Saturday, June 25, 2011


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Gonna have to power down I think darn it

Kay said...

Wow, I've fallen behind and thought for sure we saw Truder briefly at some point Friday. I need to keep a manual log to use for reference cause time just flies when you're havin' fun the way we do here !!!!

Kay said...

JUDY got wax ! Twill give her something to do until the storm subsides !

Lori O. said...

OK! Coffee is great - thanks Kay or whoever opened this morning!

Apologies to all about my i-pad post yesterday. It kept telling me it wasn't going through. I kept signing in and - OH what a mess. I was so discouraged. Happy at least you knew I was trying to be there!

Now what is JBUDY? like J booty?

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

Heavy fingers - sorry that was my delete. Gonna have to set up a real desk again quick. I'm working off the top of a filing cabinet now! :(

Kay said...

LORI, skim back to Paula's posts of yesterday evening. She created JBudy with a typo and it set off a string of comments.

Lori O. said...

I wish it would rain here. I've been putting off mowing until it does, but Kate is bringing her mother out after church this morning so I'll need to mow before she gets her. She really enjoys the flowers and Kate wants her to have fun with the kittens. Her mom is 90.

JudyEddy said...

The JBudy was from Paula on two separate occasions 8:26 and 8:29 she was typing the first JBudy I noticed I just thought she was talking about someone else didn't pay any mind to it then when I made a comment about her miss spelling hook as gook and she replied LOL JBudy so I wanted to try it out but just corn fused my little head seeing it on the post and my email just changed back

Kay said...

So, LORI, did the workers get all your to-do's taken care of ? Have you gathered all the trash and recycle stuff together or are you still working on that gold star ?

magpie said...

All's quiet here now except for for the birds and the choo choos roaring through the nearby crossing

How about that All-Day and Evening Date for the Captain and First Mate ☺ ♥

Megan most likely up and most likely getting ready for Market...
in Shepherdstown on Sundays

Neato, her ears perked up when there was a need for our Master Gardeneress !

JudyEddy said...

Storm is right now still rumbling of shore big time looks like I may be driving in it to work there was a small cell on top of us put dissipated already but lots more out there

magpie said...

Sounds like a wonderful visit coming up for Kate's Mom at your Roost, Lori ♥
glad things have cooled down a bit

magpie said...

going to check back on posts for the last visit times and day

JudyEddy said...

Headin to the kitchen for that second cup of coffee

magpie said...

Careful Judy
hope you can squeak through the storm

Lori O. said...

Got it JBUDY! Thanks. Pretty funny.

Haven't read anything since computers were problematic and out since Friday, but did Paula get Nick yet?

KAY! (Big Morning HUG)) !
Got a lot of things done, but boy am I sore. Every joint in my body hurt yesterday. Pass the BioFreeze, please. lol

JudyEddy said...

OK back I see no visit I was just hoping

Kay said...

How blessed Kate is to still have her mother. I imagine visiting the haven you two have created and those darling kittens will do her precious 90 year old heart good !

Lori O. said...

I was out taking flower pictures yesterday and thought my elbow was going to fall off. I'll have to send you another bouquet, bou-K, KAY!

JudyEddy said...

No to Nick that I know of At first I didn't put two and two together and was thinking Nick was a man Silly me I remembered then LOL

Kay said...

LORI, I believe PAULA and LYNN are going to Nick's location this next Thursday. Also believe that she'll be able to bring him home if it's clear that they are a good match for each other. Exciting !

Lori O. said...

You would really like her Kay. Kate's Mom, Mary, is no wilting flower. She's very, very smart, raised 12 kids - Kate is the youngest. Very strong Irish Catholic woman. I love that she's still gutsy. Poor family has had hell to pay taking her car and keys away from her.

DanaMo said...

Good morning, everyone! I see we didn't have a visit this morning. I miss them.

Lori, sounds like you did too much work yesterday! That will be me this week. I have to paint the dogs new room since I took the door off. It looks pretty hideous. I also have a pile of tree limbs and dirt and stuff in the back yard that I need to take care of.

JudyEddy said...

That had to have been so hard to do that Her freedom in a way

JudyEddy said...

WELCOME Dana now maybe the eagles will show up being we are all here COME ON EAGLES

magpie said...

Last visit times
Thurs morning
Double Play, both eagles in the nest
Thursday evening, short visit, Truder only
Friday am and pm, no visit
Saturday, am and pm, no visit
Sunday, am, no visit...yet!

JudyEddy said...

SAD SAD I just saw a new commercial for Heart Worm Sad how the did it saying the dog goes through it alone JUST a sad commercial and is first time I have seen it Odd that I usually don't listen to or even pay attention to commercial

Kay said...

Hell☼ Dana ! Good to "see" you !

JudyEddy said...

Looks like the storm is drifting north of us a hair north or me Lucky me But boy is it a noisy one boom boom pow big time

JudyEddy said...

That right I didn't see them because of my sleeping in day thanks for checking of the days for us

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DanaMO!

Lori O. said...

What is everyone doing today? It's another beautiful day here. Yesterday and today are humidity free days! YAY!

magpie said...

Good Morning DanaMO

am sure there is no cause for worry about the birds....not much need to come to the nest I guess
and besides, there's a lot of housework to be done there!
If Belle could have the whole nest to herself for awhile, I think she would visit, but she usually does not have that solitude

Kay said...

MARGY, thanks for doing the research ! Where, oh where, can our favorite birds be ?

DanaMo said...

So what is up with these eagles. We really haven't had many visits at all. Is this common though? Since they don't have fledglings in the nest would they normally be returning as much as they have been? Do you normally see them over the summer?

magpie said...

I check Finney2 also, Kay,
There is an adult in the THAT nest NOW

Kay said...

JUDY, I've seen that sad, sad commercial. Have to think it's an exaggeration---very serious, yes, but showing a dejected looking dog in a crate and indicating that's where he'll be for weeks is a little over the top !!!!

DanaMo said...

We went to mass last night so the teenagers could sleep in! HA they will sleep until noon!

This afternoon we are headed to a "welcome" reception in Rockville for the University of Dayton. I guess they hold these receptions all over so that kids who are attending as freshman get to meet other freshman from their area. Maybe we will hook up with some people that Aric will be able to ride with for holidays and such. Or maybe I will give in and if he is allowed let him take his car.

I still plan to stop and visit you though Kay!

magpie said...

on previous years at our nest, the fledgling/s would be still be coming around to the nest and also the parents...during this time....

I'll check back and see but the visits always dwindled down in late summer

then THE PAIR would start making more frequent visits in the early Autumn...

magpie said...

the E-M albums will be the best way to gauge visits to the nests if you can get to those

DanaMo said...

Thanks Margy I didn't think to go look in the albums. I will have to do that.

JudyEddy said...

Lets see WHAT am I doing today WORK WORK not fair LOL

DanaMo said...

I've seen that commercial too. And also the ones for the ASPCA where they actually show the names of the dogs and cats. Oh it breaks my heart every time. I want to bring them all home with me. I would be a dog hoarder! They all look so sweet.

JudyEddy said...

There isn't a bit of wind at the nest this morning It almost looks as if my cam froze

Kay said...

MARGY, thanks for the Finney2 update. Must be the Mom---isn't that the nest where the male disappeared and she couldn't take care of the egg(s)alone ?

DANA, on a normal year Belle and Liberty would have raised their chick(s) and all would still be coming and going from the nest now and then. By Fall I'd spot B & L at the nest once in a great while, but I wasn't doing a daily watch like the Momsters do. Then sometime in January you can begin to watch big push for nestorations as HP season approaches. So, they seem to stay in the area year round, but don't pay much attention to the nest Sept-Dec.. During that time last year NCTC took care of a new and improved cam in a different and, I think, better location. That's when NU became near and dear to the hearts of many ! LOL

magpie said...

oh dear
Finney1 nest news
reports fourth chick died 6-24
was hatched 6-12
no other information that I can get to on it now :(

Saliboating day at Fin-Ferry
adults away from the nest now

DanaMo said...

Thanks for the information. I'd like to say I can't wait for January, BUT I really don't want it to be winter and I really don't want summer to be over. But I do look forward to following them for a whole season.

Kay said...

MARGY, that's sad news for Finney1.
When I looked earlier the adult was hovering over a chick, but mostly blocking the view of what she might have in front of her.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm heading out a little early no rain now but looks close on radar all went north with exception of a small cell about ready to hit so I want to see if I can get in the building before I get soaked BBL HAGD

DanaMo said...

Have a good day JudyE

Kay said...

Ha, I saw the first of those sailboats when I visited Fin-Ferry. Today I'll go back occasionally to see what I can see of the sailors !

magpie said...

never found out for sure about Finney2, Kay
translations are difficult
Hedgie will know more
possible a predator problem
happened quickly

also not sure what the situation is with the little osprey at
Finney1 - if it is still on the nest or not
hard to see very well on that nest, so dark!

also not sure if it is male or female at Finney1
think it is male judging from the "necklace"

sorry I have a lot of "don't knows" this morning

adult is back at Fin-Ferry
three chicks there look good

Kay said...

DANA, Dayton must have done a lot of recruiting in your area, perhaps all major U's do that. Is that how Aric first heard of the school ? It will be interesting to connect with other students and parents. Being able to share transportation for holidays and breaks would be a big help ! Is your #1 son still in school ?

Kay said...

MARGY, I know how hard it is to tell what's happening at those nests at times. Things change so rapidly---like today, you have seen things at all those nests that I didn't see an hour earlier.

Kay said...

My cam view has been going for almost 2 hours now. Never did have to refresh--no rhyme or reason to it's erratic ways.

DanaMo said...

There are 22 welcome receptions scheduled all over the US and Puerto Rico. I guess they hit all the major cities. Since we are close to DC that is the one we will go to.

My oldest son is kinda floundering. He is really unsure of what he wants to do. He spent a year at Mount St. Mary's, but dropped out this past fall. He is currently taking classes at Hagerstown Community college and working. He just doesn't know what direction to go and he also needs some motivation. It's been a difficult year with him.

Aric is so driven that I know he will do well. He knows what he wants and he goes after it. I wasn't that way at 18 I was more like my oldest. I went to a few schools before finally graduating from Shepherd. Even then though, I wasn't really happy in my field. I didn't figure it out until I went back for my masters in my 30's!

magpie said...

sounds like a neat idea, that reception in Rockville, Dana

Cool French message to Jo very early this morning from Hoda, couldn't remember my French well enough to translate it all but know "amis ici " is "friends here " ☺

Weather looking good for Lynn's trek to Sleepy Creek Lake later on for some possible Eagle sightings !

I'm going to check out now...
Best wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy and Joyful Day, Everyone

xoxo ♥

DanaMo said...

Aric "found" Dayton using the SAT website collegeboard. I think he just put in his parameters and it came up. I was shocked when he said it and so was the guidance counselor. And even more surprised that it was a Catholic school with that name. Anyway, it's all history from there. He liked it when we went and now we've gone several times. He will be going next month to a program called "Callings" for Christian leadership. Guess he will get to meet other incoming freshman, attend some programs, and do service projects.

DanaMo said...

Have a good day Margy!

Kay said...

LORI, still thinking about Mary and the car keys thing. I've told my kids, when it comes to that time for me, "Just do it ! Remind me that back in 2011, when I was of sound mind, I told you to make the call when needed. Don't listen to me if I protest !" It's clearly symbolic of the giving up one's independence and a very difficult thing to do !

DanaMo said...

Guess I am going to sign off too. Have a good day!

Kay said...

MARGY, do have a good day and check back in when you can. Your posts are always of interst !

DANAMO, your oldest son's "floundering" is not at all unusual. Some of us just need more time than others to mature and decide what career path to take. I'm not at all convinced that college is THE only option. My stepson is an electrician and also builds auto racing engines. I'm pretty sure he makes as much money as my college educated kids do !

Ha, pretty grey squirrel just came through the nest. Must be confident the residents are no where near !

Kay said...

Since Mr. Squirrel doesn't expect to see Belle and Truder, I don't either. Seth will be up within an hour. Will then pop open a can of his favorite Pillsbury biscuits to go along with sausages, fruit and drinks. Oh, yeh, this grandmother really knocks herself out !!!!

HAGD all ! BBL

Lori O. said...

KAY - you always pop away just before I come back. :(

Always takes longer to feed the animals than I think. The kittens are funny, you can hear their tiny, high pitched meows all over the house. They love food time.

Lori O. said...

Too many chores to do today! I've got a LYNN LIST a mile long.

Can't mow until 8 or 9 = noise laws.

MEGAN should have a beautiful day at the market.

Hope LOLLY is having a wonderful time. And that SHARON AND T-BIRD are enjoying the lake.

OH, Heart Worm treatment for dogs is horrific. We've had to care for a few as they've gone through it. It's a series of 3 treatments and leaves the dogs feeling flu-ish and achey. The second treatment hits them really hard and you have to keep them quiet and as still as possible because - I don't understand this part well - but keep them as still as you can because the worms are dying and detaching. The dog can die going through the treatment.

I can't take the commercials either.

Lori O. said...

KAY, I'm sure you are a KNOCK-OUT Grandma! Woooo-hoooo!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow jack and lolly got to see a bear?! Bet lolly was so excited

Going to cook some fish for breakfast....when everyone wakes up LOL they are all still asleep

Going to finish painting one bedroom today...will work on kitchen organiozation next weekend....haven't gotten out all my kitchen stuff since I knew I was replacing the cabinets and counters

Pretty morning eagles so far but saw2 a ton of seagulls and vultures at the dump yesterday....the guy said he sees plenty of eagles there tooo!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Just watched the kitty-in-a-pipe video. Good grief, how did that kitty get in there?!

stronghunter said...

Slept in for a bit this morning.

We have been blocking off the upstairs from George with a window screen. This morning, George knocked the screen down and walked into my bedroom. I think he was tired of waiting.

Lori O. said...

Very funny SHIRLEY. Cats will do the most obnoxious things when THEY think it's time for YOU to get up and feed them. Had a cat who just chomped on my nose and ran when I was sleeping because HE was hungry.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Paula, I am so jealous. I want to go to the beach!

stronghunter said...

Oh good grief, I would not like to have George chomp on my nose.

We use the screen to separate the two cats because they hate each other. I knew it would not be too hard to knock down the screen, though.

Hunter is up. We are out of milk and cereal, but we have sausage, bread, bacon, and bananas. He's already said he does not want a sausage sandwich. I may wait until Kathryn comes down.

Oh, I get to see all kinds of things on kid's TV. Glow-in-the-dark driveway chalk. Wow! I wish I had thought of that.

stronghunter said...

Fish for breakfast, Paula. I could go for that.

Well, Hunter has gotten out the pickles. Cringe! This kid would live on pickles. I hope that allowing him to eat pickles for breakfast doesn't constitute child abuse or something. Maybe I should cook up some sausage.

stronghunter said...

I also have cheese. Sausage and cheese sandwiches sound okay.

Have you ever watched Hole in the Wall? Such an enlightening program. It involves knocking people into a pool of water.

I hope you are following my stream-of-consciousness messages this morning.

hedgie said...

Good Sunday morning, Catching up with y'all.

So sad about Finney1 ....:(
Finney2: from what the forum indicated in th ebad translation---new, inexperienced papa was not providing enough food.

Oh, Kay---we were enamored with Nu before last year!!!!

Sorry for your rude awakening this AM, Margy. No fun.

No need to be alarmed over lack of nest visits....look at it as a positive sign that maybe Belle has stopped grieving for her losses.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Hope Margy was able to go back to sleep when things settled down.

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley....your "train" of psots is funny! Nope---no child abuse! I think pickles were MADE for kids!! Both my sister and I loved pickles and onions when we were quite young---and I, at least, turned out okay!

All mentioned breakfast ideas sound great---except Paula's fish! Don't like fish!
I already ate, tho'---I did a sausage/egg/onion/peppers/tater kit from Schwan's. Quite tasty!

hedgie said...

Liesl had me up at 5:30 this AM----legitimate---it was dire. But I put her back in bed and it took half-an-hour for her to settle back down. It's no longer dark at that time! I was able to knock out another 60 minutes of sleep after she settled.

stronghunter said...

He finally ate part of a sausage sandwich. Refused cheese.

stronghunter said...

Also found some pink grapefruit, but he rejected that, also. I think he has eaten that before.

hedgie said...

Geesh---little rip brought in a daddy long-legs just now! I got it!!!

stronghunter said...

Dogs 101:

The basset hound and the shar pei are among the dogs featured today.

We do watch a variety of television programs.

stronghunter said...

A daddy long legs, hmm. Really not too bad.

stronghunter said...

I hope you are okay with it, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Have seen no eagles today.

hedgie said...

Loretta---great pics!!! Left comments!

hedgie said...

Talking about aging.....think I've mentioned before that my mom just up and decided---after getting her MO license---that she was not going to drive anymore. She felt uncomfortable in an unfamiliar area...and the traffic on the road between her and Gail, which is very winding, frightened she never got behind the wheel again after she left FL.
Article in today's Hagerstown paper about an 86 yr. young lady who is a school crossing guard; says she's not ready to retire yet!
Go girl!

hedgie said...

She started on the job in '57!

stronghunter said...

That is quite a career, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, you reminded me to look at Loretta's pictures. Love those woodpeckers. Interesting difference between the adult and baby.

paula eagleholic said...

Omg I finally got to see an osprey catch a fish....right out front!!

stronghunter said...

How exciting, Paula! You surely picked the ideal spot for your beach home.

hedgie said...

Well, shucks, Shirley, I missed that show!
Am I okay with what??? The daddy long legs? I can abide them...but not in the house!!!

hedgie said...

Cool, Paula!!! DID YOU GET PICS???
Sure hoping I get a good showing today, and that I can snap a few!!

stronghunter said...

They did say that a shar pei can be aggressive, needs a professional trainer, and that they are better in all-adult homes. They were bred for fighting. I did not know anything about them until you started posting information.

Basset hounds, while sweet, are very stubborn. I knew that!

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Well, it seems my name has been muddied in my absence. I do appreciate the collection for an attorney. I ask, however, that you not hire a man named Baez. I am about to move from premeditation to actual aphidicide but must note that Kay, not to be outdone, has already engaged in waspicide. Wonder if she had "revenge of the wasp" nightmares? And now we find that Sassy hurriedly left town and Liesl is an alias. A tree, incorrectly identified by a 911 witness, is a tree that was attacked at Margy's roost. What an adventurous life we lead on this blog.

I too was going to comment on JudyE shaking her JBudy but was laughing too much.

Wanda, so really happy you and Father Capt. Gene had a day to yourselves. Hope another one will happen soon. You both deserve.

Now need to catch up on the remaining 96 comments.

stronghunter said...

I don't want grandaddy longlegs in the house, either, Lynn. Would think that yours might not have not survive if captured by a puppy.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Judie!

Yes, we have been talking about you.

Judie said...

Lori, mowing done or not, hope Kate's mom enjoys the visit and the kittens. Have fun!

Oh my goodness, now it seems Kay has admitted to looking for sailors.

stronghunter said...

Might not have survived . . . the grandaddy, that is.

magpie said...

Good Morning Again, almost Noontime Eagle Pals

I would take fish anytime, IF someone else cooks it, especially grilled, and IF there are NO bones

Great, Seagull and Fish-Hauling Osprey sighting, Paula !

magpie said...

"It was dire" ref Liesl

do you mean...had to go poo-poo & tinkle ?

magpie said...

I'd also take a pile of spiders OUTDOORS to commit insecticide, especially if they are fond of aphids and ear-wigs

Neat, Shirley, that Hunter at least TRIES different foods. Think the vinegar in the pickles will help keep his system rolling, good for the arteries too !

magpie said...

Waspicide, and aphidicide...we are a team of homiciders on here ☺

magpie said...

the man in the incident this morning told police he was "visiting" the upstairs folks so he got to go "home" upstairs

the lass went to the hospital, and maybe the pokey later...

was kind of sad...they are a couple going through a break-up probably
alcohol NEVER helps in these situations
her car is a little mangled, front left quarter panel
big strip of bark missing from the tree :(

magpie said...

I don't see any reports of a nest visit since I checked out this morning, BUT, the nest looks different, some debris missing from the middle area
Big "T" stick still unmoved though

stronghunter said...

Maybe the squirrel that ran through the nest rearranged some things, Margy.

magpie said...

Have a good outing at the lake today!
Sure hope you see a lot of Eagle Action !!
Last year the nest was supposed to be near the "first" campsite, depending on your direction, see you said it is near the handicapped ramp

Thanks for the Invite! But, as you know I have a date to see Kung Fu Panda II with James and his Dad at 2 pm
in Berkeley Springs at an old-timey theater

magpie said...

good thinking, Shirley,
maybe so !

I'm going to commit chatteracide, and later cashicide, (movies, meal and Goodwill)
clock is committing minute-a-cide and I need some of it to get ready

See you all Later...
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Judie said...

Many large colleges and universities have meet & greet sessions to help students transition to life away at college and to make friends and find mentors. Helps the incoming students and helps the school with retention rates.

Dana, I've seen it all too often. H.S. grads feel compelled to go right to college and really don't have the motivation or know the direction to take. Those are the ones I wish would take a year or two or more before making a college commitment. Far less emotionally stressful for kids and family.

Don't like breakfast as a rule. Pickles a definite NOT. Breakfast after 11am is good.

Are we experiencing spidercide this morning?

Congratulations to the crossing guard lady. May she enjoy many more years.

Lucky lady, Paula. Remind me the general area you are in, please.

Hope Megan has a terrific market day. Lovely weather for it.

Okay, the time has come and I am now going to prepare the lethal dose of dishwashing liquid.


magpie said...

Wear a Disguise !

I guess are not homiciders...wrong term
I guess
Pesticiders, Insecticiders, or Buggiciders would be better

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds WOW I almost didn't come home for lunch We almost got 3inches of rain so far and more commin The retention pond at work the one with the pictures of turtle is almost overflowing in parking lot lucky its has let up some so hopefully it will drain I will park else where when I go back 67 emails to read you are a chatty bunch as always

JudyEddy said...

YEAH is only 74 out

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Judie, it looks like you have lots more rain to come.

hedgie said...

Getting ready to head out...Eagle eyes to the skies!! I see cam is acting up again... :(

movin said...




It's fairly cloudy and in the mid 60's this morning, but it's supposed to warm up into the mid 70's by day's end in So Cal.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

JudyEddy said...

Hey not bad I read all the comments now there are none to read in my email box Happy Dance and Stop the rain dance Well not raining at this second but radar looks terrible lots of rain still comin back to work before it starts again I cheated today I parked up near the building BAD GIRL We are suppose to park at the end of the lot which I do but I would say half the associates park where they want You watch me I will get caught Seems everyone is gone Hey I did put deodrant on last night LOL OK BBL

JudyEddy said...

HEY JIM see you passing through

movin said...

That's right, Judy. I have some "must do's" the morning, but I thought I'd better check in with my eagle friends first.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Hoda said...

Good morning all...

Laundry is done and I am headed off to yoga. Thought I would check in before I went as the afternoon seems busy now...I will go do the groceries afterwards and then head off for a walk with a friend to the Kokannee Creek Park. This will take up most of the afternoon and I hope to see an eagle while I am out there...I did see one last time I went so I know places to look.It is a partly sunny day and I think we are supposed to go up to 79, but I do not think we will make that as it is sitting lower fifties right now...THE SUN has however made an appearance and all is indeed well in Nelson land...Stay well and will talk to you later the evening...HAGD

stronghunter said...

I saw something go by in the upper part of the screen. It looked white. Anyone else see it?

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Probably a cloud, Shirley. That would be my luck.

Okay, the dastardly dead is done. I really cleaned their little aphid clocks with dish soap water and, for the serious attempts to escape the death house, I cut them off at the two-leaf pass.

DanaMO, forgot to mention earlier, when Aric gets to Dayton have him check to see if the Oregon District (downtown) is still the in place to meet at watering holes and to live. Used to be a horribly rundown inner city area that took off in the mid-70s. Lots of restaurants, bars, renovated houses which became quite expensive. Used to be great fun when I was single in my early 30s.

Shirley, would love to have some rain, please and thank you.

Where is Jo? Getting concerned.

Going to sit back and contemplate my belly button. BBL

Judie said...

Oh my, sorry.

Hello to Jim. How are ya? I take it you are feeling better?

Hoda, have a lovely afternoon walk. Hope you see an eagle.

stronghunter said...

Well, Hunter got all excited about the leftover broccoli and had it for lunch. I suggested a drumstick, so broccoli and chicken. I guess he balances things out overall.

stronghunter said...

Oh, sorry, I meant Judy will have lots of rain. I checked her radar in Florida.

wvgal_dana said...

Could not get on this morning. Computer had a lot of updates it needed to do. Had to let it do it.

Hello Everyone ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Margy at 5:16 AM on a Sunday morning some drunks hitting the mailboxes. Is no way to wake up with those problems.
Sorry lady. Did the ambulance take
any of them?

I'll take a bagel with blueberry
cream cheese please. One cup of
defac coffee just black. YUMMY !

What did you all mean Sissy going to New York??

Sorry you are sore everywhere Lori.

Sad about Finney so sad.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula you lucky duck you. Got to see right there in front of you "a osprey catch a fish!!!! Oh my I want your "PARADISE" !!!!!

Oh NO Mr. Bob the drunk guy from Margy's home area. Told police he was "visiting" the upstairs folks and police let him go "home" upstairs....NO NO say it isn't
true!!!! Poor Margy :(

Margy is hitting the theatre with James and his Dad is not too long....YAY!!!

Hoda the walk to the Kokannee Creek Park.
Sounds so interesting please tell us what you see when you get back please.

wvgal_dana said...

I'll have to read your comments to anything I wrote when I get back.

Did Mema Jo start speaking French????

Judie said...

Shirley, I guess Hunter is doing some kind of balancing act. I would get excited about broccoli as long as it's disguised.

Hi DanaWV.

Decided to do something useful. Read while laundry is in progress.


NatureNut said...

Happy Sunday, dear friends.
I'm still waiting for rain!!!!

Greg at Park sent me some loon pics!!They are mostly from far away. The lady who took them went on an osprey banding trip & then stayed at the canoe camp for a couple days & saw the loon.Will try to work on them later.
BBL--out to finally put mulch in all the flower po6s. They need it now!

stronghunter said...

Funny thing about Hunter--he has always liked broccoli. When he was little, Kathryn told him he was eating trees. She manages to hide the fact that she does not like broccoli.

Judie said...

Hi Lowreeda, looking forward to the loon pictures. So special. Good luck with mulching. We need about a gazillion tons of the stuff to begin to keep weeds under control.

I like the eating trees technique. Very creative, especially since she doesn't like broccoli. Kathryn is cool like her mom. How's she feeling today?

Did Jo say she was actually traveling to France to eat at the French restaurant? I'm pretty sure they have internet and computers over there.

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon Everyone! Put your mind at ease as I have returned! I'll try now to be more regular on a daily basis.
Hubby and would have seen lots of pics
of France but the Camera's battery was
too low - so I'll await them on Picasso soon. The stories were fantastic - they did go to the Normandy region of France which is a 360-mile dramatic coastline, including the dramatically evocative World War II landing beaches.
Their guide asked "Did you bring a bag?" They had to ask why because the
sand from the historical beach they
thought was off limits! The Guide said
here when Susan said 'no, no bag' and
he pulled one out of his back pocket.
There were so many stories to be told.
They were impressed with walking to where you wanted to go or take a train - no cell phones or ear plugs
seen in the native Frenchman. Market
was great - even sold live rabbits and
chickens for food. A whole different

Mema Jo said...

One custom is that the French walk around with baguettes. One small child had a very short baguette in his shirt pocket and as he was walking he kept eating it by turning his head and taking bites

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

My computer had been down a few days
and really isn't not yet useable. I had
a spare - less memory but I can get
a few things up at once. It was very

Loved Liesl graduating cap pic.
Excited that Paula saw an osprey catch the fish. I'm still waiting to see that!

Everyone take care... BBILW

stronghunter said...

Well hello, Jo. What timing! We were just talking about you.

Judie said...

Just watched poor Isla move some sticks around and then settle in to brood her eggs. Very sad to watch.

Cannot get Loch Garten.

Oh such a relief to see Jo has returned and that she is reporting she had a good time. Yes, it is a very different lifestyle. Welcome back!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Shirley and Judie (And all the rest) for wishing me back!
Trying to catch up on what I missed.

Sounds like Truder and Belle are taking
a long weekend!

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY a kid that like broccoli how did you ever manage that I love it any way it is prepared and raw is the best and funny that she doesn't like it and still talked him in to eating and liking it

JUDIE THE TERMINATOR of innocent little aphids

YEAH it stopped raining right after lunch got a little over 3 inches in my back yard they said some peeps got up to 5"

Not a chatty kind of afternoon not as many comments to read today

stronghunter said...

Kathryn deserves the credit for convincing Hunter to eat broccoli. I think she convinced him that he could be like a dinosaur and eat trees. Little children love dinosaurs.

stronghunter said...

Well, I hope Judie got every one of the pests.

JudyEddy said...

I am sooo sleepy I have been drinking decaf coffee and boy can I tell the difference I was sitting in the rocker and fell dozed off mouth open and all LOL BBL gonna out since it not to hot and blow the stink off me LOL

JudyEddy said...

I fell asleep is what I was going to say but I really dozed off funny sound like I fell. I am so tired I can't quit yawning Bye again

stronghunter said...

Almost got a glass of water in my lap--on top of the laptop. Dog wrestling match. Lordy.

Then Flash tried to pull the quilt off my lap. Geesh.

JudyEddy said...

I just saw a ant go up the tree trunk I was looking close it looked like the cam wasn't working No wind to speak of and saw the ant so I guess its working I wonder why we don't have sound still
Had a nice fish dinner just got back a few ago LM

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening my eagle budlets. We were on the lake, coming back down Peak Creek, I was looking along the trees and what to my wondering eyes would appear - a beautiful, elegant bald eagle. MADE MY WEEKEND!

JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Good evening!!! I am back........a nice day---perfect weather. We THINK we saw 4 eagles, but they were up way to high to make a positive died on newly charged batts...go figure. Luckily Frank had extra regular ones. I will examine pics but sure that I will not be able to see anything better than what we saw eyes to skies. BUT....we think we know where the nest is. Frank will paddle over there the next time he has the boat up and check it out close-up. AND...TA DA....drum roll, please.....we saw a BEAR!!!!! It was a cubby...who ran across the road SO fast that we couldn't get a pic....he scrambled right off into the brush, heading up the mountain!!

So that makes me and Lolly....since things come in threes, and I predicted that MAYBE Lolly, Lynne and I would see one, we are 2/3rds there!!!!!

stronghunter said...

What a nice thing to end your weekend with, Sharon.

JudyEddy said...

OMG OMG you saw a BEAR OMG are your pants clean LOL I know mine wouldn't be

JudyEddy said...

Ok who is the third person going to be I wonder! and do repeats count as the third check the rule book

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley....Liesl is VERY gentle with the insects....she plays with them, but doesn't kill them!! Reminds me of watching a mama bird with a worm---beaks it tight enough that it can't crawl out of her mouth but not hard enough to chomp it in half!!

Broccoli---UGH! But my girls both always ate it...their dad had a big hand in that!!

stronghunter said...

Congratulations, Lynn. It sounds like you had a perfect day.

JudyEddy said...

SHARON saw a EAGLE HODA saw a EAGLE the other day TWO BEAR sightings wow who and what next

stronghunter said...

Sassafras used to bark at ants, and she would sometimes pick them up and fling them. Really. It was pretty hard on the ants.

stronghunter said...

It upset her when they died.

hedgie said...

Hey, Jim, glad you checked in!

Jo, sounds like the kids had a great trip! Definitely a great place to visit!

DanaWV---Liesl formerly called Sissy is not going to NY. Her sister, named Sassy, got adopted to people in NY.

Lori, hope Kaye's Mom had an enjoyable visit with you gals! What did she think of the black vultures??

Oh, forgot....Irene saw a loon on the lake last week, too!! And we heard wood ducks...but nest box was too far away to see if there were hatches or not.
And we found a big clump of feathers....looked like they had been yanked a fox maybe?? Not sure what kind they were....DNR officer was at the ramp checking people's fishing licenses...he didn't know what kind they were! He said MAYBE a vlack goose. ???

hedgie said...

Kay, hope your day has been special with Seth.

Hoda, have you made it back from your errands? Hope you did experience nice temps!

JudyEddy said...

AWWW so sad

hedgie said...

Judie....aphidcider....hope they are gone for good!

JudyE--hope you took a nap! WOw---that's a lot of rain! Had to laugh yesterday at the HLN people in Orlando talking about it being a monsoon!

hedgie said...

Ooops=---BLACK goose! Not vlack. Fat fingers.

I did text Lolly to let her know about the bear cub.....hope she had reception!

JudyEddy said...

During the summer we get daily rains use to be able to set your clock to the afternoon heat and sea breeze showers
We got a some developing right off the coast right now that will be here tomorrow so a repeat performance of rain I was so amazed how full the retention pond got a work It went over one year and damaged lots of cars

hedgie said...

Way to go, Sharon!!!!! Any pics???

hedgie said...

Sad news at the National Aquarium.
2nd baby died last night. Needless to say, Ceil is she learned today that a neighbor friend passed away.

Lori O. said...

Lot's going on here tonight.

I just posted pictures of Kittens BOBBY AND ALVIN!

Meet Kittens Bobby & Alvin!

SHARON - how cool! I want to see an eagle, too. You lucky duck!

LYNN - A bear? Holy cow! Where were you?

Kate's Mom had a very nice day. Yes, we did take her out and show her the baby vultures who have gotten SO BIG!
I'll post those later. But, she loved the kitties! Thanks to everyone who asked about Kate's Mom and wished her a good day here.

I want to go hunt down LORETTA'S pics now.

PAULA did you get a pic of the osprey? Did you buy that place for the birds or the beach? Or just get lucky and got both?!?!

KAY and MARGY - I think I've failed on my gold star. Got some things done but not half as much as I wanted to.


Lori O. said...

LYNN - So sad about the Nat'l Aquarium baby dolphin. A 33% mortality rate in their first year. That's tough, right up there - almost - with eaglets. Sad for Ceil.

Lori O. said...

OH WOW - Loretta has her LOON pics up. So cool to see after watching the Loon cam this year. Thanks for sharing Loretta! Awesome!

NatureNut said...

Good evening everyone! See Jo got back from France. And Judie has perfected aphidicide. Last year I saw lots of those orangey aphids on the milkweed at the Park while looking for monarch pupae and caterpillars. Didn't seem to affect the large plants.
Ah, yes, broccoli! I always liked it and spinach. Maybe Popeye helped! Think it was because we always use butter & lemon. What's funny is that my daughter, who also loved broccoli, called them trees!!

Gotta finish din din, but put some Loon, etc. pics in the nook. After hearing about Paula's witnessing an osprey catching fish, had to add a heron!!

JudyEddy said...

there is a spider on the leag on the edge a small little spider don't look Oh its looks to be gone darn it

JudyEddy said...

I kept saying to myself looks like the cam is froze no wind at all just staring to see if there was movement and saw the dang spider so sorry to bring them to the blog

JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Nope---no birds showing in any of the pics.....can't even make out the nest tree amongst all the others! I need a really powerful zoom!!!!

hedgie said...

Cinnamon was a bug tosser, too! I think Liesl may follow in her footsteps.

Shirley, until Mai, I had never met an aggressive Pei! Stubborn ones, for sure, tho'!

wvgal_dana said...

Back and Hello everyone

Need to catch up on comments.

Judie said...

My goodness. What a day for critters.

Lori, Bobby and Alvin are adorable. Sigh! Wishing and wishing. So glad Kate's mom had a nice time and that she enjoyed the kittens.

Lowreeda, love the woodpecker and the loon picks. Loons are so calming, I think. Thank you for sharing.

Lynn, I hope you had time to say "It's me bear." Know you must have been so excited to see both a cub and eagles. Nice afternoon, for sure.

If anyone has a critter that eats aphids instead of playing with ants, let me know.

Shirley, bet you never imagined how exciting retirement would be so quickly. What a lot of excitement.

So sad about the dolphin. Yes, Ceil must be sad. Hugs for her.

Hi JBudy. Hi Dana.

Wonder if Paula is on her way home from her animal wonderland?


hedgie said...

JudyE---I remember having those daily afternoon storms in Georgia...but when Mom lived in Port St. Lucie they were not a daily occurrence. Difference between east and west coasts??

Hoda said...

Well I am back from the was lovely and I saw many small birds but no eagles today. Many ducks and mallards on the lake. I did not see a bear but I saw a bear trap all rigged up to catch a bear... I saw bear scat but no bear.
It was a very good time at the park and I enjoyed walking and we talked quite a bit, good to make noise when on the trails I think.

WELCOME BACK MEMA JO. It was great to read your notes and to know how much they enjoyed themselves.

hedgie said...

Judie---didn't the dishwashing spray work on the aphids?? ARGH!

magpie said...

Sounds like a good outing, Lynn, maybe 4 eagles and definitely one bear !

And same for Sharon, seeing an eagle

and wow, the Loon pics on NatureNut's nook, way cool!

and Judie saw the demise of many aphids...
And...We have ALL "seen" a JO, and and a JIM today ☺

Now how about some Eagle Action at the Sycamore Palace !!!!

magpie said...

pretty likely we will SEE a SPLIT in about 14 posts of so....

magpie said...

Sounds like a lovely outing for you too, Hoda...
did the sun remain shining, and how warm did the temperatures get ?

magpie said...

am very saddened to read of the double loss for Ceil,
her friend, and the baby dolphin
Thank you for the information, Lynn and (( hugs ♥ )) for Ceil

magpie said...

I thought Judie said she cleaned their clocks, Lynn
and took care of the death-escaping ones at the Two-Leaf Pass

How many times do you think you have to do this treatment ?
Inquiring fellow aphid-battling minds want to Know !

magpie said...

That's a LOT of rain...
hope all is well there at your roost

magpie said...

soon maybe we will get a report on Lynne2's week-end activities
and the rest of Paula's report

JudyEddy said...

My roost is high and dry now We have more rain in forecast for tomorrow Watching the trial as always

JudyEddy said...

Colors are fading from the nest

Hoda said...

Margy, It was very reasonable in the weather department today. We had partly cloudy and 72degrees. This is respecatble. I enjoyed it very much and being outside always makes me feel very much gratitude.

JudyEddy said...

I want to take a nap I am so sleepy I am going to buy the high octane coffee tomorrow can't I guess I need some caffeine in my body

magpie said...

Okay Judy sounds ok so far...

and Yay, Hoda, I would say that is very respectable !!

It is very overcast here - so early darkening at the nest I guess

JudyEddy said...

I am so disappointed in our pair was so hoping for a visit

stronghunter said...

Aphid Control

JudyEddy said...

I need to go get a shower I'll give it a bit more but I don't think they will show COME ON EAGLES show me wrong

magpie said...

wil check out Bobby and Allen shortly
after nest watching time is over

I can Relate to Jo's back-up computer with very low memory "very frustrating "
my main and only computer has low memory

GHOST is doing the typing now
remember I warned about the SPLIT !!

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am cross fingers for a visit been a long time

God Bless this Nest
and all whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...