Thursday, July 07, 2011


New thread.


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wvgal_dana said...

Oh I am hoping we get that baby panda!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

If I just got "wax" it is to be used to help Mei give birth lol

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!

Have been praying for Lori's Mom, for Lori, and for her Dad. Did Lori ever mention how long the surgery would last? Waiting to hear a good report.

Loretta, read your post last night. Wow, that's quite a story about your friend's husband, Danny! He's certainly on my prayer list!

Oh, bother! Looks like I'll have to make a trip to the Optometrist's office to get my glasses fixed. The right lens keeps falling out, I think because the microscopic screw that holds it in is partly stripped. It keeps loosening just enough that the lens can fall out! I've tried to tighten it, but the screw is SOOOO tiny, I don't have a screwdriver quite small enough to fit perfectly. Managed to tighten it enough to last for a little while, but better get it repaired correctly.

Have some errands to run, too, so guess I'd better hit the road running! Thank GOD they say it's supposed to be a little less humid today! Will check back in later to see how everyone is doing. HAGD! Happy Red Friday!!! :o]

stronghunter said...

Andy. you can get those tiny screwdrivers and tiny screws at the drugstore, probably Walmart, too. You may still have to go to the professionals for a good fix, but it is worth a try.

stronghunter said...

Professionals should tighten the screws for free.

movin said...


GooD MorniNG,

EveryBoDY !!


[:~D] Jim

JudyEddy said...

This is on the Justice for Case Anthony facebook page LIKE the page if you want


wvgal_dana said...

My eyes keep closing. I am going to go lie down. Must be more tried
than I thought or remember it is "having fun".

JudyEddy said...

I just woke up form a short nap with Jordyn Gonna go lay back down these rainy dreary days make one sleepy

Kay said...

JUDYE, You meant sweet Caylee, didn't you ?

Hoda said...

JUDY E on your link you meant Sweet CAYLEE...
I like your avatar.
Enjoy quiet time with Jordyn, on a rainy day.
I hope your driveway is not full of water and that you can get out if you choose.

JudyEddy said...

OOPS yep I meant Caylee and here is another one
She's going places

Also this is my road flodded a pic and quickie video
My road flooded and Jordyn

JudyEddy said...

I have a pick up truck that is high of the ground big tires I can go anywhere but I have Angies car a Chevy Cruiser it is low so I hope we have no trouble I just drive in middle of residential road if it floods LOL It drains pretty fast and as long as there is no down pours it doesn't flood Last nite almost 5" haven't check rain gauge since this am

JudyEddy said...

Are you all watch TRUTV the interview???

Hoda said...

GRACIOUS ME!!! Your road JUDY E!!!

Thanks for the pictures and the video. I like how Jordyn is inspecting the situation hands on hips and all...

I am off to yoga and errands. See you all later in the afternoon.

Kay said...

Agree with HODA on the flooding pics and on Jordyn's adorable stance ! Brings back memories of a few torrential rains during my Tarpon Springs phase of life. Watch out for Gators, they sometimes take advantage of newly formed rivers and streams !

JudyEddy said...

She had a blast playing in the puddle on the sidewalk the video is short because it started lightening also I put on a eagle video dance that the wiggles did also she loves it I am thinking about making a costume of a eagle using them as a pattern

JudyEddy said...

Two of those are short video also one of the road and one of her plaing in the puddle

JudyEddy said...

♫♫♪♪♫♫ Rain rain go away little Jordyn want to play♫♫♪♪♫♫

JudyEddy said...

plaing is a new word for the dictionary

hedgie said...

Well, house painter guy was just here with the contract. He brought a sample piece of wood with the stain treatment on it----it is BEAUTIFUL!!!! The outside of my house will look like the inside! Golden color, even though it's called Chestnut Brown...I am so excited! Of course, he needed a draw for materials. And he had his dalmation Shelby with him....I invited her in to meet Liesl....which went well, but Shelby promptyl christened the sunroom carpet. Sure glad I hadb't started shampooing yet!

hedgie said...

Raining steadily here. No storm, tho'.

Mema Jo said...

I wish I had the energy to go off to yoga with Hoda. I am going to put my feet up with Dana instead..........


Lolly said...

Good afternoon!

We slept late and after reading the paper headed outside to water. Please keep Tx in your prayers. This drought is awful! It is so hot and so dry. Water rationing and watering rules will soon be in place and then we will loose a lot of landscaping. I am trying to "deal" with this, but actually want to just cry. Wish I did not care about plants, trees, flowers and grass....but I do!!!!

Saw where Lori checked in...anything more? I thought of her and her mom while watering.

Lolly said...

LOL Lynn, bet the house painter was embarrassed by his dog's behavior!

Lolly said...

We have not walked and Jack is prodding me to get with it. Groan! Oh, well, guess I will relent.


hedgie said...

JudyE, my Mom's road looked like thst often when she lived in Port At. Lucie. She had a swale on the other side of the street, too, which didn't help matters.....but yet, it usually drained fast once the rain stopped. My kids loved to go stomping and splashing around in it...and they weren't little!!!! My oldest granddaughter also did it...but youngest one was never there.

JudyEddy said...

Just got a call from Angie she is coming here to pick up Jordyn She knows her car will not be able to drive down the street where she works at but my truck can I know I was skreed when I went down her road with it coming home

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lolly, so sorry about your dry weather. I can remember years when we have had water restrictions when I have chosen to water the young trees instead of other plants. It is tough.

JudyEddy said...

LYNN Chestnut brown is a awesome color

hedgie said...

Hello Jim and Andy. Glad the Californian's checked in! Anybody want some rain?? I know Lolly does!

Hoda, are youy getting rain today?

hedgie said...

From The Weather Channel:
At a drought conference in Austin yesterday, the Texas State Climatologist called the current #drought 3rd worst on record for the state behind only 1956 & 1918.

paula eagleholic said...


Is it ever POURING here! Got caught without my soaked!! LOL

Busy day here...

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, Lolly, didn't mean to sound so excited! It will certainly help our rain situation here. Sure wish you could get some...I know how it hurts to see the effect of too little rain on a gorgeous garden and yard!

I remember back in the mid 1990's, I had just planted 16 trees, and we had a drought. Had to go to a spring and get water in gallon jugs to keep the trees alive. I only lost 2.

hedgie said...

To quote our dear Loretta---I am SO habby! Just saw Myrtle! First time since she emerged in the spring! Was wondering where she was, tho' suspected she was around because tomato was being eaten.....she came out from under the wood pallet---her usual hiding spot! She came toward me when I called her name a couple of times, but guess she decided the rain was too hard and she went back into hiding!! She looks lovely, as always when she's wet!

paula eagleholic said...

Going to be a long day for Lori and glad she checked in.

Lynn, you sound so excited! Bet the house will look brand spanking new! Too funny about the dalmation peeing on your carpet!!

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta scoot...

Lori O. said...

Checking in ... Mom is back fom surgery. we haven't
Talked to doc yet. He was supposed to be off today then came in to do the remembers him telling her that she needs a valve replacement, and, her words here, a valve replacement and something else. Poor lady is zonked out now ... Prayers deeply appreciated. I'll report back when the doc makes it in here to talk.

Kay said...

LORI, so relieved to know at least that much and will wait anxioulsy for more word. It will be good to talk to the doctor, bless his heart for giving a day off up, and to know just what was done. Praying !!!

Kay said...

LYNN, happy news, both about the paint/stain color and about Myrtle !
Shelby must have been a little too exicited about meeting little Leisl !

Kay said...

Momster prayers along with prayers of others are working !!!! This just in on KF Judy, DIL says:

"The initial results of Mom's biopsy are back, and the news is very good. There was no obvious sign of any leukemic cells -- the first round of chemo seems to have done its job. The main job for the next two weeks is to help Mom's system to recover and regrow. At the end of that they will be checking to see whether the cancerous cells regrew along with the good ones. At this stage, however, this is the best news we could have hoped for."

Hallelujah, thank you prayer partners !

hedgie said...

This was on the Hornby Eagles FB page:

Doug has decided to shut off the Hornby cam, in part because of a misunderstanding. We hope that he will change his mind and are working toward that end.

Wonder what is goinng on....will beck his website....

hedgie said...

Nothing about it there.....very strange....

Kay said...

DANAMO, while you're Cinch-ing in that waistline with the "5 foods diet", read this link. 5 foods to graduate to for maintenance, perhaps.

5 Thinning Foods

Lolly said...

Hmmmm??? Wonder what is up with the Hornby cam. That is a shame.

Lynn, how about before and after pictures of your house? So, glad you saw Myrtle. Been snacking on tomatoes, huh? She has good taste!

We have had turtles here, but never one that stayed.

Armadillo did some digging last night, just small holes, thank goodness. Jack did go out with a shotgun when we got home last night.

stronghunter said...

Wow! Serious flooding in Frederick, MD.

Severe thunderstorm warning here. And it is thundering. Hunter has gotten a reprieve from picking up dog poop. Maybe the rain will wash some of it away, but that isn't necessarily good, either.

Looking at tickets for Wicked. Kathryn, Susan, and I want to go. Trying to decide which seats.

Yikes, Judy! You have a flooded street there. Our street in Ohio used to flood badly. I once watched my neighbor try to drive through the water in her brand new car. She made it half way through. Water got inside the car and made an awful mess.

stronghunter said...

Dark and raining here now.

stronghunter said...

Tell Myrtle hello for me, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Great news about Judy, Kay!!! AMEN!

Lori, so glad your Mom is out of the OR....hope the dr. DOES talk to you for an update. Please keep us posted. Prayers continue.

stronghunter said...

Would miss seeing the Hornby cam. I hope Doug changes his mind.

So glad Lori's mother's surgery is over.

hedgie said...

Rain has stopped---at least for now!

Judie said...

Lynn, so habby you have been able to decide on paint and siding. Big decisions. Did Myrtle come toward you when you said "It's me turtle."

Really sorry about the Hornby cam. One I check in on almost every day. Would like to see the twins fly but...

Kay, very good news about Judy and her response to treatment.

Lori, sounds as if your mom is being well cared for. I'm sure she'll do just fine with additional treatment.

hedgie said...

Shirley, I think that dissolved poop would be good fertilizer! I just noticed that Leisl's is gone. Was wondering if rain disintegrated it or if Myrtle got her protein!

Before and after pics.....BEFORE pics are on my blog...May 2009. After in a couple of weeks--they will start on the 18th!

stronghunter said...

If it dissolves completely, yes, Lynn.

Lynn, I am a little confused. You are going to put siding on your house? I read your post, but did not absorb everything.

paula eagleholic said...

So sorry to see the Shuttle program end as well.

Lori, hugs for you! Glad your Mom is out of surgery, keep us posted when you can!

Have water damage here at the store, very large outside drain couldn't handle the runoff from the construction across the street, so it backed up along the side our building, which caused the roof drains to back up into the store! What a mess!

Dana - Nick had a stitch to be removed from being neutered...which was done before I got him last week.

Lori O. said...

Very cute...I'm sitting here & BOTH my parents are sleeping & snoring. I know they are glad I'm here & my younger brother, Jeff & his wife Theresa, came by earlier and waited until Mom got back in the room. Nice that we can wait in the room with her.

Did I say we're still waiting on wait doc here....

Kay said...

I went way, way back on the Hornby chat line and can only get bits and pieces of what seems to be a strange sequence of events. It sounds like someone on the island decided the eaglets were not getting enough food and began to leave food on the ground---the ground is Doug Carricks personal property, he was upset and named names on the chat line. A chat line Cop removed Doug's comments, saying there are legal issues with posting real names. Doug took umbrage and took the cam down. It is his cam and his property. The chatters have done a lot of begging for facts and to have the cam back, as the eaglets are just about ready to fledge. These eagles are, I believe, the world's oldest known producing couple--28 years so far. I never went to the chat line, only the opening page cam, as I found out a long time ago that the chatters were cliquish and the chat moves at a mile a minute. So, I was happily watching the cam daily without realizing what a brouhaha was going on behind the scenes. Sad turn of events for Eagle fans. Wish they'd just do away with the chat line and let the cam and the eagles speak for themselves ! None of this is guaranteed to be accurate, it's just what I gleaned from a few minutes of frustrating research.

Lolly said...

I went to the Hornby cam and Doug has turned it off. That is sad. Wonder what the problem was?

Kay said...

Hi LORI ! There you were, posting while I was going off on a Hornby tangent. I'll bet that dual snoring is music to your ears ! Glad your bro and sil were there, too. Hope the doctor shows up soon, you need more information !

stronghunter said...

Conjoined Robins

Just saw this on the news. Pretty amazing, I thought. They must have been in the same egg.

Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

SHIRLEY, conjoined twin Robins ! I guess this happens in all species, but we never hear about it except with humans. I hope the vet the rescuer found can separate them successfully ! Hope you'll follow up on this story for us !

stronghunter said...

Need to check on Hunter. He was eating Fritos in Kathryn's bed awhile ago. She will not like this. He needs to remove crumbs if there are any.

Amazing that tow birds in the same egg would survive. These little guys look healthy. They certainly could not last long in the wild without help.

stronghunter said...

two birds . . .

Judie said...

Lori, snoring is good. When Darth had his heart surgery (each time) I always listened for snoring. Dr. will be there soon, I hope. Nice to have family there for mom.

Paula, sorry about the flooding. Hope damage is minimal and covered by insurance. Just a mess to deal with.

Kay,thank you for the update on Hornby. Yes, the cam is dark. Sad.

Hi Shirley. Hope you and others are not having too much damage, if any, from the storm. Passed through here and was heavy rain and wind for about 30 min.

stronghunter said...

Funny story about Hunter and Kathryn's babysitting arrangement yesterday. One of her co-workers had her husband pick Hunter up because he got off work at 4:00. The husband was to keep Hunter until 5:00ish when Kathryn could pick him up.

Kathryn was amused when she found out that the guy panicked at the idea of watching a 10-year-old boy. Kathryn passed on the word that it was fine to park him in front of the television for an hour. He ended up letting him play video games.

stronghunter said...

Thundering and raining so far, Judie, nothing scary to this point. Just a summer thunder boomer.

Lolly said...

Thanks for the info on Hornby.

Lori, yes, snoring is music to the ears! Your Dad might not feel like taking a nap if you were not there.

Keep us posted! You are doing a great job!

hedgie said...

No, Shirley---and Judie!! No siding. Just having the logs treated: power washed, stripped of old color that original owners used (I just used clear when I did it and had it done before), and then treated with the tinted protective stain. It contains insecticide, fungicide and preservative.

hedgie said...

LOL, Judie--I just said "HELLO, Myrtle" and she started heading in my direction!

hedgie said...

Wow, Kay, thanks for finding all that---I didn't even know there was a chat room. I don't blame Doug at all......obviously he was not sponsoring the blog....he probably should have called the police on the trespassers.

Lori, glad that the folks are BOTH resting peacefully! I'm sure your Dad is emotionally exhausted. Is Jeff your only sibling? Hope that Dr. didn't go home without seeing you first!

hedgie said...

Wow, Shirley---anomalies of nature...wonder where it is? Not a TV station for Centreville, VA.

Hoda said...

Well I am back...

JO it would be wonderful to have you come to yoga with me sometime...putting feet up on the recliner sounded like a good plan too.

LORI thanks for the update on your Mom and I am glad you are able to be in the same room with her and Dad...cute about both snoring...healthy too from what Judie says.

I am glad the Chemo is working and that there are no traces of lukemia for Judy.Thanks for the update.

Healing prayers continue strong for both.

I too hope we continue the follow up on the conjoined robins. Touching story.

Could not open the link to Casey not accepting her mom's visit...They all need help and more drama will follow unless they get it...I hope they do so they could get a chance at not hurting others or themselves...

Thanks Kay for the update on what is going on on Hornby Island...sorry they shut down the cam...I think once a cam is set up there is a responsibility to the public to keep it going...rather childish to walk off without thinking of others who have followed it and who havenot been part of the fuss/disagreement.A risk for any of the cams on private property and which are personal property of an individual.

Lori O. said...

Hello! Have seen the Cardiodlogist and the Cardiothorasic surgeon now, and waiting for the cardiologist to return to see when Mom can go home - tonight or tomorrow.

This will probably mean more to Lynn than anyone so feel to make sense of my attempt at explaining this Lynn!

Mom has general cardiopulmonary disease and already has one stent. Todays little camera through the femoral artery found what they call "AS" for Aortic Valve Stenosis or a narrowing of the aortic valve which normally measures 2.5 to 2.75 centimeters and hers is less than .75.
At 1.0 the insurancy companies don't question the surgery!

The good news is that's it's fixable with a very good prognosis. In 3 months, sometimes sooner, after surgery she should feel like brand new!

And, (this is helping me process all of this by writing, so thanks again for being here for me), and, she has a 90% blocked artery. So...they are keeping her tonight and she can go home tomorrow. She returns Wednesday for tests then they will schedule the valve replacement and bypass surgery for most likely the following week. She'll be in the hospital for at least 5 days...ahhhhhhhh. I think that's it...probably TMI, but now you know!

I love you ALL, each and every Momster and Dadster, thank you! Your prayers have been invaluable. You'll be called on again in the near future and I know you won't mind...just one of the many things I love about you all.

Excuse my typos, please. :)

JudyEddy said...

Great news about Judy
and LORI mom and dad snoring in unison
PAULA so sorry about the flood will insurance help with it
I just checked the rain gauge another 2" so that is 7" total since yesterday

Lori O. said...

PS: You should have seen my mother glow when I told her how many of you were praying for her. She said "Really?" and sends her love and gratitude.

JudyEddy said...

What kid of bird is making all the ruckus at the nest every now and then

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, good news and prognosis on your Mom. And you just say the word, we are always here for each other!

paula eagleholic said...

Interesting story on the robins!

hedgie said...

Lori, tell your Mom she is VERY welcome, but no thanks needed!
So what she had today was a catheterization....did they put in another stent? Yep, quick recovery from that. My Bill has had two....long day at hospital, but he always came home the same evening. Well, this gives you all a little more time to plan ahead for the big procedure. Prayers will continue! Will you stay for the weekend?

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, your link for the Casey story didn't work

hedgie said...

Shirley, hope Hunter was comfortable with a stranger!

Just saw a doe and a "spotty" in back when I took out more tomato for Myrtle----so pretty!

I couldn't get the Casey story to open , either.

hedgie said...

Very sad stories on the news about the laid-off NASA workers.....oh, yeah---the government really takes care of it's own--NOT.

hedgie said...

Here's the Casey story:

Casey refuses to see Mom

hedgie said...

Paula, sorry about your flooding incident. Hope you didn't have to mop water!
Also, good news that Nick got his stitches out, his vaccines, and that he walks like a champ!!!

hedgie said...

Well, I've been up since 6....heading for the sofa....and for those who watch:
NEW Flashpoint episode tonight!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to see the gkids! And yes, Nick is coming along!

Catch ya later!

Lolly said...

Thanks, Lori, for the great report. We will certainly continue the prayers for your mother.

Up to 105 today and it is not going to let up for the next couple of weeks. I think I am ready to move...not really, but this weather is really getting to me. Do not want to do anything!

Lolly said...

Oh, Nick, is going to have fun!☺

Hoda said...

Thanks Lori for the report on your Mom. Prayers continue.

Paula and Nick enjoy your visit with the Grand Kids...sounds like fun.

Lynn how are you getting on with the medication that came from the online company? I thought of you several times and decided to simply ask and I hope you are pleased with it all.

Well THE DUKE AND THE DUCHESS OF CAMBRIDGE are in the USA now...California...We were very happy to have them here and I think they had a wonderful time and explored many areas.I wish them God's speed on thier journey in the US and then on back to the UK.

Mema Jo said...

Rain rain you are beautiful to my grass that is starting to brown. Lolly I wish
I could send some your way. At least enough to fill up the armadillo holes
and discourage them.

I am so thankful that all our prayers helped Lori's mom today. I am sure the
prayers will be continued and get her
through all this until she is 'like new'

Myrtle has emerged again! I'm sure with tomatoes in season she will be back more often.

Paula - I'm sure you all have a mess down at the store. Hate the clean up

Can't believe those little robins!
I hope, Shirley, that they post more
about them.

stronghunter said...

When Kathryn got home, she said she had driven through a pretty bad storm. She and Hunter are out doing errands now.

Lolly said...

Forgot to tell you...I have a wren's nest now in a flower pot. Guess that little begonia will not get water for a while. Four little eggs sitting there!

Jack is complaining of hunger. Golly, I guess he expects to be fed. LOL

stronghunter said...

You can probably slip it a little water, Lolly. I have had the same situation.

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if they will come looks like its not raining there now

JudyEddy said...

Blogger cop made me sign back it I wonder why

Mema Jo said...

Me too Judy! I almost didn't get back in........ :(

Red said...

Ok y'all talked me into a post. I'm doing very well, just a few bumps in the road. Last weekend Diane and I drove to Ann Arbor, MI for an Aunts 90th B-day party on Sunday. We drove up Friday. Visited with some friends and other relatives Saturday. I was using a portable oxygen generator that my oxygen provider loaned me. It worked just fine. We enjoyed seeing everyone at the party Sunday. Then we drove back Monday the 4th. I've been resting ever since then. lol
Went to see my lung doctor this morning and found out I have stage 3 COPD. Now I know why I can't breathe. lol He put me on Predisone and antibotics for a couple of weeks. Trying to clear up congestion in my right lung. So I'm in fine shape for someone who can't breathe, has diabeties and need hip replaced. lol Really I do feel good and smile most of the time. Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.
I love you all. ☺☺☺☺

Kay said...

LORI, Whoopie ! I'm so thrilled that today's procedure went well. Your mom must be strong a very strong woman and I'm sure that bodes well for the next big step in her return to good health. God is good ! Stay in touch and know, we love you !♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Sorry my link to Casey not wanting to see her mom, didn't work ?? Thanks to LYNN for getting it right.

HODA, you kindly asked about my AZ kin and how they made it through the big dust bowl. Stepdaughter, Lynette reports:

"When I was leaving the neighborhood I saw it coming in. It looked amazing. It was a little dusty at that point, but by the time I got to Walgreens about 1.5 miles away I could hardly see anything. I'd just left the kids at a church activity in a neighborhood park. I went back to check to see if they wanted to come home and of course they wanted to stay and play. I thought they were crazy. Tomorrow morning I am going to wash the car it looks awful. Of course I will have to get up early to do it because today when I went to work at 7:40 it was already 92 degrees."

I have yet to hear from her brother or my cousin who both live much closer to the center of the storm.

Kay said...

Someone asked about the location of the conjoined robins. The TV station with the report was in Utah.

Kay said...

LOLLY, does the pot sit in a "dish" ? If so, just keep water in it and let the begonia lap it up with it's roots.

JudyEddy said...

clunk on cam

Hoda said...

KAY Thanks for the report from Lynette on the Arizona Dust storm. It sounded just as awful as it looked in the pictures. I am glad she and the kids are alright. Must have been very frightning for her to drive through it...God's Blessing go their way.
Thanks again Kay and I am glad they are OK.

JudyEddy said...

almost the same time the past two nights

Red said...

I hope she can get help from a vet to take them apart.

Conjoined Robins

Kay said...

RED, thanks for the comprehensive report detailing your wonderful trip as well as letting us know more about your health. You are on the prayer list along with so many others suffering with chronic illness. Your postive outlook and constant smile will go a long way toward making each day tolerable ! I miss hearing about the dinner prep and menus ! We love you, too !

Hoda said...

Red thank you for your report and am glad your trip went well with the family. As they say "...keep on truckin' man". LIFE IS GOOD!!!

Red said...

I love the dinner prep tonight.
EATING OUT!!! haha

JudyEddy said...

RED I'm with you eating out is the best let someone else do all the work

Kay said...

Hope our Eagles visit before dark ! I'm checking out for a while. Must see what the PBS Friday night line up of political talkig heads have to say this week. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Love you too, RED! I can certainly relate to you because it's my right lung and any physical enjoyment of going out and doing just a little bit
puts me resting for 2 days. Do take care and that predisone and the anti-biotics should get you back on track. Prayers for you always. ♥

hedgie said...

Hoda, the pills are working great abut 98% of the time!!! I am pleased. And doc said "FINE!"
Haven't heard yet what TRC are doing for fun in CA, but I DID hear that your Canadian troops have wrapped up their Afghanistan service!

Red, wow---that is a heck of a trip for you and should have stayed awhile and enjoyed some cooler weather! I bet you were both exhausted! Rest up....and take life easy! So good to see you---we miss you and we love you, too!!!

Have a fun evening, Paula---bet the kids will be thrilled to meet Nick.

hedgie said...

Red, I love the wrinkles and smiles simile!!!!

Hoda said...

LYNN thank you for letting me know that things are fine with the medication and that the doctor also says it is fine.

My understanding is that the Canadian troops will remain in Afghanistan in a training mission instead of combat mission...they were supposed to come home in summer of 2011 but the tour was extended in its new format as per President Obama's request and the Canadian government agreed.

Hoda said...

Lovely peach an dgold hues on the leaves.

Something little flew to the y branch.

I am beginning to think they will not show up...

Oh Sigh!!!

hedgie said...

Red, aren't those poor baby birds amazing to have survived this long? Too bad they aren't close to WCV! THat would probably be their best hope.

JudyEddy said...

never a good sign when the colors start to fade from the nest

Hoda said...

I am sitting here thinking the same thing JudyE. I think it is a no show toonight...I wished they would prove me wrong.

JudyEddy said...

light on

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day Rainy day made for a sleepy day and I am still sleepy almost doing a face plant sitting here

See ya in the am

God Bless this Nest
and all whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


hedgie said...

Light on in nest. Leaves look like they've grown a lot in today's rain!

wvgal_dana said...

Kay good news for Judy.

Lori good Mom is back in room. Waiting to hear more from doctor.'

:( Sad about Hornby

video of robins was really something. Sure hope they get them separated.

I am tired again neeed a nap.

Red so so good to hear from you. Continue to do what dr. says.

Can't keep my eyes open. Don't know why??? Took one nap alrady.. lprobably difference in time out there and here.

hedgie said...

Goodnight, JudyE. Rest well. Back to the salt mines tomorrow? :(

wvgal_dana said...

Just in case I don't wake till morning. Turning off computer.

Prayers for Lori's Mother, Kays Judy an all other including Red.

Hoda said...

Well I stopped at the library today and picked up five DVD's so I think tonight I will watch a movie. I have:1 Lawrence of American movie 2 Indian movie. 3 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of American movie. 4 The Official Argentinian movie. 5 The Lake American movie with keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock. I think I will start with Harry Potter.

I will check in between discs or if I get tired watching... BBL

stronghunter said...

Hi Red,

Sounds like a fun trip.


Lucky Kitty is calling for his supper and Kathryn is still not back.

hedgie said... prepared.....The Lake House is not only a tear jerker but also a MYSTERY!

G'night, Dana.

NatureNut said...

Good evening dear friends. Will have to catch up later--really hngry!
Been trying to put new, special pics on blog, & if I backspace to line everything up, I am losing pictures. This is the 3rd time!!! AARRGGHH.

Lynne2 said...

evening all.....

Just saw that Betty Ford has died :(

Saw shuttle launch from work today!

How is Lori's mom??? Haven't read back.

Just saw Dr Lynn Rogers on the History Channel on a show about Swamp Monsters. He was analyzing what was thought to be hair, but it wasn't.

Hope everyone is well....I'm meandering around getting ready to go to what I now call "OUR SUMMER WEEKEND HOME"! once more.

Costume Lady said...

LORETTA, I have been having similar problems when posting to my blogs:(

Judie said...

Ah, trying to outlast the sandperson.

Lori, very pleased to read the report on your Mom. Continued prayers for her recovery. Keep us posted as you can. Let your Mom know our prayers don't quit until she gets all better.

Hi Red. Thanks for stopping by for a visit. Sure hope the medications work to ease your breathing. Very nice you were able to have a visit with family. Take it easy and come back often.

Kay, so glad your AZ family didn't have any major damage. Amazing pictures on the news.

Stop it! Wait a minute! Stop trying to grab the keyboard! You are really pushing your luck sandperson!

Whew! After barely winning that short round, the night light is set for 11:00pm for anyone who needs to arise in the dark or will be coming in late from the West Coast. Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

well, my very missed friends, need to get mine arse to the bed....

hopefully next week I can catch up a bit with you!

Have a good weekend, and prayers for youall!

stronghunter said...

Lori, so happy to read the good diagnosis for your mother.

Judie said...

Shhhhh! Sandperson is looking for me.

Hoda, you will like The Lake House.


stronghunter said...

Swamp Monsters--I think that is one of Kathryn and Hunter's favorite programs. I will have to tell them about Lynn Rogers.

Good night, Judie.

I do hope someone can help those little robins.

Thoughts and prayers for the family of Betty Ford. She was a real lady.

stronghunter said...

Lori's mom's surgery went well and the diagnosis is good, Lynne. She should be able to go home very soon.

stronghunter said...

That sandstorm . . . I think I would have been terrified if I had seen something like that.

Costume Lady said...

LORI, AKA MORNINGLORI, wanted you to know that GG's neighbor had that same surgery around 5 years ago and has been doing fine ever since!
Good to know that your Mom's surgery went well. Prayers for a speedy recovery and will continue til she is completely well♥

NatureNut said...

OK, Gang. They are finally on the Nook. There are Stoopid spaces that I edited again, but quit so it wouldn't disappear again!!
I have some Xtra time--was supposed to go to Park Sat. on my weekend off, but Butterfly Count was cancelled. I get to sleep late and then check if Fubby vacuumed downstairs or not!I finally learned after years of anxiety attacks LOL over last minute guests, that it's just too bad if all the chores aren't done. What you see is what you get!!!!So there---a Maxine moment!
Gotta check the oven~~~~

Costume Lady said...

GG was very disappointed that she didn't get to see Jayden this evening. She was feeling well enough to go to China City Buffet.
Crab legs keep her from getting crabby;)

Very sleepy again tonight, so I will wish everyone a GOOD NIGHT while I can still type...Prayers for everyone.

NatureNut said...

BTW, wanted to mention I'm so glad Lori's Mom is doing ok! Hope everyone w/ailments are feeling better. Momster Prayers Rule!^j^

hedgie said...

Oh, my---just finished watching Flashpoint (luckily, I taped it, cause had 2 phone calls during that time)---it was a good one!
Hoda, this is a Canadian show in it's 2nd season here, I believe. Had read that it didn't make it up there, so they tired it here to great ratings!

hedgie said...

Nancy didn't really have surgery yet, gang. She just had the cardiac catheterization.

Kay said...

For all you night owls checking in and wanting to know about Lori's mom, Nancy---back track to 6:08 to read what Lori had to say after talking to the doctors this evening. One procedure done today, more surgery to follow soon. Prayers still very much needed, but there is a lot of cause for hope !

LYNNE, we're sure missing you, but wish you and Steve well as you head back to MIL's for the weekend of work. Safe travel !

PAULA, I'm betting Nick is going to be good with kids, he just seems to be THE perfect dog !

We lost a great lady and champion of all women, regardless of party, this evening. I'm sure her services in Grand Rapids will be along the same lines as those for her husband. The family church is a few blocks from my Eileen's house and the procession goes right by it. Then burial at the Ford Museum. I haven't visited the museum for quite some time, but think I'll go the gravesite next time I'm there.

Goodnight all, rest well and join the Early Birds at SSCC if you can. The eagles are overdue--hope tomorrow morning is the time !

Prayers for all in need, with thanks given for those that were answered in the affirmative today !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Sad News: Betty Ford at 93 has passed away.Betty Ford was the wife of President Gerald Ford and founder of the Betty Ford Center, which treats substance abuse and addiction.

hedgie said...

Oh, what a shame about Betty Ford. She was a real sdurvivor.

Lynne----are you heading back to Terra Alta this weekend??? If so, be careful and try to make time for some relaxation.

Goodnight, Judie. I wish that sandperson would leave you alone.

Loretta, will look at your pics after I get a bowl of ice cream!

Shirley, do you feel like a petsitter?

Mema Jo said...

I don't have ice cream - I have Thick & Creamy Blackberry Harvest Yoplait
It is really delicious!
What flavor ice cream for you Lynn?

hedgie said...

Loretta, thanks! Fawn looks about the same size as the one I saw today.

Mema Jo said...

Paula had mentioned the flooding out
at her store and I just looked at some pics on FB of the downtown area flooding
Flash Flooding........ I didn't
realize that it was so bad.

I am tiring and need to call it a night
Not giving the sandman a chance to grab
my keyboard.......

Good Night my Friends and Peace to all of you. The Lord has been good to us and I thank Him.
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

hedgie said...

New FB post from Hornby Eagles:
Doug has once again turned on the cam - and we all truly hope it will remain. The Hornby eagles are important to many of us - they represent our dream for the future, as well as being a lifeline in the present.

stronghunter said...

Sorry about the flooding, Paula. I hope that the damage is not too bad.

stronghunter said...

Good to hear that the Hornby cam is back on. Thanks for the update, Lynn.

Lolly said...

I neglect my email, but sat down at the computer tonight, read and deleted, much to Jack's happiness. And, you were the recipient of forwarded mail...sorry. ☺ Also, emailed the meatball recipe. Really, it is so great! Hope those of you who wanted it, do try it. It is delicious!

Lolly said...

Red, it was great to hear from you! Take care!!

hedgie said...

Robyn on FB:
Tori may be home by Tuesday or one day next week...

We need to get the O2 in the house and register Tori for a lung transplant but we hope a cure or even new and better treatment will be in place of a transplant but whatever it will be we are ready. Getting her home is the first step...

Lolly said...

Just read that Doug has turned back on the Hornby cam. Yea!

magpie said...

I see some encouraging medical reports here,
Lori's Mother Nancy
Kay's Friend Judy
Robyn's Daughter Tori
and Red ! going to get what will help his breathing !

Late isn't it !
Rain really fouled up the interstate in Berkeley County today with four relatively "minor "(injuries minor to none) accidents within a two mile distance but a tremedous traffic snaggling situation for hours

Wanda! Terrific Avatar of Jayden !

My niece and nephew in Alexandria had their baby today: Maya Gabriela...good sized little lass, and all is going well!

Sorry about the flooding problems, and the drought problems !

Good Night Eagle Pals...Prayers continue for all good things...
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Jo, I had Turkey Hill Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup. Light chocolate with lovely chunks of PB!!! Only thing I buy now!

Lolly said...

Heading to the shower and then to bed. After last night I need to get to bed at a decent hour. It was 2:45 out time when we got to bed last night. Yikes! Jack did sleep in Joey's recliner, but for
2 1/2 hours I stitched hiking patches on to the boys backpacks. I got a nap in of about 45 minutes before they got home. We should have stayed there and slept, but we needed to get home to Annie.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Continured prayers for Lori's mom, Red, Tori and all those in need. Love ya! Oh.....and TEXAS NEEDS RAIN!

hedgie said...

Congrats on a new great-niece, Margy!

There was a really bad wreck on 340S of Charles Town--at least one fatality; 1 flown from scene.

Well, tubby time here. Sweet dreams and restful sleep. Guess Hoda got lost in the cine!

See you all tomorrow. Prayers continue!

Hoda said...

Prayers for Tori and the lung transplant...please God look after her and in YOUR GRACE make her the ultimate gift from someone YOU have called to YOU.

Hoda said...

Sorry to hear Betty Ford has crossed. God keep her soul. She did a lot with her life...she made a difference.

Hoda said...

Is Paula's flooding at work? I thought so, not her I right? If it is at work who is going to clean it up over the weekend? I hope Paula does not have to work this she is with the Grand Children...

Goodnight and sweet dreams to all who have gone to bed. God's Blessings.

Hoda said...

Margy prayers of Joy and Celebration for the arrival of your GREAT Niece...May she have a blessed life.

Hoda said...

Lynn thank you for telling me about The Lake House. Also about the Canadian show that is a success in the US but did not make it here. I do not have TV and don't watch DVD's often either, so I am never sure what I am picking when I go to the library collection.
I am glad you enjoy the show...

Hoda said...

LOLLY I hope TEXAS GETS RAIN...and soon.
I have been humming the old song about
They are rioting in africa,they're starving in spain.
There's hurricanes in Florida and Texas needs rain.
The whole world is festering with unhappy souls.
The French hate the Germans, the Germans hate the poles.
Italians hate Yugoslavs, South Africans hate the Dutch.
And I don't like any body very much!!!!

Oh how I used to roar with laughter at the words of this I do hope TEXAS gets rain since it needs rain.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Gkids loved Nick, so did John and Ajay. Tried catching up on the blog, but fell asleep ☺

Home safe and sound, will catch up in the am.

(((Hugs for all ♥)))

Hoda said...

Goodnight everyone and sweet dreams. God Bless to all and see you in the monring if HE IS WILLING.

stronghunter said...

Passing through and stopped by to check in. I came down for a glass of milk because I couldn't sleep.

I had gone away without saying good night, so I will say it now.

See you later.

stronghunter said...

On conjoined birds: I Googled and found an account of one other instance. Someone theorized that this pair had become connected in the nest when one got injured and the other put its foot into the injury and it healed this way. They were barn swallows. Here is that story.

Barn Swallows

It will be interesting to see what comes of the story of the two little robins.

stronghunter said...


The robins have been separated. It turns out they were not truly conjoined. They had grown together in the nest.

stronghunter said...

At least they were not conjoined from being in the same egg.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good (very late) Evening, Everyone!

We have had a busy day today, so I'm getting here pretty late.

We're taking care of the bulldogs again this weekend, along with our usual Friday shopping. I went to Walmart this afternoon, then Hubby & I went to Petco, to Trader Joe's, home to put grosseries away, to Sis- and Bro-in-law's to take care of the bulldogs, then to Kaiser Permanente to pick up 2 prescription refills, then to another grossery store, and finally back home. Glad we don't have any more shopping.

Shirley, I hope to get my glasses fixed by the optometrist tomorrow. They need a brand new screw at this point. I will look, next time I am at Walmart, for a repair kit for them--good idea! Thanks!

Have tried to catch up on the blog, but will have to wait until tomorrow. My eyes don't want to focus well. A good night's sleep should help.

Have been praying all day for everyone, and for every creature! Making sure the porch light is on for others. Enabling both security systems. Sleep tight, and I will talk to you tomorrow, Lord willing. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

stronghunter said...

I suppose this might still be considered being conjoined.

stronghunter said...

Well, hello, Andy.

Good night. Rest well.

I am going to head up to bed, too.

Kay said...

Good Morning ! Very fuzzy cam this morning, looks like a storm in progress ?? No sound, so can't tell.

Kay said...

Checked the weather and it's currently 66 degrees, calm, no rain. Forecast Today: Abundant sunshine. High 91F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. So, the cam is acting up, not a good sign. :(

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

LORETTA, lovely pics of Spotty !

LYNN, great news on Hornby cam. I'm glad Doug relented.

LOLLY, thanks so much for the meatball n' sauce recipe. Sounds scrumptious. Hope to try it out soon on Seth and family.

ROBYN, so glad Tori is going to be coming home within a few days. Will be praying for relief by new meds and methods, or by lung transplant in the very near future !

WANDA, the Jayden avatar makes me smile !☺

MARGY, congrats on great new great niece ! Beautiful name !

HODA, got a kick out of your "singing" ! Wasn't that a Limelighters or Kingston Trio hit back in the 60's or 70's ? I think there was a verse that went something like, "There's rioting in Africa, there's strife in Iran. What nature doesn't do to us will be done by our fellow man."

Kay said...

EAGLE has landed

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

BELLE and now TRUDER !

JudyEddy said...

so hard to see

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

Both picking at flugg. Now both pretty much under the leafy awning. Can see nuttin' but T's tail. :(

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

Hi JUDYE ! At least we know they're both okay, I don't think they were sighted at all yesterday.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

SHIRLEY, thanks for follow up on "conjoined" robins, happy to hear they were successfully separated. A better outcome than that of the barn swallows in 2008. Who knew baby chicks could sometimes get "stuck" together soon after hatching ?

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

Can't see either one of them now. Perhaps they POOFED ???

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 706   Newer› Newest»

5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...