Wednesday, October 26, 2011


New thread.


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Hoda said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello everybody.

I just want to share this. There is something about the name "Shep" that gives a calmness to my soul, somehow makes the new male more acceptable to me without a lot of pain involved. I can't really explain it but. . .

FuzzleMT said...

Hi, peeps! Sharon: I thought the same when Linda S. replied to an e-mail from Mema Jo as seen on "eagletmomsters" and quoted: "As Paul says in Galatians 5:24-25 the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control! We should live and walk in His Spirit!"
I put the name "Spirit" up for vote to Paula. Isn't that what Truder represents to us at this point? And the name is even patriotic.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve, and for the call-over, Hoda.

hedgie said...

Thanks for call over, Hoda!!

There is already an eagle named Spirit. The one that flies at football games---that hit the upper tier earlier this season, I think.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Kay and all the others who joined us this year: For you to have stuck it out through the most heart-wrenching time this blog has ever experienced, you have absolutely earned being a full-fledged Eaglet Momster.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Sharon I agree with you they should certainly put a name in and VOTE. ♥

FuzzleMT said...

Hedgie: I believe you are correct - and maybe that is what caught my attention.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie for that matter there is already one name GEORGE...the one that was where they men where working on the bridge near DC and the female Martha was attacked and after the last accident. The Rescue got the ok to put her down.

onewith said...

Hi, Gosh so many posts to read.
Magpie, I totally understand about your sister's Birthday. My sister passed suddenly in 2009, she was only 48.

Ms Bookworm, I will pray for Don, I have an Aunt who is a Nun and a Uncle who is a Priest, I will pass along prayer requests to them, please try to relax during this scary time.

How do you get to be a Momster, is it only on this site or the OC site as well? Can The eaglelovers from OC be inclided in naming our new Male?

I hope everyone finds some peace and happiness in thier life today.

magpie said...

Costume Lady is checking things out as you mention on the other thread...about her blog'she did mean to put the pics of the cats there, but not the rest of the articles that go on and on,
she will see if everything gets back to normal
on her blog

paula eagleholic said...

onewith, the EagletMomsters Yahoo group has been around since the first cam season in 2006. The OC forum is a totally separate group.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Onewith - I don't think I ever said welcome to our blog! Welcome. We are an eagle-loving bunch of momsters around here and a few dadsters!

Costume Lady said...

THANK YOU MARGY for the heads up on the HACKED posts on my blog...I think it is alright, now. Lynn emailed me to tell me there was a problem, also. What a mess. Still can't get into my Yahoo EM email. I also like the name Beau, but Colonel is my fave:) Someone mentioned the name Colonel Beauregard (think it was Lynne 2) I like that him CB, Oh, I'd love to see some of the suggested names. I'm in the shop, on Gene's lap top...maybe I'll have better luck getting into my Yahoo mail on my 'puter?:)

hedgie said...

For any of the new Momsters who aren't familiar with the George and Martha it is:
Bridge eagles

onewith said...

Thanks for the Welcome Sharon.

Paula, thanks for answering my question. WOW 2006, Envious of all I have missed. So is everyone here a Momster, should I not be here and only got here by mistake?

Costume Lady said...

ONEWITH...Paula can help you to become a Momster. First, you have to go through an initiation. The hardest part is climbing the Nest Tree and adding a few sticks to the nest. Paula and Jo will probably have you cut out that annoying limb while you are up there. Don't forget to take a warm blanket to lie on and one to cover up, because you have to spen one (1) night in the nest!


Very easy to join:) Hope you will join us. ((Hugs to you))

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Onewith, I don't know if everyone here is a momster officially or not but you are more than welcome to stay right here with us. We are a very welcoming bunch of people. Some of us have been here since the beginning but a lot have joined in the years after 2006.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Whew, I am glad I am part of the Founding Momsters. I didn't have to do the initiation! :)

hedgie said...

Wanda, glad you at least posted the kitty pics!! Knew you hadn't posted the rest!!!

onewith said...

Costume Lady, you had me scared for a minute, I coudn't climb aladder, much less a tree.Lol

Sharon, Thanks, how do you all know who is who, I don't want to be rude, or come off ignorant when I post. I feel stupid already...

onewith said...

Hedgie, Thanks for the Info on George and Martha, anothe tragic story to add to the list.

hedgie said...

ROFL...Wanda, sure glad you all let my initiation rites slide!!!!

Onewith, you are certainly welcome to join us. We are not affiliated in any way with Outdoor Channel. They, in fact, are just an internet conduit that has contracted with NCTC to "feed" the cam to the WWW. They aren't the first, and probably won't be the last. If they terminate that contract, the forum there will be kaput.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, some of us have made cheat sheets to remember. I just try the best I can. You are not ignorant and not rude. Just keep coming back. This has been a learning process for all of us.

I personally started watching the still cam in March 2006, right after it was turned on. My first post on the blog was in April 2006 and I was scared to death. I don't know what I thought would happen if I posted but anyway, this group has richly enhanced my life ever since.

We are anti-bickering, feuding, namce-calling etc. We are pro-loving each other through all of life's ups and downs.

wvgal_dana said...

onewith What do you mean you got here by mistake?

movin said...




C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda that was a good one SICLMBO=sitting in chair laughing my butt off. Sharon I too am glad I joined before one had to climb that tree LOL

onewithYour mistake might be the best thing that ever happened to you ( :

hedgie said...

Hi, Jim!!! Glad to see you today! In case you've missed it, I'm at the beach!!!! Clouds have started to move in here, and temp has dropped a bit, but it's still a lovely day!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I was thinking we could end of voting on a male eagles name. Using it an later find there is an eagle some place that has that name.

I just think we should enter names for the male eagle that we like and want to enter.

stronghunter said...

Well, now, onewith, they told me that I had to be strip searched to enter the NCTC grounds back when I joined in 2009. So that wasn't true either? Goodness me. Oh, dear.

onewith said...

Hedgie, Does that mean if the OC terminate the contract we will not be able to watch the eagles.

If everone else got out of initiaton, does that mean I'm just as lucky.

WV Gal. I posted with Paula last year on the forum and she posted her website. Then when the cam was down and was hungry for our eagles, when I thought I found the cam on this site I saw the posts, I read and laughed and had some sadness from all that you have here ,and here I am.

onewith said...

Sorry WVGAL Dana. or is your name just Dana?

Mema Jo said...

Whoa! Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread.
I almost told you all over on the old thread that I was headed West!

Gong to daughter's for dinner...


stronghunter said...

Onewith, we would surely hope that if the contract with OC ends, there would be one with another provider. There have been different providers over the years.

But the forum on the OC site would not be there anymore.

There is also the still cam that is provided by NCTC, but it is down now, too.

Lolly said...

ROFLMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!! WANDA...thank you! I needed a good hearty laugh, and laugh outloud I did!!! You were just too clever with that statement! Loe you!

I remember the first time I posted on here...early 2008. I did not want to intrude if this was a close special group. However, I found out is is a close special group but they welcome everyone.

stronghunter said...

We have two Danas, onewith. So we have to distinguish between them.

Lolly said...

Love you! Typo time again!!! Yikes!

stronghunter said...

Enjoy your dinner, Jo.

stronghunter said...

I think many of us lurked for awhile before we first posted, onewith. I could not resist posting the day Hidey disappeared from the nest in 2009. I had been lurking for about a month or so then.

stronghunter said...

I made a notebook with all of the names and screen names in it so I could learn who was who.

It takes awhile, but I do not think anyone minds if you just ask when you are confused.

stronghunter said...

And we answer to either name. My real name is Shirley.

wvgal_dana said...

onewith as you have that name I use wvgal_dana. My first name is really Dana. There have been some other Dana's that have joined. So I was glad when I stated I had put wvgal_dana. There are 3 Dana's now.

So on the blog say DanaMo post a comment. Then on down later a comment is made that just says Dana, then they write their comment. If becomes confusing. It would be best if they would write back to that Dana - DanaMo then I know right away what Dana they are talking too. lol It is all fun and great and I wouldn't want life any different in here...ITS GREAT!!! as Toni the Tiger would say

stronghunter said...

Oh, yes, I am sorry--there are more than 2 Danas.

wvgal_dana said...

It was really a good out loud laugh wasn't it Lolly ( :

Yep there is Shirley. What is Hunter up too?

DanaMo, DanaWV (me), Dana Gray

Jo have a great dinner...oh sounds so nice dinner with daughter. Maybe I'll tell my daughte when she calls this evening after work. Hay you want to go to dinner with me? LOL LOL She lives in Colorado and I live in Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia.

wvgal_dana said...

Has Lynne2 said anything about the car. As to what the dealer did? Do they still have the car and are they able to drive it?

stronghunter said...

Hunter got home from school awhile ago, did his homework, took the dogs for a walk, and is checking to see if his friend Cameron wants to play. Of course, he left the upstairs TV blasting away.

DanaMo said...

oh the email went to the yahoo email? That's why I haven't received it! I'll go check over there!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now WV Dana, you didn't start out with that name.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Danamo.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Sharon you are right Ed was scared for me to use my correct name. So since my middle name is Victoria he said use Vicky. So I did and then Vicky of Commodetown or something like that came in. So I made a decision to use my first name Dana somehow. That's my story and as you use to say lol I'm sticking to it lol

DanaMo said...

OMGosh I can't find where the conversation begins in the yahoo group! Tons of posts.

DanaMo said...

Hi Shirley!

wvgal_dana said...

Well DanaMo be glad you got your yahoo opened. My yahoo mail opened ok. My comcast mail is flickering like a candle that is going to go OUT. lol

stronghunter said...

There was someone called "justvicky" or something like that, wasn't there?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

JustVicky is Commodetown Vicky. :)

JudyEddy said...

THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD AND I AM BACK IN FL AND THANKS FOR LETTING ME SEE OUR GLORIOUS EAGLES glorious they were I was so excited to see them I just got home about 20 min ago left at 10 this am TOTAL MILES 1050 A little more that google stated 982 because I don't take 301 I take I10 to 75 no back roads in Fl thank you Now I need to go wash the truck and get all the bugs of before it ruins my paint job BBL

DanaMo said...

Field trip postponed again. We will be going on Monday now.

Hi Onewith. Welcome. I am DanaMo- My last name is Hilmoe and when I found out there were 2 other Dana's on here in addition to me I decided I would keep the "Mo" on at all times! I even introduced myself that way on Monday, although most people figured me out before I said I was me! ☺

DanaMo said...

WOW JudyE I can't believe you are home already! Glad you had a safe trip.

paula eagleholic said...

Ha Ha Dana...I remember when you were Vicky, LOL Sharon said...use a cheat sheet, write down screen names to go with real names....don't be afraid to ask who's who!

And anyone is free to post on this blog....but if they are rude, namecallers, just trying to stir stuff up, spammers, etc the blog owner, (which is not anyone you see posting here), will ban them!

We do have differences and disagreements, but we are civil about it! Everyone here is free to express their opinion without the fear of being put down, yelled at etc. We do not discuss politics!

Oh, and that is not Liberty with a spot on his head, either!

paula eagleholic said...

OH yea, it's an explosion of mail today....I will get back to you at some point and acknowledge your name submission!

Kay said...

ONEWITH, our HEDGIE aka LYNN, gave me this helpful hint early on. Click on the avatars and read profiles---look at pics if a Momster has a blog of their own. That's the way I became acquainted with the group and soon began to put real names with blog names, etc. It's interesting to begin to identify people by writing style as well. Some post so beautifully with very short concise thoughts. I envy them for I don't do concise !

I like SHARON's description---"We are anti-bickering, feuding, name-calling etc. We are pro-loving each other through all of life's ups and downs."

Just relax and have fun with us !

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Wow, you are back in Florida,Judy. Good to hear from you.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yes, Shirley, JustVicky that lives in Illinois.

stronghunter said...

Okay, I am being barked and meowed at. Must feed the critters.

stronghunter said...

Haven't heard from Vicky for awhile.

Hoda said...

Back from a very challenging yoga practice and read up on the blog.

Very cold autumn day here and the leaves are not as bright as tehy have been...however they are beautifully reflected in the lake and the sight is breath taking.

DanaMo said...

Yeah...that initiation was tough on Monday, right JudyE? Climbing that tree and all. I'm glad Wanda, Jo, Lori, Margy, Loretta, Dana, and Frank were there in case we fell out of the tree. It was also a great help that they were passing branches up to us to add to the nest.

Kay said...

Time to thank all you praying Momsters once again. Had a good visit with my doc, the "Infection Consultant" today. He is pleased with my progress, saying most people with this serious an infection end up losing the kidney. Wow ! Close call. I will be on the antibiotic for several months, will have another cat scan mid-Dec. and see him again shortly afterward. I'll never be able to adequately thank my Eagle Buds, friends and relatives who petitioned God and brought me through the ordeal !!!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ The doc gave me the green light to travel and to do anything I feel up to doing. ☺

DanaMo said...

Yay! Kay! I'm so happy you got a clean bill of health and that you dodged that one! The power of prayer for sure!

paula eagleholic said...

Yay Kay!

Wanda, loved your initiation! ROFL.

Also, whomever makes it up into the nest has to retrieve a turtle shell for Mema Jo!

DanaMo said...

oh look at the time. Off to dinner. We have a XC banquet tonight for Adam. Gotta run.

Oh onewith...I am not eloquent, or concise, I type just like I talk...LOL!

Hoda said...

YEAY KAY!!! Excellent news from your doctor. I am glad you have the clearance to travel and wish you much joy and a sense of wonder...Very pleased for you and prayers continue your way.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to dinner with a friend....will BBL this evening!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The turtle shell is a must for Mema Jo!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Kay - WHAT BEAUTIFUL NEWS!! Momsters have a direct line to God I think. Prayers go a long way.

Kay said...

LOL, the initiation rites ! Not for the faint of heart !

LORI, love the pics, great one of the "Fab Four" aka The Early Birds !

LORETTA, fingers crossed for the photo retrieval !

SHARON, happy for some heat for you Hot Chicks !

MARGY, your sis, Kathy, has a great place to celebrate a birthday. Sorry she left you way too soon. xoxoxo

LYNN, heartsick to learn of insurance glitch. Praying for a good solution.

ANDY, also praying for Marq's dad, Don and all who love him. If we saw all that on House or Grey's Anatomy we'd call it totally unrealistic !

HODA, never met a Nov. 17th "baby" I didn't like ! My late sis, Karen (1941), late Subby (1942)and late good friend Ellen (?)were all born on that date.

DANAMO, too much rain, too many plans spoiled. Bah humbug ! Dixie had a good, long life thanks to her family. Such losses are so sad.

Kay said...

Wow, look at the time already yet so soon ! After seeing the doc I kidnapped the granddog, then picked the grandson up after school. Julie came for them about 5and it took a while for me to catch up on your posts. Time for evening news and Jeopardy as well as a little something to eat.

If I don't make it back tonight I'll be praying for all in need and say thanks for the day's blessings. I♥U !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Lolly said...

Kay.....wonderful report!!! So happy for you. (((hugs)))

Have been doing some sewing today. That is unusual! Need to have the sewing machine worked on as it is not fun to wind bobbins by hand. LOL

Series game postponed. Drat! Now I will have to record tomorrow nights Greys and PP.

DanaMo....have been meaning to ask how the climb to the nest was. Great view up there, right?☺

JudyEddy said...

Ok Blogger cop is happy and well didn't take my last comment lets see if this one goes I got the truck washed 10 in quarters lots of dead bugs I wish I would have cleaned it off at Junes also I got the truck completely empty and one load of laundry on I an down loading the first card I had to borrow Angie's reader thanks goodness she had one at work to use 154 the first card is done

JudyEddy said...

I made BOO BOO on the milage IT was 1032 miles not 1050 total the 50 was 50 more miles that what google maps had said because i wentI10 instead of 301

JudyEddy said...

I am not going to attempt to read any of the past almost two weeks blog I think my already hurting neck would disown me LOL So I am starting from scratch I will just have to try to pick up on any thing new I hope all is well with all spouses and animals and each one of you and your families on the blog It is so nice to be home but now I must go put on another load of laundry I will return I now have the blog emailed to me again My computer is acting up also It had shut it self down three times since I got home I will run a Norton Scan to be safe but I want to finish all the XD cards the second is doing now 132 pic on it wow and I going to be busy

Mema Jo said...

I have to read back 50+ to see what
is going on. Just returned from
Big Pool, MD where we had a wonderful
cooked meal and good conversation.


onewith said...

Okay, here I go again. I ahve started my cheatsheet, Thanks for the idea.. Sronghunter, thanks for telling me you are Shirley and Hedgie is Lynn, but there are more than one Lynn and Dana's On My how will I ever learn, cause you threw Vickie in there. I am confused already,is this the initiation? Cause I feel like Ii am failing.. I have questions about Lib, but I do not want to upst or offend anyone, if it is a sore subject, just say Shut up. Ok

DanaMo said...

The view was awesome Lolly! ☺

Hoda said...

onewith, here is the problem!!! On this forum we are straight forward, we don't play coy and we do not tell each other to shut up.

onewith said...

DanaMo, when you posted I checked your profile and it said you went to St.Maria Goretti. My Aunt who is a Nun taught there her name is Sister Mary Louise Kvech, Do you know her?

wvgal_dana said...

onewith wvgal_dana is me DanaWV, DanaMo is from Maryland

Vicky or JustVicky doesn't come on much anymore but is from Illinois.

Lynn is Hedgie You will see I kid around with her and I will put her name as Hedgie-Lynn/e because she once said she always wanted Lynne. ha ha she is from West Virginia

Like they said if you click on the persons name: Sometimes it will give more information about them or where they are from.

We have a Lynne2 also.

Just take your time with it. Cheat sheets are fun!!

onewith said...

Hoda, Ok Thanks, Do you all believe that Liberty is dead or could possibly come back to mate with Belle and take the nest back? I really would appreciate everyone thoughts?

stronghunter said...

We all have questions about Lib. I think it is most likely he isn't coming back and that the new eagle will be Belle's mate this breeding season.

hedgie said...

Hi again! I deserted you earlier when the girls arrived and then we went to the pier----quite windy but it was great to see it restored!

Dinner is over. Tried to call Candy but didn't get an answer. Left a message. Hope she's okay. I emailed her last week. Guess I'll go to FB and see if she's there!!!

wvgal_dana said...

onewithUntil Monday the 24th of October-this past Monday. I felt Liberty could be injured. Given time to heal would maybe come back when it is time this year to start nestorations. Now I believe Liberty is dead. Why? Because Marie the intern our guide on Monday at NCTC said she was the one that picked up the eagle that was found dead on NCTC property. There was not enough of him left to tell if he had a brood patch. Brood patch is when the egg is layed. The male and female picked their feathers off at their chest that would lay on the egg and when hatched on the chicks to help keep them warmer. So as sad as this is making me feel with tears falling onto the table here...I believe Liberty has gone to where Eagles Go for Indians to use their feathers after their death. sniffle sniffle tears ' ' ' ' ' '

stronghunter said...

Liberty could very well have been killed in a fight with the new male eagle. Not a fun thing to think about, but a hard fact of nature.

Or he could have died from some other cause. But I think it is most likely that he is dead.

onewith said...

Dana, that is so sad, I do know what a brood is and I thought they said that the eagle they found did not have one, that is why I have remained Optimistic.
MemoJo, what is your real name,if you please? I am trying to learn everyone and where they they are from. I do not live but an hour from Big Pool where do you go?

JudyEddy said...

I am having the worst issue with this puter shutting down and still trying to run Norton and I hope nothing happens Norton has turned red and is trying to fix It said I enabled something I think because it keeps shutting down as I am running scans ok I am hoping it works

Lolly said...

Dinner is over. What to TV, no baseball. Guess I might do some more sewing.

No one knows what to think about Liberty. We are trying to learn to accept the new eagle. Liberty was such a great mate for Belle. He was a great provider and we enjoyed watching their relationship. I think what we are really hoping for is a successful season this next year.

Onewith, Lolly is my name. You do not need a cheat sheet for me! And, we would like to know your name as well.☺

stronghunter said...

Brood Patch

Onewith, the link above will explain the brood patch. Also a good picture of one.

stronghunter said...

We have all missed Liberty. What happened last March was hard to take.

Linda said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals!

Wanda – You are a stitch!! Now, where are the pictures proving they climbed up to the nest??

Kay – Excellent report……….and we’re HAPPY you did NOT get the Grand Promotion!! You’ll be here with us through thick and thin……..and to celebrate our birthday together!!

DanaMo – Sorry your field trip was postponed again. At least YOUR Eagle field trip was a beautiful stellar day!!

JudyE – Happy to hear you made it home safely!

Onewith – Liberty is never a sore subject. We love him!! We still have hope that he will turn up this season, but realistically know that probably isn’t the case.

The names will come. No worries. Use the names you see……like we are calling you “onewith.” Feel free to update your profile and share your first name as well. By the way, I’m Linda!! LOL

JudyEddy said...

Well I think I have discovered another OH NO My Cell phone is not wanting to charge Seems like maybe I need a new battery I guess I had it on the charger all day in car and didn't charge I am trying in house charger and looks like its a no go also so tomorrow I go to the battery store Another load of laundry I just put on back to LM

Hoda said...

Does anyone one have LYNNE2 phone number? I was thinking to phone her. SHe has not been on the blog and I am concerned...I have not seen her on FB either. On the list Jo sent me there are only a few digits not a complete phone number...if you have it would you send it to me please? Thanks

Linda said...

Yep, our JudyE is back!!!

wvgal_dana said...

onewith Marie said she was the one to pick up the eagle found on NCTC property. She said there was not enough left of the eagle.

Still does not mean it was Liberty. All of us would LOVE to see Liberty come back and reclaim HIS NEST and BELLE. He was always ready to let Belle have her way in re-arranging the furniture (moving and placing the sticks). He provided her with plenty of food. He always came in to see after a hatch and he wanted to lay on the eggs or the chicks to keep them warm. He often stayed in the nest when Belle was covered with snow. He was right there for her. When we would go to the nest and they both were there they BOTH would put on a beautiful flying exhibition letting us know they knew us. He always protected the home place and his family. Many different foods was brought into the nest. Sometimes far more food than what was needed.

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda calling now but no answer. I have spoken with her at this number before. I left a message for her to call me tonight.

Kay said...

JUDYE, you are facing some frustrating situations as you settle back in at home ! Do you go back to work Saturday ? When will you see precious Jordyn ?

Linda said...

Hoda - You have mail!

Lolly said...

Jubby has built a fire in the chiminea. Wow! Great night to sit in front of a fire outside.☺

HODA, I am with you! Have been concerned about Lynne for a couple of days.

LYNNE......WHERE ARE YOU? We miss you!

onewith said...

Thanks Lolly, I am glad that you are just Lolly I am still worried about what Hedgie said if they shut down OC how will we ever know what is going on with our eagles?

Lynne2 said...

evening all, just got out of the shower and wanted to pop in before bed. Haven't read back but have read email and name suggestions. Still liking Beau best! But not Shep...reminds me of an old farm dog's name!

Maybe will try to read back from work tomorrow if not busy. Been a mad house there, and a very very difficult case this week that started badly and ended the same way...Police and DNR are involved.

Hope everyone is well!

Anyway, lot's going on here...won't elaborate. Suffice it to say we need all the prayers we can get, but I know we have your prayers always! MTBR later....

Have a good night, and prayers for you all, too! Love you guys!

OH DUH....I wrote this before I took the dogs out and didn't post!!! Hello My Name Is Lynne and my Favorite Color is CLEAR!

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals..

Welcome Home JudyE, HERE and THERE

Stellar report from Kay - Yay !!

onewith... thank you for your post about my sister, and sorry you also lost your sister at an early age....
I am magpie because I tend to talk a real name is Margy...
which is short for Margaret

Lynne2 said...

oh geez, I see I have worried everyone, I'm so sorry. Bad Lynne. Steve has been on the phone with his mom and said someone clicked in on the call waiting but he didn't switch over...I'm really sorry. It's been a bit crazy here but we are both fine! I'll be back, I promise!

Lolly said...

And, we love you Lynne, and we will keep you and Steve in our prayers.♥

stronghunter said...

Well, there you are, Lynne. We were worried about you.

magpie said...

Lynne...thanks for checking in...
Prayers, of course...
hope things brighten up there with you soon...

Here is another round of
(( Hugs♥ )) for you and Steve..

Lynne2 said...

((((((BIG GIGANTIC HUGS)))) for all of you and thanks for caring so much!

Good night!

Hoda said...

WE love you LYNNE. I left a phone message on your answering machine and am glad to see you here. When you are able let us know what is going on. PRAYERS come your way and also STEVE's. Stay well...Thinking of yu and thanking you for chimming in.

Lolly said...

Onewith, we have watched our eagles for years. Some since 2006 and possibly longer...not sure. I have watched since 2008. The cam has been on different providers. OC is just the latest one. If OC does not have it, I am sure another provider would be worked out.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Onewith, this is my personal opinion on Liberty. I think for whatever reason, when POJ hatched, Lib was already injured or he would have fed that baby, no doubt about it. The new male was there already. I think Liberty eventually died from his injuries. I felt deep in my soul when they found the eagle remains on NCTC grounds, that was our Liberty. Every other year, when the first egg hatched, within an hour or 2 there were 4 or 5 fish brought to the nest by Liberty. He was such a wonderful provider for all our babies and Belle. He had his favorite perch, his favorite place to feed the babies from. He would sit in the nest for hours without making a move and we would know if he started doing nestorations, Belle would soon arrive. Such a great couple they were.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lynne, you were fixing to get the red alert put out on your butt! Glad you checked in.

magpie said...

Prayers for the serious downturn for Andrea's son-in-law Marq's father Don....and for his wife Emilee...

God, we could use a little help down here...Please and Thanks !

Lolly said...

Heading outside......back later!

magpie said...

I'm glad Wanda got her blogspot straightened out, that was whacky!

magpie said...

Oh too cute, and I will have to make this post in the morning again:
Lynn's daughter Carolyn sent me a text pic of Liesl playing with her new Tug Toy that Lori made for her ☺

Kay said...

ONEWITH, please read what Hedgie/Lynn said again.

"Onewith, you are certainly welcome to join us. We are not affiliated in any way with Outdoor Channel. They, in fact, are just an internet conduit that has contracted with NCTC to "feed" the cam to the WWW. They aren't the first, and probably won't be the last. If they terminate that contract, the forum there will be kaput."

I interpret that to mean the Outdoor Channel has a contract with NCTC to transit the cam. If they do not renew some other outlet will undoubtedly pick it up. The O.C. forum will not be picked up by someone else, so those folks who are regulars there will have to seek some other means of communication. Our blog will get the camera feed no matter who NCTC contracts with, I believe.

stronghunter said...

Onewith, some people on this blog knew Lib so well that they could always identify him--by his feet and by the feathers. I am not that able, but some of the others are.

magpie said...

did you find re-enforcement holes? I did, I have 256 of them...can I share with you ?

I got them at CVS

stronghunter said...

Oh, Margy, you are so kind. I bought two packages of reinforcements at Target. And 100 sheet protectors. I think we are set.

Linda said...

Yay!! Lynne checked in!!

No matter what you're going through, Lynne, know we're here and praying for you ALWAYS!!

♥ you!

wvgal_dana said...

onewith What month and day is your birthday...don't have to give year..

Do you work outside the home or are you retired?

magpie said...

weather turned OK after work for the visit to my sister Kathy's burial site....
clouds were impressive! I waited and waited for an Angel Cloud...
I think they were all huddled together in this batch of clouds!

Need to have some supper...back in awhile

Best wishes for a Good Evening, Precious Pals...
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

They also identified Lib by his behavior--the way he sat at his favorite perch and the way he interacted with Belle, among other things.

Hoda said...

MARGY, I have lit a candle for your sister's soul on what would have been her birthday. It is amazing how our paths cross and when the purpose has been fulfilled one moves on. She was young when she crossed and I celebrate you and her and the love that binds you together. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

onewith said...

Margy, thanks that I know your Magpie, I still want Lib alive as I am positve you all do as well , but Sharon what made you think Lib was injured before Paddy was hatched? anything... I have been keeping so much inside for so long and I want to digest it, I can't help it. I see it as he was there and he was fighting and wanted to come and not sure who came an injured Lib or "the intuder" he could come back huh? Maybe? Thoughts?

onewith said...

I am sorry but this has been in me for a very long time and I want to get past it so I can move on...

stronghunter said...

The intruder came, onewith. He did not behave at all like Lib. He behaved like an immature eagle who did not really know what do.

hedgie said...

Onewith, actually I am NOT FROM WV. I live in WV but I hail from Washington, DC and the VA suburbs!

Kay, wonderful report from the Dr.!!! You go, girl!!!

DanaMo---I sure hope that Monday pans out for your pumpkin patch visit! Poor kids must be disappointed.

Kay said...

LYNNE, big sigh of relief ! We love and need you. Praying that things will sort themselves out. No reason you have to explain anything to us, just check in often enough to keep our anxiety level down and know we care !♥♥♥

I forgot to tell you--when we got home from school Seth immediately took Malcolm for a nice long walk. As they were going by the woods near the river they heard a dog barking and soon it flushed out 4 deer right in front of my boys ! I've always wondered how Malcolm would react to deer since he goes wild over cats n' squirrels. Seth said he was very subdued---wonder if he thought they were the biggest dogs he'd ever seen ? ☺

wvgal_dana said...

Margy sounds like Liesl loves the rope Lori to see her playing with it.

Lynne2 Very happy you checked in. Sorry things are going wacky at work....putting up prayers. Glad Steve is ok. Sleep well lady angels watching over you ^j^ ^j^

hedgie said...

JudyE---glad you made it home safely! When do you go back to the ol' grind???

hedgie said...

Nice to see that Irene popped in today!

Linda said...

Onewith - When did you first start watching the nest of Liberty & Belle?

This was my first year. I was watching the NBG eagles and learned of this nest just about the time Lil Paddy was born.

I'm not really sure if I ever had the pleasure of seeing Liberty.

I have come to love Liberty through this Blog and the Momsters who really knew and loved him.

These Momsters know their stuff!!

stronghunter said...

Lynn, you have mail.

Linda said...

Oh yes....Irene - Thank you so much for your comment to my E-M email about the fruit of the Spirit!!

Not my words.....His!!

JudyEddy said...

There are about 60 pictures on facebook now and it only took me 3 hrs to do it with the computer issues the rest will have to wait till this is fixed I hope

JudyEddy said...

WVDANA did you get a chance to go to the first house to see if they found the money I was just hoping they found it

Linda said...

Lynn - You have Mail!!

So popular!!

stronghunter said...

The intruder had the coloring and the behavior of an immature eagle, one on the verge of adulthood. He was looking for a nest and he picked ours.

Maybe Lib was ill or injured and was not able to drive the intruder away. We do not know.

JudyEddy said...

Well all my eagle buds I am going to call it a night because the puter wants to also I guess I hope I can get this fixed without calling PEGGY I don't like to talk to Peggy LOL

JudyEddy said...

I have been keeping up with tonight comments almost I have maybe 20 more to read inbetween going down and laundry I am giving up I will see all you tomorrow if my puter lets me

JudyEddy said...



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Linda said...

Get some rest JudyE!! I'm sure it will feel good to sleep in your own roost!!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds! I've got to check Mema Jo's message about names. I guess it's on Yahoo.

Gotta send some email stuff to TX & been searching for things online & been on phone.

Onewith, Wercome to the Blog. Will explain how I got here later!

magpie said...

'Night Judy...
It was truly a pleasure to have you with us this week

magpie said...

Thank You ...
touching and heartwarming post

Kay said...

JUDYE, I hope you'll baby those of us who are FB holdouts by posting some of your pics on one of your blogs here !!!

ONEWITH, we are interested in your eagle watching history ! I got started when a cousin in OK introduced me to a nest there, late 2008 or early 2009. Seeing references to other nests on their chat line I quickly added NBG, Shepherdstown and a nest in Vancouver. Refrained from chatting entirely until I lucked on to this blog. I was impressed immediately as I could see there is none of the feudin', fussin' and a fighten' seen on so many other forums. (NBG not to be included as their moderated chat line is outstanding and very educational.) Wish I'd found this blog back then, for it would have added so much to my enjoyment as I watched Belle, Liberty and their eaglets. I missed a lot by not having anyone to talk to about it. Stick with us into breeding season and you'll learn so much from the guys n' gals here !

hedgie said...

Lynne, sorry about all the sorrows and difficulties. Praying that everything will be better soon.

Margy, Happy Birthday in Heaven to Kathy. She was as sweet as you, and I know how missed she is.

magpie said...

OK - see you got your supplies...those sheet protectors are addictive!

Saying Good Night Early...Precious Pals...It's a quiet time night for me

Lots and Lots of Prayers being said for Lots and Lots of People...

Hope Sleep is Sweet and Restorative

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xo ♥

Linda said...

MARGY - Way too soon to lose your dear sister. Happy Birthday to her!! Nice you could take some time to visit her burial site today. Life can be so short.

LYNN - Boo Hiss on the insurance ordeal!! We have faced that more than once this year. As a matter of fact when the hospital told me what hospital in Scranton they were transferring Dennis to when he was having his heart attack, I called the insurance company to see if the hospital was on our network and they told me No.

There was nothing I could do at the time. I thought he was going to die, so I wasn't going to get in the way of his immediate care. I figured if we had to pay the rest of our life, so be it.

Do you know that the hospital WAS in our network and the insurance company representative told me incorrect information?? I was livid!!

It was as easy as looking it up the insurance website. Geeze!!

Kay said...

Oops, ONEWITH, left out the fact that I found this blog in late February of this memorable year in the history of Sycamore Palace. You will be called a "Newbie" for a while---I've just gained my full fledged Momster status and am so happy about it !!!!

stronghunter said...

It is interesting that Hunter's teachers are requiring him to keep his papers for so long. I did some of that with high school students. Some of them would throw a carefully graded paper in the trash without even looking at it. That always annoyed me.

I told them that they really should keep papers just in case there was ever a question about whether or not they had done an assignment. If they had the graded paper, they had proof they'd done the work.

Hoda said...

MARGY is your avatar how the clouds looked when you visited your sister Kathy's grave today?You said the angel clouds were bunched togethr within the clouds...

stronghunter said...

Margy, so happy that you were able to visit your sister's gravesite on her birthday.

Kay said...

Well, I've just about talked your ears off tonight. Much adrenaline pumping after the visit with my doc today !

Time to call it a day. As always will wind things up with prayers for all in need and thanks for the day's blessings. Sleep well and see you tomorrow !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y, remembering you with love ! ! ! ! ! ! !

magpie said...

It was really special, Shirley...
part of my ministry to the rest of my 6 siblings that cannot be here, and all her 5 children as well...

Hoda, - the Angel Cloud I had up earlier was from two years ago same time same place...these on the avatar now....well, I just imagined that it is a lot of Angels soaring together

Hoda said...

KAY Goodnight and again WAY TO GO on the medical report...Bravo dear lady and well done.

magpie said...

my ears are still intact, still attached Kay...not to worry!
God Bless Your Sleep Time

I am signing off now...
Good Night... xo ♥

magpie said...

Hoda - yes, from the skies over the cemetery this evening

Hoda said...

I love how yoiu relate and make connections MARGY. It is what came through when I first noticed the changed avatar. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you and your sister KATHY ♥♥

Linda said...

Sounds like Margy has a big family!!

I have 5 brothers (Billy is the only one who has passed.......way too young).

Of course that is my opinion. God had other plans!

stronghunter said...

I need to crawl into my nest for the night. Six thirty comes too early some mornings.

I will see you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Oh, and Margy has some amazing siblings.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Back from a nice dinner and conversation.

Had to fuss at Nick...he chewed my yard sneakers...guess I should have put them away...oh well.

Mema Jo said...

Late coming on and most of the chatters have hit the sack. After the drive home from daughters I should NOT have sat down in the recliner - but I did.
Now I am going to drag myself to bed.
I'll be looking over the names tomorrow to see if any more will be suggested.

Good Night and Good Health
Bless you all and your family and friends Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

hedgie said...

I'm calling it a day---it's been a long one! Rest well, eagle buds!
Prayers for all.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to see Lynne2 check in and JudyE is well...sorry about all the technical issues, JudyE...and prayer for Lynne and Steve.

Linda said...

Past my usual night time, too!!

As always, it's a joy to chat with you all!

WANDA - If you bring up the rear....just want you to know I just love you to death!! ♥ I love your spirit, your smile, your heart and your sense of humor!!

Saying healing prayers for all those in need and wishing you all peaceful restful sleep!!

May God Bless & Protect us all and the critters we so dearly love... xoxo ♥♥♥

Night ♥

Lolly said...

Jack and I enjoyed the evening outside. Just a very pleasant evening. Now watching the news.

Oh, Paula...sorry about the yard shoes. Nick probably thought they tasted good. LOL

Lolly said...

Think I need to check email and then head to the shower.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Lolly, shoes always taste better when I come home and then leave!

Gotta fold some laundry and hit the hay.

I sent out an updated list of names....might stir some other thoughts.

(((Hugs for all)))♥

NatureNut said...

Back in time for Nighty-nite!

Am off work tomorrow, have a few chores to do, but hope to get on here to read & chat a bit!

A couple TX tidbits.I heard that last weekend, SIL Jim worked on his black metal cooker. It was one of the few things still standing along w/a freezer and fridge that had been in the attached garage during the fire. He sand blasted it and maybe re coated.It was one of a special group made that had the TX state shape logo on front. I need to find out if the TX is still on it. Maybe I could find manufacturer & get a replacement for Xmas,if needed. Now they could have cook outs at their garage! They could even camp there---has bathroom, shower, etc.
The Park Service down there said it will take a whole generation for trees to regrow. :>( Sher said she didn't see one living tree on the lot they bought next door. They have some oaks, but all the pines are gone---her development is "Pine Forest"!
Folks have been so kind and generous down there. A tractor co. gave away free corn to feed the animals & Jimmy was able to get a truckload.So now they have corn for the deer (if any are around) and a new bird feeder! The Church sent a collection check from the parishioners and are holding meetings w/counselor, priests for any who lost homes and wish to come. God and most people are Good!

Gotta go, so Prayers for everyone's health and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Onewith, I just believe that if Liberty would have been in his usual state, nothing would have kept him from feeding that new hatchling!

Hoda said...

I am ready to sign off and wish you all a goodnight's sleep and many sweet dreams.

I missed JUDIE on the blog and hope DARTH had a good day today. She had said she was very busy and will not be on for a little while.

Andy usually says about keeping JUDIE"s night light on and in case she does not come on I will say it for her...

May all who need to move in the night be guided by THE LIGHT and may we all be blessed by GOD'S GRACE and LOVE.

Costume Lady said...

Beautifully said, Hoda!

Linda, what sweet words you had for me. Made me feel special...(((HUGS))) for you♥

It's always good to hear about the good in people when a tragedy happens, such as the fire at Sherry's home. Most people are good, if given a chance or reason to show it.
LYNNE, if you are having a problem and want to share, you know we are here for you and that we love you!


wvgal_dana said...

God special prayers for those that are sick or need surgery. For those that have left families behind to come to be with you Lord.
Prayers for those that have needs that have not mentioned them for one reason or another. Praises come back to you Lord in your name for the answer of prayer about having the eagles come in on Monday the day of our Nest Visit.
Prayers for all for safe travels.
Prayers for any creatures that need your prayers. I thank you for the many MIRACLES you do for any of us. Lord be with those men at NCTC that need to work on the still and live cams. We thank you for their dedication to bring both feeds back online. God we know you have that Special Place called Rainbow Bridge and thank you for taking care of our animals that have gone before us. Lord as we pick a name for the male Eagle that has come into the Nest be with us in choosing a name for him.
We thank you for answering in what every way you have the prayers we have sent to you. I am closing down and I'll let you set the security system that Judie usually sets up for us. Thank you for the people we have come to meet in our Journey with the eagles from the nest at the sycamore tree at NCTC.Giving you all the GLORY in thy name I pray Amen.

JudyEddy said...

Don't know why I can't sleep I'm home I should be in bed but here I am I did lots of pictures on the blog of the nest visit there are the two eagle visit video also out of order I wanted to put them first so they are not in order I also have lots of picture of SWINGING BRIDGE and the gorgeous reflection in the water That was so pretty and I kept clicking and clicking Hey I didn't put them all on THERE ARE LOTS of picture so be prepared

Nest visit and swinging bridge

Hoda said...

Love the pictures and the video JUDYE...
Sweet Dreams...

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

My delete. Sorry.

Good Morning DANAMO, SHIRLEY, JUDYE, MARGY & THELMA, and KAY if she's up early.

Just wanted to check in while I have a moment. Don't know if I'll be on this morning - it's crazy busy for me getting ready for a day off tomorrow and trying to get out of here as early as possible today. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

DanaMo said...

Just got up Lori. Good morning

DanaMo said...

Well here comes the rain again. I guess we made the right decision. It certainly makes me feel better that it is raining. I hate having to make any decision based on the weather forecast.

DanaMo said...

Good morning onewith, I do not know the sister that you spoke of in your message. I graduated from Goretti in 1981 and there wasn't a nun there by that name. My uncle graduated 10 years earlier I will have to ask him if he knows her.
I clicked on your name, but you do not have much information on your blog yet. I look forward to learning more about you. I have never been to Deep Creek (hard to believe, right?) but many of my friends go there for weekends away and have homes up there.

DanaMo said...

Lynne2-prayers your way for whatever situation you are dealing with right now. So many prayers needed, so many families with difficult situations including my own. My "estranged" brother did not even contact mom or I while dad was hospitalized. Nasty situation and so extremely sad.

DanaMo said...

okay looks like I am alone. Lori must be busy. Coffee is on for anyone who want some. BBL

Kay said...

G☼☼D M☺RNING, Early Birds ! gLORI I understand if you're too busy to chat today. Will be thinking of you tomorrow !

DANAMO, don't know if you've stuck around or are FBing by now, but glad the weather came through so you don't feel bad about the change of plans ! Does your estranged brother even know about your Dad's surgery and that his Mom could have used his support ? It's so sad when something happens to separate a family. He's losing out on so much by not being involved with your parents and your own wonderful family ! About all we can do is pray for him and I will !

JUDY, your pics and videos lived up to my expectations ! Thank you soooo much for sharing the joy you experienced. Is there any chance you can go to the Open House in April, too ? That would be "Cool Beans" because I sure would like to get my JUDY hug, too !

Kay said...

DANA, do you know yet when you and MONTE will be coming through Columbus for Aric's T'Day with the family ? Now that I have the doctor's blessing I'm going to NJ for the holiday. Will be gone Nov. 20-30. Sure would love to see you if we can make it work. It's too going to be too cold for me to do my greeting gig at Cracker Barrel !LOL

magpie said...

Better Slide this in:


Good Morning Eagle Pals xoxo

magpie said...

Pitter Patter rain on the roof...
and everywhere else!
Sounds like you DID make the right decision about Pumpkin Patch today DanaMo...

Hello there ☼HI☼ Kay
yes, Wonderful: New Jersey for Thanksgiving !

Kay said...

LORETTA, just went back through your pics and had another good laugh over your Trick or Treating ! Looking again at the Fab Four Early Birds, I got a kick out of the optical illusion which makes it look like JUDY has a very wide wing span. Her left arm over LORI's shoulder and her right around MARGY's waist. LOL ! Okay DANA, I know that's really your right hand. ☺ That view from the dining hall is spectacular, isn't it ? Wow, what a great facility that is. My sil went there for an environmental conference several years ago---now I see why he raved about it's beauty. Julie and Seth picked him up and they went on to D.C. for a few days. They loved the WV scenery,too.

magpie said...

Morning GLori
Lynn's Carolyn sent me a really cute picture of Liesl playing with her Tug Toy ☺

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