Friday, July 01, 2011


Chalk up another great Sc3. Evening thread.


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magpie said...
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Kay said...

JUDY is off to work.

MARGY is off to bed.

I'm heading for the newspapers, e-mail.... HAGD all !

DanaMo said...

Thanks JudyE and Kay for reporting the morning visit. Doesn't look like it was a long one, but at least it was both of them!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!!!

Margy the Plant Whisperer. I love that.

Those leaves on the branch at the nest just keep growing and growing.
Looks like about 40% of the nest is blocked from our view when the wind is blowing the right direction.

Kathryn said that she should be able to see the osprey at the river this weekend. Angie says that she hears it calling sometimes at night. I hope Kathryn will get some pictures. I should have made sure she had a camera. She does have the cell phone cam, I know.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Andy, my leg looks like I have been battered.

stronghunter said...

I see that we've had a visit from Belle and Truder this morning.

stronghunter said...

I was treated to yet another meow session this morning. Since I have blocked off the entire upstairs to George, we have stairtop meowing between the two kitties. No hissing nor growling, just meowing. But I am not ready to trust them. There has been hissing and growling.

So, George is the downstairs cat and Lucky is the upstairs cat.

stronghunter said...

Ant on the leaves. I wish some leaf-eating insects would appear.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Margy, did you tell the neighbor "whispering" is the operative word?

Welcome home to Lolly and Jack. Will catch up on your escapades later this morning.

Headed for some coffee and newspaper and to watch closing arguments for the trial.

Having early lunch with friend from Interpol so will be back later on today.

Wishing everyone a lovely July 3rd.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends ( :

Very tired from activity yesterday.
1st we did the Royal Gorge Route Railroad at Canon City, Co. It was great we had the Vista Dome Car. Spectacular scenery. Went out into the Open Air Car that was great. I couldn't believe off not right up close. Daughter spotted a hummingbird going back and forth to the catcus flowers. Not sure about picture. Seen birds couldn't tell way they were up too high. Mountain goats. They stopped the train under a bridge that was way up high. "The Royal Gorge Bridge". Seen river rafters and a kaykar.
It even said you could bring your pets. It got very narrow in many places. On the way home we stopped at a cave and had a guided tour. We was worried about me and the walking and going up and down. I MADE IT! Sore today though. We could only use flashlights in the cave. Our tour guide Peter was great!! At later at Outback ... Oh was so thankful for steak and lobster.

When they dropped me off. I made it to the room and went out like a light!!

JudyE and Kay thank you for comments on our eagles in the nest
this morning.

wvgal_dana said...

lol I see after I posted that pretty "yellow butterfly" above my post ... Good Morning Judie ( :

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Judie.

Closing arguments on here, too.

Great pictures, Lolly. I am ready to head to the Rockies. I remember Trail Ridge Road from our visit many years ago.

stronghunter said...

Wow, Dana, you are having quite a few adventures. Good for you!

stronghunter said...

Luna itchy again this morning. I gave her one benadryl.

stronghunter said...

Looks like the straw has been moved. Maybe that is it at about 11:00.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley hoping knee is feeling better.
I am sure it is black and bluel.
Sorry for Luna. Glad the meds help.
Yes Shirley Luna scratching all over after putting on Frontline is a reaction. After I would put it on Little Man. I would take a soapy wash cloth. Wipe the area and remove some. He would not react then and the Frontline
still worked.

Sharon I see you stop in 9:56pm Sat. Looks like you over did it gal. SLOW IT DOWN...Your not driving a car. That you can get in the fast lane later not now not
with your health the way it has been. HUGS

What is going on??? Mema Joe got
her toe on the bed leg. Now I've
done that some. Sure some of you
have too ... that hurts!!!

Margy our "Plant Whisper" that is so cute love it!!

JudyE already at work see she is going to some kind of concert tonight. Have FUn!!

See were Wanda and Lynn got Irene to the nest. So glad Belle remembers to put on a show for the Momsters.

See Gene is release from doctor. That is good.

Not Good Wanda fell hit her head!!!!!!!

Lolly and Jack glad you are safely home. I do have to know. When you all seen the bear. Did either of you say, "It's Me Bear"????

Do I remember someone else is moving to Montana??? Financee is looking for living area for them. She is going to go to school. Can't remember who I read it about now??

Oh yes and Margy has very loud idiots for neighbors. That was doing a lot of cussing out loud. Not Nice....Margy do you need the "Eagle Cane Group" to come there?????

I will have to check out Margy's wildflower pics and Lolly's pics. Can't right now.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley I want to do as much as I can while here. There is a place called "Manitou Cliff Dwellings" the ancient Anasazi. I wanted to see them. Daughter feels it will be too much rough walking. It was closed that is why we did the cave. I do think she is right but I have to say, "I want to do those thing". I bet it is awesome!!!

Costume Lady said...

DANA, hope you are taking MANY pictures. Colorado is a beautiful state, as is the area around Denver. Are you having any breathing difficulties?
Keep on enjoying your vacation...see you later:)

stronghunter said...

Oh, I see the straw is behind the leaf. Either the straw has been moved or the leaf has grown.

stronghunter said...

Or both. I am sure the leaf has grown.

stronghunter said...

Watching the trial. Very impressive argument. Ashton is sure drinking a lot of water.

hedgie said...

Good Sunday morning!!

Not only did we get a decent storm right after I shut down last night, but we got a second one around 1am. This morning SMELLS like a humid FL morning!!

Lolly, glad you were able to get ANnie yesterday---sorry you are clogging up. :(

Gee, Margy, you were in a GOOD mood last night!!!
Hope Blessed's daddy didn't spook you in the darkness.

Andy---cool about the greyhound! Suz plans to adopt a retired one when she retires this fall!!!! I have seen some beauties at a PetCo adoption event. SO graceful!
LOL, girl, you're a day early for Independence Day!!!

Good descriptions of AM visit!
Kay, those nitwits on OC need someone to give them a reality check. Geesh!!!!! Dummies.

Kay, closest moose around here that I know of is upstate NY. Are you familiar with Pook's moose cam???
She's a lady in Utah who feeds them in the winter...and gets LOTS of great pics in addition to her webcam view.

Judy, both of my girls have that situation with their schedules....changes made without being officially notified....good thing that they double check or that a co-worker notices and mentions it. Not very good communication at all.

Yep, it's dial-up problems for Jo.

hedgie said...

Margy, Lolly said she would get pics up later this week. A few on FB...but I think Laurel put some on...

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley....dueling kitties on the stairs!

Closing arguments underway----prosecutor doing a good job. Baez CANNOT mention the alleged sexual abuse because he did not prove anything of that nature during the trial!!!

hedgie said...

Dana, sounds like you had a great day. My Dad loved the Royal Gorge Canyon, etc.
It is Irene and her daughter and future son-in-law moving to Montana.

hedgie said...

Shirley, Ashton is either recovering from a cold or has some allergies. He has done a lot of coughing off and on through the trial. He probably needs the water to moisten his throat so he doesn't start again.

Lori O. said...

Good Sunday morning everyone.

Just checking in - SO MUCH to catch up on! So I'll get along and read what you've been up to.

stronghunter said...

Compelling argument.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lori ( :

I am still trying to find who the other people are that are moving to Montana besides Irene and Nikki.

hedgie said...

Powerful presentation by Jeff Ashton! Bravo!

hedgie said...

Dana, no one else we know is moving to Montana anytime soon. My sis and BIL want to after he retires, but that's a way off yet....and won't happen as long as Mom is living.

Lolly said...



I am staying here a minute to catch up!

hedgie said...

Sure is humid out....up to 81°. Mostly cloudy.

Judie, enjoy your lunch with your Interpol friend!

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...