Saturday, October 22, 2011


Sorry for sparce posts, been on travel.

New thread.


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Lynne2 said...

Lonely over here...

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Steve!

Lynne2 said...

This was on my FB wall...

Judy Eddy posted to Lynne Marie Johnston Soper
Hello its Angie , Judy Eddy's daughter hacked in on her page haha, she wanted me to inform you she will be leaving her N.C. "tomorrow" sunday morning its a 5.5hr drive she will contact you sometime in the afternoon, pass the word please, I am so excited for my mom that she is getting to meet some of you and seeing a Eagles nest. Take care,
Like · · See Friendship · 56 minutes ago ·

Lynne2 said...

Must be a busy day for everyone! Just popped in to say hello. Prayers for Lori's Mom, DanaWV family, DanaMo's dad, and all others on the prayer list.

Mema Jo said...

I have return from my afternoon ventures and am check in before I leave for 5:00 mass.

Lynne - thanks so much for the message
from Angie concerning Judy's travel plans. I would have been concerned as I was expecting her in WV tonight.

Hope you are ok Lynne and I'll read old blog when I get back -- Hope the car commotion has been settled. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread.

hedgie said...

ARGH---blogger cop is being a PIA.

Errands run, cleaning done except for B/R. Truck partly loaded......I'm getting there!!!

Lynne, you're never truly alone!! We're with you in thought even if not on blog!!

Jo, lots of extra prayers at Mass, please!

hedgie said...

Still need to see what y'all did on last thread!

DanaMo said...

Wow what a day. At Adoration at 8,hospital by 9:15, special mass for a special Sister celebrating her Golden Jubilee, 50 years of religious life, luncheon, LAX clinic and back to the hospital. Then to the liquor store and the grossery store. In my pj's and in for the NIGHT!!

hedgie said...

Paula, what's the water temp there? See that it's still 72° on the OBX. Nick will be sorely disappointed when it gets too cold!

Hoda, what a very full day you have. Still need to check out your group's page. palms should only sweat when I'm nervous or guilty!!!

DanaMo said...

Dad did really well. Surgery was at 7:30, I was allowed in recovery around 9:30. He went up to his room around 10:15. When I went back at 3 he was in pain and had just gotten a dose of additional pain meds and by the time I was leaving he had taken his glasses off and was ready to get some sleep, he hasn't slept yet so I hope he finally is comfortable enough to sleep.

DanaMo said...

Brought those 2 posts over from the other thread. Should have read before I posted.

Lori any word on your mom?

magpie said...

Steve! Thank do NOT need to apologize, we are always grateful for a New Thread, and appreciate your efforts to bring that to us !
Chatty bunch aren't we??

Enjoy this beautiful October Autumn Day, wherever you are!

hedgie said...

Dana, glad all is well with your Dad.....hope he gets some heavy duty sleep now. Are they using a self-administered pain med pump? Tell him to go ahead and be generous with himself!

Kay is probably deep into Seth and Malcolm time now!! Enjoy!

Still no word from, Lori on her Mom....hmmmmm. Hoping all is well.

magpie said...

My goodness, DanaMo!
You covered a lot of territory today!
Blessings upon your father for restful, painless sleep, and complete, swift recovery!
xoxo ♥
And God Bless ALL the health care team, including ALL the family that is a part of that

magpie said...

and thanks Lynne, for the update regarding JudyE...

well, guess I better go check the older thread also

Hey: Shepherd played WV State today, that is Sharon's Andrew's School..but I am not sure what the final score was...Homecoming Week-end in Shepherdstown, of course...

magpie said...

Yes, yay for Kay and Seth...
did you say Malcolm also Lynn?
Think I will listen to Prairie Home Companion if it is still on....
ARF ARF ARF for Malcolm !

magpie said...

Gald you got MOST of your things done, Lynn...we shall miss you...
but know you will give us a rousing Good Night and Farewell post later on

ARF ARF ARF for Liesl also ☺

magpie said...

Hurray to Jim for announcing the New Thread on the Old Thread......but sorry to see he did not come over and share his handsome self on this Thread!

Linda said...

Boy we sure must have all been out and about today doing things........or in and busy as was the case with me.

Lynne - Sorry we missed you......but as Jo says, you're always in our hearts ♥

DanaMo - Good to hear things went well with your Dad this morning and hopefully the pain meds will ease his pain.

Laundry and working at my desk today. Rather uneventful, but getting stuff done...........

Linda said...

Hoping to hear from LORI about her Mom and how she is doing........

Keeping those prayers going... ♥

magpie said...

James's New England Asters are ready to "bust out" in bloom....

put some pics here:
Magpie's Roost

the bee, on the marigold, looks like a combination of bumble bee and carpenter bee!

magpie said...

Helloooo Linda!
And how is Dennis doing these days?

Always good to "See You"
and hope you are able to relax a little amidst the work and the hustle and bustle
xoxox ♥

paula eagleholic said...

New thread whoo hoo....thanks Steve

Been doing some outside stuff and inside stuff today...furnace isn't working...fooled with that birds today other than little birds, seagulls and a cormorant

magpie said...

wow, just looked into he mirror and found someone who needs a Panda Nap again!

I bet you that Nick will like the water until it is just about frozen, if the water at the Paradise would freeze..
Paula: Salt, fresh or brackish wather ?
Hope you saw lots of birds today !!!

Oh Linda: Arf Arf Arf to Riley also ☺

magpie said...

Ha Paula! ESP - -
oh, sorry about that furnace!
Someone there to have a look at it?What kind of furnace is it ???

magpie said...

I am missing James, been an entire week and two days since I saw him and talked to him....they don't call me much :(
Sunday is James Day!

paula eagleholic said...

Danamo glad to hear it went well for your dad

Lynn I have no clue what the water temp is here...

clouds mostly gone...getting some pretty evening rays...gonna do an outside fir here shortlly

magpie said...

if the skies are clear, and you are after midnight (or maybe just after dark) or early in pre-dawn morning, you might see some of the Orionid Meteors....last night was peak but there are usually some lingering ones.
Find Orion, and gaze away!

hedgie said...

Margy, you took the words out of my mouth as to the type of furnace!

Oh-oh---gotta call Shannon. Fx. FF found dead at one of the stations today.....

magpie said...

hope you have some marshmallows Paula....
have a few for me! I like them kinda crispy!

paula eagleholic said...

Salty to brackish I woul say ...not as salty as the ocean

Glad you have a James day tomorrow

Will try to call someone this week for next weekend about the's oil heat....and yes I have oil :) runs a minute or two and stops

magpie said...

Oh my God, Lynn..that is tragic...
so sorry to read of this.....

paula eagleholic said...

Ah sun about to set...bbialw

hedgie said...

No answer....don't know if Shannon knows him or not. He was found in the bunk room this AM which I guess means he died in his sleep.

magpie said...

hmmmm, Paula....guess it could be the motor?? or the lines leading to the furnace?

Bet Father Captain Warden Gene would have some ideas about that, he used to be in that kind of business

magpie said...

I googled it...
found some articles on there

Linda said...

Hellllooooo MARGY!! Wonderful to see your shining face as well!!

Sorry you're missin' your James fix!! When will you get to see him next?

Lynn - Wow about the person that died. I didn't understand your lingo "fx FF" but tragic nontheless.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula sorry about the furnace.

Oh I meant to say Nick not nice well he is nice lol Hope with all that hair he has he doesn't get hyperthermia. Can a dog get that?

Lynne2 thank you for the update on JudyE.

DanaMo sounds like you Dad is doing good. Yep use that pain med and get some rest Mr. Hagelberg.

Hedgie-Lynn/e which Firehouse was it at? SAD :(

Margy it has been awhile since you seen or talked with James. I bet you can't wait till tomorrow.

Thanks Steve for the new thread. Enjoy the colors out there. They sure are pretty.

I see we haven't heard from Lori about her Mother.

hedgie said...

Sorry, Linda....Fairfax (Fx) County, SIL is a firefighter (FF) there.

wvgal_dana said...

Linda firefighter was in Fairfax County Virginia.

paula eagleholic said...

Have to charge my phone...having a glass of wine by the fire bbs

wvgal_dana said...

God be with this firefighters wife if he was married/children if he had any, his parent, other firefighters and his friends.

A friend firefighter once told me (not saying this is what happened to this firefighter) That a lot of firefighters die of heart attacks.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e where we lived before in Sylvan Grove Inwood. Our neighbors son last name Dube has a son that works out of Fairfax Va. Station. He is Search and Rescue. Been sent many times out of the U.S.

hedgie said...

I know that JudyE said Sat. night before, so wonder if she misspoke or if she decided to stay in NC longer than planned??

hedgie said...

Possible FROST tonight! Margy, better cover your maters!

wvgal_dana said...

Paula there is this little nozzle that the oil goes through. Sometimes they just get plugged up with dirt. It causes the oil furnace to stop and start. Still need someone to look at it though.g

Linda said...

Lynn - Could Angie have posted late last night to Lynne's FB page? When she said tomorrow, maybe it meant today? Just wondering...

I am sure when she gets to the hotel she will fire up the computer and post!

She's probably having major withdrawals!!

wvgal_dana said...

Never have oil furance running when you have the tank filled. Why? Because filling the tank causes the dirt that settles on the bottom to be stirred around and that can plug up the nozzle.
I always turn the furance off till the oil tank was filled. Giving a little time for the dirt to settle back down to the bottom of the tank.

It just might be the nozzle or hopefully not water in the oil.

I had worked for Hutzler Oil Company. Plus house we brought then rented out had an oil furance.

hedgie said...

Station 4, Dana. Herndon.
Yes, dogs get hyperthermia AND hypothermia. That's why dogs should not be left in cars.

There's quite a number of Fx. FF's from around here, Dana. They go where the $$$$ is!

wvgal_dana said...

My Mums can go -10 or -20 so I won't need to cover them up.

magpie said...

more worried about my Asters than my maters at this point...One of the lovely Momsters here...Lynne perhaps, said to cover them with paper bags, I can do that!
Thanks for the Frost Alert...we are due, I think Oct 15 is the official Frost Date for this area

but first- That Nap!

Prayers and Sorrow for the FF, looks like he was a 49 year old, 22-year FF veteran, married with 2 or 3 adult children
and also, I believe, a Veteran...
Very sad. God Bless Him and his Family and fellow Firefighters;
Prayers and Sorrow also regarding a triple fatal fire in Lorton, VA, also in Fairfax County this morning
adult mother and two children, she managed to get three children out first....but failed to survive trying to get the other two out; not sure if all one family, or not;
investigation continuing

magpie said...

be back later
ttfn xo ♥

hedgie said...

WRONG----misunderstood......Station 41---Crosspointe....that's Fairfax Station......which I think is out past Chantilly, if I remember correctly.

hedgie said...

Oh, what a tragedy about that fire, Margy. So very sad.

Oh, I thought asters were hardy!!

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Margy don't use plastic to cover plamts.

hedgie said...

Linda, looked at Lynne's FB page....Angie posted 5 hrs. ago.

Linda said...

Lynn - Well so much for that theory!

hedgie said...

Drat---forgot to dust the bedroom. Guess I'll just take my swiffer up with me at bedtime and do it then.

hedgie said...

I have LOTS of firewood. Won't need to buy any this year, for sure! Charlie and Donald got everything brought in, a lot stacked, and a big pile yet to split. They are planning on brining the splitter up Monday to do that. Sure hope I'll be able to feed the fire----once the chimney liner is put in, and I know what is happening with me.

Linda said...

Lynn - Do you have an alternative source of heat if not?

Let's think POSITIVE and that you WILL be able to feed the fire this year with no problems at all! xoxo ♥

Sure wish we would hear from Lori...

hedgie said...

LOLLY---this is for you!!! Don't make Jack mad!
New use for an armadillo

hedgie said...

Linda, I have a gas stove.....but it is not as comfortable a heat as wood.....and propane is SO expensive.......:(

paula eagleholic said...

Margy your asters are looking good...I have some marigolds down here...not sure if they will bloom or not...they don't get much sun!

Dana that what my neighbor said too....

Sorry to hear about the FF...and DANA you are right, lots of FF die from heart attack

You can use newspaper to cover plants too...I think the frosts are late this year

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds!
Starting to konk out in chair watching World Series.
Busy day at work. Spent morning in office, mostly on phone and redirecting people to the proper side of the Park to Indian Festival. And they had TWO signs on both sides of the road w/arrows going straight ahead! Duh! One lady said they were blocked by the trees. HELLO, signs were 3 feet off the ground!
Afternoon was at the site. Lots of stuff--dancers, etc. Bought lunch there----Indian taco. Best I ever had. Got 2 for dinner. All the fixings are on fried bread or flatbread. No crunchy falling apart stuff!
Another Park brought a hawk and good old Talon the eagle. He has one wing, but sure likes to flap!

Hoda said...

Judy Eddy posted on your Wall.

"Hello its Angie , Judy Eddy's daughter hacked in on her page haha, she wanted me to inform you she will be leaving her N.C. "tomorrow" sunday morning its a 5.5hr drive she will contact you sometime in the afternoon, pass the word please, I am so excited for my mom that she is getting to meet some of you and seeing a Eagles nest. Take care,"

I just got in and found this on my facebook email so I came here right away...I will go back and read and then post about my day...HURRAH ANGIE AND JUDYE AND THANK YOU

hedgie said...

Loretta, SO glad you got to spend some time at the festival! Never would have thought of tacos there! Bet it WAS good!!

Hi, Hoda! Another busy lady! Yes, Angie posted on Lynne's FB, too.

hedgie said...

Loretta, did you take lots of pics???

Judie said...

Hello everyone.

Thank you Steve for the new thread.

Have returned from an wonderful day trip to nearby mountains and some beautiful views of fall foliage. I really enjoyed a few hours away. An added bonus was meeting some really nice people who apparently enjoy my appreciation of flowers and critters. Great way to recharge my batteries.

DanaMo, so pleased your dad did well with the surgery and is able to get some sleep and healing rest. Hope he recovers quickly.

Hope JudyE has safe travels from N.C. and that those who are gathering will have a terrific day of visiting and seeing the nest.

Linda, not caught up so sure hope Dennis is well mended and on his way back to a regular life.

Margy, enjoy your day with James the Wise. I know you've missed seeing him this week.

Very sad about the Fx FF. Prayers for his family, fellow fire fighters, and friends.

Paula, sure hope the furnace problem is an easy fix and inexpensive.

Hope Lori's mom is okay and she'll give us an update soon.

Lynn, wishing you and Liesl safe travels and a supercalifragilistic week at the beach.


Hoda said...

I see LYNNE posted about JUDYE information through her daughter ANGIE...Good show.
I see LYNN checked what tiem the post was and answered LINDA's question.

Day was wonderful.
The meeting went very well with the CFUW agenda being full. Then we had a presentation about Eldeer Abuse and how important it is to avoid isolation and to talk to a lawyer about living will and be clear with the executor as to what we want, communicate with other memebers of the family as well as to wishes so there would be no conflict. Many good questions came through and she was able to give us answers.

Lunch was delicious but huge in portion. I brought half of it home for tomorrow's lunch, I had Canneloni with ricotta cheese and lots of basil and tomatoes.

I Then attended a Resolution Committe meeting where we were told that we are now hosting the Provincial CFUW clubs in Nelson early in 2013. We started planning and it was a fruitfull meeting. I am publicity chair for this event also.

Yoga right after the Resolution Committee meeting, it was a chance to move about a bit and work on my breath to centre myself. I spoke with Joanna for an hour and it was a conversation full of laughter. She and her husband live in Powell River, on the coast and we were friends from Alberta since 1980 actually.

Next weekend there is the Friends of The Library Book Sale and we have to set up Friday and then work it on Saturday. Ther eis a bit of a conflict as Saturday and SUnday I would also like to attend an Ayurvedic workshop, Ancient Indian Medicine, continental India that is...I would like the days to slow down a bit as it seems I will also go in for sorting the donated books to get them ready for the book sale. It is OK because BEV wrote an email and she is hilarious and works well at sorting books so it should be a good experience. Probably on Tuesday.

NatureNut said...

Hi Lynn, I did take some pics, but don't know how good the are. Will fool w/them on Sun.
When do you leave on your trip?
Sounds like you're almost ready.
Margy, sounds like a fun day w/James. My asters are all done blooming, but some pink ones at Park are open. I am so disappointed that our landmark sugar maple beauty at Chelsea is a dud this year! First time ever. It started to change, had some green and the wind blew a lot of leaves away. BOO Maybe I'll use another years as an avatar & I still have to put up the creepy eyed Halloween eagle! LOL

Glad to hear DanaMo's Dad in recuperating well after surgery.
I was surprised to read about Lori's Mom being ill again. Hope she's doing OK.

Back to see ballgame. Lolly will be happy to know we are rooting for the Rangers!
I'm about ready to do a face plant, so if I am not back,
Please have Pleasant Feather Dreams
& Prayers for Everyone's Health---Lots for Lynn ☺ ♥

Hoda said...

DANAMO I am glad to hear news of your DAD and am sorry he suffered some pain, but I think he is blessed that he is able to sleep and is surrounded by nursing staff.

I join the rest of you who expressed good wishes for LORI'S MOM NANCY and I do hop we hear from LORI soon...she was so looking forward to her trip to NCTC and I hope this does not interfere with her plans.

LYNN I take it you are almost ready for the 7:30 AM departure tomorrow. We will miss you and look forward to hearing about your your hand better? Do you mind driving in the rain? How many hours will you have to drive?

Hoda said...

MARGY the pictures are beautiful. I am so pleased that JAMES' Asters are almost the bumble bee and the fly too.

JUDIE it is wonderful when you can go away for a short period and come back feeling refreshed. Glad your trip was good.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Watching the game! Yea, for Loweeeeeeda, cheering for the Rangers!! Game not going too well.

Lynn, you gave us a good laugh about the armadillo. Jack says he does not have a frozen armadillo but a few fermenting ones. Yuck!

We had a great day today. TCU won 69 -0. Felt sorry for the players of the New Mexico team.

Lolly said...

We did a little shopping with Norm and Bobbe and then came on home.

I am really not feeling too well. Not sure what the problem is..allergy, sinus infection, or cold???? I am leaning towards sinus infection. Took a short nap before dinner and the game.

stronghunter said...


Had a very busy day. We went to town and rode the rails--An open train ride.

Then we used some of Kathryn's coupons and visited the Hugh Mercer Apothecary Shop and the Rising Sun Tavern. Both are historical spots in Fredericksburg that I have never visited, even though I have lived here for more than 30 years.

Kathryn had been there with school classes when she was a child.

Then we played bingo. I won $100 and Kathryn won $50. Not bad at all!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow Lolly TCU really crushed 'em

Rooting for the rangers too...hey didn't they used to be the washington senators? I remeber they went to texas somewhere

Fire is just about out
....Nick liked the fire:)

Yuam indian tacos

Judye's daughter posted saame thing on my wall

Sorry for the typos. Hee hee

paula eagleholic said...

Yea shirley great bingo winnings

Hoda you are so it. Dinner sounded great!

Gonna go grab a snack ...need more than wine and cheese and crackers lol

paula eagleholic said...

Judie sounds like you had anice getaway...the leaves have turned a lot this week...think next week will be peak

Lolly said...

Yes, the Rangers were one of the Wash. Senator teams.

hedgie said...

Loretta, I leave here at 7:30 in the morning! Will look forward to your pics in a day or so.

Hoda....PLEASE remember that there are ONLAY 24 hrs. in a day!! You are our true whirling dervish!!

hedgie said...

Judie, I am so happy that you enjoyed your trek into the pretty mountains! And even met some like-minded folks. How about that????
Hope you feel refreshed and peaceful.

hedgie said...

Hoda, it's about a 7 hr. drive. No rain predicted, thankfully! Luckily, I don't have to drive. Frnak will be the chaueffer! He loves driving my truck!!

Linda said...

MARGY - I missed your sentence saying Sunday is James Day! ♥ Wishing you and James a super terrific day!!

Sunday with James and Monday with some of your Eagle Pals. Sounds like a great start to the coming week!

Wish I were able to be there :(

LOLLY - You've been struggling with this sinus, allergy, cold thing for over a week now, right? Hmmmmm it might be time to see the doctor! Hope you get good rest tonight!

paula eagleholic said...

Got a pot pie...snug as a bug in a rug in the a comforter...watching the world series

hedgie said...

Lolly, check back on old thread and read my question and comment about TCU/pro football players, please!!!!

hedgie said...

Paula, hope it doesn't get too cold tonight. Oh, but you DO have Nick to keep you warm!!

hedgie said...

Oh, yes....our Washington Senators deserted the city back in the early 70's, I think. :( And look how very long it took before we got another franchise!

Linda said...

I sure hope Liesl can sleep tonight. She's probably so excited for her first vacation to the OBX!!

paula eagleholic said...

Ncik is fast asleep on the sofa lol

Wonder how Leisl will like the beach?

hedgie said...

Heading for the tub so I can then finish mani/pedi...and then hit the sheets!!! BBIALW.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley it sounds like your bingo winnings are good to use for bowling.
Really glad you are not alone while in your retirement. You need Kathryn as
she needs you! And Hunter needs you both!!

I watched a movie this evening...

Judie said...

I hear the sandperson making a stealthy path down the hallway. Time is near, I guess.

Hoda, you put us all to shame. Amazing the diverse activities and interests you have. Just love reading about all your activities.

Lowreeda, glad the festival day went well but sorry you had to deal with what were likely some of my former students -- the ones who make us say DUH.

Shirley, you and Kathryn are getting to be quite good at this bingo business. Congratulations on the winnings.

The night light is on for anyone who is headed back the hallway, up the stairs, to the recliner, to the OBX, or arriving late from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

I are a bundle of go go go energy and accomplishment!

Yeah, Shirley and Kathryn, enjoy those Bingo Winnings...
eek out a little for something special for yourselves !

Linda said...

Good Night, Judie! Glad you had a refreshing trip to the mountains for some fresh air, beautiful and nice people!!

Sweet Dreams! ♥

Linda said...

So what are your plans with James the Wise tomorrow, Margy?

magpie said...

Welcome Back!
I wonder if the Sandperson was stymied as to your whereabouts!
Glad it was a nice R&T...
bet you put some smiles on some faces in your travels...
Love to you and Darth and Stella and Naomi...sure the latter three are happy to have you back !

stronghunter said...

Gotta find something Halloweeny for bowling on Tuesday.

magpie said...

I think Hedgie is running on excitement
"Frnak and ONLAY,"
...have to rag on you Lynn...
'cause I will so miss you being close these next 7 days!! ☺

magpie said...

Wish you could visit Wanda's Shop, Shirley!!!
Something for everybody, and such exquisite quality and presentation there....
Countryside Costumes....

Mema Jo said...

Liesl is probably wondering WHY did my mom pack up my toys... I think she'll
love to run at the beach.
Lynn if it takes too long for your tub bath and your sprucing up your nails, I
want to be sure you know that I wish you a fantastic week at the beach! I will miss you but I know you will return

DanaMo - wonderful news about your dad
and the successful surgery. Glad he is nearby

I too wish to hear from Lori - Maybe she had time to be with her Mom?..

Lolly said...

Lynn...the question about S B? Certainly did know that. The TCU indoor practice facility is named after him.

My cousin is Norman Evans. He played for HOuston and then Miami. He got two super bowl rings. Then he was traded to Seattle. (He was getting old!) LOL We both come from the Valley and were at TCU at the same time. He has since retirement been very involved with Pro Athletes Outreach.

magpie said...

I like everything you have mentioned about your evening activities....
except the part, perhaps, about the furnace not working

E N J O Y !

I saw the Washington Senators play the Chicago White Sox waaaaaay back in the early 70's at DC....
It IS hard not to root for a team with the name Cardinals in it....

magpie said...

I was able to listen to some of Prairie Home Companion earlier, hope it was at the same time as Kay and Seth were listening
Had some great music, including a fellow who played music with Chet Atkins...
Great Stuff!

stronghunter said...

Time to wind things down for the night. I'll see you tomorrow.

God bless and good night.

magpie said...

Oh I also saw the Houston Oilers play in Houston once!
back in 1996....?
Before they changed names and moved Tennessee ??

magpie said...

I hope you feel better soon..
how about a Hot Toddy ?

magpie said...

That's NEAT about your cousin, Lolly!

Good Night Shirley!

magpie said...

I would like to bring James HERE and show him his asters, AND, we need to start sanding and staining the BIG walking stick we are preparing for his Dad for Christmas,
also, we are due for a trek to Goodwill!

magpie said...

But I think I'll just squeeze him to death first ! ♥

Linda said...

Margy - Is he bigger than you, yet? We need to see a picture of the lad!

Whatever you do, I am sure it will be enjoyable for you both!

Mema Jo said...

Hoda I was just on the old thread and I am very impressed with the CFUW. A lot
of conversations within the group, I'm sure.
I was talking with a group of friends today and was so proud speaking of my
new friend and of all her activities & accomplishments. Really fond of you and very thankful that you are on our blog.

magpie said...

I'm with JO!
Lynn...just in case I misss your Good Night and So Long post...
before the computer gets packed up:
Best Wishes for a Wonderful Trip to the Shore....
We'll miss you and will look forward to your first post from
your destination !
xoxox ♥
I'm about to disapppear into the tubby myself so I might miss you...
Safe travel wishes, and Enjoy Gawking from the Passenger Seat !!
AND: Prayers for No Knee Pains!

magpie said...

James weighs more than I, and comes up to my chin in height...
I'll try to post a new picture soon...

ttfn xoxo

Mema Jo said...

Well Sunday is coming tomorrow and I
want some more sunshine! Going to ride north and look at some beautiful colors

Good Night my friends,
God bless and have a peaceful sleep
Many Many prayers being said
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

In the meantime,
here is a Fall Flower from Magpie's Roost

magpie said...

'Night-Night Jo !

changed my mind, think I will go with Fall Mums - NOT from my roost
better go take that bath and quit Magpie-ing for a bit

Hoda said...

MARGY I LOVE how you are with JAMES and he is one lucky and loved young man.

BON VOYAGE LYNN and I am glad Frank is helping out with the driving, as in you are letting him drive your truck.I too will miss you very much on the blog and look forward to yoru stories when you come home. Take pictures of LIESL at the beach.

LOLLY I agree with LINDA maybe it will soon be time to see a doctor about the not feeling good, cold?flu? sinus infection? symptoms.

PAULA you sound comfortable and happy in your beach house. Let us know how it goes tomorrow with your adventures.

Thank you all for your positive and encouraging comments about my activities...I have many good examples of people here who are active and involved...

Lolly said...

I will definitely get to the doctor if I am not any better by Monday. I am really thinking sinus infection.

Lynn, have a fabulous trip! Relax and enjoy!

Linda said...

Well, we are close to calling it a night as well. Already had my nice hot shower!

Lynn - When you come back to say good night, I want to wish you a absolutely wonderful fun-filled and relaxing week at the beach! I pray the weather is good, too.

Liesl - Behave yourself on vacation and run like crazy......let the sand squish between your little toes.... WOOF!!

Margy - Enjoy James Day!

Lori - Praying we hear from you in the morning with good news on your Mom.

DanaMo - Praying your Dad feels much better tomorrow morning, too.

Praying for the many needs on our prayer list. Love you all......

May God Bless and Protect us all and the critters we so dearly love...... xoxo ♥♥♥

Night ♥

Hoda said...

JO You are so sweet and so kind. I feel fortunate and blessed to be on this blog and have such gracious and wonderful group of friends...ENJOY your day tomorrow and may there be lots of sunshine...

hedgie said...

I'm back. Squeaky clean, one coat of polish on and drying. Need a snack!

Thanks for all well-wishes! You will get to "see" me in the evenings!! Maybe AM's briefly, too, if it's not my turn to cook breakfast! Liesl doesn't appear to suspect anything yet....I picked up her toys after she went to sleep! I'm no dummy, am I???!!!

DOn't think that Liesl will squish sand until Weds. Carolyn wants to take her to the beach---and WILL be the one to bathe her afterwards!! Unfortunately, we don't have beachfront...about 1/2 mile away. :( Hope I can at least see the ocean from the upper deck!

hedgie said...

Margy....not sure I understand your Cardinal reference while talking about the Senators and White Sox....???? Are you referring to the Rangers vs. St. Louis now??

Lolly, thanks for info on your cousin! Cool that S B has a facility named for him. He was quite a guy. Think he had 3 superbowl rings.

hedgie said...

Very hard to do a pedcure with a painful knee!! 2nd coat on toesies!

Goodnight to all turning in. Hope all Sunday and Monday plans make for great fun!

Shirley, congrats on Bingo win!!
We'll honk as we pass through F'burg! We won't be stopping to eat----drive-thru fast food since Liesl will be with us.

hedgie said...

Wow---it is down to 42° here. BRRRR!

hedgie said...

Lily and Faith are starting to pull bedding materials into a rock time is close for denning. :(

hedgie said... I go....shutting down and off to bed! Parting is such sweet sorrow. :) Love you all. Prayers for everyone on the long list!

magpie said...

OKay Lynn

Yes, was referring to the Saint Louis Cardinals

and Shucks! I woulda come out and painted your toes for your !!!

xo Boy Voyage.....
Sweet Dreams !

magpie said...

oh man
Lynn could rightly rag on me for some typos tonight!

magpie said...

might try to sneak a peak at the sky in a little bit and look for some "shooting stars" to make wishes on

Surely hoping with the rest of you that we hear from Lori in the morning, if not tonight!
And...also wishing we would hear from Lynne again...a few posts and whooooosh she was gone !

wvgal_dana said...

I have read as many comments that are there right now.

Margy is going to really squeeze James tomorrow and do some shopping at GW. Finish maybe the Christmas present.

Judie glad your trip for mountain colors was a success.

Jo sounds like you are going north to find color tomorrow.

I see we have NOT heard from Lori yet.

Shirley glad you are enjoying your retirement. Happy that Kathryn is there and you two enjoy doing things together. Great winnings on bingo.

Lolly you take care of yourself.

Hedgie-Lynn/e and Liesl have a FUN, FUN, time at the ocean. You are going to be missed.

Hoda you do get involved in things don't you. Enjoy!

Loretta sorry about your tree not having enough leaves to change color. Will be looking forward to your pictures.

Margy will check out your pictures tomorrow.

I guess Andy will be in later to set the security alarm.

Prayers for ALL that need them and also for all the animals.

Hope everyone gets enough sleep and can have a great day tomorrow whether traveling to the ocean or just being at home.

Good night sweet family.

Costume Lady said...

Trying to get into bed early again. Long day tomorrow and lots of fun to be had. Family Friday will be FAMILY SUNDAY this week.
I think the whole family will be at GG's...not sure about Jillian (granddaughter)

I hope everyone had a good day, it was a bit cool, but was a beauty. Going down to 40° tonight and up to a sunny 65° tomorrow...get out and smell the roses...there are still a few left:)


magpie said...

It's October 23! So....

Happy Birthday to Lisa, the BWO Webmaster Extraordinaire...
may this be your Best Birthday Ever !
xoxo ♥ ☺

We appreciate all that you do, Lisa...and here is the BWO Resident Pair crooning it up for you ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ ☺

Lolly said...

Well, I was dozing while watching the game. I am heading to bed and some good sleep. I need it! If I keep feeling like I do and sounding like I do (cough) there will be no church, no dessert auction for me.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

DRIVE CAREFULL, Lynn and I hope you enjoy every minute while you are there
Asking for Travel Mercies during your travels~

magpie said...

that pic on my avater is from
Dec 1, 2009 - Blackwater Refuge Osprey Platform

James's asters are covered up with paper bags ☺

Good Night Wanda.....and Gene!
Hope Sleep is Sweet and Complete !
xoxo ♥

I'm going out to check for shooting stars

Prayers for Wellness Amongst us and all Family and Friends, and Pets!

Good Night, Precious Pals ☺ ♥
God Bless Us, Every One xoxo ♥

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

whoops I kind of goofed

that's the resident EAGLE Pair at the Blackwater Osprey Platform...

Hoda said...

I wish you all a good night and sweet dreams. I am worried about LORI because she takes he ri-pad with her wherever she goes and yet she has not posted tonight. PRAYERS TO LORI AND FAMILY PARTICULARLY NANCY.

God Bless us everyone.

Lori O. said...

Not done catching up yet, but wanted to let DanaMo and any other Early Birds know I'm checking in and back to reading.

Apologies for not updating on my Mom, but will do so in a bit when I'm done reading. Last report was she'll be there for at least a few days. BBIALW

Lori O. said...

Thank you all for your concern and prayers for Mother Nancy. I called her yesterday morning, as I said I would, and there was no answer on her cell phone or her hospital room direct line. Switchboard person told me that she was in the surgical center and transferred me there. The waiting room nurse answered and said Mom was in Recovery. I said, "I'm her daughter and I have no idea of what kind of surgery you're talking of, can you fill me in?" At this point I was NOT HAPPY with my father for not informing me of this procedure. UGH! She had the Esophogogastroduadenoscopy done. Tube down her throat into her stomach and they saw a good amount of moderate to severe irritation. The previous scan had also showed a very large mass of air that is not escaping...I know sounds weird. Last time this happened she had a hole in her stomach where the air was leaking INTO it through the irritated hole, but again couldn't get out for some reason.

Frustrating. I talked with her yesterday and sent flowers, and told her I'd call her around 6:30 this morning because I know she gets up early in the hospital. I'll know more in an hour or so.

Lori O. said...

LORETTA, can't wait to see your pics of yesterday and sure hope you got some of Talon. I love him already!

Lynn's puter is packed away and ready to go so she says we won't see her this morning...but someone please remember to text Lynn the Redskin scores today.

YAY for SHIRLEY's Bingo haul! Very nice, Shirley! I would love to see an apothecary shop sometime. Bet that was very interesting.

LOLLY, I hope you're feeling better this morning. But, what will happen to the cake we've all been dreaming of?

JUDIE, I'm so happy that you got to take a nice little nature break. I bet it was awesome. I hope you feel restored. ♥

KAY, how was your night with Seth & Malcolm? And, dinner was ___?
(((Big HUG)))

LINDA, thanks for all your concern for Mom and me. You are very sweet and well ♥'ed!

Lori O. said...

OKAY, going to feed the cats.
BBIALW to check in on DANAMO and get the latest on her Dad.

DanaMo said...

Good morning Lori. Just got up a little bit ago.
Glad you heard from your mom, not so glad that you weren't informed before the procedure. Hope you get some good news of her condition when you call at 6:30.

Dad did well, but did not sleep after the surgery because he was in pain and they had him on his back. He was very uncomfortable. When I got there at three they had turned him and fixed the air thingys on his feet (have not idea what they are never saw them before but they pump air I'm assuming to make sure blood is circulating.)they were hurting. He took his glasses off and I took that as my cue to get out and let him rest. I don't think my mom spent the night last night, she said she was going home. My parents are like those people you read about, my mom TOLD the doctor that she was getting in bed with him Friday night because she has been married to him for 50 years! My mom is a firecracker!

DanaMo said...

Just added Annemarie's 8th grade pictures to my picture blog. So pleased with how they turned out!

Lori O. said...

Sorry your Dad is in pain, DanaMo.
Do they still think he will only be in there 3 days? Does he stay in a special place or get to go home while he is doing PT?

Sounds like your Mom is a doll! Who are you more like?

Time to call my Mom. BBIALW.

Lori O. said...

Oh, had to see AnneMarie's pictures first - she's gorgeous and what a pretty setting! Where is that?

DanaMo said...

OMGosh Lori, I am my mom. Ever hear the expression, "Mirror, Mirror, on the wall I am my mother after all". That's me. The good and the bad! LOL!

The pictures were taken at Hagerstown City Park.

No update on if there is a change on his 3-5 day stay, he will be moved to a rehab floor apparently and then possibly to a rehab facility, which my mom is not going for...she needs him at home! She will make her demands known. They are having their 50th anniversary party in 2 weeks! He will be there in a wheelchair if necessary. Come Hell or High water! We had a 40th surprise party PLANNED for them 10 years ago, the date was supposed to be Sept. 15 2001! Guess what happened to that party? So nothing is going to stop this party, I don't care what I have to do to get him to the church to renew their vows and to the dinner party!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

DanaMo said...

Good morning Thelma.

Well I'm dressed and ready for church, lectoring today. I'm early, so I guess I will vacuum.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Thelma & Buddy! How is Hairy this morning?

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lori, DanaMo, and Thelma.

Waiting to hear more from Lori after the phone call to Mom.

DanaMo hope your Dad is not in as much pain today and that he got some rest. Sure sounds to me like there is going to be a 50th ( :

Lori O. said...

Redskins gonna win today, T-Bird?

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DanaWV!

I talked with my Mom for a while already this morning and she is feeling much better. They are keeping her on a liquid diet then will switch her to some solid food to make sure she can handle it before she can go home, probably Wednesday. But her flowers weren't delivered, so dealing with FTD now to see where in the heck they are.

wvgal_dana said...

Lori after you get off the phone with FTD maybe you could answer these couple of questions.

Lori liquid diet then switching to solids. That would be normal I thing our Nurse Hedgie-Lynn/e would say. Wondering for myself though what are they going to do for your Mothers stomach problem?

Lori how are the kitten?

DanaMo said...

off to Mass. Will check in after Mass, hospital visit, and trip to school to make sure my sub has everything she needs for TOMORROW!!

T-Bird said...

They sure are Lori. They are going to stay in today, the last loss is over. I'm not sure but I think Beck will play with confidence and determination since he could easily be taken out. No quarter back is safe. What happen to the days when they left the starter in no matter what. Favre comes to mind, he had many interceptions to go along with his talent. He took chances. Well anyway. I will be watching them win today. : )))
What do you think?

T-Bird said...

Lori-Buddy is good this morning. I'm glad your mom is feeling better.

T-Bird said...

DanaMo-the eagle momsters and dadster's prayers are powerful. I hope your Dad will be feeling better today.

T-Bird said...

DanaMo-sounds like your Dad is doing better or at least he is determined to get better.

wvgal_dana said...

Happy Birthday to Lisa of Blackwaer Happy Birthday to YOU!!

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE should be reporting in today. I'm excited!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I am wondering how Lolly is feeling today. She said if she wasn't better. There would be no pie at auction. Praying she is better and able to get out and do the things she wanted to do.

T-Bird said...

Lori, text Lynn in facebook? I can't remember Lynn's last name. Can you post that?

T-Bird said...

Lolly I hope you are feeling better this morning.

wvgal_dana said...

If my Father would have not been left in the hands of Dr. Pergaie. My Dad would be celebrating his 89th birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN HEAVEN DADDY. Thank you for my gift from as you said you wsa going to do. "Walk and talk with Jesus and ask for a baby for me". You know your granddaughter Raschida celebrated her 30th Birthday on Oct. 20th...HUGS AND LOVE YOU!!!! xxxooo♥♥

wvgal_dana said...

THELMA GO TO YOUR EMAIL I SENT YOU LYNN's last name. Did not want to post on here.

T-Bird said...

WV Dana-happy birthday to your Dad in heaven.

T-Bird said...

Thanks Dana. I can't believe I forgot that. I have sometimers. ((hugs))

wvgal_dana said...

HUGS and more HUGS coming right back at you Thelma ( :

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all from Paradise!

Fell asleep in the recliner watching the game...woke up about 3am...veentured outside and saw a couple of shooting stars...not sure if they were from Orion or not

Got up this morning...standing outside heron flew in and landed on the small island out front...then an adult eagle flew into the trees next door...appeared to scan the ground for a few minutes then took off. The sound of their wings is truly magnificent!

paula eagleholic said...

Gorgeous sunny morning here!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Paula that sounds so wonderful. You could hear the eagles wings as it took off. ENJOY YOUR PARADISE!!!
I still think you have the best spot!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Well nick is already on the beach

Lori hope they can find out more on your mom

I think Jack will take the cake to the church auction if Lolly doesn't go

Danamo ithink those leg things are to prevent clots...hope your Dad is feeling better today

Missed saying good travels to Lynn

Also, someone needs to tell Judye where she can sit on the road and assee the nest

Going for another cup and a walk

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and I'm sure the eagle spotted me too! I was very quiet! Also the heron makes a low honking sound!

T-Bird said...

Good morning Paula.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
It's a perfect October Autumn Morning !

Good to read the updates from Lori and DanaMo....on Mom and Dad respectively....
praying that healing and recovery is swift, painless....and complete!

Heartwarming what you say about your parents, DanaMo....

magpie said...

Good On You Paula!
An eagle, heron, and some shooting stars!
I went out after midnight but did not see any meteors, sky was a little riddled with wispy clouds

but I DID just see about seven mostly whitish geese ??? sail over, high...soundless, heading South, SouthEast... maybe your way...
I THINK they might have been snow geese, don't think they were Tundra Swans..wish they had made some noise, that would have helped

wvgal_dana said...

Moring Sweet Margy. I replied to your email. Enjoy the day with James. Oh I love going to G W.

wvgal_dana said...

WOW!! I haven't charged my camera battery for a long time. Plugged it in and it is showing "green" which means fully charged.

magpie said...

Happy Heavenly 89th Birthday to your Father, Dana.. ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Just got this message from Lisa at Blackwater: Thanks for the beautiful card!!

I'm in the Outer Banks of NC for a few days for my birthday and I was very pleased to get your card Hope you're doing well.


magpie said...

and I answered you back, Dana...

Thinking of Lynn tooling down the road,
and also... hoping that Lolly is feeling better this morning

magpie said...

Lisa's up and getting emails:

Thanks for the birthday wishes. Here's hoping the coming eagle season is a good one for everybody!

magpie said...

that's funny Dana...we were posting the same kind of message!

My James Asters look okay today, took the paper bags off, not sure if we got a frost or not...

stepping aside for a bit,

Happy Family Fun Sunday to Wanda and all the Family !

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone...
xoxo ♥

wvgal_dana said...

YES MARGY the windshield on the car had frost on it.

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunny Sunday Morning! Hoping the
sun will warm it up outside.

Paula - very happy that the site you
picked has eagles and herons and a place for Nick to play.

Enjoy your day with James today, Margy.

I suppose Lynn is half ways to NC and
that Judy is half ways to WV. They very well could have passed each other when you think of it.

Mema Jo said...

Today the mountains are beautiful.
Going to drive northward and check them out.
BBL this afternoon.......... ♥

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Guess Lynn is almost to the OBX and the smell of salt air. Hope she has an absolutely outstanding week. Will be fun to find out how Liesl reacts to the beach.

DanaMo, may your dad improve and be well enough to attend the renewal of vows and the celebration. Such a sweet story.

Happy birthday, in thought, to DanaWV dad.

Lori, sure hope the problem with your mom resolves quickly. Good she's feeling better. So worrisome and I hope your Dad will keep you informed.

The leg tubes that inflate and deflate have two purposes: 1) to keep you from getting any sleep and 2) to prevent blood clots.

Paula, so happy you saw the heron. Haven't seen one in years. Eagle was a bonus. Um, jealous, of course. Hugs for Nick.

Lolly, hope you are feeling better but, if not, please see your doctor.

Wanda, please enjoy family Sunday. Just betting GG will be over-the-top seeing Jayden.

Off to do some necessary chores. BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo Enjoy your drive northward to see the beautiful colors ( :

wvgal_dana said...

JudieGood to hear from you. Hope things are going well with the two cats. I think of you and Darth often. Tell him Hi ( :

paula eagleholic said...

Met some more neighbors on my walk....they were luck

Heard a woodpecker but could not find him

Nick chased minnows lol

Fixing a late breakfast

Hoda said...

Good morning all.

PAULA so excited you saw and heard and eagle's wings...LUCKY YOU!!!!

Safe travels to all who are on the road.

LORI thanks for the update on your MOM. I hope the flowers get there so she would enjoy them.

I am headed out the door to yoga and groceries. In the afternoon I volunteer with the DRAGON BOAT TEAM for Cancer Awareness Week in Nelson.


Mema Jo said...

If Judy E reads this

Call Dana..........

Lynne2 said...

Afternoon all....sorry for my lack of blogging but I have been trying to at least read posts when I can.

Continued prayers for Lori's mom and DanaMO's dad.

Safe travels for Lynn anc Co. too! And for JudyE now just hours from WV!

VERY EXCITED about tomorrow's get together and I sure wish I could be there!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 have you talked to JudyE today????

Lynne2 said...

No Dana...would really have no reason to. I won't be meeting up with everyone tomorrow. have not gotten any posts on FB from her or Angie.

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon to Everyone! Football game is a nail biter! But I'm crossing my fingers!
Good friends that moved to NC, near their daughter & fam., attended a car show & sent lots of pics I've been downloading for Fubby.Friend, Eddie, got to sit in car that was well known in the past, owned & driven by a local guy here.Car is called Jolly Dolly!
BBL ☺ ♥

DanaMo said...

Wow I just got up for quite a nap!

DanaMo said...

I wish everyone could be there tomorrow! I am excited to go and meet everyone. I would really be thrilled if we saw the eagles! I really miss the cam and can't wait for the repairs to happen!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...