Hi Shirley: I have to do the same thing, I can check in from work and do some reading, but there are many distractions and when I get home I have to start all over again! Hope Hunter packs or wears his rain jacket this morning ☺
Yes, I saw the list and see several that ring my belle !
It's a muddy paw print day here, too. Yesterday the high was 70°, but dropping to 50° today. Guess I won't melt so I plan to get out, sell some gold, pick up Rx's and a few grosseries. All within two miles of home.
I'm so envious of those pretty toes ! I won't even let anyone see my ugly old feet these days. MARGY, I noticed your lovely hands and nice manicure in one of the videos ! You are very photogenic !
Morning Kay! It doesn't look like Turkey day break is going to work! He doesn't get off school until the 22nd and then back by the 289th so you will be in NJ. We will have to hope for a meeting during the Christmas break. Aric will need to be picked up either the 15th or 16th of December, and I may have to drive down there myself! Yikes. Monte will be in Kansas for a sales meeting that week and will be flying from Balt. to Kansas. Not sure if we will fly Aric home. I was so hoping I would be able to meet you on the 28th of November. We will meet, I promise you that!
DANA, I will most definitely be in town in December. The weather can be iffy, so I won't blame you if you decide to get Aric on a flight. Back in the 60's-80's we rarely had snow before the first of the year, but weather patterns have changed a lot. I returned here Nov. 2007 and we've had snow by Christmas every year--a couple of years ago I remember returning from a NJ T'Day to find snow. Ugh !
THELMA, I leaning toward Shep, as I like the dual meaning for Shepherdstown and for T. becoming the shepherd of the eaglets he and Belle will nurture, if all goes well.
Good morning everyone! I have been hit with a sudden and severe attack of eagle withdrawal! Are there any cams that actually work and have eagles on them??
I like the Shepherdstown connection with the name Shep, too. It does bring up the thought of an old farm dog as well . . . but I think I could get beyond that.
Been trying to think of other names that have a connection like that. I see someone suggested Potomac. That is nice, too. We have a lot of good names on the list.
There may be more entries. Paula said she hopes the list will help us think of other possibilities. An interesting process, huh ? Not everyone will be happy with the outcome, but all will adjust to a majority vote, I'm sure. That's the way Momsters/Dadsters operate ! Is this what happens when Belle's babies are given names ?
Yes, I am itching to get there. This will be the first year I haven't been at all since I came on this blog. I miss the wonderful people there and I really need an eagle in my life! I have the Decorah cam up and think I hear eagles but I haven't seen any yet. Nothing compares to OUR nest though.
I was just thinking about our Normabyrd. She used to come on here in the mornings so full of herself, spreading love and cheer. I sure do miss her. I think Sharon talked to her not long ago. What a wonderful character she is.
Oh I need to tell you all. Different times I call Norma and talk with her. I called her yesterday and told her about we are putting in names for the new male Eagle. Told her to think of names and I would call her back. When I called back she did have me put to Paula the name "SENATOR". So that name came from our precious normabyrd ( :
Good Morning all, Thank you for your thoughts on Liberty.I have tried to update more on my profile but I am having difficulty. I do not know how to add Pic's or even add blog lists. So in Answer to Dana and Linda's question I started watching the nest in March od last year. I got the site off of the deepcreektimes.com site that I check into daily. From the 1st time I saw our eagles I was addicted. I am 53 years old born on New Years Eve (sucks) no one celebrates my birthday ,just New Year's. I am presently not working, when I lost my Sissy I had a very hard time,she was my Best Friend, and 3 month later my brother was diagnosed with terminal cancer I quit my job to spend the last month of his life with him and am still getting my life on track I suffer from depression and Panic attacks. I am however going to start looking soon, to put some normalcy back into my life. I feed the deer and can pet them because they are so used to me being around. I have gone site to site in search of Eagles and Love ours best. I have 3 dogs and live in a cabin in the woods on the lake.I try to walk everyday thru the woods and love bonfire's. The only place to shop is really Walmart, but I love antiques and Goodwill. I think that's enough for now. Have a wonderful morning and I will bbl.
GOOD MORNING EVERYONE... How was your night in the eagle nest, ONEWITH? Did you stay warm...did you get a visit from Belle or her Beau? Don't forget to cut that "gets in the way" branch, before you come down;)
Good Morning everyone - Rain here off & on but my family of 5 squirrels are feeding on the peanuts and bird food. Yesterday I had 10 robins in the front yard and besides the squirrels there are bluejays, titmouse, chickadees, finches and for the first time at the feeder on my deck came the downy. They all kept me entertained most of the morning as I sat at my dinning room table.
No matter what I do, I still cannot get into EM Mail. I hope Capt. Gene's suggested name Colonel and mine, Beau is on the list. I would love to see some of the other suggestions~ I don't really care what we come up with, but nothing like, VICTOR OR WINNER OR KING, for obvious reasons. Have a good day. BBL
Very glad your returned to the blog, Onewith. Personally I've not ever spent the night up in the nest - lol That is Wanda's inside joke - Many a times we wished they would throw down some of their turtle shells (That's what I want) or we wanted to take a fan up on those extremely hot afternoons when they were panting or a shovel for removing the snow when they were covered while incubating the eggs. I have watched from 2006 and I just accidentally found the site when looking at NCTC courses for Bird Watching 101 for my daughter. If you are making a cheat sheet be sure to record the State where each of us are located - Makes it interesting. Also when you make a comment on here there is a small Trash Can at the end of your comment. If the Blog makes it look as though you have stuttered and repeats your comment - just click on the trash can and delete it and then return to the blog............ I was really nice for you to tell so much about yourself.. Helps to know you better.
We are going to have a benefit for Jaime, Zach, and Kadence at their church on 11/19/2011 to try to help them out a bit. Looks like it is gonna be a shindig! Bands, food, fun, fellowship. I know that if they can get on the other side of this and find some acceptance that it is this way, they will be okay. But the holidays are coming and they have a 2-year-old, so we are gonna try to help them out a bit.
Good Morning Jo, Wanda, Onewith, Shirley, Sissy, WVDana, Kay, Margy, DanaMo, Thelma and and any other morning people I may have missed!
I see Lynn must be busy this morning with the girls there, too!! Wishing them lots of laughter and enjoyment!
Going to the Endodontist today for a probable root canal, hoping this is the source of the TMJ flare up. I hope he is SURE before he charges me and arm and a leg to drill out those roots!! Not looking forward to this, but am looking forward to easing this darn ear pain!!
Rainy here, too, today and this afternoon it is expected to change over to snow!!! Maybe an inch or two!
I REALLY hope Dennis does NOT pick up that snow shovel. This snow won't require any of that, but until he gets the okay from the doctor, I pray he behaves himself!!
Wishing you all a great day today and will check in later this evening, if I can!
That is great, Bev! I just love seeing people coming out to support others. Sounds fun, but more importantly it will do a world of good for Zach and his family.
G☼☼D Late M☼rning I had a nice sleeping in morning Of course it was 2 about when I went to bed don't know why just couldn't get to sleep as you all have seen I did put the picture and video on blog of the visit I did get carried away with the swinging bridge pictures but I just loved how the water reflected the trees so pretty
Good morning! Waiting for our 100% chance of rain as it has not happened yet!! Grrrr! It is 58 and cloudy!
I dreamed of our eagles last night. Guess it was because of all the talk of Lib last night. That...and all the wonderful pictures the group of 9 were able to capture!☺ Judy, I have enjoyed your pictures!
Loretta, thanks for the news about Sherry and hubby. Neat that he was able to rescue the grill. I am sure anything from their former home makes them feel a little better. Great that they still have some oak trees.
I'd have to find it myself, first. I do, however, feel that he is being cautious. It is just that all those cautious feelings go right out the window when he thinks something HAS to be done.
My feeling at this time of the year, is just wait a little while for it to melt!! That is unless we get something substantial. We have VERY flexible schedules and don't need to get out right away!!
Hopefully none of that kind of snow will come for quite a while!
I need to get a start on my day, too. Need to finish sewing on the decorated burp cloths or burp rags. What do you call them? LOL Then I will take them to have them embroidered. Wish I had the capability to do them!
Jubby and I are going out to purchase new phones...house phones. Have to buy a set of 4. The one on his desk has died.
Soooo......have a great day. Here's your daily (((hug))). Oh, and a special hug and a whispered prayer for Lynne and Steve!!!
ARG AWWWWW I have this puter OK it slept all nite and didn't go down now its gone down three times since my last post I unplugged everything and this time it didn't come up with the Message the windows ended abnormally so I hope that is a good sign it went right on to sign on And stupid Norton came up and told me that I turned offf my anti virus and I didn't so it is fixing again I wonder if this has anything to do with Norton being installed while I was gone and I didn't register it until I came back Carl didn't have my Norton password and it said I had 14days I did register it the moment I signed on it direceted me to it
I like the name Beau for Belles Beau so that is my suggestion also make it simple and it has a good RING to it or Ringmy for ringmybell the words to the song
just got off phone with Angie will have lunch with her today I love it I am off till MON and I can play play play LOL I can't figure out why I am not hhungry I had a small breakfast yesterday before I left at 10 and haven't ate since odd not hungry at all
If the puter contunes to act up I am taking it to Carls uncle to look at so far only 3 times right in a row at 1055 I am keeping track of it
Ok back to reading the email comments from last nite almost 100 to read
KAY I am so happy to hear of your progress and see you on the blog again LOVE IT So glad you enjoyed my pictures DID you make it to the end of them there are alot of them and I must apologize for so many to all of you
DANAMO odd how the world is that there is a connection with you and the newbie ONEWITH DanaMo I can relate to your family problems also My son Tommy is sort of like that only calls when he needs something it seems like and sad I haven't heard from him since his last invite to dinner for RL and he was a no show I'm sure you all remember that it was suppose to be my BDay dinner
.RUDE puter I just got notified Apple has a Quick tunes update and I installed it
I'M UP to 6:56am on the comments moving right along
You know what is really really really really neat I can picture you all faces now and it is so cool as I read the blog I can see your faces That just tickles me sooooooooo much
Hey MARGY and DANA remember how we talked about the pictures looking cool upside down I put one on FACEBOOK and one ON THE BLOG upside down I have had a couple of comments on FB that it looks mystical I loved it
Wanda, you can always go over to the group site and read the messages there...the one that starts with Update - Please help name the eagle has the list of names.
WANDA, I get your point in honoring Steve, but I think he's doing all he can regarding the cams. What comes to mind for me is that Truder chased Lib away and that's a negative thought !
You probably don't know but did you know there is a band Belle & Sebastian from england I was googleing names and that pooped up Ok off to lunch with Angie BBL
Thanks Paula I had missed that. I will call Norma and see if she has any other names she would like to add other than "Senator".
It is ok for the different names for some reason I don't like ones like AG. That is more to me like initials than a name.
If you don't like SKY then please the vote is yours. I just always loved Suzanne Hall saying "Eyes to the Sky see the raptors fly". Plus when we were there at the nest on Monday where did the eagles fly not on the ground. The Sky. They fly, they soar, they begin from the nest leaving to go into the SKY-the fledge is not to a limb but into the SKY. I think the name Belle and Sky go well together. JMO
Anything I put on here for a name is a joke. I know what name I want and Hedgie is the one who suggested it. I just like coming up with names that go with Belle.
Wanda: throw that in the vote! I like that one! Truder DID chase Lib away and your ulterior motive is shared by a lot of us! Wish that cam would roll already - I miss Lib, but I sure would appreciate seeing the eagles in the SP. I just know they are arguing about twig placement . . .
JO and PAULA you have mail I am asking a question if you know a person that has friend requested me she says she is a momster but I see no mutual friends and off course I will not expect as a friend until I can verfy who she is I sent her a mssg and she answered that she is a momster and I didn't see her on the sheets I have
Just got off online checking my schedule for the nest to weeks 8:30 to 5:30 all days at least is consist ant not different hours different days like it has been in past
IRENE, SHARON seems to have stepped out for a moment. LYNN suggested Shep--double connotation--1 for Sherpherdstown and 2 for the fact that the male will hopefully be serving as a shepherd to his young. Belle and Shep--sounds good to me !
I sent a personal email to who ever I have theri email address asking if you know a certain person that says they are a MOMSTER please let me know if you know her
I am now going to run a complete detail scan with Norton since it seems to be staying up watch it go down being I have decided to run Norton LOL I will check in through out the day I love being home NICE Trying to get my neck to stop hurting before I start NC pictures I have lots of them
PAULA Thanks for the infor on her and I finally found the list of people I had completely forgot about even going there to look to see if she was a member WOW since 2006 she has been a member but a quite one I do remember about a month ago her popping in after I noticed her pinging in on the globe map Do you all remember that I do Mystery solved She is on the eagle cam groups that I also posted video of the nest on and that is how she has found me also
Javalin is sitting on the kitchen chair with me, and Boomer is right next to us. Java on the chair is quite a sight. 70 lb dog sitting on a kitchen chair!
Kay, Monte is a food ingredient specialist. He sells things like locus bean gum, and guar...helps to make formulas and then test them in new products. Started out in the ice cream business (that's why I married him, LOL, not really) at a manufacturer here in Hagerstown. Then he went into R&D (for the 6 years we lived in Philly), then sales so that we could live in Hagerstown near my family. I think the Kroger account is with breads (?). So it is not actual products that you see that he sells, rather what goes into the products.
Oh, we are around, DanaMo. I had to get dinner started and feed the critters, but now I am back. Critters expect to be fed at 5:00, and they know when that time comes.
I picked up fried chicken from Martins when I picked up Annemarie's prescription (possible strep, stayed home from school today). I am in my pajamas and in for the night!
Today was pajama day at Hunter's school, so he is in his pj's too. Somewhere in the neighborhood. Actually, it is kind of hard to tell he's wearing pajamas. They are camouflage and look like pants he might wear any other day.
I am home...a good day so far...having a wonderful lunch, soup and a sandwich...Will get ready to go to my conditioning class in the evening.
I laugh at JIM'S suggestion, CRACKED...
Glad the mystery is solved JUDYE. Also that the computer is OK...my computer made some strange sounds this morning so I am watching to see if it is afan belt or what...it is cool though and so far no problems.I phoned the repair shop and they said to bring it in if I was concerned...I might do that but will wait a while and see what happens.
DANAMO, I can't believe it--we lived parallel (sp?) lives this afternoon. We had an all day rain that eased up about 4, so I ran to CVS for Rx's and then to Kroger. I've been craving fried chicken since JO mentioned getting some at Giant Eagle last week, so I buckled and bought a box that will last me several days. Haven't had fried food for eons--hope it doesn't make me sick. Anywho I came on home, feeling chilled to the bone--big baby over 44°--and changed into my pajamas ! Here's hoping AnneMarie feels better very soon ! Monte's speciality sounds interesting. I won't be going in to ask for the locust bean gum, however. ☺
Hi all! Have been running errands and now home for the evening. BIG game is tonight. Go Rangers! And, found out that Michael (our son) is in St. Louis for the game. That boy! He ends up at the best events!!! When he went to the Olympics in Utah, he ended up in a box seat...with food served!
Just talked with Laurel. She has put in for a sub tomorrow. She is taking a mental health day tomorrow. She feels pressed for time. We are all going to be at her house Sunday after church. We are attending her church as the boys, J & J, are going to be baptized Sunday morning.☺
We are going to be up there Saturday, too, for soccer game and Jack is doing some home repairs for them. Busy weekend ahead!
LOL picturing Java on the kitchen chair ! Dogs think they're human. I swear they can tell time, too. Malcolm eats his second meal of the day at 5:00 and begins to pace around his dish about 4:50 !
JUDY and HODA, sorry about your computer woes ! Knock on wood, I've had no glitches with this new one, but I remember all the angst the old laptop caused.
The Northern Lights ! What a beautiful sight ! Thanks, SHIRLEY !
Oh yes, my dogs tell time. They get me up at 5 am and want to be fed again at 1:30 and they start pouncing around 1:00. I don't dare lie on the couch at that time because they will get in my face and try to get me to feed them early.
Okay, I'm off. Too funny Kay. Are days were a ditto!
LYNN, thanks for taking time to check in ! Love thinking of you enjoying your dear sweet daughters !
LOLLY, you and Jack do have a busy weekend ahead, but one filled with joy as well. It's so nice the kids all live close enough for you to get in on their special occasions !Keep your eyes open for Michael tonight, you just might spot him. Sure hope the Rangers win the whole ball o' wax !!!!! It's been an interesting Series.
WOW SHIRLEY I did not know the Northern Lights went so far south as Arkansas...Pretty spectacular.
DANAMO I hope ANNEMARIE does not have strep throat and that she heals sooner than later.
KAY my desk top is not even a year old yet!!! So I was surprised that it might need repairs. I will watch for a while.
LOLLY enjoy the game tonight...I understand baseball a little less than I do American Football!!! LOL !!! When I first arrived to North America I was asked to hit the ball and I did and it went far...all of a sudden every body was yelling for me to run, was not sure where...so I ran around and the faster I ran the louder they got and I was so worried because I was wearing a wrap around dress and I made it back to where I started and later found out that that was a good thing.... I still laugh about it...I have not played since then...
Ashley called earlier to tell us about Michael being in St.Louis. They have tickets for tonights STARS (hockey)game, too. Wanted to know if we wanted those tickets. We declined as we want to watch the Rangers. Also, we can watch the STARS on TV as well. Jack will be in the study, switching back and forth. lol
Oh, and Laurel said Izzabelle and PC are staying away from each other. When they do see each other they spit, but seem to just avoid each other. Too funny!
Heading for the recliner for evening news and Jeopardy. I'll be channel surfing all evening what with it being Grey's Anatomy and The Mentalist night and the big game thrown in for good measure.
Will be remembering those on our long prayer list and adding ONEWITH to it.
Have a nice evening dear Eagle Buds !
Once we rename Truder and he is established as our male eagle, I will quit reminding everyone of Liberty every night, but til' then, in loving memory of our dear
evening all...still at work, leaving shortly and probably won't have time to check back in this evening. So don't worry! Will do so from here tomorrow if time allows! Prayers for all!
Ally did it again and had Choco-chip pancakes. They are kids size and she cleaned her plate. They must have filled her up because I said she could have ice cream and her dad had to finish it up!
The wind is whipping around and a lot of leaves are coming down! I sure hope Tric-or-Treat nite is dry for going house to house.
Good evening one and all I think my puter is fixed It has not gone down all day except this am twice I ran scan and all is ok I think it had a lot to do with Norton being installed and not completed while I was gone JMHO and it doesn't matter because it seems to be ok now I am in process of download ALL ALLL ALLLL I should say a butt load of video on YouTube of my North Carolina adventure they are all SHORT and sweet as I like to keep them short I just loved that river and it keep telling me record me LOL HAHAHa I am also in process of download a mulitude of pictures of the 8 days I was there I will put on blog also when I get done with Youtube and facebook I may need to make more that one album if the restriction is 200 per album I will find out I guess Ok back to reading the emails in betweeen youtubing it
LYNNE2'S Jury duty is not before next week, Tuesday. She won't know if she is serving or not before Monday evening. I was very glad to get an email from her and since I had said that she was doing jury duty when I was concerned last evening,I thouhgt I would correct myself.
Good Evening Eaglebuds. Slept late, then went shopping & picked up a couple goodies from Ledos in Largo, MD on way home. They don't know my alternate name!
Been checking E_M Yahoo for news on naming Truder. Saw a list of about 10.I have one heck of a time getting on Yahoo. It sometimes says my email address is "not recognized"!That's why I stick to AOL. Really wish we could observe his behavior more~~would help.Guess I'll have to sneak back & sit in front of the tree! LOL
Oh, Linda. So sorry you're having trouble after the root canal. I've never had that problem, tho lady I worked with did a few times. I figure if they've removed all of the nerve, there shouldn't be any feeling at all. Oh well. Hope you feel better soon & they gave you "habby pills"!
Lolly, thx for reminder about BBall game!!!!Something to look fwd. too! BTW, Sherry has learned that it will take a whole generation for trres to regrow in the fire areas! BOO. I may have mentioned that last night, but some of her oaks are coming back they think, nothing next door. No Pines & their development was named "Pine Forest"!!! This may encourage her to get swimming pool she always wanted----but they'll need umbrellas! Big problem now is flies----yuck. Some even got in her car when she was there over weekend. I'll be looking online for things I remember she had. My list is growing! BBL
Good evening all. Another long day. But we had fun!! I understand that the Eastern Panhandle is supposed to get 3" if the s-word Sat. SAY IT AIN'T SO! UGH~~~you all know how I HATE snow.
Loretta, so very sad about the pines...as well as the other trees. We are in a pine forest here at this house. Love them!
Linda---OUCH! Cannot even imagine the pain you are in. Poor girl. Did he think that the tooth was causing the ear/TMJ pain??
Funny how Kay and DanaMo's days mirrored each other in so many ways!!
DanaMo, did you mean that the labs are ready for more chow at 1AM???? I figured no one is home at 1pm....so those guys need to have a Pavlov's bell for a decent morning hour!!! Liesl is flexible for breakfast---based on when she wakes up, but she is reading the clock by 6pm for dinner!!!
saw lots and lots of deer...up in Morgan County...now just WHY do they have to try to cross the road so much ??? Guess it is that time when the bucks are becoming very interested in the does ♥
Kathryn has been using the computer tonight. Hers is still with Rus.
We did watch "The Great Pumpkin" this evening. Kathryn and I did, anyway. Hunter said that he wasn't interested. Eventually, he came down and watched the second Charlie Brown show.
Well, the weatherman said that we would know that the cold front is here when the wind picks up. It has been blowing all day, but it really picked up this evening. I had to bring in the plants and things on that were blowing around on the porch.
Conditioning class was good. We laughed and it was not as much stress on my knees as the last class was...I think I made adjustments where by I did not feel the knees or the lower back catch. I will wait till tomorrow and see what the muscles are saying.
Nelson is very retty at night with all the night lights. The class is in Central School which takes me past the downtown area. I do not have much reason to be downtown at night time, but found it pretty to drive through tonight. The whole place shuts down by nine anyway...No maybe not the restaurant or the theatre. We do not have a movie theatre in town but the stage theatre becomes active this time of year with practices/rehearsals of Christmas productions.I again had this experience of GRATITUDE for my life here.
I did not do anything with the heavy metal table out there. When the hurricane came, we flipped it upside down. May have to do that again. It would not be good if that thing went flying.
flipping the table upside down is a good way for it to not go flying SHIRLEY...It is true so many changes from the weather in Egypt and the life opportunities and the experiences that come my way are so very different from EGYPT. Immigrating is not easy but I am glad I did it. When I lived in Northern Canada the temperatures were known to go to minus 55 to minus sixty at times with the wind chill factor...oh my did I learn fast about the need to bundle up...In Nelson it is a more moderate climate...never goes down below minus 20 degrees...at least not since I have been here...When it happens it is for a day or two not for long periods...I have some very warm clothes from my time up North and my time in Alberta also...
I wonder what is the result of the game? I hope the Rangers are still leading.
Linda, sorry you are in pain. I had root canals for my two front teeth in June. The procedure itself was not painful, but I did have some pain after the medication wore off. It did not last too long, though.
The coldest place I have been is Minneapolis in January. The wind chill took the temperature down to 60 below or so then. The wind found any gap between glove and sleeve and it was painful.
Fortunately, we did not have to spend much time outdoors there. Parking garages were connected to buildings and so on.
I remember one cold dash across a grocery store parking lot. We had Rus and Kathryn then, but we did not allow them to go outdoors except when we arrived and left.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 529 Newer› Newest»Hi there, MARGY ! Yep, one of us is about to get wax !
What's on the agenda for you today ? Back to work or is this another day off ?
I dood it ! OUCH, what a wake up call that is. ☺
working today thru Saturday Kay...
When I grow up I definitely want to be retired !
DanaMo, Take your Vitamins !
looks like a muddy pawprint kind of a day hereabouts
Interesting and impressive list of Eagle Names...Paula did a late-nite compilation, it is on the E-M messages ☺
Thanks Paula !
Good morning,
Having coffee, trying to read the posts but not quite awake yet, I guess, because I realize I don't know what I've read for sure.
Hi Shirley:
I have to do the same thing, I can check in from work and do some reading, but there are many distractions and when I get home I have to start all over again!
Hope Hunter packs or wears his rain jacket this morning ☺
Yes, I saw the list and see several that ring my belle !
It's a muddy paw print day here, too. Yesterday the high was 70°, but dropping to 50° today. Guess I won't melt so I plan to get out, sell some gold, pick up Rx's and a few grosseries. All within two miles of home.
Wow the time bandit is fierce this morning !!!
Time to get ready, already...
Best wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy and Joyful Day, Everyone...
see you much much later on
xo ♥
Yes, it was raining when I let the dogs out this morning. I don't think Luna left the porch. She does not like rain.
Top o' the mornin' to ya, SHIRLEY ! What's up ? Is this a bowling day ?
JudyE got a boatload of great pictures, I'll have to settle in and have another gander later on BUT:
The Colorful Toes are in there !
okay 'Bye
xoxo ☺
I'm so envious of those pretty toes ! I won't even let anyone see my ugly old feet these days. MARGY, I noticed your lovely hands and nice manicure in one of the videos ! You are very photogenic !
Your Blazer is photogenic, too. ☺
Kay, I am meeting a teammate for bowling practice at 10:00. My league day is Tuesday.
Morning Kay! It doesn't look like Turkey day break is going to work! He doesn't get off school until the 22nd and then back by the 289th so you will be in NJ. We will have to hope for a meeting during the Christmas break. Aric will need to be picked up either the 15th or 16th of December, and I may have to drive down there myself! Yikes. Monte will be in Kansas for a sales meeting that week and will be flying from Balt. to Kansas. Not sure if we will fly Aric home. I was so hoping I would be able to meet you on the 28th of November. We will meet, I promise you that!
Good morning Shirley and Margy!
Practice makes perfect--have fun !
Good morning my friends.
DANA, I will most definitely be in town in December. The weather can be iffy, so I won't blame you if you decide to get Aric on a flight. Back in the 60's-80's we rarely had snow before the first of the year, but weather patterns have changed a lot. I returned here Nov. 2007 and we've had snow by Christmas every year--a couple of years ago I remember returning from a NJ T'Day to find snow. Ugh !
Hello, Thelma ! Are you gals staying warm now ? Hope so ! Have you seen the list of possible names for T. ? Paula sent them via EM mail.
DANA, I know Monte visits Kroger stores and perhaps others. Who is he a sales rep for ? Products I might buy ?
Kay, we sure are staying warm. I still haven't looked at the full list. I will do that now. Which one do you like?
THELMA, I leaning toward Shep, as I like the dual meaning for Shepherdstown and for T. becoming the shepherd of the eaglets he and Belle will nurture, if all goes well.
Good morning everyone! I have been hit with a sudden and severe attack of eagle withdrawal! Are there any cams that actually work and have eagles on them??
I like the Shepherdstown connection with the name Shep, too. It does bring up the thought of an old farm dog as well . . . but I think I could get beyond that.
Been trying to think of other names that have a connection like that. I see someone suggested Potomac. That is nice, too. We have a lot of good names on the list.
I suggested George but I really love Shep. I will vote for that. It is perfect!!
I was just saying over on facebook that I am going to have to make a trip to Shepherdstown before winter sets in.
There may be more entries. Paula said she hopes the list will help us think of other possibilities. An interesting process, huh ? Not everyone will be happy with the outcome, but all will adjust to a majority vote, I'm sure. That's the way Momsters/Dadsters operate !
Is this what happens when Belle's babies are given names ?
SISSY, you must be like me. All the fabulous pics and videos make me itch to be there !
We don't vote on the babies' names, Kay, at least we haven't since I have been on here. Their names just kind of develop out of our conversations.
SHIRLEY, that makes sense. They are temporary residents and I can see how little eaglet mannerisms can easily provide names that seem appropriate.
Yes, I am itching to get there. This will be the first year I haven't been at all since I came on this blog. I miss the wonderful people there and I really need an eagle in my life! I have the Decorah cam up and think I hear eagles but I haven't seen any yet. Nothing compares to OUR nest though.
I was just thinking about our Normabyrd. She used to come on here in the mornings so full of herself, spreading love and cheer. I sure do miss her. I think Sharon talked to her not long ago. What a wonderful character she is.
I miss Norma, too.
There is an eagle in the Decorah nest!!! YAY!! An eagle, a real eagle!!! I am so excited!
They are showing a segment on GMA about how the animals get to New York when Jack Hanna is there.
It is youngish, head still in the process of turning white, dark spots in it. What a site for sore eyes!
Now they are interviewing Jack.
Flew away!
Hi Sissy,
Yes, I am suffering from eagle withdrawal as well.
Eagle with a stick, big stick, moving it around!! Looks like the same one, probably female, she is so big!
This will do just fine till we get ours back! TWO EAGLES NOW!!! Both look fairly young to me.
Fighting over the stick.
Morning I would have been in much earlier but I was viewing and re-viewing JudyE's pictures and video's.
Sissy Are you all coming to Open House in April. The eagles will be there and any chicks-eaglets. So the nest will be busy.
Yes Dana, we will be there, but I am thinking we are going to try to come before the weather turns too bad, maybe early December or so if possible.
Great that Bluefield group will be at Open House. Can't wait to see you all again HUGS!!
Oh I need to tell you all. Different times I call Norma and talk with her. I called her yesterday and told her about we are putting in names for the new male Eagle. Told her to think of names and I would call her back. When I called back she did have me put to Paula the name "SENATOR". So that name came from our precious normabyrd ( :
Eagle with stick in beak just flew in to nest at Decorah.
Flew out and 9:25 our time flew back in. Eagle looking around now
walking around nest. Flew ouot 9:29am our time from the left side of nest.
Good Morning all,
Thank you for your thoughts on Liberty.I have tried to update more on my profile but I am having difficulty. I do not know how to add Pic's or even add blog lists. So in Answer to Dana and Linda's question I started watching the nest in March od last year. I got the site off of the deepcreektimes.com site that I check into daily. From the 1st time I saw our eagles I was addicted. I am 53 years old born on New Years Eve (sucks) no one celebrates my birthday ,just New Year's. I am presently not working, when I lost my Sissy I had a very hard time,she was my Best Friend, and 3 month later my brother was diagnosed with terminal cancer I quit my job to spend the last month of his life with him and am still getting my life on track I suffer from depression and Panic attacks. I am however going to start looking soon, to put some normalcy back into my life. I feed the deer and can pet them because they are so used to me being around. I have gone site to site in search of Eagles and Love ours best. I have 3 dogs and live in a cabin in the woods on the lake.I try to walk everyday thru the woods and love bonfire's. The only place to shop is really Walmart, but I love antiques and Goodwill. I think that's enough for now. Have a wonderful morning and I will bbl.
How was your night in the eagle nest, ONEWITH? Did you stay warm...did you get a visit from Belle or her Beau? Don't forget to cut that "gets in the way" branch, before you come down;)
Now the daggone Decorah cam is down! I think I must be bad luck! LOL!!
Freeze Watch
from Fri, 2am until Fri, 9am EDT
58° here in Martisburg/Shepherdstown, going up to 61°...rainy off an on all day.
Good Morning everyone - Rain here off & on but my family of 5 squirrels are feeding on the peanuts and bird food.
Yesterday I had 10 robins in the front
yard and besides the squirrels there are
bluejays, titmouse, chickadees, finches and for the first time at the feeder on my deck came the downy. They all kept me entertained most of the morning as I sat at my dinning room table.
That sounds exactly like what is on my deck right now Mema Jo. Decorah says they are working on the system and will be back live shortly.
I am gonna try to get back to work, not staying on task very good today. Love and hugs all around! I will be lurking!!
No matter what I do, I still cannot get into EM Mail. I hope Capt. Gene's suggested name Colonel and mine, Beau is on the list. I would love to see some of the other suggestions~
I don't really care what we come up with, but nothing like, VICTOR OR WINNER OR KING, for obvious reasons.
Have a good day. BBL
Very glad your returned to the blog, Onewith. Personally I've not ever
spent the night up in the nest - lol
That is Wanda's inside joke - Many a
times we wished they would throw down
some of their turtle shells (That's what I want) or we wanted to take a fan up on those extremely hot afternoons when they were panting or a shovel for removing the snow when they were covered while incubating the eggs. I have watched from 2006 and I just accidentally found the site when looking at NCTC courses for Bird Watching 101 for my daughter.
If you are making a cheat sheet be sure to record the State where each of us are located - Makes it interesting. Also when you make a comment on here there is a small
Trash Can at the end of your comment.
If the Blog makes it look as though you have stuttered and repeats your comment - just click on the trash can and delete it and then return to the blog............ I was really nice for you to tell so much about yourself.. Helps to know you better.
Sissy, you just let us know when you
are coming - you know I'll be waiting at the nest for you! ♥
Wanda I will forward and hope you get the list......... ♥
Wanda - you are at comcast NOT verizon ?
We are going to have a benefit for Jaime, Zach, and Kadence at their church on 11/19/2011 to try to help them out a bit. Looks like it is gonna be a shindig! Bands, food, fun, fellowship. I know that if they can get on the other side of this and find some acceptance that it is this way, they will be okay. But the holidays are coming and they have a 2-year-old, so we are gonna try to help them out a bit.
Good Morning Jo, Wanda, Onewith, Shirley, Sissy, WVDana, Kay, Margy, DanaMo, Thelma and and any other morning people I may have missed!
I see Lynn must be busy this morning with the girls there, too!! Wishing them lots of laughter and enjoyment!
Going to the Endodontist today for a probable root canal, hoping this is the source of the TMJ flare up. I hope he is SURE before he charges me and arm and a leg to drill out those roots!! Not looking forward to this, but am looking forward to easing this darn ear pain!!
Rainy here, too, today and this afternoon it is expected to change over to snow!!! Maybe an inch or two!
I REALLY hope Dennis does NOT pick up that snow shovel. This snow won't require any of that, but until he gets the okay from the doctor, I pray he behaves himself!!
Wishing you all a great day today and will check in later this evening, if I can!
xoxo ♥
That is great, Bev! I just love seeing people coming out to support others. Sounds fun, but more importantly it will do a world of good for Zach and his family.
Keeping them on the prayer list!
Great way to show your support for Zach and his family, Sissy.
G☼☼D Late M☼rning I had a nice sleeping in morning Of course it was 2 about when I went to bed don't know why just couldn't get to sleep as you all have seen I did put the picture and video on blog of the visit I did get carried away with the swinging bridge pictures but I just loved how the water reflected the trees so pretty
Good morning! Waiting for our 100% chance of rain as it has not happened yet!! Grrrr! It is 58 and cloudy!
I dreamed of our eagles last night. Guess it was because of all the talk of Lib last night. That...and all the wonderful pictures the group of 9 were able to capture!☺ Judy, I have enjoyed your pictures!
Loretta, thanks for the news about Sherry and hubby. Neat that he was able to rescue the grill. I am sure anything from their former home makes them feel a little better. Great that they still have some oak trees.
Hide the snow shovel, Linda!!!!
It snowed in Texas last night. Amarillo woke up to 2 1/2 inches of the stuff.
Decorah is back up!
Lolly - LOL!!
I'd have to find it myself, first. I do, however, feel that he is being cautious. It is just that all those cautious feelings go right out the window when he thinks something HAS to be done.
My feeling at this time of the year, is just wait a little while for it to melt!! That is unless we get something substantial. We have VERY flexible schedules and don't need to get out right away!!
Hopefully none of that kind of snow will come for quite a while!
Sparrows in the nest, someone controlling the cam, zooming in on the sparrow. I think I love it!
Okay, I'm off to get ready for my day!!
Make it a great one.....
I need to get a start on my day, too. Need to finish sewing on the decorated burp cloths or burp rags. What do you call them? LOL Then I will take them to have them embroidered. Wish I had the capability to do them!
Jubby and I are going out to purchase new phones...house phones. Have to buy a set of 4. The one on his desk has died.
Soooo......have a great day. Here's your daily (((hug))). Oh, and a special hug and a whispered prayer for Lynne and Steve!!!
ARG AWWWWW I have this puter OK it slept all nite and didn't go down now its gone down three times since my last post I unplugged everything and this time it didn't come up with the Message the windows ended abnormally so I hope that is a good sign it went right on to sign on And stupid Norton came up and told me that I turned offf my anti virus and I didn't so it is fixing again I wonder if this has anything to do with Norton being installed while I was gone and I didn't register it until I came back Carl didn't have my Norton password and it said I had 14days I did register it the moment I signed on it direceted me to it
My delete it double posted I keep having to sign back in each time my puter goes down
I like the name Beau for Belles Beau so that is my suggestion also make it simple and it has a good RING to it or Ringmy for ringmybell the words to the song
just got off phone with Angie will have lunch with her today I love it I am off till MON and I can play play play LOL
I can't figure out why I am not hhungry I had a small breakfast yesterday before I left at 10 and haven't ate since odd not hungry at all
If the puter contunes to act up I am taking it to Carls uncle to look at so far only 3 times right in a row at 1055 I am keeping track of it
Ok back to reading the email comments from last nite almost 100 to read
KAY I am so happy to hear of your progress and see you on the blog again LOVE IT So glad you enjoyed my pictures DID you make it to the end of them there are alot of them and I must apologize for so many to all of you
DANAMO odd how the world is that there is a connection with you and the newbie ONEWITH
DanaMo I can relate to your family problems also My son Tommy is sort of like that only calls when he needs something it seems like and sad I haven't heard from him since his last invite to dinner for RL and he was a no show I'm sure you all remember that it was suppose to be my BDay dinner
.RUDE puter I just got notified Apple has a Quick tunes update and I installed it
I'M UP to 6:56am on the comments moving right along
MARGY and WVAGALDANA did you see the bee picture from MARGY porch in the pictures
Feel free to leave comments that way i know someone saw them
I still have to the NC pictures from June and Terry while we were cruzin around but that will have to wait
You know what is really really really really neat I can picture you all faces now and it is so cool as I read the blog I can see your faces That just tickles me sooooooooo much
Hey MARGY and DANA remember how we talked about the pictures looking cool upside down I put one on FACEBOOK and one ON THE BLOG upside down I have had a couple of comments on FB that it looks mystical I loved it
Hey, how about naming the eagle CHASE...after STEVE, then maybe he will get the ball rolling on the cam fixins'.
JUDY I had to laugh at your suggestion of RINGMY... not 2 minutes before you said that, I was thinking, RINGO. Great minds:)
I Like Ringmy and Palsy;)
I had thought about Chase, too, Wanda.
JUDY, I loved your upside-down Back Creek, very much!
I oh goodness I have gotten caught up for the moment on this blog comments SHHHH keep that in between us OK LOL
Wanda, you can always go over to the group site and read the messages there...the one that starts with Update - Please help name the eagle has the list of names.
Thanks Paula...Jo gave me an idea of what might be my problem...haven't tried it yet.
WANDA, I get your point in honoring Steve, but I think he's doing all he can regarding the cams. What comes to mind for me is that Truder chased Lib away and that's a negative thought !
Dana, the date of Nov 6th as the cut off date was included in my original email.
We could use Alexander Graham or AG.
I am still really feeling Shep! I think I will keep that name whether it wins or not!
Yep, AG would work or we might consider Belle and Howell. LOL
JUDY, yes, I did look at all the pictures ! You can't post too many for this retiree. Thanks again !
tO u aLL
oN thiS finE,
crisP wednesdaY.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
You probably don't know but did you know there is a band Belle & Sebastian from england I was googleing names and that pooped up Ok off to lunch with Angie BBL
Thanks Paula I had missed that. I will call Norma and see if she has any other names she would like to add other than "Senator".
It is ok for the different names for some reason I don't like ones like AG. That is more to me like initials than a name.
If you don't like SKY then please the vote is yours. I just always loved Suzanne Hall saying "Eyes to the Sky see the raptors fly". Plus when we were there at the nest on Monday where did the eagles fly not on the ground. The Sky. They fly, they soar, they begin from the nest leaving to go into the SKY-the fledge is not to a limb but into the SKY. I think the name Belle and Sky go well together. JMO
Need to run errands and pick up Mother.
How about "Cracked" for a name to the new male...in memory of "Liberty"??
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
That's good JIM, and we can call him CRACKER;)
ROFLMBO Jim!!!! You and Sharon are "cracking" me up! Anyone would think I was crazy, sitting here giggling and laughing at my computer.
Same visual, how about "rivet head"??
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Good morning/ good afternoon everyone.
Snow in TEXAS???Good Grief LOLLY!!!
Anything I put on here for a name is a joke. I know what name I want and Hedgie is the one who suggested it. I just like coming up with names that go with Belle.
Wanda: throw that in the vote! I like that one! Truder DID chase Lib away and your ulterior motive is shared by a lot of us! Wish that cam would roll already -
I miss Lib, but I sure would appreciate seeing the eagles in the SP. I just know they are arguing about twig placement . . .
Sharon: I haven't been keeping tabs - what name did hedgie suggest?
JO and PAULA you have mail I am asking a question if you know a person that has friend requested me she says she is a momster but I see no mutual friends and off course I will not expect as a friend until I can verfy who she is I sent her a mssg and she answered that she is a momster and I didn't see her on the sheets I have
and guess what my puter has stayed up the whole time I was at lunch with Angie had steak,cheese sub gooooooood I now need to
JIM I love the cracked Liberty Bell pun LOL
LOLLY I too and sitting here laughing to myself out loud I think we have all lost it LOL Or have we How can you loose what you never had LOL
I'll be back later the afternoon...Gone to yoga and errands... ENJOY THE DAY.
Just got off online checking my schedule for the nest to weeks 8:30 to 5:30 all days at least is consist ant not different hours different days like it has been in past
SHARON, that goes for me, too. We're just having fun while we wait for the vote !
IRENE, SHARON seems to have stepped out for a moment. LYNN suggested Shep--double connotation--1 for Sherpherdstown and 2 for the fact that the male will hopefully be serving as a shepherd to his young. Belle and Shep--sounds good to me !
I sent a personal email to who ever I have theri email address asking if you know a certain person that says they are a MOMSTER please let me know if you know her
I think my puter woo are over so far not gone down with the exceptions of this am nothing since 1055 I hope it was just a oops
I am now going to run a complete detail scan with Norton since it seems to be staying up watch it go down being I have decided to run Norton LOL I will check in through out the day I love being home NICE Trying to get my neck to stop hurting before I start NC pictures I have lots of them
PAULA Thanks for the infor on her and I finally found the list of people I had completely forgot about even going there to look to see if she was a member WOW since 2006 she has been a member but a quite one I do remember about a month ago her popping in after I noticed her pinging in on the globe map Do you all remember that I do Mystery solved She is on the eagle cam groups that I also posted video of the nest on and that is how she has found me also
OK I am going to go enyoy this beautiful day that I have outdoors BBL
Hi, gang! BEAUTIFUL but windy day at the beach! Caught up through 2:30! Heading out to get a few groceries. BBL.
Javalin is sitting on the kitchen chair with me, and Boomer is right next to us. Java on the chair is quite a sight. 70 lb dog sitting on a kitchen chair!
Kay, Monte is a food ingredient specialist. He sells things like locus bean gum, and guar...helps to make formulas and then test them in new products. Started out in the ice cream business (that's why I married him, LOL, not really) at a manufacturer here in Hagerstown. Then he went into R&D (for the 6 years we lived in Philly), then sales so that we could live in Hagerstown near my family. I think the Kroger account is with breads (?). So it is not actual products that you see that he sells, rather what goes into the products.
Margie-I refuse! Sorry! I am the picture of health! and those vitamins are big!
Kay-too funny I hadn't read your comment about Chase, initially I liked it, then I thought about him chasing Lib away. Too negative.
I like Shep,Potomac, Senator and Colonel.
Nice to get to know you Onewith. I'm sorry you have had a rough time.
JudyE-I agree, it is so nice to put names and voices to the typed word! Love it.
Whoa! More mouths to feed, Lynn. That
is great and I sure hope the girls like
what you like! I bet Liesl was glad to see them.
Speaking of feeding mouths - I am going out to meet Ally and we are going to feed our mouths!
wow, I got left all alone, was it something I said??? ☺
You are never alone.
Oh, we are around, DanaMo. I had to get dinner started and feed the critters, but now I am back. Critters expect to be fed at 5:00, and they know when that time comes.
Forgot to tell yal. That I am watching the kids tonight...will check in later
oh good, I don't like to be alone.
I picked up fried chicken from Martins when I picked up Annemarie's prescription (possible strep, stayed home from school today). I am in my pajamas and in for the night!
Northern Lights
Today was pajama day at Hunter's school, so he is in his pj's too. Somewhere in the neighborhood. Actually, it is kind of hard to tell he's wearing pajamas. They are camouflage and look like pants he might wear any other day.
I am home...a good day so far...having a wonderful lunch, soup and a sandwich...Will get ready to go to my conditioning class in the evening.
I laugh at JIM'S suggestion, CRACKED...
Glad the mystery is solved JUDYE. Also that the computer is OK...my computer made some strange sounds this morning so I am watching to see if it is afan belt or what...it is cool though and so far no problems.I phoned the repair shop and they said to bring it in if I was concerned...I might do that but will wait a while and see what happens.
DANAMO, I can't believe it--we lived parallel (sp?) lives this afternoon. We had an all day rain that eased up about 4, so I ran to CVS for Rx's and then to Kroger. I've been craving fried chicken since JO mentioned getting some at Giant Eagle last week, so I buckled and bought a box that will last me several days. Haven't had fried food for eons--hope it doesn't make me sick. Anywho I came on home, feeling chilled to the bone--big baby over 44°--and changed into my pajamas ! Here's hoping AnneMarie feels better very soon ! Monte's speciality sounds interesting. I won't be going in to ask for the locust bean gum, however. ☺
Hi all! Have been running errands and now home for the evening. BIG game is tonight. Go Rangers! And, found out that Michael (our son) is in St. Louis for the game. That boy! He ends up at the best events!!! When he went to the Olympics in Utah, he ended up in a box seat...with food served!
Down to 55 now. Chili and cornbread for dinner.
Dana, so sorry Annemarie is ill. That is not fun!
Just talked with Laurel. She has put in for a sub tomorrow. She is taking a mental health day tomorrow. She feels pressed for time. We are all going to be at her house Sunday after church. We are attending her church as the boys, J & J, are going to be baptized Sunday morning.☺
We are going to be up there Saturday, too, for soccer game and Jack is doing some home repairs for them. Busy weekend ahead!
LOL picturing Java on the kitchen chair ! Dogs think they're human. I swear they can tell time, too. Malcolm eats his second meal of the day at 5:00 and begins to pace around his dish about 4:50 !
JUDY and HODA, sorry about your computer woes ! Knock on wood, I've had no glitches with this new one, but I remember all the angst the old laptop caused.
The Northern Lights ! What a beautiful sight ! Thanks, SHIRLEY !
Gonna go snuggle up with some labs and my kindle under the covers and read some John Stanford.
Oh yes, my dogs tell time. They get me up at 5 am and want to be fed again at 1:30 and they start pouncing around 1:00. I don't dare lie on the couch at that time because they will get in my face and try to get me to feed them early.
Okay, I'm off. Too funny Kay. Are days were a ditto!
LYNN, thanks for taking time to check in ! Love thinking of you enjoying your dear sweet daughters !
LOLLY, you and Jack do have a busy weekend ahead, but one filled with joy as well. It's so nice the kids all live close enough for you to get in on their special occasions !Keep your eyes open for Michael tonight, you just might spot him. Sure hope the Rangers win the whole ball o' wax !!!!! It's been an interesting Series.
WOW SHIRLEY I did not know the Northern Lights went so far south as Arkansas...Pretty spectacular.
DANAMO I hope ANNEMARIE does not have strep throat and that she heals sooner than later.
KAY my desk top is not even a year old yet!!! So I was surprised that it might need repairs. I will watch for a while.
LOLLY enjoy the game tonight...I understand baseball a little less than I do American Football!!! LOL !!! When I first arrived to North America I was asked to hit the ball and I did and it went far...all of a sudden every body was yelling for me to run, was not sure where...so I ran around and the faster I ran the louder they got and I was so worried because I was wearing a wrap around dress and I made it back to where I started and later found out that that was a good thing.... I still laugh about it...I have not played since then...
Oh, no HODA, you should not be having trouble with a puter that new. Hope it turns out to be a false alarm !
Hoda, too funny! About you playing baseball.
Ashley called earlier to tell us about Michael being in St.Louis. They have tickets for tonights STARS (hockey)game, too. Wanted to know if we wanted those tickets.
We declined as we want to watch the Rangers. Also, we can watch the STARS on TV as well. Jack will be in the study, switching back and forth. lol
Oh, and Laurel said Izzabelle and PC are staying away from each other. When they do see each other they spit, but seem to just avoid each other. Too funny!
Heading for the recliner for evening news and Jeopardy. I'll be channel surfing all evening what with it being Grey's Anatomy and The Mentalist night and the big game thrown in for good measure.
Will be remembering those on our long prayer list and adding ONEWITH to it.
Have a nice evening dear Eagle Buds !
Once we rename Truder and he is established as our male eagle, I will quit reminding everyone of Liberty every night, but til' then, in loving memory of our dear
♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Back long enough to say Izzabelle and PC sound like a few married couples I've met along the way ! LOL
evening all...still at work, leaving shortly and probably won't have time to check back in this evening. So don't worry! Will do so from here tomorrow if time allows! Prayers for all!
Take care Lynne - thank you so much for checking in with us. ((HUGS))
Ally did it again and had Choco-chip
pancakes. They are kids size and she cleaned her plate. They must have filled her up because I said she could have ice cream and her dad had to finish
it up!
The wind is whipping around and a lot of
leaves are coming down! I sure hope Tric-or-Treat nite is dry for going house to house.
The Potted Plant Owlets' names are being
suggested. I am going to submit
Barley and Hops!
Good evening one and all I think my puter is fixed It has not gone down all day except this am twice I ran scan and all is ok I think it had a lot to do with Norton being installed and not completed while I was gone JMHO and it doesn't matter because it seems to be ok now I am in process of download ALL ALLL ALLLL I should say a butt load of video on YouTube of my North Carolina adventure they are all SHORT and sweet as I like to keep them short I just loved that river and it keep telling me record me LOL HAHAHa I am also in process of download a mulitude of pictures of the 8 days I was there I will put on blog also when I get done with Youtube and facebook I may need to make more that one album if the restriction is 200 per album I will find out I guess Ok back to reading the emails in betweeen youtubing it
Thanks for checking in LYNNE 2Sending positive energy you r way and lots of Prayers...
Enjoy the evening KAY. I like seeing Liberty the way you write his name
Good Evening All.
Just posting to say Hello and wish you all a nice evening.
Had a root canal done today and am in quite a lot of pain. Can't really talk, and not feeling up to posting either.
Think I'll take the pain meds and zone out tonight!
Love to all.............
Yes, do appreciate Lynne letting us know she is alive and well! Miss you Lynne!!! (((Hugs)))
Oh, Linda! So sorry about the pain. Jack has done very well after his root canal this week.. Sorry you are suffering from yours.
Sorry about the pain from the root canal. I hope you feel better soon LINDA. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
The blogger cop would not post my earlier message saying the same thing as now. I hope this posts.
LYNNE2'S Jury duty is not before next week, Tuesday. She won't know if she is serving or not before Monday evening. I was very glad to get an email from her and since I had said that she was doing jury duty when I was concerned last evening,I thouhgt I would correct myself.
Good Evening Eaglebuds.
Slept late, then went shopping & picked up a couple goodies from Ledos in Largo, MD on way home. They don't know my alternate name!
Been checking E_M Yahoo for news on naming Truder. Saw a list of about 10.I have one heck of a time getting on Yahoo. It sometimes says my email address is "not recognized"!That's why I stick to AOL. Really wish we could observe his behavior more~~would help.Guess I'll have to sneak back & sit in front of the tree! LOL
oh Linda, I do know how that feels. I hope you get relief soon! Take those pain meds as needed, don't tough out the pain that's for sure!
Oh, Linda. So sorry you're having trouble after the root canal. I've never had that problem, tho lady I worked with did a few times. I figure if they've removed all of the nerve, there shouldn't be any feeling at all. Oh well. Hope you feel better soon & they gave you "habby pills"!
Loretta - Not a good thing going into
places that they don't know your name
JO from earlier this morning...yes comcast!!!
Guess what.....Jubby built a fire! Wahooo! Going to be nice and cozy in front of the fire watching the game!
LOLLY the more I hear about your Jubby the more I think he is a GREAT GUY...Enjoy the game you two...
Lolly, thx for reminder about BBall game!!!!Something to look fwd. too!
BTW, Sherry has learned that it will take a whole generation for trres to regrow in the fire areas! BOO. I may have mentioned that last night, but some of her oaks are coming back they think, nothing next door. No Pines & their development was named "Pine Forest"!!! This may encourage her to get swimming pool she always wanted----but they'll need umbrellas!
Big problem now is flies----yuck. Some even got in her car when she was there over weekend.
I'll be looking online for things I remember she had. My list is growing!
I do have 2 TV shows I want to watch.
BBILW (between commercials)
I am off to my conditioning class...BBL. ENJOY the Evening.
NEWS FLASH!!! Peanuts and the Great Pumpkin are on ABC!
Hoda, my hubby is great! He is the bestest!
Sherry should plant red oaks. They grow fast! Well, sorta fast. When we have lost a tree we replace it with a red oak and they are growing!
Kida are all in their beds..kitchen is cleaned dog has been out...had a great time with the kids....cold and windy here too Jo
Kids are coming down Monday for trick or treat...guess I'd better go get some candy tomorrow
Heading to the beach tomottow night...hope Satturday isn't a wash out
Caught up on the blog but forgot what I wanted to comment on LOL hate this CRS!!
Think I'll see what's on TV
Oh put some pics of the kids on FB
Good evening all. Another long day. But we had fun!! I understand that the Eastern Panhandle is supposed to get 3" if the s-word Sat. SAY IT AIN'T SO!
UGH~~~you all know how I HATE snow.
Loretta, so very sad about the pines...as well as the other trees. We are in a pine forest here at this house. Love them!
Linda---OUCH! Cannot even imagine the pain you are in. Poor girl. Did he think that the tooth was causing the ear/TMJ pain??
Funny how Kay and DanaMo's days mirrored each other in so many ways!!
DanaMo, did you mean that the labs are ready for more chow at 1AM???? I figured no one is home at 1pm....so those guys need to have a Pavlov's bell for a decent morning hour!!!
Liesl is flexible for breakfast---based on when she wakes up, but she is reading the clock by 6pm for dinner!!!
Time for some shows...Christie and I had a rousing game of fetch with Liesl, she's been out, and now lap time to put her to sleep!
Linda sorry about your pain after the root canal.
Lynne2 am think a lot about you and Steve.
Jim and others nice to have some fun on here "cracked" lol
BRRRR with a Capital B!
My sister in Massachusetts has 2 inches of snow...
Paula, great that you had time with the kids..better yet, that THEY had time with YOU
Good Evening Eagle Pals...xoxox ♥
Well got the tv on but can't watch greys cuz they are recording something else...oh well going over to fb for a little while
saw lots and lots of deer...up in Morgan County...now just WHY do they have to try to cross the road so much ???
Guess it is that time when the bucks are becoming very interested in the does ♥
be back after shower and shampoo, bet it will be post-SPLIT when I return
xo ♥
Rangers ahead 3-2.
Paula, cute pictures. They are growing way too fast!
too funny
my E-M "reply" messages ( I sent two...) are going to my Spam Folder...
Kathryn has been using the computer tonight. Hers is still with Rus.
We did watch "The Great Pumpkin" this evening. Kathryn and I did, anyway. Hunter said that he wasn't interested. Eventually, he came down and watched the second Charlie Brown show.
Well, the weatherman said that we would know that the cold front is here when the wind picks up. It has been blowing all day, but it really picked up this evening. I had to bring in the plants and things on that were blowing around on the porch.
I piled the porch furniture in a corner.
Fortunately, the basset hounds did not blow away.
I am sure I saw a Christmas garland blow by.
TX ahead 4-3. What a nail biter!!
Conditioning class was good. We laughed and it was not as much stress on my knees as the last class was...I think I made adjustments where by I did not feel the knees or the lower back catch. I will wait till tomorrow and see what the muscles are saying.
Nelson is very retty at night with all the night lights. The class is in Central School which takes me past the downtown area. I do not have much reason to be downtown at night time, but found it pretty to drive through tonight. The whole place shuts down by nine anyway...No maybe not the restaurant or the theatre. We do not have a movie theatre in town but the stage theatre becomes active this time of year with practices/rehearsals of Christmas productions.I again had this experience of GRATITUDE for my life here.
Sounds like a great place to live, Hoda. I must say it is quite a different climate from Egypt.
You made quite a change when you left there.
No movie theater, but live performances. That is okay.
I love Charlie Brown, too.
I did not do anything with the heavy metal table out there. When the hurricane came, we flipped it upside down. May have to do that again. It would not be good if that thing went flying.
HELLLOOOOOO! OH geez, I haven't worked a late Thursday in several weeks....I've forgotten how hard it is to wind down. UGH
Are the Rangers wining?
Texas was ahead 4-3 according to the last report from Loretta, Lynne.
I missed Charlie Brown.
But it is a DARK AND SCARY NIGHT out there! Oh, and SNOW???? I can see our trip to Terra Alta taking a rain check....
oh good! GO RANGERS!
flipping the table upside down is a good way for it to not go flying SHIRLEY...It is true so many changes from the weather in Egypt and the life opportunities and the experiences that come my way are so very different from EGYPT. Immigrating is not easy but I am glad I did it. When I lived in Northern Canada the temperatures were known to go to minus 55 to minus sixty at times with the wind chill factor...oh my did I learn fast about the need to bundle up...In Nelson it is a more moderate climate...never goes down below minus 20 degrees...at least not since I have been here...When it happens it is for a day or two not for long periods...I have some very warm clothes from my time up North and my time in Alberta also...
I wonder what is the result of the game? I hope the Rangers are still leading.
Linda, sorry you are in pain. I had root canals for my two front teeth in June. The procedure itself was not painful, but I did have some pain after the medication wore off. It did not last too long, though.
I hope yours gets better quickly as well.
Howdy again...
Back home, but gotta get some stuff together for the beach...bbialw
Oh splitsville is a comin...
The coldest place I have been is Minneapolis in January. The wind chill took the temperature down to 60 below or so then. The wind found any gap between glove and sleeve and it was painful.
Fortunately, we did not have to spend much time outdoors there. Parking garages were connected to buildings and so on.
I remember one cold dash across a grocery store parking lot. We had Rus and Kathryn then, but we did not allow them to go outdoors except when we arrived and left.
Linda, hope the morrow will bring relief form your pain.
Heading to bed.....will check in from work tomorrow!
Flipped the table over just in case, but the wind has died down now.
We have split!
Good night, Lynne. Rest well.
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