Wednesday, April 13, 2011


New thread.


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hedgie said...

Thanks for new thread. I'll get the others.

hedgie said..., Hans was the troll on the Outdoor forum. Peggy is the computer help desk jerk from TV commercials.

Jim, SO glad you rescued your computer!!! Very scary. Maybe it was the trojans that caused it. Whew! You were lucky!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the fresh thread Steve. I still have not see the sun today - guess it is still up there.

Thanks, Hedgie.

I went to the baker and his shop was
gone...... I went to the grocery store and got the dinner rolls. I'm sure they will taste yummy.

Mema Jo said...

Decorah forum had a very nasty troll on there this morning. I mean a nutball

T-Bird - forgot to say good morning before I ran to the store.

hedgie said...

The OD posters are oblivious.....thought there was moonlight last night....duh! It was pouring the rain!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for new thread Steve Lurking around BBL

Liz said...

Mema, I didn't see the troll at Decorah......

Mema Jo said...

He published his name - talked about Americans should all die. Very terrorist type talk. 'Brady' I think.
It would have been before noon - more like between 10 & 11. The one lady said she was reporting him to the Feds.

Liz said...

Mema, wow. I hope that lady did report him, wow.

Liz said...

Mema, maybe his posts were deleted. I didn't see them. But maybe I missed them.

Lynne2 said...

it's me bear! Yes, Dana, I'll be saying that when I get to the forest!

Oh no Jim, glad you were able to fix your computer after the "blue screen of death". Hope it stays fixed for you!

GO ISLA!!!!!!!!

Wow, just watched the attack at Decorah from last night. Doesn't look like that owl is giving up easily.

Liz said...

Lynne, I'm not convinced that was an owl last night at Decorah. I never heard a hoot. and the flash of feathers was so quick you couldn't tell what it was. I didn't think moms screeching was that frantic either.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Lynne2 said...

What do you think it was Liz? There is a sound on the video from the other 4:28 into it where there is a "whoooo" and then again at the end. Not enough to identify what it is.

Liz said...

Lynne, in the previous nights video I heard 2 hoots at different parts of the video. last nights video I didn't hear any hoots.

Lynne2 said...

I meant the other video, not last nights. It would be nice if they'd pan that camera out at night so we could see what is going on.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Well, that's 2 of my comments that have been lost in the Twilight Zone!
Keep getting a page asking me to start my own blog, and my comment gets lost. Hope the 3rd time is the charm!

Liz said...

Yes, 2 cams on all the nests we watch would be nice. One closeup, and one panned out. I'm sad watching the Bri nest, dad is trying to incubate by himself. Mom watches the nest occassionally but won't sit on the egg. I really doubt that egg is still viable.

hedgie said...

Which baker, Jo??? The one next to the nail shop that Christie goes to closed down....wonder if it's the same one?

Mema Jo said...

RedTailHawk Portland OR

I watched this last year but I am really late checking in on the nest.
4 Hawk eggs (not that they will all hatch) this year.
You will enjoy it.

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Lynn Green Street Bakery
They even have an online site. There
is a nail shop right next to it.

hedgie said...

Agree, Liz....think it is a useless effort on the part of that poor papa.

Mema Jo said...

Andy - that blog page happens to all of us - well at least me. I get angry
when it pops up and I need to sign in.

Mema Jo said...

Liz - the Decorah mom's vocal last
night - well, I've not heard that before.
Lynne - would be great if the cam was
panned out a little at night. Like you
all I saw were feathers.

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and thanks to Lynn for the call-over!

Let's see if I can remember what I wrote in my lost comments....

JudyE, I loved the video from yesterday, too! Thank you!

Lynne2, sorry to hear that Dinky has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I'm sure that he had a happy life, though.

Was shocked and SO sorry to hear about Jason the bear! Nature has been rather cruel at times this year. Prayers for Lynn Rogers, Sue, and all their co-workers.

Happy to hear that the chickens are hatching! They are SO cute!

Thrilled to hear the happy news from Scotland! Congrats to Isla and her Laird on their first egg!!!

Well, have to scoot--must try to make an appt. at school to repackage my student loan. Yes, Judie, I have decided to take another quarter to graduate. There are not enough hours in the day to do it all, especially with a particularly challenging English class at the same time!

Have a couple of errands to run, too.

Oh--Emma says hello to everyone. She is feeling particularly frisky today!

Will probably be in lurk mode today, but will check in later tonight after my English class. Hope everyone has a good day! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Liz - Lynne Maybe it was an Intruder
They are sorta popular this year lol

Mema Jo said...

Going to clean some CA strawberries.
I sure hope they taste as good as they look.......... I guess June is the
month here on the east coast when the
berries come in........

Lynne2 said...

Hi Andy, Hi Emma!

Jo, I guess it could be another eagle but eagle have poor night vision and are not usually out and about. Of course, one thing we've learned this year.....we don't know ANYTHING for sure!

Liz said...

What is the survival rate of fledglings to adulthood?

Lynne2 said...

Liz, tough one to answer but here is eagle expert Peter Nye's answer to the question....
This varies with the population in question. From our work releasing eagles in new york, about 2.5 adults would survive for every 20 ( 1 in 8). Mortality is highest for eagles in their first year of life, especially their first six months. The first winter is crucial. Some biologists (two studies) have estimated mortality as high as 72 % within one year of fledging (leaving the nest). Another study estimated that only 11 % of eagles were alive after 3 years of life. In general, we believe that only about 1 in 10 eagles survive to adulthood ( 5 yrs of age ).

Liz said...

Lynne, wow! That seems like a really high mortality rate! Do you know the survival rate of eggs to fledge?

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone.

Today has some good news and some bad. Isla has an egg but Jason the bear cub has died.

Must catch up.

Lynne2 said...

I can't find anything on that Liz. I was looking for egg to hatch success. I am GUESSING that many eggs don't hatch due to predation, damage, temperatures, etc. But I can't find any info.

Lynne2 said...

Hi Diann, hope you are feeling better now that they have something figured out for you! My friend Gail had exactly the opposite thing happen....she had a UTI and thought it was getting worse when her back started hurting. But she has apparently herniated a disc.

PammySue said...

Hello out there. I have not been on for a few days. Craig is a little under the weather, but of course, he thinks he is on his deathbed. So annoying.

I just saw the news on Facebook about the little bear cub Jason. That is so sad. :(

hedgie said...

Yep, Jo...that's the one. I'll ask her when she gets home this evening, but something is telling me that they maybe moved elsewhere.......

PammySue said...

Lynne, that report on the mortality rate is shocking. It's hard to believe they have made a comeback with numbers like that.

movin said...

Hmmmmm. It's stayed fairly cool here this morning, and I got sleepy.... Been napping for over an hour, and now I've got to get going.

Talk later, friends.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Hello PammySue - was beginning to worry
about you. JudyE takes very good care of the NCTC Eagle Cam - her videos
are great.

Hope Craig feels lots better soon.
You are a very good caretaker.

Leaving for a while.... We'll be heading westward about 4:30 -

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - I did drive down to the Bakery
and there was a sign that you had to
have an appointment - cakes and cookies
When you call their published number
the automated voice says you have reached xxx-xxxx (Their number)
No one ever answered and I called 3 times and only once did I leave a
message.......... Weird!

hedgie said...

Hmmm, Jo....MTBR.

Pammie, sorry Craig has been sick. Too much birthday???

Diann, hope you are feeling better today.

Jim, naps are good!!!

I had read at one point that the survival rate was 50%.......disappointing to hear that it's so much lower. :(

JudyEddy said...

Thought I would mention something that just happened to me as well to others on this blog I was doing pictures on Jordyn in a blog and when I went to create a new blog Google asked me for my cell phone # which I gave my Trac # and they texted me a code to key in before I could continue blogging odd
What if I didn't have a cell phone I wouldn't if it was for ER I really don't use it much always have mintues left over when I renew it

paula eagleholic said...

I think 50% is about the right number...

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread and Lynn for the call over.

Lolly, glad you decided to take it easier today. Hope it helps.

Hi Jo. Enjoy watching the paint dry this evening. Nope, I mean enjoy the dinner rolls and family. Who took the baker's shop?

I also had some serious irritation with a troll at Decorah. Someone asked if there is a moderator but didn't see an answer. Maybe comments were deleted by a moderator.

Interesting note: after posting about Jason, I went back to bed to try to sleep only to hear the fox barking for about 5 minutes. Just seemed eerie.

Speaking of NABC: I looked to see if there is an email we could use to send our condolences but didn't see one. Does anyone have a way to let them know that, as a group, we are saddened for them?

Judie said...

Jim, congratulations on another computer survivor reality post.
Say Jim, I checked Phoebe's nest and maybe it's the camera angle but that egg looks way too huge for a hummie. Did see her zoom away.

Need to check the WE and TH nests. Decorah was quiet but two babes were sunning and one was clearly panting and quite restless.

Hope Craig feels better soon, Pammie.

Hi Andy. Okay, now I feel better about your schedule. You're so close now it just makes sense not to rush and crash from exhaustion.


PammySue said...

Jo, yes Judy is very good about putting info on the Facebook page. I wanted lots of people to participate, but that is not the case.
Facebook will not allow the name to be changed to a fan page, either. Very disappointing.
I need to just delete both pages and let someone who has more time to devote to it take over.

hedgie said...

Judie, maybe there is an email address on the NABC site that we could use to send our condolences.

hedgie said...

I got an email address, Judie, for the Bear Curator, Donna ANdrews.....not sure if that is Dr. Lynn's wife Donna or not........

Do you want to compose an email a nd send it form us?

hedgie said...

Excuse my typos!!!

Christine said...

Busy at work but thought ya'll might be interested in this story :)

hedgie said...

Thanks, Christine for that story. Hope that the eaglet can rejoin his family. Hope the rest of the nest doesn't break apart.
Here's a blue link:

Eaglet rescue

Mema Jo said...

I am out of here going to look for
the red buds along the highway.


Red said...

Thanks Christine, for a nice story.

Mema Jo said...

...Still cam down - can't connect -
maybe it is just me.


wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Christine for the story of the eaglet. Hoping the outcome is a good one.

JudyEddy said...

Well I know think I am done posting picture on different blogs

Took me a while to figure how to do it but I think I got it mastered I just can't figure how some pictures got jumbled up out of order
Another cyberspace mystery HUH

Pictures are from my vacations out west and east and some of my granddaughter and NC picture when I go visit my friends there

Lynne2 said...

Jo....I'll be anxiously awaiting the Redbud report!

DanaMo said...

long day...hi everyone!

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, you have to post pics to your blog in backwards order as you wish people to view the last picture first...and so on until the the last picture you ad is the first one you want people to see.

JudyEddy said...

Lynn How do you get the blue link on the post from my pic I'm still just learning

Lynne2 said...

hmmmm....mine must be different. I can post pictures in order now,don't have to add them backwards. And I can add captions on individual pictures.

JudyEddy said...

I just might still do the captioning on it I have video of our whole trip LOts of video I transferred it to DVD I have so many pictures just to many to post That was quite an adventure four of us went me, June, Terry and Terrys mother Othello who is in her 70s she was a real trouper we had a blast the best three week of my life beside the vacation out east

JudyEddy said...

Here birdie here birdie

DanaMo said...

Where are they?

Lynne2 said...

OK, anyone ever had or know someone who has had the Synvisc injections in their knees?

hedgie said...

Yep, Lynne, lots of people!!! Very successful. BUT.........very expensive. Ortho wanted to do Bill's doesn't stock it. He went to pharmacy and even with his insurance, his portion would have been $600 for one injection. He told them to forget it!

hedgie said...

JudyE, I'll send you instructions for blue link.

JudyEddy said...

Ok ladies here is a must see Mrs Brown Waxing in the closet
Someone emailed me this joke and I just had to post it LOL

paula eagleholic said...

hMM, lYNNE, HOW ABOUT THAT! I must have an older format for a blog? Maybe that is why JudyE's are all mixed up!

Lynne2 said...

OMG JudyE....ROFLMAO! Looks like we have us an official "WAX" video now!!

JudyEddy said...

I knew you would love it my niece sent it to me in email

Lynne2 said...

oh Lynn.....that's crazy! I'm going to call my insurance co. in the AM and see what they'll cover. The steroids seem to have had just minimal effectiveness. But I have lost 3 pounds! The more weight I can loose the better.

Red said...

hahaha! I love Mrs Brown.

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Just watched the wax video. So funny. Thanks JudyE.

hedgie said...

Lynne, that did the trick for me! Just 10 lbs. makes a big difference!
They say that 1# of belly fat=10# of strain on your back, it has to be the same with the knees.

stronghunter said...

On survival rate of juvie eagles. If I recall correctly, I think we were told 50% of fledged eagles survive.

hedgie said...

Finally had a few minutes of sun here!!!! Lows tonight back into the 30's....ugh!

Lynne2 said...

that's what I've heard too Shirley, but just read a report that up to 40% don't survive the very first flight. So I wonder if the 50% is post fledging?

Lynne2 said...

and perhaps I should have read your post carefully.....LOL! since that's exactly what is says. DUH!

Lynne2 said...

yeah Lynn, I think someone else recently mentioned that on here....I need to loose 10lbs, 8 times! That's how to think of it rather than thinking the whole total. Then it seems an insurmountable task.

Now insurmountable makes me think of the Sermon on the Mount. Which makes me think of other famous Bible mountains, which makes me think of Mt Sinai and that it surely must be time for the Ten Commandments to come on!

Judie said...

Lynn, thanks for the email address. I don't mind composing a note of condolence from our group but will defer to Paula as our blog leader. She may wish to be our representative. I'll wait for her decision.

Good news about the eaglet being rescued. At least one success today.

hedgie said...

LOL, Lynne.....yep, it should be soon! Glad you came to that conclusion albeit in a round-about way!

hedgie said...

Yes, Judie, we'll take all the GOOD news we can get! Too much sadness.

Kay said...

Good evening ! Had a great day with the dog and the grandson, but am very tired !

I've read through from 7 this a.m. til' now and won't make comments on absolutely everything, but took it all in and enjoyed.

Lolly, I ordered the same dvd you walk to---thanks so much for the info, including site for ordering ! The sweet story tribute to little Jason is profoundly beautiful. But, please,issue a Kleenex warning, next time. I went through a half box, I think.

Lynn, I'm glad you enjoyed the avatar. I like hiding behind doors, but you can see my hand raised in salute to you. I must have had some kind of intuition when that pic was taken four+ years ago. LOL

So, sign of Belle and/or t. today at all. I'll hang in there for a while and see if they show up.

Leona said...

Evening all.

JudyE that video was funny.

hedgie I hope they can get that eagle back home with it's family.

Lynne2 said...

the sun is shining on the nest

DanaMo said...

Very funny video!

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE I watched the video you posted and I think I pee'd myself laughing!!!!!!

Lori O. said...

Hello Lynne, Lynn, DanaMO, DanaWV, Kay and all!

I haven't seen B & T the last two mornings so I thought I'd stay up "late" and see if they show up tonight!

Lori O. said...

Is there a normal time that their evening show begins? :)

Lynne2 said...

there is a badly wounded raccoon outside. He can't move too well, left front leg paralyzed and up, right front bloody. I think Steve is going to have to shoot him. I'm so upset.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE great video!

paula eagleholic said...

Should be about now if they're going to show, Lori.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh no, Lynne

Lori O. said...

Thanks Paula...I'm waiting.

Oh Lynne, poor raccoon. So very sorry. You've had a rough week.

hedgie said...

Belle in nest!

Lori O. said...


paula eagleholic said...

Eagle alert

paula eagleholic said...

That's our pretty girl!

Lori O. said...

I'm sooo happy to see her - been worried after not showing up in the nest last two mornings.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh cool, she flew to the y branch on the right

stronghunter said...


Lori O. said...


Costume Lady said...

Sounds like the Racoon was caught in a trap and worked his way loose. Poor thing:(

JudyE, perfect video to go along with our WAX story! Too funny:)

JudyEddy said...

got short video just don't want to do anything incase someone else shows up did get her from begining camera wasn't ready but is now

stronghunter said...

Looks like she landed just out of sight.

Lori O. said...

Do they usually come back like T does sometimes in the morning?

paula eagleholic said...

It's usually T that does that in and out thing

wvgal_dana said...

American Idol coming on

paula eagleholic said...

I got video, too

finally been home to see them

paula eagleholic said...

Nite light on

Lynne2 said...

glad to read that Belle was in! and not too sad that Truder wasn't!

Well, we are going to do the deed. He's under the neighbor's camper so we'll have to try to chase him out. Not sure if we can get this done, too dark now I think. I feel sick. But he is pretty badly hurt.

hedgie said...

Lynne, sorry about the raccoon. Best for Steve to take care of it so it doesn't suffer. :(

hedgie said...

Glad that Belle was alone. Maybe she told the turd bird to take a hike.

wvgal_dana said...

Maybe Belle has kicked the young dude for not "treating her nice" to the curb.

Lynne2 sorry about the raccoon.

wvgal_dana said...

Only I can wish: "Liberty kicked his A-- and he is making Belle suffer for him a little". Then he'll come flying in. As the MASTER of the Sycamore Tree.

JudyEddy said...

the 2 min 34 sec visit I posted on facebook Nctc page

JudyEddy said...

As night falls on our empty nest We sure do hope Belle the best

glo said...

Hi everyone. Had such a busy but very nice day today. Gone all morning with Dex and worked out int he yard this afternoon. Phew I am beat. Rain and cold coming in for a few days but we have been out enjoying the nice stuff while it was here.

Lori O. said...

I like your thinking DanaWV, we can hope can't we?

Goodnight all, it is bedtime now.

Sweet dreams JudyE, Paula, Lynne, Hedge, Wanda, Shirley. Prayers for the raccoon, Dinky's mom Lynne and everyone in need. Love you ALL!
See you in the morning.

Lori O. said...

Sorry, Good night Glo! Hope you have a great evening.

paula eagleholic said...

Here's the video from this evening's visit

Just Belle

hedgie said...

Yahoo, Scotty is great!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Hey Paula I posted your on te Nctc facebook also

JudyEddy said...

that was the not te duh

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, JudyE!

hedgie said...

Sleep tight, Lori---you're gonna have a short nap!

hedgie said...

From Mits:

Eagle Recovering

Hoda said...

Thanks Paula I much appreciated seeing the video. A friend of mine who recently lost her fifty year old son wanted to go for a walk in the park to check the growth and any signs of blooms...I missed Belle and was glad to see her on video...I did not succeed in getting to the NCTC Facebook page. So thank you again Paula.

Mema Jo said...

Just returned from dinner with the family at daughters. We had a beautiful
evening and the food was so delicious

Home just in time for the Criminal Minds Tv show.


stronghunter said...

Good night, everyone. I will see you tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Good evening! Watching AI! I am with you, Lynn. Yea Scotty! Saw a sign in the audience that said "Grandma's for Scotty!" LO Guess that is us.☺

Went shopping but did not find the blazers I wanted for the boys. Came home did some calling and located the blazers. Now to run to FtWorth tomorrow, they are holding two for me.

Need to look at the WAX video and Belle's visit this evening video.

Lynne2 said...

The deed is done. I will spare the details, but the poor thing would have thanked us if he could have...he was in that bad of shape.

Hoda, so sorry about your friend's son. That's the saddest when a parent looses a child.

JO!! Did you see Redbuds blooming??

Glad you were able to enjoy the outdoors today Glo, before the next batch of nasty comes in.

Love your thought DanaWV!

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynne! So sorry for the raccoon and for you and Steve having to "take care of it." But, at least it will not suffer anymore. Not a pleasant ordeal, for sure.

Red said...

Here's something worth watching.

The Power of Words

Lolly said...

Kay, glad to help you with the DVD. Hope you like doing it as much as we do. Let me change that, we really do not "like" it, but it is a great way to get the excercise that you need.

Lynne2 said...

I've never seen anything get shot before. I cried.

Lolly said...

You should have not watched, Lynne. One time I watched Jack shoot an armadillo, never again.

Christine said...

Good evening all, sorry I've been popping in and out quickly. Things have been nuts!!!

Dad is NO LONGER ON OXYGEN!!! He's doing really good and we plan to visit him in a few weeks :)

I'm posting some of my crafts now, will let you know when pics are up.

Judie said...

It's that time again. I hear the sandperson coming down the hall.

Don't see any comment from Paula regarding a message to NABC so will wait until tomorrow. Still nothing regarding Jason's necropsy. It takes time, I know.

The night is set for 11:00pm for those still awake or those who might wake during the night.

School tomorrow. Restful sleep for all.

PammySue said...

Lynne, so sorry you had to go through that. I don't think you should have watched, either.

Christine, great news about your Dad!!

Christine said...

I posted some pictures of my suncatchers and bracelets on my blog. Let me know what you think. I'm considering selling some of them. I've given away a lot of my bracelets, but have more pics of what I can do somewhere.

Have any of you been following Decorah? I see an owl attack on the video, but others are saying it's not so. What do you think? I see the owl come in behind her and take off when she jumps and spreads her wings.

Mema Jo said...

Christine I think we were all thinking
that it would be great if they would
have a long range view so that we
could really see if it is an owl -
The great horned owl if known to
attach eagles.

wvgal_dana said...

Christine so happy about your Dad ( : Continue praying for his recovery.

Hedgie I say Scotty too !!!!

Thanks for the videos

Hope something can be done to keep nctc page.

Yes Jo Criminal Minds both of the two shows are great!!

Judie or Paula yes please send something from us about Jason please and thank you.

Jo where did you eat at??????

Mema Jo said...

Yes Lynn as we headed westward up into Washington County the redbuds we could see - Some of them you could tell were
ready to pop open! But there were some
already blooming away. Thought about you.

Christine said...

Everyone is looking at it wrong. The owl (or whatever) comes in right to left and bounces off her back... watch the video below and tell me please that I'm not crazy!

Lolly said...

Christine, went and took a peek. Love the sun catchers!

I am so happy for your dad and you. Fantastic that he is doing so well and prayers that he continues to do well.

Mema Jo said...

I am reading from the bottom up!
Christine your dad is making
a very speedy recovery. Sounds as
though by the time you and your brother
get to TX, he'll be there at the airport to drive you home!

Mema Jo said...

Paula - thanks for the 'Dinning Alone'
video. I sure do wonder what is going

hedgie said...

Good night, Shirley and Judie. Our teaches are tired. :(

Christine, wonderful news about your Dad!!!!

Lynne, wish you hadn't gone out with Steve. Please try not to think about it.

Red, saw that in an email just a couple of days ago....profound!

Lolly said...

Definitely an owl coming in from the right. Really can not tell it is an owl, but it is a bird and it is attacking at night.

paula eagleholic said...

Judie....Sorry I didn't respond earlier....why don't you compose a letter of condolence and I will send it on behalf of the Momsters?

Christine, great news about your Dad! I think it's an owl at Decorah, too.

Lynne, I don't know how you watched...don't think I could. At least the raccoon isn't suffering any longer. It was very humane of Steve.

Christine said...

Oh Thank You!! The idiots at ustream say it's not there. I guess I'll ignore that blog too LOL!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Nice work, Christine!

Red, interesting video. Words do make a difference!

Christine said...

Thank you Lolly. I'm looking forward to visiting and being able to go places with him again :)

Mema Jo said...

Christine the suncatches are beautiful

I had watched that happening - at first I thought well it could be an
eagle like our nest BUT owls fly at
night - not too many eagles do.
What captured me was the vocals the
mother Decorah eagle was making. I
had never heard that before. Was not the scream they usually do.

magpie said...

Loved the Power of Words, Red Good to see it in live action...
thank you !

Christine, how wonderful, about your father ♥

I would like to know more about the fox that Judie heard Barking.....

Nice Belle video, Paula,

Hedgie....which Fin-Ferry nest view had the returning ospreys ??
Please and thanks

Good Late Evening, Eagle Pals

Christine said...

Thanks Paula :)

I'm exhausted. Good night everyone!

magpie said...

beautiful bead work, Christine...
funny I was thining dream catchers before I looked....I love the one with all the many-colorful beads

magpie said...

thinking not thining

Leona said...

How is everyone this evening?

Mema Jo said...

Margy - Judie was talking about having
Decorah nest on - she may have been
referring to hearing the fox on their audio.

Mema Jo said...

Leona - what a doll!

Leona said...

Thanks Mema Jo

magpie said...

Thanks Jo !!
I thought hearing a fox barking for five minutes in Annandale would be a surprising thing

Leona said...

Mema Jo I was playing around with my camera. I don't have any real babies so I used the next best thing. Turn out good if I say so myself.

magpie said...

happy to read of your nice family gathering today, Jo

Lynne2 said...

I watched because I had to hold the flashlight. I took care of the body, too. I felt like I needed to see it through since I was the one who saw it and how bad off it was. It's been hanging around for a few days according to my neighbor and they had a humane trap set to try to get it.

Christine, so glad to hear how well your dad is progressing!

Jo, I have to agree, it's most likely a Great Horned Owl. Many take over eagle nests, the are extremely aggressive,and because it's night time. I sure hope the darn thing finds something else to do and leaves those eagles alone. SO many "rookies" are now watching that nest due to the huge amount of publicity.

Leona said...

Lynn2 sorry you have to go though that today. I know how upsetting that can be even when we know it has to be done.

magpie said...

don't recall seeing a post from Wanda this day
lots of water in the streams and creeks and rivers from all the rain around here and in the surrounding areas too

doubt if Captain Father Gene has been able to do much fishing :(

Lynne2 said...

thanks for the good thoughts everyone, I feel the LOVE! First Dinky, then Jason, and now this all in 2 days UGH....tomorrow will be a better day! Maybe someone will bring a new puppy in to work and I can get some stinky puppy breath kisses!

Leona, love the baby!

paula eagleholic said...

Leona, that looks like a cabbage patch doll!

magpie said...

sure does Paula..wonder if it has a diaper on ?? Cute picture Leona !

Leona said...

Yes Paula is belongs to my youngest daughter who is 27 yrs old.

Leona said...
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Lynne2 said...

Margy, I sowed my Forget Me Not seeds and now where I planted them there are little seedlings popping up!

magpie said...

when the cops or others I work with seem grouchy or testy, we sometimes joke that they need a diaper change and some baby powder

suppose they might think the same about the dispatchers !

Leona said...

My delete.

No it doesn't magpie... :)

Leona said...
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magpie said...

Hoooray Lynne! I hope they pop up like mad for you !

magpie said...

oh we had lots of diaper talk late last night Leona, I couldn't resist !

Leona said...

I added new photo's to My Photography Blog.

Leona said...

Oh ok magpie lol

magpie said...

computer needs a diaper change right about now...poking along badly

It's time for bed anyway, for the Dinosaur and me both

Hope all have a restful and restorative sleep...

Good Night, Friends...
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

Leona, love the pictures, especially the butterflies! You've got a Viceroy, Red Admiral and a Question Mark (yes, that IS the name of it!) VERY cool! I've never see a Viceroy or a QM in person!

Lynne2 said...

Good night Margy!

Leona said...

Lynne2 would you be a dear and put the names under them for me?

Mema Jo said...

I was on FB Looks like PammySue got us down to just one NCTC Eagle Cam.
That will avoid confusion.

Watching Decorah nest - all 3 are
lying uncovered with Mom behing them
preening. I sure hope that owl gets

Lynne2 said...

I can't put them on your blog Leona, but here you go....

the dark one with the blue in the first section is a Spicebush Swallowtail.

The others in the order in which they are viewed are: Viceroy, Red Admiral, Viceroy again, and Question Mark.

Lynne2 said...

I wonder what kind of tree that all those butterflies are so attracted to?

Leona said...

Thanks Lynn2

Lynne2 said...

you are quite welcome! I love butterflies! I raised some Monarch caterpillars last year...they are on my blog somewhere.

Lynne2 said...

Wanda did too, and I think there is a video on her blog of the actual emerging from the chrysalis!

Lynne2 said...

I'm going to bed now, so goodnight everyone and prayers for all!

Leona said...

Did you see the picture I found and posted on my wall with all those Monarchs. There were 1000's of them in these pictures I found.

Leona said...

Thanks again Lynn2 I love knowing the names of the butterflies. Oh I had a yellow one with black marks land on my hand today and no camera. :( I was a big butterfly to.

Leona said...

Time for me to call it a night. Night all. Have a good evening.

Kay said...

Leona, when you were a big butterfly, what color were you ?LOL

Your pics are wonderful !

Next week I'll be going to the Franklin Park Observatory, near downtown Columbus, for the annual Butterfly show. Wish you and your camera could go along ! My sister was a photographer, but I've no talent for it. :(

Love your doll-ing avatar. I've just changed mine to a cute little bunny for the Easter season.

hedgie said...

Christine, there definitely was an assault by something, but I wouldn't even begin to try to say WHAT it was!!! I watched it 3 times, and only saw a blur of feathers.

JudyEddy said...

I'm surprised good view of nest Moon lite nite
God Bless this nest all whom watch it

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3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

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