Friday, May 04, 2012


Fresh Friday thread.


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magpie said...

Thank you Steve.... I see that May 3 update on the Cam page also....
thanks for that
and I hope you have a very good day and week-end

magpie said...

Well, come on Lolly !!!
xo ☺ ♥

Lolly said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread and a big thanks to Margy Magpie for the call over.

GOOD MORNING Margy Magpie!!! And how are you this fine day?

Lolly said...

I am enjoying my lazy rushing out to mow! I am even dressed to head out....not dressed in my yard clothes.

I have three pots that need flowers. Uh oh, hold on to the check book, Jack!!!!!

magpie said...

Doing okay, Lolly, trying to squeeze 36 hours into a 24-hour day, it ain't working !!!
Hope you and all the family are doing okay, better, best !

Starting up with Best Wishes again for RED's hip deal today....

...and also God Bless our Military Personnel, on RED Friday and every day...

and Best Wishes to Everyone for a Good Day....

magpie said...

My heartthrob, Yankees ace relief pitcher, Mariano Rivera, suffered an injury to the ACL...
oh many, I am going to miss watching him pitch !!!

Red said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve.

Eagle-eyed Shar, aster seeds should only be pressed into the soil (not covered) as they need light to germinate. I didn't know that either. lol

Lolly said...

I can not have pots sitting empty, now can I?

magpie said...

I mean:
Oh Man (not oh many)

sure wish I could stay and play and be much more polite and attentive, but I must
Go Make Dough $$$
I say that and think fondly of
T--Bird every time I "borrow"her phrase ☺ ♥ xo


Lolly said...

Oh, that is interesting, Red. Certainly will be thinking of you later on in the day. Yes, strange to be going in later rather than early in the morn!

magpie said...

Hey there RED - THANKS !! On that tip regarding the Aster seeds...that you addressed to Sharon but I am going to make note of it also...

Good Wishes to day to you there Pal....

Lolly said...

It is my brother Larry's birthday today. He is 16 months younger than me. Need to go give him a call.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread.

Margy thank you for the call over.

Judie said...

Thank you Steve. Have a lovely weekend. Thank you Margy for the holler.

On to errands so a quick check.

See Red stopped by. All the best friend.

Lolly, better an empty pot than an empty pitcher.

Speaking of pitchers, sorry about Rivera, Margy.

magpie said...

Oh, an interesting Google image today also...maybe that is old news...

ain't going to make any dough doing this....

prying my fingers off this keyboard right now, screming and kicking all the way

The Royal Babies are enjoying the Royal Shepherdstown Sunshine this morning...
I saw where the meention of Turtle Shell was made ☺ guess that is what I am seeing

wvgal_dana said...

On this new thread


magpie said...

Here is the May 3 update....

from the cam page, just to save you a keystroke or two along the way:

May 3, 2012
The eaglets are growing quickly and are able to flap their wings and move around the nest readily on their sturdy feet. We have seen instances where the birds are able to feed themselves a bit from fish carcasses left in the nest. The birds must survive only on moisture from their food and on hot days the birds are panting excessively to keep cool. The young are helping in the upkeep of the nesting material, including moving large sticks and grass lining. Sometimes the adults bring in fresh green leafy branches. We have seen the adults bring in mammal remains and most recently, birds and a turtle to feed the young, supplementing the mostly fish diet.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Magpie got the feather today!

Lolly said...

Just had a nice coversation with my brother. Two days a week he and Sandy keep their grandson, Reece, who is 8 months old. Yesterday Sandy was substituting so Larry kept Reece by himself. I think that is really neat! He really enjoyed it!

Lolly said...

Time for me to start my day! Have a good one!

Mema Jo said...

Oh Margy - you got a feather in your hat

Thanks for the fresh thread, Steve.

Beautiful sunshine - Dried out the nest and Missy and Bro. When I think of eagles I think of Patience as their most valuable virtue.

movin said...


GooD FridaY aND tHE
FolloWING WeeKenD
tO U aLL.


Another somewhat overcast day in the mid-60's for So Cal today.

Another tragedy at Phoebe's I see. Crow got the eggs in the later morning yesterday... when I looked in earlier she was busy setting on them.

I hope you all have a great weekend.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Good Good Morning Jim and T-Bird

Sorry about Phoebe's nest news.

movin said...

Yeah, Mema Jo, I think the crow(s) have that nest bush marked down in their 'places to check' book now. Phoebe probably better look elsewhere.

Mainland hummers in this area usually build near the ends of long slender branches, which do not support the weight of larger birds.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Linda said...

Chiming in to wish you all a wonderful Red Friday!!

Stormy night here last night, which meant no sleep, thanks to a panic struck dog. Man has he put us through the ringer this week. Must talk to the vet for something to calm him. We've tried everything and at times we find a solution that works, but it never lasts.

A bit foggy this my brain! And it is thundering in the distance yet again. Here we go......

Linda said...

We did try the thundershirt, by the way.......

Seemed to work with the showers last week, but last night, nothing worked!

Mema Jo said...

Granddaughter has found a killdeer nest right in the middle of the gravel driveway leading into her home. She needs to put up barricades to divert cars away from the nest. I'll keep you posted as the children will be writing a journal. Yes this is Joseph, Anthony and Sophia's driveway!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Linda - With the storm our one cat was heading down the stairs leading to the basement. Those lightening strikes seemed to really spoke Marvin.

wvgal_dana said...

That is so neat Jo. The kids will have fun watching and charting the killdeer activity and eggs. :)

Linda said...

Poor Marvin :(

Dennis finally took Riley down to the basement around 1:00 am, but Riley continued to scratch, bark, name it!

Meds are tough because because by the time you realize there is a storm approaching (in many cases), and you give the dog something, it doesn't kick in until the storm is just about over!

Linda said...

Hummers have returned to northeast PA! We had our first return yesterday afternoon just as I was cleaning the feeders to put them out.

He waited around for me to put them out and was back again this morning.

Just love seeing those.

So sorry to hear about the crow that got to Phoebe's eggs. Nasty birds...


Sandi said...

Hi all, logging in from school to find a new thread - thanks Steve!

Linda, we bought a thundershirt for Bandit back in January (Red raved about the effect it had on his one dog) and it worked - when we were able to get it on him!! Now, Bandit has gotten so grouchy that he tries to bite us when we attempt to put it on, so we don't even try anymore. One thing that HAS helped with Bandit's fear of storms is that he has lost much of his hearing, so he doesn't always hear the thunder!

Sharon, glad to hear that you enjoyed the concert last night but seriously, you would have LOVED it even if the jazz ensemble had sounded terrible. There's something about seeing your kid on a stage ...

I hear it's beautiful outside. Too bad I'm stuck in a windowless classroom! Envious of those who can work from home and still watch their bird feeders, and of those who are retired and can work at what they want when they want! My paper chain says I have 24 more days after today before I can pretend that I'm retired for about 10 weeks!

Later all!

Mema Jo said...

That very well could be a tough to eat turtle in the nest now.

Mema Jo said...

Something just went splat on our lens

Mema Jo said...

Whatever it was it blew off the lens
Bro is twitching my nerves with his

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!

Dropping in for a quick "Howdy" before getting back to Operative Reports for the doctor. WV Dana, Miss Emma does indeed still have lots of hair on her body! In fact, she badly needs a haircut. She is scared to DEATH of clippers, though, so guess I'll be using thinning shears on her. Need to brush her almost constantly this time of year to remove her undercoat, which is thick. My new avatar is a recent picture of the little rascal. As you can see, she is NOT a Mexican hairless!LOL

Hoda, I have used Siri on my phone, but not much. Ken uses Siri on his phone when he's about to head home from work. He tells Siri to call my phone and leave a message that he's on his way. I'm sure that once we've had a class or two on how to use the many different apps on this smart phone, we will be using stuff much more!

Golly, just realized that this is, indeed, Red Friday! Will be wearing my red shirt, AND praying for Red, for a fantastic outcome to his surgery today!

Jo, can't wait for updates on the kildeer nest! What fun!

Jim, thanks for the Phoebe update.
That poor girl has had some rotten luck lately. I think she'd better find a new location, too. Sorry to hear about the eggs.

Well, better get back to work--my coffee is starting to kick in, so must take advantage of that. Will check back in later. HAGD!
Prayers for Carolyn & Christie, and (((Time-release hugs)))♥
I love ♥Lynn♥. I love ♥us!

Mema Jo said...

BBILW - have to get my red shirt

CarolAnne said...

Morning all,
See from now on 'Red Friday' will have an additional meaning i.e. Red becomes the bionic man w/2 new hips. Prayers that all goes well.

I may have missed mention of it, but facebookers check out Glo's "Kritter Kapture" page - pics are adorable.

Having a "grrr" day. I do not drive much due to vision issues, but do occasionally venture out to nearby neighborhoods. Because its been raining off & on I decided to take the pickup truck (instead of walk) to the nearby store. Our driveway has a big parking grass parking pad up near the garage. I always turn the vehicle around so I don't have to back out (long driveway). Well, I didn't realize with all the rain that the grass area was going to be so soft -- Truck is a big V8 and is now stuck crossways as the back wheels spun right down into the soft turf. DARN!! Tried rocking it, tried board under the front of wheel -- no luck. :o(

With take I shall wish you all a great day/weekend.

Mema Jo said...

The children have place flags all around the area of the Killdeer nest.
They are writing all this down! They are now waiting on egg #2.

Mema Jo said...

CarolAnne - sometimes you just can't
Rock & Roll and get good results! Hope you know some good landscaping ideas to get it back in shape once the sun shines! Hope hubby doesn't ground you from driving the truck! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Looking for somethng to eat for lunch...


JudyEddy said...

Just got back from Boyd Hill Park with Jordyn gonna go lay down with her I will try to be back

Just wanted to say hey and guess what they have a juve eagle 3 yrs old and I got some feathers the lady down there said I could take them they were on the ground around the cage I will be back and I also got a red tail hawk feathers so soft and fuzzy almost downey

JudyEddy said...



magpie said...

loving the killdeer nest reports and the little ornithologists Jo

darn it, well, sounds like you had the right idea for sure, just didn't work out right

wvgal_dana said...

Linda sorry for Riley and Sandi I also feel sorry for Bandit. Darn storms!!!

magpie said...

hi JudyE
hope your Florida skies are bright and sunny and after sunset...
dark and sparkly
will be a nice full moon coming up sounds like

back to work for me

wvgal_dana said...

He is 7feet 8 inches tall lives in United States

Costume Lady said...

Food Bank Truck was full of many good things...CHEESECAKES, all kinds of assortments. We will be serving our guests a classy dessert nest Soup Kitchen day:)
BUT, we got a whole bunch of pork chitterlings (think I already told that) They will go to Woodwright's Woodland animals:)

Absolutely love the Hedgesville ggrandchildren's wonderful FIND in their driveway! I can see them right now, wide-brimmed hats on and looking through their binoculars:) Gotta love those three birders!

GG says she thinks her pain level has gone down a few levels. Next shots on Tuesday.

Getting food ready for Family Friday...still missing my Denise and Brandon:(

CarolAnne said...

Problem resolved - guess I was to irked to immediately think of solution. Engage 4 wheel drive & out it comes. Duh.

Bubby cannot say a word. I am stuck driving (when needed) his durn truck from hunting camp. He totaled his car awhile back & now drives what was my vehicle 1) becuz I seldom drove it anymore 2) gets much better gas mileage (45 mile commute one way) than his truck. SO ITS ALL HIS FAULT!!

When aware of approaching storms vet recommended Dramamine tablet. Helps sometimes, sometimes not.

Oh Sandi, poor Bandit.

JudyEddy said...

MARGIE Thanks for the heads up on GOOGLE too cute it is AND I can't wait till tonight to see the skies I need to buy a nicer camera Did you all see Scott T picture of the moon last night on face book He rented a new Cannon camera before he decides to buy it almost 4T for the new one He has done some awesome pic with it

JudyEddy said...

RED I guess dr do surgery all day but that just not fair to the patients in the afternoon after to go longer without food and drinks TAINT FAIR

JudyEddy said...

WANDA loved it that the soup kitchen get gourmet desserts also

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY you ought to rent yourself out to do landscaping you are so great with it and enjoy it so have you ever thought about a line of work in it at your on leisure??? You enjoy it might as well get paid for it !!.

JudyEddy said...

.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥


JudyEddy said...

This picture is of Jordyn holding the feather she got the biggest kick out of it when the lady told her it was a eagles feather
She loves it down there (BoydHillPark)only 450 for both of us to get in cheap but not much besides the eagle,barn owl, greathorned owl ,red tail hawk, a falcon, and nother hawk I got pic of all of them and there is a eagles nest on the ground there also got a pic of her in it The expression on her face when we were talking about it was priceless I wish I had the video going but I didn't they have lots of trails, butterfly garden I love the butterfly chair I took pic of it also then they have two playground parks attached to it also and nice and shady

Costume Lady said...

Love the avatar of JORDYN:) Maybe if you are only 4 yrs. old, it's OK to have an eagle feather;)
Her little pocketbook is so very fetching:)

JudyEddy said...

JO WOW the nest is in the driveway they must be fast on making the nest overnight huh? Silly birds

WANDA YES she has to take a purse where ever she goes now and she has lots SOOOOO funny last nite getting out of the car last nite at dance she grabs her purse and gets her tinkerbell camera that is just pretend and gets it out to take a picture of the eagles in the cell phone tower I took one and put on facebook a friend of mine commented Climb Judy climb funny and it would be easy to do

Hey I have sort of a silly question for anyone One of the teachers at Jordyns school has just complete a round of chemo and we were talking and she told me how hard it is to find the meds that she takes that not all pharmacy carry them she has to drive to each store and ask or call is that normal Shouldn't the dr at least try to find out where she can get them??? She one time had to go to another city to get them

I sat at Angies work this am waiting for her to arrive and I watched a mockingbird dive bomb and chase a huge crow all around I had my binoculars and watched for a while Odd how such a small bird is so aggressive to a large bird OH and Gary Angies boss said he saw one in his back yard mess with the bald eagle that hangs out on the seawall around the lake at his house He keeps teasing me that one day he will find me camped in his yard

JudyEddy said...

good poop shoot

JudyEddy said...

I see Belle arrived while I wasn't looking with lots of greens

JudyEddy said...

POOF Belle as I was grabbing a picture

JudyEddy said...

This is the picture I grabbed

Linda said...


Finally caught up on the posts from Saturday evening through Wednesday, when I came back from Migraine Land!!

So many things to comment on, but many are history by now.

I fear I missed the deadline for Lynn postings and still have yet to get to the tribute site, but rest assured, I will. I know in my heart of hearts Lynn knows how very much I loved and continue to love her! I treasure the true friendship we shared! Darn migraines.....

GLO - I so enjoyed the article you wrote about the story of Dex. Thanks for sharing! Amazing how God opens doors when we need them the most!

ANDY - Awful that Emma was attacked. I am sure those Momma genes kicked in! Thankful she was not harmed, but I am sure she was shaken to the core.

CarolAnne - I can just see you in that truck!! Good on You for taking a breather and realizing what to do next! You go Girl!! All Bubby's Fault!!

ANDY - Also keeping you in prayer through this next step of finding your cousin and hoping to work things out for a sale of the desert hours. I pray this happens quickly and smoothly, as you have dealt with enough already!

I guess I better go try and accomplish something this that my important reading is complete!!


Kay said...

Looks like I'm here at the right time to join in prayer for RED ! He shouldn't have had to start fasting til' 4 a.m.. Wonder if the cafe is a 24/7 place so he could have his biscuits n' gravy ? ☺

Happy to see the whole family on the nest as I tuned in, though now Shep has flown the coop leaving Belle to feed Missy and Bro. They are closing in on reaching the size of their parents. Amazing !

Linda said...

Oh and.....

JUDIE - Glad to hear the girls are back and doing well!! My Opie is scheduled for his surgery May 14th. So far he has no clue!

Kay said...

Phoo-daddle, JUDYE, just as I clicked on the Jordyn avatar you changed it to our eagles. Put her back on so I can have a look at that adorable child, please !

Linda said...

KAY - How are you feeling today? I am sure you are counting the days.

What type of recovery are you looking at after the spinal fusion?

Kay said...

LINDA, glad you're back and hope you'll stay outta Migraineland for a good long time. Your secret is safe---none of us will spill the beans to Opie !

Linda said...

Thanks, too!

Kay said...

LINDA, the days are all running together---one big long blob of pain. I get temp relief from ice, heat, TENS, ultra red massager, Percocet, Tylenol and Gabopenten, but nothing works for long. Keeps me busy switching from one thing to the next night and day. Once in a while I grab about a 3 hour stretch of sleep and I do accumulate 8 hours worth in every 24 hours, but broken rest is not very satisfying ! I'm to be in the hospital about 3 days, starting D-Day, June 6th, a rehab facility about 12 days and then home. Predicted time for total cure is 6 to 12 months. I value your prayers as well as the postitive thoughts and prayers of so many Momsters !

Kay said...

CAROLANNE, you do so need that golf cart ! Is it still available ?

WANDA, G.G.'s pain being down is happy, happy news !

JO, love the pic you've painted of those darling great grands watching the Kildeer nest and learning so much about nature right there in their own yard !

LOLLY, Reece is 8 mo. old already ! Seems like only a month or 2 since we celebrated his birth. Happy Birthday to his proud Grandpa !

♫♪HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, dear CAROL HAGER ♫♪ Hope you'll join us here soon !

Linda said...

Wow, that is a LOT, Kay! 12 days in rehab? Must be because it is affecting your strength and walking now and because it is the lower back.

How awful that your days and nights are filled with managing your pain. I am sure it is difficult to focus on much of anything else.

Bless your dear heart, my friend. I most certainly keep you in my prayers daily and will continue to until you are healed and back to yourself without pain! It has really been a long HARD road for you and I am so thankful that you have a chance to get this behind you soon. Hang in there ♥

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, prayers for Kathryn continue. It amazes me that gall bladder surgery is now so simple and the recovery period so short ! Hurray for modern medicine !

LINDA, poor Riley and all those dogs who fear storms. My last dog, Rowdy, was a Husky/German Shepherd/Big Hound Dog Mix and huge. He tried to become a lap dog upon hearing thunder and lightning. Felt so sorry when I saw the big ol' loveable watch dog become a quivering mass ! :(

Kay said...

Thanks, LINDA, your words mean so much to me ! Julie is taking my care so seriously. She was just here to bring in some groceries, visit, take the trash out and haul away my recycleables. I'm actually glad she or one of the other kids won't have to stay with me while I'm rehabbing (is that a word?). The doc says those folks will have me doing exercises/therapy for three hours a day--bet I'll sleep well during that period ! I'm beginning to accumulate the books and mags I want to take there and I'm sure the kids will bring in one of their 3 laptops so I can catch up with you all several times a week, if not daily.

Linda said...

KAY - So wonderful that Julie is such an awesome daughter! You raised her well and must have showered her with much love for her to want to take such good care of you.

It is serious and you should NOT do anything to make matters worse. I am sure you have heeded that warning, just because the pain is so unbearable if you try to overdo!

Thinking of preparing for that time is a good focus! Even though it will be work, it is also wonderful to be "in house" and not driving to and fro for two weeks. Then when you are not doing exercises, you will get proper care and rest.

It all sounds good, KAY and praise God for the news of this opportunity to free yourself from this awful burden you've been living with for way too long!

Mema Jo said...

JudyE I sure hope you got that fly in with the fish by Belle - Shep was in the nest and when Belle landed Missy took over and did Mantel it. Feeding herself - what a sign of growing up

Mema Jo said...

Missy snaps at Bro - we'll see if she leaves any for him..

Mema Jo said...

This scene in the nest reminds me so much of Ms InBetween taking over!

JudyEddy said...

KAY I put pictures on my misc blog of today venture to Boyd hill park the one with feather is on bottom

Jordyn today at the park

Mema Jo said...

So sorry most of you are missing this scene - Mom finally got the food and
Missy is getting feed by Mom. She had to be starving - never saw such big bites. Lit' Bro is going hungry

JudyEddy said...

I didn't get any video today at all been out just got home a bit ago after taking Jordyn to angei at 430 sorry JO

JudyEddy said...

I put a pic just like what they are doing on the album looking out over the edge with a parent nest to them Pretty Belle

Kay said...

JO, can't believe they were eating again ! Belle was feeding both when I tuned in at 4:00 ! Shep needs to bring in more food !

JUDYE, thanks for directing me to your blog. Love the pics ! Great one of you two girls together and I love that butterfly bench. You are providing Jordyn with such wonderful things to do and so much of it centered abour wildlife. Good on you !

Kay said...

Time for meds, food, etc...

Thinking of you all a lot and prayerfully ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

"abour", how did I type that when I meant around ??? Yep, time to renourish and rest ! ☺

wvgal_dana said...

Just got back from Mothers.

JudyE the pictures of Jordyn are so good, she is such a pretty little girl. :)

Love your pictures!!

Kay so very happy some relief is coming and that you will do rehab at a facility. Yes your kids will definitely be visiting you!!!!♥

wvgal_dana said...


When Ed was so sick and the dr. wanted him to take a certain medication. If couldn't be found anywhere we went. Had to order from Canada no help from doctor. :(

wvgal_dana said...

CarolAnne I kept thinking about you as I was driving into my Mothers. So happy :) you tool a rest. Pulled that truck right out of there ... YOU GO GAL!!!!! Still hubby's fault lol

Linda so glad you have gotten caught up on the blog. Sorry for the reason that put you behind. Glad you are feeling better.

Sandi said...

Hi all, home from school. Had to run - literally - to the bank to get a check deposited from my Line of Credit at one bank into my checking account at another bank. The bank that is doing Mom's loan wouldn't approve her for the full amount she wanted to borrow to cover the cost of the new condo until she sells her existing place. So we agreed to "gift" her the difference so she doesn't have to drain all her savings. When she sells her place, she'll repay the gift. Once the funds clear, then my bank will do a wire transfer to Mom's checking.

Kay, good to see you on the blog today, even with your pain.

Linda, good to see you on and pain-free!

Jo, love the kildeer nest story; how wonderful for the kids to get to watch from egg laying through hatching through fledging! Like Wanda said, i can just see them now with their hats and binoculars and their journals taking notes about everything they're observing!

wvgal_dana said...

Sandi good way of taking care of your Mother♥

Linda said...

Bear Cubs

From our friend's yard today!!

JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

check out the resuce of the eagle here Eagle resuce I love how he handels the chicks I posted another one but it was longer this one get right to it

JudyEddy said...

MG Bound Eaglet rescue. Baby had been trapped in a damp portion of the nest. When rescuers arrived, baby was found in weakened condition, covered in feces and maggots. Rescuer said eaglet would be taken medical for a check up, good cleaning and a good meal.


Judie said...

Jo, too cute with the kids keeping watch over the kildeer nest. Children can be so wonderfully kind.

Kay, sorry you are having another pain day. All will seem a distant past after the surgery.

CarolAnne, so sorry about the truck mishap but sooooo glad you got it unstuck.

Happy to have you back Linda. I'll mark the 12th for Opie's surgery. At least with males, it isn't major like females.

JudyE, so happy about Jordyn's feathers but please use caution on the blog -- certain people covet such things and may resort to dastardly deeds -- especially if trying to make an Indian head dress.

Happy Birthday to Carolyn Hager. Hope the day has been a special one for you.

Babes were plotzed when I looked. Nest is very windy.

Audrey and Grace are sound asleep. I think the adrenaline anxiety rush has worn off.


Judie said...

Oh, seems there was some crisis at a BioDiversity eagle nest. Not sure which one. Injured eagle/eaglet. Seems a rescue attempted to tried. Need to search their web sites.

Judie said...

Oops, JudyE posted the information. Thanks!

JudyEddy said...

Did I forget to say that the eagle feather she is holding was from a display in the building ;^)

wvgal_dana said...

Good story JudyE "thumbs up"!!!

Judie said...

JudyE, many thanks for posting the link to the eaglet rescue. Fascinating. Will hope for it's survival. About the feather, just jerking your head dress. lol

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon everyone!

KAY, it's so good to see you on the blog. Hate that the pain is so bad. Counting the days until 6/6. Prayers, of course. ♥

LINDA, you're back and migraine free today! YAY!

JUDIE, how are the kitties doing? These two sound delightful!

CarolAnne, 4WD is a great thing. Sorry you got into that mess in the first place. :)

RED, prayers for your surgery and recovery. Hip Hip Hooray!

JudyEddy said...

30,0000 closer to us
11:30 tomorrow nite is the
and this was just on our news too
PAUL said so

Linda said...

Thank you for all the welcome back greetings!! It's always nice to be loved ♥

I'm busy putting away some of my goodies from the raffle gifts!! Just love the candle, bird print bag and tea towels. Have put out my egg soaps in their little nests, too! ♥

Looking for that perfect place for that eagle sculpture, but Opie jumped up and wanted to chew on the eagle feathers right away! That one will have to go up very high till he is no longer a kitten!

JudyEddy said...

that should have been miles closer to us

JudyEddy said...

turtle again

JudyEddy said...

and we will have unusually high tides

Hoda said...

I have just gotten back and to say HELLO.
A busy day and I have not read back. Did not have a chance to chime in this morning so will go read back and then post. A good day full of appointments and lunch with a friend and yoga and meetings as tomorrow I will go out on the Dragon Boat and it is cold and there is a lot of activity and Garden Fest activities are already a happening. I volunteered to dig in a friend's garden to bring her donations to garden fest which takes place on the 12th of May, just in time for Mother's Day. She has had hip surgery and does not garden yet so I said I would help her and then take her donations to be priced for the Grans to Grans table ...

I enjoy seeing Belle feeding the chicklettes/the juvies...I wished PAULA would tell me if I could start calling them juvies yet or not...SHAR do you know?

JudyEddy said...

this is the juvies I got to see today soooo pretty

JudyEddy said...

I just put this picture and a couple other pictures of the birds we saw today on the Misc blog with Jordyns pictures

JudyEddy said...

They are still working on the turtle

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

C/A you rock, so glad that you put this huge truck in 4 wheel drive and got it out...good on you gal good on you.

PRAYERs for RED...I hope the surgery went really well for him.

CAROLYN pleased to hear that the Doctor was pleased with CHARLIE'S progress...yes you keep on the medication, you will know when it is time to get off. Proud of you and CHRISTIE. HUGS♥♥ I miss your MOMMA♥.

ANDY thank you for telling me you use SIRI...did you have to do anything to get it set up? Let me know what you did...I read the instructions and have not started with it yet. Good that your husband uses it when he is coming home from work...where is the area you put information about yourself on the phone? Apparently SIRI needs that so it would know how to function. I have not put any information about me on the phone yet...LOLLY do you use SIRI?

Hoda said...

Cool pucture of JORDYN JUDYE...I agree with KAY about wanting to see it bigger.

KAY sending you much love and Light and hoping that you manage your pain for the next feww weeks till the surgery ♥

Hoda said...

Make that picture not pucture!!! LOL!!!

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...
wow, I worked over, and guess who I saw coming in the door at 5:45:
The One, the Only:
Jewels !
well, it was well worth having to work over to see her today ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Hoping the transition back to the
world of 9-1-1 goes smoothly,
Sweetness II

(( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Neat, about your leaving the note on the chair for Momma...

Linda, Hope Riley is back to normal today, and you too, and that all the carpets and things are getting back to normal also...

Doing a little speed-reading here...
absorbing but not able to comment on most of it, for now

magpie said...

Full Flower Moon officially becomes full
Saturday, May 5 at 11:35 pm Eastern time...

going to look mighty FULL, Super Full when it rises for sure...

magpie said...

You are as busy as you always are....
you, and Andy, and many many others, in fact, EVERYONE on here busy busy busy, was thinking today how nice retirement would be...☺

magpie said...

Reading the bird counts, but probably too fast....
are Towhees on the list ??

I can say that I hear them and have seen them....

but not here at my Roost...
but at my brother in law's house...

magpie said...

Gotta shake a leg and disappear from the computer already, sigh....

Oh! I have Johnny Jump-Ups in my little garden out front, overwintered from last year I guess

will try to have a look-see here later on and see what's a'happening.

Hoping that all is well in all our Eagle Corners, with special emphasis on WELL! Red, Linda, Kay, and many with ailments, that means YOU'UNS...

xoxox ttfn
God Bless Us, Every One

glo said...

OK what is that eaglet doing standing on the edge of the nest argh. They surely are growing up. It seems so fast.

magpie said...

let me say that LOUDER !


The E-M Album for Lynn, is Magnificent !!!
Thank you ever so much for setting that up, I shall have pictures to add....
God Bless You !
xoxo ♥♥

JudyEddy said...

HODA here is the link to the pictures and there are pictures of the juvie eagle that fell out of a nest in 2009 and was injured he can't be released because of his injury can't fly Jordyn pic and birds of prey from today

Mema Jo said...

It just now looked as though BRO was going to peck Missy! lol

JudyEddy said...

HEY AURDEY AND GRACE when your owner JUDIE is in bed get on the puter and let OPIE you know him (LINDAs) what he is in for WARN HIM tell

Leave no evidence and the end of the it will self destruct LOL

JudyEddy said...

and JO there is another turtle shell should be at 11 or 12 that is where Belle was feeding them Ok I am going to watch TV first take a shower

Mema Jo said...

Linda - that is a lot little cubs!

Red - Praying you are finished in surgery and resting comfortably under the dosage of a good drug!

For some reason this has been a blah day for me. A little nausea still in the morning but that is all. Hope I perk up as tomorrow is the early Mass & Brunch for Graduating grandson.

Mema Jo said...

From the looks of our nest - it is Open
Turtle season - sunshine brings them
out to sun themselves..
Thoughts of Myrtle!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Jo Myrtle is safe out at Lynn's. Myrtle fed herself for years, she will be ok and she will eat. Thank God Myrtle is not where our eagles are. :)

Lynne2 said...

Evening all. Gorgeous moon out in the southeastern sky, looking forward to SUPER FLOWER MOON!

Saw a Baltimore Oriole fly right past me while I was, uh, in the "nature observatory" this morning! I thought that might be the song I've been hearing the last 2 mornings.

The Buntings and Grosbeaks are gone today.

Our female Cardinal "baldy" was getting a LOVE MEAL from her mate right on the banister at work outside my window this morning!

Jewels said...

Here I am at work. :( going ok so far.
Was super happy to see Margy aka Momma II when I got here!
Trying to be chipper cheerful,think I am pulling it off. LOL
Jo, aka Momma III please feel better!!!
Anyone and everyone else I may have missed, feel btter too!!

magpie said...

sure hope you are going to feel 100% before the night is over - BIG Exciting day Saturday, Congratulations to the Graduating Grandson,wow, another "GG" amongst us

magpie said...

Mighty Handsome Moon out tonight...

Awhoooooooo, that's a Magpie howling at the Moon

magpie said...

There's our Gal !! Hi Jewels...
oh, so glad you have our Berkeley County Backs at 9-1-1 tonight !!
Thank you xoxox

Lynne2 said...

Thinking of Carolyn as she is working this evening for the first time since Lynn passed.

Glad to hear the Dr reports on her and Charlie were good!

JO, so precious that the kids have found and are protecting and monitoring a Killdeer nest! Looking forward to hearing updates as things unfold!

Prayers that Red is out of surgery and in recovery by now and that all went well!

Good to see Linda back and sure hoping the Riely is over his problem now!

Now, Kay, I can't wait til we get YOU all fixed up and better....I'm picturing a future nest gathering where the bionic Mom/Dadsters are doing the JIVE with new knees, hips and stable backs!

Lynne2 said...

Oh, there is the Jewels!

magpie said...

I have seen one Baltimore Oriole on the wing, but DID hear a beautiful Wood Thrush this evening....
only Rose-Breasted Grosbeak I am going to see is the one on my WV Wildlife License tag, unless I take some Road Trips !!

magpie said...

oh yes thanks for the reminder Lynne2 -
Carolyn,very happy of good medical reports for Charlie and You also...
Keep up the good work...

well, have some chores to attend to...

ttfn xoxox
Thinking of all SEEN and UNSEEN here...

Lynne2 said...

Steve and I sat out when I got home this evening and heard the WT just singing away!

Lynne2 said...

Geesh, looks like Kay is getting more weather tonight....

Lynne2 said...

We had a DOOZIE of a storm last night! I'm happy to report that Daisy didn't too too badly!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne so happy Daisy did well during the storm.

How does Steve like his job?

stronghunter said...


Hunter had a baseball game tonight. Doesn't look like this is going to be a winning season. The game was stopped due to the "slaughter rule." I think the score was 18-2.

stronghunter said...

He and Kathryn went over to another game on the adjoining field. One coach was Coach Charlie, his former coach and the other was his school counselor, so they had good visiting.

Judie said...

JudyE, Audrey and Grace say they have been in touch with Opie but they are not feeling his pain -- boys are easy -- not major surgery. Like a in and out the same day.

Shirley, sorry about Hunter's not-so-good baseball season. As you know, if he's staying positive, that's all to the good. Hope Kathryn is relatively comfortable.

Carolyn, I'm sure being at work is a bit difficult but maybe also a way to redirect your thoughts for a while. Sometimes we need to take a step back from grieving to regain a sense of perspective. Hugs!

Hope Family Night was fun Wanda and GG is still feeling less pain.

Have given the girls their pain medication and they are sleeping now. I am about to do the same -- sleep, that is.

The sandperson will be departing this abode shortly to begin sleep dust deposits. Wishing everyone restful sleep.

Lolly said...

Hi all! What a glorious day Jack and I have had! Went out and bought some plants together, came home and planted them together...I like that! Then we checked out the sprinkler system. This involved turning on the different zones and checking to make sure all head are working and no obstacles to the spray heads. We had to do some trimming and ended up being soaked. LOL We were playing in the sprinklers....and I won the T-shirt contest!!!!! After cleaning up we enjoyed wine and beer on the back patio. Then had dinner on the patio....and right now we are getting rain. Yes!!!!

Lolly said...

This is a perfect time for more rain....we needed it!

HODA...I have used Siri but only playing not seriously. I like to ask "Where am I" and she responds instantly with my location. Fun when traveling. Joseph has also played with it. I have told Siri to call me Grandmommy and responds " I will call you "Grandma Me". LOL Then Joseph gets on and tells Siri to call me something else. Bless him!

Linda said...

Time for Tom Sweetie....

LYNN is watching from above, for sure!

wvgal_dana said...

Blue Blood is on tv going to watch it.

Mema Jo said...

Judie - Isn't Opie Linda's cat....

Now I forgot the names of JudyE's
Bennie and the Jet Whew! Thought I was losing it again!

stronghunter said...

Going to wind things down for the night and see you all tomorrow.

Thanks for your concerns about Kathryn.

Good that Carolyn has gotten back to work.

Hope Jo is feeling better.

Glad Judie's kitties are recovering.

Linda said...

JUDIE - So true on the surgery for boy cats vs girl cats!! I will drop Opie off around 8am and will probably be able to pick him up at 4pm. His only set back will be coming out of the anesthesia!

Funny story on a female stray we took in a couple years ago. We starved her the night before, took her in for her surgery, only to find out she had already been fixed!! I think the vet caught it before putting her totally under! That's no fun!

Linda said...

Yes, Opie is who we were talking about!! That's my boy!

Linda said...

Yay, DAISY!! Glad you "weathered" the storm and allowed YOUR parents to sleep last night!

Mema Jo said...

Our eaglets are restless - just moving and trying to get comfy I think.

I am calling it a night and going to get a sound sleep I hope.

Good night to all and Bless you.
Prayers for healing & pain free days.
Love to Christie and Carolyn
** (((Lynn ♥))) **

Hoda said...

Well I have been on the phone with a friend outside of Boston for over an hour...Good conversation.

Very good to see you here CAROLYN. I am glad you and MARGY crossed paths on the way in and out of work...good connection.

JO I hope you feel better very soon.Great about the graduation... I love how you nurture your family and give them so m uch love and support.

PAULA love you and miss you. When you have a chance chime i n please...

Linda said...

HODA - Siri is GREAT!!!!

When you text, if you touch the little microphone next to the space where you would ordinarily type, you can dictate your text!

If you are typing an email, you will see the little microphone where you type your message and dictate your email.

If you press and hold down for a couple seconds the home button, Siri will double beep. You can ask all sorts of things. You name it!

You could say find the closest grocery store, coffee shot, specific named restaurants, stores, etc. You could say locate a specific address and then ask it to give you directions to that place from where you currently are.

You can even dictate what you would otherwise type on the blog.

It is really amazing the things you can ask Siri and the answers it has. It will ask you if it can check the web for things it does not know in its database, too!!

Linda said...

HODA - Sometimes Siri doesn't type exactly what you meant to say, so you have a chance to correct the text before you send it. Or the email or the post.

Hoda said...

WELL!!! LOLLY I asked SIRI where do I live and she told me not sure and I will play you a yoga song!!! How does it know I like yoga...she then kept say no match found and I could not find a way to turn off the song!!! It is all your fault because you said you asked her where do you live and she you think it is my accent???LOL!!!

Linda said...

One more thing, HODA, and then I will stop taking up so much space on here!!

You can double tap on words that are misspelled and change them. It will sometimes give you suggestions. You can cut and paste what you have already typed or dictated, just like you can on a computer.

Sometimes it is difficult to get exactly where you want to add something in the text or where you want to make a corrections, but you can use your thumb and forefinger to enlarge the text to see it better.

Play around with it and you will find more and more things!!

Personally, I get frustrated trying to operating on such a small device, but on the go, it's awesome!!


Hoda said...

LINDA SIRI played me a song!!! A wonderful yoga song but I did not ask it to play me a song and I did not know how to turn it off so I turned the whole phone off!!!Have you had that happen? How do you turn SIRI off?

Linda said...

No, HODA, I have no idea what that was!!

I guess you could press the siri button again and tell it to stop the music!!

Lolly said...

That is so funny, Hoda! Just press the button and she will be off. I find if I do not speak naturally she does not understand me. If I space between words she does not get it..but just talk..I do better.

Lolly said...

The storm is over. We were blessed with four tenths of an inch. It was unexpected, so we are very grateful for it!!!

Linda said...

HODA - It may be that the "location services" are turned off, which is in your settings.

Maybe because you have the cellular data turned off in the network settings like Sharon told you (to save on the cellular data and be sure you are using WiFi), it cannot use any location services or GPS to determine where you are.

The song thing is confusing!!

Linda said...

Some rain is better than no rain, right LOLLY??

LOLLY - When you are away, do you read and post on the blog through Safari or email? I found a blogger app, but whenever I go to it, it takes me right to my pictures. I may have set it up incorrectly.

I don't like scrolling through everything to get to the bottom to post on the iphone.

magpie said...

Wow, that nest IS bright !
Sounds like a GREAT DAY Lolly,
how about some pictures of you in your Winning Costume !
Oh, baseball disappointment for Hunter, but glad there was some good consolation visiting

Siri, hmmm, sounds very fun.

Bedtime here at THIS Roost...
Thinking of all my Precious Pals...

and Special Thoughts and Hugs for Christie and Carolyn

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One


magpie said...

Wow, that nest IS bright !
Sounds like a GREAT DAY Lolly,
how about some pictures of you in your Winning Costume !
Oh, baseball disappointment for Hunter, but glad there was some good consolation visiting

Siri, hmmm, sounds very fun.

Bedtime here at THIS Roost...
Thinking of all my Precious Pals...

and Special Thoughts and Hugs for Christie and Carolyn

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One


magpie said...

...hmmm, thinking of you folks so much it double-posted!

Thinking of RED and hope all went A-OK today

G'Night xo

Linda said...

A stuttering good night to you, Margy!!

God Bless You....


Hoda said...

I think SIRI has never heard an Egyptian Canadian French accent and got confused and thought I needed a song...good ideas about how to turn it off LOLLY and LINDA. I have the GPS turned on because I asked the phone to tell me how to get to my hotel in Spokane Washington and it chose the same route that I chose from the map and this made me feel confident!!!I have the data thing turned back on LINDA and it is not using it up unless I go to the blog page...I had to turn it on to use itunes and down load songs from my computer to my funny that SIRI chose one of my yoga songs!!!

Hoda said...

The nest is very bright.
Goodnight MARGY

Linda said...

Well Dennis slept MUCH less than I did last night and I am sure he wants to catch some good zzzz's tonight.

Not hearing any thunder or seeing any lightening, so hopefully we are in for a quiet night of sleep!!

Sounds heavenly!

Special prayers for KAY tonight ♥ that your pain is manageable as you await your surgery!

Special prayers for RED as he recovers from his other hip surgery! Praying you have a good first night out of surgery.

Special loving prayers for CAROLYN and CHRISTIE tonight and every night through this very difficult and sad time in your lives.

May you all have restful sleep and may your bodies heal through the night!! Lots of gardening aches and pains this week!!

Love to all....

Night xoxo

PA Nana said...

I know it's late, but greetings from PA.

Wanted to post yesterday but had major computer trouble. Finally got the problem resolved.

Must share with you since I know you will understand my excitement.
Yesterday we had a strange visitor at our feeders. Had to look it up but it WAS an Indigo Bunting!!! It was feeding on the ground and we weren't able to get a picture without scaring it away. I was so excited!!!!

Haven't seen it since because Max & Teresa are here and we've had other things to occupy our time.

Thanks for letting me share. It's so hard to keep that kind of info to ourselves. Yipee!!!


Lolly said...

Heading to be now. But first, Linda, I use Safari. I even have an icon on my phone for the blog. I press it and the blog comes up. Cool!

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Lynne2 said...

DIANN.....go to my Facebook page!

Lynne2 said...

lots and lots of IB, RBGB, Oriole sightings in the past few day per the online lists....we got really lucky!

Jewels said...

whoooeee, been busy in here... can't do anything but as Margy says make the dough $$

Costume Lady said...

LINDA, don't feel bad, I have not posted on LYNN'S Tribute page yet, either. Although, I did post once, but it was not posted. I will try again in the morning~




Hoda said...

CAROLY making the dough is good...pleased the time is passing well and that you are busy.

Hoda said...




Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I'm here to say goodnight. Haven't read back or caught up, so hope I haven't missed anything important.
Will catch up in the morning.
We're watching the bulldogs this weekend again, so it was a busy evening. Also got all the grossery shopping finished.

Have said prayers for everyone, especially for Red, Kay, Kathryn,
Linda, Carolyn and Christie. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. I'm heading to bed before I do a face plant! Love all of you! Love ♥Lynn♥! I love ♥us!

DanaMo said...

WOW the babies are up early. I'm ready to head out.
So much going on I haven't been on the blog. Miss you guys!

Sandi said...

Morning DanaMo and Lori! Have a good run, DMo!

Sandi said...

We've got the whole family in the nest right now. Shep arrived with a small fish, which one of the kids (Missy probably) claimed. Then Belle arrived. Now, Shep just poofed. One kid eating. I really can't tell them apart from this angle.

Sandi said...

Missy is definitely hogging the fish and Belle is making no attempt to take it away from her and/or to feed some to Bro. Belle just poofed. Looks like Bro either has to man up, or be hungry. Right now, he's just standing there watching his sister have breakfast!

Mema Jo said...

Good very early morning for me..
I see some ground fog around the nest..
I hope Lil' Bro gets his share with the next fish. It's now survival of the fittest since they can feed themselves.

Must get moving down the road shortly
Take care and enjoy your day
I'll be back this afternoon.

Judie said...

Good morning.

So tired these days. Falling asleep very early. Waking early when I feel the batting about of my hand which is apparently the "feed me" signal.

Jo, have safe travels. Opie is Linda's but JudyE was encouraging Audrey and Grace to sneak a message to him about the surgery.

Okay, guess I'll have to check into Safari and Siri and all these other new people I have never met. Sure seems as if they are "know it alls."

Hoda, a get rich quick scheme: invent an app that understands/speaks with an Egyptian Canadian French accent. Have a great time dragon boating today.

Diann, what a treat to see an Indigo Bunting. Hope it returns and stays for a while.

and a shout out for: Carolyn, Lori, Linda, Margy, Andy, Lolly, Lynne2, Wanda, Sandi, and DanaMo.

Off for some coffee. BBL

stronghunter said...

Good morning from the Frederickzburg zone.

I see our two eaglets at opposite ends of the nest. No adults there.

stronghunter said...

Have my coffee here beside me.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Sandi (at school), DanaMo (at school), Mema Jo (just down the street), Judie, Shirley and Lurkers. :) We are missing Lori this morning?????

magpie said...

G☺☺d Morning Eagle Pals...

Wishing everyone a super duper out for all those yard sales and people stopping like right now!

Best wishes to Jo on the Glorious Graduating Grandson Day....

magpie said...

We are not too far from



Sandi said...

Morning WVDana, Shirley, Judie, and Jo! Dana, no school on Saturdays. Retired people are fortunate to be able to lose track of what day it is!

Oh, looks like Margy just jumped on as well! Hi Margy, I rarely seem to be online at the same time as you!

magpie said...

Hi Sandi!

I am not online most of the time, so I am missing being here with a lot of you....
but it is nice to SEE you on this Saturday on which you do not have to work ☺
work outside the home that is...

Sandi said...

Sadly, I have seen NO indigo buntings, NO grosbeaks, No bluebirds, and NO orioles here! Just the ordinary ones, though I still love seeing them. And I've seen both male and female hummers at the feeders, which makes me happy. Am hoping that I'll see my crested flycatchers return to the nestbox just outside my window this year.

Lynne2, I did fall asleep last night to the sound of the great horned owls talking back and forth outside!

wvgal_dana said...

Wow I have lost a day again. Did that with my meds too. I'm on Friday meds. lol

Thanks Sandi for brinning me up to date.

Oh I am just now having my 1st cup of coffee hee hee

@Margy are you out yard sale hopping?

magpie said...

working, Dana....

I always work on Saturdays except for when I can get a day off...

and I never do yard sales hopping


magpie said...

Oh my the American Kestrel is sitting on the edge of the bird box can see some of the eggs and her glorious tail

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