulations on the finished Loo.
Good Morning Jim - I bet you are back for your am nap!

Thelma - I have no idea what that is in the nest at 2:00. Looks like something that needs defurred.

Dana - Happy Birthday to Frisbee who is 8 yrs old today! Hope he and his lab bros enjoy the day.

Mema Jo said...

Linda, Like you, I missed my blog ♥

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - did the kids have any luck with the camera/pictures?

glo said...

New thread folks head on over.

movin said...

Here's a link, which has all the cams on one page for the Islands:

Channel Island Cameras

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

By the way, be very careful of the audio volume on the Island cams. The ones that have audio are set very loud.

I reset mine now before I open the particular cam.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

As Glo reported:




C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Vent away, our precious Hodie! This is not typical American politics that make us all mad! :)

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...