Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Mid week thread, live from Madison, WI.


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JudyEddy said...

BBL she is up

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

WhooHoo...Carolyn is almost home! Jess has REALLY missed her! Strange for a 17 y.o., huh?

Murder at Southern States in Ranson---TOO close for comfort as Christie and Shannon live just one house up and across street from the back of it. She's at work....

stronghunter said...


Hunter and I have been busy with yard work. We are resting now. I'll check back in later.

hedgie said...

Never heard of any kind of commode program around here, JudyE.

Yippee, Judie----the monarch found your lantana!!! How long will it take before it lays an "egg" on the milkweed? you feed something different or special to Hooded Orioles?

hedgie said...

I am not having any luck teaching this dog to go down steps! ARGH!

Mema Jo said...

I guess you will need to put some bait on the bottom step to encourage Liesl to
go 'down the steps'.

Returned from foot dr - just a clipping of nails - had to wait 1/2 hr beyond my
appointment time... Hubby got his walk in during that time.......

Judie said...

Murder at Southern States is not good. Hope the person responsible has been, or will be, apprehended quickly. I'm sure Christie and Shannon will be safe.

As for the Monarch, I think those seen in July are the third generation and, like the first two generations, die within about two-three weeks after emerging. Need to look for eggs under the milkweed leaves. Those that emerge, the fourth generation, are the ones that migrate south and live about six months to migrate north again. Will do some more research.

Lynn, she will learn.

Judie said...

I think Lynn should demonstrate for Liesl by doing the butt bump.

Lolly said... are the expert on the butt bump, you go teach Liesl. ☺

Lolly said...

Our neighbors had one of those metal spiral staircases. They were always letting our dog into their house. However, got a call one day, Kip had gone up and would not come down. One of us had to go carry Kip down, and not a small dog either, Keeshond.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home and to the beach!

Have a good evening!!

JudyEddy said...

I just rescued a box turtle in the middle of road I put him in a drainage ditch I took picture because I always have my camera in my pocket

hedgie said...

Good job, JudyE!! Saw one on my road Weds. that someone hit...:(

Safe drive, Paula!

No butt bumps for me!!! Not enough room on the steps for both of that way! Tried the outside steps, too (they are regular straight ones) and still no luck.
If we are in the basement, she will go up two or three waiting for me to remove the blockade, and comes back down if I don't----so I guess it's the height and looking down from the top that bothers her.

hedgie said...

Ex-Boyfriend of murder victim in custody. Possibly 7 shots. She was in a car. Sad.

hedgie said...

Jo---another new episode of FLASHPOINT tonight!

Hoda said...

"Norfolk Botanical Garden Eagle Release

MARK YOUR CALENDAR. The release of the three Norfolk Botanical Garden Bald Eagles will take place on Wednesday, July 27 at 11:00 a.m. The release will take place at Berkeley Plantation, a historic plantation on the James River below Richmond [and right next to Westover Plantation].

The Center will be setting up a process for collecting RSVPS soon, and will also be posting directions to Berkeley.

We look forward to seeing you on July 27."

I got the above from the Wild Life Centre of Virginia...
They do not mention it being covered through a live feed...

Lolly said...

Another rolled flank steak into the freezer. Tonight or tomorrow I will make and freeze some pesto. Making good use of the basil. It is looking great. Guess it loves this heat! At this hour stil 101.8. Heaven help us!!

JudyEddy said...

I put picture of the turtle that I rescued Turtle

JudyEddy said...

I use to love doing the butt bumps down the stairs funny I had forgot all about that LOL ♪ ♫ Memories ♪ ♫

hedgie said...

Hoda, I'm sure that the TV station that sponsors the NBG cam will be there with cameras rolling! They already have 200 "reservations" for attendance. Sure wish it was closer---I would love to go. MAYBE I could plan a trip to the beach at that time---always a possibility if the realtor has any prospects for us!

hedgie said...

Mourning doves are lovely at our nest.

Hoda, does your lake have any loons?

Mema Jo said...

That is good - Flashpoint I love it!

hedgie said...

And speaking of loons:
Vermont Loon Recovery Project

Mema Jo said...

Hunter should get a reward for all his
hard work in the yard with you, Shirley.
Great that he was of help to you.

Kay said...

LYNN, glad they already have the alledged shooter in custody. Very disquieting to hear of such a crime so close to loved ones. Aha, absence does make the heart grow fonder with daughters and moms, too ! Great, Carolyn will enjoy a good welcome home !

JUDY, good rescue ! Lucky turtle !

LOLLY, where are you getting these rolled flank steaks and what plans do you have for them ?

Don't know a thing about teaching a pup how to go down stairs. I taught grandson, Max, now 22, how to negotiate the stairs in his house. He was about 17 months old if I remember correctly.

Hoda said...

=>Kootenay Lake

This is the best site I know that tells about the lake. It is rich with abundance of wild life.If you go to the "ROLL OVER MENU", upper left hand corner, you will see what it has to offer. Enjoy till you all can come here to visit...I some times dream of that, it would be grand if I could share some of this with you all, as you have been ever so kind and so generous with your friendship and your knowledge.

Hoda said...

The last post was in answer to Lynn's question if there are loons here...

Hoda said...

OK The link did not work. I will try again. Sorry.
YES there are Loons here Lynn.

Kootenay Lake

Lolly said...

Kay, we are buying the flank steaks and preparing them. All we need to do is pull them from the freezer and grill. Guess you say it is our signature dish. It is so yummy!

Kay said...

Lynn, good looney video ! Amazing how the chicks stumble and fumble their way into the water and then are immediatly comfortable and good swimmers/floaters.

HODA, I can't open the Kootenay Lake link. I'm sure it's beautiful !

JO is right, SHIRLEY, Hunter is a good kid. He's going to gain much useful knowledge and self esteem under your wings !

hedgie said...

Brought trail cam back in---no pics of the fawn that was there this! Don't understand why. She was with the mama, so certainly they should have triggered it.
Will post a couple of pics on my blog....can't figure out any way to do it as a slide show.

Kay said...

LOLLY, you and Jack are smart cookies ! I'm sure the steaks are delicious and you're ready to play host and hostess at the drop of a hat ! How is he doing today ?

Kay said...

HODA, what a beautiful site that is ! I was mesmerized by the revolving slide show. Perhaps you've said, but I don't recall exactly how you wound up in that gorgeous setting.

hedgie said...

Hoda, that's wonderful. What a beautiful place it is that you have chosen to live! Beautiful pics on that website!!!

Kay said...

Time for some TV. BBL and hope to see that Belle and/or Truder have paid a call !

Lolly said...

Jack seems much better. His tooth still bothers him when he eats. He is going to another dentist next week. His dentist referred him to another dentist. Hmmmm??? Makes me wonder.

His neck has soreness, and is tired, but he is doing much better.

Hoda said...

I am so glad you could open the site KAY and LYNN. I came to the Kootenay region years ago in the late eighties early ninties and was touched by its beauty. There is an Ashram here, a spiritual centre for all religions. When I retired in 2003 I moved here even though the area where I used to live is also very beautiful and I could go to the Japser Banff area very easily. This Kootenay Region called to me and I have been blessed enough to live here. I lived in two other communities in the Kootenays before I came to Nelson and I like Nelson the best, even though the beauty of the lake is also in the other communities.

Lolly the steaks sound delicious and how smart you are to prepare them and then put them in the freezer for when you want to use them. I am jealous that your basil is doing so well and the abundance of it not only for the steaks but also for pesto...YUM YUM YUM... Is Jack feeling better today? Chewing alright? Neck? No headaches I hope and not too much sleep from the medication too I hope.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Everyone. Last night I did a konk out in the lounge chair
after dinner!!
Gotta have some din din now
Will try to BBL

Mema Jo said...

Hoda Your lake & surroundings are

I am anxious to see the Full Moon

magpie said...

I hope you are enjoying the Glow of your Special Day!

I came home and conked out too....not enough sleep this week, but it did mean that I did NOT sneak over to GG's for the Happy Gathering....
Wanda, can I have a rain check ?
Know you are regaling in wonder and joy right now!

Hello Eagle Pals !!
and Welcome Home to Lynn's Carolyn!
Can't wait to see the New Carolyn, that is, with her new certification in Police Teletype Expertise

Mema Jo said...

Headed to TV for an hour or so.


magpie said...

Damn on another shooting, this is crazy, what happens between people
Had one like this not too long ago in Hagerstown Md

I look forward to the Thunder Hay Buck Moon also Mema Jo !

glad you got your tootsies taken care of today, and that Ed got his Handsome Walk In...

Lolly said...

Hoda, Jack has not been sleeping as much. I see a big improvement. Do NOT like it when he is sleeping all the time.

I commented earlier...he is doing much better. In fact, he is in preparing our dinner. I am spoiled. Tonight...sandwiches with bacon, peppers, and tomato. Very, very good! One time when we were in Taos, New Mexico we had these sandwiches. We made up our own version and love it!

magpie said...

Yay on the Monarch on the Lantana, if I was a butterfly that is EXACTLY where I would go. Was I crazy Sunday??? I did NOT get a picture of those beauteous flowers!
Wanda can give you all the tips you need on creating a little habitat for the eggs....
So, you got a grazing on the noggin did you when you got your DO?
I am going the cheap route, keeping my hair long, and waiting on the gray to fill in so it looks like highlights !

magpie said...

I'm on my way Lolly!

I hope Jack continues to feel better by the minute !

Hoda said...

LOLLY Enjoy supper and yes indeed your Jack sounds like a keeper, the man prepares supper, I think it is GREAT and creative fare at that improving on St Fé sandwiches.
When I first came to The USA my American Dad washed the dishes after supper and I was so stunned. I wrote to my Papa and told him I thought it was a great idea, he continues to be a source of cultural differences to me and it brings me are so lucky with the men who are strong enough and liberated enough that cooking and doing dishes is possible for them.

Hoda said...

Taos not St Fé Lolly, my mistake...

wvgal_dana said...

I'm all caught up and no eagles :(

Sharon I am sure Tammy (your Train friend) is fighting that transfer. I am sure for now she wished she did die. Alcohol or pills can be an earth shattering illness. Effecting even the people around her. You know she has to hit that rock bottom (her rock bottom).
Prayers of surrender of definately coming from my way to God. As some might say "their Higher Power".

JudyE that Jordyn is a funny one. Most kids would have started crying.

Sharon what Pat wrote is AWESOME !!!!

Sunny thanks for the eagle pictures.

Should I read say book 1 this seen that movie, read book 2 then see that movie and do on?

Thanks Judie I got her a clicker so she can get in. Because the neighbor that always goes with who I get.
When I told her I purchased a clicker $40.00. I was not expecting but it did hit me. Golly she didn't even
say, "oh I'll paid half and whenever she turns it in we'll both get 1/2 back". We both are on a tight budget and she knows that. Oh well...I did what I thought was right and I feel good our lawn care person can get in the gate whenever she needs to mow. Which means we can be home or don't have to be home. Which has happened in the past to both of us.

LOL Judie is putting up signs all over the neighbor for Monarch butterflies to go to her milkweed roflmbo

Nice Andy about the Job ( :
Oh I would love to see Orieol's. The are beautiful birds.

What Hedgie-Lynn "Murder at Southern States in Ranson"??? I know where Southern State is there.
What happened????

Thanks Hedgie-Lynn for posting the video of the Loon Recovery Project.

Wanda I hope everyone enjoys themselves tonight!

Hoda I just love the link you put up for the Lake where you live. It makes me want to be there and enjoy that beautiful place. Thank you ( :

Keeping Jack in prayer until I heard his neck and this tooth is ALL BETTER !!!!!

magpie said...

I just can't say enough about that Joyful Avatar, JudyE.
Please keep it around for awhile !
I have been trying to figure out a way to get some of that CAKE off of Kay's Avatar...
I didn't try to mess with Lori's cupcake though...

I have to wait to open up and enjoy the links folks...Live feed and still cam and blog is about the maximum for the Dinosaur for now

magpie said...

I rustled up some squash and zucchini in the frying pan....
and some beets in the saucepan, all fresh out of relative's gardens

OK OK OK yes I did take some up to Tom Sweetie! And he came back over with another helping of the oatmeal cookies!

Lolly, I think you have a Jack-Sweetie ♥

DanaWV - your Mother's yard looks great !
Glad you two enjoyed yourselves with each other today

Lynne2 said...

Evening everyone! Just popping in to say HELLO and HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUDYE!

We will be heading to MILs in the AM, car packed and we'll be on the road at 5am (hopefully)

Lynne2 said...

0h my, lucky Tom Sweetie!

So, you ladies don't think much of BRUCE, huh? LOL!

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Judy!

magpie said...

Wellll Lynne, I was pretty impressed that he wore big overall (shorts)
that's a start !
And he is pretty burly...lots of healthy looking hair!
Had never seen him nor knew anything of him before Shirley's pics

I always thought a Kiss for the Cook took care of any after-dinner clean up responsibilities....
that was back in the day awhile back

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Margy she mowed it this morning. So usually when she does I try to take her to get a good meal.Cause I know she is tired.

Margy Is this "cookie guy" Married??????????? Well if not I think he likes you and you are just pushing it off to the side my dear. ♥

magpie said...

Nah, just a good respectful friendship, DanaWV.
He is single

magpie said...

Wow Loud Clunk!
They need to land on the nest like that, not just in the branches !

wvgal_dana said...

I just heard a clump noise at the cam.

wvgal_dana said...

I like good respectful friendships Margy especially if it is a man.

Hoda said...

Did you all hear that? CLUNK

followed by reverberations...

oh please come down don't be camera shy...

magpie said...

I planted some Johnny Jump-Up seeds eight weeks ago, and am now finally getting a few blooms..

JudyEddy said...

My son just told me of his and his dad adventure with wild life today This morning they say fishing line hanging from the front of the house to the back and there was a pigeon attached to it on the fence Tom my x approached bird and set it free Tom was on ladder and was surprised it didn't struggle probably wore out from earlier HUH. and while they were out grocery shopping saw a turtle get hit by a car get spun to side of road they did a u turn and went back to see turtle was ok no damage they could see and just pushed it in to the ditch Hope it stayed they said Just got back from dinner out now I need a shower gonna hang till I know they won't show up LM LM

JudyEddy said...

I love the way the sun is shining on the leaves on the nest PRETTY

JudyEddy said...

oh thanks for the reminder my volume was offf

JudyEddy said...

this would make a pretty picture if the eagles landed in the nest the the leaves glowing in the sun

JudyEddy said...

Yikes that was comment 666

magpie said...

nice, Shirley, that Hunter is helping with the yard work.
Kids like to feel needed...
and can take such pride in their accomplishments. James likes to take the trash down to the containers...
and when younger, he liked to water the plants...never told him that he drowned a few of them, but when I put Mums in the boxes, I told him that he had done a GREAT job at watering, and now look at the Beautiful Flowers !

JudyEddy said...

BRUCE is to burly for me also sort of like the Brawny papertowel man LOL CLUNKING

JudyEddy said...

Come on camera shy eagles we know you are there we can hear you are you just teasing us

magpie said...

Two good rescues today, Judy!

Hoda said...

A soft rubbing noise on the camera and a can not be the branches alone other wise it would be happening all the time, conditions have not changed in terms of the ongoing wind...

magpie said...

I have to think of it as Torture, Judy!
It was nice to hear the Eagle calls this morning a couple of times

JudyEddy said...

the sun is leaving our nest
our heart weigh heavy in our chest the eagle tease us they do not please us playing hide and seek above the nest

JudyEddy said...

I heard another thud

Lynne2 said...

come on eagles, it's JudyE's birthday!

JudyEddy said...

I think the avatar will last until another like it comes along I love this one so much

magpie said...

I think you are development a poetry knack that could finance your retireent!
woof, sounds like a "motor" at the nest losing steam and winding down

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

MARGY I thought it was sooooo cool that the morning group reported hearing eagle calls. That would almost be as good as actually seeing them I would think.
Another light clunk...
I lost sound and then it came back and it goes in and out now...

magpie said...

just overlook my typos please and try to figure out what I mean!

magpie said...

By and large, Hoda, they are NOT very vocal eagles, or at least, compared to some of the other Eagle nests we watch.
Unfortunately Belle did a lot of shrieking in March not too long before the hatching date
We know now, in retrospect, that Truder was probably then making his unwelcome appearances.

Hoda said...

I remember that MARGY when she used to screech so loud and look up in dismay almost. She was not pleased.Knowing what we know now it brings sadness and wonder at the same time to this experience in Belle's life...

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

...and again twice the clunking noise on the shaking of camera though tonight...

stronghunter said...

Got the Wicked tickets straightened out, finally. Kathryn, Susan and I are going on August 13.

Lolly said...

Hoda, Jack does the dishes every night. We both usually share in the cooking, but some times it is just me or just him, like tonight. Then when we do yard work, we both do it. In fact I do more! He also vacuums, has for years.

Laurel and family are in Georgia! She has kept me posted all day, but just talked to her for the first time. All is well and they have about 4 or 5 more hours to go.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Reading a James Patterson book--Worst Case. Enjoying it.

Light just came on at the nest.

stronghunter said...

I actually have time and energy to ready real books instead of listening to them on tape or CD, now.

stronghunter said...

FYI--The dog with Bruce is Tyler.

wvgal_dana said...

Well I need to go see about my left eye. It is itchy and swollen. I went out to water some. Couldn't do all. Did pull some weeds. Came back in and my eye has started acting up.


magpie said...

Sounds Good Shirley
I have been trying to MAKE time for reading but usually fall asleep too soon

I like that strawberry plant, and is that YOUR HAND on the lower left side of the picture?

Hoda said...

LOLLY definetly JACK IS A KEEPER. I saw him referred to as Jack Sweetie tonight on the blog. It fits from what your last post says about him. He is also romantic from that picture of you two in the know which one!!!

hedgie said...

Jo, ANOTHER Flashpoint next week!!

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am
God Bless this Nest
and all whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Lolly said...

Yeah...I know which one! LOL Oh, yes, he is a keeper!! We have had 46 fantastic years...and more to come, Lord willing!

Lolly said...

Nite Judy! Hope your birthday has been enjoyable!

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE take care until tomorrow. Although you will be up before me. ( :

Hoda said...

LOLLY God Bless you and keep you both...

wvgal_dana said...

Still need to know about reading the Harry Potter books. Should I read book 1 then see the movie, read book 2then see movie 2 ?>???????

Hoda said...

Ok I am going to head off to find some supper, it is only 6:12 PM here I do not think they will show up now...

Goodnight JUDYE God Bless and sweet dreams.

I hope the nest is as well lit as it was last night when I checked looks pretty in moonlight.

Hoda said...

I have a friend that did that WV-GAL_DANA. She read a book and then watched the movie.Another friend read all the books before she watched any of the movies. She thinks the books are usually better than the movies. I watched six of the movies and have not read the books all depends on what you prefer and that can change. I now have an image of what Harry Potter looks like and had I read the books first I might have formed a different image. It is personal, a matter of likes...let me know what you decide.

Lynne2 said...

Steve is awesome with house work, yard work, cooking and cleaning and especially in sharing in the animal care department! I'm a very blessed lady for sure! It only took 46 years to find a keeper!

Well, just took the dogs out and someone shot a gun across the street. Daisy TOTALLY flipped out and nearly ripped my arm off trying to get back to the house. And the neighbors aren't home so their dog has been barking non stop since I've been home. And twice in a week, the guy who lives in the apt. over the garage...well, he likes to get his dog to kill ground hogs. This is so disturbing to me on so many levels. Early in the week there was a dead adult just laying there in front of my flower bed out front which is next to his door. We waited a day to see if he'd "dispose" of the body, and he didn't, so Steve did. He went right by it every time he took his dog out and going to and from work. Last night, I went out to week a little and there was a half size young dead one out there. Still there this evening so Steve had to deal with it again. Our landlord said he tried to call him last night from the garage because he heard him moving around upstairs but he wouldn't answer the phone. He is a real son of a B.

I'm done venting.

Lynne2 said...

I usually like the books of anything better. Like Jaws...the movie was great in it's own right, but the book was really awesome. And the Godfather...great flick, I watch it every time I happen to catch it on. But the BOOK WAS SOOOOOOOO GOOD and really went into detail about many things in the movie.

Lolly said...

You go ahead and vent, Lynne. That is totally disgusting!

Lynne2 said...

and if you've never read the book Bambi.....well, it's a bit "young", but very, very good.

Lynne2 said...

It really is Lolly. And he has a pile of trash always sitting out front, too. And he's just weird besides.

Hope you all get to enjoy the full Buck Hay Thunder Moon tonight! I opened the blinds on that side of the bedroom last night to enjoy the view of the moon and some pretty little clouds as I fell asleep!

Lolly said...

Books are always better! Let's your imaginations go to work! We read all the books before seeing the movies. They fit in with what I had imagined. Also, reading to the books helps understanding the movies. We plan to go next week to see the movie.

Lolly said...

Just realized that the cam had stopped at 14 min. Do not like that!

Lolly said...

Looks like we are going to Dallas tomorrow. Going to go have dinner with Michael and Zach and spend the night. That way Jack and Michael can sit up late and talk. Next month they go to the Grand Canyon together to ride the river rapids.

Lolly said...

Okay, Lynne! Just giggled!! Yes, I have read Bambi! roflmbo!!!!

Judie said...

Here for a quick visit.

Shirley, I think Hunter deserves a very large pickle for all his help today. He's a sweetie.

Speaking of sweeties...We have a new summer soap opera: As The Tomato Ripens or As the Oatmeal Cookies Turn. Tune in tomorrow folks for, hopefully, another episode.

Don't know where butterflies go at night but hope the Monarch returns tomorrow. Checked the leaves of the milkweed plant but didn't see anything that looked like eggs.

Lynn, maybe a good thing that Liesl doesn't do stairs. Easier to know where she is. However, if you want a butt bump trainer, I work for egg salad.

Glad Carolyn is home and teletype certified. Bet she's happy Jess missed her.

Sad situation regarding the shooting.

Paula, safe travels to the b____h. Enjoy!

Going to put my feet up (ala Mema Jo). I have a very strong feeling that the sandperson is hiding and just waiting for an opportunity to sprinkle sleeping powder in my eyes. So, the night light is on for anyone who needs to arise in the night and those who may be sneaking in from the West Coast. Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

I actually read Jaws and the Godfather AFTER seeing the movies. Glad I did! Now that I think of it, I usually see the movie first. I read the Notebook first before the movie though, and while I loved the movie, the book was better. I am a detail sort of person, and like reading all the stuff that they can't fit into a movie!

Have fun tomorrow Lolly!

Lynne2 said...

Judie, the roost in trees overnight, or when it gets too cool for them to fly actually. When they warm up in the morning, they start flying around! So glad you got a Monarch....I saw one on Tuesday on the butterfly bushes and it stayed quite a while, but haven't seen any since.

Lynne2 said...

I think I need to get to bed now, 4am comes early! Hope everyone has a fun, safe weekend! Prayers for you all and good night!

Lolly said...

Have a great weekend, Lynne!

Lynne2 said...

Bambi is quite a book isn't it!

magpie said...

Safe Travels, Lynne and Steve

and Good Night Judie
and anyone else going that direction

magpie said...

I see the Moon and the Moon sees me...
It's Beauteous !

magpie said...

Sounds like you will be having some fun too Grandmommy !

Lolly said...

I am thinking of downloading a book on to my Kindle. Went outside a few minutes ago and it is still way to hot and no wind what so ever!

Laurel just said they were passing GA TECH. She thought Jack would like that. He smiled!

Lynne2 said...

I'll send cool breezes your way from Terra Alta Lolly! Sure hope you guys get a break from the heat soon.

magpie said...

I'm done eating my own dinner, doing my own dishes, and now I am going to wash my own face, brush my own teeth, and go to my own bed !

Best wishes for Sweeeeet Sleep, and
Prayers for Wellness and Healing for those amongst us

God Bless This Nest,
and God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

JudyE---how cool that your ex and son saved the pigeon. That blasted fishing line is SO dangerous to so many species.

Pics from trail cam are on my Lair----those are the only ones that turned out since re-setting the cam after feeder was fixed. Still wonder what happened to not show the exact same place.

Shirley, is that Patterson's newest book? Christie said she had just ordered one but I don't recall the title.

Lynne2 said...

oh Margie......I'll be Tom Sweetie would be happy to help!

Judie said...

Sheesh! Just barely escaped the Sandperson. Hiding near the door in the hallway. I was able to make myself look invisible.

Shirley, I like Tyler! So happy Peggy, the female impersonator, was able to get you tickets to Wicked. You will enjoy it. The two female leads are outstanding.

Lynne2, so sorry about the guy with the gun and dog. Isn't there a law against shooting in a residential area? If so, call the cops.

Okay, going to check out Hoda-land.

Restful sleep.

hedgie said...

Geesh----Tom Sweetie and Jack Sweetie and Handsome Ed....and ugly Bruce!!! What a combo we talk about!

Hoda, you are so fortunate to be able to pick and choose where you want to live! And now Irene has been able to do that, too.

Lynne2 said...

we aren't in a residential area Judie, we are in rural area. No laws. Although one night, many years ago, we did have the State Police chopper and several unmarked Police cars show up....but that's a story for another day because I AM REALLY LEAVING NOW~!

Lynne2 said...

OH wow, who is handsome Ed??? How did I miss that?

hedgie said...

Dana.....check Journal, Herald or 25 online for info as posted so far about the murder.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly Raschida has the Nook from Barnes & Noble. She oves it.

NatureNut said...

Would you believe NEW THREAD

Hoda said...


hedgie said...

Feel Good story!

«Oldest ‹Older   601 – 737 of 737   Newer› Newest»

5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...