Just came to thinking, I am missing seeing some news from Wanda.... I know she has a good support system in place, so I am not worried, but I'd like to SEE her, and those beautiful heart-shaped egg yolks on her avatar.... hoping that the funeral service, dinner (Saturday, for one of the church family member's son) and all other things with her and her family are going well....
I love his cheeks they are so pinch-able wee I think I am signing off for the night Hope it stays calm tonight at the nest being WVGALDANA saw the intruder today maybe being chased away again she will stay away for awhile
Shirley I can do a few little plumbing "repairs" here but have to call on the landlord to take care of other things...the drippy faucets is something they have to do... :(
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe God Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
WVDANA - If you were at the nest and actually saw the Intruder on and near the tree that the nest is in, it sure seems odd to me that there were no eagle calls or any signs of distress throughout the day today.
I was working in LM all day today with my computer on and the cam up. It was a very calm day, as others have posted.
I'm not an eagle expert, but I would think the Eagles would NOT have been so calm with an intruder so close by, nor would Shep actually get up and roll the eggs as much as he did today.
Hoda: on your avatar, what I see as the leaded glass transparency, I do believe I saw this very glass item at a restaurant in Berkeley Springs called the Earth Dog Cafe.... I'll have another look...and if it's for sale, I'll probably buy it! Super Cool restaurant.....beautiful things on the walls, and maps, things like that, and great food as well...
Hi Linda... I was in AWAY mode most of the afternoon/evening... good to see you
Loved Kay's post about Julie and she having Mother and Daughter time over laundry-doing... My step-daughter used to do that also, I loved it when that happened
Hoda - Little Harry is so handsome. I wanted to leave comment BUT I can never get the 2 words correct to prove I'm not a robot. One of the words is always very clear BUT that other word is usually shadowed/italicized/smunched together. I try -- but always miss one of those letters.......
So thankful it has been a peaceful evening at the nest. I know I was really keeping an eye on the cam around the 4:30 hour... I guess it is possible that it is raining at BWE - mom has her wings tenting
I am thankful the snow didn't come up this far & I hope it doesn't come through the night.
I thought for some reason Lynne said she was going to be working Saturday, Lolly.... gets confusing for me to keep up on some of that.... but I hope she has Monday OFF just becuase, but if not....we sure look forward to seeing at least a Hello
Joseph and Jacob take turns saying the blessing "God is Great". However, when all three boys are present Zach just takes over. Sometimes he says God is Great prayer but most of the time is will do an adult like blessing. His memory is so awesome!!
Margy, I do have a drippy faucet, too. And I need a real plumber for that. This one was running, and something had to be done, or I would have had to turn off water to the whole house for the night.
Time for me to go upstairs. I hope Wanda is sleeping soundly now and checks in first thing tomorrow. I want to see her avatar, too.
Tori swiped my ASUS and stuck me with her computer so she can play world of warcraft. I need to take hers with me and finish the uploads. Tor is currently reading Caring Bridge Like · · about an hour ago ·
That's neat, Lolly, love it when the kids speak from the heart ♥
Okay on what Lynne said thanks...
Shirley, Good Night....while we were at the Earth Dog Cafe, ESPN was on with sports clips, James found great interest in the bowling segment...so did I...I told him about Cyclone....
Thank you for your comments about Harry. I knew you would like to see the pictures. I find the second word also fuzzy JO...I appreciate you looking at the pictures...♥
I am very grateful for a calm day and evening at the nest...too much excitement yesterday for my liking...I became tense just reading and looking at the pictures....I cannot imagine how those who saw it would have felt...incredible to have had the presence of mind to report too...
All is quiet at the nest. Belle head is down but not tucked, facing 8 o'clock. Whoops! Egg roll and I saw our eggs. Wiggle wiggle back down on the eggs, now facing 1.
Belle gets up to do an egg roll she fans her tail feathers and diggs in the cup she goes up to the railing at eleven and is looking around...the eggs are uncoverered. She comes back to the eggs and is facing six and resumes incubating
Can't sleep that sucks big time and went to look at google and no change how disappointing maybe too early to change it Well gonna watch Good wife since I can't sleep all is quite at the nest now as has been all day
Gosh, it's taken forever to get caught up here! Sorry I haven't been around. Have just been really busy. Really distressed to hear about and see pictures of the new intruder at the nest! Very grateful that the eggs are OK, and SO proud of the way Shep has really stepped up to the plate, with all these new challenges.
Hope that things really slow down at the nest, and the new intruder moves on to find its own nest and mate.
Lori, glad to hear that Bobby and LeRoy were adopted together! Wishing the adoptive family all the very best with those adorable kitties!
Lynn, hope you are able to sleep soundly tonight, and that you have a really good day tomorrow! ((HUGS))!!
Really tired, so going to call it a day. Making sure the porch light is on, and enabling both security systems. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for all creatures, especially Belle, Shep, and the two little egglets. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]
You know Belle & Shep switched so early this morning - at 4:12 - wonder if they'll do it again at their usual time? Or, have they already switched AGAIN?
Good morning everyone! I am so glad to see no snow in that nest! We got hammered down here. Over 16,000 people in Mercer County without power this morning, 56,000 in our immediate region. We never lost ours completely, flickered a few times but came right back on. Lots of black ice out there this morning, they say. Once again, I love working from home! Supposed to be in the mid 40s today so this will melt quickly. We have about 8 inches on the ground I think.
Have a great day folks, just wanted to jump on and say Hi this morning. I will be lurking and watching, as usual. Love and hugs! In the immortal words of my sister, "I love us!!"
Comcast coming to check my hook up today. 2 different men said it was not hooked up right. Last man that came to see why tv was acting up was suppose to go under mobil home. Have door and nice wide opening big enough under there. But he did't go under. So they are sending new man today said they will get this straightened out....it may have been what caused my tv to go up comcast said. So they had me put in a damage report. Did not even know there was such a thing??
@Linda 10:37pm comment I was there just as Shep got off the eggs. Got up on the limb that once we see his tail off to left. He was flapping his wings. Belle got down on the eggs. In came a third (3rd) eagle and flew towards Shep. Shep flapped his wings and into the sky he went turning and chasing the intruder eagle. I have wittness if I need them. The man that lives in the house. a woman, and another man. Shep chased intruder towards river. I heard NO calls or calling out.
well, hope she or he homeless eagle goes across the river and finds a mate and nest of her or his own with no problems for any other nests either...
time to deal with the debris field here...weeks of inattention, time to get some things done at THIS NEST
I see Google is bland, no President's Days things, as JudyE discovered after midnight. :( Cartoons and authors, scientists and all that, but no Presidents today...
All caught up from last night - I was asleep by 9PM!! Morning Bev, Margy, and WVDana (hope I didn't miss anyone)!! Sounds like all was quiet at the nest last night.
WVDANA, glad to know what those sounds were the other night (fox). Not glad to know that you saw another eagle at the nest!
MARGY, bet that really made you happy that James's fav hobby is bird watching!! Wonder where he got that??
LYNN, hope you feel better today.
LYNNE, welcome back to the blog. Did you miss us over the weekend? We missed you!
Great news that Tori is doing "typical teenager things" like stealing her mom's laptop.
DMO, today is NOT professional development for me, though I do have school work to do. Did you happen to see the teacher thing I shared on FB last night? You'd love it!!
MARGY, the comments for LYNN and LYNNE2 are for whenever they get here to read them. Thanks for the heads-up on the pileated call yesterday. After you posted, I went to the Cornell site and checked and that's exactly what I had heard!! When I grow up, I want to know bird calls as well as you do!! =)
Thanks Sandi...some of these things I have heard often at Swinging Bridge, where I spend a great deal of time... and I have that Cornell site too ! I check it often.... what's tough is to hear and hear a bird somewhere and not be able to find it to even approach an identification of it !!
CAROLANNE, love the deer pics ... hate the 9 degree temp reading on the thermometer, but then you knew I would!! Alas, I am not hale and hearty enough for Wisconsin winters!! =)
Bev, glad you didn't lose power. I am sure all that beautiful snow will be a slushy mess before too long with the temps heading upwards in the coming days!
Judie, have a relaxing day away today.....and enjoy!
Good morning eagle buds just got up Had a terrible nite last nite couldn't sleep I see Sharon also in the same boat as me went to bed at 3 after watching some Tv gonna go read the blog BBIALW
I hope all you teachers get a much need day off and shame on you for doing school work today go enjoy yourself
I found a 20 in the dryer just a little bit ago maybe my day will change after all and I don't remember loosing in either
OH SISSY BEV I hope you all are ok up there with the bad weather Your sister put some pretty pictures on face book last night OH so pretty but oh so treacherous and I hope your health is much better in the coming days
Good news VWGALDANA about your cable damage report that is good news
I am so glad you clairdied the whenever they read the comments I keep going back to look for LYNNE2 and couldn't find Wheee thought I was loosing it LOL
WELCOME HOME LORI I guess I will just go see if I can find something to do today LM LM LM LM LM LM
LORI, your workday is over and I'm still in my pajamas! Trying to organize 2011 stuff to get everything to the accountant. With Denny having his own business and me working full time, I'd rather pay someone else to do our taxes than tackle them myself. Accountant has said we'll owe this year so I haven't been too anxious to get the taxes done.
Have you ever opened the PB jar and found out you were going to be the last one to use it & you had to scrape bottom? I just did! Then I did find a new jar - but I sometimes have to struggle getting those seals off - I'm so proud I did it!
Read blog - Lots of night owls last night/early early morning. I am so thankful that our earl birds are here no matter if it is a work day or not.
I keep watching my yard to see ROBINS. I love your avatar Sandi. I had a pretty cardinal who stay a long time out at the feeder (railing) on the deck.
Good morning! Watching that egg roll.☺ Do hope it is a peaceful day at the nest.
Presently 51 here and sunshiney! Going up into the 60's. Think I am going to attempt some yard work today. A lot of the yard is too wet but bet I can find a dryer area to work!!
Glad I do not hav 8 inches of snow, but if I did, I would be enjoying the beauty of it.
Laurel and the boys have school today, Dana. Enjoy your day. My lesson plans always had to be on my desk when I left on Friday. Mon AM the principal did an early morning walk through and she read those plans. At least read them enough to leave a comment. It was nice in that I did not have anything to do on weekends!
The 15 year old picture of my Mom, Doris Akers Dunkerley, has been up for several days as my profile picture. She was 90 when she died last week. We all miss you Mom.
If you wish to send card, Lynne's address is included on our Momster List
LOLLY, the principal read every teacher's lesson plans each week?? That is impressive!! I've never had a principal ask to see lesson plans every week, not even when I taught elem. school. Was this in a small private school or a public one?
We have been seeing lots of robins, white wing doves, cardinals, purple finches, gold finches, red bellied woodpeckers, downy woodpeckers, wrens, and the always thick tit mice and chickadees.
Pubic school, Sandi. We had approx 500 students. This particular principal was great. I loved her. She was so professional, fair, and really called for respect. Yes, sometimes my plans just had her intitials but frequently a comment.
My Middletown MD is about 8 miles west of Frederick which is about an hour away from Baltimore (up 70N) I am about 30 minutes from Shepherdstown WV and to get to PA I would need to go up 15N past Paula's and I can't think of the 1st town I would come to.
JO, I knew there had to be another Middletown besides the one in northern Baltimore Co. that I'm familiar with, since you said that it only took about 2 and ahalf hours for you to get from your beach place to home. Where is your place at the beach - I know you said off Rt. 54.
JO, I love cardinals! We have always had at least one pair here since we moved up here. We even had four right out here in the little tree off our deck.
Late last summer they disappeared and have not been back since. My sister-in-law said theirs are gone too. They live about 30 minutes southeast of us.
Sure hope we see them again soon. I really miss that vibrant red amongst all the brown out there in the winter. And in the snow they are just beautiful!!
JET has falling in love with the living room window I opened up the mini blinds and she is sitting in the window sill watching the birds and squirrels out side the window
JO I want to share my idea with you on hearing the camera I am partially deaf in the one ear I open two IE and have the sound turned up on both windows There is a slide bar on the cam also that will raise it just a tad but it helps me hear also Just wanted to share that with two open it is louder LM back to LM
With more of us on, we are going to reach that 400 mark pretty soon, unless we would happen to get a new President's Day Thread first... so be watching for it
Have a good day, friends.....lots of sunshine, kind of breezy here... Hope anyone with the Punies (aka not feeling so good) will be feeling better very soon. Personally I am in financial shock after paying bills
Sandi and Lolly-We get checked about twice a month on a rotating basis. Often times we don't get checked at all during our "allotted two weeks" so it's anyone's guess when she will come to see me again, the last two times she came to check my plans she wasn't able to to it. Once I was at a doctors appointment so I wasn't there(she had forgotten about it) and the other time I was giving a reading assessment. She comes in and sits at my desk observes for a few minutes and completes a "form". I always do my plans on Sunday for the week. Like I've said before though they are all on my computer so it's just tweaking what I did last year. I actually love that she completes a form because I save all of them and if I ever need to find another job I have a great accounting of my work! ☺
All three dogs are on the deck soaking up this wonderful sunshine. I'm still in my pajamas and will probably head back to the couch to read. Bought a new book yesterday and I'm pretty well into it now.
Morning all. Not a very good day for me again. Been sleeping on the sofa, but have lurked.
So sad about Lynne1---she popped in once yesterday....wonder why she didn't tell us??? RIP, Doris. And Lynne, may you find peace in all your memories. Prayers for you and your family.
Jo, must NEVER run out of PB. And when I read your post, I went straight to the jar and got a spoonful!!
OMGosh I just realized we have 4 Lynn(e)s, no wonder I am getting confused. Which Lynne is Lynne1? I thought I had this all straight and now my head is spinning! LOL!
GOOD MORNING... I see some of us are missing this morning, so I am putting my 2¢ worth in so that I won't be among the 'missing'. I've been doing household chores, trying to get back to NORMAL, but taking it slowly...don't want to mess anyting up!
I was able to help out with the Funeral Reception Meal. I sat most of the time, slicing pies and cakes and I SWEAR, I didn't eat any, although, I did lick my fingers a time or two:) So, seeing as how I had no adverse effects from helping with that, I do believe I can help with the Soup Kitchen tomorrow.
Lynn, not sure how I missed your certificate but I love it! Going back to everyone's blogs to get all the Lynn (e)s straight. I know I've got you right and I've got Lynne2 right but got confused with the Lynne1 then I saw there are 4 altogether!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 445 Newer› Newest»I wonder why there are two words now to prove you are not a robot stoopid I don't have mine set up for words at all I think. He is a cutie HODA
Going to check that picture, Hoda....
Just came to thinking, I am missing seeing some news from Wanda....
I know she has a good support system in place, so I am not worried, but I'd like to SEE her, and those beautiful heart-shaped egg yolks on her avatar....
hoping that the funeral service, dinner (Saturday, for one of the church family member's son) and all other things with her and her family are going well....
Beautiful pictures, Hoda.
Good night I'm pretty tired.
Prayers for all that need them whether human or animal.
I love his cheeks they are so pinch-able wee I think I am signing off for the night Hope it stays calm tonight at the nest being WVGALDANA saw the intruder today maybe being chased away again she will stay away for awhile
I can do a few little plumbing "repairs" here but have to call on the landlord to take care of other things...the drippy faucets is something they have to do...
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
God Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Good Night JudyE, better just go ahead and call it a NIGHT....
Rest well....oxox
The Good Wife was excellent!
Going to get ready for bed
Be back in a minute.......
Precious and Beautiful, Hoda...
Thanks for posting those
I need to go back to 200
I'm confused......
WVDANA - If you were at the nest and actually saw the Intruder on and near the tree that the nest is in, it sure seems odd to me that there were no eagle calls or any signs of distress throughout the day today.
I was working in LM all day today with my computer on and the cam up. It was a very calm day, as others have posted.
I'm not an eagle expert, but I would think the Eagles would NOT have been so calm with an intruder so close by, nor would Shep actually get up and roll the eggs as much as he did today.
Hmmmmmm..... very strange.....
on your avatar, what I see as the leaded glass transparency, I do believe I saw this very glass item at a restaurant in Berkeley Springs called the Earth Dog Cafe....
I'll have another look...and if it's for sale, I'll probably buy it!
Super Cool restaurant.....beautiful things on the walls, and maps, things like that, and great food as well...
I just hope we can have a peaceful season this year with two healthy bobbleheads!!
Hi Linda...
I was in AWAY mode most of the afternoon/evening...
good to see you
Loved Kay's post about Julie and she having Mother and Daughter time over laundry-doing...
My step-daughter used to do that also, I loved it when that happened
James did the prayer this afternoon...grace....on his own, he was hungry and wanted to start eating...it was so cute...!
Wait for me!
Hoda - Little Harry is so handsome.
I wanted to leave comment BUT I can
never get the 2 words correct to prove I'm not a robot. One of the words is always very clear BUT that other word
is usually shadowed/italicized/smunched together. I try -- but always miss
one of those letters.......
He is a precious baby boy!
Hello Margy!! Glad you and the Kidster had fun today!!
Yes, Kay's story of Julie and laundry was heart warming.
Speaking of heart warming.....that darling Harry, HODA!! What a precious little face!
Missing Wanda.......Haven't heard from her since her report of Friday Family night.
Missing Lynne......with her fried computer. We're praying for you, Lynne!!
An extra day off for some tomorrow!!
just checked some pictures of the egg at Dunedin on the Puleston site...it is beautiful !
Wow...the split got away from me. Harry is a doll, Hoda!
I do hope we see Lynne tomorrow or will she have the day off? She did not say Friday, did she?
Yeah, I think we're not proving we're not robots....we are being tested for our eyesight... had a tough time with that one myself, Jo
So thankful it has been a peaceful evening at the nest. I know I was
really keeping an eye on the cam around the 4:30 hour...
I guess it is possible that it is raining at BWE - mom has her wings
I am thankful the snow didn't come up
this far & I hope it doesn't come
through the night.
I thought for some reason Lynne said she was going to be working Saturday, Lolly....
gets confusing for me to keep up on some of that....
but I hope she has Monday OFF just becuase, but if not....we sure look forward to seeing at least a Hello
Joseph and Jacob take turns saying the blessing "God is Great". However, when all three boys are present Zach just takes over. Sometimes he says God is Great prayer but most of the time is will do an adult like blessing. His memory is so awesome!!
Dunedin Osprey - their eggs are pretty
Always remind me of marble.
No, Margy, she wished us good bye on Friday. She had the weekend off.
Margy, I do have a drippy faucet, too. And I need a real plumber for that. This one was running, and something had to be done, or I would have had to turn off water to the whole house for the night.
Time for me to go upstairs. I hope Wanda is sleeping soundly now and checks in first thing tomorrow. I want to see her avatar, too.
Oh, I bet Wanda checks in yet tonight. She is always late getting on! Oh, Wanda.........?
There's a white truck at Snowman cam, and a sign on the Snowman
"Emily Grace"
From Robyn on FB:
Robyn Ann Schonhans
Tori swiped my ASUS and stuck me with her computer so she can play world of warcraft. I need to take hers with me and finish the uploads. Tor is currently reading Caring Bridge
Like · · about an hour ago ·
Has been fairly quiet in the attic tonight. Thank goodness!
Well, if Wanda does check in, I want to say "Hello Wanda!"
That's neat, Lolly, love it when the kids speak from the heart ♥
Okay on what Lynne said thanks...
Shirley, Good Night....while we were at the Earth Dog Cafe, ESPN was on with sports clips, James found great interest in the bowling segment...so did I...I told him about Cyclone....
Thankful that Tori is making such great progress. So relieved to hear the happiness and joy in Robyn's posts!
Thankful we got through today without incident at the nest and praying yesterday's encounter was a rare event!!
Getting ready to head up to bed, but wanted to wish you all restful sleep.........
Will be praying for the many needs in our roost and beyond tonight.....and always!
Night ♥
Margy, did you see that snow mobile just go by on the snowman cam?
Now there was a man there in shorts and snow boots...that is all! No shirt!!
Thanks for the Tori post Linda...don't know what ASUS is but I think I get the gist of it, neat that Tori is in a playful mood !
Time for me to be quiet, have a Party of One with the laundry going...
Good Night, Precious Pals...
Prayers for Wellness, for all Families, Friends, and Pets
Hope Sleep is Sweet and Restorative...
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxox ♥
No daggone it I missed that Lolly !!
Thank you for your comments about Harry. I knew you would like to see the pictures.
I find the second word also fuzzy JO...I appreciate you looking at the pictures...♥
I am very grateful for a calm day and evening at the nest...too much excitement yesterday for my liking...I became tense just reading and looking at the pictures....I cannot imagine how those who saw it would have felt...incredible to have had the presence of mind to report too...
Not sure if anyone else has reported it, but we had another aftershock this morning. A very small one.
MARGY - ASUS is a brand of a laptop computer!!! LOL
Night again.....♥
Nite, Linda.
Have not seen anymore action at the snowman cam but the truck is still there.
Doesn't look like a heck of a lot of snow at the Snowman Cam.
Good night, now.
See you tomorrow.
Your right, Shirley, not much snow there.
Nite Shirley! I am staying up for the news and weather and then heading to bed.
Momsters - time for me to say
Good Night
Prayers for many many needs
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Lynn - hope you have a restful night and awaken feeling much better.
News is over. Going to have a spring like week BUT then there is a chance that in a week winter could come roaring back. Yikes!
Heading to the shower and then to bed. I am tired, my eyes are tired.
Nite all! Sweet dreams!
All is quiet at the nest. Belle head is down but not tucked, facing 8 o'clock. Whoops! Egg roll and I saw our eggs. Wiggle wiggle back down on the eggs, now facing 1.
Bless this nest!!!!
Shows done, news almost over. Heading for bed, with high hopes of feeling much better tomorrow!
Hoda, had not heard that about Hitler's progeny---sad.
still roaming around in the night here, just noticed that BWE cam is stuck at 21:33....
I have high hopes of your feeling much better tomorrow also, Lynn ♥
Lolly, saw daffodil leaves poking through the soil in Morgan County ☺
Glad that every one has had a calm day.
Will check Hoda's pics a nd hope I can read the stupid double word stuff. ARGH.
Thanks for well-wihes. Missing lots of posters....hope they check in later.
Sleep tight. Prayers for all.
Dropping in to say good night...
Hope intruder has left our area and gives us no more scares!
Belle gets up to do an egg roll she fans her tail feathers and diggs in the cup she goes up to the railing at eleven and is looking around...the eggs are uncoverered. She comes back to the eggs and is facing six and resumes incubating
Passing through. Still snowing a bit.
Here is the article that I found so intriguing in the British papers about Hitler having had a son and has grand children!!!Hitler had a son
That is fascinating, Hoda.
All is quiet at the nest. I will sign off.
Good night.
Sweet Dreams.
God Bless.
I think I will try again to get to sleep. Maybe a glass of milk, See you tomorrow.
Thank you for sharing the article, Hoda.
Can't sleep that sucks big time and went to look at google and no change how disappointing maybe too early to change it Well gonna watch Good wife since I can't sleep all is quite at the nest now as has been all day
MMM probaly two pot of coffee and a candy bar today did me in
Hi, Everyone,
Gosh, it's taken forever to get caught up here! Sorry I haven't been around. Have just been really busy. Really distressed to hear about and see pictures of the new intruder at the nest! Very grateful that the eggs are OK, and SO proud of the way Shep has really stepped up to the plate, with all these new challenges.
Hope that things really slow down at the nest, and the new intruder moves on to find its own nest and mate.
Lori, glad to hear that Bobby and LeRoy were adopted together! Wishing the adoptive family all the very best with those adorable kitties!
Lynn, hope you are able to sleep soundly tonight, and that you have a really good day tomorrow! ((HUGS))!!
Really tired, so going to call it a day. Making sure the porch light is on, and enabling both security systems. Prayers have been said for everyone, and for all creatures, especially Belle, Shep, and the two little egglets.
Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]
. . .
All caught up and NO snow in the nest! HooRAY!
Belle did an egg roll and is now sitting quietly facing 11.
Wish I had this President's Day off! Off to get ready for work is what I am! LOL. I'll check in later.
Well it is 3:42 a.m. and I can't go back to sleep. Not sure how much snow we have but it has finally stopped and our power is still on. Yay.
YAY, Sharon!
DANG! I don't have sound here at work.
Hope you able to go back to sleep, Sharon.
Good morning!
I think it's so cute when they are all tucked in like that!
Morning Lori, DMo! Happy day off from school DMo!! =)
You too Sandi, you don't have to go in do you? I talked to another teacher friend who has a professional day. That really stinks.
Happy day off and President's Day you DMo & Sandi!
WOW it's suppose to be 66 degrees on Wednesday and Thursday!
I'm actually working on lesson plans. It never ends!
You know Belle & Shep switched so early this morning - at 4:12 - wonder if they'll do it again at their usual time? Or, have they already switched AGAIN?
I did see your post about the early switch. We will have to watch and see what they do this morning.
Good morning DanaWV
Good Morning Early Morning Eagle Family (:
Good morning everyone! I am so glad to see no snow in that nest! We got hammered down here. Over 16,000 people in Mercer County without power this morning, 56,000 in our immediate region. We never lost ours completely, flickered a few times but came right back on. Lots of black ice out there this morning, they say. Once again, I love working from home! Supposed to be in the mid 40s today so this will melt quickly. We have about 8 inches on the ground I think.
Have a great day folks, just wanted to jump on and say Hi this morning. I will be lurking and watching, as usual. Love and hugs! In the immortal words of my sister, "I love us!!"
calling out
Hi Bev! How are you feeling?
WOw and we got nothing Sissy and they are calling for warm temps through the week.
Fly out and fly in, changing for the guard.
Shep Flys in to cover eggs
Good Morning Lori, DanaMo, Sandi and Sissy (:
Good Monday Morning, DanaWV!
Baby Eaglets in view at BWE -
Good Morning Eagle Pals xo
think the parents there are doing a switch out
two tiny chicks showing at BWE
Sorry had not yet scrolled back to look at comments.
Good Morning Margy (:
How was the trip and fun at Berkeley Springs?
they are awfully cute...
hopefully in about a month we'll be seeing that at the Royal Nest ....
they look pretty frisky
bet they're hungry
parent is back, was hoping to see some feeding, sure it will happen soon
Good visit, Dana...
I hear a titmouse at the NCTC nest..
interesting white feather on Shep's right "shoulder"
Margy was it a "baby bluejay" or a titmouse?
LOL it just blew off, the feather....on Shep
Comcast coming to check my hook up today. 2 different men said it was not hooked up right. Last man that came to see why tv was acting up was suppose to go under mobil home. Have door and nice wide opening big enough under there. But he did't go under. So they are sending new man today said they will get this straightened out....it may have been what caused my tv to go up comcast said. So they had me put in a damage report. Did not even know there was such a thing??
@Linda 10:37pm comment I was there just as Shep got off the eggs. Got up on the limb that once we see his tail off to left. He was flapping his wings. Belle got down on the eggs. In came a third (3rd) eagle and flew towards Shep. Shep flapped his wings and into the sky he went turning and chasing the intruder eagle. I have wittness if I need them. The man that lives in the house. a woman, and another man. Shep chased intruder towards river. I heard NO calls or calling out.
Margy loved that James said the "grace on his own". (: ♥
Osprey at Dunedin is looking beautiful, perched with sunlight on her back...possible there is a second egg there now.
I hear mourning dove at NCTC, sometimes I can't tell if hearing birds THERE or HERE -
well, hope she or he homeless eagle goes across the river and finds a mate and nest of her or his own with no problems for any other nests either...
time to deal with the debris field here...weeks of inattention, time to get some things done at THIS NEST
I see Google is bland, no President's Days things, as JudyE discovered after midnight. :(
Cartoons and authors, scientists and all that, but no Presidents today...
Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone
xoxo ♥
weil be interested in reading all about WV sUSAn's trip to Canaan and HER fishing report...
See Wanda checked in last night, Yeah !
ttfn xo
All caught up from last night - I was asleep by 9PM!! Morning Bev, Margy, and WVDana (hope I didn't miss anyone)!! Sounds like all was quiet at the nest last night.
WVDANA, glad to know what those sounds were the other night (fox). Not glad to know that you saw another eagle at the nest!
MARGY, bet that really made you happy that James's fav hobby is bird watching!! Wonder where he got that??
LYNN, hope you feel better today.
LYNNE, welcome back to the blog. Did you miss us over the weekend? We missed you!
Great news that Tori is doing "typical teenager things" like stealing her mom's laptop.
DMO, today is NOT professional development for me, though I do have school work to do. Did you happen to see the teacher thing I shared on FB last night? You'd love it!!
Good Morning Margy!
Hey there, Morning GLori...
thnk I'll bring up the radio and be-bop here at home ♪ ♫
usually wait here to listen for eagle callings.....
Sandi - that's a message in advance for Lynne, right? I'm checking hope I did not miss it...
Sure hope to SEE her this morning also
Enjoy your days off, Teachers !!
and School Kids...guess not everyone gets the day off though...
That mourning dove nest is singing a lot this morning....it's beautiful
Shep's taking a nap !
Dunedin cam folks are panning, one adult in the nest, and one on the perch eating
people jogging and cars whizzing by..
I think you can see it here:
Dunedin Fla Osprey Cam
"Homework" awaits me...
MARGY, the comments for LYNN and LYNNE2 are for whenever they get here to read them. Thanks for the heads-up on the pileated call yesterday. After you posted, I went to the Cornell site and checked and that's exactly what I had heard!! When I grow up, I want to know bird calls as well as you do!! =)
Sun coming up on the nest! Still gray here, but the sun will be out later and we got no snow. Forecast calls for 50s again by Wednesday and Thursday.
Thanks Sandi...some of these things I have heard often at Swinging Bridge, where I spend a great deal of time...
and I have that Cornell site too !
I check it often....
what's tough is to hear and hear a bird somewhere and not be able to find it to even approach an identification of it !!
I've been birdwatching for over 45 years...still have so much to learn!
Shep has another errant white feather on his Left shoulder now !
darn it think I missed an egg check at Dunedin...like Jo said...those eggs look like marbles !
Pretty marbles
better to go shake these legs now and get a move on !
Got Shania Twain on the radio now ☺
Good morning.
Headed to Solomon's Island today.
I see Shep is tending the cradle this morning. Looks quiet.
Wishing everyone a very good day.
Have a great day, Judie...hope you see some beautiful water birds....
and maybe have some good Seafood!
Dunedin parents just did a switch a few minutes ago, female on the nest now....
Two Beautiful Eggs, part white, part speckled and part red...
Judie have a good day at the Island. Is Darth going with you?
Margy picture of eggs I sent though Eaglet_Momster mail. So you still get to see them. (:
Hoda I got to see Harry he is so adorable (:
Morning all,
Glad to see via viewer reports that all has been quiet at the nest.
Winding down here at the cottage. Heading home later today.
Have added a few more pics to blog "Fish-O-Rama weekend", including some evening visitors.
Everyone take care, have a truly great day!
CAROLANNE, love the deer pics ... hate the 9 degree temp reading on the thermometer, but then you knew I would!! Alas, I am not hale and hearty enough for Wisconsin winters!! =)
Good Morning All!
WVDana, No "witnesses" are necessary. The behavior of our eagles just seemed so calm yesterday. I never would have suspected an intruder so close.
Just praying for the calm to remain. Want a healthy season this year.
Bev, glad you didn't lose power. I am sure all that beautiful snow will be a slushy mess before too long with the temps heading upwards in the coming days!
Judie, have a relaxing day away today.....and enjoy!
Sunny here today. Nice to see.
Looks like changing of the guard t8ime. Belle just arrived.
Shep is up ... and off!
And Belle is rolling and settling on the egglets! Peace reigns!!
Hello on this sunny Monday morning!
I am really thankful the snow stayed
away from my area and the nest
I am just jumping in to find you...
Celebrating Presidents' Day
Are your flags flying high?
Good morning eagle buds just got up Had a terrible nite last nite couldn't sleep I see Sharon also in the same boat as me went to bed at 3 after watching some Tv gonna go read the blog BBIALW
home again....here I come.
wow a early morning switch
I hope all you teachers get a much need day off and shame on you for doing school work today go enjoy yourself
I found a 20 in the dryer just a little bit ago maybe my day will change after all and I don't remember loosing in either
OH SISSY BEV I hope you all are ok up there with the bad weather Your sister put some pretty pictures on face book last night OH so pretty but oh so treacherous and I hope your health is much better in the coming days
Good news VWGALDANA about your cable damage report that is good news
I am so glad you clairdied the whenever they read the comments I keep going back to look for LYNNE2 and couldn't find Wheee thought I was loosing it LOL
WELCOME HOME LORI I guess I will just go see if I can find something to do today LM LM LM LM LM LM
Good morning!
Good Morning Shirley
Got this months elec bill only 100.49 much better
LORI, your workday is over and I'm still in my pajamas! Trying to organize 2011 stuff to get everything to the accountant. With Denny having his own business and me working full time, I'd rather pay someone else to do our taxes than tackle them myself. Accountant has said we'll owe this year so I haven't been too anxious to get the taxes done.
Have you ever opened the PB jar and found out you were going to be the last one to use it & you had to scrape
bottom? I just did! Then I did find
a new jar - but I sometimes have to struggle getting those seals off - I'm so proud I did it!
Read blog - Lots of night owls last night/early early morning. I am so thankful that our earl birds are here no matter if it is a work day or not.
I keep watching my yard to see ROBINS.
I love your avatar Sandi. I had a pretty cardinal who stay a long time out at the feeder (railing) on the deck.
Taxes - that is on my agenda today :(
Getting everything organized - at least
it is all in one file folder.
JO, the robins never seem to leave down here. In Baltimore they did. Do you live near the MD/PA border? Like, off Middletown Road?
Good morning! Watching that egg roll.☺ Do hope it is a peaceful day at the nest.
Presently 51 here and sunshiney! Going up into the 60's. Think I am going to attempt some yard work today. A lot of the yard is too wet but bet I can find a dryer area to work!!
Glad I do not hav 8 inches of snow, but if I did, I would be enjoying the beauty of it.
Laurel and the boys have school today, Dana. Enjoy your day. My lesson plans always had to be on my desk when I left on Friday. Mon AM the principal did an early morning walk through and she read those plans. At least read them enough to leave a comment. It was nice in that I did not have anything to do on weekends!
FB Our Lynne Doolan
The 15 year old picture of my Mom, Doris Akers Dunkerley, has been up for several days as my profile picture. She was 90 when she died last week. We all miss you Mom.
If you wish to send card, Lynne's address is included on our Momster List
LOLLY, the principal read every teacher's lesson plans each week?? That is impressive!! I've never had a principal ask to see lesson plans every week, not even when I taught elem. school. Was this in a small private school or a public one?
ooooooops sign in problem
We have been seeing lots of robins, white wing doves, cardinals, purple finches, gold finches, red bellied woodpeckers, downy woodpeckers, wrens, and the always thick tit mice and chickadees.
Pubic school, Sandi. We had approx 500 students. This particular principal was great. I loved her. She was so professional, fair, and really called for respect. Yes, sometimes my plans just had her intitials but frequently a comment.
My Middletown MD is about 8 miles west
of Frederick which is about an hour
away from Baltimore (up 70N)
I am about 30 minutes from Shepherdstown
WV and to get to PA I would need to go
up 15N past Paula's and I can't think of
the 1st town I would come to.
I should also say she was tough. Many did not like her, but they were the ones who wanted it easier.
I have lost the cam. Anyone else?
Did anyone else loose the live feed I did I had to IE open and both not coming up
now we are back I panic to much I guess LOL
Hello Geula - I see you here!
Got it back, but have had to restart it several times since I have been watching. Grrrrr!
both had the twirrly circles a couple of time I had to refresh a couple of time and then the third was completely gone and now back PIA
Digging deeper in the egg well
Moving sticks
Those eagle eggs look sooooo large.
When my cam freezes - I put it down and
then bring it up again Praying it will
come on.....
Don't forget our still cam - it is
up/running and looking very clear.
Gonna have dinner with Tommy at RL this evening can't wait Haven't had RL in a while last time was with him also
JO, I knew there had to be another Middletown besides the one in northern Baltimore Co. that I'm familiar with, since you said that it only took about 2 and ahalf hours for you to get from your beach place to home. Where is your place at the beach - I know you said off Rt. 54.
JO, I love cardinals! We have always had at least one pair here since we moved up here. We even had four right out here in the little tree off our deck.
Late last summer they disappeared and have not been back since. My sister-in-law said theirs are gone too. They live about 30 minutes southeast of us.
Sure hope we see them again soon. I really miss that vibrant red amongst all the brown out there in the winter. And in the snow they are just beautiful!!
Dear Jo...
Thank you for posting the difficult news about grannyblt/Lynne1's mother...
thoughts from the heart for dear Lynne....prayers for comfort for all...
JET has falling in love with the living room window I opened up the mini blinds and she is sitting in the window sill watching the birds and squirrels out side the window
Blackwater Babies have had a lot of attention this morning...and showing off for US a lot too...
Good Morning Lots of More Eagle Pals...
Agreed, Margy. Praying for Lynne1 and her family.
JO I want to share my idea with you on hearing the camera I am partially deaf in the one ear I open two IE and have the sound turned up on both windows There is a slide bar on the cam also that will raise it just a tad but it helps me hear also Just wanted to share that with two open it is louder LM back to LM
Tell Lynne1 we are all thinkg of her and will go look in my card file for a card to get out tommorrow EGG ROLL
With more of us on, we are going to reach that 400 mark
pretty soon, unless we would happen to get a new President's Day Thread first...
so be watching for it
Have a good day, friends.....lots of sunshine, kind of breezy here...
Hope anyone with the Punies (aka not feeling so good) will be feeling better very soon.
Personally I am in financial shock after paying bills
xoxo ♥
and the live feed has gone pause on me about ten times this morning
shutting everything down for awhile
Morning, all!
Feeding at BWE
Sandi and Lolly-We get checked about twice a month on a rotating basis. Often times we don't get checked at all during our "allotted two weeks" so it's anyone's guess when she will come to see me again, the last two times she came to check my plans she wasn't able to to it. Once I was at a doctors appointment so I wasn't there(she had forgotten about it) and the other time I was giving a reading assessment. She comes in and sits at my desk observes for a few minutes and completes a "form". I always do my plans on Sunday for the week. Like I've said before though they are all on my computer so it's just tweaking what I did last year. I actually love that she completes a form because I save all of them and if I ever need to find another job I have a great accounting of my work! ☺
All three dogs are on the deck soaking up this wonderful sunshine. I'm still in my pajamas and will probably head back to the couch to read. Bought a new book yesterday and I'm pretty well into it now.
Morning all.
Not a very good day for me again.
Been sleeping on the sofa, but have lurked.
So sad about Lynne1---she popped in once yesterday....wonder why she didn't tell us??? RIP, Doris. And Lynne, may you find peace in all your memories. Prayers for you and your family.
Jo, must NEVER run out of PB. And when I read your post, I went straight to the jar and got a spoonful!!
TAYE DIGGS is on Wendy Williams show he is 41 sooooo nice
Here is the obit:
Lynne's Mom
OMGosh I just realized we have 4 Lynn(e)s, no wonder I am getting confused. Which Lynne is Lynne1? I thought I had this all straight and now my head is spinning! LOL!
I just PBJ on open face toast with a big glass of milk. My fav!
I see some of us are missing this morning, so I am putting my 2¢ worth in so that I won't be among the 'missing'.
I've been doing household chores, trying to get back to NORMAL, but taking it slowly...don't want to mess anyting up!
I was able to help out with the Funeral Reception Meal. I sat most of the time, slicing pies and cakes and I SWEAR, I didn't eat any, although, I did lick my fingers a time or two:)
So, seeing as how I had no adverse effects from helping with that, I do believe I can help with the Soup Kitchen tomorrow.
Lynn, not sure how I missed your certificate but I love it! Going back to everyone's blogs to get all the Lynn (e)s straight. I know I've got you right and I've got Lynne2 right but got confused with the Lynne1 then I saw there are 4 altogether!
Belle facing 4ish
Lynn, hope you feel better...how's the swelling?
darm live cam got the twirlly cirlce again what a PIA
Couple of small chirps from Belle, she is up on off to the right
Chirps from tree...Belle looked up. She gets of the cup and takes off...eggs are exposed camera shakes and noise from the attic in comes SHEP.
Belle just took off! In the tree sounds like! Shep arrives at 12 ish and settles in.
Eggs alone.
Shep is here.
Shep to the egg cup!!!
Belle off and out, Shep in and getting settled.
Good morning / Good after noon everyone.
Clunk on the cam
Shep arrives at the 11 spot, and goes right down to the eggs....wiggle wiggle
Switch from Belle to Shep
I love the little chirps
Think we have that switch covered :)
I got a quick video of her got her flying off and him landing also
I liked Belles little squeaks before taking off.
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