Thursday, October 06, 2011


Fresh thread.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 315 of 315
Lolly said...

Close to a out!

Just checked the weather at home. Chance of isolated storms...high of 90 tomorrow. Then...chance of more isolated storms each day, but low chances! I am discouraged!

Lolly said...

Whooooooooooooooa!!! I split! I am okay...all is well, just a little surprised!

Hoda said...

LOL!!!!LOLLY this is the best reaction to a split I have win the prize...

magpie said...

That's a good one Hoda!

can't open up any more links for now
eyes and body in protest

time to sign off,
to Wish you all Sweeeet Sleep,
to say my prayers, lots to be grateful for in addition, to the blessings we still need

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

roflmbo Hoda! Too funny!

Lolly said...

Night Margy Magpie! Love you!

Hoda said...

LOLLY Onlky five fires in Texas, three new ones, and two old ones. From the new ones two are a 100% contained and one is 75% contained...GO TEXAS!!!

hedgie said...

Margy, I sure hope that James and James will visit the AC/Humane Society to adopt a dog. Or check for breed rescues if he wants a specific breed.

Hoda, those "gag" videos are based on a Canadian TV show that was very similar to our old Candid Camera shows. They are very original and always good for laughs!!

Lolly said...

Okay gang....I am getting very close to doing a face plant. I have been up way too long. Time to burrow under the covers.

Have no idea at all about our plans for tomorrow. Should be interesting though. I truly love the desert this time of year...and the mountains....BUT would not want to live here. I gotta have GREEN!

Love to all!

Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

Oh I will have to see if I can find them on the Internet SHIRLEY. I go this one in an email from BATCH in OKC.

Lolly said...

Wow Hoda! Great fire report. Thanks for checking! (((Hugs)))

hedgie said...

Shirley, glad YOUR stinkbug wasn't one of the invasive ones!!!!

hedgie said...

My day is ending, too. Retiree breakfast in the AM, so alarm will be set for 6---ugh! Hate alarm clocks!!

Love and prayers to and for all!

stronghunter said...

I really have to stop and head upstairs now. Will be getting up early to take care of Hunter. Rest well, friends.

Hoda said...

I am going to work on shutting down my computer earlier and focus on meditation practices so I can welcome sleep...
Good night, Sweet Dreams and God Bless.

Good Morning LORI and DANAMO and anyone else who is up for morning Coffee.

NatureNut said...

Getting late again! Been fooling w/pics & searching for recipes to copy for Sherry! She called and said she needs replacement recipes that she had from me and Grandma!She also called the jewelry store in Solomons where we went shopping last May (2010). The gold & silver MD bracelet she got has gone up $300!!!
I'm about ready for face plant, too!
Good Night to all & Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Ms Bookworm said...

Pulling a Margy here...

Lynn, thanks again for sending me the Gray's Anatomy book! I still use it all the time! I noticed right away that when "Grey's" first premiered, they spelled the name with an "e" instead of an "a"--probably copyright laws, or something. Speaking of "Grey's," I am going to go watch it now. Will be back tomorrow! G'night, all! :o]

PA Nana said...

The sandman has sprinkled sleep dust on me so I'm heading to my chair.

I'm sending him to Hoda and any others who want him to visit them.

Prayers for all and will catch up tomorrow.

God Bless!

Costume Lady said...

We had a busy day, today. Food Bank truck came in and had to be unloaded, loaded and unloaded and put away. The weather was perfect for that chore, but it was quite warm, inside the church.
We had one whole box of chicken parts and turkey wings, and a box of steaks. We will probably make soup out of the steaks.

Sandman is here~


Lori O. said...

Good Morning!

SHIRLEY you said it - I don't think doctors would tolerte the kind of treatment they are giving KAY!

KAY, UGH! What if something is on the scan that needs attention? Is today the day that Eileen comes? I hope so!

Lori O. said...

What a crazy week this has been. I've been trying to catch up at work for the two days I was in Orlando.

I've done two interviews and the one that airs this Sunday morning at 7:30 is with Alley Cat Allies which deals with feral cats. They are a national group based in Bethesda. I used WANDA and Capt/Father GENE as an example of people with a feral cat, and had ACA Pres. Becky Robinson tell them how to trap the cat and get her spayed.
See, you all are a part of my life at every moment! Their website is

Lori O. said...

Now, a kitten update: Dr. Heather, my mobile vet came to see them today. They all had pepcid/famitodine shots to calm their tummies and all are on metronidazole pills, also for their tummies. The biggest thing is to get them eating. Bobby is in good shape, but LeRoy and Andie are skinny and need to put on some pounds. I've never had a vet say an animal is skinny, so I take this very seriously.
She checked stool samples and found no worms, so that's good. My best guess is they had a virus and didn't get all the way over it before it knocked them down again. They've been lapping up baby food since their tummies have calmed down.

Pictures of Bobby & LeRoy are still on my blog, but I need to post some of Andie, who is a blue (silver) tabby and so pretty! I just want to get them well and find them wonderful homes while they are still cute kittens to the family who will love them.

Lori O. said...

Apologies for the novel...but one last thing:

And, finally, still working on dog pulls/tugs/toys for the bulldog rescue which will be fundraising at Clifton Days on Sunday. I have to wait until Dalai is sleeping then I'll lay them out and take a picture of an assortment of them so you can see them.

Need Jo's address to send one for Chloe. Send me your addresses, because I'm sure that Leisl, Buddy, Emma, Malcolm, Nick, Riley, Flash and the flying Labs need one. MARGY, let me know when James gets his new dog and I'll send one for you to give him.

Lolly, I'll check your FB pics when I get to work. Can't wait to see them!!!

DanaMo said...

Good morning.

Boomer still not himself this morning. He did eat and I guess I will wait to see if it stays down or what comes up with it. Yuck. Drinking lots of water too.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle family.

T-Bird said...

Looks like it's just you and me DanaMo. : )

Lori O. said...

Nope. I'm here, too! How are you guys?

Lori O. said...

DanaMo, did Boomer eat something again?

Lori O. said...

T-Bird, how's (my) Buddy? ♥

DanaMo said...

Worried...and it's not a day I'm going to be able to get away from school. My aide is off today and we are having school Mass with the Bishop. I have a full day planned and not sure what is happening with Boomerang.

T-Bird said...

Hello Lori too. : ) Buddy got into a little trouble this morning. He chased the cat.

T-Bird said...

Now we don't have a cat. We have a litter box, cat food, etc. and a cat we call Lillian outside. However, we don't own a cat. It was the neighbors and they left it.

DanaMo said...

I don't know Lori. He was with me the whole time after school into the evening when he started throwing up. We walked and when we came back I gave him a "Better than Ears" that's the ONLY thing I can think of. He wasn't alone anytime that I can recall. He threw up all liquid. He settled down and got into the bed with me around 1 am, but still is not himself this morning. The boys were with him all day yesterday.

Lori O. said...

Sounds like what the kittens have --upset tummies, throwing up liquid.

Can you give him a Pepcid or something to calm his tummy down?
We give Pepcid/Famitodine shots with the cats because it's so darn difficult to get a pill down their throad.

Lori O. said...

Thelma, I think you have a cat.

DanaMo said...

I could but I feel uncertain because he has such a reputation of eating socks and stuff that I don't know for sure. I am wracking my brain out trying to think if he was subdued when we walked or when it could have started.

Lori O. said...

Maybe one of the kids can come right home after school and phone you with a report on Boomer.

DanaMo said...

I plan on waking Andrew up when I leave this morning. Between him and Aric they should be able to keep an eye on him, but they ALL have weak stomachs and cannot clean up throw up! HUMPH!

DanaMo said...

He ate at 5 and hasn't thrown up yet, and he had water too. I hope that's a good sign, but he is still rather subdued. Not lab like at all.

T-Bird said...

Sounds like a good sign DanaMo.

Lori O. said...

That's a great sign if Boomer has held it down for 90 minutes! Just give him small meals more often, but keep them small until you're sure he's keeping them down.

Lori O. said...

Waiting on JudyE and Margy to jump on this morning.

THELMA, what's on your agenda today? And you've got free time since it's a bye week for the Redskins.

T-Bird said...

Not much for me Lori, how about you?

magpie said...

Just got here, Lori...
Good Morning to you, T-Bird, DanaMo...

sure hoping that Boomerang will be okay, and now Boomer too not acting right? Glad that the boys will be able to keep watch, even though...they can't do the clean up, DanaMo...
Prayers for them both, and for you
(( Doggy Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

the Yankees are out ??

magpie said...

Thank you for reserving a doggy pull toy for James's dog...when he gets another one

hedgie said...

Good morning all. Don't like getting up in the dark...but dawn is near now!

Andy, thanks for the spelling correction---I was racking my brain trying to remember if the book was with an "a" or an "e" and was too lazy to dig into the bookshelves!

WANDA-----please don't waste those steaks by using for soup! How about stir fry???? Or a nice steak salad? Or some type of tortilla roll-up??

Lori O. said...

Happy to do it MARGY!

Have you already picked out your RED outfit?

THELMA, I'll be making more dog pulls/tugs, cleaning house and hope to do some gardening. :)

T-Bird said...

Yes they are out Magpie.

magpie said...

oh dear, I missed my opportunity to watch Mariano Rivera pitching
Thanks, T...

Havs a good retirement breakfast, Lynn...hope you get rave reviews on your new "do"

I slept thru an opportunity to see ISS at 6:01...rats! It was probably a good one

Time to get ready to go to work..
Two more days..
it's too nice to be inside !

Hope the cats will all improve immediately, Lori

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

oh yes, the binocs ...night time skies are spectacular right about now, Lori !

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds I haven't begun to read the 256 comments to read since yesterday Unable to catch up on the days I have Jordyn that is for sure The comments I stopped at was 8:50am yesterday Oh well I will see you in the future LOL

magpie said...

I have my red-white-and blue shirt laid out, Lori ☺

God Bless Our Military Personnel....
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Whoa - very foggy careful Lynn....

hedgie said...

Lori, sent you address list!

hedgie said...

Thelma---the neighbors up and moved and left the cat? Awful! And Buddy chased it off??? Do you think it will come back?

DanaMo---please have Aric take Boomer to vet this is very possible that he has something stuck in his esophagus or digestive tract.

DanaMo said...

He's definitely not right. Java just tried to tackle him and he just stood there. Oh dear God. Please watch my Boomer.

hedgie said...

Oh, Margy---not a new do....just a new perm! Style remains the same!
BTW---re: DanaMo's dogs: Boomer and Boomerang are one and the same!

Hope your workday is peaceful. Check CAD for the state/county pursuit last night out this way!

JudyEddy said...

I have begun to read
heated driveway Wow that is new to me
I don't know why you are having issues with comment on my blog I know it is probably the same as others it will come up and say something about following click On the BLUE word that takes you to the google sign in with your email add a password make sure you uncheck the box keep me logged in That is what I have to do for others I don't understand why certain blogs are PIA like mine and

DanaMo said...

Calling now...I can probably take him in before school. I think they will answer at 7:30

JudyEddy said...

KAY you need to get the ENSURE I mentioned to help you stop loosing weight it will give your body extra calories till you get better OK JMHO

T-Bird said...

Yes Hedgie, it will come back. It always does. Sometimes she and Buddy are buds and sometimes he feels the need to chase. (go figure)

T-Bird said...

I will catch you all later. I'm off to do some chores.

hedgie said...

Oh, Dana, hope you can get him right in to the vet.

JudyE---the stuff we learned to do from you for the commenting isn't working on some blogs....not on DanaWV's or Diann's yesterday. :(

Lori O. said...

Good Morning JUDY E - where are you and Jordyn off to today?

LYNN, Thanks for the addresses! ♥u

hedgie said...

Oh, that's a relief, T-bird! A love-hate relationship, huh???!!! Don't work too hard on those chores!

hedgie said...

I had to wake Liesl! She is not an early riser, either. She is SO cute when she is waking up....when she stretches, her little hind feet curl down, and she always rolls over to have her belly rubbed as she stretches and yawns! What a cutie she is.

hedgie said...

Time to shut down and finish getting ready to get outta here!
See y'all later this morning!

DanaMo said...

Dropped Boomer off at the vet. Annemarie and Adam both in tears. Now I will just worry all day and I hate that I can't do anything about it.

Lori O. said...

So sorry, DanaMo. Call and check on him on your breaks and you'll feel more in control.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Boomer, DanaMo.

Lori O. said...

Getting ready to go home. I've got a cold and I NEVER get colds. Wash my hands too much for that, but I feel like do-do. Hoping a nap will and some Tylenol cold stuff will help.

It's a beautiful sunshiney day here in nestland. Enjoy it my wonderful eagle friends. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lori. Feel better soon!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lori, DanaMo, Thelma, Margy, Hedgie-Lynn/e, JudyE, and Lurkers.

Thelma that was nice that you all
took Lillian in. Buddy now you have
to let them get Lillian back inside.
Be a good hot dog eating boy and
let her live in the house
rubbing Buddy's ears.
Is Lillian spayed?

DanaMo I know you are at school
but that does sound like a good
sign. Eating that early and still
keeping it down. Prayers for
Boomerang. Good Bommer is going
to vets. Prayers vet find out
what is wrong. Makes Boomer
all better.♥

Yes Margy when James gets his dog
it will love the pull toys Lori
sends him.

Hedgie-Lynn/e you have an early
retiree breakfast to go too.
Awww that sounds so cute when
Liesl is woken up. lol

Hi JudyE what are you and Jordyn
up too today?

stronghunter said...

Pretty, but a nip in the air this morning.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Shirley what are you doing for today?

Lori going home. Hope you feel better with some meds and rest.

I am getting my do done today.

Right now I am watching the Potted Owl to see if I can see the babies.
She doesn't get off them much.

wvgal_dana said...

I got to see 1 little white had baby Potted Owl. awww

wvgal_dana said...

I just checked our still cam is blue. Not on yet. Keep praying for the men at NCTC.

wvgal_dana said...

I still have another blog I want to work on. I guess when I do I will call it Miscellanous. Was going to call it Nature but there will be things other than nature on it. Don't have time today. It will be coming in near future.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok even when you talk to yourself on this blog. Like I am doing now. You are never alone. Someone is always lurking.

wvgal_dana said...

Momma Potted Owl is feeding herself now after she fed her babies.

movin said...


GOOD morning, aLL.


It's pretty crisp and cool this morning, but it should be in the region of 70° later here in So Cal.

I think the wave of coolth from the Gulf of Alaska is on its way out by the weekend.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Lolly said...

Good morning! Was 38 this morning but now up to 51. It was 51 inside this morning but the heater warmed it up fairly fast...66 now inside.

Lori, so sorry about your cold. I never get colds either and the one I had a couple weeks ago really knocked me for a loop, but it only lasted 4 days. Always used those wipes at the grocery store to clean the handle.

Can not understand someone going off and leaving a cat. That is just unimaginable!!! Poor kitty!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Friends! Chilly but
sun is shinning. Bragg Girls coming
out for dinner today. Just may need to do spaghetti.

I also watch Momma the Potted Plant Owl
Blog says: 13h00 Central African Time: Just had a peek at the nest and I do believe there is still an egg there - or at least the eggshel if the 3rd chick has hatched. We will confirm when PPO leaves the nest early this evening.
Anxious to see those little fluff balls.

Judie said...

Good late morning to all.

So much to catch up on. Slept almost ten hours. Not used to the new lifestyle.

Kay, enjoy Eileen's visit. Hoping that will help speed your recovery.
Read an article in the Wash. Post years ago. A doctor explaining how he had undergone some exam and was told to wait in a small cubicle for results. Said he would never, never, never again let that happen to another patient of his. Realized how the waiting alone can be seriously frightening. Opened his eyes. So sorry your are having to wait. Believe if there were any indications of serious problem an on-call doctor would have contacted you.

DanaMo, guess you're at school but want you to know I am thinking of you and Boomer. Prayers he will be fine. So happy Aric is home with you.

Andy, even if you didn't expect snow your vacation sounds great. Continue to enjoy, please.

Judie said...

Jo, spaghetti sounds good for the Bragg brigade. I'm sure they would be happy with anything. It's the family time that's best.

Have a nice weekend at the lake, Sharon and Sissy. Sissy, please take things more slowly and relax. We worry about you.

Lynn, hope the lunch is fun today. Fell asleep before the end of Harry's Law the other night. Will watch the replay. Still iffy for me.

Loretta, so sweet of you to replace recipes. So difficult to lose those special day-to-day parts of life. Also, wonder if the Solomon's jeweler would give a discount for Sherrie's bracelet under the circumstances?

Margy, a shelter or rescue would be a great place to find a new dog for James the Wise. So sorry he had to say goodbye to Harley.

Lori, so very sorry about the kittens being sick and so very glad you are there to get them healthy again. Please feel better yourself.

Off to take care of a few chores. BBL

hedgie said...

Hello again!

Breakfast was kind of short this morning---many had other things to get to, so we broke up sooner than normal. But food was good!

Lori---bet you didn't take Airborne before your flights, did you? That is probably where you picked up the cold germs! Hope you feel better after your nap. Sure hope the kittens are doing better, too.

Spaghetti sounds like a good plan for your dinner bunch, Jo!

DanaMo---please try to let us know whatever you hear about Boomer.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn's description of Liesl waking up and rolling over to have her belly scratched, sounds like Capt. Father Gene;) He's cute when he wakes up too, just like a puppy:)

Lynn, I do follow your comments on not wanting to put STEAK into soup, but we have to use what the Food Bank provides us. We try not to buy anything, saving our funds for absolute necessities, like plates and cups, etc. We have made Beef Tips and Noodles, which is a big favorite of our guests (children too). We have sooo much chicken that we will make a chicken dish of some sort, next meal. Our freezer is full, we are so blessed!

JUDYE mentioned Ensure for KAY. Excellent idea. Way back when...GG weighed 111 pounds and couldn't eat, I feed her baby food (mostly meat and cereal) and Ensure has ingredients to help you gain weight and very nourishing. She went up to 130 pounds, but is down to 123 pounds, which is pretty much ideal for her heighth and age.

Lolly said...

We are off for the day, not sure what we are going to do. However, we do have a time for the repairman to return...3:00, so we can go until then do not have to sit around and wait. Hurrah!

Have a great day...we are off on adventures!

Costume Lady said...

I know JO is so excited to have her ARMY girls visiting this evening. Yes, spaghetti is a good choice. When I have a bunch for dinner, and serve spaghetti, I put a small amount of ground beef in the sauce and buy BANQUET MEATBALLS IN MARINARA SAUCE and mix in with the sauce. Everyone raves about how good it is. I don't give up my secret and just say, THANK YOU;)

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, we had a helper, yesterday who couldn't do a thing with her hair, and just wore a hat.
Have you been able to hook up to the park's electricity?

hedgie said...

Good news---BOTH of my girls are going to make it down the beach for a few days the week we go! So glad that Carolyn gets a little vacation time away from home!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Just a hurried "Howdy" before I pack up the ole laptop and we take off for Minden, NV to stay at Andrea D.'s.

We will spend today with her, stay overnight tonight & Sat., and drive home to Anaheim Sunday morning. Her WiFi internet is totally "iffy" at best, so you may not hear from me until we are home late Sunday.
Want you to know I will be praying for everyone, and for the pets we all love sooooo much! Special prayers for Lori's 3 kitties, and for Boomerang!!! Lord, thank you for watching over him, since poor DanaMo has to be elsewhere today.

Hope Lori feels better soon, and hope Bev is improving, and certainly hope Kay hears from SOMEBODY about her scan soon! Argh! OK--gotta go now. Love all of you! Later, alligators! :o]

hedgie said...

Wanda, I'm just saying that there are better uses for the steak than soup! Cheaper cuts of meat work okay for soup, but not for things like stir fry. Or are you saying that there isn't enough steak to use it for anything else?

ROFL---Capt. Gene is a puppy!!!

My Pop's doc advised a beer and a milkshake everyday to help him maintain and gain weight! He was older, of course----around 90!

Lolly said...

Was finally able to add pictures to Balloon Fiesta blog. These picture are for those who have not seen them on fb, as they are the same as on there.

Oh, I am beautiful, Wanda! Yes, we have electricity! LOL Yesterday I could have gone to the restroom up at the showers, but we were in a hurry to get to the park.

Jack is waiting on me....gotta go!

What do do with the about a stroganoff? Do not know how to spell that! LOL

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, your photos over on FB are beautiful! Thanks for letting us come along on your journey!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda, uour meatball secret is safe with me! Strangely enough I have the same secret!

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, you are most certainly right about uses of STEAK. The first time we put steak into veggie soup, broke our hearts, but our guests were asking for GENE'S VEGGIE SOUP the weeks before and we had nothing but steak! We are at that point again...we donated all our beef roasts to the Church's LOVE FEAST DINNER, thinking that we would get more in yesterdays truckload...NOT! 50pounds of steak and 50 pounds of checken legs, thighs, and turkey wings. Our veggies are limited to frozen and canned mixed veggies. We have lots of pasta, noodles, rice and tons of peaches, applesauce and mixed fruit. We plan our meals around all of those things and there is so much that can me made out of that. We plan our meals a month ahead of time and are subject to change if anyone wants to come in and cook one of their specialties, like the Lady that made the stuffed peppers...they were sooo good!
I love working in the soup kitchen, would miss it so much if we had to give it up. As long as the MOUNTAINEER FOOD BANK keeps bringing us food, we will keep in cooking:)

Costume Lady said...


Judie said...

Safe drive Andy. Enjoy the visit with Andrea D. Then, safe travels home to Miss Emma.

Oh lordy, too much information Wanda. Now have the image of Capt. Father Gene squirming around for a belly rub. lol

Costume Lady said...

Happens often, Judie! LOL

Hoda said...

Good morning, good afternoon all.
LYNN I am glad you enjoyed the breakfast with friends and that LIESL was so cute on waking up early this morning.

I agree with LORI THELMA has a cat. Bring her in before the cold snow of winter.

Thinking of DANAMO and BOOMER and family. I hope the vet find out what is wrong.

DIANN the Sandman did not waste anytime getting here and what a wonderful sleep I had.

WANDA I keep thinking of your posts, you wrote a lot of information.

LORI might send all our dogs a present, SWEET...

JudyEddy said...

Back for a adventure today I saw EAGLES TWO in the nest near Lake Maggiore Park on a cell phone tower almost near where Angie lives near a plaza and I saw a juve in the cage at Boyd Hill Park with Jordyn also today we had a nice time and now she is down for a nap I have over 250 comments to rad in my email of the blog Angie want to go out to eat tonight after work She sure is missin Carl only gone one day 34 to go he is on a MAN vaca with3 buds fishing, zip line adventures so she is down I guess she couldn't sleep last night either with him gone I want to download my camera I got a couple of video of juve eagle, (I had tears in my eyes when I saw him) ODD huh and a couple of owls, vulture, and hawks video and the hawk talked for us but couldn't get the eagle to make noises We now have a new place we will be going now I know where it is and there is a park near to play at till they open at 10 in the mornings Jordyn loved it got to see a alligator skeleton, and all kinds of neat things

Costume Lady said...

LOL, Hoda, was that TMI? Wish you could get to know Capt. Gene, he is a super nice gentleman and a lot of fun...and...does like to have his belly rubbed and his back scratched:) He has very dry skin and I put lotion on his back and belly, chest and arms and he makes sounds like a puppy because it feels so good! Still TMI? I'll quit now:)

hedgie said...

Sounds like a very full morning, JudyE! So cool that you got to see the eagles at Maggiore! Wow, your SIL sure has a long vacay away from his family!!!! Bet he can't get away with doing that very often---Angie is a trouper!!!

Costume Lady said...

JUDY, all children should have a grandmother such as you! Jordyn is a lucky little girl:) Wish we had parks like you have down there. We have to travel a far distance to find the likes of your fun places.

hedgie said...

Time to get busy...set off a bug bomb in the garage when I left this AM. Need to get the mower out and then sweep out garage...and then mow. Arms are so sore from using the blower yesterday that I may not do anymore of that until tomorrow!

Safe travels to Andrea's, Andy!

movin said...

Alcoa Peregrine nest in SE Australia:

They found the nest,, and they've seen the female on an egg, but it's not sure what is happening now. Take a peek.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Hoda said...

WANDA YOU ARE WONDERFUL and I already think Captain GENE is a GREAT guy...You two have a TERRIFIC relationship.

I am off to Yoga and will see you all later the afternoon.

JudyEddy said...

New thread

New thread

New thread

New thread

the below message is what I get when I tried to comment on your Nana photos what is up with that

We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request.
The following errors were found:
Input error: Cookie value is null for FormRestoration


Costume Lady said...

JUDY, I have never seen that message, have no idea what that is~

Costume Lady said...

OK FOLKS.....NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!

JUDYE FOUND A NEW THREAD********** **********************************

hedgie said...

Time for a breather. Garage swept out, mowing done except for dog's yard. Had to come in to get some wire to use to hook cart full of sticks up to mower to haul to the back.

JudyEddy said...




DanaMo said...

Getting ready to go get Boomer. Gastrointestinal thing. They are giving him a bath before I pick him up. Hopefully I won't have to deal with too much of a mess here at home. I hope it's mostly out of his system. LOL

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 315 of 315   Newer› Newest»

5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...