Friday, May 25, 2012


Sorry for the delay, been in training class this week.  Dr. Jim Siegel has noticed a few times that one of the eaglets has been hopping up onto a limb out of the nest. 

He is heading over soon to confirm that that is the case this time.

New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

that was home from work not lunch Where is my brain At work LOL Looks like on the map its only me But the map could be wrong there has been times I'm not on the map and I am on the blog

JudyEddy said...

AWWW JEWELs that was a nice moment thanks for sharing I have never had any expericence like that I am oh so open to it but nothing I though for sure one of my parents maybe or my BFF Denise but nothing then I thought maybe Terry but still nothing

JudyEddy said...

LM LM LIL BRO is all spread out looks funny and no Missy yet

JudyEddy said...

I love the way he looks up at Missy cocks his head and sort of goes upside down when he looks

JudyEddy said...

feathers are falling down on him

JudyEddy said...

BRO is preening his chest

JudyEddy said...

and in is food and bro goes for it Missy is flapping and down she is

JudyEddy said...

I had the cam going when she landed Missy is messing out on food being she like it upstairs

JudyEddy said...

Missy went to get the fist and Bro pecked at her Belle is just sitting there

JudyEddy said...

should have been missing out on food Belle needs to take the fish and I think she is thinking about it she keeps looking Poor Missy is hungry tooo

JudyEddy said...

still got the cam going Bro has it in his talon and he tried to pick it up Belle is taking it now

JudyEddy said...

He won't let her have it here she goes again trying to take it but no luck

JudyEddy said...

looks like he maybe grounded not sharing or giving it to her when she went for it two times Belle is digging at flugg now

JudyEddy said...

she is moving flugg digging and moving Bro still has the fish and Missy is watching Belle is still digging in nest at flugg

JudyEddy said...

Missy is moving a stick on rail and Bro is still with the fish Belle has black on her beak from digging in the flugg

JudyEddy said...

Belle wants the fish tug of war big time and she wins yeah I have it recording she is now feeding both piglets

Mema Jo said...

BIG TUG OF WAR Belle won the largest piece and is now feeding both of them
The tug of was was from the talon of Missy and the beak of Belle!

JudyEddy said...

That was cool huh JO the tug of fish I did record it also

JudyEddy said...

DAD to the rescue he dropped in another fish but poofed right away

JudyEddy said...

this is the link to the tug of fish video I shortened it to the tug of war part
Tug of fish with Belle and LilBro this is the youtube page not on the blog

JudyEddy said...

LM while watching races and recording the nest

Hoda said...

Wonderful take off from Belle from eleven and drops below the nest and through the trees. She fed the eaglettes and they cleaned their beaks...I will miss the intimacy of those feedings. Missy hpps to nine branch and Bro exercises his wings...all is indeed well

Mema Jo said...

Off she goes having fed Missy and Bro.

Missy branched up on 9
Bro has the whole nest to practice

JudyEddy said...

Belle poofed and Missy jumped back up to the 9 branch Lil Bro is practicing wingersizing

Mema Jo said...

Hi Hoda - Has your day been well spent

JudyEddy said...

and Missy is back

Hoda said...

Missy did not stay up there long she is back in the nest.

Good video JUDYE thanks.

JudyEddy said...

It was a longer video but I just wanted to get to the point Belle tried to take the fish on several different occasions then she started digging in the flugg as if she was mad she couldn't get the fish I am upload it also I have so many to upload

JudyEddy said...

boy I need to proof read that last sentence makes no good sense LOL I haven't uploaded it yet was going to wait till dark I just uploaded this one from the card without downloading in to my puter which takes a while to download UP THE TREE MISSY

Hoda said...

Yes JO it has been...
Did some cleaning and tidying up...
I find the days I spend too much time outdoors I do not do my maintenace jobs in the flat and it seems to get I vacuumed and did bathrooms and dusted and then went for groceries and then headed out to the park and the beach for a walk...lovely sunny day here and very warm. I feel happier when the flat is cleaned and things put away...soon it will be time for my home yoga practice...having a cup of green tea called Zen and it is delicious...helps me not act on my sweet tooth...
My hair is now down to my thighs and am wondering what I should do with it for my trip to the USA...

Up she goes to nine branch...

Mema Jo said...

Hoda, are you actually thinking of a hair trim rather then just putting it up on top of you head?

Hoda said...

JO I love the pictures of you and GGSON...Bless his little heart and what a blessing it is to hold a tiny little baby in your arms...Blessings to you and to your family...HUGS♥

JudyEddy said...

Does it seem odd to you all too that he hasn't branched yet? OH no he is a slo eagle LOL
I guess you can't compare eagle like you can't babies with development issues between siblings also huh

JudyEddy said...

OH HODA your not thinking of cutting your hair

Mema Jo said...

I am sure the whole family is feeling blessed with this new life!

JudyEddy said...

If you do the trim or cut YOU ought to donate to LOCK OF LOVE just a thought just in case you are

Hoda said...

JO it is this thing about flying, my hair is so very thick that if I puyt it up security in the airport will get upset. In 2001 some airport security person in the Boston airport put her hand through my hair so I would not be hiding anything I presume!!! I was taken aback but smiled and said I understand. It is much longer now and seems more of it...the way I do it right now won't do for airport security because I use a clip that is metal and my sister Hope said not to use it...the next thing I suppose is to braid it and if they want me to take out the braids I could do so...just thinking around what to do with it.
Three years ago I went to the hair dresser to cut it and she said it would be a shame because it is so wavy...I hardly ever let it out, only when I am in the flat by myself...
it invites comments and sometimes sends the wrong signals!!! LOL!!!

JudyEddy said...

wow that was a flight

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like braiding you hair would be best. No way would you wear the metal clip. I know you are excited

Look at the cam

Hoda said...

Does anyone know what JUDIE and DARTH are doing this weekend?
LYNNE's point about DIANN is also well taken, she has not been on for a while now...
Missing LINDA and I hope she and DENNIS are having a great time.

I wonder what other branch Bro could go up to? Missy claimed nine branch is there another that is equally eaglette friendly so he too can branch?

Missy is spreading her wing in this wind and it seems to be picking a gale...OKgood girl she comes down but lifts off and I thought she was going to be blown out of the nest...OK both are hunkered down now...this is a mean wind

JudyEddy said...

wow bad storm huh how long will this last at least the eagle are smart enough to stay lo

Mema Jo said...

Sure sounds stormy - at least the wind

I swear it blew Missy down into the nest..... they are both down - lying low

Hoda said...

JO what is the weather speaking of for tonight and tomorrow at the nest? Are you getting the srorm too?
I so miss ♥LYNN♥ and her weather reports...


JudyEddy said...

lost the cam

Hoda said...

Not a good time to lose the live feed!!! UGH I just did anyone else?

Hoda said...

OK I will go to the still cam...

Mema Jo said...

Yes, I think Judy and I both did.......

JudyEddy said...

got the cam back and one eagle is up get down

Mema Jo said...

I got the Live Feed up

Hoda said...

oh my is it even working? Multi coloured horizontal lines on mine and shows the eaglettes is totally plotzed at five the other moved from eleven next to it in the centre of the nest...I think it is Bro who moved...clear now...

Hoda said...

Thanks JO I got the live feed up too...I hope we do not lose it as it is a long weekend for you all...

JudyEddy said...

still cam is a mess How about you alls still cam???

Mema Jo said...

No rain at the nest but out here (30 min away) the sky is sooooooo dark.
No lightning......

Mema Jo said...

I thought Oh No lightning!

It is the night light..

JudyEddy said...

I just looked online looks like a ban of storms in the area north east

Mema Jo said...

We are getting the strong winds and rain

floralgirl said...

Pretty wicked thunderstorm here and at the nest- strong winds and heavy rain

Hoda said...

My still cam is worse off now than it was earlier JUDYE...

CAROLYN put a picture on FB of a very stormy looking sky... PRAYERS for your safety all.

Mema Jo said...

It has come over the mountain as we are getting very forceful winds and now a downpour.

Now I see the rain at the nest..
And the lightening and thunder

Our birds are very good at using their instincts

JudyEddy said...

silly eagle flapping in the storm

Mema Jo said...

Our still cam is kaput... gone..

JudyEddy said...

no good instincts here HODA which is that Missy???

Mema Jo said...

It is still raining at the nest but one of them has decided to stand on the edge since the winds have stopped

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if the lightening is scaring her silly bird I wish she would get down

JudyEddy said...

we have a rebel A storm loving eagle A storm chaser of sorts LOL I love standing in the train and going to the beach in the rain but not in a lightening storm like this

JudyEddy said...

I am recording the silly bird tooo

Mema Jo said...

She is twitching my nerves!

I hope not too many picnics were hit - hope they could move inside!

JudyEddy said...

ok maybe she is doing a rain dance LOL I don't think I can watch she is really giving me more grays Ok maybe she is going to settle down now picking at tail fethers or nest there??

Hoda said...

Just from the behaviour I am tempted to say it is Missy who is flapping her wings...I was tempted to say she has no sense but she came down from the branch so that was she is biting Bro's tail and picking on him too...she is one live chick that is...

JudyEddy said...

and now bro is flapping she is beating him with her wings

JudyEddy said...

almost like a contest I can do it better that you

Hoda said...

I hope so too for picnics JO...

Oh my now the other one has joined in I hope they do not knock each other out of the nest with thos e wide wings...I am too nervous I must admit...

Mema Jo said...

Monkey see - Monkey do
Not at the same time, please...

JudyEddy said...

they both are taking turns wingersizing and now beaking

JudyEddy said...

YEP JO thats it !!!!!

JudyEddy said...

this is hilarious who needs TV

JudyEddy said...

almost fell over it looked like

Hoda said...

Beaking and then grooming and if that youngster does not get off the railing and stop with the wing Flaps!!! Where is WANDA she needs to go up there and keep them under control...I can not stand it!!! The other joins in!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - the wind blew Missy down
and there was some food under Bro's tail feathers! So, I am not sure about Missy! ♥♥

JudyEddy said...

Were the other eaglets at the nest this nutty??? LOL

JudyEddy said...

she walks over to him and starts flapping

JudyEddy said...

Like now its your turn both are just sitting still at last maybe

JudyEddy said...

they are making a game out of it aren't they?

Hoda said...


Bloomery rd tree down on multiple vehicles. Entrapment. Structure fire in Morgan county. Multiple lines down in places. Be safe everyone. Prayers for all involved.

I hope you all do not lose power...

JudyEddy said...

well they have seem to settle down and storm seems to be loosing steam

Mema Jo said...

Hope Megan is ok....and all those in the accident.

JudyEddy said...

she went to the 9 branch but thought better of it I hope

Hoda said...

Oh my JO is Morgan County where Megan lives? or is she on Bloomery Rd? PRAYERS for MEAGAN'S safety and her family's well being. Please God.

Hoda said...

I will go do my yoga practice now...

floralgirl said...

Nope, that's in WV, Hoda, I'm in MD.
Walked away to watch the storm from the deck, that was one wicked storm to see. All's fine here, got some branches down, heavy rains, probably an inch, and very strong winds. We fared pretty good, sounds like other places got hit hard.

Mema Jo said...

Sorry I stirred things up there for a minute.

I am watching TV show 9-10

Hoda said...

Glad you are safe and sound MEGAN. Sorry about my ignorance as to the geography of things and Maryland and West Virginia and Virginia all seem rather close in my head...

There is lightening at the nest, both are sitting up facing one and two.

NatureNut said...

Hallelujah!! I hear rain!!!!

Hoda said...

America The Beautiful

God Bless The United States of America For your America is indeed beautiful...

Hoda said...

Memorial Day

For there ain't no doubt I love this land... God Bless the USA.

You all won the lottery when you were born in the USA...

floralgirl said...

No worries, it's all good :) And VA, WV and MD are all very close together, Hoda, you are correct.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hoda, we don't know until we know. Hugs.

I am home from the lake and my dum self got a pretty good sunburn today.

Hoda said...

You ask me why I love her

The Mighty USA

...and as a teen ager I heard this and I cried...God Bless America...

Hoda said...

I love that SHAR: We don't know untill we know...

Hoda said...

Aloe Verra Shar...Bathe in baking soda for the sunburn, then put cream.

Mema Jo said...

I m returning from my TV show...
I best read to know who saw who last..

Mema Jo said...

If I would have laid in a boat on the water, I would be a red beet too!
Just wait until you peel - Hope by the time of the wedding that your nose will
be good to go! love ya

Mema Jo said...

Who saw who in the nest before the darkness overcame them??????????

floralgirl said...

Last I saw,right at dark, both of them were in the nest, Jo.

Hoda said...

JO both of them were in the nest even after dark. There were a couple of times when there was lightning and I saw both in the nest facint one and two...they were sitting up.

JudyEddy said...

lightening just now at the nest both in nest saw them wasn't fast enough with pic grab

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

What a fun day! Two games of croquet and two games of Ladder Ball, ribs off the grill and then ice cream!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Judy for seeing them! Now I can close it down - more storm could come by later tonight.

Wanda I got to see all the pics of the new ggs. I'm not sure his looks are going to favor Jaydens.

Linda said...

Hello Friends!

If I read back, it will be well past midnight before I post, so I am posting while trying to catch up yet again!!

I hope this has been a good weekend for all so far.......

I see JO's baby ggson, who is just adorable, Missy and Bro are hopping around. I saw Missy Branching on Friday. Is Bro branching, too??

I apologize for not being around lately. I just can't seem to have enough energy at night to get here. It's been a busy week.

Linda said...


Today is Dennis and I's Anniversary!! We had a nice dinner tonight together.

Hoda said...

Good to see you LINDA. No Bro has not branched yet...he hopps about and flaps his wings...

Hoda said...

Happy Happy Anniversary and many many more LINDA and DENNIS.

Linda said...

LYNNE - You don't have to go to the wilderness to see a bear.

You and LOLLY can come up here one summer weekend and our resident bear may come walk the railing on the deck for you!!

Linda said...

Thanks for the info on Bro, HODA....

And thanks for the Anniversary Wishes!!

I really need to keep watching because they are just hopping all over the place,

Lolly said...

I'll be right there! I have seen bears in the wild in Alaska, and Yellowstone, but last summer I saw one on the way to go camping in CO and I was SO EXCITED!!!!

Linda said...

SHAR - Ugh.....a sunburn?? Hope you get some relief soon.

I always hat taking a shower with a sunburn.


Lolly said...

Today is your anniversary? Well, Happy Anniversary!!! Love is in the air!!!☺

Lolly said...

Oh, Sharon, so sorry about the sunburn. My, won't you look purty for the wedding? Yikes!

Linda said...

Yep, LOLLY, it sure is..... :)

Mema Jo said...

Happy Anniversary Linda and Dennis - May your love last a lifetime!

I would have posted that on our calendar had I known. Next year for sure.

Costume Lady said...


Jo, Brantley looked like Jayden's twin, when he was up to 4 weeks old, but now (6 weeks) he has changed so much. I LOVED holding him, but, shortly after those photos were taken, he threw up on my shoulder and it rolled down my back as far as my bra would allow!
Later, he threw up again, this time, it went down the front of my blouse. When I got home, later, my bra was full of 'cottage cheese'. Didn't think babies threw up like that when they are brest fed??

RACHAEL is going back to work tomorrow and her family will take turns babysitting Brantley and Karla's turn to sit is FRIDAY! Guess what that means:)

NatureNut said...

I had to go out under the carport before to welcome the rain! News man said that was storm #1 and we may get #2 later!! It rained on the big celebration they were having on the Mall. Must have been similar to 4th of July.
Thank you, Hoda, for your praise of USA! We love Canada, too!All are neighbors.
Hope the peaglets are huddled in the nest. I could only see one standing when there was lightening earlier. Guess other was in the center.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to close it down for the night

Good Night and God Bless
Prayers for wellness and happiness

**(((Lynn* Carolyn* Christie*)))**

Linda said...

Thanks, JO!

Good nigh and God Bless You!

Costume Lady said...


Linda said...

It is so wonderful to see HODA's love and admiration for the USA.

It's sad to say that many in our own country don't appreciate what they have here nearly as much as you do.

You are truly a blessing, HODA! Wanda is absolutely correct! xoxo

Costume Lady said...

Take note of the 'TIGER' on Brantley's backside...his Mama put that on him for this visit in my honor...awww!
BTW, Jayden is starting to call me Grandma Tiger! I love it:)

Costume Lady said...

LINDA, yes, HODA is a blessing to have her as part of our group. Love her zest for life, her adventures, stories, her beautiful pictures she posts on facebook and she is always full of THE LIGHT!

Linda said...

That is precious, WANDA. Grandma Tiger!!

Costume Lady said...

LINDA, all my other grandchildren call me Grandmatiger:) It's a looong story!

Linda said...

I need to get over to FaceBook and catch up there, too!!

I think I get computer burn out during tax season. When I don't have to be on the computer, I don't even turn it on!

It seems like once I get on, I can't get off!!

Linda said...

Well, maybe you'll have time to share it one day!! Either way, it sounds so precious!!

Linda said...

Well, Dear Ones....... I enjoyed my rather short visit this evening with those of you here.

Please know you ALL are in my thoughts and prayers this busy weekend. May you all have a Happy Memorial Day tomorrow as we remember those who have given their lives to protect our freedom.

Thinking of KAY and praying she is able to manage her pain. Praying for continued healing for RED as he continues rehab.

Prayers for all in our roost and beyond......


Hoda said...

Beuatiful Avatar WANDA...Or should we call you Grandma Tiger???

MARGY has not been on tonight...I hope all is well. She was going to have JAMES THE WISE time this weekend if I am not mistaken???

floralgirl said...

I saw Margy earlier today, Hoda, and she was headed to see James.

PA Nana said...

Just stopping by to say 'hello' and hope everyone has a nice Memorial Day.
God bless!

Hoda said...

Thanks MEGAN.I hope she had a GREAT visit with JAMES THE WISE.

Hoda said...



magpie said...

Hello and Good Night....
Happy Anniversary a few minutes late of the day to
Linda and Dennis....
Megan is right, I went to my favorite market in
Shepherdstown Sunday morning, loaded up with some great Megan Flowers, got them into the ground...(now they are getting watered for sure) and picked up James...
all is well, he is konked out on he couch here, and I konked out in the Chair....time to move to the real bed and pillows

magpie said...

Thanks Megan !

didn't realize that storm was going to move in as it did...heavy duty...
lots of wind and lightning and rain all righty, hope no one had any damage or problems with it

magpie said...

I had an email late Saturday night from PA Nana Diann...she's watching as well as she can, the nest and babies and all.
Maybe she can pop in and say HI soon...

magpie said...

I'm about half caught up, this page only

Hope Sleep is Sweet for all (and in the morning for any and all of our Night Shifters including JEWELS)

Prayers for wellness amongst us...

God Bless This Nest and
God Bless Us, Every One

Lolly said...

I konked out in my chair and missed all the chit chat here. Time to move to the real bed!!

Yes, Wanda, breast fed babies throw up too. Joseph projected!!! Poor baby! I nursed Laurel and she had colic.

I am so jealous of all these babies!!! I wanna nother!!!! Oh, dear, will have to wait about 15 more years!!!

Night all!!! SED!!!

Psssst....Margy...look back over your shoulder and see who posted. LOL

Costume Lady said...

Came back to say good night to my dear friends and prayers will be said for all friends and family♥

Costume Lady said...

Oh, just saw that Diann stopped by...glad she let us know she is still among us!

MARGY, if you pull a MARGY, and read this...please check your email!
And A BIG THANK YOU for that special delivery!!♥♥

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

Looks like Missy has already hopped up. I hope I (we) didn't miss a fledge.

T-Bird said...

Yes, I see the wings now. I hope she fledged from the normal spot and not on that stump.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning THELMA!

Lori O. said...

It's exciting, though it makes me sad when they start branching because fledging is next and I miss them already! :( Watching the nest, hoping they hop down and that they'll fledge another day.

Been so super busy here. My brother and SIL came down from PA to help re-do the deck and for my Bday tomorrow. We had a nice BBQ last night.

I mowed and aerated the yard with a pull thing on the lawn tractor yesterday. Hoping it helps green up and thicken the grass.

Lori O. said...

Now, I have 2 days of blog to catch up on! Better start reading!

I've missed you all...I love us!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Thelma and Lori and those lurking.

A day late Happy Anniversary to Linda and Dennis Salsberry.

Hoda I have heard God Bless America sang many ways. Thank you so much for sharing the way you heard it as a teenager. It made me cry now. Thank you for sharing it :)

Sandi said...

Morning Thelma and Lori! Just a quick check-in from my sister's lap top - today is my final day in Baltimore. So much work has been done in the past 3 days - every box has been unpacked and everything put in its new place, new dining room chandelier and hall light hung, pictures are going up on the walls, the cable and internet are up and running, and the tub to shower conversion is finished!

I have missed keeping up with the news on the blog but am very satisfied with what my sister and I have accomplished. Time to grab a bowl of cereal, wash my hair, get dressed, and get back to Mom's place. Hope all is well with my eagle friends! Have a good one!

Janet said...

Good Memorial Day Morning to one and to all....and I chant with others, THANK YOU to our military past, present and future.

Early here. Work for me today.

Had a super busy weekend....Sat was chores and get ready for Sunday, which was Olivia's 11th bday. Pix on facebook

We are into the summer temps big time and need rain badly. I"ve been watering daily. I have figs growing!! I will need to get some cheesecloth soon so I hope to have a chance of getting a few when they do ripen.

Have a superb day all. Light and healing to all....smiles!

Lori O. said...

Janet, figs are great for calcium and phosphorus. I used to feed them to my tortoise in Calif.

wvgal_dana said...

Sandi so great about your Mothers place. Sounds like you and your sister have gotten it all ship shape. Have a good day!

Just saw Missy's wing from 9 branch.

wvgal_dana said...

Well Missy just flew down into the nest.

Lori O. said...

SANDI, way to go girl with all the work helping your mom move! Sounds like a busy, heavy lifting weekend! I'm sure you Mom is grateful.

Hope DanaMO is still having a great time camping.

KAY, how are you feeling today?

GLO, good morning to you and Dex, any photo plans today?

PAULA, I hope you don't have to drive home in Memorial Day traffic!

JUDIE, what's the kitten update? Too cute, certainly!

Best Wishes for a GREAT day for every one!

Lori O. said...

You can see someone's wings moving in the upper left corner! One eaglet in the nest.

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING EALGE BUDs Just saw Missy go up the tree again I wonder when LiLBro will do it and back down she is

Lori O. said...

BOTH eaglets back in the nest!!! Where I like them! :)

JudyEddy said...

now shes is back on the 9er

WVJerry said...

Good morning and I hope everyone is enjoying this Memorial Day Weekend and everything associated with it. I see one of the youngsters is able to leave the nest now. I guess the other one will be able to soon join it soon. Haven't checked in for a while and I hope I haven't missed too much. I guess this the first big beach weekend and cook-out time as well. We might get out fishing some today...we haven't been since last Sunday. Take care all and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

wvgal_dana said...


If you are still here in comments people have been telling that the one eaglet is branching on the tree stump at 9 o'clock position.

wvgal_dana said...

Neither eaglet has fledged yet.

wvgal_dana said...

Missy just flew down from the 9 o'clock tree stump into the nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Bro was happy being alone at 6 o'clock spot (launch pad area). Now Missy wants right beside of him. She pecks at Bro some so he pecks her back.

Judie said...

Good morning.

A lovely day here to remember those who have served and sacrificed to keep our country and its citizens safe.

I watched yesterday as Bro jumped to the bottom of the branch and did some serious hopping. He was alone a few minutes ago. He's getting there. Won't be long but wish we could put the departure flight on hold.

Missed much conversation but noted a few comments.

Hi to grandmatiger and her Capt. Seems I do remember some story about that. Hmmmm!

Hi Margy, so glad you had some James the Wise time. Hope today is a quiet one for you.

Lori, sounds as if you got a tremendous amount of work done yesterday. Congrats! Grace's incision is closing up but not enough. Using Neosporin and she still has to wear that horrible collar. I feel so sorry for her.

Hi Megan, glad you got to see Margy and that she got her Megan flowers planted.

Hi Jo. Glad you're back safe in your roost. Family today?

Congrats to Sandi on getting so much done. Exhausting but gratifying at the same time.

Have a great morning everyone.

wvgal_dana said...

They both look up as something flys over.

Judie said...

Doing a Margy. Almost forgot:

Hello to Hoda the Amazing. So excited that your Dragon boat racing day was so successful. What a lot of people turned out. Enjoy today.

Hi Carolyn. Don't know if it's a work day but yes or no, have a good one.

Delayed Happy Birthday to Olivia and hi to JudyE.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Judie I feel so sorry for Grace. Having to still wear that collar.

wvgal_dana said...

Margy has the bed and Sir James has the counch. What a wonderful day I am sure they will have :)

Hi James

wvgal_dana said...

Up the tree Missy goes again. Bro is at 6 o'clock area.

wvgal_dana said...

Fox 5 tv will have the parade at 2pm today.

Judie said...

Doing a double Margy:

Pete's Pond has a giraffe grazing the tree tops. Cool to watch.

Decorah babes are all three still in the nest.

RTH babes have lots of dark feathers and their features are really clear.

Kestrel babes are all still tumbling about and starting to show their Kestrel markings.

Cannot get our live came now.


paula eagleholic said...

Morning all

Have enjoyed catching up a little on the blog

Sounds like everyone is having a good weekend...whether they are working or playing

Bro and family left last night...its nice and quiet here now :)

Nephew Mark caught a small rockfish...he was so excited :)

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Paula see you are enjoying "Paradise" and your family did too. :)

When will you leave to drive back?

Lolly said...

Good morning! Going to be a quiet day here at our roost. Our fun was yesterday and fun it was. Temperature was great for sitting outside. Yea! And, for playing yard games and the boys loved it!

Our flag is flying!

SANDI, you and your sister have done a great job! I do hope your mom is feeling great and comfortable in her new digs.

Lolly said...

Great shadow of Missy on the stump and Bro keeps hiding behind the trunk of the tree.

Costume Lady said...


I'm wondering, as was HODA, is there another branch nearby for BRO to hop up on? I'll have to search for a picture showing that part of the tree.

It is 77° here in Wild and Wonderful, going up to 92°. Hope it's not too hot whever YOUR roost is!

Linda said...

Good Memorial Day Morning!

Have been watching the shadow of Missy as she flaps her wings up on that branch. Beautiful!! But we sure will miss her when she finally takes her first flight. It would be so wonderful to have another camera shot from afar to catch the whole view of the tree and who is where!!

Supposed to get pretty hot here as well today. The house is closed up and if necessary, the air WILL go on!!

We tore out another part of the kitchen over the weekend which was some sort of kitchen table replacement. It was a huge cabinet attached to one wall with a counter top on it and bar stools. It was the 42" high counter and that is too high for me for everyday use!!

Poor Dennis has moved a couple tables from the basement up to the kitchen for me as I try to decide what I want! The fortunate thing (I guess) is we have several sizes of kitchen/dining room tables in the basement from his Mom's house and our house in FL!!

Right now he is making a temporary leaf for a nice oak table I decided on. He can't find the original leaf for it!!

Hoping everyone is enjoying their day today!

Lolly said...

Linda, 16 years ago we gutted our kitchen. Got all new cabinets and all new appiances, new was wonderful.....afterwards. We ate meals prepared in the microwave that was sitting in the bathroom. Ate off TV trays in the bedroom. LOL Nothing quite like remodeling!!!

Lolly said...

14 years ago we knocked out a back wall and enlarged our bathroom and at the same time had Jack's shop built out back. Was not as bad. Also, at that time we left for Belgium, so we were gone part of the time. Also, the contractor had a Michael and Ashley's wedding was approaching. Our bathroom is decorated with pictures of Brugge, Belgium and the curtains I purchased in Belgium. Wild, huh? It is our Belgium bathroom. LOL The famous fountain "Manniquin Pis" is in Brussels. At a store across the street from the fountain, I found a Manniquin Pis WC sign for the WC in our bathroom. Had to explain that one to the boys. LOL

Lolly said...

Missy came down for a while and has now gone back up. She thinks she is so smart branching to her new post!

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning! Yes, it is going to be another Hot One! Good for picnics as long as a storm doesn't blow up!
Daughter and family left OC area around 7am and made it home without any trouble by 9:30 (Baltimore area) I think most will stay as late as they can
and won't leave until this afternoon or evening. DanaMO & family packed it up this morning and should be on the road.
Their pics on FB of the fun in the sun in the ocean are great!

Mema Jo said...

We want to remodel Kitchen - mainly new cabinets - Bob Evans here we come!

Wanda I think Brantley just needed to be 'better burped' maybe. Vincent gets Big Burps and he is so tiny.. I'll be glad when he gets older and becomes a handful like Brantley.

Mema Jo said...

Perhaps Missy will have fledged and the 9 Branch will become Bro's branch.. It may be the only way we know that Missy has gone out into the blue yonders!

Mema Jo said...

Everyone enjoy today - I'm taking a break

BBILW to check on things......♥

Linda said...

Well, if all goes as planned, Dennis will bring in replacement cabinets only when we can move out the old and install the new, which is great.

He did it that way in FL when he remodeled our kitchen and we never went a day without water, kitchen sink, cooktop, etc!! At this point the only appliance to purchase will be double ovens, which we will have to buy and get measurements for first.

We aren't doing any major moving around of things as we don't see any other way to arrange things that would better. The good part about that is we don't have to rip up the wood floors, the 220 does not need to be moved, the new sink will go where the old one was, etc!

Linda said...

I would love to change our bathrooms in the near future, too. They won't need too much, but the cabinets are not what I want. We will save that for another year!! LOL

We have a half bath downstairs that could be converted into a full bath if we ever had difficulty with the stairs, and needed to be all on one floor.

Linda said...

LOLLY - Isn't there some yummy recipe or way you prepare and cook flank steak??

I was going to marinade and cook some tonight, but remembered that you did something that sounded really great.

Hoda said...

Good morning/ Good afternoon all.
Thanks JO for the report on DANAMO being on the journey.
Also to your daughter.

Remodleling talk is very interesting. What we go thorough for improvements is always curious to me...
I have a friend that buys houses cheap, moves into it and lives, remodles while living there and then sells for a profit. His wife is getting tired of it.

I am off to the hospital for my heart pump test.Echo W Doppler test...will check in after I go to the park after the is too beautiful to be in doors.


Lori O. said...

Good luck with those test, HODA. Will be watching to see what you have to report after your visit to the park.

LINDA, you're so fortunate to be redoing your kitchen. I would love to gut mine, like LOLLY did. My cabinets have to go. Before my Mom remodeled her kitchen she used to say, that her cupboards were bad, but "Yours are worse!" Thanks, Mom. :)

T-Bird said...

I love us too Lori. : )

T-Bird said...

I hope everyone makes a great Memorial Day.

T-Bird said...

I miss Donna. We would of had a cookout this weekend that is for sure. I've got to remember good memories and be thankful for them.

Lori O. said...

Big, big hugs, THELMA!

It's natural to miss Donna, but she would want you to have a cookout and enjoy yourself and her memories. Glad you could share with us! More HUGS!

Lori O. said...

SPLIT SPLIT is coming up!

Linda said...

Yes, LORI, I am thrilled. I hope we make it through this one!! Dennis does not seem to have the patience he used to have!! LOL

He just said the power went out in the Wood Shop and doesn't look too happy! I'm just keeping quiet and letting him work that out! It isn't like I can do anything to help!

Think of your beautiful deck and you can always dream of a new kitchen remodel in the future, right??

Hello THELMA!! Hope your Memorial Day is a happy one, even though you miss Donna. Some days are just tougher than others, especially those holidays!

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1/8/25 PM

  4:21 PM he comes in the nest with a nice load of bedding  4:21 PM. he leaves  4:25 PM. He comes to the nest with a load of bedding. He pic...