HODA, thanks for the heads up on Megan's flowers, I can't wait to see them. Seems like everything is blooming here now, except Day Lillies and they have buds.
PAULA, hope you get lots of work done...lots to do here, too!
My work as a caregiver was extended to 2 1/2 hours when grumpy hubby took advantage of his time out. I didn't mind. Kate stopped by with flowers and we gave Margy a sponge bath, then I took care of her mentally handicapped 30 yr old daughter. That was a trip! Colleen, the daughter, wouldn't stop using the toilet paper and plugged up the toilet! I was so afraid her Dad would be grumpier, but he said she does it all the time. Whew! Anyway, thanks for your prayers for Margy. She is feeling much better now that she's bathed and has cleaner hair. :)
Didn't make it here last night--fell asleep in front of the TV, and woke up really LATE.
When I took Emma out to go potty early, early this morning, the Full Super Flower Moon was showing, in spite of a heavy overcast. Got a picture--will have to post it on my blog later today. Have more transcription to do, so gotta stay on task today.
Lori, good to see you! You've been missed! Have added Margy Allen to my prayer list. Prayers for pain relief and a SPEEDY recovery.
Prayers continue for Red--glad he's doing well!
Kay, continued prayers for some major pain relief for you!
Paula, thank you for the Buddy video!!
Jo, so sorry to hear of the 2 students killed in the accident. Prayers for their families & friends.
Have really enjoyed the posts regarding the interaction between Missy & Bro. Gosh, they're getting SO grown up!
Judie, Emma says "Hello!" to Audrey and Grace!
Have been thinking of ♥Carolyn & ♥Christie, and of our dear ♥Lynn♥, too. Prayers for you two!
Well, gotta get back to work. Have a fantastic Sunday, everyone! Will check back in later.
Hello Everybody. Hope you're having a super Sunday. Techie stuff at Park yesterday was a Tale of Terror.Computers should get thrown in the River!(except for pollution) Couldn't complete transactions, cash register wouldn't frank checks--kept them in the printer part and all the info got printed on the back of check! We started hand stamping--always works. Ended up writing down all the transactions for later, called Help line 3 times, rebooted 'puter three x's also.Was able to get everything entered 1/2 hour before quitting! I wasn't on here last night because I konked in the lounge chair after dinner! Enough of that! If anyone needed the Pax Osprey link, I didn't have my "Blue Thingy" 'structions with me~~~ Patuxent Ospreys
Altho no one had checked the computer ye4sterday AM, the first nest showing was the older cam #1 nest that has the solar panels and lots of plants around it. They have eggs, The nest showing now is cam #2 next to the boat ramp. This one showed most of last year. They have one chick and one egg.
LORETTA, which one of those nests are the one we watched when we visited there? We talk about that place often...lovely visit. Remember that it was suppose to rain, but it didn't until we were on our way home. We had a wonderful picnic and Gregg was a Super Tour Guide! And, you were a gracious hostess:) Our dear LYNN was with us♥
Hi, Wanda. Just got back here. The nest showing now (if it's the real close up) is #2. When going down the walkway to boat, it was on our Right!Can't really see it from parking lot, as the tasll plants block it. The original cam nest, #1 is right out in the open and you can see it a little to the left from the boat ramps. It had separate platform w/ ladder, rectangular solar panels.That's the one I sometimes take pictures of with the nest and panel reflection.
Gotta leave 'puter for awhile, but hope little Harmon's M/D come back. Saw video before his release & he had a puncture wound they treated, but I have tyo find if hw was attacked or fell out of nest.
JUDIE yes she was doing a performance but before it all began she had decided to entertain everyone with the music that was being played so funny she was so worn out she had been at Dance in the morning for her Sat class and then in the afternoon for the show they do it just for fun and the entertain Asst living places
Paula, thx for the MN info. I can hardly watch as chick is peeping and parents haven't come back yet. I know they can stay away for a long time, but it's getting dark & windy!!!The Power people left a Comment in the chat that both parents were on elec. wires when they left w/truck.
I can't see the video Judy, says my account doesn't have access.
Boy, it is hard watching that baby alone in the nest. Glad the parents are nearby. Still, seems like all that peeping would attract some unwanted attention. Especially after it gets dark.
Who is Harmon LYNNE? Shep is eating and the chicklets are not getting a single bite. His back, tail side, is to them. He jsut came up for air an picked on another empty turtle shell but he is getting something from it...
Harmon is the remaining eaglet at the Minnesota nest. The other one fell out and died on Monday. This one became stuck in the muck in the nest, so they went and got him out on Friday, cleaned up his wounds, and returned him to the nest about 2 hours ago.
I've been pretty busy doing doctor's reports all day. Have just one more to do today, and one last one tomorrow morning. Will do today's after dinner. Maybe by then my eyes will want to focus correctly again.
I've been following my plan of taking Emma out in the back yard to go potty on the weekends. However, today she has been really nervous about even going out back. The neighbor's German shepherd has been in their back yard when Emma's been in ours, and the ornery critter has been barking like a mad dog at both of us, and bouncing off their side of the fence. (She's not happy when anyone, human or canine, is in our yard.) Poor Emma's reaction is to nearly jump out of her skin, rush to our patio door, and beg to be let in the house. Lynne2, if you have any advice on what to do to remedy the situation, please let me know. Thank God the fence is cinder block, and very high, because of the neighbor's swimming pool. Otherwise, we'd be in a real mess! I am worried, though, because hot weather is coming before long, and if they open their front door and have only a flimsy screen door in place, I'll be leery about going in our front yard myself, OR to our trash cans, which are between the houses!
Oh Lynne, that's great. I saw Harmon pick up one of those tidbits, but didn't see him eating. Is he old enough? Guess if you're really hungry, you'll try. He sure got food at rehab.
That's a tough one Andy....Just try to stay calm so Emma can take her cue from you. Take some treats out with you, too. If she is very reluctant, just keep her out for a minute or two, ask her to SIT, reward her, and take her back in. Take her on her leash if you have to.
Prayers for Red post surgery. Prayers for things to be tolerable for Kay until surgery.
Those eagle babes sure can make a person nervous. Almost afraid to watch sometimes. My how they're growing.
MEMA JO - when you return - My what cute notecards you have! LOL
Andy (& Emma) - can't you just report the dog barking to authorities. Just make it a barking dog complaint about not being able to be in your own backyard and don't even mention Emma & her fear.
Sure hope everyone is getting enough rest and taking care of themselves while they care for, and about, others.
Prayers & blessings to Lynn's daughters and extended family & friends, as always.
Thanks PAULA and LYNNE 2. Sorry about the drama in Minnesota nest.
PAULLLLLLAAAA!!! A fire cracker? I know the shepherd was mean to Emma, not nice...feel very sorry for her...I identify...since I got bitten by a dog when I see loose dogs around Nelson I have to admit I brace inside. The one who bit me was on a leash and I still have the teeth marks on my calf...I am OK till after I pass the dog and then I brace if I am going to be bitten from behind...there are some HUGE dogs here Afghanistani something or other hight...no trouble to bite my back I am sure!!!...having said all that I still say A FIRE CRACKER???It would make it more mean I think!!! I know you were joking too so don't worry about it. I know you love love love dogs.
On Facebook Steve is travelling, so that means we will not get a fresh thread for a while...to a place called Sewanee...I do not know if that is to or from his place. Either way I wish him a safe journey.
I saw that too about Steve...I'm sure he'll remember us in time!
And no, I would never toss a firecracker at a dog! I was going to suggest vinegar water, but Andy cannot spray that through a concrete wall! Lynne's advice is very good! Hmmm, maybe the firecracker should be tossed at the owners....no, I am just kidding!
So So So very glad there are only ten miutes before the health food store closes!!! Major Brownie of insane delicisouness attack...very serious...mind you it takes me only five minutes to get there so it is doubly BAD!!!
just got home from a nice dinner I told Angie I hate to eat and run but wanted to be home in time to unwind before bed these 10 nites is tooo much
For those of you that couldn't see the video I changed it I had it as unlisted and just have to remember to publish the link instead of downlowding the video on the blog will know better the nest time SO IT IS NOW PUBLIC if you want to see the video Now I need a shower I read the blog from Angies house BAD ME HUH
Bacon cheese burgers on the patio tonight. Just talked with Zacharooski and Michael. Trying to figure out Mother's Day. Laurel and family are going to be here to go to church with me next Sunday and we are having dinner. Not sure about Michael and family....gotta work that out yet.
Wish the parents would come attend to their little one at the nest. He sounds like a little puppy dog whining.
My goodness gracious C/A...if the Kootenay Co-op started delivery I will move from Nelson...at this point it is the only thing that would make me move!!!LOL!!!
JUDYE I watched the video on utube and left you a message...too too cute...they should have gotten her a smaller tub!!!
There is another video of here and LILLY doing it in the begining they had them do over since the first one Jordyn asked for a drink of water she was tired and thirsty from all the dancing she did before the show began I trimmed it without that part of her asking and sitting in the tub for a few seconds and she got out of the tub on it It is still uploading I am uploading them to Youtube to put on the dance class facebook page still need to get the shower been uploading the videos so I need to hit it now BBL
OH I took in some hard foam rubber to use in the bottom of the tubs but they didn't use it Its the foam rubber I stabbed myself with the knife the one time All the times she has done the dance that is the first time her foot got stuck I think it was because she was wore out She feel asleep as soon as we got in the car and slept 3 hours after She was starting to get a runny nose too then so she was always rubbing her nose I think she has major allergys OK now gotta go shower I keep saying that tooooooo
Blogging from my iphone takes a lot of time...I am not sure where is the reply button!!! I did it once, I can do it again!!! My Mantra for right now...I figured out how to post from my iphone to facebook though!!! I get so excited by it all...YAY!!!
All I have is a yellow pound cake! You all are so lucky - I am going on to bed - Just took the med that makes my tummy upset so I am going to try to sleep & not feel it. Let you know tomorrow how it worked.
Good night everyone and God Bless all Prayers for happiness and love and Joy Thinking of you Carolyn and Christie ** (((Love you Lynn ♥))) **
Good evening my eagle budlets. This is the first time I have turned my computer home since arriving home on Friday.
I have to say that every time I get on the blog or check my emails for the posts, I always catch myself looking for a Hedgie post. #CANCERSUCKS I am just tired of it removing people from my life that I love without my permission.
Prayers needed: Becky (Mattie and Justin's mom) was admitted to Bluefield Regional this evening with chest pains. They are doing blood work to rule out cardiac issues. If it ain't one thing, its two!
Jo, MommaIII Please feel better!! No tummy flops allowed. My last two days have been rough... work has been good. Keeps me well occupied. And the people I work with are awesome!!
My gosh~~Prayers for Becky. And prayers for good health and healing for Red and Kay on the wait! I sure hope Mommy MN Eagle gets in the nest w/eaglet Harmon.That looks like a semi-circle nest around a tree trunk!Glad I'm home on Mon. to check that nest and our big flappers! Got partial eagle pics at Park Sat. PM, but they're so covered w/leaves I think TU's that I put on are better.We also saw Sat. a Baltimore Oriole who took a bath in a puddle next to the office road. He then went up to tree and preened & was mostly behind leaves, too. They will be around for awhile~~will try to get better pic on TU. Time to watch TV Soap rerun of a day I missed!!Six of the top stars are in a house that has a timer going for a bomb!!!They had 47 min. left!That will keep you awake! For all hitting the hay Pleasant Feather Dreams and Blessings for Lynn's Family ;>)
Just taking a quick break from work. Oh, Shar! Prayers indeed for Becky, and (((HUGS))) to Mattie, Justin, and you! Please keep us posted!
I must admit, I still wish I would see a Hedgie post, too. Sigh... Yes, indeed, cancer sucks big time! Love ♥Lynn♥ forever!
Lynne2, thank you for the advice. I will try using treats for Emma. I pretty much have to use a leash on her. Maybe if I can keep from jumping out of MY skin it will help, too! Paula, LOL, I wish I could figure out some way of scaring Izzy (the German shepherd). If I go out front, I guarantee I will be holding pepper spray! All I can say is, the mail carrier has put them on notice, and will not deliver mail to their house--they must pick it up at the post office. I don't know whether any other neighbors have reported her as a barking dog, but I'm afraid that if I do, they'll figure out it was me. I don't want to alienate them. I may, IF I'm SURE that the dog is in the back yard, go ask for their phone number. That way I can call them to make sure their dog is securely contained before taking Emma out front. If I explain it that way, maybe they'll take the hint, and do something about her. It was just SOOOOO scary, because Izzy just appeared--literally--out of nowhere, going full speed, and did not make a sound until she attacked Emma. Then she snarled and growled VERY loudly, and didn't back off, even though Emma immediately flopped down on her side and yiped. Emma did all the right things, but Izzy would have done some real damage if our neighbor hadn't been so fast in grabbing her! That dog has NO doggy manners at all!
Thanks so much, everyone, for all your support. You are the best!
I've said prayers for everyone, and for every creature--yes, even for Izzy! The porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everybody. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! Love and miss ♥Lynn♥! (((HUGE HUGS))) for Carolyn and Christie! I love ♥us♥!!
Have been reading this evening....a very interesting book. I was born and raised in far south Texas, right on the border. Much of the population was hispanic. I am reading a book written by a classmate of mine "Journey to the Aisle...a story of cultural expectations" by Carmen Trevino Moreno. It is so interesting as we are the same age, raised just a few miles from each other, both with careers in education...but the ways we were raised were so vastly different. Might as well have been on two different planets!!LOL
I am heading to bed now. Love and hugs!!! Nitey Nite...Sweet dreams!
Lori, agreed - summers off is one of the major perks! Just last week, I got an email from a Mom. In it, she said she was grateful that Connor was on the Aces team this year b/c she could tell that I was someone who became a teacher NOT for the money but b/c I really care about my kids. I was tempted to email back and say, "Definitely not for the money, but maybe for the summers off!" I really LOVE what I do, but if I didn't get summers to re-energize, I would have burned out years ago!
I must be a bad grandparent I can't tell the chick apart right now One had a piece of fish and dropped it and the other ran over a picked it up so cute how they are now Belle is feeding both of them
Hey I don't think I told you Sat when I came home from Angies I had noticed someone had pulled in my garbage can then I noticed when I was backing in my driveway to the back side of the house that there was a man with his back to me using a blower in my yard Then I noticed it was my neighbor KEN Who has a bad back he even was bent over looking to be in pain when I got out of the truck I can't believe he decided to come over and do yard work in my back yard I sort of yelled at him in good gesture . He tired to tell me it was for the boy scouts they were earning badges but he was the only one there no boys around and then Cathy came over his wife where we were talking in the front yard He kept trying to talk me in to letting him do my yard but with Cathy saying and you will be in pain later with your bad back So I told him under no circumstance I want him to do my yard I hope I didn't hurt his feelings But Cathy seemed so concerned for his back AND I told him if the boys scouts wanted to do it it would be a different story not HIM with his bad back
Doing laundry and day or two sooner than planned. Grace decided to scarf down dry kitten food without benefit of crunching then deposited said food on the bed sheets. Ah, the joys of having little ones again.
Good morning everyone. Except for dreary it looks like all is very well indeed at the nest. I am so very glad for our eaglets this year. its been so good. I love Belle and am indeed proud of Shep. He has done very well.
GOOD MORNING! Oh, wow, really slow on here this morning. Where is everyone?
Yes, summers are a definite plus for teachers!However, lots of times teachers are required to take classes in the summer. Also, it is never 3 full months. I always went back the first of August so I could work in my classroom without the children there. And, I NEVER had an aide.
Lolly - The MN nest is so really sad. They put the little eaglet back in the nest after he had a good check up - but that was yesterday and the parents have not come back. Harmon is lying in the nest but he is alive and moves a little. It is sad and you don't need to go there because when you do you will watch until a parent comes or I am hoping they go up to the nest again and retrieve the little guy.
Good Morning Eagle Pals ! Prayers offered for Becky, and I was very touched by Lori's attention to her friend Margy Allen and the ministry she gave with her time to the family....
Hoping that everyone who has the punies starts feeling better PRONTO !
Sewanee is a University in Tennessee, by the way
Thinking or dear Carolyn and Christie, every day, and always, of Lynn ♥♥♥
Feel like I am playing 52-card pick-up these days... but:
The trip to the Baltimore Aquarium was really wonderful! So much to see, learn about, and the weather was perfect. Got a few pictures, but it was one of those Just Watch, don't worry about pictures times ☺
Well Pardon me - Good Morning Everyone We must be having morning showers before I awaken. I feel well as I took the new med and then went to be 1 hr later - no nausea & slept well - once I fell asleep. Some meds keep you wide awake!
Nothing going on today that I am aware of but in our home anything can occur.
Jo, I went there and saw that M/D have not returned. Left there quickly. Went to the loon cam. Saw mom on the nest, then both on the nest but then they left.
I am now off to start my day. Want to do a little outside and then will spend the afternoon inside.
LORETTA, which one of those nests are the one we watched when we visited there? We talk about that place often...lovely visit. Remember that it was suppose to rain, but it didn't until we were on our way home. We had a wonderful picnic and Gregg was a Super Tour Guide! And, you were a gracious hostess:) Our dear LYNN was with us♥
I had my Cornell Newsletter in my email this morning - wonderful video on a pair of loons - mainly their calls. I have not been able to catch Larry's loons on the platform yet.. lucky you!
I am wishing that MN Eagle peeps will go back up there after so many hours and get Harmon out of the nest to a rehab! But I haven't heard anything to that nature happening.
Shirley - I hope it was that med that did my tummy Topsy-turvy I don't want to stop the med - maybe it didn't mix well with the others meds I take in the morning. It is the new med that Red has taken - Daliresp.
JO, ask RED, when he is able to come back on here, if that new med made him nauseous. Sometimes it takes a few days of discomft before a new pill settles down and makes you feel better. Nearly every new pill make me nauseous. When my knee surgeon said I needed to take a whole asprin instead of a baby one (for prevention of blood clots), they made me slightly nauseous for just a few days. Hope the new med works as well for you as for Red!
We are putting in our garden today, if it doesn't rain! Gene is tilling it right now and I'm trying to get laundry done before he's done. BETTER HURRY!:)
Jo I am glad you are feeling better and hope it was the med indeed. You will keep us posted right and will go to the doctor if it returns...LYNN♥ would know exactly what to say and what to do...Miss you LYNN♥
Good morning all.
I am having a slow morning and I slept very well...I must have had 12 hours of sleep!!!I did actually!!!Time for a cup of tea.
Afternoon all, Glad to see some are feeling better & some are well rested. Now need to hear from those post & pre surgery.
Sat. b.day party was a bit exuberant - final tally: 2 bloody noses (1 caused by grandpa -Bubby), 1 head bonk, 1 ER visit for pneumonia, and double ear infection on youngest. Whew - what a party!! lol
A double b.day party in 2 weeks for 2 gr.daughters. Hope everyone's recovered. :o)
Little eagles are fast becoming big eagles - will the worries ever stop?
Gee C/A, what a party!Remember to remind me not to attend a party up your way. LOL Hope everyone is recovering!!!
Have been out spreading mulch, planted some more basil and now inside dusting. We turned on our AC for the first time Saturday but had it off again last night and early this morn. Once we close it up for good I won't have to dust as much, but really need to get with it right now.
Hello Everyone. Jo, could it be true about MN---Mom stopped by?? I just got off that ite a little while ago. They said chick could go at least 48 hours before needing foood. They filled him up before return to nest. Read their updates & normally parents return in this shorter amount of time, but sometimes not. They should have the parental instinct to take care of chick.If they have to remove him, the ideal situation would be to foster him into other nest, or guess he,ll have to be raised at rehab. Dad is a first year parent, but that shouldn't be a problem. We have proof!
Oh, I did not tell you about our surprise yesterday. Jack and I were walking around the yard, I was barefoot. When all of a sudden he let out with OMG! To my right (I had just walked right by it) was a HUGE snake!!!! It was about 4 ft and bigger around that a water hose. At first we thought it was a copperhead but saw it's head and knew it wasn't that. Jack got the snake book and we identified it as a king snake. He slithered off....shudder!!
Hoda, I am being very careful where I step now. LOL But all the time I go plunging into ground cover and foliage. I am going to have to remember to be more aware!!!
CarolAnne, sounds like a traumatic party! Hope everyone is better!
I went back and read MN Chat and Updates and no one has seen adult in nest since Harmon returned and there are fish heads around the edge. :>( Hope those parental hormones kick in.
it was on their face book page they say they are watching and will step in and will not let him perish just trying to give the parents time to come to the nest they did leave a fish in the nest also Home for lunch
Monday May072012 Questions and Concerns... Monday, May 7, 2012 at 11:29AM | MN Bound Editor We are getting a lot of questions and we want to do our best to keep you in the loop. First off, we are in continuous conversation with the experts at the Raptor Center and we are not going to leave the bird in the tree without care. Harmon is under great supervision at this time. Dr. Ponder and crew have been fantastic and deserve much respect for their efforts. Without them, this rescue and return attempt would not even be possible. With that said, here's what we know.
We placed Harmon back in the nest mid-afternoon on Sunday. The hope was that the parents would come back and take over their eaglet and their nest. This has been done before and it has been successful in the past. We should say, however, that there are no gaurantees.
When we were at the nest yesterday, both eagle parents were still there. They watched us put Harmon back in the nest. They haven't left. But, here's a tough fact to swallow. Dr. Ponder did say that Eagle Parents don't always come back. Some eagle parents will give up on the nest pretty easily. All we can do is remain hopeful that these parents aren't like that.
It seems logical to us that the birds would just go back and their paternal instincts would take over. Unfortunately, wild birds don't think like humans. They are not capable.
What is the fish in the nest for? We placed fish in the nest for the parents. This is common practice according to our eagle experts. Consider this incentive for the parents to return.
What can we do to help? The best thing for everyone to do at this time is to remain patient and let the experts do their job. Because this has been a national story in a hurry, everyone seems to want to call and ask questions. We cannot express how much attention we are giving this situation. Additional calls are only keeping everyone from being able to do their jobs. While we appreciate all of the support, this blog and our facebook page is the best way for us to keep everyone informed. Please refrain from calling the raptor center with questions. Please know that we are in constant communication with them and will update you with information as THEY deem necessary.
How long will we wait before we would make another rescue attempt? That is the big question. Again, we are working with the experts here and we value what they say to be the best advice. Generally, the eaglet can remain alone for several hours without food. When we put Harmon back into the tree, he was full. It is believed that he would be ok for up to 48 hours. The largest danger is that of predators. Harmon is not protected from danger without the parents around.
What will happen to Harmon if the parents don't come back? The experts at the Raptor Center will make that decision once we take him down. There are a couple of options. It has not yet been determined what that will be. It is important to note the decision will be made on "what is best for Harmon," not "what is best for the viewers." We will update you with those details when we are given the green light from them.
A special "thanks" to the Raptor Center and Broadband. Without their support and their boom truck, we would not be able to act so quickly.
We will update you with more information as it becomes available. We are still hopeful that we don't have to make any moves and that the parents return to the nest. Anything is possible.
I thought I would just post the info in case you want to read without going to the link ALL FB peeps make sure you go to thier page and Like it to get the latest info if you already haven't OK back to reading and watching the chicks eat and eat and eat
Don't ya just love how Belle and Shep instinctively know to bring larger sticks in the nest for the babes to practice branching with their talons?? Mother nature is something else.
Party hardly skipped a beat. One nose bleed was from a trip & fall by an over eager 3 year old. The other (caused by Bubby) was an inadvertant elbow to the nose during a sudden stop in a game of chase. Tough kids - neither one even cried. Ear infections are a repeat for the 1 yr old. The p.monia was the "ex's" problem. The head bonk happened in the inflatible bounce house - again "no tears". Guess a sugar high minimizes pain lol
The adults b.day parties are much more sedate. :o)
They are difficult to tell apart now SHAR...at least this is what I think...growing so fast. Protein is cooked, salmon this time. I will make an avocado salad for snacks and it too is high on protein...I have to head out to clean the windows. Kristin phoned to tell me she is now thinking of coming up on Tuesday and it is all good, I want the windows cleaned anyway...I feel more cheerful, yet windex does a job on my breathing...I should try vinegar and water instead... BBL
I just prepared Chiogga beets for salads during the week... They are beautiful in colour with the little circles inside them...they turned pink instead of white and red circles...sweet tasting. This is the first time I had ever tasted them...they originate from Italy the town of Chiogga...I like to put beets and carrots in salads and both were very good at the co-op yesterday...Oh I have artichokes to cook too...stop stop stop, wash windows first!!!
I have dusted, and cleaned windows, think I am ready for company tomorrow. One of my dearest friends is now in a wheelchair. She has moved from here to Houston where she lives with her sister. She comes here every few months and lives with a mutual friend. She sees her doctors here and it gives her sister a break. Anyway..Annie,goodfriend,and Mary and Richard, more good friends are coming tomorrow. Yea!
JUDY, thanks for posting the info about Harmon. Sure hoping for a happy ending there. Enough with the sad endings!
LOLLY, my rule used to be everytime I saw a snake, I would get another cat! Get rid of rodents, the snake's food source. Oh, I have another rule, never talking about snakes before I go to sleep!
Thanks everyone for the Loon updates. That was a happy ending last year! I loved watching that. Sooo cute.
Killdeer Nest Report - 3 eggs Photos to come soon - also of the very large sign that Joseph made to keep them safe and it worked - the Fedex driver stopped the truck and walked the package to the front door. MTBR
Hi all! Well, today wass Josh's last day of school for the year. Tomorrow, he and his Mom and Dad head to Shriner's Hospital in Philadelphia to "check in" and Wednesday is his 15 hour surgery. He admitted that he was so scared about Wednesday that he couldn't even concentrate on doing school work. Understandable!!!
I know we'll all be praying for Carolyn and Christie on Wednesday as they miss their mom on her birthday ...
and we'll all be praying for Kathryn who is having her gall bladder removed ...
so while we're at it, I would ask that folks pray for Josh's folks to deal with the agony of waiting 15 hours for an outcome, and for Josh that the surgery straightens the curvature in his spine without putting him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. I asked his mom to call school on Thursday if she could to give us an update.
Yes SANDI Wednesday is a big day for many reasons and Josh is included and is one of those reasons...Prayers since you first asked and he is not forgotten...
I miss LYNN terribly and have been saying "Enough already Lynn, get on back on the blog!!! It is just not the same without you"...I cry and I pray...I had to write it here too as I am not able to move with my day...LYNN♥
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 970 Newer› Newest»Shutting her down and spending my day gardening...good day like LOLLY would say...did you all see MEGAN'S flowers on FB...BEAUTIFUL.
Enjoy the day.
Home from church. Have invited friends for dinner Tuesday. Need to really get with cleaning the abode. You know, I would really rather be outside!!!
RED, best wishes for a speedy recovery!
HODA, thanks for the heads up on Megan's flowers, I can't wait to see them. Seems like everything is blooming here now, except Day Lillies and they have buds.
PAULA, hope you get lots of work done...lots to do here, too!
My work as a caregiver was extended to 2 1/2 hours when grumpy hubby took advantage of his time out. I didn't mind. Kate stopped by with flowers and we gave Margy a sponge bath, then I took care of her mentally handicapped 30 yr old daughter. That was a trip! Colleen, the daughter, wouldn't stop using the toilet paper and plugged up the toilet! I was so afraid her Dad would be grumpier, but he said she does it all the time. Whew!
Anyway, thanks for your prayers for Margy. She is feeling much better now that she's bathed and has cleaner hair. :)
Paula, thanks so much for the Buddy video. He will be a wonderful ambassador.
Lori, no doubt Margy is so very grateful for your care. A good friend, indeed.
What a wonderful Mother's Day gift Jo to have your gifts planted for you.
Hi, Paula, Hoda, and everyone,
Didn't make it here last night--fell asleep in front of the TV, and woke up really LATE.
When I took Emma out to go potty early, early this morning, the Full Super Flower Moon was showing, in spite of a heavy overcast. Got a picture--will have to post it on my blog later today.
Have more transcription to do, so gotta stay on task today.
Lori, good to see you! You've been missed! Have added Margy Allen to my prayer list. Prayers for pain relief and a SPEEDY recovery.
Prayers continue for Red--glad he's doing well!
Kay, continued prayers for some major pain relief for you!
Paula, thank you for the Buddy video!!
Jo, so sorry to hear of the 2 students killed in the accident. Prayers for their families & friends.
Have really enjoyed the posts regarding the interaction between Missy & Bro. Gosh, they're getting SO grown up!
Judie, Emma says "Hello!" to Audrey and Grace!
Have been thinking of ♥Carolyn & ♥Christie, and of our dear ♥Lynn♥,
too. Prayers for you two!
Well, gotta get back to work. Have a fantastic Sunday, everyone! Will check back in later.
Lori, you and Kate are truly sweethearts for helping Margy out! What a terrible thing for her to be so helpless.
Well, time to take my battered and beaten, bruised and broken self (thank you Paula, Shirley and Lori...LOL!) up to clean the bathroom.
Now why are you battered, beaten, bruised and broken? That is a pretty sad state to be in. Did they beat you up?
Lynne, I would say Shirley and Paula are the batterers of WwF's! I've taken many severe beatings myself.
LOLLY, we've been playing Words with Friends on FB. :)
Oh, I know better than to get involved with that. Being battered and bruised is not my thing! LOL
Ok, I gotta get moving. Off to mop floors, dust and clean bathrooms. MOre fun!!!
Hello Everybody. Hope you're having a super Sunday.
Techie stuff at Park yesterday was a Tale of Terror.Computers should get thrown in the River!(except for pollution) Couldn't complete transactions, cash register wouldn't frank checks--kept them in the printer part and all the info got printed on the back of check! We started hand stamping--always works. Ended up writing down all the transactions for later, called Help line 3 times, rebooted 'puter three x's also.Was able to get everything entered 1/2 hour before quitting!
I wasn't on here last night because I konked in the lounge chair after dinner! Enough of that!
If anyone needed the Pax Osprey link, I didn't have my "Blue Thingy" 'structions with me~~~
Patuxent Ospreys
Altho no one had checked the computer ye4sterday AM, the first nest showing was the older cam #1 nest that has the solar panels and lots of plants around it. They have eggs, The nest showing now is cam #2 next to the boat ramp. This one showed most of last year. They have one chick and one egg.
LORETTA, which one of those nests are the one we watched when we visited there? We talk about that place often...lovely visit. Remember that it was suppose to rain, but it didn't until we were on our way home. We had a wonderful picnic and Gregg was a Super Tour Guide! And, you were a gracious hostess:) Our dear LYNN was with us♥
Write down all those new words you have learned! Or just look at the past games on the left of your WWF screen :):)
Still doing works work here...fun fun
Thanks Lowreeda! Got the ospreys up.
Wanda, I think we saw both nests that Lowreed was talking about.
Boy that Momma osprey at PRP is loud. Can hear voices occasionally as well.
Heard a frog, too!
In case I didn't yell loud enough, would someone let Shar know that TRAIN is on WHUT (channel 32) until 5pm. Something about being a parachute.
Sharon has been absent here and FB all day.
MN Bound Eagle cam....they are returning the baby to the nest in a bit!
Sounds like they are at the MN nest...
Hi, Wanda. Just got back here. The nest showing now (if it's the real close up) is #2. When going down the walkway to boat, it was on our Right!Can't really see it from parking lot, as the tasll plants block it. The original cam nest, #1
is right out in the open and you can see it a little to the left from the boat ramps. It had separate platform w/ ladder, rectangular solar panels.That's the one I sometimes take pictures of with the nest and panel reflection.
Good news, thanks Lynne, tuning in now...I need a break!
Loretta, the osprey feed is great!
Man in the MN nest now
Watching MN nest. Ready to put in chick!
chick back in nest...the guy says, You're here, and we're outta here!
Chick looks good! Now we need some parents!
WOW this is awesome...baby back in the nest now! Let's hope the parents come back soon!
Aawwww, he's peeping for Mom and Dad ♥
Gotta leave 'puter for awhile, but hope little Harmon's M/D come back.
Saw video before his release & he had a puncture wound they treated, but I have tyo find if hw was attacked or fell out of nest.
Kids are resting at 9 and 10 in the nest ♥
They think the punctures were from sticks in the nest, Loretta.
The one that fell out of the MN nest didn't make it :(
on the MNBBound page they have pictures of him being put in the nest I am at Angies for dinner Carl made Ziti
They look comfortable at 9 and 10...that is good.
Back from gardening and time to go cooking.
PAULA I hope you are getting along well with all the work you had to do.
LORI so good to read your posts today.
It continues to be a warm day here but there is a breeze off of the snow capped mountains and that makes a need for jackets.
I'll make a vegetable omlette...BBL
Hello ANDY. You seem very busy too.
Shep in with food..Bro got it!
Missy checks Shep's talons, then he hops to the stubby branch at the 9 spot.
Looks like the food was a small fish?
Hoda, I think I am done for now...will double check everything later tonight.
Bro starting to work on the fish at noon...Missy is peering over the edge at 10-11
Here are a few pic and a short video of Jordyn at yesterdays performance
Jordyn at the Fountain
JUDIE yes she was doing a performance but before it all began she had decided to entertain
everyone with the music that was
being played so funny she was
so worn out she had been at Dance
in the morning for her Sat class
and then in the afternoon for the
show they do it just for fun and
the entertain Asst living places
Paula, thx for the MN info. I can hardly watch as chick is peeping and parents haven't come back yet. I know they can stay away for a long time, but it's getting dark & windy!!!The Power people left a Comment in the chat that both parents were on elec. wires when they left w/truck.
Judie, how special is that Jordyn??!! ☺
I can't see the video Judy, says my account doesn't have access.
Boy, it is hard watching that baby alone in the nest. Glad the parents are nearby. Still, seems like all that peeping would attract some unwanted attention. Especially after it gets dark.
OOOOO baby Opsrey!!
Harmon is eating!
Who is Harmon LYNNE?
Shep is eating and the chicklets are not getting a single bite. His back, tail side, is to them. He jsut came up for air an picked on another empty turtle shell but he is getting something from it...
JUDYE it tells me my account does not have access...same as LYNNE 2...
Poof Shep
Bro was begging for food...
Harmon is the remaining eaglet at the Minnesota nest. The other one fell out and died on Monday. This one became stuck in the muck in the nest, so they went and got him out on Friday, cleaned up his wounds, and returned him to the nest about 2 hours ago.
MB eagle nest
Shep just poofed.Was in at bottom eating fish. Peaglets watching, but not begging!
The parents were at the nest area at the time of the return, but have not yet come back to him.
Hi, Everyone,
I've been pretty busy doing doctor's reports all day. Have just one more to do today, and one last one tomorrow morning. Will do today's after dinner. Maybe by then my eyes will want to focus correctly again.
I've been following my plan of taking Emma out in the back yard to go potty on the weekends. However, today she has been really nervous about even going out back. The neighbor's German shepherd has been in their back yard when Emma's been in ours, and the ornery critter has been barking like a mad dog at both of us, and bouncing off their side of the fence. (She's not happy when anyone, human or canine, is in our yard.) Poor Emma's reaction is to nearly jump out of her skin, rush to our patio door, and beg to be let in the house. Lynne2, if you have any advice on what to do to remedy the situation, please let me know. Thank God the fence is cinder block, and very high, because of the neighbor's swimming pool. Otherwise, we'd be in a real mess!
I am worried, though, because hot weather is coming before long, and if they open their front door and have only a flimsy screen door in place, I'll be leery about going in our front yard myself, OR to our trash cans, which are between the houses!
Well a dad has to eat too!
Someone posted the link earlier Hoda. Minnesota bound eagles
Here's the quick copy and paste
Oh Lynne, that's great. I saw Harmon pick up one of those tidbits, but didn't see him eating. Is he old enough? Guess if you're really hungry, you'll try. He sure got food at rehab.
Gee Andy, maybe you outta toss a firecracker over the fence...scare the crap out of the Shepherd.
Never mind. Just went back to MN and he is tugging on that fish!!!!
Little pieces did appear to be coming off but it can't be easy...I think they need to be able to stand on the food to really get at it.
Our nest, just caught a flapping/hopping demo by one chick. Was perched on rail (scary) about 4 o'clock & flapped into the center of the nest!!!
That's a tough one Andy....Just try to stay calm so Emma can take her cue from you. Take some treats out with you, too. If she is very reluctant, just keep her out for a minute or two, ask her to SIT, reward her, and take her back in. Take her on her leash if you have to.
I really hate the commercials on the USTREAM sites. LOUD!
Evening all,
Rain & more rain here.
Prayers for Red post surgery.
Prayers for things to be tolerable for Kay until surgery.
Those eagle babes sure can make a person nervous. Almost afraid to watch sometimes. My how they're growing.
MEMA JO - when you return - My what cute notecards you have! LOL
Andy (& Emma) - can't you just report the dog barking to authorities. Just make it a barking dog complaint about not being able to be in your own backyard and don't even mention Emma & her fear.
Sure hope everyone is getting enough rest and taking care of themselves while they care for, and about, others.
Prayers & blessings to Lynn's daughters and extended family & friends, as always.
Thanks PAULA and LYNNE 2. Sorry about the drama in Minnesota nest.
PAULLLLLLAAAA!!! A fire cracker? I know the shepherd was mean to Emma, not nice...feel very sorry for her...I identify...since I got bitten by a dog when I see loose dogs around Nelson I have to admit I brace inside. The one who bit me was on a leash and I still have the teeth marks on my calf...I am OK till after I pass the dog and then I brace if I am going to be bitten from behind...there are some HUGE dogs here Afghanistani something or other hight...no trouble to bite my back I am sure!!!...having said all that I still say A FIRE CRACKER???It would make it more mean I think!!! I know you were joking too so don't worry about it. I know you love love love dogs.
On Facebook Steve is travelling, so that means we will not get a fresh thread for a while...to a place called Sewanee...I do not know if that is to or from his place. Either way I wish him a safe journey.
I saw that too about Steve...I'm sure he'll remember us in time!
And no, I would never toss a firecracker at a dog! I was going to suggest vinegar water, but Andy cannot spray that through a concrete wall! Lynne's advice is very good! Hmmm, maybe the firecracker should be tossed at the owners....no, I am just kidding!
C/A suggested to complain about the barking and get the authorities involved and maybe the family will be more careful...
So So So very glad there are only ten miutes before the health food store closes!!! Major Brownie of insane delicisouness attack...very serious...mind you it takes me only five minutes to get there so it is doubly BAD!!!
I have had a relaxing afternoon -
Going to watch a 9:00 TV Show...
So happy about the MN chick - He is a
cutie! Hope m/d come to him soon.
Very nice evening outside -
BBILW after the show
I hear you HODA - barely survived a Chocolate Lava Cake attack (from Dominos Pizza - they deliver). LOL
just got home from a nice dinner I told Angie I hate to eat and run but wanted to be home in time to unwind before bed these 10 nites is tooo much
For those of you that couldn't see the video I changed it I had it as unlisted and just have to remember to publish the link instead of downlowding the video on the blog will know better the nest time SO IT IS NOW PUBLIC if you want to see the video Now I need a shower I read the blog from Angies house BAD ME HUH
Bacon cheese burgers on the patio tonight. Just talked with Zacharooski and Michael. Trying to figure out Mother's Day. Laurel and family are going to be here to go to church with me next Sunday and we are having dinner. Not sure about Michael and family....gotta work that out yet.
Wish the parents would come attend to their little one at the nest. He sounds like a little puppy dog whining.
My goodness gracious C/A...if the Kootenay Co-op started delivery I will move from Nelson...at this point it is the only thing that would make me move!!!LOL!!!
JUDYE I watched the video on utube and left you a message...too too cute...they should have gotten her a smaller tub!!!
There is another video of here and LILLY doing it in the begining they had them do over since the first one Jordyn asked for a drink of water she was tired and thirsty from all the dancing she did before the show began I trimmed it without that part of her asking and sitting in the tub for a few seconds and she got out of the tub on it It is still uploading I am uploading them to Youtube to put on the dance class facebook page still need to get the shower been uploading the videos so I need to hit it now BBL
OH I took in some hard foam rubber to use in the bottom of the tubs but they didn't use it Its the foam rubber I stabbed myself with the knife the one time All the times she has done the dance that is the first time her foot got stuck I think it was because she was wore out She feel asleep as soon as we got in the car and slept 3 hours after She was starting to get a runny nose too then so she was always rubbing her nose I think she has major allergys OK now gotta go shower I keep saying that tooooooo
Blogging from my iphone takes a lot of time...I am not sure where is the reply button!!! I did it once, I can do it again!!! My Mantra for right now...I figured out how to post from my iphone to facebook though!!! I get so excited by it all...YAY!!!
Is this going to post?
Oh yay I did it
All I have is a yellow pound cake!
You all are so lucky -
I am going on to bed -
Just took the med that makes my tummy
upset so I am going to try to sleep & not feel it. Let you know tomorrow how it worked.
Good night everyone and God Bless all
Prayers for happiness and love and Joy
Thinking of you Carolyn and Christie
** (((Love you Lynn ♥))) **
Shhhh don't tell my I phone ... I love us more than my iPhone , but it is pretty awesome. LOL
Hoda, you are hilarious!!!
Hope you feel OK by morning Jo!
Missing all who aren't here today :(
Hoping that the morning finds the baby Harmon under his momma's wings.
Heading to bed. Will try to drop in from work tomorrow! Good night and prayers for all!
Good evening my eagle budlets. This is the first time I have turned my computer home since arriving home on Friday.
I have to say that every time I get on the blog or check my emails for the posts, I always catch myself looking for a Hedgie post. #CANCERSUCKS I am just tired of it removing people from my life that I love without my permission.
Prayers needed: Becky (Mattie and Justin's mom) was admitted to Bluefield Regional this evening with chest pains. They are doing blood work to rule out cardiac issues. If it ain't one thing, its two!
PRAYERS for BECKY and her family. HUGS to MATTIE and JUSTIN. Keep us posted SHAR.
Shar.... I keep doing the same thing!!
Oh no, I am praying for her!!! That is not what you all need right now!
Give Mattie and Justin hugs for me!!!
Jo, MommaIII
Please feel better!! No tummy flops allowed. My last two days have been rough... work has been good. Keeps me well occupied. And the people I work with are awesome!!
Jo do get some rest and healing PRAYERS COME YOUR WAY.
You sound like your MOTHER JEWELS...♥
Jo, I know you're ahead of the sandperson so wishing you a comfortable and restful sleep.
Shar, prayers for Becky. On the optimistic side, it could be a stress reaction rather than cardiac.
Not caught up but needing to get to sleep myself.
The sandperson is on the way to y'all better get your pj's on. The night light is on. Restful sleep for all.
(((Hugs all around)))♥
Finishing the laundry and heading to bed...up early...won't be on computer...see ya tomorrow evening.
Will be thinking of you PAULA and hope busy is not too too exhausting!!!
Will have to look for that turtle shell tomorrow.
For now, I have to head upstairs.
Please rest well, everyone.
My gosh~~Prayers for Becky.
And prayers for good health and healing for Red and Kay on the wait!
I sure hope Mommy MN Eagle gets in the nest w/eaglet Harmon.That looks like a semi-circle nest around a tree trunk!Glad I'm home on Mon. to check that nest and our big flappers!
Got partial eagle pics at Park Sat. PM, but they're so covered w/leaves I think TU's that I put on are better.We also saw Sat. a Baltimore Oriole who took a bath in a puddle next to the office road. He then went up to tree and preened & was mostly behind leaves, too. They will be around for awhile~~will try to get better pic on TU.
Time to watch TV Soap rerun of a day I missed!!Six of the top stars are in a house that has a timer going for a bomb!!!They had 47 min. left!That will keep you awake!
For all hitting the hay Pleasant Feather Dreams and Blessings for Lynn's Family ;>)
Hi, Everyone,
Just taking a quick break from work. Oh, Shar! Prayers indeed for Becky, and (((HUGS))) to Mattie, Justin, and you! Please keep us posted!
I must admit, I still wish I would see a Hedgie post, too. Sigh... Yes, indeed, cancer sucks big time!
Love ♥Lynn♥ forever!
Lynne2, thank you for the advice. I will try using treats for Emma.
I pretty much have to use a leash on her. Maybe if I can keep from jumping out of MY skin it will help, too! Paula, LOL, I wish I could figure out some way of scaring Izzy (the German shepherd). If I go out front, I guarantee I will be holding pepper spray! All I can say is, the mail carrier has put them on notice, and will not deliver mail to their house--they must pick it up at the post office. I don't know whether any other neighbors have reported her as a barking dog, but I'm afraid that if I do, they'll figure out it was me. I don't want to alienate them. I may, IF I'm SURE that the dog is in the back yard, go ask for their phone number. That way I can call them to make sure their dog is securely contained before taking Emma out front. If I explain it that way, maybe they'll take the hint, and do something about her. It was just SOOOOO scary, because Izzy just appeared--literally--out of nowhere, going full speed, and did not make a sound until she attacked Emma. Then she snarled and growled VERY loudly, and didn't back off, even though Emma immediately flopped down on her side and yiped. Emma did all the right things, but Izzy would have done some real damage if our neighbor hadn't been so fast in grabbing her! That dog has NO doggy manners at all!
Minnesota's Harmon and parents calling Harmon calling and adults close by
HUGS to you and EMMA ANDY...I hope Izzy learns some manners soon.
Thanks, Hoda!
I hope so too!--and so does Emma!
Well, I'd better get back to work.
Thanks so much, everyone, for all your support. You are the best!
I've said prayers for everyone, and for every creature--yes, even for Izzy! The porch light is on.
Both security systems are enabled.
Sleep well, everybody. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
Love and miss ♥Lynn♥! (((HUGE HUGS))) for Carolyn and Christie!
I love ♥us♥!!
Have been reading this evening....a very interesting book. I was born and raised in far south Texas, right on the border. Much of the population was hispanic. I am reading a book written by a classmate of mine "Journey to the Aisle...a story of cultural expectations" by Carmen Trevino Moreno. It is so interesting as we are the same age, raised just a few miles from each other, both with careers in education...but the ways we were raised were so vastly different. Might as well have been on two different planets!!LOL
I am heading to bed now. Love and hugs!!! Nitey Nite...Sweet dreams!
It is amazing what cultural difference bring into our lives LOLLY...it must be a very interesting book indeed.
I'm headed for bed, also. Feel a face plant coming on...
Good morning everyone!
All caught up, but no time to post
as I have to get ready for work now.
I love you all, dearly!!!
Good morning, Sandi and DanaMo!
Should have added I'm
working and lurking.
Morning Lori and DanaMo! Another Monday ... DMo, your countdown is in the teens now, right?
You teachers are soooooo lucky to have summers off! Can I be an aide in one of your classrooms? :)
Lori, agreed - summers off is one of the major perks! Just last week, I got an email from a Mom. In it, she said she was grateful that Connor was on the Aces team this year b/c she could tell that I was someone who became a teacher NOT for the money but b/c I really care about my kids. I was tempted to email back and say, "Definitely not for the money, but maybe for the summers off!" I really LOVE what I do, but if I didn't get summers to re-energize, I would have burned out years ago!
Just a quick hello.
My morning runs are getting the way of my blogging...
Oh yeah...love what I do, but love summer!
Bakatcha Lori.
Good Morning Eagle Buds Both parents were in the nest now just Belle This is a pic I grabbed
I must be a bad grandparent I can't tell the chick apart right now One had a piece of fish and dropped it and the other ran over a picked it up so cute how they are now Belle is feeding both of them
Hey I don't think I told you Sat when I came home from Angies I had noticed someone had pulled in my garbage can then I noticed when I was backing in my driveway to the back side of the house that there was a man with his back to me using a blower in my yard Then I noticed it was my neighbor KEN Who has a bad back he even was bent over looking to be in pain when I got out of the truck I can't believe he decided to come over and do yard work in my back yard I sort of yelled at him in good gesture .
He tired to tell me it was for the boy scouts they were earning badges but he was the only one there no boys around and then Cathy came over his wife where we were talking in the front yard He kept trying to talk me in to letting him do my yard but with Cathy saying and you will be in pain later with your bad back So I told him under no circumstance I want him to do my yard I hope I didn't hurt his feelings But Cathy seemed so concerned for his back AND I told him if the boys scouts wanted to do it it would be a different story not HIM with his bad back
Good morning!
Judy, you are not the only one who has trouble telling the eaglets apart.
Just a moment to greet everyone, then I need to get Hunter off to school.
OK Have to head out the door see ya at lunch HAGD
Good morning.
Dreary overcast day so far. A bit chilly, too.
Babes plotzed; sounds from the attic.
Doing laundry and day or two sooner than planned. Grace decided to scarf down dry kitten food without benefit of crunching then deposited said food on the bed sheets. Ah, the joys of having little ones again.
Hope everyone has a good morning. BBL
Good morning everyone. Except for dreary it looks like all is very well indeed at the nest. I am so very glad for our eaglets this year. its been so good. I love Belle and am indeed proud of Shep. He has done very well.
GOOD MORNING! Oh, wow, really slow on here this morning. Where is everyone?
Yes, summers are a definite plus for teachers!However, lots of times teachers are required to take classes in the summer. Also, it is never 3 full months. I always went back the first of August so I could work in my classroom without the children there. And, I NEVER had an aide.
Oh, and they do not pay you for those extra hours (weeks) working in the classroom.
Does anyone know anything about the Minn. nest? I am afraid to go there.
Lolly - The MN nest is so really sad.
They put the little eaglet back in the nest after he had a good check up - but
that was yesterday and the parents have
not come back. Harmon is lying in the nest but he is alive and moves a little.
It is sad and you don't need to go there
because when you do you will watch until a parent comes or I am hoping they go
up to the nest again and retrieve the little guy.
Good Morning Eagle Pals !
Prayers offered for Becky, and I was very touched by Lori's attention to her friend Margy Allen and the ministry she gave with her time to the family....
Hoping that everyone who has the punies starts feeling better PRONTO !
Sewanee is a University in Tennessee, by the way
Thinking or dear Carolyn and Christie, every day,
and always, of Lynn ♥♥♥
Feel like I am playing 52-card pick-up these days...
The trip to the Baltimore Aquarium was really wonderful! So much to see, learn about, and the weather was perfect. Got a few pictures, but it was one of those Just Watch, don't worry about pictures times ☺
going to tend to many untended-to chores right now
Thinking of everyone, and praying for all of our many needs
(( Hugs ♥ ))
xoxox ttfn ♥
Well Pardon me - Good Morning Everyone
We must be having morning showers before
I awaken. I feel well as I took the new
med and then went to be 1 hr later - no nausea & slept well - once I fell asleep. Some meds keep you wide awake!
Nothing going on today that I am aware of but in our home anything can occur.
Jo, I went there and saw that M/D have not returned. Left there quickly. Went to the loon cam. Saw mom on the nest, then both on the nest but then they left.
I am now off to start my day. Want to do a little outside and then will spend the afternoon inside.
Have a great day! I'll be in and out!☺
LORETTA, which one of those nests are the one we watched when we visited there? We talk about that place often...lovely visit. Remember that it was suppose to rain, but it didn't until we were on our way home. We had a wonderful picnic and Gregg was a Super Tour Guide! And, you were a gracious hostess:) Our dear LYNN was with us♥
I had my Cornell Newsletter in my email this morning - wonderful video on a pair
of loons - mainly their calls. I have not been able to catch Larry's loons on the platform yet.. lucky you!
I am wishing that MN Eagle peeps will
go back up there after so many hours and get Harmon out of the nest to a rehab! But I haven't heard anything to that nature happening.
Glad to see that you are better, Jo.
Hello Wanda - How is you been??
Shirley - I hope it was that med that did my tummy Topsy-turvy I don't want
to stop the med - maybe it didn't mix well with the others meds I take in the morning. It is the new med that Red has taken - Daliresp.
Wow, windy at the nest. Our youngsters were sleeping in the center. Something has awakened them. Wow! What a wingspan each of them has.
I am wondering if there is a parent in the attic.
Potty time for each one as they awakened.
Almost feel that I should duck.
Getting a little air there! Kind of scary with the wind.
Just hoping that whatever it was is over now, Jo.
So do I and thanks, Shirley
What is the date for Kathryn's surgery?
Whoa Missy Put the wings down in time to stop.............
Hi to Shirley (very windy up this way as well).
Jo, so happy to see you are feeling better and got some sleep.
Hi Wanda and Lolly.
In agreement about the MN nest. Wish the people in charge would go back and get Harmon. Would be such a shame to have a sad ending.
Hi Margy. Hope you get all those cards picked up today. Glad you had fun at the aquarium.
Ms. Loon on the nest now. Rearranging loon nest stuff.
JO, ask RED, when he is able to come back on here, if that new med made him nauseous. Sometimes it takes a few days of discomft before a new pill settles down and makes you feel better. Nearly every new pill make me nauseous. When my knee surgeon said I needed to take a whole asprin instead of a baby one (for prevention of blood clots), they made me slightly nauseous for just a few days.
Hope the new med works as well for you as for Red!
We are putting in our garden today, if it doesn't rain!
Gene is tilling it right now and I'm trying to get laundry done before he's done. BETTER HURRY!:)
That loon doesn't stay very long on the nest.. Not time yet for an egg.
Loon nest empty now.
Wanda - put my name on 2 of the tomato
plants ♥
Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!
Dropping in quickly to say hello, and then I must finish the last doctor's report and run to the post office.
I agree, Judie. The folks in charge at the MN nest need to go rescue Harmon. I don't want a sad ending, either!
Jo, I'm praying that the new med will stop bothering you, and will work well instead!
Margy, so glad you had fun at the aquarium! That place sounds wonderful! Hope you are able to accomplish all that you want to today!
Well, gotta get back to work. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!
Thinking of Carolyn & Christie, and wishing, hoping, and praying for a good day for both of them!
Thinking of, and really missing, our dear ♥Lynn♥. I love you, Lynn!
I love ♥us♥! Later, alligators!
Jo I am glad you are feeling better and hope it was the med indeed. You will keep us posted right and will go to the doctor if it returns...LYNN♥ would know exactly what to say and what to do...Miss you LYNN♥
Good morning all.
I am having a slow morning and I slept very well...I must have had 12 hours of sleep!!!I did actually!!!Time for a cup of tea.
Don't like it when the youngsters spread their wings next to the railing facing out with this wind!!!
Wonderful view of the look at her nest now. They were both there for awhile.
Afternoon all,
Glad to see some are feeling better & some are well rested.
Now need to hear from those post & pre surgery.
Sat. b.day party was a bit exuberant - final tally: 2 bloody noses (1 caused by grandpa -Bubby), 1 head bonk, 1 ER visit for pneumonia, and double ear infection on youngest. Whew - what a party!! lol
A double b.day party in 2 weeks for 2 gr.daughters. Hope everyone's recovered. :o)
Little eagles are fast becoming big eagles - will the worries ever stop?
The day is still young - make it a good one.
Kathryn's surgery is on Wednesday, Jo. She registered at the hospital today.
MN Update by a viewer: Yes, Mom came and finished up the leftover fish. We have heard them chattering nearby also.
Gee C/A, what a party!Remember to remind me not to attend a party up your way. LOL Hope everyone is recovering!!!
Have been out spreading mulch, planted some more basil and now inside dusting. We turned on our AC for the first time Saturday but had it off again last night and early this morn. Once we close it up for good I won't have to dust as much, but really need to get with it right now.
S/A I sure don't like those kind of party statistics..... Better luck on the next one.
Praying Kathryn's surgery is quick and recovery is quicker.......
Son has power washer on deck mainly cleaning the furniture.
Shep in the nest plucking something.Peaglets watching closely.
Thank you, Jo.
Hello Everyone.
Jo, could it be true about MN---Mom stopped by?? I just got off that ite a little while ago. They said chick could go at least 48 hours before needing foood. They filled him up before return to nest. Read their updates & normally parents return in this shorter amount of time, but sometimes not. They should have the parental instinct to take care of chick.If they have to remove him, the ideal situation would be to foster him into other nest, or guess he,ll have to be raised at rehab. Dad is a first year parent, but that shouldn't be a problem. We have proof!
Oh, I did not tell you about our surprise yesterday. Jack and I were walking around the yard, I was barefoot. When all of a sudden he let out with OMG! To my right (I had just walked right by it) was a HUGE snake!!!! It was about 4 ft and bigger around that a water hose. At first we thought it was a copperhead but saw it's head and knew it wasn't that. Jack got the snake book and we identified it as a king snake. He slithered off....shudder!!
Last comment my finger slipped
It was to Carol Anne.. about parties
Shep is now feeding the peaglets.
OMG LOLLY!!!Could it be the painted toe nails??? Conference needed with WANDA, LORI, SANDI...My heart would have stopped...
Hoda, I am being very careful where I step now. LOL But all the time I go plunging into ground cover and foliage. I am going to have to remember to be more aware!!!
CarolAnne, sounds like a traumatic party! Hope everyone is better!
I went back and read MN Chat and Updates and no one has seen adult in nest since Harmon returned and there are fish heads around the edge. :>( Hope those parental hormones kick in.
Wanda, lucky you it was a kingsnake. They are beautiful black & white--take care of rodents.
it was on their face book page they say they are watching and will step in and will not let him perish just trying to give the parents time to come to the nest they did leave a fish in the nest also Home for lunch
Questions and Concerns...
Monday, May 7, 2012 at 11:29AM | MN Bound Editor
We are getting a lot of questions and we want to do our best to keep you in the loop. First off, we are in continuous conversation with the experts at the Raptor Center and we are not going to leave the bird in the tree without care. Harmon is under great supervision at this time. Dr. Ponder and crew have been fantastic and deserve much respect for their efforts. Without them, this rescue and return attempt would not even be possible. With that said, here's what we know.
We placed Harmon back in the nest mid-afternoon on Sunday. The hope was that the parents would come back and take over their eaglet and their nest. This has been done before and it has been successful in the past. We should say, however, that there are no gaurantees.
When we were at the nest yesterday, both eagle parents were still there. They watched us put Harmon back in the nest. They haven't left. But, here's a tough fact to swallow. Dr. Ponder did say that Eagle Parents don't always come back. Some eagle parents will give up on the nest pretty easily. All we can do is remain hopeful that these parents aren't like that.
It seems logical to us that the birds would just go back and their paternal instincts would take over. Unfortunately, wild birds don't think like humans. They are not capable.
What is the fish in the nest for? We placed fish in the nest for the parents. This is common practice according to our eagle experts. Consider this incentive for the parents to return.
What can we do to help? The best thing for everyone to do at this time is to remain patient and let the experts do their job. Because this has been a national story in a hurry, everyone seems to want to call and ask questions. We cannot express how much attention we are giving this situation. Additional calls are only keeping everyone from being able to do their jobs. While we appreciate all of the support, this blog and our facebook page is the best way for us to keep everyone informed. Please refrain from calling the raptor center with questions. Please know that we are in constant communication with them and will update you with information as THEY deem necessary.
How long will we wait before we would make another rescue attempt? That is the big question. Again, we are working with the experts here and we value what they say to be the best advice. Generally, the eaglet can remain alone for several hours without food. When we put Harmon back into the tree, he was full. It is believed that he would be ok for up to 48 hours. The largest danger is that of predators. Harmon is not protected from danger without the parents around.
What will happen to Harmon if the parents don't come back? The experts at the Raptor Center will make that decision once we take him down. There are a couple of options. It has not yet been determined what that will be. It is important to note the decision will be made on "what is best for Harmon," not "what is best for the viewers." We will update you with those details when we are given the green light from them.
A special "thanks" to the Raptor Center and Broadband. Without their support and their boom truck, we would not be able to act so quickly.
We will update you with more information as it becomes available. We are still hopeful that we don't have to make any moves and that the parents return to the nest. Anything is possible.
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C/A I am sorry to hear about the party!!! Happy healing to all.
KATHRYN is in my prayers SHIRLEY for Wednesday. Do keep us posted please.
I thought I would just post the info in case you want to read without going to the link ALL FB peeps make sure you go to thier page and Like it to get the latest info if you already haven't OK back to reading and watching the chicks eat and eat and eat
Will do, Hoda. Thanks.
Thanks JUDYE very helpful information. Wiat and see they say...will do
Poof Shep.
Youngsters are plotzed!!!
Don't ya just love how Belle and Shep instinctively know to bring larger sticks in the nest for the babes to practice branching with their talons?? Mother nature is something else.
Party hardly skipped a beat. One nose bleed was from a trip & fall by an over eager 3 year old. The other (caused by Bubby) was an inadvertant elbow to the nose during a sudden stop in a game of chase. Tough kids - neither one even cried. Ear infections are a repeat for the 1 yr old. The p.monia was the "ex's" problem. The head bonk happened in the inflatible bounce house - again "no tears". Guess a sugar high minimizes pain lol
The adults b.day parties are much more sedate. :o)
Whoops, I am starting to doze sitting here in my chair. Need to get up and get with it!
What????? No bounce house at the adult parties??????? Sedate parties?????? That is no fun!! LOL
Lolly - there will be a trampoline at the next one.
Added pic to my blog of the oldest granddaughter & her split personality. No tears from this one!
Odd shadow on the loon cam. I know it is a plant, but it looks like it could be some kind of monster.
Shep just arrived with food and Missy is right at him getting fed. Bro is watching.
In comes Shep with another fish. Feeding Bro and Missy just got up... Bro I think was hungry...
Not quite sure what the food is. Bro just got up. Heading over to the food.
OK I will deffer to SHAR and say it is Missy being fed...
Okay, so maybe I have the 2 brats mixed up. :)
They are difficult to tell apart now SHAR...at least this is what I think...growing so fast. Protein is cooked, salmon this time. I will make an avocado salad for snacks and it too is high on protein...I have to head out to clean the windows. Kristin phoned to tell me she is now thinking of coming up on Tuesday and it is all good, I want the windows cleaned anyway...I feel more cheerful, yet windex does a job on my breathing...I should try vinegar and water instead...
Shep sure makes fast trips getting the food to delivery - I wonder whose pond he has found near by!
I think that is Missy hopping now
Daddy Loon is floating by the platform
Momma Loon just turned around on the nest.........
you are missing a good show
of the loon as it is happening right now
Jo, I just posted a pic of the 2 loons on Facebook! Beautiful.
I just prepared Chiogga beets for salads during the week... They are beautiful in colour with the little circles inside them...they turned pink instead of white and red circles...sweet tasting. This is the first time I had ever tasted them...they originate from Italy the town of Chiogga...I like to put beets and carrots in salads and both were very good at the co-op yesterday...Oh I have artichokes to cook too...stop stop stop, wash windows first!!!
Quick peek in the door.
Loons gone when I just looked.
Bro and Sis plotzed.
CarolAnne, sounds as if you all were attending a frat party at GWU. Glad there were no tears of serious boo boos.
Checked in on the RTH. Nest gets a bit gory these days but the little downy babes are really cute.
Lolly, so glad you didn't step on the snake. Would have scared me to be that close. But, it is a good kind of snake.
Okay, off the to pantry. Tilapia, asparagus, parsley red potatoes.
Hi Shar -- any update on Becky or did I miss that?
Oh, dear....Hoda is talkingto herself. Worried...very worried!☺
I have dusted, and cleaned windows, think I am ready for company tomorrow. One of my dearest friends is now in a wheelchair. She has moved from here to Houston where she lives with her sister. She comes here every few months and lives with a mutual friend. She sees her doctors here and it gives her sister a break. Anyway..Annie,goodfriend,and Mary and Richard, more good friends are coming tomorrow. Yea!
JUDY, thanks for posting the info about Harmon. Sure hoping for a happy ending there. Enough with the sad endings!
LOLLY, my rule used to be everytime I saw a snake, I would get another cat! Get rid of rodents, the snake's food source. Oh, I have another rule, never talking about snakes before I go to sleep!
Thanks everyone for the Loon updates. That was a happy ending last year! I loved watching that. Sooo cute.
Killdeer Nest Report - 3 eggs
Photos to come soon - also of the very large sign that Joseph made to keep them safe and it worked - the Fedex
driver stopped the truck and walked
the package to the front door. MTBR
JO, now that is cute, how the sign worked on the FedEx driver! Ahhh.
Hi all! Well, today wass Josh's last day of school for the year. Tomorrow, he and his Mom and Dad head to Shriner's Hospital in Philadelphia to "check in" and Wednesday is his 15 hour surgery. He admitted that he was so scared about Wednesday that he couldn't even concentrate on doing school work. Understandable!!!
I know we'll all be praying for Carolyn and Christie on Wednesday as they miss their mom on her birthday ...
and we'll all be praying for Kathryn who is having her gall bladder removed ...
so while we're at it, I would ask that folks pray for Josh's folks to deal with the agony of waiting 15 hours for an outcome, and for Josh that the surgery straightens the curvature in his spine without putting him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. I asked his mom to call school on Thursday if she could to give us an update.
Yes SANDI Wednesday is a big day for many reasons and Josh is included and is one of those reasons...Prayers since you first asked and he is not forgotten...
I miss LYNN terribly and have been saying "Enough already Lynn, get on back on the blog!!! It is just not the same without you"...I cry and I pray...I had to write it here too as I am not able to move with my day...LYNN♥
Sandi...certainly there will be prayers for Josh and his parents. Blessings on them.
Praying for Josh and Kathryn.
SSSOOOOO tired of sad endings too. Enough is enough and too much gets nasty. Starting to get nasty now.
Hoda, I totally understand how you feel! ((((HUGS))))
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