Friday, July 01, 2011


Chalk up another great Sc3. Evening thread.


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DanaMo said...

I don't know what time my plumber is coming today. He was suppose to come last night and hook everything back up, but unfortunately their dog died last night and he was unable to come. His dog was 15 years old, poor thing. Anyway, I don't think I can leave my house!! I really want to meet you!

DanaMo said...

I got wax! yikes what to do with it!

hedgie said...

LOL---sleepy pilots...when I worked day shift (6am start) I was a sleepy AUTO pilot every morning! That ended 10 yrs. ago when I got banker's hours for the last 5 yrs. I worked.

hedgie said...

LOL---sleepy pilots...when I worked day shift (6am start) I was a sleepy AUTO pilot every morning! That ended 10 yrs. ago when I got banker's hours for the last 5 yrs. I worked.

Kay said...

LYNN, you are so right, I do need more sleep and am heading back to bed right now. Hope DANA does go with y'all. Nice for Irene is there is a whole delegation !

hedgie said...

Yes, DanaMo---Fuzzlema Irene from MA is moving to Montana---passing thru' here as she stayed with family in Hagerstown last night....Wanda and I are taking them to the nest!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
Wow someone I know kept hitting the snooze button, this old age thing has got to go !
Just wanted to say HI before I miss everyone and have to disappear to work

hedgie said...

Hi, Thelma!! How are you this lovely morning?? You are up early!! How is good ol' Buddy?? And how is Shar feeling??

magpie said...

OH beautiful,
I read quickly that Belle graced the morning with her presence

Come back around 10, Belle....!

magpie said...

OH DanaMo
how sad, about the plumber's dog...
hope he will find comfort

hedgie said...

Margy---old age? Nah! You only gained one.....was this one 59??

Kay, Liesl went back to sleep! She ate and then went and sat beside the I put her in and haven't heard a peep!! Might have to wake her to go out again if she doesn't start stirring in another 30 mins. or so!

T-Bird said...

Sounds like we have a lot of sleepyheads this morning. : )

magpie said...

Kay - am sorry I missed you...did I miss you, did you really leave ?
Will watch for you later...

might have to make this quick and catch up on posts from work:

Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy, Joyful Day, Everyone

xoxo ♥ ☺

Hugs and Love for Healing in Bluefield, Thelma....xoxox

hedgie said...

Dana---are you washing dishes by hand in the bathroom or laundry room??? PIA!! Sorry about the plumber's dog....long life....heartbreaking all the same.

magpie said...

and God Bless Irene's Journey to Montana, but first, God Bless the Journey to the Sycamore Palace !

magpie said...


magpie said...

different times, I am seeing one and sometimes two Osprey in the Finney 2 nest....
empty right now though

T-Bird said...

Thanks Magpie.

hedgie said...

Kay---I caught that Bipolar remark! I'm sure that Judie will, too! Good one!!!

magpie said...

Love you Thelma...
Scratches to my Buddy, Buddy...

See You were having a Blast....
Keep on Having that Blast...!

Okay, Bye now...

hedgie said...

Okay, Margy---but you'll never catch me!! Big 6-0!! Wahoo!

hedgie said...

Bruising is up unto my foot now...but pain tolerable with ibuprofen.

T-Bird said...

Bakatcha Magpie. Hedgie I hope the foot feels better soon.

hedgie said...

Bye, friends. See you later. Will report when I get home!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all!

New bird this morning! Think it was a great horned owl! Gotta check the bird book!

Oh and Nick has a voice...wwof woof

T-Bird said...

Later Hedgie. Good morning Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn have fun with Wanda and Irene

Nick doing very well...had him on the leash last nite… but took him off this far so good

magpie said...

Whee Doggy - Nick has a voice

that's a GOOD WOOF !!

oooh, Great Horned Owl, that would be neat....we have one of those on our Bird Clocks, Paula

magpie said...


Thanks for putting the link to SC3 on last night

so very interesting....
wow, wish I was YOUNGER, would love to have been part of that

the list of Speakers....very impressive

Lolly said...

Yea, Paula1 Sounds good! It will be great when you know he will stay right there with you. He is just beautiful!

Good morning everyone! Good nights sleep and we will soon be ready to hit the road.

Just a quick peek it!

Have a great day!

magpie said...

when I was in 7th grade School, I spent a week at Camp Frame here in Berkeley a Science Camp...

very memorable experience

even got a crush on someone I hever saw again ♥ ☺

magpie said...

Oh Lolly:

How wonderful !

a Quick Peek It !!!

magpie said...

7th Grade School
new concept

guess I better get to work, er, I mean BACK to Work! ☺

Is anyone going to the nest going to to be able to relay some information???

Lolly said...

Morning Margy! Really, peeking in,not peeking "it". LOL

Have a Post card for you...never got to mail it....will mail from home.☺

Have not read back on the blog, but I get the idea that some are getting together today. Fantastic!

magpie said...

hmmm, mysterious

" Paula1 "

Lolly, we miss you !!!

Happy trails....
Hi Jack !
Are you letting Lolly do any of the driving, or is she just in charge of "communications?"

okay, ttfn xoxox

paula eagleholic said...

Found the owl in the trees! Definitely a great horned some pics!
And now I remember my neighbor asking me one morning if I had heard the owls the night before...not last night but over a month ago

Lolly said...

They are going to the nest? Fantastic!

magpie said...

I SAID goodbye but I did not mean it!
sounds like a lovely evening for you at the show...

I need to do another treatment soon, have do some new treatment, have some new growth on my tomato plants

Lolly said...

Delivered your message, Margy. Yep....I am the co-pilot in charge of communitcations and sometimes navigation. "Bossy" our GPS does most of the navigation.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagle friends

I see some are getting together. Irene made it to Hagerstown and some of you are taking her to the nest today. Tell her I said hi please. I would have been there to meet her. Would have loved to have met Irene. For some reason I happen to not be there lol. Tell her this is my first trip to Colorado. Give her a HUG for me please.

magpie said...

I would like to make a reservation!!

Lolly - FuzzleMa Irene from Massachusetts, is moving to Montana!

and she is passing through as she has relatives in Hagerstown

so, a few, Wanda, Lynn...and Irene are meeting in Martinsburg and making a Road Trip to the Nest - probably just viewing from the outside

Lolly said...

Nothing mysterious about "Paula1" LOL It just means Lolly is back with all her typos!!!!!

magpie said...

thanks Lolly
will look forward to that post card....
postage 29-cents now
oh, wait until you see the new postcard stamps: Wildflowers !!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Lolly ( :

Are you close to home?

magpie said...

Hello DanaCO

well, I really do have work to do,
taxpayers' money, probably should not be used for me to blog and schmooze with my Friends !!

ttfn will be watching again around 10 AM

Lolly said...

I thought of you seeing all the wildflowers in Colorado. They were beautiful! Could not take pictures...I have to be careful where I place each foot while hiking over rocks!

wvgal_dana said...

LOL Margy that is funny DanaCO lmbo

wvgal_dana said...

Be back in a little while. The breakfast is open. I need to get that COFFEE.


Lolly said...

Not exactly clost to home. We are in Amarillo. But, we are in Texas and will be home mid afternoon or so.

magpie said...


Shirley came up with that:
Dana CO
until you return to WV !

magpie said...

By the Way:

oh shucks I have forgotten already

Oh yes, "Amarillo" I think is the Spanish word for Yellow ☺ ☼
Maybe ??

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Lolly said...

LOL Thought DanaCo was a typo. And, I meant close not clost! See my typos are back!

Lolly said...

Hi Shirley! Think I read where you are having a quiet weekend. That is great! However, you have all the animals to keep you company.

Lolly said...

We are hitting the road shortly. Time for me to close down the laptop and to start storing things away.

See you this evening from home!

wvgal_dana said...

I'm back in my room now.

With a cup of COFFEE!!

Good Morning Shirley ( :

wvgal_dana said...

If daughter would stay in this same area next year. I found out this morning the Ft.St.Vrain nest is only 39 minutes from here. So if I would come around my birthday May 9th the eaglets would be 6 weeks old.

Maybe I am already planning another CO trip for next year.

wvgal_dana said...

I am reading back on comments of today earlier.

They have a wonderful complimentary breakfast here. Although I finally yesterday got my cereal with no sugar on it because theirs here has sugar on it. They have the biggest waffles I have ever seen. Put them on this waffle iron and it beeps to flip then beeps when done.

wvgal_dana said...

I am glad I was here when
Lolly peeked it !

wvgal_dana said...

Paula it sure sounds like Nick is doing great. I just read you had him on the leash last night. Took him off this morning and it worked well. So HAPPY for the both of you!♥♥

wvgal_dana said...

I see Thelma was here this morning.
Give Buddy a scratch for me.

Paula if Nick likes a scratch behind the ears. Give him one for me. Oh yes Margy your right Nick has a voice...woof woof..good boy ( :

Hedgie-Lynn was in this morning. Oh Lynn I hope your foot feels much better very soon.

wvgal_dana said...

Looks like I'm taking up all the thread. lol

Awww DanaMo sorry for the plumber.
So he is coming today. Your washing dishes someplace. Haven't figured out where yet.

I know where everyone is now...back to sleep.

Just found out Wanda, Lynn and Irene will be at nest at 10AM this morning. Time is getting very close. Again give Irene a Hug for me and tell here I am sorry I missed her.

wvgal_dana said...

See JudyE was also in this morning.

The stick does look like a straw JudyE.

DanaMo I hope when I fly back my pilot doesn't read while flying the plane.

I see Kay was on this morning helping out with the comments of our eagles.

stronghunter said...

Hi DanaCO!!

Have a nice trip, Lolly.

Kathryn is leaving now. Hunter is still here with me, waiting for his dad to pick him up.

wvgal_dana said...

lol Shirley Margy told me you came up with the DanaCo idea. lol until I return - cute

stronghunter said...

Kathryn's friend was eager for her to get there, so she is now on the way.

stronghunter said...

Short for DanaWV/CO, Dana.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula having a "blast" that is good!

Paula just don't blast off. They showed on news where they have those suit type things. That you can put on and has handles and you can lift up into the air. Well now they have them where the hose is hooked to water and the water powers you all over the place. Paula since your near the water don't "blast off like that" lol

stronghunter said...

Oh, I see what you mean about the straw; maybe one of the kids at the conference dropped a straw and the eagles picked it up for a souvenir. After all, Truder is probably about their age in eagle years. Maybe he identifies with the kids.

wvgal_dana said...

I like it Shirley ( : thanks

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Just a quick hello before heading to the Farmer's Market and then to get some grossery items. Will check in this afternoon.

Please send Irene off to Montana with best wishes for happiness.

Shirley, glad you had a painless dental visit. Happy that Kathryn will have some time with her friend and YOU will have some time mostly to yourself.

Hoda, thank you for the DSK information. I'll pay attention to how the case progresses.

Lolly, by the time you read this, you will be Welcome Home. Glad you had an enjoyable trip. How did Ashley manage?

Love the Character game. Fooled the smart ass once.

Paula, glad Nick is adapting so quickly and how cool to see a GHO. Enjoy the day.

Margy, have a good day (weekend) at work. Hope the holiday "spirits" don't cause many accidents or injuries.

Aphids have disappeared. Now have a few yellow leaves.

Hi Thelma! Give Sharon my best and hope she's feeling better.

I missed the bi-polar comment. Need to go back. Were you talking about me?

Lynn take it easy with the toe and you and Wanda have a nice sendoff visit with Irene.

Off to the market. BBL

stronghunter said...

I didn't think there was any reason for Kathryn to wait for Tommy to get here. She is entitled to a weekend off.

stronghunter said...

Haven't fooled the character thingy yet. Will have to keep trying. So far, I tried.

John Edwards
My Ex

These were all guessed.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning our "yellow butterfly" Judie ( :

I see you have a bush day especially with grossery shopping.

I'm sure later I'll find a comment about this Character game?

stronghunter said...

Lynne put the character game on the blog last night, Dana. I copied it onto my FB page a little while ago.

magpie said...

Hi Judie
I have quite a lot of yellow leaves
keep checking daily

magpie said...

beautiful flag avatar, Shirley....
see some lther lovely ones on here also

Pa Nana Diann: love your neat one also

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Margy. I always appreciate your magpie.

stronghunter said...

I was amused at Hunter yesterday. I pointed out a mockingbird to him, but he (Hunter the challenger) said, "No, it isn't!" I asked why he thought this. His answer--"It isn't blue."

He admitted he was thinking of a blue jay. Cute child. Thank goodness, Grandma still knows a few things he doesn't. And Hunter does know that jays are blue.

magpie said...

Thanks Shirley
it is from Paula....

when I was getting ready to sign up as a Momster....3 years ago! -

I was so excited because my nickname for years had been magpie
(thanks to my brother, Prairie Dog John)

and thoguht it would be the perfect moniker....

ok back to typing on the other keyboards now...and watching some of the other screens more intently
My Co-workers are in charge of most of the 911 call-taking today

yes, hoping peoople behave, thanks Judie Judie Judie
ttfn xoxo

Lolly said...

Laurel got home at 6 AM and all went straight to bed. Jacob said "Guess I am sleeping in my clothes" and she hasn't heard a thing since!

stronghunter said...

Gonna walk the dogs.

wvgal_dana said...

Just called Lynn-Hedgie thought I could catch them at nest. So I could speak to Irene just to say Hi ( : They have already been to the nest and left. They did see an eagle Lynn said. So I am glad Irene got to see the nest and an eagle.

stronghunter said...

Glad that Lynn and Irene got to go to the nest. Were they able to get onto the campus?

wvgal_dana said...

I don't think so Shirley although I am not for sure.

stronghunter said...

I am assuming not. It is a weekend, and they haven't been allowing people on campus anyway.

stronghunter said...

I know that someone was wondering how much can be seen from the road now that trees are in leaf. I hope they got to see the nest.

stronghunter said...

Things to do. BBL.

stronghunter said...

Just the critters and me now. Quiet here.

wvgal_dana said...

So things are quite at your house Shirley?

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I have something funny to tell you. At the Charles Town Race Track they have a casino. So like in most when you are playing the machines, they come around and as you if you want a drink. At Charles Town they water them down. So I can drink 3 or 4.

Here is Colorado it is DIFFERENT lol. I got a rum and coke and took a big straw full. It hit me immediately. The daughter and friends laughed lol cause they could tell. I told her at Charles Town even though I only went once. They water the drinks down. She said well Mom now you know here they DON'T. Well I went over to the soda machine pour some out and added some coke. lol I got my little drink..and just sipped for the next 2 hours. lol lol

stronghunter said...

Yes, it is quiet, Dana. That is fine.

Hoda said...

Good Morning and HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY WEEKEND EVERYONE.I like the flag avatars...

Thank you for the morning report on Belle and Truder, they were there for a long time.

I am glad Nick is staying close to Paula and that you saw an owl...

WV_GAL DANA so awesome that you are happy being in, and interested in returning to, Colorado.

Great going away gathering for Irene and thew company is excellent...Very touching to take the time to visit with one another and to see where the PALACE is.

I just came in from a great paddle. It was calm on the lake and not a cloud in the sky and some very good drills. On the way back to the car I came across two WILD TURKEYS...I thought them very attractive rather. Healthy feathers...

If the sun keeps it up I might have to buy a baseball cap to keep the sun off!!! This makes me laugh, as if it could last. I have hats but not ones I want to wear paddling in case they fly off...

JUDIE according to the papers in France and also the New York Times the case against DSK will be dismissed. They are already talking there about his being a candidate for the French presidential race in 2012. The biggest thing they are building on is that she had lied about previous rape allegations and that she lied as to what happened after the sexual encounter. First she said she hid till he left, then she said she went to clean another room and came back to clean his room and the electronic key evidence says she stayed in the room and cleaned it first...I feel sorry for her and I am sure that in her mind she felt pressured somehow, not being able to say NO...The papers in France say he paid for the encounter and then she realized she can get more...very complex.Also some conspiracy theories about his angering some higher up American money while he was IMF boss. They say he was set up and that it is strange that all of a sudden the case is compromised the day after the American favoured Legarde becomes IMF Chief.

Shirley enjoy your time on your do so much for the family and it is wonderful to be able to spend time taking in all the changes that have happened in your life. Have you decided on the computer yet? Did I miss it somehow? Perhaps you already have a new one?

It is so beautiful here today I will be lurking in between walks and flat chores and bills...BBL

movin said...


GooD MorninG,
EagLE Birdsters
oF ShePTowN.


It's going to be hot and humid in So Cal well into next week. Great for cacti and geraniums, not so great for mature humans, but I'm having a great Fourth of July weekend anyway. Hope you are too.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

movin said...

Strange thing happened..on Thursday, I think.

For some reason I thought I had lost a day and the 30th was actually the 1st, and because of my recent Windows problems, I thought the computer had lost a day (almost missed paying my rent on time, I thought). I even changed the date on my computer. I celebrated the Saturday of a long weekend yesterday............

Well, this morning while reading a news article, it became apparent the whole thing was a mistake! Had to change the date on puter back and everything. Funny, but at least I get a four day weekend.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

hedgie said...

HOME!!! And we had a wonderful visit with Irene and her daughter Nikki...and BELLE put on a wonderful performance. She soared in front of us, around in circles for probably close to 10 mins. SHe was low enough that we could see the white on her wing tips!! Just PERFECT!!!!!!! Irene and Nikki are so nice....with great senses of humor....they are definitely our people!!!!

movin said...

...Rent was paid early too. Hahahaha.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

movin said...

Phoebe's chicks are perched on the nest sides, and they look close to ready to fledge to me.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Linda said...

Good Afternoon!

LYNN - So happy you had a great visit with Lynn & Nikki and BELLE was there for you as well. Did Wanda go, too?

WV Dana - Happy to hear your visit to CO is going so well and you sound so great and upbeat!

LOLLY - Safe travels today on your final journey home. Vacations are fun, but there's no place like home! Can't wait to chat with you again. Seems like I was gone for quite a while and when I returned, you were off to CO!!

MARGY - When you peek in again.....HI!! Always love reading your comments!! Hope your work day goes quickly!

KAY - Hope you're catching some zzzz's after such a short rest last night. You were quite the night owl and early bird today!

SHARON, SISSY & THELMA - Hope all is well and Sharon is feeling better today.

DANA MO - Time for paper plates, plastic cups and utensils and maybe some RESERVATIONS for tonight??

HODA - Hoe you're enjoying your beautiful day. It is beautiful here in NE PA as well!

SHIRLEY - A quiet weekend will be a nice one, I'm sure! Glad Kathryn is getting some R&R and maybe a little fun this weekend.

PAULA - May it be a wonderful weekend for you and Nick!! Have some fun on the beach for all of us!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
We're back home after taking Emma to the dog park while it was still cool enough. She had a GREAT time! Will tell more later. We're about to go to the movies. Full report to follow.

Jim, since I'm not working, I do the same thing--can't figure out what day it is! I usually check on my cell phone to see when it really is. No problem!

Gotta run--will check back in later.

Linda said...

Having a productive Saturday and couple days past as well!!

Thursday we went looking for a new car. It's been something I have been researching and contemplating for over a year now. I hate to spend the money.....especially when my car is doing fine. It's 10 years old now and is a mini-van. Kids are gone and we don't need the van anymore!

We bought a new Honda Accord. It's loaded and is beautiful! It will take me months to figure out all the electronics and navigation stuff, but it will be great, since I still don't know my way around up here!

Today, I cut hubby's hair and have done four loads of laundry, had a nice long talk with Mom, who is still in hospital, but is of a much better attitude and is breathing much better. I need to clean up my desk, though, which always seems to be such a chore for me!! LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Neat Hoda wild turkeys

Well daughter is here to pick me up so away I go see you all later.

Kay said...

LYNN, just came back in specifically in hopes we'd have a nest report from you. How exciting ! So glad Belle put on a show at just the right time. Did you see Truder at all ? It has to be a lot of fun to finally see a blog friend in person, so I don't doubt you were a happy group of people. Thanks for sharing the occasion with all of us !

stronghunter said...

WOW! Lynn, what a wonderful experience.

So happy for you, Irene, and Nikki.

stronghunter said...

Jim, I have trouble remembering what day it is, too. I sometimes had problems when I was working, but it gets worse when I'm not. I sometimes check the computer for a reminder.

Kay said...

PA-Lynn aka LINDA, what a wonderfully productive day you are having. Makes me feel like a slug. Congrats on the new car. I've never owned a Honda, but have known many happy Hondaites over the years. Don't cha' just love that new car smell ?

JIM, you make me feel so much better. I tried to do away with Wednesday this week and had to think twice upon waking today--had myself believing it was Sunday for a few minutes !

Kay said...

LYNN, any chance there will be pics of the mini-Momster gathering ?

stronghunter said...

I want pictures of the gathering and of the new car.

hedgie said...

Okay...let's see how my moemory does here.

Yes, Margy, amarillo is yellow in Espanol!

Of course Wanda was with us....sorry I forgot to mention that!! She and I went to brunch at The Rumsey Tavern...and even had our Bloody Mary's!
Irene and Nikki have three cats with them, so are only doing drive-thru' eating...guess they probably get something "in" when they are settled in motel in the evenings.
Wanda presented both gals with their eagle beads---of course, she told Nikki that she will have to start blogging!

Jim, Kay, Shirley---many mornings
I wake up and get a panicky feeling because I don't know what day it is! Have to stop and think!!! The joys of being retired!!

DanaCO...have fun on today's outing with Rashida.

None of my eagle pics turned one video with a blurred blob but you'd never know it was an eagle! Got some good ones of the gals, tho'...will post on my blog in a little while.

Linda and Diann and Grannyblt Lynne---Irene and Nikki are headed for Washington,PA today to visit relatives there.

Congrats on new car, Lynda! Enjoy. You'll eventually learn all the bells and whistles!!

magpie said...

fabulous Belle report, Lynn - how perfect
she put on a show

Hello Pa-Lynn Linda and everyone !
can't stay wse are busy

Happy Trails, Irene and Niki


hedgie said...

Andy, hope you can relax all weekend!

Linda said...

KAY - Thanks, and yes I do love that "new car" smell!!1

Just took a yard around the property with Dennis (hubby) and saw a Robbin's nest. Mom got a bit upset when we walked by. Don't think she has babies yet and the nest is too high.

Then we heard babies chirping up a storm and followed the sounds to find a Hairy Woodpecker nest full of babies. We couldn't see them, but saw the Mom bring food and fly away!!

Our phoebies are still hanging around. They may be returning to the nest at night because they leave us a few presents on the deck almost every morning!! Have seen one of the babies in the tree just outside our kitchen window.

hedgie said...

Nope, viewed pics on Belle to be seen. I just have no luck with sky shots in the sunlight. :( Hope that Wanda or Nikki got them. I put pics of them on my blog!

Linda said...

That would be a "walk" around the yard!!

hedgie said...

Sure glad I'm not the only one making typos!!! A yard around the property!! Somebody called Hoda a bad name! Margy says "wse busy" (I can tell by scanner traffic!). Judie is having a bush day per DanaCO. ROFL!!!!

Getting dark here...oh-oh....maybe a storm coming....

stronghunter said...

Okay, who called our Hoda a bad name???

Admired the pictures, Lynn. Lovely group.

Linda said...

Well, at least we're in good company....with the typos!!

We're also good at figuring it all out. I think I called a robin a robbin!! LOL

stronghunter said...

Oh, goodness me. A hoe is a garden tool.

hedgie said...

I stopped at the farm market on my way home and got some lovely tomatoes, and freshly picked green beans! They will NOT be for Liesl! She will still get canned. I only like fresh ones!

stronghunter said...

Luna seems to have a hot spot. She keeps licking and biting at it and it is looking ugly. I have some spray for hot spots, but may need more. Suggestions?

I have Flash's cone. May have to resort to that, but can't leave it on Luna full time. She gets irritations on her neck because of all of the folds and loose skin. It also traumatizes her.

JudyEddy said...

Just checking in to say hi and bye going to Angies for dinner I did get the videos to post finally of this morning visit in case someone wants to see them
This morning vist two short videos one of Belle and Truder and the other Truder alone

JudyEddy said...

they are also on facebook the Shepherstown page

Hoda said...

I am soooooo glad BELLE made a show for Lynn, Irene and Nikki....WAY TO GO BELLE. Thanks for the report Lynn.

As to GOOD AND BAD rather relative I would say....I am not too sure I am as interested in who, more interested in what!!! I missed it and depending on my perspective on things I usually manage to find the light side of things. So do clue me in, and I hope it was not CLUELESS that I was called!!!LOL!!!

I've been called "yoda", I was invited to dinner once and we were just about to sit at the table when all of a sudden my hostess yelled "Hoda get away!!!" Needless to say I was taken aback...she had a dog called yoda and it was getting up on one of the side chairs...we laughed so hard. It is what happens when you have a none confirming DO TELL!!! WHAT WAS I CALLED?

OK I am off to yoga and will check back in when I come back.

Linda said...

SHIRLEY - Hopefully you caught that hot spot before you have to take Luna to the vet. By the time I realized Riley had one, we had to go to the vet and put him on prednisone, clavamox antibiotics and had to wash it with betadine and warm water twice a day. Ugh!

I had never even heard of a "hot spot" on a dog and I came from south Florida!! Guess Riley was in the pool so much, he never got too hot!! If he was inside, the a/c was on!

Hope you find something to soothe it and get it healing before it gets infected.

hedgie said...

Shirley, I would wash the spot as good as you can with cool water and betadine like Linda said if you have any. If not, an antibacterial soap. Rinse well and dry well---with hair dryer on cool if he will let you. Then some cortisone cream. If that seems to help, then start using the hot spot spray. Lori might have more suggestions because I bet she has dealt with it with the bullies, too.

Hoda......are you familiar with the word hoe---not a garden tool??? The bad connotation might not have an e on it....I don't know for sure.

hedgie said...

I always liked my Dad's saying "call me anything you want, just don't call me late for dinner!"

Linda said...

LYNN - My Dad used to say the same thing!!!

NatureNut said...

Happy Saturday to JIM et al!!!
Tried to read up to about noon, so know Lynn & Wanda met w/Irene & Nikki! What a great reunion & Belle appeared!!!
Lynn, hope your foot feels better. Know it was injured, but what did you hit??
Paula, sounds like a great beach day w/Nick & GHO, too!!
Lolly, guess you're almost home and can put the submarine in dry dock!LOL
Daughter's been back to TX for about a week & has lost most of shrubs, plants in foundation beds. They have sprinklers in lawn, but didn't think they would be traveling this much to not be able to water flowers. She had a beautiful pink rose one Xmas!!!
Had to water our stuff---my rain dances aren't working!!

hedgie said...

Loretta, I tripped over Liesl yesterday!
Sorry Sherry has lost so much of her plantings. :(

Paula, has Nick tried a dip yet??
I hear a GHO most evenings here, but haven't seen on yet! But have seen the screech owls!

Judie said...

Hello everyone!

Got some nice tomatoes from the market. They are especially nice as they came from a farm near Martinsburg/Hedgesville. Told them I have dear dear friends there but didn't get a discount.

Putting food away and Bambi showed up in the back yard. Ate some leaves and wandered around then left. What a treat.

Hoda, a hoe, of course, is a garden tool. In street language it is "ho" meaning a lady of the evening hours (whore). Hats are fun.

Shirley, enjoy the quiet and I do hope Luna won't have to make a vet visit.

Jim, you certainly have hit a nerve with us momsters. Here I was afraid I was the only one to get confused. Glad you got the rent paid early.

Lynn, glad you all had a nice visit to the nest and a special visit by Belle.

Linda, enjoy the new Honda. So pleased to hear your mom is better and hope she will continue to improve.

Well, the kitchen sink is all backed up and Darth is struggling to make it work again. Dinner plans will likely need revision. Going to check the situation.


NatureNut said...

hx lynn, for explaining. I've almost tripped on big cat. When I leave the 'puter room (daughter's bedroom)--far end of house--and go up hall to kitchen & living room, she escorts me and runs right in front sometimes!
BTW, my Mom's family lived in Republic, PA near Uniontown & called Wash., Little Wash., since many of them ended up in DC!
As one of our funny pals who worked as Park. Mgr. used to say, "guess I'll go do something, even if it's wrong!!"

Linda said...

JUDIE - Thanks for the comment about my new car and my Mom. It was so discouraging last week, but through the power of prayer (thanks to all of the momster prayer warriors), some more rest and antibiotics, she is breathing so much better and doesn't feel like she is going to die anymore!

I think she gets really scared.....even though she says she isn't afraid of dying. I'm sure we all are to some extent!

Linda said...

Since we don't have any others on the blog with the name "Linda," I figured why not just use my name and make it simple!!! If we get another Linda, I can always add back the PA!!

Okay, better go put all that laundry away............the worst part!!


hedgie said...

One of the Phoebe young has fledged...but it keeps coming back for it's sibling!!!

hedgie said...

Gee, Judie....sure would like to know which farm yur maters came from!!!

Linda, glad you changed your moniker! Makes it better for the ones who don't know who I was talking to!!!
I forgot to say that I am so glad that your Mom is doing better. Amen!

hedgie said...

Judie, I am really thinking it COULD be Butlers....their mailing addy is Mtsbg., but they're in the Hedgesville District. Wonderful family---long time friends of my ex-in-laws....and neighbors for many years of them and me, too, for 15 yrs.

magpie said...

What?? No discount ! Someone missed out on sharing some West Virginia Hospitality !!

Well, enjoy those tomatoes anyway, Judie
which is pronounced Hudie in Spanish ! ☺

Lynn, lovely pictures...except:

Okay, Americana and tomatoes, here's my avatar...from a tomato from last year, a little planter bush tomato...
none ripe here yet

Hello Eagle Pals !

Linda, glad to hear the good report of Mom....(( hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

aaah, I got post #339 - my old pal's fire department monitor number ♥

magpie said...

Been There, Done That...with the calendar things LOL
So good to see you...☺

Linda said...

Thanks, LYNN! ♥♥♥ I know you keep up with the posts and I certainly know where your heart is.........always loving and caring with all of us!! You're so helpful with the medical advice, which we all appreciate dearly!

MARGY - LOL on your avatar!! It's unique!!

Linda said...

Thanks to you, too, MARGY!! ♥♥♥

Isn't it wonderful to share the sorrows yet have so many praises to share as well? God is really good and it is so evident in our little roost right here!!

Linda said...

I wish my son weren't 1300 miles away right now. He would have all this radio and navigation technology stuff down in no time and could just patiently teach his dear ole Mom how to operate her new car!! LOL

Oh well.....guess I'll have to read and then do the ole trial and error!!

magpie said...

'Welcome Linda...♥

oh I just made upstairs 3 yoa neighbor "Blessed" (her name - isn't that neat ??)
more Joyful...
got Mom's permission first

gifted her with some Dora the Explorer, figures, bouncy ball (?? What I did that ??)
and The Map!
complete with talking and singing ♪ ♪

magpie said...

things used to be James's

NO - he has no interest in them now ! ☺

By the way, Shirley
I sleep with a teddy bear too ☺
something James won at a carnival years ago

hedgie said...

Raining lightly. Heard one boom of thunder.

Liesl was bedeviling a HUGE beetle of some paid her no mind except to elude her paws! He was about 2" long and an inch across. Interesting....

magpie said...

I have a very large collection of mugs, Linda

use them for coffee, tea, water, any liquid, and Ice Cream!

going back outside to read for a lttle bit
overcast, hear a few rumbles of faraway thunder

magpie said...

l♥ve your use of the English Language, Lynn!!

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy!!! Busy day, huh?

Now you know that I don't like pictures of me!! Bet Wanda will put one on tho'. A little worried that she hasn't popped on. Gene was working today, so she probably went in to GG's....

magpie said...

You'll be just fine, Linda....steady as she goes ☺
You will do yourself proud!
Just make sure you understand how the headlights work before you go out in the darkness !!
And oh yeah, you also want to know how the gas cap and trunk open, and get yourself a few extra ignition/door keys!
And learn about the windshield wipers also
Been there, done all that !

ttfn xoxo

magpie said...

Speaking of Beetles:
DNR calendar picture for July is
an Eastern Hercules Beetle:
and Mean-Looking !!!

stronghunter said...

Back with some supplies for Luna. Cleaned and treated her. We will see. Vet would not be such a problem if it weren't a holiday weekend. Emergency vet cost Kathryn $500 when she took Flash.

magpie said...

sometimes, Lynn
cameras do not capture our true beauty ! ☺

Always seems to make dogs and cats and other animals look adorable though!!

magpie said...

Hope that Luna responds well to treatment, Shirley

hedgie said...

Sorry I called Luna a him!!!

hedgie said...

More thunder....sounds like it's over the river....hoping that it will rain on Megan!
Cam is start to show the effects.....

hedgie said...

Gonna do some sofa time with Liesl. BBIALW.

Costume Lady said...

Sorry I didn't report in sooner, had a little fall outside and came in, laid down and fell asleep.

What a wonderful day we had with Irene and Nikki! It was just perfect, as you will see if you look at my pictures on WILD AND WONDERFUL! It was a picture-perfect morning, not a cloud in the sky (maybe one). After chatting and getting to know our MASSACHUSETTS visitors, NIKKI looked to the sky and said, "Is that a hawk?"...after a few minutes, we realized it was an eagle! We were all so excited, we yelled and clapped like a bunch of kids! We do believe it was Belle, due to her markings. I had Gene's camera and guess I had it on the wrong setting, therefore, the eagle picture didn't turn out very well:( You can see that is an eagle, though...have a look:)

Lynn and I had a very nice Brunch at the Clarion's Rumsey Tavern. Saw Jennifer T. there (she is our organizer for procuring a party room for OPEN HOUSE festivities.

magpie said...

what is a LITTLE FALL ???

will go look at pictures....
dear Wanda....I hope you are OKAY!

Costume Lady said...

We just had a quick downpour here, but it didn't last long enough to be of any help to anyone. I already had watered our beans (Ha, fooled you, Mother Nature!) We have green beans, about and inch long:)

magpie said...

not a drop of rain here

Nice pictures!
haha my verification word was SQUID !

stronghunter said...

Luna is resting peacefully now. I hope she is more comfortable.

stronghunter said...

Animal pictures on my blog.

stronghunter said...

Love the pictures Lynn and Wanda. Posted comments there. Thanks for sharing.

magpie said...

skies look like heaven to the West
but rather threatening to the East

magpie said...

nice pictures Shirley
but my favorite is the line-up of teachers

okay have live feed up, so now it wil become difficult to type on the blog
ghostly it becomes

Hoda said...

OK WANDA what is a little fall? Margy asked and you posted since then but have not answered it. Did you take the nap because of the fall or because it was an exciting day and you needed to rest? Thanks for your report on the visit too...I can see you four clapping and Miss Belle showing off just for you...

Lynn and Judie thanks for the explanation of Ho...I smiled at the direct and humourous way Judie described it...LOL

Lynn how is your toe? You were able to move about today OK I hope.

It continues to be rather wonderful here in terms of weather and I dare say we are in the lower eighties...we all have so much colour in our faces and we smile...

Three Americans were in my yoga class this afternoon, from Idaho, Montana and Washington. They made comments about friendly Nelson and good weather...the locals smiled said thank you to them for bringing the good weather we wished them a Happy Fourth of July weekend and they will be here for a week or so and said they will come back to class.

magpie said...

neat Hoda, all the way around !
Maybe someday you will have someone From West Virginia in your class !

magpie said...

I do also believe it was BElle flying the thermals today at NCTC...
A Chick to go with the rest of the Beautiful Chicks there today !

Hoda said...

That would be THE COOLEST Margy!Someone from West Virginia in yoga class in Nelson...

magpie said...

I received a fantastic gift from my sister in Massachusetts:

A Raven hand puppet!
More like an ARM puppet...
Imagine something the size of a football, then add wings, a head, legs, talons
Totally black!
Eagles were all out of stock

magpie said...

I'm going to out on a [Sycamore] Limb and predict an Eagles Visit tonight

magpie said...

Wanda is playing Dodge Ball and Peek-A-Boo...ahem, Madame, the answer to THE question ????

But more important, Wanda
hope you are OKAY!!!
The answer will not change that it happened :(

magpie said...

oh poop

GO OUT on a {Sycamore} Limb
forgetting my words

magpie said...

James received a smaller Eagle hand puppet

going to watch the Nest since I can barely type on here

stronghunter said...

Yes, Wanda. What is a little fall?

magpie said...

Lynn and all
Bear sighted near Laurel Ridge Subd Rt 9
friend almost hit it on Ridge Road !

magpie said...

think my friend ran it out of the subd and towards that road I mentioned

he says maybe a One-Year cub

magpie said...

my fire dept pal
Monitor #339
too bad I was not with him

Brand new truck guess he is glad he did NOT hit the Bear for more reasons than one

hedgie said...

WANDA.....what did you do???? I hope you didn't get hurt.,...and that you didn't spill your leftovers! So glad you got a pic of Belle to prove to everyone that we saw her!!!

Nice gift, Margy!!

Shirley, good pics you shared, too!
Glad that Luna is feeling better.

Hoda, were the American's on vacation in your town? Glad you had a good class. How many are typically in it?

hedgie said...

Rain was very shoirt-lived here, too, Wanda and didn't do any good for anyone's gardens.

Margy, so glad he didn't hit the bear. New truck, huh? What did he get this time?

hedgie said...

LOL----you should have told him that you wanted the "old" one!!

Hoda said...

Lynn yes the three Americans were on vacation in Nelson. I do not think they cam together, they spoke of their families meeting them after class. In summer classes varry in size and are rather small. Today there were seven of us. They run the class even if only one shows up...they pride themselves on having yoga classes 365 days a year. Over Christmas and New Year it is yoga by donation and the proceedes go to the Food Cupboard, our soup kitchen, and also to the Women's Centre...the philosophy being to give back to the community...

stronghunter said...


Hoda said...

Truder comews in from three position to the centre of the nest

stronghunter said...


Hoda said...


Hoda said...


Hoda said...

I am not proof reading so please excuse the spelling

Hoda said...


Hoda said...


stronghunter said...


Hoda said...


Hoda said...


stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

Oh, Hoda, you gave so much more detail than I did.

hedgie said...

Missed Truder....Liesl and I were playing ball! She is SO fast!

Hoda, the Christmas and NY yogas "giving back" is a wonderful idea!

Speaking of Christmas.....does anyone remember the pretty glass plates and stemware with holly leaf and berry trim and gold edging that Lomg John SIlver's had back in the 80's? I only have four plates and 2 goblets...a friend of Carolyn's is giving away the one's her late mother had....and she's giving them to me!!! 5 more plates and 2 more goblets!

Hoda said...

Shirley I sometimes get too wordy!!! I hope it is not a problem. How do you get the bold on the blog. It is so much clearer to read. It is a good tip to write in capitals as it shows more, but I can not bold...any hints?

hedgie said...

Oh-oh....noot just when Irene is on her way!!!

pipeline rupture in Montana

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Well, that did not work.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...