Monday, May 14, 2012


New week thread


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Hoda said...

YAY!!! I get the feather!!! LOL!!!

CarolAnne said...

Congrats Hoda

Enjoy your day!

CarolAnne said...

Jerry - the making of the books was a way of connecting with Lynn.
Every comment, every story, every picture just reiterated how special she was. The memories will be with us forever.

Lori O. said...

Congratulations on your feather, HODA! I'm at jury duty this moRning.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning. Posting from the comforts of my bed. Hoda got my feather this morning. :-)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jury duty Lori? Fun times.

Hoda said...

LORI...Jury tell more??? Who killed whom and what for? Or maybe there is a fortune being disputed? Or maybe someone did not pay their taxes???...I wonder I have to check back in again and tell us...

Now the CLUB OF THREE!!! LOL!!! I will make no other comments as I don't want KAY to have to correct me again!!!LOL!!!

Lori O. said...

How was your conference, Sharon?

Lori O. said...

Just sitting here waiting, HODA .

Hoda said...

SANDI I am glad you too remembered the weekend with PAULA'S mystery friend...she quietly said she was going to the beach but not to her place...I wondered from way back when...Good on you PAULA...

The eaglettes are drenched totally drenched!!!

Hoda said...

Its OK SHAR you share with your friends...did you learn from your conference was it worth attending?

Judie said...

Good morning, again.

Shirley, I do hope Kathryn will let her body make the decision about going to work or doing any other physical activity. Doctor should have told her laparoscopy requires the injection of a huge amount of air that pushes non-targeted organs out of the way. Discomfort lasts until that air dissipates. Can take several days.

Kay, so glad you were able to see and enjoy Seth's performance. Take it easy now.

Hoda, saw a picture of you on your yoga mat. Looking good, lady.

Ah, cougars. Yes, let's hear it for the cougars! You go gals!

Speaking of cougars, I hope Paula has a good day.

DanaMo and Sandi, hope you both have tolerable school days.

Wanda, if you see GG, tell her to save some Suddenly Salad for me and give her a hug.

Forget but maybe Margy has today off?

CarolAnne, let me add my thanks and appreciation for your willingness to share your talents. As for the bear, maybe you could provide food like the people who live around the Bear Center -- well, maybe not. Hope you have a good eye checkup tomorrow.

Morning Janet.

Okay, need to catch up on the news.


Hoda said...

LORI you do not know what the case is about while you are can you make arrangements if it turns out to be more than one day? I have never been called for jury duty...where are you sitting in a special jury room? Will you be able to keep your ipod?

Judie said...

Hoda, quick, quick! Make yourself invisible! You have the feather and the RCMP are on the trail.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals..

WV Jerry snuck in at the tail end of the prior thread...Enjoy your Mother's Day celebration with Mrs. WV Jerry, Jerry

Wet, yes it is, very wet. Can you imagine how heavy that nest is when waterlogged, at least a few pounds heavier than the one-ton it probably already is


magpie said...

Thanks for the New Thread Automatic Pilot Steve, and to Hoda for the call over...

magpie said...

Yes Judie I do have the day planning to get some time in with James the Wise Kidster

So good to hear from Kay and to get rull reports from her AND Sandi


magpie said...


Best Wishes for a Good Day, not too busy, not too hectic, not too stressful, but BIG and FULL
on Healing, Wellness, Comfort and Joy !!

magpie said...

Think I better go shake a couple of legs and get a move on, since the clock will not stop for me....

Judie, it is fun to watch those kestrel babies..I think the eggs hatched in two batches of three...and you are right it is hard to count heads quickly...

ttfn (( All Day Hugs ))
PS.. A great day for sleeping, with this rain, don't think the two Royal Babies are going to enjoy it too much....

Hoda said...

I am alright JUDIE...their moto is they always get their man...they say nothing about women so I will handle it and I will not rat out my friend in Bluefield who has a collection of them!!!LOL!!!

My oh my but with the rain those railings are slippery I wished they would not stand on them!!!

Hoda said...

Time for tea and what else the day has to offer...

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I see I have sent the 70 degree weather to WV How nice. Life on the edge argh I don't like that part of eagle growing up. Today is another Kritter Kapture Day fo rme. I love those days. 3 cats today and one won't like me or the camera I have been warned so might be 2 cats LOL They so do their own thing. HAGD everyone

Sandi said...

Think I have finally caught up, though I'm sure I broke all reading speed limits!

Margy, Lynn was right that you DO have a beautiful way of saying things on the blog. Thanks for the synopsis of the memorial service on Saturday.

Carol Anne, have not had the time to read the Lynn Tributes book (need a lot more time and a very quiet, private place to do that), but did read through the Hedgie one. Thank you SO much for creating both books - what a loving thing for you to do for Lynn, for Carolyn and Chrisie, and for all who know and love Lynn!

Wanda, have not yet looked at your pics or videos from the memorial service. Again, need more time and a quiet place to reflect.

Am hoping that Josh's mom calls school today with an update. I suspect that Josh will stay in the hspital in Philadelphia for all/most of this week.

Got an email from a parent this morning that her son (who was absent last Friday and again today) has a confirmed diagnosis of mono. He told me last Wed., when he was taking his science test with me, that his throat was sore, he had been tested for strep (which was negative), and the doc thought he might have mono b/c his brother was recovering from it. Now I'm wondering if I touched his pencil or anything that could pass mono to me. How is mono spread - oh Lynn, where are you??

Later all! Hoping Kay and Kathryn have good days today and that Lolly continues to feel better as well!

wvgal_dana said...

Sandi Mono, or mononucleosis, is spread through direct contact with saliva. This includes sharing eating utensils, drinks, and even things like lip gloss, lipstick, or lip balm.

Lori O. said...

HI! I'm done with jury duty!

HODA, we were there only 2 hours, when the clerk announced
they wouldn't be trying any cases
today! My summons was only for one day, so I
am done for 3 years. YAY!

MARGY, I agree. It's a dreary, rainy day.
Good day to stay inside and sleep!

SANDI, I've had mono. Dana is right about catching it
through saliva. If you didn't share a spoon
or kiss the kid, you're probably fine.

Once again, I'm dreaming of all you teachers, SANDI, JUDIE, DanaMO who are coming up on your summer vacations! SOOOO lucky!

Costume Lady said...


I'm getting ready to go into the church to hang and fold 4 garbage bags of donated clothing, lots of toiletries and pocketbooks. A WONDERFUL HAUL!
But, before I go, I must come to PAULA'S defense and let you know that there is ONLY ONE YEAR difference in age with her special friend:) I jokingly called her a cougar at the church, but, I guess she could be considered a member of that team SPORT;)
Lots of comments I'd like to speak of, but no time now. Have a good day♥

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Morning Lori...long time no see. I LOVE jury duty! Really!

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly I see your post on Sundy at 10:49am about your Father's passing
when he was age 58. You said, "Today he would be 101". He will be forever 58. I am sorry for his passing.
My Dad was born April 1st. He passed also at age 58 although this year he would have been 90. I know the feeling of still missing him♥

Jo yesterday Mother's Day must habe been a "bunny day" for several people. When I was driving Mother to Mother's Day dinner. I slowed down so we could watch the little bunny in someone's yard. I love watching them they are so cute :)

Jewels your poen to your Mother, our wonderful and beautiful friend Lynn. Your words are sweet, loving, caring, and very true. Just BEAUTIFUL !!! You all love you Mother♥. Lynn we miss you and we "all" love you Lynn♥

Jewels I read you comment post about what your girls got you for Mother's Day. Such "perfect gifts". :) But why wouldn't they be perfect looked who raised them-You and look who raised you ♥Lynn♥.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Beautiful day here! I see some very wet eagles in the nest. I think that is Belle with the eaglets and she looks a mess!

Continue to feel just fine. No aches and pains this morn and no meds. My elbow looks horrible though, all black and blue. I have an ugly bruise where the seat belt latch is at my waist on the side, another bruise where the seat belt crossed my chest, and my shin has a knot and a bruise but I am not stiff and I am not hurting anywhere.

So, C/A has a bear and I have a squirrel causing problems. Every year I save my Fall scarecrow and put him in my herb garden in the spring. Well the squirrels tore last years scarecrow to bits earlier this spring so I waited to put out the new scarecrow. Well, I apparently did not wait long enough and to put out the latest scarecrow and he has been shredded for nesting purposes. So, I will not have a scarecrow this spring and summer.Grrrrrrr!

Lolly said...

I am not going to overdue in the yard. I am going to sit on my tush and pull weeds, enjoy the weather, and listen to the birds.

Lolly said...

Check out Elvis on the Square web page, it is this coming weekend. If you stay on the page long enough, you can here Joey start to sing. LOL

Elvis on the Square

Lori O. said...

Hi WANDA! Lot's of people, I've found
out, love jury duty. I've never been
on a trial, though.

I'm sorry for not being on much. I'm so busy at work, it's crazy!
Many times I think I should just hop on the blog and apologize for
not being here much. Today, not being a work day for me, is much better, and I'm so happy to be on the blog! :) I miss you all. ♥

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, I'm so happy to hear that you continue feeling great! Sorry about all the bruising.

Lolly said...

For some reason the link I provided does not include the sound. Hmmmmmm?????

However, if you got to picture gallery there is a picture that includes myself, Laurel, and Joseph. (blue shirt)

Lolly said...

Thank you, Lori!

Jack has talked with the girls insurance this morning. He got the impression that she had not reported the accident. That is very interesting. Should hear back from them after the adjuster sees the car.

Lolly said...

Thinking of Kathryn and hoping she is feeling better today.

Kay, love the report on Seth. How much fun to see him perform! Hope the weekend was not too much for you. (((hugs)))

wvgal_dana said...

Jo loved the card from "the baby".....awww so sweet and cute :)

Jo take a picture of the Blue Bird window hanging and post it on your blog. You know how many of us just love Blue Birds.

Healing prayers for Kay, Kathryn, Lolly, Red and Josh. Hoping we get an update on Josh soon.

Keeping Carolyn and Charlie, Jen and Jessica, Christie and Shannon close in love and prayer.

Lolly I can see as you explained about the girl that hit you. First of all, I THANK GOD YOU ARE HERE WITH US♥.
I can see why you would be angry due to her noncompliance of the urgency of your car plus you being strapped to a board and being put in an ambulance to go to the hospital with injuries. I am glad you are getting that angry out. Helps for the healing process.

Kay sho happy that you had a wonderful time at Seth's play. So glad the prayers worked and got you through. :)

Kay I read your post about "cougar". That you and Stan was together for 22 years. I know what you mean when you said, "Just wish it had lasted longer". Ed and I had 22 years together also. Although I am happy God took him hone to Heaven so end his suffering. I can still wish it had been longer. I have such wonderful memories. :) He was and is still "the love of my life" ♥♥

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda when Wanda mentioned "cougar". When it was mentioned way back on the blog I had to do a search to find out what they were talking about.

I loved your comment here about, "Ok what sport do Cougars like...are they a sport team then?"

Then the best Hoda was your responce to Kay telling you. Hoda I love♥ you. You are so witty and good hearted. :)

Good Morning to "all" that are on today :)

Sandi glad that all things are packed and ready for the movers. Hope you still had a good Mother's Day :)

Judie said...

Lolly, so glad you are only bruised and not broken. Sure hope the girl's insurance company responds AND if she didn't report the accident, there could be some legal issues for her as well. So much the better! Do you think maybe the squirrels are into retaliation? Our critters pay no mind to any attempt to thwart their self-serving behaviors.

Yes, Lori, the semester is over for me except I do plan to go to school tomorrow to provide time for students to review their exams and whine for more points. Too bad I won't have any cheese for them to enjoy with their whine.

Spent a little time in the kitchen this morning. Salmon cakes made for tonight and tuna salad for tomorrow night. Scary -- no school = domestic duty. May get some laundry done later.

Okay, off to search for an easy Hollandaise sauce. Might taste good with the salmon.

Where's Jo this morning?


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle peeps. Finally back at a computer.

I haven't watched the video yet or looked at the pics from Lynn's memorial celebration. Think I will wait until tonight.

Just wanted to share some about this past weekend. Some of you know and some may not know that I am a member of a 12-step fellowship and that is what this weekend was for. I have to tell you that 700 recovering people in one place is a spiritual experience. Lots of hugging going on! I am actually sore in my arms, chest and shoulders from all the hugging! Did you all know I ♥ hugs? :)


wvgal_dana said...

CarolAnne both books you designed. Are just Beautiful and they are so loving of our ♥Lynn♥. Thank you for doing this.

Lolly said...

Judie, green onion sauce is fabulous with salmon patties!! Ahhh, domestic duties. I enjoy when it is done at leisure.

I am off to start my day.

Have a good one! I will be in and out!

Mema Jo said...

Hello out there in EagleLand! Our rain is still coming down and the flowers love it! Today I celebrate my first child's birthday - Kristen. We are going to try to go up the road to see her and also see gd and all 4 ggs and 1 ggd. You all know the crew from Wanda's pics of the Nest Visit.

My heart is still heavy without Lynn.
I am looking at the tree tops because that is where I hear her.
Carolyn watch out for those gummy bears - I was watching TV and did you know they even make 5 lb gummy bears?
Christie I know you are back to work today - Best of luck being with your coworkers.

I ordered my "Hedgie" book last evening. I didn't C/A had published this book for Lynn when she first told us of her prognosis. C/A bless you - that was a very caring gesture.

Well, I think it is mainly the Rain making me so depressed - I want the Sunshine so I can rejoice with all of you for Lynn.

Carolyn that was a beautiful prayer/poem for you mom yesterday.

Mema Jo said...

Now, Hoda - How many feathers do you have? More then one?
What you gonna do when they come after you - Bad Girl Bad Girl lol

That was hubby on the phone and Yes! we are going up to see Kristen!
I need to go and make myself presentable.

Watch those birds! BBL

Judie said...

Hi Jo. Have a wonderful time time with Kristen and the grands. Remember: the sun will come up tomorrow.

Lolly, are you going to share? Green onion sauce sounds interesting.

Hi Sharon. I can only imagine but so proud of you and all the others.

Bye (again)

CarolAnne said...

EEShar (or Sharon as I first knew her)- quite a picture in my mind of all that hugging going on. :o)
Does the body & soul good!

Lolly - hope all comes out good re: accident - do not settle for anything less than what you deserve.

MemaJo - re: Lynn's books - I have a "behind the scene" personality - do my best work behind the scenes. Makes me a good lurker too. LOL

OK - for those w/riding mowers - how many times have you 'cut' the grass without remembering to put the blade down? Have had one of those "clear" moments this morning. Geesh! Glad I'm pretty much the only one home in the neighborhood during the day.

Well, back to impressing myself. Gotta go see if I remembered to put the laundry in the washer w/the soap & water.

CarolAnne said...

Lolly - check out
garden repellers
they have an inexpensive owl thats suppose to scare away pests.

The little hummer that follows your cursor around on their page is kinda cute too.

Lolly said...

Oh, that little hummer is cute! Thanks C/A will check things out.

JUDIE.....I have sent email with the green onion sauce recipe. It is yummy! First had green onion sauce on crab cakes in Maine.

magpie said...

I love reading more Momsters comments ☺

Sharon, so very proud of you, what you do, who you are, and where your heart is ♥

I have started the mailings on the bulletins, three coming YOUR way


magpie said...

Lolly, sorry about the bruises and such, but seems like you are the mend...grateful as can be for that

Sandi...Prayers continue for Josh, I have been a litte out of touch on all that, and I hope you hear an update soon..

Lor, Jury Duty, one day, all over, pretty lucky. I'll listen for you in the morning ♪ ♫ ♥

magpie said...

Saw a turkey hen in my brother in law's back yard this morning, beautiful...

Lori at least one baby hawk, and I think probably three. I will keep you posted...anything going on with the Black Vultures ?

magpie said...

I need to put ScareSlug out...
I do not have too many plants yet, but I will !!!
I read about your scarecrow. :(

magpie said...

I think I missed you.
Happy Birthday wishes for Kristen, and Happy Parenthood Day for you and Ed xoxox ♥♥♥

magpie said...

I can't stay long, but Judie,
I want to wish Judie a very good next 48 hours...
you can you some wine with cheese when it's all over...
the real wine, not the Whine kind

loving all the posts and information and links, but there are some things I have go get done now

5-pound gummy bears, Really ???
That's awesome !
Rain has eased up here for awhile now. Think that will change before the day is out

magpie said...

this makes no pennies I mean no cents! {sic]

"you can you some wine with cheese when it's all over"

"You can have some wine with cheese when it's all over,"
that's what I was aiming for

Judie said...

Ah, thank you Lolly. A welcome addition. Get weary of the same ole same ole. And thank you for sharing with everyone. Didn't intend to be selfish.

Margy, you must be a mind-reader. Have a bottle of whine, I mean wine. ready and waiting.

5 lb gummy bears? Guess those are for the "big kids."

An owl? Well, tried that. Just got sat upon as in thumbing their paws and beaks at us. Still, maybe Texas critters are different. Wonder what scares armadilloes other than Jack's shot gun?

Margy, ScareSlugs? Try a dish filled with beer.

Okay, bye

Kay said...

HODA, you gave me big smiles with your sweet words and big guffaws with your comedic talent ! Thanks for spreading such cheer.

LOLLY, thinking of all those seat belt induced bruises and trying to imagine what a hideous story you'd be telling if the belt had not been there to hold you in. Yikes ! I think you said the girl who hit you is 17, therefore a minor. Have her parents/guardians, whatever, been in on all this ? Seems like they should be and sounds like they need to take the keys away from her til' she goes back through drivers ed !!!

LORI, good for you. Jury Duty is one of those important civic duties, but for most of us it's a huge relief when we're released from it without having to give up a big chunk of time.

SHAR, thrilling to hear about the retreat and how great it made you feel !

Kay said...

I'm going to run an errand. After 20 years with CVS, I've switched my Rx's to Kroger. I'm there frequently and I don't feel safe in the CVS hood anymore. So, anywho, it's off to Kroger for drugs n' a few food items. Nothing taxing, then home for rest. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

I have just read a BREAKING NEWS REPORT....

A man roaming the shores of Delaware has been reported missing form the town of BachleorHood. Eyewitness claim to have seen him carried away by a Cougar, that was accompanied by a Golden Retriever. Local residents believe this to be the same cougar that travels a path between the mountains of western MD to the eastern shore on a regular basis.

Lori O. said...

KAY - Sounds like your're doing a smart thing by moving your prescriptions to a safer neighborhood. That makes me happy!
Still praying for pain free days and complete healing when you have your surgery on 6/6. Congrats on Seth's performance!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Did I tell you that Bluefield Middle School Show Choir, and more importantly Mattie Jane, won first place in the competition at Dollywood Saturday?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Whole family was just in the nest and now Belle is feeding a peaglet!

CarolAnne said...

Congrats to Mattie Jean - how cool is that!!!

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon.
Been reading back & trying to catch up.
Kay, so glad you were able to have a great weekend!
Daughter called last evening. She had returned from week in Brazil on Sat., took a 6 hr. nap & was finishing packing to leave this AM for Tokyo, Shanghai, etc.I bet she'll be looking for treats she got there before---like a pearl ring!
Weather man wrong~~~we are not having 100% rain today!Cloudy and sprinkles off and on, so I was able to trim all the old flower stalks out of the lavender. Has lots of new ones to open soon. Only plat that likes our soil---grows like gangbusters!
Shirley, hope Kathryn is feeling better soon. I had that type surgery about 8 years ago & I guess pain killers helped so much I was doing yard work and dragging top soil bag around! Wrong! At check up, surgeon wanted to know why my chest/abd. was all bruised.I thought that was normal!
Hope Lolly is feeling better~~~& I sure hope something is done about that dirl. Since her car was probably totaled, hope she won't be on road for a long time.
(I liked the earlier tidbits about Paula's weekend!But we will not pry!)

NatureNut said...

Sorry, can't type! SP errors duh

NatureNut said...

Congrats for Mattie!!!!!
Lynne, sounds like a caper for crime expert, Judie!!!

Lori O. said...

SHARON, YAY for Mattie! How cool!
Wish I could sing. I lip sync happy birthday!

Hoda said...


Safe travels for your daughter LORETTA. It sounds like lots of plane time and oh I hope she does not get confused which continent she is on!!!LOL!!!

I am off to clean and organise as Kristin is going to be here tomorrow and for five days to a week.She drives up from Montana.

Lolly said...

In from working in the yard. It felt good. So far the high is 81, just love it. Want to keep summer pushed away!!! I would say I am 100% okie dokie!!!!

DanaMo said...

Okay...I need to vent...I can do it here but not on FB.
I asked parents to "sign" in today for orientation. Can I tell you that they all need to go back to kindergarten to learn how to write! OMGosh how frustrating. I cannot read the email addresses, nor their names to create my distribution list for next year. URGH!!

Judie said...

Congratulations to Mattie Jane and the Show Choir. Give her an extra hug from the momsters, please.

Lowreeda, yes, I think this might be a case of the missing "person of interest" -- at least of interest to us. Must contact my Cougar Special Operations unit. Safe travels for your daughter. Always interesting to me. You're so close and it is pouring buckets.

Likely a smart change, Kay. No need for unnecessary risk. Hope you're feeling okay today.

Hoda, bet you can hardly wait for your friend Kristen to be there. Have lots and lots of fun together.

Speaking of Kathryn, has Shirley checked in today? Maybe I missed her.

Okay, soon to the scullery. Need to put some antibiotic on Grace's incision.

DanaMo said...

Rain, rain, rain here in Hagerstown. I think I will go nap since I can't accomplish the one task I wanted to work on!

Judie said...

Oh, not that Gracie's incision is in the scullery. The scullery comes after the antibiotic application which will be upstairs. Had to explain or Shirley will correct my misplaced modifier and then dangle my participle.


Lolly said...

Love it, Judie!!!!

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from having many many laughs and hugs and downright fun!

Going to post a link to an album and I'm hoping whether you have FB or not you will be able to view these..

Holler if you don't have FB and can't open this link - thanks

Mema Jo said...

Just saw my first Hummer out at the
flowers on the deck. Whoo Hoo

JudyEddy said...

I love it HODA finally got a feather

LORI I love jury duty I have been on a couple of cases and not picked on a couple also and we also have the one day thingy here also

So Paula is a cougar I have been there and done that several times LOL Was fun toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LYNNE2 you had me going with the cougar and then I put two and two together and did come up with 4 LOL you are tooo funny


LOLLY WOW working in the yard NO PAIN that is fantastic

KAY we are all looking forward to the day when you are no longer in pain I hope that days comes sooooooooon for you

DANAMO you ought to send a note to the parents but be nice LOL put that their handwriting was not legible when they signed the paper in the class and would they please print if possible LOL

JO and all face book peeps did you notice at in the upper right corner of your pictures is a STAR it say to highlight click on it and it will show more of the pictures that you put on it I love that feature I have most of mine like that makes the pictures bigger and shows more pic also video are larger toooo

Sandi said...

Hi all! Got an update on Josh at the end of the school day. He was in ICU until yesterday because his kidneys weren't functioning properly and he spiked a fever. Today, he got out of bed and into a chair and has been promised a motorized wheelchair so he can get himself to the video room to play video games. His Mom says he is in a lot more pain than he expected and they are trying to regulate his pain meds. And the best news is that the docs hope to get him up and walking within a few days!! =) Not sure how long his hospital stay will be.

Thanks to all for the prayers for him - the road may be long but the prognosis is good!!

wvgal_dana said...

Sandi hoping they get Josh's pain meds regulated. So happy about the update you have given on him. Prayers continue for Josh.

wvgal_dana said...

Mattie you go girl!!! :)

paula eagleholic said...

So, I am a cougar now? Nope...he is older than I !

Gotta catch up...

Lynne2 said...

Good news for Josh, congrats to Mattie, YAY Jo..a Hummer finally, safe travels for Loretta's very worldly daughter and boo hiss on DanaMo's "parents"

Lynne2 said...

OK, who started the COUGAR rumor?

I'm not asking any more questions Paula. So what if the suspense is killing me. I'm just dying to hear all about this man who makes your heart go pitter patter, and why we are finally hearing about him...but I'll live. I mean, you'll tell us when your ready, right? Right. In the meantime, I'll just let my imagination run wild.


Jewels said...

lol CHristie and I actually picked the same poem for Mom!! It was a nice poem. :)
5 lb gummy bears!!! Wow can you imagine how much vodka those suckers would hold?!!!!
Mattie, Congrats girly!!! My Momma woulda have been so proud of you!
Nice update on Josh Sandi, hope his kidneys will be back to normal too before long!!

Jewels said...

you have stirred up some eager to know talk in here!!! Too funny!!!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - Paula already confessed it all a blog or two back. Dating for 6 months but has known him for about 30 yrs - coworkers and best friends. He is older then Paula. I am so very happy for her to find someone with the same likes!

Now you know I have returned
I need to read the comments made since
I left to get some soup and salad...

Jewels said...

hmmm is the cam not working??? It may be my computer. Sitting where I usually do not sit. Booo!!!

paula eagleholic said...

And yes, special friend has a place at the beach...near Rehobeth. I will get to meet up with Sandi at the beach some day....we have been working on our respective beach houses...he does have a boat, so we can go fishing ☺

Lori, oh the joy of jury duty. Glad you got out of it easily.

Hope Kathryn is feeling better.

Sandi, glad you got lots of stuff tossed and packed at your Moms.

WVJerry is a really nice guy, was good to meet him on Saturday.

Kay, glad you were able to enjoy the weekend.

Having some tea to warm me up while waiting for SF (Special Friend) to arrive with Chinese food for dinner.

Lolly, glad you are feeling better!

Lynne2, that was cute!! LOL

Way to go Mattie!

It rained all day here!

tsk tsk on your parents, DanaMo

Hoda said...

Very good day!
I have not read back...
Have we heard from the most recent cougar lady???

I am off to yoga and will see you all later.

Lynne2 said...

Oh JO, I saw THAT....I was just wondering about, a NAME. And, does he like eagles, and the romantic story behind how friends of so many years fell in love...that sort of thing. But, I'm NOT asking!


Lynne2 said...

SHIRLEY....are you lurking???

Jewels said...

WV Jerry, you are a very nice man
So very nice of you to have switched your schedule around to come to my Mom's service. It was very nice to meet you.

paula eagleholic said...

Hmm, no answer at the chinese place....

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks laying side by side in the nest, facing opposite directions

paula eagleholic said...

clunk in the tree, then took off, and into the, what did shep bring

paula eagleholic said...

looks like a mammal...belle arroved first, then shep brought in something...

paula eagleholic said...

chinese place is now closed on Monday...going to Ott house for carry out.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle feeding the chicks...they are peeping away

NatureNut said...

Just got Live cam open & Belle arrived followed by Shep with a fish! Din dintime!

paula eagleholic said...

Could be a fish...but it was all splayed out like roadkill...maybe Shep ate half before arriving with it

boy they are fighting over the pieces

NatureNut said...

I really can't tell what it is---but very white meat. When he dropped it, saw a big triangle on one end. Assumed it was a fish head.Doesn't really matter~~they like it!!☺

JudyEddy said...

lots of peeping so sweet

JudyEddy said...

One of them has their own peice It was a bigger peice he grabbed and ate himself and the other stole it just now funny and I am recording it

Judie said...

Sandi, optimistic news about Josh. Will continue to wish him a full recovery.

Lynne2, Paula's "friend" is named Kooger Studmuffin. Bet the qualifying list was about a gazillion items; must like beach, sand, water, eagles, other birds, big dogs, hot dogs, kids, and grandkids -- and those are just the minimum.

Wish Shirley would come through the door. Beginning to worry a bit.

Okay, off to put my feet up. BBL

JudyEddy said...

the nest is so pretty with all the green in the background

JudyEddy said...

gonna go see whats on the TV

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks are still eating.

LOL, Judie!

Lynne2 said...

Kooger Studmuffins. Hmmmm. LOL!

NatureNut said...

I just went out and there was a lightening bug! First one I've seen! Yippeee, but hope it's not global warming. The polar bears need their ice!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle finished up the fish, there's a bone or two left....One chick at noon, other laying in the nest....nope, gonna investigate the nestover bones.

NatureNut said...

Just read what I missed!
Judie, you are a riot!!! Poor Paula. We'll try not to bug you!
Or the blog could become forum-like. Eagle observations only!LOL

Lynne2 said...

Loretta, I'm NOT going to bug Paula. Nope, not me. In fact, I don't even WANT to know about her scurby old sweetie. NO WAY do I want to know ANYTHING.


BTW, we had 3 Lightning Bugs, about a week or so ago...maybe a week ago last Thursday! But then, NONE! Haven't seen a single one since!

stronghunter said...

Susan's post a couple of days ago. Her further description was even funnier--Actually it was a balcony, not a patio that these events took place:

"Note to self, when out on the patio putting out food for the squirrels and birds, and your squirrel friend is visiting you, close the screen door. Otherwise, your cat will come running out and chase your squirrel friend. Having a wild squirrel running around like mad and a crazy cat running around like mad on your small patio es no bueno."

stronghunter said...

Oh, sorry, I did not even say hello. Judie, I am through the door!!

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, I know you've had occasion to watch Swamp People since Hunter has been living with you....Mitchell Guist, one of the bearded brothers, died today. On his boat, out on the swamp. Not sure what happened, he fell, maybe due to a seizure, and died.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Lynne, Kathryn told Hunter about Mitchell. She found out on FB today. I am not sure which one he is, but Kathryn and Hunter know.

Kathryn's television taste continues to amaze me. One day she might be watching Shakespeare and the next she is watching Dog the Bounty Hunter. She and Hunter have enjoyed the Swamp People.

Judie said...

Hi Shirley. Glad you got here. Someday will have to share the story about the squirrel named Slam Dunk who took an unguided tour of our house one late afternoon. Didn't have a wild cat though. Hope Kathryn's feeling better.

Don't know about swamp people but sorry one died.

Hope Margy had fun with James the Wise today.

Tomorrow is an early day for me. Turning the night light on early. The sandperson will be visiting y'all in another hour or two. Restful sleep everyone.

stronghunter said...

Watching DWTS. Katherine Jenkins just had some kind of mishap.

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

Good to see you here tonight.

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, she really does have eclectic taste!

Mitchell and Glenn are the 2 brothers that have the white beards. I've only seen a couple episodes...quite interesting. And well, there's Bruce Darling with his bib overalls...LOL!

Lynne2 said...

Got your request for Wordox Shirley...what is it? Looks like a lot of people play at the same time.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, it is a word game that is a bit different from WWF. All of the letters count the same. The object of the game is to "steal" other players' letters by playing on the words they have entered. You have to "pay" 100 wox each time you play, and I am quickly running out of wox. I have no idea what will happen when I run out. I will not pay dollars.

Mema Jo said...

I had visitors and then phone call and I then I watched Bones... cont'd next week type of ending.

Now I want to see if anyone NOT on FB saw my Hedgesville pics.

Lynne2 said...

Looks like these parts could be in for some severe weather tomorrow so keep an eye to the sky!

stronghunter said...

Will do so, Lynne.

stronghunter said...

Will be winding down here in a few. I have fallen hopelessly behind in my blog reading. Both Kathryn and I have been sleeping a lot the past few days. And then I have been busy helping her and doing the homemaker stuff I took on when I retired.

Dental appointment tomorrow. I get my permanent cap on the tooth that got the root canal.

I think Kathryn might be able to go back to work tomorrow. Maybe. I think she is still pretty sore.

magpie said...

can't say a word about squirrels - not since one lived in the space between my ceiling and the upstairs floor, it nearly came through the ceiling while I was in the bathtub one night. Nope, no squirrel talk from me

Good news about Josh from Sandi...
hope all continues on the up and up now

Jo: Sounds like this was just the kind of fun day you might have been Jonesin' for!

Yay, Bravo, And Clap Clap Clap for Mattie and the Show Choir Songsters...


magpie said...

I'm seriously needing more than 24 hours in a day

Helloooooo to Jewels at work

stronghunter said...

This morning, she woke up at the time she usually leaves for work. At that time, she decided to stay home.

magpie said...

I'm putting in my vote for Kathryn to take one more day off from work, especially since Tuesday is going to be wet and sloppy !
And those are the best kinds of days to sleep and rest !

Lynne2 said...

I truly wish Kathryn would give it at least a full week post surgery....did the Dr SAY she can go back already?

Lynne2 said...

Bear at Snowman Cam!

magpie said...

I did have a visit with James the Wise Kidster...and learned more about his Inner Animal project; it is for art, they are creating portraits...and he is quick to say Bald Eagle, not just Eagle. Some of his classmates have chosen cats, a peacock, a unicorn...and I'll think of some of the others he mentioned one of these days. I am looking forward to seeing this project. It is a Bald Eagle at rest, from the head to the shoulders he says

stronghunter said...

My brother had a pet squirrel when we were growing up. It lived in his room. It was back in the day when girls wore full skirts and lots of crinolines.

I can remember walking into my brother's room and having the squirrel run up my leg and get stopped by the waistband of my skirt. Kind of interesting to have a squirrel running around your waist underneath your skirt.

magpie said...

Hoda, bet you are looking forward to the visit from Kristen, a different Kriten from Jo's....hope it's just great for you both

I'm not at home computer, can't see the Snowman cam right nos :(
but thanks for the alert, Lynne

magpie said...

just please totally ignore my typos

stronghunter said...

Best wishes and prayers for Josh.

magpie said...

Ray Stevens has a song with a verse about that sort of thing, Shirley

I would scream, then faint if it had been me

Mema Jo said...

I'm going to go over to Mattie Jane's FB and congratulate her! She has a beautiful voice!

Sandi - thank you so much for the update on Josh - I will pray for him to recover completely.

Loretta - Don't you sorta wish you had all those travels that your daughter does when you were her age. My daughter does the same thing and I do envy her experiences.

I think all the flowers got water soaked today. I need sun shine for them tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Saw something really neat this afternoon. We have always had cardinals at our feeder. This afternoon, there was a cardinal family, and I saw one of the adults feeding a chick sitting on my fence. I could not get a camera quickly enough for a picture, but I heard lots of cardinal chatter and chirps.

magpie said...

after reading DanaMo's post about the wannabe parents who can't write, I can just imagine how GOOD BETTER and BEST the end of this school year is looking

got to go do laundry and take a shower....boooring...!

ttfn Best Wishes to All for a Nice Warm Cozy evening

I know that not everyone can do that, have the warn cozies tonight, like night shift workers for you get the wishes for tomorrow for that

back in awhile before bedtime


Lynne2 said...

OH is the song!! I remember it well!

The Day the Squirrel Went Berserk in the First Self Righteous Church

a Ray Stevens Classic!

stronghunter said...

Squirrel Song

Here it is Margy. Had me giggling.

stronghunter said...

We were doing the same thing, Lynne!!

Lynne2 said...

AH!!! Great Minds!!!

Jewels said...

Well Hello Margy!!

Costume Lady said...

Oh my I ever need to make an apology!! My dear Paula, I STAND CORRECTED on the 1 year age differential. Wish it was he who was 1 year younger...we were really having fun, at your expense:) I misunderstood when you said there was a 1 year difference...I think I had too much CHICKEN;) Doesn't matter now that we know you are happy, we are happy for you♥

Lynne2 said...

oh my, I think the bear at SM cam just pulled down the birdfeeder and is having himself a snack!

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

You girls are soooo funny, tonight!
We need some laughs...keep on keeping on:)

Hi Jewels...lousy work schedule:(

magpie said...

haven't done this for awhile, pulling my own Margy

fist, thanks for that song, I'll listen to it in a minute, I love it!

Second, ALERT:
when you are gassing up at the pumps, do NOT leave your passenger side doors unlocked, ( if your gas tank is on drivers side)...some thieving criminal hereabouts, reached right into the front passenger side door, and stole a lady's wallet right out of her purse, and sped off in his own car. This is just not right, but it happened...
so be on the watch for that....
Grrrrrr ! And the rain is putting it down here, but sometimes these are the nights that the bandits strike best
just a little local couple of tidbits :(

Lynne2 said...

yes Jewels, it is a lousy schedule. But I know you'll make the most of it!

stronghunter said...

Tomorrow, I will have to share Hunter's Mothers' Day card with you. Just let me say that I had nothing to do with the purchase. It was Susan who bought it.

Hunter really enjoyed it. I think Kathryn was okay with it, but, well, it is interesting.

I will need to get into my living room where I keep the printer, and that is yet another story. That is where Will left the "extra stuff" he moved out of his apartment. It isn't so easy to get to the printer right now.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the alert, Margy.

Lynne2 said...

Good advice Margy. I NEVER leave any of the doors open when I'm pumping gas. In fact, we have a wonderful little station right up the road on my way to work that has not only the best prices, but FULL SERVICE!! I usually go there now.

magpie said...

Well Hello back Jewels !
And hello Wanda...hope all the Clothes Closet work went well today, sounds like you have some good booty to distribute :)

and Fist means First, I am getting somewhat better with this laptop keyboard, but not much

Yes, very happy indeed for Paula...
great, just great....what a lucky fellow !!!

okay '/bye for now

magpie said...

I set off my car alarm, the honking, because of the way I locked the doors and then got back in
a real attention getter
You are smart, good girl...
Full Service, a dream...none around here I don't think
Will look forward to that Mother's Day card, Shirley, for sure...

xoxo ttfn

Lynne2 said...

I saw the last baby Screech Owl leave the box a bit ago...they are the cutest little things!

Heading for shower...i90c bik0o00\9=141414fd

stronghunter said...

Habby for you, Paula.

Lynne2 said...

manic typos courtesy of a STINKBUG that just DIVEBOMBED me. GROOOOSSSSS

stronghunter said...

Think along the lines of Swamp People and Dog the Bounty Hunter, Margy.

My Hunter is turning out to be the class clown kind of kid. I wonder what middle school will bring.

Lynne2 said...

great. somehow my frantic method of self defense has resulted in the changing of my toolbar on the top. UGH.

Going to cleanse myself now...

Jewels said...

Hello Wanda....
it is a lousy schedule, but am hearing rumor that come July it will be 10 hr days... idk, but for now at least it is only for a month.
Margy, I need to lap top teach you!!

Lynne2 said...

LOL Shirley...can't wait to see!

stronghunter said...

I never know where my tool bar is going to end up, Margy. It is on the top now.

Linda said...

Good Evening for a short visit!

So much to post on. Never enough time.

Going back to Saturday, I thank you MARGY, WANDA, JO, JEWELS and others who shared all the details of the service. It truly felt as if we were able to experience the next best thing to being there. It would have been so meaningful to have been able to attend. It was tough going through that day from afar as well.

CarolAnne - So happy to have that tribute book to enjoy the memories. Thanks again for your labor of love.

LOLLY - Happy to hear you are feeling better, but can only imagine those emotions you were feeling and going through. I'm glad Mother's Day turned out to be at your place and that it was a good day for a deserving Mom!

KAY - So thrilled you were able to enjoy your weekend festivities and see Seth perform. You sound like such a proud grandmother!

JO - Busy days for you, too, with so many kids and grandkids! Love it.

Loved the Cougar talk and the fun, but happy PAULA has a special friend to share her time with!

Hoping KATHRYN feels up to par by tomorrow. That's no minor surgery!

JUDIE - Good luck on that last day!!

Hang in there DANAMO!!

SANDI - Great work at your Mom's this past weekend. I sure you feel so much better getting all that done.

Have been busy with Michael (Dennis' son) and his girlfriend Ashely here since Saturday. Hmmmm Michael and Ashley.....sounds familiar doesn't it LOLLY!! We are enjoying getting to know his girlfriend who is very nice.

OPIE survived his surgery today and is a bit groggy this evening! Knowing him, he will be back to his cat crazy self in the morning!

Love and miss everyone..... xoxo

Lolly said...

Oh, that is funny...another Michael and Ashley. When my Michael and Ashley were dating and married they both had the number 1 name for baby boys and baby girls.
We got a lot of laughs out of that.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, no worries Wanda! It's all been good fun!

stronghunter said...

I am going to head upstairs now. I will see you tomorrow. Good night.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for your concern for Kathryn. She appreciates it. We will see what tomorrow brings.

stronghunter said...

I will know that Kathryn has recovered when I get my recliner back.

magpie said...

Ok Jewels, I know you will be a GREAT teacher...hmm 10 hour days, those were nice when we had them, sort of, with reservations....

Linda, how great, your visit with YOUR Michael and Ashley....had slipped my mind that visit was upon you...

It is very very warm and even more HUMID out tonight, rain coming down in buckets

magpie said...


that is another inner animal one of James's classmates chose, amazing what crosses one's mind when in the shower

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY good luck at the dentist
tell KATHRYN don't rush it heal more first she will be sorer if she goes
MAGPIE A Eagle portrait NEATO you'll have to scan it and post it when he gets done

saw the bear on SC

News almost over

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Jewels said...

10 hr days can be with dvantages and disadvantages. mmmm jsut a rumor tho....

magpie said...

and rooting for Opie to be his young old self again very soon

friend of mine's shihtzu had very expensive surgery recently to repair a dislocated knee cap

magpie said...

a lot depends on if the days off rotate, four on, four off, because it can result in four weeks in a row of short weeks, but those long weeks, were Boss !

magpie said...

going to watch a little news, back in a "few while"

Good Night in Advance to those heading for the pillows,
including JudyE

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

Back in the day my 10's were
9 pm to 7 am, pretty neat schedule that was, then I had 7 pm to 7 am which got changed to 6 pm to 6 am, like the schedule Jewels is on now...
lately straight 8-hrs 8 am to 4 pm but I do some slightly different things and the boss recognizes that I am getting OLD :)

actually what I do sometimes requires interacting with daytime people at other agencies, and then there is court things

Mema Jo said...

Heading for the pillows

Good night and God Bless
Prayers for all healing
Thought for Carolyn and Christie
*** ((((Lynn♥)))) ***

magpie said...

guess it's about that time...
I'm clean,
clothes are on the spin cycle, will dry them in the morning

Good Night, Precious Pals

Prayers for Wellness Amongst us, and for Peace, Joy and Serenity

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

Hoda said...

A very good yoga practice for me tonight...we laughed quite a bit.

JUDIE you are in good form tonight...I laughed a few times and much enjoyed reading your posts.

I can not wait to read the card SHIRLEY...I am now curious...

PAULA at least give us his initials!!! No pressure at all and NO ONE is curious to find out more!!! Did I say that??? Well I lied...I am very curious and want to see least give us his initials...oh I said that already so it must be very important...PAULA PAULA PAULA are you there???To WANDA'S LIST of his cutting mustard, there is another strange expression, where do they all come from, any way he has to be witty with a sense of humour, he has to support the Momsters and the Dadsters, he must like to go play tricks and find himself in strange places!!! Say what? Oh you all remember MICHEL'S birthday scavanger hunt and where was PAULA in the picture she posted as her avatar with Micheal and the daughter in law...??? M--'- B--- R---!!!He must like the unexpected and he has to make sure that PAULA is his number one priority!!! This I think is not a problem since PAULA said he was a keeper...

Lolly said...

Falling asleep in my chair, so I am heading to the shower and then to bed.

Going for regular, routine blood tests in the morning. Time to see my doctor and it is good timing as the hospital doctor told me to have a follow up check up this week.

Night all! SED!!!!

Hoda said...

Lolly so glad you had a good day today and that you do see your doctor tomorrow for a routine check and mention the accident please and tell him/her of the original symptoms you had...SED to you too.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

It's been a busy day today, and I just got caught up here. Got a BIG batch of work from the doctor, so I'm going to be well occupied this week--especially since I have a routine doctor's appt. tomorrow morning, and have to take my Sis-in-law to the airport on Wednesday morning. I'll be watching the bulldogs a few more days, too.

Kay, good idea to switch pharmacies. Life's complicated enough without taking extra risks.
So glad you had such a wonderful time watching Seth's play! Prayers for you continue.

Judie, hope you enjoyed your wine and cheese, now that the whines are over! Isn't the thought of no school nice?! Hope Gracie's incision is doing better.

Shar, Your weekend sounds SO inspirational! Good for all of you!--and here's a (((HUG))) from me! I'm so happy for you and your friends! Major congratulations to Mattie and the Show Choir! Well done!

Jo, I'm sorry the rain was making you feel blue. I still miss ♥Lynn♥ so much, too! (((HUGS))) for you! Glad that the time with Kristen & the grands cheered you up! Love you!

Lynne2, your news flash had me LOL!
Paula, more power to you, cougar or not!

Sandi, extra prayers for Josh. Hope they get the pain meds adjusted before they try to get him up & walking! So grateful to hear the good prognosis!

Shirley, hope the morning finds Kathryn feeling less painful. I vote for her staying home tomorrow.

Well, gotta go spend some time with Emma. I've said prayers for everyone and every creature. Special prayers for Carolyn and Christie and families. The porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled. Sleep tight, everyone, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
I love ♥♥Lynn♥♥
I love ♥us♥!

NatureNut said...

Puter starting to turn into a pumpkin!
Had to hit shower and shampoo for AM work---boo.

Pleasant Feather Dreams, Prayers for Good Health, & Blessings on Lynn's Family ;>)

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Lolly for mentioning blood work! I have completely forgotten that GG's primary doctor wants her to get her blood work done up. It's hard to get to her in the morning before she has had her coffee or a bite of breakfast. She often gets up at 4am. No way am I getting up and headed to the lab that time of the morning:) Remember when she was hungry for fried chicken, so she went to the grocery store and bought chicken and took it home and fried it? Good thing the police & her doctor told her she couldn't drive anymore! Her car has also been disabled! CAPTAIN GENE!!




Costume Lady said...

OOPS! Forgot to mention that her CHICKEN CRAVING and purchase was 4 o'clock in the morning:)

Hoda said...

I am logging off now...
Good night.

Missing LYNN and I think we will always miss her♥

Kristin will be here tomorrow so I will not be on much.
I will try to check in when we come in from our hikes and activities.


Lori O. said...

HODA, hope you have a good sleep and no tea cravings!

PAULA, I'm so happy to hear you have a special someone! Good for you!

JUDIE, I know you said you were putting medicine on Audrey, but is her incision looking better?

JUDYE, laughed at your been there, done that cougar days! LOL. Actually, it was your several times comment that really got me!

I hope everyone is well, happy and healthy. Prayers for those who need them: KAY, Kathryn, Josh.

LORETTA, can't believe Shari's traveling schedule! That's crazy! Only the young, huh? :)

Oh, SANDI, so happy to hear news of Josh! Keep it coming! Up and walking is GREAT!

Jewels said...

Have looked at emails and thinking of Mom.. have to find me some busy work or something entertaining or I am going to be in tears.

Sandi said...

Morning Lori and Jewels! Looks like a wet, dreary Tuesday! Can't get the live cam page to load this morning! Grrr!!!

Sandi said...

Hoda, have a wonderful time with your friend this week - how exciting for you to get to show off where you live!

Shirley, hoping Kathryn feels better today, for her sake AND so you can get your recliner back! Class clowns are the best - as long as they pick up adult social cues well enough to know when to dial it back!

Paula, so when can Denny and I meet you and Mr. Studmuffin for lunch in Rehoboth?????

Judie, congrats on finishing the school year!! Cannot wait for that glorious day!! Former principal used to actually blast Alice Cooper's ♫School's Out for Summer" ♫ over the PA system at dismissal time of the last day. Current principal - not his style!

Will check in from school - my kid with mono returns today. Note to self - don't kiss him to welcome him back! Thanks for that info. WVDana and Lori!

Colors just came on at the nest. 2 wet eaglets, one up and flapping around, the other lying down in the center.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle peeps. Lying in bed playing words with friends and listening to my fav morning show on I <3 radio.

Sandi said...

Morning Sharon. Hope Tuesday is a better day for you than Monday was!

DanaMo said...

Good morning everyone. Trying to get caught up.

Looks like Kathryn should take another day of rest.

Paula has someone new and interesting in her life that everyone wants to know about...keep 'em guessing Paula.

Jewels, I don't think I could work 10 hour days, but then again that would be 10 hour days with 5 year olds for me!

Really wishing it were Friday instead of Tuesday. Didn't run again today. Too wet, poor excuse so I better get back on it tomorrow. Poor Boomer seemed disappointed that mommy wasn't putting sneakers on this morning.

Well gonna go wake up the kids so I can get to school early and clean my desk. I have a huge mess and can't find stuff.

Lori O. said...

SPLIT coming up!

Good Morning Sandi and Sharon!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 250   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...