Tuesday, February 07, 2012


New thread.


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BEagle said...

I have gone to the other side!!!!

Lolly said...

Dana, when Joseph was in first grade, I took to his teacher 30 big books. We loved her!

Hoda said...

LOLLY it is THIS Thursday that you are having your surgery...have you told us what time yet? I do not know this part, so would you let me know again so I could light a candle at home for you...thanks

Lolly said...

The kinder teacher I did not like no longer teaches K. She is a reading specialist now. That is probably much better for her.

hedgie said...

LOL, BEagle----yeah, she was saying "thanks and stay away from it!!"

Nice "gift" for Zack's teacher, Lolly!

DanaMO---don't fall asleep and forget the food in the oven!! Glad you had a fun 100th!
80 to go!

Really a shame that kids have to be afflicted with migraines...:( Bad enough for adults. I think Christie was 17 when she had her first one.

Lolly said...

Thank you, Hoda. I report to the hospital at 8:30 Thursday morning. Have no idea what time the surgery will be, but some time that morning. No coffee!!!!! Drat!

Egg roll!

hedgie said...

Current forecast is saying 2-4" of the dreaded white junk tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Zach was at school. He just put his head down on his table. Complained, but can not remember what they said he said. They went and got him and took him home. He threw up and then fell asleep on the sofa. Very unusual! Also, things he said and his actions led them to say migraine. Also, I guess Michael's history of migraines added to the diagnosis.

DanaMo said...


BEagle said...

It really irritates me when medical personnel says "no coffee." Are they afraid we won't go to sleep? What is that all about? They make everyone miserable enough without taking the coffee away!

DanaMo said...

I thought it was a frog too at first, then I realized no it's an animal. That is funny!

I got left behind and couldn't find my way. This is so weird that refreshing doesn't bring the next page!

Lolly said...

Well, we know the eagles can sit and keep an egg warm in the nest egg cup. I worry when they need to lay an egg in the snow.

Hoda said...

It is so scary when we don't know what we have and symptoms show...I am glad Zach's teachers were observant and that his parents tended to him by a docotr's visit right away...and that they put two and two together in terms of Michael's experiences with migraine.

DanaMo said...

No worries Lynn, I got dinner out of the oven and the kids are eating.

paula eagleholic said...

Doing the split thang...

Hoda said...

That is still Shep in the cup right? I see his head feathers and wonder is he going to take on night duty? I rather like it that Belle is int he nest at night time...he is making himself very comfortable...did the camera shake? Is she up in the branch?

Lolly said...

LOL Paula, you are way behind! Welcome to the other side!!

paula eagleholic said...

So, is Belle back? Didn't see any posts..or is that still Shep

BEagle said...

Coffee time. I found a coffee called "Love Buzz!" It's funny but delicious.

BEagle said...

That's Shepper!

Lolly said...

I fully expect Belle to be there very shortly!

BEagle said...

Belle's experienced with snow Lolly...that's my only comfort at times!

paula eagleholic said...

Yep, that's Shep still....

Hoda said...

It is SHEP PAUAL , no changing of the guards yet...he looks comfortable in the cup doesn't he?

Sandi said...

PAULA, I'm thinking that's still Shep. I'm sure Belle will be back for the night shift. Let's face it, how many of us (moms) were really comfortable when our husbands got up for the middle of the night feeding and changing. There were times when I was so exhausted I asked Denny to do it, but I KNEW he wouldn't do it right!!

BEagle said...

There she is!

paula eagleholic said...

Here comes Belle at the 11 spot...Shep is already up and ready to leave! Love the way he backs out of the egg cup!

Hoda said...

Here is BELLE and he gets up right away...don't keep her waiting Shep he goes to six and she is at eleven egg is uncovered

Lolly said...

Like I said...I expect Belle. LOL Looks like Shep is more than ready to head out. Belle did not have to argue to claim the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Shep up to the right....Belle rolling egg

Hoda said...

Poof Shep

BEagle said...

Well it looks like bunkering down time. Better go get some Love Buzz.

paula eagleholic said...

Meant Shep off to the right and up...probably in the tree, think I heard a clunk

Lolly said...

Getting dark fast on the cam.

BEagle said...

Paula...you always remind me to turn my sound on!

hedgie said...

Moon is coming up and it's a beauty!

BEagle said...

It would be a nice surprise if someone jumped in there and fixed the night light.

grannyblt said...

Our weather forecaster called the moon a snow moon. We won't see it here though. We are to get some of the white stuff too. I am bummed that my new computer still isn't ready. When I called this morning they basically said 'don't call us we'll call you'. If I don't hear by noon tomorrow I'll call anyway. I don't relish driving 45 minutes one way in the snow..of course they say light snow.

Glad to see our Shep is doing well so far. Red must have had a good 'talk' with im--or he closely observed Liberty last year.

Mema Jo said...

I was stuck on the 200 count page
I checked and as I thought there were many more comments.. so I came right over.

Mema Jo said...

41 more - Wow

Tonight is the good Terrific TV Tuesday
I am thankful things at the nest are going so well that I don't feel that I
need to be here constantly all evening.

BRB Reading ...

hedgie said...

Lynne1---where did you get the computer?
Hope you get it SOON!

Megan has a BEAUTIFUL pic of the moon on her FB!!!!! I tried, but the trees just messed it up.

hedgie said...

Liesl is begging for lap time.....guess I wore her out playing ball!! BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Warning: If and when we get 3" of snow in our nest on top of Belle Don't Flip Out! Belle can handle it! She is awesome when she raised her wings and
jumps up knocking all the snow away.

They will do well! Peace

Hoda said...

Thanks JO for the wonderful reminder...Yes Belle will be alright...♥

Hoda said...

JO I posted your comment on the WOW site...I think it is so wise♥

grannyblt said...

Lynn, I got my computer at Staples.
I paid extra to have them set it up and transfer data from my old one. Bought it Friday and took my old computer in Sat. They said a couple of days.At first they said ready Sunday, then Monday, then today said it was 'on the bench'. I guess since I finally decided to get a new one I want it right now. Oh well, all in good time I guess. Patience.....

Sandi said...

LYNNE1, "patience is a virtue." Sadly, I must not be a very virtuous person! =D

JO, thanks for the reassuring reminder!

grannyblt said...

Sandi I am not especially virtuous sometimes.. Did you read the book "Waiting"? thought of that when I read your post

BBL off to eat etc.

Mema Jo said...

I only know that when I first saw Belle and Liberty in the snow storm - I Freaked Out Big Time. Held my breath
until they belted up out of the egg cup and got the snow off without it going
into the cup.

magpie said...


Love what your gdaughter Jenn did about the exposed egg, warming it with her thmb...

Hello Eagle Pals....xoxo

Great Moon, was the Full "Yellow Snow Moon" there when it first rose, soon it will be blazing White !

magpie said...

Sandi ☺
I actually behaved myself today, did not add to many posts to the book....and I'll try to continue behaving.....☺

Sorry about Zach and the dreaded migraine episode...

Great post about Tori...though for sure things will be uncomfortable for a wee bit...but....sounds like things will come along well...

magpie said...

My co-workers were quite enthralled with the nest today...one asked: How come there is a nest within the nest ?

and, one had seen the comment on OC about the "Scuffle in the Nest" or branches....I simply told him....don't pay any attention to that forum about this like that !

magpie said...

about things like that, I mean...

the 100th day school things are fun to read about....
thanks for sharing, Teachers !

Kay said...

Good Evening ! Caught up with the posts ! What a great day with our Regal Eagles !

JO, so right about an eagles ability to handle all weather elements. After all they've lived in North America for hundreds of years and the largest contingency resides in Alask year round ! Would also remind us of PAULA's post of yesterday. They may leaved the egg exposed for what we think of as long periods so that the first egg doesn't hatch too many days ahead of a second. Here's hoping we see a second on in a day or two !

What terrific news we have from ROBYN about Tori ! We are witnessing a miracle !

Sorry to hear about Zach's migraine. I had them from about his age and until I was 45ish. We didn't know much about migraines when I was a kid, but called them "sick headaches", reason being they didn't let up til' I'd upchucked and then went to sleep for a while in a darkend, quiet room. Thankfully, I've not had a headache for years. Thought I would upon moving back to this Sinus Belt, but, knock on wood, I haven't !

magpie said...

You and Paula are keeping us well-grounded about
All Things Eagle Nest...
thanks for the reassurances, and the wealth of knowledge and viewing experience behind it...

magpie said...

I think Staples should be more considerate.....
sorry about the interminable wait!
but glad you're still with us !

Did you all see Google Graphic today
Charles Dickens' 200th Birthday

God Bless Us, Every One !

Kay said...

DANAMO, love the "100 Day" pics ! You are a fun loving teacher and those little ones are mighty lucky !

Hmmmm, MARGY, "Yellow Snow Moon" ? I think of something entirely different when I think of yellow snow. LOL

And, speaking of dogs. Tomorrow is my Malcolm and Seth day. Hurray !

magpie said...

Tiny Tim is in the Graphic ☺

Sandi said...

Time for a bath and then some TV for me. I know y'all love the NCIS shows on Tuesdays. I make Denny DVR those and watch them on his own time so I can watch Glee! I watch so much less TV than he does that he usually defers to me. DVR'd Smash last night and am anxious to watch that as well - did anyone see it?
Goodnight eagle friends!

magpie said...

yeah, Kay, I was just being silly !

paula eagleholic said...

Hello from home. Gonna zap some leftovers and catch up!

magpie said...

"Darning Egg" is the term for the wooden egg with the handle...used for darning, mostly, socks....

I have my Mother's out now...
nice, rich blonde wood of some sort...

Kay said...

HODA, I thought of the oldies site you sent we Momsters via e-mail when in for the MRI. I opted for 50's and 60's Doo Wop to relax me and cover up some of the clunking sounds. Had two sets to go through, so almost two hours of trying not to wiggle. Why is it the nose always starts to itch in such situations ? ;o)

grannyblt said...

I saw Smash last night. I'll watch it again. I am also a Gleek. However when the reruns are on I pass. Only so much teenage angst this Granny wants to take.

Kay said...

Tee-hee, MARGY ! You are being goofy tonight. "Nice, rich, blond" ? That's my kinda guy !

magpie said...

See you Sandi...enjoy your evening...

I was so impressed with the food reports today from you all, and what I watched myself... from Shep...
I'm so glad we changed his name ♥

magpie said...

Kay, right on with that thought!

How did your test go today, wasn't thi MRI day ?

magpie said...

snow tomorrow is going to be a real shock hereabouts...

BUT, the snow will illuminate the nest while the Moon is hiding

grannyblt said...

I like NCIS too and catch it on the reruns. My DH was a big fan of JAG, brought to you by the same folks that produce/write NCIS.

Now I really am leaving for a while. Nite all.

paula eagleholic said...

ha ha Kay, I know what you were thinking of. When I was watching the gkids the other night, I told them I had to take Nick out to do a wee wee. Cohen says "Does Nick have to go pee?" I told him he was right!

Kay said...

MARGY, you'll find MRI post to HODA, back a few. I was a good girl and didn't wiggle. Will see the doc on the 16th and we'll see where it goes from here. Maybe they'll say, "hey, you're just an old lady, buy a cane, take some Tylenol and get over it !" More better would be a non-surgical solution....we'll see.....

Kay said...

LOL, PAULA ! These kids ! When I pick Seth up from school on Weds. he always wants to know, "Did Malcolm do the deed ?" It pleases him when the answer is "yes" because it means only short walks for pee are necessary for the rest of the afternoon.

paula eagleholic said...


magpie said...

OK, Kay, I'll check back..I was reading from work Pre-Split until I left at 4, then had to do the silly reading thing until I got over here....so I missed a few things...
Best Wishes...for good outcomes....
You are Not Old...
"Golden Oldie" maybe, but Not Old !
Oh, I scarfed up a short YELLOW denim jacket the other night at Goodwill, just about new: $6

Kay said...

I don't think I've ever seen a more beautifully constructed egg cup. Could be the camera angle advantage. For weeks it looked like they'd both work on it and then mess it up. Guess they were just covering their handiwork with flugg, but were well prepared for February 5th !

magpie said...

L♥ve your all's dog and cat stories !!

Hoda said...

KAY thank you for the MRI report...I know the minute I think I have to be still I twitch or noe itches or some such thing happens I even sometimes sneeze!!! LOL...I am glad you handled it well...music is such a wonderful companion is it not?

I am off to yoga in a new studio. A bit nervous but am looking forward to it all the same. See you all when I come back...♥

magpie said...

Wow Night Bandit is already at work here ! So I'll behave and go get busy on some things...
Enjoy Your Evenings, Eagle Pals...
catch you before bedtime
xoxox (( Hugs ♥ ))

Kay said...

Wow, nice find, MARGY ! Will it still be cool enough for a little jacket when we meet in April ? I'd love to see it. Wish we could see wedding pics of your wedding bib o.a.'s back in the 80's. I envy someone like you who can take something they love, wear it with aplomb and make it their signature. I feel so "styleless" myself.

Mema Jo said...

Going Going Gone to Terrific Tues TV

Be back in between shows or at commercials.......

Kay said...

LOL, I thought of Shep and Belle part of the MRI time, telling myself, if those eagles can sit quietly on the nest cup for hours on end, I can surely do this ! I found it incredible to watch Shep do that for so long today, when he's seemed to be such a fidgety soul prior to this week.

magpie said...

Herky Herky it is, but Belle is UP

paula eagleholic said...

Belle up

magpie said...

egg roll for sure, and a wiggle I guess....

Yes, Kay hope it will be the kind of weather for that yellow jacket in April ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Egg roll and settled back in, facing 5ish

magpie said...

Kay I have the picture album...I'll try to bring it in April and show you...

okay, ttfn xoxoxo
(might be time for an Oatmeal Creme Pie soon....just in case....)

magpie said...

oh PS
things are more quiet from upstairs tonight...☺
so far

magpie said...

I'm sorry you are in such discomfort; Thursday will be here SOON and you'll start feeling, and seeing better !
(( Hugs ♥ ))

WV sUSAn said...

Margy, so glad it's quiet at your place. Quiet on the nest, too. Jewel and cubbies are resting happily. Happy Tuesday to all.

magpie said...

Thanks Susan...and same to you ...♥

There is an Eagle at Lake Wasington, but only on the Still Cam, refreshes every 10 seconds..live feed shows no eagle...
think it's down again...

hedgie said...

LOL, Kay and Hoda---the nose itch ALWAYS happens to me, too!!

Lynne1--I've heard of Best Buy taking so long, but not Staples!! But I guess if it's on the bench, that means it will be ready soon. Please be careful if you go out tomorrow to get it.

Margy, bet your jacket is CUTE!!!! Hope things o'erhead STAY quiet!

Kay, ROFL---Seth is just glad he doesn't have to scoop the DEED!!!!
Liesl does it everytime she goes out!!! Cinnamon always did, too! He wouldn't want a doxie!

Ad over. BB.

Lolly said...

Margy, I just refreshed and your comment to me was the first new one. ☺ Thanks, Sweetie! I am in my chair for the evening, sitting here aching. Oh, NOT in pain but not comfortable. It is good to know that my anti inflammatory is doing the job. (This is a test, only a test!) LOL

Lolly said...

Sorry a lot of you are going to have snow. No moisture expected here but a little cooler.

Lolly said...

Beautiful Belle looks so grand in the moonlight.

Saturday night when Laurel left here, we looked up and there was the largest most distinct ring around the moon. It was awesome. Wish I had gotten a picture of it. When I thought of doing a picture it was too late.

DanaMo said...

I don't think it's going to amount to much. Poor Belle with have to deal with it, but like Jo said she will be fine. The forecast is just calling for it on the grassy surfaces. If we get any on the roads I will be surprised.

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

Just popping in to say hello. We had Steve's Bass for dinner and it was GOOD!

Lolly, somehow I've missed info on your surgery....what are you having done?

wvgal_dana said...

I visited the nest as Mema Jo said. At the curve in the road. There is now a gaee up at the house there.

I could not see an eagle in nest. I called Mema Jo and she said one was in nest Shep Ed checked for us.

I seen no intruder anywhee!!!

Later I seen Belle flying it. So
beautifully she circled the nest
2 or 3 times. Then settled near top
of tree. When that happened Shep got up in the nest. I do believe he
thought Belle was coming down to relieve him. I had to laugh at them because Belle stayed near top of tree and finally Shep layed back down. It was so funny thinking about them two. Then even
more funny Belle turned her head around and layed it on her back towards her tail and slept up in the tree lol lol....I did laugh out loud. Those two are characters.

I think we have a pair that are trying very hard to raise a family and take care of each other.

I had to leave before Belle went down into the nest. Had tax appointment. Which turned out VERY WELL!!!!

I had a wonderful time at the curve in the road. Watching our beautiful pair of eagles. Got to smile and laugh out loud.

It was a FUN DAY!!!!!

Shep and Belle♥♥

hedgie said...

Final Jeopardy question was sure EASY!
NCIS was weird---all those flashbacks---confusing!! 200th episode----hard to remember ALL of those scenarios!

Taping NCIS: LA.....going to get my bath....early day tomorrow---alarm clock=SCREAM!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I am very emotionally happy about Tori being closed up and thinking of how God has worked things out for this young girl and her Mother.

Coninue prayers for full recovery in Gods Timing.

Kay said...

LYNN, LOL, you're right ! Malcolm does the deed once, first thing in the morning and again about 1pm. Kobe, my neighbor puggle does it everytime she goes out, too. No, Seth would not like to have a Liesl or a Kobe !

Lolly said...

Lynne, having cataract removed Thursday. I had the right eye done almost 4 years ago. Time to get the left eye done.

wvgal_dana said...

Met a guy today that is 54 yrs. old. He has stage 4 colon cancer. Went through treatments at City Hospital. December and show it is gone. They told him they have never seen a stage 4 colon cancer walk out and live. Pet scan in December show all gone. Jack Monroe
needs our prayers to continue the cancer to remain gone. Another Pet Scan due April. I told him Momster/Dadsters are a wonderful prayers group. He said to tell you all thank you. He has 2 children Junior High. He really has a beautiful attitude. Laughs and smiles so much and is very helpful to people in the library. I think he also has something to do with a youth soccer team. Thank you God for making Jack Monroe clear of stage 4 colon cancer.

JudyEddy said...

Had a nice dinner with Angie,Carl and Jordyn Boy can Carl cook a mean chicken breast he is such a good cook
Kay hope your MRI goes with a breeze I always fall asleep with mine
OVER 200 comments to read busy day again I hope they are all short and sweet Hope to be back later I posted the video from the feeding from deewerms on face book

Lynne2 said...

OH! I do remember seeing that Lolly...geez, I get confused anymore not being able to keep up regularly!

Dana, glad you got to be our "eyes on the ground" today at the nest! Great story about Jack, too!

JudyEddy said...

facebook is being a big PIA people comment on the video (candy) and my myself and the comments just vanish

JudyEddy said...

belle looking at egg I have video rolling

Kay said...

LYNNE2, hmmm, that bass sounds sooo good.

JUDY, Carl's dinner also sounds yummy. You go to sleep at MRI's, wow. There is so much clunking I find that amazing !

LOLLY, Thursday will be a big prayer day for me. I'll be with my Julie while she has a Hysteroscopy and then taking care of her, the dog and Seth the rest of the day. It will also be my son's 51st birthday and I pray it will be a happy one for Lee. I will still have time to remember you in prayer. I do hope this one goes very well for you !♥!♥

JudyEddy said...

and back on the egg she is

JudyEddy said...

I have head phones on when MRI and deaf in one ear helps LOL

JudyEddy said...

I think I told you but Angies has a friend that lives in TX now use to live here is doing fantastic with her double lung transplant a couple of years now She went to the hospital for something and caught something that infected both lungs and had to get a transplant I will ask Angies more details beens such a long time I forget Now its now old age is sometimers LOL gonna go take a shower and finsih reading

Lolly said...

Thank you, Kay. And prayers for your daughter. I am sure every thing will go okay for myself. I got an infection when I had the right eye done. Eye doctor says infection is rare, so we shall see what happens.

You are a trooper with the MRI. I have had them in the past. At one time I was scheduled for back surgery but found meds that helped and no surgery. Now they say my back is normal for my age.???? Where did the problem go? Anyway, Jack had to have an MRI this past year. He made himself almost sick with worry that he could not do the MRI. He ended up taking somehting to relax him. I tried to talk with him but that did no good at all.

Lolly said...

Think I will go take my shower early. That sounds really inviting.


WV sUSAn said...

Dana, I love that curve in the road for viewing. Great spot.

Where's Sharon? Glad they got the cottage. Looks like an awesome place but I think we were still drawn to stay on the river.

Janet said...

Tuesday evening:

hi everyone! so much going on!

for those who have mri's and will get them: they ARE indeed very noisy....sometimes you get music i understand, but i was not offered music for mine. instead i chose that time to meditate and give myself reiki energy. i found it to be most helpful.

i am excited to take a couple's beginner yoga class this saturday night by a very skilled instructor and friend of mine! i signed up for that today.

my reiki shares begin this week saturday; that's once a month and then the end of this month my reiki classes begin again. that's an entire weekend venture! :)

met a gal pal for coffee at the starbucks after work. always nice to catch up.....

hope everyone is having a great evening. bedtime is soon!

Kay said...

Oops, somehow got myself kicked outta the blog. Coming back in....

Mema Jo said...

Commercial and lots to read back on when I come back!

Nest is secure!

WV sUSAn said...

Janet, reiki sounds very interesting but I have not pursued or made an appt. Need to follow up.

JudyEddy said...

I see where he has feed his queen several times today did someone say a rabbit earlier ????? Still haven't gotten a shower sitting here chatting on FB with candy and petting my cats LOL So if I smell its their fault LOL

Janet said...

W. sUSAn: Reiki is very interesting and the best part is, anyone, absolutely anyone can be a reiki practitioner. :) i use it in so many aspects of my life; i started out learning because i was interested.....then i started using it with my clients; then became a reiki master, now i not only incorporate it into most all of my life but i teach as well. :)

Lynne2 said...

Good grief. Stubby has found a show called Doomsday Preppers. I'm just shaking my head. And in a doomsday scenario, I'm gonna DIE. LOL!

JudyEddy said...

so sad about Zach getting migraines I always here that sodas and certain foods can cause them Is this true??

LYNN so cute with the thumb on the egg funny

I can't wait till my vaca on the 18th I get to watch camera all day YEAH just a little over a week away count down and to be away from work that will be the best Still haven't heard anything about my WC being reopened I wonder what they are up to I found out today that lots of peeps are being written up and coached from the past to where they missed work and or came to work late and mgmt at the time did nothing but this new boss is pulling everyone files and going over with a fine tooth comb is the only thing we can think of Why not before just because he can I guess and by all rights they should have been talked to before this but our bosses just brushed it aside He is sure one heartless man

I agree with working and keeping up with the blog I think we all need to just quite our jobs YEAH RIGHT LOL

JudyEddy said...

My cam keeps circling circling

JudyEddy said...

Hey sis did you hear Uncle JR died Connie left me a message on the machine His services will be in Indiana

Lynne2 said...

I have informed him that he should shoot me first, then the critters, and save himself.

On that note, I'm going to bed. Have a good night and prayers for all!

JudyEddy said...

now now I must go get a shower NOW DI IT JUDY OR ELSE YOU are grounded LOL BYE

JudyEddy said...

DID she eat the whole squirrel I see no nestovers Still reading I know I should go but I am addicted to the comments 116 to go JUST had to ask if she ate THE WHOLE Thing herself

WV sUSAn said...

Janet, I am on it! I think it would be very therapeutic mentally and physically.

WV sUSAn said...

Janet, I am on it! I think it would be very therapeutic mentally and physically.

Janet said...

JUDYE; yes, connie called me and told me uncle jr died. but i did not know him. all i know is mom and dad thought the world of him...i don't think i ever met him. she said she had called you and left a message. said something about callign ladonna????? i don't know that name; who it is or anything.

migraines: btw can have a great variety of causes. chiropractic care adn massage have helped me to control mine. many options for help out there; can be confusing and frustrating til you find what helps and works best for you.

have a good night!

Janet said...

WV sUSAn: it is theraputic in so many ways. if i can be of help let me know. i have read several books, my favorite is by diane stein...but just read one by william lee rand that was also quite good. i have materials at home that i am always willing to share.

well guys, heading to bed. 5:20 comes EARLY

sweet dreams. smiles to all

Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on the silence?
- Sai Baba

JudyEddy said...

So glad you went to the curve in the road and they now have a gate HMM I wonder if me leaving money on their porch to fix the light had anything to do with it I hope that they got it also and did you take any pictures of the adventure My cam keeps missing up circle and the the big arrow came and now circling

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

Yep, the cam is out of order right now. Boo-hiss ! I'll take that as my signal to wish all a good night ! Prayers for all in need !♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

cam here starting circling....I hit refresh,
it's going again for me JudyE...
but it had, just stopped out of the blue

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have a question. What has happened to make our camera so clear at night?

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

I thought there WAS already a gate at the farmhouse.....
I was there once watching the nest, when they came in by vehicle and opened it...

it was nearly night-time then

magpie said...

you mean besides the Moon, Sharon ??


I think it was part of the higher resolution quality that was one of the updates, though...we gave up nighttime infrared in exchange...
I might be wrong but I think that's part of it

magpie said...

I hear Train !! do you Sharon ☺ ?

JudyEddy said...


910pm egg roll by Belle

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, the small house has always had a gate...

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, it's the same cam as last year.

Lolly said...

Cam is working fine here!

Sharon, it is the full moon lighting the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Moon, right! I was getting excited thinking they may have come up with software to make it better or something!

magpie said...

I'd sure have a gate if I lived in that house, Believe Me!
and I'm sure there is probably a beeper in the pavement when a car drives over top of it....
that's safety for sure....

Sharon, maybe your eyes are just getting better these days...with all that Andrew and Kelsey happiness going on ☺♥

Judie said...

Belle is peaceful in the nest and the moonlight is lovely. Let's hope that the snow goes far away from the nest.

The night light is on for anyone who may need to arise in the darkness and for those who sneak in late from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

I put a video deewerms did of this am feeding of Belle he brought her in food I will put it on blog also with my video s

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Sharon, yup it's the full SNOW moon tonight...sure wish it was the infrared!

JudyEddy said...

her video is now on the blog of the critter that shep brought in this am I love the clock she added to the video tooo cool

Shep bring a critter

JudyEddy said...

Well eagle buds its that time of day again so I will see you in the am I love being able to see our eagle all the time now LOVE IT LOVE IT
from my to your



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


magpie said...

'Night Judie...I'll need that night light, cannot afford to stub any toes !
Restful Sleep Wishes to you too and all in Your Roost...

Hoda said...

I am back from my evening yoga class in a new studio and it went very well. It teaches me that there is not much mileage in being anxious...I like the teacher very much from when she used to teach in the studio I attend regularly. She had a baby and she is still pretty awesome teacher. I will go again five more times in February...she is just filling in for another teacher who is presently in Bali.

OH MY!!! The moon here is breath taking and a bright planet in the skies too...MARGY did you see it?

Hoda said...

Time for tea...

magpie said...

It's Late, Bedtiming Late...

Hoping that Wanda and Gene have had a good day

Wellness Wishes and Prayers for All

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Sure did Hoda !
This time of the year....there are spectacular views....Jupiter is still out...Venus has set for us here...but the Moon Rules !
glad you evening was a good one !


hedgie said...

Unforgettable sure was tense....and now another one with a another ongoing storyline!!

Spent most of my time in the tub on the phone with my sister...no chance to read my book. Oh, well...maybe tomorrow.

Lolly, sure hope you can rest and ease your aches.

Need to see if Wanda has checked in....

hedgie said...

I see that Judie set the night light, but sure didn't stick around to say much......miss you, gal!!! Hope classes are going well and that the wannabe's aren't driving you crazy yet!

JudyEddy said...

Just on facebook Menajahtwa

The Garden of Eagles
Looks like female #3 is still in the picture. She and the NBG male were both seen at the nest this afternoon - enjoying each others company. What will tomorrow bring? Be sure to tune in to the Eagle Cam . . . (Screen capture property of NBG & WVEC)

paula eagleholic said...

I hope Wanda has been resting today!

Glad you got to see your former teacher, Hoda, and that you enjoyed the class.

Mema Jo said...

Back from TV
Nest is bright and the egg is secure
Need to read back


paula eagleholic said...

Oh, good news! Tori is being extubated tomorrow!!

paula eagleholic said...

NBG is certainly as the nest turns....we can certainly sympathize with the goings on over there!

Lolly said...

I am starting to fall asleep. Think I will just go ahead and close my eyes.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Will really enjoy being lazy in the morning and drinking my coffee.☺

hedgie said...

Isn't that wonderful, Paula???? Just saw it on FB. Can't imagine the butterflies that Robyn is having tonight! Just want to sing "Oh Blessed Day!"

Well, need to get another layer of polish on my manicure....so will say good night to all. Restful sleep. Prayers for all in need. Please be careful if you get snow, gang!!

Costume Lady said...

PLEASE, NO SNOW...I get my staples out tomorrow. Don't want anything to keep that from happening!

Off to bed I go...

paula eagleholic said...

Good luck Wanda!

Costume Lady said...

Didn't realize I haven't checked in today...think I did this morning.
Anyway...with Gene at the Soup Kitchen, today, I rested with leg propped up much of the afternoon and evening. Leg is looking better.
Appreciate your concern, ladies♥

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, PAULA:)

Hoda said...

Good luck WANDA...I hope no snow then...

Mema Jo said...

I suppose the beautiful snow moon is going to live up to its name sometime tomorrow. Maybe not as much as is being said.

Everyone have a good sleep tonight
and awaken refreshed in the morning.

I am a lover of receiving Reiki treatments. I have COPD and I can just feel my body relaxing and my breathing becoming deep and strong.
Our Wellness Center of our hospital has the sessions available to the public and there are quite a few churches that offer it. I wish Tori and Robyn could avail themselves to a
treatment of Reiki.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda the snow will wait until you get back home without any staples!
Now - don't you fall apart on us gal! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Just finished some meds so I will walk back the hall.

Good Night and God Bless all of you & your loved ones
Prayers for Tori tomorrow and thankfulness for Nila and Fred doing so well. Heal these migraines that my friends and family members suffer.
Hugs to all you wonderful people ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Good night Belle!

paula eagleholic said...

Hitting the hay

(((Hugs for all)))♥

PA Nana said...


Hoda said...

...you have arrived PA NANA!!!

Hoda said...

I think I need to log off now... Belle woke up and did an egg roll,she turned around and is back incubating. All is indeed well.

Good night sweet dreams and God Bless us all.


Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

The NEST FORECAST remains as expected today:

Snow, mainly after 10am. High near 35. New snow accumulation of 1 - 3 inches possible.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lori I need to get to bed but I seen what you seen at 1:57:46 2/8/2012 I took a picture in case she did lay another egg. The wsy she ttood for awhile like letting it dry. So I am not sure.
Will read comment when I wake up.

Prayers for Tori and Robyn, Lolly, Wanda, Kay waiting for answers from MRI, Nila, a lady named Connie that died I believe it was yesterday age 40 of breast cancer leaving husband and 2 children. Prayers for all those that need them and for those that think their problem isn't as big as the people named for prayers. Lord anyone I said I would pray for and have forgotten. Father you know them and I thank you for YOUR healing hands and for remembering the prayers for those I may have forgotten. God thank you for taking care of the creatures you made and we pray for Shep and Belle (if it does snow please God protect those egg/s Thank You Lod) and for anyones dog, cat or whatever that needs prayers too. Lord I have also been thinking of the dog that bite Hoda. Is he being mistreated I put this dog in your loving HANDS if it is being mistreated please Lord before something bad happens to the dog PLEASE let someone find out. Prays for GG, my Mother and my family. Prayers for Lynn full recovery.Jim's eyes dokmg so well. Lord no infection for Lolly's surgery. B/c you know I know what an infeftion is like in both eyes after having catract surgery. Lord Be with anyone that has to travel tomorrow. If it is going to snow let Wanda and others get things done and home before it snows. Thank You Heavenly Father Amen.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh almost forgot someone ask did I get any pictures while I was at the curve in road at the nest. No I did not...sorry. I was given a GREAT BLESSING BY GOD to just watch and laugh and smile and enjoy what My Lord was giving me at that time. Thank YOU GOD ♥♥
Can't say anymore as to why I said the above.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

KAY have added Julie to prayer list for hysteroscopy!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Posting this of the 40 yr old lady that died from Breast Cancer. Someone from this area might know her because of (misspelled in newspaper should be Bedington):Mrs. Donna Carol Graham
As originally published on Wednesday, February 08 2012

Mrs. Donna Carol Graham, 40, Frederick died Monday February 6 at her home after a long battle with breast cancer. She was the wife of Brian Daniel Graham.

Born in Cheverly, MD on April 5, 1971 she was a daughter of the late Raymond Williams and the late Judith Kessler Adams and is also survived by her father Nicholas Adams Jr.

She received her BA degree in History from St. May’s College and was employed by the Girl Scouts of the Nation’s Capital #40450 as a leader for nine years in Beddington WV. She was a cake decorator and also a cake decorating instructor and a member of the Beddington United Methodist Church.

Surviving, besides her father and husband, are: 2 daughters - Kathryn M. Graham and Caroline E. Graham - both at home, 1 brother - Mark Williams - Stephens City, VA, 1 sister - Mary Behre - King George, VA.

Memorial services will be held 2 PM on Saturday, February 11, from the Donald B. Thompson Funeral Home, 31 E. Main St., Middletown. Rev. William Jones III will offi- ciate. Interment will be private.

In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, ww5.Komen.org

Online guest book available at:


Please pray for her husband and children she leaves behind and of course for her father and friends.

Kay said...

Sleep alludes me. Up for Tylenol and had to take a peek at our Lady of Sycamore Palace. All is well with her.

HODA, what did I miss ? DanaWV writes as if you've learned the dog who bit you is being mistreated. Can't imagine that !

Hi LORI. I'll bet you're just about to arrive at the station. I'm wide awake at the moment, but hoping for more z's. Anyway, here's a big hug to start your day, {{{{{{{gLORI}}}}}}} !!!!!

Kay said...

Prayers for me and mine are always appreciated ! Lee's birthday is Thursday, the 9th. I brought him home on Valentine's Day--that was in the day when we stayed in the hospital for several days after birthing---he was the best V'day present ever ! Eileen, then almost five and in kindergarten was unimpressed and much more interested in showing me her valentines !♥

Kay said...

Egg rolling ! Belle has her back to cam, so I can't see the egg.

Kay said...

Now she turns. Caught sight of the egg briefly---only one.

Kay said...

Changing avatars. Here's a beautiful red rose for Valentine's Day, with love for all you sweet Momster's, Dadsters and the Kidster, too ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Back to bed. Must get some rest before my Malcolm/Seth day.

HAGD and I'll BBL.

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

Oh bummer, I missed you Kay! I hope you were able to go back to sleep. If not, hopefully you can take a nap with Malcolm until you pick up Seth.

Lori O. said...

Thanks for that BIG HUG, Kay! I needed that.

Lori O. said...

SPLIT coming up in a few posts - don't get lost (mostly a reminder to myself)! :)

DanaMo said...

I'm up...I think.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Mrs. Hillmoe! Your shirt and pictures of the 100th day are adorable! How fun!

DanaMo said...

Whee...Did I make it over?

DanaMo said...

Thank you Lori. I thought I was going over the split on that last one.

I was so exhausted I slept like a rock last night.

I've missed you the last couple of morning. Just quick visits, you must be very busy too!

Sandi said...

Morning LORI & DMO! Morning Miss Belle! Morning egglet! Are they still calling for snow for you folks and at the nest? Only rain here and not til later in the day.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...