Friday, October 28, 2011


Snow tomorrow (?) thread.


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stronghunter said...

Good morning Steve! I will get the others.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve and thanks for letting me visit with the eagles

JudyEddy said...

G☼☼D M☼rning eagle buds

stronghunter said...

Hi, Judy. So glad that you got to visit the nest. I have been there twice, but haven't actually seen the eagles at the nest. I think I saw them flying, though. I envy you!

stronghunter said...

I do plan to be at the spring open house, though. I really hope we will be able to see a whole eagle family then.

JudyEddy said...

Testing to see if this works with the YouTube video Of vacation

Full page of video testing

JudyEddy said...

Ok the link did work instead of down loading all the video just click on the link above it is a page of all the ones from vaca I did during nite

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you for the new thread Steve. Hope you are having a GOOD Day.

Thanks for the call over Shirley.

I had tried to get you on chat Shirley to ask about playing this game...Words With Friends..How to get started?

I think we will see the family is Belle and _______ whomever get together and lay eggs, they hatch there will be action at the nest. Oh Boy!!!!

JudyEddy said...

I will put link on my blog with the pictures when I down load them also Now I need to go get oil change and my seat in truck checked out when they installed seat belt before I left it seat is hard to slide back and up again and off course I am at almost time for milage since vaca so will do both together BBL

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE I have loved your pictures. Got to see and heard-love hearing waterfalls that you put on FB.

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE I finally got to see wonderful pictures on your blog ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Ok JudyE hugs and hope they fix that seat belt.

Jewels said...

Good morning to you our fine feathered friends. Its been a terrible morning here. I got up at 4:30am to notice the electric was out on the whole bottom floor, and half the second floor.woke mom up, woke Frank and Irene as well. Made a call to the realtor and they couldn't get anyone to check things out til after 8:30. So here we sit, Dominion Power is out there and they ssy its their problem. No electric here, my phone won't last long on battery. Will keep u posted. May be coming home early. :(

Jewels said...

Premature entry, a quick fix. Dominion has solved the problem!!!! Mom will be on soon I am sure!

wvgal_dana said...

Great Jewels that they fixed it. Will be looking for Lynn to come on the blog. Have fun down there and ENJOY!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Another case of mistreating of Exotic animals:

Mary Thompson could NOT take her Exotic animals they are left at Columbus Zoo

wvgal_dana said...

COMMENT AT 10:43 is a link

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the link, DanaWV. I hope she does not ever get those animals back. Jack Hanna is right.

stronghunter said...

Glad they got the power back on for Lynn and her group.

magpie said...

Thanks Steve! for the new thread.... Good choice of words:

Snow tomorrow (?) thread...

sure could be, more in some areas than others !

magpie said...

well Jewels...glad the power is restored....!!!

guess bringing it to the Momsters and Dadsters helped bring about a quick fix ☺

magpie said...

Bright and Sunny ☼ in the Eastern Panhandle right now...

back to work for me...
thanks for the Decorah link, DanaWV...have that up now

and an Eagle in the nest, and it's windy there.....
me and 1500+ others watching at this time

magpie said...

and now the other one there......the one with some dark on its head still

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - Sure glad it was a quick fix for you all down in NC. I bet Liesl slept right thru it! ♥

I can't go to NCTC to view the 192 entries for this years Duck Stamp.
However, I am viewing them on line.
They are all so beautiful - try this
and give it time to open
Duck Stamp

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread but NOT the comment..... lol
I know it is going to happen.
I've alerted here on the blog about the coverage of the Duck Stamp Entries.
I would love to have 1 or 2 framed and hanging on my wall.

Mema Jo said...

Incidentally, the stamps are on slideshow - just be patient for the next one to come up.

magpie said...

Magnificent Jo
Thanks for that link...

stronghunter said...

Was enjoying the beautiful pictures when the fence man arrived.

I have signed the contract and paid the deposit. They have to order a gate for the back. (Will wants a gate back there so we can get through to clean off stuff that vines on the fence back there.)

He said that they should be able to do it the end of next week. Yay!!

stronghunter said...

It would have been nice to have done the fence a year ago, but it is hard to make these arrangements while working out of town.

Costume Lady said...

SHIRLEY, our carpenter was here yesterday and measured for the steps and landing that lead to our new porch. He gave us an estimate and again, just like estimate on the porch, it will be $1,000 less than what I have to spend...YAH!
He said the Trex lumber will be delivered next Thursday and he will begin his work Friday or Saturday. I will be so glad to have hand rails again. They took them off when they built the porch and has made it very difficult for me to navigate up or down the steps.

Pretty busy here at the shop this morning. Hope the snow doesn't keep customers away tomorrow. Today and tomorrow will be our busiest days of this month.

Have a good day.

JUDY, still enjoying your photos and videos...very enjoyable!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda did you give any thought to a
ramp in place of steps??? Just asking

stronghunter said...

Exciting, Wanda!!

Oh, I hope you have good business this weekend. Your shop is so nice. We missed being able to get Hunter's costume there this year.

We went to a large store where there were displays of awful scenes with deformed babies, etc. Hunter was a bit unnerved by the sight. He is funny about things like that. Surprising for a boy who likes video games about war.

I was a bit unnerved by screaming children running through the store.

Costume Lady said...

JO, hoping we will not need a ramp. I am going to tell me doctor, next month, that I want to get a REAL NEW KNEE. Whenever the Bone Man can get to me:)

Shirley, we used to have a store similar to that, here at the mall and it was unnerving and expensive. Costumes were sold in a package and all wrinkled.

hedgie said...

Morning all! What a crazy night/morning! At least things turned out well in the end....of course, we didn't get breakfast until 11am!!!
Getting ready to head out for more adventures.

I probably should be rooting for the Cards in the Series.....I REALLY don't much care either way who wins, but since that is Mom and Gail's state team and who they are rooting for, I should probably cheer them on. So I will be the lone dissenter on here (sorry, Lolly!) and say Go Cardinals!!!

hedgie said...

Not at all happy about the weather forecast. Hate to think that Christie will be driving into snow in her new car.....untested, as it were, on bad roads.

Costume Lady said...

NO, No, Lynn...not alone. I too, will be rooting for the Cards. We visited there stadium a few years back and enjoyed our tour through the town, so there you go!
Pitiful reason to be rooting for a team, but, that is mine and I'm sticking to it;)
Have fun with your sweet girls!

Costume Lady said...

Calling for 3-5 inches here, which means...0 to 1 inch or 6 to 8 inches;)

Kay said...

Finally caught up with posts that have collected since my last visit yesterday afternoon. Like many of you, I stayed up way too late watching the "nail biter". Love baseball and so, while I wanted Texas to cinch it last night, I will be happy to have a game to watch tonight. Just hope the Rangers prevail.

LOLLY, is Michael staying on for the grand finale ?

JEWELS/LYNN, glad Dominion came through so the fun can continue. Unreal to be heading home through snow this weekend ! Hopefully it won't stick for long due to pavement temp.

SHIRLEY, glad the fence is about to become reality !

WANDA, same thing for the steps and hand rail. Glad you are opting for knee replacement and hope it can be done soon !

Hoda said...

Oh So very glad LYNN and co got power back. Thanks to JEWEL for the info and I am glad it got corrected...

SNOW news is not so exciting with people on the road and leaves still on the trees...I hope you all managed to get your snow tires on...The first fresh snow is BEAUTIFUL though...

GOOD MORNING EVERY ONE. Thanks Steve for the new thread. Drive Carefully on your snowy roads tomorrow.

DANAMO I hope ANNEMARIE feels better soon.

This week passed so fast and I can not believe it is Friday already.

WHAT??? WHAT??? WHAT??? LYNN and WANDA are rooting for the Cardinals!!!Visiting the stadium is the reason...NO NO NO WNADA THE TEAM IS THE RANGERS LOL

hedgie said...

WhooHoo, fence and steps!!!!! You gals are on a roll!!! Congrats, gals!!
Good luck for business for the weekend, Wanda!!!

We are heading out. Later gators!

Kay said...

DANAMO, we need an update on AnneMarie as well as one on your Dad.

Kay said...

MARGY, glad you enjoyed Belle and Howell--perhaps better as Belle and Howl !

Costume Lady said...

Funny how your priorities change as you get older. I used to get excited over the prospect of getting a new dress or bloueee, NOW, I get excited over new steps!:)
I still get excited over new SHOES! LOL

wvgal_dana said...

My car hasn't been tested in snow either.

wvgal_dana said...

Going in for Mom

Kay said...

Got to the Potted Owl family just as they seem to be snuggling up for the night. The chicks are growing so fast, almost as big as Mom now !

Kay said...

WANDA, LOL priorities ! They sure do change as we age. I'm now buying fewer shoes and purses; wearing less make-up and jewelery than I did ten years ago. Thinking twice or more about purchases of any kind. Of course, some of that is a reaction to the economy more than anything, I think. "They" say we need to be spending money to improve the economy, but I just can't make myself do it for anything but necessities.

Mema Jo said...

Kay, did you suggest any names for the

Mema Jo said...

Red Panda Alert

Hoda said...

OK I am off to yoga and a visit over coffee and some errands. I need to pay for my workshop this weeken on Ayurvedic medicine and picck up a few things for the fridge.

SHIRLEY it is very exciting about the fence project actually in the process of the ground not frozen over there now? It would be hard to dig the posts...I worried about that with all the talk of snow and cold weather. Ground is not frozen here yet so I presume it is not there either, but your weather seems further ahead than ours for right now...EXCITING though. ENJOY the day with HUNTER...I bet you are happy you are not doing PD day!!! LOL I do not miss it at all.

Hoda said...

weekend....pick corrections!!! LOL

stronghunter said...

Hunter's costume is quite wrinkled. It is hanging in Kathryn's room now. I have some spray I can use to de-wrinkle. I wouldn't want to try to iron it. It would probably melt. I do have one of those steam things, though, if the spray doesn't work.

stronghunter said...

Hoda, I suspect that most of us do not have snow tires. We did buy them when we lived in Ohio--even used studded ones sometimes. (Not sure they are still legal.)

But I do not have separate snow tires now.

Kay said...

JO, yes, my entries for the owlets were Sage and Wylie.

stronghunter said...

Oh, we have not had any freezing temperatures here yet, Hoda. Even if it snows a little, I do not think the ground will be frozen next week. I sincerely hope not. It is 48 degrees here now. It feels cold, but isn't freezing.

The snow is supposed to be north and west of here--not far away, but not here. Of course, we will have to see what happens.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Getting on late! Had to take the burp rags in to be embroidered. Yesterday I took them to the shop where I have had work done before and it was a new business that does not do embroidery. However, he gave me the business card of a lady. So, today I took them to her in her home. Well, she was the mother of two of my students!! She talked and talked! I thought I would never get away! However, I think I may get them back today! Hee Hee! It is good to be a "favorite teacher", as she introduced me to her husband.

Lolly said...

I have not talked with Michael nor Ashley do not know if he will still be up there for the game or not.

Well, I have learned who my true friends are. are a jewel! I think Lynn is just always determined to be against my teams. Do not know what to think of Wanda! LOL (((Hugs)))Lynn and Wanda! Still love you but not your choice of teams!

My big problem is TCU is playing tonight on TV as well. Jack has set to record it.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, I can't think of the beautiful burp cloths you make as "rags." Can't wait to see the finished product.

Lolly said...

Saw the discussion of priorities and what excites us. I now know and understand why it was always so hard to buy gifts for older people. I no longer like "things". Oh, I love to look, especially when traveling but I don't need "things". But, I do still like new clothes. lol

Oh, and I do love new things for the yard. My wish list is full of very expensive home remodeling. LOL

Lolly said...

Shirley, I will take a picture like I did last time. They ended up really cute. Mrs. Maxwell suggested that when they are through using them that they should be worked into a quilt. LOL

I will get them into the mail fast as one is for Thanksgiving and one is for Christmas. Fancy for an infant burp rag, right? ☺

stronghunter said...

They are beautiful, Lolly. I like the idea of making them into a quilt.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I would like a deck and a finished basement. Oh, and a storage shed for the things that will need to be removed from the basement, and then some steps for the steep bank in the backyard.

Could use the "Extreme Makeover" team here.

JudyEddy said...

I SAW THE EAGLE IN THE CELL TOWERS NEST SHE IS BIG AND BEATIFUL and I didn't have my camera or Angies she has both until tonight when we have dinner I will get them I am going in the AM to Jordyns dance class also since I am off work

I didn't have my binoculars either since I left with MARGY to throw away being they were broke and Angies said that Santa may bring me some LOL

Back from getting seat looked out they did an anjustment and is as good as new also cup holder had a srew loose is why it was tilting and it wasn't like that before so it is fixed also

stronghunter said...

Someone knocked on our door yesterday and tried to convince Kathryn that our front porch posts need to be coated in plastic.

When Kathryn pointed out that they are vinyl already, he tried to convince her that they were wooden and knocked on them to prove it. They do not sound the same as the porch rails that are vinyl.

Yeah, one is hollow and the other one is solid. Kathryn went with me when I bought them.

stronghunter said...

Oh, I wanted to mention that one of my bowling teammates has eagles in her backyard. I said I would love to see pictures.

Problem is she doesn't like the eagles. She is worried about her small dogs. I am not sure how small the dogs are. I will have to ask.

She said there is even a nest there.

stronghunter said...

I also want some of those nice boxed in beds for flowers and other plants.

JudyEddy said...

FYI I am still in process of downloading on the blog my pictures of NC vaca I got the pictures done and working on just a couple of videos putting on blog also There are sooooooo many on Youtube also So give me time and I will try to finish today I do have to go have dinner with angies

I have put them on the Blog North Carolina where my friends live instead of starting a vacation blog made more sense this way I have sooooo many blogs now don't need to add another

ONEWITH it is easy to do pictures go on to your profile Click on EDIT up in top corners says DASHBOARD click there and click on CREATE A BLOG It is going to ask you to title it and choose a URL let it do that for you TYPE in the letters click continue then choose what you are going to down load the videos symbol looks like a movie slate thingy and the picture is obvious a pictures I hope you can understand what I am saying It is really easy just can download one picture at a time that is the only draw back or you can use photobucket and add URL or other website also BBL gonna finish blog

stronghunter said...

Judy, you do amazing pictures and videos.

Lolly said... need to get over to her house...quick! An eagle nest in your back die for! How cool! And to think we were so excited to have the hawks in our yard. I could understand her concern if she has very small dogs. She will just have to go out with them.

Yes, I want to extreme makeover, too. Oh, we remodeled the kitchen and family room in 96. Then we built the shop and remodeled the master bath in 98. I want new kitchen countertops...granite or some such would be grand! Then we would like to redo the covered patio...want to raise the roof higher. As it is, it is too low for a ceiling fan. Those two jobs are just the starters. LOL Then after we win the lottery I want to put in a pool. And when we do that remodel the master bedroom to have doors and a patio off it on to the pool. Just little things like that are on my list.LOL Oh, and I would like to have a professional landscape lighting. We have never figured out how to do that on our own.

Lolly said...

Now that you know my wish list....get busy shopping. LOL

I am off now. Going outside. I bought 3 flats of pansies to plant around the pond. Earlier this week Jack removed some very big shrubs beside the pond. They were overpowering the pond. Now I have more flower bed around the pond and we have put a bench right there. Will have to take a picture. We do plan to put in some dwarf nandinas next spring but for now nothing but pansies and tulips!

Later Gators!

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY tell your friend to be concerned because Sara bunny rabbit which was a bigggg one got carried away by the eagle that lives their area that is the one Gary sees almost every morning eating on his sea wall They put a covered run out for her new tiny doggie being safe

stronghunter said...

Good News!

This story has been in the news here for the past 6 days.

stronghunter said...

This little boy is autistic. He's nonverbal. It is thought that he might be hiding from the searchers.

There have been a thousand people a day looking for him.

stronghunter said...

I meant he might have been hiding. He is now rescued.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I told my friend that it is possible for the eagles to take her small dogs.

JudyEddy said...

I only have three more videos to down load to the blog two are in the process as I type I opened two additional browsers to multi task my puter Angies will be here a little after 4:30

I had to trim one of the two min video down hoping it takes it is of the side of June and Terry yard showing his handy work with the Hemlock pines that are dying there there is a disease that has gotten to most of the hemlocks I guess I will find out when I get back it 20 sec trimmed is enough I wish the blog was more friendly with video up loading and picture most web sites will let you upload more that one and a time

JudyEddy said...

YEAH the two are done and doing two more than only one more to do when I get back I love it I walk away and they can continue to do their job OK I am out of here BBL

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, thank God the boy was found and is okay !

I remember those tires with studs from the 60's n' 70's and I do think they are now illegal. I know of no one closer than Western Michigan who puts snow tires on their vehicles now. Perhaps folks out in the country do, but not us city folk. I don't even see them advertised here. Perhaps the popularity of 4 wheel vehicles has made a difference. We have yet to reach freezing, though it's expected soon. It takes months of snow and ice to freeze the ground beyond easy digging stage in this neck of the woods.

Quite a bit different than Canada or the Great Lakes region of the U.S., HODA !

stronghunter said...

I think the studs did damage to the highways. They were great on icy roads, though.

Kay said...

From the current condition of many of our roads I'd say the studded tire damage has not yet been repaired ! LOL

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, Kay. I don't know when the studs were outlawed, but I think it has been awhile.

Have had a busy afternoon. Discovered the back door was open. Both George and Flash had escaped. I got Flash back into the house and went searching for George.

Best thing I did was enlist the help of the neighborhood kids. When Flash escaped for a second time because I opened the door to call Gorge, they helped me to catch him, then they came ringing the doorbell to tell me where George was.

George was hiding next door with his tail all fluffed up from excitement. He loves to escape outdoors.

Can't wait for that fence!

Kay said...

I was just kidding about the long outdated studded tire damage still being evident ! It was a snide swipe at the city and State for so poorly maiintaining many of the highways and byways ! We need a jobs plan that puts folks to work and fixes up aging infrastructure !

What nice neighbor kids you have. Will the fence keep cats in ?

stronghunter said...

I do not think George can scale a 6-foot fence. He is not a young cat. Possibly, he can climb the tree in the back and escape that way, but there are cat fences to prevent that.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I really thought you were kidding, Kay.

Mema Jo said...

Momma Owl is on the edge of the Planter eating her freshly caught dinner. The
two little ones are waiting....

If squeamish or eating dinner do NOT
turn on......

Lolly said...

Pansies are planted...looking good. Watered pots while out. Jack said he heard something about a frost. Groan.... Have not put plants in the green house yet. Oh well, will listen to the weather in about a half hour.

Put mulch around the pansies, but did it very carefully. When Jack got the mulch out of the greenhouse he said he saw something small and furry. Lovely, oh lovely! Anyway, a wee little mousie had a hole in the mulch and in the greehouse floor. Jack said it went into the hole in the floor but I was very careful with the bag of mulch. Hate to be startled by a wee furry thing!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, that fence will stop you from getting exercise when George and doggies escape and also you don't walk to the bus stop anymore per Hunter's request. You keep on Bowling gal cause that is a great fun exercise! Shirley, have you had any stiffness in your body from bowling?

Hoda said...

For those who do not have FB...This is hilarious...

Kay said...

HODA, that is today's winning video ! Love it !

Hoda said...

I am back and it was a very good day. Enjoyed my practice and the muffins were delicious.

We still permit the use of studded tires here in BC but they have to be off by April. They do damage the roads. True about SUV's not requiring snow tires. My old truck was an SUV and I did not have to change tires.I can not imagine driving my front wheel drive without snow tires, I would get stuck every time I tried to negotiate hills and curves in this little town.

Mema Jo said...

Hubby said that our Snow Blower is ready to go so Come what may!
Need quick stop at the grocery store for
bananas and a comfort food of some sort.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda I saw that video before and just had to watch it again.. aren't the cubs precious. I was just worried that momma
bear was going to be coming out of there before they got the cubs tagged and back into the den.

magpie said...

bet the stores will be crowded Jo

oh it does feel like snow is in the air...

Good Evening Eagle Pals ☺

magpie said...

I think WV allows studded tires from Oct 15 - Apr 15.
I think.

Hoda said...

JO I am like you, every time I see it I laugh and am glad Mama Bear does not wake up before they put the babies back...LOL

DanaMo said...

Good evening!Are they still calling for snow? I can't believe I am just getting home now.

Got my flu shot today!

Mema Jo said...

It dark out already, DanaMo
I bet you had to have your car light on as you traveled home......

magpie said...

last I heard, before leaving work today DanaMo
possible 4-8 inches...depending on where one is!
but I haven't watched the local news yet

DanaMo said...

So here I am as Dorothy. We celebrated Halloween in Kindergarten today since we have our field trip on Monday.

Lolly said...

Just listening to the news and weather. Low tonight around 40 and a frost. We brought our Ti plant in but that is all. Heard about the snow headed your way. Sorry!!!!

Jubby just offered me breakfast for supper. I am habby!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Did you have Red Shoes on?

How is Annemarie feeling?

Lolly said...

Game starts in little over an hour. Not sure I am ready for another night of this. So stressful!!!!!!!!

DanaMo said...

Thanks for asking, Annemarie is feeling better.

There's a full length picture on my picture site. Wish I could post all the pictures from today. The children all looked so cute and were really well behaved considering the sugar and costumes! ☺

Mema Jo said...

Last game of the series with these 2 teams has got to be very stressful, Lolly! That's because they both play very well.

DanaMo - I like your Toto

magpie said...

Great picture DanaMo!
You look like a teenager ☺

Loly - I just happened to realize why I am so sleepy right now....
hmmm maybe I should take a Rangers Nap for a wee bit

magpie said...

good that Annemarie is getting better...guess her costume today was probably pajamas - speaking of which I am already in mine!

Hoda said...

DOROTHY you look GREAT ;^)...Did you go get your flu shot dressed in your outfit??? LOL. I am glad AnneMarie is better.

DanaMo said...

Yes, Annemarie has been in her pajamas all day and I got into mine as soon as I got home. I also ordered a pizza!!!

Hoda said...

What a fun and adventurous thing to do DANAMO...I bet the clinic people were cheered up to see you arrive as Dorothy.
Pizza is good when you all just want to unwinde. Bon Appétit

DanaMo said...

I did not go to the doctors in my costume...nope. Had a full doctors appointment today. Not that adventurous.

Hoda said...

I am having an early supper because I have to run off for the book sale set upat 5:30 PM. I am having black bean soup and roasted yams for supper, I'll keep my salad till after I come back...I love the soup and it is a good day for it...

Hoda said...

I understand...I am glad you and the students had a GREAT costume day today.

Lori O. said...

Good Evening!

DanaMo, You're a great Dorothy. Very cute.

Dreading the snow tomorrow. I have to go to DC and there could be 7 inches here by time I am driving home. That's a big Lolly style Boooo-Hiss!

Lori O. said...

Shirley, hope you and Hunter enjoyed the day off. I did. So nice to sleep in until 3! Then went back to bed about 6. That was sweet. :)

Lori O. said...

HODA, hope it's a good meeting for the book sale group. Your dinner sounds delish! Love black beans.

magpie said...

I'll say sounds like good food fare in Nelson !
I'd be terrible at setting up for a book sale...I would LOOK and BROWSE but not get much setting up done

Lori...hope the weather forecasters are wrong!
Could you just stay....down there 'til Sunday morning?
How did Kate and Dalai do at Rehoboth, are they home yet??

Hoda said...

OK I understand snow tires are not big overthere....LORI do you drive and SUV? Maybe postponing the trip might be a good idea??? STAY SAFE and do check in so we would know you are off the road and OK. PLEASE.

magpie said...

Sure hope the weather does NOT put a damper on the children's fun, and that EVERYONE can get there and back, safely....

Lolly said...

Just posted a comment, Dana! Brought back memories. When we could have Halloween at school, I would dress as a witch. Easy costume! Then we did story book favorite thing to do. I would go as Miss Viola Swamp from Miss Nelson is Missing. I loved it and the kids loved it. Had fun all day being a real grouch! Kids thought it so funny! Then we did come as what you want to be when you grow up. That is when I went as a gardener. I have finally grown up!

Costume Lady said...

Margy, I do the same thing with books. I used to deal in antique books and would tend to want to hold on to them and read them, before putting them out to sell. I love books.
LORI, I love the AMISH COOKBOOK...CAPT. GENE and I argue over who gets to have the book when we have time to read:)

It is doing something outside and it doesn't sound like rain. Need to have a look-see.

DANAMO, you look adorable...nice costume...must surely be one of RUBIES.

Lori O. said...

Having spent most of my life in Southern California I am all for snow tires, or studs, if they sold them here!

Hoda, I do have an SUV. With my early hours, I'm out WITH the snow plows or before so I had a Subaru, then got a Honda CRV a few years ago.

Margy, can't really stay down there since Kate is at the beach - no one to take care of "the kids."

Who is doing the play by play on the game tonight? Lolly & Paula did such a great job last night. I loved reading it this morning. :)

Lori O. said...

Wanda, so glad to hear that you like the book. I'm pretty sure there's another one in the pile - give it to Gene! Yes, go ahead.

magpie said...

yep, it's doing something here too, Wanda...too noisy for just being rain....

oh dear.....

magpie said...

understand, Lori...wish I was closer and could take care of the Kids...

Lori O. said...

Margy, I got the "PC Mover" program with my new computer so I will try that AND it has another program that will "Safe Erase" the other computer so you don't have to look at all my flower pictures and card games! Just have to make sure I have the right cord to connect the two computers then it's done. I'll be so proud of me if I do this myself!

magpie said...

sometimes I load up a little pile of books on the bed at bedtime, thinking (ridiculously) that I will read or look at a few pages of each...I usually don't get past the first one!

Kay said...

DANAMO,you are an adorable Dorothy ! Do you do this every year since it's new students for each Halloween ? Happy to hear AnneMarie is better and how's your Dad doing ?

magpie said...

whew...I'll say you should be proud of yourself Lori...!!!

magpie said...

looks like a snow-rain combination here right now

Hoda said...

MARGY when I go in to sort the books for the book sale tables I feel the same way like you...sometimes it takes forever to do the sorting. What we do not sell tomorrow we donate to antoher community close by called Slocan Valley. They bring in a truck and take the books that we no longer need. To think everything is donated too. In the SLocan Valley they have only the little library that is mostly books that we have not sold. We get book sellers from as far away as Washington State and Idaho and Montana...we do very well.

LORI I am relieved that you have an need it. Safe Travels and please let us know when you get off the road.

magpie said...

got the game channel on, Lolly
have to admit I have a few projects going view of the Telly!

Mema Jo said...

Dana I saw the full length picture and
you are Dorothy for sure. I bet the class kept asking you to click your
red shoes' heels together!!! ♥

I have a wet deck - not sure what the
precipitation is - I will ask hubby in a
few minutes when he comes home about the wet roads

Lolly said...

For those that do not know...Miss Nelson was a very sweet, pretty teacher but the children were not listening to her. So, one day Miss Viola Swamp was there as a sub. (Miss Nelson in costume) She was a really mean grouch of a sub, BUT she got the kids to mind. The children were very happy when Miss Nelson "returned".☺

Lolly said...

Game is about to start!

Kay said...

Yes, LORI, we're proud of you ! Julie drives a CRV with 4 wheel drive and I think it's a great vehicle. I like my GMC Envoy better, however. It's not 4 wheel drive, but I don't have to get oot and aboot on bad days unless I really want to.

Time for the big game. Will have to toggle back and forth between it and my Friday night PBS political pundit programs for a while. They'll be over with long before the game is. Come on you Rangers, get er' done !!!!!

magpie said...

I remember that pic of you as the Gardener!
In the Bib Overalls...

Happy Booking Hoda !

Lolly said...

Yes, Margy, I carried around a pot of flowers all day. LOL

Mema Jo said...

I already celebrated the Rangers with a
piece of pumpkin pie and cup of coffee.
So good! I think I have a 9:00 TV show but it very well could be a repeat like
my 8:00 is...... Wonder if Blue Bloods
will be a repeat?

Off to the game.......

Mema Jo said...

Wow! already a score in the game

Rangers 2
Cards 0

Lolly said...


JudyEddy said...

Had a nice dinner with Jordyn went to school to pick her up with Angie and then to their house to pick up Carl and then to Biff Burger to eat Good pork sandwich they have and Ladies and Gentlemen Fellow Eagle MOMSTER and DADSTER I am successful in downloading picture and some video to the blog I did it I didn't let the blog beat me down LOL I just wish you could down load more that one picture or one video at a time Google need to fix when they take over blogger I hope they do anyway it is done

Here is the link it is on the North Carolina

My North Carolina vacation
I made three blogs on the same one for each card I had loaded was easier and there are three comment area in case you want to leave a comment

LOLLY I love you pic on FB of your floweres pretty

HODA great video

JudyEddy said...

3 Blogs on same blog
1st has 19 pictures and 5 short videos

2nd has 19 pic and 2 videos

3rd has about 24 pic and 7 short videos

All video are short and sweet as I like to say don't want to bore anyone with long ones LOL

Hoda said...

Now that is what I want to hear...Go RANGERS GO!!!!
I am headed off to set up for the book sale, ate took my vitamins and all is indeed well.

KAY with your oot and abot you ae an HONORARY CANADIAN for sure. I love the poem you sent me through email. I posted the chap reading it on FB. You are a GEM.

ENJOY the GAME everyone...see you all when I come back...Stay WARM.

JudyEddy said...

I also have a picture on the last group of picture where I have mushroom I like them I think they have charter there is a picture of what looks like baby tomatoes does anyone know what they are when you look let me know

JudyEddy said...

I looks like I got home in time to miss you all snow LUCKY ME HUH

Lolly said...

Tied 2 -2 end of first inning. Not another stressful night!

TCU is ahead 14 - 0!!!!

Thanks, Hoda!

DanaMo said...

Thanks for asking Kay, my dad is doing well. He is getting along pretty good and moving as he should. Following the doctors orders. It has been hard on mom because dad can't do what he usually does and mom is doing everything.

I dress up every year. Last year I was Minnie. Year before, Snow White, and another year I was Morticia from the Adam's family (we sang alot of those songs so it was appropriate for that class). I have several costumes and rotate through them. I haven't been Dorothy though since I've been in kindergarten.

DanaMo said...

I'm the Cat in the Hat on Dr. Seuss' birthday.

JudyEddy said...

Glad to meet you DOROTHY welcome to the blog LOL I love it you look so cute

I bought three pairs of sandals today at a second had store practically new all for 10.00 not bad the one have a zipper up the back of them on the heal they are toooo cute Now Angie want to borrow them OH no LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda I had seen that bear video before it is hilarious!!!! lol

wvgal_dana said...

Went up King St. and the grade kids from the school. I think Rosemont Ave. School. Anyways they were dressed up and teachers walking with them down King St. Cars just went by and I decided to put my window down and yell you all look good and I kept blowing the horn. They just loved it they got all excited and started saying, "Happy Halloween". It was so cute to watch their excitement.

wvgal_dana said...

I really like the show "The Gifted Man".

Mema Jo said...

Dana I am disappointed that tonight
The Gifted Man is a repeat of the very
first show of the season. I love
the show and was looking forward to it.

Hope my next one isn't a repeat CSI:NY

Mema Jo said...

Decision on 87th Alsatia Mummers Parade to be made Saturday morning

Alsatia Club representatives and Hagerstown officials are scheduled to meet Saturday morning to decide whether the Mummers Parade will be held in the evening despite a forecasted snowstorm.

hedgie said...

Hi again! Journey made today back down to the end of the OBX. We didn't ferry over to Ocracoke, tho'----would not have been a fun ride---too cold, gray and windy!

Went out for a great dinner, compliments of Christie, and we're now settled in watching THE big game! Cards leading 3-2 at 3 1/2 inning spot.

hedgie said...

Hoda, as Shirley says, hardly anyone uses snow tires here anymore! All-weather radials are the de rigeuer. I remember well the days of studded tires!

magpie said...

Hello Judy
and DanaWV
and Kay!
and I have been chitty chatting earlier with the others but Hello Again to everyone

once again, NOT a pitcher's duel with these scores and hits

Cold in late October, yes..but snow, who woulda thunk it?
Glad you got home when you did JudyE and glad you had time with the Youngster....

Tough decision - making for the folks regarding the Mummer's Parade...thanks for that news, Jo

Hope Paula is having good traveling weather

magpie said...

Well 3-2 is not that bad of a score

praying that your Mom and Dad strike a good balance during your Dad's recovery....
a little bit like what Dennis and Linda experienced...
just different ages involved...
(( Hugs ♥ ))

Good to "See You" Lynn!
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Only supposed to get down to 40 degrees here tonight, but tomorrow night it drops to 30. I have mums and geraniums on the front porch. The mums should be okay, but 30 degrees might finish off the geraniums. I do have them close to the wall, behind the chairs.

JudyEddy said...

I realized I forgot to put the video of the river after it went up 5" I am doing now and I want to show the house that has a slide in it also so I still have two more videos I am putting on or you can use the link I put on the blog to take you to my YouTube page and I am EddyJudy on you tube in case you want to know backward name oops so I am finishing up the videos BBL

magpie said...

that's cold for the posies, Shirley
I'm wondering about James's Asters..they are sooooo close to blooming out !

darn, Feldman tried hard...but he's outta there...
Score 4-3 Cards

magpie said...

SORRY! It's 4-2, Cards

magpie said...

oh man
5-2 Cards
one was walked, one got hit by the pitcher :(

Lolly: Are you Okay ??

stronghunter said...

Judy, we are talking of snow, and there you are buying sandals. I hope you enjoy them thoroughly. You won't be worrying about snow.

magpie said...

Dinosaur is very persnickety tonight, going to have to wait 'til Saturday to view all your new additions

Lolly said...


TCU is winning their game. LOL

Oh, so glad that last inning is over. Awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

magpie said...

I keep mentioning Pitcher's Duel like a broken record, guess it's something my father and brothers used to talk about:
here's what the definition is:

Pitcher's Duel
A low-scoring game in which the starting pitchers on both teams allow few hits and at most one or two runs...

magpie said...

would like to see some missing Momsters check in before the evening is over....

Thinking of all whom I am thinking of with ((( Hugs ♥ ))

OK Lolly You're OK

JudyEddy said...

No hurry I am still in process of trying to download I just don't know why they take sooooooooooo long on the blog some are less that a min long odd But they are all on Youtube and Facebook has all the pictures and most of the video Youtube was being a boob last nite only put some on facebook and uploaded odd I think didn't even put a latest video on the big one like it should do the big one is the one I download before I went on vaca of Junes river from 2009 Odd I say

magpie said...

One of my favorite pictures that you posted is the one of you sitting at the desk with your Atlas...."Are We There Yet?"
guess that was a self-portrait
Or was it that MAN in your room that you mentioned and we took off with your comment LOL ☺
[the man in the COMPUTER ROOM with you ☺ ]

Kay said...

JUDYE, your NC pics are spectacular--breathtakingly beautiful ! What a great place to vacation and with good friends to sweeten the experience !

DANAMO, happy to hear your Dad is doing well. Can you talk your Mom into letting you and the kids help her ? Praying for both of them !

JO, Mmmmm good ! Pumpkin pie. Whipped cream, too ?

LYNN, glad you had a good day and dinner ! Wasn't that Jeopardy winning teacher from Ocracoke ?

MARGY, the weather just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser, doesn't it ? Heard some experts on NPR's Science Friday warn that we'd better get our heads out of the sand and get serious about global warming. They are predicting more drought across TX, OK, KS that will outdo the Dust Bowl era by a long shot. Horrible thought !

Costume Lady said...

Margy, I do the same thing with books. I used to deal in antique books and would tend to want to hold on to them and read them, before putting them out to sell. I love books.
LORI, I love the AMISH COOKBOOK...CAPT. GENE and I argue over who gets to have the book when we have time to read:)

It is doing something outside and it doesn't sound like rain. Need to have a look-see.

DANAMO, you look adorable...nice costume...must surely be one of RUBIES.

Kay said...

Time to stretch y'all ! Still plenty of time for the Rangers to turn the game around. The thing I like about sports is that anything can happen right up to the final inning, quarter, set, half.....

magpie said...

I think you are trick and treating us!
I liked your comment earlier and I like it now too !! LOL

Any Friday Night Funning for you folks tonight ???

magpie said...

My parents had some very nice books....but I don't know where most of them ended up....

they had the biggest dictionary I have ever seen, and spent a lot of time turning the pages on it...they had a nice stand for it also
Nice memories

Kay said...

Wanda, just had a serious case of deja`vu, I'd swear I've read your post of 10:35 before ! ☺

magpie said...

is Jack tallying up how many pitchers there have been tonight?
I think I have lost count!
Score 5-2 bottom of the 7th

magpie said...

Me too Kay ☺

hedgie said...

5-2 so far at bottom of 7th....Cards!
Lolly, tsk, tsk---to even suggest that I am being contrary against you! GO FROGS!!!

DanaMo---you are SO aDOROTHYable!!
Love it!

We got the most delightful pumpkin fudge--just sampled it and it is delicious!

Lolly said...

LOL Lynn! Go Frogs! They are playing tonight at Cowboy Stadium, Jerry's Palace!

hedgie said...


Lolly said...

Frogs 35 BYU 20

Costume Lady said...

Margy, I do the same thing with books. I used to deal in antique books and would tend to want to hold on to them and read them, before putting them out to sell. I love books.
LORI, I love the AMISH COOKBOOK...CAPT. GENE and I argue over who gets to have the book when we have time to read:)

It is doing something outside and it doesn't sound like rain. Need to have a look-see.

DANAMO, you look adorable...nice costume...must surely be one of RUBIES.

Lolly said...

I am watching the Rangers and switching to TCU at breaks. Having that distraction and the fact that TCU is ahead, is helping the stress with this disgusting game!

hedgie said...

Yes, Kay, the teacher from Ocracoke did quite well on Jeopardy!

hedgie said...

4th Ranger pitcher now, Margy!

Costume Lady said...

SO SORRY for the repeats. I have no idea what is happening. I have been trying to post comments and each time I PUBLISH, it comes up that earlier post about the books. See if it is still happening.
It may very well be SPOOKS!!

hedgie said...

LOL!!! I think Wanda the Witch has invaded OUR Wanda's blog!!! Three times the charm????

Costume Lady said...

GOOD! repeat that time.

hedgie said...

Finally hooked up with Candy! Taking HER out to dinner tomorrow night....Jim as a church Oktoberfest event to attend.

magpie said...

Just so YOU are okay Wanda...
your computer might be entertaining ghouls and goblins tonight! It IS a nice post, don't mind reading it three or four times ☺

magpie said...

Yay for you and Candy getting together tomorrow night Lynn...what time the girls head Northbound?
Just rain here so far...

Costume Lady said...

Well, Lynn I do feel a little WITCHY AND WICKED, TOO;) I love my sign...I will try to remember to take a picture of it and show it to our new friends.

Hoda said...

Bottom of the 7th means not too much time left to catch up the game, right???

magpie said...

and 4th Cardinals pitcher now too
thanks Lynn
Oh pumpkin fudge, I think Jewels oughta smuggle some back here!
I'll trade you some peppermint bark for it

Costume Lady said...

Oh, so glad you and Candy can get together, Lynn! Hello to her from me:)

stronghunter said...

Still the 8th and the 9th, Hoda.

magpie said...

correct, Hoda
time is dwindling,
top of the 8th Rangers up
home team always finishes the inning,
if the Cards are ahead when the Rangers finish their bat in the 9th,
game over, Cards don't need to take their bat

magpie said...


magpie said...

I have to think...
"plan on going in one hour earlier Saturday"
depends on the weather in the morning

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