Thursday, November 03, 2011


Fresh thread.


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Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...


Lolly said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning Lolly!!! How's stuff in Texas?

Lolly said...

It is cold in Texas, at least my part of Texas. 35 this morning.

Hoda said...

Good morning all.
Very happy to read the report of the long visit by Belle and her mate. Well done.

DANAMO I like very much the centre piece you made for your Mom.

I missed JUDYE here this morning. She would have been excited about the visit...Be kinder than necessary for everyone is fighting some sort of battle...good saying JUDYE.

ENJOY work everyone who already headed out.

LOLLY I like your picture of your "bestest children".

hedgie said...

Well, Lolly.....I think we all feel the same way!!!! About our own, of course!! Yep, thankful for my girls every day!

BIG doings in the little town of Ranson (where Christie lives and works)--next to Charles Town. A package exploded at the post office---full of white powder. Apparent multiple exposures possible. FBI and ATF on scene....haz mat in full action. WTH is wrong with people????? Friggin' lunatics out there, excuse my french.

Hoda said...

Bonjour Madame LYNN, Vous parlez bien le Français!!!Cheers!!!

Hoda said...

le français not le Français!!! the first is the language the second is the person...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Wow, Lynn, scary stuff! There are all kinds of CRAZY people out there!! Glad it looks like everything is going to be okay, though.

Lolly said...

English spoken here, Hoda! LOL

Coma esta usted?

hedgie said...

LOL, Hoda!!!! French is not my forte!!!! Cool that you can switch and get the correct characters for foreign lanquages!! I guess we all could if we took the time to do so!!

Tres bien!

Lolly said...

Yes, Lynn, I am sure that is how we all feel. So proud of my two and working down my Thankful list!

Wow, I am with you on the explosion. There are so many idiots in this world! Glad they have check out far!

Meant to say....DANAMO, the centerpiece is great. Perfect for the Golden anniversary!

hedgie said...

WANDA-----forgot to mention this morning that I hope whatever produce you are storing in the van doesn't freeze!!!! Don't think it got that cold last night....but it might before the first of the week!!

hedgie said...

Susan Boyle on The View!!

Costume Lady said...

I don't have a lot of time to comment, these days, but I wanted to bring his over from the previous page:


I feel so very sad that the naming of our new Male Eagle has turned slightly UGLY! Personally, I loved the name ******* because Capt. Gene enjoys the eagles and our group so much that he wanted to participate in the naming. Replies to this name were quite a few of saying, "That name sounds too old for a young eagle"...I don't agree, but 'so what', lets go on to another name****,Oh, I don't like that because it reminds me of a dog,****Oh, that reminds me of a dance I used to go to!****sounds like we are praising the new male for chasing Lib away.
My suggestion would be to look at the names and vote for the one that YOU like, for whatever reason without comment, just to keep peace in our wonderful family!

I honestly hope that SHARON, stays with us as the new Breeding season begins, so that we can ALL share the JOY that a new family will bring to us all. SHARON has been here since day 1 and will break my heart if she doesn't stay with us. I love her as I do all of you...let's not break up our Sister Family because of a NAME!

Hoda said...



Costume Lady said...

Thanks for the reminder, Lynn, about the procuce. We kept it in the Van last night, but one night won't hurt it unless it is very cold. We have been processing it a good part of the morning. A lot of green peppers are rotted, but there are some beautiful red, yellow and orange ones that are nearly perfect. You will be pleased to know (I think) that we received a BUNCH of sliced thin Beef Stir Fry to go along with the veggies...enough for a meal for
Soup Kitchen!.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

The french punctuation marks are on the Alt Codes List is fun to switch languages as MISS LOLLY went to Spanish too...

hedgie said...

DC news carrying the story of the P.O. mess.......

Costume Lady said...

BTW...Produce is free to us, as is Bakery and Dairy. We just throw away that which is not fit for consumption.

Hoda said...

Et moi aussi Madame SHARON. MERCI BEAUCOUP.

hedgie said...

Wanda, that's great-----those peppers and the beef will make some wonderful stir fry!!! And you can get tortillas really cheap for fajitas!!!!

hedgie said...

Okay, Hoda, thought you were using a translator to get it! Never noticed them on the alt code sheet!

What happened to Sissy's post???? I didn't get a chance to translate it before it was gone!!!

hedgie said...

Oops---Sharon's, not Sissy's!!

Hoda said...

LYNN "I came for the eagles and stayed for the friendship" is what SHARON had on her post.

hedgie said...

Hurray!!!! That is my motto!!
Hoda, 3 yrs ago I had that made into little metallic plaques that I gave to everyone at Open House. It had a holographic image of an eagle on it, too.

hedgie said...

OMG---Liesl the Little Imp just completely untied and unbraided the tug toy that Lori had attached to the teething ring!!!!!!!!! Unbelievable!!! Carolyn predicted that she would---and she did!!!! I got it all back together....we'll see how long it takes before she does it again!!!

Hoda said...

I LOVE IT LYNN...What a wonderful thing to have as a motto and make a gift of it with the eagles...


Hoda said...

LOLLY when I see LAURREL on your avatar I think The Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine. She looks just like her standing there...can you see it?

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon
That little plaque is right down here
at my keyboard and it is embedded into my mind & heart.
Now Hoda - don't French talk to me - I don't know where to go to translate it into English..... lol

stronghunter said...

Sorry I have been among the missing. I snuggled into my recliner and slept the morning away. Didn't sleep much last night.

Just finished reading everything.

Saw the story about the explosion in Ranson. Awful.

stronghunter said...

That little plaque is sitting on my mantel. It means a great deal to me. I got it in 2009 when I went to my first open house.

Hoda said...

MEMA JO, Don't you mind my foolishness with the French language thing...LYNN started it really!!!LOL LYNN you said excuse my french and I got do you see...I'll do the English thing till the next time I become foolish!!! LOL!!! I LOVE YOU ALL...

Mema Jo said...

Momma Owl is with her 2 owlets
She may be gone by the time you get there

hedgie said...

I love foreign languages, Hoda! And you know what they says about "you'll lose it if your don't use it....'
When Christie goes to Cancun, I always try to email her in Spanish.....but I have forgotten 99% of what I knew....and have even resorted to using one of my old text books....and now the Google translator!!

Shirley----an advantage to being retired is the opportunity to sleep whenever we want!!!!! You go, girl! Is it raining? Have the fence people showed up?

Mema Jo said...

Hoda I surely don't mind the language
challenge - it gets me thinking about my
daughter who travels and learns the language of where she is. My grandson of 16 went to Italy and then Paris with them. He then wished to take a French course... They were never allowed to speak unless they spoke in French!
I think he in his future will be a

stronghunter said...

My new avatar expresses something I am very thankful for.

Mema Jo said...

Wow Shirley that looks just like mine
((hugs)) Aren't you practicing your
bowling today?

stronghunter said...

I bought a little stand for it. Really one of those little stands for business cards.

It was raining when we got up this morning and the fence people called and said they would be here tomorrow because of this morning's rain.

The man commented that there is a wet area in the back of my yard.That is fine with me. I just might go practice bowling today.

Just hope the weather is good tomorrow.

I sincerely home Miss Utility comes today.

hedgie said...

Great way to display the plaque, Shirley! Now Hoda can enlarge it and see what it looks like!
I keep mine hanging on the fridge---I stuck a magnet to the back of it.

hedgie said...

Hope the wet spot isn't too big or too wet so as to prevent your posts from setting up in concrete, Cyclone!

Mema Jo said...

I need my street clothes - today is getting away from me.......

Tonight is Pizza Hut/Birthday cake night. Alexis' dad, my grandson, is 27 today!

Wow, not only my children but now my grandchildren are getting

Mema Jo said...

When you get a chance - look at my profile on FB - To die for! ♥

stronghunter said...

Yeah, the day is getting away from me, too, Jo. I have a bowling ball to throw. BBL.

stronghunter said...

New Thread!!!!
New Thread!!!!
New Thread!!!!
New Thread!!!!

Hoda said...

It is a BEAUTIFUL avatar SHIRLEY. I copied it to save to my pictures and will see if I can put it as my avatar too, or will it be too small?

hedgie said...

Oh, Jo----happy birthday to your grandson! And I absolutely LOVE that giraffe baby!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Yes I am the one that did all the deletes. I did them the morning of Nov. 5th Friday after much prayer and talking with God. Those those of you that get comments emailed to you will see I have done my deletes.

I want to apologize on here for my behavior yesterday on the blog. If I had a problem with someone I should have written them an email and NOT have put it on the blog. I ask all that it disturbed for forgiveness. I pray you can do that for me; that is forgive me.

I am writing this on Nov. 5th 9:15AM.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...