Wednesday, November 23, 2011


New thread.


JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread I will gather the others

JudyEddy said...

I found a purple turkey so I can do the holiday and the cancer awareness I was looking for animated and this is animated but isn't working OH well

Lynne2 said...

Love the purple turkey JudyE!

DanaMo said...

Monte is making bread. Check out the picture of Java helping, NOT, on my pic blog.

DanaMo said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve! Happy Thanksgiving! Trying to get ahead of us, huh? ☺

JudyEddy said...

Get up and dance everyone to Can't stuff this LOL

can;t stuff this

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

...and this is my I said so much GRATITUDE FOR THE MIRACLE OF CHRISTMAS DAY.

Hallelujah Chorus: Text

|: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! :|
|: For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! :|

For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
|: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! :|

The kingdom of this world
Is become the kingdom of our Lord,
And of His Christ, and of His Christ;
And He shall reign for ever and ever,
For ever and ever, forever and ever,

King of kings, and Lord of lords,
|: King of kings, and Lord of lords, :|
And Lord of lords,
And He shall reign,
And He shall reign forever and ever,
King of kings, forever and ever,
And Lord of lords,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

And He shall reign forever and ever,
|: King of kings! and Lord of lords! :|
And He shall reign forever and ever,
King of kings! and Lord of lords!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...

Make sure you watch some of the other video on that page when it stops some are soooooo funny

DanaMo said...

Very funny JudyE, got some time on your hands? LOL!

Sandi said...

Sad that I now have (make that had) sound but heard only silence at the nest whenever i checked in today. I was on the nest site when the eagles arrived this evening but missed seeing them b/c I had a 2nd screen maximized w/ my Facebook - GRRR!! Thanks to Lynn for the lovely Blue Mt. Thanksgiving card. Will check in tomorrow morning to see if the live cam is up (doubtful, right?). I have NO patience for the still cam - like watching grass grow! Goodnight all!

NatureNut said...

Happy Day Before Turkey Day!!!!
Don't think I got on here for a day or two. If not busy, been working or asleep!!!
Yesterday at Patrk finally got to see a kingfisher up close and personal. It landed on the osprey cam nest with a fish! Flipped that fish all over & finally ate it & he was there for almost an hour! Before that, the heron flew in and cam was really on telerphoto & I thought it was coming in office!Hope I might have a pic that isn't too blurry---still in cam. Then we had a field trip to an old 1711 house, farm, etc. that was just purchased by Park & Planning. The occupant who just sold it has rights to property for ten years. He and buds will be allowed to hunt there. Part of it is being fixed to occupancy specs so that a P & P caretaker can rent & take care of property.It even has it's own chapel behind house. Don't know why, but very thick stucco was put over brick walls!
Gotta do some stuff. Try to BBL ☺

JudyEddy said...

HODA that cat is OH SO cute

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the call over, Judy


Mema Jo said...

Loved the videos

What cat are you talking about Judy?

Lolly said...

Hi all! Has been hard to get on but tonight I was successful! A beautiful day, up into the 50's. We did a neat hike (over snow) to an awesome waterfall. Turkey is ready for the oven, dressing is ready for the oven, Laurel is preparing the spuds! We are having an awesome time!

Happy Turkey Day'

JudyEddy said...

The cat is on the Thank you card she sent me I had sent out Thanksgiving cards to the people I have on my email list You want to see it I can post it if you want???

wvgal_dana said...

I am heading for the recliner.

JudyEddy said...

I'm right after you DanaWV but I choose the rocking chair

Hoda said...

JO JUDYE sent a Thanksgiving day card and I answered with a thank you that had a cat...

Squeezie said...

To All of the Momsters and Dadsters, I hope you all have a safe and warm Holiday, enjoy your Friends and enjoy your Families. I wish for you to be Happy and Well and pray for all of your extended families. "Happy Thanksgiving"
Sue from O/C

JudyEddy said...

JO I am putting the card on here just in case you want to see the cute cat Now the TV calls my name
Thank you card HODA sent me

JudyEddy said...

WELCOM Newbee Squeezie

I am Judy and I hope you have a good Thanksgiving also Where are you from???

Lynne2 said...

Hi and thank you Squeezie! Welcome!

JudyEddy said...

OK does anyone know what kind of cat that is I would love one like that I still want to get one I want to go to a shelter But I don't want to go to a NO KILL shelter being they are safe I want to go to the other one that puts them down that way I know I am rescuing a cat 100% I just might do that with Jordyn on Friday

JudyEddy said...

Now I am stepping away from the boob tube my neck and back tell me to step away from it But you all are so addictive LOL

hedgie said...

DanaMo, that WAS me who sent the Blue Mountain card!

Thank goodness for a new thread!

Lori, of course Wanda and Gene were there that first time, too!!!

Lynne2 said...

JudyE, that is a Persian Cat in the card.

hedgie said...

Lolly, have Michael's crew arrived??? Hope you saved some work for Ashley!

Loretta, can't wait to see pics of that new "old" acquisition!!!
Sounds quite cool!

hedgie said...

Squeezie???? Did you change your moniker? Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.

Lori O. said...

Lynn, of course, Wanda and Gene with his famous beans were there! I briefly forgot. Duh!

Judy, love that purple turkey!

Squeezie, nice to see you over here, and Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family, too.

I'm off to bed. Wouldn't want to do a Double Wanda Face Plant!

Love each and every single one of you! Prayers for those in need and thinking of Lynn. Night!

Mema Jo said...

JudyE It is a beautiful Persian Cat

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sue - sorry the live feed went down this afternoon but sure hope it will return in the morning!

Thank you for your good wishes for
Thanksgiving. I pray you have a blessed day. ♥

Any snow up your way - I guess with hunting season in that the deer are

Take care and please visit us more often. ♥

CarolAnne said...

Phew - made it.
Stuck in back up for 1/2 hr becuz of an accident on a horrible bridge that I hate even in daylight. The bridge name is an Indian name loosely translated to Death's Door. Not a fun place to be stuck. But thankfully all the roaming deer missed us. We are now all safe at the cottage.

Have a great one everyone!

Lynne2 said...

WOW CarolAnne, not a good name! Glad you made it safely!!!

JudyEddy said...

Loretta I loved your story I got a cool pic of one flying away He is on the other side of the fence hard to see him I posted it on The Gread Backyard FB page Can't wait to see pic hope they turned out

Question about computer I just got a notice from Yahoo mail advising me yo update my browser to Explorer9 should I??

and also Vickie at work has a Vista like mine and her puter turns off every now and them Odd she says it is one of Vista drawback I wonder HMMMM everyone of them had bugs she says Ok back to TV gonna watch Bones on DVR Love the DVR

JudyEddy said...

Thank you for all the Thank your cards Each time I open one I say Ahhh she is just sooooo cute Now I want a cat even more

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Hoda said...

I am glad you made it safe and sound CAROLANNE...Happy Thanksgiving to you and BUBBY...and the rest of the family also

hedgie said...

Lori, you never did say what your plans for tomorrow are...???? Sleep tight!

CarolAnne, so glad you made it safely. Have a great holiday!!

JudyE---you're having your feast at Angie's?? Enjoy your Bones!

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, what are YOU up to tomorrow?

magpie said...

Wonderful Thanksgiving avatars and greetings arriving on the blog!

Yes very happy to read CarolAnne has made it safely to her destination...the cottage in the woods....

Sounds good, Lolly very nice..

Sure Hope Andrea checks in and says:
Prayers Answered, Work is Complete!

Good Evening Eagle Pals ! xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Little James and Big James have been delivered to James's Mom's Mother's Roost in Shepherdstown, along the Potomac, I told him to watch for Eagles in the daytime...
They will enjoy a couple of days, warm, good food, good family, and three precious little dogs

magpie said...

Turgle Turd, too funny Lynne!!

Lynne2 said...

oh I sure am thinking of Linda tonight.....hope she gets a chance to check in.

And where is JUDIE??? What kind of pies was she making? You can hide all manner of things in pies , you know........

magpie said...

sorry I missed Lori.....hope to catch her in the morning...

glad she could post a little bit at least....hope it continues

magpie said...

oh yeah, that is a GOOD ONE too, Lynne, I know exactly what you're talking about !!!!

Mema Jo said...

I thought it time to put the Turkey up!

Hubby and I are going to oldest daughter's home up above Clear Spring MD Her 2 brothers and sister with their families will be there. One sister won't be coming due to her son's virus bug.
Turkey and all the dressings are being
prepared by the children - That is a lot to be thankful for right there.. but there are so many more things in my life for which I am so grateful.
Friendships I have made here rate #1
for me. Praying that all have blessed
days tomorrow and always! ♥

magpie said...

haven't seen Movin' Jim today....
Sigh...I hope he has some good Thanksgiving Day plans...
Thinking of you across the miles, Jim (( Hugs ♥ ))

Lynne2 said...

LOL Margy!!

Glad the James Men have been delivered! I'll just bet James the Wise will be in 7th Heaven with 3 pups to party with this weekend!

magpie said...

and surely thinking along with the rest of you, about dear Linda...
Prayers continue across the many miles between here and Florida...

magpie said...

yes, Lynne, he is a Schnauzer, 16 years old, can barely see or hear, so we have to tread lightly so as not to step on her, and the other 2 are shih tzus, much younger....

magpie said...

That's beautiful, Jo..the turkey but more, your post...
sorry about the virus fun during the holidays...

Thank You ♥

Mema Jo said...

I am so thinking of Linda - and she
knows we are all sending her our prayers

Judie is great - she should have made today the pumpkin and apple pies for
delivery tomorrow to the district police station for those having to work.
I think that is great - Margy if you and Carolyn are working tomorrow I hope
your people get gifts of appreciation.

magpie said...

I'm still in my work clothes, back after I find the pajamas ....

Lynn, glad you are still getting boatloads of cards....we will not let up with our Wellness Wishes...
xoxox (( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Thanks Jo...we will have Thanksgiving fixins' delivered by one of our co-workers....
not sure what else...
that is so thoughtful of Judie!
Just so much like her, and those pies will definitely be appreciated !!!

Better than doughnuts anyday!

Costume Lady said...

I do hope something good happens down there in Florida, so that LINDA will have something to be thankful for!

We haven't seen Diann for a while, did I miss something?
And JUDIE, my oh my, how I do miss her.

magpie said...

glad to read that Father Captain Warden Gene's two hunting buddies had a successful hunt...I know these two fellows, and they believe in sharing!

Thinking of the happy reunion with Gene and Wanda ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺

magpie said...

And there she is
The First Mate !

no, I haven't seen Diann in quite some time here...
hope all is okay in her corner...

magpie said...

sorry of yet another downturn for your Mom....
praying for relief and wellness to descend upon her quickly

magpie said...

Nice message from Squeezie earlier:
Thank You Sue !
and Happy Thanksgiving Wishes to you and all your family, also...
xo ♥

magpie said...

Nice $urpri$e..gas prices came down today....

Costume Lady said...

Glad you are going to have a meal tomorrow, Margy. Stop by GG's if you have would be happy to see you!

hedgie said...

I was thinking about Diann today, too, as I was sending out my e-cards. Hope all is well in her corner of PA.
And I hope that neighbors or friends will include Linda's Dennis in their meal plans tomorrow.

Lynne--I am going to Christie's MIL's for dinner----normal arrangment; been doing it for 5 yrs.

Jo, you expressed all our sentiments very well!

Apparently from what Judie said, the Park Authority volunteers all do the pie baking for the officers every year---and Darth is a big-wig volunteer!!!

Lynne2 said...

Margy, some of the momsters that Jim has emails for got an email of a video of a towel trick...DanaWV forwarded it to those she didn't see on the list. That was earlier today, so I think he is fine other than worsening cataracts.

Lynne2 said...

I'll bet you'll be glad to get out of the house and have some fun tomorrow Lynn! Just don't tire yourself out (like I need to tell you that) and bring some turkey home for Liesl!

Lynne2 said...

Diann has not been on FB either since last week. Sure hope she checks in

Costume Lady said...

MARGY, Dan and Dickie have given Gene a heart and liver for you. All clean and ready to cook.

I am sending a meal to the Enders Fire Dept. in Berryville for those guys who are working so that Jillian and Aaron can come and enjoy Thanksgiving at GG's. I'm so grateful, I'm gonna fill their tummies and hope they have leftovers to enjoy later. Jillisn hasn't been present for Thanksgiving for several years now. She is my first grandchild and I love her so much!

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, I'm so glad you are getting out of the house tomorrow and having dinner with family. Enjoy your day♥

JudyEddy said...

Check out this my avatar to see it larger I put the pic on my blog
Turkey to Eagle cute

Lynne2 said...

well, pouring crazy rain at 3am, trash pickup at 4am, neighbor leaving for work at 5am....and dog's alerting to each and every thing didn't make for a restful night last night. So I'm heading for the shower and to get ready to fall into bed, and will be back to say goodnight soon, while my hot chocolate is brewing!

Lynne2 said...

before I go, I wanted to share this song with you's just beautiful, one of my very favorites, done by my fav Irish band. The slideshow is of beautiful scenery in Ireland.

I think you'll like it....

Dingle Bay

oh, and among other beauties of nature, it happens to mention eagles!

magpie said...

Thanks will be much appreciated, the wild game eat treats ...

Glad, so glad, you will have a complete gathering Thursday...
and no doubt, those Firefighters in Enders will enjoy their meal from you, seasoned with L♥ve....

and thanks for the offer to stop by GG's - I too would love to see all those smiling handsome and pretty faces....
I will be going to my late sister Kathy's husband's home after work, should be many of his family there and some of my nieces and nephews...

magpie said...

thanks for the info about Jim's email, I did get that, I just love to see him on here too ♥
There aren't too many Dadsters that we see on here...
thinking of ALL our Momsters and Dadsters, wish we could see them every day !!
Hope RED is doing well...
and Mrs. Red also....
Reaching out to ALL with Love...
and Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving Wishes....
and (( Hugs ♥ ))

Jewels said...

Good thanksgiving Eve!!! Haven't had much time to read and catch up. Busy work days, busy evenings at home. Thank you all for the continued prayers and thoughts for mom. My thoughts and prayers are continuing for all that need them. Just wanted to take a moment to say thanks and I hope you all have a very nice happy thanksgiving!!! I am heading to bed, so goodnight and sleep tight!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Carolyn! Rest well... ♥

hedgie said...

Margy, glad that James is settled in for his weekend! Hoping that you and Caro and the rest of the crew have a peaceful shift tomorrow. BTW----Veronica has spent the evening in the ER---her son fell off his bike and apparently messed up his face pretty badly....but all tests are okay and he is now home with pain meds.

hedgie said...

Going to take my shower....BBIALW...still need to paint my nails. Pumpkin pie filling is all mixed, waiting for Chris to arrive with the bought-crust!

magpie said...

Hello and Good Night Jewels...
"See You" tomorrow, for Real!
Thanks, Lynn, on the update regarding Veronica's sn... poor little man, that call came in not long before we left for the day....

Mema Jo said...

Going to do some last minute things -
I will be back to say good night.

If you leave - Good night to you ♥

magpie said...

I was talking to Carolyn today about all the neat times we have on the Nest visits, and with the Eagle Express Expeditions, it will be so nice when more of US can meet HER in person..I am fortunate, make that Blessed...I get to see her often ☺

magpie said...

Hope no one mistakes my Magpie for a Turkey ! LOL
I will have a turkey to put up in the morning...

Good Night to Anyone in Advance, while I grab a snack...

Loretta: great report on that Kingfisher with the floppy fish!
Happy Thanksgiving, to you and your family... let us know what your plans are, and how Sherry and Jim are doing, when you have time.

bbialw xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Good night, my kid!!

Lynne2 said...

Happy Thanksgiving Carolyn!

Lynne2 said...

well folks, my hot chocolate is gone and my pillow is hollering for me! Have a good night and prayers for all!

magpie said...

Nice link to Dingle Bay, Lynne, Thanks!

Time for the pillows here...

Sure thinking of all with Gratefulness for your Friendship...

Prayers for Wellness Amongst us All, our families, friends and pets...
and prayers of Gratitude for many gifts given....

Good Night Precious Pals...

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Love that song, too, Lynne. Great video!!!

Costume Lady said...

Everything is all ready for dinner, tomorrow, except the pudding cake that CAROLANNE told us about. I thought it would be better to make it the same day it is to be served. I bought strawberries to put on top. I'll let you know how it turns out:)


Mema Jo said...

I would love to visit Ireland... ♥

My last minute things are finished...
or I am finished - ready for the pillows
very soon. I pray that all rest well with deep sleep and eagle dreams.

Good Night Everyone
Hugs for everyone ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Prayers for all in need and prayers of
thankfulness!! ♥

Hoda said...

Great video LYNNE. Ireland is even more beautiful in real life...They are kind and generous folks too.

JEWELS Thank you for posting and for your wishes. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU TOO and I hope you are not too busy at work tomorrow...Blessings to you for working on the holiday...or as we say up here GOOD ON YOU!!!

hedgie said...

Oh, no.....Christie is stuck in a total interstate back-up.....haven't been listening to scanner. Bummer........

hedgie said...

Good night to all turning in. Peaceful sleep....don't let the turkey keep you awake!!!

stronghunter said...


Very sleepy. I will see you tomorrow.

Turning on night light for Judie. I don't think she has been here tonight.

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

I see my pie-baking has been discussed. Yes, pies have been prepared for delivery tomorrow. Always feel so bad yet so very grateful for police and 911 and fire fighters who have to work major holidays. Yes, this year I made pies. Apple and pumpkin. As for Darth and me, all is prepared except the turkey. Other goodies just need to be warmed in the oven.

If I failed to mention before, Lynn's daughters are both beautiful and gracious. They are, indeed, exceptional caregivers.

Jo, so nice that you are having Thanksgiving dinner out this year. Best kind of restaurant there is -- family style.

May Steve and his family enjoy the day knowing we are grateful for his support with the live cam.

There is much to be thankful for this year. Not the least of which are my blog family friends. May each of you enjoy Thanksgiving day to the fullest (pun intended).

Happy Thanksgiving!

NatureNut said...

If the clock strikes 12, we'll all turn into turkeys!!!

So, Prayers for All, especially Lynn & Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

hedgie said...

Thank you for all of your friendship, love and support!!
And for the new box full of cards today!!!! Some really great ones---you're all so creative!!!
I love you all.

Good night. Prayers and peace.

Hoda said...

LYNN does tis mean you are alone at the house? Christie was coming to your place or is JEWELS staying with you tonight?

Hoda said...

Goodnight, God Bless


paula eagleholic said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

DanaMo said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DanaMo!


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all my eagle budlets.

Lori O. said...


Sandi said...

Both eagles on the nest and no live cam - DARN! OH well, guess I'll sit here a few minutes and waich them in slow motion. Happy Thanksgiving to my new eagle loving friends!

Lori O. said...


DanaMo said...

Well that was a short visit! :-(

Lori O. said...


T-Bird said...

Good morning and happy Thanksgiving my friends.

Lori O. said...


T-Bird said...

Glad to see I made it for a visit. Is the live cam down or is it just me?

T-Bird said...

I believe it was Belle.

Lori O. said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning Momsters and Dadsters! No time for blogging, but just wanted to jump on here and tell you all how grateful I am for you! The love on this blog is one of the things I am most grateful for! Love you all and hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

hedgie said...

Good TG morning!

Thelma, NOT you! Live feed IS done AGAIN. Assuming wind did it in again yesterday....:( ARGH, right???

hedgie said...

Right back at you, Sissy! Have a great day----don't wear yourself plumb out!!!! Hugs and love to all of the Bluefield clan!!!

T-Bird said...

I did catch it leaving Lori.

T-Bird said...

Bakatcha Hedgie.

hedgie said...

HODA---not to worry! Christie made it here okay---just took longer than expected!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see we had a visit this morning.

Cold and crisp outdoors here. Frosty. But very sunny.

glo said...

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. This nest and this Blog, even though I cant blog much anymore; did indeed change my life. It's a very good thing.

T-Bird said...

Good to see you Glo and happy Thanksgiving to you.

T-Bird said...

Send some of that sun our way Stronghunter.

Bird Girl said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, my fellow Momsters and Dadsters :)

I am thankful every day, not just today, to have survived malignant cancer 14 years ago. Even though I struggle with other health issues every day, I am still here and can still make a difference, even if only to one person or one animal.

All of you make a difference in my life, and I thank you :)

Sandi said...

Sharon, I have only watched the nest since 2009 when there was already a live cam. Doubt I would have become hooked had there only been the still cam. I follow this nest, the one in Norfolk, and, as of last year, the one in Decorah. What's more, I share the cams w/ my 8th graders - I have one up on my Smartboard when they come into the room each morning so they're seeing it on a 4 foot screen. There's very little that can quiet an 8th grader, but the eagles do! =)

hedgie said...

Please add Diann to the prayer list. I had email.....she is uffering mightily with a torn meniscus---I feel her pain! She is having surgery on the 1st.

T-Bird said...

I will catch you fine friends later.

hedgie said...

Happy TG Glo and Delphia! Don't be strangers! Pop in more often!!! We miss you.

Sandi, that sounds like a GREAT way to engage 8th graders!!!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals,
Happy Thanksgiving....

magpie said...

Thanks for the information, Lynn, though difficult to learn, about Diann....

and so Good to see Glo, and Bird-Girl, and everyone this morning....

couldn't do a thing on the computer from home...just a fluke I guess....


xo Best Wishes for Glorious Day, with as many things as possible in the PLUS column

xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Happy Thanksgiving from Fredericksburg.

Much to do--will check back when I can.

magpie said...

local newspaper this morning is as BIG as a Sunday's being scattered all around the room now with my co-workers....

ooooh-ing and aaaah-ing about the sales prices

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Costume Lady said...



I have been able to come to this 'puter and find you all, if I am sad and need to be cheered up, or if I am excited or happy about something, I can share the good things with you. You are ALWAYS here when I need you and I THANK YOU for that! I LOVE each and everyone of you


Costume Lady said...

Sharon, after knowing you and chatting with you for so many years now, I believe you and your wonderful sister, together, have suffered more adversities, disappointments, illnesses, than ANYONE I know. And yet, you both continue to hang on to your faith and come out on top every time!
I feel blessed to know you and call you FRIEND...LOVE YOU♥♥

CarolAnne said...



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thank you Wanda. You made me cry! I love you so very much!! (((HUGS)))

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning & Happy Thanksgiving!

I am grateful to have each and every one of you as my friend! Love you all!!

magpie said...

L♥ve ♥ ♥ ♥
Kisses xxxxx
Hugs ooooo
to all...

Thank you, each and every one, for your dear presence in my life.....your kind words, comfort, encouragement...
friendship, name it!
You provide it !!

Mema Jo said...

Good Thanksgiving Morning! Blessings for
all of you, My Friends. ♥ Happy that the sun is shinning on all of you this special day!

I just opened a beautiful piece of Apple Pie on our Thanksgiving card from Margy! Thank you gal!

Love it to be going up to daughter's but I do miss the smells of the holiday in my kitchen! ♥

Mema Jo said...

I know Diann will be most thankful
after her surgery on the 1st. Thoughts and prayers for you! ♥

JudyEddy said...

Lynne nice link to the DingleBay Loved the sunset at the end pretty scenery Loved the rock formations tooo

I just wanted to say I want to thank each and everyone one of you for being in my lives, You all are the best bunch of people ever. You are all so caring, giving and loving, you make me feel as if I matter and belong from the first day I came aboard on March 20th I want to thanks Pam Hines (PammySue)who sent me over to you from FaceBook with out her I would have never know about this wonderful group of people from all walks of life and all over the world practically You complete me.

and I also came for the eagles but stay for the great bunch of peeps and friendship in the world

You rock my world I am so grateful that I got to meet 8 of you and look forward to the day where I can meet the rest of you

JudyEddy said...

Happy Thanks Giving Dear Friends

DanaMo said...

Just got back from a wonderful Thanksgiving Mass. Fr. Marty had wonderful words of wisdom on Thanksgiving, Thanking God, and not looking ahead to Christmas before giving thanks. The Gospel reading was the one of the 10 being cured and only the one going back to give thanks. What a good story for us to hear today and lesson to be learned when society is pushing us to move faster and move onto the next thing in all aspects of our lives. STOP and enjoy TODAY! ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Part I

Thank you "Squeezie" Sue for the
Thanksgiving Wishes. I wish you
and your family to have a very
enjoyable Thanksgiving Day.
Come back again some time.

Hoda that "Thank You Card"
that you sent to JudyE
the cat is so cute
I kept clicking on the
envelope so it would
open again and again.
I kept playing with
it.. lol

Sounds like Lolly
and family are all
ready for their
Thanksgiving Day

CarolAnne was a mess
before being picked up
by hubby and then on
the way to the cottage.
So glad you made it
safely. Have a Happy
Thanksgiving Day.

Knowing Jo and Ed will
have a nice Thanksgiving
Day with family gathered
around up in Clear Spring.
Sorry one couldn't make
it due to the old bug.

Lynn has her place to
go for Thanksgiving
Dinner with Christie
& her MIL.

I see Margy will get
Thanksgiving fixings
at work...well where
else would that
woman be. Letting
others enjoy with
their families. God
Bless you Margy and
Happy Thanksgiving.
Nice to know after work
you will be going to
your late sister's
home and enjoy time
with many and including
nieces and nephews.

See Big James and
Master James have
been delivered to
the place they are
having Thanksgiving.
With Master James
enjoying some doggies

"Jewels" Carolyn I
see dropped in to
comment last night.
Thank you Carolyn
for the Thanksgiving
Day wishes. May you
also have a special
Thanksgiving Day with
your family when
you get home from

See Wanda will have
her crew together at
GG's. Happy Thanksgiving

Lynne2 Thank you for the
Irish tune Dingle Bay..I
love Irish music. That
was beautiful. You and
Steve Have A Happy Thanksgiving
Day. Don't know if you was
going to MIL or not.

Judie I see has made her
pies to be delivered. The
she and Darth have a turkey
to bake. All other fixings
are just needing a heat up.
Happy Thanksgiving to both
of you.

Andy mentioned about fixing
Thanksgiving when she was
finishing up all those dr.
typing. So I know she
and hubby are having
a Thanksgiving meal.

Kay I believe is having
Thanksgiving with Beth
and family. Happy Thanksgiving
Day to all of them.

I see Sharon,Sissy,Thelma were
in. May the Families of the
Bluefield gals have a Happy
Thanksgiving Day gathering.

Delphia "Bird Girl" Thank
you for your sweet wishes.
May you also have a Special
Thanksgiving Day also.

Hoda I know you are celebrating
today with a nice Thanksgiving
meal you talked about. Enjoy
and HUGS for Thanksgiving.

My prayers go out to Linda
in Florida. May she be
filled my the Grace of God.
During this hard Thanksgiving
Time and may family surround
her with Love and Sharing.
May Dennis (I don't believe
went with her) be gathered
together with friends or
family for his Thanksgiving

Glo so happy you dropped in.
Always nice to see you and
enjoy a little time with you.
May you also have a Happy
Thanksgiving time.

Sandi it is special you stopped
being a lurking. Came in to
enjoy and bring your wonderful
comments into the group. Have
a Wonderful Thanksgiving Day.

Thanks Lynn for finding out about
Diann. Prayers for her pain with
the torn meniscus. As we both
know what that pain feels like.
Prayers for her surgery on the 1st.
May those around her bring her a
nice Thanksgiving Day meal.

Thinking of Jim so glad he
has that transportation. Hoping
that someone will come if he
can't get to them. So he can
spend Thanksgiving as he usually
does with others.

I know Shirley will be having
a feast and family to enjoy
around her for this Thanksgiving
Day. Enjoy Lady!

To be continued to Part II

NCSuzan said...

Wishing all of you, your family and your friends, good health, good conversations, good fellowship and good food today and always! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

hedgie said...

I'm DRESSED!!! Make-up done! We'll be heading out shortly.
Hope everyone enjoys your repasts with loved ones and friends. I am so very thankful to consider you all both!!!!!!!
See you later this afternoon or early evening.

wvgal_dana said...

continued from Part I this is Part II

If I remember correctly Paula
has Thanksgiving plans in the
works. Enjoy your Thanksgiving

Loretta and hubby should be
enjoying their Thanksgiving
Day meal also. I am sure she
and Sherry have talked on
phone for Thanksgiving Wishes.

Not sure but think JudyE
is going to daughters
for Thanksgiving or
they are coming to JudyE's.
Happy Thanksgiving Day to

DanaMo is having her Thanksgiving
meal with Aric being home and the
other children and hubby.
Happy Thanksgiving Day to you
and your family.

Lori I know back there in
comments finally said what she
is doing for Thanksgiving.
Although I can't find it.
Have A Happy Thanksgiving Day
Lori hoping you are spending
it with friends or with Family.

I pray that Carol up in the mountains (the one Gene waves too). Is able to get to the city and have Thanksgiving with her
brother who is sick. God Be With Them Both.

I know I have missed someone
which I certainly did not mean
to leave out. May ALL OF OUR
as I think of Norma who has her
daughter living close now. So
I hope Norman has someone to
enjoy Thanksgiving meal with.

Others our there may God Bless
them and allow them to find
people to share a meal with.

I know when I use the notepad
to write things on. It never
comes out the way I type on
each line. Sorry for that.

At some point I will go into Mothers. We will see how she
is feeling. Whether I take her
out for Thanksgiving or I go
get a meal and bring back for
the both of us. I just pray she
can eat something.


wvgal_dana said...

NCSusan Wishes you a very special Happy Thanksgiving Day.

Mema Jo said...

Have a blessed day, Suzan

Enjoy your day, Dana

I'm just getting dressed

wvgal_dana said...

Happy Thanksgiving Day to anyone I missed. I know there are some. May You Have A Blessed Thanksgiving Day.

NatureNut said...

Happy Thanksgiving Day to EVERYONE!
Sharon already posted line I wanted to say~~~~"I came for the EAGLES but I stayed for the FRIENDSHIPS I have made!"
Worth repeating. This is the best group I have ever met & I am so thankful to share and learn so much from everyone. So glad the eagles made me join!!
Love to all, special thoughts for Lynn, Diann & Linda and all the Momsters & Dadsters and their families! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

My delete.... tried to post email from
Potted Plant Owls which had some neat
pictures. Sorry it didn't come through.

Ms Bookworm said...



Didn't make it here last night after dinner--I was slam wore out! DID get the Rush reports done, and e-mailed back to the doctor, though. THANK YOU for all your prayers!!!!
And SHARON, thanks for the offer of help!! (((HUGS)))!!!

Must go get ready to meet the family for breakfast. Will be back later, but HAD to wish you all a WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING DAY!!!

LOVE ALL OF YOU!!! You're not considered just friends, you're FAMILY!!!!! :o]

Hoda said...

I love love love it to wake up in the morning and come to the blog to visit.HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU ALL

Hoda said...

YAY and ANDY got her RUSH REPORTS done...Good on you ANDY!!!

Hoda said...

The three American lads/ students have been released from jail in Egypt. No charges will be laid. THANK GOD.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, I am lmao...Nick is woofing and grumbling at the crock pot on the counter...

Hoda said...

PAULA are you getting company for dinner or are you going out to friends?
What is IN the crock pot?

Lynne2 said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Love, and safe travels to all heading out!

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, I am going to John and Ajay's...should be about 20 people beans w/ cheese, bacon and onion in crock pot..yum

Mema Jo said...

Hurray for Andy's rapid work!

You get 'em, Nick! lol Paula be sure the little ones get to wish on the
Turkey Breast Bone..

HODA - THANKS for the news concerning the3 USA boys being released. I do hope it scared them enough so NOT to get involved again.

In about an hour we will leave for daughter's. Really just sitting here and relaxing. So thankful for everything.

paula eagleholic said...

wishing all a great day...heading out to get stuffed, LOL

Hoda said...

Heading off to yoga. Have a great day everyone.
The offerings from the crock pot sounds yummy PAULA.
I am sure the families of the three US students are having a much better Thanksgiving today...PRAISES PRAISES PRAISES TO GOD.

Lori O. said...

AMEN, Hoda!

Just finished a wonderful Thanksgiving meal cooked by Kate. Her mother is here, too. FloBear & Dalai are gated up in my bedroom and FBear has been pretty vocal about his unhappiness being separated from the kitchen. Kate is almost finished cutting up the turkey remnants, then they can come out. :)

I hope everyone is having a thankful, happy and healthy Thanksgiving.

I am thankful that after today the Macy's Thanksgiving Sale TV commercial with Justin Beiber will not be on. LOL. ;>)

hedgie said...

LOL, Lori, I was thinking the same thing---and hoping it to be true! What an irritating commercial!!!

Been home since about 3:30. Nice dinner with the in=law bunch....ate too much, and am worn out. Clothes off and ready to take a nap. Christie has gone; Carolyn will be bringing Jessie to stay for a day or so to clean house for me!

Sounds like everyone is having a great day of celebration!!

See you later after a snooze!!

JudyEddy said...

At Angies house waiting to eat I am so hungry

JudyEddy said...

Ok now that Lynn is full she as taken off all her cloths LOL

JudyEddy said...

Have to tell you a story Angie and Carl asked Jordyn what she wanted for Christmas she said My Birthday I don't think she understand LOL

JudyEddy said...

Looks like no visit nite lite came on a Carl is finishing up Tommy and Angie playing McDonalds with Jordyn and I snuck in here to see the nest No eagles they must have gone to friends for Thanksgiving LOL

Hoda said...

So Happy you had a good time LYNN and that you are now taking a nap. See you when you wake up and maybe before Carolyn comes over. Did I tell you how impressed I am with your daughters. You brought them up well dear LYNN.

Hoda said...





T-Bird said...

Have I missed a visit this morning?

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...