Thursday, July 07, 2011


New thread.


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Kay said...

Cam stopped at 15.59, crazy cam !

JudyEddy said...

I hope they show up ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺

Kay said...

JUDYE, grab your coffee while I wax, Ouuuucccchhhhh :( That is NOT the best way to start the day !

A reminder on this side of the Split:

LORI's interview with Amanda of WVC/NBG airs at 7:30 this morning.

Listen if you can !

JudyEddy said...

I will be at work ;-(

Kay said...

JUDY, please explain your avatar to me---I see lovely you and adorable Jordyn, but what's the other stuff ?

Kay said...

Pretty windy at the nest again. Not blowing in the right direction to reveal more of the nest. Bah Humbug !

JudyEddy said...

That is suppose to be a giant bat this was at the Rays game when we went to see the wiggles they have a giant glove also

I first said look at the giant chicken leg when I saw it LOL and I said it out loud Angie and Carl laughed at me LOL

JudyEddy said...

5:30 they are late

JudyEddy said...

Hey I need you all opinion maybe I am making a mtn out of a mole hill At work they started a birthday board where I schedules use to hang My issue is they are putting first and last names along with your b day only thing is missing is the year I just think of the damage some one can do with that info if they want and it would be easy to get year just as HOW old are you and then they can just do the math I had them take my name down they thought I was being picky There are 493 assoc and they may not all be honest Do you think I am being silly

JudyEddy said...

It must me just a mornin thing the camera did the same thing yesterday yucky lines etc

JudyEddy said...

that was funny nothing posted I just had the symbols in the box and hit noise on box

JudyEddy said...

that is two times I heard the noise now

JudyEddy said...

color on the nest

JudyEddy said...

I 'm heading to the couch I can see the puter and nest from there gonna give neck and back break from desk chair

JudyEddy said...

we have been stood up I think

Kay said...

Sorry JUDY, I had to bail on ya for a reboot when puter ground to a halt. Still running slow--will have to do a full system scan after Seth leaves today. I don't have sound on because I don't want to wake him up. Aha, now I see the bat(s). Thanks !

The birthday thing, what do you fear they'll do if they have your first and last name along with the day only for your birthday ? I imagine there are multiple first names so "they" thought last names are needed ????

JudyEddy said...

1,043 days Casey spent in jail or will spend and 1.042 is the amount of days that Caylee lived that was on tv

JudyEddy said...

Initial would have worked beside last names I would think

JudyEddy said...

ok to the couch step away from the puter

Kay said...

Yep, we have the same cam interference as yesterday. I wonder if it's due to morning dew on the lens. The sun may have to do it's thing before the view clears.

JudyEddy said...

Nature calls BBIAM

JudyEddy said...

Oh I thought if I stepped away they would show up WRONG

JudyEddy said...

Maybe I should have complained about getting up early like I did awhile back and then they showed up

Looks like its a no show for our RESIDENT PAIR

JudyEddy said...

atmospheric interference is what is wrong with the cam in the morning

JudyEddy said...

Well I signing off for the am shift They must be off fishing this am or sleeping in in another tree- haha
☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

No eagles visible here now. Pretty nest in the sunshine only.

stronghunter said...

Linda, I see baby bunnies in your FB picture. Those are bunny ears.

Kay said...

Sorry I bailed again, JUDY, and now you've gone to work---see you at lunchtime perhaps.

Computer giving me fits. Shut down again, started up and put Norton to work on a full system scan. No problems found. Will run Mahlware program later.

Hope my glitches were just "atmospheric interference", too !

Kay said...

Hi SHIRLEY ! Hope you had a good night after all that work yesterday. I don't think we've missed a visit---the nest looks exactly like it did first thing this morning.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Kay.

Slept well last night. I still have cleaning, tidying to do today.

Right now, I have a purring George sitting beside me. I think he wants breakfast.

How are things in Columbus this morning?

stronghunter said...

I seem to have sound at the nest this morning; I hear something--a bird call, perhaps.

stronghunter said...

Going to go fix some breakfast.

Kay said...

Another apology, this time to Shirley. My computer quit on me again. How frustrating ! I just shut it down, headed for the newspaper and turned it back on just in time for Lori's interview. Don't know how long it's going to last now. I will consult with SIL aka Computer Guru, later in the day.

LORI, GREAT interview ! Amanda was so articulate, knowledgable and informative. It was amazing to learn that WCV takes in about 2500 animals a year, treating and releasing a good number of those ! Impressive. You asked all the pertinent questions and made me soooo proud. I hope others got in on it, too. Good job !!!!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

Amazingly enough Seth is still sleeping. He's not the average teen who lollygags and sleeps til' noon on weekends. He goes to bed by about 9:15 and is usually up at 7. I have a firm policy of not disturbing a sleeping man, child or pet, so showering and breakfast prep are on hold here this a.m..

Hope you all have a gLORIous Sunday. Will check in later for updates on LORI's mom, Mattie and more.....


stronghunter said...

Oh, no apologies necessary, Kay. I went to fix breakfast then tuned in to Lori's show.

Great interview, Lori! Thanks for letting us know so we could listen.

I have heard an eagle call this morning--a few minutes ago. I could not get to the computer to post at that moment. Now I have been hearing clunks.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad ya'll got to hear Lori's show...I woke up at 8 and missed it.

Pretty morning here!

Judie said...

Good morning to everyone who is already awake and to those who will arrive later.

Fell asleep last night. Hope no one awoke in the dark and stubbed a toe.

Wishing a lovely day for all.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Paula and Judie.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Kay, JudyE, Shirley, Judie, Paula and Lurkers.

I missed Lori darn..

Paula hope you find things for the beach house.

Sharon was in but nothing on Mattie??

Prayers this AM for Linda and family, KF Judy, Mattie, Red, Diann PA Nana, Lori and family, and I am putting the rest of the names in God's Hands because I see I'm going to forget someone. He knows them all. Thankfully...

paula eagleholic said...

Here's an update from Sharon on FB re Mattie

Blood work was good. Waiting on urinalysis results and then she will come back Monday or Tuesday for a gallbladder ultrasound.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Paula for the update on Mattie.

Costume Lady said...

It is a sunny 74degrees (still can't use the symbol), here in NESTVILLE...going up to a hot 91degrees.

We have been having a lot of very hot days and due to some meds that I take, if I step outside for more than 5 mins. perspiration drips off me!:) That was the case yesterday, I need to do something with my hair before I go to church:(
We have been delaying supper for an hour or so, til it cools off, so that we can eat outside. We had grilled squash, fresh from our TUB GARDEN:)

Time to see what I can do with my straggly hair and head for church.
Have a blessed Sunday♥

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda when you come on I want to thank you. You was right. That trip took a lot out of me. That is why I have been so tired and sleepy. Keeping my legs up has helped on the swelling. Boy though do I ever ache; my arms, neck, back, feet and legs. Not sure the whole body didn't get a "ouchie". Hugs to you Hoda♥

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda Good Morning to you and Gene.

Hope Gene is over that health problem he was going through.

You two have a nice day !!

wvgal_dana said...

I have had so much mail. Separated
junk from important mail. Then separated important mail and bills.

I'm sure you know what is getting looked at first lol

I need to decide where I am going to put pictures of my trip. Facebook or make a blog??? Need to think more on that one. I just don't like fb having all my stuff.

Good Luck Hedgie-Lynn on the OBX house looking.

wvgal_dana said...

I just heard something by the cam.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have been up a couple of hours, washed my hair and read the paper. Jack just got up. Sleepy head!

I think I might start sleeping days and work in the yard at night. LOL It is presently 83 but once again heading up to over 100.

Will be getting ready for church shortly.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, I keep hearing something too...thinking it might be a branch.

You could put your pics in both places ☺

Wanda, love grilled squash! Grilled some last weekend at the beach.

stronghunter said...

I did hear an eagle call earlier this morning, Paula.

stronghunter said...

My strawberries.

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...


hedgie said...

Good morning peeps!

Heard Lori's interview----I, too, was amazed at the vast number of "rescues" they handle!

Candy posted on FB yesterday AM that she made blueberry pancakes...gave me the craving, so I fixed them this morning, too. My blueberries are beginning to dwindle. I froze 5 baskets last summer...probably only about a fourth left. Love 'em!

Mattie sure seems awfully young to have a gallbladder problem. :(

I have lots of problems with IE this morning....but Firefox is fine, so don't thinks it's my puter.
Blog, on the other hand, is being a 503 "mule" again.

hedgie said...

JudyE---I'm with you on the b-day posting info on a bulletin board. First name, last initial and day is all that should be posted.

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday Morning Everyone! It is really a beautiful day out there. Being
on vacation and then losing 2 of my trees out back, it is taking a while for
the birds and squirrels to find their
way back to my deck. Oh the little stray
cat had no trouble whatsoever knowing we
were home!
I have some plans for this afternoon so
I will be back to check on everyone later in the day! ((hugs))

hedgie said...

Hmmm....Shirley---are those strawberries edible??

Judie said...

Lynn, market is Tyson's. Same zip as Hedgesville and does now Butler's but not Burkhart.

Received an email from Chrissy. She is most upset about the SWT waiting so long to remove Isla's eggs (71 days). Isla and the Laird have mated at least 8 times since the eggs were removed and they are doing nestorations. This has Crissy concerned as it is only weeks from migration. Isla will not leave the nest if there are eggs, the Laird will not leave Isla, and neither can survive the Scottish winter. Just thought I would provide Chrissy's update.

Judie said...

That would be "know" Butler's.

Mema Jo said...

I just read Lynn's comment but I hadn't read others from earlier... clue me in on b-day ideas in an email cause I am
looking for a much more simple way of
sending others greetings.....

See you later ♥

Judie said...

Wishing Mattie a quick recovery and that she does not need gallbladder removal at her age. Maybe just serious indigestion?

hedgie said...

Great bio update piece on Tom Jones this AM on CBS Sunday Morning--new album "Praise and Blame" goes back to his roots: church and coal mine. Shirley, he is also a Presby! Need to go to iTunes and see if it's available there.

stronghunter said...

The strawberries are delicious, Lynn. I picked them up at the plant store.

stronghunter said...

Didn't see Sunday Morning today, Lynn.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mattie is much better this morning, just sore. She has to be on a bland diet. I have to call to get an appointment for a gallbladder ultrasound tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and guess what KAY all the names and birthdays are no longer on the board It is completely empty oops I think I may have started something oh well

ODD the camera is prefect and yet this am and yesterday it was yucky I guess it may be the dew as KAY may have thought Who knows ok to reading BBIALW

JudyEddy said...

On no I was 666 comment and then got 503 cop got me

JudyEddy said...

Please watch my car funny

movin said...




C(°?°)3 Jim

stronghunter said...

Funny, Judy!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Jim.

stronghunter said...

On the strawberries: I got just two pots. I wish I had gotten more. The last time I got a strawberry plant like this at the store, it lasted for years, but I lost it this past winter. It would take several to get enough strawberries to make a good strawberry shortcake for dessert.

stronghunter said...

I think I need to plant them in a nice, bit tub and let them spread. I love strawberries.

JudyEddy said...


wvgal_dana said...

JudyE you got some laughs out of me today with that link LOL

hedgie said...

Hi, Jim!
Hi, Sharon-----poor Mattie....I can sympathize with her if it is her GB....they wouldn't remove mine because no stones....eventually it stopped flaring up!

JudyE---that car thing came from the Canadian "candid camera" type show that was on a couple of years ago. Funny!

Shirley, what a cool way to grow strawberries! After going to a farm to pick my own one time, I said NEVER again. Scootching along on butt or knees between rows and rows of plants, and encountering eight-leggeds and watching for snakes, in the beating down sun....forget it! NOT worth that.

stronghunter said...

Just scared away some finches from my strawberry plants. I need to get some netting. Asked when I bought the plants, but they were out.

stronghunter said...

Checking back in and see that no one has posted for a long time.

stronghunter said...

Checking back in and see that no one has posted for a long time.

stronghunter said...

Testing, testing.

Hoda said...

Good afternoon, I am back and it was a good morning with yoga class and then the health food store for groceries. I like shopping there the food is fresh and organic and reasonably priced.They have good sales and I get a members discount day when I do a big shopping...I also meet people I know and somehow short visits happen. I did not like that part at first thinking I am here to shop and now I just make short conversation and go about my business.

I laughed at the Watch My car link JUDY E. Thanks.

WV-GAL DANA Glad to read you are feeling a bit better today. Thank you.

With the hot weather we are having I water the plants every day now and they are doing really well. I loved reading about the strawberries and your experiences with them. They are the thing to buy right now at the stores. DELICIOUS.

I need to prepare lunch so I will BBL.

Hoda said...

OH LOLLY, I forgot to tell you that Batch, oldest son of my American family, told me it was 112 degrees yesterday in Oklahoma City...UGH he was expressing. I converted it to celcius and figured it was as hot as it was in Egypt yesterday...44.4 degrees celcius!!! THAT IS HOT... I hope it is cooler in TEXAS. I love the pictures you put on FB.

hedgie said...

Got an email from Irene....they have crossed the state line into Montana! Moving van due in Missoula on Th. They have a ways to go yet to reach Missoula.

Grrrr....503 is giving me a headache!

Linda said...

Good Sunday Afternoon Eagle Pals!!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day today.

Still no word from L♥ri??

PAULA - I used to use pcanywhere, but it got to be a pain with people using different versions of windows and macs!

Church this morning and working at my desk this afternoon! It is even hot up here today as well.

JUDYE - Enjoyed the video!! Ha Ha!!

SHARON - Glad to hear Mattie is home, but sorry she is dealing with gallbladder problems so young. Had to have mine out last fall after a horrible attack. Mine was so infected they wanted me to go home for a week or two after my hospital stay with antibiotics to hopefully reduce all the inflammation. I do feel much better now and never realized the discomfort I had experienced many times were little attacks.

SHIRLEY - Love those strawberries!!

Thanks for all the pointers on setting up a blog. Hopefully I will get a chance to work on it in the coming days. Nothing yet.....

Dennis still feels those babies have to be something else. Maybe I will go and get another picture so you can see its tail. It's kind of long and skinny!

Lolly said...

HODA...presently 99.3. The hottest we have been is 105, but it has been around 100 now for a couple of weeks and more to come. It is depressing!!! And, especially for me. I can not stand to see plants and grass wilt. My heart just breaks, but that is what is going to have to be. I am loosing a lot of lawn down front, the pecan trees are not doing well, my fern is turning brown and some English Ivy as well. I am trying to adjust my attitude, but it is hard, it's just the way I am.

Came home from church and Jack and I headed out to water plants by hand, but we were both dripping sweat before coming in.

Lolly said...

Hoda, did you see my blog with the Rocky Mt. pictues? I put a whole lot on there.

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon, Eaglebuds! Set alarm to hear Lori's interview on clock/radio. WASH has been my fave station for decades! Who knew Lori was our eagle Lori?? Was a wonderful interview. I thought they might mention Buddy, but perhaps he didn't spark recognition except w/cam watchers. They have an amazing amt. of animals.
BTW, guess most everyone knows, but when I checked my bunny links from a couple years ago, it said to leave lone bunnies and other critters alone. You may not see a parent around, but they do tend to family. They suggested only take babies to rehabs if you know a parent is deceased.Rabbits will make nest in unusual "people" areas because they figure NO predators are there. Of course that yard shouldn't have a dog or cat, but they probably know that.
Glad I reread that because I was a little concerned about the fawns running around w/no parents. We have to trust that they know what they are doing!

JudyEddy said...

Ya gotta check these out Panoramic views




Grandview canyon

These all came to me in a email so pretty use your cursor to do the 360 or just stare and get dizzy lol

Hoda said...

Linda, I want to see those little creatures too, but I do not know how to send you a Friends request on Face book...I do not know your last name...I am Hoda Ghamrawy would you be able to send me a Friends request this way I can see them too? Maybe I am just curious Hoda!!!LOL!!!

JudyEddy said...

I hope its this windy at the nest for tonight visit we can see the whole nest Yeah take a good look it won't last long

Linda said...

Sure Hoda, I'd be happy to friend you!!

The request will come from Linda Cochran Salsberry. I'll go do it now.

Hoda said...

LOLLY, I hear you about your plants and the sadness the the heat is not good for them. When you take such good care of things and when you enjoy seeing them grow it is very understandable that you do not like for them to not do well. I am sorry, and I hope some rain comes your way soon.I think it is a strong part of yoru character that you identify so well with animals, birds and plants...I think it comes from your being so very compassionate with people it is a strength.

I have not yet checked your blog here, but will soon...I like going to face book as I find pictures of your family...the one with lots of fish and the grandchildren and you suggesting maybe they should give Grandpa lessons IF they caught so many brought me a big get along so well with the young people it is cool.

Hoda said...

Thanks Linda...

hedgie said... about voles???

Baby vole pic

Vole video

hedgie said...

Howdy, Hoda!!!! And Lolly and Loretta have checked in. Yep, Loretta----right you are about the baby animals.
Lolly, SO sorry about your yard and plantings....:(

JudyEddy said...

LYNN they are so cute -vole

Lolly said...

You gave me a smile, Hoda. Talking about the comment on my nephews pictures. Those two boys are my great nephews and the Grandpa is my brother. Always love to give him a hard time. He loves to fish, but never has much luck. LOL

JudyEddy said...

odd looking feet

Linda said...

LYNN....and others!!

I have finally made my first post to my BLOG!! I put a before and after picture of our new barn for Lynn (and all) to see!!!

Linda said...

I am going to see if Dennis will help me take another close up picture so you can see the tails, too!


Hoda said...

Howdy Lynn, I think it is a vole...Linda's little creatures...the paws are not right I don't think...

Judie said...

Loretta has made an excellent point about leaving babies alone unless sure the parent(s) are no longer able to care for them. For our resident Thumper, to see if he/she is still around, we can sprinkle powder (talc, etc.) which is harmless and then see if there are feet marks.

Voles may be cute but cute doesn't win my love when they eat up my plants and flowers. Don't try to harm or kill them but do not put out a y'all come visit sign, either.

Lolly, sorry about the drought. Hopefully, relief will arrive soon.

Bambi and his girlfriend have not made a daylight visit this week. They are operating under cover of darkness and eating my flowers.

Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...

Ya all come on over to the new thread its lonely over there by myself I just found it when I was posting on Linda pictures and my words was MITES

hedgie said...

Irene: 4:07---Will be there tonite - fiance Robert found housing and we sign on Monday - vet was right kitties adapted and they have been incredible! Tell all I said hello please! Eye to the sky for eagles but hard to tell because of new fledges! No adults that we can tell as yet - more when I can, . . . .

and at 4:53: WE SAW AN ADULT EAGLE!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

NEW THREAD COME ON OVER SECOND CALL Can't start the party without you

JudyEddy said...


«Oldest ‹Older   601 – 706 of 706   Newer› Newest»

5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...