Saturday, November 12, 2011


Weekend thread.


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magpie said...

I'm saying Ridge Road South Lynn, and the officer COULD have kindly given you a warning, not a ticket!
Had it been the Sheriff's Department, bet you would have only gotten a warning

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

Lynne - So sorry about the Bait and Switch, and too funny about the College Dude tale....

sounds you have the wheels turning in your mind with possible would be in WV with your in-laws but not exactly close to the rest of us...

magpie said...

Sounds like a great birthday party for Cohen, Paula....
I have to say, especially the BLT part!

magpie said...

Lolly -
sorry to hear Jack had to spend time at the dentist's again, and with another infection...Darn, Phooey and Shucks !!!
Oh, and a few WOOFS !!!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - very good pictures of the RTH
They are so beautiful & I hope he heals.
You're right that something good has to
soon be there for you and Steve.

magpie said...

Here is the report I have been waiting from, from New York, near the PA border/Erie area:

"The swans started flying over the weekend. They should
continue for a couple of weeks at least. Some are stopping here and
others are headed your way, up high. "

Soooo, us'ns on the East Coast keep your peepers and your ears peeled for this.... !!

The Tundra Swans....

Mema Jo said...

I didn't expect to split!

magpie said...

except fo the ticket sounds like Lynn had a rousing afternoon, and surely sounds like Liesl had a rousing overnight and morning !!

magpie said...

I saw the warning else I would have missed it too Jo...
you see, I am coming in late and had just gotten to that when I was ready to say HI !

magpie said...

Wondering how Kay's evening meal at Julie's it was one scrumptious meal !

tough story about the hawk, Lynne...hoping for a good outcome...will check your pics and Paula's here shortly....

still kinda catching up

Mema Jo said...

Paula - the new seat covers really look like a professional job. Love the match with the floor tiles.

Happy that Cohen's party was successful.
I am remembering the cakes you have made in the past for the kids!

magpie said...

Thinking of you, Shirley, if you are still hanging around....
didn't remember that your testing was this morning, and sure hope all will be OK and the Holter won't be so bad....
Hunter should find all that, interesting I would think

magpie said...

Many questions and positive vibes about my new Lori's computer...well, I have to get it inside the apartment first...
Tom Sweetie will help me with that Tuesday night....☺
(it's too heavy for me and my back...)
Then one slow step at a time for me, as I am not very sharp about these kinds of things
but...It Will Get Done...
Hope Dinosaur doesn't know what I am talking about...I still need him for a few days !!!

magpie said...

Moon still looking good, rising later and later each night...
anyone up in the middle of the night or early morning...pretty much straight up a pair of objects, the orange one is Mars...and its traveling partner is the star Regulus...pretty nice view

NatureNut said...

Just saw most of Gabby Gifford interview. She is remarkable.All the new therapy is amazing, too.

Gotta get the act together & get to bed.
Prayers for all & more prayers tomorrow!! ♥♥♥
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

magpie said...

Hoping that all with ailments, illnesses and aches and pains...are doing better this evening....

and yes, I WILL be praying now and at 1:30 TUESDAY, but might not be at the computer to say so....
(( Hugs ♥ )) and a lot of them going her way....
Prayers as well for ALL the Health Care Professionals involved with Lynn's care.....

magpie said...

it's about that time,
clean flannel sheets await me, but it warmed up so much today they might be too warm!

Not too long from now, Wanda will probably post the Soup Kitchen Menu...we'll find out if there was any turkey left over

magpie said...

Hoda! Thanks once again for checking in with JudyE...sure do miss her she is going tee-totally NUTS about the computer problems....

I Better say it now and start the close-down process:

Good Night, Precious Pals
Prayers for Wellness Amongst Us, and comfort for all our troubles and trials....

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

I shall turn in for the evening -
Praying for my friend and for the successful surgery and recovery.

I have eye exam 2:30 - Holler loud and clear as soon as word is heard.

Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, I'm sure you are glad to know Liesl is enjoying her "vacation"

wvgal_dana said...

Seems Cohen had a great Birthday ( :

Prayers for all that need them whether human or Gods creatures.

Lynn may God lead the doctors tomorrow and land HIS HANDS UPON YOU. May God bring you through the surgery without any problems. God please take away the fear and don't place Lynn to have to be on a vent. or respirator. Please God asking for good results to come back on the tumor. Place you ANGELS all around Lynn also known as our sweet Hedgie. Help Lynn in her healing Lord. Be with her girls Lord tomorrow as they wait until she comes through recovery back to her room....with the doctor telling them EVREYTHING WENT JUST FINE. Our Father In Heaven I am asking she not need any chemo or radiation because she won't need any. WE PRAY AND ASK THIS ALL IN YOUR NAME Amen.

paula eagleholic said...

I see Lynn has retired for the evening, sleep well Lynn.

Lolly said...

Well, dern, read about the split coming and still got lost! But, now I am found! ☺

We just had a few sprinkles. Think this is going to be it with the front that is coming through. They talk about rain coming and then the closer it gets the less chance of us getting anything. The dust was flying today while I mowed. Wore a mask...I looked cute!

I am headed to bed.

Lynn, going to bed with you on my mind and a prayer going up. You are going to be just fine, a little sore at first but I feel that you are going to be great! Also, thinking of Liesl asleep on the bed. roflmbo One spoiled pup! You are going to have to starte letting her sleep with you!!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

Good night all and God Bless.

Costume Lady said...

BIG TIME prayers for LYNN tonight and don't forget 1:30pm group prayer tomorrow.

Sleep well♥

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Family!

My posts havn't disappeared in a few days so I think I am fixed - whatever that was! Hallaleujah!

Prayers for Lynn and I'll be here at 1:30 with the rest of you. Lord, let Lynn be fearless and filled with peace knowing you will take her through her operation and recovery and that you will guide her doctors hands as he removes the tumor. We lift her up to you, in Jesus name, Amen.

Hoping the Wanda and Capt./Father Gene has a full house with lots of full bellies at the Soup Kitchen tonight. Hope you get to use some of those 12 turkeys, Wanda!

Hoda, thanks for organising the All Pray for Lynn today.

Paula, my 9 year old nephew is the only other kid I know who will eat tomatoes. Cute pictures of Cohen, and loves the brown and black on the chairs. Very nice!

Lynne, sorry about the job for Steve. My neighbor did it two different years and said it was really hard work....but the UPS guy would pick her up at her house since that was part of his route. That part was nice!

Hoping JudyE gets her computer figured out and gets on tonight!

Prayers for Buddy and Debbie, Jay, Linda's ear and Lynn.

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, thank GOD I made it here! Have been trying for a while--Lord, please protect my dinosaur laptop!

Forgive my manners--Good (very late) Evening, Everyone!
Geez, my Earthlink has been down for much of the day (Monday), and the ole laptop is acting STRANGE.
Microsoft Office Word 2007 almost lost an Operative Report I had been working on! Grrrr!!! Mighty glad I finally made it here!

Lynn, so sorry you got a speeding ticket! Somehow, that just doesn't sound like you--speeding? Really?!
Glad you got such a good report about Liesl. Sounds like she's having fun and being spoiled rotten! Must be a load off of your mind. Prayers continue for you, and DEFINITELY tomorrow at 10:30 am my time!

Ms Bookworm said...

Got a text message from Jay today--she says she feels "a bit better." Thank you for all your prayers for her! I'm thankful that she hasn't had to check into the hospital this time for this nasty strep!

DanaMo, praying that you will get a good night's sleep, and feel restored in the morning!

Eeeeww--Shannon hit a DEAD deer? That ought to be quite a cleanup project! So sorry! Glad he's OK, though. Thank God!

Jo, happy that you had such a good time at lunch! It's great to stay connected to good friends! Prayers for your eye exam.

Lynne2, SO sorry about the UPS fiasco! Shame on them--God'll get them for it! Many heavy-duty prayers for you & Steve! Prayers for the RTH, too.

Paula, glad Cohen had such a fun Birthday party!

WV Dana, AMEN to your 11:24 pm prayer for our dear Lynn!
Lori, AMEN to your prayer, too!

Well, need to get some sleep so I'm able to function. Need to go to the Anaheim Coves opening at 11:30 am, and report back to you guys! Making sure the porch light is on. Prayers said for everyone, and for all creatures. Special prayers for Lynn! Enabling both security systems. Prayers that all you folks denting the pillows have a wonderful sleep! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

DanaMo said...

Good morning. I need to go back before the split and catch up.

Slept well and I'm ready for a new day. The open house was very successful. Many visitors which is great for the school. I can't believe we are looking for next's years class already.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Will be with you all at 1:30pm this afternoon.

Will be with Lynn this evening after anesthesia wears off. Have an envelop filled with momster/dadster hugs for her.

Will report as soon as I can.

DanaMo said...

I hope all goes well. I will keep Lynn in my intentions during morning prayer today!

DanaMo said...

Dogs came in wet, guess it's raining. Oh now I hear it...must be coming down harder. Probably raining at the nest too.

Lori O. said...

Thank you, Judie! You're a good friend.

Good morning, DanaMo!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Thank y♥u Judie....
I think that is ONE BIG Envelope you will be carrying to take to Lynn....

Lynn When you make your visit with us this morning, I want you to know: This Toad is For You!
I read that you actually like Toads more than Frogs...I never knew that !!
This is an Amerian Toad, from Cacapton State Park in the Spring
(( Hugs ♥ )) to start your morning, and to be with you all the day through

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Yes, raining here...guess this is a muddy pawprint morning

light approaches the nest....will the Eagles do the same ??

DanaMo, glad your Open House went well....

magpie said...

Rain Rain Go Away....
Come Again another day...
Wednesday would be OK...

Lori O. said...

Love the toad avatar, Margy!

magpie said...

EAGLE in the nest !

Thanks, Lori

love the music !

DanaMo said...

WOW that light is bright. Hard to see.

magpie said...

rearranging the Face on the nest...
the Eagle is ☺

DanaMo said...

Glad I'm not alone. Gonna leave the reporting to others again this morning. Getting late and I've got to get this gang and myself moving.

Lori O. said...


magpie said...

This Eagle in the nest is for Lynn ! ♥

Neither rain, nor snow...
stays these....

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

I see two eagles!

stronghunter said...

Image is not so washed out if I tilk the screen. (Tilt--in normal English_tilk is one of our Momster words for those who are new on here.)

magpie said...

These TWO Eagles are for Lynn...
they are cleaning house, just for YOU ☺

wvgal_dana said...

I think male wanted to move that BIG STICK ... did not though.

stronghunter said...

No tests today. I told them that I have bowling today, so please schedule around it.

magpie said...

I think Belle is in the middle closer to us, REM up top, I'm looking at the toes

stronghunter said...

Hi, Judie. Good to see you on here. Good that you will be looking out for our Lynn this evening.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Shirley good to have you aboard. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Ok no one else said it Poof

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning peeps! Nice visit this morning but now they are all gone! Many prayers for our precious Hedgie today! Hope you all have a great day! Magpie, thanks so much for the card. You are such a thoughtful, caring person!! Love and hugs!!

wvgal_dana said...

Judie you will need a cart to push that box of HUGS to Lynn

wvgal_dana said...

Mother is doing a little better. Still getting stabbing pains in the one hand. I told her I think it is a nerve. Cause it stabs her in the hand then travels to her shoulder.

magpie said...

Hope those fingers are all back to normal...
and good luck on your next baking adventure, Sissy !

You have done so much for so is our day to try to return some of that loving and giving...Today, and Everyday...
We're Here with You, Hedgie xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Came back to find the nest empty.

Had to check on the dogs and protect them from George the Fierce.

magpie said...

sounds like it could be, DanaWV...hope relief WILL Come!

Good Morning more Eagle Pals...and
So Long at the same time
Worktime looms...

Oh Billy Joel, thanks Lori ♫ ♪

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Dogs do not want to eat their dry food immediately unless it is properly mixed with canned food. I added a little of the food whose label claims is salmon. (Hunter had mixed the foods and dogs did not approve.)

Man, that stuff stinks. It smells like something that has been dead a couple of days. Only a dog (or Fierce George) could appreciate it.

T-Bird said...

Good morning friends.

T-Bird said...

Rainy here in Bluefield. How about you all? What is the weather at the nest?

magpie said...

oh, Lori... a BEEGEES song...
Lynn will like that ☺

Hey Shirley, Hi..
Hi T-Bird
Beckman will be QB for the next game, I heard that on my favorite radio station !

out the door for me...

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

was raining hard earlier, it's stopped now, for now...
xo 'bye

Lori O. said...

LOL, Margy!

No rain yet in DC, Thelma.


Today: Showers likely, mainly before 1pm. Cloudy, with a high near 67. Chance of precipitation is 70%. New rainfall amounts of less than a tenth of an inch possible.

Tonight: Showers. Low around 51. New rainfall amounts between a half and three quarters of an inch possible.

Wednesday: Showers. High near 60. Calm wind. Chance of precipitation is 90%. New rainfall amounts between three quarters and one inch possible.

hedgie said...

Morning all. Stoooopid blogger cop ate my post. Raining here.

Margy, thanks for toad avatar---looks like my Freddie!!!

Think it was Andy who mentioned me not seeming like a speeder---LOL, I've always had a lead foot. Just usually VERY observant in watching for the cops!!

Slept okay--no bad dreams---just not enough! Guess I'll make up for it this afternoon!

Judie, hope you don't have any trouble finding me!! And please pardon the way I will look!

Andy, expect lots of pics of the opening!! Enjoy being OUR eyes!!

Thanks for all prayers, support and love! Thanks for being my friends!

Gonna shut her down---Carolyn will be here soon. "Talk" to you later today, I HOPE!!!!


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Love you Hedgie! Positive thoughts, prayers, etc. coming your way! Once again, I wish I lived closer!

Lori O. said...

We love you, Lynn...praying at 1:30. ((((Big Hugs))))

T-Bird said...

Ditto Sissy.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Two eagles at Decorah this morning. More nestorations. They sure are busy birds!!

wvgal_dana said...

Lord give Carolyn and Lynn safe travels today as they head for Fairfax.

Lord you have heard many prayers for Lynn and the surgery and healing. You also have heard many prayers that the tumor needs no chemo or radiation. We THANK YOU LORD AHEAD OF TIME FOR BEING THE GREAT PHYSICIAN FOR OUR SWEET AND DEAR FRIEND LYNN.Amen

stronghunter said...

Prayers and best wishes for you, Lynn. Godspeed.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Having some problems posting this morning.

stronghunter said...

Bus time here.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. I missed Lynn on here so I sent her a text. POSITIVE ENERGY AND VIBES AND LOTS OF PRAYER TODAY!

wvgal_dana said...

bb need to check out Norton or Vipre for malware per Red.

Red said tell everyone Hi !

I am getting on facebook is like a picture and you can like it and comment....then next is an ad between everyone of them. Never had that problem before and don't know why it is happening....Norton is always running???????????????????????

Lolly said...

Good morning! I missed Lynn, too but I texted her and just got a reply! Love my phone and technology!

Well, not even a tenth of an inch of rain. What is a rainy day like? I would LOVE to have one!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone,
Guess I missed Lynn this morning too. Prayers definitely going with her and Carolyn. Will be here for group prayer, for sure!

Have some issues still with Earthlink being down, and need to schedule some important bills to be paid online. Better deal with that now, and will BBIALW.

Safe travels and a good day wished for everyone! :o]

paula eagleholic said...

Notice Notice Notice

Vote Vote Vote

As determined by the preliminary poll by our members, the top 10 names are now going to be considered for our Male Eagle's name.

You may vote for One (1) name for the male eagle. You may change your vote at any time before the poll ends.

The Poll ends Sunday night, November 20th at Midnight, PST.

You must sign in with your Yahoo id and password to vote on the EM group site.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - we have had rain but nothing right now. Waiting for Kristen to arrive. Need to get my coffee cup filled.

All day long my prayers are with my
gal friend! Daughters are wonderful to
have and they will be there to take
loving care of their mother, Lynn.
Love it that Judie will be there to check on Lynn this evening.


wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Mema Jo ( :

Thanks Paula hugs

Margy I know you are at work. Got the Big Titmouse lol that was cute!!! ty

wvgal_dana said...

Used Norton and think I have solved the problem on facebook with the ads. Wanted to try that before downloading another program.

Kay said...


Lolly said...

It is very quiet on here this morning. Already miss Lynn! Thinking of you Lynn!!!

Forgot to tell you yesterday. Jack does NOT have more infection with the root canal and crown. The dentist said he has been chewing on that side too much. He has bone deterioration from the infection and it will rebuild, but takes time. Interesting! After Thanksgiving he can go to his regular dentist and get the crown repaired. This dentist drilled through the crown to do the root canal and treat the infection. Live and learn!

Need to get busy.

Jewels said...

They just took mom back.... Surgery was moved up about an hour. She was a trooper during pre op. Gave lots of kisses. Love the doctor! Love the anesthesiologist and the nurses. Will update when I know more. Love from mom and me. Xoxo

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jewels, thanks so much for the update. How long will the surgery take, did they say?

Jewels said...

They said two hours. So I will definetly know more by two. But one nurse said she will try to call me throughout the surgery.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Kay.

Heading to the new thread.

New Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...