Wednesday, October 05, 2011


New thread.

Our intent is to get the still cam back up as soon as we can manage it.  Tree work/maintenance is being scheduled now, likely will happen in early November.


Hoda said...

STEVE you all at NCTC are GREAT. Thank you very much for the new thread and for the message of your intent. Good luck with the work and we are here for the EAGLES and the FRIENDSHIP.

Hoda said...

As JO said we are right here with you Sharon and hope Bev gets some resolution soon.

JO when do you leave for your CT Scan?

movin said...


GooD MorniNG, aLL.


According to the Weather Channel we may be in for some heavy duty rain today and tonight in So Cal.

I'm glad to hear the ole sycamore is doing better, Steve, and thanks for the new info on the plans for the cam.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the information and the new thread, Steve. We are very eager to see our eagles.

Hoda, thank you for the call-over.

Hoda said...

Good Morning JIM.
I suppose Southern California must also need rain...I am pleased with the news from NCTC.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the New Thread and the update on still cam.

Thanks Hoda for the call over.

Prayers for Bev, Tom, Sharon and family. I know they are all worried. Prayers that the doctors fine the problem. That Bev is soon healthy and HOME!

Mema Jo prayers that your CT comes out good. ( :

See you all later errands to run.

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Hoda - CT isn't until 3:45pm today

Thanks Steve and your intentions, having been made known, sound great. Nov. will enable us eagle watchers to
observe the new season's beginning.

hedgie said...

Sorry to hear that Sissy was still waiting so long after scheduled time for EGD. Ridiculous, but pretty much normal for small hospitals with only 2 or 3 OR's....grrr.

Do done.....just a perm....feels MUCH better. I had NONE left at all.

hedgie said...

Good to know that still cam will be sooner rather than later.

Hoda said...

Prayers and Blessings JO...hoping for good results.

I am off to yoga and will be back later. Wet day here today again so I will not run errands.

See you all later. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!

Greetings from snowy South Lake Tahoe, CA! Yes, it is snowing big, fluffy flakes as I type. 36 degrees here (feels like 30), and predicted to remain steady in the mid-30s. An 80% chance of more rain/snow this afternoon. Tonight's low should be 31, with snow showers and possible thunder.
Should get <1" of snow.
We don't plan on doing much today. The Steller jays have found us, and we are feeding them shelled, unsalted pistachios on the balcony.

Praying and hoping for a good report about Bev from Sharon before long, ditto from Jo about her CT scan.

Sounds like the panthers are starting to settle in, Judie! WAHOO! Prayers for Naomi and Stella to declare a truce!

Well, going to go do some damage control with my appearance, so I don't scare any small children if we decide to go somewhere. Hoping for a good day for everyone. BBL!

Judie said...

Good afternoon everyone.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and the nest update. We very much appreciate you.

Thank you, Hoda for the call-over. Will be sending the sandperson to you again tonight.

So, Lynn got her "do" permed and I got mine cut, colored, highlights. Are we beautiful or what?

Jo, good luck with the CT scan. Hope you get a report right away.

Prayers for Sissy. So difficult to have to wait when pain is such an issue.

Congratulations for Liesl. I'm sure she will will give a perfect performance, especially if her boyfriend is there.

Peace and quiet for the moment. Am about to try to finish an exam. Really need to get it finished.


JudyEddy said...

ANDY SNOW did ya get some pictures to share with brrrr you can keep it I will take Fl weather thank you very much When do you all go home

Sharon tell SISSY we are all thinking of her and praying for a good outcome

I lost cable again right after I came home thats two days now in a row ODD to say the least and guess what today after I powered back up my old tool bar on bottom is back just as I liked the new one funny huh and I had dowered down the computer before and it didn't make a difference

OK back to work see ya later

Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...

and blogger cop got me hadn't had that happen in a while probably because I powered all the way down BBL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Still no word.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My Twitter buddy, Kris, from Australia, is still dealing with the side effects of the radiation spheres he had implanted last week. Leaves him with absolutely no energy and said he could feel the radiation hitting his liver. Bless his heart. I really don't know how he does it!

Kay said...

SHARON, mega-prayers being said for Sissy and all of you. The waiting is soooo difficult.

LYNNE, a 7# loss ! Good on you. Ten #'s a month is an ambitious goal and I wish you great success !

JO, praying for a good picture out of the CT scan today !

No word from my doc on yesterday's Cat Scan---if it shows the infection is history or almost history I may not hear from him. Plan to call his office tomorrow to see if I can find anything out.

Thanks for all the good wishes and expressions of love ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

She has ulcers and at this moment, she is in no pain. Don't know if relaxing with the EGD may have eased the spasm or whatever but . . .

If she can eat with no problems, they will let her come home.

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone.

Steve, you and NCTC are appreciated very much. You keep this blog alive and we are happy with your updates.

Now, to catch up and find something to eat. Havne't eaten yet today.

hedgie said...

Oh, Sharon, thank you girlfriend! So they are saying that the dilation will solve the pain issue (and that the stricture caused it)?

hedgie said...

Wonder what they will try to feed her? Soft, pureed something?

hedgie said...

Andy, I guess when you live someplace where it DOESN'T snow, you don't mind a little when you go on vacation! So I will say "enjoy" looking at it---just don't send it here!!!
BTW----you have not mentioned your other house you still have it, and still make trips there to check on things?

hedgie said...

Here's Sissy's post on FB:
Woke up after EGD feeling so much better! Have several ulcers and gastritis and very mild pancreatitis, but for now the pain is gone! All them prayers did the trick!! Hope to be going home this evening! Thanks for the love everyone!

hedgie said...

Just got a nice youngest grand, Jenn, has joined the student council at her middle school! How about that? I'm proud of her!

hedgie said...

Heading out for graduation! BBL!

Mema Jo said...

Returned from my long CT - Won't know how it looks until my upcoming Dr appointment next week. Thanks for all
your prayers - I bet they work for me!

Lynn - thanks so much for keeping us all updated from Sharon's remarks. I really hope they fixed the problem.

Kay - You call dr office and get the lowdown on yourself. Some dr don't realize how stressed a patient can be by NOT knowing.

Mema Jo said...

Good Luck and Congratulations Liesl ♥

Mema Jo said...

ROFL at my typo --- I had a LUNG CT
not a LoNG CT.... Well I was there long enough to get my film!

DanaMo said...

Heading to BWI airport in an hour to go get Aric! :))))

DanaMo said...

That's a big smile!

DanaMo said...

Congrats to Jenn! Always good for the kids to get involved with student council.

Mema Jo said...

Jenn - very good choice - you will be able to get things done around school.

Mema Jo said...

News Flash -
Person jumps off James Rumsey Bridge at Shepherdstown ***************
Rescue workers were searching the Potomac River for a person who jumped off the James Rumsey Bridge near Shepherdstown, W.Va., a Washington County Emergency Services dispatcher said.
The dispatcher said a witness reported seeing a body in the river near the bridge at about 2:10 p.m. today.

Hoda said...

JO I am glad that you feel good about your CAT Scan We will wait for you till next week's results.

KAY no news is good news from the doctors. Do let us know what you found out.

So sad that someone was so desperate that they jumped off of a bridge. MARGY is working and I wonder if she got the call. Courage MARGY and good STRENGTH.

We have lots of rain here and the colours are SPECTACULAR...overnight I could see deeper oranges and pink hues with yellows and dull greens. Every where I look is a blessing...Low cloud cover and Canada Geese came through, a flock honking and going into wing formation...I think it must be snow in the higher elevations, but not here yet.

GOOD to hear BEV is better and might be released tonight...Keep us posted Sharon.

I am so full of gratitude I can hardly settle. An excellent yoga practice and I sdtopped by one of th health food stores to buy some curry and some Garam Masala to add to my soups and they wer on sale and the abundance of it all is breath taking...God's Blessings and Grace with us all on this blog

JudyEddy said...

HEY ALL I think we should make a new rule when someone gets a do done they should post a picture for us to see Someone still owes us one that got cut this week Just saying

Hoda said...

I will join JUDYE in her "just sayin'" statement about OUR MOMSTER who got her hair cut this week...we are still waiting...

JudyEddy said...

I agree with HODA KAY no news is good news and they did say they would only call with you if they need to but I myself would also call just to be on the safe side

and so good to hear from you KAY I am watching the news so back to it

stronghunter said...

How about it, Wanda?

PA Nana said...

Yes, how 'bout it Wanda?!

Just had a hummer visit. It's almost dark here and he made a visit to the feeder. He's been visiting all day, but didn't expect him this late.

Glad to hear Bev is feeling better. Sure Tom & Sharon, etc. are relieved.

Kay, nice to hear from you and hope you're on the way back to normal.

Lynn, know your proud of Jenn and hope Liesl does well tonight. Pix?

Andy, the best way to enjoy snow is from inside. I do like to look at it in winter. Makes me feel warm and comfortable inside looking out.
Feel sorry for those that have to travel in it,but love it from my windows.

Jimbo is on his way home must set the table. bbl

Forgot Lolly & Jack having all that fun.


PA Nana said...

Howdy Hoda! When you're done with Judie's sandman, please send him me.

He's home. bbl

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Glad Sissy is feeling better and hopefully can go home tonight!

Judie, glad things are calmer at your place. Sure hope they will eventually get along!

Looking forward to DO and CAT pictures!

Jo, prayers for good results on CT scan!

Was eating my yummy dinner of Toaster Shakin's and Pan Drippings when I felt something itching on my back, and then it moved to my shoulder and I just KNEW.....STINKBUG!! Under my shirt! Must have flown in there some how when I was "dealing" with them after work!

Diann, I still have hummers too! Can't believe it!

Lynne2 said...

Sorry you haven't heard anything from the Dr yet....GRRRRR!! I hate that the keep people waiting. Too stressful. And I think NO NEWS is NO NEWS....found that out the hard way when I found out when I called after not hearing PAP test results several weeks after the test. OH, they thought they called me....DUH. Advocate fiercely for your own health!

Lynne2 said...

Bev is home...just read on FB!

Lynne2 said...

JudyE, your new avatar is so cute and was working just fine til I posted...UGH!

Lynne2 said...

Hope Liesl graduates this evening! Then she can move on to her Master's Degree!

stronghunter said...

Sad news . . . Steve Jobs has passed away.

paula eagleholic said...

Good news on the cam!

Glad Sissy is home, and Andy and Lolly are enjoying their vacations despite the weather.

JudyEddy said...

Just got back from the beach another egret flew down while I was videoing the sunset gonna go to youtube and down load I like it It automatically downloads to my facebook when they are done tooo cool

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I'm sure your CT will come out clear.

Judie, love the kitty names. Did you pick them, or did they come with them.

Oh my, so sorry about Steve Jobs...

Hoda said...

So sorry to hear about Steve Jobs death. He was an inspirational chap and he made a difference with his life. God Speed.

paula eagleholic said...

They mentioned Jobs yesterday eve on the news when they were talking about the new iphone4S....they said he was gravely ill...I wasn't sure if he was or not, thought they might just be talking it up...I know he has been ill, but that was the most recent change in condition that I had heard.

PA Nana said...

JudyE, sounds funny to hear someone is back from the beach(except Paula) this time of year. ;o)

Lynne, yikes! When Jim called he had a stink bug on his truck. Told him not to bring it home, we have enough. ;-( Great you have hummers too.

Hoda said...

There is no question Steve Jobs will be GREATLY missed.

Costume Lady said...

Hi Folks...
It's good to know that Sissy is recuperating at home. I, too, wonder what she is allowed to eat, for now.

Had to get GG up from a sound sleep this morning. She got ready in 10 minutes and we were only 5 mins. late, but, we had to wait for an hour before they call us back to have her proceedure. She won't feel much pain relief for 3-5 days. Took her to get her flu shot and she was so happy to have all that done in one day. Her spirits were quite good today. She woke up with a smile and told me I was pretty:) Love her!

I am sorry about the promised photo. Gene took my picture after church last Sunday, after I waLKED from the car to the house in the rain! They were VERY bad. Will try again after I wash it, Friday.

hedgie said...

Good evening! Settling in....just ate.

Sorry I didn't report the bridge jumper. It was a short effort to "rescue"---turned out to be a recovery. He succeeded in his efforts. Margy would not have been involved in the call---it was in Shepherdstown, which is in the next county.

We had a PLANE CRASH while I was gone not TOO far from here. A small place went into a deck and house while landing at a private (community) airstrip. 70 y.o. pilot with apparent mechanical issue. He survived (so far) and no one in house injured. No fire.

Costume Lady said...

No hummers here for 2 weeks:(

hedgie said...

Not the least bit surprised about Steve Jobs.....could tell the last time he appeared that he was in the final stages. I knew he had a very short time.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Have had a good day. It rained all night but no rain today. Lots of dark clouds, but no rain. We drove to Taos. Walked around. Found a street vendor and had yummy tamales for lunch. Very very good! Then we drove to bridge over the Rio Grande Gorge. I actually walked out there. I hate heights. Then we took the scenic high road home.

Everything at the Balloon Fiesta was cancelled. We are going to hope that the Special Shapes go up in the morning. We are getting up at 4:30 in the morning and heading to Albuquerque. Groan.....
That will probably be our best chance. A new front is arriving with high wind and cold. Hopefully it will not have reached here in the morning,.

hedgie said...

Wanda....we will wait with baited breath for the pic!!! Glad GG did well today. Hope she gets good results from the treatment.

I had a delicious Gyro from our local Pizza place...they also do Greek!

Liesl did NOT do well....but she passed. Trainer was lenient with both her and Marlon! They were both much more interested in each other than in anything else! Unrequited love!

hedgie said...

Sissy's FB post:
Well, I am home and grateful for it! Still feel pretty funky but not that OMGICANTLIVEWITHTHIS feeling anymore!! Hitting the couch, will catch you all tomorrow!! (Wish the housekeeping fairy had visited while I was in the hospital, but she didn't make it!) LOL~!

Lolly said...

I tried to add pictures to a blog, but we have very weak wifi signal here, so no can do!

Lolly said...

Going to turn the computer over to Jack, though we do have two laptops with us. lol

I will be back later. Time to prepare some dinner.

hedgie said...

I did get some good pics, but too tired to mess with them now. Will have to do some cropping and download them to PC in a day or two.

wvgal_dana said...

Jumper was a male 55 years old from Waynesboro, Pa. Body recovered.

Small plane flew into a house in North Ridge Subdivision Hedgesville. Trapped the pilot. Only put a basketball size hole in house. Helicopter landed in yard to take pilot to hospital. People in the area had wanted an air stripe close to their homes. They got it built near Hedgesville. Glad the plane didn't crash into the town of Hedgesville.

magpie said...

Okay, Welcome Home Bev !
Hope all continues to improve..
(( Gentle Hugs,
not Squeezy ones ♥ ))

And GG, great report, Wanda....
of Course you are Beautiful, but we shall wait until there are pictures that are agreeable to YOU.

Hope results from JO's and KAY's tests are super! Have a feeling they WILL BE

Good Evening Eagle Pals xo

magpie said...

Congratulations once again to Liesl, Lynn
and Bravo on Jenn's joining the Student Council

Where was that plane crash ?

magpie said...

Glad to read that Hoda is seeing some gorgeous colors and had a great day at market

PA Nana said...

Have to shut down this netbook and join Jimbo in the land of the tv.

Have a good evening everyone.

wvgal_dana said...

By the way if you are using the tablets that you drop in the back of the toilet tank. STOP USIG THEM...THEY EAT THE RUBBER SEALANT AROUND THE SCREWS, GASKETS, AND ETC. IT WILL EVIDENTALLY CAUSE LEAKING.

magpie said...

bet that snow is beauteous where Andy and Kubby are....

Lolly, sorry to hear that the weather is interfering with the Balloon festival, hope your early morning risin' turns out to be worth it!

Enjoy the nice better than half full moon if the skies clear up out your way

hedgie said...

Plane hits house

magpie said...

thanks Dana..that's crazy!
I'd like to see some pictures, hope there will be some...

See ya' Diann....

magpie said...

I'm about going crazy, just checked ISS site again, and ISS WILL BE doing flyovers...
6,7, 8, 9, and 10th, in the mornings

Gee Whiz...maybe it was dodging the meteorite...

OK going to see plane story

Judie said...

Happy Sissy was feeling better and will be able to spend the night in her own bed.

Andy, sorry about the snow but it should be beautiful and your place sounds so nice. Enjoy.

Sharon, hope Kris improves quickly.

Kay, no news must be good news. Hoping the scan found everything healing.

Hoda, hang on. Sandperson will be on his way soon. Diann, sandperson will stop by your place on the way to B.C.

Congratulations to Lynn's Jenn. Nice achievement.

Okay, Jo. We'll wait along with you.

Sorry, folks. No camera = no pictures. No comments, please.

Paula, names were already established. Not names I would have chosen for panther cats but...

I also am saddened by the death of Steve Jobs. Not unexpected but sad all the same. Also sorry about the bridge suicide and the pilot death. Some days are just filled with unpleasant events.

Congratulations as I know Liesl graduated with honors tonight. Puppy kisses for her.

hedgie said...

Northridge, Margy---Little G'town Rd.

wvgal_dana said...

Is Jenn Carolyn's or Christie's daughter?

magpie said...

Thanks Lynn...that is really wild!

Judie...sure hoping these little steps the Panthers are making on congeniality will continue

magpie said...

sad about the bridge- jumper/suicide...wonder just what was the final event that would lead to that kind of despair.
God Bless him and his family
and prayers for the injured pilot...

wvgal_dana said...

It did not say the pilot died. He was taken to the hospital.

hedgie said...

Journal report:

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

Yes Margy it is sad. Prayers for his family and friends. To jump off a bridge. Could possibly have lost his job or anything these days as bad as things are. Sad :(

hedgie said...

Jenn is Carolyn's daughter. Christie doesn't have children, Dana (and doesn't want any!).

Judie said...

Congratulations to Liesl. Don't worry, no one is going to check your grade point average.

Glad GG was in good spirits today. Wishing her quick pain relief.

magpie said...

thank you for your kind remarks about the items I brought for the Clothes Closet...
labels can be exasperatingly difficult to once I could, (read them)
I wanted to share ☺
I'd love to see someone sporting around in those "Tommy Bibs".
What a Blessing, that you and your Church Angels can provide such wonderful comfort to the community folks in need

hedgie said...

Thanks, Judie.....she is demanding my lap at the moment so I'll give Liesl your kisses....and it's time for Criminal BBIALW!

Judie said...

Okay, before I really exceed the speed limit, I will say my good nights.

Diann, the sandperson will be on the way soon to visit you and then on to visit Hoda.

The night light is on for anyone who needs to arise int he dark and for anyhone coming in from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

This is impossible, how can it be 9 pm already !
Fie on the Night Bandit !!

magpie said...

Sounds great, Jo....
the Basement Brigade...sure know that your precious ones do good work !
The Apples do not fall far from the tree.... ♥

magpie said...

went to print out pics of Harley, for James..... and had the daggone wrong camera card with me!
Woof !
Will take care of that Thursday evening

magpie said...

Encouraging news about the possibility of at least the Still Cam being operational in November....that's what we started out with in February 2006 - just a still cam...

Thanks Steve for the updates

I just hope the Eagles are well and flourishing....

magpie said...

Now that I know Hoda is seeing some Autumn Colors....

Ill share my neighborhood Squirrel and Snail on my avatar for a day or so....
friendly little pals

Kay said...

LYNN, you are justifiably proud of your sweet Jenn ! She's going to be a leader just like her Grandma ! Congrats to Liesl---what's next for her ?

JO and LYNNE, I'm taking your advice to call the doc tomorrow. I agree with all who say "no news is good news", but I also know what assume can mean !

DANAMO, so thrilled for you ! Aric's visit will be a blessing for him and the whole family.

SHARON, happy to hear SISSY is home---now the trick is to take it easy and go slowly and carefully as foods are added. Any medications indicated ?

ANDY, saw pics of your vacation spot on National News tonight. Snow is right purty stuff if you don't have to get out in it !

LOLLY, how ironic, after all the months of praying for rain, now you have it. Right when you'd prefer it would go away so you can enjoy the Balloon Festival ! I know, with your upbeat attitudes that you and Jack are having a great time in spite of it.

LYNNE, what are "Toaster Shakins and Pan Drippings"---sometimes I'm the last to know about a good thing !

WANDA, love your report on GG ! What a sweetie she is !

MARGY, you have e-mail !♥♥♥

magpie said...

Missus Snail is a gift from Wanda....

have found that I have lots of pictures of Harley from before James's parents separated...sigh..
will check with James's Dad, about how he feels about all that....
could make things all the more difficult emotionally....
I'll just go with the more recent ones for now ♥

magpie said...

Toaster shakin's - are what is "shook out" of the toaster....available when the pantry is empty after paying off the bills :(
I think Lynne is jesting with us just a little bit...

Oh Yes! Aric coming home for a visit...
Wonderful, DanaMo and all...♥ ☺

magpie said...

Thanks Kay, I did get one meail and replied back ♥

Kay said...

MARGY, Squirrel and Snail are adorable !

Sorry, but not surprised to hear about Steve Jobs death. He certainly accomplished a lot in his short time on this earth, a brilliant man !

Fading fast and so will say goodnight. Prayers for all in need !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !

magpie said...

The Sandman has teamed up with the Night Bandit here :(

I'm all done for the day;
work has been busy...
sure the dispatchers had their hands full when that plane crashed in our county....
good that the people in the house are okay,
I know someone who flies out of that air strip, could have been that person...will find out later I guess

magpie said...

"meail" - I think that is email
knew I was tired, can't think, can't type

Lynne - wish I was closer, I 'd invite you for a meal...not sure what it would be, how do you like Dannon Yogurt?
pbj sandwiches?
noodles, eggs?
that's about what I have here....but it's all yours.....

Kay said...

Oh, that LYNNE ! I was fixin' to ask a clerk at Kroger which aisle for TS and PD's !☺

magpie said...

Good Night ☼HI☼ Sunshine Kay.....

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

those reading The Help
will see a lot of that word

magpie said...

Headed for sleep here....

Prayers for Wellness and Relief from discomforts and pains...

and for Joy in the Morning

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Hey Lynne!
Added bonus, I have VERY FEW Stink Bugs here!

DanaMo said...

Had a nice ride home from the airport hearing all about life at Dayton. :)

magpie said...

I did just expatriate a cricket though...a swift live catch and release straight outside !

magpie said...

Sweeeeeet, DanaMo!
xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

It is almost 8 here. Thinking about showering and getting comfy. Definitely going to bed early since we are getting up at that awful hour!

Kay, you are sounding good. Hope you are gaining strength. (((hugs))) So happy Bev is home and mending!I had a bleeding ulcer one time but no pain. The meds I took that caused the ulcer were also killing any pain. Did not know I had it until it hemmoraged. Yes, spent some time in the hospital. That was an interesting story!

Did not see any wild life today. Did see a pack of dogs that we think were wild. Two of the 4 we saw ran out into the road and Jack had to break and swerve.

Night all! Will report in late tomorrow!

Lolly said...

make that "brake" not "break"! lol

Sweet dreams!

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, hope the morning adventure pans out for you!

DanaMO, I know you are so happy to have Aric home! Bet the kids and dogs are happy, too!

Yes, I am getting through "the Help"...very good book, hard to put down!

DanaMo said...

Frisbee is beside himself!!!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening! Almost nighty-night time! Glad to read that Sissy is out of hospital!!! I prayer for complete recovery this time! Don't you Bluefield people go near a hospital again!!
Hope Jo has passed her CT scan with flying colors and Kay keeps improving.
Andy,Lolly & Jack, enjoy the cool weather!! I know some won't get too much of that.
Been on phone w/daughter.Since they were planning to rebuild a new house, they have of course changed the layout and would like to have it further over w/more space between house and garage. This pretty much hinges on getting the lot next door, to their left. An older lady had lived in that house a long time & her daughter had moved in to help her. Sher & Jim were thinking neighbor would not go to the expense of building and might sell.They got in touch with her son who said she wants to hold on to the property for a few years and sell when the price raises!!!!!
Besides paying to have all the bricks, etc. removed, the landowner now has to pay to have trees removed that are deemed dead or a danger by the electric company.Sher said there are lots of marked trees next door!!
Sherry said she was hoping our group could send some positive vibes to convince lady to sell her lot!!

BTW, I did put my special "River Sightings" in the Nook last night.
Not super, but you can get an idea of what they are! Enjoy...

Hoda said...

Thanks JUDIE for sending the Sandman...DIANN remind him just before you fall asleep Canada is not that far off...LOL

Congratulations to LIESL and MOMMY another graduation under her belt.

hedgie said...

Kay....nothing next for Liesl. Unless I wanted to have her go through certification for being a visiting dog for nursing homes, etc. NOT my cup of tea! I've done my share of dealing with patients, and it's in the past! And I will not stress her little body out with agility training!! She's TOO delicate in my eyes!

hedgie said...

Oh, DanaMo---so glad that Aric is home and that you are a whole family again !! Hope Frisbee doesn't get too carried away!! Enjoy your special weekend with your boy!!

Kay, stay on course for those results!!

Lolly, my Daddy died from bleeding ulcers...after 3 surgeries and 88 units of blood. He was only 50. :(

Oh, yes, Margy----that Missus surprises me....I always thought it was Mizzzzzzzz! Maybe different because of a different paht of tha south-h-h.

Mema Jo said...

I watched more TV this evening - now I am ready to head back the hallway.

Welcome Home Aric! DanaMo I just know
you are beaming!!!

Good Night everyone
Prayers for all and thanks for taking care of Bev!
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

PA Nana said...

Goodnight to those heading to the pillows.

Hoda, I'm not ready yet but will forward the sandman to you when I'm done with him. :-)

DanaMo, what a wonderful time for your family - enjoy!

Lynn, glad Liesl graduated without the blue ribbon but am sure she was happy to see her boy friend.

Our Lynne2 sure keeps us smiling and thanks Kay for asking about the toaster skakins. I didn't know either.

Kay, it's so good to hear from you daily and hope each day is a bit easier for you.

I keep missing Mizzz Margy. Guess I need to order that book, keep
hearing so much about it here.

Waiting for the sandman but he hasn't arrived yet. Hoda, let me know if he comes your way first.

NatureNut said...

Happy Wishes for DanaMo's visit with Aric!!☺
Congrats to Ms. Liesl and her Mom!!!
I'm gonna have some fun! Flat Stanley came from TN yesterday.Today he visited the pond and MT stable. (He doesn't know ponies are practicing to do rides at Park Saturday.)Since he might go in a kayak and on a boat ride, printed out an orange life vest for him. Tomorrow he might go in GPa's show car.
Prayers for good health and
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

hedgie said...

Diann, hope you are feeling much better now! I suspect that you are---I can "hear" it in your voice!

I'm gonna say my's been a long, busy day. The weather is going to cooperate so I want to try to get SOMETHING done outside starting tomorrow, so I need some good sleep. Don't need the sandman here hardly ever. I am usually gone as soon as my head touches the pillow.

Prayers for all in need, and praise for answered prayers. Peace.

hedgie said...

P.S. Lowreeda, we want pics of Stanley on his adventures!!!!!

Hoda said...

DANAMO I am glad ARIC is home. He is there for Canadian GRAND is that?

DIANN NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sign of the Sandman here!!!! I hope this is not another all nighter... oh my the thought makes me shudder!!!

Costume Lady said...




PA Nana said...

Hoda, looks like he stopped at Wanda's. Hope he's on the way here.

Hoda said...

I know DIANN I sat here for a while trying to practice face plants and it did not I am waiting!!!LOL!!!

PA Nana said...

Hoda, I think I hear him coming...

Going to say prayers and goodnight to all.

Will send him your way and hope he doesn't have too many stops along the way.

God bless. Catch you tomorrow.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here late again. Hoda, my goodness! Are you having trouble getting to sleep again?! I know what it's like, because it happens to me every so often. Prayers that the Sandman will find his way there VERY soon!

Kubby and I had an enjoyable day today; when the snow stopped for a while we went to the nearby store and got a few more grosseries, then picked up some cheese and hard salami and Maine maple champagne mustard at the local wine shop. We combined that with some honeycrisp apples for
lunch. YUM!
It has been really enjoyable sitting in front of the fireplace, watching movies on TV, and watching it snow. Quite relaxing!
I must say, I am very curious about something--none of the walks in our area have any snow on them at all! The grass IS all covered, though. It looks like they may have the walks heated somehow--like a heated floor! Will ask the concierge tomorrow about that.

Hoda said...

OK, I will turn the computer off now and will see yoiu all in the morning, I hope not too early!!!LOL!!!

Goodnight, sweet dreams and God BLess.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, I need to read back and get caught up completely. Will be back in a bit!

Lori O. said...

Aren't we an active bunch!?!?

Good Morning Eagle Family, I see it was hair week on the blog. First Wanda, then Lynn and Judie, and me yesterday. I walked in with it pulled up and back and said I need something new so she cut it shorter with more layers and hopefully it'll be even easier to do. WANDA, can't wait to see that photo!

Ms Bookworm said...

Diann, hope the Sandman has caught up with you by now! I agree with you--it's fun to watch it snow when you don't HAVE to go out in it! It really has been beautiful, and when it stops for a while and we DO go outside, the air is SO clean and crisp, with NO smog! That's a real rarity for us.

Prayers of gratitude for Bev's improvement! So glad she's better, and back home tonight! Thank God!

Sorry to hear that Steve Jobs has passed away. He was so young! Sorry about the bridge jumper and the plane crash, too. More prayers.

Wanda, so glad that GG was in such good spirits today. Hope she gets real pain relief, sooner than expected! Prayers to that effect.

Lynn, congratulations to Liesl! Glad she and Marlon had so much fun. (Gosh, we are REALLY missing Emma!) Congratulations to Jenn, please!

Praying for excellent test results for Kay and Jo.

I think it's great that we may have the still cam in November. Can hardly wait!

Loretta, sending up prayers that the lady next door to Sherry will decide to sell.

DanaMo, so happy that Aric is home to visit! Bet you couldn't be happier!

JudyE, I have been taking pictures, and will share when we get home. Must not have packed my USB cord for the camera--haven't found it yet! And don't worry, I won't send any of this white stuff your way--not if you like warm weather better!

Here's the weather report for us tonight:

Variable clouds with snow showers, and possible thunder. Low of 25 degrees. Winds SSW at 10 mph.

Well, on that note, I think I will call it a night. Prayers for everyone, and for every creature.
Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems.
Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!

Lori O. said...

Congrats to Lynn & Leisl! Training like that is a big committment. I'm proud of both of you.

Prayers for BEV/SISSY and to keep the entire Bluefield Bunch OUT of the hospital for a while. ♥

HODA, do you get a big change of colors in the fall? I will be happy to take pics for you to see ours. It's beautiful. Certainly didn't have it when I grew up in SoCalif, so I really appreciate it the beauty.

Jo, when will you get results on your CT Scan? Prayers for stellar results!

LYNNE, I think you gave your 10 lbs to me. I was on the freestyle diet, basically Doritos and Snickers while in Orlando! I can see it in my face - Horrors!

Kay, I'm hoping no news is good news, but I'm glad you'll find out for sure today. Prayers for your complete and speedy recovery. (((BUG HUG))) ♥

Loretta, good vibes going to Sherry that she'll get the property next door. Thanks for the gret pictures you post! I just love knowing we have so many eagles close by!

Lori O. said...

Andy, heated sidewalks, how cool. Wish I could just get heated floors! How badly are you missing Emma? :(

JUDIE, sounds like you've been so busy. Are the panthers adding to your schedule? Maybe they'll be good at correcting papers, or demonstrating murderous tactics at a lecture!

I think I told everyone that all three former foster kittens are now home, here again. Bobby seems to be in the best health, but I will hold my breath on that. LeRoy is very sick again. He slept all day yesteday and is not keeping food down again. Poor little guy. And Andie is in the middle - pretty sick, but not as bad as LeRoy, not as well as Bobby. Very worried about LeRoy since he was the sickest in the beginning. He will be back at the vets again today. I hope they keep him and give him some ultra powerful drugs to knock this out. Prayers please for healthy kitties and the best new homes after their full health returns. Thanks. ♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, hope you get to see the Shaped Ballooons today. Just enjoy that gorgeous area, and take lots of pictures.

Lori O. said...

Prayers for the family of the man who jumped off the bridge and for Steve Jobs family. Very sad.

DanaMO, can't wait until later this morning to hear how Aric's visit is going. I know you're a super happy mom with him home.

DanaMo said...

Lori, it was great riding home with him in the car. Listening to all his stories and really just hearing how happy I think he is at school. Things are going well for him, his classes are hard but he is doing well. Probably not a 4.0 like HS, but that is okay with this mom. There are more important things. His siblings stayed up late last night and I suspect it will be that way for the next three nights. Frisbee got to sleep with his boy last night.

DanaMo said...

What do we know about the person who jumped. I was worried that it was a student. Not that it being a man is any better, but you know what I mean. People are under so much pressure right now, money, jobs, many worries. I feel so bad for people who think that there is not solution. :(

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

DanaMo - guess you can't take the day off, eh?
No breaking the speed limit on the way home!

Love that avatar of Andrea's - what a beautiful tree in the snow

Lori -
So sorry to hear little LeRoy is so sick...and Andie not being so good too....sure hope and pray that they will get all better soon...

magpie said...

Well no still cam but, the color is blue now along with the rainbowy lines

magpie said...

Enjoy your "week-end"...
hope you have something fun planned with Jordyn ☺ ♥

DanaMo said...

I really thought about taking the day off, but no, I have to go to work.

magpie said...

Loretta's new pictures, are GREAT -

magpie said...

The pilot from the small plane crash up here, died from his injuries, had been airlifted to Fairfax Hospital....
ongoing investigation, NTSB will be coming up;
was a 70 year man from Connecticut; he had manufactured his plane from a kit, had a maiden voyage earlier in the week here with it and everything had gone well...
second plane he had put together from a kit

magpie said...

ISS supposed to fly over at 6:58
might try to catch a glimpse of my old pal

Best wishes for a good day, Everyone...

Hope Sissy feels sooo much better this morning and can take it easy during recuperation xo ♥

Lori O. said...

Ah, DanaMo, Frisbee sleeping with her boy, gave me chills. How sweet. I bet she's the happiest high flying lab in the world today!
And so is her Mom, huh?!

MARGY, Thanks for wishing the kittens well...we're trying! I hope you got to see the ISS a few minutes ago.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Pictures and You Tube links to videos 4 mini ones of the sunset I did small one easier to download and there are picture below the links
WED Adventure to the B---H

magpie said...

too much daylight to see ISS -
the site's schedule seems to be changing daily;
see a GOOD bright early morning dark-sky flyover on schedule for Oct 9
We'll see...

How about all the "DOs" yesterday...
I need one, but it is toaster shakins' time for me too, it will have to wait

time to go...
Happy Thursday, Precious Pals..

xox ♥

Lolly said...

Good way too early morning! On way to Fiesta. Hope it is not cancelled!!!! Looking lovely, too! Fuse blew but would not reset! Oh, no, no curling iron! Oh well, I do not have to look at me! :)

Lolly said...

Good way too early morning! On way to Fiesta. Hope it is not cancelled!!!! Looking lovely, too! Fuse blew but would not reset! Oh, no, no curling iron! Oh well, I do not have to look at me! :)

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Wow! Two feet of snow in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Lolly said...

Sorry about the stutter! Posting with iPhone is interesting.

Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

Well so much for the video posting of facebook by themselves like they were suppose to they didn't and I think I may know why I clicked on favorites on a bunch of the NCTC video not knowing what favorites meant not knowing that it would post to my YouTube page and facebook I deleted them off facebook and I guess that may have corn fused the YouTube link I now have quite a few NCTC video on my You Tube page PAULA I have some of your also besides other peeps tooo cool now I can watch without searching where I put the other people link and favorites Well this was people can share from my page If I let YouTube do it there is no share button under them OH Well not that hard to post on it anyway OK I need to hit the road to pick up Jordyn

JudyEddy said...

AWWWW Steve just posted a picture of a Lynx kitten on face book soooo soooo cute ok now bye

Lori O. said...

Goodbye JUDYE...

Good Morning SHIRLEY and LOLLY.
It is early for you, Lol!

stronghunter said...

Very cute lynx kitten on Steve's FB page.

hedgie said...

Good COLD morning! Haven't caught up yet, but did want to let you know that the pilot of the plane did pass away. Too bad. But AMEN that no one in the house was injured.

When I went to bed last night it was 62° here, so I didn't turn on heat. This morning it is 44° and I am COLD!

The man who jumped off the bridge was 55 y.o. and was from PA.

hedgie said...

Wow, Andy, 25°---that's even worse!!

Loretta, I missed your post last night about Sherry and Jim's decision to rebuild in the same location. Gee.....don't know what to say. If that's what they want, sure hope that the neighbor decides to sell now.

hedgie said...

The technology is there for snow-free walkways amd roads......I think it is a real shame that it's not easily affordable for all municipalities and states to use.

Costume Lady said...

I just read back where DanaMo commented on ARIC chatting about his new school and life in Dayton. He must be a well adjusted young man to come around so quickly to college life. Parents are to thank for that! Mom won't miss him so much, now, knowing he is happy and doing well....been there, done that!:)

LORI, what seems to be the problem with the kittens? Do they miss each other to the point of illness? What does the vet say?

MARGIE, I read where you said the deceased pilot had built his plane from a KIT. I don't think I would be comfortable in a private plane built from a kit! Blessing to his family and the family of the jumper in Shepherdstown. I'm like DanaMo, what on earth could be so bad to make someone want to end their life? Breaks my heart just thinking about it:(

JUDY, I so enjoy your videos of the sunsets at the beach...listening to the waves sloshing on the shore, brings me back to many wonderful days, probably on that very beach!

JUDIE, I can't give you any advise on your house guests...I've only had outside cats, and they take care of themselves. They were all drop-offs. I do hope the Bombay twins come around to your way of thinking!:)

Shirley, I haven't heard any HUNTER stories, lately. Is he too busy to entertain you (and us)?

HODA & DIANN, I had the giggles reading your comments last night about the SANDMAN. HODA, I truly do have FACE PLANTS and nearly fall off my chair. THAT is when I know the SANDMAN has given me an extra dose of SLEEP:)

hedgie said...

Lori, SO sorry that kitties are worse.....I don't recall what the diagnosis was; just pray that the vet finds the right treatment STAT!

Loved Loretta's pics,a s always!

Lolly, just slap on a hat and you're good to go!! Sennt you an email of a balloon that I hope you DON'T see!!!

DanaMo, did you make the trek to BWI by yourself? I hate that drive! Hope you got some sleep last night!!

JudyE, have a fun day with Jordyn.

Margy, I didn't see any moon last night, but did see some stars....was it a late moon-rising?

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, I missed Loretta's comments about Sherry, too. I'll go back and try to find it. I think I would re-build there, too. What are the chances of fire in that area again? Who knows? Good insurance will probably be very costly. When you love your property, not much else will do~
Must check out LORETTA'S pictures, too.
LYNN, is Liesl done with school?

Costume Lady said...

ANDREA, heated sidewalks is a possibility, but that often happens here, when we have a light snow...grass is white but sidewalks are clear. The sidewalks hold the heat from the sun and there are probably some substances in the concrete that melts the snow for a while, also.
My ex-son-in-law lives with his new wife, in a house with a heated driveway. That would be wonderful!

Costume Lady said...

MARGY, I didn't see who took your BIBS, but I will recognize them if they wear them to the Soup Kitchen.
Speaking of which, another church group is donating blankets and sleeping bags to us, next meal day. I know there will be some very happy people there:)

stronghunter said...

Oh no! Someone took Margy's bibs???

Andy--not unusual for the snow to accumulate on the grass before it accumulates on the walks and streets.

But maybe they have heated walks there. Would love to know.

stronghunter said...

A question--Susan is interested in finding out if she can set up a booth for the raccoon rescue at the NCTC open house in April. I told her I would try to find out about the possibilities. Suggestions?

PA Nana said...


Hope Hoda had a good night's sleep.

Loretta, great pics.

Lolly, hope the weather is nice enough for the take-offs. Don't forget your camera. Loved the pix from last year(?) or year before.

Lori, wish I lived closer. I'd give those kitties lots of loving.

You too Judie; loved my Bombay.

PA Nana said...

Sorry, that post was late getting posted. Was watching Rachel Ray and didn't hit the button.

movin said...


Good Morning,


We DID have a good rain for several hours yesterday in So Cal. Now it's more or less clear and definitely "coolish" out. Should get up to the mid 60's by the P.M. though.

I hope you are all doing very well.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lori, DanaMo, Margy, JudyE, Lolly, Shirley, Hedgie-Lynn/e, Wanda, Diann, Jim and Lurkers.

Hoping that everyone Diann, Hoda and others got their needed sleep.

Prayers for Bev in her recuperation at HOME.

DanaMo said...

I would never had done the ride if Monte had been in town. I don't like to drive over the mountain! I won't even go to Frederick to shop. I had my mom ride with me, and Annemarie wanted to go too. I had to drive around the airport and finally just parked. I was a nervous wreck until I was back on 70, then I felt more comfortable.

Thanks for all the good wishes everyone. You are all so sweet.

Lori, I tried to listen this morning, but having a teen in the car she kept wanting to change the station! I'll take it though because next year she will not be with me here at St. Mary :( She will be in HS!

Yeah for Liesl! She is probably better trained than the 3 Flying Labs!! Good for you. We are working on it, but well, you know how labs are...puppies until they go to Rainbow Bridge! But I love them so much!

Oh the kitties...I hope little LeRoy gets better. What a good person you are for taking them all back, Lori.

Better kids (kinders) are at specials and I need to work on "interim" reports...poosha!

wvgal_dana said...

The pilot of the plane did succumb to his injuries at Fairfax Hospital.

HAD EXTENSIVE FLIGHT HOURS 100,00hours this was his 2nd kit built plane

hedgie said...

Hi, Jim, Diann, Shirley and Wanda!
Jim, I think our highs are to be in the 60's today, too.

Shirley, I guess Suzi could start with Steve......but I don't recall there being anything like there that in the past.

Wanda, yes, Liesl is finished with school!

I just know from the experience with Carolyn's housefire that the odor lingers in the soil....and I know that I myself would not want to live in a barren, treeless wasteland, knowing what it had been before and constantly being reminded of everything I lost. Maybe the younger generation can deal better!

hedgie said...

Looly posted on FB that balloons are not going up---too windy. But they are inflating.

wvgal_dana said...

Lori prayers for LeRoy that the vet will get him back to a kitten full of health.
Prayers for all 3 LeRoy, Bobby, and Andie for good health and wonderful new homes.

DanaMo what wonderful memories you'll have of that ride home with Aric. So glad that Frisbee got to sleep with Aric. I know the whole family is excited he is home. ( :

Lolly hope you and Jack get to see the Fiesta is not cancelled.

JudyE have a good time with Jordyn today. Hope she is feeling good.

Hoping that everyone Diann, Hoda and others got their needed sleep.

Prayers for Bev in her recuperation at HOME.

wvgal_dana said...

Cute avartar Margy ( :

I see Lynne2 has pulled a good
one on all of us. We're just
catching on to it. the TS and PD.
Kay glad you didn't ask the clerk
at the grocery store lol

Hedgie-Lynn/e congratulatins on Liesl's graduation. Glad she is finished and will just be for you and lovin's. ( :
Now wouldn't that be nice Lynn. Snow-free walks throughout the towns, and communities.
Would be NEAT!!! Of course not affordable like you said. There are a lot of people that don't
get the snow or ice off the sidewalk!!!!!

Wanda I too hope the Bombay cats adjust well. Given some time by Judie and Darth. They are
suppose to be very loving cats and need a person that they attach too.

WOW Wanda ex-son-in-law a "heated driveway" and a "indoor pool". Did he hit the lottery or something??? Was he that way when married
to your Daughter???

WONDERFUL ABOUT THE DONATION OF BLANKETS AND SLEEPING BAGS. I have been praying about that Wanda cause I just couldn't afford it. Although I knew in my heart there was a "NEED". PRAISES TO GOD!!!♥

hedgie said...

WCV haas another rescue eagle:
King George eagle

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta don't know what to say about Sherry wanting to rebuild. I think Hedgie-Lynn/e said it "very good". Although I will mention to God about the ladies property next door.

hedgie said...

Well hi to both Dana's, too!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Hedgie-Lynn/e as soon as I heard about the plane crash. I got on the computer and looked up where you live. Did not know if it was called North Ridge Subdivision.
Was sorry for the folks and the pilot but sure was glad it wasn't your home.♥

Lolly said...

Heading back to Santa Fe. A lot of balloons inflated! Walked around with Dan & Sharon, ate, and shopped.
Jack is anxious to get a repair man out to the trailer.

hedgie said...

Dana, no such luck as having a landing strip here! But there was on the farm out the road in the old days, I've heard!

Lolly, hope you CAN get someone out right away to fix the fuse situation.

Lolly said...

See snow on the peaks! :)

stronghunter said...

There have been exhibits from various groups, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Sure feel sorry for the Price is Right contestants who thought they would get to watch themselved on TV today....:( Oblama has taken away their glory. Hope the show provides them with a tape.

hedgie said...

Shirley, I was thinking they were either groups that got paid to be there, or were within the government purvey. Didn't remember any private rescues.

wvgal_dana said...


JudyE I love your pictures of the wildlife at the retention pond.
More though I enjoy and can't wait for the next video you do. I just love seeing whatever video you put up. I also LOVE hearing the ocean!!! Thank you for these special treats.

Mema Jo said...






3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...