Friday, July 22, 2011


Back in the office.  New thread.


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Kay said...

DANAMO, loved looking at the wedding and Disney pictures. What fun you've all been having ! Perhaps you've said, but I've missed knowing who Anne and Frankie are. Assuming they are related to you, but how, please ? It's obvious they are very much in love and I hope they have a long and happy marriage !

Kay said...

Splitsville for us and I'm getting a waxing. Ouch ! The only thing more painful might be yellow jacket bites !☺

paula eagleholic said...

One adult and one chick at BWO

hedgie said...

Hi, Kay! Welcome "home" to the blog!! Glad you had an enjoyable weekend with your friends!
Good news about Judy---just too bad that they feel the bone marrow transplant is needed. We prayed that the old leukemia would be knocked out completely.

Oh, dear----now front door won't close....guess everything has swollen....WHAT TO DO?????

stronghunter said...

Good grief, Lynn.

paula eagleholic said...

K12 is at the WE nest, peeping away! Great view!

there is an ice cream truck in the neighborhood!

Kay said...

LYNN, gee whiz, what's next ? You may need to hire a Security Guard for a day or two ! But, seriously, I'm so sorry this is turning into such a drawn out and complicated deal for you. :(

Kay said...

PAULA, thanks for the heads up on K12 ! Good to see him/her. Must want mom or dad to arrive with a fish for lunch.

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome back Kay! Sounds like your friends are taking a nice, leisurely trip!

Lynn, I'm sure the door will shut when it dries out.

paula eagleholic said...

Only 96° here today, not as bad as yesterday!

Going to go let friends kitty out for awhile, then go wash and vacuum the car, then go let kitty back in and feed her.


hedgie said...

YOUR neighborhood, Paula or at WE? LOL!!!! Bet eagles would like IC! Did you run out and get any? Childhood memories for sure!

hedgie said...

RAINING!!!! No storm....wonder if they'll keep on working?

Door is 1/4" taller than the frame....

hedgie said...

Short-lived rain. Maybe 30 drops!!

hedgie said...

James Garner is FAT! He is on a PBS show (along with many other oldies) Pioneers of Television "Crime Dramas"--he looks a lot like Merle Haggard! Wow! He was SO handsome in Maverick!! The show, that is! And even Rockford Files.

hedgie said...

Well, wall behind china closet was relatively painless! Sure hope other corner (bookshelves) is the same!

hedgie said...

Oh---and I loved him in Grand Prix---a movie that I have seen SO many times! First movie I ever bought a copy of!

Kay said...

K12 is not alone at WE now. Seems irritated with the parent or sib who made a brief appearance and is apparently lurking just off screen to his left.

Kay said...

Thank you both for your cheery "welcome back". I'm so happy to be here !

stronghunter said...

Very nice to see you here, Kay.

Kay said...

Hi SHIRLEY ! It's good to be back. Hope you wind up with just the right fence and deck to suit your needs and that you have no more bat visits !

stronghunter said...

Guess everybody went away. Nothing on here for awhile.

stronghunter said...

Trying to get some vacuuming here. I could vacuum every hour and still pick up stuff.

paula eagleholic said...

I'm Back...couldn't get kitty back in the house...will have to go back up later.

Eaglet still on the WE nest!

paula eagleholic said...

I hear ya on the vacuuming, Shirley.

Going out to do the car windows, then I have to hit the vacuuming myselft. Oops, gotta go fold some clothes first...bbialw

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, thought about going to the truck for an ice cream, but I have plenty here. Does bring back pleasant memories though!

WE nest is MT now

paula eagleholic said...

Couple of clouds here, about 10 drops. Tstorm warning for the Eastern Shore.

wvgal_dana said...

Good afternoon or should I say good evening.

I worked on the Trip to Colorado pictures from yesterday morning until 2:15am. I did the 5 picture upload so I could write comments by the pictures if you enlarge the picture. Thought I would never get done.

They you that said such nice things on facebook about my daughter.

I pray for a MIRACLE everyday. She went to school to be a Phlebotomist. Hoping to get a job in a hospital which would help her move onto an LPN then a RN. She is finding out there they only pay $9.00 an hr and no benefits...yep your taking someones blood and you have no medical insurance. What is this world coming too?

I pray everyday for a Scholarship to drop out of the sky for her. She graduated 3rd of her graduating class. She carried a 4. something.

She will be 30 years old in October this year and she said, "Mom I still not giving up".
Yes there are plenty of loans but as soon as you graduate you have to start paying back. Which would be hard to do with having her rent and other bills. She just sold her car and brought a more affordable one and it get better gas mileage too. She just rented a less expensive apartment. So her bills are as little as she can get.

Still hard to believe they only wsant to pay a Phlebotomist $9.00 an hour with no benefits working at a hospital.

Thanks for letting me let off steam. I just found out that a boy is going to get a scholarship to go to Shepherd and he only has to carry a "c" average!!!!!! grrrrr Happy for him but ggrrrrrrrr

hedgie said...

Well, it's been a he-- of an afternoon. The far wall was terrible. I could hardly keep up with the water. They are NOT going to pressure wash the part behind the bookcases. They will scrub it by hand with brushes. BUT----not sure when they'll be back. House has to dry before they can proceed, and he has his "regular" job---whatever that is! Equipment left here, so at least I know he's not abandoning project! Plus, of course, all I've paid for so far is the materials. Everything outside is a MESS.....Deck looks awful! Think I will try to blow it tomorrow even tho' it's wet. GFI breaker so guess I won't get electrocuted.

It rained again, but sun is back out and no cooler temp.

I'm getting ready to throw a steak on the grill! Need sustenance....I am whipped.

stronghunter said...

Hope you can enjoy your evening, Lynn. How many more days are they supposed to be working on this?

wvgal_dana said...

That sounds good Hedgie. Think I'll have a cube steak, potato and some cauliflower with cheese and some peaches or pears. Drink some ice tea decaf no sugar. Oh that is making me hunger just talking about it.

wvgal_dana said...

Who is Hailey I seen the name on Glo's fb page but now I can't find it??? Does anyone know how old she is and what she has. For Prayer???

wvgal_dana said...

Kay nice to see you back. Hope you had an enjoyable time.

Hi Shirley were are Kathryn and Hunter?

JudyEddy said...

LORI OH I LIKE THE SGT B -Sargeant Beasley Belle and Beasley or Just B & B or just SgtB & Belle As you can see I have just begun to read todays book this is the 8:58 mark from this am

I bought me a new camera just got home and now getting ready to read so I go back to reading
The camera I got is a 14MP 4Xzoom KODAK EASY SHARE 532 KodakEasyShare532
Funny thing I can just down load from the camera to face bbok or youtube with out puting picture in my computer which I won't be using at home but that would be nice if you were at someone else house and wanted to put pic on FB you could without downloading in to their computer Nice camera easy to use also still trying to figure it out about date stamping I love picture with the date on them and with the last camera didn't

7-18 5:23 was last visit I saw in case you didn't see the post I did at lunch Ok gonna start reading see you sometime later

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, you did a great job on your pictures! Was the eagle at the zoo real or stuffed or a statue?

DanaMo said...

Hi Kay,
Frankie is my cousin. He is much younger than I am because my mom's brother is 12 years younger than she is and only 10 years older than me! My grandmother always says he was a change of life baby. We are a pretty close family and so even though he is just a cousin I have always been close to my cousins even though he lives so far away.

We are having a great time.

hedgie said...

DanaWV, Chrfistiie started out as a phlebotomist....went back to school under City's tuition assistance benefit and got her medical technician Associate degree. Only thing she can't do without a Bachelor's is be a supervisor. She got her academic coursework done at Shepherd, and then transferred to my alma mater. She worked full-time AND traveled to Annandale 3 and 4 days a week class.

DanaMo said...

@Hedgie-that's the first time I used Picasso that way. It worked very well and I didn't have all those pictures in a blog post. I think that's how I will do it from now on.

wvgal_dana said...

Margy prayers for the guy (of your lady that works with you) that fell out of tree and broke his back. Prayers for her too.

hedgie said...

Paula, they originally said 4-5's been 2+.

Dana, if I remember correctly, Glo didn't KNOW who the Hailey child was.

hedgie said...

DanaWV, saw your pics on FB---you should do what DanaMo did to put them on your blog! Then everyone can see them!

Hoda said...

Paddle Yoga Video

hedgie said...

DanaMo--my Dad's uncle was 2 years younger than he was!!!

JudyEddy said...

WANDA I want to get a sliding glass door on my porch with is on my bedroom So I don't think it odd as that is what I want to do I have a big screened in porch I have a swing out there I love to sit out there in the nicer weather

Bird baths I love them but they are so bad with mosquitoes I have a neat one with a flamingo carved in it and the base is also a flamingo but is always dry unless it rains and yes then the bird do take advantage of it then till it evaporates

DANA MO love all the picture on face book

OH LORI hope your stings are doing better All that beauty of nature has some draw backs I hate wasp or bees that is my one phobia I am at the 10:45 mark gonna go get something to eat BBIALW

hedgie said...

Hoda, ROFL----I just KNOW I'd find my balance in 2.2 seconds!!! NOT!!
Interesting video! TY.

Hoda said...

LYNN I thought you would laugh as we both wondered about balance this morning.LOL Have a good supper and I hope you manage to relax a bit from the work on the house.It is such a large project.Is the door any closer to closing or is it still not fitting in the frame?

JudyEddy said...

LYNN you should put a few stepping stones out to the trail cam that way you will be safe and not worry about stepping on a nest and get stung Just an idea might work you can get the ones that look natural or do you have a river you can get river stones flat rocks and use also

KAY good to here from you
♫♫ Welcome Back ♫♫

LYNN did you get your door closed that was swollen?

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda I loved the video..maybe Lynn wouldn't find her balance in 2.2 seconds. She is one that doesn't give up. So I think she could do it!!! Go Lynn Go!!!

Lynn Have you forgotten? I have people watching on this blog. So I don't want to put everything for them to see.

hedgie said...

Okay, DanaWV----but they might be watching on FB, too, if any are "friends" on there!!!

Nope, not me---lousy sense of balance!!

Door is no closer to closing. I locked the storm door....stuffed a place where bugs might come in, closed the inner door as far as it would go, and hung some bells on the doorknob!!! Not paranoid.....just don't trust people much anymore in this area!

Just realized I still need to take trash out to end of driveway....hope I have the energy. And it is getting dark a lot earlier all of a sudden, it seems!

wvgal_dana said...

I just got to see the post "The Eaglet Soars Free". I love the name OWL Rescue gave it "Oreo".

wvgal_dana said...

Linda I love your story about your dog Riley. Thanks for sharing such a great story.

Hoda You really sound like and I truly believe Yoga is part of your life. The peace within that it brings you it shows through your writing.

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

The camera shakes...

JudyEddy said...


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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...