Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Fresh thread.


Mema Jo said...

Woo Hoo I get a feather

Mema Jo said...

Steve I hope you are enjoying yourself and just to let you know we have been getting fresh new blog pages each day.

I'll let others know!

JudyEddy said...

home for lunch to find a new thread

JudyEddy said...

JO you are quite welcome on the pictures I also try to do on the fan page on FB also I still have some from last months I need to put in last months

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Ah, no feather for me again today! Boo! :)

Judie said...


Repeat from prior thread.

Back from lunch and a mutual venting session with a fellow teacher. Nice to have a break.

Sharon, please give Thelma our best and I do hope tweeking the med will make the difference. Hugs.

Janet, sorry Olivia is sick and hope she recovers quickly. Not easy for the young ones.

Ah, and I wonder why I am supposed to teach writing at a university or overlook the incompetence. Duh! Why would anyone need to know how to punctuate and capitalize?

Shirley, Kathryn may already be back home but regardless hope she's feeling okay.

Hoda, Kristen is almost there. Only another hour our time. Have a fun afternoon.

Wanda, have a SOUPER soup kitchen tonight.

Okay, back to doing some work


Mema Jo said...

Great news Sharon that Thelma just needed a change in medication. I'll go over now and say Hi on FB.

Judie said...

Thank you Jo for the call over and, yes Steve, the autopilot is working just fine so far. Thanks. Hope you're having a good time.

JudyEddy said...

I think the chicklets stary on the edge to tease us LOL WoW toooo close to it now

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Our babies sure are standing tall and proud now!

Sandi said...

Had to publish something to get the check box to appear on this new thread, hence the ♥.

Thanks Jo, for the call over!

Sharon, hope the meds adjustment helps Thelma.

Judie, I assume there is some significance to the cardinal that you always use for your avatar. But do you use the snowflake/winter one all year long? Now that you're on summer break, maybe you can look for a spring/summer cardinal? =)

Got the estimate from the movers yesterday - my sister told them to figure on moving ALL boxes and furniture. Mom - God bless her old ears - thought she heard my sister say $130 for the move, when what she really said was $130 per hour, and the guy estimates 5 hours total. So Mom is freaking about that!

Today the tub to shower guy met my sister at Mom's new condo to measure and give the estimate to convert the tub to a walk-in shower. Wait til Mom hears THAT quote!!

And speaking of tubs, my coffin-size tub will be removed tomorrow while I'm at work and replaced with a tub for a normal size person. YAY!

Judie said...

Back for a visit.

Sandi, the cardinal is because Mema Jo loves cardinals (as do I). Truthfully, I just don't even think about the avatar. Maybe I'll do something tomorrow when it's ♪♫ Summer time, summer time, sum sum summer time ♪♫ Moving expenses are a shock but at least your mom is not kicking and screaming out the door. Also very happy you will have a real person size tub.


Hoda said...

SANDI so very glad your tub is going to be replaced while you are at work.

Yes JUDIE Kristin is already across the border and headed to the ferry she should be there over the next ten minutes or so...35 minute boat ride and 35 minute drive and she is here. I am ready now and I feel everything is prepared as could be.

The end dust spray that I used while dusting is making me cough...so I have to find another kind to use...health food store here I come...

Lynne2 said...

Hi all, checking in from work....

my comment box is over here on the right again. It's been at the bottom forever. Anyone else?

Lynne2 said...

Just checkin in from work....

Geez, bet we got close to 3 inche of rain yesterday and overnight!

Hoda said...

Kristin missed the ferry that she was planning to take...she now has to wait till the two o'clock ferry and I have the terminal up on the computer and I can see her car. so it is a bit of a wait yet...She sounded well.It is another hour as it is almost one here and she will be on the two o'clock ferry...there are only two cars waiting to take it...

Hoda said...

No LYNNE mine is at the bottom...

Lori O. said...

HODA, I loved the article on Nelson. I'll be moving there any day! What a wonderful ittle heaven you have found!

Hoda said...

Thanks LORI...yes it is a good place...I will have to find a way to get you all to come out here for a visit especially on a warm summer day...

Mema Jo said...

Corn on the cob this evening with the hamburgers! Of course company is coming.
So far twice before the corn from the grossery store has been very good.

Tonight is Terrific Tuesday TV
I really miss LYNN

Off to clear the dinning room table clutter (My office) ♥

Hoda said...

I thought to share this with you...The Trans Canada Highway runs out at this point and we have to take a thirty five minute boat ride to get to the other side...Nelson is in the far away mountains...Kootenay Bay Ferry Terminal

Lori O. said...

Just had a great chopped salad for dinner, and am aiming to go to bed soon.

JO, congrats on your feather today!!!

Prayers for Thelma, Kay, Josh, Kathryn, Christie and Carolyn.

I love, love, love you all!

Hoda said...

Sleep well LORI...

BRO is going to give me a heart attack Spreading wings and flapping facing outward and jumping and bouncing away on the railing!!! My oh my!!!

UH Oh a fight!!! He jumped and landed twice on Missy who was quiety asleep and she attacked him and both had wings flapping and now he is cowering because she gave him what for!!!

Hoda said...

Belle came in with something Missy mantleed and Bro is still cowering from getting what for...Poof Belle after she watched for a while as if to say what happened here? Missy is tracking her and now preening.Was it just leaves that Belle Brought in? I think so...

Hoda said...

Bro is leaning agains nine branch, wished that youngster would get in the nest!!!

Hoda said...

Bro is in the nest!!! Missy just picked on him again and my Friend Kristin just arrived. Talk to you all later

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 Mine is on the bottom only if I have my zoom biger that 100 or if I shrink the screen to put more up but if I do full screen it is on the right also

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY is Kathryn still sore did she get sorer at work I hope she takes it easy

LORI sleep tight

HODA enjoy your friend Kristin

JO I love terrific Tues toooooo

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Our eaglets are looking so grown up. Bro is laying in the middle and Missy is perched at 6

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, Hope you and Kristin have a wonderful visit.

The eagle helmet is buried in the sticks at the launch pad again.

Eaglet playing with a leaf...cute!

paula eagleholic said...

I am going to the beach this weekend :)

paula eagleholic said...

Trying to do laundry and a host of other things tonight...I'll be in and out

Mema Jo said...

Hi Paula - is it mowing time yet for you
Hope work went well for you and glad to see you are home - how has Nick been!

Hoda enjoy your time with Kristen - Hope the weather hold up for you and all

Judy - going to be some exciting shows tonight- the finales always are.

Mema Jo said...

We are also trying to arrange some time soon to go down. I am anxious to get there.

JudyEddy said...

this is a pic from today I took about 5 and put in album and facebook fan page

Mema Jo said...

Off to TV after I get something comfy on - 3 shows in a row you need to be comfy!


paula eagleholic said...

Jo, hoping to mow Wed and Thurs, then go down Fri nite at usual.

Hope the med adjustment is just what Tbird needs!

Glad Kathryn could do a partial day at work...that's progress!

paula eagleholic said...

Clunk on the cam, Eaglet at noon playing with an eagle helmet

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Nick is good! Enjoying some time outside tonight!

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

Shirley, is it storming at your place? looks like a heavy cell close to you.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Not storming here!☺ I know, I know, you didn't ask me. Just thought I would volunteer the info!

Enjoyed the movie. The movie was so close to the book, they did a good job. When we got home it was outside to enjoy the evening. Now waiting for DWTS to come on followed by PP.

Mema Jo said...

Hey out there! Anyone who watched
NCIS Do you believe that

Lolly said...

Lynne, your stink bug pictures are so gross. Did not think you were exaggerating, but did not picture it as so grooooosssssss!!

JudyEddy said...

OH, JO, I am shocked with the end. I wonder if he dies????? I hope not, you never know with these shows and who died in the explosion. Dern-it we have to want WAIT

JudyEddy said...

this is a picture I took of sort of an attack I did get a video of it earlier also the attack by Missy the big meanie she must be PMS'ng HUH Gonna go watch MM until PP comes on

Hoda said...

I am on wi Fi Shar!!!hurrah

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Whoohoo! Good on you, Hoda!

stronghunter said...

Lots of thunder here. Stopping in to say good night just in case.

NatureNut said...

Woo Hoo. Finally got on internet after a couple hours! Even tried Google Chrome. They had suggestions such as turn off your modem. That worked in the amount of time to play solitaire! ☺
If this stays on, maybe I can read what's going on today.
Park & Planning held "Employee Fitness Day", so we got several people to come for canoe/kayaking,fishing, hiking, biking, etc.Held 10-2pm & stopped raining then!!Heavy rain at 8 AM on the poor osprey cam nest, but plain rain up the hill at the office. Go figure!Both chicks doing well so far. Saw Baltimore Oriole again today, but don't know if pics are any good---tip top of a tree.
I'll try to get back, but for those hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams, Prayers for Good Health, Blessings on Lynn's Family
Got my Mother's Day dinner tonight. Lobster again~~Yum!Was ready for a Panda Nap, but thunder & lightening prompted me to get machine before it's too late.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So I guess my "eagle helmet" is sticking! :)

paula eagleholic said...

Love that term, Sharon!

I see that rain now south and east of DC....only had some rain this morning....cleared up in the morning, and had sun and clouds...and humidity!

NatureNut said...

P.S. The bizarre event of the day was that I got CARDED at the drug store for trying to buy cigarettes!!!!Told lady I was old enough, and she said we have to check birthdays anyway!!!Taa Duh ☺


Mema Jo said...

lol - Loretta Did it make you feel like a criminal

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Shar, prayers for Thelma! Hope the meds adjustment is just right. Please give Thelma a hug for me!

Shirley, I'm glad that Kathryn came home early. Hope she's feeling better. Maybe short work days are a good way to go. Prayers for her continue.

Janet, prayers for Olivia's speedy recovery!

Hoda, hope you and Kristen are having a great time! Endust makes me cough, too. I just use a damp cloth to dust, then use a dry one so there are no spots left from any residual dampness.

Those eaglets are enough to give one heart failure, for sure! I'm so afraid that one will knock the other over the edge accidentally!

I have a good report from my routine Dr. appt. this morning. My blood pressure is good (127/68), heart rate 52, blood sugar is controlled, labs all great. Thank God, my weight is down by about 12 pounds since my last visit, 6 months ago. My doctor says I made her day! Thank God! Hope I can keep it up until next visit.

Well, need to get busy with work again. Will be back a bit later to say goodnight.

Mema Jo said...

I hope that Kristen & Hoda are having a blast! I bet they haven't stopped talking.

No storms in this area and I hope they don't come up this way.

Good Night & Prayers for all
*** ((((Lynn)))) **

p.s.- Lynn - Tome Selleck has another one of his Jesse Starr Tv movies - It's this coming Sunday! Sure will be watching and thinking of ya, gal ♥

Lolly said...

Well, it is my turn to head towards the pillows.

I have another appointment to get my do done. Think I can make it this time?? Yikes!!!

Wishing Hoda and Kristen a great visit.

Night all! SED!!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Lolly, sure hope there are no problems on the way to the hair appt., OR on the way back! Prayers for a legion of guardian angels!

Finished the report I was working on, and got another load of laundry done. Think I'll call it a day. Prayers have been said for everyone, especially Kay, Kathryn, Red, Josh, Thelma, and Gracie. The porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight.
Love all of you! Love ♥♥Lynn♥♥, and I love ♥us♥!

Costume Lady said...

Before I head to bed...Soup Kitchen meal was so very good. All made by Capt. Gene:) We had 45 guests and many said how much they enjoyed the meal...no wonder, it was topped off with a variety of cheese cakes and chocolate milk:)





Lori O. said...

Oh, WANDA! I love Chicken corn soup with rivels!
No wonder everyone loved the meal, and with cheesecake! YUMMY! 45 is a pretty good turnout isn't it? I bet you had a nice time having most of it done ahead of time. Good on you!

HODA & Kristen, hope you're having a fun & fabulous time. Kristen must be amazing if she can keep up with yoga with Hoda!

JO, I missed NCIS - what happened?

I can't get my curser to blink in the comment box, so it's hard to tell where I'm typing!

Hope everyone has a great day. Prayers for Kay, Thelma, Lolly Josh, Kathryn and all in need.

LOLLY, how are you feeling today?

Hoda said...

You all are awesome and your ears must have been ringing because I told Kristin about this awesome group of friends where I visit and we have each others backs and the love and the support and the honouring of dear LYNN...she had seen LYNN'S picture on my face book page and asked about her...It is all good. We had tea and then went uptown and picked up fresh halibut for supper and the new router and then came back and I set up the new router with the computer and it works really well. It shows on my iphone I am on wifi and it is clearer image on my computer too.
After I was done and she knew she could use her lap top we went to a hike down to the beach from the flat and walked along the beach for a while and came back to cook supper...poached halibut, fresh vegetables and rice. We had ginger/ lemon tea for dessert. Yes WANDA we talked all the while and it is all good...

Tomorrow off to yoga in the morning and then a hike to Kokannee creek and then supper.

Hoda said...

Good night.SED.



Sandi said...

Morning Lori. Eaglets are already up and flapping - looks foggy at the nest.

Hoping today is a better day for Thelma - we miss you on the blog, girl!!

Lori O. said...

Hello Sandi! Is today the day for the new tub?

Sandi said...

Lori, sure is! By tonight, we should have 2/3 of the bathroom up and running - sink and bathtub/shower. This weekend, Denny can finally start on the floor and maybe, by the end of next week, the toilet will be installed as well! Then he'll have to finish installing the beadboard, paint, and install the new lighting and towel bars after Memorial Day weekend.

There is a pro tennis tournament at Sea Colony in Bethany the week of June 8th and I offered our 4 extra bedroom for players or officials to stay in, so that's the deadline for completion.

Time to get ready for my hump day. HAGD my eagle friends!

Jewels said...

It amazes me the effect that my Mom has on all of you and your families. It makes me smile and brings tears to my eyes to read her name continuously on here. Also makes me sad to not see her name. Can you believe that today is three weeks? When will I not think of "the DAY" each week?
It gets hard in the middle of the night at work when it slows down and my mind starts running over the events of the last 3. I thank you for keeping us in prayer... I know it is one day, one week, one moth and one foot at a time. But it sure is hard!!
Home now, going to chill for a bit, then have a nail appt. have a great morning !!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Foggy in Nestville. Could those two get any closer to the edge?

Lori O. said...

Ah, Jewels, we're with you all the way. I find it amazing too how much we miss your Mom. It still doesn't feel the same and I still hope to see her name and avatar. I know I can't take my tribute avatar down either, and there's lots of others who obviously feel the same, since theirs are still up, too. Pretty soon you'll start counting the months, and eventuarlly the years...but you never forget, don't worry about that. ♥
((((((((BIG GROUP HUGS))))))))

stronghunter said...

Hi, Carolyn.

Yes, we think of your mother every day, too.

Good that you have your work and other activities these days.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn has gone off to work this morning. She did come home early yesterday, then later on she and Hunter went out for dinner with friends. She had planned to stop at the store to pick up some things she needed, but ended up coming back without stopping.

Hunter has baseball this evening, and I have bridge. I think she will be okay. I do hope so.

Somebody, I think Judie, mentioned that they pump air into your body for this surgery. They did tell us about that. And that moving around and being active is the way to handle it.

Janet said...

New thread Folks! NEw thread!

Sandi said...

Hey all, we have a NEW THREAD!!!!!




Sharon, Janet gets today's eagle feather! Sorry girlfriend!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...