Wednesday, July 06, 2011


Fresh thread.


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hedgie said...

Latest update from NASA: 30 percent chance of favorable weather for the 11:26 a.m. EDT liftoff. The forecast is a more favorable 80 percent when the filling of the huge external fuel tank is set to begin.

paula eagleholic said...

Casey Anthony to be released July 13

hedgie said...

Clouds are rolling in here...severe weather possible later today. Getting decks blown off before they get wetter and more junk falls!

Email from Chrissy----cherrypicker went up and removed Isla's eggs from L of L today. They hadn't been smushed--the Laird had covered them with moss. So guess they will do some kind of testing. The pair has been seen HP'ing 4 times.....way too late for a successful clutch now.... MTBR.

JudyEddy said...

CONGRATULATIONS HODA you are now a video queen also And remeber you can put on facebook also Just got back from seeing
Winter the Dolphin again Jordyns choice for the day so glad I got a year pass. She fell asleep in car on way home and woke up as I was pulling in drive way now eating and then nap I hope BBL

JudyEddy said...

HODA I loved the scenery in your video breathtaking you are so lucky to live where its so beautiful

JudyEddy said...

PAULA I agree with KAY someone has had to work with Nick He is allowing you to be the pack leader and that is great

I see you all had a quickie visit this am by the resident pair

Lolly said...

Good morning! Yep still morning here. Already 92 and climbing. Have just finished walking and I am drenched. Need to clean up.

We are heading to Laurel's to babysit this evening. Going to get home very late. Yuk! Going to spend the evening, after the boys are in bed, sewing hiking patches on their backpacks.

Lolly said...

♥♥ Lori ♥♥ Prayers will be with you as you travel. Prayers will be with your Mother. Prayers will be with you Dad and all of you, tomorrow and the days to come. May you feel the comforting presence of our Lord, as he will surely have you in his arms.

Lolly said...

Nothing like looking at someone's vacation pictures. LOL Thanks for the comments. You asked and you got them! ☺

We did have an awesome time, and I did spare you a lot of pictures. LOL

Lolly said...

Wanda, I do think it fantastic that GG takes an interest in her garden. Bless her! So, glad that the new walker is working out great!

Lolly said...

Just went through my pictues, reading the commnents. Thanks!

Now I am off to clean up and do a little cooking for this evening.

Have a great day!

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds!
Lori, prayers for you ,Dad & Mom's surgery Friday. Will be thinking of all of you tomorrow.

After my TV show, will have to start "shoveling" the house. Learned Frankie, Jr. from TN is going to Carlisle, PA big car & parts sale convention. He will be stopping here & maybe staying awhile, but doesn't know when!! DUH!

Later, must check Hoda's video & Lolly's pics!!!Bet they're great!

movin said...


GooD MorN tO
you aLL fOR a


Still hot and humid here in So Cal.

I see Phoebe's cam is on the yucca (or whatever), and you can still see young hummers in and about it.

[:~D] Jim

Kay said...

LYNN, the doughnut shop was an independent place, no on site purchasing, strictly made for restaurants, grocery stores---commercial. They owned it for a couple of years, rising at about 2am, making the melt in your mouth confections and then Daddy would take off about 9 to make the deliveries. They just got burned out on it, got an offer they couldn't refuse and returned to AZ.

movin said...

a couple of fledglings have returned to the WE nest...probably feeding time soon.

[:~D] Jim

Hoda said...

Good morning, for it is still morning here.

Prayers for LORI's Mom and I hope the surgery goes well tomorrow.

Now I am getting ideas in my head of taking video of places where I go hiking and I can put them on the blog!!! LOL !!! You have been so wonderful and supportive and I know a great deal of gratitude.

Shuttle Launch tomorrow and I read that the weather is not cooperating...I wish them God Speed and will keep watching.

Short visit this morning from Belle and Truder. Thank you for the report...GREAT to read it and I had a good picture of what it was like.Thanks.

Judie said...

Thank you for the video, Hoda. Lovely area.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Slept in a bit this morning, and it felt good. Jim's right--still hot & sticky here. YUCK! Emma is firmly planted in front of the fan in the living room. Smart pup!

Thanks for the early eagle report. You gals describe them so well it's easy to visualize their visits!

Please say some prayers. I am about to call the doctor's office regarding the possible transcription job. Thank you in advance!

After I talk to them I need to go water the patio plants. They don't like this heat either!

Lori, my prayers will be with you and your Mom and Dad, and for your Mom's doctors, for sure! Will be praying without ceasing! (((HUGS)))!!!

Judie, will be praying for you as you prepare for fall classes. Golly, it makes the summer kind of short, doesn't it? Bet it's fascinating research, though.

Shirley, has it hit home yet that you are actually RETIRED?! :oD

Well, I'd better get going. Will check back in later. HAGD, everyone!
It's almost Friday!

Hoda said...

ANDY Good Luck and prayers to you as you get in touch with the office for the transcription job. Remeber what JUDIE told you, trust your intuition and ask questions...Let us know how it goes for you...

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

I am off to my yoga practice and to run some errands. It is 75 degrees right now and it promises to go up to the high eighties...We'll see...BBL

Hoda said...

Deleted post was a repeat.I have my delete option back again...

JudyEddy said...

Winter the dolphin with his prosthetic tail on today Every time we go he doesn't have his tail on and today he did got to seem him in physical therapy with it on These people are amazing with these dolphins

I had fallen asleep with Jordyn waiting for her to fall asleep she said she didn't want a nap so I asked her if she would watch me take a nap and she said YEP and ran to the bed I layed down and so did she and we both fell asleep until the phone rang twice so I am up and she is napping Not fair I say HA LOL

JudyEddy said...

There is a fly on the leaf

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, Big Smile here at the thought of GG out in the garden with her wheelie walker ☺

Lori, ♥♥♥ and (((Hugs)))

Andy, keeping fingers crossed...hope the job works out.

Lynne, how is Steve's tooth? Have you foiled Brother Cat's escape attempts?

stronghunter said...


Taking a break. Just finished vacuuming and shampooing the downstairs. Yes, shampooing again--but more rooms this time. I am thinking that maybe I need a few throw rugs to place in strategic places. Then I could just throw them in the washer every few days or so.

This new shampooer pulls all kinds of animal hairs out of the floor. It is surprising how many hairs the vacuum misses that the shampooer gets. But fewer hairs than the first time. I guess that is a good thing.

stronghunter said...

On being retired--I am thinking about how I will have more freedom when Hunter goes away to school and I do not.

stronghunter said...

Just the critters here with me today. Hunter had an appointment, and Tom took him. Tom's truck broke down, so Hunter is staying with one of Kathryn's friends until Kathryn gets off work.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Wow, Shirley! Do you hire out? I could use someone to shampoo the carpet for me! Beige carpet is SUCH a poor choice with a busy puppy! Must say, though, that our Dyson vacuum really sucks up the dirt and dog hair. Almost sucks the carpet off the floor! Vacuumed half the house yesterday, and must've picked up about 5 pounds of dirt and HUGE amounts of Emma hair! Emptied the vacuum's dust bin about 6 times--an amazing amount of dirt & hair! Don't know what I'd do without that vacuum.

I appreciate the prayers regarding the job. Called them, and FINALLY received the e-mailed sample report from them! Supposed to call back and speak to the doctor in a few minutes. The sample report is 22 pages long, and all hand-written, some of it by the doctor. His handwriting is, well, it's a DOCTOR'S handwriting, but with the transcribed version of the sample report, I should be able to figure it out. Need to figure out how to charge them for the work--by the line, by the report, by the hour? Also need to figure out what quantity of supplies will be involved on my part. It's a step in the right direction, though, and a paycheck may come of it! MTBR.... :o]

Lolly said...

Best of luck, Andy! Wishing you the best. You deserve it after all your hard work.

Leaving shortly for Denton. Have meatballs ready to cook for dinner. Anxious for the boys to try this new recipe. I need to share it on here. They are soooo good! Want it?

stronghunter said...

Oh, yes, Lolly. Would love the recipe.

Andy, I had a basic Dyson that lost suction. We tried to get it fixed and the lady said she would not fix it because it is no good. Don't know what to make of that.

hedgie said...

Shirley, I vacuumed today....and will pull out the shampooer tomorrow....Liesl has not been perfect!! She has piddled in "hidden" places----so she knows she's doing wrong. Of course, I catch her immediately afterward because the little rip BARKS after she's been bad!! But soaking up is not enough.....

Hoda is hooked on video!!! Love it!!!

MM had 2nd cataract surgery today---all went well. She decided not to even stay at Ceil's!

My oldest SIL had emergency trip to dentist today for a toothache...ended up walking out totally toothless! Dentist went ahead and pulled the last seven. Sure he's not going to feel too good tonight.

Andy, let us know how it goes!!!

Hi, Jim! Hope you are staying cool. It's hard here!!!

stronghunter said...

I think it won't be long before we will just be looking at leaves on the cam.

We have a flash flood watch here. I guess that means it might rain.

Listening on the debate about the teaching of cursive writing. Some want to teach keyboarding to third-graders instead.

Problem is--kids who don't learn cursive can't read it. So many times, I would write something on the board and kids would say they could not read my writing. Of course, teachers can make the adjustment and print everything, but the world still has lots of things out there written in cursive.

stronghunter said...

Seven teeth pulled. Yikes! I hope he has some pain pills, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Prayers, Andy. I hope this works out for you.

stronghunter said...

"Saraswati"--Love it, Hoda! I left you a comment.

stronghunter said...

Glad MM's surgery went well.

Lolly said...

Heading out!

Shirley will send out the recipe tomorrow. Okey, Dokey?? ☺

Here I go again...getting way behind on the blog.

Later Gators!

hedgie said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Back again for a bit, gang.

Oh, Lynn! Prayers indeed for your SIL! Can't imagine having 7 teeth pulled all at once! Whoa, bring on the MEDS!!!

Shirley, can't imagine your old Dyson being "no good!" We've had ours since Feb. 2004, and it works as well as the day we bought it! It's made it through our previous dog, a German Shepherd/Golden/Chow mix, too! You have never SEEN so much dog hair!

Boy, don't get me started about the schools not teaching cursive writing!
How do they expect the kids to function without it? Sure, teach them keyboarding ALSO, but just think--what are they supposed to do, PRINT their signatures? Stupid idea. I'm on your side, Shirley!

Well, I called the doctor's office back, and they are going to send me a bunch of reports by snail mail! I told them I would do a few, then call and talk to them about how and what I will charge them. The sample report was 22 pages long, and it condensed down to 9 pages when transcribed. Wow, looks like I have a job!!! Thanks again, everyone, for your prayers and positive thoughts! Can't wait to get started on this! :o]

magpie said...

Congratulations Andy,
and good luck figuring on what to charge

my vacuum cleaner still needs a new belt
can relate to what Loretta said earlier, about getting the shovel out for company
Hope you enjoy the visiting, Loretta

OH I see there is a NEW THREAD

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, phooey! This is the second time that my comment has been lost, and I got a "conflicting edit" message. Guess I'd better warn everybody to copy their comments before posting!

Going to go get some lunch. Will check back in later tonight. Have a good afternoon/evening, everyone!

magpie said...

Well...anyone still here....

Try to head

New Thread

Costume Lady said...


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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...