Friday, May 04, 2012


Fresh Friday thread.


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magpie said...

Six beautiful eggs all in a circle.....

wvgal_dana said...

Jo the wood duck we watch laid her eggs BUT DON'T GO THERE!!!! On April 7th snake entered box. Killed female wood duck ate the eggs. There are pictures. The site is the Cornell Site we watch

There is another Wood Duck called "Woodie" we can watch at

Eggs should hatch Mothers Day Close up Cam1

Cam 2 further away she has laid 17 eggs

NatureNut said...

Hello, Hello!!
The U Stream Osprey Cam at Patuxent is now online!!! Yippee. I've seen 2 chicks so far, but they're being covered, and we're real busy.
Have a great day!!!

stronghunter said...

I would probably lose track of the days except that I have Kathryn and Hunter around to keep me on track.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Hope all is well at the nest. I guess I should open the cam and have a peak :-) Enjoy your day.

Linda said...

Good Morning Friends!

Now that I have had my coffee, what next?

Maybe I should ask Siri.......

Just wish I had the "desire" to do all that I need to do here today! Well, I will give it the ole college try.......

Judie - you are probably tired from reading and trying to make sense of all those papers this week! All that frustration wears one out!

Lolly said...

Good morning! A beautiful morning, sun is shining and everything is so green and beautiful! Read the paper on the patio and now need to finish up my coffee and head to church. Need to do a little work in the garden there.

Dinnner at friends this evening. Looking forward to that!

No pictures, Margy, of the wet t-shirt contest. That would have scared everyone!!!It certainly cooled us off!

The nest is a real mess. Want to reach in and remove that stick.

JudyEddy said...


IB ABC right now is a cool show on saving the birds in Hawaii use to be 15o now down to only 4o different one now pretty cool

Today I am off work to go to Jordyn dance performance at at retirement home this afternoon

I went back and checked and made sure it wasn't me that made a oops I did say that OPIE was LINDAS kitty I thought I did but thats ok

I just got up about 15min ago so still need to finish getting caught up not to many to read this am

magpie said...

You would have not scared me, only made me very envious probably ☺

reminds me of looking forward to water balloon and squirt bottles adventures in the near future

magpie said...

good for you JudyE - got a day off for a Jordyn thing

Good Morning More Eagle Pals
xo ♥ ☺

JudyEddy said...

I love the commercial on TV about SIRU but to me that's a little scary to personal for a machine for me to do all that Sounds like HODA is having fun with her and her knew phone

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

I am off now....time to start my day. Need to eat a bite and get beautified to present myself to the world. Scary right now!

Have a good one!

JudyEddy said...

This is the third Sat I have off in a row I love it I have to find out when next months dance is to put in for it also Will try to find out today Have to have it two to three weeks in advance because our schedules are made in advance Ok I need to go in to LM and go take a shower and get ready to go to Angies its at 1

stronghunter said...

Looks to be quiet on here today. Our two eagles are at 11:00 and 12:00 on the nest.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!

Dropping in for a quick hello before getting to work again on the doctor's reports.

Have been over to take care of Sis-in-law's bulldogs, and went out to breakfast. Miss Emma is practicing her tennis ball catching--she gets it at least half the time before it even bounces!

Still haven't had time to catch up here--may be too lengthy a task at this point. Please let me know if I've missed something important!
Gotta get back to work now. Will check back in later. (Oh--so, so sorry to hear of the Wood Duck getting killed by the snake! Aargh!):o[ Later, alligators. I love ♥Lynn♥! I love ♥us♥!

Lolly said...

Wow, really slow on here today. Have been to church to work on the garden. It looks good. Now going to work on the house which I have been neglecting. Uh oh!

See Shep in the nest with the peaglets. They seem to be feeding themselves as Shep watches.

Lolly said...

Oh, that is funny. Missy is coveting her food. Shep has tried to get his head in there and she has pecked at him and he pulls back. Being sassy is what she is doing. Not nice!!!!

Hoda said...

WOW!!! Shep came in with a live squirrel. Missy took it and mantled and is not letting any one near her. Bro went to Shep for food and he goes to Missy to see if he could help her out...she is just picking on the fur and is not getting any really. Bro comes closer and she gets aggressive...I think lunch is no longer alive...Shep is just stanidn there watching Missy...Uh oh...bro drags the tail out and they pull on either side of the squirrel. Shep gets in between them and now Missy has it all and she is not sharing... Shep and Bro are watching her...she can not get into it and she is not letting Shep help either, she actually pecked Shep when he just reached to help her now!!!

Lynne2 said...

Oh nice, I arrive in time to see the siblings fighting over a dead squirrel.

Hi all!

Hoda said...

Missy finally lets Shep in to help her with the meal. He is picking on the fur and the two eaglettes are watching him.Bro takes it and Mantles and Missy goes in under from behind and takes it back...Shep is just watching... Missy is immitating Shep's motions right now in deferring but she is not getting much...

Hoda said...

Missy leaves it and Shep takes it and she gets into a tug of war with him...shep lets go and she takes it again and is trying with it but nothing is happening.

Hoda said...

Shep poofs.

stronghunter said...

That looks pretty limp. Eaglets are fighting over it.

stronghunter said...

That squirrel . . .

stronghunter said...

Missy eating. Bro trying to get some.

stronghunter said...

I guess Missy is eating. Not sure if she got anything yet.

stronghunter said...

He must have gotten some while I was typing.

stronghunter said...

She is watching. He seems to be eating.

stronghunter said...

At least I think I am identifying them correctly.

stronghunter said...

Okay, now more competition over the squirrel.

stronghunter said...

Bleah, furry food causes head shaking.

stronghunter said...

Shep brought in something. Grabbed and mantled by one youngster.

Shep working on the squirrel. Other youngster watching.

Hoda said...

In comes SHep with more food and Missy again mantles and takes it away. Bro was busy working on the squirrel Shep takes it away from him and wokds on it fur, Bro takes it away from Shpe but very quickly gives up...Missy is whimpering on her new delivery and she seems to be eating. I did not see what it was that was brought in...a fish perhaps? Her back is to the camera and is at eleven spot. Shep is at six and Bro tries to take it away from her and she mantles and moves to five with it...

stronghunter said...

Okay, I think it was Missy who ran over an grabbed a huge beakful of squirrel. Not easy to eat.

stronghunter said...

Shep is now working on the squirrel. Both eaglets watching.

stronghunter said...

Hi Hoda!! Good afternoon.

Hoda said...

HI SHIRLEY... I left for a short while to prepare something to eat...It was cold on the water this morning.We had fresh snow on the mountains and I was surprised to see how low down the mountain it was!!! I loved being out on the water. Very pleased to remember from last year. I could not recall it in my head when I was trying to imagine what it would be like on the water...yet once I was in the boat I remembered...I saw ducks and geese and the mist was on the lake and it was lovley really.I feel very blessed and very grateful.

Hoda said...

Diane, RED'S wife posted on Facebook that the surgery went alright Friday night and that he is resting well. WANDA sent MOMSTER greetings to them.

Costume Lady said...

You know what?...Making comments on here is kind of like Double Dutch Jump Robe...just have to find the right time to hop in:)
Not finding the right time to expand on a conversation, but I would like to comment to LOLLY about my pretty columbine seed that I accidently got from her.
It bloomed very pretty, for the first year. but the bloom have all fallen off. I went out to check and see if 'seed pods' were forming and found that not only that they were, but the plant was FULL of new bloom buds, so in about a week, it will be full of yellow, tinged with pink blooms. Love this plant!
No rain here, yet. Hope it holds off for a few days...we are 'all wet':)

magpie said...

Aaaah I remember Double Dutch Jump Rope, Wanda, how neat to be reminded of it... ☺

think we could still pull that off ???

magpie said...

Hop Scotch was a lot of fun too..

Endrea: I LOVE that avatar of Emma, so royal looking she is !

Oh goody, end of my workday approaches

magpie said...

oh bother!

that woujld be Andrea....
not Endrea....

magpie said...

GREAT Hoda, you are back in the water ! Seems like it came around fast...

Thanks for letting us know about RED, well, those of us that might not be able to check Facebook

Yay Red - Bravo... !

magpie said...

Happy Saturday Evening Eagle Pals...
see you later


Hoda said...

Missy jumps and flaps her cute!!!Makes me nervous when she does it ont he railing though!!!

Hoda said...

Bro immitates Missy but for not as long nor as high a jump.

Hoda said...

SHAR if you are close to the computer/ iphone chime had a busy day at work yesterday with not too much sleep. I hope it went well...

Lolly said...

Just peeking in. Giving myself a pedicure...gotta paint thos tootsies, right, Wanda?

I am so glad you are enjoying the Columbine, Wanda. Mine are about spent now and I have let them go to seed. Time to start cutting them back. Was doing a little of that yesterday. Also cleaning up daffodils now. The greenery has withered and it is time to get rid of it. Always something to do in the garden.

Linda said...

Good Afternoon!

Guess I missed all the food action this afternoon. Nest looks pretty empty now!

Sissy and Bro look like they are either in time out or are mad at each other! Both at opposite ends of the nest; both facing away from the center of the nest; both not moving!! You'd think it was a still shot!

Hoda said...

Eagle lands in attic. Camera shakes and rattling.

Hoda said...

Eagle takes off from attic? Camera shakes and no talon sounds.

Jewels said...

Here it is work time again... Good late afternoon everyone. Wishing I was home watching the Kentucky Derby!!!

CarolAnne said...

Trying this again . .
Posted when we got back from grdson party - but I don't see it.

Looks to be calm at the blog & nest -- that is good.

Had an early morning visitor to our feeders. Up early w/dogs. I could see something coming down the dirt road. When it got close enuf to make out what is was - SURPRISE - a DUCK! Waddled down the road and across the yard to the feeder. First year we've had ducks come to the deer feeder.

Sun finally shining here so off to get some yard things done.

Take care all!

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta the Osprey cam is great. I had it already in my favorites waiting for the hookup. Thank you :)

wvgal_dana said...

I am really done in today.

Home to Sharpsburg Pike then back to home.

To Mothers from there to Charles Town to help her get some things she needed. Then back to her place. Left there to get something to eat. Then back to her place. Then home to my place.

Got something to do here but it won't get done today. Tomorrow is run, run again.

Lolly said...

Flicking my finger on my iPhone! :). We are headed to friends for dinner!

Hoda said...

Belle comes in with a large fish...Missy is so funny she runs over right away and tries to mantle but it includes Bro and Belle holds her ground. Missy backs off and Bro is being fed right now.

Hoda said...

LOLLY watch that flicking of the finger when you are out to dinner!!! LOL!!! Leave the iphone in your purse!!!

Hoda said...

...and here is CAROLYN have a great time at work and I hope it is not too busy. I could report on the horse race but I do not get it here...

Hoda said...

This is very interesting...Missy stole a large portion of the fish fish from Belle and went to six position and Belle went right after her and she mantled and Belle let her be and returned to feed Bro...Missy has now finished and she went back to Belle and Bro moved away.Belle poofs.

Hoda said...

CAROLYN this is for you:

I’ll Have Another Wins the Kentucky Derby

I’ll Have Another, at 15-1 odds, won the 138th Kentucky Derby with a late surge against Bodemeister, who led the pack for most of the race.

Lynne2 said...

I would have bet that horse. Not only does it's mane look like my hair, the name "I'll Have Another" is in reference to what the owners says when his wife makes chocolate chip cookies!

Hoda said...


Jewels said...

Yes that is the horse that was named after the cookies that the owners wife made. LOL too funny. Oh how I love the horses!!!
Thank you Hoda!!! I cannot wait to watch it. I did have my daughter record it for me!!

JudyEddy said...

this is tooo funny Belle landed with turtle I guess Missy stole it and Belle just took it back and off course I am downloading pictures of today and wasn't recoriding it Just got home Wow long day

Hoda said...

Belle brings in more food and Bro grabs it. Adult in the attic and Belle takes it away from him and is doing the feeding.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

I finally have a few minutes to watch our nest and read the blog. Been trying to read at least some each day, but that's all I've been able to manage.

Had to work today, and it's probably been the longest and one of the most trying weeks at work.

Missy is a real peaglet! Bro is more mild mannered. Loved the replay about the squirrel!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is still feeding the turtle to the kids. Missy is getting nearly all of it.

Anyone notice the lightish gray patch on their breasts? I don't recall seeing eaglets with that coloration before...guess they still need some feathers there.

Lynne2 said...

Don't know what the skies are looking like where you all are, but it's very cloudy here. Don't think I'll be seeing the SUPERMOON tonight.

Sandi said...

Oh dear, another turtle in the nest?!

What a gray day it turned out to be here! The sun was out in the morning but then the fog rolled in and it stayed misty and cool all day long.

Glad to hear that Red's surgery went well.

Hoda, thanks for the great reporting of today's nest events!

Lynne2 said...

Yeah Paula, looks like Brood Patches!

paula eagleholic said...

What is the whitish thing at 6...oh Belle just grabbed it, nevermind. Think it's a catfish jaw.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle just left with the trash, LOL. Grabbed the white catfish head bones, or whatever it was, and left.

Hoda said...

MEMA JO MEMA JO, Belle just took off with your turtle she coming your way?

paula eagleholic said...

Turtle shell is at the 5 Missy is going to pick at it.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh was that the old shell?

paula eagleholic said...

Missy is laying on the turtle shell now, Bro standing at the 3 spot

Hoda said...

It is OK JO, PAULA says it is catfish head bones...just so you would not have thought any on us got your turtle shells and no one rated you out!!! LOL!!!

Lynne2 said...

Jo has just posted a picture of the GGKids Killdeer nest over on Facebook!

paula eagleholic said...

Bro doing some wing flaps

Hoda said...

make that ratted you out...not rated!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I did get to watch the Derby...loved the name of the winner!

magpie said...

Saturday Night Date night and the peaglets are plotzed out

Hi Paula....hope the rest of your short week-end will be GOOD !!

xoxox Hi to Nick Also

paula eagleholic said...

Well, I brought some work home, so I best try to get some done. Will keep the nest up and try to check in later.

magpie said...

I was listening to as much of Prairie Home Companion as I could, figuring that Kay and Seth were also, and maybe even Malcolm

Hi Jewels !!! Hope the night is a good one for you...once again, comforted that you have 9-1-1 for this county for us tonight

Lynne2 said...

Hope you will be able to just RELAX tomorrow, Paula! Should be a pretty day!

magpie said...

A Woman's Work is never done, Paula...hope you get some playtime Sunday (( Hugs ))

I'm doing laundry

Going to the Baltimore Aquarium Sunday with the Two Jameses, can't wait !!

magpie said...

cloudy here also for the Full Super Flower Moon

magpie said...

cloudy here also for the Full Super Flower Moon

Lynne2 said...

oh how fun Margy! Such a neat place! Now, when you get to the Rainforest, look for a Blue Macaw...her name is Margaret!!!

magpie said...

laptop...not my strong suit
ttfn xo

magpie said...

OK Lynne2 - Thanks, I will !!

I am at my brother in law's - that's why I am on a laptop by the way, just taking care of some things here...
heard a turkey gobble this morning...
ok back to chores xo

Lynne2 said...

Too much cute!

Baby Screech Owl Cam!

I know, I know, just what you need, another cam to watch....LOL!

Lynne2 said...

Think I'll go get my shower and then read for a bit. Such a pretty night out, I have all the windows wide open and there is a nice breeze!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lynne for the Baby Screech Owl cam...really cute ones !!!!

JudyEddy said...

The moom is stunning soooo bright

Hoda said...

PAULA Very good to read your posts this evening. I am sorry you brought work home, I hope it gets done and you have time to relax/play tomorrow.Very glad you posted.

Hoda said...

I can hardly wait to see the moon when it comes out here JUDYE.

MARGY stay well and I hope there is not too much emotional dealings with at your are such a dear and a great help...HUGS♥

Hoda said...

I added it to my favourites LYNNE. Thanks.

stronghunter said...

Pretty cloudy here. I did get a glimpse of the moon.

stronghunter said...

Or at least part of it.

paula eagleholic said...

Must be my lucky clouds here...full moon is gorgeous :)

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to tell you all about the program Well Jordyn was a ham the hole nights before the show had started she keep getting on the stage and dance to the music Everyone loved it Only two girls showed up for her part and two others this wasn't mandatory just a entertainment they had competitions last week and next week so some didn't attend or I should say most didn't but it was still a nice show with 4 girls

JudyEddy said...

I don't think I go to bad of a picture with my 5X zoom

JudyEddy said...

I will share my moon with you HODA ok

JudyEddy said...

I just realized I didn't eat today but a sandwich no wonder I am hungry

Hoda said...

JUDYE you mean you took this picture of the moon??? As you would say cool beans!!! Yes do get something to eat, a sandwich is hardly enough to keep you going for a day.

Hoda said...

Glad you saw it PAULA and that it is clear at your end...SHIRLEY some clouds, but you did see parts of it...I will wait to see how it is here when it gets dark...

JudyEddy said...

Yep I took the pic HODA Pretty thing she is

Sandi said...

No moon here, only clouds! =( But I CAN hear the ocean with the slider open.

Prayers for Carolyn and Christie and for Kay! ♥

Headed to bed - goodnight, my eagle friends!

Jewels said...

I want to hear the ocean Sandi!!!!!!

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Lynne2 said...

I see the Super Flower Moon is shining on the nest....not here though :(

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening - I have a beautiful big bold bright Super Moon above my home - Sorry some of you can't see it.

I have had a very busy busy day. I am about to collapse but I wanted to check in first. Missy and Lil' Bro are flaked out!
I put pic on FB as there are now 2
killdeer eggs in the nest in the driveway.

Mema Jo said...

On FB DanaMo is teasing us with pics
of her in her pool! It looked so

I'll have to say I had a full morning -
I did get some time with my daughter and just me... It was good as she is hard to get to sit down. My grandson was so handsome - Jacket & Tie.. But at St Jose's that is the daily dress.
He (his mother) gave me a corsage!
How sweet is that.

stronghunter said...

The moon has now come out from behind the clouds. It looks large, but not that huge yellow moon that we sometimes see on the horizon.

Hard for me to go downstairs in the dark.

Mema Jo said...

FYI: No turtle drop :(

Mema Jo said...

Am I the only one missing Lori??

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. I will see you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to close down..

Good night everyone and God bless you
Prayers for all your needs
**Carolyn & Christie ** ♥♥
** (((Hugs Lynn ♥))) **

magpie said...

I am missing Lori too, Jo

Sounds like a Splendiferous Day Jo, I think that is a Kay or Lori word...

magpie said...

And Good Full Super Flower Moon Night to All...

Thinking of Christie and Carolyn, always, and Lynn, Forever

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

paula eagleholic said...

I chatted with Lori this morning for a few minutes...she's ok, busy with work and yardwork.

Grabbing a snack and heading to bed. Didn't get all my work done, so I'll finish it tomorrow.

(((Hugs for all)))♥

Lynne2 said...

Heading up soon too. Going to read a bit more first though. Still no moon here...UGH!

paula eagleholic said...

is that a fox??

Hoda said...

PAULA, were you hearing a fox? I missed it...

I too was missing LORI and posted something on FB because it reminded me of her...Vultures video...Thanks for letting us know she is OK PAULA

Lolly said...

Hi all! We are home after a very pleasant evening. We recorded the race and just watched it. Very exciting and it will be fun to pull for I'll Have Another at the Preakness.

Moon is shining through thin cloud cover here.

Costume Lady said...

What a beautiful day we had here in WILD AND WONDERFUL WV! Even though it clouded up a bit, we had no rain which made for a great evening of grilling and having supper on the deck. Not often that it works out that's either too hot, too windy or, too tired:) We even managed to play a full round of Yahtzee. Capt. Gene won most of the games...he always does. I am usually the winner at Scrabble, but we don't play that very often. Maybe I'll take up Poker:)
We did get to see a bit of the moon through the trees. Already some photos showing up on facebook, but none from Denise yet~



Costume Lady said...

Oh, most definately, LOLLY, toenails MUST be polished.
Maybe you recall my feeble attempt to paint my toenails a few weeks after my surgery and I pulled something, maybe scar tissue, in my knee. Hurt something awful when I had to pedal the bike at PT! Well, I finally got the deed done about 2 weeks ago without any problems or pain...LOOKIN GOOD:)

Kay said...

Up for meds and just caught up with all the Momster doings n' viewings. It's all good ! Missy and Bro are maturing so well, proving Belle and Shep make an award winning parental team !!!!

MARGY, Seth and I were right there in MN with you--what a good PHC, huh ? We missed the Derby, but Seth pulled up the results after our Cinco de Maya dinner and we were pleased. I love underdog wins and will now pull for I'll Have Another in the next two Crown races !

Here's hoping I can keep the pain under control through this next week. Eldest, Eileen, her daughter Dana Kay and their boyfriends will arrive Friday afternoon. We'll all go to the second of Seth's two perfomances in the school play. I know what attending will do to me because of the recent Nat'l Honor Society ceremony, but I MUST be there. Everyone will stay at Julie's and I'll see them as much as possible on Sat. and Sun.. After that's all over it's going to be a hard two week wait for D-Day, but I will survive. Thanks for prayers---they'll get me through !

Prayers for all in need ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Kay, you definitely have our prayers, our love and our support.♥

Time to head to bed. It's nitely nite time! Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

KAY I am with LOLLY...PRAYERS PRAYERS and MORE PRAYERS...I hope you are gone back to bed and are rested with yoru sleep.

Hoda said...

PAULA I am so sorry that you did not finish all of your work today and that you will have more work to do are a real trooper you are and I hope you finsih tomorrow early and have some play time maybe in the afternoon.

Hoda said...

Oh the nest is so very beautifully lit....Missy and Bro are asleep "side by each"!!! I love that expression...

Hoda said...




stronghunter said...

Could not sleep, so I am back.

Oh Kay, I hope you will feel well enough to enjoy the school play.

stronghunter said...

Good night again.

Jewels said...

Looking at the online journal... Mom's official obit is published. Made my heart hurt something bad. Crying inside and have to wait till I leave here to let it all out.

Jewels said...

I see the moon, the moon sees me. The moon sees somebody I want to see. So,
God bless the moon and God bless me. And God bless the 'Somebody' I want to see.

That is me singing to the big beautiful moon tonight.

Hoda said...

God Bless you, God Bless the moon and God Bless the SOMEBODY you want to are indeed a JEWEL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good Sunday morning my eagle peeps.

Hoda said...


Hoda said...

Have you finished all the transcripts you had to do? Did you get enough sleep? Did you get the text message I sent you or did I send it to your landline???

Hoda said...

I am going to go give my bed another go... back in a few hours...

Sandi said...

Morning Jewels, Sharon, and Hoda ... also DanaMo and Lori who I'm sure will be on soon!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oops, I forgot to log Eagle-Eye Shur out. This is Thelma. Give me a moment to log myself in. : )(

T-Bird said...

I think I've got it now.

T-Bird said...

I hope you can sleep Hoda.

Sandi said...

Oh, sorry Thelma. I thought the words sounded like you - good morning my eagle peeps - but the name said SHAR. So, good morning back atcha Thelma!

JudyEddy said...


glo said...

Good Morning everyone. The sun is shining . Wow it is really still there. Had a wonderful day yesterday. Dex and i off with a friend to surprise another friend opening up her chocolate shop in a really nice location. Its fun to surprise people. :-). Enjoy your day.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone! Lots of Momsters up early this morning!

Me, too. I've been doing my weekend work for the station ...and caught up on my Words with Friends!

I can feel how sore I am from all the gardening I did yesterday. Tells me I've been inactive for a while!

JEWELS - So sorry for your pain. I still feel Lynn on the blog and miss her old frequent posts so much. She was always a joy.

T-Bird said...

Does anyone know what to do when your Facebook dos-note show any posts.

Sandi said...

Thelma, not sure what you mean. Are posts from others not showing up on your FB? Or did you post something and it didn't show up?

I just read on FB that Reach Out Rescue and Resources, where Lynn got Liesl, received a 2012 Outstanding Achievement Award yesterday from Animal Advocates of West Virginia.

JudyEddy said...

Here is a update on the Minnesota eagle
Minnesota eagle update

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Everyone won't name because a lot of people are up. :)

JudyE thank you so very much for that update on "Harman" the eaglet from Minnesota. Hoping they get to put him back in the nest. Praying Mom and Dad Eagle accepts "Harman" back if they do get him back.

Janet said...

Good morning to one and to all. It is Sunday. HAd a busy Saturday: groceries, my granddaughters Soccer game adn then I put in my raised garden. It realy didn't take very long...but it was sure hot out there!

Today is play day.....out on the boat in a bit. I am tired this morning, good thing for coffee.

Gonna peruse comments a bit and then get breakfast and raise the family from the beds so we can hit the water for some tubing, fishing and general down time.

Have a superb day! :)

wvgal_dana said...

Have a grand day on the water Janet and family :)

Janet said...

Thanks wvagal. I am SOOOO looking forward to it. Gonna start breakfast : sausage, biscuits and gravey (i think i'll have something else, dont' like the gravy)....hugs to all! water water here i come!

Lori O. said...

I'm off now to take care of a neighbor lady for about an hour while her husband does the shopping. She fell down the stairs last week and cracked a vertebra/disc (?) and broke both wrists - one is all pinned back together, but both are in casts.
So, prayers, please for Margy Allen, please. She would appreciate a speedy recovery and less pain. ♥

Judie said...

Good morning.

So good to know Red's surgery went well and he is on the way to recovery and those biscuits and gravy. Hmmm, speaking of b&G, seems someone else like that combo also.

Jo, so pleased you had a good time yesterday. Please use today to relax.

Kay, you are a trooper and I'm sure the effort it will take to see your grandson in the play is deeply appreciated. Hoping today will be comfortable, at the least.

Carolyn, good to see that the doctor is pleased with Charlie's progress. Prayers continue for all the family.

Paula, sorry about the heavy workload. Do get some time for yourself today.

JudyE, confused about Jordyn post. Was she auditioning or was she in a pretend performance? Thank you for the MB eaglet update. I suppose the term is cautious optimism.

Wanda, think about what you said and ask if there is some reason you and the Capt play more Yahtzee than Scrabble. lol

Glo, what a nice idea to surprise your friend. What a nice idea to have a chocolate shop. Bet that friend is the size of a toothpick.

Okay, off to catch up on the newspaper, finish laundry, and then do nothing related to wannabe adults.

Audrey and Grace send hellos.

Judie said...

Oooooh, Lori. Serious empathy for Margy Allen and a boat load of wishes for a quick recovery. Being completely helpless is so challenging both physically and mentally. I wish her well.

Judie said...

Um, doing a double Margy.

Hoda, about that turtle shell, no one ratted anyone out and that's our story and we're stickin' to it!

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, what a good friend you are to help out. Hope Margy Allen has a quick recovery.

Missy and Bro laying next to each other, think Bro has his chin on her now, so cute

paula eagleholic said...

and yes, thank goodness for coffee!

paula eagleholic said...

Bro up doing some wing flaps

glo said...

LOL Judie Its not fair to eat chocolate all day and be a toothpick is it :-(. Oh well I will enjoy my chocolate and I will not be leaving this world in the shape of a tooth pick at all!!!

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all!

So, I opened my email this morning, and I get email notices from FB for friends with birthdays this week. Lynn's b'day notice was there.

That was rough....

paula eagleholic said...

You all will love this....

Buddy's Debut at the NBG Eagle Festival

paula eagleholic said...

Shep just arrived with a fish...not sure which chick has it

paula eagleholic said...

Think it is Missy

paula eagleholic said...

Missy is at the launch pad eating her fish.

Shep has departed..Bro standing at noon

paula eagleholic said...

Amazing how quickly they have learned how to eat a fish themselves...

Bro has moved to the middle of the nest, watching Missy

paula eagleholic said...

Going to fix some breakfast, then try and finish my work.

Overcast here today...

paula eagleholic said...

Missy stil working on the fish, Bro still watching and picking at things in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Bro went for the steal but came up empty beaked!

Mema Jo said...

Missy really reminds me of Ms InBetween and the way she could always grab the goodies & Spunky and Big Boy would just look at her eating.

paula eagleholic said...

Shep in again....if he brought something Bro got it

Shep checks out the fish Missy was working on, but she grabbed it back.

Bro at 11, back to cam, think he has something that Shep brought in, not sure

paula eagleholic said...

Missy back to eating her fish

paula eagleholic said...

Big cam clunk

paula eagleholic said...

Bro looks to be eating at 11

Lolly said...

Good morning! Just watch Shep fly in with something and the peaglets going after it. Whoops! Cam just shook!!

Hoda, I am beginning to think of you as the woman who never sleeps. LOL You are on when I go to bed and here when I wake up! I slept til 8:30 this morn. 8 1/2 hours sleep.

I am ready for church, but need to eat a bite. So, have a great day. I'll be back after church!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, and HODA Jack said there is an email from you. He is at the computer right now....I will email you back my cell phone number. (((hugs)))

FuzzleMT said...

Who suggested "Missy and Bro?"I know it's consensus, but I was wondering who suggested it -

paula eagleholic said...

Missy is done eating, Bro is still eating at 11

Irene, I called the eaglets those names one time, and it seems to have stuck

Mema Jo said...

Thelma I see your entire page - took a moment to all show up - but it's there.

GOOD MORNING I am just trying to read
up before speaking but -
Hi Lori! Yesterday when I came home my mother's day presents were all potted and beautiful flowers everywhere! I love those kind of gifts!

Great video update, Lynne on MN eaglet.
I sure hope he makes it.

Mema Jo said...

Kay you are really getting prayers big time for your comfort at Seth's performance and with the family.

paula eagleholic said...

I started calling them that, more than once! It wasn't instantaneous...

Mema Jo said...

I always get Herald Mail Hagerstown News alerts and this kind of news makes
me so sick to my stomach......

Two Williamsport High students killed in crash. The boy and girl both 18, had been at the Williamsport High School prom. :(

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, hope you can make it through those visits OK without too much discomfort...

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, that's awful, Jo

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Need to check out some more lawn sheds today.

FuzzleMT said...

Oh, thanks, Paula! I can't come to the blog often anymore and just wondered how it came about - glad you were present to see my question so you could answer so soon!

Hoda said...

Good morning/ good afternoon all.

Thelma I see your facebook page and it seems in order. I will post on it and see if it goes through...

Beautiful day here...I will go dig in a friend's garden to help her with her donations to Garden Fest.
She has had a hip replacement and is not yet able to garden so I volunteered from the Grans. I will have some tea with her afterwards.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle in with wushi at the launch pad...she is really panting....both chicks hanging back, think they know not to mess with Mom! They are peeping...OK, she is going to feed them...they are both in good position to get some and whomever gets the bite first gets it!

Hoda said...

Belle arrives with fish and is vocalizing the whinning sound both Missy and Bro go to her and neither one mantles. she is feeding them and both are grabbing bites. It is a good size fish.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like they are both getting an equal amount!

paula eagleholic said...

Lunch is over, Belle has departed. Turtle shell still in the nest, upside down at around the five spot, in with the green leaves.

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1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...