Monday, July 04, 2011

Fourth of July

New thread.


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hedgie said...

NOPE----I don't want WAX!

Kay said...

LORI, I've marked the calendar for the Sunday broadcast ! It will such fun to hear you and Amanda talking about Eagles and the NBG triplets in particular ! That's a great way to do an interview and you'll be able to edit it if necessary. Thanks !

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Quiet here this morning. I think it is going to rain. I did get the tarp off the canopy because it would collect rainwater because it wasn't spread out yet.

Kay said...

WANDA, thanks for posting the July 4th pics ! So good to see LYNN, MARGY aka Ms. Twinkle Toes (and fingers)and members of your dear family, too ! So nice to put faces to people we hear about and feel like we know. That cam provides so much entertainment for you and Gene and I appreciate your sharing the joy of seeing those dear creatures and their night life with us !

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, regarding the tarp on the roof of the "Gazebo"...the roof already has beams up, sort of like a cathedral ceiling, therefore, we had no snow problems last Winter. Snow and rain just slides off. Gene has the tarp stretched tightly and nailed to the beams. The tarp is of heavy gauge. Of course, roofing material will make it look much nicer, but it will have to wait it's turn:)

magpie said...



hedgie said...

Okay, Wanda....with the beams up, that works well!!!!
And good pics! But none of you and the Capt. Bet Margy has some to post when she has time.

Time for me to shut down. Change my clothes and put Liesl in her crate. See y'all this afternoon.

magpie said...

Nice pictures Wanda

especially like the one of Denise and GG !


Kay said...

LYNN, go ahead and use the wax on furniture legs. Maybe it will be the substance Liesl just can't stomach. Or, maybe her mouth, teeth and tongue will just slip right off the legs ! Thanks for sharing the Bear truth with us. Very interesting !

magpie said...

Believe it or not, Lynn....I did not take a single picture and left the camera in the car..

Costume Lady said...

KAY, so glad you enjoyed our pictures and wildlife video/slide-show. Yes, we do enjoy seeing what shows up in the opening a present:) There may be some critters that we never see...they have to be in front of the cam for at least 30 seconds before the cam comes on.
We have gotten far more enjoyment from that than we ever imagined...well worth the money!

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, Denise probably has some of me and Gene, probably on facebook.

Judie said...

Good morning!

Misty rain here so it is a good day to sort papers and shred outdated lectures.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy day.

Costume Lady said...

Margy, are you refering to the pic of Denise holding GG's hand? I think that is so special!

Costume Lady said...

JUDIE, after reading your comments about the Anthony jury and why you think they found her Not Guilty, made me feel better about their decision. Of course, I don't agree with their decision, I do understand the reasoning. If we were on that jury, we may have done the same thing???
The knife has left my heart and I know Casey will pay, in time.
Thanks for helping us to understand the law♥

Kay said...

A couple of days ago I had a raccoon encounter as I headed for my garage in broad daylight. It was sitting in the driveway about 25 feet from me, but immediately began to slowing move away in the other direction. It appeared to be scaggly and sick. By the time I pulled the car out it was disappearing into the woods. My SIL tells me it very well could be rabid and said to call Animal Control if I see it again.

Costume Lady said...

I'm wishing IRENE would pop on here and let us know where she is and how she is doing. Hoping she got some better pictures of the eagle/Belle we saw flying overhead.

Kay said...

WANDA, what was Irene's ETA in Montana ? It sounded as if they were taking the trip at a leisurely pace, stopping to see relatives, friends and sights along the way.

Costume Lady said...

KAY, that sounds like a diseased raccoon, please be carefull!
We have had to put down 2 coons in the 47 years that we have lived here. Not too bad, but still, 2 too many!

Costume Lady said...

KAY, you are right, they were traveling at a leisurely pace, wanted to take in all that they could, along the way. No ETA:)

Costume Lady said...

Getting ready to go to GG's. Might have to pull her out of her bean patch:) She can go everywhere in her Wheely Walker:)

Kay said...

That's the way I made the long trip from Bullhead City to Columbus when moving back here in 2007. I stopped off in OK City, Newton, KS and Joplin, MO, seeing old friends that I'll probably not see in the flesh again. I took a full week en route. The moving van beat me here by several days, but Julie oversaw off loading into my garage.

Kay said...

It's so wonderful that the Wheely Walker has made such a difference for GG ? She looks so good in the holiday pics. You can see that she loves being surrounded by loving family and friends !

Kay said...

Oops, there was a misplaced question mark in that last post !

Kay said...

Going into LM now. HAGD all and CUL. ☺

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO so sorry your plans went astray DANAMO for you

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hemoglobin was 11.4 and potassium 3.9. Got my iron and now I am home working. Feeling a little better today.

stronghunter said...

I do not really know what the numbers mean, Sharon, but it sounds like you are doing well.

JudyEddy said...

WANDA love the pictures Love MARGY finger and toe nails and what where you all doing in the one picture someone on there knees LOL

LORI Praying for your mom and you

JudyEddy said...

29 more to read back to work HAGD

Kay said...


paula eagleholic said...

LOL I was stuck on the other side of the split!

Lori, will that interview air at any other time, or will it be available online?

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...