Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Muggy Day thread.  Am involved in a big conference this week, thus the sparse posts.


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Hoda said...

WANDA every time I read about the soup kitchen I sing priases and ask that God Bless you and your efforts, also your co-workers...
I am glad the Captain is not feeling pain and am concerned about the news that it be contagious...your doctor would have told you that wouldn't he?
Are you going to phone him and ask what can be done?
Goodnight and God Bless...

PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone. Just stopped by to say 'hello' and wish you all a restful sleep tonight.

Blessings & prayers for all requests, especially Sharon. Hope her condition rectifies itself and she comes home to her own roost.
We love you Shar. ♥♥♥♥

Goodnight all and God bless!

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, Gene did get some medicine. I would have thought the Dr would have said he was contagious...might have forgotten.

Night James, and to everyone else turning in.

Prayers for a better day tomorrow for Sharon.

Glad tomorrow is Wednesday!

(((Hugs for all ♥)))

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think shingles is contagious to those who haven't had chicken pox, maybe?

Hoda said...

Sharon why are you still up...are you feeling better?

wvgal_dana said...

Hi to EVERYONE ( :

Yep I'm up late don't you think so??????

Hoda said...

Good heavens wv-gal Dana is up too!!! Is everything OK?

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Hoda yes everything is just "peachie" ( :

See where Wanda and Gene didn't know shingles was contagious.

wvgal_dana said...

How was your day Hoda??

wvgal_dana said...

Talking to myself tonight.

Just read where Sharon is at ER thinks she may have had a cardiac event this morning.

I will continue reading comments.

Hoda said...

I am OK Dana, had a reasonably good day. Was concerned for the amount of people who were not well, yet in prayers things always improve. Went to yoga and paddling and did some chores.

wvgal_dana said...

I saw on the tv where someplace at a river people were rowing boats lots of oars. Then all of a sudden this dragon head long boat came through the water with many many people and paddles. It was beautiful and made me think of you.

How is the paddling coming along?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hoda, I just can't sleep. Have a headache from the nitroglycerin. They just gave me some Tylenol so I am praying that works.

Hoda said...

The paddling is improving and it was a good experience tonight as I worked with my strokes...it takes a lot of effort.I am enjoying it.

Hoda said...

Sharon I saw on FB where you thanked people for the prayers and thought it was very sweet. I hope you have a goodnight's sleep. I am just about to call it a night so I will send prayers and wishes for sweet dreams.


hedgie said...

WANDA---and all who wonder:

Is Shingles Contagious?
Shingles cannot be passed from one person to another. However, a person with active shingles can transmit the virus that causes shingles, VZV, to a person who has never had chickenpox – but only through direct contact with the shingles rash. If a person who has never had chickenpox is infected with VZV, he or she will develop chickenpox, not shingles.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon I am sorry you are in the hospital. Sorry the nitro has given you a headache. That happens with a lot of people.
Did they get you blood pressure down? I am prayer for you and gal you better get well and out of there!!!! Don't want you sick want you at your roast. HUGS

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Hedgie-Lynn when I worked VA Martinsburg Mary Acree. Got shingles and they sent her home from work. She was NOT allowed to come back in I can't remember for how long though. It was a good while.

hedgie said...

Shar, hope the headache passes and you get some sleep! HUGS and prayers.
It's a wrap for me. See you all in the morning!

wvgal_dana said...

You all sure don't stay up very late??? Going already Hedgie-Lynn??
Ok you sleep well then.

PA Nana said...

I'm back... anyone here?

wvgal_dana said...

Hi PA Nana-Diann !!

PA Nana said...

Guess not.... I'll go play some mahjong and hope I can go back to sleep soon.

If I'm the last one here, I'll lock the door on my way out.

PA Nana said...

Hey Dana, I was just ready to leave.
How are you?

wvgal_dana said...

Had ribs tonight from Dave's
Fampis BAR - B - QUE amd were they tender good and meaty.

Best I ever had!!

Snce everyone has gone to bed guess I will too.

Prayer for Sharon and Gene and all those God that have sickness or pain and remember those who we have missed not intentionally Lord.

PA Nana said...

dana, you're on here late. Hope everything is okay with you.

I'm sleepy but have some pain in my leg and arm that I can't seem to get comfortable. Decided I'll get up for a while and wait.

PA Nana said...

Shall we head to our recliners? I'm about ready to try again, how about you?

PA Nana said...

I'll take that as a yes. Catch ya in the daylight.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning!

So many of you went to bed early last night, then WV DANA and DIANN were the last ones to hit the hay!

WANDA glad you weren't the last one to bed again. You've been so busy lately. Your Soup Kitchen menu always sounds delicious. What a blessing you and the Father/Capt. are to the community. Most have good intentions but it takes a lot of effort to kick it into high gear and do something like you're doing!

Guess I'll have to wonder onto FB to see LOLLY's pics. I get on FB and get lost or spend hours because you just keep on going from one thing to the next, and the next, and the next...

KAY - Cheers! I knew they would love the rearranged room. It's always fun to have a change like that. I used to rearrange furniture all the time - not so much anymore. There's less options with more (Kate's) stuff.

Oh, I hear Alvin letting me know he's awake, too! I should probably cuddle him. :)

Lori O. said...

Prayers for SHARON hoping that she's resting well tonight.

DIANN hope your pain finally subsided enough to let you sleep.

LYNN - I bet Leisl's foster mom will be so happy to see her so happy. She'll be elated. I know it's like that when we place the bulldogs. You're just thrilled when they get their forever home and are loved so much. ♥

PAULA - please email me your address so I can send Nick his special "Welcome" treats.

HODA - I love your grateful heart! Can you have someone take a video of your rowing group so we can watch you? I would love to see it!

LORETTA - we had a downpour for about 30 minutes last night. Skies didn't even get dark just suddenly opened up and huge rain drops falling like buckets. I loved it!

I have to get kickin' here. I forgot to write a commercial and it won't write itself so I need to get in early. Have a blessed day all.

Praying in high gear today!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Will we have a visit today I hope so I don't like getting up early just for the heck of it

Lori O. said...

Ah, come on JUDYE! You mean the company isn't exciting enough to roll your buns outta bed at 5:00? LOL

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...

poof POOF

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

Sorry, that is TRUDER's NOT TURDER'S

Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...

I still would love to know the rhyme and reason for there visit one day and not others ODD sure would be nice if they were more dependable HA LOL

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if he will be back or Maybe Belle will show up that he is gone

JudyEddy said...

He went out right under the Y branch I was surprised that he fit there leaving He is getting better with his departures

Lori O. said...

Now, if he can work on the landings - Crash, Boom! Bang!!!

Lori O. said...

Aren't you glad you got up? Truder came to make YOU happy Judy! You can go grab a little nap now. So glad you were here!

JudyEddy said...

I'm afraid if I nap I won't wake up but I'm gonna relax and watch tv trail

JudyEddy said...

pretty color on nest

Lori O. said...

Color on this beautiful nest now.

Lori O. said...

Have a great day JudyE! Tomorrow's you big day with you-know-who OMA!

JudyEddy said...

Check this out amazing

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters.

Lori O. said...


How's Sharon this morning?

I'm worried about you, too! You take good care of yourself and if I can do anything for you just email.

Hugs for Buddy, too.

JudyEddy said...


T-Bird said...

Hi and bye Judy. Sharon didn't have too bad of a night. She is NPO until her stress test. She is as good as can be expected, ya know.

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the SHARON update

We praying for both of you since you just got out of the hospital not too long ago. We're here for both of you whatever you need - this is family. ♥

T-Bird said...

Thanks Lori and everyone for the prayers.

stronghunter said...

Good morning. I see we have had a Truder visit this morning.

Nice to know that Sharon had a good night.

My yard looks so much better since Will came and mowed. It was a mess.

stronghunter said...

A lovely bruise has developed on my knee now, so I will be protecting it.

stronghunter said...

Those leaves are really blocking the nest view this morning.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning SHIRLEY!

I love the look of freshly mowed grass - it's like vacuuming outside. :)

Are you getting the canopy for the side screens today? It's really going to be nice today and tomorrow, Friday will be average for this time of year, then very hot Saturday - Monday, the 4th.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Wanda, another great report on the soup kitchen and the number of guests. Congratulations.

Father Capt. Gene: hope you have a not-too-uncomfortable day. All your ladies are thinking of you.

Lynn, thanks for explaining the issue of contagion and shingles.

Hoda, so glad you are enjoying the rowing and your yoga. Now if the weather would just warm up a bit for you. I agree, a video of your group would be lovely to watch.

Shirley, sorry about the bruise but good that nothing was broken. Also, check Angie's List regarding gutters/siding, etc. May be helpful.

Paula, one more day until NICK DAY! I can only imagine your excitement and anticipation.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning KAY if you're in LM.

Are you cleaning the house, not allowing yourself online until you're all done? :)

Just wanted you to no that we noticed you weren't with us this morning and we missed you.

MARGY, DANA-MO and MEGAN didn't check in this morning. I miss all of you!!! ♥

I loved every minute of it.

stronghunter said...

Hi Lori, I will make sure to take the side screen and the side shade piece back with me, just in case they have no canopy.

Right now, I'd better get ready for the gutter guy. He's supposed to be here at 9:00.

Lori O. said...

"no" is shorthand/blog lingo for know. DUH!

stronghunter said...

Yes, Lynn, your explanation of contagion and shingles was very helpful.


Judie said...

Sharon, hopefully the tests today will go quickly and easily. Whatever the outcome, knowledge is power to know what to do to get better. Hugs to you and all the family.

Lori O. said...

Shirley - good idea on taking the pieces back just in case.

Wanted you to know I got gutter covers a year ago and they look great! They were not as expensive as I thought they were made out to be. Definitely worth it. I have a very steep roof and no pain tolerance!

The most expensive part of the gutters is where they have to cut and angle to change direction. The big straight pieces are no problem. Add a bunch of little turns and it gets expensive.

stronghunter said...

Angie's List--a good idea, Judie. I found a company called Service Magic online that I have gotten some info from.

Don't want to wait too long on this because I think the gutters might come completely loose if we get a big storm. Also concerned about water getting into the basement.

Judie said...

Not much going on today. Jaw is sore, of course. May rip myself away from the trial to go grossery shopping -- especially since the weather is supposed to be tolerable. Maybe better today than later this week. Maybe I'll just sip some coffee and contemplate.

Judie said...

Jo, hope you feel better this morning. Take it easy, please.

stronghunter said...

Hmm, I will go out and see how many turns I see. I don't think there are many.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Morning eagle buds!! Just talked to Sharon.

What we have here is a failure to communicate!! The doctor stated in the progress notes he was doing a stress test on her today but failed to write an order for it!! So now, she is waiting to see what they are going to do. The cardiac enzymes were all neg, that is great. A nurse said EKG showed changes but the resident this morning said there were no EKG changes!! ??????

stronghunter said...

Hello again,

While I was out looking at the gutters, the gutter guy showed up. He is doing measurements now.

stronghunter said...

Oh Sissy, it sounds like you do have some communication problems to get straightened out.

stronghunter said...

Cam having issues now.

stronghunter said...

Interesting shadows on the nest.

stronghunter said...

Well, I think I have made up my mind about a few things: Getting the gutters cleaned=$250. Getting gutter covers=$2,000. (No charge for getting the gutters cleaned if I buy covers.) I have lived here since 1994 without having the higher gutters cleaned. We can clean the lower ones ourselves. We do not have a lot of trees. I do not think I need to spend $2,000.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

SISSY, glad to hear that Sharon is feeling tolerably well. GEEZ--what's up with the Dr.?! Hope they decide to do the stress test. Don't know what to think about the EKG. Changes or no changes? Sure am glad that you and T-Bird are available to knock some sense into the medical staff! Prayers continue big-time! ((HUGS)) to all 3 of you!

Shirley, sorry to hear that your knee has gone technicolor. Hubby's did, too. He had bruises showing up in the craziest places on that leg for over a week! Dr. said your body kind of distributes the blood that leaked in different places before getting rid of it. Hope it doesn't hurt too much! Prayers!

Wanda, sounds like the Soup Kitchen was an amazing success last night! Menu had me drooling! You and Father/Capt. Gene are to be congratulated! Prayers for Father/Capt. Gene--hope he's not too uncomfortable.

Glad to see that Truder made an appearance at the nest this morning.

JudyE, what an amazing story of the girl who was hit by the truck! So great that she is OK!

Well, gotta get really busy doing some transcription. Will be checking in later to see how everyone is doing.
HAGD! :o]

stronghunter said...

We will see what the other guy has to say. But that is a lot of difference.

stronghunter said...

Not too painful, Andy. I just do not want to put my weight on that knee.

stronghunter said...

Sharon, I would be asking a lot of questions.

stronghunter said...

Beautiful day today. The gutter guy says he wants to go fishing.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I do want to plant some more trees, but it will take a long time for them to get tall enough to cause problems.

Costume Lady said...

Before I get too busy with my day, I want to thank our resident Nurse, LYNN for the information on Shingles contagion. Lynn, you made it very clear, as to who is and is not at risk! Thank God, I have had chicken pox, GG has had Shingles (although, I understand that you can get shingles more than once). I guess he will have to refrain from kissing her hello and goodbye:(...probably no hugs either.
I guess the baby is completely off limits???

DANA WV...you are so right, we will all be glad when Sharon is back at her ROAST. Roasts are fun and I am sure we could have a good one for SHARON;)

HODA, thank you for your prayers and praises for the Soup Kitchen.
We have been sooo blessed with help, donations of clothing and suggestions and money. Of course, our main help is from the Mountaineer Food Bank...everything we buy from them is 14¢ a pound (100lbs of meat, etc. is $14.00) We get a USDA ALLOCATION every month, which varies in content, for FREE!

GG is getting her "DO" done today, need to get some clothes washed before then.

stronghunter said...

Funny story: (I think it is safe for me to tell this.)

When we lived in our old house, and not long after my husband decided to take off, I got two very cute young Dutch guys to clean the chimney and the gutters.

When I walked around behind their truck, I saw a sign that said "Will work for sex."

Oh my! I don't think I ever told the lady at church who had recommended them.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

Sissy: very frustrating - - !!!
regarding the mixed-up messages from the medical staff...regarding what's going on with Sharon...

Remind the doctors and everyone else, there is a large group of Momsters and Dadsters with Eagle Canes that can and will make an appearance if necessary !!

magpie said...

I'll take Gene's Germs...
especially if it makes him feel better...I am a tough old magpie bird !!!
Great Soup Kitchen Report

stronghunter said...

And, I surely do not have to explain this, the cute young Dutch guys were paid with cash.

magpie said...

that IS a pretty crazy labor trade offer ! Did anyone get a picture of that one ??
Hope they did good work...
hmmm, Dutch...part of my lineage

Best wishes with all the repairs and the costs

magpie said...

Sure hoping, wishing, but especially praying that all of us and our families will have healing and wellness

James the Grandson is here and we have a swimming outing coming up later with another Grandmother...

BUT - he did comment that he knows I needed to get on with "The Bloggers" for a little while. Smart Kid.
But we have some getting ready to do, probably won't have much time til much later to say Hi, How Are You, and I Care !

Best Wishes, for a Good Day, Everyone
xoxo ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ (from James and Magpie)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Sharon's hemoglobin has dropped a point in one day, 2 points in a week, and she had an iron infusion Monday. It should be going up not down. If somebody don't do something today, I am going to beg her to go to another hospital. It is just hard, if the docs don't transfer you, to get into another hospital. Just don't know what is going on. It sounds like she is losing blood from somewhere but there is no sign of that.

stronghunter said...

Labor trade offer . . . yeah, it is pretty strange. I was really kind of amused.

The lady who recommended them was the director of Christian education at our church. She had told me about these nice Dutch young men who needed to earn money to travel across the country.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well I just found out that my hemoglobin is dropping. Went from 9.5 to 8.7 since yesterday. If it ain't one thing, it's 2. 

stronghunter said...

They did a good job. They brought me all of the material from the gutter to put under the shrubs. It was very rich soil.

And, funny thing, we had gutter covers that had to be removed for them to get at all of the stuff in there.

stronghunter said...

I do not know much about this kind of thing, Sharon, but it sounds like you need to have some serious conversations with the doctors.

stronghunter said...

Didn't get a picture of the sign, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Baez's tactics this morning seem to be backfiring.

hedgie said...

Morning all.....most chores done. COnference call was a fizzle....host never arrived. DUH!

WANDA: re: the baby:
children who get the chicken pox vaccine, even if they don't ever get chicken pox, can still get shingles. Their risk of developing shingles does seem to be much less than for children who aren't vaccinated with the chicken pox vaccine though.

Don't remember what age they give the c.p. vacc....but yes, Gene needs to stay away from him until all pustules are well-scabbed.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lori, JudyE, Thelma, Shirley, Judie, Sissy, Andy, Margy, and Lurkers.

Read comments where Truder was in
nest this AM. Thank you Lori and JudyE.

Wow JudyE that video of the girl and the bike!!
So glad it turned out how it did.

Thelma Thank you for update on Sharon.
I ask her last night but maybe she fell back to sleep. Prayers for her stree test today. She is in my prayers and Thelma you are too. You need to take good care of yourself. I know your worried.
When you get home give Buddy a rub on the ears for me. ( :

Shirley Hope you knee feels better today.

Judie So good to see that yellow butterfly ( :
So what is your plans for your day? Judie sorry your jaw is sore.

Sissy if they said there was EKG then someone said no changes. They NEED TO GET THAT STRAIGHT!!
Sissy I know you will stay ONTOP of things for Sharon!! Praying for you too Sissy.

Wanda You and Gene do such a good job with the Soup Kitchen. See you are taking GG to get her
hair done. You both are good looking ladies ( :
Wanda give Gene a Hug from me and tell him he is in prayer.

Margy Glad you and James will be going swimming later today. I know you all will enjoy
it and have FUN !!

Last night I said I ate at Dave's Famous BAR - A - QUE. It was the best ribs I have ever had.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Hedgie-Lynn ( :

Lynn Good advice you are giving Wanda about the shingles. Also with if Gene would not wait and go to the Soup Kitchen. He could give the to someone there for the food.

TOMORROW Paula and Lynn go see NICK!!! Maybe Paula will get to bring NICK home to his new roast tomorrow!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to all my friends!
Prayers for you Sharon and for your drs
Sissy and Thelma -thought are with you

Nothing spectacular planned for today
No gutters to get cleaned - Shirley your
Dutch boys story is enjoyable!

Soup Kitchen keeps getting better and
better Wanda & Gene! You are blessed to be able to do so much for others!

Lynn I hope Liesl foster mom is pleased and that Liesl tells all the
good things going on at her new home -
For heaven's sake don't let Liesl tell
her about being dropped on her head!

Dana Glad to hear from you and you sound great!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - that was disappointing to say the least - I hope Liesl isn't too upset

Dana - you are up/running early this
morning. Chipper you are!

Hoda said...

Good Morning all... Thanks for the Truder visit report from the morning café crowd.

JUDIE what do you think of the Amanda Knox case out of Italy....I read this morning DNA evidence could have been contaminated and that there were only traces of it not enough to retest...this is what the experts say...I would appreciate your opinion...

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo did you see where I ate at last night???

Kay said...

Good morning ! Sorry I missed you today, but enjoyed your account of Truder's visit ! Slept in and I'm betting you knew I would.

LYNN, I was so tired last night that I tried to drop Weds. from the calendar. Seems harder and harder to keep days straight the longer I'm retired. How nice of Liesl's foster mom to pay a call. She must miss Sissy and Sassy a lot !

SHARON, so sorry the medicos are presenting what would seem to be needless snafus. More communication skills should be taught in med school ! Prayers continue.

My own chicken pox/shingles history is, CP at age 9, Shingles at age 70 and no guarantee not to get them again. The first thing my primary doc did when I moved here was to give me the Shingles vaccine. I think everyone should ask their docs about it.

Must boogie, people to see, things to do. BBL HAGD I♥U Eagle Buds !

Mema Jo said...

Dana I certainly did see that &
I know you really enjoyed it. However a
Famous Dave's is right down here on Rt 40 Frederick so I was a bit Confused!

hedgie said...

Jo----conference call with GM was a bust. Not foster mom visit...it's at 1. I'll remind Liesl to be mum about falling on her head!!

hedgie said...

Never heard of that rib place, DanaWV.....glad it was yummy.

hedgie said...

MArgy, enjoy your swim.....too bad it's not yesterday's temps today.....but it is lovely out!

Lori O. said...

HODA, good one! I would love to know what JUDIE thinks about the Amanda Knox case. Did she or Didn't she?

HODA, can I pester you again for a video of at least photos of your rowing activities on your blog. It just sounds so beautiful there.

LOL! SHIRLEY! I'll keep my eyes peeled for your kind of helpers when I need help around here.

JO - you do as Judie said and take care of yourself. No need to have another Momster in the hospital. ♥ Rest. Rest. Rest.

KAY, great to know about Shingles vaccine. Learn something new everyday here. Oooooolala, what's on your calendar?

DANA WV, you are the sweetest. Thanks for being here and always cheerful.

Prayers for SHARON, Thelma, Sissy, JO, C/F Gene, Judie's Jaw and Shirley's knee.

I love you all, and knowing that, I can nap with a big smile on my face!

Mema Jo said...

I did get an antibiotic yesterday for
what I call a head cold condition gone
bad - like to the chest. I do feel well
better - am taking it easy (as always)

Now on the other hand my computer is
still Sick! I am on the old dinosaur
one but it's ok it gets me to where I
want to be.

I will always take all the prayers I can
get! You peeps are so good to me!

hedgie said...

Sure is a shame about Sharon's care being so confused and confounded!

The shingles vaccine is very expensive....and Medicare won't cover it until age 65, so I'm out of luck for three more years. Had shingles once, tho'....many years ago.

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo you are always on my prayer list and Hedgie-Lynn you are always on my prayer list. Just want to remind God of the illness you had a one time. Pray to keep you two well. ( : Hugs

hedgie said...

Time for lunch....and then foster mom Lori is due at 1. BBL!

movin said...




C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Hoda said...

I do not know what to do about the video thing for the Dragon Boat...I have no one to take the video when we are paddling...I do not have the equipment and I do not know how to download it if I had it...I will work on all of those I do not haves and I do not knows!!! Oh it feels just like the weather low fog.I can not see the mountains...

Off to yoga and I hope I can find the car!!!LOL!!! Thick of fog as mud like Dad used to say...

stronghunter said...

Had a slight interruption in my wireless connection. Asked Hunter if he had done anything to the router. He had knocked it over. Took us a while to reconnect everything.

stronghunter said...

Hello, Jim. How are you today?

stronghunter said...

I had heard that the shingles vaccine is very expensive. One good thing about being over 65, I guess. It did not cost me anything.

I got motivated when the teacher across the hall came back to school having had shingles.

Mema Jo said...

Would someone please tell me the story
behind Wanda's avatar picture - I missed it.......

movin said...

I'm pretty well today, thanks.

I also recommend the shingles vaccination. I had chicken pox (and many other childhood diseases), but no shingles.

However, the lady we had for next door neighbor for a couple of decades, had shingles at least twice, and IT IS VERY PAINFUL!

I got the vaccination this Spring, but I had to pay an $85 co-pay. I was going to refuse it, but I decided that since it lasts for the rest of your life ......

I had absolutely no side effects from it either.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

The different shades of greens at our nest is beautiful.....

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon home for lunch to comments to read
and LORI thanks for the picture To cute I bet my goes before yours does LOL
SHIRLEY at least you know where your bruise came from I hate it when you get one and don't remember how it got there
SHARON hope you are back on your feet soon
TBIRD and thanks for keeping us updated on Sharon

GUTTER covers can be bought at Home Depot or Lowe's cheap and easy to install I have mine they are plastic and have to be replaced every couple of years if the sun makes them crack works great

WOW is is super windy at the nest today

SOUP Kitchen wow did great You all rock in my book and what a great menu you provide for them

Down to 30 to read so I'm sending this on Got to keep an eye on time also

movin said...

Boy, I haven't looked at Phoebe's chicks for a few days, and they have really grown.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

You can see Finney and all the chicks right now.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

I see from the notes that Finney's fourth chick died. This is the first year I recall that nest laying 4 eggs, so maybe it's just too many for the area.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

JudyEddy said...

Margy James is one smart cookie I say He knows you well I see LOL We will always be here for you spend time with him that is so much more important that the Blogger LOL How old is he?

HODA my camera takes both still and video it has a sim card and it down loads the videos the same way as pictures What kind of camera do you have does it take videos?? are there more than one boat involved so one boat could take a pic of the other and visa verse

Got to head back to work BBL HAGD

movin said...

Many of the Channel Island chicks have fledged recently...can still see the head of one on the other side of the rock at WE.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Well, gotta go. Talk to you all later.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jim you actually sound good this morning. Hope your feeling as good as you sound.

Yep that 4th chick I guess just wasn't suppose to be.

HODA--------looking for car-----no that doesn't feel like it----I can't see where to put the key in...dang oh I think this one is it.....oh boy got the key in???What it won't turn...what is up with that...oh not the right car>>>>>>>>>>walk walk hand over eyes trying to look for a certain color car......now I think I'm near where I parked it....hope in this "Thick of fog as mud like Dad used to say..." that I got the right car....feeling around for key whole. Saying to self "Hoda now is NOT the time to drop the keys"........found the hole and the key turned.....opened the door. Yeah I found it I found it!!!!!!

Have a good day Hoda ( :

Lynne2 said...

Hi all, just checking in. Hope everyone is well on this beautiful day! I've been outside for most of it so far, catching up on weeding, walking the dogs. The 5 baby bluebirds in the nest box out back are looking good!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Lynne2 glad you dropped in.

Wonderful about the baby bluebirds. I just love bluebird. I love watching the parents care for them.

Sounds like you are a busy bee today.

Lynne2 said...

need to get ready to head to "sad" job. BAD day yesterday. I got reamed out for making an appointment for a woman who was crying hysterically. She had a 15 year old Golden with history or recent rear legs problems and she had come down stairs to find the dog down, in a puddle of urine and feces, unable to get up. She want to make an appt to have the dog euthanized. So I made the appointment for 11:30 yesterday morning, after the last AM appt. which is SOP for euthanasias. WELL, first he yelled because he said he had a dental appointment and now he couldn't go. Well, there was nothing on the appt book saying not to schedule any appointments! Then he said that to have scheduled an appointment for her at all was "not my level of decision making to handle" and that I should have consulted with him first. He said that he should have talked to her first to discuss medication for the dog, etc. and that I had better never do anything like that again "DO YOU UNDERSTAND". All of this took place in front of his 2 nephews who work for him. I was so embarrassed. But not at all sorry. First and foremost, the client is the person to whom we cater. She was bringing the dog in, and anything he thought he should discuss with her would be done at the appointment. THAT is SOP. Trying to reason with a crying client on the phone about ANYTHING would have only upset her more! THIS IS NOT MY FIRST DAY IN THIS BUSINESS!!! I almost walked right out the door. There have been other problems already as well. Every person I talk to, every appointment I make, every phone call I have....it's all checked by one of them to see if I "handled" it correctly. It's disturbing on so many levels. With fewer than 5 appointments on any given day since I've been there, it's like the Dr and his nephews have nothing better to do that look around for something to do.

Any, thanks for letting me vent. This is clearly NOT the place for me to be working.

ugh...better go...have a good one everybody!

Lynne2 said...

Dana, did yours ever build a nest?

BBL....tonight! Or maybe sooner if I'm lucky enough to be let go today!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Yes they did in the bluebird box. I didn't get the ladder out. To go up and see how many are in there.

I am checking out some cams:

Eaglets at White Rock are really growing.

Decorah an eaglet is sitting on a limb with a white barn behind the limb a little off to the right.

wvgal_dana said...

At Davenport Freedom and Liberty must be out soaring the skies. It mentions on Mon. June 27th people from Whitehouse got to see
Freedom and Liberty put on a nice show flying from trees near the nest to a further treeline and then back. Says Alcoa people were told there are some folks in the Whitehouse who do check in on the Alcoa EagleCam from time to time.
NEAT!! Those people where in town preparing for the Presidents visit there. Don't know when that is or maybe it already happened.

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

deep breath.....leaving now...wish me luck!

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lynne. I am so sorry that you are having such problems at your job. You should not be treated that way.

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break - Need to get in the mode to pack it up - leaving for the
beach until after the 4th.


stronghunter said...

Kathryn and I were just talking about needing a beach weekend at some point. I do not know how we would manage all of the critters.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, I didn't have a heart attack but cardiac issues are not ruled out yet. Had the resting scan and tomorrow morning have the treadmill stress test. My hemoglobin has dropped 2 grams since last week and not sure about that. Please keep me in your prayers. 

hedgie said...

Hello, gang!

Jim, those hummers will surely fledge soon--too big for the nest!!!

I, too, have the gutter guards like JudyE is talking about...but not much direct sun here...have never had to replace. Do have to clean them off once a year after those stupid oak pollen threads come down. Needless to say, probably not appropriate for Shirley's top story when it can't be easily accessed.

Things MAY be getting ready to happen at NZ for Mei.....acting very strange.....keep an eye out! Mits will be operating cam soon!

hedgie said...

Visitation went well.....foster mom Lori, 4 of her 5 kids, and her mom.....Liesl is exhausted!! THey brought her a toy, 2 bags of treat goodies, and a sweater!

stronghunter said...

Prayers, Sharon. Are you still in the hospital?

hedgie said...

Jim, I think I read that there was only one Channel eaglet left to fledge??? Did you see the video of the solo chick Sebastian make his launch?

hedgie said...

Yep, Jim, I think it was Sat. that the FinFerry chick passed. Either not enough food, or maybe just a weaker chick......but very impressive that they laid 4 eggs!! Surely hoipe the rest of the season is successful for them!

hedgie said...

Sharon, guess that's the good news for the day! But sure wish they could tell you something more definitive. DO have to say, tho', that some people (and one I know) have dropping Hgb chronically with a source or cause never being found. They just end up getting infused monthly. The lady I know has had it for 15 yrs. Her only symptom is fatigue.

hedgie said...

Got a text from Lolly----they have seen ISS two nights and she said it is SO BRIGHT!!! They will be heading out on Fri., home Sat.

Lynne, SO sorry that you are being treated so shabbily. Wrong, wrong, wrong. YOU were definitely in the right....did they euthanize the poor dog? Or talk her out of it?

wvgal_dana said...

Heading out for a lunch date and a look around to see what we can get into....maybe butterflies ( :

Mema Jo said...

I just posted on our Yahoo Eaglet_Momsters email the birthday
announcements and an anniversary to boot.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn will see the oral surgeon tomorrow. I might go with her--I know my way around Culpeper reasonably well.

Hoda said...

WV_GAL DANA...VERY FUNNY!!! I did find the car and did not drop the keys either...LOL!

LYNNE 2 DLTBGYD...How rude your boss is and how unwaranted it all was. You showed more class than he did and I am proud of you and pleased for your clients...They are fortunate that you work there.

When ever I wrote home with news of difficult situations Dad would send me a post card with DLTBGYD, I still can hear Mom say, "Oh Skip"
but it always made me smile...

DLTBGYD = "Don't Let The Bastard(s) Get You Down"...for now the income from the job is useful to you so smile and DLTBGYD...When it is time and not before, make it on your own terms, you are not a victim, so when it is time and not before start whistling "Take This Job and Shove!!!" So long as it is serving your needs and providing a little bit more income DLTBGYD...

Judie said...

Good afternoon, everyone.

Finished the grossery shopping. Darth has meetings, etc. most nights this week so dinner is not a problem. Sandwiches, I guess. May go out to eat Thursday.

Speaking of Famous Dave's BBQ, it my dentist who told me about the one nearby and the food is really good. About two weeks ago I was watching Food Network BBQ challenge and found out there really is a Famous Dave. Told the dentist about it yesterday. We both like food.

Sharon, I do hope the doctors can conference and decide what is best for you. Ask questions, please. If you are not comfortable with their responses, ask for other opinions. ST depression may indicate a blockage in a coronary artery. A blockage can be dealt with. That's how Darth was diagnosed. Prayers headed your way.

I was told that when one recovers from active chicken pox virus, the virus goes dormant in a nerve in the spinal column. What activates the virus in adulthood is not known but the affected body part is the part controlled by location of nerve in the spinal column where the virus went dormant (5th nerve for me -- left side of face and mouth). Those who have never had chicken pox are susceptible to exposure to active infection.

Shirley, I am not even going down the Dutch boy road with you. $2000 sounds very expensive. More opinions, please.

As for Amanda Knox, I have not followed that case closely as much information is not being made public in the U.S. I suspect she may not have committed the murder but may have some knowledge of what actually took place.

Lynn, so glad the foster mom visit went well. Know you're glad that is over for today. Will she make another visit someday?

Lynn2, I am so sorry about the work environment. Vet has crossed the line in terms of creating a hostile working environment but grit your teeth until you can find something you will truly enjoy.

Hi Jim. Looks like Phoebe's babes are about ready to literally try their tiny wings. Will miss seeing them.

Hope Margy has had a fun time with James the Wise this afternoon.

Jo, glad you have some medication. Rest, please.

Okay, that ends the first chapter my afternoon book.

Hoda said...

JO Have a GREAT time at the Beach house and HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY TO YOU...GOD BLESS THE USA and LONG MAY SHE WAVE{ Old Glory That is}

hedgie said...

Hoda, I knew there were many reasons why I love you! What great advice you give to Lynne and I love your Dad's acronym!!!! PERFECT!!!! AND your sense of humor is wonderful!!!!!

Dana, butterflies??? As in wild and free, or in a sanctuary??

hedgie said...

Judie, actually the virus lies dormant in the nerve endings under the skin surface. It can be activated by physical trauma as well as by stress.

hedgie said...

So what KIND of sammich are you going to fix?? I have liverwurst and onion that I'll share! Actually, mine is for lunch! I am heating up lefot-over spaghetti sauce....think I will just spread it on 5 cheese garlic bread!

paula eagleholic said...

Funny ya'll talking about Famous Dave's. I stopped there last night and got a catfish platter to go!

Judie said...

Hi Jo, missed the earlier comment. Please enjoy the beach time.

Lynn, doctor didn't specify other than dormant in a spinal nerve. Well, anyway, it's a PIA and I'm sending hugs to Father Capt. Gene. Bet GG looks beauteous after getting her "do" did. Wonder if she'll want crab legs?

I could enjoy spaghetti sauce on garlic bread. But don't have either. Maybe egg salad.


Judie said...

Oh my, forgot. Shirley, hope Kathryn's visit to the oral surgeon tomorrow brings quick relief.

hedgie said...

Judie, I love egg salad!!!

All nerves come off the spinal cord!

I sure hope that the specialist can help Katherine.

hedgie said...

Sorry, Paula...catfish...UGH!!! Bottom feeder!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work Angie just left picked her some stuff at work and I told her if something happened to me that she has to let you all know she laughed I showed her on my facebook page that there are 23 of you listed under my eagleblog list and she can just do it that way instead of the blog since she has facebook I may have to show her the blog also but she may forget at least with face book she will remember So how does that sound ??? OK??

JudyEddy said...

YEAH only 38 messages in email to read WOW it is super windy at nest I see on the camera and that branch is very annoying BBL LM watching trail and cleaning

hedgie said...

It certainly has been a perfect weather day here! Would be nice if all summer days could be the same!

hedgie said...

Sounds like a good plan with Angie, JudyE! Thanks!

JudyEddy said...

The eaglets is offline this was on facebook NBG

Sorry eagle cam watchers -- it appears that our cam line (strung through the woods, if you remember) finally took a hit internally and we likely have a break in the line. Our tech guy will be out to deal with it ... but not until Friday (he has a real job that gets in the way sometimes). Thanks for your patience ... eaglets are doing just fine today. Nothing exciting!

paula eagleholic said...

I agree, wonderful advice for Lynne, Hoda!

Sharon, glad there was no heart attack. Now to find out what is causing your pain!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, I thought it was SOP at ALL vets places that when someone calls in to euthanize a pet, that you don't try to talk them out of it. I certainly wouldn't have wanted anyone talking me out of it. The pet's owner knows the pet better than anyone.

hedgie said...

The New Zealand penquin is doing well. They named him Happy Feet. Once recovered, he will be released to find his own way back to Antarctica. :(

NZ report says today's ultrasound revealed nothing new.....come on Mei....give us a cub!!

JudyEddy said...

TOO COOL THE POPE went high tech today he twitted on twitter First time

hedgie said...

WOW---Lake Tahoe had 2-4" of s now today!!!
Lolly also said that it was very cold in CO today. Hope they don't get the snow!

JudyEddy said...

ERROR 503 alive and well tonight I just had said for those of you on facebook go and check out what Mary Osteen posted EAGLE FACTS It is super long I could copy and past to the blog Pretty interesting article check it out

JudyEddy said...

Ok I copied and pasted it on the blog now remember I said it was lengthy really long well I got the message below
Your HTML cannot be accepted: Must be at most 4,096 characters
So I could post it into different post if you want

Hoda said...

I was coming to write about the camera I have Judy E and then woosh no power and the electricity was out since the last I posted. It just came back and all is indeed well. They are trying to put all the above ground wires underground and I think it is normal to expect the power outages.

JudyE, my camera is a Canon Digital camera, Power Shot A550, 7.1 mega Pixels, 4 x optical zoom. It does have a video component so thank you for your posting.I have not changed the card since I bought it and it is actually on the same batteries also. I got it in 2007 so maybe I should start to pay more attention.I will read up some more to find out how much memory is left on the card, you called it another name starts with an S...I can not remember...I will also check with the club and find out if there are any videos already posted. There is one boat that is used by all teams Monday to Saturday.So it would not be possible to have "the other boat" tape us since thre is no other boat... I will see what I can do if maybe when one of the hubbies are there maybe he could tape. It is all a seed in my mind and since the fog here has lifted it has also lifted from my mind and the I do not knows and have nots are also receding...it will happen I am sure somehow...

Hoda said...

This is post 394 so not too much longer and there is a split...Heads Up

JudyEddy said...

HODA It is a SIM card You can buy additional ones I have 2 total for my camera This way I when I give Angie one from the days pictures I take of Jordyn I always have one in the camera Both mine a 2GB the higher the more memory and you can always erase after you download in computer and burn on to a disc that what I do

JudyEddy said...

That stupid leaf is reaching half way into the nest What are we going to do about it????

JudyEddy said...

My best friend gets shingles she also suffers from psoriasis
Her husband always rubs creme on her should he be worried about the shingles being contagious??

I just noticed the first comment here I usually don't see it because I minimize my window so all I see is the comment box and publish button because I have email open and just read the comment in my JUNK email box

Hoda said...

Sharon do send an update as to how you feel today...glad there are follow up tests happening.

Shirley is your knee giving you trouble when you walk or is it just bruised but not affecting walking.

Jo I am glad the medication is working and that you are well enough to go to the beach house.Where is it? Which State?

JudyEddy said...

WANDA I do love your Avatar tooo cute Was this a special occasion like Valentines day?? I have pictures of my grand puppies with shriek ears on

JudyEddy said...

Did everyone go away ♫♫Hello Hello is there anybody in there just knod if you can hear me Is there any one home♫♫ PINK FLOYD song

JudyEddy said...

Well I need to go figure out what I want to eat before I special guest arrive wouldn't want to miss that Think postive that they will show up

Kay said...

I see the Split is upon us, but I'm taking the chance that someone who is not as long winded as I will have been Waxed before I finish this post.

JUDYE, I think you're SOL on the leaf at the nest. We can't fool with Mother Nature and her decorating scheme. Autumn weather will take care of it in plenty of time for the mating season !

LYNNE, you said it, "clearly not the place for me to be working". Hang in there per HODA's sage advice and we'll all be praying that another opening pops up soon !

SHARON, what a relief it is to know it wasn't a heart attack ! Hope for a diagnosis soon so it can be prevented from happening again.

LYNN, was it clear that Liesl remembered the Foster Clan ? Does Lori, the foster mom, keep up with all her "pups" that way, or just til' she gets some more to take care of, I wonder ? I'm sure it's comforting for foster families to see where their little charges have landed.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...