I give up, not sure what I did wrong. I've been able to do it fine in the past. I see Kay has posted the link and my OCD isn't going to get the best of me this morning because my cold is!! LOL!
CarolAnne thank you for suggestions on the light for computer.
Lolly I had terrible problems with both eyes for cataract surgery. This blog prayed for me. Both eyes got infections in the. I still have problems. I seen better before the surgeries. Still have to use certain drops in my eyes due to the surgery. For me I wished I had not had either eye done. Dr. said they were rip. Other have used same doctor and come out just fine. So not the doctor somewith within me which might be the lupus they said.
I pray Lolly that this eye will be perfect and give you no problems. ((((HUGS))))
Lynn and Steve I had so wished the job was going to keep Steve on. I know he is a good worker. Again sending prayers to God to OPEN A DOOR for STEVE ^j^.
Wanda I am glad you found a solution to paying the high co-pay. What place are you going for PT?
Kay sorry about th4 change in your health insurance. Which is causing your medication to be much higher and of course other things.
That is who I wanted to win----the rescue Weimaraner that made it to Wesminster!!!!! I know just making it there was a miracle for him but I still wanted the judges to pick him.♥
Oh, meant to say, LORI and Loo have been reporting on the Whitney Houston funeral arrangements this morning. The family is keeping it relatively small and personal in the Newark church she grew up in. They are requesting donations to the elementary school named for her in lieu of flowers. I think that shows a lot of class ! RIP, Whitney, ♫♫ we will always love you ♪♫♪. Many will long cherish recordings of your clear, pure voice singing with every word distinct and easily understood !
I got a short video this am of Belle squeeking and flying of and Shep landing a little over 2 min Short and Sweet is is uploading now Work wanted me to come in at 8 this am haven't decided if I will or not Ok got lots of reading to do
Lord Thank you for hearing my prayer. That the person saying they "are not Christians". They need you Lord God. They need to know you!!! They need help for a job. Saying they are "not Christian" to me means they are of no faith. They don't believe in you. As I ask I do believe someone planted a seed---please Lord bring some to water that seed and help it grow within this person and their family. It does not matter the type of religion; Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, etc. God they just need to beleive within their heart in YOU!!! and ask for forgiven. Or what ever the other faiths do. Lord please have them pick a faith. If they stop going to church they can still BELIEVE IN YOU AND LOVE YOU. LORD PLEASE HAVE THE PEOPLE ON THE BLOG PRAY FOR THIS FAMILY. No I have to say here I am not speaking of Lynne and Steve. I had to put that because Steve if looking for a job. Father I pray with all my heart that those here will pray for this person and their family to find YOU!!!!! Amen
I was playing on Facebook last night and found out that you can add pictures to your map of places that you have been on vacation at That is pretty cool I am trying to get at least on picture of every state I have been in I sure wish I could figure out how to get my DVD that I made from my movies that I took going out there I had a regular movie camera and have hours of cool video I have tried a couple of times to put on computer but no luck
Good morning all. Finally got into this blog again. Haven't been able to log on, but I think I have that fixed now. Yes just in time for the kids to get here. :( Hope everyone had a very nice Valentine's day that was full of love. Judy, you are surely the early bird today. Keep watching over the nest and keep them straight. :) Hopefully finally back later. Hugs to all. Have a nice day.
WVGDANA the CD are of my vacation for three weeks out WEST and out EAST when I went in 2003 and 2004 I have some great videos of every where we went some breath taking scenery
What it is I have about 12 DVD and I want to transfer them to my computer and I have tried and can't figure it out I cam open them and watch on computer but still can't figure out how to put on computer I have googled it and find nothing that has helped
This am short video is on blog and Facebook and you will notice something also I added a picture of the barn on by blog page I figured that out on facebook last nite odd from facebook to the blog Am switch Belle Call for Shep
Morning early birders, Just a quick scan - JUDYE - would this work for your DVD's: Put dvd in drive when PC recognises it click on "my computer" it will show a dvd icon on your drive. click on icon ~it will open a new window with the program/s on just drag and drop the files onto your desktop if you do not know drag and drop put your cursor (the arrow) over the dvd icon press the right side button on your mouse.keep it pressed .by moving the mouse you will take the folder with it.on a clear space on your desk top release button. the file will stay there .if you want to move it again just drag and drop. the dvd is now copied to your PC.
WOW Florida Has been HIT HARD with identity theft they went to file there taxes and found out someone one already has just to find out someone has stolen thousands of SSN numbers Showing on the news now hundreds of people waiting in line now over 490thousand this year already Wow I need to file mine Just haven't done it was going to do it this week while on vacation Just lazy I guess
LYNNE2 & Steve - My heart aches for your situation. Praying that there is a job thru the agency or Monster.com or Maryland.job.com or Maryland job center in the very near future.
Just checked my Scrabble games and found a message from Red posted about two hours ago. He said that he would be leaving for the surgery in about 30 minutes from then and that he expects to be back home on Saturday. I had left him a message last night.
Thanks Kay, I too have never heard of any of them actually happening, but would feel terrible if I hadn't passed the info on and something did happen to someone we know.
Do hope we can hear from Mrs. Red following surgery. I'm sure all is going to be just fine.
Shirley, likely missed an update so how's Hunter doing? How are you doing?
Wanda, so pleased you could find a therapy location so close by and less expensive. Insurance companies do take advantage of us when we are least able to defend ourselves.
I was hoping the Waimaraner would win but knew it wouldn't happen. Still, such a heartwarming rescue story.
The nest looked lovely a while ago and I believe it was Shep tending to the babes to be.
Good morning! Have been reading the blog and not the paper. That comes next. I can enlarge the print on the computer, not the paper. Will be so happy when I get my new glasses!!
Loved the story of the Waimaraner. Loved watching the video. What a beautiful dog!
Thinking of Red at the moment. I think that he, too, will be another success story on here. Love all the positive attitudes. Extra special thoughts for our Lynne and Steve.
I am going to do a little shopping this morning. Did not get my boys anything for Valentine's. So, today I am going to Academy and getting both Joseph and Jacob new backpack baseball bags. Baseball will be starting soon and they both need new bags. It is so important to keep these boys active and busy, but also expensive!! Try to help out where we can.
Just spotted the brilliant red cardinal down at the end of the yard. His mate has been here feeding at the deck. I love sighting him - however; I have always used his as a forewarning of SNOW.
I look forward to Wanda's first post of the day on this side of the dead end 200 zone... so you can see her most unusual ,original and precious avatar... OR - go pre-Split and check out 11:56 pm
I was on e-mail and couldn't post immediately, but just moments ago Shep descended on Belle for a lenghthy, passionate HP ! I just read on NBG today that the female will, when she knows there should be no more eggs, spurn the male. She made no attempt to do that !
I hate it when I'm the only witness to Nestcapades ! She came back to the nest, landing at the bottom. He got off the eggs and nabbed her good before taking off.
NBG sure has a mystery going on. Daddy Norfolk visits the nest very often. Earlier today he showed cautious hostility toward female #2 when she landed in the tree. She's a lot larger than he so the moderator thinks he's wisely showing restraint. He seems to favor female #3 when she's there, but it's unknown whether or not he's engaging in HP with both. Nature's own soap opera !
KAY, I just loaded the nest cam page at school and happened to scroll down to the forum posts. The very first one ststed that there was mating at the nest at 10:30AM, so others saw it as well. I thought the purpose of mating was for bonding as well as fertilizing eggs, so maybe this was "bonding sex," not "eeaglet-producing sex?" I think that Belle and Shep really have bonded a lot during these past 10 days of incubating eggs. Shep seems very in-tune with Belle's needs - bringing her fish, relieving her from incubating duty for VERY long periods of time throughout the day.
No, JO...therapist came in every other day. Gene helped me on days that she didn't come. New, OUT PATIENT THERAPY will be 3 times a week. Without machinery, don't know what I can do at home on days I don't go in. I do have an exercise bike, which may be of benefit to To me.
Maybe PAULA can enlighten us about HP after all eggs have been laid. Don't think I have ever seen that. How about the rest of you? Some interesting behavior by the eagles, this season!
I was trying to say this: Jo, Yes at Work and my live feed was shutting down often Kay: You are the Voyeur Extraordinaire of the Morning! ☺ Good eye- Gentle H-P I missed it
Wanda: I just couldn't wait to see you arrive .. not just to SEE YOU but to see that Avatar again !!
Don't know if any of you saw comments by me and Paula a few days ago, but worth repeating, I think. We have had 3 chicklets and 1 chick, but NEVER just 2. 3 chicks fuss and fight most of the day. 1 chick has no siblings to interact with...but, I think 2 will be just perfect to watch as they grow and learn.
I have been sick at heart since last evening, and I can no longer keep it in. I am going to speak my piece. Think of me what you want, but at least I am getting it off my chest.
I pray. I believe the Lord is my Saviour. I pray for others needs…..silently or aloud alone. I truly appreciate other’s prayers for me. But I will NOT condone the continued personal, lengthy prayers being conveyed on the blog , and I condemn belittling other’s religious beliefs or lack thereof. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want to believe, and NO ONE has the right to publicly criticize them for their beliefs. If they need or want prayer, they will ask. No one should try to force them to believe what may be contrary to their hearts, minds or consciences. This has GOT to stop. Thinly veiled attempts to proselytize and preach “to” them are wrong. I am just sick over this type of warfare that has been perpetuated on this blog for the last few weeks. I hate that we have lost a sweet friend to it. And I would hate to have to ask Steve to impose blog rules, but I will if necessary.
On objects being thrown at car--I was once hit with what appeared to be a balloon full of muddy water. It hit squarely on my windshield. I was driving, but had a date with me--a visitor from New Jersey.
He got very excited, telling me not to stop. (Not that I would have anyway--would have thought that I did not want to encounter whoever threw that thing.) We went to a safe place and cleaned off the windshield.
Wanda, so sorry that the insurance jerks bit you, too. Is the private therapy place in S'town? Glad that they have more reasonable rates! Whew----I'd never be able to afford the fitness center, either. Wonder if they still do rehab PT in the hospital itself on out-patient basis and what the charge is there?
Sure thinking about Red this morning! Hope we hear something soon.
Good morning everyone!! Sure hope DanaMo feels better! Kay, I totally missed the HP, and I was right here at the keyboard! But I was still watching the dog show. Not real thrilled with the pick for Best in Show....but it is what it is. Still need to read the Weimeraner story. Will go do that now.
I missed the HP, too. And, I thought I was watching. lol It is not so cold here, but a gloomy drippy kind of day. However, I am NOT complaining...just stating. I like all the drips we can get!☺
I am off to start my day. Need to eat a bite and then get my walking in. Doctor appointment this afternoon. Do not mind going but do not like the idea that my eye will be dilated once again. Golly, I do hate that! Jack says I camplain too much about it, but it lasts so long!! Oh well!
A bit of good news - there's a family coming to look at LeRoy and Bobby on Friday! They want two siblings. Pray it works out! It would be so awesome to see them live together, forever!
{{Hugs}} LYNN. I feel and completely understand your frustration.
LYNN once more you speak from the heart and with integrity. I have found myself not reading posts, I see the avatar and simply move on as it IS too much...The person has lost credibility and I agreee with you.It does not matter if it is in capitals, bold, or a lecture, or even a short note...I simply do not read those posts any longer...
WANDA I hope the therapy works well at the new place and I am glad you are sorting out the insurance co-pay.
DANAMO I hope you are feeling better soon. I loved the roses MONTY gave you yesterday and cute what his mom wrote about raising him right.
SANDI Good luck with the RESPECT thing...maybe play the song as LORI suggested and I agree with DANAMO it is something learnt at home.
JO I hope you enjoy your day with your feet up...now LOLLY wonders why stay out of trouble? Don't listen to her she will get you in trouble!!!LOL!!!
Thank you for speaking up with your thoughts, Lynn. I am in total agreement with what you are saying. I, for one, do NOT read others lengthy prayers made in our comments. I do not feel our blog is meant to be used in that manner. Prayers, personal prayers are between a person and God. Our blog does have Prayer Power for those in dire need and that is mainly for Health reasons and I will continue to honor those prayers.
LORI Leroy and Bobby ...I do hope so...I have always thought they should stay together since you first introduced them to us LORI...that would be awesome...keep us posted.
I agree with Lynn . . . . however, I sort of hope these kinds of things can first be approached behind the scenes thru email directly with the individual.
I do know there is a behind the scenes "email blog" that often discusses things/individuals.
I think it's funny when they rearrange the fluff while sitting on the eggs...it's like they're just SO bored they have to do SOMETHING, so they move fluff from here to there and back again!
Delphia, I think they DO get bored just sittin' and roostin'!!!!!! Y-A-W-N!!!!
Getting ready for lunch now, Jo---had toast for breakfast. But Christie is coming after she gets off work this afternoon and bringing me some cravings.......I placed an order at Weis for some peanut butter cream donuts, and she's getting me some Extra Crispy KFC wings!!!!! Can't wait!
DELPHIA, the moving of the fluff makes me laugh...they do it so much in earnest and it reminds me of my pulling up a blanket just to get the draft away from a part of my shoulder!!!It is funny.
Hola amigos!! Been watching our royal couple and I have to tell you that I am so proud of Shep. He has really stepped up to the plate. They had HP a while ago, so I bet we get a third egg, maybe a fourth!!! Hope all is well with everyone. I know I am not here alot but I am with you in spirit! I am feeling better, not all the way better but better. Go to the surgeon tomorrow and probably be scheduled for a scope to see what is up exactly. The drugs are working and I am getting better but I am sure it is the prayers of the Momsters that is doing the trick the most!!
A lot of these things are beyond words for me.....not that I don't have thoughts, but just no words.... I have sorrow for hurt feelings... confusion, bitterness, and other negative things that are happening....
I have chosen to turn these things of recent weeks....over to personal, private prayer.....God can hear a Whisper as well as he can, a Shout... I will continue to do this.... just a personal thing. It is not my business to try to make anyone do anything regarding worship or prayer.....or belief.
As JudyE nightly ends her messages with... Every One is Fighing Some Kind of Battle.......
Thank you for speaking your mind, Lynn.....I admire your courage
LYNN, I am so impressed with your post of 11:34 ! You spoke up on something that truly needed to be addressed. We're here to enjoy our eagles and wildlife together and it's great that friendship is part of it---that we can share personal news and activities---it's a life line me and I know it is to others. I find it acceptable to mention prayer, ask for prayers and enjoy hearing about church activities enjoyed by others. However, this blog should never be used as a bully pulpit for personal spiritual beliefs, judgmental edicts and intolerance.
Sure wish we had some update on Red. Hopefully, soon.
Lori, that would be just too terrific for LeRoy and Bobby to be in a furever home together. Sure hope the prospective parents are acceptable caregivers.
Lunch for me -- thin slices of cheddar cheese on toasted Italian with a dab of mayo. Tasted good. Don't usually want lunch. Lynn, enjoy your special order.
I myself am very grateful that the only requirement for membership on this blog is to love the eagles!!! I would probably be excluded on a zillion different levels otherwise.
Y'all have a great afternoon. It is almost 50 degrees here and I might take a little stroll around the park before I get Mattie from school. Nothing strenuous mind you, just blow off the farts, as my Mommy used to say!!
BEV, GREAT to see you on the blog and to hear that you are feeling a little better!!
LORI, hope the kittens get to stay together. My son and DIL have 2 little dachshunds (my granddogs) that are brothers and they are such great company for one another. I don't know what one would do without the other - they even sleep in 1 bed, curled up together!
I share the sentiments of others re: prayers. For me, prayer is a private conversation, just between God and me.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Dr got on phone & said my dad is doing great he was up walking around today taking other tubes and stuff out as well. He will be moved out of ICU to another room on cardio floor today so that is awesome to. Getting him steadied on his meds.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 464 Newer› Newest»I haven't read back much but Kay did you see the story about the rescue Weimaraner that mad it to Wesminster?
Good luck, DanaMo on that
R-E-S-P-E-C-T issue...play the song for the kids every day.
I got wax ! Didn't pay any attention to the split factor. Hope you all join me on this side soon. ☺
No, I missed the Weimaraner story, DANA. I'll look it up, sounds heartwarming !
Thanks Kay, I don't want to whine, it's just a cold. Everyone else that has health issues are suffering much more than me, that's for sure.
This is fantastic ! Before and after pics that are astounding !
Rescue Dog at Westminster
This additional comment on another site:
[Update, Feb. 14: Unfortunately, Maverick didn't place this time, but there's always next year! We'll be there to cheer you on.]
Yes, indeedy !
Wonder who's having some posting probs. Several deletes in rapid succession.
I give up, not sure what I did wrong. I've been able to do it fine in the past. I see Kay has posted the link and my OCD isn't going to get the best of me this morning because my cold is!! LOL!
Good Morning Eagle Pals...
So good to see many special friends here this morning...
Prayers for Red this morning !
and for many other new needs amongst us....
Lynne and Steve for example...
Kay: Love your avatar, I THINK I saw a Robin yesterday.
LOVING WANDA'S NEW AVATAR !! But you have to go back to the Dead-End 200 zone to see it, at 11.56 pm
DanaMo _ Hope your get all well soon !
I hear Eagle Chirps
xoxo (( Morning Hugs ♥ ))
Thanks Kay.
Good Morning Lori, Kay, Sandi, DanaMo and me he he
Yes, I like that idea of Sandi's seminar !!
Good for ideas for humanity in general...
Sing Away Belle ♪ ♫
Good Morning Sycamore Palace and Ladies in Waiting!!!
Belle is softly cooing. Not long before the switch. OK, Now calling, she's reday.
Knox case I pray that they stay here in USA.
CarolAnne thank you for suggestions on the light for computer.
Lolly I had terrible problems with both eyes for cataract surgery. This blog prayed for me. Both eyes
got infections in the. I still have problems. I seen better before the surgeries. Still have
to use certain drops in my eyes due
to the surgery. For me I wished I had not had either eye done. Dr. said they were rip. Other have used same doctor and come out just fine. So not the doctor somewith within me which might be the lupus they said.
I pray Lolly that this eye will be perfect and give you no problems.
Lynn and Steve I had so wished the job was going to keep Steve on. I know he is a good worker. Again sending prayers to God to OPEN A DOOR for STEVE ^j^.
Wanda I am glad you found a solution to paying the high co-pay. What place are you going for PT?
Kay sorry about th4 change in your health insurance. Which is causing your medication to be much higher and of course other things.
I love hearing these morning sounds from the nest.
Good Morning Margy (:
How did the candy for the tree work out?
Good Morning WVsUSAn may you have a good day (:
That is who I wanted to win----the
rescue Weimaraner that made it to Wesminster!!!!! I know just making it there was a miracle for him but I still wanted the judges to pick him.♥
Good MorningEagle Buds
Hello WV sUSAn and JUDYE !
Oh, my, sorry I missed you quietly slipping in the door, MARGY ! Good morning !
DMO, sorry you are still feeling bad. I've taken zyrtec the past couple days and has helped tremendously.
Good Morning JudyE (:
Sorry for all the letters left off words and wrong word. I will be happy after I get that light. My eyes just don't always adjust.
Praying for Hunters toes. It worries me.
Belle has been watching something intently--perhaps Shep getting a good wing stretch in preparation for taking over.
I think Belle wants some relief. Shep you are being called.
Belle is up and there are are two beautiful eggs. POOF
Your turn Shep. Come on down and have a seat. There he is.
Shep does a quick roll and settles.
Moving on to news, newspapers, e-mail.....HAGD everyone ! BBL
Great report ladies!!! (:
The robin I saw...was perched in a tree near your Mom's house...
Shower time for me. BBL
Loving everyone's avatars...the new ones, and the old standbys...
worktime approaches for me...
Best Wishes for a Good, Healthy and Healing Day, for Everyone
and Special Good Wishes and Prayers for RED this morning...
xoxo ♥
Oh, meant to say, LORI and Loo have been reporting on the Whitney Houston funeral arrangements this morning. The family is keeping it relatively small and personal in the Newark church she grew up in. They are requesting donations to the elementary school named for her in lieu of flowers. I think that shows a lot of class ! RIP, Whitney, ♫♫ we will always love you ♪♫♪. Many will long cherish recordings of your clear, pure voice singing with every word distinct and easily understood !
LYNNE2 Prayers for you and Steve that he may find a job or will find help along the way till something comes along
Keep your eyes on Blackwater Eagle today....hatching could start today there....
I got a short video this am of Belle squeeking and flying of and Shep landing a little over 2 min Short and Sweet is is uploading now Work wanted me to come in at 8 this am haven't decided if I will or not Ok got lots of reading to do
Lord Thank you for hearing my prayer. That the person saying they "are not Christians". They need you Lord God. They need to know you!!! They need help for a job. Saying they are "not Christian" to me means they are of no faith. They don't believe in you. As I ask I do believe someone planted a seed---please Lord bring some to water that seed and help it grow within this person and their family. It does not matter the type of religion; Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, etc. God they just need to beleive within their heart in YOU!!! and ask for forgiven. Or what ever the other faiths do. Lord please have them pick a faith. If they stop going to church they can still BELIEVE IN YOU AND LOVE YOU.
LORD PLEASE HAVE THE PEOPLE ON THE BLOG PRAY FOR THIS FAMILY. No I have to say here I am not speaking of Lynne and Steve. I had to put that because Steve if looking for a job. Father I pray with all my heart that those here will pray for this person and their family to find YOU!!!!! Amen
63°righ now YEAH cold front is history gonna be in lo 80° in some area or hi 70° and today is my last day I am on STAYCATION NICE
WOW a massive fire killing more that 200 inmates in Honduras just on news
I was playing on Facebook last night and found out that you can add pictures to your map of places that you have been on vacation at That is pretty cool I am trying to get at least on picture of every state I have been in I sure wish I could figure out how to get my DVD that I made from my movies that I took going out there I had a regular movie camera and have hours of cool video I have tried a couple of times to put on computer but no luck
JudyE you gave me two CD's is it those?
Welcome and Good Morning Candy (:
Shep just rolled the eggs
Good morning all. Finally got into this blog again. Haven't been able to log on, but I think I have that fixed now. Yes just in time for the kids to get here. :( Hope everyone had a very nice Valentine's day that was full of love. Judy, you are surely the early bird today. Keep watching over the nest and keep them straight. :) Hopefully finally back later. Hugs to all. Have a nice day.
WVGDANA the CD are of my vacation for three weeks out WEST and out EAST when I went in 2003 and 2004 I have some great videos of every where we went some breath taking scenery
Good morning Dana. Good to see you up and ready to go this am. Keep watching those eggs for me. Hopefully I'll now be able to get on here again. <3
What it is I have about 12 DVD and I want to transfer them to my computer and I have tried and can't figure it out I cam open them and watch on computer but still can't figure out how to put on computer I have googled it and find nothing that has helped
I hear a woodpecker I have one somewhere out side I heard it yesterday but can't find it
Candy Sweetie I will be watching for as long as I can. I might get a call from Mother. She was not feeling well and not sleeping good.
HUGS TO YOU CANDY !!! xxxxooooo ♥
This am short video is on blog and Facebook and you will notice something also I added a picture of the barn on by blog page I figured that out on facebook last nite odd from facebook to the blog
Am switch Belle Call for Shep
Morning early birders,
Just a quick scan -
JUDYE - would this work for your DVD's:
Put dvd in drive
when PC recognises it
click on "my computer"
it will show a dvd icon on your drive.
click on icon ~it will open a new window with the program/s on
just drag and drop the files onto your desktop
if you do not know drag and drop
put your cursor (the arrow) over the dvd icon press the right side button on your mouse.keep it pressed .by moving the mouse you will take the folder with it.on a clear space on your desk top release button.
the file will stay there .if you want to move it again just drag and drop.
the dvd is now copied to your PC.
WOW Florida Has been HIT HARD with identity theft they went to file there taxes and found out someone one already has just to find out someone has stolen thousands of SSN numbers Showing on the news now hundreds of people waiting in line now over 490thousand this year already Wow I need to file mine Just haven't done it was going to do it this week while on vacation Just lazy I guess
OTWIG going in early like I was requested
carolinabeachmom, 1, 2, 3.
Lynne, hope Steve finds work soon. Good thing there's venison in the freezer.
HAGD to Margy and JudyE.
LYNNE2 & Steve - My heart aches for your situation. Praying that there is a job thru the agency or Monster.com or Maryland.job.com or Maryland job center in the very near future.
Shep just rolled the eggs
I'm missing entries from 6:21 on.?
Got'em now.
Lynne2 and Steve prayers your way!! (((hugs)))
I can't tell you how grateful I am that Shep is showing he can perform and has parenting skills.
Good morning,
Just checked my Scrabble games and found a message from Red posted about two hours ago. He said that he would be leaving for the surgery in about 30 minutes from then and that he expects to be back home on Saturday. I had left him a message last night.
Chocolate Fix has been applied...☺
Jewels and the night shift crew left a chocolate cake, cream icing, liberally dusted on top with broken up oreo cookie chips
Good Morning More Eagle Pals...
Good morning, Margy.
Howdy, Shirley...
thanks to you and others for the information regarding RED and the timing of his surgery and return home
A Good Wednesday
Morning tO You.
Slept too much yesterday and not enough last night, so I'm up early and don't know how long it will last...
It's supposed to be cool, and we'll have some rain this afternoon and evening in So Cal.
C(°Ù¿°)D Jim
CAROLANNE, please read this:
Scare Scams
I've seen similar e-mails for several years and have yet to hear of such a thing happening.
Good Wednesday morning!
Thinking of RED and knowing he will be up/walking very soon. Wanda - you are still a wonder woman in my mind.
Just poured 2nd cup of java.
DanaMo - hoping your symptoms go away.
I am just jumping in to see all of you.
Good morning all.
Lynne2, very sorry about the current circumstances for you and Steve. Keep the faith you two and something positive is sure to come along.
Thanks Kay,
I too have never heard of any of them actually happening, but would feel terrible if I hadn't passed the info on and something did happen to someone we know.
Rather we all be safe, than sorry!
Now to concentrate on the wellness of those on our blog.
Good morning, again.
Do hope we can hear from Mrs. Red following surgery. I'm sure all is going to be just fine.
Shirley, likely missed an update so how's Hunter doing? How are you doing?
Wanda, so pleased you could find a therapy location so close by and less expensive. Insurance companies do take advantage of us when we are least able to defend ourselves.
I was hoping the Waimaraner would win but knew it wouldn't happen. Still, such a heartwarming rescue story.
The nest looked lovely a while ago and I believe it was Shep tending to the babes to be.
Wishing everyone a lovely day.
Looks like I landed in the right place.
Good morning again to all of you!
Nothing special planned for today - need to stay home and behave myself.
Good morning! Have been reading the blog and not the paper. That comes next. I can enlarge the print on the computer, not the paper. Will be so happy when I get my new glasses!!
Loved the story of the Waimaraner. Loved watching the video. What a beautiful dog!
Thinking of Red at the moment. I think that he, too, will be another success story on here. Love all the positive attitudes. Extra special thoughts for our Lynne and Steve.
JO!!!! Behave????? Why? ☺
CAROLANNE, I appreciate your concern, but feel we should all be armed with all information pertaining to such scary possibilities.
112 is the emgergency call number in the United Kingdom only, according to this:
112 Emergency
I am going to do a little shopping this morning. Did not get my boys anything for Valentine's. So, today I am going to Academy and getting both Joseph and Jacob new backpack baseball bags. Baseball will be starting soon and they both need new bags. It is so important to keep these boys active and busy, but also expensive!! Try to help out where we can.
Keeping an eye on BWE
Nothing to be seen yet....
Just spotted the brilliant red cardinal down at the end of the yard. His mate
has been here feeding at the deck.
I love sighting him - however; I have always used his as a forewarning of
Off to read the paper.
I look forward to Wanda's first post of the day on this side of the dead end 200 zone...
so you can see her most unusual ,original and precious avatar...
OR - go pre-Split and check out 11:56 pm
Good Morning Even MORE Eagle Pals xoxox ♥ ☺
Cardinals....Always make me think of you and Ed, Jo.....because I know you like them so much...
I have one singing early early early in my neighborhood these days... ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ ♥
Eggs getting a sunbath at the Royal Palace
and shadows of teh other Royal Parent fluttering on the branches above
I totaly lost my composure when I looked there were the eggs, and I guess Belle....alongside the nest, even though we see this daily, often now...
then the shadows...and the fluttering of shadow eagle flying off
Breakfast time for me...
Good ole' banana with PB
I was on e-mail and couldn't post immediately, but just moments ago Shep descended on Belle for a lenghthy, passionate HP ! I just read on NBG today that the female will, when she knows there should be no more eggs, spurn the male. She made no attempt to do that !
Didn't anyone else witness that ?
BTW - Where is Lynn? Wanda? Shirley?
Too many MIA
Are you at work Margy?
Nope, Kay! You were the privileged one
KAY, you must be the only one who witnessed that EVENT...very interesting!
Yes, JO...I was wondering where some of our morning momsters are, LYNN, for example??
I hate it when I'm the only witness to Nestcapades ! She came back to the nest, landing at the bottom. He got off the eggs and nabbed her good before taking off.
NBG sure has a mystery going on. Daddy Norfolk visits the nest very often. Earlier today he showed cautious hostility toward female #2 when she landed in the tree. She's a lot larger than he so the moderator thinks he's wisely showing restraint. He seems to favor female #3 when she's there, but it's unknown whether or not he's engaging in HP with both. Nature's own soap opera !
WANDA, that avatar is priceless !!
Hello Wanda! Good to see you. Do
You have therapy every day of the week
KAY, I just loaded the nest cam page at school and happened to scroll down to the forum posts. The very first one ststed that there was mating at the nest at 10:30AM, so others saw it as well. I thought the purpose of mating was for bonding as well as fertilizing eggs, so maybe this was "bonding sex," not "eeaglet-producing sex?" I think that Belle and Shep really have bonded a lot during these past 10 days of incubating eggs. Shep seems very in-tune with Belle's needs - bringing her fish, relieving her from incubating duty for VERY long periods of time throughout the day.
No, JO...therapist came in every other day. Gene helped me on days that she didn't come.
New, OUT PATIENT THERAPY will be 3 times a week. Without machinery, don't know what I can do at home on days I don't go in. I do have an exercise bike, which may be of benefit to To me.
Well, now, SANDI...you know how teenager males are;)
RED should be out of surgery by now. I think I heard that hip and knee are about the same time frame for replacement. GOD BLESS YOU, RED!
KAY, I love this avatar, also:)
Maybe PAULA can enlighten us about HP after all eggs have been laid. Don't think I have ever seen that. How about the rest of you?
Some interesting behavior by the eagles, this season!
my deletes getting rid of wonkies
mouse or keyboard was stuck...
Lib never did that to my knowledge
I was trying to say this:
Yes at Work
and my live feed was shutting down often
Kay: You are the Voyeur Extraordinaire of the Morning!
☺ Good eye- Gentle H-P I missed it
Wanda: I just couldn't wait to see you arrive .. not just to SEE YOU but to see that Avatar again !!
MARGY, they are cute eggs, aren't they? Wonder what the hen looked like:)
JO, as WANDA said ... teenage males!! =)
I think you, Sandi and Wanda are calling it like we see it!
Hot to trot!
I bet Belle is flattered!
Probably a pretty red-head like you, Wanda ...☺
Don't know if any of you saw comments by me and Paula a few days ago, but worth repeating, I think.
We have had 3 chicklets and 1 chick, but NEVER just 2. 3 chicks fuss and fight most of the day. 1 chick has no siblings to interact with...but, I think 2 will be just perfect to watch as they grow and learn.
Would that be a Rhode Island Red, Margy?
Praying that RED is doing well and that
Diann is watching over him..
BWE is antsy but won't move
I've been trying to see a switch but
not going to happen
Headed for my street clothes..
Whoa as I typed Look at BWE
Eggs in view
I am sure that is a PIP
Morning, all...
I'm at work, busy day, but skimming comments while eating my mid-morning snack....
HP does occur after eggs are laid...I've seen previously with Liberty the same as today....
And as Kay said to us, HP is for bonding between the pair, as well as producing eggs. I think there is probably less of it as incubation continues...
sure did see that Wanda, about the egg numbers..the info between you and Paula.....but thanks for repeating it... !
ttfn xo
Come on - BWE Bobble Head!
Look at BWE
Darn it - I think you all were too late..
Tuned in to BWE, JO...and got the screen view enlarged ...
Perhaps they will switch around the noon hour... wish you could have seen it
I have been sick at heart since last evening, and I can no longer keep it in. I am going to speak my piece. Think of me what you want, but at least I am getting it off my chest.
I pray. I believe the Lord is my Saviour. I pray for others needs…..silently or aloud alone. I truly appreciate other’s prayers for me. But I will NOT condone the continued personal, lengthy prayers being conveyed on the blog , and I condemn belittling other’s religious beliefs or lack thereof. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want to believe, and NO ONE has the right to publicly criticize them for their beliefs. If they need or want prayer, they will ask. No one should try to force them to believe what may be contrary to their hearts, minds or consciences. This has GOT to stop. Thinly veiled attempts to proselytize and preach “to” them are wrong. I am just sick over this type of warfare that has been perpetuated on this blog for the last few weeks. I hate that we have lost a sweet friend to it. And I would hate to have to ask Steve to impose blog rules, but I will if necessary.
I have been checking in from time to time.
On objects being thrown at car--I was once hit with what appeared to be a balloon full of muddy water. It hit squarely on my windshield. I was driving, but had a date with me--a visitor from New Jersey.
He got very excited, telling me not to stop. (Not that I would have anyway--would have thought that I did not want to encounter whoever threw that thing.) We went to a safe place and cleaned off the windshield.
Wanda, so sorry that the insurance jerks bit you, too. Is the private therapy place in S'town? Glad that they have more reasonable rates! Whew----I'd never be able to afford the fitness center, either. Wonder if they still do rehab PT in the hospital itself on out-patient basis and what the charge is there?
Sure thinking about Red this morning! Hope we hear something soon.
Good morning everyone!!
Sure hope DanaMo feels better!
Kay, I totally missed the HP, and I was right here at the keyboard! But I was still watching the dog show. Not real thrilled with the pick for Best in Show....but it is what it is. Still need to read the Weimeraner story. Will go do that now.
Jo, I saw BWE, but since that is my first peek today, I can't say whether that was a pip or not...
Lynn, good for you for speaking up. I am in complete agreement. Matthew 6:6 comes to mind.
This blog is for watching the eagles and commenting. Friendly chatter is also welcome. Sharing concerns is also welcome...we are here for each other.
Hedgie, I agree totally. It's a turnoff.
Wanda, that is a cute avatar!
Reading back . . .
Got lost in on the first 200.
I missed the HP, too. And, I thought I was watching. lol It is not so cold here, but a gloomy drippy kind of day. However, I am NOT complaining...just stating. I like all the drips we can get!☺
I am off to start my day. Need to eat a bite and then get my walking in. Doctor appointment this afternoon. Do not mind going but do not like the idea that my eye will be dilated once again. Golly, I do hate that! Jack says I camplain too much about it, but it lasts so long!! Oh well!
A bit of good news - there's a family coming to look at LeRoy and Bobby on Friday! They want two siblings. Pray it works out! It would be so awesome to see them live together, forever!
{{Hugs}} LYNN. I feel and completely understand your frustration.
Good Morning, Lolly, Shirley and Paula!
Good morning and good afternoon everyone.
LYNN once more you speak from the heart and with integrity. I have found myself not reading posts, I see the avatar and simply move on as it IS too much...The person has lost credibility and I agreee with you.It does not matter if it is in capitals, bold, or a lecture, or even a short note...I simply do not read those posts any longer...
WANDA I hope the therapy works well at the new place and I am glad you are sorting out the insurance co-pay.
DANAMO I hope you are feeling better soon. I loved the roses MONTY gave you yesterday and cute what his mom wrote about raising him right.
SANDI Good luck with the RESPECT thing...maybe play the song as LORI suggested and I agree with DANAMO it is something learnt at home.
JO I hope you enjoy your day with your feet up...now LOLLY wonders why stay out of trouble? Don't listen to her she will get you in trouble!!!LOL!!!
Oh, Bobby and LeRoy are 10 mon. old foster kittens! Forgot to mention that for those who don't know.
Hello, everyone!
Thank you for speaking up with your
thoughts, Lynn. I am in total agreement with what you are saying. I, for one, do NOT read others lengthy
prayers made in our comments. I do not
feel our blog is meant to be used in that manner. Prayers, personal prayers are between a person and God.
Our blog does have Prayer Power for those in dire need and that is mainly
for Health reasons and I will continue
to honor those prayers.
Are there still only two eggs?
Hello Delphia
Blackwater just may get a bobble head today or tomorrow. We can't get a
good sighting of their eggs.
Yes, Hoda - Prayers for Red's recovery
Delphia - still and only 2 eggs
Hoda and Jo, I skip those posts as well...I agree it is a personal matter and should not be posted on here.
Lori, sure hope the adoption for Bobby and Leroy comes through!
HOwdy, Delphia!
Lori - that would be extra special for
LeRoy and Bobby to go to the same forever home. ♥
I feel it is almost lunch time. I smell the roast beef in the slow cooker.
Bananas even with PB don't get you too
far into your day!
Going over to see FB friends and family
LORI Leroy and Bobby ...I do hope so...I have always thought they should stay together since you first introduced them to us LORI...that would be awesome...keep us posted.
I agree with Lynn . . . . however, I sort of hope these kinds of things can first be approached behind the scenes thru email directly with the individual.
I do know there is a behind the scenes "email blog" that often discusses things/individuals.
Hugs to all.
Thanks, Paula. Me too!
Prayers for Red and his doctors.
I know HODA, I thought of you as the one who would be sooo happy if they got a home together! Thank you!
CA Sometimes with emails and/or phone calls, the true message does not get
across. I appreciate your concern and
it has been tried to no avail.
Alright - it really is lunch time.
Have you eaten yet today Lynn
Good to see you Lynn...
Hope you are feeling better today, then tomorrow, and the next billion tomorrows ♥
MEMAJO - understand
Lynn, beautifully said and I T-TOTALLY AGREE!!!!!
I think it's funny when they rearrange the fluff while sitting on the eggs...it's like they're just SO bored they have to do SOMETHING, so they move fluff from here to there and back again!
Hurray, Lori. Sure hope they are the perfect match!!!!! Have they already been screened by the rescue??
Thank you all for your support.
I too skip posts! I get worn out sometimes!
Delphia, I think they DO get bored just sittin' and roostin'!!!!!! Y-A-W-N!!!!
Getting ready for lunch now, Jo---had toast for breakfast. But Christie is coming after she gets off work this afternoon and bringing me some cravings.......I placed an order at Weis for some peanut butter cream donuts, and she's getting me some Extra Crispy KFC wings!!!!! Can't wait!
Heading for a nap after lunch!
I missed Lori's comment. Wahooo! I do hope the kitties go together. What a blessing that would be!
Hoda, Hoda, Hoda....are you saying I am a bad influence? roflmbo Just like to have a little bit of fun!
I do believe we are in need of a group (((hug))) this morning! So, (((hugs)))!!!!!♥
DELPHIA, the moving of the fluff makes me laugh...they do it so much in earnest and it reminds me of my pulling up a blanket just to get the draft away from a part of my shoulder!!!It is funny.
Looks like the same spot on the BWE egg...could be a pip...
I love how they "tuck the blankie" up as well ♥
YAY LYNN sounds great...enjoy your meal.
Who me LOLLY??? I laugh.
Hola amigos!! Been watching our royal couple and I have to tell you that I am so proud of Shep. He has really stepped up to the plate. They had HP a while ago, so I bet we get a third egg, maybe a fourth!!! Hope all is well with everyone. I know I am not here alot but I am with you in spirit! I am feeling better, not all the way better but better. Go to the surgeon tomorrow and probably be scheduled for a scope to see what is up exactly. The drugs are working and I am getting better but I am sure it is the prayers of the Momsters that is doing the trick the most!!
WOW PAULA a pip already at BWE...that would be terrific.
Keep us posted Bev and we'll continue
our prayers for your wellness. ♥
A lot of these things are beyond words for me.....not that I don't have thoughts, but just no words....
I have sorrow for hurt feelings...
confusion, bitterness, and other negative things that are happening....
I have chosen to turn these things of recent weeks....over to personal, private prayer.....God can hear a Whisper as well as he can, a Shout...
I will continue to do this....
just a personal thing. It is not my business to try to make anyone do anything regarding worship or prayer.....or belief.
As JudyE nightly ends her messages with...
Every One is Fighing Some Kind of Battle.......
Thank you for speaking your mind, Lynn.....I admire your courage
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
Oooh those BWE eggs just got a blast of sunshine.... ☼
To borrow from a fellowship I belong to. . .
We are welcome on this blog regardless of age, race, sexual
identity, creed, religion, or lack of religion.
We came for the eagles but stayed for the friendships we have made.
Well said, Margy. Your compassion is always appreciated.
Thanks for Checking in, Bev
Hope all tests etc continue to go well, and bring treatment if neded, and relief..
xoxox ttfn xo
SPLIT not too far away, pals xoxo
And others as well.
We have so many good things going for us on this blog. I have felt your support and strength in my own times of need and concern.
LYNN, I am so impressed with your post of 11:34 ! You spoke up on something that truly needed to be addressed. We're here to enjoy our eagles and wildlife together and it's great that friendship is part of it---that we can share personal news and activities---it's a life line me and I know it is to others. I find it acceptable to mention prayer, ask for prayers and enjoy hearing about church activities enjoyed by others. However, this blog should never be used as a bully pulpit for personal spiritual beliefs, judgmental edicts and intolerance.
Our friendships have weathered many storms. May that continue.
LORI, hard to believe the kittens are already 10 months old ! Hope their new forever parents are going to show up Friday.
Hi, Judie.
Good afternoon everyone.
Sure wish we had some update on Red. Hopefully, soon.
Lori, that would be just too terrific for LeRoy and Bobby to be in a furever home together. Sure hope the prospective parents are acceptable caregivers.
Lunch for me -- thin slices of cheddar cheese on toasted Italian with a dab of mayo. Tasted good. Don't usually want lunch. Lynn, enjoy your special order.
I myself am very grateful that the only requirement for membership on this blog is to love the eagles!!! I would probably be excluded on a zillion different levels otherwise.
Y'all have a great afternoon. It is almost 50 degrees here and I might take a little stroll around the park before I get Mattie from school. Nothing strenuous mind you, just blow off the farts, as my Mommy used to say!!
BEV, GREAT to see you on the blog and to hear that you are feeling a little better!!
LORI, hope the kittens get to stay together. My son and DIL have 2 little dachshunds (my granddogs) that are brothers and they are such great company for one another. I don't know what one would do without the other - they even sleep in 1 bed, curled up together!
I share the sentiments of others re: prayers. For me, prayer is a private conversation, just between God and me.
BEV, so glad you're going to see the surgeon and hope something evolves that will make you back in the WELL column once more !
SHARON, you've given us a beautiful creed to live by !
You Bluefield sisters and sister-in-law rock !
Interesting advice from your mother, Sissy. Can't say I have heard that one before. Gave me a chuckle.
Email from Susie (John's daughter & my dil)
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Dr got on phone & said my dad is doing great he was up walking around today taking other tubes and stuff out as well. He will be moved out of ICU to another room on cardio floor today so that is awesome to. Getting him steadied on his meds.
Oh No Split is coming
BEV, I meant "place you back", of course !
Home for lunch and didn't find a new thread oh well the old will do fine I guess
I knew what you meant Kay!! Thanks!!
We did a split!!!
she is call Shep again huh little peeps
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