Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Fresh thread.


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Kay said...

Oh, for Pete's Sake ! I got wax. Did not see the Split coming.

magpie said...

daggone that split was fast !

so fast some of us missed the warning...LOL

JudyEddy said...

I found this and decided to post before bed

Lolly said...

Margy...Texas is a BIG state. My brother lives in McAllen, over 500 miles away!

Kay said...

MARGY, there is a Goodwill about 5 miles south of me. There are 2 Volunteer of Amercia stores close by, too. I haven't been in any of them since the Columbus became the hot bed of America for bed bugs ! Perhaps that's silly of me, but the warnings have included such stores, yard sales and used furniture stores. Last year at VOA, I found a pair of summer pants, pale sage green and didn't seem to have been worn, ever. 25 cents ! I love em' !

hedgie said...

Love the car, Loretta!!!

magpie said...

Understand that completely, Kay....
those problems are NO FUN!!

Judy! Is that YOU? A sultry chick , and a great yellow sweater !

Kay said...

Oh, ugh, PAULA those toilets DO have to go, or at least the blue seat must ! LOL

magpie said...

I have to go.....
more things to do before bedtime, might not make it to the Cafe at the Sycamore in the morning

Will end with saying I will make time for prayer before sleep....
for all our loved ones and all our concerns and needs....

You precious pals are a great group of Friends.....prayers of gratitude for that.

Good Night from the Roost,
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

You are welcome Margy for the comments on Mrs. Ford's funeral.

Lynn I went out to go paddling at five fifteen I got there at five thirty five!!! You might ask what is the big deal about the times...well we had A TRAFFIC JAM!!! In Nelson we had a TRAFFIC JAM!!! That never happens here. I had to cross the Orange Bridge and it is usually a five minute drive, the most you could spend driving anywhere in Nelson is ten minute drive!!! They are paving on the North Shore to Four Mile and traffic was backed up...some people said they waited forty minutes to get there from teh north shore...THIS NEVR HAENS HERE. Any way not enough people made it to take out the boat so we had to come back...such a strange experience. I hope they are done paving the road before Thursday. Or that people remember to leave early to set enough time aside for road conditions. We were laughing so hard, those of us that made it through, if this was a bigger city people would have thought about leaving early to avoid traffic...its alomst like we were in shock we did not know what to do...LOL

PRAYERS FOR LOLLY'S BIL DAN. May God give him the inner strength and that the medical team have the knowledge and skill to deal with his health problem...Prayers to the Medical team also and to LOLLY'S SISTER and any children they might have.

Kay said...

LORETTA, nice car ! Vintage beautiful ! My favorite yellow car was a 1955 Chevy Belaire convertible, first car hubby #1 and I purchased together. It had been gently used and was a lot of fun.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, prayers for your BIL. Please keep us posted.

The yellow toilets and the blue seat will be going soon enough! I can put up with them until then! Might sell them on Craigslist! Saw a blue toilet on there for $150!!

Kay said...

Hey JUDY, nice bright yellow jacket ! MARGY is spot on with her "sultry" observation !

Linda said...

Stoppin' in to say Good Night!

Busier afternoon and night than anticipated.

I did see a bunny in the garden this evening facing the area of the nest. I hope it was the Mom and she is going to feed those babies. Will check before I go to work tomorrow!

Prayers for all that want and need them and for my little baby bunnies....that they survive....

May God Bless and Protect us all and the critters we cherish and love... ♥♥♥

Kay said...

HODA, a traffic jam in such a small town, incredible, I know ! Sorry there were too few for a crew.

I must echo your beautifully worded sentiments to LOLLY about BIL Dan and family. Prayers also for all in need and may all of you have a good night ! See you in the m☼rning bright !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Lolly's BIL and his wife.

wvgal_dana said...

I once had a yellow car it was a "spaceship looking car" lol....it was called darn can't thing of the name of it. It was a manuel and could really go up a hill with snow.

Mema Jo said...

Good to see and read so many comments this evening. TV held my interest for
a short while and then I was into
Puzzle games on FB.

Prayers for Dan and his family -
Prayers of thankfulness that Tori is
home and praying she continues to
stay healthy for when the lung transplant is ready.
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone still here.

Watch a bit of tv with Jim and he is now in bed so wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing.

I see Lori is home and waiting for Mom's surgery. Prayers continue for Lori's mom and her family.

Yipee! Paula has a new kitten - a girl yet. Waiting for a picture of all 3 siblings.

Prayers for Gene's friend, DanaWV's friend, and all that have made a request but also for Lolly to get lots and lots of rain.

Was in and out today, from heat to a/c and now have a miserable sinus headache on my left side around my eye.

Got an email that Teresa & Max will be here tomorrow afternoon so started the a/c in her room. Hope she stays until next week. Her Bob is going to Utah (I think) on assignment. She'll drop him off at the airport and come straight up here. Anxious to see them again.

hedgie said...

Carolyn called...she was able to hook up with her sister-in-law and spent the evening with them. Nice to have family near when you are out of town.

News just said the moon is a Guiness moon? Joking so maybe the meteorologist said gibbous and they misunderstood! All I know is that it is now heavily hazed over. It feels hotter out now than it did all day because the breeze stopped so humidity is more obvious again.

Hoda, sorry about the traffic jam. I ALWAYS have to allow enough time to allow for such things---all it takes here is one pokie on the two lane roads with few passing zones!

stronghunter said...

Good evening.

Prayers for Dan, Lolly.

I am not going to be able to read everything tonight.

Kathryn took Luna to the vet today about her itchiness and found out that Luna has allergies and we need to use special cleaners for the things she touches, including special carpet shampoo. No Lysol or Febreze or anything with fragrance. Her bed has to be washed in fragrance-free detergent.

Life just gets more complicated.

wvgal_dana said...

I found a picture of one

hedgie said...

Linda, glad you saw a big bunny---hope it's mama!

Bath time for me. Hope everyone rests well. Prayers for all needs. Sorry the latecomers haven't checked in...but hi and bye to you, too!x
Love all you fine, fowl friends.

wvgal_dana said...

Yep this was it and it would really go. Did great in snow!!

PA Nana said...

Kay, sorry about the leaking roof. That's not fun.

Also, Lolly you had someone you asked for prayers too. Done!

In fact, I'll pray for all momsters & dadsters needs and wants. I know the prayer soldiers on here are awesome. God bless them.

wvgal_dana said...

Night everyone.

Prayers for those that need them and for those that might not have been mentioned. May God watch over them too.

Night sweet dreams Angels On Your Pillows.....

stronghunter said...

She also needs to be washed with special shampoo three times a week and her food has to be grain-free.

stronghunter said...

I am going to say good night and head upstairs. Need to go fence shopping tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Fell asleep! So easy to do!!! Heading to the shower now and then to bed.

Thank you all for the prayers. Wish we did live closer so be there with them. They have two children, a son and a daughter, both live there. Also, son, Jeff, is a high school coach. He is off right now. He already spelled Sharon this evening so she could go home for a while.

Heading to the shower.

Nite all! Sweet dreams! (((Hugs)))

PA Nana said...

Well, think I'll close for the night and try to get some sleep.

Got a good report from the doctor today and the weatherman said the humidity will be dropping the next few days so it will feel more comfortable. I can sit on the porch and watch the birds and walk around my gardens. Yippee!

Hope all have a restful night.

Hoda said...

LOLLY thanks for telling us about Jeff taking a shift at the hospital so your sister Sharon could get some rest. It does not surprise me, they sound like a GREAT family. Prayers extend to you also since you are away from your sister and you can only extend her help through the telephone and your prayers, the prayers are the BEST THING/the MOST EFFECTIVE, you can do for her....God Keep You All.

magpie said...

I am setting the Night Light because...
I think the night bandit and the sandman might have snuck up on Judie and kidnaped her

so be careful anyone traveling the hallways and stairways and be careful don't get hurt when you dent the pillows

I can't do this quite like Judie does, but wanted to give it a try

Thinking of everyone, seen and unseen...
xoxo ♥

Costume Lady said...

Soup Kitchen went well, tonight. Guests loved their 2 bags of groceries:) Between the egg salad and the tuna salad sandwiches, the tuna was the one asked for the most.

Keep nodding off...need to get to bed. Good night my friends, prayers and blessings♥

Hoda said...

WANDA It is AWESOME that the meals went over so well and two bags of groceries to boot. God Bless you and all who extend a helping hand to others. It is an honour to be able to chat with you on this blog.
I sing Praises ,Praises , Praises to the LORD...

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here kind of late tonight because Sis-in-law came over for a while after work.

A Belated Happy 13th Birthday to DanaMO's

Shirley, the bulldogs have allergies galore, too. Seems to be something like grass pollen for them, the vet thinks. They do pretty well with a 2x daily allergy pill and allergy eye drops. Hope the new regimen works well for Luna, and she gets some relief.

Happy to say that Emma is feeling fine again! She is back to her totally energetic self. She's been zooming around the living room at about 60 mph tonight. Momster/Dadster prayers have been answered again! Thank God!

I have a lot of stuff to do around the house tomorrow, as well as a lot of transcription, so may be mostly in lurk mode tomorrow.

Wow, Paula, yellow toilets! I can remember having blue and pink ones, but not yellow. Bet you could sell them online, though. Worth a try!

Well, making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems.
Have said prayers for everyone, and all creatures. Have added Dan to the prayer list, and Kay with her leaky roof, too. Sleep well, and I will talk to you tomorrow, Lord willing.
God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Hoda said...

I will sign off too since most of you already have done do. God Bless and sweet dreams. See you tomorrow God Willing.
Good Night.

Lori O. said...

Amen, Robyn & Tori going home - bless their hearts. What a long and scary ordeal for them.

JUDIE - I keep thinking of Darth in the hospital for 2 weeks. That must have been awful. Doc said yesterday Mother will be in "5 days or so."

MOM's SURGERY has been scheduled for EARLY MONDAY morning. Of course, I will be there. She saw him yesterday for the pre-op stuff and he said to "tell Lori she can call me anytime if she has any questions." You have to love a surgeon like that!

Truthfully, I am scared and nervous, so I really appreciate all your stories and prayers. Thank YOU!

Lori O. said...

PA LINDA- aaaaahhh, baby bunnies! DON'T feel bad asking the neighbor to keep the cat inside, tho she probably won't unless she's a real animal lover like we are. If the cat is coming over for food, maybe you can sneak some food to it at HIS HOUSE and he will think his owner is feeding him.

DO discourage the cat with a blast of the hose. Cats hate water and it certainly won't hurt them. I had the same fear with the baby vultures and kept my cats inside until I saw the Momma Vulture was more than capable of protecting her babies.

Speaking of babies and cats, We got Kitten #3, Andie, Bobby and LeRoy's sister last night. She's got 3 more weeks of living feral in her so she will be much more of a challenge but definitely do-able. Bobby isn't helping, hissing at her. LeRoy growls. Kinda like growing up with my two brothers!

Lori O. said...

PAULA - Yellow toilets. Hmmm. I'm with KAY, I think pink is just so tacky. Mine downstairs are the same color beigy/light brown as the outside strips on this blog page. Yuck. I want low profile white. Black is pretty. Can't believe I'm talking about toilets like this!

ANDY - So happy to hear EMMA is feeling better. What's the latest job prospect?

MARGY - What's up with the ISS viewings? I haven't checked lately.

LYNN - Nice RAVEN pics! He is a handsome fella.

Time to get ready for work. Sorry for the book this morning - trying to catch up!

Hope you all have a wonderful, safe, healthy and blessed day!

Lori O. said...

Can't get the LIVE CAM up...I can get the website, but the cam isn't working.

STILL CAM is working.

Lori O. said...

KAY - Glad you got your compooper back yesterday!

Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...

Good mornin eagle buds If they show up will we be able to keep up with the fast pace of the still cam LOL

DanaMo said...

Good morning, friends!

Just a swirling arrow on the live cam!

JudyEddy said...

Geeze colors came on nest and I missed it was so fast LOL

Lori O. said...

Good Morning JUDY and DANAMO!

JudyEddy said...

I'm going to lay on the couch since the action of this morning nestcapades have wore me out LOL

Lori O. said...

HAhaHAhaHAhahaHAHahA ...very funny JUDY! I'm a little tuckered out myself. :)

magpie said...


I've had my laugh this morning Lori with your comparing toilet colors with the outside stripe of this blog page !

and from Judy with the factoid that we should be able to keep up with FAST PACE of STILL CAM...

DanaMO - good to see you too, you don't have to provide a laugh, just tell us you are feeling better and give us a SMILE

magpie said...

I keep checking the ISS site, do not see ANY flyovers for us at all anytime in the next week
and I know Atlantis and ISS are docked...so maybe when they separate

magpie said...

cute analogy Lori ☺
of Andie, and Bobby and LeRoy, to you and your brothers
Hope the Boys will make Andie feel welcome soon

magpie said...

I see your information about your Mother's surgery schedule..Monday morning...
and yes, very comforting that the Surgeon is compassionate to your needs

We'll be with you along the way...
you can count on that...

magpie said...

just checked ISS flyover thru July 20
nothing showing for MY zip code anyway
will keep checking sometimes they have forgotten to update the database

magpie said...

Good Report from Wanda on Soup Kitchen

Good Report from Andy on Emma...

and difficult regimen coming up regarding Shirley's basset Luna with the allergies....tough for Luna, and a lot of work for the family...
but it is good that the cause of the itchiness has been determined

DanaMo said...

I am feeling better this morning. I'm wondering if I can skip taking the medication. I hate the way medicine makes me feel. Maybe one more day to make sure I don't have any "episodes". I get this tingling, and pulling across my back, down my arms, and into my chest, due to the compression in my neck. It's nnot just straight pain. I was still having episodes yesterday, but only in the morning. Maybe there are gone! I hope.

Wish I could provide a funny from the flying labs, but they have been behaving pretty well.

magpie said...

Too bad Belle and Truder are not as interested in US as we are, in THEM !

got some morning things to take care of before work

in the meantime, sending Best Wishes for A Good Day, Everyone
xoxo ttfn ♥

magpie said...

Well Dana, I hope today is a good day of feeling better for you, steady as she goes
if the medicine helps,
go for another day, and just take it easy and do something as enjoyable and restful as possible
(( hugs ♥ )) but gentle ones, don't want to hurt your back !

Kay said...

G☼☼D and gL♥RIous Wednesday M☺rning to you Early Bird Buds !

Good to see most of the regular hands on deck !

Cam a disappointment, but nice to have the still cam.

magpie said...

well Hello there Kay ☼ ☺ !!
I pass the baton on to you...

DanaMo said...

Gotta go water the plants.

DanaMo said...

Well that was fast. Only have 3 potted plants around the pool. Sprinklers are on for the new grass. Looks like it's coming in pretty good. Hope the dogs don't kill it before it establishes itself!

Kay said...

LORI, glad to hear your mom's surgery will be next Monday. Seems good timing for you, allowing for a Sunday drive to Pittsburg. What a thoughtful surgeon she has. A good omen ! Prayers non-stop !

Any ideas on the name for Miss Kitty ? I wondered about her extended feral experience and how she'd be with her more domesticated brothers. Do you have her in a separate crate ?

Back to the loo (no pun intended 97.1fm) for a moment. You can't beat white for the long haul, change of other colors/decorating schemes. Low profile, no. I paid extra for this condo to get a "handicap" height toilet with power flusher. Thinking ahead to old age, when that time comes ☺. Any guest can manage it, but some would have a hard time with low profile. I'm jus' sayin'.;O)

magpie said...

okay Kay!
got my morning chuckle from you now!
That's good, plan ahead...

watering my plants now too Dana!
Too bad I don't have a pool to place them around ☺

but I'm glad YOU do

Kay said...

MARGY, thanks for the baton pass ! I can't begin to match you for thoughtful, kind words, but will give it the ol' college try !

DANAMO, happy to hear you're doing better, but don't overdo too soon. What to you hear from Monte--any relief from the poison ivy scourge ? How about Annemarie ? Have her 13 year old ears recovered from Swimmer's Ear ?

Kay said...

MARGY, last night and this morning I was thinking of you and your recent fast before testing experience. My turn, as I have a "routine" ☺ check up with my primary doc this morning at 9:45. She does the labs every three or four months due to my Diabetes II. I've been a good girl so all tests should be in the okay range.

Kay said...

Hey, JUDY, yeh you, over there on the couch, good to "see" you this morning, too. You started my day off with a laugh ! Too much action on the nest for you. LOL

Lori O. said...

Buenos Diaz KAY!

I have a friend in her 50's who loves the handicap TALL TOILET in her house...loves it! My feet dangle!!! LOL!

magpie said...

You are right on this morning! LOL'ing a lot here ☺

I used the term "Groovy" yesterday about something....got a few chuckles

Kay - Thanks, you are kind ♥
Remember, it's the Eaglet-Momsters and Dadsters company I keep !
Best wishes on good blood work results....

Kay said...

HODA, back to the Phoenix dust bowl question you posed a few days ago. Have heard from stepson who only lamented the condition of his pool. Cousin had the same complaint and in addition says the grit shredded the Jeeps car cover. Her hubby left the windows "cracked" on the other car, most folks do so in that extreme summer heat. It was filled with sand and grit. Lots of clean up to do, but none of them suffered breathing problems, thank goodness.

magpie said...

Just a repeat
Loch Garten - one of the chicks fledged early Tuesday morning
other chick preening at the nest now

JudyEddy said...

All this talk of toilets I remembered I had this picture that Angie had sent me of the small kid size toilets at Jordyns school sooo little and so cute

JudyEddy said...

Well its time for me to head out the door I have to go after work to get my driver licence I dread that Use to be easy but with the new rules a PIA Have to have proof who you are not like in the past just renew by mail or online HAGD OTWIG

Kay said...

Hey, you shorties can come for a visit and I'll provide a footstool for your comfort !

I missed the groovey fun, MARGY, but it does kind of date you, huh ? My kids and grandkids often laugh over some of the terms I use. Word.

magpie said...

from Loch of the Lowe's
July 11:
"Over the past few days our Osprey pair has been witnessed attempting to mate; these attempts will not produce another clutch as double brooding of Ospreys is virtually unheard of"

welll, there is the Osprey Cam at PAX where Loretta works, Patuxent MD..double clutch there, after problems with the first one
but those first eggs hatched, different circumstances I know

magpie said...

Have a good Day, Judy
It's your FRIDAY !!

Kay - I used the term at work, not here, you didn't miss it ☺

Kay said...

JUDY, cute little potties ! A two holer, just like the old outhouse era ! Hope you have a great "Friday" at Wally World !

Kay said...

MARGY, relieved to know that term was used at work. I thought I was losin' it and had missed a big laugh here on the blog !

magpie said...

Must run along...
worktime looms
will have you all in my heart and on my mind today, and in my prayers...

Will try to keep up from work if I can....
Oh, I have a short seminar to go to this afternoon:

"Dealing with Difficult People."

xoxo ♥ ttfn

magpie said...

rough but thorough report of the
Dust Storm in Phoenix...
very serious !
Thanks for the information

Kay said...

LINDA, thinking about your angst over the fate of the little rabbits. I understand as I've had those nests in my old yard here in Columbus. As for the cat, he's only doing what his God given instinct drives him to do. Judging from the rabbit population most seem to survive and thrive !

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle peeps.

magpie said...

forgot something
once upon a time I had a Karmann Ghia...mustard yellow with a black convertible top !
Back in the early 70-'s
then I had a Datsun Honeybee, but it was White !

magpie said...

cool picture by the way of your Yellow Spaceship
okay, G'Day !

magpie said...

Good Morning Thelma !
We've been peeping this morning allrighty!
Good to See Y☺u !

Kay said...

Hi THELMA ! How is Mattie doing ? No ill effects from having gone swimming, I hope !

Kay said...

MARGY, funny how much nostalgia over yellow cars kicked up as a result of our "yellow journalism" ! Hey, have any of you ever lived in a Yellow Submarine ?

Kay said...

Time for me to bow out and get a few things done before heading for the doc appt.. HAGD all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Vaya Con Dios, mi amigos !

Lori O. said...

Good Morning THELMA and the cutest Bassett Hound, BUDDY! What are you up to today, T-BIRD?

Lori O. said...

MARGY, WOW, I used to drive a Karmen Ghia, too. It was my first car ever - white and a real beater. My high school boy friend bought a Datsun for a work car and let me drive his El Camino because he felt sorry for me driving the Karmen Ghia!

Lori O. said...

NO, KAY, don't leave. :)


T-Bird said...

Mattie wasn't able to go swimming yesterday. She is feeling better. She has a test tomorrow at 7:45.
Lori, not sure what the day holds except a dentist appt. later on. I absolutely can't stand a dentist appt.

T-Bird said...

I'm off to find out what I can get into and love on some younguns.

Lori O. said...


Today: Scattered showers and thunderstorms, mainly between noon and 3pm. Partly sunny, with a high near 90. Calm wind becoming northwest between 6 and 9 mph. Chance of precipitation is 30%. New rainfall amounts of less than a tenth of an inch, except higher amounts possible in thunderstorms.

Tonight: Mostly clear, with a low around 59.

Thursday: Sunny, with a high near 85. North wind around 8 mph.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagle Family ( :

Diann that sounds great!!!
SO happy good report from
doctor ( :

Lolly prayers continue for your BIL. Good that Sharon good be relieve by brother Jeff, so she could get some rest. You are in my prayers also.

Margy you did good at setting
the night light. I see Wanda
came in and she didn't tumble
or hit her toe.

Glad the soup kitchen went well
Wanda. So wonderful about the
bags of groceries. You and Gene
and helpers are doing a wonderful
job for God and HE is getting the

Lori continued prayers for your Mother and you and family. Yes a doctor like that, they are few and far to find. Ed's Open Heart Surgeon was nice and wonderful and
his caridologist was nice. Both such great doctors with the best attitude I have ever met in two doctors.

Andy so glad Emma is back to her
festy self. ( :

lol Lori you comment "kind of like
growing up with my two brothers" about the girl kitten.

Margy you are right about that. Good they now know what is causing Luna to scratch. Hoping the medicine will help with the allergies.

DanaMo sorry about your pain. Then
you have meds and they cause relief
but cause problems where you don't
want to take it. Sad story..help
take meds then make you feel bad
in another way. Tough one !

JudyE is already worn out watching
for eagles...she is couching it. lol

Lori how tall are you????

wvgal_dana said...

If you click on my name the picture of my spaceship car shows up better. You was talking last night about yellow cars.

Judie said...

Good morning!

I've tried to speed read up to the time Lolly decided to shower.

Lolly, prayers for Dan. Will hope he can be treated quickly and successfully.

Kay, put a large sand-filled can outside where the neighbor usually stands. Hint hint.

Margy, so glad you spoke with the neighbor. I'm sure they will not let that happen again.

Lynne2, so happy you decided to leave the sad job. Sometimes our mental/emotional health requires courage.

Loretta, sorry about the tooth. Were you jealous? My chipped section came from an existing crown. It was old.

Lori, Darth was in a long time because the hospital did not have a "step down" unit to transition him. He was only 53. They may just want to be cautious with your Mom as she is a bit older, I guess.

Good news about Tori going home. I know Robyn will be so happy to have her close by.

Shirley, you certainly have an abundance of patience yourself to deal with all the pet issues. Poor Luna. Hope the situation improves.

Margy, many thanks for taking care of the night light. You did an excellent job! The sandperson put on anti-gravity shoes so I didn't hear a sound before I was captured and sent to Sleepville.

Going to get my "do" did this morning. Will try to catch up later.

Judie said...

Oh, and I am not going down the toilet bowl you people!

wvgal_dana said...

Margy A seminar on Dealing with Difficult People....now why would they send you or anyone there to a seminar like that lol ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Judie you can join in on the toilet seat comparisons. lol

JudyE I just tried those little ones you put up. Dang if I didn't fall on my butt and if was not on the seat!!!! Not for me lol

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Thelma and Buddy ( :

So Mattie didn't feel like swimming yesterday? Is she still not feeling good?

wvgal_dana said...

Not having an easy time finding 97.1FM on the radio. I'll keep trying.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I have done some quick reading, but it was kind of hit or miss. I will try to catch up later, but, in the meantime, I wish everyone well.

stronghunter said...

Dana, I listen to the radio on my computer.

Lori O. said...

WV DANA, I'm 5'3"...lost 15 pounds so far!

I'm soooo excited, I, like Judie, get my "do" did today, 5pm. Had to wait 3 wks for this appt!

SHIRLEY - FloBear has allergies out the wazoo! What medication is LUNA on? I've read many times, and been told by vets and vet detmatologists that a good daily dose of Omega 3's will help.

You might also try putting LUNA on a WHEAT, SOY, CORN, GLUTEN (grain) FREE Food.

Bathing helps tremendously to get the pollens and allergens off their skin. Bulldogs are notorious for allergies. :)

stronghunter said...

Benadryl, Lori. At least for now.

Vet says just go to PetSmart or PETCO and ask for grain-free food. I think I'll try that today.

Have to check out the floor cleaner. Kathryn says it is called Whodunit or something like that. The info on my shampooer says something about using only their products or risk danger of fire. Good grief, I cannot imagine very many cleansers causing a fire, unless one should decide to use gasoline or kerosene.

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY, If the Benedryl doesn't work, it can make them crabby just like humans! . . . there's a medication that's a step up that you can get online. I'll ask Kate what it is. FloBear is on Hydroxazine. Dalai does best on ClorTabs - generic you can get at WalMart.

Judie said...

Ooooh, Lori. We are going to be beauteous!

Shirley, good luck. You might try to contact the company that makes the floor cleaner to ask specifically if what you need for Luna would be acceptable.

Hi Dana.

Going away now. Bye

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley how are you getting it on your computer 97.1FM??

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Yeah my favorite Rod Stewart sexy !!!!! Got 97.1Fm on computer ( :

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Okay, Dana. That was my delete. I messed up the link. Glad you got it.

stronghunter said...

So far, the Benadryl has worked for Luna.

Thought about asking about contacting the cleaner company, Judie. Maybe I should. First I need to get the name of the cleaning stuff. So far, I have not found it online. I will have to check the spelling with Kathryn, or maybe the vet.

wvgal_dana said...

( : Hugs Thanks Shirley ( :

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

I sent Steve and the Outdoor Channel an email letting them know the live feed was down.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, sorry to hear about Luna's allergies.

wvgal_dana said...

Is there any place online you all go to get your credit information and score?

Lolly said...

Good morning! Did not work in the yard this morning. Stayed in and enjoyed my coffee!

Just talked with Sharon. Jeff, her son, is with his Dad right now and Sharon went home to change clothes, let the dog out, and get some lunch to take back with her. She is on a diet. Anyway, last night they got a tube in through Dan's nose to drain his stomach. The blockage is between his stomach and his small intestine. (He has no large intestine.)Surgeon is supposed to come in this morning.

Mema Jo said...

Good Wed Morning! Going to lunch at Paneras - taking 16 yr old gs for lunch.
He really likes it and so do I.

Sure hope the humidity is down today
Haven't been out very much past few days

Thanks Paula for email Steve so that our
live cam might get up/running soon.
Our leaves would be great shade IF we had some eaglets in our nest.

Lolly said...

Laurel has left for Six Flags, again, with Joseph and friend, Matt. She is a glutton for punishment! These two boys, being 10, will be harder to stay up with than the six year olds.

Lolly said...

Lori....15 pounds! Wahooooo! That is great!

Lori O. said...

DANA WV - Be VERY CAREFUL about where you go online to get your free credit score. Every place will try to scam on you and want you to upgrade, or pay, for this extra service that they say you have to have. Let me do some checking. I'll get back on in a few.

Lori O. said...


WV DANA, sorry I'm at work, so I don't have the format to do a link, but you can cut and paste the above link. It is directly from the Government's Federal Trade Commission site and should be hassle free for you. All you have to do isx verify your ID. ♥

Lolly said...

Lori, really like your avatar.

Lori O. said...

OK - DANA - go to: www.ftc.gov

This is their Home Page.

Go to the lower right side of the page to the rectangle that says "QUICK FINDER"

The list is in alphabetical order.

Scroll down to and click on FREE CREDIT REPORTS

I hope that helps. Good luck!

Lori O. said...

Thanks LOLLY! 15 pounds never came off a person so slowly! LOL

DANA - I just checked and you can copy and paste the link that looks incomplete at 10:34 post. It will automatically copy the entire link, so you can use that if it's easier for you.

Lori O. said...

BBL . . HAGD all! Time to hit the road.

I love you all dearly Eagle family!

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Lori ( :

I am shorter than you 5' 1 or 1/2"

I got the high one and I love it. Doesn't hurt my back.

hedgie said...

Happy Weds. AM to all. Playing catch-up. I slept in a bit today---8:30!!!
Okay....here goes:

Strongly recommend against low-profile toilets! Lori, ask Kate if she wouldn't find it easier on higher commode for her back. My problem is often my knees....was so much easier when I visited my mom's with the higher ones!!

DanaMo....just float in the pool! Take it easy and give your neck a chance to "heal" and truly ease.

Ravens were back in the driveway this morning. Strange....wonder why all of a sudden my place is an attraction?

hedgie said...

Lori, glad the date is a definite for your Mom's surgery. Our prayers will be with you all every step of the way.

hedgie said...


Diann, glad that the Dr. report was positive for you!

Shirley, sorry about Luna and the allergies. No fun for any of you.

hedgie said...

LOL---remember those little commodes from the daycare center where my Mom worked, JudyE!

wvgal_dana said...

I am at the link Lori gave me and it just told me to click credit score. Guess what???? It is NOT FREE either 7 day free trail pay
$4.95 per month after-cancel anytime. That is the same as the other FREE CREDIT REPORT. HUH

hedgie said...

LOL---Margy----difficult co-workers or callers??? :) Enjoy the seminar!

Kay, agree with what you said to Linda...but I sure understand the anxiety of wanting to help and knowing not to intervene....a real quandary for the soul.

Feel very sorry for the people in AZ dealing with the clean-up. Remember a horrible sandstorm on OBX one year----we had RV closed up tight...HA! Didn't keep it all out---sure glad I always carried a vacuum cleaner with us!! We crunched a lot of sand for a few days!

hedgie said...

Margy, when I was in college, the dean's secretary had a yellow Kharman Ghia! And a guy at work still has an orange one!!!

hedgie said...

SWT seems to think they know everything about osprey......Chrissy will strongly disagree.....and Margy just proved it, too, about the 2nd clutch at PAX!

hedgie said...

DanaWV----what kind of car was your yellow bomb? Can't enlarge pic to tell.

hedgie said...

ROFL, Kay----ask Loretta and Lolly about YELLOW SUBS!!!!! Lots of laughs over one in particular!!

hedgie said...

Thelma, hope you find fun! Dentist is NOT....hope it's only routine!

Lolly said...

Yep, I have a ♪♪yellow sub! ♪♪ I take it with me every time I go eagle watching. Great for close up views of eagle nests. LOL

When I go eagle watching, just look for the periscope in the water.

Lolly said...

What is with the pain in the necks? Jack is having a horrible time. High in the back of his neck. I keep telling him to go to the doctor, but he keeps thinking it is getting better. Also, he went to the dentist Monday. She filled a cavity. He went back yesterday has he had a shooting nerve pain while eating. Today he is going back again...still a pain while chewing. Poor guy! He is not a happy camper right now.

Lolly said...

as not has! Grrrr!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn A Yellow Pacer

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Hedgie I put it back up click on my name and on the picture it should get bigger

hedgie said...

I have never had to pay for the "free" credit report.....and I do it every year. You just have to be careful what you click on.
And it provides all three agencies.

hedgie said...

Lolly, sure hope that they get Dan into surgery sooner rather than later...prayers continuing.

I can get 97.1 in the truck but not in the house, so I tune in online, too.

Oh no---ANOTHER dog treat commercial---Milo's Kitchen....and Liesl's bark is worse than with Beggin' Strips. It's ONLY a person voice----no crazy character or bark. I THINK there must be some kind of subliminal sound effect to them to stimulate a dog's hearing.....VERY STRANGE.

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Okay, Dana....is it an AMC product?

CarolAnne said...

RE: credit reports
This is one of the official spots - 1 free per year

hedgie said...

Poor Jack....feel his pain, Lolly. :(

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning eagle budlets.

Just wanted to share this.

I have an OtterBox for my iPhone 4 that I bought in February for 50 bucks and the skin on it is tearing. I sent OtterBox a tweet about it this morning and they have already ordered the replacement. Good customer service I think.

Also, in speaking of neck pain, the day before I went to the hospital, I had spasms that started in my lower back, would come and go. Eventually it moved all the way up into my neck and the back of my head. The next day in the ER, it was from my lower back all the way up my spine into my head. Cause? Low potassium caused that too.

hedgie said...

Email from Jim.....serious puter problems. He thinks it is dying.....

hedgie said...

Clouds have rolled in...temp "down" to 85°....possibility of storms for the rest of the day as a "cold" front moves in from the north. Hope it counts!

I see that OC posted a note saying the cam is "offline--stay tuned"---uh, yeah, we KNOW!

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, think I used freecreditreport.com, just use it for the free credit report and don't do the trial

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Dropping in to say "Howdy" before getting busy straightening up around here, and doing some transcription.

Not sure whether I mentioned how happy I am that Tori is home now. Prayers continue for her.

Prayers for Dan, too. Sounds like a tricky situation. Hope they try to solve the problem quickly!

Lynn, I think you may be right about the dog treats commercials. Can't imagine what else would get Liesl going like that! Strange indeed.

DanaMO, hope you get to feeling better. Know what you mean about trading symptoms for side effects when taking medication! Thanks for reminding me that I need to soak my outdoor plants again.

Well, better get busy. Going into lurk mode for a while, but will check back in later today. Hope everyone has a good day! :o]

hedgie said...

Poor Sharon---yep, low potassium causes spasms big time! Hope you are feeling much better! Eat your bananas!

Lynne2 said...

Hi all! I'm just reading back, so I'm posting comments as I go...

Kay, SO sorry about your roof. Hope they get it fixed soon!

Glad your kin are coming to visit Diann! The weather is SUPPOSED to calm down after today, so maybe you won't need that A/C!

Oh Shirley, so sorry about Luna's allergies. It's SO hard without testing to know exactly what the allergens are. I hope the vet recommened what food she should be eating. Just a suggestion....maybe try the fragrance free stuff first for a week or two and see if her symptoms calm down, before changing food. Then if they don't, change the food. If she started itching only recently, it could be grasses or pollen outside. Allergies in animals...very complicated matter.

Many prayers for Jeff, Lolly. And prayers for a break in the heat and some rain for you.

Lynne2 said...

LOL on all of the TOILET discussion!!!

Glad Emma is feeling better now Andy. Steve is doing fine now that the tooth is gone!

Hey Lynn, how is SIL doing after his major tooth extractions?

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, you can also got to each of the 3 major credit reporting agencies and request a free report...they are equifax, transunion and experian

JudyEddy said...

OH MY GOODNESS I have 83 comments to read since I left this am Chatty bunch are we today

Lynne2 said...

Lori, prayers for your mom continue. And for you! And I see you got the sister sibling kitten! COOL! Hope they will all calm down and get along! You'd think they'd remember each other.

GG had a fall? I guess I haven't read back far enough. Is she OK???

Lynn, I was showing Steve the great Raven pics while we were eating dinner last night. He is DYING to see one. We have them here, across the street sometimes and they'll fly over, but not often. I was trying to make raven noises for him, then we looked them up online. They we spent the rest of dinner amusing the dogs with our raven sounds.

Lynne2 said...

Hopefully DanaMO and JudyE are getting some pain relief today! Hope Monte's poison is gone by now. Mine was still spreading in small patches on the weekend, but the initial stuff on my arm is FINALLY drying up, two weeks later. Steve's was gone in a week.

Kay, sorry about the mess for your friends in AZ with the dust storm. But glad no one is having any health problems!

Still reading back.....80 some more posts to go!

hedgie said...

Doe and two fawns on corn. One tried to nurse and she was having none of it....jumped over top of him to elude the attempt! "Not while I'm eating, child!" Hope the trail cam got the action!!!

Rained a few drops....very dark...

Lynne2 said...

glad Tori is home! WOW, she's going to have a lung transplant? How long I wonder will that be....

Oh dear, just read that Jack is having dental and neck problems. Good grief, it's like an epidemic with these issues lately!

Lynne2 said...

all caught up now!

Little storms starting to pop up in the area now.

My garden out back is just ALIVE with butterflies, moths, hummers, humming bird moths and bees!

Lynne2 said...

First monarch of the season was feeding on the butterfly bush yesterday!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn I put the picture of the car back up for you. Try clicking on my name then see if picture enlarges.

hedgie said...

Hi, Andy, Lynne and Paula.
Andy---any report on the first-name dr. interview?? Glad Emma is back to normal!
Lynne---good advice about Luna....Shirley, just remember that new food has to be introduced gradually.

hedgie said...

Lynne, Charlie is doing fine. Now he just needs to worry about the falsies---dentist wants to wait 3 mos. Ha! He still has never gotten the uppers!

hedgie said...

We have our first intermediate dog training course this evening.

Lynne2 said...

oh Lynn, so glad you and Liesl are continuing the training! We need to really get serious about Puddles. She's out of control with the barking at people. Got some tips to help.

Glad Charlie is doing OK. Sure wish we would have had Steve's done when we still had the dental insurance. Oh well!

wvgal_dana said...

Thunder here closing down see ya later

hedgie said...

More rain....a few booms of thunder, some wind.....we shall see what happens next. Sky has brightened.

Mema Jo said...

I'm back from a birthday lunch and had
fun with gs!
My feet are going up and I am rebooting
computer -
Very lousy print outs Looks like I
need ink job - now how do you do that


hedgie said...

Lynne---lung transplant unless they come up with something better quickly. Robyn and Tori meet with a specialist in Colorado later this month or in Aug. Can't remember which! Tori can't fly so they will be driving. :(

Lynne2 said...

wow, now, if she has the transplant, she'd be free of the disease then?

Kay said...


hedgie said...

Jo....guess it depends on what kind of printer you have....some you just have to try running a realignment.

wvgal_dana said...


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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...