Monday, October 31, 2011


Fresh thread.


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Costume Lady said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody! Thanks Steve and Wanda.

Costume Lady said...

Good weekend, huh, SHARON?

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Steve and Wanda.

BBL--Need to get a few things done.

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon - I need to go back on the previous thread

Thanks Steve for the new thread
I'll be back later to use it

Costume Lady said...

I was going to change my avatar back to the Halloween Pumpkin, but decided to post Jayden's first snow picture instead.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

How much snow did you all get this weekend in Shepherdstown?

Hoda said...

Good morning/ good afternoon to all.

Happy Halloween.

THANKS are right about your reasoning.Glad you deleted.

Good to see IRIS on the blog, I hope picture transfers happen soon.

LYNN OUCH as to the bill!!! It is good it got done and now you can have a warm fire in the safe new fire place...

ALL of you have to put pictures of your Grand children dressed up when you get is exciting for me to see them. THANKS.

ENJOY your day out with the kids DANAMO, I am sure it will be lots of fun for them.

Prayers for the amputation healing SISSY. The family will need lots of support as tehy adjust to this happening and may inner strength and healing come through...

Mema Jo said...

DanaMo at the pumpkin patch with little ones - I hope they wear their boots cause it is going to be a bit muddy.

My bedside clock automatically tuned
it self Back an Hour last night. So I wondered why my hubby was saying 'you want to get up?' I thought it was too
early by my clock but when I looked at another one - I was right on regular time! Next weekend is the new date for the time change!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon I am happy to hear about your weekend and so glad it was refreshing

Zach and his family have many prayers
Prayers for acceptance and for healing.

Costume Lady said...

Sharon, the snowfall is a lot of differing amounts in our area, but right here, we got 5-6 inches.
Margy tells us that her sister in Mass. got 23 inches!!

Hoda said...

The 7 BILLIONth Baby was born in the Phillipines...How I worry about our planet. Can we sustain so many of us???

Mema Jo said...

Red Pandas are napping

Little Owls are preening and getting ready to sleep (I think)

Costume Lady said...

GG had two of her pretty Pear trees to loose big limbs. She also told me she wouldn't even walk in the snow to get her mail...Check out photos of her broken trees and evidence that she DID go out in the snow!:)

Costume Lady said...

SMILES:):) for the photos of GG's.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Seems to me that GG is guilty of fudging the truth a little bit! :)

Mema Jo said...

Wanda Yesterday when I look on Wild & Wonderful I thought all the junk messages were gone.... They're Back.

I loved the footprints in the snow!

Mema Jo said...

Momma owl just flew in

Mema Jo said...

I think the smallest owl after Momma flew out is trying to feed itself.

Costume Lady said...

Jo, I did delete WILD AND WONDERFUL'S hacked posts. I used SMILES today, to see if I got those EXTRA posts on there. I will look further into this nonsense when I get back from GG's.

There should be a slide show of Jayden going out in his First Snow.
That would be on SMILES, also.

Hoda said...

OOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPSSSS!!! GG got cuaght by the cmaera!!!

I am off to a slower day today, thank God...still have to get my halloween candy...First off to Yoga...


Hoda said...

caught and camera!!! Sorry.

JudyEddy said...


Home for lunch and to put on a Halloween shirt didn't know we could today Going directly to Angies after work to to T&T with her and Jordyn

Costume Lady said...

JAYDEN'S snow pictures went into WILD AND WONDERFUL???
Maybe I should close down that blog...

Kay said...

LYNN, I should get an e-mail from Barb's daughter, Amy, today or tomorrow. Will let you know what she says. Barb and hubby are the Tucson couple that visited here in June. She and I have been BF's since Kindergarten days.

WANDA, darling picture of Jayden in his first snow ! LOL GG ! Roles have switched haven't they ? Or did she have a visitor or are those those mailman prints ? ☺ Did she fess up ?

SISSY, ongoing prayer for Zach and family.

SHARON, glad you feel so refreshed after your wonderful weekend.

JO, I'm already dreading fledge time for those adorable owls !

Kay said...

JUDY, what is Steve to bomb. LOL, think you meant he is Da Bomb !

JudyEddy said...

I changed my Avatar again to Miss Tinkerbell with out her wings They were in the way climbing the leaves and trees LOL

JudyEddy said...

oops I guess I don't get a A for that sentence LOL OK do I alteast get a C- LOL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Train and Us - This Ain't Goodbye video

A video made for Train by the fans. The pic I submitted is Pat playing the trumpet and my name and Bluefield is on there at 1:56 into it. :)

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Jayden's First Snow is on Wild & Wonderful. Then after that is the
stuff you want to delete

Mema Jo said...

Checked that out, Sharon! Saw your name and that trumpet! Who was that guy?
lol ♥

Kay said...

JUDY, you'll have to ask some of our teachers about your grades !☺ Picture of Jordyn is sooo cute !

SHARON, thanks for sharing Train, fun to see your name there ! I have to watch it again to see those Harrah's employees, the pics move through too fast.

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

HODA, you're asking an age old question about this planet being able to take care of billions, now as of today 7 billion, people ! Here is a lengthy, but interesting discussion on the topic.

7 Billion Souls

hedgie said...

Hey, Wanda---knee not too good this past week. Not too bad today, tho'. Good knee has also been bothersome. TOO many steps in that house we rented, for sure!

Called Fairfax....had to leave a message with the clinic....still haven't heard back. ARGH!

Still have one box to unload from truck....too big and heavy, so have to unload it into a carryall a little at a time!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I really need to live closer to Hedgesville. I would come and carry that box in for you! ♥ and ((((HUGS))).

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Hope it's a fun and safe one for everybody.

Prayers for Barb have been going up from this roost, for her knee replacement surgery today, and prayers, too, for WV Dana's Mom!
Hoping that the Dr. appt. coming up will find solutions for her problems!

OMIGOSH, HI, IRIS!!! So good to have you back here! Hope your computer stays in a cooperative mood for you! (((HUGS)))!

Sleep tight, Margy! Will catch you later, I hope.

Sissy & Sharon, good to see you Bluefield gals! Glad you had a great weekend! Good to hear that Zach's surgery went well. Prayers for Jaime--I imagine that would be a bit of an adjustment. Prayers for a speedy, full recovery for Zach! You go, Zach! God bless you!

Lynn, I'm sure Liesl will be the first to agree, there's NO place like HOME! I BET you both slept well. Glad your chimney is now fire-ready. Sorry about the cost, but it's important that you two are safe now!

Wanda, glad GG is OK (LOL about the snow footprints!), and sorry about her pear trees. Prayers that they will recover.

Sharon, thanks for the Train video! (I saw you in there!) Awesome!

Well, need to change my avatar for Halloween. BBIALW...

Mema Jo said...


hedgie said...

Jayden is so cute in his blue, and JudyE's Jordyn is a cute fairy!!

Shar----nice video! What kind of schedule do they have for next year??

Kay, think you will recognize any of the Harrah folks in the vid??

Hoda, glad your day is more sedate than your weekend was!!

Have half the deck cleaned off.....whoever heard of shoveling off leaves?? Icy mush makes it hard, too! Gotta hike out for the mail. And wind is blowing....

Ms Bookworm said...

Okay, here you go. This new avatar is a picture I took in Tahoe City on our recent trip to Lake Tahoe. The whole city was decorated for Halloween! This guy is "Mr. Moon!" LOL

Ms Bookworm said...

Have some bills to pay online, and a lot of transcription to finish--will check in later tonight. Have a great day! (((GROUP HUG)))!!!

Lolly said...

Floor is vacuumed and mopped. Clutter picked up. House dusted. Master bath cleaned. I am through with that for the day! Going to go get beautiful...well at least comb my hair! LOL

Love the pictures of Jayden, Wanda. He is such a joy! Do we know yet if he is going to have a brother or a sister?

Presently 71 and sun shiney. I really do need to head outside!

Kay said...

LYNN, I ran through the Train, so to speak, several times. That Harrah's pic was taken at one of the Mississippi venues, but the girl with band members isn't necessarily an employee. I do know young folks who work for Harrah's all over the country. The good ones move through and out of Laughlin pretty fast !

ANDY, Mr. Moon is a hunk ! Thanks for praying for Barb !

Kay said...

LYNN, there you go again ! Trying to get everything unpacked and clean up outside all on your first day back. Can't be good for the knee, but I don't know how we can make you behave !!! Come on baby, light that fire, sit down with Liesl and relax !

Scott said...

Hi everyone...been a while..hope all is well with everyone..

DanaMo said...

It was a bit muddy, but the sun came out and the cold wasn't too bad at all. A good time was had by all!

hedgie said...

Sharon, you are a gem! But you shouldn't try to carry anything so heavy, either!!! Thanks....just finished the job!

Now to get all the laundry going....hmmm...think it can wait til tomorrow!!

Yippee! Fairfax takes my insurance! Drs. office is setting it up. Watch out, Judie---here I come!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, hello Scott. Fancy meeting you here!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Train's tour is over for the Save Me San Francisco album but they are supposed to hit the studio early next year to make a new one! I cannot wait. About half the songs are already written. Pat wrote and Train recorded the theme song for The Biggest Loser called "Brand New Book". Love it.

hedgie said...

Well, services for my friend John are Thursday aftrnoon. Private interment. Suspect that will be in AZ...not sure.

Hey, SCOTT....great to see you!!!! Sure looks like your business is a really big success. Love your various FB posts!!!!

hedgie said...

Cute avatar, Andy!!

hedgie said...

DanaMo, glad you had a fun outing!!!! Bet the kids all ;oved it! I think they are impervious to the cold, wind and slop!!

Kay said...

LYNN, Wahoo ! I know Fairfax has a large hospital and is well respected in the D.C. area. Do they have the state of the art procedure you want ? Does that put you near Christine and Shannon as well as Judie and Darth ? I always perk up my ears when AZ is mentioned. What ties did John have there ? Prayers for his family.

DANAMO,glad you all had a good time at the Pumpkin Patch !

Kay said...

Short report from her daughter in on Barb:

Dad told me to let you know how it went…..She is good. Doc said everything looked good. Her BP is high, but the pain meds seem to be helping that come down a bit. Hugs, Amy

Amy gave me her direct line to call, however, she has 8 children between hers, his and theirs as well as a bunch of grands. She is also the youngest of 7 children, 6 of whom live in Tucson. I'm thinking she doesn't need to talk to me for a few days ! Thanks for prayers. She was pleased to know I'd be enlisting many prayer partners and I know she's as grateful as I am !!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Glad you got it straightened out, Lynn. Fairfax sounds good.

stronghunter said...

It is almost 5:00 and I am about to have a basset hound in my lap.

stronghunter said...

These are spoiled pets.

stronghunter said...

Well, now it is 5:00 and they are telling me that supper is definitely late. Yikes!

Hoda said...

Thank you KAY for the post/link on the article with 7 Billion people on the planet. It makes some very interesting and important points.

Hoda said...

LYNN KAY asks a good question...are you going to be close to Christine and Shannon for your surgery? I am glad Fairfax takes your insurance and you sounded pleased which tells me it is a quality hospital. This is a blessing as we all pray for you and for yoru healing. Did the clinic get back to you with any information as to possible dates?

hedgie said...

Kay, Fairfax is my old stomping ground. My Dad was on the original board of directors, and I did most of my clinicals there. Christie and Shannon live closer to here, but Shannon works in Fairfax County.

Kay said...

Okay, so hearing about Shannon's work is what gave me the Fairfax association. Well, I'm relieved and happy for you. It helps to have a comfortable feeling about a hospital and what's better than going back to your "old stomping ground" ?! Will be glad when the surgery is scheduled and a done deal so you can put this surprise chapter behind you ! We don't mention it every day, but you know your Eagle Buds are all praying big time !!!!

Lolly said...

Glad the insurance question is settled, Lynn. Now to get this procedure behind you and on to recovery!!!

Kay, so glad your good friend is doing well. Knowing those that have had knee replacement surgery, the first while is not pleasant but after therapy they are so happy that they had it done.

Have been out in the yard watering dry pots and dry spots. We still need rain so badly. One area around Dallas is now limited to watering only 2 times a month and they are enforcing it.

Kay said...

Time to think about whipping up some dinner to eat in front of the news and Jeopardy. Guess I'll go the mindless route tonight and watch DWTS. Have a great evening everyone and if I don't make it back please know I'm praying for all in need. It's been another great day for Momster/Dadster chat and I ♥ you !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !

hedgie said...

Haven't heard anything yet, Hoda. Drs. office is setting it up.
It not only is a very good hospital, but also has a pancreatic cancer clinic....not sure about the robot-assisted surgery, but they do use other less-invasive types, so here's hoping that will be what I have if not the da Vinci.

hedgie said...

Good news about Barb, Kay! Know that you are relieved that all went well.

Thanks for all good thoughts and prayers! I, too, want to get it over with, but need to make plans, someone to care for Liesl. I know the foster mom would do it, but her yard isn't fenced.....and this past week showed that she doesn't much like going on a leash or tether. MTBD.

Hoda said...

May the BEST comes your way LYNN with the surgery. I pray for your hospital, for the staff, for the clinic's staff that they intuitively know how precious you are and that they do their very best when they treat you. GOD'S BLESSINGS PRECIOUS LADY LYNN

hedgie said...

Fire is laid...but feel hot and I really need it tonight??? Probably not! Forecast not sounding too cold....hmmmm, guess I'll decide after dinner.

hedgie said...

Thank you, Hoda!

DanaMo said...

Posted a picture of Annemarie in costume. My only child in costume this year. How depressing.

Oh and me and my aide in the rocking chair at Summers Farm.

Trick or Treat everyone! Trying to stay away from the candy, but it's so hard. I am such a junk food junkie.

Lolly said...

Do not have a fenced yard, can not help you, Lynn. Oh, what I would give to live close and to be able to help you out!

DanaMo said...

Hedgie-what do you need? I haven't read all the way back to see what's going on. You live close to me. My kids are great dog sitters. What can I do to help?

Hedgesville is not that far from me.

Hoda said...

DANAMO Loved the pictures...that is one HUGE rocking chair!!! Dorothy has red shoes too...AnnaMaria/ AnneMarie looks happy and what a delight it is to see her in her costume...Beauttiful child you have...I understand the reference to the bib for Javeline and I agree...You have a GREAT family, God's Blessings to you all.

Hoda said...

Have the trick or treaters started at your homes already? Are they all in creative cosutmes. I do not see many here but they have not started yet as it is day light...I usually get less than ten times at the is raining heavily hewre right now and it is a cold day...I hope your snow has melted and that the roads are well lit for the little munchkins...

DanaMo said...

Not nearly as many as years past. Kinda sad. The costumes are okay. Some I don't know what they are because I'm out of touch with the new cartoons, super hero's and such.

The one picture shows what's left of the snow. Not too much.

stronghunter said...

Happy Halloween!!

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY the link says the content is presently it what you had on FB?
Spooky!!! Happy Halloween...Is HUNTER out trick or treating? Did he go alone or with friends? Does Kathryn go with them? Did she dress up?

stronghunter said...

Great pictures, DanaMo. Love the costume. It looks odd with the green grass and snow in the background.

stronghunter said...

It was a facebook video, Hoda. I don't know how to copy and paste it and I can't find it on the videos I have saved. A similar one is on my blog for Halloween of last year.

Lolly said...

Shirley, those two dudes need to get to an orthodontist...quick!! LOL

Lolly said...

Well, it is finally dark here, porch lite is on, entry hall light is on, candy is ready...but we will not get any ghosties. sad! Talked with Laurel and she was missing us. We always have fun up there. Joey has painted his face green to walk around with the boys while Laurel answers the door at home. They get tons of goblins!

Mema Jo said...

I have had almost 10 costumed trick/treaters at the door this evening. Costume were good. So much
candy left! I used to be able to take it
to work the next day and have it eaten.
Not sure what to do with it now!

Going to watch a Mystery Theater (taped)
with hubby.

I am very thankful for Lynn's surgery plans starting to finalize. ♥

stronghunter said...

Glad you could get it Lolly.

Tried to embed it and post it here, but the blog would not accept it, Hoda.

I have posted the same video on FB.

It's similar to the one I posted on here last year.

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY, it is a wonderful video. I agree the two at the door need to see a dentist quick, yet I think LOLLY thought they needed to see an optometrist!!! LOL

Hoda said...

No Orthodontist is what LOLLY suggested I agree...LOL

stronghunter said...

Hunter has a costume, but he won't wear it. He went out with a friend but he did not want to ask for candy.

Kathryn is here with me. The other boy's father went along with them.

Hunter is not a fan of Halloween. He just came in and started in on the candy here, though.

He does not particularly like the skulls on my video, but he sometimes says he wants to watch a horror movie. Kathryn figures he's really not ready for those.

stronghunter said...

Glad you got to see it, Hoda.

Hoda said...

Well I just had the first of the trick or treaters. Three Little Angels, must be around grade 6. They are so polite when they come to the door...It is fun...

Lolly said...

Have shared Laurel's pictures on fb. Now I will bring them to the family pics blog here.

DanaMo said...

Tons of left-over candy. Not good!

stronghunter said...

Kathryn has all kinds of Halloween decorations. I grabbed the skulls and a few other things this afternoon and put them on the front porch after I cleaned up the dog poop in the yard.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn reports that we have had a zillion trick-or-treaters at this point.

Lolly said...

Have put the boys halloween pic on fb and my family pics blog.

Not one single child has come to the door. Does not seem like Halloween. I am NOT staying home next year!!!

Lolly said...

This is what Laurel put on fb..................So when the kids knock on my door I knock back really loud then open the door and say to the kids "trick or treat". The last little boy says to me giggling, "You scared me! You must have been practicing that alot." too cute!

She is having too much fun! I am not staying home next year!

JudyEddy said...

WVGALDANA It is I who has the elec chain saw I love it I got mine at Home Depot for 49.97 they have a nice kick butt one on a pole I am buying or asking for Christmas for tree branches it is 89.97 I am sure Lowes have them also Walmart also sell them but only during seasons not now I think I know I had to go get mine at HD last year Tommy bought me a hedge trimmer I wanted a chain saw he said he went to Wmt and they didn't have them so he got he the Hedgetrimmer instead which I took back to WMT and went to HD and bought one It is sooo easy to use also Mine is a POULAN you can order on also Google it and you will be amazed how many there are out there different sizes and prices off course

Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...

I have 101 msg to read in my mail box so I best start reading I shall return

stronghunter said...

Really Funny, Lolly. I am wondering if Will has been going to the door in his get-up. He has quite a picture on FB, but not sure I can share it.

Lolly said...

I can not share Laurel's pics as she has only friends can see them. However, I save them and then repost. Where there's a will, there's a way!

stronghunter said...

Last year he went to a Halloween party at a local bar and won first place. I suppose that is what he is doing this year.

Scott said...

@hedgie - thanks so much..yes it is growing very rapidly. I love it so much...

@Eagle-Eyed Sharon - LOL..yep

hedgie said...

Thanks, Lolly!!

DanaMo---I'll just need to find someone with a fenced yard to keep Liesl probably for a week or so. I prefer someone who is home most of the time, as Liesl is not used to be left alone in a crate for hours on end. But thanks for the thought!

stronghunter said...

I used to be able to copy the pictures and re-post them but recently something in the program turns the color pictures to black and white. I have not figured that out. I can take my digital camera and take a picture of the picture.

First I tried asking Will provide something I can share. I think you can change privacy settings for individual pictures now.

JudyEddy said...

This is the message I get when I try to change my AVATAR do you know anything about it Has this happened to any of you

We're sorry, but you have exceeded your photo upload quota. For more information, check out this Blogger help page.
From the web

JudyEddy said...

I clicked on the link and it said I could but more space form Picasa
here is the page I had to click on to


hedgie said...

No trick or treaters here....never have been in the 19 yrs. I've lived here.

I also have an electric chainsaw....can't even recall what brand. Lowe's---not expensive. Short blade.....kills my wrists if I try to do anything much with it!!

DanaMo said...

Hedgie/Lynn-I so wish I could help. Of course, I do have a fenced yard, but my house is a zoo and no one is home all day. :(

stronghunter said...

I did have a chain saw, but I think it might be at Tom's house now. I have never used it. My ex-hubby left it when he went away.

stronghunter said...

I keep thinking that I want to help you Lynn, but I truly hope you can find something better for Liesl. The set-up here is much like a zoo with all of the animals and I am not sure when I will have a fence.

But I am thinking about you.

Hoda said...

They are cute when they are so little and come to the door to trick or treat... A family of six just stopped by Mom also dressed up...The kids were so excited...

stronghunter said...

I posted Will's picture on FB. I hope you can see it.

stronghunter said...

Judy, I don't know anything about a "photo upload quota." I wish I could help. I hope someone on here can.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Shirley! But I DO hope you get that fence SOON!!! YOU need it for those dogs and George sooner rather than later. End of the week???? Isn't that when they are to start??

I,too, have never gotten a message like that, JudyE!

Lolly said...

Laurel just called. She ran out of candy. Turned out all the lights and made the house dark and the boys were not even home yet with their dad. If they had been home should could have given away some of their candy...that which they did not want, that is. LOL

stronghunter said...

We have done that, Lolly. Slipped a few pieces out of Hunter's bag. Wouldn't have worked this year since he did not get any.

Too bad I can't send leftovers to Laurel. I bought lots of little candies this year so we could give a handful or one piece as needed.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Lynn. I am truly hoping to have a fence by the end of the week.

stronghunter said...

Time to bring in the skulls and turn off the lights. It has been quiet for an hour. Would have done it sooner, but I didn't want to move.

stronghunter said...

Let us know as soon as you have a date, Lynn.

hedgie said...

I will, Shirley.

Lolly said...

Think I am going to go shower and get comfy to watch Castle this evening.

Whoops! Jack and I are digging into the candy Kisses. Time to get them out of the house! lol

paula eagleholic said...

Jayden is getting a brother or sister? Great news!

Lynn, glad you are happy with the hospital.

Trick or treat was a blast...Kids looks great, not as many trick or treaters as last year, and the parade wasn't real long either. Gianni in her snowplow won 2nd place for most original! The Empire State building and King Kong beat them! All in good fun.

Took Nick up to the parade! Left the festivities a few minutes before the kids to get home, clear the kitchen table, and get some pizza. The kids played and the adults chatted afterwards...a very enjoyable has become our Halloween tradition!

magpie said...

Good Hallowe'en Evening Everyone...
Energy Bandit has stripped me bare...

I've tried to read but cannot say I am caught up.

I do know that we still have many things to continue praying I will do that....

and looks like a good many things to chuckle about also, that's good ☺

that's it for me! Hope I don't lose my membership in the Early Bird Coffee Club...might be a couple of days before I get back on that schedule. Everything's a little mixed up for the next couple of days.

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

I am so glad she won second place PAULA. Do you have pictures?
I'll go to FB and see if you posted anything.

Mema Jo said...

Yikes! Will is using it as his profile pic! I wonder how long it took him and whether he had any help ♥

Hoda said...

Thanks JO I could not see Will's picture till you said it was his profile picture so I checked SHIRLEY fammily and clicked on Will...WOW was he dresses as a Zombie? Amazing make up...

Hoda said...

family and dressed in my last post. Sorry.

Mema Jo said...

Paula that is a good Halloween Family
Tradition! It could go on for at least 10 more years! I did have some older
children tonight - all in costume!
As you can see on FB, Aaron and Val still like to dress up for Halloween

NatureNut said...

Trick or Treat!! We got 1 small group!!
Been working today on 'puter in between breaks! doing pictures for an album for 2 young people from the Park who just got married.One of their fave colors for our Park Party was orange! So of course I had to make an intro page w/Fall river pic & added the balloons. Duh
Think it's time to start online Xmas shopping! Don't need any ideas for kids!

Well, will try to read some at Park if we can get online. Gotta do the do, so if I don't return,
Pleasant Feather Dreams & Prayers for Good Health :>)

Mema Jo said...

FB If you have a chance go to Bev Crisco Riffe - Eagle Eyed Sissy's page and click on Mattie's
pic and see the Dorothy costume!!

DanaMo Look at the Halloween outfit
of Mattie (she is our youngest eaglet

Hoda said...

MARGY I am glad you checked in...I hope your hours go back to regular so you can be more comfortable. Do you know if James was going trick or treating or not?

Mema Jo said...

I just ask a piece of warm pumpkin pie.
Hit the spot - would loved to have had a
cup of coffee but I just wouldn't get to sleep.

Hoda said...

JO when I search for Bev on FB I get zero she under another name? Bev Criscoe Riffe is what I typed.

hedgie said...

FINALLY getting a chance to try out the new Pumpkin Pop Tarts....yummy!!!! Actually think they came last year but we couldn't find them around here then!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and Gianni got the idea of trick or treat pretty quick. She came back and wanted to eat candy! And she did :) Didn't spoil her dinner! She ate 2 pieces of pizza as well!

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, she' on my list as Beverly

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - thanks for the photos.
I am amazed at Joseph's height!
Joey looks good.
Jacob is ready to fight the world!

hedgie said...

Here, Hoda:

stronghunter said...

Yes, it is Will's profile picture. Smart thinking, Jo and Hoda.

Will did a good job of make-up last year, but he has done better this year.

hedgie said...

Margy, hope you get caught up on your sleep, girlfriend!

Will IS very scary in his costume!

Everything is put away here.....only need to do laundry tomorrow. Truck is still in driveway----didn't want to drive tires full of wet leaves in to garage! I am pooped! Liesl is begging for some pre-bed to sofa I go.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!
Well, it's 8 pm here, and not one trick-or-treater! We don't have any little ones in our neighborhood, but sometimes we get whole truckloads of kids transported in from other areas, so never know quite what to plan for! Might just lay low with lights out next year.

Kubby went to bed an hour ago, and Emma is snoring. I am still doing transcription, but only have 4 reports left to do--Yippee!

Lynn, I'm glad you're happy with the hospital where you will have your operation! Hope it will be soon, so you can get it over with and get on with your life! Golly, wish I were closer to you geographically--I would love to babysit Liesl for you, and bet Emma would love it, too! Hope you can find just the right person to keep her for you, so that you don't worry about her. Only positive thoughts allowed, and NO STRESS! (((HUGS)))!!

Have said prayers for all those in need, human or critter. Making sure the porch light is on, and turning on both security systems. Hope that everyone sleeps especially well tonight, and wakes up totally rested tomorrow! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

stronghunter said...

Will's Halloween picture from last year is on my blog. Will you believe me when I say that my children are into drama? I have some similar pictures of Susan.

It upsets Hunter to see them like this, though.

Hoda said...

Thanks PAULA and JO

Lolly said...

Thanks for the idea, Hoda. Went to Shirley's fb page and scrolled her friends til I found Will. Wow, what a make up job.

Watched Castle, it was great!

Yes, Jo, Joseph is a very tall 11 year old boy with very large feet. lol He and Jacob are on their way to be 6'6" or taller!

Lolly said...

Facebook has been fun tonight. Loved seeing all the costumes. Laurel's bff posted the cutest picture. I need to save it and share it with you. I will go get it. You can not help but laugh.

Hoda said...

6'6 IS tall LOLLY. When her Majesty The Queen was in Australia last week she met a basketball woman player who stood 7 feet tall!!! Her Majesty looked genuinley surprised.

stronghunter said...

I have posted a picture of Susan, too, but it is black and white. Someday I will figure out why the pictures I grab from the Internet turn to black and white. It was color when I saved it.

Lolly said...

Okay, I have posted on my family pics blog the cutest picture. These are the two little boys of Laurel's forever friend, Bip. They now live in S.C. She posted this on fb tonight. I love it! You will, too!

Lolly said...

Oh, Shirley, that picture is gross. Glad it is in b & w. Color would be awful!!!

stronghunter said...

I watched Castle, too. It's the first time I have watched that program all the way through. It was good.

I really have to go to bed, now, though.

Kind of worried about Kathryn. She has been having trouble sleeping and I heard her get up and go to the bathroom after Flash decided to to running through the house barking like an insane dog. He is usually asleep at this time of night.

I'm turning on the night light. I do hope Judie returns soon.

stronghunter said...

You can see why it upset Hunter, can't you, Lolly?

But, as I said, my children are into drama.

Lolly said...

Joey is 6'6" and Laurel is 5'11". These boys are going to be tall. Jacob is probably going to be the biggest. He is running bigger than Joseph at the same age.

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY Thank you for turning on the night light.
I hope Kathryn is able to go back to sleep.
Good night and sleep well it was good to visit with you tonight and to check your FB page.

stronghunter said...

Love your pictures, Lolly. They are very cute, and the boys are really tall.

Falling asleep. Must go.

hedgie said...

Dozed off watching news.....duh!

Going to go get my bath....will say goodnight for now to those gone or going! Prayers for all.

Lolly said...

I think I am headed to bed.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

I will say goodnight, sweet dreams and God Bless.
Travelling witha friend to a neighbouring town tomorrow after yoga...need to see what is in their stores. They have more department store type outlets as opposed to Nelson's local business. There is not much I want to buy, but it will be a good opportunity to visit...

Costume Lady said...

I'm about to let the sandman in the door...Soup Kitchen tomorrow and I work better when I have a good night's rest.


Costume Lady said...

A couple was married in our church, Saturday. Due to the snow, attendance was very sparse, so a lot of food for the reception was left-over. The couple left for a cruise to the Bahamas, so they couldn't take the food...donated it to Soup Kitchen!:)

Costume Lady said...

GG did fess up and said she only went to the mailbox, thus, the footprints in the snow:)


hedgie said...

It's after MN HERE so an east coast greeting to Andy!


hedgie said...

Andy, I know that Liesl and Emma would l-o-v-e each other!!!! Thanks for the thought! :(

hedgie said...

Wanda, what a great menu---and so glad the young couple donated; just sad that their wedding wasn't all that they expected. Syupid snowstorm.
Glad that GG "confessed!" What a doll!!

Hoda, safe travels tomorrow!!

Night-night again. Love you all.

Lori O. said...

Happy November 1st!


Wishing you the Happiest Birthday ever with lots of love, friends and good memories.

PA Nana said...


PA Nana said...

Hi Lori, just passing through. Going to bed now. Goodnight/Good day - whatever fits this day for you. Have a good one.

Lori O. said...

Hi Diann! I've missed you.

Lori O. said...

Wanda, your BASK Menu sounds wonderful! What nice angels you are to make the food to tasty and healthy for those who really need it! God Bless you and Capt/Fr. Gene and all those who volunteer in the Soup Kitchen. I hope you found the other Amish cookbook and now each of you has a copy. :)

LYNN, yay for the Fairfax hospital. Is it the same one that Cheney was in? Of course, he was in the cardiac unit. Prayers for you multiple times daily and good feelings about you! ♥

As for my selfish self, I'm hoping Kay fell asleep in her chair last night and will be up early this morning! Kay, you bring a special sunshine to the Early Birds! Imagine when we get you and the camera! Wish we could find a weathly benefactor to take care of the camera! :)

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, the picture of Bip's little boys is precious! I'm a huge fan of Scooby! That photo will bring great memories someday.

SISSY, love the pic of you and Sharon on your FB page. What do your shirts say? Peace, love and ?
I saw a similar one theother day that said Peace sign, ♥ and horses!

Better go feed FB - his schedule is off a bit since Kate is still at the beach. Glad to have TV and in ternet back. Sure was a lifesaver having the 3G on the

Make it a great day all!

DanaMo said...

I can't find the picture. I've reread the post and I click on Eagle Eye Sissy but I only see pictures of a Hawk and then of the dog...I don't see anywhere that I can click on Mattie.

Good morning. Maybe I just got up too early! Wonder what kind of day it will be in school today? Will the kids be really tired or wound up? Hmmm...guess we will see. We have Mass this afternoon and Saints will come to visit this morning. I hope I can make it through the day!

Lori O. said...

Hi DanaMo!

I saw the picture on a link that Hedgie posted at 10:54 last night....called "SISSY"

DanaMo said...

Okay, maybe I'm being really dumb this morning. I click on that link and it brings me to the FB page, I thought I was looking for a picture with a Halloween Costume, but I don't see it...

Lori O. said...

I didn't see a Halloween picture either, but I don't think I'm a "friend" on FB of Sissy's. I just thought the pic was cute.

Lori O. said...

After putting up this beautiful "Tom" avatar I don't think I'll be able to eat turkey on Thanksgiving.

Lori O. said...

It's 6:25 so Shirley should be getting up next...

Good Morning SHIRLEY!!!

Lori O. said...

Shirley, are you rummaging through Hunter's T or T bag? LOL

JudyEddy said...

G☼☼D M☼orning EAGLE BUDS

JudyEddy said...

Jayden will have a sibling cool beans!

Lynn I am praying for you and you are always in my thoughts

Sounds liks some of you had no T&T at all I know Angies was a little upset with ourselves we were out tooo late with Jordyn and when we got back late she knew that she would be stuck with lots of candy As I was leaving her area I stopped and saw a some kids with parents I directed them back and said Angies was giving out big big handfuls just to get rid of it I hope that they showed up Our intentention was to be gone 1 hour That didn't happen more litke 2 1/2 we were gone

DanaMo said...

Off to school!

JudyEddy said...

Cute picture LOLLY and SHIRLEY not cute but very good they should have been in a haunted house with the grossness LOL

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning awesome eagle buds! I have been over on the Decorah chat checking it out. I love that cam. It is not ours, but it'll work till ours is up. Been seeing both eagles (they call them mom and dad) for the past few mornings. Hope all is well in eagle land this morning.

JudyEddy said...

I had big issues last nite posted pictures all the pictures I posted were BLACK I had a picture that was on my camera that was black don't know why but all 50 pic were black and it took me over an hour to get them off the pae kept freezing up the IE ODD must have been a corrupt file I guess they all were just black black no picture at all

JudyEddy said...

I see Scott was on yesterday HEY SCOTT if you pop back in

JudyEddy said...

Great sounding menu WANDA


Hey any peeps with candy left over I know down here theyre is a organization that ship over seas to the troops

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, JudyE. Sounds like you had a fun time last night even tho you were a bad girl and kept Jordyn out late.

Did you wear a costume?

JudyEddy said...

I wore a pumopkin shirt as did Angie and Carl We even took the dog We went to one of Angies friend moms house on the bay Wow was it a pretty sunset right on the sunshine skyway bridge PRetty

JudyEddy said...

that should have been pumpkin shirt you knew what I meant A friend of mine just sent me picture of her grandkids the little boy was a UPS driver sooooo cute he was

Lori O. said...

Oh, post the little boy as a UPS driver. I bet it's adorable!

JudyEddy said...

Last night I had to delete some pictures in order to change my AVATAR I deleted the osprey album from what I read on the link that I posted we are only allowed so may GB of pictures and I must have exceeded my limit so I may have to weed some pictures out I do have an excess of blogs pictures I need to find out what they are talking about that we have a album that contains our pictures through google and picasa I may just have to poke around till I find it

JudyEddy said...

OK I will do now BBIAM

JudyEddy said...

LORI pictures of the UPS KID is on my blog

Lori O. said...

Oh my gosh, he is a cutie patootie! Adorable! The picture is under JudyE's MISC pics and video BLOG.

Lori O. said...

JudyE, what a great idea to have our official Early Birds pic as your avatar!

JudyEddy said...

USP KID this is a friend of my grand kid

JudyEddy said...

silly me forgot to put the link on thanks LORI its a DUH day already

JudyEddy said...

YEAH my bank is not doing the ATM card fee YEAH just on the news seems some banks are still doing it

JudyEddy said...

LORI that is the one I kept trying to put on last nite and the blogger cop google cop said I had no more room so I went in and deleted some pictures in order to get it on I guess we can buy more pictures GB but I will just have to clean up some pictures

JudyEddy said...

Our weather is absoutely beautiful with the cold frint dewpoint 58 Humidity 90 but with the nice dew point it is soooooo coooool it is 60 right now

JudyEddy said...

I fogot what the degree sign was need to go look it it I guess I need to make a cheat

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...