Sunday, May 20, 2012


Back online.

New thread.


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Lolly said...


Lolly said...

Wahoooooooooooo!!! I claim my first eagle feather!!!!!!!!

Going to call the others over!!!

Lori O. said...

YAY for you LOLLY! I can't wait until I get my first feather! Thanks for the call over.

Thank you, STEVE, for the new thread. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Lynne2 said...

Good pretty out this morning! Lots to do today. But boy, I am feeling yesterday....

Lynne2 said...

Brought this over.....

WVJerry has left a new comment on the post "Thursday":

Good morning to anyone on here. I need to check in a little more often. I hope everyone has had a good week and if not...hope you made the best of the situation. Doesn't look to be much going on at the nest this morning. A man at work and me were talking yesterday about my watching the eagles on the cam. Not sure about this so I will ask you all...he said the eagle parents push the young out and catch them on their backs when they are first learning to fly. Just from what I have seen...they look like they fly a little ways near the nest and then can make it back without too much trouble. Not sure what we will do today...would like to get fishing somewhere. Might try Greenbrier State Park and hit the river on the way home. Hope everyone has a nice Sunday. I will add my congrats, thoughts and prayers to anune in need today.

WVJerry said...

Good morning to anyone here this morning. Just made the last post on the last thread. Want ask a question about something we saw while thrift store shopping Monday. It was a print of an eagle mother feeding her young. It was nicely framed and double-matted. The artist was Chris(topher) White(had an initial but can't recall it now)and it was numbered 900 something of 1200. It had a Certificate of Authenticity from the artist and the print was awarded to donors of some sort of Federal Program...sorry I can't recall too many of the details. I Googled the artist but didn't find too much. The price was a little out of waht I would spend although when I asked it was half-price that day. Maybe somebody here might know something about it. I would like to maybe start an eagle collection...I've probably seen a lot of stuff in the last few years but wasn't really interested as much as I am now. Well enough babbling from me. I want to add my thoughts and prayers to everyone's here for all that need them. Hopefully I can drop in more often but the warmer weather just gives more chances to golf and fish with my son now. Take care.

WVJerry said...

Lynne2 - thanks for bringing the comment over...neat...thanks again and good morning.

Lolly said...

GOOD MORNING ALL! Stayed over on the other thread to read last nights conversations. Busy group!

Congratulations, Jo!!! Wow, I love new babies!!! The younger they are the more fun they are to hold.

Time for me to read the paper now. I'll be baaaaaaaaack!!

Lolly said...

Jerry, we have never seen that behavior...eaglets take off on their own!!!

Lynne2 said...

Sounds interesting Jerry, don't know much about art, though. Would love to see a picture of the print!

Sandi said...

Morning again on the new thread - thanks Steve, and thanks Lolly for the call over!

We got kicked off of our indoor court when it started to rain and all the folks who had paid for clinics got to come inside. So, only played for an hour - boo!

Guess I'll use today to finally pack away my winter clothes for the summer. Didn't get windows washed yesterday b/c Dennis reminded me that he hadn't powerwashed the siding yet. And there's still dusting and vacuuming upstairs that needs to be done.

While I was gone, Bella escaped from the sunroom - she pushes on the gate until she moves it just enough to squeeze through - and proceeded to eat Bandit's food (she had already wolfed hers down)!! keep in mind that Bella has NO teeth and Bandit is on prescription dry dog food now for his dementia! Her stomach is so fat that I bet she couldn't squeeze her way out through the gate now!!! =) I told her I hope it tasted good b/c she has now had breakfast and dinner!! Anyone who knows dachshunds knows that most of them will eat until they explode if you let them! She had gotten very overweight and the homemade dog food has slimmed her down, but she takes advantage of every opportunity to steal food - dog or human!!

Lynne2 said...

Sandi, it's raining at your place??

Lynne2 said...

aw, SNEAKY little Bella! LOL!

How is Bandit doing now?

Sandi said...

Lynne, drizzling now but calling for rain all day and for the next 3 days after today! The weather right at the beach is so different from just a few miles inland.

Bandit has good moments and bad ones. We think he's having fewer bad ones, but it could also be that we have adjusted our behavior to minimize the likelihood of him becoming aggressive toward us. Last week, when we drove to Balto., he and Bella rode both ways in the same dog bed - that was amazing to see!! But he growled and snarled and snapped at my sister last Sunday and almost bit the plumber on Wednesday and had to be muzzled on Thursday for the first time ever when they did his nail trim. I'm still very leery about this summer and a house full of company.

Got an email from Mom's realtor with some details about the 2 contracts and news that a 3rd contract will be submitted as soon as the realtor can get the bank letter pre-qualifying the buyers for financing. Mom is in a great position with this sale and I'm so relieved!!

Lynne2 said...

Going to rain here for the next 3 day as well, starting tonight.

I don't blame you for feeling anxious about company this summer. Poor Bandit.

That is awesome about the third contract! Sure wish my MIL would get HER damn house on the market.....

Lynne2 said...

To the yard.....

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning - I need to go over and read the early morning comments.
GS just called and is coming up to hang out with us - Ally will be with her dad

Lolly said...

Heading to church now. It is going to be quiet relaxing day today compared to yesterday. Think I will take a nap this afternoon. Going to bed so late is not my thing anymore. LOL After Elvis we had ice cream on the square and then headed to Laurel's. Elvis beat us home. We sat and talked. Jacob fell asleep in the car. When we got to the house he walked up stairs and fell asleep on his bed with clothes on, shoes on, and ceiling light on. LOL Late hours for our 7 year old!

Later Gators!

magpie said...

Good Grief ! I about had heart failure as my eyes focused on the very empty part of the nest. I am breathing again now

WV Jerry: we'll come along with some good answers to all your questions

Good Morning Eagle Pals !! xoxo

magpie said...

everything is sounding good, better, best with your Mom's situation

Yes, sounds like a relief for sure

magpie said...

Wildlife report this morning here includes watching a wild turkey taking a serious dusty dirt bath...then she flapped her wings around and sauntered off

I thought at first the might be roosting on eggs, but she was just roosting on the dirt bath near an evergreen tree (on the ground of course)

T-Bird said...

Lolly thanks for the call over. Thanks Steve for the new thread.

T-Bird said...

Congrats Lolly on your feather.

magpie said... neat, the pictgures of the watermelon wood slices..and all the other pictures I had not seen yet :)

magpie said...

Hi There T-Bird and Buddy, and oh yeah, thanks, now I am reminded of my manners:

Thanks Steve for the New Thread and to Lolly for the Call Over....

Happy Sundaying, everyone...thought I was going to make it to market for some Megan Flowers, but had a commitment to tend to that took longer than I had hoped....

magpie said...

I am so forgetting everything I want to say !

Well, how about this: was good to read about our pals' doins' here...
these are busy times

magpie said...

And now I am about to disappear and go find James for a few hours of Kidster fun....

Beautiful Sunny West Virginia Day, the kind Lynn would give an A+++ to.

I did get up and watch ISS sail over this morning, right exactly on time...BUT, sunrise comes sooner and sooner and it was already in the early morning light, but awesome and bright nevertheless

magpie said...

Best wishes for some good fishing, WV Jerry...

and Best Wishes to Every One for a good day,
hope that Wellness Swells....

God Bless Us, Every One

magpie said...

Oh, Lolly....sweet report of your day, and I hope you get that Zacharooski Hug very soon

Judie said...

Good early afternoon.

Thank you Steve and congratulations to Lolly on getting her first feather.

Lolly, glad you had a fun day plus ice cream. Yea!

Margy, have fun with James the Wise. Give him an extra momster hug, please.

Hey Thelma. Hope you're feeling okay.

Sandi, so sorry about Bandit and hope you are right about fewer bad moments. Sorry about the rain and the shortened tennis time.

Have fun Jo. You always do.

Judie said...

Hi to Jerry. I'll offer some eagle info and others can add or correct, if needed.

The eaglets will continue to exercise their wings and hop and will eventually hop/flap to the tree branches (called branching). From the branches they will hop/flap back to the nest and that continues as pre-flight practice. Finally, each will fledge leaving the tree completely for a nearby tree. Each will return periodically for maybe a few weeks and then they will be soar high and free on their own.

After that, we keep each other company and wait for next October/November when nestorations begin in preparation for another season.

Adult eagles do not provide shuttle service.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

Good afternoon is actually still morning here so Good morning to PDT area.

Kristin left to take the ferry and head back to Whitefish Montana. We had a great visit and we did a lot of things and I will put photos on my facebook page.It was great to have her visit.

I have not read back only on this thread. It is impossible for me to catch up to all the days I was not on, I will not even try...

JO has a new baby in the fmaily as I understood from LOLLY'S comment.

SANDI what happened to Bandit?

I am presuming all are well and I am hoping to hear about JOSH and KAY...I hope insurance problems are clearing themselves out LOLLY also.

MARGY have you had James the Wise time?

The eaglettes look HUGE to me having not seen them since Tuesday.
Are they being fed? DeeWerms form Hancock Foundation made a comment on her video that they are starved!!! I can not imagine Belle and Shep not feeding them.

JUDIE I love your avatar and which one of the two is it? I also second and enjoyed your comments about adult eagles not providing shuttle service to the young...very clear answers from you and LOLLY.

It is Victoria Day weekend so three day holiday to celebrate the Queen's official birthday...It is also the start of tourist season here...Idaho, Montana, Washington plates and of course Alberta plates too...the tramway is back on duty and I like very much seeing it.

Only today the weather started to get cooler and it is a bit over cast here...

Hope all is well with you and if there is something I need to know about SHARON would you send me an email please???

So VERY VERY HAPPY to see THELMA on here and I read on the iphone that she was feeling better. It was a post by you THELMA. Good on you...

paula eagleholic said...

My Bro just caught a rockfish!

Hoping the rain doesn't hit before we leave

Hoda said...

Congratulations JO on the new member of your family. Such good news to have a new birth and hope mother and child are doing well.

Hoda said...

Safe travels PAULA.

Belle came in with food the eaglettes rushed to get it and I think Missy won...Belle poofs and eaglettes are still whimpering...I think it is Bro who is making that sound. Missy is eating or at least pecking on the fish that was brought in...

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping in quickly to say good afternoon, and wish everyone a wonderful Sunday.

Judie, you're right--still deadlines, for different reasons.
Guess there's always something. Can't complain too much, though--at least I've got work! Do need to call the Dr's office and ask them to let me know when they're mailing out more work for me, so I can plan ahead better. Sometimes it's a couple of weeks, sometimes only 1 or 2 days of free time. Right now, I think they've got me catching them up with older reports. Getting lots from both their L.A. office, and the newer Orange, CA office. Job security!!
....So glad that your new kitties are such sweeties! I've heard that Latte, our great-grandkitty, has appointed herself "The Keeper of the Water"--she gets into the pantry and perches on (or in) the case of bottled water. God help anyone who tries to pry her, or a bottle of water, out of there! Will try to find a picture to illustrate, later.

Well, back to work for me! Can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Later, alligators--HAGD!
♥Caroline & Christie♥
I ♥ us!

Judie said...

Well hello Hoda ☺ So very happy you and Kristen had such a wonderful week together and, even though she is on her way home, you now have much to enjoy in your town. The avatar is generic just to show what Audrey and Grace look like. The eaglets are not starving. They are learning to hold food down and tear at it. Slower process than being fed by parents but they are not starving.

Oh, speaking of which. In my answer to Jerry, once the eaglets fledge they will have fishing lessons where adults will teach the necessary hunting skills. If that doesn't work, Paula's bro can give them Rockfish fishing lessons.

Safe travels home Paula.

Yes, Andy, your current deadlines are good deadlines = $$.

Okay, back to reading.

Hoda said...

Belle is back and is now feeding Missy and Bro is waiting his turn.
She is now feeding Bro all is well.

Lolly said...

Home from church and went right out to water flowers. Time for us to get more rain. Guess it is time to turn on the sprinkler system.

JUDIE, you forgot to mention the eaglets go to Eagle School Road for school. That is the name, right? LOL

Lolly said...

Just watched the Preakness which we had on the DVR. Very exciting! The third race will be even more exciting!

Linda said...

Hello and Happy Sunday to Each of You!!

Darn it! I did it again......staying away for a few days and got behind on what is happening here!

Finished our visit with Michael and Ashley, which was great. They're home and we're recuperating!!

Had our new fridge delivered Friday, which meant taking out some cabinets for more room AND moving things from one fridge and freezer to the other. Then I took everything out of the old fridge and completely cleaned it for a garage fridge and freezer. That was a day's work for sure!

It took another day to get the kitchen in working order again with fewer cabinets. Now Dennis has to ask me where EVERYTHING is!!

After he gets the garden planted, he is going to start working on building new cabinets! At least we can do it piece by piece, so we don't lose the use of the kitchen for months like some people have to do!

Now to read back....

Linda said...

Got an odd message that the owner of this blog does not allow anonymous comments after I logged in! I thought I was booted out for inactivity!! LOL

I clicked to publish again and it worked!


Linda said...

HODA - Interesting that you mentioned Whitefish, MT!

We used to fly into Whitefish, MT every year and ski on the Big Mountain there. The Glacier National Park is absolutely beautiful and the skiing on the Big Mountain was spectacular.

We and four or five other families would go every year for a week of skiing. It was so much fun.

If Dennis and I can lose some weight and get back in shape, we would love to go back there!

Hoda said...

LINDA my college room mate loves it in Whitefish and she thinks the skiing there is great too...I have never been to Montana but think it might be fun to visit her and her community there...she has a very good and supportive group of friends there.

Hoda said...

I tried to down load pictures to face book and did not succeed!!! I wonder what is up with that???UGH!!!

Sandi said...

Evening all! Checking in on my Kindle - cleaned the upstairs then sat on the sofa and finished reading a book and took a nap. Dennis has been painting the bathroom - white beadboard and a denim Colorado above. Dennis thinks the blue is too dark but it's exactly what I wanted. I love the contrast of the dark color and the bright white.

Linda… glad to see you on the blog today with no headache. New kitchen cabinets, made by Dennis just the way you want them! Sounds great! What kind of wood and what finish?

Hoda, sorry that your visit with your friend is over but it sounds like you two had a terrific time.

Gotta figure something out for dinner and ignore the begging dachshund at my feet! BBL

Sandi said...

Denim color NOT denim Colorado! Stupid auto spell!

Lolly said...

LOL I was trying to figure that out. Thought denim Colorado was something I did not know about.

Shep just flew in with a whale, Belle immediately followed and she promptly took over the whale to feed the eaglets and Shep flew off.

Had a short nap but now I am groggy.

Lynne2 said...

She says, "hello, my name is Sandi, and my favorite color is DENIM COLORADO"


Lynne2 said...

OK, how does this happen...I dug up all of my bulbs this weekend. I have WAY WAY WAY more bulbs than I had things blooming!!

Geesh, everything has been rearranged, replanted, newly planted (Megan flowers, too!), dug and weeded....OUCH

Lynne2 said...

OH, Robin Gibb of the Bee Gees has died :(

Mema Jo said...

Hi Hoda! I see 3 new pictures of you and Kristin and Dale.

Lynne2 said...

We've had a fantastic breeze all day and some gorgeous cloud formations due to the weather systems. And lots of sunshine! going to be a beautiful night. Followed by rain. LOL!

Jo, is Vincent YOUR new family member? Why do I think it was Wanda's? Oh dear....the mind is going.

Lolly said...

roflmbo....Lynne loved your comment about Sandi!!!

After my last post, Jack presented me with a glass of wine and a plate of cheese and crackers and OUT we went. Very nice evening outdoors.

Lolly said...

Took me a second but I found our second eaglet. The one on the right just sort of blends in.

Judie said...

Hello all,

I had hoped to catch up but the strangest thing is I got tangled up in some kind of blue denim Colorado and a glass of wine in my hand. Looked as if someone had already devoured the cheese and crackers. Weird, really weird.

Seems all is well and I am quite tired tonight. So, think I will set the night light to turn on at 11:30 and tell the sandperson to move on. See you all tomorrow. Restful sleep.

Lynne2 said...

SANDI....the Red Admirals are invading the Poconos now!!

R A Butterflies Poconos

Lynne2 said...

Time for Army Wives...and Ice Cream!

Linda said...

All caught up, but probably won't remember all I want to comment on. Should have taken notes!!

LOLLY - Can't believe the ups and downs from this accident and the insurance coverage.....or lack thereof. I was also surprised to hear the mother actually showed up at your door. That was kind of odd, but if it turns out that they have insurance that will cover everything, then that is a good thing.

JO - Another great grandchild! WOW! Congrats to you, your daughter and your grand-daughter on the birth of Vincent!!

JUDIE - Sorry to hear Grace is still having difficulty with her incision. I am sure she is REALLY tired of that collar. Hope she heals quickly!

Watching a Jessie Stone movie starring Tom Sweetie on CBS tonight. Lynn would be watching, too!!

Linda said...

SANDI - Not sure what type of wood, but I want off white cabinets. Our kitchen is so dark now and I want to brighten it up. The wood now is very dark!!

SANDI - Such great news to have two contracts on your Mom's place. I sure hope the offers are good and the sale goes through smoothly!!

Linda said...

Dennis did oak cabinets for our home in FL. Since we have light oak floors with dark walnut border, I think the off white cabinets will contrast nicely with the dark walnut border around the room and in front of the cabinets.

He mentioned poplar, since they will be painted, but not sure if that is what he is going to use or not.

Linda said...

WANDA - So nice to hear Denise has someone special in her life after so many years of being alone and without a relationship. Happy GG is in love ;) And a shorter do coming for you!

Guess everyone is thinking a bit shorter and sportier for the summer! Good choices, for sure!

Linda said...

MARGY - You sure sound busy operating between two homes. You're so kind and full of love.....always willing to help where you can.

Was this home the same home your sister lived in with your brother-in-law? If so, I am sure it stirs up emotional memories for you all over again.

You've had a rough go of it in recent weeks; certainly you've had your "three", when they say things happen in 3's.

Bless you for all you do. I love reading your posts, so full of love, wit, joy, and support!

Just want you to know you are loved and appreciated!


Linda said...

Well, it's pretty quiet here tonight! And I'm taking up all the "real estate" as MARGY would say!!

Guess I'll leave room for some other posts......


magpie said...

Whew, suddenly it is late...
was due in at 10 but am now pegged to be at work at 6 to do some fancy dancing like, right now

Linda...thanks for your kind words....this home, is where my brother in law moved to, after my sister yes, that does help in the emotional department....

still come across a lot of sadness though, but thank you...I am honored and proud that the kids have entrusted me with what I can at this time, for them

magpie said...

I did bring James here today, to have a look-see...he liked it and wants to have a sleepover, so maybe next week-end. He certainly likes the very large flat screen TV :)

magpie said...

Was a good day, went to Goodwill, of course! and found a Celtic Woman CD... think Jo and a few others might like this "find"

Golly, really must go dent the pillows, can't figure out exactly what time to set the alarm clock for!

Hello Jewels...slugging away on the last part of your night shift...
Hope your days off are Glorious and Restful...

magpie said...

I didn't really "see" Jewels on here..just thought maybe she might make a pass through and say HI

Lynne2 - I was going to have some ice cream, but I kinda lost my appetite for it...
there's always tomorrow :)

Hoping that all those traveling today are settled back in their home roosts, or will be soon...

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

Jewels said...

I am here, just busy again!!!

Jewels said...

I am sorry your got pegged. afraid it has become habitual here! Getting rather old. But hopefully with the new schedule people will become better at coming to work?? haha

Jewels said...

warm weather brings out the crazy pple and we get slammed on the evening into early morning shift. Next month will be busy for me too since I am working 4p-12a... :(

Linda said...

Well, there is JEWELS! So nice to see you, Sweetie!
Was touched by your story of cleaning out things at Mom's house last week. I can imagine how difficult that was. I am sure there were tears of sadness and hopefully some humor, too.

Your Mom was so worried about all her "stuff" and the fact that she knew she wouldn't be well enough to take care of things before she left. Her only worry through her final months was you and Christie. She worried about how you would handle things and hated that she had to leave so much for you to have to go through and handle for her. She was just too sick too soon and didn't have the strength.

Lolly said...

Hi Linda! Yes, crazy that the mom showed up at our door, but she passes our house to go to her house every day. We live on a long dead end street. At the far end it forks going east and west. They live on the west fork, We live on the stem of this Y shaped street.

Janet said...

It is late evening and I am about to go to bed. What a busy weekend. Congrats to all who have family members to graduate this weekend....such a fabulous achievement!

I will touch base tomorrow. Went to the Good Guys car show today, was 90 here. YUCK

Am now ready for bed. Back to work tomorrow

Pleasant dreams to all

Lolly said...

I think Judie allowed the sandperson to head west and show up here early. I have showered and am ready for bed. Hoped that a bath would wake me up...nope, did not work! Those late hours last night did me in.

Going to watch the news and weather and then head to bed.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

LOOONNNggg ride home! 4 hours and 45 minutes....don't know what all those people were doing at the beach, LOL.

Linda said...

MARGY - So good to hear you had some times with James the Kidster today. That must have been good for both of you.

Also enjoyed your telling us of your visit to the Swinging Bridge. The sights and sounds must have been good for the soul! Hopefully the next time I come to town you will be able to take us there.........

Linda said...

SED Lolly!!

Welcome Back from the Beach, PAULA! Glad you f-i-n-a-l-l-y made it home!!

Next weekend's traffic may be worse :-(

Linda said...

Well, we are heading up to bed.

It's good to be back and to catch up with the what everyone is up to. Lots of planting and yard work going on again this week. Tis that season!! It's nice to get out there and take in the fresh air and sunshine while getting those chores done outside!

Thinking of KAY and hoping today was not too bad! Love you, KAY! Praying for less pain as you count down the days until your "relief" day!!

Keeping CHRISTIE and CAROLYN in prayer as each day passes .......

Prayers for JOSH, for MELLISA JO, for KRISTIN, and all in our Eagle Family!!

Love to all! xoxo

Mema Jo said...

Good late night! I am headed to the beach for the next couple of days..
There are always things to do before you leave - I will be stuck on Dial Up so you won't hear much out of me for awhile

Should have some baby pics in a day or two to share.

Good Night and God Bless
Prayers for all needs
** (((Lynn * Carolyn *Christie))) **

Jewels said...

The Beach!!!! Momma III I wanna go there soon!!!! I have a craving of the ocean atmosphere and sand!! Have a great time and will see you when you get back!!

Jewels said...

Linda, I know she worried over that. It just wasn't supposed to happen like this, not now, I was not ready... not prepared. I hate this!! I would too. I hope the decisions we make will be approed by Mom so that she doesn't haunt us everyday!! LOL

Hoda said...

Good night.


Lolly said...

News is over and I have been asleep in my chair for the last half hour.

Heading to bed. Night all!!


stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say good night. All is well here. Will, Hunter, and I had steak tonight. Kathryn was out with friends. She has returned and gone upstairs now.

Hunter went quietly to bed when I sent him.

I am a little concerned about George. He has not been eating his regular cat food. He's still on antibiotics for his urinary tract infection. I have been giving him cat treats, and he is eating them eagerly. This is odd for him.

stronghunter said...

Carolyn, I think your mother would be very proud of you. You two daughters have done beautifully well.

stronghunter said...

To reword that, I think your mother IS very proud of you.

Costume Lady said...

What a beautiful day this was!
We had a nice visit with GG. Made her
some Tilapia and Hash Browns and she ate heartily~

Gene and I spent the evening on the deck and he roasted a chicken on his new worked very well, the chicken was very tasty:)
Time spent on the deck is so very therapeutic for both of us. We have been trying to make more time for "US" important!

Very sleepy again tonight so I am signing off until tomorrow.



stronghunter said...

Good night, Wanda.

Thinking of you, Kay. Hope your night is good.

I will see you tomorrow.

Lori O. said...

Good morning everyone! Finally caught up and finished working late yesterday, and now I'm caught up again and off to work! Never ending.

Hope the Bluefield group had a great shower for Andrew and Kelsey!

LINDA, nice to see you on here late last night! ♥

Jewels, we're hanging with you through all the things you're doing, going through, now. ♥

Running behind this morning, but wanted to check in.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping in to say goodnight.
Got all my work finished! It's ready to mail back to the doctor tomorrow. Phew! Have some other errands to run tomorrow morning, too, and then I need to work on Emma's long coat. She has a really thick undercoat, and its been pretty warm here the last couple of days. I need to find some left-handed thinning shears.

Haven't had time to catch up here today--hope I'm not missing anything important!

Golly, seems like the weekend has flown by, maybe because I've been so busy.

Well, guess I'd better call it a day before I do a face plant! Prayers have been said for everyone, and every creature. Special prayers for George tonight, Shirley! Hoping he's just decided that he likes the treats best. If he were not feeling well, he probably would not be eating at all. Please give him my love, and a scratch behind the ears!

The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, with SED, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥Carolyn & Christie♥
I ♥ us!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Shirley, pulling a Margy here.
I wonder if George's meds are affecting his sense of taste. I've had that happen when on antibiotics before, but I can't remember which one it was that did that to me. Hope he feels better, pronto!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....I do believe I heard the pitter patter of little rain drops when I first got up but not right now...

magpie said...

Loving that image of Wanda and Gene "chilling" on the deck and making some time for themselves...precdeded by the time with GG earlier...
nothing quite like family, AND friends

Whoo boy, long trip home for Paula, I bet Nick is a great traveling companion


magpie said...

Well that's nice, a text message just arrived from Jewels informing me there might be some doughnuts at the office...not a bad incentive for going in this early!!

magpie said...

So I better shake a couple of legs and get a move one...

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Every One...that includes all the pets !!

ttfn xoxox

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and Margy! I see our eaglets are awake and flapping already! I, on the other hand, am not too awake yet! 3 more weeks of kids for me!!

Lori O. said...

Good Monday morning, Sandi & Margy!

WOW - just had the fastest 5am hour ever of working...onward.

So jealous of your three weeks, SANDI!

DanaMo said...

Good morning! The countdown is on isn't it Sandi.

I'm up late this morning and not going to get my run done. I think Boomer is disappointed too!

I'm so far behind on this blog that there is no catching up!

DanaMo said...

WOW they are so big. Did we ever officially name them?

Janet said...

Monday morning! Good morning everyone! :)

Its been a fabulous week off, just what I needed. Now I am indeed ready to go back to work and make some more money. I am missing my work peeps and my clients. :)

Good Guys auto show was very nice yesterday. Saw a carmengia that absolutely fell in love was RED. Tom thinks its smaller than my mazda, if THAT"S possible. oh my, it was GORGEOUS. I'll never afford one, of course, but nice to know i have GOOD taste, lol! :)

Lots of beautiful cars out there and was good to have time, just Tom and me. :) By noon though it was hot though, 90 and we were both glad to get out of the heat.

We took our boat off of the trailer last night, it is now on jack stands. :( The tires have been rubbing on the pontoons. We JUST replaced the tires. So now looking a different trailer.....a different style. We simply CANNOT afford to replace tires everytime we go boating. :( SOOOOO, next project.

And Saturday we finished birthday shopping for our kids. By NO me, no planning.....Olivia's bday is May 27. Michael's is June 1 and Chelsea's is June 18. Chelsea will be 26, Michael 22, and Olivia 11. I have every one's present. :) And today plan to order Olivia's cake. She wants cake and home made ice cream. Thankfully she is good with a store bought cake.

Well I'm just chattering away. Gotta get ready for work. Hope everyone has a beautiful day. Hugs, smiles, happy thoughts, and love to all! Have a great day!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Looking very green at the nest. I guess our two eaglets are having breakfast.

Well, I got Hunter off the X-Box fame and sent him upstairs to get dressed, but now I hear the TV going.

CarolAnne said...

A new week to enjoy-hope you can make it a good one.

88 yesterday 49 this morning
Its WI what can you expect?

We need rain! Please share if you have extra.

Judie said...

Good morning!

Checked many nests and everyone seems to be doing well even if our babes are a bit soggy looking. Pete's Pond has been off air for a while - boo! Kestrels and RTH babes are growing quickly.

Jo, have a really nice few days at the beach. Hope you quickly get everything in order for the summer season.

CarolAnne, we have rain here this morning. Will send some along to you in a few.

Looking at the clock, I can hope Hunter is off to school and Kathryn is well enough to be at work so -- Shirley, get thee to thy recliner and put those feets up. I hope George is okay. Maybe a vet call?

Wanda, so glad GG had a good appetite yesterday and especially glad you and the Capt. had some chill time together.

Hi to Margy, Carolyn, Sandi, Lori, Janet (I'm okay with store bought cake, too).

Okay, off to my coffee and newspaper.


Judie said...

Ooops, mornin' Thelma, DanaMo, and Andy.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning to all my eagle budlets.

I lived through the weekend! YAY! I went to a wedding on Saturday that Andrew and Kelsey were in. The wedding itself was the quickest I have ever seen, may 10 minutes tops. The couple walked back down the aisle to "Love and Marriage'. It was great, everybody laughed. After the wedding and reception, Andrew, Kelsey, Alice (Kelsey's mother), Dorothy (Kelsey's grandmother), Alice's Aunt Loretta, Mattie and myself decided to go to Texas Steakhouse to eat. On the way, the newlyweds called Andrew and they came to eat with us. Yesterday, Andrew and Kels had lunch with them and then last night after everybody went back home to the Charleston area, they were eating dinner with them. I told Andrew to tell Josh and Heather they needed to cut the line and get on with their honeymoon! :) LOL!

Anyway, yesterday was the shower. Not as many people and not as many gifts as I had hoped but Andrew AND Kelsey said they had a blast and got a grew presents to open and bunches of gift cards so all is well.

I finally found THE DRESS for me to wear to the wedding. I will try to post pics at some point.

Today is back to work. Taking back the original suit I had bought for the wedding (that Kelsey's grandmother got one just like it).


paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

So nice to see our almost 10 week old eaglets!

Have some down time before heading to coworker/friends fathers funeral this morning.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, glad you found a dress you love!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh that's right, Jo is headed to the beach. Hope she has a relaxing time!

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Is that the eagle helmet at 6 in the nest?

Shar, you are right about the nest looking flat as a pancake...that's how it gets built up....putting more sticks around it next year...

Linda said...

Good Monday Morning!

JO - Have fun at the beach. You will be missed!

JEWELS - Your mother was and IS always proud of you. She will never haunt you.......she will only have love in her heart for you.

WANDA - Wonderful idea of making time for each other with you and Gene. It is always so important and people like you who are always doing and caring for others sometimes overlook YOU!! Take some time together and enjoy what YOU TWO have. It is surely something special and something to be cherished! xoxo

DANAMO - Hang in there. You'll make it yet! Missing you on the blog.

Nice to hear of everyone's weekend.....and now to face another week, right?

Wishing you all a productive Monday!


glo said...

Good morning everyone. Its paint the front deck today. i wonder if Dex would love to decorate with little footprints patterns on a part of it for me. :-) Well if its water soluble it really might just happen. Of course he HATES me to touch his feet and they would indeed need a good scrubbing when finished MTBR. Enjoy your day everyone. Its cool gorgeous and low humidity here . Time to paint.

stronghunter said...

Hunter should be working hard at school now. I need to give George the last of his antibiotic pills and then see what happens next.

Shep just arrived with something--not a fish. It looks like big Sis has dibs on it.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Monday Morning To ALL (don't want to name cause I feel I will miss someone).

WVJerry enjoy your print. Maybe you did find a treasure!! You just need more time to investigate.

Sandi's a 3rd contract being submitted on your Mother's house - great.

Jewels your Mom would never haunt either of you. She loves you both and knows what she left for you to do and that it would be hard. She will just visit with you at times

Margy so glad you had James Time. I know it does both of you so much good. :)

Lolly got a feather !!!! Sounds like Elvis time did little Zach in. Bless his heart.

Andy so very happy you are getting plenty of drs. work.

Hoda sorry Kristen's time is up. It sure sounded like you enjoyed her visiting you so much. Glad you two had a great time together :)

Mema Jo enjoy your time at the beach house.

Linda it sounds like the colors of paint wil look very nice together. Nice choice of the cabinets also. It is nice that Dennis can do cabinet work. I did have a good chuckle about the "denim Colordo color" :). I do like our typeo's at time they can be so very cheerful at times.

So glad that Paula checked in and got home safely.

Shirley hope George starts feeling better soon. Meow to George :)

Paula sorry ou have a funeral to attend. Prayers for your friend that is also a coworker. Sorry for the loss of her father.

Wanda happy you and Gene had some "special time" for just the two of you. Yes very true this is always needed.

Glo that would be so cute Dex just walking around some on the porch. To add the touch of "his paw prints". :)

wvgal_dana said...

I think Belle brought some food in. Missy got part of it and is eating and Belle is eating. Bro was in the back at Belle's tail. He walked up to Belle's face and is now getting his own beak in there getting food for himself. Good boy Bro.

wvgal_dana said...

Bro had taken a piece from Belle. It must be kind of tough. He is still biting and pulling on it.

wvgal_dana said...

Bro say's "If I can't eat it I will just lay on it" lol

Take time to stop and smell the flowers.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Just came in from reading the paper on the patio. Active birds this morning. I was watching robins, one after another, bathe in the one of the bird baths and close by a red bellied woodpecker was on a pecan tree, cardinals flying everywhere, tree to tree and listening to rs hawks.

Glad GG is doing well, she is really remarkable. You have been blessed Wanda to have her.

Annie has developed a new habit. She comes to the door, asks in very loudly, but when we open the door she walks away...sits down, and looks back at us as if saying "come on out"! She will do this repeatedly.

Glo, love the doggy print idea. We have Satillo (sp) on the patio. It is made in Mexico. Apparently they will have dogs walk in the tile when it is setting up as you can find dog prints. We have one tile with dog prints. Love it!

Lolly said...

And, speaking of tile. Guess this week I will do the annual big patio clean up. Need to remove all furniture, grill, potting bench, etc., hose it down, mop and scrub, and then put sealer on the tile. Also, wash and scrub the furniture. It is a BIG, tiring, all day job, but needs to be done. Late doing it this year.

Lolly said...

Sharon, I love wedding where there is laughter. Good friends, are Russ and Janet Adams. When their son Michael got married, Michael and Jenny entered the reception area to "The Addams Family Theme Song."

However, Laurel and Joey's was the funniest. The minister asked Joey for Laurel's ring. He turned to his best man who shrugged his shoulders. It went down the line, with each of the groomsmen reaching into their pockets and shrugging their shoulders. The last groomsman, produced a CrackerJack box. It was passed up the line where the best man pulled the ring out of the CrackerJack box. The whole congregation dissolved in laughter, including Laurel and Joey. Joey had no idea that this was planned.

Weddings should be joyous!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, and I should mention...Laurel and Joey still have that CrackerJack box!

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly love the "CrackerJack box" idea for the wedding ring. lol

Does anyone know other than on May 18th NX was still in the wildlife refuge area? Does anyone have a site that shows knew tracking information for NX?

Lolly said...

Off to start my day. Running late as I slept til 8:30 this morning. Nice!

Plan on working in the yard. Surprise, surprise!!

Waiting for a call from the 3rd insurance.

movin said...



Cloudy this A.M. in So Cal, but it should clear in the P.M. and warm to about 80°.

The BWO lady seems to be making some unusual moves in that certain pattern, which mean some hatching is going on under her.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Good rainy morning BUT you know what they say - Rain or not, every day at the beach is beautiful! ♥

Won't leave until about 2:00 - I need to take a good book as Dial Up drives
me crazy!

Good news after the good news of Vincent Harrison Diritto entering our family was announced last evening by Alexis - She is getting a new brother or sister this January! She was more excited telling us then she is at Christmas. I wish I had been able to tape her. WOW! more great grandchildren suits me to a "t"!

Hoda said...

JO Blessed be, Blessed be...such wonderful news about a Great Grand Child in January and so wonderful the way it was announced. Welcome to VINCENT HARRISON DIRITTO.
Drive safel;y and I will miss you on the blog and look forward to your return...Enjoy the beach

Bob Quinn said...

Hey everybody! Just thought I'd share some photos I took at Bombay Hook on Saturday, my first time there:

Bombay Hook


Mema Jo said...

Thanks Jim for the info on BWO - Don't know if she is tenting due to rain or due to making more room under her for chick.

Bob Quinn said...

Off to a meeting. Back in a bit.

Hoda said...

BOB They are great absolutely great. Thank you for bringing them over here and I hope you have a week full of opportunities for your lens

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Great photos Bob.

Our peaglets are doing lots of wingercizing. One will flap a while and then the other.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And wiggling the tail feathers.

Bob Quinn said...

I'm back. Thanks Sharon and Hoda.

floralgirl said...

Howdy! too busy to catch up, so I won't even try. it's a beauitiful day here it's raining and we need it!
OOh, good timing, I always love to see Bob Quinn's latest pictures! They are great as usual. I love the swallow shots, Bob!

Mema Jo said...

Photos are very eye pleasing, Bob

I am out of here - To the beach, to the beach - Will the sun shine - I don't really care! All my cares and concerns go out window as I travel down the road.

I'll be sorta out of touch but your thoughts will be with me. I hoping Missy or Bro won't fledge until I return. I'm sure Judy will have a video waiting for me!

Gods Speed - I'll be in touch! ♥

I LOVE US ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

wvgal_dana said...

Safe travels Memo Jo...God's Speed
for sure.


wvgal_dana said...

@Bob Quinn I enjoyed very much your pictures taken at Bombay Hook. Although I was looking for names of some of the birds. I could not identify. Thanks Bob as usual for sharing; BEAUTIFUL pictures.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mema Jo, how long will you be gone?

Bob Quinn said...

Dana - I should tag the photos with names. Not sure what they all were but the two at the bird box were tree swallows. I assume they were egg minding. They kept trading places every few minutes. The larger egrets are Great Egrets and the smaller ones are Snowy egrets. The ones at the end are purple martins . I'd have to look up the waders.

Bob Quinn said...

Off to another meeting.

Judie said...

Well hello and thank you Mr. Quinn. All the pictures are just lovely but I especially like #38 -- so like a couple in a birdhouse snit. Hope you are doing well and Mrs. Quinn also.

Hi Megan. Glad you are getting needed rain.

Sharon, glad you found the perfect wedding dress.

Hello to Hoda. Are you rested from your great week of adventures with Kristen? Back to full steam ahead and your yoga mat!

Hi Jim.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My dress for the wedding

CarolAnne said...

Shar - classic!
Now to see a pic of you in it.

Hoda said...

SHAR your dress will look stunning on you. It has beautiful lines and the drape is good...I am looking forward to wedding pictures...glad the shower went well.

JUDIE when Kristin was here I went to yoga too. She chose a home practice with some of the online videos that I have saved and I went to the studio. It was good practice for both of us.

I missed preparing breakfast for two people even though I had a wonderful red quinoa with banan and chia seeds and a touch of maple syrup...her room is rearranged and bedding washed and put away.

Happy Victoria Day everyone... overcast here and I will go to an evening yoga meanwhile doing laundry and some cleaning reading and is good.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Wanted to give you an update on Kristin: She is still in the burn center where she will be for at least 6 months. They gave her a trach yesterday that will work better for long-term intubation. Her face swelling is not as bad. Lori came home yesterday and is planning on going back Wednesday or Thursday. She told me to tell you all how grateful she is for your thoughts and prayers. She and her family definitely feel the love coming from everyone.

Judie said...

Uh, hey Shar, I can't see a dress. There are several options shown but the block where I expected to see "the" dress is blank. Did you purchase the last one so now there is no picture?

Also, I am hoping the update on Shar's Kristin is more optimistic than originally thought although she clearly has a long, difficult, painful journey ahead. Prayers continue.

Hoda, I would have been shocked and stupefied had you not made it to yoga even during Kristen's visit. I think I will rename you Hoda the Amazing.

Lolly said...

I saw the picture of the dress and really like it! Yes, we will want to see a picture of you in the dress. So exciting!

Have come inside and now going to do house work. Yuck! Would, of course, rather be outside!

Kay said...

JUDIE, "Hoda the Amazing" is spot on !

SHAR, what a classy dress ! Happy to hear that Kristen is making good progress when a few days ago it seemed so hopeless ! God is good !

JO, too late for a bon voyage, but hope your getaway is restful and lovely. Congrats on Vincent and the dear little one who will arrive in January. What a blessing these babies are !

Love watching Missy and Bro as they keep so busy, preening, wingersizing and tramping down the flugg ! Branching will begin very soon.

Same ol', same ol' at my roost. :(


Hoda said...

JUDIE JUDIE JUDIE!!!! It is ALL your fault!!! I tried to walk out of the computer room and BANG, the sides of my head hit against the door frame and now I have such a big head ache, my hats no longer fit and my oh my what is a girl to do with no hats???!!! LOL!!! Thank you. Yoga has helped quite a bit I feel stronger this year having walked up Pulpit Rock than I did the last two years!!! So it is possible to improve in health as we age, possible to get stronger.

Hoda said...

SHAR Continued PRAYERS big time for Kristin...yes a rough road ahead and tell her and her family we are with them all the way...

SHAR Would you please post pictures of you and ANDREW and KELSEY at the shower party?

KAY so good to read your post as it tells me it is all manageable today...HUGS♥ and for God's sake do NOT encourage JUDIE other wise you too will be responsible for my big ego!!!LOL!!!

Lolly said...

Hoda, so sorry about the "Swelled head!" LOL Just pass your hats to me. LOL Hiking with a hat with a blue flower on it is CLASS!

Jo, guess you are gone now but congratulations on the expected new baby. And, did love the way it was announced...that is just way too cool!

I really must get off my tush!


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

WVU's former head coach, Bill Stewart, died of an apparent heart attack today while playing golf. :(

Judie said...

Okay, now I understand why I can wear even the tiniest of hats -- my brain is the size of a Spanish peanut. Shar, the dress is perfect and a style that is just right for the mother of the groom. You will look even more beauteous than usual.

Hoda the Amazing -- delightfully descriptive. Sorry about the bumps and hat issues but well, that's what life is like for an amazing lady. Next thing those adorable RCMP fellas will arrive aloft their trusty steeds to protect you from the

Judie said...

Oh, so sorry about Coach Stewart.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers continue for Kristen; yes it does seem she has a long road ahead of her. Lifting her up.

Hoda said...

Sorry abou tthe coach.

LOLLY did you notice the --gle feather in the hat? I thought the flower would hide it but it did not!!! LOL!!!

Hoda said...

Shep is doing a fine job feeding first both now only Bro as Missy took a portion and is feeding herself...that'a girl!!!

Costume Lady said...


Look at this eagle nest, do you think it is man-made or are those eagles SUPER BUILDERS?

Hoda said...

Poof Shep.

Amazing nest WANDA

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Wanda, that is man-made. Those birds are non-releasable.

floralgirl said...

This is a pretty cool hummingbird cam. The female is sitting on 2 eggs and there is another nest beside hers with 2 babies that were orphaned in an experiment to try to save them. She has been feeding them then sitting on her eggs. This is the cam- Emma the hummingbird
And this is the story of Emma and the orphaned birds- Our hummingbird nest

Costume Lady said...

What a cool experiment...Boo-Hoo, I can't find the live cam:(

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Shar...thanks for that info....thought it looked pretty well made for a pair of birds. Doesn't look like there is much chance of the babes falling out:)

Lolly said...

Megan, love this hummingbird site. Thanks! What a story about HOPE and now this adventure. Wow!

Lolly said...

Watched Momma hummer sit on the eggs, saw her leave and come back and feed her foster babies. That is just awesome!!! Again, thank you, Megan!

Sandi said...

1 work day down, 3 to go (moving Mom on Friday) and Thursday is a field trip day - I can do this!

Lots of good news to share this afternoon!

Josh is up and walking - YAY!!! Apparently walking is still pretty painful for him but he's walking!! And he should be out of the hospital by the end of the week! Thanks for sending all the prayers and positive energy his way. Momster prayers are powerful stuff!

Mom has accepted an offer on her place - YAY!! A full price contract, though the young lady is asking for some help toward settlement costs.

And I got mail from Margaret Hoogland today - YAY!!! Margy, thank you SO much for including me in your mailing - I am very touched and very blessed to be a part of this wonderful group!

Sharon, happy to hear that Kristen is doing a little better. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the dress for the wedding - you will be some classy mother-of-the groom!! Something tells me you will never be the "shut up, show up, and wear beige" type!! (Me either!!)

Jo, sorry I missed your send off to the beach but, if you happen to do any catching up with your dial-up once you arrive, I hope you have a great time!! Also hope the weatherman is wrong - they're saying we won't see the sun all week but today was supposed to be rainy all day, yet it hasn't rained since early this morning! Congrats again on the be-au-ti-ful new baby boy in the family and on the news of another on the way in January!!

Bob, wow - gorgeous photos from Bombay Hook!! Can't even pick a favorite!!

Wanda, speaking of be-au-ti-ful, that is some beautiful avatar you're sporting!!

Kay, glad to see that you checked in today! Praying that the days between now and June 6th fly by and that you're as comfortable as possible while you wait!

Off to feed dogs and people. I asked Mom if she's feeling excited yet and she said she cried when she signed the contract to sell her place. I told her that I will just have to get even more excited than I already am so it will rub off on her when I get there on Thursday evening!


Hoda said...

Cool hummingbird site Megan...she seemed very comfortable sitting on the nest and there were lovely sounds from there. Thanks.

Lori O. said...

MEGAN, love the new Emma hummer cam. Just sent it off to some friends who will also love it!

GLO, did DEX get to put his footprints in the paint?

LOLLY, I miss satillo tile. There was so much of it in LA - never see it here. I helped with the sealing before and it's a job, like sealing a deck, which I'll be doing soon!

JO, congratulations on Vincent and the new GGBaby to be! Talk about a house full! Have a great time at the beach.

SHARON - so glad to hear that Kristen is showing some improvement. Hugs to both you and Lori!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have to tell you all how grateful I am to have found such a wonderful friend in Kelsey's mom, Alice. I know that doesn't happen much in this life but it certainly has here. She so loves my boy too! She has included me in this whole process so I really haven't had to shut up, show up and wear beige! :) Although, I don't have any experience or knowledge about planning a wedding so I haven't had much input.

They have also invited me to join in with the bachelorette activities. Still pondering that.

wvgal_dana said...

Sandi so very happy for you that you Mom has settled on a contract for selling her house. I expected tears from her. It is hard to leave a place you have been in. Looking for your Mom to become "happy" in the new place. :)

Lori O. said...

I'm soaking wet. It's raining here and - Megan will appreciate this - I had to go out and rescue some nearly blooming peonies that had fallen over! Ah! They're beautiful, light pink! Love the smell.

AND, I love us!

Lolly said...

Sharon, so glad you are getting along well with Alice. I did with Faye, though we were not alike at all and now she is gone. However, Jack and I can not tolerate dear mother in law of Michael. It really takes a lot to stomach the likes of her. She apparently does not like me as well, so we seldom see her. She is ADHD big time and never shuts up. Jack can not tolerate that. Neither of us can not tolerate her baby talk to Zach. Yes, she continues that

wvgal_dana said...

Emma just reached her beak over to the other nest with the orphan hummingbird baby in it and fed the baby :)

Lori O. said...

Good night everyone...sweet dreams, and as MARGY says God bless us all!

Lolly said...

Just saw a baby hummer do a poop shoot. LOL Only on their chat they call it a poo shoot.

Hoda said...

Ok did a lot of cleaning and tidying and changed light bulbs and washed the shades and now it is time to stop and change to go to yoga...BBL...I hope you all had a good day too...raining buckets here right now...the heavens just openend...

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda if you can't get the orphan hummingbird you may need to update to Internet Explorer 9 or use Google Chrome.

wvgal_dana said...

Emma just fed "both orphan babies" :)

magpie said...

Sooooo, Sharon is wearing an invisible dress....!! I'm afraid I had thesame problem as Judie.....just an empty space where a dress shoule be ....Waaaaaah!

Was putting 'er down awhile ago, the rain, has eased up some

You're welcome Sandi...slowly bt surely I am working my way through the addresses.....should finish up in the next couple of days...
Good news about your Mom and the Contract...things seldom go quite so smoothly

Good Evening Eagle Pals...xoxo

magpie said...

Had major Eagle Deficit Disorder at work today...needed to download update to Adobe Flash Player and did not have the authentication codes....was not at my regular work station...maybe tomorrow I'll be at home work roost and can watch

magpie said...

Hoda, all sounds well and dandy in your Eagle Corner, sounds like a great visit with Kristen, and then you became a whirling dervish....

'fraid I am not quite so industrious. When I grow up I want to have a clean and tidy home

magpie said...

Think I will go make an attack on some projects here at The Big House, including climbing into the pj's

Very best wishes for a good evening,and we might even experience a SPLIT in a little while

xoxox "See Ya' Later"

magpie said...

One eaglet is plotzed, one is perched on the edge ofthe nest at the 12 spot...neither one is moving around too much
and I'm trying to get used to new glasses, not doing too well on that

Lolly said...

Margy, received your mail Saturday on the way to Elvis. Forgot to mention it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You're a doll!!!

Also, received a sweet note from Christie.

Watching DWTS!

stronghunter said...

Good evening!

Thanks so much for the program, Margy. You are always so thoughtful.

I watched DWTS. Very interesting this season.

magpie said...

First official lightning bug of the season for me, in this rain....nice little frisky light of life

magpie said...

'Welcome Lolly
enjoy your show....
I'm working on mailings

xoxo Evening HUGS everyone...

magpie said...

CarolAnne, DanaMo, Loretta, and Bird Girl, got your mail ready tonight to mail out Tuesday...
and I have more to do....steady as she goes.....

but Yikes!! I got called to report for work at 0600 so suddenly the night is two hours later than it was a few minutes ago....

magpie said...

CarolAnne, DanaMo, Loretta, and Bird Girl, got your mail ready tonight to mail out Tuesday...
and I have more to do....steady as she goes.....

but Yikes!! I got called to report for work at 0600 so suddenly the night is two hours later than it was a few minutes ago....

magpie said...

oh for goodness sake, how does that double stuff happen !!! sorry, pals

Guess the Night Bandit has snuck in big time....I'm not even sleepy yet but I better get sleepy real fast...

Thinking of all, Seen and Unseen...

Prayers for Wellness Amongst Us, our Families, Friends and Pets

Nighty-Night !!

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

Hoda said...

Excellent yoga practice and it continues to pur down the rain...the weather tells me it will rain for the next four days, no sign of the sun before Saturday...NOAH where are you we need and arch!!!

Goodnight MARGY I am sorry I missed you.I hope you are having a good sleep by now considering you are going to work earlier than you thought...
I have to work at cleaning. It is not something I do too well and my excuse is I live alone and how messy can it get with one person??? LOL the answer is it can get too messy rather!!!
There is an attitude now that if I do maintenance work I won't have to spend all day doing a major cleaning...I will see how long that lasts.

I like that MARGY thinking of all seen and unseen...yes indeed...

Hoda said...

it is pouring not purring I think I would rather the purring for now but it ain't happening!!!LOL

stronghunter said...

Jeopardy this evening--there was a section on web cams. They showed the Decorah Eagle Cam and the contestants had to identify the kind of birds. Hunter thought it was ridiculously easy. Well, he does have an advantage.

But I thought it was pretty easy too.

stronghunter said...

Speaking of purring. George has been doing that, but he still is not eating his food. Gave him his last antibiotic pill today, so maybe he will start eating now.

The vet was concerned because he had already lost a pound when I took him in last week. I will call if he does not start eating tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night. I will see you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Hoda, I had a roommate who used to call out, when we had lots of rain, "Lord, what's a cubit?"

Lolly said...

Good one, Shirley?

Enjoyed TV tonight. Brother called and then brother in law called, both wanting to know what the deal was on our car. Wish I knew, no call today from the 3rd insurance company.

Heading to the shower and to get ready for bed. Miss Jo already but know she is happy at the beach.

Night all! SED!!!!!!

Lolly said...

lol....That was not supposed to be a question mark, Shirley.


«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 249   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...