Tuesday, November 08, 2011


New thread.


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magpie said...

Good Morning, Steve,

Thank You !

T-Bird said...

Good morning everyone. Thanks you Steve.

DanaMo said...

I guess I better go back to the old thread and read through.

DanaMo said...

Got to see Annemarie that time! Another time is coming up they will be in the stream.

Lori O. said...

Margy, that is a gorgeous and thoughtful avatar. ♥

Shirley, hope you bowl a 300, Cyclone!

Good Morning T-Bird! Hugs to you and Sharon this morning.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning sunshines!

T-Bird said...

Thank you Steve not thanks you Steve. : )

NatureNut said...

Good Morning from PRP, the land of NO internet. This is a disappearing ink message!
Gotta read back. On car radio, they said Lori was on vacation. Duh!!!Hope you're feeling OK.
Went outside to check the River and an eagle was flying toward THIS side from the other. Was a little upstream, maybe one from our nest. Have not seen any there yet.
The lovely young naturalist who still works here a couple days got married to the Park Ranger a couple weeks ago. She said they spent a week in Harpers Ferry for honeymoon!
Have great day!

hedgie said...


A special day for a VERY special couple!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


hedgie said...

Good morning, Momsters and Dadsters! Looks like a lovely day here.

Just finished watching the Fox 5 piece...I think I picked out Annemarie correctly!!! Cool project/field trip!!!

Lovely day her

Saw where Joan Baez and Kris Kristofferson were to be on Letterman last night--recorded it and now watching/listening to them singing Me and Bobby McGee! Love it!!!! But their voices are getting old right along with their years. Kind of sad!

DanaMo---is your aide jealous that you actually know the one and only LORI????

T-Bird said...

Looks like we are set to have another beautiful day here in Bluefield. How about you all?

hedgie said...

Loretta, Lori already had a scheduled vacation day today!!!

So glad you saw the eagle first thing this morning!!!

T-Bird said...

Happy anniversary Mema Jo and Ed.

hedgie said...

Glad you all got to see our eagles---I totally missed them!! Early birds for sure!!

hedgie said...

Hi, Thelma---supposed to be lovely here, too! Hope they are right about that forecast!

hedgie said...

Article in the Hagerstown paper says that crisis counselors WERE on hand at the middle school yesterday. Taitlyn's obit isn't up yet but I'll post a link when it is.

CarolAnne said...

Morning all eagle watchers. Note to JudyE re: 'puter shutting down. When I had that, tech's couldn't find problem. Finally determined it was simply overheating. Now have it set on a fan cooling base. No more sudden shutdowns. Don't know if that could be your problem, just thought I'd throw it out there.
Take care all!

Linda said...

Morning Peeps!

Haven't caught up from last night, but am reporting to those who have instructed me to do so that I have made an appointment with an ENT for Thursday.

Problem is.....the appointment lady said they don't treat TMJ. They are ENT's. I have ear pain, so it is a good place to start. I really don't know if this is TMJ or not.

Now to catch up on what's going on....

Linda said...

♪♫ Happy Anniversary Jo & Ed! ♪♫

Congratulations on 53 Years of Marriage! ♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Linda....yep,it's a place to start. Great that they are able to see you so soon!!!

CarolAnne.....that happened to me one time, too.

hedgie said...

Inside of the sunroom windows are done!!! Outside is terrible....but don't want to attempt them until after I finish with leaf blowing and mower mulching. And I'm sure there will be at least one more of those rounds after today's.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Well, dern, where is the rain they told us we would get? It is dripping and that is all and the temp has not started to drop yet. It is 69 and we slept with the windows open and the fan on.

Once again, a good nest visit. Yea! Lori said the nest looks a mess and I was just thinking it looked like it was shaping up. lol

Lolly said...

Our leaves are just beginning to fall. Do not know what we are going to do with them since we can not burn. We mulch what we can but there are just way too many!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All My Friends
It is a beautiful day even though I am
slow starting.
Kristen is here with me and enjoying her

Thank you for all your good wishes for
our anniversary... Margy I don't want another 53 yrs - I'll take maybe 22 more

Mema Jo said...

These are our 5 for 53 years..... lol

Hoda said...

Good morning. Snow on the ground this morning. Looks pretty.
It is "pickling snow", granular and will melt fast.


Good visit report. Thank you.

I am off to morning yoga and then to The Friends Of The Library Meeting and then maybe more poster distribution. Be back later the afternoon.


LORI I am really glad that you are managing today with just a few aches and pains...that was a big experience you had yesterday.Good on you!!!

hedgie said...

Oh, Jo---Anniversary Gal---what a lovely pic of the family!!!! So great that you had that taken!!!

Lolly, hope the rain DOES happen for you.

Hoda---never heard of pickling snow----I like the image. Sounds like what we get sometimes when it can't make up it's mind whether it wants to sleet or snow!!

Lolly said...

Have finished my second mug of coffee and now time to start my day. Have to go change my shirt as I dribbled coffee. Does not look so cool. lol

Have a great day! Thinking of you, Lynn. (((hugs)))

Mema Jo said...

The zoo's Red Panda cam is right on!
Cutest little guy/gal!

Mema Jo said...

Off to enjoy Kris' company


paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

☺☺Happy Anniversary Jo & Ed!! ☺☺

Lori O. said...

Home again and loving these few days off...back to work tomorrow.

LINDA, I'm sure we'll all be anxiously awaiting your report from the ENT on Thursday. So glad you made the appointment. ♥

Thank you, STEVE, for the new thread!

JO & ED !!!

What a beautiful family picture, Jo!

Mema Jo said...

A beautiful red headed Woodpecker just visited me and made my day!

NOT a downey but a full red head!

hedgie said...

Neat, Jo!!!

Lolly, don't work too hard.

Lori, enjoy your day. Hope you aren't too sore.

I got the balcony cleaned off and the sliding doors cleaned. Now ready to start the BIG job....blower is plugged in jsut waiting for me....think I should eat lunch first!

Kay said...

So, LORI, you had a routine appt.. What did the doctor think of your routine ? ☺

LINDA, good girl ! You get a gold star for listening to your good nurse, LYNN !

CarolAnne, wish you'd chime in more often ! I'd like to get to know you. Like your avatar, you go, Aaron !!!

JO, wonderful family picture ! You have some really good "things" to show for your 53 years with ED !

LYNN, thanks for the reminder about dirty windows. Mine are in need of attention, too. Ugh.

HODA, our Lady of Perpetual Motion and Good Works. You HAGD, too !

LOLLY, hope that rain does show up for you before the day is over. I'm about to "take a walk" and drink some more water. How about you ?

Arggggh. It's after noon on Election Day and I'm still getting Robocalls for a couple of issues on the ballot. Enough already !

BB after I walk and sweep my deck.

CarolAnne said...

Thanks Kay, Do not have the interesting lifestyle the rest of you seem to have, not much to contribute on a regular basis. Do enjoy reading about the adventures, grandchildren, pets, prayer needs, etc. Sort of reminds me of the old time party lines, where you could listen in on conversations. LOL

CarolAnne said...

Plus there are the eagles! :O)

Lynne2 said...

OK CarloAnne, NO one has a more boring life than i do!

JudyE doesn't have a laptop. I asked her yesterday because my laptop started shutting off spontaneously but now I have a fan and it has stopped.

Just checking in from work....

RIP Joe Frasier.....

Lynne2 said...

Lori, hope you are not sore today! hey, when does the full time Christmas music start??

Lynne2 said...

guess I better get back to work....see ya later!

movin said...




Low 40's this A.M. , but it's rising quickly now...63° the latest update.

Is it my imagination or has somebody removed the clump of leaves in front of the camera?? And is that rectangular shape at the base of the branch in the nest man made?

[:~D] Jim

CarolAnne said...

Lynne2 - hope your work afternoon goes fast. You'd be hard pressed to beat my boring life. I have no family in area. Due to a vision issue I cannot drive other than in my immediate neighborhood area. Neighbors all work, so it is quiet around here. Life is not bad, as I have pets & gardening & seasonal changes to keep me busy. Plus there is the internet to provide all types of stimuli! Its just not all that interesting for others.

stronghunter said...


Back from bowling. Sorry to report that I did not bowl a 300 yet. I bowled 107, probably my best game ever.

Hunter is not all that impressed with my bowling skills, or so he says. What can I say? He is work in progress. He did get to see good sportsmanship modeled by the ladies on my league. I explained that we compliment one another, even our competitors.

stronghunter said...

Happy anniversary, Jo and Ed!!!

Linda said...

CarolAnne - That's NOT boring!! With telephones and internet we all are able to keep in touch with ones we love.

This loving group is a prime example!!

So sorry your vision is limited and you don't have family close by. Sometimes that is good and sometimes not!! LOL

I don't live close to family either, but as far as some of my family, it's a GOOD thing!! Sorry to say that, but it is what it is!!

Lori O. said...

Hello CarolAnne! Nice to meet you.
And, nice to have you on the blog. We need more people who are online throughout the day to keep the blog rolling. You're life is perfect here!

Lynn, don't do too much! You are a chore-aholic! :) ♥

Lynne, if you're life is boring, mine is nada. I think you would be happy for a lull in all your usual excitement. ((Big Hug)) Oh, Christmas music is streaming already online...otherwise, it's Friday, Nov. 18.
Falalalala lalalala.

Lolly said...

Jack and I just returned from voting. Did not get an "I Voted sticker" and now I am pouting!

Hi CarolAnne! Glad you have chimed in! A lot of us garden and we share our pet stories..join in. We make the best of our lives and some times share too much. lol We are always here for each other!

Now going to tackle a little housework. Oh, now that is really exciting!

Linda said...

Hello Mz LORI!! ♥

How are you feeling this beautiful afternoon?

Did you get any news on how long your vehicle will be in the shop yet?

Linda said...

Whenever Dennis sings, "Falalala lalalala," Riley runs around the house barking. It is so funny!!

Lori O. said...

Oh Linda, I forgot to tell you how envious I was of your bluebird pictures. They were awesome. I've never seen that many at one time. Way cool!

stronghunter said...

CarolAnn--please do check in more often. You are not boring.

I am heading outdoors to work in the yard.

Linda said...

Lori - It was so neat to see them fluttering and chirping around that hole in the tree. I've never seen them do that before.

We see them in the field and near the garden, but never there in such numbers.

It was fun to go outside and sit on the deck and take the pictures. When I decided to go down closer to the tree on the ground, I scared them away :(

Kay said...

Hi, my name is Kay and I'm not running for anything, but I approve the messages several of you have given CarolAnne ! We are each individually unique and "came here for the Eagles, but stayed for the friendships we have found"---not quite the exact quote, but it works.

Earlier I said "enough already" when talking about robo calls. And, speaking of Enough Already, how about those Duggar's ? Baby "J"#20 is on the way ! Thank goodness they have the means to take care of the brood !

Linda said...

Thanks for the approval, Silly Kay!!

If you were running......we'd surely vote for YOU!! ♥

Kay said...

LINDA, when a storm hits Dennis should sing Falalalala,lalalala at the top of his lungs. Riley will run around the house barking and forget all about the lightning and thunder !

Linda said...

Good thinking, KAY!! Too bad Riley is more in a state of panic and is totally non-responsive when he is shaking and scared of the thunder!!

Dennis is sort of patronizing me! Grrr! I don't like that. He says if I need to see an ENT for my own peace of mind, that's good, but he still thinks it is all from the tooth. He said it took a long time to get me to where I am now with this tooth and it will take a long time for this to subside. :(

I need more confirmation that something else isn't going on. Ear pain like this is just about unbearable. If it isn't the ear, then I will pursue the next step. Surely something should work to take away this pain other than narcotics...........which I can't tolerate!!!

Kay said...

LINDA, no doubt your Dubby means well, but he doesn't have the pain. Seems to me, it's your call ! Just say, "Yes, dear" and then follow your own instincts ! Easy for me to say, huh ?♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Linda said...

Yeah, Kay! That is what I'm doing. He always likes to tough it out and wait until things get really bad! I've waited long enough with this pain and always worry about things that could have been taken care of, had you done something earlier!

He's also lost his interest in cooking dinner of late............. Ugh!!

I am trying to think of what I should cook tonight. I wish dinner wasn't always such a big deal!!! LOL

Kay said...

Hmmmm, guess he's still recovering and just doesn't feel like cooking. Does he have a good apetite now ?

stronghunter said...

So the next storm, Dennis will be hollering, "Falalalala,lalalala," Riley will be running around barking, and Linda will forget her ear pain.

stronghunter said...

I say, tell Dennis that you are really in serious pain and need to see then ENT, Linda. If there is a way to get pain relief, you should try to find it.

stronghunter said...

the ENT . . .

Linda said...

Shirley - LOL!!

KAY - His appetite is good! I think we're in a dinner slump.......need to find some new recipes to make things more interesting, I guess!!

I'm okay with the plain ole favorites when I am not in the mood to cook, but I get the feeling he is looking for more.....

Linda said...

Shirley - He is understanding of my pain, but just thinks it is going to take longer to get better. He does agree that the 800mg of Motrin 3 times a day should do something and it doesn't!!

stronghunter said...

Well, George the cat had an adventure outdoors.

I met the lady who lives in one of the houses on the other side of the fence. She said that her two dogs are a great Dane and a Rottweiler.

I took George back there and let him see what is on the other side of the fence, should he wish to venture there. The two dogs snurfed and barked through the cracks between the boards.

George headed towards the safety of the back steps. His tail was all fluffed up. He spent quite a bit of time under the steps and then wanted back in the house.

Big bad George isn't all that big and bad.

Linda said...

Looks like George will be careful to stay close to home!! Too funny!

stronghunter said...

George has been all to eager to sneak out of the house. I really do not want him to climb over the fence and end up in a yard with two big dogs.

He has the basset hounds intimidated, but not all dogs are going to be like Flash and Luna.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, that was a great training session. Cats don't forget ! George will likely steer clear of those snurfing, snarling, barking dogs on the other side of the fence from now on ! LOL

LINDA, easy for me to provide sage advice and solutions for others.;o) Now, when it comes to solving my own problems I'm often clueless ! The pain must be awful if that amount of Motrin isn't cutting it. Mega-prayers !

stronghunter said...

too eager

Lori O. said...

How about one of my favorites for dinner - baked vegetables over some kind of healthy pasta or brown rice? Yummy!

stronghunter said...

That much pain medicine would probably have me comatose, Linda.

Kay said...

The Great Dane is most likely a big ol' pussy cat himself, but is following the lead of his Alpha Dog, the Rottweiler. Wouldn't want George to tangle with that Rottie !

Lolly said...

What kind of recipes would you like, Linda? I have some yummy ones!

Would you believe our rainy day has turned into a sunshiney day?☼ It is beautiful out. Grrrr! LOL

Kay said...

LORI, I often steam veggies to top brown rice, whole wheat pasta or a baked potato. Very good ! Baked root veggies would be great, too !

Linda said...

LORI - Does sound yummy to me, but Dennis would say, "Where's the Beef?" LOL

What kind of veggies would you bake? Do you mean roasting them by tossing them in olive oil and a little sea salt or something like that?

I love brown rice, too!

Lolly said...

One of my nephews posted on fb that it was a very sad day. He was taking their elderly dog to the vet...time to say good bye. Very sad! They have had her longer than they have been married. Blanco was close to 20.

Lori O. said...

Oh YEAH, LOLLY the cook is here!

Linda said...

Feeling a bit productive today.

Got the rest of my CPE hours finished this afternoon and sent in my registration fees for my licenses for FL and PA.

I didn't want to wait until late November or into December when the hustle and bustle of the holidays is upon us. I run out of time and get flustered with too much to do!

Lori O. said...

Oh Lolly. Very sad about Blanco. Prayers for his family.

Linda said...

LOLLY - So sorry to hear about your nephew's dog. Rest in Peace Blanco! You're in pain no more!

All Dogs Go to Heaven.....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I know the time is getting closer and closer for my Mopsy but I am just not willing yet.

Lori O. said...

Ah Sharon. (((BIG HUG)))

stronghunter said...

The fence on the other side contains a pit bull. I think the pit bull is pretty tame, but it is a pit bull.

That fence once contained an Akita, and Will prevented it from killing a cat one day. Will made good use of a snow shovel on that occasion.

stronghunter said...

Sympathies for Blanco's owner.

stronghunter said...

Sharon, we all love our fur children so much that it is very hard to part with them.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mopsy is about 18 and I have had her 14 years.

Kay said...

Aw, farewell Blanco, you'll soon be in heaven---it wouldn't be heaven if there weren't dogs !!! A sad day for your nephew, LOLLY. Saying a little prayer for him.

Wow, you are surrounded by good reasons to have a fence, SHIRLEY !

SHARON, you'll know when it is the time.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am really praying that God intervenes and does it for me.

Linda said...

We had a LOVING Akita who my son just adored. We had a doggie door attached to our sliding glass door.

When his time came, he went outside and went to sleep in the yard. It was so sad, but it was so much better than having to make that horrible decision to put them out of their misery.

Kay said...

Sounds like many of us have had productive days and now it feels good to sit n' chat ! I dusted and vacuumed the whole place, puttered with several little chores as I spotted needs, swept my deck, walked a mile. I was up so early, it feels like it should be about 5 o'clock, especially when we start talking about dinner already !

Linda said...

And....are you drinking your water???

hedgie said...

Round 4 completed!!!!!
Whew! Couldn't do along road---too steep for me on foot or with mower. Tired!!!

Kay said...

Oh, yes ! I've been a water fanatic for years--it's my favorite beverage--Nectar of the Gods ! Right now I'm sipping decaf iced tea, second favorite beverage.

CarolAnne said...

Linda, re: ear pain. I once had an ear pain, that I thought was a relapse of an earlier ear infection. Turned out to be a pulled muscle in ear/neck area. Muscle relaxants let it heal. Hope ENT has a quick remedy for you.

Kay said...

I knew your absence here meant you were outside wearing yourself out, LYNN. Hope you take time to relax and visit with us for a while now !

Linda said...

Thanks, CarolAnne. I am hoping for an answer to get some relief. It's been going on for way too long!

hedgie said...

Carolanne, loved your pics!!! So glad you posted them! No one's life is totally boring!!! Yours sound quite busy!! Do you see your kids and grands often??

Jimbo----leaves have dropped off the branch. And I don't think there's anything manmade about the nest, unless it's part of the cam mount that you see.

Lynne, I think even PC CPU's overheat if there isn't good ventilation---whether space or dust in the vents!

Shirley, I always chuckle to see even the league bowlers give high-fives whenever someone gets a strike!! Good lesson for Hunter, for sure.

Kay said...

CarolAnne, your "Favorite Things" are beautiful, one and all, two legged and four !!!!

stronghunter said...

My league high-fives for just about anything, Lynn. Hunter just kept giving me thumbs down. I reminded him that I do not do that to him at his games.

He did come over and hug me once. I think I had knocked down nine pins that time.

He keeps saying that he could beat me. Maybe. Maybe not.

I have been out cutting down an old grapevine that is climbing over a tree in the back. My neighbor said she has been pulling it off her fence. Will has taken down lots of it. I had not seen the whole thing until Will took out the thicket back there.

Parts of the vine is thicker than my arms. I will need a good, sharp saw to get that. I have one somewhere in the garage.

hedgie said...

Oh, Lolly, sad about Blanco, but what a long life he has had. What kind of dog is he? Sympathy to your nephew.

Shirley, George will hopefully stay away from the other yard!!!

Linda, Lolly DOES have lots of delicious recipes---some easy, and some labor intensive! She and Jack are really gourmets!
Congrats on getting the CPE's done ahead of deadline!! SO glad I don't have to mess with CEU's anymore!!!!

stronghunter said...

Precious pictures, CarolAnne.

stronghunter said...

Saving the grapevine for firewood. It should be good kindling when it dries out.

hedgie said...

ROFL, Shirley!!! I seriously doubt that Hunter could beat you with ten pin!!!! NOT as easy as he thinks!!!

Just heard on scanner that we have another traffic fatality hereabouts.....geesh! Why can't people be careful???

stronghunter said...

George was definitely impressed by those big dogs.

hedgie said...

Shirley, maybe Megan would like the grapevine for wreaths!!!

I feel the need to visit the sofa for a little while. Would really like to put heat on my knee....but Liesl HATES the hotpack for some reason!! BBIALW.
Looking forward to left-over spaghetti for dinner!!

stronghunter said...

Hunter has not beat me so far, Lynn, and now I have had a lot of practice and some good pointers from my new friends. Nah, I do not think he could beat me. But I try not to rain on his parade.

CarolAnne said...

Thanks all for the picture comments. All family lives a bit more than 2 hours away. Do not see as often as I'd like. Right now seeing son & family every weekend for the hunting season. Daughter & family on most holidays & a few additional times during year. See Mom whenever we head to cottage as we give her a ride to her cottage, which is just a half block from ours. Weekly phone calls, emails & facebook keep us connected.

stronghunter said...

The part that could be weaved into wreaths is up in the tree. There is lots of it. Perhaps I can get a picture. It is definitely killing the tree.

Megan is certainly welcome to it.

stronghunter said...

Standing under that vine and chopping away parts of it, I kept thinking of the plant in The Little Shop of Horrors. Hope I don't have nightmares.

stronghunter said...

Time to round up Hunter. BBL.

Linda said...

Two hours isn't too bad, CarolAnne, but I am sure with those youngsters, you'd love to be a bit closer to see them more.

Once grandchildren come along, I just don't know if living in PA is going to suit me if my son is still in FL.

Guess I'll be making lots of trips to FL then! He's only 24, and not married, so we have time yet!

Mema Jo said...

Headed out to celebrate!


NCSuzan said...

Congratulations Jo and Ed on fifty three years of marriage! CarolAnn

Shirley, I love your sense of humor!

Paula, thank you for the time and work you put in to the polls.

CarolAnne, I lurk more than I blog but these people are wonderful. Believe me, you are not boring. Everyone's life has value and interest.

DanaMo said...

OMGosh I am so tired. Just ordered pizza for dinner. And I still need to work on the quilt. YAWN!!!

I posted the link for the video of Annemarie at the Watershed on my picture blog! She actually got to speak. Great day. She is exhausted, fell asleep in the car on the 10 minute drive home!

Gotta catch up on the news of the day.

Maybe an evening visit?

DanaMo said...

CONGRATS Jo and ED on your Golden anniversary!! That is wonderful!!

DanaMo said...

Oh it's 53rd??? I missed that somewhere!

DanaMo said...

Lynne- My aide was pretty excited to know that it was Lori from the Lou and Lori show. She thought that was pretty cool.

paula eagleholic said...

Notice Notice Notice

Vote Vote Vote

The polls are up...and the first round of voting is interesting so far!!

I split the names into 2 alphabetical lists, with the similar names split between the polls.

You can vote for 5 names on each poll....and you can change your vote until the poll ends.

Poll ends this Saturday night at Midnight, PST, or until I get up on Sunday and close the poll!

You must sign in with your Yahoo id and password to vote on the EM group site.

Sorry, the first poll is out of order! Don't know what happened there!

hedgie said...

Thermometer still says 64° but sun has dropped below the ridge....cooling off fast. Liesl shivered when I took her out!!
She DOES love sunshine---as most dogs do.

Lolly said...

Took a peek at your pictures, CarolAnne! Thanks for sharing!
We have two small ponds and a stream that runs between them. We have 9 goldfish in the lower pond.

hedgie said...

CarolAnne, are the cottages at a lake? How far a drive is it from your home? Bet it's a lovely place...and neat that your Mom has a place there, too!

Lolly said...

It really has been a pretty day. Still right at 70 and the humidity has dropped. I went out and worked in the yard for a while. On the northside of the house we have English Ivy clinging to the brick. It got so hot this summer that we did not go out and trim it off the wood on the house. So, Jack and I did that today. Them I go a bucket and dug dandilions. Hate em!

hedgie said...

DanaMo--I would say that both you and Annemarie have good reason to be tired!!

LOL, Shirley---grapevines can be as insidious as kudzu sometimes!

Linda said...

DanaMo - Annemarie is such a cutie and did well on her television debut!!!

I can see why she fell asleep! That was a long day and out in the water and sunshine!!

As I mentioned in my comments.....she now joins our LORI as a celebrity!!

Kay said...

DANAMO, thanks for posting the video ! Aren't you proud of AnneMarie ? She was poised and enthusiastic when called on to say something ! I sent it to Julie. She teaches biology at Columbus State and will love seeing kids that age getting involved in Science, hands on !

Linda said...

Well, since I didn't get a suggestion from LOLLY about what to cook..... I took out some boneless chicken breasts and marinated them in balsamic vinegar and olive oil with some garlic and onion powder. Will have Dennis grill them and I'll do some rice and veggies.

That sounds simple enough!!

LOLLY - I'm in a "what to cook for dinner" slump!!!

CarolAnne said...

Hedgie - cottage is within view of lake, but not on it. Mom's is a bit farther & across cty rd.

Kay said...

LOLLY, aw, dandelions are such pretty little plants ! Many things we call weeds are. The trend here is to have a Freedom Lawn, allowing dandelions to share the grassy expanses. It doesn't work for everyone and would'nt for you and Jack, I'm sure !☺

CarolAnne said...

. . .continuing - cottage is about a 3 hour drive, depending on if we stop to get Mom. Our family has been in that area since 1958 with my folks first cottage purchase. The cottage we have was originally 2 1938 voting booths bolted together. During remodeling we were able to see the old bolts. The place isn't much - basically 2 rooms & a bath. Kitchen/living room is one room and the bedroom is bunkhouse style - 2 double beds 2 day beds & a crib when needed. Couch opens into bed when needed.

Kay said...

PAULA, just took a look at the polls for the first time since last night. It is looking interesting. Also looks like we have quite a few Momsters and Dadsters who still need to weigh in ! Thanks again for all you do !

LINDA, the dinner you'll have sounds wonderful good to me ! Great way to get Dennis involved after all. Psychology whiz, aren't you ? LOL

DanaMo said...

Thank you! She is a cutie. She is so funny, so different from the boys. So much more outgoing!

Lolly said...

Sorry, Linda, that I didn't help you out! Your chicken sounds good though. We had meatballs last night and we will have them again tomorrow as the recipe is enough for two meals. I think I am going to do chicken breasts tonight, too. Have several yummy recipes.

Waiting for the eagles. I remembered the time change tonight. lol

Kay said...

CarolAnne, the cottage sounds perfect for a getaway place. A little bit of paradise like several other Momsters n' Dadsters enjoy ! Don't you ever say your life is not interesting again and please, do visit with us often !♥♥♥

Lori O. said...


paula eagleholic said...

Mite lite is on. Have we been stood up?

Heading to DIL tonight to work on recovering the chairs.

Lori O. said...


Linda said...

Oh NO, we have a MITE LITE??

Well at least the eagles won't get any mites!! LOL

Kay said...

LORI, prayers for Allen beginning this minute. Sounds like there is an infection somewhere in his system. Hope they get to the bottom of it soon. Grooaaannn. Sorry, but we must keep a sense of humor in the face of so much pain and suffering. Otherwise, we'll go nuts ! Sorry your mini-vacation has been marred by accident and illness.:(

Linda said...

LOLLY - Would love for you to share those boneless chicken recipes when you get the time.

Dennis isn't all that fond of chicken, but should be eating more of it! I love chicken!!

We do like Chicken Marsala....of course. I used to make a chicken in white wine and he didn't care for it. Funny thing is my son used to LOVE it!! Go figure.....

Kay said...

Apparently JUDYE is still having computer trouble--otherwise you know she'd be here at this time of night---evening. Too bad. In fact, Burnt Beans !

DanaMo said...

CarolAnn-sounds like an interesting place! Do you have pictures. Cool that it has been in your family for so long.

CarolAnne said...

As cottage is just steps away from the National Forest we get various animal visitors. Trying to add pics of some of them, but for some reason cannot get them to "stick". Will keep trying!

Lolly said...

Okay, I apparently missed a post. Who is Allen?

Hoda said...

An absolutely perfect day...The fresh snow on the mountains makes it very hard for me to concentrate on drivingWhite with gree and the left over tree colours are stunning we have a clear blue sky with some valley fog and it is stunning.
Yoga was good and I went to seven other locations to leave announcements for the All Candidates Forum which The Canadian Federation of University Women is hosting. They were all very friendly and welcome...I went into one of the local radio stations and I think they were just as surprised to see me as I was surprised to see them!!! Long hair, different shades of BRIGHT Blue, Green and Red hair, all dyed...some nose rings and loud music...I do not listen to them much because of the loud music but they have classical music section and they do the news and local announcements...Well they were very happy to get my announcement and took it to the Hot Air Room where it will be read three times a day till the forum happens. I said thank you and they said you are welcome and we were all smiling..

Linda said...

Oh, is Lori's Dad sick now?

I must have missed that.

They've had a rough time, too, of late. Will keep both your parents in prayer, Lori...... You too! ♥

Hoda said...

I see no eagles have visited yet this evening and the night light is on ...I hope they come in.

Supper at your house sounded good LINDA.

Kay said...

That visit was barely satisfactory ! I'm going to fix a bite to eat and settle down in front of TV for news and election coverage. Hope to be back later ! If not, will be praying for all in need as usual and thanking the Good Lord for all his blessings. One of which is the opportunity to get better acquainted with CarolAnne ! WELCOME ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ !!!!!!!

magpie said...

Allen, I think is the cat...I missed a notice on it also, Linda....

Hello Eagle Pals...

magpie said...

thought I was hustling to see DanMo's daughter on TV, thought it was Fox 5 at 5- but here is Herman Cain defending himself...
speedreading has its drawbacks !
I see I can go check her blogspot thought, and will do that soon

I didn't see the mini-appearance from the Eagle either...
maybe the night is not done for viewing

Kay said...

LOLLY, Allen and Nancy are LORI's parents.

HODA, what a day---like I said earlier you are our Lady of Perpetual Motion ! Glad you got such a nice reception with the announcements. Love the last line about smiles !

Okay, I've pulled a MARGY, but now I really am outta heah ! For now.

CarolAnne said...

Hoda, Love your description of the mountain snow & other colors. Had the pleasure of a mini vacation in Canada one February. The snow scenery was just beautiful. Stayed in a little cabin w/a potbelly stove. Hope to go again someday.

Hoda said...

I stand corrected, LORI saw an eagle.I missed it. I am sitting right here and yet my camera did blink once and it went black screen so it must have happened then.

Linda said...

Whoops..... didn't mean to get names of people and critters mixed up!

Either way, prayers will be said as we pray for our critters, too.

Thanks for straightening me out, Margie and.......very nice to see you!!

Are you home, Margy?

magpie said...

Christmas lights are going up and being lighted on the primary town streets in Martinsburg...

Sounds like a very satisfying day, Hoda !

Good to see so much dialogue with CarolAnne, must go do some picture-viewing... ☺

Kay said...

Oh,oh. Another MARGY here. LORI did name one of the feral kids Al something as a take off on her dad's name, but she changed it later. Right, LORI ? Okay, now I really am.......zzzzzzzzz........

hedgie said...

I, too, must have missed Lori's post about Allen....tried looking and don't seem to find it...infection???? Details if anyone knows, please....is that her Dad??

CarolAnne, vacation homes should be small. Never want to spend a lot of time cleaning when on vacay!!! Sounds idyllic!!

Hoda said...

Carol Anne where in Canada did you visit in February...?

KAY you are a kind and wonderful FRIEND Thank you for your sweet comments about my activities.

hedgie said...

So, Kay---you were the only one tosee the eagle visit? Hopefully they'll be b-a-c-k!!!!!

magpie said...

and I can't get Lori's Paws and Claws picture site...

DanaMo said...

Yes, sorry that wasn't clear. It was on tv this morning. It was live, but now I posted the link on my pics. Monte was in CA so I'm glad I was able get it from the website and my mom missed it while dad's nurse was there. He has graduated to no walker!

magpie said...

I saw Wanda slide through with a post awhile back, addressing Linda regarding ear pain...

Missed a late night post from her...

Hoda said...

OK Now I too am concerned...LORI's DAD is sick??? LORI you must repost...what happened to him and what infection are people talking about?

magpie said...

I was thinking little boy cats...Allen, LeRoy and Bobby, and Andie the little girl cat, I am embarassed I am confused now

magpie said...

if you can see the Moon, you should be able to see Jupiter, down and to the left of it...
will be even closer together Wednesday

off to go see Annemarie,
Thanks in advance, DanaMo !

magpie said...

and if you have a decent view of the Western/SW horizon, Venus shines brightly....it's low...

Hoda said...

...and why is LORI's avatar, the B for blog sign?

Lynn it was LORI who reported the eagle sighting. I do not know if KAY saw it or was commenting on LORI's post...I have confusion.

CarolAnne said...

It was many years ago,visited in the Ontario area. Did the Snow Train ride, drove to a wilderness camp site, saw moose & bear. Very enjoyable experience.

Hoda said...

...and why is LORI's avatar, the B for blog sign?

Lynn it was LORI who reported the eagle sighting. I do not know if KAY saw it or was commenting on LORI's post...I have confusion.

Linda said...

I think we're all a little confused.

Kay posted about Allen's infection. Lori's Dad's name is Allen, so I thought she was speaking of him.

I am still not sure if that is what Kay was talking about or not, but I didn't see a post from Lori about her Dad either?

Hopefully Kay or Lori will clarify for us!!

Lolly said...

roflmbo.....I do believe we are all confused and it is getting worse. HELP!!!!!!

Well, it was probably me...sorry. I was here on time to see the eagles and I scared them away. So sorry!

Linda said...

Lori's Avatar is still a yellow sunshine on my computer, HODA!

Hoda - Loved hearing about your glorious day and how much you enjoyed the beauty of it!

Linda said...

Lori posted an Eagle Alert, but no one else saw one!! That was at 5:23......and you're right, HODA - Lori was missing her avatar on that post!!

And the saga continues........

Hoda said...

Carol Anne Ontarion is a HUGE province. I am glad you enjoyed your time there...also glad you experienced some of the Canadian wilderness...February would be a bit cold though!!! LOL...Do come back...

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda said...

Okay back to the kitchen for me to finish up and serve dinner!!


Lolly said...

Late last night I thought I heard a GHO. Told Jack and he thought he had heard it too. Well the joke is on us. The ventilation turbines on top of the house are making an intermittent "whoo whoo" sound.

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

OK both deletes are mine...I stuttered and then announced I could not delete and then discovered how to delete.

I am glad I am NOT the only one who is confused...it brings me a GREAT DEAL OF lAUGHTER.

Lolly said...

Well, I have a confession to make. The other night I thought I saw an eagle in the nest, BUT I now realize there is a "Google Related" bar at the bottom and I had accidently put my curser over one of the pics, which is an eagle in the nest and that Pic enlarged and looked like the cam. At least that is what I think happened.

Hoda said...

How GREAT LOLLY and JACK have a built in GHO!!!LOL Ventilation system making GHO NOISES...

Hoda said...

It is an easy mistake LOLLY. That was the night they were in THREE times, so a fourth was not out of the realm of possibilities.

hedgie said...

Google bar with eagle pics under cam??? Not on mine!!!!

Hoda, sounds like a very successful day for you!

Margy---say it isn't so!!! Decorations going up already???? :(

Lolly said...

Yes, Lynn, did not used to have the bar but do now.?????

magpie said...

Yes, Lynn...the big Snow Crystals light things along the streets...the ones that seem to stay lighted until nearly Springtime...they ARE pretty, but...it seems a little early

magpie said...

surely want to add my Prayers and Hugs for your Journey and your Consult, Wednesday....

(( Hugs ♥ ))

CarolAnne said...

Here in Wisconsin they get the holiday decorations up early, hopefully before the snow flies, as it is the same crew that removes snow that hangs the decorations, but they don't turn them on until Thanksgiving.

magpie said...

man oh man I just tried to get into Lori's groudned 4 paws, 2 claws...no luck :(
I DO see her sunshine avatar, though

magpie said...

really cool videos, DanaMo, of the Watershed project...thank you!
Such enthusiasm from all participants!
Thank You, and best wishes for your father going without the walker... !

wvgal_dana said...


magpie said...

that is a WISE plan, CarolAnne...makes good sense, to take advantage of good weather for it.
Hello by the way, good to see you here a lot today, schmoozing with a lot of the daytime Momsters ☺

magpie said...

thinking of Jo and Ed, and whatever nice plans they have for the evening...
Continued Happy Anniversary Wishes to one of our OTHER "Royal Couples" ♥ ♥

magpie said...

so, DanaWV...how did things go today for your Mother ?

Lolly said...

Our neighbor across the street was putting up his outside lights this afternoon. Told Jack about it. Makes sense to me to put them up in nice weather.

Okay, guess I need to go prepare dinner.


magpie said...

checked your pictures, CarolAnne, Nice !!

SPLIT not too far away, approaching the 200 mark

be back later to catch up


hedgie said...

DanaMo, enjoyed the video!!! Really great program! Kids are so enthusiastic.

I can see putting the decos up before bad weather---makes sense. Just don't turn them on!

Thanks, Margy!!! Getting a little tense.

hedgie said...

Wonder what Diann has been up to the past couple of days??

Hoda said...

JIM this is a while back you asked a question about the rectangle at the base of the nest... I see it on the railing section and this was made by the eagles.At the top of the screen there is a note from STEVE saying that they will not go up to the nest this Wednesday but will try to do so before Thanksgiving...I hope you read through and find this...Sorry I did not answer earlier, sometimes I do not retain all that I read and then I remember it later...!!! LOL

hedgie said...

Have seen on FB that Vicky is going to spend the weekend with Glo! Eagles are arriving in her area.....hope they get some good sightings!!

magpie said...


«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 384   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...