Friday, October 28, 2011


Snow tomorrow (?) thread.


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Costume Lady said...

LYNN, I am not on a new program for videos, same ole, same ole.
My McAffee claims that there is now problems after a full scan, if that means anything.

Costume Lady said...

OH, good grief, * No problems after a full scan!

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Yeah, spread that WAX all over my legs...need that done;)Tee Hee

magpie said...

sister in Western Massachusetts:
16" and still coming down hard!
all the roads in her county are officially closed !

magpie said...

wondered the same thing Paula, seems like Sunday and Monday could still be BIG costume-buying days
for procrastinators...
though some parties were probably scheduled for tonight...

magpie said...

okay, sneaking off...
hear some bubbles calling my name...
back in awhile...

Mema Jo said...

Wanda Who is that on your avatar...?

paula eagleholic said...

Margy...the Mummers parade probably hasn't had snow before...rain maybe...shame it was cancelled

Enjoy your bath Margy

Sound like a nice day Lolly :)

Mema Jo said...

The one reason it cancels is due to the Philadelphia Mummers are so fully
booked and they are one of the main
reasons the crowd comes. Their costumes are fabulous - spectacular and expensive.

It is a let down for all the school kids who take part in the parade with scouts, 4-H, school bands and all the others.

Mema Jo said...

BBL Going to watch some Taped Shows.

JudyEddy said...

Just got home and have lots and lots of comments to read I just ran in to Wandas and
WANDA I went to the Wild and Wonderful and the only thing I see are ads etc Auto Blog Samuraai software today and others am I looking in wrong place

Had a great time at Jordyn dance and did get some video and pictures will put on tomorrow
The whole family (Carls) went to the trick or treat at the park it was really nice Largo put on a great party for the kids Carls
We went to eat at Mug and Jugs the whole family also

Carls has a brother that looks almost like a twin to him just several years younger who has two kids and and a sister has one kid his parent also where there

JudyEddy said...

WANDA do you have a web page for your halloween shop???

JudyEddy said...

WANDA I found it I didn't go down the page enough ok

JudyEddy said...

I hate to say it but it is beautiful the snow

JudyEddy said...

I am watching it again sooooo pretty I love how the trees have the snow on them almost doesn't look real but I know it is How much have you got That is quite a bit for just starting

JudyEddy said...


Cool Beans I also found your video of the luncheon I hadn't seen yet

magpie said...

I found it too, JudyE
just now...scrolled through many article links until I saw ..
Threekids...First Snow

Glad you enjoyed your evening, nice to have some Little Kid time after all the Big Kid time up here, eh?

magpie said...

guess we got between 4 and 7 inches hereabouts, JudyE...

JudyEddy said...

Yep I have to upzip them to put on and off I know I hadn't painted muy toes since I left on vacation being they were covered up I didn't feel the need down to 141 to read I better start reading

JudyEddy said...

HEDGIE do you have the link to listening online for MARGY

Linda said...

Haven't caught up with all that is going on, but wanted to check in and say Hello to all.

We've got about 7" of snow outside and it is just beautiful.

Still feeling really poorly with jaw and ear pain today. I can't take the Vicodin the doctor gave me because it makes me itch. Benedryl helps along with it, but makes me a zombie!

When it gets really bad I take the Vicodin & Benedryl, but not more than once a day.

I'll check back in tomorrow or Monday.......but no worries.....I'm in good hands!

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Okay Linda...
was hoping to see a post or two from you today...
Hope you start feeling much better very soon

magpie said...

I'm sure Hedgie will pass that link along, Judy
I HAD it and probably still do, but I can't find it...

magpie said...

no alarm clocks for me in the morning...☺
going to find the pillows and a few magazines here shortly...

hoping that everyone is snuggled up warm and cozy for the evening...
and that everyone is okay

Prayers for Wellness....

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xo ♥, Meow Meow, and Arf Arf Arf

JudyEddy said...

I just got an invitation to be friends with someone on YOUTUBE I didn't even know that you could become friend on youtube I just thought you followed or subscribe to a channel and I did know I had a inbox on YouTube being I just opened the acct I guess you learn something new everyday like they say Well now I just got to figure where it is
Well I am going to jump in the shower and get some of the crud off me

Hoda said...

Hello to everyone. I have not caught up with the blog, and this is the first I turned my computer on today, so have not read email yet either.
I thought of you and wished everyone was safe from the snow and I would like to let you know that the snow is coming down the mountain it was on Elephant Mountain right infront of the flat, but still not in town...

I had a great day. A terrific yoga practice in the morning followed by a delicious Latté and muffin. I went to the book sale and was cashier and I am glad to report we made $ 2500.90. Not bad for a day's work...all the books were donated and we had no over cost so it is clear profit.

I went from there to The Kootenay Bakery where I bought a Lentil and Edam pie with beets and spelt and almonds and that was my lunch and supper.

The workshop just finished and we had the history of Ayurevedic medicine and then the system of the doshas, body types based on conception, and we had questions and answers. We talked some about food and it will continue tomorrow mostly on foods as medicine.

I missed you all very much and trust that you are all well.I hope you had a GREAT DAY. I will go catch up to the blog and will check back later...Oh I had better go turn on my cell phone also...

Lolly said...

I lost myself in TV tonight. Jack is in the study watching GA Tech on the computer and the STARS on TV. So, I just watched Greys and PP that I recorded Thursday.

I have steaks marinating that we are taking to Laurel's in the morning.

Think I will go bathe, get comfy and put my nose in a book.

Can not believe I am hearing the amounts of snow you have all had!

I'll be back to say good night!

Lolly said...

Wow, Hoda! That was a nice profit today at the book sale. Did you find any good books for yourself?

wvgal_dana said...

WandaI am sorry if somone is messing with your page. If it isn't that then hope fully you can figure it out.

Yes the Parade was cancelled not having it at all. I atleast thought they would have it next weekend. Cause there are a lot of floats that have been made for that parade. It is sad :( kids really look forward to that parade.

Yes I ask way back there about Lynn getting to listen to you Margy. I never got an answer!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda you a truly a busy woman. Wonderful profit on the book sale. I read what you ate. Sounds like something I would like to know more about. Always enjoy you stopping in here. I always hear something very interesting from your corner of the whole.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening! Thought I'd be back sooner.
We did start to have some tiny flakes w/the sleet, then we got Huge flakes. No Accumulation, but I got a couple pics while it was falling--Put some before & after on Nook.

Been working on some pics to rint and a couple to frame. I cut a double mat yesterday for 2 5x7's of our friend Eddie, in NC. They went to a car show & he sat in a special old racecar that belongs to a man from here that they both know.
Gotta call TX~~~

wvgal_dana said...

I am sory very sad :( to mention it on the blog. I heard it earlier and it just broke my heart.

A Talibam suicide bomber rammed a vehicle loaded with explosives into an armored NATO bus. Saturday on a busy thoroughfar in Kabul, killling 17 people, including A DOZEN AMERICANS, in the deadliest strike against the U.S.-led coalition in the Afghan capital since the war began.

The blast occurred on the same day that a man wearing an Afghan army uniform killed THREE AUSTRALIAN SOLDIERS and an AFGHAN INTERPRETER IN THE SOUTH.

JudyEddy said...

10" of snow Yikes
Our high was 79 today with the cold front that came in low is 70 we had sprinkles with the front that was it


HODA WOW on the amt of money you raised on book sales I am impressed

Hey the air plane that was at the nest that we saw what was it I took a video and a picture of it but can't remember what it was called it was hugh

JudyEddy said...

Well I still haven't caught all the way up but I am heading to bed was watching the news

JudyEddy said...



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


hedgie said...

Here you go, Judy:

Berkeley Co. 911

It also picks up Jefferson Co. (where nest is).

Costume Lady said...

JO, my avatar is a picture of granddaughter Jillian and her friend, Aaron. Halloween party in Berryville, last night.

hedgie said...

Watched a movie this evening while packing up. Now ready for a bath and bed! Liesl is ready for bed, too.

Packing up puter so will see you tomorrow evening sometime!

Hope everyone is snug and cozy. Prayers for all. Have a great Sunday!

Hoda said...

LORI thank you for checking in.

LYNN I am also glad your girls are safe.

Sorry for the Mummers Parade being cancelled. It sounded like a big deal.

I hope GG and WV DANA's Mom's did not go out to deal with the snow.

It sounds like they tried their best to clear the roads where JO is.

PAULA had SUN , and I am very happy to know that the phone situation is under control or working towards that direction PAULA.

LOLLY I was so busy taking people's money that I did not have a chance to look at the books...Our trusted friends from IDAHO bought 200 dollars worth of books and were very pleased, they wrote us a cheque and we were very grateful they drove all the way up here for our book sale...

I have not heard the news today, but am very saddened by WVDANA's report on the loss of life in Afghanistan...I feel such despair at such happenings and all I can do is pray that God receive all of their souls...

I have to go make a cup of tea, so I could settle in...BBL

wvgal_dana said...

It was called a C5

NatureNut said...

Think it's time for Nighty-nite.
Hope there's NO snow tomorrow.
Have Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

wvgal_dana said...

Night Loretta I too hope there is no snow tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - the picture of the Trick/Treaters (Jillian and her beau)
looks as though they are having fun!
I hesitated to guess that it was

I am hoping the youngsters will still
have their parties on Sunday or Monday
I do think the snow will melt but tomorrow morning it should be icy.I am
thankful it is a Sunday and not a work day for most.

Mema Jo said...

Time to call it a day - I have lost power very briefly about 2 times this evening. I hope we make it through the night.. to be below freezing.. snow is heavy and wet..

Good night everyone and God bless you and your family and friends...
Offering prayers up for so many of our needs...
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

wvgal_dana said...

Good night I too am sending up prayers.

Lolly said...

Heading to bed! Sate travels tomorrow, Lynn. Will be glad to hav you and Liesl home.

Night all! Sweet and dreams!

Costume Lady said...

I am ready for some sleep, too.

LYNN have a safe drive home tomorrow. Glad Liesl is a good traveling companion:)


Hoda said...

LYNN and LIESL travel safely and I will be glad to hear that you got home.

Tomorrow is also a busy day...the workshop follows the yoga and groceries from the morning...I will check in when I come back...

Good Night, Sweet Dreams and God Bless.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone!

Wow, you guys are really getting some crazy weather back there! Sorry to hear that the Mummer's Parade was cancelled. Been praying for those who are having to travel.

It was nice here today, about 78 or 80, and sunny. The air is very dry because we have a mild Santa Ana condition, which causes the winds to blow from east to west instead of the other way around.

The house has been smelling GOOD today! Kubby has been making onion soup and a chicken/potato one-dish meal. YUM!

Still saying prayers for those in need. Sorry to hear that Linda is still hurting. Hope you get some much-needed relief very soon!

Haven't heard any updates about Don, our SIL Marq's dad. Seems to alternate between good days and not so good. Thank you for all your prayers!

Well, think I'll call it a day. Getting pretty tired, and likely to do a face plant. Making sure the porch light is on, and also both security systems. Sleep well, everyone. God bless, and goodnight.
Love all of you! :o]
P.S.--have spotted some White-Crowned Sparrows, and also one of our resident Cooper's Hawks this morning.

DanaMo said...

Dogs were restless this morning. We were up at 4:30. Weird.

DanaMo said...

Posted a picture of Javalin on the chair. She was sitting behind me, Boomerang across my legs and Frisbee next to me. Not sure why they are so restless...

DanaMo said...

Obviously I didn't get a picture of all that, I'm the only one up at this hour in my house, but I did get Java on the chair.

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters.

DanaMo said...

Good morning Thelma. I've been here by myself, everyone must be sleeping or lurking.

T-Bird said...

They must be DanaMo.

T-Bird said...

I hope you make a great day.

T-Bird said...

We will be traveling home from Ripley today.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning!

I forgot to say yesterday when I got home that I already had 2 huge branches down across my driveway and had to leave the car down at the tree line...not far, but I think more trees/branches are down now. My cable and internet went out about 5pm yesterday.

Didn't think about getting my i-Pad out (which has 3G) until I just talked to Kate. I was so excited. I love quiet, but no TV and no internet would have been sooo boring.

Lori O. said...

Thank heavens I had the nicest customer service lady from Comcast. She said my internet is totally off-line and since the TV has also been out she put in a request to have it fixed tomorrow, maybe today! Hope so. I want to walk around and check for the downed trees but don't want to miss a call from cable company - forgot to give her my cell phone number since I never use it.

I hope everyone is safe and stays that way today. :)
Now I get to go and read back. I'll catch up soon.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning!

How's the weather up yonder?
It is sunny, breezy and chilly here.

Going to bundle up and check out the beach shortly

I already know the storm took out part of my neighbors walkway...its in the marshy part of my yard

wvgal_dana said...

WOW the last post on here is from 8:26am....Where did everyone go????????????????

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Bluefield group traveling from Ripley today.

Lynn and Liesl are heading home.

So I still think that leaves a lot of eagle people left for posting.

Hope everyone has power and those that don't pray it gets back on very soon.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, DanaWV!

How are you this morning?

wvgal_dana said...

Frozen lol I'm good just waiting for that beautiful sun shine to melt all this. ( : And how are you doing Lori?

wvgal_dana said...

It was so great meeting you at the Nest Visit. I can remember your pretty face sitting across from me at the table in the Cafe. I am so very glad I went. JudyE was just how I thought she would be all "bubblie". DanaMo was like I had imiagined short and pretty and just like you treats people very nice. You both are very friendly♥. Plus Loretta and Frank both I have met times before. I enjoyed Frank letting me touch his beard when I ask him. Ed had a beard like that. One year we sat with Frank and Loretta at the same table.

Lori O. said...

I've got the music cranked up and trying to entertain FloBear. I think he was going crazier than I was with the silence. I was walking in circles thru the living room, down the hall and round and round making curling ribbon bows for Christmas packages. Now, I'm dancing to the tunes! LOL

Lori O. said...

That was nice of Frank to let you touch his beard. I didn't know Ed had a beard. Of course, we're nice - everyone who knows you loves you and the rest of the EM's! :)

Lori O. said...

The sun is shining and melting the heavy stuff off the trees, so it sounds like it's bombing acorns or something.

Neighbors called and said they don't have TV or internet either. So glad I have this 3G.

Where is everyone this morning?????

wvgal_dana said...

Lori click on my name go to my blogs and click on the one He Was the First Dadster. Very frist picture you can see his "beard". Enjoy the blog. ( : Funny I had just updated some of that blog. I writing my thoughts of time between Ed and me.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
sparse as we are....

now if I had a few dogs and a couple of cats, I would not have been able to sleep in a little this morning ☺

Bright and sunny now, perfectly clear blue sky, like a December morning ...

James's Aster Blooms are encrusted in ice...

magpie said...

Thinking of Lynn and Liesl and her friends, and some members of the Southern Delegation tooling along the highways headed to their Home Roosts...
Safe Traveling Wishes for all out on the highways today

magpie said...

Time to get some (( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

I lost internet and cable last night for about an hour right after I posted Good Night...all back to normal now...

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Margy! Nice to see your sunny face with the sunshine outside, too!

DanaWV, I will go to your blog and see Ed's pic. I think it's nice that you're writing your memories down. But, you'll never forget those memories.

wvgal_dana said...

Margy I have a new blog when you click my name Out and About. You have to see it. Pictures were taken close to where you live!!!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

No snow here, but very frosty. George ran down the steps and I was not about to go down those icy steps after him. Kathryn managed to entice him back in by shaking his food container.

First fire in the fireplace for the season, but we will need more fire logs to keep it going.

magpie said...

I can envision you, Lori, dancing around to the tunes ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪

Can't stay long...
Wanted to say HELLO to my favorite pals...

Best wishes for a good, safe, healthy, joyful, and relaxing day, Everyone !

xoxo ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Have a fun day if your going to get Hugs from James. Gods prayers for safe driving for you and those you are driving around.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Shirley so glad Kathryn was able to get George. Now that cat should know the cold and ice and snow will make his paws too cold. lol

magpie said...

Very nice, DanaWV...

and I like your returning Cardinal about maybe sometime, a baby Blue Jay aka Tufted Titmouse ☺

magpie said...

I will go see James this afternoon, thanks...

'Morning, Shirley...
And EveryOne Else !

ttfn xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Betcha JudyE is enjoying one last Sunday off from work...wonder if she got her Christmas Lights up yet ☺

okay, 'bye xo ♥

Lori O. said...

Shirley, you can have all the wood that is sitting on my driveway. LOL, well, I guess it needs to dry for a year first. Neighbors are coming this afternoon to help me with the chain saw. I can never get those dang things started! Then again, Perry made them promise they would never let me touch a chain saw, so I have a feeling I will be watching and moving cut wood. :)

Lori O. said...

Oh Margy, so glad you get to spend your day with James. I know nothing else makes you so happy! You're a great Grandma!

wvgal_dana said...

Margy did you see my blog with the deer on it???

Lori O. said...

Uh, I hear a chain saw going. I better get outside. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - good news is that the sun is shinning and the snow is melting!
Thoughts of those traveling homeward today - safe journeys!

Dana - Margy made a comment at 10:56 after she looked at the Deer Blog. My comment is on the blog itself.

I am sure there is snow in our nest at the Sycamore Palace and that it is now melting. I sure do miss the cam and checking on them.

DanaMo - next Sunday when we get an
extra hour of sleep, I hope the Labs
find out about it before they get you up so darn early. You have earned a
"Nap" this afternoon.

DanaMo said...

Saw 3 big trees down on my block this morning! We were lucky this time. A little worried about the awning, it's never up when we get a snow! Didn't expect this so soon. I look out the window and think it's January which does not make me happy.

My fireplace is "turned on". Not really a fan of gas fireplaces, but it does help take the chill out.

DanaMo said...

Our priest, Fr. Marty, has been without power since yesterday. We told him he could come over and watch the game if he would like so I better stop playing on the computer and get this placed cleaned up! Just in case he decides to take us up on our offer.

Mema Jo said...

Our 2 cats wanted to go out this morning
but it didn't last very long. They realized the path for them to get off the deck wasn't ready for them.
They were soon back inside.
The birds & squirrels however have on
the deck.

Mema Jo said...

I have some things to do! No, shoveling a path for the cats is not one of them.


JudyEddy said...

WOW did you see Thelma picture of snow on FB on the tree sooooo pretty But you all can keep the snow pretty as it is LOL

Lori O. said...

Jo, give that cutest Marvelous Marvin some extra scratches behind the ears for me.

Lori O. said...

DanaMO, I always say there's nothing like a guest coming over to get the house cleaned up in a hurry! Have fun.

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO I loved the picture I still think you should have put a bib on him looks like he was waiting to be served I love his shinny coat

Lori O. said...

Hi JudyE! Dang, I already mailed that box of frozen white stuff to you. :)

Just got the deck cleaned off, and the big tree branches off the driveway. The chainsaw I heard must have been someone else. The guys couldn't do it now because it's just bombing that melted snow and ice sheets off the trees.

Be glad you're in FL, JudyE!

JudyEddy said...

OH and I noticed you still have the old way to comment it leads me to sign back in to google like some of ours use to untill I figured out how to fix it

JudyEddy said...

LORI hope you get connected again and I am like you I only use my cell for ER or texting sometimes to Angie
Hope you can get thoese trees branches moved also

Lori O. said...

Thank you, JudyE! Enjoy your vacation ... back to work tomorrow?

JudyEddy said...

WVAGALDANA loved the spotted deer I commented we can play connect the dots on that one soo pretty Loved all the pictures

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to say we're not' do the dance thing today Angie changed her mind a 5min dance but a 4 hour ordeal for it It isn't at the Nursing home like I thought It is as John Pass just in the boardwalk area and they will be so crowded down there the parking is atrocious

DanaMo said... time I will have to put a bib on her. I don't have one though, I'll have to get one, it would be a funny picture.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon my dear Eagle Buds ! Wish I could send you some sunshine. Must call the kids in NJ and see what's up at their place as so many of you are talking about downed trees, etc.. Bah Humbug !

Had a great Sat/Sun with Seth ! MARGY, did you join us for PHC ? Live program from Colorado Springs. Great music and delightful skits !

DANAMO, Java looks like he's the head of the household, saying "so where's my food, woman ?" Cute guy with his shiny black coat !

LORI, sorry to hear you have downed trees, but glad you have good neighbors who will help. Glad Perry had the foresight to enlist their help and to keep that chain saw out of your hands !

MARGY, aw, farewell to Jame's asters. :o( Say hi to the Kidster and give him a Mama Kay hug this afternoon !

WVgal DANA, enjoyed seeing a bunch of you at the Rumsey gathering as well as the dear deer !

MEMA JO, thanks for the time change reminder. An extra hour of sleep sounds good ☺ ! Seth and I practiced this morning by sleeping in til' 8 !

JUDYE, do enjoy this last day off before you return to the grindstone ! Loved hearing all about the time you spent with family and friends yesterday !

Adding my wishes for safe travel as LYNN, the Southern Delegation and PAULA all head home.

JudyEddy said...

Nope no Christmas light up yet Tooo many family things going on and when I came back I told Angies my plans to do the lights and she said I was on the road toooo long and it went to my head LOL that Halloween wasn't here and I would have Christmas lites up

she said that on the days I wanted to put them up I could put Jordyn in school on the days I wanted to do them or she thought she was old enough for me to do with her here I feel uncomfortable doing that What if I am on ladder and something happens etc so I will probably do what she suggested we will see Play it by ear I just know i can't do it like I use to do I say I have ladder hips When I climb my hips hurt after probably my sciatica

DanaMo said...

Thanks everyone! BTW, Javalin is our little girl Labrador, Boomerang's sister.

JudyEddy said...

LORI I own a elec chain saw I love it no issues in starting just plug in You ought to try one of thoese

Kay said...

Ah, so, Java is a girl. I guess I never thought to ask about gender of the Flying Labs !

LORI, love the imagine of you dancing around the house ! Bop til' you drop !!!!

JudyEddy said...

I am catching up at 11 am now 22 to go I am on a roll I should be doing something since this is my last day of freedom

JudyEddy said...

WOW they are showing on news
Called it H
EART ATTACK SNOW Heavy wet snow a Nor'easter storms is what it was over a half of million people without electricity

Kay said...

Going into Lurk Mode as I attempt to do some things around this house that will justify my existence ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

The nest in both cell phone tower are close one in Clearwater at Ford dealers about 15 min and the other is where Angie lives alos 15-20 min

JudyEddy said...

HAPPY DANCE I have caught up with the blog to this moment So I should go do something but I really don't feel like it I may just do like the song says My favorite song in the world Today I don't feel like doing anything by BRUNO MARS Lazy Song I love it

The Lazy song

JudyEddy said...

The orginal verson to that song has people dressed with monkey mask but I found that other on with the man I thought was cuter that the money although Bruno is better to look at LOL

NatureNut said...

Hope it's a Happy Sunny Sunday for everyone! It's 50° here. Oh Well.

Gotta read back & got some chores to do.

JudyEddy said...

this is the monkey one to compare to
Lazy song with monkeys

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,


Kay said...

Just talked to son and dil in NJ. There are trees down in the neighborhood, but none on their street. When they got their day started yesterday they didn't really realize how bad it was going to be. Beth took their son, Cooper, to Philly for a rock climbing/bouldering competion. Had to drive home in her little Fit at 35 mph and saw many accidents. Once near home she had to try 3 different routes to reach their house due to downed trees. Meanwhile, Lee and 14 students were off to The Big Apple, by train, to go to 2 museums and have lunch and dinner. Turned out to be a field trip with with adventure and some mighty cold, wet tootsies by the time they returned to New Brunswick ! Thank God all are safe and sound !

Kay said...

Hi SHIRLEY ! What's happening in your household today ?

Lynne2 said...

afternoon all!

For those who may have looked at the pics on my blog yesterday, I apologize. I ID'd the one butterfly incorrectly as an Azure, but it's actually a Gray Hairstreak.

Just put pics of my MILs place on. We got less than a half inch of snow here. I took some pictures this morning and will post them later on my blog but they are already on FB.

Hope everyone is having a good day!

JudyEddy said...

We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request.
The following errors were found:
Input error: Memcache value is null for FormRestoration

Has anyone else gotten this message when trying to post Its seems to happen after I comment on peeps pictures where I have to sign back in to google and then when I go to make a comment It directs me to sign back in and then this is the stinkin message I get each time and the comment I made is not posted ODD GOOGLE COPS are always lurking LOL

JudyEddy said...

I was trying to comment LYNN I oved the picture on face book

JudyEddy said...

PAULA or JO or anyone that knows I have my order ready for the momsters to order I just wanted to know are any of the mugs Liberty or Belle and who is the eaglet on one ALSO JO had a shirt on at the luncheon and it was said it came from someone else site do we have another site to order from

JudyEddy said...

also on the eagle travel mug who is the baby or juve I am order one of those for sure but would be nice to know who it is and would be a great conversation about it

JudyEddy said...

How long does the order take I just processed it and printing my order with conformation #

JudyEddy said...

I was a good girl I ordered 2 tshirts one small for Jordyn to wear as nite shirt, 1 sweatshirt, 1 travelmug, one each mug 2mugs, two tote bags one for Angie to use for Jordyn not bad 124.25 that is with tax and shipping and handling

Let me know if there is another site I can order from ok

JudyEddy said...

See you guys later Headin to Angies for the day I LOVE being off I can do family time BBL

JudyEddy said...

Forgot I wanted to change my AVATAR

DanaMo said...

Working on the kindergarten class auction item. Don't know how I get myself into these things. The students each took a letter of the alphabet and made a square. I now have to put the squares together and add backing to make a wall hanging that resembles a quilt. God help me. I am not a seamstress. I can handle little things, but this is probably pushing me skills. I'll try to post some pictures of what it looks like. If it comes together as planned it should be adorable. Getting it together is a whole other thing!

DanaMo said...

Something is not right on the sewing machine, but I don't know what needs to be adjusted or how to adjust it. Pooh...guess I'm done for the day.

wvgal_dana said...

Kay your daughter drives a Fit---what year? Is it called a sport Fit or regular Fit? If it snows
really bad on the roads. Does she have radials or must she use snow tires? Asking because that is the car my daughter got. We don't know anything yet about driving in snow.
How it does or whether you need snow tires with snow on roads or if the radial all weather are just fine??????

Lori O. said...

It's Game Time!

Lori O. said...

Is Lynn home yet, or does someone have her covered as far as texting the scores?

Lori O. said...

Oh DanaMO, I wish my Mom were here. She could whip that up for you in no time. I could ask her, then you could just mail it to her in PA.

Kay said...

WVgal DANA, yes, my dil and son have a "regular" Fit. Have had it for a couple of years and love it for an economical second car. She could have taken their full size sedan, but opted for the Fit because she enjoys driving it so much. It has radial tires and it got through the blizzard last year with no problem. I don't enjoy riding in it, especially on the NJ Turnpike enroute to or from Newark International. I like a big solid vehicle when I'm out there among Semis and fast moving traffic.

DanaMo said...

New thread!!!

movin said...



I hope all of you in the storm-hit area back East are doing well today.

We are having a one-day heat wave today, and it should top 80°!

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Just checking in to say howdy. We're back from the dog park--Emma had lots of fun. I'm working on transcription for a while, so I won't have to spend the entire day on it tomorrow.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable day today. Will check back in later tonight. Emma says, "RRrrrUfff!"

DanaMo said...

I've never gotten to make that announcement before!! Whoo Hoo!

movin said...

To repeat somebody else's comment,




C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

DanaMo said...

Your current account ( does not have access to view this page.

why do I get this message when I try to write a comment?

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...