Friday, October 07, 2011


TGIF thread.


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hedgie said...

A falling acorn just missed hitting Liesl on the head! Missiles!!!

hedgie said...

I made the split---painless!

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and to read I only have four days to work this week and then vacation YEAH

JudyEddy said...

LORI so sorry you are still not feeling well and glad the kittens are getting better

KAY enjoy your visit with Eileen and so glad you are getting your leak fixed didn't Loretta have a leak also in her bathroom from the neighbors upstairs I wonder how hers is?

It is so super windy out today chance of storms

at work I found a two big boo boo a 98.88 bed in bag nice set was marked to 74.00 by home office but the problem was someone marked to to 74 cents Yep 74cents unbelievable now it wasn't marked it was marked 74dollars to find out it was on of our assistant managers there was another item he did from35.00 ti 74cents also and of course I pointed it out to my co mgr you would not believe all the associates that wanted to buy them I told them that it is a fire able offence to buy something like that if we find a mistake we are to fix it a customer can buy but not a associate

hedgie said...

JudyE---don't really remember if the NCTC gift shop has jewelry items or not! You could call them and ask! And hope you saw my post last week advising you that the campus is only open M-F! If you get special dispensation from Steve to visit on a Sat., the gift shop wouldn't be open.

hedgie said...

Dog yard done! Not sure what to do privacy in areas to be worked on and I don't want the next door audience. :(

JudyEddy said...

I could comment on Wanda new do because it is set up different that other blogs I wish I knew how to get mine set up like that so easy to comment NICE do I like it

JudyEddy said...

HODA - Happy Thanksgiving

JudyEddy said...

I am catching up and its almost time to go back to work

JudyEddy said...

I did see your comment about not being open I will probably hang at June and Terrys an additional day and be there on Sun and go to the NCTC on Mon I think that will work well time to go back to work and I did make it I am caught up until I get home again see ya all later

hedgie said...

Judy, it was Margy who had the plumbing leak from apartment above. Loretta has a house.

JudyEddy said...

I wasn't for sure who it was I just remembered the leak LOL now I am out of here bye

Kay said...

Just a quick check in to let you, my dear prayer partners, know that Judy received her grand promotion about 10:30 central time. The family is deeply saddened, but at the same time relieved, for she suffers no more. Thanks for praying for her smooth transition and for your continueing prayers for the family. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Eileen called and will be in by 4. Yeah !

Hope you all have a good Saturday night and a blessed Sunday ! xoxo

Lynne2 said...

oh Kay, I'm so sorry, but Jesus will be welcoming her with open arms while you her loved ones will miss her so. Prayers for the family!

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, this avatar is for you and fellow Canadians this weekend!

hedgie said...

I think I've reached my limit for today....can't do anything else. Still need to put the blower away....and finish laundry! Mower has a tire going flat...and I don 't have an air compressor. :( Maybe Charlie can do something about that in a day or so.

hedgie said...

Oh, Kay, I'm so sorry to hear that Judy has passed. Those left behind may be weeping over their loss, but the Angels are singing as God welcomes her home. Prayers for all as they deal with the sadness.

Hoda said...

GOD BLESS JUDY's SOUL KAY and May she be received well inot HIS KINGDOM...I like the way you announced it, she got her big promotion...Life is Good and you are all very blessed to have had her in your lives. PRAYERS CONTINUE FOR THE FAMILY.

Hoda said...

Enough is enough is right LYNN I am glad you stopped for the day...that is two consecutive days that you have done a lot of physical work.

I had a good Yoga practice and it was good to share with people who are travelling on their way home for Thanksgiving and stopped in Nelson for a Yoga practice to get out of the cars for an hour and a half...

LYNNE 2 THANK YOU for the Celebratory AVATAR that you put on...may their always be many blessings in your household.

stronghunter said...


At the hotel now. Finally got connected to the Internet.

Expected to have a microwave, so we bought some microwave popcorn. However, I chose a room with a "kitchen," so we don't get a microwave. We get a "range." Now I know why the room with a kitchen is the same price as the room without the kitchen.

Hoda said...

Lunch sounds good in your house LYNN I love croissant and what a treat it is to have it for lunch.
I am just preparing lentil curry soup, one of my favourites.

Hoda said...

True to her cause to the very endWangari MAATHAI Funeral in Kenya Her coffin was made out of her garden...RIP WANGARI

Mema Jo said...

BBL Off to Mass Prayers for all ♥

hedgie said...

Gee, has it only been two days of work? Feels like it's been longer.....I think maybe three!

Hoda, what a great idea for a casket! Love it!! May she RIP.

Glad you had a good yoga session.

Shirley....disappointing to not be able to fix your popcorn for sure. Bet you all had a great day! Hunter is on top of the world, I bet. Won't his neighborhood rock hound buddies be jealous??!!!!

stronghunter said...

Going to find food. BBL.

Lolly said...

Hi all! We just returned from a beautiful drive. We drove a Natl. Scenic Byway the Turquoise Trail. We stopped in the historic mining town of Cerrillos and the town of Madrid. Then we headed to the top of Sandia Crest. (10,678 ft) Snow had fallen over night. It was beautiful. (sorry, Lynn}

Lolly said...

Need to download pictures.

JudyEddy said...

I think I fixed my comment on the beach and nature blog I now have the box just like this comment box If someone wouldn't mind to try to comment on it I can see the box myself thanks in advance If it works I will tell what I did

Lynne2 said...

I have a tiny little spider eating a stinkbug in the corner of the window in my kitchen! You know, some of the SBs I've sent to their watery graves today are very BIG compared to what I've seen before.......EEEWWWWW!

Lynne2 said...

Done JudyE. No problem commenting!

JudyEddy said...

I need Lynn and Margy to try to comment they were the ones that couldn't before I think they were the only ones LYNN2 did you get the comment box like on the blog we are typing on now or the one below pic I also tried to take work verfy away also

JudyEddy said...

OK I have figured it out how to get the comments to where they are in the comment box I think I did I just need Hedgie and Magpie to try to comment on the one blog to see if they can comment now and I need to know does it look like our comment box we type in It does to me but I want to be for sure and I also took away the stupid worked verifier let me know someone please thanks in advance now I need leave I will be back and I will do all my blogs this way if it works

hedgie said...

It WORKED, JudyE!!!!!!

hedgie said...

It was the regular blog comment box but then looks like this when it posted.

wvgal_dana said...

In finally for the day now. Been gone all day.

JudyE you'll have to tell us how you fixed it for commenting.

Kay I read where Judy has entered the Great and Wonderful Kingdom Of God. May prayers of peace come over her family. I am glad Eileen is going to be with you HUGS

hedgie said...

The Smithsonian had to close the Air and Space museum because of these protesters. Sick! They targeted it because of a Drone Exhibit which they claim "glorifies
the military industrail complex." Well, they better be glad for that complex or they wouldn't have the damn freedom to protest. Excuse my French.

hedgie said...

Lynne, I haven't seen TOO many SB's, but most have seemed smaller than normal! Weird, huh??
Have you ever noticed how much of a thud they make when they fall on a surface?? Must be heavy little buggers.

Lolly, you did a lot in a short time. Keep the snow up in those peaks!

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE I too was able to leave a comment. Can you tell us what to do to fix ours?????

JudyEddy said...

I still can't comment on anyone else so maybe this will help also for you
Go to your profile, go to your dashboard the click on the blog COMMENT area (you will have to do for all blogs) There are tabs above click on SETTING tab, then click on blue COMMENTS Your have a choice of Full page , Pop up window or embedded below post(this is what most of us had) CLICK FULL PAGE
If you want to take away the word verifier it is also there click no and don't for get to save

You have to do for all blogs

I hope this helps and maybe I can comment on you alls then cause now I can't and I don't' know why I think this way is nicer

JudyEddy said...

Let me know if you need better explanation of it I had another window open doing as I explained it Now I must leave

Lynne2 said...

that's crazy that they actually had to close the museum!! You speak French all you want to Lynn....such madness all around!

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda I thought last weekend was your Thanksgiving time. lol I wished you Happy Thanksgiving in comments back then.

So I am re-wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving with the group. Have a WONDERFUL AND SPECIAL TIME. hubs

hedgie said...

Okay, Judy....did what you advised! Who knew all that stuff was there???!!!! How did you figure it all out? Thanks!!!

Lolly said...


hedgie said...

Yummy dinner here----sliced tomato topped with mozzarella and tuna salad. Hit the spot!

Lolly said...

Not sure that rain is going to get us. I thought it was moving south east, but I think it is moving north...and missing home. Grrr!

Lolly said...

Wow, Judy! Just changed the settings on my family pics blog. Ran a test and was able to post. Crazy!

wvgal_dana said...

Daughter texted me today and said it is snowing in Colorado but not laying.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly I just went to your Balloons and left a comment!! (:
YEAH!!! Try leaving a message on my blog say What Happened In September 3, 1988. See if you can leave a comment. I took away the word verifcation.

hedgie said...

You've got a comment now, Dana!!!
So glad it's working right now!

Lolly said...

I left a quick comment! Yea, for Judy for solving our problems. Wonder why this started all of a sudden. Interesting!

Lolly said...

A friend of Laurel's is at Pagosa Springs, CO this weekend. We are headed that way tomorrow and that is where we are going Thanksgiving.

She sent Laurel a picture of the house...4 to 6 inches of snow!

hedgie said...

Laundry is finished!

Tried to call Christie to see if she and Shannon visited our sweet answer.

wvgal_dana said...

That was the area I was working in last night trying to fix the comments. Did everything but that stupid "full page".lol So happy JudyE got it for us all. YEAH FOR JUDYE....HIP HIP HORRAY !!!!

hedgie said...

LOL, Lolly.....maybe Google is trying to keep up with FB making changes no one wants or likes!

Did look like the rain was going NW....maybe it will bounce back!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e you mentioned about Raschida's hair being Blonde. Of course now she isn't blonde. It started changing some in junior high and more in High School. She was born with "black hair" lol

Lolly said...

Just looked at Texas radar (the entire state). Looks like it is all south and west of us. Still chance of rain this weekend. Happy that TX is getting rain, but want it on our property, too!

Mema Jo said...

Blessed be the soul of Judy, Kay's dil mother. May she rest in the sleep of peace in Heaven above!..Peace be to all the family and friends.

Mema Jo said...

Dana - I was able to leave you a comment
on your blog the day you put it up. I
must have bypassed the glitch!

JudyE - very glad you have everyone squared away now.....

My after dinner cup of coffee is ready!

Mema Jo said...

Margy - there isn't anything special going on BUT son brought me a full box
of Oatmeal Pies!!!!! They used to be our celebration feast! lol

Mema Jo said...

Lolly has new pics up on FB
Oh but they look like they are seeing some beautiful sights!

wvgal_dana said...

Heading for the recliner and some tv.

hedgie said...

Christie got a costume at Wanda's! She's going to be a French Maid for the Halloween party they will attend. Risque', I say!!!! First one she tried on, too! Shannon WAS going to be a pirate but that would make a very incongruous he's going to try to do something tuxedo-y.
Wanda has some jerk news, but I'll let her tell us when she gets here!

Lolly said...

Here is a link..give it a try

Balloon Cam

Lolly said...

They have not started heating up the balloons for tonight's "glow", but they should be doing it soon.

Lolly said...

Just checked the radar once again. Looks like Ft Worth, west of I 35 is getting rain, but so far it is missing us. Will keep checking. Also, still west of Denton, where Laurel and family are at the UNT game.

Judie said...

Kay, deepest sympathy for Judy's family and friends. She is at peace and without pain or discomfort. Prayers for all.

Judie said...

Had a busy day. Going to try to re-watch Harry's Law to see if I can adjust to the changes.

I see Liesl has dodged an acorn. Stella alerted me to a SB. Captured and flushed -- the SB not Stella.

Wanda has jerk news? Well, at least it wasn't Darth. Christie and Shannon -- Fr. maid and tuxedoed butler -- sexy cool.

What are oatmeal pies, Jo?

hedgie said...

Judie, oatmeal pies are two pieces of oatmeal cake with an icing sandwiched in between! Nope---I'm not Jo, but she may not get back before you disappear!!
Good for Stella!!! I saw a bird grab a dead one this afternoon, a md Megan had on FB that she had a roof-full of crows that were devouring them!!

hedgie said...

Lolly, thanks for cam---timed out after 5 mins! Looks like inflation is happening now!!!! Wish it would hurry and get dark there!!

Lynne2 said...

who is the patron Saint of lost things....I need all the help I can get! I got a cedar chest last year from Freecycle. It's a small Lane chest...came the paperwork and a key. I can't find them!!!! It's been locked all this time and NOW I want to put things in it and I can't find the the key!!! ARRRGGGGGG

Lolly, that rain IS supposed to move east...has been doing so at a snail's pace all day. It's mostly been "training" from south to north all day, with the slightest movement eastward but I think by tomorrow it'll be raining at YOUR house!

magpie said...

That would be Saint Anthony, Lynne..

hedgie said...

Looks dark in one view, but not in the other.....guess they are panning east to west.

magpie said...

Great balloon cam, Lolly, thanks!
Also I can now post comments on your, Dana's and JudyE's blog...
did the fix up think on mine but don't know if it changed anything or not
Thanks JudyE !
You're pretty darn smart....

hedgie said...

Lynne, I have one of those little chests. When I graduated from high school, all the seniors were given one---I assume by a local furniture store! Love it!! I keep the key in my jewelry box.

magpie said...

God Rest KF Judy's soul...her illness is over; may peace and comfort reign with her beloved family and friends

Lynne2 said...

thank you Margy....ST ANTHONY! I thought it was in my Jewelry box but no luck. WWAAAAAAA!

magpie said...

Oatmeal pies....aaaaah, yes...
I remember during the wee hours of a morning a couple or three Januarys ago, when we were pretty sure Belle was getting ready to lay her first egg of the season....
I was scarfing 'em up and Jo and I were joking about them

I think oatmeal pies brought us comfort during those watches

hedgie said...

Balloons are all up!!

magpie said...

He's pretty reliable, Lynne....
best to couple the prayer with a loss of panic....
give it a day or so...
and keep the prayer going;
I will too, for a successful search..

magpie said...

Thanks Lynn, they sure are !!

hedgie said...

Oh-oh----someone's truck broke down....being towed out. People getting their seats in the food court (?).....

JudyEddy said...

LYNN OH LYNN I am laughing so hard at your comment that in high school you had a little chest of course my thoughts go else where because we are teaching Jordyn that is her chest somehow someone at her daycare said Booby and we got her saying chest now then I finished reading to where you said everyone got one I rethunk it LOL but it was still funny

I am watching PP I had dvr'd nothing on Sat nite to watch ok I hit pause when the commercial came on just got FF so I'll be back and so glad I have fixed it I was just so mad that I couldn't comment and that a few peeps had the comment box so I just started poking around I just figured what the heck and yeah me I will go see if I can comment I know HODA's I couldn't earlier but she has the OLD format

LYNN I also found the spam file where we are suppose to check in that same area I will have to go see if I remember LOL

WOW Is PP gooooood

stronghunter said...

Too tired to read everything tonight. God bless and good night.

hedgie said...

Look at that tall beer bottle balloon!

magpie said...

Good Night Shirley
hope it was a really fun day for all of you

"See You" Tomorrow !!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - Hope you sleep like a rock!
Pun intended! lol

Anthony Anthony Turn around
My key needs to be found!

Love Oatmeal pies! Do not mistake for a Moon Pie.......

I may watch some TV


magpie said...

Thanks for the fix, JudyE;
not sure if my blogs were having a problem but I made those changes to mine too
(I think...LOL )

magpie said...

See you later too Jo...
glad the weather is so nice for
the family time

magpie said...

I'm out of energy.

Hoping that everyone in all our Eagle Corners is doing okay tonight

Prayers for all the Pets and People....

Good Night, Precious Eagle Pals

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

The Bragg gals spent the afternoon in the Pumpkin Patch - Their pics on FB show they had a grand time........

JudyEddy said...

Ok so fan I have commented on Hedgie, Magpie and I have tried to on WVAGALDANA but it takes the comments but doen't post it don't know why Dana it didn't post although I did get the email I tried two times and it didn't show posting I will go try LOLLYS now

hedgie said...

Oh, isn't it beautiful???

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY let me comment and it stuck ok now I just got to see why I can't on DANA I thought I had the blogger cop beat down but still got to come up with some more good punches LOL I am puzzled Ok I am gonna say good night to all Gotta give neck a rest playing earlier done it in



See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


JudyEddy said...

I just looked it looks like it posted on Dana also Ok nite nite one and all see ya in am 830 work sch

hedgie said...

Well, cam is only B/W..... :(
That's not too cool.

Goodnight Margy and Shirley. Sleep tight!

hedgie said...

Goodnight Blog fixer JudyE! Hope the neck feesl better!

Lynne2 said...

I'm thinking the key and papers are IN the chest......STOOOOPID

Lynne2 said...

going to remove the hinges on the back and open it....Why do they need to lock anyway?

Lolly said...

Happiness is....eating a steak dinner and the steak is sooo tender, having a bottle of wine, watching the sunset behind the mountains, watching the balloons on a cam, and watching the TX Rangers on TV. Jack was also listening to the STARS on laptop, but lost it and I am wondering about TCU. LOL ☺

JudyEddy said...

OK comments sticking at Magpie just doesn't show when I did it it is there now now I am powering down I promise I just wanted to beat the blogger cop at his own game LOL This time is for good I promise LOL

Lolly said...

Oh, and watching the rain get close to home. Radar does not show rain in Arlington either, but watching the game we see rain.

Hoda said...

LYNNE how could you have locked the chest if the key is IN it??? Somehow it does not figure.

Lolly said...

Too bad when it got dark everything turned grey. The glow is really pretty with all the colors. Remember the balloon cam in the morning. They will be going up then, about 7, usually. That would be 9 for most of you.

Mema Jo said...

Those small locks don't use the key for locking - you just snap the lock closed and it locks. Key is for
unlocking only. .... Am I confusing you?

I am going back and at least get ready for bed ......... BBILW

Lynne2 said...

JO, that explains it exactly! But the key wasn't in it. However, the lock is now gone and there is a small hole where it used to be. But it can open and now we have a place to put the blankets where the DOGS can't get them!

Lynne2 said...

sounds like you are having a wonderful evening Lolly!

Lynne2 said...

Seems that my hummers have finally moved sighting since yesterday morning :(

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Still enjoying a wonderful day...went to Colorfest, now back at home with Michael, Laura and Mel. Laura is playing the piano for us...bbl

hedgie said...

I don't see how the key could be locked inside, Lynne!!!
Jo, mine won't lock without using the key! It's not like my diary was!

Lolly, TCU is going into the Big 12, I think I read! Oh, so the cam is infrared....what a shame. Great---will have it up at 9AM!!

hedgie said...

Duh---Lynne and Jo----thought you were talking about the LITTLE Lane chests---for a bureau/dresser top! Didn't realize you had a REAL Lane hope chest!!! Yep---my big one locks when lid is closed, too. But the key hidey-hole is on the back of it!

Lolly said...

Yes, Lynn, they were going into the Big East, but have been getting info that they are going into the Big 12. Things are changing fast.

Lolly said...

Having trouble keeping connected. Wifi is not the greatest at this park.

Ranger game was delayed by rain. On fb I got the message that so far "Burlyville" has just had thunder, no rain.

hedgie said...

Logging onto PC to post Leisl's grad pics on my blog.

Lolly said...

I am going to say Good Night! Now watching the Rangers on TV but they are in their second rain delay. Just do not know about Burleson. Also, TCU game has just started and listening to it on Jack's laptop. (He is going to sleep) LOL Having trouble getting the STARS game, so Jack gave up on it. Too funny! Technology has really changed traveling! Oh, and while keeping up with all these games, getting messages on my phone that you are making comments on my pictures on fb. roflmbo

Lolly said...

Night all! Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Want me to do a raindance, Lolly??

Pics are taking much longer to upload on PC than they would on laptop, but it won't recognize my camera. :(

hedgie said...

Night-night, Lolly. Go Frogs!

Hoda said...

I am glad the locker situation is resolved for your needs tonight LYNNE.
THANKS for the explanation of the lock that does not require a key JO.
Listening to a wonderful CBC program on WHEN MIND AND MEDICINE MEET. Good show.

hedgie said...

Okay---pics are on my blog!!

Mema Jo said...

Key or no key - if it gets cold enough and the blankets are in the cedar chest - I bet you or Steve will find a way to
open the lid and get them out! Yep! Removing hinges may just be the answer..

Hope to see Liesl graduation pics - but I can wait until the morning. I am headed back the hallway - Sandman or not!

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for all
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, sorry to hear that Judy has passed, but glad it was peaceful. Prayers for her family.

Lolly, will have to try the ballon cam tomorrow!

paula eagleholic said...

Ha, all the kids are headed to bed....Laura needs extra rest, Michael works nights so his schedule is all messed up, and Mel is pooped too!

Lynne2 said...

heading to bed...good night and prayers for all!

Costume Lady said...

Before you all go to bed, LYNN eluded to a JERK happening. I believe she was speaking of some customers going into the shop last evening while we were at dinner. There is a sign on the door which says OPEN ON OCT. 8, 2011. They tried on a bunch of costumes and left them strung over the dressing rooms and knocked many off their hangers onto the floor all around the shop. Someone (Gene) left the door unlocked or they found a way to push the door hard enough to unlock it?? Wouldln't know if anything is missing or not. We just have to be more careful.

Lynn's lovely Christie had some luck with a costume. It is actually one of the cutest French Maids I have ever had. I didn't get to see it on her, but Shannon approved. I suggested a Butler for Shannon, but I have none. Shannon may look for one of those T-Shirts that has a Tuxedo printed on the front of it and make that into a Butler. That would be a cute couple, maybe even a contest winner...who knows?

Glad Judie didn't flush Stell down the toilet:) I think those Stink bugs come back up after being flushed. I step on the tissue before throwing it in the toilet.

Going to check on the WRIGHT SISTERS and see what they were up to at OBX today, then beating the Sandman into bed!


Hoda said...

WANDA I am sorry about the rude people that entered your store...I am glad that you are well and calm about it.

Hoda said...

I am going to sign off too...shut down the computer earlier helps me get to sleep...
Goodnight, Sweet Dreams and God Bless.

hedgie said...

Wanda, I am just thankful that whoever broke in did not do any nasty damage. Just can't believe the gall of people.
BTW----no sign out on the highway, Christie said...??? Hope it wasn't stolen!

Goodnight to all you sleepyheads!!
I'm right behind you!

Prayers for all.

Lolly said...

Just coming back to say..........IT IS RAINING IN BURLESON! ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

PA Nana said...

Wow! Look how late it is! Just stopping by to tell Wanda her do the nice.

Lynne, push real hard on the button. My Lane ches has never been locked by if yu don't know to really push it will never open.

Lynn, Liesl's pix are so so cute.
She's fit it around here with little dogs in the neighborhood. One on one side, another 2 doors down.

Neighbor on other side has the most calm black lab I've ever seen. Have never heard his bark either.
He's away this week while his people are vacationing at Cape Hatteras, I think that's what she said. They were leaving at midnight tonight so they could catch the ferry at noon tomorrow.

Lynn, are you familar with this area? Sounds nice.

Lolly, we are traveling along with you and so enjoy the pictures.

Hoda, Happy Thanksgiving.

Guess I'll catch the sandman on his way back east. Can hear him now.

God bless everyone.

Kay, may Judy rest in peace and her family remain strong. Prayers for all.

Goodnight dear ones.

Lori O. said...

Dearest KAY,
Thank you for letting us "get to know" your friend, and DIL's mother, Judy, her husband Keith and family. Praises that she has no more pain and will reside in peace and joy with her Heavenly Father. Prayers for Keith and family as I know they will miss her greatly.

Lori O. said...

Just got Kate, Dalai and all the tugs off to the Clifton Days Festival. Still managed to crank out four more tugs this morning before they left! I got some great hats in Orlando for the dogs to wear in the Kissing Booth! I'll definitely have to post pics of that!

SHIRLEY, I was so jealous that Hunter got to go rock/gem/mineral hunting. I still have a huge collection of rocks, geodes, crystals, etc from when I was a kid - looong ago! :) I've given many of them away over the years to kids who found them interesting. I hope he had the greatest time! Kathryn sounded like she had fun,, too!

LYNN, OH NO! Acorn dropping time. I hope this isn't a year with one of those bumper crops that cover the driveway and ground and it's like skating on acorns whenever you go outside.

Lori O. said...

I'm feeling GREAT today! I took these Wellness supplements from Source Naturals 3 every 3 hours yesterday, and I just feel a little stuffy this morning, but ready for a great day! Yahoooo!

LOLLY, you sound like you are having a gLORIous time! Thanks for taking us along with your wonderful narations. I'm enjoying myself!

HODA, how's the color coming along up there? Have you ever been able to do yoga outside? That would be so cool!

JUDIE, Praise that you and Darth have the Panther Kitties! It's not easy finding the few BEST HOMES for rescues! I bet they would be crazy on catnip!

LYNNE, hope you find that key. What a Freecylcle score! And, hey, love that radio in the new car!

Lori O. said...

Just waiting for JUDYE, DANAMO and MARGY to check in. SHIRLEY and JUDIE get to sleep in this morning.

Missing the cams and that beautiful pair of eagles we love so much.

Lori O. said...

Yay, for everyone who slept in this morning! Sun is starting to bring daylight and we're in for another beautiful day.


TODAY: Patchy fog before 10am. Otherwise, sunny, with a high near 81. Calm wind.

The same tomorrow, too, except a high of 82!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Something to get your day started was on the news last nite and just now so I googled it to find video funny


JudyEddy said...

LYNN the spam folder the green message mentioned is also on DASHBOARD - COMMENTSs right below are the words Publish SPAM click on spam and if you have message that went as spam they will be there to delete or accept as not spam so now we have all learned we have a SPAM BOX on the blog

OK now I understand a HOPE CHEST I was thinking a small one like jewelry box but blankets wouldn't fit LOL

Liesl pictures are cute and her beau is quite handsome she has good taste

JudyEddy said...

Got to remember today to put a hold on my mail I tried last nite but it was 9pm and it can't be done after 830 Who knew It is a automated system no people involved at all so why not after 830 Does the computer leave and go else where or does it need sleep LOL doesn't make sense since it is all computer that they would be closed JMHO

Lori O. said...

LOL JudyE ... computers need a nightlife, too. :) That is crazy it would be down after 8:30!

hedgie said...

Good morning to all on this lovely Sunday!

JudyE----poor moose. So glad he's out and safe!

Lori, glad that you are feeling so much better!!!! You aren't going to the festival thing? Wow---those tugs must not take much time at all to make!

Diann---I know Hatteras like the back of my hand! Hurricane Irene wiped out the road to Hatteras, so they put in a north-end temporary ferry from Stumpy Point over to Rodanthe---which requires reservations. (The permanent south-end ferry from the Cape to OCracoke does NOT require reservations.) BUT the good news is that a temporary bridge is being erected and the roads re-laid....and they expect it all to be opened again in about 2 weeks!!
We are going down in 2 weeks---count 'em---two weeks!!! Yippee!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Lynn! Isn't it wonderful to have a fun vacation to look forward to?

How's little Leisl the cutie pie?

paula eagleholic said...

cool, you can see the balloons

Good morning!

hedgie said...

Pianist Roger Williams has passed. What a great talent he was. 87 y.o.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, so sorry to hear about your intruders, hope nothing was damaged or stolen! Guess you'd better check the lock on the door!

Lori, glad you are feeling better!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, glad to hear your vacation is coming up! I forgot, are you taking Leisl?

hedgie said...

Oh my goodness....these actors crossing between shows is getting confusing! For those who watch House----Cuddy is going to be on The Good Wife tonight!

Lori O. said...

Ah, but Cuddy has left House, so will she join The Good Wife now? Hmmm.

Paula, what balloons? Sorry, I've been out of it.

hedgie said...

Daylight has arrived out west and the balloons are starting to lift off!!! Check Lolly's link from around 8'ish last evening.

hedgie said...

Yes, Paula---taking Liesl!

hedgie said...

Lori---I didn't know that Cuddy left House! Thanks.

Lori O. said...

Thanks Lynn! Forgot about Lolly's balloon link. Haven't gone back to link and photo check yet.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, which view are you using for the balloons.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

A quick hello before we pack up and check out this morning.

Slept soundly last night and ready to go this morning.

Lori O. said...

Morning PAULA! Beautiful balloons - lucky Lolly! Are you Color Festing today?

paula eagleholic said...

OK, got it, just saw one go...there goes another

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lori, I did it all day yesterday...feeling it this morning :)

Lori O. said...

LYNN, the big tugs can be time consuming for what little there is, but I made small ones in a 4 braid this morning since we didn't have many of those. They're quick.

paula eagleholic said...

Was Lolly going to the balloons this morning?

paula eagleholic said...

Wish that balloon cam would run for more than 2 minutes!

hedgie said...

The HD cam, Paula.....which times out way too fast!

hedgie said...

Even tho' she won't see this:

hedgie said...

I don't think Lolly was going----she said there are 100,000 people there.....

hedgie said...

Gotta laugh at people's creativity. In the Hagerstown paper the "secret" restaurant reviewer calls herself Anne Chovey and her dining partner Pap Ricka!!
Cute, huh?

hedgie said...

Those balloons are SO close together---at least it looks like they are. It's a wonder they don't get tangled up!!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, that's a lot of people! Some really pretty balloons there!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, I was talking about the view on the cam...if you click on control now, they have about 8 different views.

paula eagleholic said...

Here's a link for live coverage of the balloon festival!

Live coverage

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, they showed a darth vader balloon

Lolly said...

Just got on the blog. Glad you are watching! I am watching on TV, we are heading to Colorado this morning.

Lolly said...

Great Paula! Glad you found that live coverage. That is exactly what I am watching on TV.

Lori O. said...

Lolly, have a great time in CO, and along the way. Thanks for taking us along on your vacay! I'm lovin' it!

hedgie said...

Chase crews head out, too....wonder if the fest ends today? If so, guess they'll just pack up where they land and head home. huh?

Lori O. said...

Look at the SouthWest View on the Balloon Cam... there's so many balloons!

hedgie said...

Thanks for the live view link! Missed that....and the control multi-view option!

paula eagleholic said...

the Bee Balloon just took off...showing it to Michael, too

Lori O. said...

That is the fastest time-out ever on a cam! We thought 14:40 was fast on our

You guys have a great morning. It's time for a little up at 3:30. I'm now an earlier early bird.

Can't wait to see pics of dogs at fundraiser!


Lori O. said...

Oh, Paula. Very cute avatar. You're so creative!

Lolly said...

Yes, today is the last day of the fiesta. Baby Bee, Jolie, is up. Her parents are going up together and are going to renew their vows. Cool??! LOL

This is our 4th balloon fiesta. We have never gone on a weekend. Can not imagine the crowds as it is crowded during the week.

The booths are lots of fun. Much good food (fattening) and interesting things for sale. Sharon and Dan have their RV right there, however it is dry camping. No hooks up of any kind. We can not go that long in this trailer. Also, Dan has a generator.

Lolly said...

Look at the bees holding hands!

Lolly said...

We are taking the train ride on Tuesday!

paula eagleholic said...

look at the 2 bees!

hedgie said...

Bees were really cute! How old is Baby Bee Jolie, Lolly?

paula eagleholic said...

Michael helped me get my bluetooth running

Lolly said...

Did not see baby bee two years ago. So, it was "born" last year or this year.

Lolly said...

There is the stork carrying a baby. Funny! What it is made to look like is the stork crashed through a balloon.

Lolly said...

Shutting the puter down.

See you in Colorado!

Have a great Sunday!

magpie said...

Hello there Eagle Pals...
I haven't had a chance to say this lately:


hedgie said...

Ready to head out for the afternoon. Frank and Irene and I need to plan our househunting strategy! Possibles/maybes/definites to see....and revisit the one that Irene and I want!!
See you this evening. Hope everyone has a great day..

Lynne2 said...

Good morning and Happy Columbus Day!

HI HO HI HO it's off to work I go~
try to check in later, have a good one everyone!

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...