Monday, October 17, 2011


New week thread.


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magpie said...

Wheeeee a Morning Split!

thanks for the weather report, Morning GLori ....I think I have a court appearance today
have to dress nice, but I can wear my sandals without socks.
I had to quick-hem a pair of black pants last night because the other ones...seem to have shrunk ☺

Good Morning Eagle Pals xo

magpie said...

on your radio question
They won't be saying:

Oh It's Monday Morning, back to work today ??

can't call in the answer, but..that's my guess ☺

magpie said...

Did you remember to take your

magpie said...

back to packing lunch....

Hoping it's a bright and cheerful, hopeful day for everyone...

see you much later on today
Thanks Dana - you too, have a good one, hope it is less busy, and more relaxing

ttfn xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Oh Soup Kitchen today
can't wait to drool over the menu ☺

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Watching cartoons with Hunter this morning.

Lori, that word is too long for Scrabble. There are only 15 spaces across a Scrabble board.

Sounds like you are getting lots of work, Andy. All of that studying is paying off.

Today is my bowling day. Need to focus on not having any gutter balls.

stronghunter said...

Hi Margy,

Didn't see that split coming.

stronghunter said...

Gotta check my Scrabble games. There are usually some ready for me early in the morning. Guess people play late in the night or maybe live in a far different time zone.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley Since your plans fell through for that party or whatever it was. Do you think you will be able to come Octobert 24th?

You know I have Kathryn and Hunter and you in prayer during this time of furniture moving around and WHY.

wvgal_dana said...

Well it seems DanaMo and Margy are wearing black pants today. WOW and I only went into DanaMo's closet and not Margy's LOL

wvgal_dana said...

If anyone has to go anywhere today and needs to dress up a little. The theme for today seems to be "black pants".

Lori O. said...

I'm always here DanaWV, but get busy, especially in the 7 o'clock hour...guess that trade speak, sorry. At 7 I get really busy. :)

wvgal_dana said...

I got 97.1WASH-FM on my computer. I heard you Lori ( :

Lori O. said...

LOL Dand WV!!!

stronghunter said...

Sometimes it is not the long words that you need for Scrabble. My opponent played "unau." Haven't found a definition, but it is a legal word. Just need to try to remember it.

Lori O. said...

Duh, I just realized we split!

Hello Margy & Shirley!

stronghunter said...

I still need to be here to take care of Hunter, DanaWV.

Lori O. said...

One thing about getting dressed in the dark - I'm wearing black pants, too. Thought they were navy!

DanaMo said...

Signing off for now. Have a good everyone. Thanks for the help Dana ☺

DanaMo said...

Thanks Shirley, I'll use that against Paula, she kicked my butt in words!

stronghunter said...

unau - a sloth of Central America that has two long claws on each forefoot and three long claws on each hindfoot

Found it!

Lori O. said...

Shirley, Kathryn's ex is a butthead (sorry) if he does that again. There's no point in just dropping off everything in the driveway. We need a remote cam to keep an eye on the drive so you'll know when he's there and can run out and make sure he puts it in the garage.

Lori O. said...

I bet people in Central America don't even know that word, Shirley. :)

stronghunter said...

Okay--a couple of other words that come in handy.

aa--a type of volcanic ash

ai--a type of sloth. I guess different from the unau

"physical life force," 1850, from Chinese qi "air, breath." (Not all dictionaries accept this one.)

qat--I think this is a type of shrub

magpie said...

Meant to say:
Thanks for the updates on Kate's tests...sounds pretty good, crazy, a jagged something or other, but glad it is not presenting problems

I better Go! Or I will be late...

(( Hugs for Lynn !! ♥ ))

ttfn xo ♥

Lori O. said...

qi would be like, chi, same thing, right?

Lori O. said...

Love YOU, Margy!

Lori O. said...

Hamas swaps Gilad Schalit for more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners. Can you imagine how happy he and his family, the entire country is today?! That's awesome.

stronghunter said...

That's it, Lori. It does not work on the Scrabble game I have on disk but it does work on the online game.

stronghunter said...

Just texted Tom and told him when I would be home today to open the garage. We will see what happens. He has always been respectful to me.

wvgal_dana said...

That is a good way do handle that Shirley. ( : It is good he has always been respectful to you.

Lori O. said...

Nice way to take care of Tom, Shirley. I'm sure Kat arrpeciates it.

Lori O. said...

I have more than my share of typos today. Forgive me.

hedgie said...

Happy Tues. AM! It looks like it's going to be lovely. Raring to get started blowing/mowing, but I try to be respectful---jerk neighbor is off today and has NOT started making noise yet, so I will refrain for another hour or so. :) Aren't I nice?

Thanks for the late night wishes and prayers and sweet words for me!

hedgie said...

Shirley, I hope that Tom stays respectful and pays attention to your text.

Lori O. said...

Yes, you are nice, Lynn!
Do unto others...

Well, you have many more nice words and thoughts, prayers, coming your way, Ms. Everybody Loves You!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

HEDGIE!!! So many prayers going up my friend! Positive thoughts and energy and prayers and all that stuff!! Love and hugs!!! When are you going to the beach?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Gonna have to try to get on this blog every day! Gotta do better with my peeps!!!!

hedgie said...

Just got a sweet text message from Sharon!!
Wonder if she had heard anything from JudyE's daughter yet? She would surely have a landline number to reach Judy.

hedgie said...

And there are two of the Bluefield gals!!! Hi there!!! Thank you, thank you!!!
Leave for the beach Sunday!!

hedgie said...

Yep, Sissy, we miss not seeing you all here more often....such busy lives you lead!!!

hedgie said...

From WCV:

Two bear cubs removed from a tree after a sow [presumably their mother] was struck and killed by a car in Suffolk, VA on Monday morning [October 17] are expected to be brought to the Wildlife Center of Virginia in Waynesboro on Tuesday, October 18.

The cubs are expected to arrive on Tuesday morning. They will be examined by the Center’s team of wildlife veterinarians.

Additional information on the cubs and their condition will be posted as it becomes available.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I saw that too Hedgie. I hope they put a cam on them!! After Hope's death, I have really had a time. I have mourned that little bear like she was family!!!!

Lori O. said...

Sorry for the cubs losing their mother, but at least they will be going to the best place to care for them - pretty sure they would put them on the live cam.

hedgie said...

I hope they do, too...but I know what you mean about the loss of Hope......makes it so hard to want to get involved with more cubbies....:(

hedgie said...

Out I go....round 1!!!!

Oh, BTW--Wanda...encouraging story about your fellow congregant. REALLY hoping I don't need chemo if losing nails is one of the side effects. Couldn't deal with that. I would have to become a total hermit, cause I hate gloves!!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Wow! 54 here this morning. Grand total of a quarter inch of rain, but sunny and quite chilly this morning. Up to 57 now.

Guess you are out taking care of leaves this morning, Lynn. (((Hugs))) You are in everyone's prayers...constantly! The good Lord is really going to be taking care of you!!☺

Today Joseph is 11. Laurel posted a picture on fb. Looks like he got a new sweatshirt for a present. I have some new clothes, a shark tooth necklace, a Giants coat, (Yuck!) and the basketball goal to take up today. Now need to start work on those pies! Also, at his request, we are going out to eat Mexican Food! Well, there goes the diet!

Lolly said...

I am off...gotta bake!

Have a great day!

hedgie said...

Making good headway....and now breeze is starting... :(

hedgie said...

Have a fun celebration, Lolly! Mexican sounds good to me! Love it! Right on---Giants yuck!!!

Did a little research....Davinci IS used and GT does have it!! Hope that is what will be planned!

Costume Lady said...

Hope you slept well, LYNN. I did, and feel better about your situation this confident, deep down in my soul that results will be perfect! I talked with my LORD last night and this came to mind: IN MY DISTRESS I CRIED UNTO THE LORD, AND HE HEARD ME. (psalm 120:1)...
So, my dear friend...go to the beach and have a wonderful time and don't worry about anything.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Eaglet Momsters rock!!! Love you Wanda! Such clear, comforting words of encouragement.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We have started cheering for the Giants for the past few years. There is a boy from Bluefield on the team, Ahmad Bradshaw. He played ball with our nephew, Ben. He scored 3 TDs Sunday! He came from a terrible background and it is so good to see him doing so well, so we have to cheer him on!!!

Costume Lady said...

I got a phone call from my Karla, and I talked far too I'm running behind. Closing the shop today...GG has doctor appt. and MUST go to Soup Kitchen. Giving 10% discount coupons for those who might come to the shop and find it closed. Mon & Tues are not busy days.



Have a great day♥

hedgie said...

Whew----blowing is done except for around chimney....think I'll catch my breath and then do the mower part before I blow that area---can't get the mower in over there any way without talking apart part of the fence.

Kay said...

Here I am, Miss Johnnie Come Lately and positively reeling at your news, LYNN. Saying a prayer of thanks for early detection and your proximity to GT, a premium facility ! So many have spoken of your style, grace and class with eloquence. I can only say, oh yeh, that's our LYNN. We've got you covered with mega prayers and we know from so many examples God does listen to Momster prayers ! Love you much ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Chicken Corn Chowder...yum...I will be there! (In my dreams!)

One pie in the oven. This new recipe has a cheese cake lower layer and pumpkin top layer in a graham cracker crust. Hmmm???Will see how this one goes over. The next is the traditional pumpkin pie, only I am going to do a new recipe on it as well. Hope I am not doing the wrong thing. I have always done the recipe on the can, this time I am doing one from the has Eagle Brand in it. Can not be too bad. Yikes! Want Joseph happy, but felt like experimenting.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lynn, what beach are you going to?

Mema Jo said...

Good morning
Wow I almost missed it

Kay said...

Just read up on the daVinci surgical system--wow, talk about state of the art. Here's hoping they do use it in your case, LYNN, as it is definitely the least invasive method available today. The robot costs over 1 million dollars and take hundreds of thousands of dollars for yearly upkeep. Therefore not available to most of the folks in our country. You are in the right place at the right time in medical history, LYNN ! Here's hoping they choose the system for you !

Mema Jo said...

Kristen is here today and I lost track of time by sitting with her and yacking.

I would like to come over for Chocolate Pie and then head to TX for Pumpkin Pie.

I hope JudyE can touch base with us soon. I best check out FB to see if she has been there.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Morning Mema Jo!!! That is a good way to lose track of time, isn't it?

Mema Jo said...

Lynn the email you mentioned must have gotten lost out in cyberspace. If possible, send it again. Thanks.

Kay said...

LOLLY, don't know about dear Joseph, but those pies sound yummy, yummy, yummy to me !

WANDA, that's a good description for today's Soup Kitchen menu, too. God Bless you n' Gene and all your helpers as you minister to the needy !

LORI, thanks for the big hugs ! Love the fact that you wish we could live closer to each other ! Seems to me you have enough on your plate taking care of Kate, Nancy and a bunch of needy animals. Keep up the good work and be assured I'm in good hands here with Julie and the guys ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

What a kick to hear from DARTH on JUDIE's behalf ! Hope your leg is feeling better today !

Good to "see" RED checking in, too ! I miss your daily menu ideas and recipes. Happy to hear you're feeling good these days !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

From JudyE's daughter yesterday on Facebook. Sad I can't be there to meet her.

She arrived at her Girlfriends house in NC on Friday, she has no access to a computer there they live in the mountains and I dont think they have a computer actually. Yes all is a go thats all she has talked about about how she was meeting you guys and were going to try to see eagle nest on that Monday. She does have a cell on her but really no service while she is at their house. I will let her know you asked about her when I call her this week.

Mema Jo said...

Hello to the Bluefield Gals!
Thelma is here on a pretty regular basis. We miss you - I always check up on you two over on FB.
(((hugs for my Bluefield gals)))

Kay said...

Lunch time--have a larder full of food, but nothing looks good after reading about chocolate pie, pumpkin pie, corn chowder, baked chicken wings..... BBL

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

They are sending Tom's mom out to the ER. Shes been complaining of chest pain and tightness. She's a bit swollen and hasn't eaten anything. Possibly fluid but they wanna make sure! Need prayers, bless her heart!

hedgie said...

Haven't mowed yet! Had a surprise visit from DanaWV! She wanted to make sure I was okay....and she got lots of loving from Liesl---even a kisses bath!!

Now out I go. BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Tom's mother - I guess she has been doing fairly well as this is the first we've heard about her! I sure
hope she makes it through this one!

I'm like you, Kay - I am hungry but don't want anything but PIE. lol

I was glad to hear about Kate's test from Lori this morning.

Margie - back in court today. Hope they wind things up this time.

hedgie said...

Oh, dear, hope Mrs Riffe is okay. Is she in a nursing home, Sissy??

Sharon, ask Angie to ask Judy if she could give one of us the number where she is so that someone can talk to her to verify the Monday arrangements, please.

hedgie said...

Oh, Kay, thank you for all your love and support! Please don't worry. You concentrate on getting yourself all healed!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now Hedgie, do you really think we can NOT worry about you? We love you a GREAT DEAL!!!!!

I sent Angie, Judy's daughter, another message asking for the number. Will let you know.

hedgie said...

Still need to mow the dog yard, and blow by the chimney. Then I have more sticks and branches to haul---either to the kindling box or to the back of the lot on the wood dump!

hedgie said...

Wanda, dinner sounds great!! I love choco pie!!

hedgie said...

Thanks on both counts, Shar!!!! I love you all SO much!! You're gonna save my life AGAIN!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Yes, Lynn, Mrs. Riffe is still in that Godforsaken nursing home. Her daughter works there and so they will never move her. Haven't heard anything else yet.

Lolly said...

Lynn, very neat that Dana dropped in. Liesl knew a doggie person!☺

One pie is out of the oven, second pie has a few minutes to go. Need to go get myself ready now. Car is loaded to the max!

I will see you all probably late tonight. It is going to take a while to get the basketball goal put together, plus eating out. Michael and family can not make it, he is busy, going to court Thurs. in Houston.

Have a great day...see you later.

Mema Jo said...

All that yard work! Don't overdo Lynn

I am going to email message to those scheduled to attend the NCTC visit with times and places and our contact person.
I will also publish it on here so all the Momsters will know what we are up to. Remember that I have sent the list
to Security and can't receive anymore
who would want to visit at the last

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jo and Lynn, check your FB messages. I sent you Judy's number.

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Thanks Sharon!

Hoda said...


Kay said...




Mema Jo said...

One of my favorite TV programs returns:

Flashpoint Tonight

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!
Been ROFLMBO about you early birds searching through closets! As early as I get up every day, I find a BIG flashlight is the best bet for getting clothing colors right!
Prayers for Darth's leg, too!!

Margy, you were saying that your checkbook was hurting not long age--had to give mine a transfusion from the savings today. WHY does every bill we have seem to be due between the 15th and 20th? Need to inquire about changing some of the due dates, if possible! Hope your day in court goes well, and quickly!

HAPPY 11TH BIRTHDAY TO LOLLY & JACK'S GS, JOSEPH!!! Wishing you a VERY special day!

Sissy, prayers for Granny Riffe! Hope she'll feel much better, pronto!

stronghunter said...


Got home about 2:30. Parked on the street to give Tom room. He has been respectful, but good grief, he is filling my garage. This house is going to explode from all of the stuff here. I probably will not be able to park in the garage for months.

We will see . . .

stronghunter said...

Had a very nice lunch with my friend Canice, the dual enrollment coordinator. She brought me these beautiful flowers from her own garden.

Judie said...

Hello everyone.

I tried to post earlier today from school but no success.

Seems most everyone is doing well enough. Lolly is baking, Wanda and the Capt. are preparing another yummy soup kitchen dinner, Lynn is winning the battle against leaves, several are trying to out-smart Scrabble, DanaMo and Margy are trying to look like twins, DanaWV has been skulking around in DanaMo's closet, Shirley has been evicted from her garage but was consoled by lunch from a friend who brought flowers, Sissy has defected to the Giants, Kay felt well enough to do some daVinci research, Jo is on a pie-eating frenzy, Judy is safe on a mountain, Sharon sneaked through the door, Kate's tests are encouraging but we must send a prayer for Tom's mom and hope that GG dr. appt. went well.

Going to go check the new thread.

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...