Tuesday, May 01, 2012


New thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Steve.

New thread, new feather!

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for a new thread! Thanks Sharon for the heads-up!! ♥

Lori O. said...

Thanks Steve!

Yes, another feather for Sharon!

CarolAnne said...

Just a quick note here:

I NEED ANY TRIBUTES TO/ABOUT LYNN BY TOMORROW, MAY 2 for the collection MemaJo has requested.

Either email to me (email link on my blog) or place on the funeral home webpage. As hard as it seems to find the words, once you start they seem to come.

Hoda said...

NO NO NO FAIR!!! WHAT??? LORI??? another feather for SHARON??? She already got one feather and claimed it boldly like there is no tomorrow saying she has native American blood!!! LOL!!!
I know what you meant LORI...

GLO terrific story. Thanks for sharing.

LOLLY thanks for the input on the iphone too...now I am investigating both...I have a cell phone which is due to expire so instead of having an ipod and a cell phone I thought to have a cell phone that does the ipod features too...work in progress.The iphone is cheaper here than an ipod...299 as opposed to 199!!!

THELMA I have so much respect for you and for your writing this morning. It is a strong and aware woman you are and how awesome that you stay with it and that you are also working on balancing your medication...I send you much Light and love your way gal.

Oh I forgot to say Good morning...

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the fresh thread.

Thank you Sharon for the call over. I just returned from the Nursery with 3
beautiful hanging baskets - the kind the Hummers like.

Feather - where is another feather for Sharon....... What do you mean???????

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mema Jo, I changed the rules the other day. Whoever posts first on the new thread gets an eagle feather (or at least a virtual one)! :)

Hoda said...


Take pictures JO of the baskets.

Mema Jo said...

Lunch in the nest!

It is so very humid outside - due to my breathing I had to turn on the AC

movin said...

Good morning again. I have a stuffed head thing plus some lower back strain this a.m.; so I laid down for a minute (hahahaha), and I just now am getting back to normal.

I was right, it's still very gray out there. The rain has gone away though, I think.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

That sounds good Sharon - what are you doing about the SPLITS - the 1st comment on the SPLIT page 201 - 401 - 601 and so forth.....

movin said...

I see one of the parents (Belle, I think) is feeding our eaglets.

How old are the youngsters now? I want to figure when they will fledge.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Jim - your minute of lying down sounds about the same as mine... I just don't know where the time goes when I'm napping!

Mema Jo said...

Jim - I feel so embarrassed when that question is asked. Last week I think they were 6 weeks. So now in their 7th week. They are starting to get air under their wings when they wingercise & when they do they hop from one side to the other. They seem to be starting to feed themselves but no Mantling yet.
They are showing all the signs of growing up

movin said...

All the Channel Island chicks are visible on their nests right now, if you would like to take a look.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Guess I should go over and check them out - Thanks Jim

movin said...

Thanks for the info, Mema Jo. Another 4-5 weeks and they will be taking to the skies.

They are growing very fast, and I was amazed just now on how quick and aggressive the younger, male eaglet was when shouldering his way in toward the adult and quickly snapping some food for himself, sometimes grabbing it right out of his sister's piece of food.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and we have a new thread Good afternoon eagle buds Hope everyone afternoon is going good BBIALB gonna go read

movin said...

Later, everybody. It's rent-pay day, and I have other stuff I should do too.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

JudyEddy said...

Great article GLO

CA use what ever you want okdokey

I could find another term to say about Phoebe being productive but its not nice LOL

JudyEddy said...

The chicks have been sawing logs ever since I got home and I just saw a eagle fly in the distance like to the tree as I was typing to cool with a big fish

JudyEddy said...

she looks wooped with that big fish panting and all

JudyEddy said...

both chicks woke up when he landed with the fish

JudyEddy said...

Is it really hot up there he is panting like I have never seen before

Hoda said...

In comes Shep with a medium sized fish lands at ten Bro goes over, Shep drags it to seven and Bro follows. Missy is lying down.She was well fed in the last session.Bro not as much!

JudyEddy said...

He is standing over the chicks the chicks want to see what he has

JudyEddy said...

Pretty song bird singing to us HODA

JudyEddy said...

Missy is up maybe she was feed too she is stretching wings and poops shoot to make room for more food

JudyEddy said...

Nissy is now over with them Shep is tearing up the fish and bro gets a bite he tried to pick at tail of fish

JudyEddy said...

ok back to work I go

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon eagle buds.

Haven't had time to check our nest today, assume all is well.

Kay, glad you have surgery scheduled. It is next month, so I hope the time goes fast. I was happy for your grandson who made the National Honor Society. Proud parents and grandma's too.

JudyE happy your work situation is better.

Hoda--the iphone is great, but remember you have to pay those extra rates every month that I can't name right now.(CRS)I pay $20 extra and the new plans are even more. At least here in my location.

I'm head of the disbursement committee for a local organization. You can't believe how hard it is to find a time when 6 retired ladies can meet. Next year I am going to set the meeting date in stone 6 months in advance.

Hugs to Carolyn and Christie and all of us. Missing our Hedgie:(

Hoda said...

Thanks Loretta. I am talking to my cell phone provider as to the rates and the best plans to suit my needs...it is turning out to be far more complicated than I had imagined it to be.
Its all good and I am working on it. Thanks again

I keep losing the feed.

Sandi said...

Just downloaded my first book to my Kindle. I always thought I would miss the feel of an actual book in my hands but, with the cover on my Kindle, it has the weight of a book. Plus, I get to decide how large I want the type to be, what font I want, the line spacing, the color of the "page" and the print. I think I'm gonna love this thing!

CarolAnne said...

Can't wait to hear how many times you go to "turn" the page. LOL

Happens a lot until reading the Kindle becomes second nature.

magpie said...

How'ra doin' there Eagle Pals...
xoxo ♥

I would like to offer up some of my Forget-me-Not flowers for the Perennial Frog Garden at Carolyn's Roost .... the seeds originally came from Massachusetts....from a dear sister there...and they are surely perennial...

magpie said...

Also want to send some to Sharon for Mopsy's burial site

Best Wishes for a Good Evening, Eagle Pals...I am not nearly caught up so it's hard to say more things about the posts...
did I see gallbladder surgery for Kathryn? Well, Prayers for swift treatment and recovery on that for sure !

xo bbsoon

magpie said...

Magnificent Picture of Lynn on the obituary website ! ☺ ♥
One that Lynn would approve of, for sure...
Beautiful, just as we remember her...
Fine work, Carolyn and Christie....
(( Hugs ♥ ))

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Magpie, I would love some forget-me-nots. I am still waiting for the aster seeds to sprout.

stronghunter said...

Will and I went lawn shed shopping today. Checked Home Depot and Lowes. Lowes has more choices between the super-cheap and the super-expensive.

We saw some nice-sized metal ones. The wooden ones are very nice, but quite expensive.

stronghunter said...

Somebody is in the attic.

stronghunter said...

Somebody is in the attic.

stronghunter said...

Excuse the double post, please.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn came home and went up to bed. Not feeling well.

magpie said...

Oh dear Shirley, I am sorry that Kathryn is not feeling well...I pray for her to feel better....

Sharon, for sure, these I have now are going to seed, the Forget-me Nots....the leaves will sprout this year if I get them to you soon, the flowers, maybe, but definitely next year!

Signing off now, have an assignment to attend to, will try to get back on here later....
or else tomorrow!
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Many thanks to CarolAnne for coordinating our many thoughts and words about Lynn ♥

Hoda said...


Yes indeed someone is in the attic.

Hoda said...

I am working on articles and publicity for the STRIDE TO TURN THE TIDE Campaign for the Stephen Lewis Foundation. It is going very well. The event will happen the 2nd of June but we have to get people involved with pledges and donations before the actual walkathon...

Judie said...

Hi all!

Shirley, if you haven't already, check online for sheds produced by the Amish. Neighbors have a really nice one and it isn't an eyesore. Really sorry about Kathryn's illness. Maybe revisit the doctor and ask for speedy treatment.

Jim, hope you're feeling better now.

I AM NOT GOING BACK TO POLICE INTERROGATION! If Sharon has another you-know-what, I am taking the 5th. May suggest the cops contact RCMP up Nelson way.

Jo, glad you got some flowers. Got a huge head start of me.


stronghunter said...

Tonight is pizza night. We thought it was going to be barbecued chicken night. Will was trying to cook a chicken on a beer can.

Well, he came in and asked me to come help him. He tried to pick up the chicken with tongs while telling me how to lift the grate. He ended up dropping the chicken into the coals. Twice. Chicken is embedded with ashes.

It is good that we all like pizza--with chicken wings on the side.

Judie said...

Grace: %$#%$#^%$&%$#%^

Audrey: E#@^#%%^%$#&$%$

Pssssst! Grace, I told you I could figure out the vet hospital computer. Look at this. We're supposed to have something called surgery tomorrow. Then we have to get our nails trimmed. It says no food or water tonight. Dang! I told you I had a bad feeling when we got put into those carriers. Now what are we going to do?

Audrey, I've tried to find a way out but all the doors are locked and besides, there's a large mean-faced Persian across the hall. This does not look good for us.

Okay, here's the plan. Those momsters mom is always chatting with are supposed to be really nice and they can work miracles. Let's post this about our catastrophe and maybe those momsters will help us. No use asking mom. No, there is no use asking mom. She's the one who brought us here. Okay, here we go....it says Publish Your Comment

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE KAYs suregerys is JUNE 6

SHIRLEY is it her gall bladder bothering her?? or a virus Tell her I hope she feels better

JudyEddy said...

someone is upstairs in attic I just heard a loud squak

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Judie. I will check the Amish sheds.

Will told Hunter that we would be setting up his (Hunter's) bedroom in the shed.

We may be going for big and inexpensive. We can put it next to the fence and plant lots of stuff around it.

Homeowner's association requires it to be the same color as the house. We may end up having to paint it. My house is white, but the shed we liked so far is eggshell.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE you are a HOOT LOL hey I find Benny all the time sitting at my key board don't know why but he sits near it not alot of room for the big boy When I just got home he was sitting at the computer in my chair and just stareing at it like he was looking up something while I was at work LOL and Jet crawls in the little cubbys of the desk here she will be to big one day I keep telling her ATTIC RATTLES

JudyEddy said...

and chirps

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

like come on down mommy and daddy

JudyEddy said...

I worked till 610 per request so tomorrow I will have a 40min longer lunch or I can leave 15 min early and a 30min longer lunch decisions which shall I do I guess will play it by ear

JudyEddy said...

gonna go rewind the news that I DVR'd

Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...

GRACE AND AUDREY shhhhh!!! don't tell JUDYE that we have hijacked her puter for a second Hey don't tell your JUDIE about the toilet JUDYE caught me and now keeps the lid down so hey you can go get a drink of water if she doesn't close it remember don't tell anyone

JudyEddy said...

remember the toilet has water don't get caught OH I think JudyE is comin

JudyEddy said...

oh and another thing she thinks if she keeps her shoes on the chair I won't get on it so don't tell and remember the water in the John LOL

JudyEddy said...

Yeah the first time I have really seen them awake and grabbed this picture

JudyEddy said...

WOW on the 10 news Fox here Is your political party born in to you your DNA they think so That should be interesting ya think

JudyEddy said...

ok time for shower

Judie said...

Hey, Bennie, I won't tell if you can find a way to spring us from the hotel. Hilton is is NOT.

Judie said...

Plan is to open the hack tower door at CRC on the 3rd. Hope Carolina will fly high a proud.

JudyEddy said...

SUPERMOON is comin up just on weather

DanaMo said...

What a week and it's only Tuesday. I think I am just burned out and ready for the end of the year. Speaking of burned out, I opened the cholorinator and got a nose full. WOW was that strong. Pool has continued to leak. Had the service people out here today and hopefully they have fixed the leak. Funny though when I got here an hour after they arrived they had not found it, then I got back to school and got the call that they did find it. Hmmmm...wonder if they are "supposed" to take a certain amount of time as a minimum. I guess I will see if it really holds and the problem is fixed. I will know by morning since it was losing an 1 inch every 24 hours.
Love seeing our babies so big. Looks like one is stretching his/her wings. Anytime now I guess.

JudyEddy said...

OH just got a youtube down load from deewerms and she said maybe the chirps we were hearing in attic as the chicks looked up may have been HP IN front of the children LOL

JudyEddy said...

sorry guys to hear you are locked up LOL

JudyEddy said...

now I must go get that shower but I can't take my eyes off them since they are awake and not lumps of feathers just laying there

DanaMo said...


JudyEddy said...

anyone know what kind of bird we are hearing at the nest right now?????????????????

Sandi said...

Judie, Poor Grace and Audrey!!! LOL! Have you decided to keep their original names?

Lynne, driving home from work today, these butterflies kept flying into my Jeep! So many of them, here, there, and everywhere that I couldn't avoid hitting them!! More of them when I got home just flitting everywhere and sitting on the porch railings. Small, dark brown or black, with orange on the edges of the wings. Very pretty - before they got smashed on my windshield. Afterwards, not so much! Is that enough info. for you to identify them?

DanaMo, I am with ya on the wish for school to be over! I actually made a paper chain with 28 rings on it (while proctoring kids taking the state test for the 12th consecutive day) to count down the days til the kids get out!!

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all.

Didn't mean to be AWOL, have had a lot going on at work.

I see 2 eaglets standing in the nest. :)

AZPatti said...

Evenin' all!

SANDI, does your Kindle have the turning-the-page graphic? I think that would be the hardest thing for me to give up - actually turning the page.

JUDIE, I love Grace and Audrey's sense of humor! :)

Here's another newbie question... how do you get to the new thread from the white "posting" page? I've been going to the tan page. Is there an easier way?

♥Yeah!♥ Don't know why it wouldn't work this morning. Dang those computer gremlins!

Lynne2 said...

Evening all. VERY CRAPPY DAY AT WORK. And then on the way home, a groundhog was on the side of the road, too close. Guy in front of me moved away from it, as did I, and the idiot young kids in a brand new Nissan behind me actually swerved in to the should to try to hit it! Well, I slowed way down, and almost stopped. I was really pissed. Clearly they were looking very nervous as I slowed.

Lynne2 said...

Sorry JudyE, I missed the singing bird at the nest. I had the sound down.

SANDI...wow! I'm not sure what the butterfies were. My first thought was Red Admirals. They are everywhere right now. Google them and see if that looks like what you saw.

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, so sorry Kathryn isn't better...did she call the Dr today?

Judie, your cats are as clever as you are!

Hope the pool IS fixed DanaMo!

AZPatti said...

GLO, just read your article about Dex. What a beautiful story! I'm so glad you two found each other. :)

NatureNut said...

Good Evening everybody in Eagleland. Had to check in before a Panda nap occurs.
BTW, I saw a few Red Admnirals today around the Visitor'e Center!
Was able to get NCTC LIVE cam on that 'puter!!!!!! (but I wasn't really there. OK?)What gigantic blobs! Then on way home tried to get partial pics od Park nest between the trees and there was some flapping!!!!!They look much larger in a week, also.
Early today when I wrote from the Park I mentioned it was "cut the phone cord day"!!Altho my policy is to be cheerful, kind and friendly, some of the stoopid comments and questions almost pushed me into Maxine mode!Sometimes I wonder how this country functions at all with a lot of the population on the back burner! ☺

NatureNut said...

AZPatti, don't know if you got an answer about New Thread, but it seems you DO have to go back to tan page to open it the first time.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Spent the day outside. It was beautiful and I got a lot done. More tomorrow! Really, really enjoying working out there!! I am more at peace working in the yard, just feel so great! A quick dinner and now settling down to watch DWTS results show, that us if I do not fall asleep.

Annie is not eating again, but acting okay. Not going to panic and give it a few days. She is so funny. I was sitting on the ground, transplanting some English Ivy and she comes along and insists on being petted. She "talks" to me and then plops right down where I am trying to work.

paula eagleholic said...

Another feather? These feathers have me wondering if any of the feathers I have collected at the beach are eagle feathers.

Tbird, Love you! We are here for you. Sending strength your way to deal with smoking and other life issues.

Have not seen any hummers here, but it would be way early if I did.

OUr chicks will be 7 weeks old this week.

Kay, happy you are scheduled for surgery...wish it was sooner. Any chance on sooner due to a cancellation?

Shirley, hoping for the best for Kathryn, not caught up on that. Shirley, the put together sheds made out of vinyl/plastic at Lowes and Home Depot are very good. I have one for about 10 years.

paula eagleholic said...

AZPatti, click on "Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Daily" at the top of the white page to get back to the blog's home page

AZPatti said...

Thanks, Loretta! I'll just keep going back to the tan page.

Love the moonshine on the nest!

Off for some chores.


Sandi said...

AZPatti and CarolAnne, my Kindle Fire doesn't have the page turning graphic but I'm not finding myself trying to turn the page manually. I guess b/c we have ipads at school and I've gotten used to "sliding" the pages, it has been an easy transition for me.

Lynne2, the butterflies could be Red Admirals - I'll look closer if there are a million more of them out and about again tomorrow! I probably have several attached to the grill of my Jeep - they were swarming everywhere today!!

OK, I am off to take a bath and then get to bed early - this test proctoring is SO boring; I am "slam wore out" (coining a Sharon phrase, did I get it right??) =)

Goodnight my eagle friends.

AZPatti said...

I got it, C/A! Thanks! Will have to take time later to look at it, though.

Gotta a few more chores to squeeze in before NCIS. I just love Leroy Jethro Gibbs! And Mark Harmon ain't so bad either! :)

If I don't make it back, sweet dreams for all and prayers for those in need.

Lynne2 said...

Wow, just checking the radar and looks like Kay is/has been getting some weather out her way.

No hummers here yet either Paula. Late for me by a few days now.

Mema Jo said...

I am watching TV - you know
Terrific Tuesday TV

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I had a ruby-throated hummer yesterday! :)

Going to bed now.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!!


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Judie said...

Quiet here tonight. Too quiet. Do not like this quiet.

Babes are sleeping in the moonlight.

Going to get my "do" did tomorrow morning. Then plan to finish grading.

The night light is on and the sandperson is about to depart on momster/dadster rounds. Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

Judie, Brother Cat says he's sorry it's so quiet at your home tonight and sends a message to help ease that quiet...


Lynne2 said...

SBBC today....62.


Lynne2 said...

SBBC today....62.


paula eagleholic said...

Is that 62 + 62, or just 62?? LOL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My SBBC today = 1. Move to Bluefield. Not so bad here yet.

stronghunter said...

Psssst . . . .

Grace and Audrey . . .

This is George.

I came over and pretended to want some petting from my mom so that I could read your message.

You probably are gonna have to go to the vet's. No getting around that. But . . . when they take you out of the carrier there, run like h***. Just book it outta there. I have done that. Unfortunately, I ran back out of that back room to my mom and my Aunt Suzi, and they betrayed me. They let that doc get to me again.

To tell you the truth, though. I found out that that particular doctor is AFRAID of me and my mom does not take me there anymore.

So, maybe you should growl a bit before you split the scene. And throw in a couple of hisses for good measure.

"George of the Jungle"

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Had a very busy day today. Just now getting caught up here.

Shirley, hope Kathryn can get some real answers from the doctor about her pain. If it's her gallbladder, hope they can fix it pronto! Prayers! Sorry to hear about the "grilled" chicken. Better luck next time!

Jim, hope you're feeling better. It has, indeed, been a grey day here today, and drizzly, too!

Ken and I went to see the attorney this morning about the desert house. Geez, they are really high-powered attorneys! The guy was very nice. He actually suggested that we try to find my cousin Judy, because if he did it, the cost would be well over $1,000!
Once we find her, if indeed we can,
I think I want HIM to talk to her, though. The cost is $320/hr., but might be worth it. At least we've made a start, and I hope this can be resolved without a battle. He said it might be very simple, OR it could be a complicated, drawn-out mess. Prayers, please?! Thank you.

Loretta, SO happy to hear that the kitten was rescued! GOOD ending!

Judie, tell Audrey and Grace that they are in my thoughts and prayers. Bet they will be glad to get back home!

CarolAnne, is that you on our Momsters mailing list? I can't get your e-mail on your blog, and didn't make a note of the funeral home's website. (Duh!--guess my favorite color is clear!) Do want to attempt to write something about ♥♥Lynn tonight. Hope I can make the deadline!

Prayers and ((Time-release HUGS)) to both Carolyn and Christie tonight. Love both of you! ♥♥

Need to call it a night early. Feel like I need some extra sleep. Prayers have been said for everyone. The porch light is on. Both security systems have been enabled. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you, and I love us! Missing ♥Lynn♥!

Lynne2 said...

Prayers, Andy....geesh, I sure hope she can be found.

Paula, OOPS! Just 62. Or rather, it's now 71.

Lynne2 said...

Kay is under a tornado watch....hope she has a weather radio.

Lynne2 said...

72 now....I fed the latest one to Charlotte the Spider. That will teach him to dive bomb me while I'm trying to blog.

Mema Jo said...

TV has done me in for the evening. Saturday is the Super Moon of 2012 - don't miss it.

Good night and bless you one and all
Prayers for everyone
** (((Lynn))) **

Hoda said...

LINDA if you are lurking chime in...I miss your posts.

Ms Bookworm said...

Pulling a Margy here--I was able to leave a tribute to Lynn on the Brown Funeral Home site. Made the deadline! Phew! Goodnight, all. Emma says goodnight, too!

stronghunter said...

Hmm, ugly weather in Ohio and headed straight for the WV panhandle area.

Lynne2 said...

been watching that Shirley. Looks to be loosing some strength, and hopefully will loose more with the cooler night temps and the mountains. Still, some pretty big storms for this hour of the night in these parts.

Hoda said...

TORI'S story made The Huffington Post...here is the link, read down the articleTORI in the Huffington Post

Lynne2 said...

tornado watches in WV, eastern mostly right now, not the panhandle, but quite close to my MILs. Will watch, and call if needed. I know they do NOT have a weather radio....

Lynne2 said...

Tori truly has made medical history, that's for sure! All eyes will be on her for years to come....

Hoda said...

PRAYERS that everyone stays safe LYNNE

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Hoda....I'm sure it will be fine. I do want to watch for the next hour or so, though, as the watch area is so close to mom's place. I wish they'd get a weather radio!

Lynne2 said...

Going to hit the shower. So glad I have tomorrow off, and Steve too. Today was just one of those really bad ones at work.

Lynne2 said...

tornado watches have been canceled!

Hoda said...

That is a blessing that they have been cancelled. Sorry today was rough at work and am glad you and STEVE are off tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the link about Tori, Hoda.

stronghunter said...

Andy, Kathryn did not call the doctor today. She did not start feeling bad until this afternoon. She has an appointment on Thursday.

stronghunter said...

Sorry the day was so bad, Lynne.

Costume Lady said...

Hello to those of you still awake:)

GG had her 3 injections today. We won't know whether or not they help for a few days. Going to get shots on the other side of spine next week. She said it didn't really hurt, just pinched.
Took her to church so that she could see what all goes on there, but wasn't able to walk back to the Clothes Closet...my pride and joy:) She was eating bacon and eggs when I left her and said she was feeling no pain...guess she was still numb from her procedure. She has a dental appointment tomorrow.

Soup Kitchen was handled well in our absence. We went back to the church after getting GG settled in.

Doing some mild faceplants here... off to bed I go~

Good night my friends
Sleep well
prayers for all




stronghunter said...

Not sure what a "mild faceplant" might be.

Seems that you need to get some good rest, Wanda.

See you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Just looked at my Yahoo calendar and realized it is May 1 already. I must go up to bed.

See you tomorrow.

Rest well, everyone.

paula eagleholic said...

Can't sleep, so I'm trying to catch up.

Wanda, good news for GG, glad she enjoyed the time out...hope the shots help.

paula eagleholic said...

Cool link to Tori's story, thanks Hoda.

paula eagleholic said...

HaHa Shirley, now it's May 2

Lynne2 said...

Poor Shirley, a day late....

Do you think it will be a good month?

I think it may.

Hoda said...

Now I love having you all up to chat to yet am worried about how many can not sleep!!!
PAULA put a wonderful link on FB about the full moon on Saturday...is this what is causing so many not to be able to sleep?

Yes LYNNE it will be a good month. We will remember all the things we are grateful for and we will sing PRAISES and we will be here to support one another.
MISSY and BRO will start to lift off and totally feed themselves and we will be privileged to watch it all.

Lynne2 said...

WOW, it really is late! Guess I better get to bed!

It will be a good month for sure, Hoda, just like you said!

Good night and prayers for all!

Hoda said...

Good night LYNNE sleep well and enjoy the day off tomorrow...

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, how many more sleeps for you before your trip?

paula eagleholic said...

I have a headache, so I am up and took some tylenol...hope it kicks in soon, and then I will try sleep again...might go find a snack :)

paula eagleholic said...

Found some zucchini bread in the freezer...now to get the knife through it...

stronghunter said...

Went to bed. Now I am back up. Flash seems to have a tummy-ache. He was crying at the bottom of the stairs. I have let him and Luna out. He does not like to go out alone. Poor Flash.

stronghunter said...

Hope you could slice that zucchini bread, Paula.

Thanks for the heads-up about the date, Paula. My brain has gone to sleep already.

paula eagleholic said...

I did slice it and warm it up in the microwave! Going to try to head to bed.

(((Hugs for all)))♥

Hoda said...

55 more days...have you noticed how calm cool and collected I am? Is it not very sophisticated!!!! LOL!!!
Thanks for asking PAULA!!!

Hoda said...

Good night PAULA...sleep well.

Hoda said...




Lori O. said...

Good morning DanaMo and Sandi!

DanaMo said...

Good morning. Wednesday here we come!

DanaMo said...

My clock says I should go get ready for my run. Still a little dark out, but I need to get going early I have a lot to do before school. Today is the Rummage Sale set up at St. Mary's and I have tons of stuff to take over to the school. This sale not only raises tons of money for the school, but it serves the community around us. We make about 7,000 dollars on items that are sold for 25-50 cents! No kidding. The needy in our community can get lots of good household items, clothing, toys, electronics etc...

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Quiet on here this morning!

Big wing flaps from Missy!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Paula.
I was wondering where everyone went, too!

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks being fed

JudyEddy said...



JudyEddy said...

HODA thanks for link

WANDA I hope GG shot works great

JudyEddy said...

Our chicklets look all wet this am

Sandi said...

Nothing like starting your morning with 45 minutes on the phone with Mediacom, only to have them NOT fix the internet problem and then tell you that the first available appt. for a tech to come out is Thursday afternoon!!!! Grrr!!!

And, the new bathtub is lovely ... except it's 3 inches NARROWER than the old one!!!! It's like the width of a telephone booth!!! All last night I kept going back in and looking at it to make myself be OK with it, and I kept reminding myself that I was never going to use it anyway; it's Denny's bathroom. But he's bigger than I am and there is NO WAY he's going to be OK taking a shower in that skinny thing! He'll constantly be bumping his elbow on the side wall! At 4AM I woke up and started obsessing about it and couldn't get back to sleep so, by the time I woke Denny at 6:30, I told him to call the plumber and tell him it HAS to be taken out and replaced! So now we've gone from $1500 for a new tub and the labor to install it to possibly $3000!! We're hoping the plumber can get the plumbing supply place to agree to take this one back and give us another one b/c the dimensions don't match what they told us and b/c they didn't have a tub to show us in their showroom (we had to order from a brochure without actually seeing the unit), so then we'll only have to pay the labor to install another one!

My kids had better be good today b/c I am in one hell of a mood already! Excuse my language!

Enough venting - time to get happy! Later!

paula eagleholic said...

See ya'll tonight.

T-Bird said...

Prayers your way Sandi. See ya Paula.

JudyEddy said...

Hey all the facebookers out there on the news last night they were talking about ORGAN DONORS They are asking that everyone go on their profile page and click on the LIFE EVENT tab and check the box that you are a organ donor to make everyone aware of it I didn;'t even know that that info was there Just thought I would pass it along

JudyEddy said...

on the LIFE EVENT tab there is a Health and Wellness click on it

Lori O. said...

I think they just announced the Donor thing yesterday, Judy.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Dear Friends Lori, DanaMo, Paula, Thelma, JudyE, Sandi and Lurkers :)

Judie I know your kittens will be home soon with that all behind them.

Shirley so glad that Kathryn has an appt. for tomorrow. Praying the dr. checks into her gall baldder.

Praying those shots help GG.

Hoda thank you so much for posting the article and video of Tori.

Margy those flowers sound like they will make a "happy Shar" and also would look very nicley with Lynn's frog.

wvgal_dana said...

The donor fb was announced on tv yesterday.

wvgal_dana said...

Sandi I am hoping they will re-do that tub for you. Especially since they did not have one there that you could look at. If they had I do believe you would have even tried fitting in it. I usually hope this turns out all good for you and hubby. :)

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon I read the comments on the other thread.

Together you and I can help each other both to get over the hump. That is what Lynn would have wanted. I Love All Of You On Here♥

Judie said...

Quiet here. Too quiet. Don't like this quiet.

I have forwarded to the vet the messages of support for Audrey and Grace. They have not responded but then, that's probably because they are hungry and totally ticked off. I suspect they will be thankful to have George's strategy to induce fear and appreciate Brother Cat's empathy.

wvgal_dana said...

So happy the kitten got rescued and will probably be adopted out. Happy Happy Happy !!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Stormy nigh there. not much sleep. Dex and i are back form coffee and dog treats. With more clouds and rain it will be a good day for napping.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Not willing. Just sayin. . .

Judie said...

Good morning,

Sandi, so sorry about the internet problem AND about the new tub. So frustrating and I hope both are resolved easily and quickly.

Wanda, glad the soup kitchen went well and that GG seemed to be feeling okay last night. Please let her know I say hello.

DanaMo, wishing even more than the usual success for the rummage sale.

Shirley, hoping Kathryn and Flash both feel better this morning.

Ah, I see the SBC has begun. Maybe Lynne1 should keep Charlotte around for a long time.

Happy for the successful kitten rescue, Loretta. Wishing for a successful adoption.

Andy, I sure would like to have some good advice/strategy for you. Guess the attorney would have mentioned but wish there were something like a statue of limitations, such as declaring a person legally deceased, and then a property could be sold.

Okay, babbled enough. Off to get the "do" did. Have a great day!

Judie said...

Ooops, sorry. Lynne2 should keep Charlotte.

I hear ya Sharon.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am so excited. Mr. Grosbeak was just here! Now if I can just keep the cat off of him! ARRRGGGHHH!!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning.

I am thinking that we should have a marvelous road going by the neighborhood when they finish working on it.

We have sometimes been able to avoid the back-up by driving miles to go around it, but not when it is right out there in front of the neighborhood.

stronghunter said...

We had lots of thunder early this morning.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry was talking to a friend.

It is always nice to have a good road into and by your development. Makes it look so nice :)

DanaMo good luck on the rummage sale. Hope they did fix the pool :)

Lolly said...

Good Morning! I have to say that when I pulled up the cam that the color just amazed me! I am so thankful for our beautiful cam! What a picture!

Next, I need to apologize...I went tio bed last night without saying good night!!! I read the blog, I thought I posted, but apparently I did not hit the publish button. This gal has no problem sleeping! I sleep 8 or 9 hours every night. Oh, I wake up for nature calls and early morn to let Annie out, but I sleep and I sleep well!

(((Hugs))) Sharon!!!! Smile!!!!☺

Lolly said...

Sandi, so sorry about the bathroom. Do hope it is settled to your satisfaction. Oh, how I hate remodeling. We have done it twice and it is so unsettling!!

wvgal_dana said...

Judie I'll take that advice too thank you :)

Lolly said...

Jack is already working outside replacing fence posts. He is going to help me with mulch when I get outside, so I better get moving.

Have a great day!

wvgal_dana said...

Daughter got movers to move her. She loves her new apartment and it is closer to work. Nice!! Answer to prayer :)

Costume Lady said...


Just a quick comment to LOLLY...
please check out my blog: JUST FOR FUN. I have posted photos of a yellow and pink columbine and wonder if could be seeds from another of yours beside the Texas Gold. I love it but don't know where it came from!
Taking GG to dentist for regular cleaning. BLT

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY...are you on vacation again?
Don't recall seeing her for a while~

Lolly said...

No, just working in the yard, Wanda!

I do believe that Columbine is from me! We have some like that!

Costume Lady said...

Isn't that strange...just l seed from another plant. I do LOVE it!

Mema Jo said...

Rainy morning out there! Wet birds and all. Belle is in with an early lunch -
Hope it is enough for those growing
eaglets! Lil' Bro is getting right in there for his bites..

Not too much going on here in the valley
Taking a new med and nausea & vomiting
I don't like that!!

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - our new shower stall seems smaller - well it is a few inches smaller. But Hubby's elbows need more room- solution was to get a curved rod for the shower curtain and it does feel
like they is more room....... Good luck
on your tub replacement! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Judie, hope you like your new 'do'
I am not getting mine until next week.

Heading down to Baltimore area on Sat -
Need to be there by 9:30 and you know I
am not a morning glory! But I will be because I am headed to the Grandparents Mass and Brunch for my graduating gs.

Bird Girl said...

Good morning everyone!

Just had a chuckle watching Belle bring another leafy branch to the nest, and the two chicks pounce on it thinking it was food - then stopping and looking at Belle, then the branch, then each other. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Called and spoke with CarolAnne this morning - She is ready to go to press with the Memorial Booklet! She has done a fantastic job and it wasn't easy to capture each and every ones remarks - we took FB, Tribute page from Browns and our blog.
Once it goes to print - the ordering info will be here for you from CarolAnne

Mema Jo said...

Delphia (did I get that right) That had to have been a funny scene. I don't think Belle or Shep can fine too much dry flugg over in the field.

CarolAnne said...

Morning all,
Stormy weather moving out of the area.

My day was brightened by a real live chat with MemaJo. Thank you for the call! Hope your body adjusts to the new meds quickly.

Back to my 'Project"

Take care all, remember to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you!

Bird Girl said...

Mema, that's right :)

Now the chicks are pecking at it, clearly not sure what to do with it!

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break BBILW

wvgal_dana said...

Someone is in the attic.

Hoda said...

Good morning.


DANAMO certainly a worthy cause and very community oriented. Good on you.

Sorry for th internet problems and the tub situation SANDI. I hope the kids are with wit and humour today...

JO I wish you well with the medication.You have a good relationship with your doctor so if it is the medication you don't like I am sure you will talk to her.

Thank you C/A

I think I will purchase an iphone today so I could get used to it before I travel...LOLLY and SHARON and SANDI you will have to become and iphone coaches, please and thank you.

Get off that railing will ya!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Why Hoda - I would be more than happy to oblige! Whatever you need, I will do my best to help! (speaking in a Southern drawl/Scarlet accent of course)

Kay said...

LOL, SHAR, love that accent !

Jumping in for a hello between storms. Weather system looks bad, running from Chicago, down through here and on into the nest area, winding up in D.C.. Look out y'all !

LYNNE2, thanks to the urgings of both you and LYNN a year ago, I do have a weather radio.

LYNNE1, many thanks to you and so many others who've expressed concern re:my aching back !

PAULA, I am on a cancellation waiting list, but not holding my breath. It's an eye opener to visit orthopedic centers and to see scores of people in such rough shape.

SANDI, I'm rooting for you in the "Tub Wars" ! Hope they change it out for you without some ridiculous expense. You asked about the surgery--it's "Spinal Fusion", a three hour surgery, a three to four inch incision. They'll use my own spinal bones to mush up and use as a cement building new casing along with metal screws to secure the reopened spinal column. It's a degenerative ailment due largely to aging--in other words, my lower back is shot. We live beyond our built in obsolescence these days !

JO, here's hoping the doc can prescribe an anti-nausea med or make a change that will agree with your tummy ! You need to be in great shape for that glorious occasion on Saturday morning ! Congrats on the precious grands !

Happy to see Missy and Bro, full as ticks and getting some zzzz's !

Hoda said...

I got the Scarlet accent and the last scene from Gone With The Wind came to mind...she was strong though even though her speach always seemed to be out of breath...Rhett: Frankly my dear I don't give a damn...Tomorrow is another day she said as she sat on the steps of the burnt Tara...So resilient as she was she would have made a very good teacher!!!She was worried that they would not hang Rhett in time for her to pay the taxes on Tara!!!LOL!!! Good movie...

Do you really have a southern accent? You are from the southern delegation after all!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hoda, I don't have a true southern accent like Scarlet but I do have a country/West Virginia accent.

Hoda said...

For SHARON what a wonderful scene
Scarlett and the men in her life

Hoda said...

Sounds awesome SHARON...

Time for tea...

stronghunter said...


Just saw a major cam shake.

Lynne2 said...

Hidey HO!

GREAT DAY IN THE YARD!!! THREE, yes that is THREE male Indigo Buntings hanging around!!! AND FINALLY....my first HUMMMER!! WOO HOO

Sandi, OMG....why do they even make tubs and showers so darn small anyway!! I surely do think they will work with you given you weren't able to see it in person. BTW...LOTS of Red Admirals flying around here today!

Jo, so sorry your meds are making you feel puny. Hope it passes quickly.

Hope Audrey and Grace are out of surgery and in recovery by now!

Bird Girl said...

Okay, I have a lunch date with a girl friend, I had best go get ready!

Have a great day everyone :)

Hoda said...

SHARON I found the exact scene I was looking for

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 212   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...