Sunday, October 30, 2011


New thread.


DanaMo said...

New thread!!! Hooray! Come on over!

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks, Steve, for the new thread!
Bringing this over:

Hi, Gang,
Just checking in to say howdy. We're back from the dog park--Emma had lots of fun. I'm working on transcription for a while, so I won't have to spend the entire day on it tomorrow.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable day today. Will check back in later tonight. Emma says, "RRrrrUfff!"

Mema Jo said...

Hello There DanaMo! Thanks Steve for
the new fresh thread.

Just got home - Turned on the Owls and
if you don't observe them on a daily basis - they will appear to have grown lots more feathers and that makes them look as large as their Momma.

There is at this time a great shot of the resting Red Panda - it is up close.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Andrea - Good that you can spread your work out and not spend all day on it. You know - You're are getting
older--lol ♥

Lynne2 said...

oh Dana, sorry for your sewing issues. I have an old sewing machine but I really don't do very well with it at all....

OH! and thanks for the callover, and as the person alerting the new thread, you now get a Poop Shoot Facial!!!

Kay said...

Thank you Steve, we appreciate having a new thread to see us through the month of October. Wow, didn't this month fly by ! DANAMO, you did good---enjoy the facial ! You need get LOLLY there pronto--she could zip that "quilt" up for you in no time !

Lynne2 said...

I have to say, I am quite furious. Yesterday (in case you haven't seen it on FB) I found a deer on the side of the road here who had been shot and the head removed. It had been dumped there. Already hung and bled out. Beside it was another headless skeleton. Today I got an email from my neighbor saying they have just found another in the same condition out in back of our property. I cannot even tell you how ANGRY this makes me. I have no problem with respectful hunting but this is clearly not. The DNR has been contacted although I'm not sure what they'll be able to do. I know the deer herds need to be thinned out, but it's just such a waste to let all that meat sit there and rot when it could be donated to needy people. GGRRRRRRRRRRR

DanaMo said...

Posted a picture of the quilt laid out or most of it. It's going to look great if I can pull it off.

DanaMo said...

Oh and thanks Steve for the new thread. I was so excited to get to announce it that I lost my manners.

Kay said...

JO, I'm enjoying the owls a lot---not as much as our eagles, but a lot. They are two little night owls right now, standing tall and looking wise ! When Mom is there it does look like they are almost her size already.

Kay said...

DANAMO, you are so creative ! What a great quilt it's going to be !

movin said...

fROM the other thread:



I hope all of you in the storm-hit area back East are doing well today.

We are having a one-day heat wave today, and it should top 80°!

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

DanaMo said...

OMGosh that is horrible Lynne2. It's one thing to hunt and use the meat for food, but just cutting the head off that sounds like something else entirely.

DanaMo said...

Just told the puppies to go play outside!!! They get a little wild with that tug from Lori! ☺

DanaMo said...

More of a wall hanging that looks like a quilt. Too many interesting items glued, sewn, and stapled on!

Kay said...

LYNNE, I share your anger at the mindless action of some idjet who only apparenly only wants a trophy for his/her wall ! I can't imagine what the I.Q. of someone who will then dump the rest of the animal in an area with homes is. The pantry where Seth and I volunteer receives hundreds of pounds of ground venison each year. It is eaglerly accepted by most pantry "shoppers". Wish there was a way to catch the perp in the act or track em' down for prosecution.

Mema Jo said...

JudyE - After commenting on someones personal blog -
Click and hold down the Back arrow
Drag it down to Blogger: Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Daily and release it.
That should bring you back to the blog.

You have ordered things from Paula's shop The items you ordered that are in stock Paula would ship to you.

Lori O. said...

Good Afternoon, or not if you're watching the Redskins game.

DanaMO - there's plenty more tugs where that one came from. Let 'em rip!

Lynne - GRRRR, with you. URGH!!!! That kind of cruelty is frightening. Makes you wonder about people who do such things running around loose!

Lynne2 said...

oh Kay, I know! I just hate that kind of waste. We had a bit of a situation here last year when I happened to find 3 teenagers on the property back near the woods. There was a red truck down at the bottom of the hill. We later found out that the kids were "rustling" up deer for the so called "hunters" in the truck. I have no doubt they were the ones who beheaded a buck out back there last year. Our neighbor Dave and family live closer to the back of my landlords property here and he happens to be a policeman with a friend in the DNR and he'll be keeping watch.

Kay said...

Earlier I wrote about justifying my existence and I've done enough to call it a day. Had 3 loads of wash as I decided to freshen some throws, some linens and one load of clothes. Called my friend, Shirley, in Joplin, MO. She says the town is pulling together, receiving lots of outside help and recovering slowly, but surely. Habitat for Humanity has just completed a dozen homes and realtors and investor's are busy buying up what are now empty lots from folks in need of money. The hospital is now housed in a tent city, ala M.A.S.H.. Also called a friend, Barb, who will have the first of two knee replacements done tomorrow. Too much damage due to a bad fall taken several months ago, so it will be the old go in with the knife kind of operation. She has a good attitude about it and I pray it will go well.

Lynne2 said...

You aren't kidding Lori. I don't often talk about the cases we see at work on here. Many are very sad. This deer problem comes on the heels of a very bad case at work last Monday. I'll tell you of it now.

One of our clients brought in his cat, an indoor/outdoor cat. He had been shot with an arrow. The cat made it home with this arrow in his chest, sticking out both sides. It was horrible. I was not there on Monday as I had to take the car in. But I saw the cat Tuesday, hanging on to life just barely, and I saw the x-rays. The police and the DNR are involved. It's a small town. People talk. They have it narrowed down to 3 people, all of whom are teenage boys. Can you even imagine????

Lynne2 said...

The cat didn't make it :(

Mema Jo said...

Lori - I don't think anyone is texting Lynn on the Redskin game. If you're done with the chainsaw you are nominated
to be the one to text! Please & Thank you!

Lynne2 said...

Prayers for your friend Barb, Kay. And for Shirley and all of Joplin as they put it all back together!

Lynne2 said...

oh Hey Jim! Missed your post...hope all is well!

Lynne2 said...

OK, pics of my MILs house in Terra Alta, and pictures of Puddles antics this morning are on my blog. Seems to be a day for black dogs to climb on things!

Mema Jo said...

On 2nd thought Lori - After seeing the score of Buffalo Bills 10 and Redskins 0
Don't text Lynn just yet - let her enjoy the ride home..... ♥

Lynne2 said...

LINDA!!!! How are you....long time no see. Hope you are feeling better!

Lynne2 said...

uh oh.....have we heard from Paula? Just saw 2 posts from 2 different friends on FB regarding a massive backup at the Bay Bridge.

Lynne2 said...

hey Jo....did you happen to watch Hallmark movie the Good Witch's Family last night?

Mema Jo said...

I didn't watch it Lynne - Hubby had a tape with Waking The Dead... I will
check it out and probably be able to
find when it is on again. Thanks because
I love Hallmark Movies (I can expect a
very happy ending) ♥

Mema Jo said...

Forgot to mention that on my way home RT 15S I passed a fleet of bucket trucks going somewhere to fix the power

Lynne2 said...

Just saw your comments IS beautiful there! I'm so sorry they just can't handle the winters anymore. I am very worried about them staying this winter. They truly don't want to move. I'll have to get some pictures of the inside next trip. If only I could hit the lottery....

as far as Puddles..I believe she is just letting us know that she spends too much time in the company of Joker and Brother Cat!

Lynne2 said...

It was OK, but not as good, IMHO, as the others in the series have been. Next weekend there are some HOLIDAY movies on!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Wow looks as though there are 4 parts to Good Witch and I guess I have seen
the first one. I'll keep my eyes open
on the TV listings.


DanaMo said...

Loved your pictures Lynne@ it would not let me post a comment. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Maybe you have to invite me? The home is beautiful and it looks like you have as much control over "puddles" as I do with the Flying labs! LOL

Mema Jo said...

I need some dinner.....


stronghunter said...

Cute Dog Video

DanaMo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

DanaMO, I got the same error I logged out and logged in again and it worked.

Lynne2 said...

that darn blog....don't know why it has so many idioTsyncrasies.

hedgie said...

Home again, home again.....what can I say? No way to catch up right now. Will eventually....
WORST news is that my friend John passed away today....I am feeling so very sorry for his wife Kathie....more details later, but please continue to pray for them and the rest of his family.

Bad news is that I lost half of my
redbud tree to the snowstorm.
Good news is that the chimney guy is coming first thing in the morning to put in the flue liner (Y-A-W-N---no sleeping in....)
and Liesl FINALLY piddled for the first time today as soon as we got home.
Redskins are getting creamed again...BOO!

So how is everyone???

DanaMo said...

Tried, even gave me a word verification but wouldn't take my comment.

Lynne2 said...

Oh Lynn, sorry about John. And too bad about your redbud tree. Glad though that there wasn't more damage than that.

Kay said...

LYNNE, love your coined word, idioTsyncrasies. Puddles is an adorable and agile dog ! Too bad Steve's parents must leave that lovely home ! Understandable, however---there comes a time.

SHIRLEY, wouldn't you like to have a dog like the one in the video ? Very handy, indeed !

DanaMo said...

That video is too stinking adorable! Wish my dogs were as useful!

Kay said...

Ha, my next post was going to say, Come on LYNN it's time for you to get home and check in ! Sorry to hear about the storm damage. Glad you're going to have a working fireplace soon. Sorry your team is not winning. But, more sorry than anything about John. Will hold Kathie and family in my prayers and may John rest in peace. Liesl is so thrilled to be home she could just pee ! Did you, Frank and Irene zero in on a property of interest ?

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Jim for 2 calls over lol

Thank you Steve for the new thread. Is this to get ready for work for Monday.

Can't believe tomorrow night is Halloween. Oh my will the kids be in here by the car fulls and truck fulls. I still love having my red on and using my Clifford the BIG RED DOG slippers to help the little ones say, "Trick or Treat" then I tell them HAPPY HALLOWEEN AND CLIFFORD SAYS HAVE FUN AND BE SAFE OUT THERE".

wvgal_dana said...

Watching the game and trying to play catch up here.

wvgal_dana said...

KayThanks for the update on the Fit. She traded in an expensive sports car. She needed something more economical with a 2 hr drive to work. The sports car still was not as safe as the Fit in snow. So I will tell her about what you have told me about the Fit in snow. Thank you..♥

wvgal_dana said...

First year Mother did NOT do the snow. Her hands are hurting her terrible. She can hardly get her doors opened. I am glad she has first week in November her regular doctors appointment. If this does not clear up by then. It will be the first thing health wise she didn't get cleared up before going to doctor. God Bless her !!!!

Lolly said...

We are home. Wow, what a busy weekend. I am ready to rest!

Lynn, glad you are home safe and sound. Sorry about the tree. Now, I guess we wait to hear that Paula is home safe and sound!

The church service this morning was fantastic. Like Laurel and Joey's church. There are lots of music majors from UNT that are memebers so the music is awesome, the pipe organ and the choir. Was very proud of the boys. They did well and looked so handsome.

During church Zach snuggled next to me. I liked that. He did very well but was very restless near the end of the service.

Then back at the house we had a great whole family together. Always like that!

Lolly said...

DanaMo, love the quilt. Every year my class made a "quilt", but we did it the easy way. Each child drew on a square on a marked off sheet. LOL It worked great and I still have a stack of special "quilt" sheets. The last year I decided to really make a quilt. It is on the back of a rocker in a guest bedroom. Very special. I do NOT quilt, it is squares sewn together.

hedgie said...

Lynne, awful FB post and info you have relayed about the "deets" and the cat.........surely hope for arrests and full prosecutions in both cases. All so cruel and senseless....and wasteful with the venison. :(

Kay, we are sticking with the house we found on the mainland in Aug. Girls have some concern because of my uncertain situation.....think we will try to get all 4 kids together for a family pow-wow, and see if they agree to things if and when the time comes that any of we us parents may be gone....and then go from there.

Lolly said...

When posting on comments if you get that message, you have to click the "logout", go to a new page, log in AND remove the check mark from the stay logged in box. The you get the word to type. They make it so hard. grrrrrr!

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

Oh, Lynne's tales about the deer and the cat are very distressing. Yes, do hope the guilty are caught and punished. Really makes me mad about the poor kitty.

JudyEddy said...

By the way still at Angies

wvgal_dana said...


Kay prayers for Shirley and the town of Joplin, Mo as they try to put the town back together. Prayers for a nice new hospital to be built. I pray someone with money steps in an donates.

Lynne you are so right that deer meat could have been donated. Their are people that are hungry!!! I wish they would catch them and take their license but then again they might not even have a license.
To take the head for trophy.
Lynne I recall last year you
talking about those boys and
Steve talking with the policeman.

One of those 3 boys shot that cat
with an arrow. Maybe we need to
bring Judie in on this case. The
beginnings of a serial killer.
I was just commenting about I
hope the cat makes it when I
read the below comment. That kid
is a killer!!!!

DanaMo so sorry you are having
sewing machine problems.

Kay I have added Barb to prayer list for tomorrows 1st knee surgery. I pray she goes through rehab on the knee after surgery - it is very, very necessary.

Loved the dog video Shirley had seen it before but loved watching it again.

Lynn-Hedgie so sorry for the loose of friend John ^j^. Prayers for his wife Kathie and family and friends and you♥.
Liesl just showed you she was HAPPY to be at her own home lol
Great the guy is coming tomorrow good weather to put in the flue liner. Get her done!!!
Sad your redbud tree did not make it. Yes Lynn about the house on the mainland that you all are thinking about. I am sure your kids should have some concerns. In
case something would happen to you. I think some papers need to be legally drawn up there.

Praying safe travels for our Paula and Nick. I will be HAPPY when she checks in here.

Lolly said...

Cowboy game about to start and Jack is falling asleep in his chair. hee hee Too funny! He is nodding!

JudyEddy said...

A couple of us changed out blog comment box to look like this box we are typing in I was playing around with it at home and found it ANGIE is yelling at me its time to eat we are eating late because we pigged out out hoagie dip at 4-5 but it was worth it

Lynne2 said...

OK people, I need some advise. The Great Oil Burner and Oil Tank Project has been going on all weekend (and yet we still don't have heat) and it seems that oil was spilled in the parking area where we park our cars. I didn't know this. And I just stepped in it and walked all over the carpet. How the heck do I get fuel oil out of the carpet???

wvgal_dana said...

Guessing here but Dawn Dish detergent is used to get it off ducks!!! It worked on my hands getting oil off.

Mema Jo said...

I am home again after getting pancakes at IHops. Lynn, I am happy that you are now home. Prayers for John's soul and his family.
Paula shouldn't have any problem with the road up her way - clear and dry.

Good Wife, I think, is on time at 9:00.

wvgal_dana said...

I have added some pictures on my blog "Out and About".

hedgie said...

Shows are running late, Jo---as per usual during football season.

Dawn should work, Lynne, but don't use too much! You don't want sudsy carpet!

DANAMO and JUDYE-----please DON'T post your email addresses on here!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lynn was going to say something but didn't know if I should or not to them.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne I once was a landlord. A duplex one side used oil the other side used kerosene. I would never treat a tenant like this man is treating you all. I don't care if he gives Steve work to do. Heating is part of what comes with the place you rent. Who fills the tank is whatever was in the rent contract. This man is wrong not to have had it fixed last year not sure if it worked well the year before that. I would like to put my hands around his neck!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

whoo hoo a Sunday thread!

I see the snow! I still have some in my yard and on the deck...I think Nick is barking at the snow!

paula eagleholic said...

I don't know how my sun parasol plant escaped freezing! I brought it in tonight!

Had a great day at the beach, made it out to Lowe's for insulation and such. Got my pipes insulated...didn't get under the house finished though.

Steve caught a 26" rockfish and a catfish! Really surprised by the catfish!

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE you do not want to leave your email address on the blog! You should delete your post!

Hoda said...

What a wonderful day....the workshop was very informative and I bought a book. Food As Medicine it is called and I think I will get a lot of use from it.

HELLO to you all.

I hope all who were travelling have arrived safe to their destinations.

I have not read back yet, just wanted to check in before you all went to bed...

I very much enjoyed my weekend and have to remember to not have too m any weekends where I am so busy as this one...its OK I will have tomorrow with not as much excitement going on...

I'll go catch up to the blog and will be back later.

stronghunter said...

DanaMo, you need to delete the comment that shows your e-mail address.

JudyEddy said...

What a fantastic day with Angie and Jordyn and Carl who is a great cook had a great pork lion I love those things Just got home so I need to go jump in the shower Vacation will be officially over after today darn it anyway LOL but only three days this week that will be nice

paula eagleholic said...

Talked with my friend who lives up on the mountain here in Eburg, he is without electricity. Looks like mine was off for about an hour.

Lynne, I can't believe you don't have heat yet. That should have been fixed a month or more ago, at the very least! I agree with you on the deer being shot. Hope they can be found! Horrible about the boys shooting the cat.

Lynn, glad you made it home safe and sound! Hope you had an enjoyable week. Did you find any properties? OK, I found the answer!

Lori was chainsawing? You go girl! I need one at the beach!

I missed the backup near the Bay Bridge thanks to my trusty online map! Yay!

and DANAMO you too, delete the comment with your email address.

Lynn, sorry about your friend John.

Lolly, nice to hear about the service for Jacob and Joseph and your family dinner!

wvgal_dana said...

Paula So great to see you and Nick are home. LOL he is barking at the snow. Has he put his paws in it yet?

wvgal_dana said...

Kay really sent a neat Halloween Video through email check it out!!!!!! Thanks Kay I sent it around to friends and family....wooooooooo ha ha

stronghunter said...

Sorry about your friend John, Lynn. Prayers for him and his family.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh he had to walk across the deck in it, but didn't really care for it! How do I go from sandy paws to muddy paws!

wvgal_dana said...

My Blog "Out and About" Paula has some new pictures on it.

stronghunter said...

Commented about this on FB: Hunter turned on the show about the Sasquatch on TV and had to go upstairs to bed. Here I am watching the darn program. It is a good thing I don't scare easily.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula & Nick Nick you need for Mommy to get you a pair of booths lol

stronghunter said...

Hunter Story: Kathryn told him we would be going to play bingo Saturday night when he would be with his dad. He told her that if she won any money, she should give it to him so he could repay her for the money she paid for him to play the previous week.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn didn't win, but I did. Another $100.

Of course, one has to realize that I paid $50 to take a chance on winning. But I am still very nicely in the black.

stronghunter said...

Overall, we are both in the black.

Hoda said...


You have TWO areas with your email address. Check your email for times...

Lynne2 said...

oh Shirley, is it the Finding Bigfoot show? Interesting, but I do hope they never find one. It will mean the end of them for sure.

OK folks, heading to bed.

Dana, I'll give that Dawn idea some thought...may just do the trick! I'll have to google tomorrow and see if there are other things to do. I'm so pissed....

Good night and prayers for all!

Hoda said...

LYNN and PAULA I am so glad you are home and that you made safe trips...

I hope most of the power is restored back east soon. My American sister Carol has been without power since yesterday evening. She haws a wood stove though so I am releived.

LYNNE 2 awful story about the shooting of the deer and the poor cat with an arrow....who are these people who could do such a spoke of them and I can hardly comprehend them...what would make a person so very cruel??

NatureNut said...

Hello on New Thread!!! TY, Steve!

Been trying to figure out how to make printer print a square photo!!! Ended up sending Kodak an email & filling out humongous form for just a simple question!On these new machines, I can't just go thru good old Windows Wizard to print~~~No, whole new ballgame! I'm now in AARRGGHH mode!

We watched about 2 other ballgames after car race,as hubby went away from Redskins. I thought they started season well w/Grossman!!??

I may be back, but for those hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers for everyone's health ;>)

magpie said...

Good Late Evening Eagle Pals...
I am doing some speed-reading, but wanted to way HI and share these Jack-o'Lanterns from my sister's place in Massachusetts....
she has two grandchildren, 7 and 10 -
these were taken BEFORE they got their 23 inches of snow

Have a midnight shift to pull, might have to finish reading the posts, when I get to work ☺

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

I see there are many Momsters who have posted new pictures...might ahve to check THEM from work also...
THAT computer zips through links...
doesn't hang up like the Dinosaur does...

waited all week for someone, anyone to bring in Hallowe'en candy to put under our "Harvest Tree" at I finally broke down and got some to take in myself!

If I don't catch up and say things about what you all have posted:
Best Wishes for a Good Night's Rest...
and just in case:
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

hedgie said...

Keep dozing off while watching CSI----willl save it til tomorrow. A quick bath and off to bed for US---Liesl is SO glad to be home in her normal environemt....and I look forward to my own bed and pillow!
Sweet dreams and prayers for all.

stronghunter said...

Great avatar, Margy.

Twenty-three inches of snow. Wow!!

Stopping in to say good night. Also to turn on the night light for Judie as she grades all of those papers.

George is snuggled beside me, but I think he will allow me to go upstairs now. I have to be up and about tomorrow morning to feed him, after all.

Good night and God bless. See you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Watched some TV - my eyes are tired.
Shutting down the computer - Sun will
be out again tomorrow

Good Night and Good Bless all of you and
your family and friends...
Prayers for all needs..
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Yes, it is the Finding Bigfoot program, Lynne.

I remember that my hubby was once in the Pacific Northwest area when Bigfoot was a big deal and he called me to tell me that his motel room looked out on a scary patch of woods and he was thinking about Bigfoot and all of those stories.

Kind of creepy . . .

stronghunter said...

Stories about UFO abductions are the ones that really do scare me and keep me awake, though.

magpie said...

Welcome Home Lynn and Liesl
and Paula and Nick

Judie relayed via email that she has finished grading those 100 papers...she's good, trying to catch up on housework...

magpie said...

James and his Dad and neighboring grandparents lost power for 24 hours, it was restored just before I returned him home earlier this evening, he was WAY excited that he would be able to watch his Sunday Night Cartoons!

saw lots and lots and lots of tree branches down

Time to get ready to leave...
looking forward to checking all the pictures everyone has mentioned

Lolly - sounds like a lovely day for you and the entire family ♥

Good Night, Precious Pals....
xoxo ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Tomorrow night is Halloween and all the kids will be out "Trick or Treating". Having FUN!!!!

So I put up a new avatar for this Special Night.

Prayers for all that need them whether human or animal. God for those that I said I would pray for them, if I missed anyone please you know who they are. Thank You God.

Night everyone....

hedgie said...

^#%*+!.....forgot to turn on the blasted hot water heater...GRRRRR!!! Wonder how long it will take to heat up the tank full of water??? Stoooopid me. :(

Margy, how did you get stuck with a MN shift? :( You MIGHT be surprised when you look under the Halloween tree....just sayin'!!!!!
Hope it's a quiet night for you.

Paula, glad you are home safely, too. PLEASE be careful when you get under that house----probably hasn't been cold enought to kill off all critters---as in black widows. Infamous place for them to hide.

Back to sofa I go. Goodnight again.

Costume Lady said...

Hi there...
Dana, hope the weather holds up for those Trick or Treat Cuties! It's not going to get very warm tomorrow. Hope their moms make them put warmies on:)

Costume Lady said...

We are not going to have the shop open tomorrow, but Gene will be working on the Motor Home, so, if someone does come, he will let them in.

Going to hit the hay.


OH, have to read back and see if Lynn got home alright...

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, I'll let my brother know! He does the under the house crawling! Actually, he uses one of those mechanics sliders!

paula eagleholic said...

trying to catch up on email...then gonna hit the hay

((Hugs for all)))♥

magpie said...

how could I forget:

Prayers for Wellness, for all of us, our family and friends, and all pets

Lynn, very sorry to read of the loss of your friend, John..

and OK ! will check the Hallowe'en tree....I have a sneakin' suspicion....
I'm covering for someone who took the night off, knew in advance about it
supposed to have Tuesday off....but...I have a court appearance :(
unless, it gets continued or pleaded out...
xo 'Night all ♥

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night. Have heen sleeping here in my chair and I made fun of Jack earlier. Yikes!

Glad you avoided to bridge back up Paula and are now home. Nick is so funny, would love to pet him.

Enjoyed seeing PC today. It is fun learning his personality and wondering about his past. He loves ice cream and they said anything in a bowl. Annie does too, but she sits and waits for me to finish. Pc, they said, attempted to get right to Joseph's ice cream.

Heading to the shower. Night all!

Sweet dreams! (Sorry, Lynn, having to wait for your hot water!)

Hoda said...

Goodnight, I am headed to bed.
Sweet Dreams and God Bless.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Checking in late again! Think I have finally caught up here pretty well.

Kay, I'm adding your friend Barb to the prayer list for her knee replacement surgery tomorrow. Also, prayers for friend Shirley in Joplin, MO, and for that town's recovery.

Lynne2, I'm REALLY upset and angry at what's going on with some moronic deer hunters in your area--also with the poor cat shot with an arrow! Hope the police & the DNR catch the misrerable creeps!

DanaMo, love your quilt/wall hanging!

Shirley, LOVE the Jesse the dog video. Thank you!

Lynn, glad you & Liesl are home OK. Sorry to hear that John has passed away. Prayers for his wife Kathie, his family, and his friends. (((HUGS)))!! Oh, your poor redbud tree! RATS!

Margy, hope your time at work is an uneventful shift!

I'm going to call it a night. Making sure the porch light is on, and enabling both security systems.
Sleep well, everyone! Have said prayers for all. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Family!

Glad those trees are off the driveway so I don't have to walk through the trees to get in my car for work this morning!

Lynn so glad you are home safe and sound. Sad news abounds with your friends John passing. My prayers for Kathie and his family. I'm so sorry. I hope the redbud tree survives.

LYNNE, thanks for talking to your friends the policeman and seeing that someone is watching the potential serial killers who are doing those horrible things to the deer in your neighborhood. Awful! And the kid suspects in the cat case. Throw the book at whoever it was! A sick mind there, too. So sorry for the poor cat and his family.

Kate is still at the beach so there was an early feeding this morning for everyone. FloBear thought is was great eating at 2 in the morning! The cats are up and using the living room and sofa as a motocross track! Vroom vroom!

SHIRLEY, loved your video. What a smart, smart dog! That's a whole lot of time in training for so many tricks. Absolutely adorable. May mention it on the air this morning if you don't mind. :)

Kay said...

G☼☼d M☼rning gL☺ri ! I "hear" you made it to work. Hope it wasn't a treacherous drive. I can tell this is a great day to tune in early as you and Loo celebrate Halloween musically ! Fun stuff, all treat and no trick.

LYNN, I know you and Liesl are still sleeping, but when you check in want you to know I hope you slept well at Home Sweet Home !

DanaMo said...

Good morning everyone! Happy Halloween! Hope everyone has a Spooktacular day.

DanaMo said...

To the pumpkin patch. We are all going to come back frozen! I hope they have the stand open selling hot drinks, but I don't think it's usually open on the weekdays! boo hoo.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning KAY & DanaMO!

Lori O. said...

How fun going to the pumpkin patch today, DanaMo! Do the kids get to buy a pumpkin? Wear your thermals and you'll stay warm, or do you have to wear a dress to work?

Lori O. said...

KAY, it's always a great day when you rejoin the Early Birds! How are you feeling? Seems like you have really bounced back!

Kay said...

Hey, DANAMO, be a good little Ghoul today, dress warmly and enjoy the Pumpkin Patch !

LORI, I'm feeling great ! If there is any infection left, it's minimal. Thanks to you and all the Momsters for prayers that brought me through the ordeal.

Lori O. said...

Kay, did you fall asleep in your chair again last night? :)

And your first ((((BIG HUG))) of the morning!

DanaMo said...

I plan on many layers. Yes the children get a pumpkin with the cost of their ticket into the farm.
I do wear dresses, but I will be wearing jeans today.

DanaMo said...

Good morning Lori and Kay, nice to have you here Kay. You seem to be back on a regular schedule. Glad you are feeling so much better.

Kay said...

I was waiting for that hug ! Starts the day off on a positive note. Yes, you guessed it, I fell asleep right after The Good Wife. Moved from recliner to bed about 1:30. Sleeping is still inconsistent and I'm just going with whatever happens. Since it's just me here except for Saturday nights, it really doesn't matter as long as I get enough rest.

Here's a hug for you {{{{LORI}}}} and one for {{{{DANA}}}}. She must be tending to the Labs or maybe she's FaceBooking.

Kay said...

Aha, DANA, there you are again ! Is AnneMarie all better and going to school today ?

Kay said...

LORI, DANA gave us a good report on her Dad yesterday. We need to now how your Mom is doing now, please.

Kay said...

MARGY had to pull a midnight shift, hope it hasn't been too chaotic and that she'll check in soon from work or when she gets back to her roost. Here's her hug {{{{MARGY}}}}

I think JUDY said she has 8:30 starts this week so she'll be checking in a little later than usual. JUDY, this week will be a piece of cake with only 3 days to work before your weekend ! And a hug for you {{{{JUDY}}}}.

I'm in a very huggy mood today !

Lori O. said...

My Mom is doing great. She's on a restricted diet, and hasn't had any more episodes like the one that landed her in the hospital. She says she feels good. I talked to her last night and she was full speed ahead again! You know I call her 100-mile-an-hour-Nancy! She's truly amazing.

Lori O. said...

Hug away KAY! Never enough of those in this world.

Lori O. said...

Think the Redskins can use some hugs after that shutout yesterday.

Kay said...

LORI, good report on Nancy ! Glad the diet is making the difference.

Yep, those Skins have their fans in an uproar. LOLLY's Cowboys took a drubbing yesterday, too.

Reading and hearing reports on Halloween candy this morning. I'm going to recommend going vegetarian with Candy Corn, Jelly Beans and those orange colored marshmellowy Jumbo Peanuts. Snicker, snicker !

Lori O. said...

LOL Kay!

Lori O. said...

What about Almond Joy?

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Got my candy. Ready for many children to show up on my porch tonight.

Now to find an appropriate avatar . . .

Kay said...

Right on, almonds are really good for you and we'll just ignore the bad cholesterol in coconut for this occasion !

Good to "see" you SHIRLEY ! Enjoy those trick or treaters tonight. We have very few kids on our 3 block long street of mostly condos and a large retirement facility. The few we have don't bother due to the controlled entries most buildings have. I usually go to Julie's to see the kids, but haven't decided if I will tonight.

stronghunter said...

Okay, think I have the Halloween avatar now.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, your avatar is the cat's pajamas ! Looks like he's ready to light the night !

stronghunter said...

My neighborhood is full of kids of all ages, a fact that has pleased Hunter since he started school here.

Gotta get the dog poop out of the front yard today. It's usually Hunter's job, but I think I'll take care of it today.

Kay said...

Time for me to read some newspapers and tend to a chore or two. HAGD ! BBL

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle peeps.

JudyEddy said...

G☼☼D M☼rning Eagle Buds

Lost power last nite coffee is just now making and thanks goodness I woke up on my own for work today Looks like I need new batteries in the clock or did I forget to set it I think the later

JudyEddy said...

Check out the Google LOGo cool pumpkin was on the news just now

Google home page is pumpkin carving cool

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Halloween!

I have to go get some CANDY today!

John told me yesterday that Gianni is going to be a snowplow in honor our our white Halloween!

gotta hit it, early meeting!


JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

Thanks JudyE! That GOOGLE video is awesome! Have a great first day back to work! Be safe. See you at lunch.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Shirley, Paula and Thelma (and Buddy)!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning all Eagle Friends.

Tonight is Triok or Treat in my community. They will be here by the truck loads. Cars driving everywhere in here.

Margy here is a morning (((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))))

Ok a (((((((((((((((((HUG FOR EVERYONE)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

DanaMo going to pumpkin patch
with school kids. FUN FUN FUN
will be had by all!!!!!

Lori so happy your Mom is doing
so well with this diet helping

Whoever has the electric chain saw :what brand is it and the power of it plus where did you buy it? Around what do they cost? Please.

Kay I already have since
yesterday been sending prayers
up for your friend Barb having
the knee replacement.

Lolly so happy to hear the cat PC at Laurels is doing well. ( :

How about those STEELERS!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks JudyE for the Halloween video on put on here lol

I guess it is back to work. Have a good one. I really really enjoyed meeting you. Hope you can come when we have Open House. ((HUGS))

stronghunter said...

Very frosty again here this morning. Hunter warned me that there is ice on the front steps. He can be very thoughtful. Grandma appreciates it.

wvgal_dana said...

Please Please keep my Mother in prayer. She can't even open her doors. When she finally got it open after an hour. She left it open but the storm door is locked. No she didn't go to bed with it like that. During the day she is doing that in case she has to get out of the house fast for some reson. She and I had to laugh cause I said, "Mother do you think fast is how you will get out of the house". It MADE HER LAUGH ( : She has a regular doctors appointment coming up first week in November. Will she tell the doctor you are asking. I don't know but since he is my doctor I will be letting them know to check out her hands. Isn't walking too well either.God Bless My Mother. Thank you all so very much it truly means a lot to me to know you are praying for her.

Kay said...

Back to change avatar and see there is some nice activity here now. Not that the earlier activity was not nice. LOL

Kay said...

Hello dear THELMA ! Got Candy ?

PAULA, a snowplow ! Hope you get pictures to share with us !

JUDYE, cool video or as you would say, "Cool Beans !"

SHIRLEY, chivelry is not dead as long as there are young men like Hunter around ! So sweet of him to warn you about the ice !

WVgal DANA, thanks for prayers for Barb as she has knee surgery today. Rest assured, Momster prayers are being offered up for your Mom.

Okay, backing out again and BBL

IrisF said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
IrisF said...

Hi Everyone, Thanks to Dana I found my way back to the blog. Put Windows 7 on my computer to get rid of problems and no pictures ported over yet. But, wanted to be able to vote when the time comes.

Love you all and looking forward to being able to stay online long enought to blog once in awhile at least.

Kay said...

IRIS, how nice to "see" you here ! Haven't talked to you since you gave me the hint on keeping little birds from nesting in my Boston Ferns ! Way back last Spring. I recently got Windows 7 and am very happy with it. Good to have you back ! ♥♥♥

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi HI
((((((((((((HUGS TO IRIS)))))))))))

IrisF said...

Glad to be back!!! We are going to head SOUTH this morning - soon, so I won't be on for awhile yet. But I did want to get rid of that TEAM LIBERTY avatar...will upload some pictures as soon as I get a chance.

(((((((Hugs to all))))))) and thanks Dana for helping me reconnect!!!!

stronghunter said...

Exploding Pumpkin Lesson

I don't think I would have wanted to take the chance this teacher did, but it is fun to watch.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my wonderful eagle budlets. What a spiritually charged weekend we had. Really awesome speakers and some really awesome hugging!

T-Bird said...

Great to see you Iris.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals, and pretty much
Good Night!

eyelids are down to the ankles, but I'm taking all the prayers needs and Hugs to bed with me....
including prayers of thankfulness for the Happy and Bright things told on here ☼

Catch up later, I hope....
Best wishes for a Good Day, Everyone .. Tricks OR Treats
xo ♥

T-Bird said...

Well, I'm off to do, something. : )

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Eagle at Decorah! I so needed this eagle fix.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone! Great eagle shots on the Decorah cam, both eagles! It is great! Have a great day!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Zach made it through the surgery okay, haven't talked to anyone for a few days, since we were in Ripley all weekend. Jaime had a hard time when she first saw his missing foot and half of his lower leg, but she is adjusting I reckon.

hedgie said...

Good Monday morning! Even tho' my night was short, I slept well. More importantly, Liesl slept like a rock---the whole night through!!!! I had to wake her!!
Chimney guy is here----and I think may be nearing the end of the job. I feel a fire in my very near future!!!

I've almost caught up on newspapers...and am watching recorded to catch up with you on today's posts!

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Enjoyed reading the blog and had a few chuckles. Kay, I really enjoyed the vegetarian Halloween. lol We usually go to Laurel's but not this year. We went up there Sat and Sun, going today would be too much. I have candy Kisses ready to pass out but we will not get any ghosties and goblins! Houses are too far apart and too far back from the road. I got Kisses as I could use them in baking or give them to Laurel for the boys Christmas Countdown calender.

Lolly said...

Have changed my profile for today.


This is Jacob's pumpkin that Laurel carved.

Lolly said...

Neglected the house over the weekend. House cleaning today!

Yes, the Cowboys did miserable. We turned them off and read...or slept!

Laurel will post pictures of the boys tonight and I will share. Looking forward to seeing pictures of a Halloween snow plow...really??? lol

Have a great day!

hedgie said...

Kay, will someone let you know how Barb gets along with her surgery? Praying that it goes well.

IRIS----so great to see you!!!!
Where is your new southern home?? Please email me that new address for the mailing list!

Hi, Bluefield gals!! So glad your weekend was uplifting! Did Bluefield---or Ripley---get the snow?

Chimmey is done!!! $1900 later......will build a fire later this afternoon!!

hedgie said...

Lolly, we both were disappointed, weren't we? :(

Paula...can't even picture a kid as a snow plow!!! Hope we can see the finished product!

Costume Lady said...

Good to have you back home, Lynn.
You sure do get some HEFTY repair bills:( How are you and your knee getting along? Have you found a hospital, yet?

Costume Lady said...

NEW THREAD, FOLKS, COME AND JOIN ME********************************************************************************************************

Costume Lady said...


hedgie said...

ARGH........spending more time on hold with stupid insurance company than learning anything........and then they say their system is down!!!!

stronghunter said...

Heading to the

NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...