Thursday, August 04, 2011


Fresh thread.


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stronghunter said...

Well, the forest was not in the house, it was in the back yard.

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, the foot is doing good. It's bruised from the top of my foot to my heel, all below the ankle. The swelling is gone (having it wrapped that entire day helped, I think) and I can walk on it normally. No running up and down the steps yet, but it's much better! Thanks for asking.

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go fold the laundry! BBIALW

stronghunter said...

I, too, would be happy to contribute to the flower fund.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Shirley, I vote for the redbud, dogwood, crepe myrtle, flowering plum and an apple tree!

stronghunter said...

Glad that your foot is better, Paula.

hedgie said...

Carolyn was such a big help today with the grosseries. She's a real trooper....we had a nice dinner, too---simple and quick, but it was nice not to eat alone! Sweet girl.

Also ran into her dad at the store---argh! This is the third time, I believe. he never has a basket.....I think he sees my truck and comes in just to get me riled!

stronghunter said...

I would always want a dogwood in my yard. I have two--a pink one in front and a smaller white one in back.

Lolly said...

Redbuds are not long lived, Shirley. We have a lot of them as once you have one, they start coming up all over the place.

Lolly said...

When we replace trees now, we replace them with Red Oaks.

stronghunter said...

Redbuds--I remember seeing them on campus at school. They are pretty.

stronghunter said...

I have lived among oak trees in many different homes. Kathryn is allergic to oaks, though. However, she was surrounded by oaks at her own house.

stronghunter said...

She is also allergic to dogs and cats.

hedgie said...

Hey, KAY---check this out: Attention Journey fans Columbus, OH! We’re helping Extreme Makeover Home Edition with its new project for a deserving family in Columbus. Please bring an unwrapped gift to the show tomorrow at Crew Stadium. People from the show will welcome you and collect your kind donations for the Holiday gift drive in honor of the family. Thank you!
I love Journey!!!!

stronghunter said...

Must go water my front porch plants while I am thinking about it. I tend to forget these things since my home life has become much busier.

Mema Jo said...

Had a very small visitor on our deck a few minutes ago. A possum all on his
own and wasn't more then 6-8" body with
a tail the same length. I almost wished
I could have reached out and held him -
he was small and was a cutie!!

Mema Jo said...

Hoping that Linda and hubby can have
some time with the family down in FL.

Iris answered Lynne's email and she is
fine. "We are in Florida preparing to move our things to Georgia and to Pennsylvania. Then we will get the house ready to sell or rent, depending on the market."
Sounds like a life style change for them and that the children helped them make the decision.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - I find my daughters/sons can be so very helpful! Love it when they are

I may close down shortly... just getting

Judie said...

The sandperson is on the way down the hall so I must say goodnight.

Did turn on the back yard light and there was Bambi's girlfriend at the sunflower seed bowl. Just looked around and went back to feasting. Would guess she's about one year.

Went to Ft. Belvoir today which is getting close to the Va. Wildlife Center. Saw five juvie eagles soaring overhead. Cool.

The night light is on for anyone who may need to arise in the dark and for anyone coming in late from the West Coast. Restful sleep for all and prayers for those who need healing.

paula eagleholic said...

Bob's latest BW photos

magpie said...

Great, Judie the Juvie Sighting!

Wow, I got lost in the split, and in stickers stamps and address labels.
Okay, Paula, see the ankle update
Hope it keeps getting better.

Had the You are Not Welcome Sign out for the Night Bandit and the Sandman, but they both barged right on in!

Lolly said...

Just doing some on line shopping. Jacob's 7th birthday is next month. Ordered him a zoob construction set and going to get him a COWBOY jersey as well. He really wanted one the other day, but they are so expensive. Will get it for his birthday and he will be thrilled.

The boys are registered for school and have all their supplies. Getting down to the nitty gritty. Ahhh...retirement!

Night all! Going to do a Jo and put my feet up.

See you in the morning!

Sweet dreams!

magpie said...

Thanks for the Bob-o-BW-link Paula, will enjoy it in the morning !
Time for Sleep Here.....

Prayers for Linda and the family, for Nilla and the family, and for all in need of healing and comfort prayers

Good Night Precious Pals

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

I always enjoy Bob's pictures. Thanks for the link, Paula.

Time to close down for the night. I hope Kathryn remembers that tomorrow is trash day.

See you later . . .

hedgie said...

Paula, glad to hear that the ankle/foot is improving!!
Just be careful!
And thanks for posting Bob's new pics---I was just getting ready to do it!

Judie, so great that yu saw so many juvies!

Jo, did not know that Iris and Dean were giving up FL house....what is in Georgia??? Is that where some of the kids are? So is that going to be their new winter locale?

Mema Jo said...

Now I know it is time to hit the pillows - I looked out on the deck and there peering in my door was Rocky
Raccoon - BIG Rocky Raccoon! lol

Good night one and all and may God
place his arms around all of you.
Hugs ♥♥♥♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Lolly, do the boys have to re-register every year? Or are they in a new school this year?

hedgie said...

Well, kids, I'm signing off. Painter will be back early so alarm clock needs to be set AGAIN!
Y-a-w-n!!! Sleep well.
Special prayers for Linda and Nilla tonight that their sorrow will be replaced my happy memories and the Glory of Heaven for their loved ones.

NatureNut said...

Glad to hear Paula's ankle is improving! Thx for Bob's link--something to look forward to in the AM.

Hope Lori has a wonderful FL trip!!!

Lolly, just saw on news that Dallas/Ft. Worth area has had the 34th day over 100!!!

Wonder if Jo's Rocky Raccoon came inside because someone called "kitty, kitty??" LOL

Getting late so Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers for Linda & Nilla ;>)

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta hit it here too, running out of steam. TGIF tomorrow!!

(((Hugs for all♥)))

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Just about to call it quits for the night here, too.

Glad to see that Paula's ankle/foot situation is improving.

Glad that Jack is feeling much more agreeable now, too. Bet physical therapy will help tremendously.

Lynne2, sure hope your jaw straightens out overnight! When my jaw gets sore like that I put one of those little fabric squares filled with rice in the microwave per instructions (usually 30 seconds), and put that on there. It tends to loosen everything up, and my jaw usually snaps back into place. Might be worth a try, if you have one of those.

Saying prayers now for everyone here, especially Linda & family, and Nilla and family. Prayers, too, for all our favorite critters.

Latest update on Emma: She is absolutely feeling great!!! Finding it difficult to keep up with her,she's so frisky! :o]

No news about Marq today. I plan on calling Jen in the morning. Hope he stayed home from work!

Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep tight, everyone! God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Hoda said...

Well I am now bqack!!! After paddling there was a meeting for the BC SENIOR GAMES in the middle of the month and they needed volunteers, so I volunteered and the meeting was longer than I thought.

LYNN I am glad the dental went well and that you found a place for LIESL.

PAULA really good news that your ankle is healing well.

LYNNE 2 my prayers for you is that you be pain free and that the jaw does not give you too much grief by tomorrow. Keep watching its symptoms.

Goodnight to all who have already gone to bed and God Bless and sweet dreams.

Costume Lady said...

LYNNE I had TMJ problems many years ago. My dentist had me do exercises, by opening my mouth as wide as I could (no snickering!) and then, close it very slowly, 10 times several times a day. It worked, but I really can't remember how long it took. I also wore a night guard to prevent teeth clenching. Worth a try:)

KAY I really do have lots of help with the orders when they come in. Today, we had 5 men and 3 females, counting me. I do not lift any boxes. I inventory everything that comes in and help put it on the shelves. Gene does the frozen meats and such. We truly do have a fun time...more fellowship:) Today, we ate SCONES and drank coffee while we afternoon tea:)
Also, KAY, Crunch Bob has been our friend for about 3 years now. He comes on when he has something important to tell us and says he lurks a lot of the time. He and his wife, Doris are good people and we're glad to have them as part of our group, even though we don't see or hear from them often.

VIRGINIA TECH My grandson, Brandon, works for VT as a horticulturist at their extension facility outside Winchester, Va. He really enjoys his work but is not real happy with his salary and no benefits. Can't believe that a high tech college such as they, can not afford to pay him better and grant him benefits:(

Hoda said...

WANDA the story on Virginia Tech disappeared from the news. What was the outcome? Was there a gunman there?
I am sorry their salaries and Benefits package is not what you would like.

Costume Lady said...

PAULA It's good that you are able to walk around on your foot. Nothing worse than having so much to do and have to hobble around to get it done.
My knee was feeling pretty good, after having my injection, but when I fell with GG's Birthday Cake, my knee was the first thing that hit the floor and then the rest of me fell on the cake. BTW, the cake still had it's protective cover on it, so not much of a mess, until later, when Jayden discovered it and decided to help himself to it:)
Knee is pretty swollen and black and blue and purple, half way down my leg. It has been getting better each day and I can walk for a while without my cane. I wonder what I might be able to do if I hadn't fallen...maybe I could run!


Costume Lady said...

HODA I have not heard the outcome of the gunman. My grandson is on vacation and he hasn't learned anything, to my knowledge.
I am guessing it was not a serious situation or we would have heard more.

Hoda said...

That's what I think too WANDA. Thanks for voicing it.If it had been serious we would have learnt more aobut it.Goodnight and God Bless.

Linda said...

To My Dear Loving Eagle Family,

Words cannot express my deepest heartfelt thanks to you for the most beautiful basket I think I have ever seen - that you sent to me in love and support for me today. When I read the beautiful card, it really took my breath away.

And then, I was so taken back to open the blog just now and see my brother's picture on everyone's avatar. It was such a beautiful tribute and I I’m so touched.

The past five days have been some of the most difficult so far in my life. I’ll share some of those details when I either get back or get some time to myself. I do thank God for being there for me and I thank God for my Eagle Family who loves and supports me like no other.

We made it through today, a difficult day, saying good-bye to my brother who I love so very much. We honored and celebrated his life tonight with family and friends.

I am so incredibly blessed and honored to be a part of such an amazing group of friends. I never knew when I was watching those darling little eaglets hatching that God was leading me to such an amazing group of women (men)who are genuine, real, honest, loving, true, gracious, supportive and the best prayer warriors ever!!

Thank you, again, from the bottom of my heart! I am truly blessed to have you.

With much love, Linda

Hoda said...

Goodnight and God Bless to all. Sweet Dreams.I'll log off now. My live feed still does not work. It tells me "server error."

Lori O. said...

Gosh, you put things together and what a perfect day: JUDIE seeing juvie eagles...LOLLY's parmesan cheese grits... and LYNN mentioned my fave group JOURNEY! That's a heavenly day ladies!

LORETTA & LYNN - Thanks for good trip wishes! Packing today, Friday, leaving early tomorrow morning. Have I told you how much I really, really dislike packing? YUCK!

LYNN, I love golf when I get to drive the cart on a beautiful course, or playing a 3 par "executive" 9 hole course...18 holes is too long for me and a 5 par hole ends up taking me 9 so it's not fun then! I'm not good at it!

YAY! More pictures from BOB!
BOB, when does the book come out - not to start a rumor anyone - just thinking it would be great for BOB to
have a big, glossy page, bound book of all his beautiful pictures to put on my coffee table.

GLO, I think you should do the same. Maybe you two could colaborate on one.
You are both awesome photographers and I truly envy your talent. ♥

PAULA, so glad to hear your foot is getting better! Scratches for NICK.

ANDY - Great news that EMMA has mended! An extra treat from Auntie Lori when you think her tummy can handle it.

Lori O. said...

How wonderful to hear from LINDA!

Linda said...

Hi Lori - If you're still there.

I for the first time, just had a chance to view the website. We did the pictures two days ago, and I didn't know it was going to be on the website.

The beautiful guestbook entries from my eagle family just warms my heart like you can't believe!

Again, thanks!

Linda said...

Thank you, LORI, for your ever so thoughtful idea of changing your avatars to my brother's picture to honor him and show your love and support for me.

If you're wondering if it helped, it did!! I do feel the love......

Lynne2 said...

LINDA! I'm here too! SO very glad to see you! ((((HUGS)))

Linda said...

Lynne! What are you doing up at this hour?

Great to see you, too!!!

Thanks for the (((Hugs))) and for all the love and support. You're the BEST!!

Lori O. said...

Oh LINDA, we are so happy to hear from you!

I'm so sorry for the pain you must have felt saying goodbye to Billy, but the memories in your heart are truly there to last a lifetime. Try it sometime - try to think of all the Billy memories you can and you will be shocked at the things that come back to you. One memory leads to another.

The avatar of Billy was just a simple way to honor him and you. So you knew your eagle family was thinking of you. Everyone did it earlier. You would have been so proud of this wonderful group.

We love you, LINDA, and pray you get through this tough time with the Grace of God to lead you. And that you have a safe trip home. Please keep us up-to-date. Many, many prayers for you and your family from all the momsters have been said over this past week and will continue.

I'm so happy to have been able to "talk" to you this morning.

Lynne2 said...

I'm up because I had to potty, then I decided I better come get something to drink, which lead to cookies and I figured I better check in while I was here and I am so glad I did so I could say HELLO to you!

Lori O. said...

I'll go get ready for work now and let you two talk... LYNNE, you must have known. I know how close you and LINDA are. AMEN! God is GREAT!

Love to both of you this morning ... and a

((((Big HOPE, LILY & FAITH HUG))))

Lynne2 said...

Lori, safe travels to work!

Linda said...

Oh, LORI, thank you so much for your kind loving words of comfort and support. I will try what you said, I promise.

I know I'll get through this. I also know there will be some tough days ahead, but I have faith in God, the LOVE of you and the Momsters.....and with that.....I think I can get through anything!!

I love you, too! I can't believe God has blessed me with such amazing friends here.

I'm so glad you checked in early today! I know you have to get ready for work.

Lynne2 said...

Have you been able to get any rest at all Linda?

Linda said...

LYNNE - God has His Hand in so much of my life and I am so thankful for that.

You and this wonderful group are one of those blessings I thank God for.

I know you need to get back to bed and so do I, but thanks for checking in tonight. I'm smiling while typing!! ☺

I hope you sleep well for the rest of your night! Thanks so much for your love and support. xo ♥♥♥

Linda said...

No, Lynne, hardly any.

It's been like WWIII here in parts of my family. Awful -

So much so that Dennis and I almost turned around and went home because my family and his wife were fighting so much that it was just not going to do my brother any justice. It was sad.

Lynne2 said...

I do need to get back to bed. But I sure am glad I turned the computer on! I used to get up like this regularly (I called it the Wee Wee Hour) but haven't done so in some time....

Hope you rest well! See you soon!

Lynne2 said...

OH NO....I'm so sorry to hear that. How awful! I have seen it so many times, how a death in the family will bring out the worst in people instead of them concentrating on the one thing they all loved.

Linda said...

I need to get some rest, too, Night!

LORI - Great to have a few moments with you! Thanks again. Please say Hi to all the Early Birds for me and to all the momsters.........I send my love!!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Family, you eagle lovers!

It was so nice to have had a chat with LINDA earlier this morning - or in the middle of the night for most of you! Linda says hello to the Early Birds.

Praying, pleading for a visit from Belle and Truder this morning. I'm not giving up!

I think JUDY E is off again today, so I'm hoping DANAMO and MARGY are up early, unless their sleep deprived then I hope they sleep in. Of course we have new EB's THELMA and DIANN and I'd be thrilled to see you too.

Nevertheless, the SPCC is open a few min. early this morning and the coffee is brewing!

Hoda said...

NASA confirms that space shuttle Columbia debris was found in Texas. This through The Toronto papers and CBC.

LINDA very good to see you on here tonight. Many have difficulties within the family when the death is so sudden and unexpected. It is something to go through and hold on to what is essential which is your love for your brother and that is in the long run all that matters. You all shared in this love. I had to remind myself of this several times in similar circumstances.

I do not know why I am up this early in the morning.I figured out why I was getting the server error message when I tried to bring up the live feed...I was logged on, on the OC forum and I have not logged on there myself for over a month, so however that happened it interfered with the live feed. Once I logged out I was able to get the live feed up again. No server error message...

I think I am going to go make a pot of tea...

Hoda said...

Good morning LORI I am here...what time do yiou go to work?

Hoda said...

LORI do you have a night vision on your live feed? I do not. The screen is pitch black right now.

Hoda said...

Nothing on the still cam either...well maybe it is just too early yet and I need to wiat till five thirty or so for some light to come on...

Hoda said...

OK LORI would you like cream in your tea? It is Earl Grey English Breakfast tea...maybe you prefer coffee?

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

So good to see you HODA!

I'm a coffee drinker, but Early Gray is okay. What makes you awake so early?

Lori O. said...

HODA, where there's no big moon, it'll be black, but the moment you get a glint of light the infrared exploits it into its grayish light for which we are grateful...then the sun comes up and the infrared goes off and the nest is beautiful again...that's sometime, gee, around 6:30 or so.

Lori O. said...

HODA LOOK NOW - you can see the outline of the leaves already.

Hoda said...

THANKS LORI I can see the leaves...and the outline of the nest too... I do not know why I am up...I find as I get older I do not need as much sleep. It runs in my family. An ancient great uncle of mine used to get on with three hours of sleep most a night and he seemed OK...I think I would like a bit more sleep than that though...

Hoda said...

Tell me about your avatar are not in it must have a story...

Hoda said...

I would love to see Belle and Truder. The last sighting on this blog was the 27th of July in the morning. I have not seen them at all since June...

Lori O. said...

I'm leaving for Orlando (for work) tomorrow morning. Just thought I'd get a jump on it, and couldn't think of anything for today -- oh I do have an idea now... LOL
See how nice it is to have you here for human conversation? ♥

Hoda said...

OK What is your idea, it is creative I am sure...Are you going to make a broadcast from Orlando???You have a wonderful job...

Hoda said...

Very stunnig contrast of white and shades of gray on the nest...LOVELY

Hoda said...

LORI are you soon going to go to work?

Lori O. said...

Lovely contrast and just imagine if it were contrasting with some white feathers on large bird heads!

Yes, I'll be broadcasting from there. I am determined to pack light, super light even. I checked the forecast and it's 95 and humid everyday. How does JUDYE do it?

Hoda said...

There is a bit of a breeze at the nest. The contrast continues to be stunning...

Lori O. said...

HODA, here's the new idea -
A MorningLORI avatar! Ta-Da!!!

Hoda said...

How absolutely wonderful that you will broadcast from Florida? Is it going to be live and why did you choose Florida? What is the topic you will deal with...too many questions if you are about to rush out the door.I think it is thrilling that your job has this broad experience with it...

Hoda said...

I do not kow what I will do when they show up again while I am watching!!!LOL!!!Yet I am sure when they show up I will manage...

Hoda said...


Lori O. said...

I'm already at work...get here at 3:40 Eastern.
I didn't get to pick Orlando, actually we go there a lot. This trip is for Visit Orlando which has us visiting all kinds of amusement parks and tourist attractions in Orlando - then they give us trips to give away on the air. So it's a fun thing. No serious topics.

Lori O. said...

I don't know how I will behave either should I suddenly see eagles in the nest! I think it will be a loud celebration though!

Hoda said...

OH !!! I should have remembered the conversations about how early you do get to must be a morning person Morning gLORI...
The trip sounds like fun and I am sure telling people about what is there to do in Florida will be fun since you are actually going to go to these places...FUN

Lori O. said...

HODA there are sooo many people on the blog who would love to meet you. When you do think you might get to visit the nest?

DanaMo said...

Nice cool morning out there, it would be nice if the eagles graced us with there presence.

Hoda said...

LORI, I collect my 2 Canada pension cheques when I turn sixty five, November 2013. Right now I am living comfortably, but with not much to spare for plane tickets and I will not be able to get there till my Canadian penison kicks in. I would love to meet you all too and look forward to it.

Day light at the nest and colour returns...

DanaMo said...

Good morning Hoda and Lori!

Hoda said...

Good morning DANAMO, how cool is cool?
I too would love for the eagles to show up...

Hoda said...

There is an insect that landed on the back view of the furthest leaf, looks intriguing

DanaMo said...

LOL not that cool, but surely cooler than it's been. My thermometer says 67

Lori O. said...

what was that that flew across the screen?

Hoda said...

It just took off...too fast for me to tell what it was...

Hoda said...

67 is cool, that is good DANAMO.

LORI it was an insect that first circled and then landed on the back of the leaf and then darted out from behind the leaf and off it went. NOT a fly too fast and it was long from its reflection on the leaf.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DANAMO! How many days until school starts again for you?

HODA, dang! That's 15 months!

DanaMo said...

Well I am glad to see my second patch of grass is coming in, even in this dry weather. Of course, I am watering, no restrictions here, but my water bill is going to be outrageous!

DanaMo said...

Not counting the days...but we start on the 29th. Kindergarten is staggered start with only 6 kids on each day Mon-Wed. then everyone comes on Thursday and Friday. Kindergarten is half day all week. The rest of the school goes full swing. I will be in my room alot next week. I went in yesterday for a while but don't feel like I got much accomplished. I have plans today, so I am not going in today.

Hoda said...

Well LORI 15 months is shorter than 25 monts so IT IS ALL GOOD!!!
Anyway that I can convince you all to make a trip to Beautiful British Columbia? The point is we will meet when it is time...and I look forward to seeing you all.

DanaMo said...

Say a prayer for some friends of mine today. They are foster parents and have been fostering a little boy since he was 2 weeks old. He is almost 2 and the Department of Social Services has determined that he should be placed with the grandmother (that's where the siblings are). I think even though they know as their role as foster parents that this is inevitable it is very difficult and they love this little boy like he is their own. It's a hard day for them. My heart breaks because I know how much they love him.

Hoda said...

DANAMO, you must be excited about going back to school and already spending the day there tells me about your excitement to set up your class and plan your lessons. The kids are lucky you are their teacher.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

" I Love you Just the Way You Are "

Hoda said...

Are water bills really high in the States? DANAMO you and LOLLY spoke about how high the bills will be...I know you are atering a lot, but what would make an average bill for water? I live in a flat and I paid 40 dollars for electric and water for two months...I do not have a lawn, but even in alberta when I had the house my bills were never more than sixty dollars every two months in the summer time for water

Lori O. said...

Oh DANAMO, I know that feeling very well. My parents took foster children, 2 infants at a time in the beginning. They would come straight from the hospital and we cared for them until they were adopted.

magpie said...

That was the tune on WASH-FM (preceded by the Ad for Johnsons's Florist as the station on the computer opens up,
with Lori's voice ) ☺

going backwards....but first, DanaMo,
do indeed offer up prayers for your friends, and for the peaceful return to the little guy back to his other family ♥

Hoda said...

Prayers to your Friends DANAMO this is a tough one indeed...

Good morning MARGY we love you too just the way you are...was your quote from a song?

DanaMo said...

OMGosh my water bill could be a 300 hundred dollars easily for a quarter. I think. My hubby pays the bills and I don't pay attention, I know that's bad, but it's true.

Hoda said...

OK MARGY you answered my question as I was asking it...
Foster Parenting ais a very difficult thing to do emotionally...GOD's Blessings to all the families who choose to do it...never easy...

Hoda said...

GLAD I was sitting down when I read your post DANAMO...300 US Dollars is a lot of Dollars!!! Oh My Oh My!!!

DanaMo said...

Actually it's a 90 day period. Average is about 200. I guessed high.

DanaMo said...

Curiosity sent me to the file cabinet! LOL!

DanaMo said...

I think they really thought they were going to adopt him. The grandmother initially did not want to take him, but then when it came down to the judge granting them the option to adopt the grandmother changed her mind, and of course it's best for him to be with family. The grandmother has the other 2 (or 3) children. I think she just couldn't handle an infant. They had to "turn him over" last night. They will now have visitation for a short time every other weekend or something like that.

Hoda said...

I understand...the concern that watering the lawns and the plants would send the bills high. In this part of British Columbia they are just now beginning to speak of installing water meters...other places have them but not yet in Nelson and people got really upset about it...yet I am sure they are coming

DanaMo said...

I don't think I could do it, fostering that is, I've considered it with dogs (for seeing eye dogs)and I know I couldn't give up an animal how in the world would I be able to give up a child. It takes a very special person to be able to be in that role.

magpie said...

So very good to see our Linda was here with friends in the middle of the night, in the WeeWee Hour as Lynne called it!

Am so sorry to hear of the difficult aspects of the situation....praying that Peace will invade the conflicts and bring Resolution and Harmony

Hoda said...

I agree with you DANamo about how special a person would be to foster...and the visitations would be most difficult...what if the kid cries and wants to go "home"...what do they do then???Heart breaking...

magpie said...

Morning GLori

Thank you Again for bringing Bill's picture up on the avatar, and so neat that so many also will see when you read Linda's posts how special this was for her ♥

and your Morning GLories are just perfect!

Lori O. said...

OMG, Someone tell LOLLY NOT TO READ about Hoda's water bill. She'll be sick! I'm sick. In LA, City of Glendale 10 years ago was 350 a month!

magpie said...

once again, DanaMo, my heart aches and breaks for your friends,
hope the transition for everyone will come along well
Good that the little tyke has had two good years of loving and care with your friends

magpie said...

Just a reminder, it's Red Friday,
for those who can pick out some red duds for the day
Honor and Tribute to our Military...
active, retired, and gone before us

magpie said...

I am really happy we can still hear you on the Radio Waves next week

Happy Trails ! I see you leave Saturday....God Bless You and your out-of-town Orlando Assignment

Lori O. said...

Thanks MARGY! You always calling me MorningLORI gave me the idea for my morning glories avatar. I've stashed lots of them away so that I can keep 'em fresh.

Hoda said...

Well I do not think Miss Belle is going to grace us with her presence and I think Mr. Truder is probably trying to learn more from her so is not going to come here either...Happy Fishing Belle and Truder...

I am going to go give my bed another go...BBL the day...

DanaMo said...

Well I'm out of here for the morning. Thanks for the friendship. I enjoy spending my mornings with all of you so much!

Have a great day everyone!

magpie said...

See you Later, DanaMo
neat, the staggered schedule for the first three days of kinderarten, then the fun begins on that Thursday and Friday

Have a good day,
you too Hoda
you too Lori
and You are Welcome !!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

magpie said...

when I can take Cardinal Flower pictures I'll put them up here
but am going to leave the
Heart Leaves up until Linda gets back to her roost....

going to check in with family with some emails

be back before worktime hatchet hits

Hoda said...

Well LORI I almost choked on my tea...350 dollars a month ten years ago in LA!!! No wonder I have the impression that it is a very expensive place to be...their highways scare me to death too!!! I am not sure I can drive on them too fast and too many lanes...enough ITS ALL GOOD even in LA...remember there are only 10 thousand people who live in Nelson and surrounding areas, so that is my frame of refrence...bye for now...

magpie said...

OH! I heard you T-Bird ...
is Beth home now?
I read your report, and sure pray that comfort comes along soon, sounds like the medical team is communicating well with her

T-Bird said...

Yes, Magpie, Beth made it home, safe and sound, yesterday evening.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds I got some of the blog read I said some I have
154 to go from this point I have commented on some below and will have to try to finish sometime later today or tomorrow with today comment going to be added also I am to the 936 pm marks last night Looked really quick no visit again last nite and today someone need to have a serious talk with our eagles ya think I just wonder if they are still around in the area or not.

Thanks to the anonymous Momster♀ + ♂ Dadster who sent the flowers to honor Linda's brother You are a angel. I almost put your name in front until I read everyone else not so I followed suit.and I also would be honored and happy to send you some money toward it also just email your addy ok?

LOLLY so glad Jack check out ok

LYNN2 TMJ Oh no that can be painful and can come on sudden also

LORETTA I Loved your job description such a neat job

DANAMO congratulations on making a link I now can do it without the cheat sheet

Lisa is my BFF(the one who died) daughter her grandpa had passed away yesterday Its not been a good week at all
We have an associate Angela she is missing she has been a no show all week and they just found her car and her family doesn't know where she is So many rumors I don't think we will ever know anything for sure An another associate Benny she died of cancer last week like I said rough week

LOLLY Oh no sound like Jack is sort of a scarecrow for armadillos Ya think! Now if they show back up you'll know its true LOL

HODA, very interesting Lincoln link.

I can just see all you going over to Toms house, eagle canes in hand and asking him of his intentions with her LOL and I agree the the breakfast may have to watch for a brunch date also

Judie said...

Good early morning.

It is nice to see that Linda visited. I think it speaks highly of our blog family that she thought to be with us this morning. Hope the conflicts resolve very quickly.

Lori, have a fun and pleasant visit to Orlando.

Hoda, the blog family will make the 15 months just zoom past. You'll be with us before you can say Yoga.

DanaMo, hoping that the foster parents will take solace in knowing they did an excellent job caring for the little boy. Early parenting is so critical. Do hope someone (judge) thinks to have a child therapist help with the transition if the boy is upset.

VA Tech: no person with a gun was located on campus, lock down based on visitors saying they "thought" they saw someone with a gun and the prior shooting incident. Safe not sorry.

Have a quiet day Margy.

Think I'll head back to the pillows. Have a good morning.

Kay said...

G☼☼d M☼rning Everyone ! So, are you all reddy for red Friday ? ☺

Crunch Bob, it's your day and here's your cake ! No calories ! ♫♫♪Happy Birthday to you !♪♪♫♫

MARGY, you make my day with your ☼HI☼ Sunshine ! I♥U !

So LORI, you're all set for Orlando--like the Orlando here I come avatar, but the Morning gLORIEs are beautiful !

Judie said...

Oh, thank you Kay.

♪♫♪♫HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CRUNCH BOB♪♫♪♫ Have a special day no matter what you decide to do even if you just put your feet up and snooze. Well, give Doris a kiss.

Kay said...

PAULA, thanks for the gorgeous BOB Quinn pics ! Didn't LYNN say she'd received his book, a few days ago ? It's on my Christmas wish list, if any of the kids ask for suggestions.

LYNN, excitement reigns here due to the Extreme Makeover crew hitting town. Big ? still is, who is the lucky family ? Oh, it's so tempting to head to Crew Stadium to hear the strains of ♫♪When You Love a Woman or After All These Years♪♪♫ wafting forth ! However, I do hate crowds now, must be something about my age. ☺

T-Bird said...

One more day until we see Train and the Pirates play the Padres. I have never been to a Major League Baseball game. I'm excited about that too.

Kay said...

LINDA, we're soooo happy to hear from you ! Sorry the family was into fussin', feudin' n' fightin', but glad God gave you and Dennis the grace to rise above it all for Billy's sake. Hope you can wind things up there and head home to Gigi and Riley soon ! Better days are ahead ! Keeping you on the prayer list for as long as needed ! ♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

THELMA, how exciting ! Have a great trip to Pittsburgh ! You're going to love attending your first MLB game and, of course, Train is a given, Soul Sister !!!! Happy news for Beth--hope the recuperation is text book perfect !

DANAMO, the foster parenting experience has to have it's heart wrenching moments---so many farewells, but then more hellos to come. Has to be traumatic for the kids, too ! Prayers for your friends.

Kay said...

Hey, JUDYE,JUDIE,HODA and ANDY, great to see youse guys this morning ! Good and interesting posts, thank you !

magpie said...

OH Yay T-Bird, that is good news about Beth
and YOU will have FUN with Train and the Pirates !

and thanks for bringing me on task Ohi☼ Sunshine Kay:

Happy Birthday to our dear Crunch Bob - Hope this is a Glorious Birthday for you....and the start of a great year to follow xoxoxo ♥ ☺
And Big Hugs for Doris also !

must leave for work now...
Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone, hope to see you from work somehow
xoxo ♥

T-Bird said...

JudyE- That is absolutely awful about your coworker. Please let us know if she shows up or is found. That would be an awful thing, to have someone missing and to find their abandoned car.

T-Bird said...

Prayers to her and her family and to those looking for her.

Kay said...

Looks like everyone has boogied off to do other things. No B & T and the nest again. :( Later, Eagle Buds ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

No Boogie here, KAY.
Just trying to get my work stuff ready to go to Orlando. Save me some of your special cake. I know it's for Crunch Bob, but I can do a FloBear and lick off the backside. He'll never know!

Ya, bummer that we had no B & T visit this morning. But, great that LINDA was able to check in!

magpie said...

I caught your last post just as I was leaving...
I am sorry to read of Lisa's daughter's grandfather passing away,
and pray for a good outcome for your associate Angela....

T-Bird said...

I'll see you all on the flip side. TGIF

hedgie said...

Good Friday AM to all.


What a great treat to read Linda's thankful that our support has helped her get through this difficult time.

Hoda.....we will be here waiting for you in 2013!!

DanaMo---sure do feel bad for your friends....foster or not, loving children is often heartbreaking....and these situations can be so unfair. I just pray that the grandmother's home IS the best place for the little guy.

hedgie said...

The VA Tech situation apparently is man with a gun was ever found.

Hoda...the nest cam is SUPPOSED to have "night-vision" through the night but there is something wrong with it this year. That's why it mostly stays black through the wee hours.

hedgie said...

Wow, Lori, your folks taking two newborns at once is awesome!!! How many sibs do you have? Bet you got your fill of babby care, didn't you??!!

Hoda....some of us are lucky enough to not have water bills! On our own well-water...which just costs electricity!!!

hedgie said...

Oh, yes, I received my Bob book several days ago!!! It's beautiful!

Good morning to other early birds that I keep seeing as I read along! is just as long and drawn out in person as it is on TV!!!!! I follow the Nationals and the Orioles---and watch an occasional game if nothing else is on TV, BUT it is not really my viewing cup-o-tea!
Please have a safe trip and enjoy the concert!

Lori O. said...

Hey LYNN. You've heard me talk about my amazing mother, 100 mph Nancy, before. Taking so many foster kids is part of her amazingness (?)! I have 2 brothers, one 2 years older and one 2 years younger, and it was when we were 2, 4 & 6 that she began taking the infants. I can still fold a real baby diaper in my head! Now, babies really don't like me. I think I had enough poopy diapers and scalding bottles and barf on me by the time I was 12 I was over babies.

hedgie said...

Oh, JudyE----so sorry to hear all of your bad news. Prayers for all those situations....these Missing women and children reports are SO disturbing. And there sure seems to be a lot of them that occur in FL.

Kay...know what you mean about crowds! I just can't do it anymore.

hedgie said...

So NOW the truth comes out about WANDA's cake trip......remember I asked if her knee was okay? And she didn't she tells us how BAD it is......Girlfriend, what are we gonna do with you??? Do you think you should go to the doctor? When you touch the swelling, is it squishy (as in fluid on the knee???)? PLEASE BE CAREFUL!

hedgie said...

Another seizure.....can't believe that it's happening again....
Horses in Berkeley Co. seized

Kay said...

LORI, don't forget your sunscreen ! Remember "A splash of Merlot will prevent that red glow !" Have a safe trip and a great time !

Thinking of ROBYN and TORI as they travel, too. I imagine they are going right across I70 to Denver. If any of you are in touch please let them know, if they need anything while going through Columbus, I'm here for them.

hedgie said...

Wow----osprey video from Bob!!!

Way to go, Bob!!!!

Bob Quinn said...

Good morning. Happy birthday Crunch Bob!

FYI - I also posted two videos on YouTube:

Sunday Video 1

Sunday Video 2

Bob Quinn said...

Lynn beat me to the punch!

Kay said...

LYNN, how sad the horse seizure story is. It's happened all to often around here, too, especially with the economic down turn. Speaking of which, the news of this morning paints a rosier picture than we'd been led to believe possible. What a roller coaster--I have to wonder how much of it is a result of an over zealous media mind set.

hedgie said...

Kay, Robyn is heading for Indianapolis for the first night. KC the 2nd night. I will tell her to call me if she needs a Columbus link!! You are so sweet.

stronghunter said...

Good morning.

Judy, I do hope your co-worker is found soon. What a sad situation.

So glad that Linda stopped for a visit. I do hope that her family will heal from all of the discord.

Lori--another trip to Florida. Such a fun job you have!

Lynn, so glad you are getting to go to the OB. We really have to go there soon. I keep saying that I want to go to the beach this summer.

Lynne, I hope your mouth is better today. The doctor prescribed pain pills and muscle relaxers for Kathryn when she had TMJ problems.

Paula, good that you can at least get around. Take care of your ankle.

Judie, four juvies!! That must have been really exciting. Hope you weren't on the road when you saw them. I would have to park the car.

DanaMo, getting ready for another school year. Always an exciting time. Some parts of me will miss that.

I have an appointment for Flash to see the vet at 4:40 this afternoon. This will be a new vet.

Kathryn has switched vets because she was concerned about the fact that the other vet missed Luna's symptoms early on. I encouraged her to do it, though I am still taking George to the former office.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Crunch Bob!!

hedgie said...

KAY, email me your phone number, please, so that if Robyn needs it I can pass it on!!!

stronghunter said...

My avatar is a picture of Flash when he was very small.

hedgie said...

Sorry, Bob!!!! I was too anxious---but I only got the one!!! Thanks!

hedgie said...

First one is great, too, Bob!!!!

hedgie said...

Kay, love your little ditty about the sunscreen!!!! We don't want the gLori glowing!!

Kay said...

BOB n' LYNN, thanks for the videos ! It's such a kick to watch birds feed their young.

LYNN, thanks for letting ROBYN know she has a haven here if needed. Going to e-mail immediately with the info.

hedgie said...

Oh, Shirley, CUTE pic of little Flash!

Kay said...

LYNN, done deal, you have e-mail.♥♥

Costume Lady said...

BOB Q, you have to get up very early in the morning to beat our LYNNto the punch!:)

Lolly said...

Good morning! It has taken me forever to get through all the comments since last night. Whew!!!

Loved the conversation in the wee wee hours.

Linda, it was so great to hear from you. We have really been feeling your pain. Wish there was more we could do for you.

Lori, when you play hope you can play early early! The heat and humidity will be awful. And, do remember your bottle of sunscreen...spash some on and take a swig, spash some on and take a swig!☺ But, do not waste too much spashing it on!!!

My heart is breaking for the foster parents. Why, oh, why did the courts wait till that poor baby was two? Shame on the grandparent for "wanting" that baby now. Nothing, nothing makes me madder than taking a child from good parents. And, he was with HIS family!!! Okay, now I am going to cry.

Oh, and your morning glories. Perfect for you!

Lolly said...

Happy Birthday Crunch Bob! Have a great day!

Lolly said...

Now, I am off to work outside for a little while.


Kay said...

WANDA, your avatar scared me at first and then I recalled that Dustin has been in training. Whew ! I knew it wasn't your house, but still.... Do he and Q work together ?

Costume Lady said...

No, Kay, Dustin and Q are just friends. This was Dustin's first try at putting out a fire. He said he really had to hold on tight!

Kay said...

LOLLY, make that a very little "while", it's too hot for working outside !

Costume Lady said...

Dustin's sister, Jillian was also working that fire. I will post her photo later.

If you are interested in GG's crushed Birthday Cake, photos are on my SMILES:):)
I am fine, now, so you can laugh, if you like:)

Kay said...

WANDA, I'm not laughing, but am smiling ! Looks like it was still edible and adorable Jayden sure thought so, too ! What a beautiful bouquet GG received---love all those yellow flowers ! She looks soooo good for 91 years of age ! You have a great heritage there ! Yes, a pic of Jillian would be nice. Are they twins ?

Kay said...

WANDA, I took another look at your blog and saw Jillian's Rookie of the year, 2010, award. You have to be so proud of those kids !

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - I had read previous comments and it took a while so that when I went to comment I have 20 more to read! There is so much to comment about but first:

Happy Birthday Crunch - Have a great day and pray the year ahead is good to

magpie said...

I caught your last post just as I was leaving...
I am sorry to read of Lisa's daughter's grandfather passing away,
and pray for a good outcome for your associate Angela....

I thought I posted this an hour ago :(

Good Morning Many More Eagle Pals xoxo

Mema Jo said...

Kay I too just looked at Wanda's Smile
blog and yes, I am laughing a little as I picture the cake BUT I don't like the
idea of Wanda bruising her knee!
Jayden is just too cute for his age!
You can read so much into his expressions.

magpie said...

Little Flash is just adorable

stronghunter said...

Great pictures, Wanda. Cake still looks edible. Just a little scrambled. Scrambled cake is okay.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Wanda, so sorry to hear about your bruised knee! Glad you are able to get around on it without the cane at times, though.

Linda, so sorry to hear about the family strife. It surely has to make things more difficult than they already are...hang in there, we are here for you. So wonderful to hear from you, and glad that Lori and Lynne were here for you.

Lori, have a roaring good time in the Sunshine State! ☼

stronghunter said...

Jayden approves of scrambled cake.

Wanda, take care of your knee.

paula eagleholic said...

Here's a quick copy and paste link for alt codes! I had to search for the sunshine, couldn't remember it!

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, so sorry to hear about your missing coworker. How awful for the family.

Wanda, love the cake pics.

Kay said...

WANDA, I thought I'd been all through your blogs. Just went through again and see that I missed too much of Smiles. Now I've seen all of it. You have a beautiful family and I also loved seeing JO, her daughters and her great grands ! Another beautiful family and I love having images of you all in my mind as I read your posts and as you talk about family !

paula eagleholic said...

♫♫ Happy Birthday Crunch Bob!! ♫♫

hedgie said...

Nice pics, Wanda!!!
Isn't it great---as well as a bit scary---to have FF's in the family?? So proud of mine!

Mema Jo said...

Bob, the videos are fantastic!

Lori - praying for you to have a safe journey and a relaxing time in FL

Linda - your visit this early am was planned by the man upstairs. To have Lynne and Lori there to greet you was
awesome. I have experienced family riffs such as you are with Billy's passing. Not much you can say or do to calm attitudes of others. Try to remember all your good memories!

Mema Jo said...

JudyE - I always get very upset concerning Missing persons. You always
expect the worse but you never give up
hope. Praying for your co-worker to be
found and unharmed.

Mema Jo said...

Glad your foot is working well, Paula.
Was it your right one?

Hoda I plan to stick around until you
get here so I can meet you! Wow! that
really gives me a purpose in life!

Mema Jo said...

Just received email from my aunt
It has a very strong statement.....

WORRYING does not take away tomorrow's TROUBLES;
it takes away today's PEACE.

Lori O. said...

JO, your Aunt is a wise lady! Love that saying.
I thought LINDA's visit was divinely planned as well. When Lynne came on, I knew it was. Thank you Lord!

JUDYE, sounds like you've had a crazy, crazy week! I'm so sorry about your co-worker and will hope for a happy ending. Why is there confusion though, like the guy who said she died of cancer?

Kay said...

♥JO, that saying from your aunt is spot on and a keeper. Thanks for sharing !♥

►PAULA, that alt-code site rocks ! I've never seen such a comprehensive list of the codes. Thank you !◄

Mema Jo said...

Going to check out FB as emails are
finished. Hoping to find comment from
Robyn in her travels...


magpie said...

♀ ♂ ♪ ♫ ♣ ♦ ♠ • ◘ ○ ↕ ╜ ◄ •○ ◘

I can't help myself !!!

Love that post, Jo...thank you...
from your aunt

magpie said...

Watch out:


stronghunter said...

Split time is upon us.

stronghunter said...

Taking Flash with me to the other side of the split.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...