Monday, July 04, 2011

Fourth of July

New thread.


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Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Lovers!

Back to work - up and at 'em.

Remember this is TUESDAY, though it'll feel like a Monday for many of us.

Lori O. said...

OOOOpppps, time to change the avatar. I'll see if I can find something new later this morning.

The coffee is fabulous this morning!

I heard a story on my way in this morning about a woman who makes crepes at a local farmer's market, but she does it to raise money so she can make hats for people with cancer undergoing chemo! Isn't that great?

Lori O. said...

Looks kind of foggy at the nest this morning. I'm certain Truder and Belle can find their way though.

Kay said...


Yes, I watched fireworks last night. 1st and best, D.C. then on to Macy's NYC and finally to Boston. Interesting comment on Josh Grogan ! His segment was definitely a highlight. Nice to know he's a regular normal guy in person---that seemed to come through last night, too ! SHIRLEY is snoozin' again, but her days in radio were right here in Columbus. We've had several discussions about this city in the "good ol' days".

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning EAgle BUDS

Lets see how much I can read now Not for sure who as but--

My son is Tommy (Tom) he is 5 years younger than Angie this is also on my profile info he lives with his dad in Largo I know I have mentioned him on a couple of times

Long nite last nite with all the noise I saw ll45 then I must of fallen asleep or the noise stop also not for sure which

PAULA sounds like a wonderful time

Kay said...

Oops, SHIRLEY was with a TV station, not radio.

Lori O. said...

Hey you two, KAY and JUDYE!

Kay said...

LORI, beautiful and appropriate avatar ! Can't wait to hear what she learns about timing for surgery--prayers continue !

Terrific lady, crepes for hats !

Hey, JUDY, yes, I remember you speaking of your son, Tom. Nice that he lives as close as Largo.

The last foggy day at the nest Truder arrived looking soggy and unkempt. That's okay Truder n' Belle, we don't mind seeing you on a bad hair day !

JudyEddy said...

LORI YES I keep then all under NEST VIDEO blog on my profile it is listed Just click on me and you will see it I also post on the Shepherdstown Facebook page Hope this helps to remember no pills for CRS you know LOL

Kay said...

Sorry rain X'd the fireworks for LYNN, MARGY, WANDA et al last night, but sounds like they made the best of it. I have a feeling wherever two or more Momsters gather there will be a good time !

PAULA, so thrilled with Nick's instant compatibility with you and his two homes. He's one lucky dog !

Lori O. said...

Thanks KAY. I've got a few other avs I like better now, but will play with them.

JUDYE, do you also keep a list of the other videos you post that are not next visits? .... like the 2007one Glo did that you posted yesterday as AWESOME something. Is that link file somewhere other than when you posted it?
If you didn't post such great stuff that I want to read, I wouldn't care-LOL! Thanks for understanding my CRS. ♥

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

also belle

Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

Did they arrive at the very same time ? They look a little damp, but good ! Color arrived about the same time, eh ? I was only away a moment and then there they were !

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

JUDY - I thought your first post about eagles in the nest was a trick about another link because you wrote it underlined in blue! So I'm trying to get it to click then I realized - DUH! Truder (and Belle) is here.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

Apparently Truder didn't like what you said about him JUDY ! He scurried away from a little beaking with Belle and right under the awning. She sympathizes and joins him in hiding there.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

Sorry JUDY, but I think it was Truder who emerged, went to 1 spot and POOFed. Belle is still under cover.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I tried to do bold I will stick with caps with the visit I think

Kay said...

Perhaps your video/pics will tell us which bird came out from under the awning and flew away ???

JudyEddy said...

I only have our eagles visit on the NEST VISIT blog I found the 2007 on facebook eagle cam addict page yesterday and I didn't save it I did post on facebook Shepherdstown page

JudyEddy said...

i see the white head and no spot so far

Kay said...

Yes, Belle is under the awning and Truder was the POOFER

JudyEddy said...

MARGY will love his someone has stolen sewer grates I wonder what use they would have

JudyEddy said...

who ever it is is still there come out come out so we can see you

Kay said...

She's in constant motion under there, wish she'd stroll out in the open !

JudyEddy said...

it is belle POOF SHE GOES

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

Judy I just sent you an email so we can practice caps and bold. LOL!

Kay said...

POOF Belle from about 4 spot, out in open enough to see it was her, for sure.

Lori O. said...

Oooooooohhh, KAY. Somebody loves you to give you such pretty tulips!

JudyEddy said...

LORI that is for bolds I can do it

JudyEddy said...

italic is what i want to learn any hints

JudyEddy said...

I'm going to the rocking chair and relax before work BBL

Lori O. said...

Italic I believe is just putting an "i" instead of a "b"

Lori O. said...

Let's try it

Kay said...

LORI, yes, I have a secret admirer who supplies me with fresh tulips and daffodils !

For italics just put an i where you've put the b or a, etc..

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

Wooooowhooooo we're hopping now!

Kay said...

Yes, that's it, LORI ! You can use all of them on one post by just putting in a series of brackets. The thing that I had trouble with way back when was remembering to use the /i format at the end.

JudyEddy said...

The first video is done and in blog I am doing the second one now
NEST VIDEOS also on facebook

Lori O. said...

will this make it print green? put a "g" in there.

Lori O. said...

Nope, how about R
Looking for red type

Lori O. said...

No, 'r' doesn't work for red either.

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

I've wished for red, too, LORI, but I think we're confined to black n' blue.

Lori O. said...

Thank you Judy for the videos! Are you using Snag It?

My apologies now to Lynn and Judie for upping the number of posts with my playing around trying to get other colors. Sorry. :(

JudyEddy said...

what other tricks can you teach this old dog as you can see I didn't go to the rocker gotta leave in a few BBL HAGD I hope the other video finish up if not later bye

Lori O. said...

It's the black and blue bruiser blog!

DanaMo said...

WOW Lori was up early!

Lori O. said...

Morning DANA! That's 'cause I'm back on the work schedule. It's Tuesday.

How are the three flying labs?

DanaMo said...

Looks like I messed the visit! I haven't been getting up as early as usual.

Good morning Kay, Lori and JudyE

DanaMo said...

We had a little excitement this weekend. Frisbee fell in the pool trying to get a tennis ball out! He didn't like it much. Thought he was in trouble. Fell in the deep end! They don't get much of a chance to swim and it's usually when we are camping at Frontier Town in OC and they are in the bay where they can touch! Poor boy was really shook up.

DanaMo said...

Anyone else having major problems with flies this year? Wow I can't seem to open the back door without have 10 flies come in the house. It is driving me nuts!

Kay said...

Hi DANAMO ! Poor Frisbee ! He'll probably shy away from the pool for a while.☺ Glad someone was there to give him some aid ! By the way, you didn't mess the visit, but you did miss it. ;o)

Very touching avatar, LORI ! You are such a sweet daughter---Nancy is so blessed to have you !

magpie said...

G☺☺D Morning Eagle Pals

Wow, so neat, a Double Play at the Nest !

magpie said...

I love it Judy
Spelling does not count when you are posting about Eagles...

GLOOURS Eagles, I knew what you meant !

Terrific avatars, ladies....

DanaMo, is Frisbee okay this morning ???

DanaMo said...

Yeah...I caught that...typing too fast! LOL

Lori O. said...

UGH, flies, or stink bugs. I'll take flies and buy a really fancy fly swatter.

magpie said...

I have not had too much trouble with flies, yet, Dana

Ear-wigs? Yes, Flies, No
Aphids, Yes...

I learned last night from Wanda's brilliant grandson Brandon, that ants eat aphids !! (As do ladybugs)

magpie said...

I love your expression:
Whenever two or more Momsters get together
ther is fun and good times
well I might have paraphrased that a little

So....we have a good time here!
xo ♥

Kay said...

No fly problem here, DANA, and I hope they don't decide to migrate from your area to mine !

Got a call from my "oldest friend", Barb, yesterday. She is 16days older than I and we've been close since age 6. She and hubby will be visiting me for several days, to arrive about the 20th. I haven't seen them since I visited their Tucson home in October of 2007---just prior to moving back to Columbus. I'm thrilled !!!!

magpie said...

Oh I see new that new tulip Kay...
noticed it right away !

Brandon, Wanda and Gene's bright and refreshing grandson, college graduate....
he works at a Virginia Tech horticulural research agency near Winchester...(they also do vitticulture, study of grapes)
told us that his first and best love is birds, and that his great grandmother (GG Great-Grandmother)
encouraged this at a wee age, would put a bird book in his lap and away he went with it....
his dream is to see a Painted Bunting, his favorite bird ☺

magpie said...

Your avatar, touching and dear ♥

Also Ladies, I don't think ANYONE will mind the educational lessons on italics bold and blue !
I agree, RED would be nice !

We are nearly as much on education here as we are on Friendship and Fellowship ☺

magpie said...

Oh that is Great, Kay...

CarolAnne said...

@Hedgie, sorry link didn't work. It was a young eagle sitting on parked car top,people able to walk up to car, dogs walking around. Eagle appeared to be people watching, not frightened at all. Quite exciting for the people at the cottage.

magpie said...

So the Eagles were soggy and bedraggled looking this morning, no wonder,
we had piles of rain before midnight and very foggy over night....

Hope Belle comes back and shows her beauty once things dry out !

Kay said...

Top o' the mornin' to ya MARGY !

Brandon is clearly one wonderful and neat guy ! His G and his GG were a great influence in his life, no doubt ! Hmmmm, the study of grapes. I've studied a few after long fermentation and must say I've enjoyed them ! Thanks for sharing some of your "gloors" evening with us, MARGY !

magpie said...

OH, that IS exciting, CarolAnne...where again are you?
I love that bird on the feeder, is it an oriole ?

I love your name and the spelling also...I have a dear sister Anne...

magpie said...

Oh it was wonderful indeed, Kay

To watch Denise and Brandon and their friends with GG, is an awe-inspiring experience....
and of course, same with watching Gene and Wanda....
♥ ♥

magpie said...

Loch of the Lowe's nest...empty, no adults, and the eggs are not visible
their Blog has not been updated, last post was on July 1 -
look for more information sometime today I hope

Finney1 - I have not seen any food deliveries when I have been watching, which is a lot these days...three chicks seem frisky -

magpie said...

and it is dreary at Fin-Ferry

magpie said...

You can see the fog at NCTC nest...
beautiful view

DanaMo said...

Well, we haven't really seen that many stink bugs so I guess I have to deal with one or the other. I have my new screen coming today I hope. I have one of those "hands free" that the dogs can move freely in and out of on their own. Love it, but it still lets some in...but it should help.

Frisbee is okay. Kind of funny for a water dog, but I was able to pull him out. I also worry about my liner but it survived as well. It's not a first, but it hasn't happened in a while.

Well off to get ready for the day. Have a good one everyone!

Kay said...

CAROLANNE, wow, how I'd love to have seen that eagle on the car. As you know, the eagle population is growing by leaps and bounds since the protective laws went into effect. I've read that, with that increase, they are becoming more at ease with people and busy locations.

magpie said...

My first tomato, about the size of a baseball...
is pinking up
This one is promised to Tom Sweetie...
the rest are promised to ME
but I must get some to Wanda and Gene....they gave me several Angel Deliveries of tomatoes last year

magpie said...

OK Dana!
I have seen those screens on TV...
cannot remember their tricky name for them..but it will come to me sometime today !
James loves that ad...he wants one !

magpie said...

Food Fare Last Night at GG's
Ribs, two kinds
Chicken Breast
corn on the cob
pasta casserole
pickled eggs and beats
macaroni salad
Fruit salad
awesome Apple dish,
with "Transprent Apples" straight from Brandon's horticulure place...(Denise's creation)
Awesome baked bean dish (Wanda's creation...)
drinks - (Gene had a tailgate bar...)
Who needs dessert ?? Well, the fruit and apple dish took care of that

magpie said...

It's my blog-departure time...
worktime looms
have to "dress pretty," have to go to court to verify a 911 tape of a carjacking call from 2008

Best Wishes and Strong Prayers, for a Good, Safe, Healthy, Joyful Day, Everyone...

See You Later ! xoxo ♥

Kay said...

Ummmm Good ! What a feast ! My mouth is watering.

Lori O. said...

MARGY - I can't believe that GENE'S BEANS WASN'T ON THE MENU!

I have dreams of Gene's Beans! Umm-umm.

CarolAnne said...

Answers: I'm in southern Wisconsin, eagle video was taken by vacationers in northern WI. RE: avatar - Bird on hummingbird feeder is an oriole (or very large hummingbird-lol)

Kay said...

Tom is to be the lucky recepient of a plump, juicy, Love Apple ! Why are tomatoes called Love Apples, you ask ? Here's your history lesson for today:

Researchers determined that Aztecs developed the tomato, as we know it. When the first conquistadors arrived in Mexico, the red fruit attracted their attention and intrigued their taste buds. In the 1600’s, they shipped some to Europe, but at first tomato failed to enthuse the palates of Europeans. Then in a genial strike some “marketing guru” decided to label tomato as an aphrodisiac and named it poma amoris, the French in turn called it pomme d’amour. Of course it took off.

Kay said...

Well now, "Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

Time has flown by this morning--good visit with Belle and her consort. Great conversation with my dear Early Bird Buds ! It's been fun !

Moving on to newspapers, e-mail....

HAGD all ! I♥U !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!!

magpie said...

Thanks CarolAnne...
Brandon's friend Andy "Q"
is from Wisconsin...

aaah yes, Tomato...of the Night Shade family....Thanks for the history lesson Kay !

and Yes, Gene's Beans...they are "to die" for
but Wanda's - were as well !!

Must go...
Take care all

oxox ♥

Judie said...

Good morning.

Up early for me today.

Glad everyone seems to have enjoyed a terrific weekend and 4th.

Off to tend to business. Wishing a lovely day for everyone.

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning!

Thanks for the morning nest report! Happy to hear our couple paid a visit this morning. I peeked in on the nest, WOW can't believe how big that branch has grown towards the cam...looked pretty neat, too, with the fog in the background.

hedgie said...

Good Tues. morning!!

JudyE---re: stealing sewer covers: they are metal....Thieves get moolah for them from scrap dealers.

LOL---being confined to black anmd blue---how appropriate for all of us klutzes!!!

Kay, so glad you are going to have a visit from your dear friends!!

No fly problem here, DanaMo, but fruit flies are bad---and I don't have any fruit!

CarolAnne, I bet it was a great video. Thanks foe trying. I will see if I can google it!

Hi, T-bird! Will post this and that will refresh a nd I'll see what you all have been up to since T-bird signed in!!!

hedgie said...

Well, that was easy! Only Paula's post since 8:30'ish!
Where did everyone go??

Morning Paula!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Everyone and Good Morning.
Finally I just got finished catching up on these comments. Now I'll have to start todays readings.

Seen Glo came in Monday to say Hi
and a Happy 4th. Nice to see Glo
dropped in.

Lynne2 will be happy when Steve
has dental insurance. When will
it begin?

Linda sorry Dennis is able to go
to a dentist and things are worse.

Sorry they didn't have the fireworks
in Martinsburg Margy. Still sounds
like a good time was had by all.

ShirleyGlad you got your

Hedgie-Lynn Your comment
on Monday 4th 10:55:00PM
"hoda, I used to make sun tea, too---
my SIL still does. However, recent
reports talk about "brewing" bacteria.... :( "

Are they saying all tea has to be

PANana-Diann comments show you
get results of hip x-ray today.
Diann I am praying you get that
injection for the meralgia paresthetica.
Oh I know how it can help the pain. I
wished I could return to my pain doctor. Instead of insurance change the bills are so HIGH I have to pay. Insurance dropped how much they pay. Plus I would love to have him burn the nerve. They he use to do---it helped so much. I am keeping
you in prayer for a good outcome.

Hi Paula and Nick..sounds like
Nicks beach activities are great
with his friend. Plus being without
his leash all weeked.....Good Boy!!
Very Very HAPPY for you Paula ( :
and for Nick ( :

Thanks Margy see comment no nest
visits Monday Am or Pm. Maybe
someone else mentioned it. If so
ty I missed it.

AndyIt was good Kathryn gave
Luna a bath. Whenever I put on Little
Man I would wait until he started the
scratching. Then I would take the
shampoo on a wash cloth and wash
some off. That ended his scratching.
It would always happen each time
I first put the Frontline on. Doing
what I did ended problem and he
was continued to be protected.

Lori I see you are getting more use
to Bobby and the name "LeRoy". Give
both of them a nice rub for me. I
am allergic but that doesn't mean
I don't love kittens and cats. I DO!
Your Mother is definately in my prayers and you are too.

So Happy and glad you all had a good 4th even those some fireworks display was rained out.

hedgie said...

Gotta say that watching the (taped) Capitol 4th show----which was all excellent, as always----I was shocked by Steve Martin and his band. Marvelous talent!!!! Did NOT have the faintest idea that he was musically talented!!! I am going to get his CD's!! Hope the song he wrote especially for last night is available soon--Paul Revere's ride through the eye of the horse!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Trying to catch up on the blog, but confess I flew through it!

Lynne, nice to see you back. I returned and you were gone. Do hope Steve is able to take care of that tooth without too much $$$!!

Lolly said...

Had a great time last night. Laurel had prepared "orders" of rolled tortillas. Yummy! Then hamburgers! Then we finished with homemade ice cream which was wonderful. Left it in Denton. Need to make more!!!

Denton does fireworks right. They hold them in the stadium at Univ. of North TX. People sit on one side of the stadium and half the field. Fireworks are set off behind the other side of the stadium and some actually are on the other side stadium seats. We were privileged (we know Elvis!) therefore before the fireworks we sat in the AC of the press box at the top. They had a couple of bands performing and then Elvis sang a couple of songs as well as the Natl. Anthem. asked. Joey has lost 40 pounds. He is now off the drastic diet, has added a few more calories, but still dieting. He had to keep pulling his Elvis belt and pants up last night. LOL

He stayed with his diet on the trip. He did add a little more meat to his diet but really stayed with apples and veggies.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Much to do around here today, so I am just checking in to say hello.

Can't return the computer today. The school system is closed down all week.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, there was an Elvis impersonator at the DC fireworks last night, too. I had to think of Joey when I saw him. We did not go there, just saw him on television. I would have loved to have seen Joey instead.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, there was an Elvis impersonator at the DC fireworks last night, too. I had to think of Joey when I saw him. We did not go there, just saw him on television. I would have loved to have seen Joey instead.

Lolly said...

I do not understand it. Cities do ban fireworks except those put on by cities. However, we are under a fire ban and I think that fireworks by individuals should be banned as well. However, our county allowed them, therefore fireworks were going off all around us as we are not in the city.

hedgie said...

Mom is feeding the chicks at Finney1! I know Margy seemed concerned...

Lolly said...

Wish we had taped the DC program. Would have been interesting to see.

Have a cute story. Joey puts out flags for the Rotary club. So, he took one of the flags to the program last night and used it to wave around during part of his performance. Afterwards when we were leaving Joseph carried the flag out. We were separated from Joey, Joseph went looking for him and passed the flag to me. Now this is a big flag on a long pole. A young man with a three year old came up to me and said to the little boy, "Give the lady a high five, she brought the American flag." So, this little sweetie and I high five! LOL

Lolly said...

So, jealous of your rain. We are sooo HOT and so DRY! It is very depressing.

Lolly said...

I am off now to eat some breakfast and then back to the walking. However, I do believe we walked enough on our trip. During the week, the three long hikes added up to over 12 miles of strenuous up hill and down walking!

Have a great July 5th!☺

Lolly said...

Oh, forgot to say.....

Lori.....there is nothing little about me except for my left little finger. LOL I am tall, almost
5'9". Not, over weight anymore, but not thin either! However, Jack and I joke about my tush disappearing!

hedgie said...

Dana, Steve has not found a job yet---that's why he doesn't have dental insurance.

As for tea---they say it should be brewed indoors and then promptly refrigerated. Apparently having it sitting it outside in the sun for as long as it takes to brew allows bacteria to grow. I never put miune in there, but I also drink it fairly quickly....

wvgal_dana said...

Lori nice story to start this Tuesday morning off with thank you.

We drove to Boulder Colorado. John's sister goes to college there. We ate Itilian in and open air resturant with beautiful hanging flower baskets. Before heading for the

Yes I am having a wonderful and having great fun. We shopped in Boulder yesterday. In the one store I met Roger who took right to me. The lady said sometimes he does that and other times (mostly) he will go lay behind the counter. She said,
"He can tell you are a good person". Now that of course was nice and put a smile on my face. She is from between India and Peru. I ask if I could take a picture of her and Roger (Roger is a overweight 4 yr. old border
collie). She was please to have me take a picture of them. We made our purchases and as we were leaving the store. She ask me to wait and she put on my right wrist a bracklet. She said it is a magnetic bracket but it looked different from the ones I had seen before. To me they usually look copper looking. She gave me a card to keep to read about the bracklet. We both hugged and I told her if I came back on vacation next year I would visit her and 4 yr. old Roger.


We drove around a little before fireworks. I had them drive me by the
Patsy and John Ramsey house. I still think of that little girl many times during my life.

It was now time to go for the fireworks. Where we were going the "police blocked it all off this year". Couldn't drive up to the mountain. So we went to the University of Colorado there in Boulder. I think maybe the last two years RAIN. We made it through the crowd (John and Raschida helped me a lot). No wheelchair because the plan was to go up on the mountain. We make it to some good seats. Such a good crowd and they were really enjoying themselves. They had their mascot there it was a buffalo. I enjoyed my self very, very much. We even did where they start at one place in the stands and they do the "wave". It goes all the way around and re-starts. I just joined in lol it was fun!!! ( : Raschida said she missed the 3 fireworks she likes. The "heart, the one with stripes through it, and the smiley face). NO RAIN!!

I hate to ask but I still need prayer for my legs, feet, arms. neck and back please.

JudyE Thanks for your comment on what to take for pain. Anything like (NSAID) like ibuprofen or Motrin causes my stomach to bleed. They do help the pain but doctor won't allow me to use them anymore.

wvgal_dana said...

The tea I used is by Lipton called "Cold Brew" you just pour nice cold water over it. Let is set for the amount of time and you have your tea. Comes with caffine or decaf, I always get the decaf.

magpie said...


magpie said...

LOL - finger slipped !

Lynn, thank you for posting about chicks at Finny1 getting a feeding...

magpie said...

I loved this:
On the way to work I punched in 97.1 to lo isten for Lori...

first heard a song entitled something like "How Close Is Heaven"

and then after that song, I heard Lori's voice, just before a Don Henley song came on

So nice,lovely combo of song and voice ♥ ☺

magpie said...

Learned a great trick that some of you might already know:

IF you are going to add sliced bananas to fruit salad

Make sure the bananas are cold
Make sure what you are going to add them to is COLD

and your bananas won't get that dark fuzzy look....

Reference the fruit salad at GG's last night....this is what Gene said works

hedgie said...

I am so thrilled to learn that Anderson Cooper is going to have his own afternoon talk show on network tv (ABC) this fall. He says he's the first gray/silver haired host of a talk shoow since Phil Donahue!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning eagle friends.
You might know I didn't copy and paste my comment that I just lost.

You aren't going to know how happy
I am that everyone's Fourth was
enjoyable. I loved the DC presentation.

Take care and I'll try to get my comment through to you

Love and Hugs ♥

magpie said...

okay Jo
We know now !!
Hope yours was wonderful also

magpie said...

oh Man!
I could have stayed red-white-and blue after all....
case has been dismissed....

darn it! That means I will have to dress pretty another day also...

AND watch it come along at a worse time !!


magpie said...

Big Difference !!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets.

magpie said...

HI Sharon
Oh, it IS afternoon

Must get back to work and earn my salary

ttfn xox

hedgie said...

Dana....what do you mean between India and Peru? They aren't even on the same continent.... Peru is in South America and India is in Asia. ????

Lolly said...

Hi Sharon! Step away from me for your own good! I am hot and sweaty from "walking" my two miles.

Lolly said...

You read more carefully than I did, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Hi, Sharon! How are you feeling? When do you see the doctor again?

hedgie said...

Oh, Margy...too bad. Typical of judicial system around here.

hedgie said...

Give Sissy and Tom a hug would have been little Aaron's 32nd birthday. :(

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I go to the hematologist tomorrow.

I will give Sissy and Tom a hug. It is Adam's 33rd birthday.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, here is Lee's response to my question about Virginia:

I do know Virginia Cornue, though not at all well. She finished up her degree not long after I arrived, but I think she and I may have had a few short conversations at the photocopier or at one of the department's events or something like that. I have no idea what sort of work she does, but I can say that she has a good reputation among the faculty here who are most familiar with her (not true of all our graduates, believe me!). Small world.

hedgie said...

Oops-----I messed that up! Thanks Shar for setting me straight. Guess my memory is still asleep today! Just ate a tomato sandwich---that should perk it up!
Adam--33got it!

hedgie said...

Interesting, Kay...and yes, small world!!!!

Kay said...

LOLLY, goog for Joey ! Diet success and sticking to it, bravo ! Very cute flag story. ☺

LYNN, I too, am pleased that Anderson is coming to daytime and on a channel I can get. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and grew up with priveleges of the rich and famous. Yet, he works very hard and produces quality material. He seems to be quite unspoiled and "normal".

Lori O. said...

LYNN - you mean Love Apple don't you. You may be going back to bed!

movin said...




C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Lolly said...

Have done my walking and have been cooling off. Now going to start my day, LOL. Yes, I know it is half over! Going to clean up and run some errands.

Have a great day and I will see you later!

Those leaves are growing fast on the sycamore tree and I see more little leaves coming. Yikes!

Lori O. said...

Hello and happy Tuesday. Hotter than heck out there today.

Lolly - WHOA - you're 5'9". People used to always tell me they thought from listening to me that I was tall and blonde. That couldn't be farther from the truth...5'3" brunette, with lots of gray now!

I loved your history lesson KAY!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It's all good Hedgie!!!!

Kay said...

ALERT, there is a verdict in the Casey Anthony case ! A 30 minute warning has been given to all partipants. Quick verdict usually means Guilty as Charged, right ?

hedgie said...

Oh, verdict is in.....about 2:15 for court to resume.

Kay said...

The verdict will be read at 2:15. The jury spent 10 hours and 40 minutes on it. Must not have felt the need to go over the stacks and stacks of evidence and records !

hedgie said...

Hi ya', Jim!!!

Kay, not only everything you said, but Anderson is also a very compassionate and emotional person. I loved it a couple of years ago: on air, on his birthday, Gloria walked on set with a birthday cake. He was REALLY surprised!

stronghunter said...

Watching for the verdict.

hedgie said...

Loretta just let me know that PAX cam is down.....apparently a Verizon problem. She says there are only 2 chicks in the nest....?a possible fledge?

Lori O. said...

WOW - verdict in all ready. I thought it would be days. Scott Peterson verdict was 7 days and you knew he killed wife Lacey.

I talked to my Mom about 30 min ago and she hasn't heard from the doctor on the day for her surgery. Thank you all for your prayers. I'm very grateful.

hedgie said...

Praying for real justice for Cayley.....

wvgal_dana said...

Waiting to hear verdict!!!

hedgie said...


Lori O. said...

yes, Lynn, I was just about to call you on that spelling. LOL!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn I probably miss understood her. I do remember India. Something about there is a mountain that is VERY HIGH that climbers go there to climb.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon seen your comment about going to hematologist today. Hope things have improved.

Give Sissy a hug from me..Adman's 33rd

Kay said...

LORI, waiting for doctors and surgery sked can be sooooo frustrating. Hope she hears soon and that the date is very soon. It sounds urgent to me !

Neat trick for bananas, MARGY ! Thank you GENE ! Any hints on keeping avocados from browning ?

hedgie said...

Lori, when WILL Nancy know a date? Not fair to keep her on pins and needles waiting to know.... :(

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMo So sorry about Frisbee falling in the pool. Poor boy bet it did scare him when he tried putting his feet down and there was no bottom. So glad he is ok though. See where when you camp at Frontier Town OC Frisbee goes in water ... (smile) bet it feels so good.

We have been to Frontier Town near OC.
Daughter was fighting the "Dirty Diaper Gang" she was dressed as Wyatt Earp. Her black coat was so long.

She even went into the barber and got a "face shave".

Her and Ed did the paddle boats. lol She had to save her Daddy. He kept making the boat go the wrong way. So somehow she controlled it.

We did the Stage Coach and when we were stopped and the Robber wanted the bag of money. We 3 had a plan and said to the Robber "search there is no money aboard this stage". He looked everywhere. We were trying to keep a straight face. He said, "Hay I have to give the bag of money to the leader or I'll get into trouble". We finally handed him the money an he laugh and said, "I've never had that happen before". lol

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn I had it wrong she was from Nepal. Raschida helped me by remembering she talked about Mt. Everest.

Lori O. said...

Thanks KAY... LYNN, The doctor is supposed to call today to tell her when the surgery will be.

Court in session.

stronghunter said...

Not guilty. Wow.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

OMG she got away with it.

hedgie said...

BULL...BULL.....BULL....unbelievable........only guilty of lying to police......WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!
NO justice for Caylee. I am sick.....

stronghunter said...

I think she is used to getting away with things. That is why she is the way she is.

hedgie said...

There is no justice......

Kay said...

This is as stunning as was the O.J. verdict. Sickening. I have to believe this young woman will eventually pay for her misdeeds. The fact still remains that she is a pathological liar. She won't be able to stay out of trouble for long in my opinion.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, guess the jury felt the prosecuters hadn't proven their case beyond a reasonable doubt.

stronghunter said...

I guess so, Paula. Surprising.

wvgal_dana said...

I agree with Paula that can be the only reason ...they did not prove beyond a reasonable doublt.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Well, today is back to reality day--have some bills to pay online! LOL :oD

Glad everyone had such a good time on our country's birthday!

I see there are some prayer requests, so adding DanaCO and Sissy and Tom to my prayer list.

Gotta pay those bills, so will BBL...
HAGD, everyone! :o]

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds! Can you believe they didn't find her guilty. I am so outraged I wanna hit something!! Just blows my mind!!

Hope everyone is good today. I am doing okay. Thinking about my Adam today, would be his 33rd birthday. I would give anything to give him a big ole hug for his birthday. I think it being today that they read that verdict makes me twice as outraged! I would give anything in this world to see my children and there are people out there killing theirs. Hard to understand sometimes how things happen.

stronghunter said...

Bless you, Sissy.

Lori O. said...

Oh Honey, a ((big, big HUG)). What a profoundly sad statement. You're's not right. I'm so sorry for your pain today.

hedgie said...

Jo called....all is well. She and Ed are as shocked as the rest of us.

Gotta finish getting ready for dermatologist's apptmt. See you all later.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I told Sher earlier I was so grateful to be at a place in my life that I can miss my kids, be sad, and still live a happy life. That has not always been the case, but I have learned that I can be sad but not have a sad life. This verdict has outraged me so!!! But I believe that karma is real and that she will get hers!

Lori O. said...

Kay, I think you're right...reminds me of OJ.

Sissy, I would say you have had a long and successful journey. I love your philosophy that you can be sad but not have a sad life. Bravo for you!

paula eagleholic said...

Sissy big Hugs for you today. I don't understand how anyone could hurt a child either.

And I think Casey will get hers down the road as well...

wvgal_dana said...

Sissy I am so sorry that there have been people convicted of killing their children. Where all you wanted was for you and Tom to raise yours.

Paula I agree with you but the only thing that hurts me deeply is. Casey will never serve time for killing Kailey. Maybe she will get into other trouble true but that she would have to serve time for but that time would not be for little Kailey. :(

Lori O. said...

I do have some fun news that I am very excited about.

I'm doing an interview tomorrow for my Public Affairs show with WCV! I'll be talking with Amanda who some of you may know from the chats about the eaglets.

Of course, I could talk forever about the eaglets, but I wanted to know if YOU have any questions you would like me to ask?

Kay said...

SISSY, I can't add to, or improve on sentiments expressed by so many others. I do so admire you for your strength and courage.

{{{{{{{{Sissy, Tom and family}}}}}}}}}

Kay said...

LORI, how refreshing it is to get such good news from you ! Do please let us know when the interview will be aired. I'm sure you're capable of coming up with great questions---just the kinds of things you know we Momsters would ask. Right now I can't even think straight !

Lori O. said...

Sissy and all my eagle family - my apologies - that was a bad segue. Trying to think about something positive and it didn't come out that way.

Kay said...

I look forward to JUDIE weighing in here. I doubt she's as shocked by the verdict as most of us are.

JUDIE, one thing I find puzzling is, how can the jury find Ms. Anthony guilty of several accounts of lying to the police and yet find her completely innocent of having something to do with Caylee's death ? Did her lies have nothing to do with her daughters disappearence ?

stronghunter said...

We will be splitting soon.

Jury does not want to talk to the press right now. I cannot say that I blame them. It would be interesting to know their thought process, though.

I think that it was the issue or reasonable doubt. There was a lot of evidence, but it was circumstantial.

stronghunter said...

I do wonder what will happen to this family now.

stronghunter said...


Kay said...

It will be interesting to see what happens to the dysfunctional Anthony family. They may become wealthy on appearances, books, movies..... But, how will such people handle those things ???? I feel sorry for their neighbors as they endure crowds of curiosity seekers and the police presence that will be needed there for quite some time. Even if they move people will zero in on the home and neighborhood. We have testimony to that today with the example of the Ramsey home in CO, still attracting visitors. That crime took place years ago and no one in the Ramsey family has been there for a very time.

Kay said...

For a very long time, I should have said.

Judie said...

Disappointment and disbelief reign.

I did not expect 1st degree murder but did think manslaughter was likely. I was wrong.

I do not think a preponderance of evidence was provided to link Ms. Anthony to the actual killing of the child. When people are deciding whether or not another person should die, there is typically the need for overwhelming evidence that cannot be explained in any other way.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...